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My Life As A Professional Nurse Essay
Nursing care is doing something to or for the person or providing information to the person with the goals of meeting needs, increasing or restoring
self–help ability, or alleviating impairment. Nursing is broadly grouped into the 21 problem areas to guide care and promote use of nursing judgment.
To my life as a professional nurse the nursing care delivery to the patient I feel accomplished when the client appreciates the services rendered.
10.1.2Social context: As a practice discipline and profession, nursing is often described as both an "art" and a "Science". The art of practice is
grounded in scientific principles. The science and practice of nursing are recognized as the profession's two major dimension Without nursing science,
nursing practice could not exist. Conceptual and theoretical nursing models generate knowledge that will improve nursing practice, guide Nursing
research, and facilitate the organization of the curricula of all levels of nursing education. 11.0CURRENT RELATED RESEARCH: 11.1Administration
& Management The search on administration and management is designed to benefit practitioners including those currently working in higher
education, government institutions and non–government organization. The administration should follow evidence based practice as the conflict of
interest, problem solving and staff management has to be done following research. "No research no right to say any" (Mkapa B,. 2004) retired 3rd
President of the united republic of
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The Development Of Nursing As A Profession
The Development of Nursing as a Profession Throughout history, society has considered women to be the natural caregivers of children, family, and
community. Women were naturally thought of as nurses because the act was said to be an extension of their role in the home. They were called in to
homes to help deliver babies or as wet nurses to breastfeed. In the 1800's, women began taking care of soldiers. It was then that Florence Nightingale
cared for soldiers in the Crimean War. During this time she revolutionized the role by setting standards of cleanliness and reducing infection. The
legacy of nursing continues to be enriched by those who continue to follow the example of nursing pioneers. They refuse to be bound by others' views more content...
A professional makes deliberate choices where others have choices made for them or they simply react to what comes their way (Rutledge, 2011).
Development of Nursing as a Profession The earliest nurses never attended nursing school; they were often nuns or other women who provided
care for the sick, poor, or homeless without family support (The history of Nursing, 2017). During the 18th and 19th centuries, the nursing
profession expanded to include care of soldiers during many prominent wars (The History of Nursing, 2017). Florence Nightingale was a nurse
during the Crimean War. The conditions she found soldiers in were deplorable. At this time she found that keeping these soldiers clean would lead
to healing. She also began tending to them at all hours of the day. Upon her return to England, she wrote a report on her findings that helped reform
health care. Years later, she started the Nightingale School for Nurses. After this several nursing schools began in the United States and were all
founded on Nightingale's ideas. The Civil War gave enormous impetus to the building of hospitals and to the development of nursing as a
credentialed profession (Weathorford, 2010). One of the pioneers during this time was Clara Barton. By serving during the war she understood the
need for clothing, food and shelter. She developed The Red Cross to be a program to aid those affected by
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Nursing as a Profession
Nursing as a Profession From the dawn of time nursing has existed, in one form or another. Because healthcare varies between cultures, nurses
have historically taken on many different roles: a folk healer, a healer with religious ties, and that of a servant (Ellis & Hartley, 2012). Because of
these various roles, some may not realize, or accept, that nursing has evolved into a much needed profession. This essay will discuss what a
profession is, the criteria needed to be present in order to be considered a profession, and the reasons why nursing should be considered a profession.
Criteria of a Profession In order to understand why I consider nursing a profession, you must first understand the meaning of the word. There are many more content...
Nurses are the go–between of the doctor and the patient, and their main concern is the patient's well–being. For example, it has been shown that
adequate staffing of nurses affects the outcome of patient's hospitalizations. Dr. Jack Needleman and colleagues found that "insufficient nurse
staffing was related to higher patient mortality rates" (as cited in American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), 2011). This statistic, along
with similar findings in several other research studies, proves that nurses do indeed provide an essential service to society. Has a Theoretical Body
of Knowledge. The learning of theories and how to apply those theories to practice is the basis of this criterion. This involves being able to identify
the problem and which solutions, based on learned theories, may work for that problem (Clarke & Winch, 2004). The processes used in this problem
identification differ for each occupation. Nurses, who gain their knowledge of theories during their formal schooling, have a process that is unique to
the nursing field. It is called the nursing process. This process is "an interactive, problem–solving process and a systemic and individualized way to
achieve the outcomes of nursing care" (Stuart, p. 151, 2009). The nursing process includes assessment of the situation, diagnosis of the problem,
planning which of the learned theories will be effective for the problem, implementing the steps of the
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Is Nursing A Profession?
Nursing is a profession that allows you to make a see people at their worst, turn it around, and nurture them become their best. Their main goal is to
provide care, comfort, and support to their patients and their loved ones. This job not only changes patient's lives, but it changes the feel of the
community and world around us. Globalization connects with the field of nursing in that it is constantly creating different and better opportunities to
mold and strengthen the planet we inhabit. In addition, globalization stems from the idea of exchanging goods and services across vast networks, and
nursing interconnects with this phenomenon by exchanging human capital and services with the world at large. I have chosen this topic because
nursing is what I am majoring in at Georgia College, and I want to discuss the ways in which nurses demonstrate their care for others as part of a
larger scheme of globalization in healthcare. Although nurses comprise a large sector of the globalhealth workforce, the circulation of health
professionals is an ever increasing issue. Meeting demanding global health needs while address a recent global health emergency are among the few
topics of interest nurses are facing in a world of emerging concerns. According to Johns Hopkins School of Nursing magazine (2010), "a global nurse
knows that what happens in one part of the world affects the others." These international leaders of global health have a hands–on agenda to further
expand needs and
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The Profession of Nursing Essay
The definition of a profession is "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation" (Webster Dictionary,
2008). By definition, I would consider nursing to be a profession, without a doubt. Nurses have spent too much time and effort in academic settings not
to use the word profession. Nurses are taught and academically prepared by leaders in the nursing field who have the specialized knowledge that will
specifically train nurses to meet the challenges of the profession. Nursing theorists, who are experts in nursing, have contributed great amounts of work
to promoting nursing as a profession. According to Alligood and Tomey, "Nursing theory has been a prevalent theme in the nursing literature
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The poll asks the public which profession they perceive to be the most honest and ethical and for the past nine years since Gallup added nursing to
their survey, nurses have been consistently ranked first, with the exception of 2001, after 9/11 when firefighters took first place. I think this poll is a
great example of the faith that the public has in nurses and the positive perception that nurses have in the eyes of the public. We can use this to our
advantage when it comes to communicating with the public. I believe the public would welcome hearing from nurses and listening to their stories more
often if only we offer them. The opening statement in "From Silence to Voice" states "envision how things would be if the voice and visibility of
nursing were commensurate with the size and importance of nursing in health care" (Buresh & Gordon, 2006, p.11). The size and importance of
nursing as a profession is huge. If you have any doubts about that, just think how the healthcare industry would be crippled without nurses. The silence
of nursing means that nurses are not speaking out about the services they provide, they are not speaking to the public about the crises they face such as
staffing shortages and decreased wages. Nurses keep their mouths closed when it comes to speaking out about the things that are important in
healthcare settings such as nurse/patient ratios
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Essay about Nursing as a Profession
Nursing as a Profession The Purpose of this paper is to discuss whether nursing is a profession based on Pavalko's eight dimensions describing a
profession. Firstly, we must understand the definition of a profession before one can accurately judge the validation of the nursing profession.
