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My Father Reflection Paper
1. I believe the bond between a father and a daughter is one that is extremely important in the development of a young girl. 2. The goal of a father
should be to become a male role model, and exemplify all the exceptional qualities he would like his own child to portray in the future. 3. I
remember being impressed by my dad as a child. 4. He worked hard, he was in perfect shape, and he always seemed to be happy. 5. My dad and I
are very similar, we are stubborn, independent, and hardworking. 6. We both take practical approaches to life and like to get things done
efficiently. In this way we can connect. 7. My dad has always been extremely firm in his beliefs, and once he believes something it is nearly
impossible to shake him. 8. Overtime, I have noticed that the way he lives, has shaped me into the person I am today. 9. Although there are
several stories I could share about the impact my father has had on my life, three come to mind that showcase how he taught me to be brave, never
give up, and that practice truly does make perfect. 10. "No, I don't want to, I can't" I cried while peering down at the sinister waters below me. I
was overcome with fear as I sat five stories up on a waterslide that ventured through a tunnel surrounded by sharks. 11. I felt the intense heat of the
Bahamas and the sun beating down on my back as I contemplated whether or not I would go down the slide that seemed to be a death trap. 12. My
dad stood behind me, ready to ride the slide, and said "C'mon McKenna, you can do this". 13. Sharks are my biggest fear and my dad knew it, yet
still out of all the other water slide options our resort had to offer he chose that one. 14. As the line behind us grew, and the lifeguard in front of
me became impatient, I swallowed my pride and decided to go for it. 15. "Okay, fine." I said begrudgingly. 16. I sat in the inner tube with my dad,
and began the journey down the pitch black slide. 17. I still remember my heart beating fast as we twisted and turned all the way down, then finally
it came to an end and our tube flowed into a glass tank surrounded by massive sharks. 18. At first I was terrified, and was preparing for my life to
come to an end, but then I
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Essay on My Family: My Father
As I long I will be alive, my father would stay in my heart and thoughts. Every time I see my face, I can see some of his physical features through
the mirror. He not only is my biologic father, but also my inspiration in my life. He constantly inspires me to put efforts in my impossible dreams. In
return, I want to prove him myself and how capable I can be. With his personality, his role, and his unquestionable generosity, my father is a man who
influences me the most. My father's personality is not extraordinary or amazing, on the other hand, one of the simplest one I ever know. You don't
have to be fantastic like a superhero to be recognized by the ones you love. With my dad's outgoing attitude, you would be surprise that a
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However, my father would stay strong during crucial times at work for his family and himself. My father is a man of respect. I admire him as his first
and oldest daughter. No matter how mad or silly my sisters and I would get, he would be the peacemaker in the family. Let's say that my sisters and
I like to have fun at home. We have so much fun that we end up to be incredibly loud. Anyway, my dad can't stand us laughing out loud and acting
like savages at all. He would just break us apart to stop our noisy silliness. Sometimes I think my dad is over–protective. I think this way because when
my grand–father died. He couldn't tell me straight in the face. He didn't know how I would react with the bad news. So, my mother told me the horrible
news. Maybe he didn't want to tell me since he would admit that my grand–pa died.
What I truly believe is that his desire toward his children is to appreciate somebody for what they are and not their possessions or status. Just to think
about the idea, it is unimaginable to me. I don't know how people can support each other if they don't enjoy themselves together. The truth is that my
parents married each other due to their love not for anything' else. I don't think my sisters can conclude this from my parents since they're younger than
me. It feels like I am the only one who can comprehend my father's intention. I wish my sisters
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Memoir About My Father Essay
One event that defined a part of my life that involved literacy was when I had to write a memoir about my father. This memoir described and
expressed the feelings that I had and helped me come to terms with something that I had struggled with for 10 years. I was able to express feelings
that I had bottled up inside, and discover new things about myself. I was able to develop a healthy coping mechanism and inspire others around me as
well as help myself. When I was 4, my father left my brother, mother and I and we were alone and had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. The way
that I felt had only ever been expressed through poems that I had written over the years, but they were all full of anger and sadness and were all
feelings that more content...
Writing became a way for me to express other feelings throughout my young years, but I always ended up writing in notebooks about how I was
lonely and felt that I was the source of everything wrong in my life. Fast forward to 8th grade English class, and my teacher told us we had to
write a memoir about a moment in our life that scared us. Since I had many of those moments all throughout my life, I didn 't know which one to
pick. I didn 't decide what I was doing until the day before it was due when I sat down at my grandmas computer to type and print my assignment. I
contemplated writing about all of my near death experiences, but settled on something else.I decided to write about the one thing that changed my
life forever and that still haunted me to the very day and every moment. The topic, as you can guess, was my father. I started to write about how I
felt betrayed and unloved and how angry I was. I was typing feelings that I didn 't even know I had. I wrote about how he somehow was able to get
inside my head and become part of my every day thoughts. It was almost as if I was speaking to him through my writing, and I think that's what it
became. I sarcastically thanked him for not being there when I needed him most. I told him that I suffered through many hardships that involved my
mental and physical health, and that I was broken and didn't know how to handle it.
I wrote about how his bottles were more important than
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My Father: the Person I Admire Most Essays
My Father: The Person I Admire Most
Over time, there have been several people who have influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments,
and values. I have been privileged to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists
that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to
society, and their ability to change our futures. Of all the people I have encountered in my life, the person I admire most is my father. As the youngest
girl in my family, I always considered myself to be "Daddy's little girl." Growing up it always more content...
No matter how tired he was from his long work week, he would be up bright and early Saturday morning to attend any of our sporting events,
tournaments, or recitals, and then chauffeur us and our friends to slumber parties or school dances. He was always very protective and kept a
watchful eye over us. My father's protectiveness and selflessness generated at a young age for him. He is the ninth of twelve children, and often
told us stories of how he had to look after, and practically raise his three younger siblings after my grandfather had passed. He made certain they
completed their chores around my grandmother's farm, maintained good hygiene practices, and kept up with their schoolwork. School was extremely
important to my father, because he knew an education was the only way he could be successful. Proudly, he finished high school at the age of
sixteen, but could not follow the footsteps of his older brothers and join the military, because he was too young. Therefore, he decided to continue his
studies. The completion of his degree in biology was bittersweet. He was the first and the only one in his family to have graduated from college,
however, there were not a lot of opportunities for a young African–American male in 1957, in small town Alabama. After taking few odd jobs, he
decided to enlist in the military. My father had encountered many challenges in his life, but one of his toughest was seeking to date my mother. He was
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My Father : The Hardest Time Of My Life
The hardest time in a person's life is often following the death of a close family member. Death is hard, losing someone you love and see on a daily
basis causes great grief and sorrow. For me that special person I lost was my Dad. My father died when I was twelve and it was no doubt the hardest
time of my life. Our relationship was indescribable I was his little buddy and we went absolutely everywhere together, and when he died it was like
he just disappeared from my life forever. As a young boy you really do not know how to react to such a terrible situation. Neil Ibrahim a father of four
dies young and it's just you and your brother left to carry the family name. Throughout the grieving process one learns who really cares about his or
hers well being and the upbringing of their children without a father, losing your father makes you more responsible and a more humble person
because you are all they left behind.
