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The purpose of this tutorial is to provide an opportunity to review elasticity of demand
which was covered during the Supply and Demand unit. There is a brief quiz at the end of
this tutorial.

         1. Elasticity
                                       2. Elastic or

                                                                  Elasticity Problems

                 Stand-Alone Instructional Resource Project
                               Jason Skeels
                              August 10, 2009
                                  CEP 811
   The object of this tutorial is to review the
    elasticity formula. Students will review the
    basics of the formula and how it can be
    broken down and easier for them to

                 Looks confusing right? Don’t worry, you’ll get it in no time!
   The Elasticity Formula is
    designed to teach students how
    to figure out if a good or service
    is elastic or inelastic when prices
    cause quantities to change. By
    the end of the StAIR students
    should be able to put the
    formula to use for any good
    being demanded as long as they
    are given the changes in price
    and quantity.
   When finding whether demand is elastic or inelastic,
    the first step is to find the % change in quantity
    demand and the % change in price.

   The formula for this is as follows:
     (Original number – New number) / Original number = %
   This may seem tricky but always take the first quantity/price
    given and subtract the second quantity/price. Take this
    answer and divide it by the original number and you will have
    the % change.
   Remember you have to do this twice (once for quantity and
    once for price).
   The price of stamps went from $.34 to $.42
    and demand dropped from 1,458 to 1,211 at
    the local Post #2 Quantity #1 again
        Quantity #1

   (1,458-1,211)/1,458 = .17 (this is the numerator)
       Price #1   Price #2   Price#1 again

   ($.34-$.42)/$.34 = .24 ( this is the denominator)
1. How can we find % change (since it is needed for the numerator and the

                              % change in quantity demanded = Elasticity
                                    % change in price

a.   (Original number x New number) / New number = % change
b.   (Original number – New number) / Original number = % change
c.   (Original number + New number) / New number = % change
d.   (New number – Original number) / Original number = % change

     Click here if you need
Learning the Elasticity

In order to even start
the formula you must               CORRECT!
find the % change for
both the numerator and
denominator and to do               You have a great start to
this you take:                      understanding the elasticity formula.
(Original number – New number) /    Now let’s learn some more about the
Original number = % change
                                    elasticity formula.

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Learning the Elasticity

When trying to figure out the
elasticity formula, we must
remember that:
                                    Sorry that is Incorrect!
      Find the Original Number
      Subtract the New Number
      Take this final number and
      divide it by the Original
      Number again.
                                    Now let’s find out why…..
      This will give you the %

                                    You always want the original number (or
                                      1st number they give you) to come
                                      first….you then subtract the second
                                      number they give you from the original
                                      number…..then lastly divide that
                                      answer by the original number.
                                                               TRY AGAIN!!
They started charging less at basketball games
 hoping to get more fans to come. At last
 weeks game they charged $4 per person and
 156 people came. At this weeks game they
 charged $2 per person and 171 people came
 to the game. Fill in the following blanks:

(_____ - _____) / _____
____________________      = .192
(_____ - _____) / _____
A. (171-156)/156
                     = .192
B. (156-171)/156     = .192
C. ($4-$2)/$2      = .192
D. ($4-$2)/$4      = .192
   You seem to be doing well, move on Learning
    the Elasticity Formula!
   Make sure quantity demanded is on the top
    (numerator) and price is on the bottom
   Also, the first quantity and first price given go
    first in the equation. These same numbers
    are also the ones being divided at the end!
   Take Another Stab At It!
   Putting the equation together as a whole:
     We now know how to find % change for the
      numerator and denominator, now we must divide
      those 2 numbers together.
     By doing this, we will have the final equation and be
      able to move onto whether a good is elastic or

Elasticity = % change in quantity demanded
                   % change in price
   We are already familiar with finding % change
    in Quantity and % change in Price.