According to Webster dictionary, the definition of a profession is "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long academic preparation"
(Webster dictionary, 2008). The nursing profession is one that needs specialized knowledge and training. It also applies to an occupation that requires
formal education or qualification. The nursing field includes a set of skills that combines flexibility, creativity, knowledge more content...
The ANA saw the efforts of many registered nurses come to fruition, culminating in President Obama's signing of H.R. 4872, "The Health Care and
Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010" (McNamara, 2010). This reform allows for greater protection against losing and denial of
health care coverage, and it also allows for better access to primary care, wellness and prevention programs which will keep the patient healthier. This
reform serves as a significant victory for the patient that the nursing profession serves. The ANA continues to be an advocate for building an
affordable health care system that meets the needs of everyone (McNamara, 2010). In world where nurses are under pressure to deliver production–line
care, it expresses the value of the "soft" aspect of caring that affect wellbeing (Wright, 2009). This attribute proves that the nursing profession is a
profession that serves the patient and the larger social system. A profession has a code of ethics. Professional ethics and codes of ethics are the
primary means for expressing the values and regulating the conduct of professionals in relation to their clients (Liaschenko, Peter, 2004). The ANA
house of delegate adopted and first published the nursing code of ethics in the 1950's. It has then been altered and revised to meet the changes in the
profession and in
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Nursing As A Female Profession
Throughout history, nursing is one of the branches of healthcare field that has been viewed by many societies as a female profession. This notion has
been influenced by the different cultures and the societal view of an ideal woman. Positive characteristics, such as patience, compassion, caring, and
kindness that are required by nurses are considered to be "womanly." Consequently, the society has appraised men to exhibit characteristic of bravery
and protectiveness, which are required by warriors. Most common stereotypes among men in nursing are failed medical school applicant, gay or
effeminate, misfit, and womanizer (Burton and Misener, 2007). Early nursing leader, such as Lavinia Dock andFlorence Nightingale, also compounded
prejudicial view of men in nursing. Nightingale 's image of the nurse as subordinate, nurturing, domestic, humble, and self–sacrificing, as well as not
too educated, became prevalent in society (Selanders & Crane, 2012).
The male nursing population in the United States (U.S) has increased from about 2.7 percent of in 1970 to 9.6 percent in 2011(U.S Census Bureau,
2013). Even though progress has made, it is extremely slow when compared to the advance of women in traditionally men dominated carriers.
According to 2015 statistics from the US Bureau of Labor, 57.0% of pharmacists, 37.9% of physicians and physicians, and 25.9% of dentists are
women. Ironically, Male nurses are only concentrated in technological, physical, and critical thinking aspects
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Nursing Career Essays
I believe that nursing is both and art and a science consisting of psychosocial and biological sciences that work together to continually improve the
health care field. I believe that with the knowledge and clinical experience from the TVCC ADN program I will be able to provide the best care
possible to the people in the community. As a nurse it is important to carry the attributes of being caring, compassionate, understanding, non
judgmental, realistic, open–minded, honest, ethical, and moral. I also feel that it is important to maintain sensitivity to all cultures when providing
care. I believe that nursing care starts at the client's birth and continues throughout their life span. I believe t continued care includes heath promotion, more content...
As a nurse I will use my knowledge of critical thinking skills with in the nursing process: assessment, analysis, planning, implementation, and
evaluation. Furthermore as a member of the nursing profession, I will assume accountability and responsibility for the quality of nursing care that I
provide to clients, act as an advocate to promote quality health care for all clients, and take part in activities that promote the development and practice
of professional nursing. I believe that heath is based on emotional, spiritual and physical well–being. I believe that it is the absence of illness and
abnormal conditions. I believe health constantly changes across one's life span. I believe that it is important for a nurse to ensure that the relationship
is not only with the client but with their families, friends, other health care providers and caregivers. It is the nurse's responsibility to provide
individualized care for each client. A nurse should educate them and their family to ensure health promotion and health maintenance I believe that as a
nurse we are to serve our community by providing education of preventative health care, information about community agencies and health care
resources. I believe that as a health care professional I should participate in local health screenings
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Introduction Nursing is one of the most popular professions in healthcare. To become a professional nurse, one must acquire certain level of education,
whether it is at associate or baccalaureate degree level. Once becoming a nurse a number of professional standards must be maintained to stay abreast
with the profession. In that respect, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its 2010 report had suggested many recommendations focusing on the future of
nursing. The aim of the report is to put forth recommendations that allow nurses to "(1) ensure that nurses can practice to the full extent of their
education and training (2) improve nursing education, (3) provide opportunities for nurses to assume leadership positions and to serve as
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The committee advises that the percentage of nurses with a BSN degree to be increased to eighty percent by 2020 (IOM Report, 2010).
Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Practice
Nursing practice is also one of the key messages addressed in the IOM report. The report suggests that "nurses should practice to full extent of their
education and training". Furthermore, "nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the
United States. This report has a great impact on nursing practice. The IOM report suggests that greater focus on managing the transition from nursing
to practice. It recommends that regulatory reforms must be made to allow nurses to expand their scope of practice (IOM report, 2010).
Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Leadership
Nursing leadership is also one of the very important messages of the 2010 IOM report on nursing. The IOM calls to expand opportunities for nurses
to lead. It advises that nurses need to be prepared and enabled as leaders in order to advance healthcare. One of the recommendations states that
"expand opportunities for nurses to lead and diffuse collaborative improvement efforts" (IOM Report, 2010). In that regards, a research article
(Sherman, 2011) points out that charge nurses on frontline of acute care setting are the
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Nursing As A Noble Profession
INTRODUCTION: Nursing has been radically changed throughout the past years however, this profession profoundly corroborates with care and
compassion. Moreover, nurses have to demonstrate lot of empathy and sympathy while delivering care for someone. Especially, when someone is
facing challenges with physically inaptness and not susceptible with the medical intervention due to suffering of diseases. Indeed, nursing is
considered as a noble profession owing to the care and sympathy with greater understanding for all human beings regardless of any dissonances.
