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                 EARLY WILL I SEEK THEE


                                              Series 1


          Daily Deliberation

       Written by Olusesan Oshat

                                    JESUS OR BARABBAS

                                             Matthew 27:15-22


                               OR JESUS WHO IS CALLED THE CHRIST ”. ( VERSE 17)

On the eve of my eleventh birthday my sister whom I usually call Mum gave me a task of choice
making that affected my reasoning till date.”Do you want a car or money?” she said, I become
perplexed on which of the items to choose, while she was waiting for my response, I quickly thought
within me, I will spend the money quickly but I will prefer a car that will boost my status among my
peers so, I said „a car‟, but to my utmost disappointment she handed over to me a picture frame of
Lamborghini, throughout that night I was so sad and mad at my choice. Years later after knowledge
has increased I asked myself, what I want a car for at that age if not greedy and the thought of
immediate gratification. I then analysed the dynamics of choice making and come these conclusion:
there are two factors that affects our decision making per time

(I) EXTERNAL FACTORS: (a) how people influence our actions and behaviour: Our
actions revolve round how we are been manipulated, intimidated or motivated to get things done. We
easily do things charismatic speakers, good analysts or creative negotiators who comes our way
convince us to do (b) the vogue mentality: most of our behaviours are not too far from fashion or
style of the moment, (c) what people say about me: We like to impress people around who mostly
do not like us but will still want to be in their good book. John Maxwell once said „We borrow the
money we do not have to buy things we do not need to impress the people who do not like us‟ (d) Peer
Pressure: Actions and responses of people is centred around complying with “everybody is doing it
syndrome” come join us. About 75% people hooked on drugs in Nigeria, is traceable to peer pressure
(II) INTERNAL FACTORS; (a) My Value System: Making choice is informed by our belief
system (b) My Self Worth: Self esteem goes a long way in affecting the quality of decision made.
There is need to create an inner image of who you are not what people say you are. (c) Greed: Most
people make hasty decision due to impulse, most of this group of people regret they actions later in

 We are seldom given task of choice in our daily life, but when we make the wrong choice, we feel
bad, knowing that we hastily made those choices without taking a deep thought on the outcome of our
choices. Any choice to be made based on advice should be well considered. Bishop Thomas Aremu
once said “Your choice will determine your chance in life”. Most people in the crowd shouted in
favour of the release of Barabbas who does not really know the implication of their choice, they made
their choice based on external factor and not based on internal factor.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to inquire of you before making any choice in my life. (AMEN).

                                               Judges 16:15-21

Her Children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her... Give her of the fruit of her
                   hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. (Prov.31:28 & 31)

The main reason God created a woman was to be a help meet, the word Help Meet is not by
accident but to fulfil God‟s purpose of covering up a man‟s weakness, but some women are

no more   WOnder unto their Man but a Woe untO their MAN. A woman has
the ability/power to build up or to destroy her man or her home. There have been great stories
of how women added values to their families while some tear theirs down. There was a time
Adebukola told me to give her all my fragments (N5 and N10) of all balance I collect after
transactions or purchases but I decided to give up to (N5, N10, N20 and N50) of all balance I
collected as balance from vendors, 3 months later she loaned me three times the amount I
requested for from her, I was curious about the excess, she told me the amount she gave me
was my fragment savings.

The Bible describes a disgraceful woman as decay in her man‟s bone Proverbs 12:4
unrealistic women kill a man faster than a plague. When some woman discovers their beauty
and it gets into their head such women tends to be proud and snobbish believing in their
beauty. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting Proverbs 31:3, the most important duty of a
woman is to strengthen her man and home. The God given power and ability of women have
not all be totally harnessed due to gender discrimination and segregation in our society led by

 Woman, the joy of the married and the sorrow of the unmarried, the divine one who sails her man to shore of
 peace, an evil spirit who torments her man as with sweet wine. A mysterious one who has the ability to either
        makes or mars a man‟s destiny, an enchanter full of seductive words and figure of enticement.

A saint who with tenderness and prayers guides her man to the HAVEN OF JOY, a devil incarnate that serially
                                      tame to the SNARE OF DEATH.

 A man without thee is both happy but incomplete, the terrible one who can bring God‟s wrath on her man, the
                         sacred one that brings God‟s peace and love upon her man.

The sacred one that can invoke GOD‟s peace and Blessings on Her man the double faced being of good and bad.


Women: Dear Lord Make me a Wonder unto my man not a woe unto my man.

Men: Dear Lord Make my wife a Wonder unto me not a woe unto me.

                             FAITH OF OUR FATHERS

                                       Hebrew 11:4-40

            These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received
                          what had been promised (Verse 39) NIV

It is part of human nature to grow weary when God‟s promises for our live lingers. We are
often impatient and want things to happen almost immediately, forgetting the fact that “God is
not a timed God but he is the God of time that lives outside of time”. According to the records
in the book of Hebrews 11 men of old did not receive the promise of God on time. If I may
ask, what will your reactions be if God‟s promise is not forth coming? Will you remain
faithfully or otherwise? Faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do

not see”. Faith can also be defined as Full Assurance In The Lord of Host.

The men of old never had the privileges we have today yet they remain faithful unto death.
Men of this generation are often impatient, hasty and self-centred, we want Magic rather than
Miracle, faithful is he who is able to stand the test of time. Men of old are individual with
flesh and blood like us but through faith they commanded Sun to stand still and the moon to
stop Joshua 10:12-13 and by faith stopped the rain for three years I king 17:1,18:1, by faith
prophesy of the future event Psalm 24:7-10, Isaiah 53:11-12, Daniel 12:1-13 and

The faith of our fathers in faith looks crazy to this generation but God wants the faith of this
generation to be greater compare to theirs. Do you want the divine habitation of God and his
power in you today then come to him and believe in him and do not help him, only yield to
him this hour, Jesus is calling and waiting for you. Have a FAITH filled day, Shalom.

PRAYER: I belief in you Lord, Help my faith to totally trust in you and wait for your leading.
Dear Lord, release unto me the grace to increase my faith in you (AMEN).

                                     GREAT CHANGE

                                           Luke 19:1-10

     “But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “look Lord! Here and now I give half of my
 possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times
                                      the amount”. (Verse 8)

The first thing usually noticed in the life of a new convert is change, from the change people
will know that such individual has abandoned his/her old ways of life. Zacchaeus displayed an
unusual character not common with the rich converts of his time. Sam Adeyemi listed three
characteristics of rich men during the time of Zacchaeus as follows; (a) Rich men do not run
but hire people to run for them. I believe with this stance he was willing and desperate for
change of life style (b) Rich men do not climb trees but hire people to climb for them. Will
and determination is not enough but active determination he displayed demonstrate how much
he wanted the change (c) Rich men do not want to part with their riches. The young rich ruler
went back all because he could not part with his wealth.

The moment Christ saw the determination of Zacchaeus he announce his salvation. If you are
willing and ready to move from your present spiritual ghetto to a new realm in Christ, all you
have to do is to call on Jesus today and make your declaration for him today and allow the
great change become your portion. Decamping to the side of Jesus culminates into new level
of experience and Positive transform as against the negative life style. Christ give Joy, Hope
and unlimited breakthrough in him.

PRAYER: Lord I come to you today; I give you my life, and confess with my mouth that you
are the Lord of my life. Come into my life to rule. Thank you for the change of salvation in my
life (AMEN).

                                 A BETTER ALTERNATIVE

                                             Genesis 3:7-21

   Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God made coats of skins, and clothed them. (Verse 16-17)

When Adam and his wife Eve ate the forbidden fruit their eyes were opened and they
immediately made fig leaves as their covering. From this it can be presumed that the first
wisdom man sought after was faulty due to the fact that the first product of man after that
wisdom was full of imperfections, the Bible said they sewed fig leaves to cover their
nakedness. The devil deceived them into believing that they are lesser than God and the fruit
will upgrade them to God‟s level, they took the fruit all to discover that the purported wisdom
was after all foolishness, the devil kept the part when God said “And God said, Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and
over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the earth” Genesis 1:26. Form Adam and his wife. Usually this is
what the devil do to keep man from God‟s original plan.

When God came down to chat with them, he found them in a much lesser state compared to
what they used to be. God himself then provided a better alternative of covering by making a
garment from skin. Has it ever occurred to us that no man has ever been able to successfully
make clothing or covering of leaves that will last? But man has been able to improve on skin
(Leather). Have you tried dressing up with leaves before? Have you been dressed up in leaves
all your life? Then come to the master designer for an alternative covering, Jesus is calling
you to leave that Ghetto life and mentality and move to the Guest mansion today, listen to the

    There were many flaws in the first product of man after he sinned which are; (1) Leaves
will dry up and wither in a matter of days while Leather lasts for years (the older the stronger)
(2) Leaves are rough and an imperfect form of covering but Leather is smooth and neat (3)
Leaves takes time to be converted into clothing and ends up a waste after a few weeks but
Leather lasts longer and is useful. (4)Leaves cannot protect man from cold weather but it is a
known fact that the commonly used material against cold is Leather clothing. (5) Leaves are
time/season bound but Leather can be gotten any time of the season.

MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 3:15 “Trust in the LORD with all your Heart and lean not on
your own understanding” PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to lean on you all the days of my
life for your divine instructions and leading. (AMEN)

                                     TURNING POINT



According to Rita Mae Brown “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results”. There are times we need to turn a new leaf of life
and attitude, from this passage many of Jesus‟ disciples left him while the twelve rather than
living him turned to Jesus to re-establish their faith and stand in him. We need to leave our
present state for the next level. There are some ways we have walked that we need not walk

         When we examine our life style and relationship with God, we will see that it is not in
accordance with God‟s permissive will, plan and purpose for our life, it is then time to
readjust and realign our life and ways with God‟s. God never change but man does, God has
ever been faithful to his words and to man. RIVER JABBOK was Jacob‟s turning point; there
he wrestled with God (Genesis 32:24-30), Moses‟ turning point was at MOUNT HOREB;
there he saw God in the burning bush that was not consumed (Exodus 3:1-6), Joshua‟s turning
point was near JERICHO; there he saw the commander of the Lord‟s army (Joshua 5:13-15),
and Paul‟s turning point was on his way to DAMASCUS; there he heard Jesus‟ voice (Act
9:2-7) my beloved where is your own turning point?

    Blessed is the life that turns to God and turn your back on short term pleasure and
gratification, your life is precious to God do not spend it in eternal doom. The Lord is gently
calling you today hear him do not delay, and hand your life over to him. Turn to God today
for your eternity‟s certainty. “What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his
own soul”?

PRAYER: I give you my life for direction and guidance, dear Lord teach, me your ways so I
can be happy and useful for your glory. (AMEN).