Family members tend to comfort each other after a tragic loss. Many would comfort us however we soon learned who really cared about us and
who did not. I always say when someone dies you see the family's true colors. Following his death I had many father like figures step up to the
plate but at the end they had their own families and rarely ever contacted me or my brother again. Uncles and aunts who I rarely ever associated with
included me in vacations and sleepovers.Throughout the most difficult time of my life people took me in and raised me as one of their own. For
instance my aunt Margaret and uncle Mark have included me in an infinite amount of family vacations and activities, they really care about me and
want to see me succeed as an individual. Afterall strangers will step in and give you assistance not for their benefit, but for the benefit of yourself.
I label this as the most difficult time of my life because it helped guide me to the person I am today. Before my Dad died I was a more reserved
child, however following the death I turned into a more responsible and humorous guy. For example I learned just how much burden is left on the
man of the house when our Dad died. He made all of the financial decision and when he was gone it was our priority to fulfil the burden. My older
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My Dad Inspired Me Essay
The family member that inspires me the most if my dad. My dad has been an amazing person for as long as I can remember. He has been successful
ever since he came from Malaysia, he is very talented in many ways, he is hardworking, and almost never gives up. My dad has encouraged me to
always do my best, always study hard, and to be the best person I can be. If my dad was not here, I think I would be a very different person than who I
am today. My dad has also inspired me to one day become a great doctor like him. In this essay I will go more in depth and tell you how much of an
inspirational person my dad is. My dad is a very hard working person. It is one of the of the qualities that has gotten him this far. First off, he came to more content...
My dad is an incredible tennis player, and he takes me to play tennis every now and then. He teaches me how to play correctly instead of using my
master strategy of baseball hitting balls over the fence. Again, my dad is very good at the musical arts. He does karaoke and plays guitar often while
recording it for people to enjoy. Crafty is an understatement for him. He can build anything with a hammer, nails, and wood. Ok, maybe not just those
things, but he built our entire basement, fixed up our house, built parts of our bathroom, and more. This inspires me to either become a doctor, or an
architect, and he inspires me to play tennis in high
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My Relationship With My Father
I believe that having a relationship that changes your life or changes the way you think or do something is very valuable. Having that kind of
relationship with my father is very impactful on my life. All the positive aspects of our relationship comes to my mind. Reflecting on our relationship,
many stories are emphasized in our relationship; stories that were impacting and made me who I am to this moment. My dad is a business owner,
builder, ex–skater, drum player, video gamer, soccer player, loving husband and father, and a faithful servant to our Lord, Jesus Christ. So being able to
relate to my dad is very easy to me, for I share many of those talents and hobbies. As the oldest son in the family I didn't really have anyone to look up
to or strive to be like a certain person that was close to my age. That led me to walk in my dad's footsteps. Watching my dad give glory toGod for all
that he has given to our family was truly incredible to me. My dad's work rate, his ability to help others when they need it most, his ability to get
tasks done thoroughly was amazing to me. I truly know that he is a wonderful role model for me. Three stories come to mind when I think of my dad.
He taught me various things in every one, they are: to listen to God when you struggle, to work hard and finish things well, and to love others even
when we dislike their motives or actions.
I remember when my dad gave me advice for handling hard things. I remember when I struggled with one thing
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My Father Essay
Our world is filled with so many different types of people. As life goes on, people come and go just like you pass cars on the highway. Some grow
old while others die young. I have met so many incredible and unbelievable people over the years. However, there is one person who stood out to
me above others, my father. He was someone like no other person could be. My father helped me through everything. It is very heart breaking to
say I no longer can go to him for anything, but I know he is watching me from above. I would do anything to be able to talk to him again. My father
impacted my life tremendously like no other person has before. In the beginning, my father was a man who worked his whole entire life, even up
to a week before he passed away. He was very determined, smart, and indescribable. He was someone who would take his own life for someone
else and helped everyone he met. All of the memories I have made with my father is significant to me. I have cherished each and every one,
whether it was good or bad. Losing someone is hard and your life completely changes. Strengthening my faith in God has helped me the most
through this tough time. No one said life was going to be easy, but the bumps in life lead you to become a stronger person. Since my father has
passed away, he has made me change the way I look at life. Never take anything for granted and always try your very best. If you set your mind to
something, you will become successful. When I was a few weeks old,
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Dreams from My Father Essay
Essay: Dreams From My Father
Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father is exactly what it claims to be by title, a story of race and identity. Barack Obama comes from a diverse
background, which he explores throughout the book. Having a white American mother and black Kenyan father, he has a different experience than
the majority of people in society when it comes to race and identity, however still it seems similar to the experience of many blacks as described in
William E. Cross's Black Psychological theory, the Nigresence Model of Racial Identity Development. While Obama's experience does not
necessarily occur in chronological order according to Cross's model, in my opinion, it portrays a good example of how someone enters each stage of more content...
At this stage, it is suggested that an individual sees him or herself as part of the entire human family, proud to be black, but not limited to blackness.
The individual sees people only as people, not as black people, or white people, etc. Furthermore, one thing that pertains particularly to Barack, in my
opinion, is that individuals in this stage enjoy regular company of a wide array of people and most importantly fight for a wide array of causes, which
are not specific to race.
Getting to this place was a journey for Obama just as it is for all others, in my opinion. My perception of the encounter, for Barack, was neither
horribly negative, nor very positive. He was simply lost, it seemed. As a young child attending a prestigious school in Hawaii, Barack Obama was cared
for by his white American mother and grandparents, but was a brown child, having also a black Kenyan father. Barack was an outcast for everyone,
being secluded from the whites because of his look, and having a different outlook than other black students at his school who held the view that they
were oppressed by white people. It was far from sensible that the people who loved, cared for, and supported him the most could oppress Barack.
