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My Favorite Place In My Home
My Favorite Place
There is a room in my home which is full of books and somewhat messy. It is my living room, which may be not quite common. It is where I stay
longest, study, and relax at home. It has accompanied me for approximately ten years and has seen my growth. It makes every day meaningful to me,
and therefore, it is my favorite place without doubt.
My living room is different from an ordinary one. Indeed, most of common furniture of a living room is there. There is just one thing missing. It is
the television, which my family removed when I was in senior high. However, the room also has many elements of a study, thereby it is
multifunctional and special. Stepping into the room, one can see desks for daily study, bookcases, and shelves. Since I love books, books take up
much space of the room. They flow from shelves and bookcases to everywhere you may imagine: on the desks, in the schoolbag I bring to school, and
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I can still remember the old days. I used to be fond of intelligence toys and chess games, and let the toys and chess pieces occupy the table. I used to
watch fancy cartoons or scientific educational programs on television with curiosity. I used to read novels or popular science books on the sofa, and
sometimes I was so concentrated that I forgot about the time. So many important incidents once happened there. The table used to be where my mother
taught me basic knowledge and my first academic tutorial took place. The starting point of my learning chemistry of senior high also took place there
when I was almost ten. Moreover, the shabby desk in the room always reminds me of the time when I was busy preparing for the college entrance
examination. Every scar on the desk is telling a story. The pen rushing on the paper, I tried my best to improve myself through all kinds of tests held
by myself. Sweat was in my palms. The process was hard but
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My Room : My Favorite Place In The World
My room is one of my favorite places on earth because it is a safe haven for me. It is where I can be myself, have privacy, and somewhere quiet to
think. The bed I have is a twin bed with a blanket as soft as clouds. My pillow is a squishy white marshmallow where my delicate head can rest in
peace and dream. The bed is like my friend; it is always there to comfort me after having a tiring and harsh day. It helps me forget all the problems that
I face. I can just sleep for days without a worry in a world; it would be as peaceful as paradise. It is also where I can lie down and think. Sometimes, I
like to take a walk inside the vast library of memories that I have made over the past days and years. I do a self–reflection on how I could improve
myself as a person. I also review my errors, so I can learn from my mistakes. The room is filled with the pleasant smell of red honeysuckle flower. I can
almost imagine being in the Botanical Gardens, where I can meditate. I am also able to express myself in any matter I desire as well because no
one will judge me on how I act. I get to be myself without worrying. In addition, my room is my favorite place in the world because it explains who I
am. For instance, my room is painted a royal blue color which is my favorite color. In English, we were doing a psychology exercise and were asked to
describe our favorite color with adjectives. For the color blue I wrote calm, cool, and unique. The adjectives we choose describe how we view
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Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place
Rough Draft
Every year around July, the excitement overwhelms me. It's almost time to go to my favorite place in the world...Hollywood. Located only one mile
south of one of the oldest overland routes in Arkansas, known to early white settlers as the Old Southwest Trail. It's so calm, simple, and full of joy,
clearly I am not talking about a wild community in Los Angeles. It is nothing like that at all, it's Hollywood, Arkansas with a population of one
hundred–three. The town is not the reason it's my favorite, it's what happens every year during the last week of July. Davidson Campground carries
such a special place in my heart and I hope that I am able to pass that onto my children. For ten days my family, as well as about one hundred other
families, travel to the tiny, unique place to worship the Lord. Although there are church services every night at 7:45, the camp does more than fill
me with the holy spirit, it sets me back to a simple life, before everything was at my fingertips. During the time that I am there I feel so at home, all
of my troubles seem to float away in the spring fed stream that runs along the camp. Since birth my mother has taken me out to this spirit filled camp,
it's not a "normal" church camp where you drop your kids off, then pick them up at the end of the week.
Upon arriving you will find a row of cabins in a circular shape and in the middle of the circle is: a tabernacle, a volleyball net, a few playground sets,
water faucets, ping pong tables and picnic tables sitting in a row with a roof over them––for arts and crafts. After hours of cleaning and power washing
our cabin to get rid of the bugs and animals that claim the structure for themselves, I make my way around the cabins to catch up with friends I
haven't seen since this time last year. During the day, after children's church at 10, the kids gather in the circle and ride their bikes, but most
importantly, have water balloon fights! Water balloons are an icon of what campmeeting is and as I walk through the circle I can expect to be hit with
one, but I don't mind, it helps me beat the mid–summer heat. Right outside of the circle is one of the best things about camp meeting, the commissary. It
is fully stocked with bbq,
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My Favorite Place Essay
RW Ch. 7 Writing Assignment
There are many beautiful places in this world. Some people like quite area, but some people also like noisy area. Our world have that variety of places,
so a people can chose what they want. However, sometime people have a limit of chooses because they live in small city. Moreover, they may stay in
that city for impotent reasons such as if they are students. Students want to fine a great university, and these kinds of universities are in small cities
which are not a lot of variety if places. However, almost all universities have a huge campus, so students will have places like to spend time in it. Me as
an example, I live in small city because I am a student. However, I enjoy many places in the university such as library or students union center.
Moreover, I love to spend time in the university dining hall. Because of sight, sounds, teste and smell, dining hall is my favorite place.
Frist, Dining hall has a great sights. It located in corner, so I can choose between too views. One of them, I can see the mine street of the university.
The other one, I can see colorful trees. The dining hall have big tables and comfortable cheers. In addition, they are sofas and TV next each other, so I
can eat and watch at the same time. Also, I see many people are enjoying their food while they are having conversation. In addition, I see many people
are making friends which encourage me to sit there because I want to make friends. For example, one time while I
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Activity 1. Read the following introductions to the descriptive essays. Point out the thesis and the hook in each one. Which introductions catch the
readers' attention? Why?
1.Zabaykalsky Krai
I have lived in Zabaikalsky Krai all my life. I really love its incomparable nature, transparent rivers, lofty mountains, boundless steppes and fields, and
azure sky. If I have to stay away from my native place for a long time, I miss it all the time and frequently feel powerless. Although our region is harsh
with cold and long winters and rainless and cool summers, we cannot help adoring our homeland.
2.My Favourite Place
Connection with nature is vital for any person. If you have that unique place where quietude and harmony reign, the more content...