(Original number – New number) / Original number = % change

   Now let’s put this formula into action with
    some problems!
 I go to the store and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream
  went from $4 to $5 a pint! What a rip off! The
  store said last week they sold 20 pints at $4 and
  only sold 14 this week at $5.
 How do we put the formula to use?
    (20-14)/20   = -1.2
   Uh oh….one thing I forgot to mention….you
    need to ignore any negative signs, keep
    everything as a positive number.
     So our answer is 1.2
     Let’s try one out on your own now.
Meijer drops their prices on gallons of milk.
 Last month they sold 150 gallons at $2.99 a
 piece. This month they sold 211 gallons at
 $1.88 a piece. Use the formula to find the
 correct answer…….don’t forget to ignore

  Hint: Elasticity = % change in quantity demanded
                       % change in price
Do the math and choose the correct answer:

A: .756
B: 1.11
C: .69
D: 750,201
Learning the Elasticity

Now that you can figure
out the formula, lets     CORRECT!
figure out what that
answer you got really
means!                     You seem to be understanding the
                           elasticity formula and can do it on your
                           own now.

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Learning the Elasticity

You must follow these steps:
      Take the original quantity
      and subtract the new
                                      Sorry that is Incorrect!
      quantity from it.
             Divide that answer by
             the original quantity.
      Take the original price and
      subtract the new price from
                                      Now let’s find out why…..
             Divide that answer by
             the original price
      Take these two answers you
                                      Make sure you did the following:
      get and divide the numerator
      by the denominator.
                                       (150-211)/150 = -.41 (make sure to drop the negative)
                                       ($2.99-$1.88)/$2.99 = .37

                                      Now .41/.37 = 1.11

                                      Go back and try it again!
 Starbucks recently raised the price of their
  Strawberry Banana smoothie from $2.98 to
  $3.59. Demand dropped from an average of
  27 buyers a day to 12 buyers every day.
  Which of the following is the correct answer?
A. 7.2
B. .41
C. 1.01
D. 2.75
Learning the Elasticity

Now that you can figure
out the formula, lets     CORRECT!
figure out what that
answer you got really
means!                     You seem to be understanding the
                           elasticity formula and can do it on your
                           own now.

                                         CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
Learning the Elasticity

You must follow these steps:
      Take the original quantity     Sorry that is Incorrect!
      and subtract the new
      quantity from it.
             Divide that answer by
             the original quantity.
      Take the original price and
                                      Now let’s find out why…..
      subtract the new price from
             Divide that answer by
             the original price
                                      You must make sure you are following these
      Take these two answers you       steps:
      get and divide the numerator
      by the denominator.               (27-12)/27 = .55
                                        ($2.98-$3.59)/$2.98 = -.20 (make sure to drop the negative)

                                      Now .55/.20 = 2.75

                                      Try it again! You will be tested on this later!
   Now that we understand how to use the
    formula, what does that answer (1.11 and 2.75 in
    the previous problems) mean?
   Well…….
     If demand is elastic, a small change in price leads to a
      large change in quantity demanded. If your final
      answer is more than 1, demand is elastic.
     So in our first example, milk would elastic, meaning
      because the price dropped so much more people
      began to buy it and quantity demanded increased.
 If demand is inelastic, consumers do not care about
  the change in price. A change in price means only a
  small change in quantity demanded. If your final
  answer is less than 1, demand is inelastic.
 Some inelastic goods are things such as gasoline,
  prescription drugs, or anything with a small amount
  of substitutes.
 Example Problem: (10-15)/10 = .75….inelastic
 Whatever this product was, people were not
  influenced by the large drop in price, only a few more
  bought it because of the drop in price….price was not
  a factor in their decision to purchase the product.
 When demand is unitary elastic, a change in price
  is met by an equal percentage change in quantity
  demanded. Elasticity of demand is exactly 1.
 Example Problem: (50-100)/50     = 1…unitary elastic
  ▪ In this problem, with the decrease in price, we saw a the
    exact same percentage increase in quantity demanded.
(60-42)/60 = 1.2

Is this product:
A. Elastic
B. Inelastic
C. Unitary Elastic
D. None of the Above
Elastic, Inelastic, or
 Unitary Elastic?

The final answer was
greater than 1 (1.2) so it   CORRECT!
was elastic.

                              It is elastic because with the
                              increase in price a large amount of
                              people stopped buying the product,
                              leading to a large percentage
                              change in quantity demanded.