                                                DIVINE SECURITY

                                                           II Kings 6:8-23

“Don’t be afraid “, the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them”. And Elisha prayed “O LORD,
open his eyes so that he may see”. Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots
                                                of fire all around Elisha. (Verse 16-17)

As Christians we most time do not really know our worth both in physical and spiritual wise. My sister once
shared a testimony of her maids‟ confession. "My maid said she was possessed with evil spirit and was sent to
either break my marriage or to kill me but in her words she said “any time I enter your room to execute my part
of the plan especially when you are asleep at night fire comes from your belly and burn me and my cohorts
waiting for me outside your room. We try to know the source of the fire all to discover that it was a resultant
effect of God‟s divine protection upon your life”

God has given us authority over principalities and power when he said „No weapon forged against you will
prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you, Isaiah 54:17 CEV, They lost heart; they come
trembling from their stronghold Psalm18:45, The LORD will grant that the enemies who raise up against you
will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. Deut 28:7.
God‟s plan for man is not destruction but divine direction and life eternal.

    Whenever problem comes our way, we are to call up to God as recorded in Jeremiah 33:3. We are his heir
and an heir has free access to his/her father‟s presence and servants without inhibition. It is worthy of note that
God‟s angels are always at your command, do not let the problem worry you but you are to worry your
problems. Bishop David Abioye once said “everybody trembles before a king, but no matter how kingly the king
is, when his children appears before him there is cheerfulness. Every recruit must carry a stone face before the
general or his superior officer, but when the general gets home, he knows his children and he puts a smile on
his face.
God is God to all creatures, but He is Father to us and we are His own children. I‟d like to help you see the
difference    between      relating     with     God      as    God      and      relating   with     Him      as    your     Father.
If for instance you receive news at 11 a.m. that there has been some tragedy in your child‟s school and as you
are on your way rushing to get there, your neighbor is frantically saying to you, 'Remember my child also o!?
You will tell him, „I have heard.‟ Now, no matter how kind you are, when you get to the scene and you find over
one hundred children crying for help, I tell you, you cannot but recognize the voice of your own child. And as
soon you hear his cry, you will dive into the place and rescue him first. It is after you have gotten your child to
safety, as you about going, then you suddenly remember your neighbor‟s child, and if danger has not engulfed
the place, you go back and get him out, but before then, your child first. That is how you also are on God‟s
priority list because He is your Father. He said, A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right
hand; but it shall not come nigh thee? (Ps 91:7). God would rather allow eleven thousand others to die in your
place than let evil come near you”.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world (AMEN).
DAY Eight

                                         TRADE BY BARTER
                                                    John 3:14-18

 “For God so love the world that he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have
                                             eternal life”. (Verse 16)

I created a story of about a man name Adio and his uncle Aremo who lived a reckless live from his early days
and at mid age he could not live up to expectation and had to join a group of gang stars who lived on extortion,
but as time went by their extortion could not sustain their life style of riotous living, so they went into stealing
from stealing to robbery but while Adio was involved in all these his uncle kept encouraging him how he can
make something meaningful out of his live but he would not listen to advice. One afternoon Aremo called Adio
and told him he will give him half of his estate but they must go into contract, Adio jumped at the offer but was
disappointed at the terms of his uncle which was “drop your riotous life and be like me”. Adio left in anger but
kept pondering on the wealth he walked out on. Three days later he walked up to his uncle Aremo and told him
he was ready to abide by the terms with the aim of conning his uncle, but his uncle took him through series of
tests and training that changed his life and three years later his uncle gave him the whole estate when he
sincerely dropped his bad habit. But to his greatest surprise his uncle told him the wealth belongs to Adio while
he is only a care taker of the wealth.

    At creation God‟s plan for man was to live and praise God and ultimately rein for eternity, but sin caused
man‟s eternity to be to be limited years (Job 14:1a), and without the shedding of blood there can‟t be remission
of sin. From the third chapter of Genesis God‟s plan and purpose for man was altered by sin, so man had to shed
blood of animals for his sins. The law of sin states “the soul that sin shall die” but a meeting was held in heaven
to nullify this law and the only way to achieve this is to pay the price of man‟s sin by a sacrificial ransom and the
son of God volunteered himself for the pain no mortal and heavenly being was willing to pay.

  The death of Jesus Christ paid all the debt owed due to sin, thereby setting aside the law of sin and its rein on
man. The most precious blood was shed as an atonement for mans to be at peace with God, for man to be free
from sin there must be an exchange with something of greater value which was the death of Jesus as the ransom
for man‟s soul and freedom. Friends no matter how deep you have gotten yourself into sin, thinking there is no
way out, I have good news for you according to the 17th verse of our text “For God did not send his son into the
world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him”.

Call the Lord today and confess your sins ask him to forgive you your entire misdeed and renounce any cultism
you might have been involved in. He is a true father that loves the return of his children

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for giving your only son for my ransom, I appreciate your gift of salvation (AMEN).
DAY Nine

                                   YOU HAVE ALL HE NEEDS

                                               Matthew 15:29-39

   “How many loaves do you have? “ Jesus asked “Seven” They replied, “and a few small fish”. (Verse 34)

We most times give ourselves heartache and dissolution ourselves with what we think we do
not have to make through life‟s journey, but have not taken time to think of things we have
that God can use. Most times we bug our heart with, “What to do”, “How to do it”, and
“When to do it” to be successful in life, not reminding ourselves of what we have and how
God will multiply it.

Some times in 2011 someone sent these words to me “Imagine a person who has never known any
modern technology (for example someone living in the heart of a dense jungle). One day this person is given a
radio tuned in to a very precise radio station and he finds it suddenly extraordinary to be able to listen to music
through what is essentially a small box. He is told that to listen to this music he need only press the 'on' button
without having to do anything else to listen to this music. This person thinks this radio is a wonderful invention
and then spends a number of years listening to this radio and to the same program as the radio stays on the
same station all of the time. And then one day someone else comes along and shows him that there are a
multitude of other stations and frequencies to listen to with many other programs that can be as interesting as
the first.... You are in the position of this person Oluwasesan and your potential can be compared to this radio.
Your potential is not yet fully exploited and you are not yet aware of certain of your hidden talents. I find myself
in the place of the person who's duty is to show you exactly how you can tune in to these new frequencies. This is
a metaphorical example but it demonstrates clearly the situation in which you find yourself at this time”.

We all have all we need to make it through in life‟s journey but have to make extra effort in
discovering our unique qualities (potential) God wants to use.

PRAYER: I know I have all you need for my situation, please dear Lord reveal to me all I
need to know to make it through (AMEN).
DAY ten

                          TREASURES IN THE WORD OF GOD

                                                  Psalm 2:1-6

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a
 tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither;
                              and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Verse 2-3)

To be informed is to be reformed but a man not informed will be deformed in the scheme of
success/ life. We most times get information on how to use any electronics, automobile, tools
or equipments we purchase from its manual, the manual serves as the guide to effective
utilisation of these equipments. Myles Munroe once said “When purpose is unknown, abuse is
inevitable”. We live as the day goes by with little trial by error success, believing we have
arrived. To be successful we have to be wise, to be wise we need to apply knowledge and to
apply knowledge we need information and to get informed we must research or gather raw
facts. For journey of life to become stress free the word of God is the compass required to
getting to the shore of peace. The word of God delivers to us his plan, purpose and intentions
for us in destiny and we can only take delivery of these by digging deep into the word of God

The treasures embedded in the word can NEVER be fully harnessed in a one off flip through.

Treasures are hidden in sure and least expected places and it takes searching and researching
to find them, pirates make use of information and maps to find old hidden treasures, in their
quest to finding the treasures pirates are highly sensitive and take to consideration anything on
the way very seriously as they could be a lead. To access the treasures in the Word of God we
have to be highly sensitive to the rhema and the Logos in our search quest as God mostly
commune with us through these mediums, and we have to always a) read the word Isa 34:16,
b) Study the word 2Tim 2:15, c) Meditate on the word Psla1:2 and d) declare the word Psalm
2:7. By doing this we find Wisdom Psalm 119:99, Divine Direction Pro 3:6 (CEV) Authority
Gen 1:28, Matt 18:18, Revelation Daniel 10:1 and Prosperity Joshua 1:8

    PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the Treasures you have in stock for me (AMEN).
DAY eleven

                               BLACKBERRY VERSUS BIBLE

                                                  Psalm 16:4

Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer,

nor take up their names into my lips.

We live in a generation where we have substituted God with our Information communication

Technology gadgets, automobiles, Yachts, Jewelleries, fashion to mention a few. But all

these really does not bring true joy to man, true joy comes from Yahweh.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we treated our Bible just like we treat our


                         What if we carried it around in our purse or pocket?

                          What if we flipped through it several times a day?

                            What if we turned back to get it if we forgot it?

               What if we used it to receive messages from the text? (Psalm 1: 2-3)

           What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it? (Psalm 119:103, 105)

                                   What if we gave it to kids as gifts?

                                 What if we used it when we travelled?

                             What if we used it in case of an emergency?

   This is something to make you go...hmm...where's my Bible Instead of where is my BB


  And unlike our Blackberry, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected

                           because Jesus Christ had already paid the bill.


                                   So are you among the 7% that will

   PRAYER: Dear Lord, empower me to take things of your kingdom with all seriousness.
DAY twelve

                                     CRAZY ASSIGNMENT

                                               Genesis 22:1-3

And he said, Take now thy son, thy only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of moriah;

    and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. (Verse 2)

We seldom qualify people who cannot give a convincing or reasonable account of what they

are doing as mad or crazy. God told Abraham in Gen 12:1 to leave his home town to a place

he will be shown. The implication of this is Guy leave your comfort zone to a place I want

you to go (you will have to work hard before it becomes your home/comfort zone) isn‟t that

wired? Whenever God wants to establish his supremacy, the human mind and brain calls or

thinks it‟s crazy. God commanded Noah to build and ark, in his days had never been rain yet

he foolishly obeyed, God also told him to select all animals male and female crazy it sound

isn‟t it or you may call it NOAH‟S NAT GEO WILD PROJECT but Noah completely obeyed

God‟s instructions (Gen 6:9-22).