The most precious photo is that of my grandparents. In the picture the grandfather is sitting on a chair, his hands on his knees. He is wearing a
white shirt and a black suit. He has broad shoulders and big strong arms. He worked hard all his life. Grandfather's hair is dark; he has thick black
eyebrows, brown eyes, and large puffy lips. He looks brutal because of a strong–willed chin and wide cheekbones. However, he has kind eyes and a
mischievous smile. Looking at the girl in the photo, I always smile. My grandmother is standing near her husband with her hand on his shoulder. She
has a conservative, low–key appearance. Her long black dress looks smart. Her hair is tidy. On the photo she is smiling slightly. I have never seen my
grandfather; my grandmother died when I was 4 years old. The only thing that I remember is her voice and the warm touch of her hands. I treasure this
picture, because it is the only opportunity to look at
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My Favorite Place Essay
I was once a tour guide for several years. I have been to many parts of China and had a chance to live in the U.S.A for a while; but i should say that
my favorite place is my hometown. It is quite amazing. If you were there now, you would be fascinated. I truly can not wait to take you into my
hometown ,SiChuan. There are 23 provinces in China. SiChuan, the second largest one, is located in the southwest China and it looks like a huge
basin. As it is sometimes very humid, people eat spicy food just to get rid of the moisture in the bodies. SiChuan is famous for its beautiful scenery,
delicious food and belle. There is another important thing that makes SiChuan famous over the world. It is panda.It is well–known that here is panda's
hometown. To be exact, the first panda was found in my birthplace–Ya'an. Panda is a kind of ancient animal. It's one of the rarest animal species in the
world. As the quantity of pandas is quite small, they're called 'living fossil'by zoologists. The only wild panda protection base in the world is in
Ya'an. Why did panda choose Ya'an at the earliest time until now? Because the overall ecological condition in SiChuan is very good. Especially in
Ya'an ,there is no much factories, no pollution,the lakes and rivers here are very clean, those rolling mountains surround entire SiChuan, like a
majestic dragon is protecting the magical place. Plenty of rain, flourished vegetation and bamboo forests which are the main factors for the habitat
for panda. Ya'an is known as 'natural oxygen bar.' I still remember a morning after rain,I was about 12 years old ,followed my elder brother into the
big mountain like primary forest,looking for the precious orchids.Although we found only few common orchids,we didn't feel unhappy because the
air was extremely fresh ,sunshine through the millennium trees was like many stars falling eerily in the grass , and all kinds of bird calls sounded
extraordinarily interesting. Mountains are always surrounded by white mist because of having high altitude which makes the scene very beautiful. It
seems like entering a wonderland. Honestly, we didn't care if we found orchid or not; but we really enjoyed a special forest adventure trip. SiChuan
has a lot of famous
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My Favorite Place
It feels like a location of my very own , not many people would not call it their favorite place but it has been mine all through high school and still
till this day. The location became my best friend we saw each other everyday, and it always knew what was going on in my life. It was far from
perfect but I never cared because it was something I always had and it never changed. It is still my favorite place because it holds memories of
friends and milestones as well as problems and secrets. I almost spent more time there than I did at home or any where else for that matter. I never
felt so welcomed anywhere like there was no one to judge me or anyone I was with. Where I came from there is not much to do or many places to even
go,but this place was near and no one could tell me not to spend all of my time there. The feeling of freedom and of the closes thing I had to
adventure at the time was one of the best feelings I could ever had. Since this is where I spent most of my time I made mistakes and great choices
there. This place is where I learned who I value, what I value ,what my morals are and overall who I wanted to be. My favorite place is my favorite
place because it was always there for me, it was accessible, and it taught me life lessons. My favorite place makes me feel relaxed,calm, and most
importantly free. I felt a warm welcome everytime I went as if it had open arms waiting for me. The fresh cut grass was better than any candle or
perfume. The grass was always
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My Favorite Place
The feeling of nostalgia of a place can bring back many happy memories. With the pressures and expectations of the world including society, family
and friends I am always in need of a place I can escape to so that I can enjoy the world for what it is. The best place for me is sitting on the sand,
perfectly, for the waves to touch my legs yet not too close that I am sucked into its motion. To me, it is myplace to calmly gather my thoughts and
breathe without feeling suffocated. All I can hear are the waves and the sounds of the birds enjoying the clear skies. I can take in the smell of the
salt water in the air and gaze at the horizon as the sun sets. It is the one place I don't mind being invisible because I feel like I am the only one there.
My favorite place is the beach in Mombasa, Kenya. I have a sense of belonging with this place. Looking back, I can say that I have experienced change
with this place. Unfortunately, there has been a huge impact on the beach environmentally. The marine life has been put in danger due to the amount of
rubbish such as plastic bottles and bags being thrown into the ocean or even on the beach and around the hotels and resorts nearby. Through time, it has
changed for the worst as it has not been taken care of and not treated with the care it should be. There has been no active role within the community to
try to participate in making a change and bettering the environment.