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You must follow these steps:
      If the number is greater
      than 1 it is elastic (small
                                      Sorry that is Incorrect!
      change in price leads to a
      large change in quantity
      If the number is less than 1
      it is inelastic (a change in
      price will lead to a small
                                      TRY AGAIN!!!
      change in quantity
      If the number is exactly 1
      than it is unitary elastic (a
      change in price is met by an
      equal percentage change in
      quantity demanded).
A. People may be influenced by a change in price and some will
   purchase it while others will not.

B. People will be influenced by a change in price, they will not buy the
   product if the price increases too much.

C. People will not be influenced by a change in price, they will buy the
   product regardless of price.

D. There are a large amount of substitutes available.
Elastic, Inelastic, or
  Unitary Elastic?

•Products that are normally
inelastic are necessities without
      •Diapers                       Good job, if a product is inelastic
                                     they will purchase the product
                                     regardless of a change in price.

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Elastic, Inelastic, or
Unitary Elastic?

•Normally inelastic products
are purchased because they are
necessities, these are things
                                  Sorry that is Incorrect!
consumers must have!
•There are also very few if any
substitutes for these goods.
                                  Now let’s find out why…..
      •Milk                         If a product is inelastic they will purchase
                                    the product regardless of a change in price
                                    (increase or decrease).
                                  Try Again!
The price of a 2-liter of Mountain Dew increased
  from $1.99 to $2.55 last week. The store sold 29
  when it was $1.99 and only 25 when it was $2.55.
  What is the elasticity of demand for this
  A. .25
  B. 1.40
  C. 0.00
  D. .50
Elastic, Inelastic, or
  Unitary Elastic?

You must follow these steps:
      Take the original quantity and
      subtract the new quantity from it.
             Divide that answer by the
             original quantity.
      Take the original price and
      subtract the new price from it.
             Divide that answer by the
                                            If you followed your steps correctly
             original price
      Take these two answers you get       it should have looked like the
      and divide the numerator by the
      denominator.                          following:
                                                (29-25)/29 = .14/.28 = .50

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Try Again!

Make sure to use this formula:

                                 Click here to try again.
Since we now know that the answer for the
  previous question was .50, what does that
  make demand for the 2-liter of Mountain

 A. Elastic
 B. Inelastic
 C. Unitary Elastic
 D. None of the Above
Elastic, Inelastic, or
 Unitary Elastic?

Elastic = greater than 1
Inelastic = less than 1       CORRECT!
Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly

                               Since the number was .50 and that
                               is less than 1, demand is inelastic. In
                               this example, people will continue
                               to buy the 2-liters of Mountain Dew
                               even with the price increase.

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Try Again!

    Elastic = greater than 1
    Inelastic = less than 1
    Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly

                                   Click here to try again.
A store raises their prices on Tropicana Orange
  Juice from $2.69 for 64 oz. to $3.29. That
  same store saw a drop in demand from 106 to
  only 71. What is the elasticity of demand?

A. 1
B. 1.11
C. 1.5
You must follow these steps:
      Take the original quantity
      and subtract the new
      quantity from it.
             Divide that answer by
             the original quantity.
                                      If you followed your steps correctly it should
      Take the original price and    have looked like the following:
      subtract the new price from
             Divide that answer by
             the original price
      Take these two answers you     (106-71)/106 = .33
      get and divide the numerator                       = 1.5
      by the denominator.             ($2.69-$3.29) .22

                                      CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
Try Again!

                    Click here to try again.

    So we now know the answer is 1.5, what can
     we consider the demand for this orange

A.    Elastic
B.    Inelastic
C.    Unitary Elastic
D.    None of the Above
Elastic, Inelastic, or
 Unitary Elastic?

Elastic = greater than 1
Inelastic = less than 1       CORRECT!
Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly

                               Since the number was 1.5 and that
                               is more than 1, demand is elastic. In
                               this example, most people will stop
                               buying to buy the Tropicana Orange
                               Juice because of the price increase.

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Try Again!

                               Click here to try again.