Crazy it looks when God commanded Hosea to go marry a prostitute; this was done in other

to drive home a practical point to Israelites of their unfaithfulness to God Hosea 1:1-11. Crazy

it was for Joseph to take marry as his wife, whose pregnancy is not for him, but by crazy faith

he did obeyed Matthew 1:18-25. Moses received instruction to lead the children of Israel out

of Egypt to the land of Canaan, how can a single man face a nation, with a revolutionary

message to the minority. God told Abraham to leave a land where he is comfort to a land he

will be shown, though it seems crazy but the end of his obedience

   PRAYER: I need the grace to obey all your instructions dear Lord (AMEN).
DAY thirteen


                                  Luke 15:17-18(The Message Bible)

17 "That brought him to his senses. He said, 'All those farm hands working for my father sit down

 to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. 18 I’m going back to my father. I'll say to

                    him, Father, I've sinned against God, I've sinned before you;

 Discovering where you are at the moment against where you ought to be now is the first step to Self

 Discovery; however you need to communicate your discovery and strategies to your tripartite being

   (Spirit, Soul and Body) for a true turnaround from your current status. I love to say no man was

   created a failure; however man became a failure by the virtue of success/failure mentality he is


 Self communication is stronger than self discovery itself. When self communication is done in right

      order such individual is able to self counsel him/herself out of any negative situation. Self

      communication allows you to empower yourself in making informed decisions. What you

 communicate to yourself determines what your destiny will be, wrong communication corrupt your

                              heart and ultimately condemn your destiny.

This is a new day, don't just sit there making excuses for failing or praising yourself for that localized

               success, remember do not localize your dream but globalize it . Shalom

   PRAYER: Lord, empower me with the grace to search out my purpose in live and run

with it, with all zeal (AMEN).
DAY Fourteen

                         BECOMING A BETTER MINISTER
                                             Joshua 1:1-3

 1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto
 Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise,
  go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the
  children of Israel.3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto
                                       you, as I said unto Moses.

Joshua was referred to in this verse as the "MINISTER" of Moses, as a minister his work

includes but not limited to the following; to give service, care, or aid; attend, as to wants or

necessities.: to minister to the needs of Moses God's servant.

Being a servant is not a convenient work, there are so many time he will want to do things he

is convinced that are God's will but will not be authorized to do such by his master, but this

verse record God called Joshua after the death of his master Moses. You may have been

under a master or situations and circumstance that seem your skills, wisdom, abilities and

anointing is subdued, friends I have good news for you your time to bring forth is here now

Psalm 105:19-22.

When you are serving a master it is a time to understudy such leader and to develop, increase

and learn how to use your potentials, serving is the best and fastest way to leadership.


Moral: Always Look, Listen and Learn when you are to minister under authority

Prayer: Lord, make me an instrument in your hand
DAY fifteen

                                  POWER AS OF OLD
                                           Joshua 10:1

 Now it came to pass, when Adoni–zedek king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken Ai,
and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai and her
  king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them;

I cannot but wonder at the level of faithlessness and spiritual laziness of this generation,

Joshua was so confident of his God that he commanded the Sun and the Moon to stand still

and today it is reflected in our lunar system (Calendar year and Leap year). Power of at work

in the time of old is same as today but the difference is our level of rugged faith in God this

generation is not the same as our fathers in faith. God has made available to us that same

power, all we need is to access it, Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa accessed this same power and

he stopped the World witches from meeting in Benin City, Nigeria. In response to the

representative of the world witches on a Television programme he said Jesus does not need to

be here to halt the meeting that is why I am here as his representative.

When Bukola was pregnant with Olufemi, a pastor friend told me that there was a spiritual

conspiracy for both of them to die which I already know. I then engage the spiritual weapon

of prayer and praise and today they both are alive. If they used the power you can also use it

today. Shalom

Prayer: Lord Use me for your glorious agenda
DAY sixteen

                            COUPLE LOVE YOURSELVES
                                             Eph. 5:25

Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.

Loving one‟s partner goes beyond sex, figure, seize, intelligence, ability, romance, and or
brilliance of your partner, it involves revolving of care, understanding, loving and
responsibility between the two parties involved. Most marriages and homes around the world
had and is undergoing endurance not enjoyment as it should be and many will still face the
same challenge if the core value of marriage is not pursue.

It takes a failed husband to raise a failed home or family. A failed home is first a reflection
of the leadership in such homes before the help mate is considered as a failure. Husbands it is
high time we started living up to our name (Humble Unabated Standard of Building an
Abode for Nurturing Dependable Saints). God did not create destructive men, he created
constructive men. Hear this, your job, career, passion and or vision is not of additional
importance than your home. Most men will do anything to become public heroes, sure they
end up becoming public heroes but they are failure in their own homes at the same time.

We must first build our homes before the master builder can build us up, any home not built
on the standard of unity can never stand the test of time (Matt 12:25). One of the major roles
of the husbands is to Nurture their home and until that is done such home cannot become
mature and without maturity good fruition should not be expected. Success is not only
measured by the achievements a man has attained in public, rather true success is the positive
impact made within their home. Be a pillar not a caterpillar. Women you are also not
exempted. Jesus Is Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord, give me the grace to totally love my home and work to build a home to
your glory (Amen).
DAY seventeen

                      KNOWING THE GOD OF THE HOUSE
                                         1 Samuel 3:1-10

1-2 Samuel served the LORD by helping Eli the priest, who was by that time almost blind. In those
days, the LORD hardly ever spoke directly to people, and he did not appear to them in dreams very
often. But one night, Eli was asleep in his room, 3 and Samuel was sleeping on a mat near the
sacred chest in the LORD's house. They had not been asleep very long 4 when the LORD called out
Samuel's name.“Here I am!” Samuel answered. 5 Then he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am. What do
you want?”“I didn't call you,” Eli answered. “Go back to bed.”Samuel went back. 6 Again the LORD
called out Samuel's name. Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “What do you
want?”Eli told him, “Son, I didn't call you. Go back to sleep.”7 The LORD had not spoken to Samuel
before, and Samuel did not recognize the voice. 8 When the LORD called out his name for the third
time, Samuel went to Eli again and said, “Here I am. What do you want?”Eli finally realized that it
was the LORD who was speaking to Samuel. 9 So he said, “Go back and lie down! If someone
speaks to you again, answer, ‘I'm listening, LORD. What do you want me to do?’ ”Once again
Samuel went back and lay down.10 The LORD then stood beside Samuel and called out as he had
done before, “Samuel! Samuel!”“I'm listening,” Samuel answered. “What do you want me to do?”

Until you have a profiting relationship with God all your activities in the house of God will
end up as religious ceremonious formal procedure – Olusesan Oshat.

Most Christians today are simply carrying out religious rites (A rite can be described as an
established, “ceremonious” religious act). When our Practices and services are not in
consonance with divine instructions whatever is done can simply be regarded as carrying out
courteous religious activities. Though Samuel was living in God‟s house and serving in the
sanctuary, and even grew up in the house of God yet he does not have a profiting in-depth
knowledge of who God is, and how awesome he is. Christianity is not a sect, rather it is a
personal walk with God the creator.

The greatest tragedy that can befall a man is for such person not to know where he is headed
for, and how to get there. The rate of church attendees that does not know what it means to be
a Christian is and what is expected of a Christian on earth is becoming alarming. There is
therefore need to constantly a) Thirst for God: committed and Continual search to know the
God better Psalm 42:1, Phil 3:10. b) Hear from God: for direction and guidance Deut 5:27
c) Obey God’s directives: God is the all knowing one that will teach guide us into all truth.
John 2:5 Joshua 24:24 d) have spiritual Father: Our life‟s journey becomes easy when our
spiritual father is always guiding us in the right path to toll. 2 Kings 2:12 1 Samuel 3:5-6

  Jesus Is Lord.

Prayer: Lord, release unto me the spirit that thirst for you daily (Amen).
DAY Eighteen

                       THE BLESSEDNESS OF HARD WORK
                                        DEUTRONOMY 28: 1-2
 1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to
 observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God
 will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: 2 And all these blessings shall come on thee,
            and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.

God‟s blessing is always with hard working people, God works and that make him a lover of
diligent worker. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth
his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper
Psalm 1:3, Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not
stand before mean men Proverbs 22:29, And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own
business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you 1 Thess 4:11

In year 2000 I volunteered to be part of the (EYC) ECWA Youth Camp official, a yearly
ECWA church youth camp programme held at Eye nkorin, I was to be part of the camp
security for the period of camping. On appointment I remembered that some years back I
once was just a camper but that year it was my turn to be a leader and I reminded myself of
how I used to call camp officials names and made fun of them though never disobeyed nor
once rude to anyone of them. I started out as an ordinary camp official carrying out my
assigned duties but I ended up working in most of the units and making things work, I was so
thorough to the extent that I personally followed through with other officials‟ assignment just
to make sure there was no flaw in all those activities assigned to them. In some cases I will go
to all other posts to check on the others and sometimes serve guests ministers their meal as at
when due and go back to pick up the plates after meals. These two guest ministers where
watching my thorough activities throughout their stay and on the last day I was summoned
into their chalet and after asking me some questions I later got to know that One of the guest
ministers was my immediately elders brother‟s friend while in the university while the second
was my eldest brother‟s spiritual son. They both laid hands on and blessed me. The senior
guest minister went to my with the news of how I was a blessing and he also blessed me and
those blessings have being following me.

Prayer: Anoint with the grace of hard work, so I can qualify for the blessings of hard work

Memory Verse for meditation: Proverbs22:29 Show me someone who does a good job, and I
 will show you someone who is better than most and worthy of the company of kings. (GNT)
DAY Nineteen

                                 YOUR TRUE VICTORY
  For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

There are no limitations except those you acknowledge. Whatever you can conceive and

believe,           you              can             achieve,              Napoleon               Hill.

The number of times a man failed is his intangible history however the number of times he

got victory is his tangible future in the making. For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth

up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief - Proverbs 24:16. Your current victory is

your permanent victory because Christ DIED for MAN to LIVE and HE ROSE for MAN to

REIN 1Corinthians 6:14, 2 Corinthians 4:14. Man's true Victory is guaranty in the death and

resurrection of Jesus Christ. We need to understand as Christian that; a) Failure Changes

People: Failure will never leave you the same; it either leaves you flat on the ground or

becomes your stepping stone to greatness. b) Failure is an Event: Event is past or present

occurrence caused by man directly or indirectly. Man has power to influence how event

happen and form of its occurrence. c) Failure is an Experience: It is often said that

experience is the best tutor; failure should help man learn from his/her actions. d) FAILURE

is Success in Disguise: The spring board to man‟s success is Failure. Isaiah 61:7, Isaiah 9: 10

e) Failure is Never Final Micah 7:8: Failing should never be your Full stop to life but your

full start in life. „Successful people are Ex-losers who got tired of losing and simply shifted

ground‟ – Olusesan Oshat.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for winning the battle for me at Calvary and for granting me

the enablement to bask in you divine victory for my life. (AMEN).