As we reviewed the term 'place' we looked at three criterion that
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Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place
For many people there is a sweet smell, a pleasing photograph, the familiar sound of happiness that bring them back to a place full of childhood
images. In my life, I was lucky enough to have traveled to some of the most beautiful places on Earth. I have swum with the dolphins in crystal
blue sea of Phuket Thailand and watch golden ray of the sunshine set behind mount Fuji in Japan. However, no places earth will compare to the
loveliness of my childhood paradise, a place I called home. Barbara Kingsolver writes, "I have a place where all my stories begin," and my story
began at a lake house located on the water edge of Little Toad Lake, Minnesota. (Kingsolver 939). It is where I spent half my life with my dog
(Spike), sister, mom, and dad, through the hot summer days and freezing winter months. The house was built on the side of a steep hill leading
down to a beach front lake. The main entrance had a big double iron door which lead into the living room overlooking the lake. The main living
area had several big windows which let in a brilliant of sunlight onto the dark walnut floor. The fireplace mantle displays a big moose head that my
dad shot on his hunting trip to Alaska (his prize possession). My favorite place of the house would be the kitchen. That's where all my lessons of
cooking started. Thank you to my mom for teaching me the value of cooking. If it wasn't for her I would be eating ramens every day at college. Oh,
the memories we had at the lake house. In the spring, my mom, sister, and I go on long walks in the woods to go mushroom hunting because who
doesn't love free food. I remember making mushroom soup for the first time and almost burning my hands off because I forgot to turn the stove
down to low and the pot was overflowing onto the floor. I could still remember the facial expression on my mom's face, let just say she was not a
happy camper. One summer day, my sister and I were out fishing with my mom on the pontoon and we were catching a lot of fish and out of
nowhere it started pouring rain. My mom started the pontoon and guess what? We ran out of gas in the middle of the lake. It took as over two hours
to paddle back to shore but thank goodness it stopped raining. To this day we still
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Describe My Favorite Place
1. There's a gas station which is very popular and busy, but at night it's very slow, barely anyone goes to the gas station. One night it was a few of
my friends and I that went to this specific gas station for sodas and snacks. By the way, no one was at the gas station, no one purchasing anything
inside or anyone at the pumps getting gas for their vehicles. It was an empty gas station, my friends and I, and the store employee were the only
ones there. Once we were done purchasing our things we were walking back to our car we heard noises almost like a subtle laughter, so us white
people investigated the surroundings. There was an alleyway in the back of the gas station that was very sketchy. We walked down the alley until
we reached a high fence that was locked. My friend broke the lock, and we went into this sort of woody area, some like the woods. I didn't go in,
but two of my friends did, and I heard the laughter, and then it went dead silent. The gas station was very sketchy, and I heard the very creepy
laugh, so my friends and I left immediately. 2 . A happy place is my house, it's a pleasant place, but it's also one of my favorite places. It has
everything I need and want; it's also delightful to be in my house, I enjoy It a lot. It is freezing and relaxing. I am barely there, but I would like to
there more often. I have my bed, laptop, tv, computer, Xbox and my phone. I have everything there, and I quite honestly enjoy being there very much. I
watch a lot of
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My Favorite Place
A favorite place should be a place that holds a lot of meaning, a place that has given you memories that you will remember forever. My favorite
place might also be equalled as my least favorite place. For me this secretive location brings back both good memories and bad, that place being the
Edwardsville Water Shed. This is where I hung out with my now ex–boyfriend for the very first time, and where I spent most of my birthday with him
as well. This is where we smiled, talked, laughed, and made the memories that I now hold deep within my heart. I will always hold these memories
fondly because even though recalling on them now makes me miss them like I miss him, they once were the memories that made me happiest.
The Water Shed is not a place where I would just go to with anyone. This was our place. I could never visualize myself making another trip there
unless it was with him because the times we spent there mean the world to me. Regardless of the sad emotions that the water shed brings me now,
this place will always be my safe haven. Besides the memories made there, there is a plethora of other reasons why I would title the water shed as
my favorite place. The atmosphere is inviting and adventurous. The hike to get there is long and tiring, but the end result is a picture you'd see in a
museum. The scenery is beautiful. There are long green trees everywhere you turn your head providing the calming balance of shade and glowing
sunlight. After about a mile of hiking on a
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Describe My Favorite Place
I have always been the type of person that likes to explore. I don't like to be inside, I like to be able to take everything in and watch what's round
me. I love just watching the wildlife and exploring, finding new plants and trees blossoms my imagination. As I have explored a lot of places
around me I have found one of my favorites. At Dawes Arboretum I have found and experienced many different things on my adventures that I
want to share like: the trails, the kinds of people, the type of nature. When you go to a new place there is always that excitement of what's out there.
Where do the different trails go. At Dawes there are many different trails and pathways to take. This place is huge you can follow the paths that they
make or you can make your own. That's my favorite thing to do. I always love to find my own new things and make my own favorite paths. The
Woodlands at Dawes is such a amazing but yet spooky place to visit. In this area there is many native plants along the paths like the buttonbush,
foamflower, wild geranium. What makes this place so spooky but intriguing is the cemetery that lies here. It is named one of the oldest cemeteries in
Licking County and is stilled used my the Beard–Green Family to this day. Another site that seems to be a popular one to explore is The Arboretum
East. The trails here are a lot me rough so a lot of times more adventurous hikers go for these. This beautiful place has a little bit of everything. Its
trailers are usually about
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Essay On My Favorite Place
The cul de sac was my favorite place. I loved to ride my bike in circles and read outside by the flowers that always smelled so sweet. Cars rushed
past and I watched many pull in as time went on. It was my favorite place. The smell of food radiated from the kitchen as it does everyday my mom
cooked. I would look up from my book and watch the old man walk himself in circles around the cul de sac. I was quite young at the time so I
wasn't allowed out there too long by myself. When my mom came out to grab me she stopped and waved to our neighbor, briskly walking over to
him. She then started a lengthy conversation with him. I stayed on the grass engaged in my book and every once in awhile looking up to see my
mom in a conversation with our neighbor. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until the familiar smell of food was soon replaced with a burning
smell. I turned my head quick to see shades of red and orange ignite in the house. At the time, I was too young to comprehend the importance and
danger of what was happening. All the context clues did not seem to point out to me as danger, but I knew something was off. So, I quietly called
"Mom, mom" over and over until she heard me. She turned to me giving me a pointed look for interrupting her conversation. "Yes?" She inquired. I
slowly raised my arm up behind me and stuck my finger out at the house. Time seemed to slow down as my mom's eyes filled to the brim with fear
and the house seemed to scream out at her. I stared as my mom
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My Favorite Place
Everyone has a place where they go to escape all the pressures and worries of everyday life. There is always that one spot that can soothe all their
problems and stress. For me, the ultimate cure and favorite place is Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. My best memories were created by the beach just
relaxing by the water, watching the beautiful sunset, and night fishing off the pier. My most favorite thing to do at Myrtle Beach is to relax on the
beach. As I walked out of my condo, and slowly the sunrays begin to warm my body like a tanning bed. The smell of the salty sea runs through my
nose as I inhale deeply. I feel the soft but hot sand between my toes as I drag my beach chair and cooler to the water's edge. I stare out into what looks
like a never–ending body of water, its roar as loud as a tiger mesmerizes me as the waves crash against the shore. I set up my blue reclining chair, and
open an oh–so cold Bud light without a care in the world. I sit and watch the cold water rush up my legs, burying my feet in the wet sand and
drenching my chair. I listen to the very vivid voices of people and laughter of the children as they make their own memories just like I did as a child.