                Elastic = greater than 1
                Inelastic = less than 1
                Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly
   We now know the Tropicana Orange Juice is
    elastic and that people stopped buying it
    because of the price increase. Which of the
    following vocabulary terms best demonstrates
    the idea of consumers buying another brand
    instead of the Tropicana?
A. Demand
B. Supply
C. Substitutes
D. Complements


               Most consumers would substitute
               Tropicana with another brand in this

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Try Again!

                          Click here to try again.

Think that we would purchase something
else instead of the Tropicana, what is that
other product called?
   If there is suddenly a huge price drop in the price
    of honey from $10.54 a gallon to $8.63 a gallon
    more consumers flood the market. Before there
    were only 150 people who bought the honey by
    the gallon, now there are 504. What is the
    elasticity of demand?
A. 1.04
B. 11.67
C. -2.58
D. 13.1
You must follow these steps:
      Take the original quantity
      and subtract the new
      quantity from it.
             Divide that answer by
             the original quantity.
                                      If you followed your steps correctly it should
      Take the original price and    have looked like the following:
      subtract the new price from
             Divide that answer by
             the original price
      Take these two answers you     (150-504)/150        = 2.36 = 13.1
      get and divide the numerator
      by the denominator.             ($10.54-$8.63)/$10.54 .18

                                      CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
Try Again!

                    Click here to try again.

   Since the answer to the previous question was
    13.1 what does that mean? We know that it is an
    extremely elastic good but what does that truly
A. More consumers purchased the good because it
  fell so much in price.
B. A large amount of consumers were turned away
  because of the high price.
C. People will buy it regardless of a change in price.
D. Honey tastes really good on toast with peanut
The reason more people purchased the honey
was because the large drop in price. If it would
have only fallen a little, then things would
have probably been different. It is likely that it
would not have been as elastic! It has nothing
to do with toast and peanut butter…..

Incorrect, Try Again!

                                    Click here to try again.

Remember, more people purchased the
honey because of the large drop in it’s
price from $10.54 a gallon to $8.63.
   You have successfully completed the lesson
    on Elasticity of Demand!
   Be prepared, you will be tested on this next
   If you continue to have any questions on the
    formula or whether an answer is elastic or
    inelastic do not hesitate to run through this
    lesson again.