Curiosity was inevitable for the boy, however, and led him into what William E. Cross's Nigresence Model declared was the immersion stage of racial
identity for a black person. In this stage, African Americans basically submerge
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My Father: An Influential Person In My Life
Who is the most influential person in your life? Most of us would say our father, mother and maybe girlfriend or boyfriend. Mine would be no
different. My father has this capacity or power of affecting me without any direct or apparent effort. The most influential person in my life beyond a
shadow of a doubt is my father. There are a lot of people who said a perfect father does not exist. Well, they have never been so wrong. Maybe not all
fathers in the world are perfect but mine definitely is. My father is an exceptional person. I love everything about my old man, the way he speaks, he
behaves and they way he moves are beyond perfection in my eyes. I am immensely proud to have the chance to be his son, I felt like I am this small
present of a great person he is. Now, sit back and let me describe how great my father was so you will know how special he is. My father was 39 years
old when I was born, as my parents were married quite late. He would be 61 years old by now. My father was working in a bank, AmBank to be
precise before he retired in more content...
He was only around 5 feet 3 inches tall. When I was in form 4, I began to grow taller than him. Because of that, I always made fun of him but he
never got angry at me before not even once. You would always find my father with his glasses unless he was reading newspaper. My father looked
like how most typical Chinese men would look like, fair skin, round face, small brown eyes and black curly hair. When it comes to his body, my
father was a bit flabby and plump. He had this small belly fat that most of the men after 40 have due to losses of muscle tissue or muscle mass. He
did not work out much, the only exercise he did was the once a blue moon brisk walking after dinner. I can describe every physical attributes of my
father more comprehensively but it will end up being some of the same attributes of any other man in the
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Essay about My Father's Life
My Father's Life
"The truth is that the life of an individual is not more interesting than the life of a whole nation. And another truth is that not everyone is able to
describe his/her life the way great writers do." This was my father's first response to my request of knowing more about his past life.
My father, Ruben Aslanian, was born on April 12 the year 1951 in asmall village of Abkhazia called Mteesoubanee. Abkhazia was part of the Georgia
republic during the mid nineteenth century and Georgia was one of the fourteen republics of the outdated Soviet Union. The village my father lived in
does not have anything in common with the villages of the present time. One of the main differences is that those villages were more
He did not follow the canon of weak and powerful and he treated all people equally. Once when he was about five years old, he was playing in the
yard of his grandfather with the three–year–old cousin of his.
Suddenly the neighbor's kid, same age as my father, came over with a stick and started hitting the little one. My father got another stick and began
hitting the neighbor's son until the left with tears in his eyes. He came back with his grandma, who was yelling at my father and except that, my
father's grandfather punished him and asked him to leave.
My father went to the bushes and started crying out of offence. "As a little kid back then, I was thinking that they were so unfair and except that they
did not let me be fair either." After a while, his grandpa came and admitted that he saw everything and that my father was right but he had to punish
him so they would not get into a conflict with the neighbors. From his grandfather's words, my father was finally relived.
Petros was his grandfather's name and he did not love my father as much, as he loved my father's younger brother named Rafik. Petros thought Rafik
looked more like himself and my father looked more like Aik Kakulian, the grandfather from the mother's side. Petros used to call my father Kakul to
insult him, something that bothered my father a lot. "After the situation with the neighbor kid, I was
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My Father
My Father In my family, the person who I admire is my father. He is over 40 years old, not very tall but has got a medium built, his voice is low and
his movements are slow and cautious. In a word, he is a good––looking person in my eyes. My father is a very successful businessman, and he always
tells me the way to be a man, how to succeed in my life and how to cherish time. He is always gone through a lot of ups and downs in his life, but
my father faced the difficulties with great courage and a strong will, I have learned a lot from him, and this makes my father and me closely. My
father is my role model and I will do my best to become a person like him. He also impresses me most with his optimism, hard––working and
confidence, more content...
My Father In my family, the person who I admire is my father. He is over 40 years old, not very tall but has got a medium built, his voice is low and
his movements are slow and cautious. In a word, he is a good––looking person in my eyes. My father is a very successful businessman, and he always
tells me the way to be a man, how to succeed in my life and how to cherish time. He is always gone through a lot of ups and downs in his life, but
my father faced the difficulties with great courage and a strong will, I have learned a lot from him, and this makes my father and me closely. My
father is my role model and I will do my best to become a person like him. He also impresses me most with his optimism, hard––working and
confidence, which I also inherited. He always tells me "life is just like a box of chocolate; you have to taste the bitterness at the beginning, then comes
to the sweetness." I am proud of my
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My Father Essay
The leader in my life is my father, as he has helped me journey through my life till this day and will continue helping me in the near future. I think
to a large extent that my father has lead me to become the person that I am today, and I believe that I would not be the same person without my
father's positive thoughts and influential words he has provided me during the tough times I have experienced. My father has impacted me in many
ways, for example, the morals he lives by has impacted me to keep living by the same morals. The morals he believes are mostly past down from his
parents (my grandparents) and that is the reason why I will do the same in the future. I believe that my father was also greatly impacted by my more content...
Natalie has inspired me to remember that no matter what happens, I just need to face reality and try harder next time because there will always be
another chance. I believe that Natalie is able to continue inspiring me in the future because she is still working very hard to leave a footprint on
this world and this impacts me greatly because I believe that I will one day leave something behind in the future. Natalie's source of power and
confidence in her came from within; she is a strong independent human being that was able to pick herself up no matter what life hits her with. I
believe that she would not have been so strong if it was not for her injury, this shows that there is always be something positive behind all the
negative things. She is a true leader because she is constantly spreading her own journey to many more people because she knows that there are so
many people sharing her struggle. She is so inspiring because she has said that the most powerful tool is self–belief. [302] My World One of the most
influential leaders in my world is Emma Watson. Emma Watson is an actress and a powerful voice for many women around the world. She starred in
the popular film series, Harry Potter, at the age of 9 and has still carried on inspiring people to this day. Emma Watson is a feminist icon;
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Personal Narrative
The Day My Father Left Us
My story begins when I was in the second grade. Times were good, and I was enjoying my childhood. On a certain Sunday I and my mom attended
church, as we did on other Sunday's. This time though my dad decided not to come with us because he said he was tired. So we were off on our own
doing our regular Sunday activities.