Suddenly my skin starts to tingle and I know it's time to cool off in the big blue body of water. I walk gently as sharp seashells poke the bottom of my
feet, and I jump as a small fish bumps into my leg. I love the way the sunrays hit my body as I start to float on top of the rolling waves. The salt
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A Personal Essay : My Favorite Place
Everybody has their own favorite place, food, thing, or event that happened. It can be from a memory that made it your favorite or it could be
from a significant meaning to you personally. Alexis' favorite place with a significant value to her would be her grandparents' lake house. When she
was a little girl she used to sleep the whole way since it is a six hour drive, since she has gotten older she hasn't slept the whole way and while she
was awake she noticed; how little things like a song on the radio from her parents childhood, and even playing little games to pass the time, can make
her truly understand how things would be completely different with family not around. Going from Ohio to Indiana there is not much to see.
Cornfields, farms, highway, and an occasional dead deer is about the most exciting you get to see on the journey to her favorite spot. But talking to
her family about everything possible, starting college, a new job, how to develop credit, and even high school drama that was going on, would never
happen unless her family was there. During the drive Alexis gets very agitated and exhausted, but as soon as they pull on their road, she will be wide
awake and ready to go whatever time it was. There is so many things to see at their house; her family, the boat, and the house itself.
The weekend of Labor Day at her grandparents' means getting the opportunity to connect more with family, riding the boat around the peaceful lake,
and being able to relax and
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What Is My Favorite Vacation Place Essay
Sometimes getting away from your home for a vacation is much needed for the mind and soul. For me, my favorite vacation place is the beautiful
tourist city of Tawas, Michigan. My first exciting visit to Tawas was when I was ten years old. Since then, it has been an annual family trip. My
favorite place in the city of Tawas is my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Danny's cabin that overlooks Lake Huron. They kindly allow us to stay there each
summer. The creaking floors and squeaky swing on the lakefront gives it special qualities to show the years of love families have experienced there. I
have many treasured memories at this special location. It bring smells, feelings, thoughts, and emotions that are just what I need to refresh my mind and
soul. Over the years, Tawas has become my favorite summer location because of the beautiful sites of the lake, the soothing sounds of the water, the old
cabin, and the fun memories.
My favorite memory at Tawas is the long jet ski ride to a small island just off the tip of the bay. It has a very old small white lighthouse and a sandy
beach. Other treasured memories in Tawas include nightly fires where myfamily sits around in lawn chairs and makes S'mores more
This feeling of peace, quiet, and nature is exactly what I enjoy about this special vacation place. I have quickly grown attached to the traditional
old brown log cabin in the past eight years. I like the traditional build of old logs, a stone fireplace, and two big windows overlooking the lake. As I
enter the cabin I can hear the creaking of the old original hardwood floor. It catches my eye with the scratches and dents that give it character. My
nose is tickled by the sweet smell of an old musty cabin and campfire. I can feel the unique stress that the wooden walls have experienced over the
years. My mom says, "If these walls could speak image what the stories they could
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My Favorite Place
One of my favorite places in the world that has affected my life the most is my childhood town and my home in Mobile, Alabama. I grew up in a
beige, two story house that sits on a long yard backed up to Dog River. My house is about ten minutes outside of downtown Mobile, AL and is very
close to Mobile Bay. Spending time near the water and growing up in the area that I did greatly influenced the way that I think about things and the
way that I live my life. My family has lived in them same area for generations and not many have moved away. In Jamaica Kincaid's A Small Place,
Kincaid talks about how when multiple generations grow up in the same area, they tend to become more invested and involved with the area that
they are in, growing in their appreciation for the place that they grew up. The place that I grew up in has greatly affected the person that I have
become in ways such as where my ancestors are from, how I view social issues, and my own personal identity.
My mother's family lived on the same river about a mile away, and my father's family had lived in the city for generations. The area I grew up in was
the same area that my parents and grandparents grew up in, so it is safe to say that I was greatly influenced by the area. Since I have such a deep
connection to the area I grew up in, I have developed a fondness for the river and the wildlife in it. My whole life I have loved to go fishing and skiing
on the water, or just sitting on the bank of the river to relax.
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What Is My Favorite Place Essay
Everyone has a place they go to when they need to be comforted or a place to feel safe. For some people it's their school, house, park, or even a friend's
home. For me, my favorite place to go to is the Fine Arts Building. Every time I have ever found myself in a situation where I was greatly upset or
felt unsafe I always ran to the fine arts building on UNK campus even if it meant driving half an hour. Music has always been a comforting thing and
that's what the fine arts building is all about. I can go almost anywhere in the building and feel completely at home. There are three places within the
building that I enjoy the most.
The lobby is the hub of the music building. It is the main place for people to drink coffee and chat. Everyone in the music building lives off of
coffee and almost anyone can be seen drinking some kind of caffeinated beverage.The entire building always smells like coffee in every single
room. No matter how far away the room is from the coffee shop. The lobby is always filled with people chatting or working on homework or
studying music scores. I know that I can always find someone willing to talk to me whenever I walk into the lobby. All along the walls are dark gray
couches with little end tables separating them. During marching season, there is always an iron and a sewing kit set out on one of the small tables.
The other tables are covered in other student's belongings. There are two tables centered in the lobby where there is always someone
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Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place
As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a good impression. I have a place that not only made a
good impression, it changed me. It made me think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought all
though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special.
Waking up early in the morning and driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities. The Oregon coast is such a broad place to
describe, but in reality, all the towns have the same feel but different atmosphere. Pacific City is small and quiet with a more content...