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  • 1. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide an opportunity to review elasticity of demand which was covered during the Supply and Demand unit. There is a brief quiz at the end of this tutorial. 1. Elasticity Formula 2. Elastic or Inelastic? Elasticity Problems Stand-Alone Instructional Resource Project by Jason Skeels August 10, 2009 CEP 811
  • 2. The object of this tutorial is to review the elasticity formula. Students will review the basics of the formula and how it can be broken down and easier for them to understand. Looks confusing right? Don’t worry, you’ll get it in no time!
  • 3. The Elasticity Formula is designed to teach students how to figure out if a good or service is elastic or inelastic when prices cause quantities to change. By the end of the StAIR students should be able to put the formula to use for any good being demanded as long as they are given the changes in price and quantity.
  • 4. When finding whether demand is elastic or inelastic, the first step is to find the % change in quantity demand and the % change in price.  The formula for this is as follows:  (Original number – New number) / Original number = % change  This may seem tricky but always take the first quantity/price given and subtract the second quantity/price. Take this answer and divide it by the original number and you will have the % change.  Remember you have to do this twice (once for quantity and once for price).
  • 5. The price of stamps went from $.34 to $.42 and demand dropped from 1,458 to 1,211 at the local Post #2 Quantity #1 again Quantity Office. Quantity #1  (1,458-1,211)/1,458 = .17 (this is the numerator) Price #1 Price #2 Price#1 again  ($.34-$.42)/$.34 = .24 ( this is the denominator)
  • 6. 1. How can we find % change (since it is needed for the numerator and the denominator)? % change in quantity demanded = Elasticity % change in price a. (Original number x New number) / New number = % change b. (Original number – New number) / Original number = % change c. (Original number + New number) / New number = % change d. (New number – Original number) / Original number = % change Click here if you need help!!
  • 7. Learning the Elasticity Formula In order to even start the formula you must CORRECT! find the % change for both the numerator and denominator and to do You have a great start to this you take: understanding the elasticity formula. (Original number – New number) / Now let’s learn some more about the Original number = % change elasticity formula. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 8. Learning the Elasticity Formula When trying to figure out the elasticity formula, we must remember that: Sorry that is Incorrect! Find the Original Number Subtract the New Number Take this final number and divide it by the Original Number again. Now let’s find out why….. This will give you the % change. You always want the original number (or 1st number they give you) to come first….you then subtract the second number they give you from the original number…..then lastly divide that answer by the original number. TRY AGAIN!!
  • 9. They started charging less at basketball games hoping to get more fans to come. At last weeks game they charged $4 per person and 156 people came. At this weeks game they charged $2 per person and 171 people came to the game. Fill in the following blanks: (_____ - _____) / _____ ____________________ = .192 (_____ - _____) / _____
  • 10. A. (171-156)/156 = .192 ($4-$2)/$4 B. (156-171)/156 = .192 ($4-$2)/$4 C. ($4-$2)/$2 = .192 (156-171)/156 D. ($4-$2)/$4 = .192 (171-156)/171
  • 11. You seem to be doing well, move on Learning the Elasticity Formula!
  • 12. Make sure quantity demanded is on the top (numerator) and price is on the bottom (denominator).  Also, the first quantity and first price given go first in the equation. These same numbers are also the ones being divided at the end!  Take Another Stab At It!
  • 13. Putting the equation together as a whole:  We now know how to find % change for the numerator and denominator, now we must divide those 2 numbers together.  By doing this, we will have the final equation and be able to move onto whether a good is elastic or inelastic. Elasticity = % change in quantity demanded % change in price
  • 14. We are already familiar with finding % change in Quantity and % change in Price. REVIEW: (Original number – New number) / Original number = % change  Now let’s put this formula into action with some problems!
  • 15.  I go to the store and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream went from $4 to $5 a pint! What a rip off! The store said last week they sold 20 pints at $4 and only sold 14 this week at $5.  How do we put the formula to use? (20-14)/20 = -1.2 ($4-$5)/$4  Uh oh….one thing I forgot to mention….you need to ignore any negative signs, keep everything as a positive number.  So our answer is 1.2  Let’s try one out on your own now.
  • 16. Meijer drops their prices on gallons of milk. Last month they sold 150 gallons at $2.99 a piece. This month they sold 211 gallons at $1.88 a piece. Use the formula to find the correct answer…….don’t forget to ignore negatives! Hint: Elasticity = % change in quantity demanded % change in price
  • 17. Do the math and choose the correct answer: A: .756 B: 1.11 C: .69 D: 750,201