(Rabig J et al 2006). Predominantly, nursing considers as care giving profession however, in my view it is imperative during practicing healthcare and
demands more toiled study rather than caring a patient. Besides, present nursing education system opens up more avenues to understand medical
process thoroughly. However, it contradicts the traditional ideology pertaining to the nursing profession as taboo of "Care giver". Profoundly, nursing
has been considered the care giving profession accounted by nuns and by some monks. In United Kingdom it is often called as honorable job and
often known as "sisters" Goldstein, J. S. (2004). Nursing is can not be only construed as a profession of providing care for the sick and unwell but in
reality nursing is protection promotion and optimization of health and abilities prevention of illness, injuries and alleviation of suffering through
diagnosis and treatment of human
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The Role Of Nursing As A Profession
Promoting Nursing as a Profession. Introduction This assignment will focus on the role of the nurse within an adult field where it will explore the
history of nursing, define what nursing is and explore nursing principles such as the fundamentals of care. It will analyse this while utilising a
nursing model and process which enables the nurse to provide professional care of the highest standard to the patients we dedicate our time to. It
will also display that nursing now requires academic study by using evidence based practice to show how it has evolved, and is now regarded as a
profession. This conforms to legislation set out by government and professional bodies. It will also explain why all nurses and midwives in the United more content...
Nursing in these times were non–educated and later thought to believe that women who learnt through second–hand information within families,
worked through trial and error to give care to others. There was great focus around evil spirits, and that of doing wrong to god, when becoming ill,
you were repaid for your sins. Nursing became apparent in the UK within The Middle Ages and the name 'nurse' derived from the Latin 'nutricius'
meaning 'to nourish'. During this era, care was normally given at home as institutes run by religious women were thought to be a place where you only
went if you had no such family to provide care. They were unclean and the women that gave treatment had no means of training. By the time of the
Renaissance Period the profession had moved on through means of scientific and technological findings. There were many influential people within
history who helped evolve nursing into the practice it is today such as Elizabeth Fry. She founded the 'Protestant Sisters Charity' where nurses who
attended would undertake education through observations of patients on a nursing programme. News spread to Germany to begin and then to other
parts of the world, but within Germany, a now dubbed heroine, called Florence Nightingale undertook similar training of that devised by Elizabeth Fry
and completed a two year training programme. When she helped in the Crimean War by using her training, she
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Nursing is a Profession Essay
Nursing is a Profession
Nursing is a profession that blends the rich traditions of the past with the ever changing realities of today's health care industry. Nursing is not
simply an assortment of special skills and the nurse is not simply a person proficient in performing these specific tasks. Nursing is a profession. I
believe this statement to be true because of several factors. The Title 19 Code for Nurses is titled "Standards for Professional Nursing Practice". The
status of nursing as a profession reflects the values that society places on the work of nurses and how central nursing is to the good of society. "By
being a professional we imply that the person is conscientious in actions, knowledgeable in the subject more content...
Although nursing can be a very physical endeavor, it carries with it responsibilities that are strictly intellectual in nature. For instance, walking into a
room to assess a patient, you have to have the knowledge of human anatomy, normal characteristics, normal vital signs, normal systems responses, etc.
This is all taught and (hopefully) learned in nursing school.
Nursing has a very strong internal organization of nurses that have joined together over the years into organizations such as the American Nursing
Association, WVNA, WVSNA, and various other state & national organizations. Not all nursing jobs are physical, some are almost strictly intellectual,
such as an educator, case manager, and instructor. There are staff nurses that I work with who are motivated by the fact that they are helping others.
They are energized and encouraged by just knowing that the patient?s life was saved by them. This is a motivation for entering the profession and also
for staying in it when the work gets rugged and the money tight.
"Brenner (1984) described the 5 stages of development for the professional nurse. The stages are (1) Novice (2) Advance Beginner (3) Competent
practitioner (4) Proficient practitioner (5) Expert Practitioner. The stages progress from a nursing student to the professional practitioner through
growth and knowledge." (Lopez–Boyd, 1997, p. 41) Nursing is a profession. Look around you, you see competent, caring individuals
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Nursing as a Profession Essay
Nursing as a Profession Lisa Renfrow Oklahoma Wesleyan University Nursing as a Profession The question of whether the practice of nursing is
considered a profession or an occupation is an ongoing debate, much like the ongoing debate over what defines a profession. Several scholars have
outlined criteria for considering an occupation to be a profession. Given a list of scholars and their criteria for what characteristics define a
profession, I have chosen the list formulated by Lucie Kelly, RN, PhD, FAAN. Although the scholars' works seem to share similar criteria and any
could be selected for comparison, I have chosen Kelly's criteria based on her background in the nursing profession. In addition more content...
66). The third characteristic of a profession, according to Kelly, is that the service involves intellectual activities and that accountability is an
important feature of those activities (Chitty & Black, 2011, p. 66). I believe nursing also meets these requirements through the nursing process. In
order to provide care for an individual, a nurse must assess the problem, decide on an approach (or plan of care), and implement that plan. The nurse
has to be able to evaluate the outcome of those actions and adjust the plan accordingly. Autonomy is an important part of this individual responsibility.
Nurses are held accountable for their individual actions by their employers, patients, and the public. Registered nurses today are required to meet strict
educational standards before applying for licensure. Kelly's fourth criterion requires practitioners to be educated in institutes of higher learning (Chitty
& Black, 2011, p. 66). Associate or baccalaureate degrees are the most common education levels for registered nurses. Some diploma programs are
still being run in hospitals, but their numbers are steadily declining (Chitty & Black, 2011, p. 149). Graduate degree programs focused on education,
research, and advanced practice provide opportunities for nurses to progress in their careers. The fifth characteristic of a profession is the one that I
think is most debated. It states that practitioners are relatively independent and regulate
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Nursing Theory: Foundation for Nursing as a Profession Wilma J. Vintson Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 501: Theoretical Basis for Advanced
Nursing Fall 2011 Nursing Theory: Foundation for Nursing as a Profession Introduction This paper will discuss nursing theory and review how it
relates to nursing as a profession. It will also focus on aspects of Virginia Henderson's theory on the complementary–supplementary model of nursing.
Nursing leadership, as it relates to Henderson's theory, will also be discussed. Nursing, being both a science and an art, is a knowledge–based
profession that focuses on the wholeness of human beings. This is established though nursing theory that guides research, and practice that can
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Brief Historical Background on Nursing Theory Nursing theory was first established by Florence Nightingale, in 1860, with her environmental theory
which describes nursing and the environment. She laid the foundation for future nurse theorists. Yet, it wasn't until 1952, 92 years later, that nursing
theory was reignited, through Peplaus theory on the interpersonal process, which is goal directed. This started nurses thinking about the purpose of
nursing. Then, in the 1960's, the disciplines of science and theory in nursing had a dynamic effect on the profession. Past theorists, like Virginia
Henderson, laid the foundation for nursing as a profession. Virginia Henderson's Key Concepts Virginia Henderson conceptualized the nurse's role in
the profession of nursing as supporting the sick or well human being in a supplementary or complementary manner. Being referred to as the "First lady
of nursing," she started nurses thinking about "The Concept of Nursing." Henderson's grand theory has such a broad range of ideas that her theory can
be applied to many nursing processes. She has established that the quality and complexity of nursing service is only limited by the competence and
imagination of the nurse who interprets it. Her theory also holds that the best nursing care is patient–focused as well as family–focused (Nicely,
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Professionalism in Nursing Essay
A professional is characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and
generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Being professional should be a subconscious effort in the fact that it should always be applied. When
employees are professional it helps the system run more efficiently and safely. A person must me a certain criteria when being evaluated on
professionalism, a person is judged based on the clients; Attitude, Values, Communication techniques, and approachability. Clients who display a
committed, dependable attitude will benefit more from work exerted, and overall be rewarded with incentives. Although professionalism may be in the
eye of more content...