Its cold, windy, and sunny all at the same time. The beach stretches for miles seeming endless, until it reaches a tall cliff with waves crashing against
it. The sun shines down on the moisture in the air creating a "sparkling" affect to add to the view. In some spots on the coast giant rock formations
stick out of the water, creating a question on how they formed there. Sea creatures dot the sand everywhere. Walking the beach with sand between your
toes is and not a worry in your mind is one of the best feelings. If you time it right early in the mornings and late in the night low tide takes place and
you can find sand dollars and unique shells. Beautiful houses and hotels line the beach all with the same withered look they all strive to have, and
balconies on every place to capture the view. This destination is such an important place to Oregonians because its such a magical place. It transports
you into a different dimension where there are no other places like it. You cannot be one the beach without a smile on your face, it's near impossible
to be in a gloomy mood when there. Mainly magical because you can escape there with family and friends with many opportunities to try to
experience new or traditional things. Like having a fire on a beach roasting s'mores with family and friends, or trying weird sea creature at a
restaurant. The Oregon Coast will always hold a spot near to my heart. I can't wait for
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  • 1. My Favorite Place In My Home My Favorite Place There is a room in my home which is full of books and somewhat messy. It is my living room, which may be not quite common. It is where I stay longest, study, and relax at home. It has accompanied me for approximately ten years and has seen my growth. It makes every day meaningful to me, and therefore, it is my favorite place without doubt. My living room is different from an ordinary one. Indeed, most of common furniture of a living room is there. There is just one thing missing. It is the television, which my family removed when I was in senior high. However, the room also has many elements of a study, thereby it is multifunctional and special. Stepping into the room, one can see desks for daily study, bookcases, and shelves. Since I love books, books take up much space of the room. They flow from shelves and bookcases to everywhere you may imagine: on the desks, in the schoolbag I bring to school, and even more content... I can still remember the old days. I used to be fond of intelligence toys and chess games, and let the toys and chess pieces occupy the table. I used to watch fancy cartoons or scientific educational programs on television with curiosity. I used to read novels or popular science books on the sofa, and sometimes I was so concentrated that I forgot about the time. So many important incidents once happened there. The table used to be where my mother taught me basic knowledge and my first academic tutorial took place. The starting point of my learning chemistry of senior high also took place there when I was almost ten. Moreover, the shabby desk in the room always reminds me of the time when I was busy preparing for the college entrance examination. Every scar on the desk is telling a story. The pen rushing on the paper, I tried my best to improve myself through all kinds of tests held by myself. Sweat was in my palms. The process was hard but Get more content on
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  • 3. Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place Rough Draft Every year around July, the excitement overwhelms me. It's almost time to go to my favorite place in the world...Hollywood. Located only one mile south of one of the oldest overland routes in Arkansas, known to early white settlers as the Old Southwest Trail. It's so calm, simple, and full of joy, clearly I am not talking about a wild community in Los Angeles. It is nothing like that at all, it's Hollywood, Arkansas with a population of one hundred–three. The town is not the reason it's my favorite, it's what happens every year during the last week of July. Davidson Campground carries such a special place in my heart and I hope that I am able to pass that onto my children. For ten days my family, as well as about one hundred other families, travel to the tiny, unique place to worship the Lord. Although there are church services every night at 7:45, the camp does more than fill me with the holy spirit, it sets me back to a simple life, before everything was at my fingertips. During the time that I am there I feel so at home, all of my troubles seem to float away in the spring fed stream that runs along the camp. Since birth my mother has taken me out to this spirit filled camp, it's not a "normal" church camp where you drop your kids off, then pick them up at the end of the week. Upon arriving you will find a row of cabins in a circular shape and in the middle of the circle is: a tabernacle, a volleyball net, a few playground sets, water faucets, ping pong tables and picnic tables sitting in a row with a roof over them––for arts and crafts. After hours of cleaning and power washing our cabin to get rid of the bugs and animals that claim the structure for themselves, I make my way around the cabins to catch up with friends I haven't seen since this time last year. During the day, after children's church at 10, the kids gather in the circle and ride their bikes, but most importantly, have water balloon fights! Water balloons are an icon of what campmeeting is and as I walk through the circle I can expect to be hit with one, but I don't mind, it helps me beat the mid–summer heat. Right outside of the circle is one of the best things about camp meeting, the commissary. It is fully stocked with bbq, Get more content on
  • 4. My Favorite Place Essay RW Ch. 7 Writing Assignment There are many beautiful places in this world. Some people like quite area, but some people also like noisy area. Our world have that variety of places, so a people can chose what they want. However, sometime people have a limit of chooses because they live in small city. Moreover, they may stay in that city for impotent reasons such as if they are students. Students want to fine a great university, and these kinds of universities are in small cities which are not a lot of variety if places. However, almost all universities have a huge campus, so students will have places like to spend time in it. Me as an example, I live in small city because I am a student. However, I enjoy many places in the university such as library or students union center. Moreover, I love to spend time in the university dining hall. Because of sight, sounds, teste and smell, dining hall is my favorite place. Frist, Dining hall has a great sights. It located in corner, so I can choose between too views. One of them, I can see the mine street of the university. The other one, I can see colorful trees. The dining hall have big tables and comfortable cheers. In addition, they are sofas and TV next each other, so I can eat and watch at the same time. Also, I see many people are enjoying their food while they are having conversation. In addition, I see many people are making friends which encourage me to sit there because I want to make friends. For example, one time while I Get more content on
  • 5. Activity 1. Read the following introductions to the descriptive essays. Point out the thesis and the hook in each one. Which introductions catch the readers' attention? Why? 1.Zabaykalsky Krai I have lived in Zabaikalsky Krai all my life. I really love its incomparable nature, transparent rivers, lofty mountains, boundless steppes and fields, and azure sky. If I have to stay away from my native place for a long time, I miss it all the time and frequently feel powerless. Although our region is harsh with cold and long winters and rainless and cool summers, we cannot help adoring our homeland. 2.My Favourite Place Connection with nature is vital for any person. If you have that unique place where quietude and harmony reign, the more content... The most precious photo is that of my grandparents. In the picture the grandfather is sitting on a chair, his hands on his knees. He is wearing a white shirt and a black suit. He has broad shoulders and big strong arms. He worked hard all his life. Grandfather's hair is dark; he has thick black eyebrows, brown eyes, and large puffy lips. He looks brutal because of a strong–willed chin and wide cheekbones. However, he has kind eyes and a mischievous smile. Looking at the girl in the photo, I always smile. My grandmother is standing near her husband with her hand on his shoulder. She has a conservative, low–key appearance. Her long black dress looks smart. Her hair is tidy. On the photo she is smiling slightly. I have never seen my grandfather; my grandmother died when I was 4 years old. The only thing that I remember is her voice and the warm touch of her hands. I treasure this picture, because it is the only opportunity to look at Get more content on