Activities on this day were pretty normal. We attended a nice church service, mingled with friends, helped out around the church, and either went out to
eat or headed home for a nice cooked meal. On this particular day we had went out with a few church family members to a nice restaurant and decided
to go home and relax for the week ahead of us. As we came home we were in for a big surprise. more content...
The letter was read by mom first and later she explained its significance as a whole. The letter itself stated that things were not going as my pops had
planned. He felt that it was better if he left since it would be a better environment for me. From this I understood, my mom and dad used to have
arguments for no reason or something very small. My pops would come in late at night and just start arguing with my mom for something useless.
This often led to tension in the household, and sometimes I felt I was caught in middle. So therefore his excuse for leaving was that of trying to ease
the situation between my mom and dad while still being in my life, when I needed him.
My mom elaborated for me stating that things happen in life that we can not control. At times like this I should not blame myself just keep in mind
that both of my parents love me and are doing something for me to have a better living environment and upbringing. Although it might be difficult to
except this at first it might just be for the better of things in general. After I heard and accepted what my mom had to say, I was ready to hear what
my pops had to say about it in his own words.
From the time my pops left I did not speak to him. I completely abandoned him, just like the way I felt he did to me. He tried to call me, I did not call
him back, he tried to write me, I did not write him back, he even tried to come up and see me one day after school, I
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My Father Essay
Have you ever wished you should of just done something when asked? If someone paramount to you or a loved one ask something from you or to
do something for them do it, because you never know what can happen. You can lose that person in a blink of an eye. There's always that one little
thing that a loved one always asks for and every time it's asked you say to yourself, " ugh my god." The day that individual departs your going to wish
to have them ask you for that favor every five minutes of your life. Just to perceive them say it one more time.
Something I will contrition for the rest of my life is the rejection I gave my father when asked to do something so little. My father and I always had a
pronounced relationship. I was basically more content...
Every time he would ask me I would get incensed or make a face, because I didn't want to. I'd rather go play with my friends or watch TV or some
other curricular activity. Compact things like that I wish I can do now every day and every minute of my life.
When my father was here physically I thought all the unimportant things were annoying, but now since he's gone physically I find each and every
unimportant thing so significant. I regret not doing what he would ask because knowing you cant do those compact things ever again is the most
hurtful thing in the world. Who knew you would miss being told to do something? I knew once I lost the most paramount thing in my life. My other
half, my best friend, a part of me. When individuals say you never know what you have until it's gone, it's a proven fact. You don't ever know how
essential something is or how much someone or something means to you until you can't see, touch or feel it ever again.
When something is asked from a loved one or someone that means a lot to you just do it, because you never know when you can lose that person.
The day you do lose that person you will wish that you did all the little nonessential things that meant nothing to you but meant the world to them.
From experience I can say that I wish I can repeat the first couple years prior to when he was diagnosed to just do the things he asked. For the rest of
my life I will remorse the fact that I couldn't do what he asked me too, because of
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My Life With My Father Essay
The One Week That Will Last a Lifetime Isn 't it funny how fast life can seem to pass by? Often we are so caught up in the daily actions of the
world that we miss certain things in the meantime. As if we all have infinite time to do infinite things with the people that we carry dearly in our
hearts every single day. Life as we know however, is not always this beautiful. I found this outthe hard way by losing my father, and falling into a
depression I struggle with everyday. I had a very interesting and in what most cases I consider myself to be a "modern" type of relationship with
my father. My parents had divorced when I was a child, I would go with my mom on weekdays, and my dad on weekends. Most of the time. In the
year 2013 my dad, because of the health of my grandmother was forced to move to Grand Junction. While 16 at the time, I knew that this was
indeed something he needed to do. This only made our time together less frequent than it was already was. I was a very peculiar son however, I
loved my parents there was never any question of that fact. Due to the little time I got to spend with my father however, I always felt as if our
relationship never evolved to the biggest it could be. After graduating high school last year, there was a new sense of commitment in myself however.
I was about to get a car and soon would be able to travel to and from Grand Junction at my own discretion and that couldn't have excited me more.
Finally, a chance to get that relationship
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Descriptive Essay About My Father
Every person I have ever met has someone that they are able to look up to and can say that that specific person is their hero. A very important person
in my life that has affected me in many ways would be my father. There is so much to know about such a great person. Lance Knight is a mentor, a
hard worker, a businessman, an avid ice hockey fan, and a loving dad. Whether he is at home, in the office, or out socializing with friends and family
you can always expect a friendly and positive demeanor. My father is one of the most paramount and compelling people in my life due to his love
he shares for others, his influential advice, and the countless similarities we have in common. The love that my father has for others shines like the
first light of day of a bright Arizona sunrise. His loyalty to his friends and family is unparalleled to others. One example of this would be during
the holidays towards his family. He understands that family time is extremely important, which is why he does his best to create memorable
experiences that last a lifetime. Another example of this involves his business clients that he takes such great care of. As a financial advisor and
money manager for other people, he treats everyone of them as if they were his closest and dearest friends. He understands that effort and hard
work put in towards others will pay back in the future. Overtime, a level of trust is built between him and his clients causing them to consistently
ask for influential advice. Lance is one of the most influential people I have ever met. The advice that he has given me in the past has helped me
through many life situations. This specific characteristic has caused him to be a great mentor and life coach to countless people. What makes him
stand out even more is his constant willingness to provide his influential advice to help others. I have even had close friends ask him for advice on
certain topics of business within their college courses. Another example of influential advice that he has given happened within the past few weeks
towards myself. I had gotten cut from my recent ice hockey team and I was debating on whether to continue playing or instead attend college in
December. He was the one that convinced
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Narrative Essay About My Father
My father was gone before I was born, and was absent in a crucial period of time in my life. It affected me in the aspect of becoming a man, and the
idea of two people coming together as one. A single mother is one of the hardest situations known to man, and knowing that my father put my mother
through this predicament upsets me to my core. I don't remember much about the stories my family told about my father, but I do know that I
struggled without a father figure. Though my dad ended up in my life, he still left a hole in crucial moments of my childhood. My mom had two
jobs, and went to school full time. She was the hardest working women I have ever seen. Credit goes to my mother for being that example of hard
work, and dedication. With that being said, I remember walking in on my mom helplessly sobbing while holding a couple pieces of paper in her
hand. I realized that they were bills, and we were falling behind somehow. I didn't understand the whole situation, but all I could think of was my
father. If he were here we would have more money, and with the help of another adult it could take a lot of the duties, and stress off my mother. I was
in search for that manly role model to teach me the basics of becoming a gentlemen. Someone to look up too, and find interest in the the things that I
enjoyed. Don't get me wrong, I loved the fact that my mom tried, and succeed for the most part. Their is just somethings that the dad has to go through
with his son, like a mother
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My Father Essay
As a toddler, I spent my time living with my grandparents and my mother in Honduras. My father had moved to the United States just a few months
after I was born. My mother would work during the day and my uncle's wife would baby sit me. I was still quite young and all I knew was that my
father moved because he wanted to provide the best he could for his family. I lived in a house where not only my mother and I resided, we shared a
home with four of my cousins, two of my uncles, and their wives. Everything I received at that age came from what my dad sent my mom and the
rest of his family and what my mom earned. In 2004, months after my 4th birthday, my mother told me we were finally going to be reunited with my
dad. I was of more content...