Nurses must display a knowledge of skills by portraying a functional ability to assess, treat, and prevent illness in the clinical setting. "The nurses are
obliged to gain specialized knowledge, skills and training through the rigorous study of biological, physical and behavioral sciences and then use this
knowledge to diagnose and treat patients suffering from different ailments. The patients treated must be under the supervision of skilled medical
practitioners and the nurse must be equally directed by the expert medical practitioner. The prevention and management of illnesses, injury and ailments
also forms some of the major tasks that have to be carried out by nurses. Politeness in expression, compassion for patients and proper uniform are also
some of the main parts of professionalism in nursing." (professonalism in nursing–in–nursing.html) A
professional appearance is a main concern when being evaluated; a clean, firm, appropriate attire is required at all times. A nurse must comply with
the facilities standards of uniform, with proper protocol. A clean uniform is a healthy uniform, while a nurse holds a prior engagement in the field of
infection control a dirty, unkempt uniform is a harbor for unwanted bacteria. Along with uniform proper hand hygiene must always be performed
before and after patient care. A professional appearance will display an
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Running head: NURSING AS A PROFESSION Nursing as a Profession and the Ideal Public Perception Nakeya Barksdale Texas State University
NURSING AS A PROFESSION Nursing As a Profession and the Ideal Public Perception Multidimensional and profound, taking on a nursing career
is more than simply acquiring an occupation. As explained by Shwartz (1904), "Nursing should always be spoken of and looked upon as a
profession" (p. 834). What is a profession? "A profession is responsible for developing and overseeing its standards and for communicating those
standards to the public. The public in turn has a right to demand that the profession adhere to those standards" (Fowler, 2015, p.122). Getting a grasp of
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This paper examines the public perception of nurses and how social media can be both a detriment and a benefit to the career field. In both Cohen's
(2007) & Hoeve et al. (2003) articles reviewing the image of nursing and public perception, both articles expand on the wide range of perspectives on
nursing made by the general public. Oftentimes nurses are not recognized for their professionalism instead stereotyped, sexualized, and devalued to
"the doctor's handmaiden" or a "sexy nurse". Due to these biases and stereotypes, nurses must work even harder to prove that they are indeed a
NURSING AS A PROFESSION profession and should be respected as such. Congruent with nursing stereotypes comes gender roles. Naturally, women
are the care–takers thus the profession is predominately female, but it should be noted that this predisposition of women taking on this role has too
altered the perception of nursing. "Although the number of men in nursing is growing, campaigns and targeted recruitments should be displayed more
often to draw more men into the profession" (Cohen 2007). Universally, nursing is known to merely be a science in which mathematical formulas and
advanced biology classes are incorporated into a career field and nothing more. As confirmed by the American Nurses Association, while some of the
above statement may be true, there is much more to nursing than higher level critical thinking skills. "The nurse must possess competence,
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Nursing As A Profession, What Does It Mean?
Introduction to Nursing
Nursing as a profession, what does that mean? Better yet what does it mean to me? I find myself at the mercy of a long drawn out discussion of
the evolution of nursing, is it a science or is it an art? I ask myself, why am I doing this to myself? Am I prepared to care for someone else's life?
Health? Medical needs? Do I have a philosophy? Do I even know what a theory of nursing is? This is probably one of the hardest journeys I have
ever been on in my life so what does my future look like? Can I become the professional, responsible, accountable person that I am being taught be?
These are some rhetorical question that go through my mind every day. Their answers are far from contrite, and deserve much time and thought into
answering them.
Nursing, in general, has been in its infancy for ages. It was not a profession until Florence Nightingale "elevated the status of all nurses" (Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2014, p. 7). Nursing has been changing for the better since with the formation of professional organizations such as ANA
(American Nurses association), NLN (National League for Nurses), and ICN (International Nursing Organization). These organizations continue to
shape nursing and how we, as nurses, and other healthcare professionals see nursing today.
As a nursing student, I am taught about an SLO (Student Learning Outcome) and core values, things I have never thought about, in my life, until now.
Looking at the objectives and belief systems, I
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Professional Nursing Practice Essay
In this essay we are going to explore the connection between professional nursing practice and professional caring. I will outline the terms of
professional nursing practice and what makes nursing a profession? I will describe the term of professional caring and the connection to the nursing
practice and discuss the dilemma of care and cure. And also determine the importance of both in professional nursing practice. Professional nursing
practice has been developing for several centuries. Nursing as a profession can be traced back to the early Christian era. Since then the perception of
nursing practice has changed significantly. "Nursing is caring, commitment, and dedication to meeting the functional health needs of all people"
(Craven & more content...
And all of them continue to develop with wide–ranging nursing research. We will continue our analysis using professional nursing practice in New
Zealand. In modern days all nurses have to obtain the bachelor of nursing degree to become a registered nurse. So universities and polytechnics are
the main providers of nursing degree. They are closely supervised by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) to ensure the compliance with
the requirements of competencies for registered nurses. In New Zealand before you can practice you have to obtain the registration from NCNZ
through passing the states final and being fit to practice. Fit to practice means you have to be of a good character, speak good English, and have to
acquire the necessary knowledge (NCNZ, n.d.). Also nurses have to provide selfless service and think about the nursing profession when they
represent themselves in the society. As any other profession nursing has to abide to the code of ethics. It consists of set of values which applies to
nurse– client relationship, nurse–colleague, nurse–organization and nurse–society relationships. They all include autonomy, beneficence,
non–maleficence, justice, confidentiality, veracity, fidelity, guardianship of the environment and its resources, being professional in the context with
the above relationships (New Zealand Nurses Organization, 2010). So as we found out nursing has got all necessary features of the profession.
Professional nursing practice has got four
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What Makes Nursing A Profession?
Nursing is a multidisciplinary profession in which caring, holism, endurance, effective patient care and patient safety are simultaneously executed.
Nursing is a unique profession whereby personal experience and a personal philosophy contribute to great nursing care. In this paper, I will review
my view of nursing and what makes it a unique profession. Nursing as a Profession What makes nursing a profession? Definition. According to the
ANA, the requirements for nursing profession are education, service, autonomy, theory, and the code of ethics. Nurses undergo prolonged schooling
which emphasizes critical thinking and clinical reasoning (). Nurses are educated in both scientific data and humanistic values. These two fields are
vital in patient care. Nurses provide a service specific to only the nursing profession. Instead of only treating the illness, nurses treat the individual as a
whole. Provision 1.3 of the ANA code of ethics states "optimal nursing care enables the patient to live with as much physical, emotional, social, and
spiritual well–being as possible" (). Autonomy allows nurses to practice independent direct nursing care activities and care coordination ().