  • 6. My Favorite Place Essay I was once a tour guide for several years. I have been to many parts of China and had a chance to live in the U.S.A for a while; but i should say that my favorite place is my hometown. It is quite amazing. If you were there now, you would be fascinated. I truly can not wait to take you into my hometown ,SiChuan. There are 23 provinces in China. SiChuan, the second largest one, is located in the southwest China and it looks like a huge basin. As it is sometimes very humid, people eat spicy food just to get rid of the moisture in the bodies. SiChuan is famous for its beautiful scenery, delicious food and belle. There is another important thing that makes SiChuan famous over the world. It is panda.It is well–known that here is panda's hometown. To be exact, the first panda was found in my birthplace–Ya'an. Panda is a kind of ancient animal. It's one of the rarest animal species in the world. As the quantity of pandas is quite small, they're called 'living fossil'by zoologists. The only wild panda protection base in the world is in Ya'an. Why did panda choose Ya'an at the earliest time until now? Because the overall ecological condition in SiChuan is very good. Especially in Ya'an ,there is no much factories, no pollution,the lakes and rivers here are very clean, those rolling mountains surround entire SiChuan, like a majestic dragon is protecting the magical place. Plenty of rain, flourished vegetation and bamboo forests which are the main factors for the habitat for panda. Ya'an is known as 'natural oxygen bar.' I still remember a morning after rain,I was about 12 years old ,followed my elder brother into the big mountain like primary forest,looking for the precious orchids.Although we found only few common orchids,we didn't feel unhappy because the air was extremely fresh ,sunshine through the millennium trees was like many stars falling eerily in the grass , and all kinds of bird calls sounded extraordinarily interesting. Mountains are always surrounded by white mist because of having high altitude which makes the scene very beautiful. It seems like entering a wonderland. Honestly, we didn't care if we found orchid or not; but we really enjoyed a special forest adventure trip. SiChuan has a lot of famous Get more content on
  • 7. My Favorite Place It feels like a location of my very own , not many people would not call it their favorite place but it has been mine all through high school and still till this day. The location became my best friend we saw each other everyday, and it always knew what was going on in my life. It was far from perfect but I never cared because it was something I always had and it never changed. It is still my favorite place because it holds memories of friends and milestones as well as problems and secrets. I almost spent more time there than I did at home or any where else for that matter. I never felt so welcomed anywhere like there was no one to judge me or anyone I was with. Where I came from there is not much to do or many places to even go,but this place was near and no one could tell me not to spend all of my time there. The feeling of freedom and of the closes thing I had to adventure at the time was one of the best feelings I could ever had. Since this is where I spent most of my time I made mistakes and great choices there. This place is where I learned who I value, what I value ,what my morals are and overall who I wanted to be. My favorite place is my favorite place because it was always there for me, it was accessible, and it taught me life lessons. My favorite place makes me feel relaxed,calm, and most importantly free. I felt a warm welcome everytime I went as if it had open arms waiting for me. The fresh cut grass was better than any candle or perfume. The grass was always Get more content on
  • 8. My Favorite Place The feeling of nostalgia of a place can bring back many happy memories. With the pressures and expectations of the world including society, family and friends I am always in need of a place I can escape to so that I can enjoy the world for what it is. The best place for me is sitting on the sand, perfectly, for the waves to touch my legs yet not too close that I am sucked into its motion. To me, it is myplace to calmly gather my thoughts and breathe without feeling suffocated. All I can hear are the waves and the sounds of the birds enjoying the clear skies. I can take in the smell of the salt water in the air and gaze at the horizon as the sun sets. It is the one place I don't mind being invisible because I feel like I am the only one there. My favorite place is the beach in Mombasa, Kenya. I have a sense of belonging with this place. Looking back, I can say that I have experienced change with this place. Unfortunately, there has been a huge impact on the beach environmentally. The marine life has been put in danger due to the amount of rubbish such as plastic bottles and bags being thrown into the ocean or even on the beach and around the hotels and resorts nearby. Through time, it has changed for the worst as it has not been taken care of and not treated with the care it should be. There has been no active role within the community to try to participate in making a change and bettering the environment. As we reviewed the term 'place' we looked at three criterion that Get more content on
  • 9. Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place For many people there is a sweet smell, a pleasing photograph, the familiar sound of happiness that bring them back to a place full of childhood images. In my life, I was lucky enough to have traveled to some of the most beautiful places on Earth. I have swum with the dolphins in crystal blue sea of Phuket Thailand and watch golden ray of the sunshine set behind mount Fuji in Japan. However, no places earth will compare to the loveliness of my childhood paradise, a place I called home. Barbara Kingsolver writes, "I have a place where all my stories begin," and my story began at a lake house located on the water edge of Little Toad Lake, Minnesota. (Kingsolver 939). It is where I spent half my life with my dog (Spike), sister, mom, and dad, through the hot summer days and freezing winter months. The house was built on the side of a steep hill leading down to a beach front lake. The main entrance had a big double iron door which lead into the living room overlooking the lake. The main living area had several big windows which let in a brilliant of sunlight onto the dark walnut floor. The fireplace mantle displays a big moose head that my dad shot on his hunting trip to Alaska (his prize possession). My favorite place of the house would be the kitchen. That's where all my lessons of cooking started. Thank you to my mom for teaching me the value of cooking. If it wasn't for her I would be eating ramens every day at college. Oh, the memories we had at the lake house. In the spring, my mom, sister, and I go on long walks in the woods to go mushroom hunting because who doesn't love free food. I remember making mushroom soup for the first time and almost burning my hands off because I forgot to turn the stove down to low and the pot was overflowing onto the floor. I could still remember the facial expression on my mom's face, let just say she was not a happy camper. One summer day, my sister and I were out fishing with my mom on the pontoon and we were catching a lot of fish and out of nowhere it started pouring rain. My mom started the pontoon and guess what? We ran out of gas in the middle of the lake. It took as over two hours to paddle back to shore but thank goodness it stopped raining. To this day we still Get more content on