Memory Verse for meditation: For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but

the wicked shall fall into mischief - Proverbs 24:16.
DAY twenty

                                       Genesis 12:1-3
“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred and from thy father’s
house, unto a land that I will show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and
make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that
curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed (Verse 1-3)

I was to speak in one of our Tuesday power house prayer meetings which fell in the month that our
theme for the month was “Outstanding Success is my Birthright”. While preparing, the topic
“Connecting the Ancestral Blessings of Abraham” came to my mind and as I was preparing the
teaching I noticed that in this part of the world “Ancestral, Generational, and or Territorial Curses are
words believer mostly magnify and talk of to a new convert or when a believer is challenged. Many
believers now blame everything not in the right order in their live on Ancestral, Generational, and or
Territorial Curses even when natural mistakes are made. Yes Ancestral, Generational, and or
Territorial Curses exist but God has given us power over them through salvation 1 John 5:4, Mark
16:18 Ish. 54:17

God‟s blessings are always with obedient children (Isaiah 1:19: If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall
eat the good of the land), God‟s standard is sure and will never change for he will never bless the
disobedient at the expense of the obedient. To access God‟s blessings in any area of our life, we must
be willing to pay the price of carrying out his set instructions to letter. Been blessed of the Lord
requires knowing God‟s principles for blessing mankind. Ancestral blessings are 1) Inherited divine
help for a man‟s destiny that will bring about surprise to others around him passed from one generation to
another (What You did not work for) 2) Are blessings that releases divine approval to beautify destiny and
generations to come. 3) Heaven sanctioned protection on a man and his family passed down from one
generation to another. 4) It is reaping dividend of the good works our spiritual or biological parents have
stocked up for us.
     How can we connect ancestral blessings? It is worthy of note that to receive the blessings of Abraham, we
must be willing to have the faith of Abraham and also pay the price he paid. 1) Have a Relationship with God
(Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added
unto you). No man can contest to be included in another man‟s will when he is not part of the family, the same
goes for unbelievers will not have access to partake of the blessings of salvation. Until you have a relationship
with God you cannot enjoy the benefit of redemption. 2) Hearing God‟s Instructions (Isaiah 30: 21 And
thine ear shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, Walk ye in it, when ye turn to the
right hand, and when ye turn to the left. Joshua 1:7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that
thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn
not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.) 3)
Observing And Diligently Carrying Out God‟s Instructions, we often are not observant to instructions
from the throne of grace and that is the major reason many fail, when we obey God‟s instruction it
delivers us from destruction. (Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but
thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Deuteronomy 28:1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the
LORD thy God, to observe)

Some of the effects of ancestral blessings 1) wealth are inevitable Deuteronomy 8:18: God will direct
wealth and riches towards you with peace to enjoy them. 2) You are blessed in every area of life
Genesis 24:1: God will bless you with all that is required to make life worth living for you and he will
make you a new definition of blessing. 3) God‟s blessings and favour is transfer to your generation:
Abraham‟s blessings were transferred to Isaac is sons Genesis 26:13 & Jacob enjoyed the dividends of
Abraham and Isaac‟s labour of faith Genesis 30:43. Your generation shall never want blessings in
whatever form. 4) Curses are averted from you Numbers 23:23 ancestral blessings wade off curses
(generational and or territorial) from you and your generation. 4) Divine protection becomes your
heritage Isaiah 57:14: God‟s blessings comes with the protection of the most high to keep you from
harm and danger Psalm 91:2-14
PRAYER: Lord, deliver into my hands all outstanding balance of my ancestral blessings.
DAY twenty ONE

 Therefore prophesy and say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your graves and
cause you to come up out of your graves, O My people; and I will bring you [back home] to the land
                                    of Israel. Ezek 37: 12 AMP

At creation, God‟s original intent for man was to be his representative here on earth and to
worship him continually. But this plan was truncated when man fell in the Garden of Eden
and it had to take a priceless blood sacrifice to redeem man from the power and clutches of
sin. God according to Genesis 1:26 created man in his own image and likeness to be in control
of everything on earth. Hear this according to God‟s original intention it is an aberration to be
controlled by what you should be controlling here on earth. Man was in the perfect will of
God until the forbidden fruit was eaten and man lost it all.

God in his wisdom designed a temporary way out for man‟s redemption from the law of sin
and death through sacrifice and priests but God‟s last card was the priceless blood of his only
son that is potent, effective, and efficient enough to pay the ransom for the remission of man‟s
sins and to restore him back to his original state. The ransom plan includes a) TO OPEN
MAN‟S GRAVES by granting free access and passage out of satanic and demonic prison and
slavery, it also connotes liberation or freedom from the clutch of satanic agents and his
cohorts. Psalm 107: 16 For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in
sunder. b) TO COME UP OUT: This is triumphant exit from satanic and demonic slavery or
prison. This can be termed as spiritual freedom of movement, where there are no constrictions
to where you can or cannot go. c) TO BRING MAN BACK HOME: This is restoring man
back to his original domain. Bishop Oyedepo got his mandate after he had an 18 hour vision
of beaten, battered, and buffeted people wailing and crying for help, he asked God "But why
Lord" God responded and said "but in the beginning it was not so. And now the hour has
come to liberate man from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching the word of faith
and I am sending to undertake this task”. Matthew 15:13 But he answered and said, every
plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Matthew 3:12 whose
fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner;
but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

God is still in the business of redeeming men and women who calls on him to be saved from
the path of death and destruction. Call his toll free line to date for your salvation and he will
surely save you.

      Prayer: Thank you dear blessed father for your redemptive plan for me. (AMEN).
DAY twenty TWO

                                    BLANK CHEQUE
                                      LUKE 18: 35-43
                       “What do you want me to do?...........” (Verse 41a)

A wise man once said “it takes a wise mind to see and utilize opportunity” I once worked

with three interesting people when I was in working in a rehab center in Lagos. This three

always had issues with me whenever there is need to make request. My office assistant

always goes round his request believing I will guess his need, yes I may but will probe until

he specifically mention the particular need, one of my security guys does not really knows

what he really wanted while my cook will always dwell on the less important than the most

expedient and urgent. The first two does not like coming to my for any reason as they believe

until you specifically as the boss he will keep asking so what do you want.

This is not the same story with blind bartimaeus that Jesus met on his way to Jericho, blind

bartimaeus was seated by the road side, though physically impaired but mentally alert taped

into once in a life time opportunity by crying Christ to crush his crisis. When he was taping

into his golden opportunity he got discouraging comments, advice and was even yelled at yet

he wouldn‟t get discouraged but was more determined to receive his sight. Though the

situation seems unrealistic for him but he believed he can get something out of nothing.

    His determination prompted Jesus to give him a blank cheque by asking him “What do

you want me to do for you”. For an average man in desperate need, the first thing they do is

commence detail history of how their problem has lingered and caused pain. But this man

asked for what was of paramount importance to him at that specific time.

Prayer: Dear Lord, give me the grace to pray aright and not amiss in the prayer room (Amen).

Memory Verses for meditation: Matthew 7:8 Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who
searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks (CEV)

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not giving us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a
sound mind. (KJV)
DAY twenty THREE

                               WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND
                                        EXODUS 4: 2-4
      Then the LORD said to him, “what is that in your hand?” A staff”, he replied. (Verse 2)

No man can lay claim to have created creativity as it has always been part of him, all men

can only lay claim to have discovered their areas of creativity – Olusesan Oshatimehin

Most people always pray that God should bless and use them for his glory, but God will not

bless a vacuum. God blesses men and women with useful tools in their hands. God asked

Moses what he had in his hand, and his response moved him to the next level in God‟s plan

for him. To be used by God, what you have in your hand goes along way. We also need to

put into use that which is in our hands, we must not rest on the fact that we‟ve got something

that God can bless.

  Proverbs 22:29 says “do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he

will not serve before obscured men. God is ready to use you but there are some things you

must do, you must have or hold what is not abominable to God, it must be identifiable with

God. You must hold what God can use to his glory in your life. There something that are

useful to God‟s glory in your life but not in others‟ life. Finally you need to inquire of God

what tools you need to have in your hand.

Remember what you have in your hand will take you to where you have to be in destiny,

holding the wrong tools will take you to the wrong destination in destiny. Consciously

discover the right tool for your life‟s journey to be stress free.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to identify the tools you want me to have in other to fulfil the task

you have for me (Amen).
DAY twenty FOUR

                                          Act 17:23

For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, “TO THE
UNKNOWN GOD”. Whom wherefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

When I was growing up one of my favourite time was the family devotion time where it was
like a church service and my Dad will break the word down to everyone‟s comprehension. I
especially love it when it was my turn to share the word; I will search the bible and network
scriptures to make sure I try my little best then to impress my Dad and everyone at the
meeting. Though the primary motive then was to “Impress” little did I know that I was
building my spiritual muscles for the battles ahead and that was the beginning of my knowing
God. From wanting to impress man during family devotion, I ended up knowing the living
God during my search for scriptures. My search led me through wonderful discoveries and
inspirations that helped me later in life: a) a relationship with God: the scriptures led me to
finally give my life to Christ John 3:3&16 b) more search: I kept studying the word and that
made me fell in love with the book of revelation. Most of the notes I took when I was
searching is put together in my daily deliberation Dan 9:2, 2 Tim 2:15, 2 Tim 3:15 c) I always
love to be with believers: I noticed I enjoy myself when I am with the saints of God and the
inspiration flows greatly Matth. 18:20, Heb. 10:25 d) more mind blowing insight and
revelation: the more I study the word and other Christian literatures the more understanding I
get and the inspiration flows. John 14:26 e) divine empowerment: the deeper I reach into the
scripture the more I become empowered. I noticed in every organization I work I get any of
these the nickname Pastor, Bishop, Young Bishop or spiritual head of the family, as a result of
God‟s power Act 10:38.

Knowing God of the house requires diligence, consistence, commitment, and persistence, it is
not a one off exercise, and this should be as natural to us as breathing. Knowing God is like
blind men told to describe an elephant by touching some part of an elephant, after first man
touch touched the tusk he said an elephant is a short hard curved metal, another said an
elephant has four short hard stump after touching the Legs, the next said an elephant is like a
house because he felt the stomach and the legs. These men cannot really describe the real
elephant until they go “regularly” to touch the elephant and have someone explain what they
have touched, this will give them better understanding. 1 Corinthians 13:9

Prayer: Lord, give me more appetite for your word in my daily life. (Amen)
DAY twenty FIVE

                           AT THE STREAM OF CHANGE

  Then the man said, “From now on, your name will no longer be Jacob. You will be called Israel,

      because you have wrestled with God and with men, and you have won. (Verse 28) CEV

Success is more than putting one‟s best in a quest but not giving up even when you are weak

and tired. Jacob wrestled with God from dusk till daybreak without letting go of God until he

was blessed. We need to know that during confusion, isolation, dejection, rejection,

depression and failure we ought to struggle in altar of prayer to prevail. Do not allow

circumstance and situation subject you to fate rather struggle by faith surely you shall


    Jacob is a good example to that situation facing you to today in the sense that, behind

Jacob was Laban who is not at peace with Jacob and ahead was Esau who was coming with

men of war to kill Jacob, his sides are foreign land who have hostile attitude to foreigners.