Independence grants the nurse responsibility and accountability for care provided and decisions made. Nursing theories provide a basis for care
specific to each nurse. The many nursing and healthcare values and practice. Theories allow nurses to identify with concepts that relate to their beliefs,
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My Life As A Professional Nurse Essay

  • 1. My Life As A Professional Nurse Essay Nursing care is doing something to or for the person or providing information to the person with the goals of meeting needs, increasing or restoring self–help ability, or alleviating impairment. Nursing is broadly grouped into the 21 problem areas to guide care and promote use of nursing judgment. To my life as a professional nurse the nursing care delivery to the patient I feel accomplished when the client appreciates the services rendered. 10.1.2Social context: As a practice discipline and profession, nursing is often described as both an "art" and a "Science". The art of practice is grounded in scientific principles. The science and practice of nursing are recognized as the profession's two major dimension Without nursing science, nursing practice could not exist. Conceptual and theoretical nursing models generate knowledge that will improve nursing practice, guide Nursing research, and facilitate the organization of the curricula of all levels of nursing education. 11.0CURRENT RELATED RESEARCH: 11.1Administration & Management The search on administration and management is designed to benefit practitioners including those currently working in higher education, government institutions and non–government organization. The administration should follow evidence based practice as the conflict of interest, problem solving and staff management has to be done following research. "No research no right to say any" (Mkapa B,. 2004) retired 3rd President of the united republic of Get more content on
  • 2. The Development Of Nursing As A Profession The Development of Nursing as a Profession Throughout history, society has considered women to be the natural caregivers of children, family, and community. Women were naturally thought of as nurses because the act was said to be an extension of their role in the home. They were called in to homes to help deliver babies or as wet nurses to breastfeed. In the 1800's, women began taking care of soldiers. It was then that Florence Nightingale cared for soldiers in the Crimean War. During this time she revolutionized the role by setting standards of cleanliness and reducing infection. The legacy of nursing continues to be enriched by those who continue to follow the example of nursing pioneers. They refuse to be bound by others' views more content... A professional makes deliberate choices where others have choices made for them or they simply react to what comes their way (Rutledge, 2011). Development of Nursing as a Profession The earliest nurses never attended nursing school; they were often nuns or other women who provided care for the sick, poor, or homeless without family support (The history of Nursing, 2017). During the 18th and 19th centuries, the nursing profession expanded to include care of soldiers during many prominent wars (The History of Nursing, 2017). Florence Nightingale was a nurse during the Crimean War. The conditions she found soldiers in were deplorable. At this time she found that keeping these soldiers clean would lead to healing. She also began tending to them at all hours of the day. Upon her return to England, she wrote a report on her findings that helped reform health care. Years later, she started the Nightingale School for Nurses. After this several nursing schools began in the United States and were all founded on Nightingale's ideas. The Civil War gave enormous impetus to the building of hospitals and to the development of nursing as a credentialed profession (Weathorford, 2010). One of the pioneers during this time was Clara Barton. By serving during the war she understood the need for clothing, food and shelter. She developed The Red Cross to be a program to aid those affected by Get more content on
  • 3. Nursing as a Profession Nursing as a Profession From the dawn of time nursing has existed, in one form or another. Because healthcare varies between cultures, nurses have historically taken on many different roles: a folk healer, a healer with religious ties, and that of a servant (Ellis & Hartley, 2012). Because of these various roles, some may not realize, or accept, that nursing has evolved into a much needed profession. This essay will discuss what a profession is, the criteria needed to be present in order to be considered a profession, and the reasons why nursing should be considered a profession. Criteria of a Profession In order to understand why I consider nursing a profession, you must first understand the meaning of the word. There are many more content... Nurses are the go–between of the doctor and the patient, and their main concern is the patient's well–being. For example, it has been shown that adequate staffing of nurses affects the outcome of patient's hospitalizations. Dr. Jack Needleman and colleagues found that "insufficient nurse staffing was related to higher patient mortality rates" (as cited in American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), 2011). This statistic, along with similar findings in several other research studies, proves that nurses do indeed provide an essential service to society. Has a Theoretical Body of Knowledge. The learning of theories and how to apply those theories to practice is the basis of this criterion. This involves being able to identify the problem and which solutions, based on learned theories, may work for that problem (Clarke & Winch, 2004). The processes used in this problem identification differ for each occupation. Nurses, who gain their knowledge of theories during their formal schooling, have a process that is unique to the nursing field. It is called the nursing process. This process is "an interactive, problem–solving process and a systemic and individualized way to achieve the outcomes of nursing care" (Stuart, p. 151, 2009). The nursing process includes assessment of the situation, diagnosis of the problem, planning which of the learned theories will be effective for the problem, implementing the steps of the Get more content on
  • 4. Is Nursing A Profession? Nursing is a profession that allows you to make a see people at their worst, turn it around, and nurture them become their best. Their main goal is to provide care, comfort, and support to their patients and their loved ones. This job not only changes patient's lives, but it changes the feel of the community and world around us. Globalization connects with the field of nursing in that it is constantly creating different and better opportunities to mold and strengthen the planet we inhabit. In addition, globalization stems from the idea of exchanging goods and services across vast networks, and nursing interconnects with this phenomenon by exchanging human capital and services with the world at large. I have chosen this topic because nursing is what I am majoring in at Georgia College, and I want to discuss the ways in which nurses demonstrate their care for others as part of a larger scheme of globalization in healthcare. Although nurses comprise a large sector of the globalhealth workforce, the circulation of health professionals is an ever increasing issue. Meeting demanding global health needs while address a recent global health emergency are among the few topics of interest nurses are facing in a world of emerging concerns. According to Johns Hopkins School of Nursing magazine (2010), "a global nurse knows that what happens in one part of the world affects the others." These international leaders of global health have a hands–on agenda to further expand needs and Get more content on
  • 5. The Profession of Nursing Essay The definition of a profession is "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation" (Webster Dictionary, 2008). By definition, I would consider nursing to be a profession, without a doubt. Nurses have spent too much time and effort in academic settings not to use the word profession. Nurses are taught and academically prepared by leaders in the nursing field who have the specialized knowledge that will specifically train nurses to meet the challenges of the profession. Nursing theorists, who are experts in nursing, have contributed great amounts of work to promoting nursing as a profession. According to Alligood and Tomey, "Nursing theory has been a prevalent theme in the nursing literature more content... The poll asks the public which profession they perceive to be the most honest and ethical and for the past nine years since Gallup added nursing to their survey, nurses have been consistently ranked first, with the exception of 2001, after 9/11 when firefighters took first place. I think this poll is a great example of the faith that the public has in nurses and the positive perception that nurses have in the eyes of the public. We can use this to our advantage when it comes to communicating with the public. I believe the public would welcome hearing from nurses and listening to their stories more often if only we offer them. The opening statement in "From Silence to Voice" states "envision how things would be if the voice and visibility of nursing were commensurate with the size and importance of nursing in health