  • 10. Describe My Favorite Place 1. There's a gas station which is very popular and busy, but at night it's very slow, barely anyone goes to the gas station. One night it was a few of my friends and I that went to this specific gas station for sodas and snacks. By the way, no one was at the gas station, no one purchasing anything inside or anyone at the pumps getting gas for their vehicles. It was an empty gas station, my friends and I, and the store employee were the only ones there. Once we were done purchasing our things we were walking back to our car we heard noises almost like a subtle laughter, so us white people investigated the surroundings. There was an alleyway in the back of the gas station that was very sketchy. We walked down the alley until we reached a high fence that was locked. My friend broke the lock, and we went into this sort of woody area, some like the woods. I didn't go in, but two of my friends did, and I heard the laughter, and then it went dead silent. The gas station was very sketchy, and I heard the very creepy laugh, so my friends and I left immediately. 2 . A happy place is my house, it's a pleasant place, but it's also one of my favorite places. It has everything I need and want; it's also delightful to be in my house, I enjoy It a lot. It is freezing and relaxing. I am barely there, but I would like to there more often. I have my bed, laptop, tv, computer, Xbox and my phone. I have everything there, and I quite honestly enjoy being there very much. I watch a lot of Get more content on
  • 11. My Favorite Place A favorite place should be a place that holds a lot of meaning, a place that has given you memories that you will remember forever. My favorite place might also be equalled as my least favorite place. For me this secretive location brings back both good memories and bad, that place being the Edwardsville Water Shed. This is where I hung out with my now ex–boyfriend for the very first time, and where I spent most of my birthday with him as well. This is where we smiled, talked, laughed, and made the memories that I now hold deep within my heart. I will always hold these memories fondly because even though recalling on them now makes me miss them like I miss him, they once were the memories that made me happiest. The Water Shed is not a place where I would just go to with anyone. This was our place. I could never visualize myself making another trip there unless it was with him because the times we spent there mean the world to me. Regardless of the sad emotions that the water shed brings me now, this place will always be my safe haven. Besides the memories made there, there is a plethora of other reasons why I would title the water shed as my favorite place. The atmosphere is inviting and adventurous. The hike to get there is long and tiring, but the end result is a picture you'd see in a museum. The scenery is beautiful. There are long green trees everywhere you turn your head providing the calming balance of shade and glowing sunlight. After about a mile of hiking on a Get more content on
  • 12. Describe My Favorite Place I have always been the type of person that likes to explore. I don't like to be inside, I like to be able to take everything in and watch what's round me. I love just watching the wildlife and exploring, finding new plants and trees blossoms my imagination. As I have explored a lot of places around me I have found one of my favorites. At Dawes Arboretum I have found and experienced many different things on my adventures that I want to share like: the trails, the kinds of people, the type of nature. When you go to a new place there is always that excitement of what's out there. Where do the different trails go. At Dawes there are many different trails and pathways to take. This place is huge you can follow the paths that they make or you can make your own. That's my favorite thing to do. I always love to find my own new things and make my own favorite paths. The Woodlands at Dawes is such a amazing but yet spooky place to visit. In this area there is many native plants along the paths like the buttonbush, foamflower, wild geranium. What makes this place so spooky but intriguing is the cemetery that lies here. It is named one of the oldest cemeteries in Licking County and is stilled used my the Beard–Green Family to this day. Another site that seems to be a popular one to explore is The Arboretum East. The trails here are a lot me rough so a lot of times more adventurous hikers go for these. This beautiful place has a little bit of everything. Its trailers are usually about Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On My Favorite Place The cul de sac was my favorite place. I loved to ride my bike in circles and read outside by the flowers that always smelled so sweet. Cars rushed past and I watched many pull in as time went on. It was my favorite place. The smell of food radiated from the kitchen as it does everyday my mom cooked. I would look up from my book and watch the old man walk himself in circles around the cul de sac. I was quite young at the time so I wasn't allowed out there too long by myself. When my mom came out to grab me she stopped and waved to our neighbor, briskly walking over to him. She then started a lengthy conversation with him. I stayed on the grass engaged in my book and every once in awhile looking up to see my mom in a conversation with our neighbor. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until the familiar smell of food was soon replaced with a burning smell. I turned my head quick to see shades of red and orange ignite in the house. At the time, I was too young to comprehend the importance and danger of what was happening. All the context clues did not seem to point out to me as danger, but I knew something was off. So, I quietly called "Mom, mom" over and over until she heard me. She turned to me giving me a pointed look for interrupting her conversation. "Yes?" She inquired. I slowly raised my arm up behind me and stuck my finger out at the house. Time seemed to slow down as my mom's eyes filled to the brim with fear and the house seemed to scream out at her. I stared as my mom Get more content on
  • 14. My Favorite Place Everyone has a place where they go to escape all the pressures and worries of everyday life. There is always that one spot that can soothe all their problems and stress. For me, the ultimate cure and favorite place is Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. My best memories were created by the beach just relaxing by the water, watching the beautiful sunset, and night fishing off the pier. My most favorite thing to do at Myrtle Beach is to relax on the beach. As I walked out of my condo, and slowly the sunrays begin to warm my body like a tanning bed. The smell of the salty sea runs through my nose as I inhale deeply. I feel the soft but hot sand between my toes as I drag my beach chair and cooler to the water's edge. I stare out into what looks like a never–ending body of water, its roar as loud as a tiger mesmerizes me as the waves crash against the shore. I set up my blue reclining chair, and open an oh–so cold Bud light without a care in the world. I sit and watch the cold water rush up my legs, burying my feet in the wet sand and drenching my chair. I listen to the very vivid voices of people and laughter of the children as they make their own memories just like I did as a child. Suddenly my skin starts to tingle and I know it's time to cool off in the big blue body of water. I walk gently as sharp seashells poke the bottom of my feet, and I jump as a small fish bumps into my leg. I love the way the sunrays hit my body as I start to float on top of the rolling waves. The salt Get more content on