Growing up in a country where people like my family and I are looked down upon, I have come to view college as a vital piece to my life's puzzle.
My family and I like many others, did not come to this country to try and take away the jobs and educational opportunities of Americans. We came
to this country because in Central America my dad would not have the job opportunity he has now and I would not have a chance to get a degree. At
my age, girls in Honduras are being forced to choose between going to school or living. Here I have been lucky enough to have family, friends, and
teachers who have seen potential in me.
I knew once I entered high school, that there was nothing that would stop me from receiving the education, I felt I deserved. Along the years I
have met others with a situation similar to mine, who never gave and up and were able to attend the college of their choice. Neither of my parents
completed high school and have made so many sacrifices to provide for their family. In 2011, after 11 years my father had the opportunity to see his
family once again. Meanwhile my mother has been in this country for 13 years and has been unable to see her two sons. She had to make the
sacrifice of leaving them behind at a very young age and she, like my father lost the opportunity to see her children grow. Knowing the sacrifices that
both my parents had to make, just to provide an education for me, I am determined to achieve success. My
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My Father Reflection Paper

  • 1. My Father Reflection Paper 1. I believe the bond between a father and a daughter is one that is extremely important in the development of a young girl. 2. The goal of a father should be to become a male role model, and exemplify all the exceptional qualities he would like his own child to portray in the future. 3. I remember being impressed by my dad as a child. 4. He worked hard, he was in perfect shape, and he always seemed to be happy. 5. My dad and I are very similar, we are stubborn, independent, and hardworking. 6. We both take practical approaches to life and like to get things done efficiently. In this way we can connect. 7. My dad has always been extremely firm in his beliefs, and once he believes something it is nearly impossible to shake him. 8. Overtime, I have noticed that the way he lives, has shaped me into the person I am today. 9. Although there are several stories I could share about the impact my father has had on my life, three come to mind that showcase how he taught me to be brave, never give up, and that practice truly does make perfect. 10. "No, I don't want to, I can't" I cried while peering down at the sinister waters below me. I was overcome with fear as I sat five stories up on a waterslide that ventured through a tunnel surrounded by sharks. 11. I felt the intense heat of the Bahamas and the sun beating down on my back as I contemplated whether or not I would go down the slide that seemed to be a death trap. 12. My dad stood behind me, ready to ride the slide, and said "C'mon McKenna, you can do this". 13. Sharks are my biggest fear and my dad knew it, yet still out of all the other water slide options our resort had to offer he chose that one. 14. As the line behind us grew, and the lifeguard in front of me became impatient, I swallowed my pride and decided to go for it. 15. "Okay, fine." I said begrudgingly. 16. I sat in the inner tube with my dad, and began the journey down the pitch black slide. 17. I still remember my heart beating fast as we twisted and turned all the way down, then finally it came to an end and our tube flowed into a glass tank surrounded by massive sharks. 18. At first I was terrified, and was preparing for my life to come to an end, but then I Get more content on
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  • 4. My Father: the Person I Admire Most Essays My Father: The Person I Admire Most Over time, there have been several people who have influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments, and values. I have been privileged to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our futures. Of all the people I have encountered in my life, the person I admire most is my father. As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be "Daddy's little girl." Growing up it always more content... No matter how tired he was from his long work week, he would be up bright and early Saturday morning to attend any of our sporting events, tournaments, or recitals, and then chauffeur us and our friends to slumber parties or school dances. He was always very protective and kept a watchful eye over us. My father's protectiveness and selflessness generated at a young age for him. He is the ninth of twelve children, and often told us stories of how he had to look after, and practically raise his three younger siblings after my grandfather had passed. He made certain they completed their chores around my grandmother's farm, maintained good hygiene practices, and kept up with their schoolwork. School was extremely important to my father, because he knew an education was the only way he could be successful. Proudly, he finished high school at the age of sixteen, but could not follow the footsteps of his older brothers and join the military, because he was too young. Therefore, he decided to continue his studies. The completion of his degree in biology was bittersweet. He was the first and the only one in his family to have graduated from college, however, there were not a lot of opportunities for a young African–American male in 1957, in small town Alabama. After taking few odd jobs, he decided to enlist in the military. My father had encountered many challenges in his life, but one of his toughest was seeking to date my mother. He was Get more content on
  • 5. My Father : The Hardest Time Of My Life The hardest time in a person's life is often following the death of a close family member. Death is hard, losing someone you love and see on a daily basis causes great grief and sorrow. For me that special person I lost was my Dad. My father died when I was twelve and it was no doubt the hardest time of my life. Our relationship was indescribable I was his little buddy and we went absolutely everywhere together, and when he died it was like he just disappeared from my life forever. As a young boy you really do not know how to react to such a terrible situation. Neil Ibrahim a father of four dies young and it's just you and your brother left to carry the family name. Throughout the grieving process one learns who really cares about his or hers well being and the upbringing of their children without a father, losing your father makes you more responsible and a more humble person because you are all they left behind. Family members tend to comfort each other after a tragic loss. Many would comfort us however we soon learned who really cared about us and who did not. I always say when someone dies you see the family's true colors. Following his death I had many father like figures step up to the plate but at the end they had their own families and rarely ever contacted me or my brother again. Uncles and aunts who I rarely ever associated with included me in vacations and sleepovers.Throughout the most difficult time of my life people took me in and raised me as one of their own. For instance my aunt Margaret and uncle Mark have included me in an infinite amount of family vacations and activities, they really care about me and want to see me succeed as an individual. Afterall strangers will step in and give you assistance not for their benefit, but for the benefit of yourself. I label this as the most difficult time of my life because it helped guide me to the person I am today. Before my Dad died I was a more reserved child, however following the death I turned into a more responsible and humorous guy. For example I learned just how much burden is left on the man of the house when our Dad died. He made all of the financial decision and when he was gone it was our priority to fulfil the burden. My older brother Get more content on