care" (Buresh & Gordon, 2006, p.11). The size and importance of nursing as a profession is huge. If you have any doubts about that, just think how the healthcare industry would be crippled without nurses. The silence of nursing means that nurses are not speaking out about the services they provide, they are not speaking to the public about the crises they face such as staffing shortages and decreased wages. Nurses keep their mouths closed when it comes to speaking out about the things that are important in healthcare settings such as nurse/patient ratios Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Nursing as a Profession Nursing as a Profession The Purpose of this paper is to discuss whether nursing is a profession based on Pavalko's eight dimensions describing a profession. Firstly, we must understand the definition of a profession before one can accurately judge the validation of the nursing profession. According to Webster dictionary, the definition of a profession is "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long academic preparation" (Webster dictionary, 2008). The nursing profession is one that needs specialized knowledge and training. It also applies to an occupation that requires formal education or qualification. The nursing field includes a set of skills that combines flexibility, creativity, knowledge more content... The ANA saw the efforts of many registered nurses come to fruition, culminating in President Obama's signing of H.R. 4872, "The Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010" (McNamara, 2010). This reform allows for greater protection against losing and denial of health care coverage, and it also allows for better access to primary care, wellness and prevention programs which will keep the patient healthier. This reform serves as a significant victory for the patient that the nursing profession serves. The ANA continues to be an advocate for building an affordable health care system that meets the needs of everyone (McNamara, 2010). In world where nurses are under pressure to deliver production–line care, it expresses the value of the "soft" aspect of caring that affect wellbeing (Wright, 2009). This attribute proves that the nursing profession is a profession that serves the patient and the larger social system. A profession has a code of ethics. Professional ethics and codes of ethics are the primary means for expressing the values and regulating the conduct of professionals in relation to their clients (Liaschenko, Peter, 2004). The ANA house of delegate adopted and first published the nursing code of ethics in the 1950's. It has then been altered and revised to meet the changes in the profession and in Get more content on
  • 7. Nursing As A Female Profession Throughout history, nursing is one of the branches of healthcare field that has been viewed by many societies as a female profession. This notion has been influenced by the different cultures and the societal view of an ideal woman. Positive characteristics, such as patience, compassion, caring, and kindness that are required by nurses are considered to be "womanly." Consequently, the society has appraised men to exhibit characteristic of bravery and protectiveness, which are required by warriors. Most common stereotypes among men in nursing are failed medical school applicant, gay or effeminate, misfit, and womanizer (Burton and Misener, 2007). Early nursing leader, such as Lavinia Dock andFlorence Nightingale, also compounded prejudicial view of men in nursing. Nightingale 's image of the nurse as subordinate, nurturing, domestic, humble, and self–sacrificing, as well as not too educated, became prevalent in society (Selanders & Crane, 2012). The male nursing population in the United States (U.S) has increased from about 2.7 percent of in 1970 to 9.6 percent in 2011(U.S Census Bureau, 2013). Even though progress has made, it is extremely slow when compared to the advance of women in traditionally men dominated carriers. According to 2015 statistics from the US Bureau of Labor, 57.0% of pharmacists, 37.9% of physicians and physicians, and 25.9% of dentists are women. Ironically, Male nurses are only concentrated in technological, physical, and critical thinking aspects Get more content on
  • 8. Nursing Career Essays I believe that nursing is both and art and a science consisting of psychosocial and biological sciences that work together to continually improve the health care field. I believe that with the knowledge and clinical experience from the TVCC ADN program I will be able to provide the best care possible to the people in the community. As a nurse it is important to carry the attributes of being caring, compassionate, understanding, non judgmental, realistic, open–minded, honest, ethical, and moral. I also feel that it is important to maintain sensitivity to all cultures when providing care. I believe that nursing care starts at the client's birth and continues throughout their life span. I believe t continued care includes heath promotion, more content... As a nurse I will use my knowledge of critical thinking skills with in the nursing process: assessment, analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Furthermore as a member of the nursing profession, I will assume accountability and responsibility for the quality of nursing care that I provide to clients, act as an advocate to promote quality health care for all clients, and take part in activities that promote the development and practice of professional nursing. I believe that heath is based on emotional, spiritual and physical well–being. I believe that it is the absence of illness and abnormal conditions. I believe health constantly changes across one's life span. I believe that it is important for a nurse to ensure that the relationship is not only with the client but with their families, friends, other health care providers and caregivers. It is the nurse's responsibility to provide individualized care for each client. A nurse should educate them and their family to ensure health promotion and health maintenance I believe that as a nurse we are to serve our community by providing education of preventative health care, information about community agencies and health care resources. I believe that as a health care professional I should participate in local health screenings Get more content on
  • 9. Introduction Nursing is one of the most popular professions in healthcare. To become a professional nurse, one must acquire certain level of education, whether it is at associate or baccalaureate degree level. Once becoming a nurse a number of professional standards must be maintained to stay abreast with the profession. In that respect, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its 2010 report had suggested many recommendations focusing on the future of nursing. The aim of the report is to put forth recommendations that allow nurses to "(1) ensure that nurses can practice to the full extent of their education and training (2) improve nursing education, (3) provide opportunities for nurses to assume leadership positions and to serve as more content... The committee advises that the percentage of nurses with a BSN degree to be increased to eighty percent by 2020 (IOM Report, 2010). Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Practice Nursing practice is also one of the key messages addressed in the IOM report. The report suggests that "nurses should practice to full extent of their education and training". Furthermore, "nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States. This report has a great impact on nursing practice. The IOM report suggests that greater focus on managing the transition from nursing to practice. It recommends that regulatory reforms must be made to allow nurses to expand their scope of practice (IOM report, 2010). Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Leadership Nursing leadership is also one of the very important messages of the 2010 IOM report on nursing. The IOM calls to expand opportunities for nurses to lead. It advises that nurses need to be prepared and enabled as leaders in order to advance healthcare. One of the recommendations states that "expand opportunities for nurses to lead and diffuse collaborative improvement efforts" (IOM Report, 2010). In that regards, a research article (Sherman, 2011) points out that charge nurses on frontline of acute care setting are the Get more content on
  • 10. Nursing As A Noble Profession INTRODUCTION: Nursing has been radically changed throughout the past years however, this profession profoundly corroborates with care and compassion. Moreover, nurses have to demonstrate lot of empathy and sympathy while delivering care for someone. Especially, when someone is facing challenges with physically inaptness and not susceptible with the medical intervention due to suffering of diseases. Indeed, nursing is considered as a noble profession owing to the care and sympathy with greater understanding for all human beings regardless of any dissonances. (Rabig J et al 2006). Predominantly, nursing considers as care giving profession however, in my view it is imperative during practicing healthcare and demands more toiled study rather than caring a patient. Besides, present nursing education system opens up more avenues to understand medical process thoroughly. However, it contradicts the traditional ideology pertaining to the nursing profession as taboo of "Care giver". Profoundly, nursing has been considered the care giving profession accounted by nuns and by some monks. In United Kingdom it is often called as honorable job and often known as "sisters" Goldstein, J. S. (2004). Nursing is can not be only construed as a profession of providing care for the sick and unwell but in reality nursing is protection promotion and optimization of health and abilities prevention of illness, injuries and alleviation of suffering through diagnosis and treatment of human Get more content on