  • 15. A Personal Essay : My Favorite Place Everybody has their own favorite place, food, thing, or event that happened. It can be from a memory that made it your favorite or it could be from a significant meaning to you personally. Alexis' favorite place with a significant value to her would be her grandparents' lake house. When she was a little girl she used to sleep the whole way since it is a six hour drive, since she has gotten older she hasn't slept the whole way and while she was awake she noticed; how little things like a song on the radio from her parents childhood, and even playing little games to pass the time, can make her truly understand how things would be completely different with family not around. Going from Ohio to Indiana there is not much to see. Cornfields, farms, highway, and an occasional dead deer is about the most exciting you get to see on the journey to her favorite spot. But talking to her family about everything possible, starting college, a new job, how to develop credit, and even high school drama that was going on, would never happen unless her family was there. During the drive Alexis gets very agitated and exhausted, but as soon as they pull on their road, she will be wide awake and ready to go whatever time it was. There is so many things to see at their house; her family, the boat, and the house itself. The weekend of Labor Day at her grandparents' means getting the opportunity to connect more with family, riding the boat around the peaceful lake, and being able to relax and Get more content on
  • 16. What Is My Favorite Vacation Place Essay Tawas Sometimes getting away from your home for a vacation is much needed for the mind and soul. For me, my favorite vacation place is the beautiful tourist city of Tawas, Michigan. My first exciting visit to Tawas was when I was ten years old. Since then, it has been an annual family trip. My favorite place in the city of Tawas is my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Danny's cabin that overlooks Lake Huron. They kindly allow us to stay there each summer. The creaking floors and squeaky swing on the lakefront gives it special qualities to show the years of love families have experienced there. I have many treasured memories at this special location. It bring smells, feelings, thoughts, and emotions that are just what I need to refresh my mind and soul. Over the years, Tawas has become my favorite summer location because of the beautiful sites of the lake, the soothing sounds of the water, the old cabin, and the fun memories. My favorite memory at Tawas is the long jet ski ride to a small island just off the tip of the bay. It has a very old small white lighthouse and a sandy beach. Other treasured memories in Tawas include nightly fires where myfamily sits around in lawn chairs and makes S'mores more content... This feeling of peace, quiet, and nature is exactly what I enjoy about this special vacation place. I have quickly grown attached to the traditional old brown log cabin in the past eight years. I like the traditional build of old logs, a stone fireplace, and two big windows overlooking the lake. As I enter the cabin I can hear the creaking of the old original hardwood floor. It catches my eye with the scratches and dents that give it character. My nose is tickled by the sweet smell of an old musty cabin and campfire. I can feel the unique stress that the wooden walls have experienced over the years. My mom says, "If these walls could speak image what the stories they could Get more content on
  • 17. My Favorite Place One of my favorite places in the world that has affected my life the most is my childhood town and my home in Mobile, Alabama. I grew up in a beige, two story house that sits on a long yard backed up to Dog River. My house is about ten minutes outside of downtown Mobile, AL and is very close to Mobile Bay. Spending time near the water and growing up in the area that I did greatly influenced the way that I think about things and the way that I live my life. My family has lived in them same area for generations and not many have moved away. In Jamaica Kincaid's A Small Place, Kincaid talks about how when multiple generations grow up in the same area, they tend to become more invested and involved with the area that they are in, growing in their appreciation for the place that they grew up. The place that I grew up in has greatly affected the person that I have become in ways such as where my ancestors are from, how I view social issues, and my own personal identity. My mother's family lived on the same river about a mile away, and my father's family had lived in the city for generations. The area I grew up in was the same area that my parents and grandparents grew up in, so it is safe to say that I was greatly influenced by the area. Since I have such a deep connection to the area I grew up in, I have developed a fondness for the river and the wildlife in it. My whole life I have loved to go fishing and skiing on the water, or just sitting on the bank of the river to relax. Get more content on
  • 18. What Is My Favorite Place Essay Everyone has a place they go to when they need to be comforted or a place to feel safe. For some people it's their school, house, park, or even a friend's home. For me, my favorite place to go to is the Fine Arts Building. Every time I have ever found myself in a situation where I was greatly upset or felt unsafe I always ran to the fine arts building on UNK campus even if it meant driving half an hour. Music has always been a comforting thing and that's what the fine arts building is all about. I can go almost anywhere in the building and feel completely at home. There are three places within the building that I enjoy the most. The lobby is the hub of the music building. It is the main place for people to drink coffee and chat. Everyone in the music building lives off of coffee and almost anyone can be seen drinking some kind of caffeinated beverage.The entire building always smells like coffee in every single room. No matter how far away the room is from the coffee shop. The lobby is always filled with people chatting or working on homework or studying music scores. I know that I can always find someone willing to talk to me whenever I walk into the lobby. All along the walls are dark gray couches with little end tables separating them. During marching season, there is always an iron and a sewing kit set out on one of the small tables. The other tables are covered in other student's belongings. There are two tables centered in the lobby where there is always someone Get more content on
  • 19. Descriptive Essay About My Favorite Place As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a good impression. I have a place that not only made a good impression, it changed me. It made me think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought all though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special. Waking up early in the morning and driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities. The Oregon coast is such a broad place to describe, but in reality, all the towns have the same feel but different atmosphere. Pacific City is small and quiet with a more content... Its cold, windy, and sunny all at the same time. The beach stretches for miles seeming endless, until it reaches a tall cliff with waves crashing against it. The sun shines down on the moisture in the air creating a "sparkling" affect to add to the view. In some spots on the coast giant rock formations stick out of the water, creating a question on how they formed there. Sea creatures dot the sand everywhere. Walking the beach with sand between your toes is and not a worry in your mind is one of the best feelings. If you time it right early in the mornings and late in the night low tide takes place and you can find sand dollars and unique shells. Beautiful houses and hotels line the beach all with the same withered look they all strive to have, and balconies on every place to capture the view. This destination is such an important place to Oregonians because its such a magical place. It transports you into a different dimension where there are no other places like it. You cannot be one the beach without a smile on your face, it's near impossible to be in a gloomy mood when there. Mainly magical because you can escape there with family and friends with many opportunities to try to experience new or traditional things. Like having a fire on a beach roasting s'mores with family and friends, or trying weird sea creature at a restaurant. The Oregon Coast will always hold a spot near to my heart. I can't wait for Get more content on