That was not the time to wrestle with any unknown person but despite his trouble, he knew

when to dive into a worthwhile venture, though all looked hopeless and tiring, he did not give

in to distraction. Jacob knew what he wanted. He wanted a way out and he got it because he

recognized the opportunity to his way out. Wrestle tirelessly with your situation today by not

giving up and I can assure you of victory at last.

PRAYER: Oh Lord, lead me to my place of change and grant me the wisdom to recognise my place

of change. (AMEN).
DAY twenty SIX

                               ESSENTIAL COMMODITY
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in afield. When a man found it, he hid it again, and
then in his joy, went and sold all he had and bought the field.” (Verse 44)

Men and women who know and value treasures will go the extra mile to own some while

some go for loans while some will sell their possessions, while some increase their income

just to own a valuable treasure. Unto some people treasure is life while to some it is wealth, if

well harnessed. There is one treasure to valuable and costless to own, the kingdom of God.

Usually after a period of time earthly treasures experience fall in value but there is one whose

value appreciates daily, it is always available.

   Man has a need for a commodity of great and essential value to him/her and that is the

kingdom of God, the bible says, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and

all others shall be added.” God‟s kingdom does not experience fall in value, but appreciates

daily. I will urge you to take a bold step of faith and set yourself on the path to heaven.

Investors always invest their money on a flourishing organization and not on a failing one,

invest today into the kingdom of heaven by selling those attitudes and practices unworthy of

the kingdom of God. God is waiting for you today for your investment into eternity.

  Are you in a fix of the value of this treasure? I am telling you that this treasure is

inexhaustible and it daily appreciates. There are some rules to owning this treasure which

are:- Confess Jesus as your lord and savior, Believe in the lord Jesus today and know his plans

for your daily living by studying his word and communing with him in prayer.

 PRAYER:- Lord God let me be qualified for this eternal treasure to spend my eternity in tour

DAY twenty SEVEN

                            HELP MATE OR HELL MATE
                                        Genesis 2:18-25

 And the LORD GOD said it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet
                                       for him. (Verse 18)

At creation God created a helpmate (woman) for Adam to be his companion, friend and a

shoulder to lean on. When the man saw her he said “this is the bone of my bones and the flesh

of my flesh”. Looking at the female, from the concept of creation, they are meant to be help

mates to the male, to encourage, motivate, assist, support and be strong where her partner is

weak, to correct him when he is wrong. As time went on, the helpmate turned hell mate when

she was deceived (tricked) by the devil. It is sad to see couples these days fighting, getting

divorced, misunderstanding and hating each other, deviating from God‟s original plan for


I have had opportunities of interacting with couples and taken time to study their relationship

and interactions, a lot of couple are public actors and family martial artists (they know all the

rules of attack and self defense). All these fight, divorce, misunderstanding and hate in the

home are traceable to; a) Faulty communication: a lot of relationships fail due to faulty

communication flow b) Misunderstanding: There is need for lovers to have in-depth

comprehension of one another from spoken word, body language, mood change, and gestures

Amos 3:3 c) Doubt: a good relationship must move through the process of compliance,

internalization and identification by believing in each other (having the same passion for your

family vision and living it together) d) Inappropriate Love: love is being responsible,

commitment, and being faithful to your partner.

Prayer: Lord, give me the grace to be more loving and responsible to my spouse (Amen)
DAY twenty Eight

                                 MY SEASON OF REST
1 Kings 5:4
But now the LORD my God hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor
                                      evil occurrent.

Biblically rest is not limited to relaxation, refreshing, or inactivity it also means freedom from

challenging situations, and or peaceful establishment of God‟s promises. It is a natural

phenomenon for man to go through harsh situations and affliction in his quest through life‟s

journey while it is God‟s nature to intervene and make a way out (solution) to any situation

not in his plan for his blood bought children John 16:33. God ordained rest is characterized

by; a) a relationship with Christ: to benefit from a family inheritance there must be a member

of such family and that is applicable to the kingdom of God, you must be born again and that

is your passport to enjoying rest 1 john 5:4. b) Services with joyful heart Psalm 100:1-2: A

joyful heart come from a grateful mind which grants access to divine rewards c) A teachable

heart Isaiah 1:19: success always comes the way of people who pay particular attention to

instructions but those who despise instructions suffer the pain of disobedience.

Rest is not a time for us to hang our diligence by mentally, physically, creatively and

spiritually lazing around, it is a time to keep doing something out of the ordinary such as

setting and breaking records in kingdom stewardship. David had few rest and he used the little

he had to organize a mobile concert of choral group that set Guinness world record till date as

recorded in 1 chronicles 15:16-28. Solomon had rest and he built a magnificent temple for the

Lord and also sacrificed four thousand offerings to the Lord 1 Kings 3:4, 1 Chronicles 29:21.

Implication: When records are set and or broken in kingdom stewardship, it moves God and

when he is moved he showers you with his blessings and favour to show that whatever is done

for God is not lost.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me convert my rest to a worthwhile time to serve you faithfully
DAY twenty NINE


                                                Joshua 1:8

 Study this book of the law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is

                                  written in it. Only then will you succeed.

God‟s word is ever fresh, potent and powerful. It is the only word that has been consistently

current, correct and powerful for over two thousand years.

The treasures embedded in the word can NEVER be fully harnessed in a one off flip through.

Treasures are hidden in sure and least expected places and it takes searching and researching

to find them, pirates make use of information and maps to find old hidden treasures, in their

quest to finding the treasures pirates are highly sensitive and take to consideration anything on

the way very seriously as they could be a lead. To access the treasures in the Word of God we

have to be highly sensitive to the rhema and the Logos in our search quest as God mostly

commune with us through these mediums, and we have to always a) Empowerment mark 6:7,

12&13 Digging deep into the scriptures gives access to divine strength and constant renewal

of strength b) Supernatural Victory Eph 6:17 CEV c) Sanctification Eph 5:26 d) Re-

enforcement of Faith Rom 10:26. e) By doing this we find Wisdom Psalm 119:99, Divine

Direction Pro 3:6 (CEV) Authority Gen 1:28, Matt 18:18, Revelation Daniel 10:1 and

Prosperity Joshua 1:8

   PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the Treasures you have in stock for me (AMEN).
DAY Thirty

                                          WORK PLAN

                                              Habakkuk 2:2

   Yahweh answered me, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he who runs may read it.

Work plan sometimes called project plan, is a document that, at a minimum, describes the

program, defines the program objectives, and goals by outlining our goals through objectives.

I have worked in the Not-for-profit sector for about eleven years and can unequivocally say

that, the most important key to the success of any Not-for-profit organization is “Work Plan”

Having aspirations, yearning and hopes for 2013 is never enough you must write them down

and you “MUST” work it out with your devised SMART strategies and remember to have a

second opinion along with a back up strategy, Of course, with only 358 days left, a few things

are important: 1) Define your goals and objectives: What goals will you have achieved before

the year ends. Make sure they are SMART! 2) Maintain your focus: You will need to prioritise

and give 80% of your time & resources to the top 20% of your goals. Avoid distractions. 3)

Get Knowledge: You can't do things the same way and expect a different result. Ask

questions, get information. 4) Go for it! This simple step separates the 'wishers' from

achievers. 5) Demonstrate the spirit of love Isaiah 58:5-7: Give to the poor, your parents

(biological and or spiritual), the aged, widows and the fatherless also visit and pray for the


PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to package the right work plan for this year (AMEN).
DAY Thirty-ONE

                                          NO CHARGE

                                                John 15:13

             Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

I received a broadcast on my BlackBerry of a man who reached 70 years and was affected by

a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him he will need a surgery to

correct the disorder. He agreed to do the surgery as the disorder had given him severe pain for

days. After the surgery he was given his a bill which covered all the costs. After looking

through his medical bill, tears were rolling down his checks. Upon seeing this, the doctor said

"If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you." The old man

replied, "I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because God let me urinate for

70 years and He never sent me a bill!"

John 3:16 records for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son….. God is still

in the business of dishing out free services to mankind while mankind is not appreciating his

services since it is free. God‟s love to man is at no charge and he is never going to ask us to

pay all he wants from us is to carry out his will which is love your neighbor as yourself.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for your free and unending love (AMEN).