  • 18. Learning the Elasticity Formula Now that you can figure out the formula, lets CORRECT! figure out what that answer you got really means! You seem to be understanding the elasticity formula and can do it on your 1.11???????? own now. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 19. Learning the Elasticity Formula You must follow these steps: Take the original quantity and subtract the new Sorry that is Incorrect! quantity from it. Divide that answer by the original quantity. Take the original price and subtract the new price from Now let’s find out why….. it. Divide that answer by the original price Take these two answers you Make sure you did the following: get and divide the numerator by the denominator. (150-211)/150 = -.41 (make sure to drop the negative) ($2.99-$1.88)/$2.99 = .37 Now .41/.37 = 1.11 Go back and try it again!
  • 20.  Starbucks recently raised the price of their Strawberry Banana smoothie from $2.98 to $3.59. Demand dropped from an average of 27 buyers a day to 12 buyers every day. Which of the following is the correct answer? A. 7.2 B. .41 C. 1.01 D. 2.75
  • 21. Learning the Elasticity Formula Now that you can figure out the formula, lets CORRECT! figure out what that answer you got really means! You seem to be understanding the 2.75??????????????? elasticity formula and can do it on your own now. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 22. Learning the Elasticity Formula You must follow these steps: Take the original quantity Sorry that is Incorrect! and subtract the new quantity from it. Divide that answer by the original quantity. Take the original price and Now let’s find out why….. subtract the new price from it. Divide that answer by the original price You must make sure you are following these Take these two answers you steps: get and divide the numerator by the denominator. (27-12)/27 = .55 ($2.98-$3.59)/$2.98 = -.20 (make sure to drop the negative) Now .55/.20 = 2.75 Try it again! You will be tested on this later!
  • 23. Now that we understand how to use the formula, what does that answer (1.11 and 2.75 in the previous problems) mean?  Well…….  If demand is elastic, a small change in price leads to a large change in quantity demanded. If your final answer is more than 1, demand is elastic.  So in our first example, milk would elastic, meaning because the price dropped so much more people began to buy it and quantity demanded increased.
  • 24.  If demand is inelastic, consumers do not care about the change in price. A change in price means only a small change in quantity demanded. If your final answer is less than 1, demand is inelastic.  Some inelastic goods are things such as gasoline, prescription drugs, or anything with a small amount of substitutes.  Example Problem: (10-15)/10 = .75….inelastic ($6-$2)/6  Whatever this product was, people were not influenced by the large drop in price, only a few more bought it because of the drop in price….price was not a factor in their decision to purchase the product.
  • 25.  When demand is unitary elastic, a change in price is met by an equal percentage change in quantity demanded. Elasticity of demand is exactly 1.  Example Problem: (50-100)/50 = 1…unitary elastic ($10-$20)/$10 ▪ In this problem, with the decrease in price, we saw a the exact same percentage increase in quantity demanded.
  • 26. (60-42)/60 = 1.2 ($4-$5)/$4 Is this product: A. Elastic B. Inelastic C. Unitary Elastic D. None of the Above
  • 27. Elastic, Inelastic, or Unitary Elastic? The final answer was greater than 1 (1.2) so it CORRECT! was elastic. It is elastic because with the increase in price a large amount of people stopped buying the product, leading to a large percentage change in quantity demanded. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 28. You must follow these steps: If the number is greater than 1 it is elastic (small Sorry that is Incorrect! change in price leads to a large change in quantity demanded). If the number is less than 1 it is inelastic (a change in price will lead to a small TRY AGAIN!!! change in quantity demanded). If the number is exactly 1 than it is unitary elastic (a change in price is met by an equal percentage change in quantity demanded).
  • 29. IF A PRODUCT IS INELASTIC WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? A. People may be influenced by a change in price and some will purchase it while others will not. B. People will be influenced by a change in price, they will not buy the product if the price increases too much. C. People will not be influenced by a change in price, they will buy the product regardless of price. D. There are a large amount of substitutes available.
  • 30. Elastic, Inelastic, or Unitary Elastic? •Products that are normally inelastic are necessities without substitutes. CORRECT! •Milk •Gasoline •Eggs •Diapers Good job, if a product is inelastic •Antibiotics they will purchase the product regardless of a change in price. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 31. Elastic, Inelastic, or Unitary Elastic? •Normally inelastic products are purchased because they are necessities, these are things Sorry that is Incorrect! consumers must have! •There are also very few if any substitutes for these goods. •Gasoline Now let’s find out why….. •Diapers •Eggs •Milk If a product is inelastic they will purchase •Antibiotics the product regardless of a change in price (increase or decrease). Try Again!
  • 32. The price of a 2-liter of Mountain Dew increased from $1.99 to $2.55 last week. The store sold 29 when it was $1.99 and only 25 when it was $2.55. What is the elasticity of demand for this product? GET YOUR CALCULATOR OUT!! A. .25 B. 1.40 C. 0.00 D. .50