  • 6. My Dad Inspired Me Essay The family member that inspires me the most if my dad. My dad has been an amazing person for as long as I can remember. He has been successful ever since he came from Malaysia, he is very talented in many ways, he is hardworking, and almost never gives up. My dad has encouraged me to always do my best, always study hard, and to be the best person I can be. If my dad was not here, I think I would be a very different person than who I am today. My dad has also inspired me to one day become a great doctor like him. In this essay I will go more in depth and tell you how much of an inspirational person my dad is. My dad is a very hard working person. It is one of the of the qualities that has gotten him this far. First off, he came to more content... My dad is an incredible tennis player, and he takes me to play tennis every now and then. He teaches me how to play correctly instead of using my master strategy of baseball hitting balls over the fence. Again, my dad is very good at the musical arts. He does karaoke and plays guitar often while recording it for people to enjoy. Crafty is an understatement for him. He can build anything with a hammer, nails, and wood. Ok, maybe not just those things, but he built our entire basement, fixed up our house, built parts of our bathroom, and more. This inspires me to either become a doctor, or an architect, and he inspires me to play tennis in high Get more content on
  • 7. My Relationship With My Father I believe that having a relationship that changes your life or changes the way you think or do something is very valuable. Having that kind of relationship with my father is very impactful on my life. All the positive aspects of our relationship comes to my mind. Reflecting on our relationship, many stories are emphasized in our relationship; stories that were impacting and made me who I am to this moment. My dad is a business owner, builder, ex–skater, drum player, video gamer, soccer player, loving husband and father, and a faithful servant to our Lord, Jesus Christ. So being able to relate to my dad is very easy to me, for I share many of those talents and hobbies. As the oldest son in the family I didn't really have anyone to look up to or strive to be like a certain person that was close to my age. That led me to walk in my dad's footsteps. Watching my dad give glory toGod for all that he has given to our family was truly incredible to me. My dad's work rate, his ability to help others when they need it most, his ability to get tasks done thoroughly was amazing to me. I truly know that he is a wonderful role model for me. Three stories come to mind when I think of my dad. He taught me various things in every one, they are: to listen to God when you struggle, to work hard and finish things well, and to love others even when we dislike their motives or actions. I remember when my dad gave me advice for handling hard things. I remember when I struggled with one thing Get more content on
  • 8. My Father Essay Our world is filled with so many different types of people. As life goes on, people come and go just like you pass cars on the highway. Some grow old while others die young. I have met so many incredible and unbelievable people over the years. However, there is one person who stood out to me above others, my father. He was someone like no other person could be. My father helped me through everything. It is very heart breaking to say I no longer can go to him for anything, but I know he is watching me from above. I would do anything to be able to talk to him again. My father impacted my life tremendously like no other person has before. In the beginning, my father was a man who worked his whole entire life, even up to a week before he passed away. He was very determined, smart, and indescribable. He was someone who would take his own life for someone else and helped everyone he met. All of the memories I have made with my father is significant to me. I have cherished each and every one, whether it was good or bad. Losing someone is hard and your life completely changes. Strengthening my faith in God has helped me the most through this tough time. No one said life was going to be easy, but the bumps in life lead you to become a stronger person. Since my father has passed away, he has made me change the way I look at life. Never take anything for granted and always try your very best. If you set your mind to something, you will become successful. When I was a few weeks old, Get more content on
  • 9. Dreams from My Father Essay Essay: Dreams From My Father Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father is exactly what it claims to be by title, a story of race and identity. Barack Obama comes from a diverse background, which he explores throughout the book. Having a white American mother and black Kenyan father, he has a different experience than the majority of people in society when it comes to race and identity, however still it seems similar to the experience of many blacks as described in William E. Cross's Black Psychological theory, the Nigresence Model of Racial Identity Development. While Obama's experience does not necessarily occur in chronological order according to Cross's model, in my opinion, it portrays a good example of how someone enters each stage of more content... At this stage, it is suggested that an individual sees him or herself as part of the entire human family, proud to be black, but not limited to blackness. The individual sees people only as people, not as black people, or white people, etc. Furthermore, one thing that pertains particularly to Barack, in my opinion, is that individuals in this stage enjoy regular company of a wide array of people and most importantly fight for a wide array of causes, which are not specific to race. Getting to this place was a journey for Obama just as it is for all others, in my opinion. My perception of the encounter, for Barack, was neither horribly negative, nor very positive. He was simply lost, it seemed. As a young child attending a prestigious school in Hawaii, Barack Obama was cared for by his white American mother and grandparents, but was a brown child, having also a black Kenyan father. Barack was an outcast for everyone, being secluded from the whites because of his look, and having a different outlook than other black students at his school who held the view that they were oppressed by white people. It was far from sensible that the people who loved, cared for, and supported him the most could oppress Barack. Curiosity was inevitable for the boy, however, and led him into what William E. Cross's Nigresence Model declared was the immersion stage of racial identity for a black person. In this stage, African Americans basically submerge Get more content on
  • 10. My Father: An Influential Person In My Life Who is the most influential person in your life? Most of us would say our father, mother and maybe girlfriend or boyfriend. Mine would be no different. My father has this capacity or power of affecting me without any direct or apparent effort. The most influential person in my life beyond a shadow of a doubt is my father. There are a lot of people who said a perfect father does not exist. Well, they have never been so wrong. Maybe not all fathers in the world are perfect but mine definitely is. My father is an exceptional person. I love everything about my old man, the way he speaks, he behaves and they way he moves are beyond perfection in my eyes. I am immensely proud to have the chance to be his son, I felt like I am this small present of a great person he is. Now, sit back and let me describe how great my father was so you will know how special he is. My father was 39 years old when I was born, as my parents were married quite late. He would be 61 years old by now. My father was working in a bank, AmBank to be precise before he retired in more content... He was only around 5 feet 3 inches tall. When I was in form 4, I began to grow taller than him. Because of that, I always made fun of him but he never got angry at me before not even once. You would always find my father with his glasses unless he was reading newspaper. My father looked like how most typical Chinese men would look like, fair skin, round face, small brown eyes and black curly hair. When it comes to his body, my father was a bit flabby and plump. He had this small belly fat that most of the men after 40 have due to losses of muscle tissue or muscle mass. He did not work out much, the only exercise he did was the once a blue moon brisk walking after dinner. I can describe every physical attributes of my father more comprehensively but it will end up being some of the same attributes of any other man in the Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about My Father's Life My Father's Life "The truth is that the life of an individual is not more interesting than the life of a whole nation. And another truth is that not everyone is able to describe his/her life the way great writers do." This was my father's first response to my request of knowing more about his past life. My father, Ruben Aslanian, was born on April 12 the year 1951 in asmall village of Abkhazia called Mteesoubanee. Abkhazia was part of the Georgia republic during the mid nineteenth century and Georgia was one of the fourteen republics of the outdated Soviet Union. The village my father lived