  • 11. The Role Of Nursing As A Profession Promoting Nursing as a Profession. Introduction This assignment will focus on the role of the nurse within an adult field where it will explore the history of nursing, define what nursing is and explore nursing principles such as the fundamentals of care. It will analyse this while utilising a nursing model and process which enables the nurse to provide professional care of the highest standard to the patients we dedicate our time to. It will also display that nursing now requires academic study by using evidence based practice to show how it has evolved, and is now regarded as a profession. This conforms to legislation set out by government and professional bodies. It will also explain why all nurses and midwives in the United more content... Nursing in these times were non–educated and later thought to believe that women who learnt through second–hand information within families, worked through trial and error to give care to others. There was great focus around evil spirits, and that of doing wrong to god, when becoming ill, you were repaid for your sins. Nursing became apparent in the UK within The Middle Ages and the name 'nurse' derived from the Latin 'nutricius' meaning 'to nourish'. During this era, care was normally given at home as institutes run by religious women were thought to be a place where you only went if you had no such family to provide care. They were unclean and the women that gave treatment had no means of training. By the time of the Renaissance Period the profession had moved on through means of scientific and technological findings. There were many influential people within history who helped evolve nursing into the practice it is today such as Elizabeth Fry. She founded the 'Protestant Sisters Charity' where nurses who attended would undertake education through observations of patients on a nursing programme. News spread to Germany to begin and then to other parts of the world, but within Germany, a now dubbed heroine, called Florence Nightingale undertook similar training of that devised by Elizabeth Fry and completed a two year training programme. When she helped in the Crimean War by using her training, she Get more content on
  • 12. Nursing is a Profession Essay Nursing is a Profession Nursing is a profession that blends the rich traditions of the past with the ever changing realities of today's health care industry. Nursing is not simply an assortment of special skills and the nurse is not simply a person proficient in performing these specific tasks. Nursing is a profession. I believe this statement to be true because of several factors. The Title 19 Code for Nurses is titled "Standards for Professional Nursing Practice". The status of nursing as a profession reflects the values that society places on the work of nurses and how central nursing is to the good of society. "By being a professional we imply that the person is conscientious in actions, knowledgeable in the subject more content... 48) Although nursing can be a very physical endeavor, it carries with it responsibilities that are strictly intellectual in nature. For instance, walking into a room to assess a patient, you have to have the knowledge of human anatomy, normal characteristics, normal vital signs, normal systems responses, etc. This is all taught and (hopefully) learned in nursing school. Nursing has a very strong internal organization of nurses that have joined together over the years into organizations such as the American Nursing Association, WVNA, WVSNA, and various other state & national organizations. Not all nursing jobs are physical, some are almost strictly intellectual, such as an educator, case manager, and instructor. There are staff nurses that I work with who are motivated by the fact that they are helping others. They are energized and encouraged by just knowing that the patient?s life was saved by them. This is a motivation for entering the profession and also for staying in it when the work gets rugged and the money tight. "Brenner (1984) described the 5 stages of development for the professional nurse. The stages are (1) Novice (2) Advance Beginner (3) Competent practitioner (4) Proficient practitioner (5) Expert Practitioner. The stages progress from a nursing student to the professional practitioner through growth and knowledge." (Lopez–Boyd, 1997, p. 41) Nursing is a profession. Look around you, you see competent, caring individuals Get more content on
  • 13. Nursing as a Profession Essay Nursing as a Profession Lisa Renfrow Oklahoma Wesleyan University Nursing as a Profession The question of whether the practice of nursing is considered a profession or an occupation is an ongoing debate, much like the ongoing debate over what defines a profession. Several scholars have outlined criteria for considering an occupation to be a profession. Given a list of scholars and their criteria for what characteristics define a profession, I have chosen the list formulated by Lucie Kelly, RN, PhD, FAAN. Although the scholars' works seem to share similar criteria and any could be selected for comparison, I have chosen Kelly's criteria based on her background in the nursing profession. In addition more content... 66). The third characteristic of a profession, according to Kelly, is that the service involves intellectual activities and that accountability is an important feature of those activities (Chitty & Black, 2011, p. 66). I believe nursing also meets these requirements through the nursing process. In order to provide care for an individual, a nurse must assess the problem, decide on an approach (or plan of care), and implement that plan. The nurse has to be able to evaluate the outcome of those actions and adjust the plan accordingly. Autonomy is an important part of this individual responsibility. Nurses are held accountable for their individual actions by their employers, patients, and the public. Registered nurses today are required to meet strict educational standards before applying for licensure. Kelly's fourth criterion requires practitioners to be educated in institutes of higher learning (Chitty & Black, 2011, p. 66). Associate or baccalaureate degrees are the most common education levels for registered nurses. Some diploma programs are still being run in hospitals, but their numbers are steadily declining (Chitty & Black, 2011, p. 149). Graduate degree programs focused on education, research, and advanced practice provide opportunities for nurses to progress in their careers. The fifth characteristic of a profession is the one that I think is most debated. It states that practitioners are relatively independent and regulate Get more content on
  • 14. Nursing Theory: Foundation for Nursing as a Profession Wilma J. Vintson Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 501: Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Fall 2011 Nursing Theory: Foundation for Nursing as a Profession Introduction This paper will discuss nursing theory and review how it relates to nursing as a profession. It will also focus on aspects of Virginia Henderson's theory on the complementary–supplementary model of nursing. Nursing leadership, as it relates to Henderson's theory, will also be discussed. Nursing, being both a science and an art, is a knowledge–based profession that focuses on the wholeness of human beings. This is established though nursing theory that guides research, and practice that can generate more content... Brief Historical Background on Nursing Theory Nursing theory was first established by Florence Nightingale, in 1860, with her environmental theory which describes nursing and the environment. She laid the foundation for future nurse theorists. Yet, it wasn't until 1952, 92 years later, that nursing theory was reignited, through Peplaus theory on the interpersonal process, which is goal directed. This started nurses thinking about the purpose of nursing. Then, in the 1960's, the disciplines of science and theory in nursing had a dynamic effect on the profession. Past theorists, like Virginia Henderson, laid the foundation for nursing as a profession. Virginia Henderson's Key Concepts Virginia Henderson conceptualized the nurse's role in the profession of nursing as supporting the sick or well human being in a supplementary or complementary manner. Being referred to as the "First lady of nursing," she started nurses thinking about "The Concept of Nursing." Henderson's grand theory has such a broad range of ideas that her theory can be applied to many nursing processes. She has established that the quality and complexity of nursing service is only limited by the competence and imagination of the nurse who interprets it. Her theory also holds that the best nursing care is patient–focused as well as family–focused (Nicely, Get more content on