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  • 3. DAY ONE JESUS OR BARABBAS Matthew 27:15-22 SO WHEN THE CROWD HAD GATHERED , PILATE ASKED THEM , “WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT ME TO RELEASE TO YOU ; BARABBAS OR JESUS WHO IS CALLED THE CHRIST ”. ( VERSE 17) On the eve of my eleventh birthday my sister whom I usually call Mum gave me a task of choice making that affected my reasoning till date.”Do you want a car or money?” she said, I become perplexed on which of the items to choose, while she was waiting for my response, I quickly thought within me, I will spend the money quickly but I will prefer a car that will boost my status among my peers so, I said „a car‟, but to my utmost disappointment she handed over to me a picture frame of Lamborghini, throughout that night I was so sad and mad at my choice. Years later after knowledge has increased I asked myself, what I want a car for at that age if not greedy and the thought of immediate gratification. I then analysed the dynamics of choice making and come these conclusion: there are two factors that affects our decision making per time (I) EXTERNAL FACTORS: (a) how people influence our actions and behaviour: Our actions revolve round how we are been manipulated, intimidated or motivated to get things done. We easily do things charismatic speakers, good analysts or creative negotiators who comes our way convince us to do (b) the vogue mentality: most of our behaviours are not too far from fashion or style of the moment, (c) what people say about me: We like to impress people around who mostly do not like us but will still want to be in their good book. John Maxwell once said „We borrow the money we do not have to buy things we do not need to impress the people who do not like us‟ (d) Peer Pressure: Actions and responses of people is centred around complying with “everybody is doing it syndrome” come join us. About 75% people hooked on drugs in Nigeria, is traceable to peer pressure (II) INTERNAL FACTORS; (a) My Value System: Making choice is informed by our belief system (b) My Self Worth: Self esteem goes a long way in affecting the quality of decision made. There is need to create an inner image of who you are not what people say you are. (c) Greed: Most people make hasty decision due to impulse, most of this group of people regret they actions later in life. We are seldom given task of choice in our daily life, but when we make the wrong choice, we feel bad, knowing that we hastily made those choices without taking a deep thought on the outcome of our choices. Any choice to be made based on advice should be well considered. Bishop Thomas Aremu once said “Your choice will determine your chance in life”. Most people in the crowd shouted in favour of the release of Barabbas who does not really know the implication of their choice, they made their choice based on external factor and not based on internal factor. PRAYER: Lord, help me to inquire of you before making any choice in my life. (AMEN).
  • 4. DAY TWO WOMAN Judges 16:15-21 Her Children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her... Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. (Prov.31:28 & 31) The main reason God created a woman was to be a help meet, the word Help Meet is not by accident but to fulfil God‟s purpose of covering up a man‟s weakness, but some women are no more WOnder unto their Man but a Woe untO their MAN. A woman has the ability/power to build up or to destroy her man or her home. There have been great stories of how women added values to their families while some tear theirs down. There was a time Adebukola told me to give her all my fragments (N5 and N10) of all balance I collect after transactions or purchases but I decided to give up to (N5, N10, N20 and N50) of all balance I collected as balance from vendors, 3 months later she loaned me three times the amount I requested for from her, I was curious about the excess, she told me the amount she gave me was my fragment savings. The Bible describes a disgraceful woman as decay in her man‟s bone Proverbs 12:4 unrealistic women kill a man faster than a plague. When some woman discovers their beauty and it gets into their head such women tends to be proud and snobbish believing in their beauty. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting Proverbs 31:3, the most important duty of a woman is to strengthen her man and home. The God given power and ability of women have not all be totally harnessed due to gender discrimination and segregation in our society led by men. Woman, the joy of the married and the sorrow of the unmarried, the divine one who sails her man to shore of peace, an evil spirit who torments her man as with sweet wine. A mysterious one who has the ability to either makes or mars a man‟s destiny, an enchanter full of seductive words and figure of enticement. A saint who with tenderness and prayers guides her man to the HAVEN OF JOY, a devil incarnate that serially tame to the SNARE OF DEATH. A man without thee is both happy but incomplete, the terrible one who can bring God‟s wrath on her man, the sacred one that brings God‟s peace and love upon her man. The sacred one that can invoke GOD‟s peace and Blessings on Her man the double faced being of good and bad. Prayer: Women: Dear Lord Make me a Wonder unto my man not a woe unto my man. Men: Dear Lord Make my wife a Wonder unto me not a woe unto me.
  • 5. DAY THREE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS Hebrew 11:4-40 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised (Verse 39) NIV It is part of human nature to grow weary when God‟s promises for our live lingers. We are often impatient and want things to happen almost immediately, forgetting the fact that “God is not a timed God but he is the God of time that lives outside of time”. According to the records in the book of Hebrews 11 men of old did not receive the promise of God on time. If I may ask, what will your reactions be if God‟s promise is not forth coming? Will you remain faithfully or otherwise? Faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. Faith can also be defined as Full Assurance In The Lord of Host. The men of old never had the privileges we have today yet they remain faithful unto death. Men of this generation are often impatient, hasty and self-centred, we want Magic rather than Miracle, faithful is he who is able to stand the test of time. Men of old are individual with flesh and blood like us but through faith they commanded Sun to stand still and the moon to stop Joshua 10:12-13 and by faith stopped the rain for three years I king 17:1,18:1, by faith prophesy of the future event Psalm 24:7-10, Isaiah 53:11-12, Daniel 12:1-13 and Revelation19:1-21 The faith of our fathers in faith looks crazy to this generation but God wants the faith of this generation to be greater compare to theirs. Do you want the divine habitation of God and his power in you today then come to him and believe in him and do not help him, only yield to him this hour, Jesus is calling and waiting for you. Have a FAITH filled day, Shalom. PRAYER: I belief in you Lord, Help my faith to totally trust in you and wait for your leading. Dear Lord, release unto me the grace to increase my faith in you (AMEN).
  • 6. DAY FOUR GREAT CHANGE Luke 19:1-10 “But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “look Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount”. (Verse 8) The first thing usually noticed in the life of a new convert is change, from the change people will know that such individual has abandoned his/her old ways of life. Zacchaeus displayed an unusual character not common with the rich converts of his time. Sam Adeyemi listed three characteristics of rich men during the time of Zacchaeus as follows; (a) Rich men do not run but hire people to run for them. I believe with this stance he was willing and desperate for change of life style (b) Rich men do not climb trees but hire people to climb for them. Will and determination is not enough but active determination he displayed demonstrate how much he wanted the change (c) Rich men do not want to part with their riches. The young rich ruler went back all because he could not part with his wealth. The moment Christ saw the determination of Zacchaeus he announce his salvation. If you are willing and ready to move from your present spiritual ghetto to a new realm in Christ, all you have to do is to call on Jesus today and make your declaration for him today and allow the great change become your portion. Decamping to the side of Jesus culminates into new level of experience and Positive transform as against the negative life style. Christ give Joy, Hope and unlimited breakthrough in him. PRAYER: Lord I come to you today; I give you my life, and confess with my mouth that you are the Lord of my life. Come into my life to rule. Thank you for the change of salvation in my life (AMEN).
  • 7. DAY FIVE A BETTER ALTERNATIVE Genesis 3:7-21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God made coats of skins, and clothed them. (Verse 16-17) When Adam and his wife Eve ate the forbidden fruit their eyes were opened and they immediately made fig leaves as their covering. From this it can be presumed that the first wisdom man sought after was faulty due to the fact that the first product of man after that wisdom was full of imperfections, the Bible said they sewed fig leaves to cover their nakedness. The devil deceived them into believing that they are lesser than God and the fruit will upgrade them to God‟s level, they took the fruit all to discover that the purported wisdom was after all foolishness, the devil kept the part when God said “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” Genesis 1:26. Form Adam and his wife. Usually this is what the devil do to keep man from God‟s original plan. When God came down to chat with them, he found them in a much lesser state compared to what they used to be. God himself then provided a better alternative of covering by making a garment from skin. Has it ever occurred to us that no man has ever been able to successfully make clothing or covering of leaves that will last? But man has been able to improve on skin (Leather). Have you tried dressing up with leaves before? Have you been dressed up in leaves all your life? Then come to the master designer for an alternative covering, Jesus is calling you to leave that Ghetto life and mentality and move to the Guest mansion today, listen to the call. There were many flaws in the first product of man after he sinned which are; (1) Leaves will dry up and wither in a matter of days while Leather lasts for years (the older the stronger) (2) Leaves are rough and an imperfect form of covering but Leather is smooth and neat (3) Leaves takes time to be converted into clothing and ends up a waste after a few weeks but Leather lasts longer and is useful. (4)Leaves cannot protect man from cold weather but it is a known fact that the commonly used material against cold is Leather clothing. (5) Leaves are time/season bound but Leather can be gotten any time of the season. MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 3:15 “Trust in the LORD with all your Heart and lean not on your own understanding” PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to lean on you all the days of my life for your divine instructions and leading. (AMEN)
  • 8. DAY SIX TURNING POINT John6:60-70 SIMON PETER ANSWERED HIM , “LORD TO WHOM WE SHALL GO? YOU HAVE THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE . WE BELIEVE AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE HOLY ONE OF GOD”. (VERSE 68-69) According to Rita Mae Brown “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. There are times we need to turn a new leaf of life and attitude, from this passage many of Jesus‟ disciples left him while the twelve rather than living him turned to Jesus to re-establish their faith and stand in him. We need to leave our present state for the next level. There are some ways we have walked that we need not walk again. When we examine our life style and relationship with God, we will see that it is not in accordance with God‟s permissive will, plan and purpose for our life, it is then time to readjust and realign our life and ways with God‟s. God never change but man does, God has ever been faithful to his words and to man. RIVER JABBOK was Jacob‟s turning point; there he wrestled with God (Genesis 32:24-30), Moses‟ turning point was at MOUNT HOREB; there he saw God in the burning bush that was not consumed (Exodus 3:1-6), Joshua‟s turning point was near JERICHO; there he saw the commander of the Lord‟s army (Joshua 5:13-15), and Paul‟s turning point was on his way to DAMASCUS; there he heard Jesus‟ voice (Act 9:2-7) my beloved where is your own turning point? Blessed is the life that turns to God and turn your back on short term pleasure and gratification, your life is precious to God do not spend it in eternal doom. The Lord is gently calling you today hear him do not delay, and hand your life over to him. Turn to God today for your eternity‟s certainty. “What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his own soul”? PRAYER: I give you my life for direction and guidance, dear Lord teach, me your ways so I can be happy and useful for your glory. (AMEN).