  • 33. Elastic, Inelastic, or Unitary Elastic? You must follow these steps: Take the original quantity and subtract the new quantity from it. CORRECT! Divide that answer by the original quantity. Take the original price and subtract the new price from it. Divide that answer by the If you followed your steps correctly original price Take these two answers you get it should have looked like the and divide the numerator by the denominator. following: (29-25)/29 = .14/.28 = .50 ($1.99-$2.55) CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 34. Try Again! Make sure to use this formula: Click here to try again.
  • 35. Since we now know that the answer for the previous question was .50, what does that make demand for the 2-liter of Mountain Dew? A. Elastic B. Inelastic C. Unitary Elastic D. None of the Above
  • 36. Elastic, Inelastic, or Unitary Elastic? Elastic = greater than 1 Inelastic = less than 1 CORRECT! Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly Since the number was .50 and that is less than 1, demand is inelastic. In this example, people will continue to buy the 2-liters of Mountain Dew even with the price increase. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 37. Try Again!  Elastic = greater than 1  Inelastic = less than 1  Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly Click here to try again.
  • 38. A store raises their prices on Tropicana Orange Juice from $2.69 for 64 oz. to $3.29. That same store saw a drop in demand from 106 to only 71. What is the elasticity of demand? A. 1 B. 1.11 C. 1.5 D.2.17
  • 39. You must follow these steps: Take the original quantity and subtract the new CORRECT! quantity from it. Divide that answer by the original quantity. If you followed your steps correctly it should Take the original price and have looked like the following: subtract the new price from it. Divide that answer by the original price Take these two answers you (106-71)/106 = .33 get and divide the numerator = 1.5 by the denominator. ($2.69-$3.29) .22 CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 40. Try Again! Click here to try again. USE THIS FORMULA!
  • 41. So we now know the answer is 1.5, what can we consider the demand for this orange juice? A. Elastic B. Inelastic C. Unitary Elastic D. None of the Above
  • 42. Elastic, Inelastic, or Unitary Elastic? Elastic = greater than 1 Inelastic = less than 1 CORRECT! Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly Since the number was 1.5 and that is more than 1, demand is elastic. In this example, most people will stop buying to buy the Tropicana Orange Juice because of the price increase. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 43. Try Again! Click here to try again. USE THIS TO HELP YOU!  Elastic = greater than 1  Inelastic = less than 1  Unitary Elastic = 1 exactly
  • 44. We now know the Tropicana Orange Juice is elastic and that people stopped buying it because of the price increase. Which of the following vocabulary terms best demonstrates the idea of consumers buying another brand instead of the Tropicana? A. Demand B. Supply C. Substitutes D. Complements
  • 45. Substitutes CORRECT! Most consumers would substitute Tropicana with another brand in this situation! CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 46. Try Again! Click here to try again. Think that we would purchase something else instead of the Tropicana, what is that other product called?
  • 47. If there is suddenly a huge price drop in the price of honey from $10.54 a gallon to $8.63 a gallon more consumers flood the market. Before there were only 150 people who bought the honey by the gallon, now there are 504. What is the elasticity of demand? A. 1.04 B. 11.67 C. -2.58 D. 13.1
  • 48. You must follow these steps: Take the original quantity and subtract the new CORRECT! quantity from it. Divide that answer by the original quantity. If you followed your steps correctly it should Take the original price and have looked like the following: subtract the new price from it. Divide that answer by the original price Take these two answers you (150-504)/150 = 2.36 = 13.1 get and divide the numerator by the denominator. ($10.54-$8.63)/$10.54 .18 CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 49. Try Again! Click here to try again. TRY TO USE THIS FORMULA!
  • 50. Since the answer to the previous question was 13.1 what does that mean? We know that it is an extremely elastic good but what does that truly mean? A. More consumers purchased the good because it fell so much in price. B. A large amount of consumers were turned away because of the high price. C. People will buy it regardless of a change in price. D. Honey tastes really good on toast with peanut butter.
  • 51. CORRECT! The reason more people purchased the honey was because the large drop in price. If it would have only fallen a little, then things would have probably been different. It is likely that it would not have been as elastic! It has nothing to do with toast and peanut butter….. CLICK HERE TO MOVE ON
  • 52. Incorrect, Try Again! Click here to try again. Remember, more people purchased the honey because of the large drop in it’s price from $10.54 a gallon to $8.63.
  • 53. You have successfully completed the lesson on Elasticity of Demand!  Be prepared, you will be tested on this next Tuesday.  If you continue to have any questions on the formula or whether an answer is elastic or inelastic do not hesitate to run through this lesson again.