  • 15. Professionalism in Nursing Essay A professional is characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Being professional should be a subconscious effort in the fact that it should always be applied. When employees are professional it helps the system run more efficiently and safely. A person must me a certain criteria when being evaluated on professionalism, a person is judged based on the clients; Attitude, Values, Communication techniques, and approachability. Clients who display a committed, dependable attitude will benefit more from work exerted, and overall be rewarded with incentives. Although professionalism may be in the eye of more content... Nurses must display a knowledge of skills by portraying a functional ability to assess, treat, and prevent illness in the clinical setting. "The nurses are obliged to gain specialized knowledge, skills and training through the rigorous study of biological, physical and behavioral sciences and then use this knowledge to diagnose and treat patients suffering from different ailments. The patients treated must be under the supervision of skilled medical practitioners and the nurse must be equally directed by the expert medical practitioner. The prevention and management of illnesses, injury and ailments also forms some of the major tasks that have to be carried out by nurses. Politeness in expression, compassion for patients and proper uniform are also some of the main parts of professionalism in nursing." (professonalism in nursing–in–nursing.html) A professional appearance is a main concern when being evaluated; a clean, firm, appropriate attire is required at all times. A nurse must comply with the facilities standards of uniform, with proper protocol. A clean uniform is a healthy uniform, while a nurse holds a prior engagement in the field of infection control a dirty, unkempt uniform is a harbor for unwanted bacteria. Along with uniform proper hand hygiene must always be performed before and after patient care. A professional appearance will display an Get more content on
  • 16. Running head: NURSING AS A PROFESSION Nursing as a Profession and the Ideal Public Perception Nakeya Barksdale Texas State University NURSING AS A PROFESSION Nursing As a Profession and the Ideal Public Perception Multidimensional and profound, taking on a nursing career is more than simply acquiring an occupation. As explained by Shwartz (1904), "Nursing should always be spoken of and looked upon as a profession" (p. 834). What is a profession? "A profession is responsible for developing and overseeing its standards and for communicating those standards to the public. The public in turn has a right to demand that the profession adhere to those standards" (Fowler, 2015, p.122). Getting a grasp of this more content... This paper examines the public perception of nurses and how social media can be both a detriment and a benefit to the career field. In both Cohen's (2007) & Hoeve et al. (2003) articles reviewing the image of nursing and public perception, both articles expand on the wide range of perspectives on nursing made by the general public. Oftentimes nurses are not recognized for their professionalism instead stereotyped, sexualized, and devalued to "the doctor's handmaiden" or a "sexy nurse". Due to these biases and stereotypes, nurses must work even harder to prove that they are indeed a NURSING AS A PROFESSION profession and should be respected as such. Congruent with nursing stereotypes comes gender roles. Naturally, women are the care–takers thus the profession is predominately female, but it should be noted that this predisposition of women taking on this role has too altered the perception of nursing. "Although the number of men in nursing is growing, campaigns and targeted recruitments should be displayed more often to draw more men into the profession" (Cohen 2007). Universally, nursing is known to merely be a science in which mathematical formulas and advanced biology classes are incorporated into a career field and nothing more. As confirmed by the American Nurses Association, while some of the above statement may be true, there is much more to nursing than higher level critical thinking skills. "The nurse must possess competence, Get more content on
  • 17. Nursing As A Profession, What Does It Mean? Introduction to Nursing Nursing as a profession, what does that mean? Better yet what does it mean to me? I find myself at the mercy of a long drawn out discussion of the evolution of nursing, is it a science or is it an art? I ask myself, why am I doing this to myself? Am I prepared to care for someone else's life? Health? Medical needs? Do I have a philosophy? Do I even know what a theory of nursing is? This is probably one of the hardest journeys I have ever been on in my life so what does my future look like? Can I become the professional, responsible, accountable person that I am being taught be? These are some rhetorical question that go through my mind every day. Their answers are far from contrite, and deserve much time and thought into answering them. Nursing, in general, has been in its infancy for ages. It was not a profession until Florence Nightingale "elevated the status of all nurses" (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014, p. 7). Nursing has been changing for the better since with the formation of professional organizations such as ANA (American Nurses association), NLN (National League for Nurses), and ICN (International Nursing Organization). These organizations continue to shape nursing and how we, as nurses, and other healthcare professionals see nursing today. As a nursing student, I am taught about an SLO (Student Learning Outcome) and core values, things I have never thought about, in my life, until now. Looking at the objectives and belief systems, I Get more content on
  • 18. Professional Nursing Practice Essay In this essay we are going to explore the connection between professional nursing practice and professional caring. I will outline the terms of professional nursing practice and what makes nursing a profession? I will describe the term of professional caring and the connection to the nursing practice and discuss the dilemma of care and cure. And also determine the importance of both in professional nursing practice. Professional nursing practice has been developing for several centuries. Nursing as a profession can be traced back to the early Christian era. Since then the perception of nursing practice has changed significantly. "Nursing is caring, commitment, and dedication to meeting the functional health needs of all people" (Craven & more content... And all of them continue to develop with wide–ranging nursing research. We will continue our analysis using professional nursing practice in New Zealand. In modern days all nurses have to obtain the bachelor of nursing degree to become a registered nurse. So universities and polytechnics are the main providers of nursing degree. They are closely supervised by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) to ensure the compliance with the requirements of competencies for registered nurses. In New Zealand before you can practice you have to obtain the registration from NCNZ through passing the states final and being fit to practice. Fit to practice means you have to be of a good character, speak good English, and have to acquire the necessary knowledge (NCNZ, n.d.). Also nurses have to provide selfless service and think about the nursing profession when they represent themselves in the society. As any other profession nursing has to abide to the code of ethics. It consists of set of values which applies to nurse– client relationship, nurse–colleague, nurse–organization and nurse–society relationships. They all include autonomy, beneficence, non–maleficence, justice, confidentiality, veracity, fidelity, guardianship of the environment and its resources, being professional in the context with the above relationships (New Zealand Nurses Organization, 2010). So as we found out nursing has got all necessary features of the profession. Professional nursing practice has got four Get more content on
  • 19. What Makes Nursing A Profession? Nursing is a multidisciplinary profession in which caring, holism, endurance, effective patient care and patient safety are simultaneously executed. Nursing is a unique profession whereby personal experience and a personal philosophy contribute to great nursing care. In this paper, I will review my view of nursing and what makes it a unique profession. Nursing as a Profession What makes nursing a profession? Definition. According to the ANA, the requirements for nursing profession are education, service, autonomy, theory, and the code of ethics. Nurses undergo prolonged schooling which emphasizes critical thinking and clinical reasoning (). Nurses are educated in both scientific data and humanistic values. These two fields are vital in patient care. Nurses provide a service specific to only the nursing profession. Instead of only treating the illness, nurses treat the individual as a whole. Provision 1.3 of the ANA code of ethics states "optimal nursing care enables the patient to live with as much physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well–being as possible" (). Autonomy allows nurses to practice independent direct nursing care activities and care coordination (). Independence grants the nurse responsibility and accountability for care provided and decisions made. Nursing theories provide a basis for care specific to each nurse. The many nursing and healthcare values and practice. Theories allow nurses to identify with concepts that relate to their beliefs, aiding Get more content on