in does not have anything in common with the villages of the present time. One of the main differences is that those villages were more content... He did not follow the canon of weak and powerful and he treated all people equally. Once when he was about five years old, he was playing in the yard of his grandfather with the three–year–old cousin of his. Suddenly the neighbor's kid, same age as my father, came over with a stick and started hitting the little one. My father got another stick and began hitting the neighbor's son until the left with tears in his eyes. He came back with his grandma, who was yelling at my father and except that, my father's grandfather punished him and asked him to leave. My father went to the bushes and started crying out of offence. "As a little kid back then, I was thinking that they were so unfair and except that they did not let me be fair either." After a while, his grandpa came and admitted that he saw everything and that my father was right but he had to punish him so they would not get into a conflict with the neighbors. From his grandfather's words, my father was finally relived. Petros was his grandfather's name and he did not love my father as much, as he loved my father's younger brother named Rafik. Petros thought Rafik looked more like himself and my father looked more like Aik Kakulian, the grandfather from the mother's side. Petros used to call my father Kakul to insult him, something that bothered my father a lot. "After the situation with the neighbor kid, I was Get more content on
  • 12. My Father My Father In my family, the person who I admire is my father. He is over 40 years old, not very tall but has got a medium built, his voice is low and his movements are slow and cautious. In a word, he is a good––looking person in my eyes. My father is a very successful businessman, and he always tells me the way to be a man, how to succeed in my life and how to cherish time. He is always gone through a lot of ups and downs in his life, but my father faced the difficulties with great courage and a strong will, I have learned a lot from him, and this makes my father and me closely. My father is my role model and I will do my best to become a person like him. He also impresses me most with his optimism, hard––working and confidence, more content... My Father In my family, the person who I admire is my father. He is over 40 years old, not very tall but has got a medium built, his voice is low and his movements are slow and cautious. In a word, he is a good––looking person in my eyes. My father is a very successful businessman, and he always tells me the way to be a man, how to succeed in my life and how to cherish time. He is always gone through a lot of ups and downs in his life, but my father faced the difficulties with great courage and a strong will, I have learned a lot from him, and this makes my father and me closely. My father is my role model and I will do my best to become a person like him. He also impresses me most with his optimism, hard––working and confidence, which I also inherited. He always tells me "life is just like a box of chocolate; you have to taste the bitterness at the beginning, then comes to the sweetness." I am proud of my Get more content on
  • 13. My Father Essay The leader in my life is my father, as he has helped me journey through my life till this day and will continue helping me in the near future. I think to a large extent that my father has lead me to become the person that I am today, and I believe that I would not be the same person without my father's positive thoughts and influential words he has provided me during the tough times I have experienced. My father has impacted me in many ways, for example, the morals he lives by has impacted me to keep living by the same morals. The morals he believes are mostly past down from his parents (my grandparents) and that is the reason why I will do the same in the future. I believe that my father was also greatly impacted by my more content... Natalie has inspired me to remember that no matter what happens, I just need to face reality and try harder next time because there will always be another chance. I believe that Natalie is able to continue inspiring me in the future because she is still working very hard to leave a footprint on this world and this impacts me greatly because I believe that I will one day leave something behind in the future. Natalie's source of power and confidence in her came from within; she is a strong independent human being that was able to pick herself up no matter what life hits her with. I believe that she would not have been so strong if it was not for her injury, this shows that there is always be something positive behind all the negative things. She is a true leader because she is constantly spreading her own journey to many more people because she knows that there are so many people sharing her struggle. She is so inspiring because she has said that the most powerful tool is self–belief. [302] My World One of the most influential leaders in my world is Emma Watson. Emma Watson is an actress and a powerful voice for many women around the world. She starred in the popular film series, Harry Potter, at the age of 9 and has still carried on inspiring people to this day. Emma Watson is a feminist icon; Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Narrative The Day My Father Left Us My story begins when I was in the second grade. Times were good, and I was enjoying my childhood. On a certain Sunday I and my mom attended church, as we did on other Sunday's. This time though my dad decided not to come with us because he said he was tired. So we were off on our own doing our regular Sunday activities. Activities on this day were pretty normal. We attended a nice church service, mingled with friends, helped out around the church, and either went out to eat or headed home for a nice cooked meal. On this particular day we had went out with a few church family members to a nice restaurant and decided to go home and relax for the week ahead of us. As we came home we were in for a big surprise. more content... The letter was read by mom first and later she explained its significance as a whole. The letter itself stated that things were not going as my pops had planned. He felt that it was better if he left since it would be a better environment for me. From this I understood, my mom and dad used to have arguments for no reason or something very small. My pops would come in late at night and just start arguing with my mom for something useless. This often led to tension in the household, and sometimes I felt I was caught in middle. So therefore his excuse for leaving was that of trying to ease the situation between my mom and dad while still being in my life, when I needed him. My mom elaborated for me stating that things happen in life that we can not control. At times like this I should not blame myself just keep in mind that both of my parents love me and are doing something for me to have a better living environment and upbringing. Although it might be difficult to except this at first it might just be for the better of things in general. After I heard and accepted what my mom had to say, I was ready to hear what my pops had to say about it in his own words. From the time my pops left I did not speak to him. I completely abandoned him, just like the way I felt he did to me. He tried to call me, I did not call him back, he tried to write me, I did not write him back, he even tried to come up and see me one day after school, I
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  • 16. My Father Essay Have you ever wished you should of just done something when asked? If someone paramount to you or a loved one ask something from you or to do something for them do it, because you never know what can happen. You can lose that person in a blink of an eye. There's always that one little thing that a loved one always asks for and every time it's asked you say to yourself, " ugh my god." The day that individual departs your going to wish to have them ask you for that favor every five minutes of your life. Just to perceive them say it one more time. Something I will contrition for the rest of my life is the rejection I gave my father when asked to do something so little. My father and I always had a pronounced relationship. I was basically more content... Every time he would ask me I would get incensed or make a face, because I didn't want to. I'd rather go play with my friends or watch TV or some other curricular activity. Compact things like that I wish I can do now every day and every minute of my life. When my father was here physically I thought all the unimportant things were annoying, but now since he's gone physically I find each and every unimportant thing so significant. I regret not doing what he would ask because knowing you cant do those compact things ever again is the most hurtful thing in the world. Who knew you would miss being told to do something? I knew once I lost the most paramount thing in my life. My other half, my best friend, a part of me. When individuals say you never know what you have until it's gone, it's a proven fact. You don't ever know how essential something is or how much someone or something means to you until you can't see, touch or feel it ever again. When something is asked from a loved one or someone that means a lot to you just do it, because you never know when you can lose that person. The day you do lose that person you will wish that you did all the little nonessential things that meant nothing to you but meant the world to them. From experience I can say that I wish I can repeat the first couple years prior to when he was diagnosed to just do the things he asked. For the rest of my life I will remorse the fact that I couldn't do what he asked me too, because of Get more content on