  • 9. DAY SEVEN DIVINE SECURITY II Kings 6:8-23 “Don’t be afraid “, the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them”. And Elisha prayed “O LORD, open his eyes so that he may see”. Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (Verse 16-17) As Christians we most time do not really know our worth both in physical and spiritual wise. My sister once shared a testimony of her maids‟ confession. "My maid said she was possessed with evil spirit and was sent to either break my marriage or to kill me but in her words she said “any time I enter your room to execute my part of the plan especially when you are asleep at night fire comes from your belly and burn me and my cohorts waiting for me outside your room. We try to know the source of the fire all to discover that it was a resultant effect of God‟s divine protection upon your life” God has given us authority over principalities and power when he said „No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you, Isaiah 54:17 CEV, They lost heart; they come trembling from their stronghold Psalm18:45, The LORD will grant that the enemies who raise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. Deut 28:7. God‟s plan for man is not destruction but divine direction and life eternal. Whenever problem comes our way, we are to call up to God as recorded in Jeremiah 33:3. We are his heir and an heir has free access to his/her father‟s presence and servants without inhibition. It is worthy of note that God‟s angels are always at your command, do not let the problem worry you but you are to worry your problems. Bishop David Abioye once said “everybody trembles before a king, but no matter how kingly the king is, when his children appears before him there is cheerfulness. Every recruit must carry a stone face before the general or his superior officer, but when the general gets home, he knows his children and he puts a smile on his face. God is God to all creatures, but He is Father to us and we are His own children. I‟d like to help you see the difference between relating with God as God and relating with Him as your Father. If for instance you receive news at 11 a.m. that there has been some tragedy in your child‟s school and as you are on your way rushing to get there, your neighbor is frantically saying to you, 'Remember my child also o!? You will tell him, „I have heard.‟ Now, no matter how kind you are, when you get to the scene and you find over one hundred children crying for help, I tell you, you cannot but recognize the voice of your own child. And as soon you hear his cry, you will dive into the place and rescue him first. It is after you have gotten your child to safety, as you about going, then you suddenly remember your neighbor‟s child, and if danger has not engulfed the place, you go back and get him out, but before then, your child first. That is how you also are on God‟s priority list because He is your Father. He said, A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee? (Ps 91:7). God would rather allow eleven thousand others to die in your place than let evil come near you”. PRAYER: Thank you Lord for greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world (AMEN).
  • 10. DAY Eight TRADE BY BARTER John 3:14-18 “For God so love the world that he gave his only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. (Verse 16) I created a story of about a man name Adio and his uncle Aremo who lived a reckless live from his early days and at mid age he could not live up to expectation and had to join a group of gang stars who lived on extortion, but as time went by their extortion could not sustain their life style of riotous living, so they went into stealing from stealing to robbery but while Adio was involved in all these his uncle kept encouraging him how he can make something meaningful out of his live but he would not listen to advice. One afternoon Aremo called Adio and told him he will give him half of his estate but they must go into contract, Adio jumped at the offer but was disappointed at the terms of his uncle which was “drop your riotous life and be like me”. Adio left in anger but kept pondering on the wealth he walked out on. Three days later he walked up to his uncle Aremo and told him he was ready to abide by the terms with the aim of conning his uncle, but his uncle took him through series of tests and training that changed his life and three years later his uncle gave him the whole estate when he sincerely dropped his bad habit. But to his greatest surprise his uncle told him the wealth belongs to Adio while he is only a care taker of the wealth. At creation God‟s plan for man was to live and praise God and ultimately rein for eternity, but sin caused man‟s eternity to be to be limited years (Job 14:1a), and without the shedding of blood there can‟t be remission of sin. From the third chapter of Genesis God‟s plan and purpose for man was altered by sin, so man had to shed blood of animals for his sins. The law of sin states “the soul that sin shall die” but a meeting was held in heaven to nullify this law and the only way to achieve this is to pay the price of man‟s sin by a sacrificial ransom and the son of God volunteered himself for the pain no mortal and heavenly being was willing to pay. The death of Jesus Christ paid all the debt owed due to sin, thereby setting aside the law of sin and its rein on man. The most precious blood was shed as an atonement for mans to be at peace with God, for man to be free from sin there must be an exchange with something of greater value which was the death of Jesus as the ransom for man‟s soul and freedom. Friends no matter how deep you have gotten yourself into sin, thinking there is no way out, I have good news for you according to the 17th verse of our text “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him”. Call the Lord today and confess your sins ask him to forgive you your entire misdeed and renounce any cultism you might have been involved in. He is a true father that loves the return of his children PRAYER: Thank you Lord for giving your only son for my ransom, I appreciate your gift of salvation (AMEN).
  • 11. DAY Nine YOU HAVE ALL HE NEEDS Matthew 15:29-39 “How many loaves do you have? “ Jesus asked “Seven” They replied, “and a few small fish”. (Verse 34) We most times give ourselves heartache and dissolution ourselves with what we think we do not have to make through life‟s journey, but have not taken time to think of things we have that God can use. Most times we bug our heart with, “What to do”, “How to do it”, and “When to do it” to be successful in life, not reminding ourselves of what we have and how God will multiply it. Some times in 2011 someone sent these words to me “Imagine a person who has never known any modern technology (for example someone living in the heart of a dense jungle). One day this person is given a radio tuned in to a very precise radio station and he finds it suddenly extraordinary to be able to listen to music through what is essentially a small box. He is told that to listen to this music he need only press the 'on' button without having to do anything else to listen to this music. This person thinks this radio is a wonderful invention and then spends a number of years listening to this radio and to the same program as the radio stays on the same station all of the time. And then one day someone else comes along and shows him that there are a multitude of other stations and frequencies to listen to with many other programs that can be as interesting as the first.... You are in the position of this person Oluwasesan and your potential can be compared to this radio. Your potential is not yet fully exploited and you are not yet aware of certain of your hidden talents. I find myself in the place of the person who's duty is to show you exactly how you can tune in to these new frequencies. This is a metaphorical example but it demonstrates clearly the situation in which you find yourself at this time”. We all have all we need to make it through in life‟s journey but have to make extra effort in discovering our unique qualities (potential) God wants to use. PRAYER: I know I have all you need for my situation, please dear Lord reveal to me all I need to know to make it through (AMEN).
  • 12. DAY ten TREASURES IN THE WORD OF GOD Psalm 2:1-6 “But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Verse 2-3) To be informed is to be reformed but a man not informed will be deformed in the scheme of success/ life. We most times get information on how to use any electronics, automobile, tools or equipments we purchase from its manual, the manual serves as the guide to effective utilisation of these equipments. Myles Munroe once said “When purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable”. We live as the day goes by with little trial by error success, believing we have arrived. To be successful we have to be wise, to be wise we need to apply knowledge and to apply knowledge we need information and to get informed we must research or gather raw facts. For journey of life to become stress free the word of God is the compass required to getting to the shore of peace. The word of God delivers to us his plan, purpose and intentions for us in destiny and we can only take delivery of these by digging deep into the word of God regularly. The treasures embedded in the word can NEVER be fully harnessed in a one off flip through. Treasures are hidden in sure and least expected places and it takes searching and researching to find them, pirates make use of information and maps to find old hidden treasures, in their quest to finding the treasures pirates are highly sensitive and take to consideration anything on the way very seriously as they could be a lead. To access the treasures in the Word of God we have to be highly sensitive to the rhema and the Logos in our search quest as God mostly commune with us through these mediums, and we have to always a) read the word Isa 34:16, b) Study the word 2Tim 2:15, c) Meditate on the word Psla1:2 and d) declare the word Psalm 2:7. By doing this we find Wisdom Psalm 119:99, Divine Direction Pro 3:6 (CEV) Authority Gen 1:28, Matt 18:18, Revelation Daniel 10:1 and Prosperity Joshua 1:8 PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the Treasures you have in stock for me (AMEN).
  • 13. DAY eleven BLACKBERRY VERSUS BIBLE Psalm 16:4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips. We live in a generation where we have substituted God with our Information communication Technology gadgets, automobiles, Yachts, Jewelleries, fashion to mention a few. But all these really does not bring true joy to man, true joy comes from Yahweh. Have you ever wondered what would happen if we treated our Bible just like we treat our BlackBerry? What if we carried it around in our purse or pocket? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to receive messages from the text? (Psalm 1: 2-3) What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it? (Psalm 119:103, 105) What if we gave it to kids as gifts? What if we used it when we travelled? What if we used it in case of an emergency? This is something to make you go...hmm...where's my Bible Instead of where is my BB (BlackBerry)? And unlike our Blackberry, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus Christ had already paid the bill. 93% OF THE PEOPLE READING THIS WRITE UP WON'T THINK AND ACT ON IT. So are you among the 7% that will PRAYER: Dear Lord, empower me to take things of your kingdom with all seriousness.
  • 14. DAY twelve CRAZY ASSIGNMENT Genesis 22:1-3 And he said, Take now thy son, thy only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. (Verse 2) We seldom qualify people who cannot give a convincing or reasonable account of what they are doing as mad or crazy. God told Abraham in Gen 12:1 to leave his home town to a place he will be shown. The implication of this is Guy leave your comfort zone to a place I want you to go (you will have to work hard before it becomes your home/comfort zone) isn‟t that wired? Whenever God wants to establish his supremacy, the human mind and brain calls or thinks it‟s crazy. God commanded Noah to build and ark, in his days had never been rain yet he foolishly obeyed, God also told him to select all animals male and female crazy it sound isn‟t it or you may call it NOAH‟S NAT GEO WILD PROJECT but Noah completely obeyed God‟s instructions (Gen 6:9-22). Crazy it looks when God commanded Hosea to go marry a prostitute; this was done in other to drive home a practical point to Israelites of their unfaithfulness to God Hosea 1:1-11. Crazy it was for Joseph to take marry as his wife, whose pregnancy is not for him, but by crazy faith he did obeyed Matthew 1:18-25. Moses received instruction to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt to the land of Canaan, how can a single man face a nation, with a revolutionary message to the minority. God told Abraham to leave a land where he is comfort to a land he will be shown, though it seems crazy but the end of his obedience PRAYER: I need the grace to obey all your instructions dear Lord (AMEN).
  • 15. DAY thirteen SELF DISCOVERY AND SELF COMMUNICATION Luke 15:17-18(The Message Bible) 17 "That brought him to his senses. He said, 'All those farm hands working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. 18 I’m going back to my father. I'll say to him, Father, I've sinned against God, I've sinned before you; Discovering where you are at the moment against where you ought to be now is the first step to Self Discovery; however you need to communicate your discovery and strategies to your tripartite being (Spirit, Soul and Body) for a true turnaround from your current status. I love to say no man was created a failure; however man became a failure by the virtue of success/failure mentality he is carrying. Self communication is stronger than self discovery itself. When self communication is done in right order such individual is able to self counsel him/herself out of any negative situation. Self communication allows you to empower yourself in making informed decisions. What you communicate to yourself determines what your destiny will be, wrong communication corrupt your heart and ultimately condemn your destiny. This is a new day, don't just sit there making excuses for failing or praising yourself for that localized success, remember do not localize your dream but globalize it . Shalom PRAYER: Lord, empower me with the grace to search out my purpose in live and run with it, with all zeal (AMEN).
  • 16. DAY Fourteen BECOMING A BETTER MINISTER Joshua 1:1-3 1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. Joshua was referred to in this verse as the "MINISTER" of Moses, as a minister his work includes but not limited to the following; to give service, care, or aid; attend, as to wants or necessities.: to minister to the needs of Moses God's servant. Being a servant is not a convenient work, there are so many time he will want to do things he is convinced that are God's will but will not be authorized to do such by his master, but this verse record God called Joshua after the death of his master Moses. You may have been under a master or situations and circumstance that seem your skills, wisdom, abilities and anointing is subdued, friends I have good news for you your time to bring forth is here now Psalm 105:19-22. When you are serving a master it is a time to understudy such leader and to develop, increase and learn how to use your potentials, serving is the best and fastest way to leadership. Shalom Moral: Always Look, Listen and Learn when you are to minister under authority Prayer: Lord, make me an instrument in your hand