  • 17. My Life With My Father Essay The One Week That Will Last a Lifetime Isn 't it funny how fast life can seem to pass by? Often we are so caught up in the daily actions of the world that we miss certain things in the meantime. As if we all have infinite time to do infinite things with the people that we carry dearly in our hearts every single day. Life as we know however, is not always this beautiful. I found this outthe hard way by losing my father, and falling into a depression I struggle with everyday. I had a very interesting and in what most cases I consider myself to be a "modern" type of relationship with my father. My parents had divorced when I was a child, I would go with my mom on weekdays, and my dad on weekends. Most of the time. In the year 2013 my dad, because of the health of my grandmother was forced to move to Grand Junction. While 16 at the time, I knew that this was indeed something he needed to do. This only made our time together less frequent than it was already was. I was a very peculiar son however, I loved my parents there was never any question of that fact. Due to the little time I got to spend with my father however, I always felt as if our relationship never evolved to the biggest it could be. After graduating high school last year, there was a new sense of commitment in myself however. I was about to get a car and soon would be able to travel to and from Grand Junction at my own discretion and that couldn't have excited me more. Finally, a chance to get that relationship Get more content on
  • 18. Descriptive Essay About My Father Every person I have ever met has someone that they are able to look up to and can say that that specific person is their hero. A very important person in my life that has affected me in many ways would be my father. There is so much to know about such a great person. Lance Knight is a mentor, a hard worker, a businessman, an avid ice hockey fan, and a loving dad. Whether he is at home, in the office, or out socializing with friends and family you can always expect a friendly and positive demeanor. My father is one of the most paramount and compelling people in my life due to his love he shares for others, his influential advice, and the countless similarities we have in common. The love that my father has for others shines like the first light of day of a bright Arizona sunrise. His loyalty to his friends and family is unparalleled to others. One example of this would be during the holidays towards his family. He understands that family time is extremely important, which is why he does his best to create memorable experiences that last a lifetime. Another example of this involves his business clients that he takes such great care of. As a financial advisor and money manager for other people, he treats everyone of them as if they were his closest and dearest friends. He understands that effort and hard work put in towards others will pay back in the future. Overtime, a level of trust is built between him and his clients causing them to consistently ask for influential advice. Lance is one of the most influential people I have ever met. The advice that he has given me in the past has helped me through many life situations. This specific characteristic has caused him to be a great mentor and life coach to countless people. What makes him stand out even more is his constant willingness to provide his influential advice to help others. I have even had close friends ask him for advice on certain topics of business within their college courses. Another example of influential advice that he has given happened within the past few weeks towards myself. I had gotten cut from my recent ice hockey team and I was debating on whether to continue playing or instead attend college in December. He was the one that convinced Get more content on
  • 19. Narrative Essay About My Father My father was gone before I was born, and was absent in a crucial period of time in my life. It affected me in the aspect of becoming a man, and the idea of two people coming together as one. A single mother is one of the hardest situations known to man, and knowing that my father put my mother through this predicament upsets me to my core. I don't remember much about the stories my family told about my father, but I do know that I struggled without a father figure. Though my dad ended up in my life, he still left a hole in crucial moments of my childhood. My mom had two jobs, and went to school full time. She was the hardest working women I have ever seen. Credit goes to my mother for being that example of hard work, and dedication. With that being said, I remember walking in on my mom helplessly sobbing while holding a couple pieces of paper in her hand. I realized that they were bills, and we were falling behind somehow. I didn't understand the whole situation, but all I could think of was my father. If he were here we would have more money, and with the help of another adult it could take a lot of the duties, and stress off my mother. I was in search for that manly role model to teach me the basics of becoming a gentlemen. Someone to look up too, and find interest in the the things that I enjoyed. Don't get me wrong, I loved the fact that my mom tried, and succeed for the most part. Their is just somethings that the dad has to go through with his son, like a mother Get more content on
  • 20. My Father Essay As a toddler, I spent my time living with my grandparents and my mother in Honduras. My father had moved to the United States just a few months after I was born. My mother would work during the day and my uncle's wife would baby sit me. I was still quite young and all I knew was that my father moved because he wanted to provide the best he could for his family. I lived in a house where not only my mother and I resided, we shared a home with four of my cousins, two of my uncles, and their wives. Everything I received at that age came from what my dad sent my mom and the rest of his family and what my mom earned. In 2004, months after my 4th birthday, my mother told me we were finally going to be reunited with my dad. I was of more content... Growing up in a country where people like my family and I are looked down upon, I have come to view college as a vital piece to my life's puzzle. My family and I like many others, did not come to this country to try and take away the jobs and educational opportunities of Americans. We came to this country because in Central America my dad would not have the job opportunity he has now and I would not have a chance to get a degree. At my age, girls in Honduras are being forced to choose between going to school or living. Here I have been lucky enough to have family, friends, and teachers who have seen potential in me. I knew once I entered high school, that there was nothing that would stop me from receiving the education, I felt I deserved. Along the years I have met others with a situation similar to mine, who never gave and up and were able to attend the college of their choice. Neither of my parents completed high school and have made so many sacrifices to provide for their family. In 2011, after 11 years my father had the opportunity to see his family once again. Meanwhile my mother has been in this country for 13 years and has been unable to see her two sons. She had to make the sacrifice of leaving them behind at a very young age and she, like my father lost the opportunity to see her children grow. Knowing the sacrifices that both my parents had to make, just to provide an education for me, I am determined to achieve success. My Get more content on