  • 17. DAY fifteen POWER AS OF OLD Joshua 10:1 Now it came to pass, when Adoni–zedek king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai and her king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them; I cannot but wonder at the level of faithlessness and spiritual laziness of this generation, Joshua was so confident of his God that he commanded the Sun and the Moon to stand still and today it is reflected in our lunar system (Calendar year and Leap year). Power of at work in the time of old is same as today but the difference is our level of rugged faith in God this generation is not the same as our fathers in faith. God has made available to us that same power, all we need is to access it, Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa accessed this same power and he stopped the World witches from meeting in Benin City, Nigeria. In response to the representative of the world witches on a Television programme he said Jesus does not need to be here to halt the meeting that is why I am here as his representative. When Bukola was pregnant with Olufemi, a pastor friend told me that there was a spiritual conspiracy for both of them to die which I already know. I then engage the spiritual weapon of prayer and praise and today they both are alive. If they used the power you can also use it today. Shalom Prayer: Lord Use me for your glorious agenda
  • 18. DAY sixteen COUPLE LOVE YOURSELVES Eph. 5:25 Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. Loving one‟s partner goes beyond sex, figure, seize, intelligence, ability, romance, and or brilliance of your partner, it involves revolving of care, understanding, loving and responsibility between the two parties involved. Most marriages and homes around the world had and is undergoing endurance not enjoyment as it should be and many will still face the same challenge if the core value of marriage is not pursue. It takes a failed husband to raise a failed home or family. A failed home is first a reflection of the leadership in such homes before the help mate is considered as a failure. Husbands it is high time we started living up to our name (Humble Unabated Standard of Building an Abode for Nurturing Dependable Saints). God did not create destructive men, he created constructive men. Hear this, your job, career, passion and or vision is not of additional importance than your home. Most men will do anything to become public heroes, sure they end up becoming public heroes but they are failure in their own homes at the same time. We must first build our homes before the master builder can build us up, any home not built on the standard of unity can never stand the test of time (Matt 12:25). One of the major roles of the husbands is to Nurture their home and until that is done such home cannot become mature and without maturity good fruition should not be expected. Success is not only measured by the achievements a man has attained in public, rather true success is the positive impact made within their home. Be a pillar not a caterpillar. Women you are also not exempted. Jesus Is Lord. Prayer: Dear Lord, give me the grace to totally love my home and work to build a home to your glory (Amen).
  • 19. DAY seventeen KNOWING THE GOD OF THE HOUSE 1 Samuel 3:1-10 1-2 Samuel served the LORD by helping Eli the priest, who was by that time almost blind. In those days, the LORD hardly ever spoke directly to people, and he did not appear to them in dreams very often. But one night, Eli was asleep in his room, 3 and Samuel was sleeping on a mat near the sacred chest in the LORD's house. They had not been asleep very long 4 when the LORD called out Samuel's name.“Here I am!” Samuel answered. 5 Then he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am. What do you want?”“I didn't call you,” Eli answered. “Go back to bed.”Samuel went back. 6 Again the LORD called out Samuel's name. Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “What do you want?”Eli told him, “Son, I didn't call you. Go back to sleep.”7 The LORD had not spoken to Samuel before, and Samuel did not recognize the voice. 8 When the LORD called out his name for the third time, Samuel went to Eli again and said, “Here I am. What do you want?”Eli finally realized that it was the LORD who was speaking to Samuel. 9 So he said, “Go back and lie down! If someone speaks to you again, answer, ‘I'm listening, LORD. What do you want me to do?’ ”Once again Samuel went back and lay down.10 The LORD then stood beside Samuel and called out as he had done before, “Samuel! Samuel!”“I'm listening,” Samuel answered. “What do you want me to do?” Until you have a profiting relationship with God all your activities in the house of God will end up as religious ceremonious formal procedure – Olusesan Oshat. Most Christians today are simply carrying out religious rites (A rite can be described as an established, “ceremonious” religious act). When our Practices and services are not in consonance with divine instructions whatever is done can simply be regarded as carrying out courteous religious activities. Though Samuel was living in God‟s house and serving in the sanctuary, and even grew up in the house of God yet he does not have a profiting in-depth knowledge of who God is, and how awesome he is. Christianity is not a sect, rather it is a personal walk with God the creator. The greatest tragedy that can befall a man is for such person not to know where he is headed for, and how to get there. The rate of church attendees that does not know what it means to be a Christian is and what is expected of a Christian on earth is becoming alarming. There is therefore need to constantly a) Thirst for God: committed and Continual search to know the God better Psalm 42:1, Phil 3:10. b) Hear from God: for direction and guidance Deut 5:27 c) Obey God’s directives: God is the all knowing one that will teach guide us into all truth. John 2:5 Joshua 24:24 d) have spiritual Father: Our life‟s journey becomes easy when our spiritual father is always guiding us in the right path to toll. 2 Kings 2:12 1 Samuel 3:5-6 Jesus Is Lord. Prayer: Lord, release unto me the spirit that thirst for you daily (Amen).
  • 20. DAY Eighteen THE BLESSEDNESS OF HARD WORK DEUTRONOMY 28: 1-2 1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: 2 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. God‟s blessing is always with hard working people, God works and that make him a lover of diligent worker. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper Psalm 1:3, Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men Proverbs 22:29, And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you 1 Thess 4:11 In year 2000 I volunteered to be part of the (EYC) ECWA Youth Camp official, a yearly ECWA church youth camp programme held at Eye nkorin, I was to be part of the camp security for the period of camping. On appointment I remembered that some years back I once was just a camper but that year it was my turn to be a leader and I reminded myself of how I used to call camp officials names and made fun of them though never disobeyed nor once rude to anyone of them. I started out as an ordinary camp official carrying out my assigned duties but I ended up working in most of the units and making things work, I was so thorough to the extent that I personally followed through with other officials‟ assignment just to make sure there was no flaw in all those activities assigned to them. In some cases I will go to all other posts to check on the others and sometimes serve guests ministers their meal as at when due and go back to pick up the plates after meals. These two guest ministers where watching my thorough activities throughout their stay and on the last day I was summoned into their chalet and after asking me some questions I later got to know that One of the guest ministers was my immediately elders brother‟s friend while in the university while the second was my eldest brother‟s spiritual son. They both laid hands on and blessed me. The senior guest minister went to my with the news of how I was a blessing and he also blessed me and those blessings have being following me. Prayer: Anoint with the grace of hard work, so I can qualify for the blessings of hard work (Amen). Memory Verse for meditation: Proverbs22:29 Show me someone who does a good job, and I will show you someone who is better than most and worthy of the company of kings. (GNT)
  • 21. DAY Nineteen YOUR TRUE VICTORY For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief. There are no limitations except those you acknowledge. Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve, Napoleon Hill. The number of times a man failed is his intangible history however the number of times he got victory is his tangible future in the making. For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief - Proverbs 24:16. Your current victory is your permanent victory because Christ DIED for MAN to LIVE and HE ROSE for MAN to REIN 1Corinthians 6:14, 2 Corinthians 4:14. Man's true Victory is guaranty in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We need to understand as Christian that; a) Failure Changes People: Failure will never leave you the same; it either leaves you flat on the ground or becomes your stepping stone to greatness. b) Failure is an Event: Event is past or present occurrence caused by man directly or indirectly. Man has power to influence how event happen and form of its occurrence. c) Failure is an Experience: It is often said that experience is the best tutor; failure should help man learn from his/her actions. d) FAILURE is Success in Disguise: The spring board to man‟s success is Failure. Isaiah 61:7, Isaiah 9: 10 e) Failure is Never Final Micah 7:8: Failing should never be your Full stop to life but your full start in life. „Successful people are Ex-losers who got tired of losing and simply shifted ground‟ – Olusesan Oshat. Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for winning the battle for me at Calvary and for granting me the enablement to bask in you divine victory for my life. (AMEN). Memory Verse for meditation: For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief - Proverbs 24:16.
  • 22. DAY twenty CONNECTING ANCESTRAL BLESSINGS Genesis 12:1-3 “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed (Verse 1-3) I was to speak in one of our Tuesday power house prayer meetings which fell in the month that our theme for the month was “Outstanding Success is my Birthright”. While preparing, the topic “Connecting the Ancestral Blessings of Abraham” came to my mind and as I was preparing the teaching I noticed that in this part of the world “Ancestral, Generational, and or Territorial Curses are words believer mostly magnify and talk of to a new convert or when a believer is challenged. Many believers now blame everything not in the right order in their live on Ancestral, Generational, and or Territorial Curses even when natural mistakes are made. Yes Ancestral, Generational, and or Territorial Curses exist but God has given us power over them through salvation 1 John 5:4, Mark 16:18 Ish. 54:17 God‟s blessings are always with obedient children (Isaiah 1:19: If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land), God‟s standard is sure and will never change for he will never bless the disobedient at the expense of the obedient. To access God‟s blessings in any area of our life, we must be willing to pay the price of carrying out his set instructions to letter. Been blessed of the Lord requires knowing God‟s principles for blessing mankind. Ancestral blessings are 1) Inherited divine help for a man‟s destiny that will bring about surprise to others around him passed from one generation to another (What You did not work for) 2) Are blessings that releases divine approval to beautify destiny and generations to come. 3) Heaven sanctioned protection on a man and his family passed down from one generation to another. 4) It is reaping dividend of the good works our spiritual or biological parents have stocked up for us. How can we connect ancestral blessings? It is worthy of note that to receive the blessings of Abraham, we must be willing to have the faith of Abraham and also pay the price he paid. 1) Have a Relationship with God (Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you). No man can contest to be included in another man‟s will when he is not part of the family, the same goes for unbelievers will not have access to partake of the blessings of salvation. Until you have a relationship with God you cannot enjoy the benefit of redemption. 2) Hearing God‟s Instructions (Isaiah 30: 21 And thine ear shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, Walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. Joshua 1:7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.) 3) Observing And Diligently Carrying Out God‟s Instructions, we often are not observant to instructions from the throne of grace and that is the major reason many fail, when we obey God‟s instruction it delivers us from destruction. (Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Deuteronomy 28:1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe) Some of the effects of ancestral blessings 1) wealth are inevitable Deuteronomy 8:18: God will direct wealth and riches towards you with peace to enjoy them. 2) You are blessed in every area of life Genesis 24:1: God will bless you with all that is required to make life worth living for you and he will make you a new definition of blessing. 3) God‟s blessings and favour is transfer to your generation: Abraham‟s blessings were transferred to Isaac is sons Genesis 26:13 & Jacob enjoyed the dividends of Abraham and Isaac‟s labour of faith Genesis 30:43. Your generation shall never want blessings in whatever form. 4) Curses are averted from you Numbers 23:23 ancestral blessings wade off curses (generational and or territorial) from you and your generation. 4) Divine protection becomes your heritage Isaiah 57:14: God‟s blessings comes with the protection of the most high to keep you from harm and danger Psalm 91:2-14 PRAYER: Lord, deliver into my hands all outstanding balance of my ancestral blessings.
  • 23. DAY twenty ONE REDEMPTION Therefore prophesy and say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, O My people; and I will bring you [back home] to the land of Israel. Ezek 37: 12 AMP At creation, God‟s original intent for man was to be his representative here on earth and to worship him continually. But this plan was truncated when man fell in the Garden of Eden and it had to take a priceless blood sacrifice to redeem man from the power and clutches of sin. God according to Genesis 1:26 created man in his own image and likeness to be in control of everything on earth. Hear this according to God‟s original intention it is an aberration to be controlled by what you should be controlling here on earth. Man was in the perfect will of God until the forbidden fruit was eaten and man lost it all. God in his wisdom designed a temporary way out for man‟s redemption from the law of sin and death through sacrifice and priests but God‟s last card was the priceless blood of his only son that is potent, effective, and efficient enough to pay the ransom for the remission of man‟s sins and to restore him back to his original state. The ransom plan includes a) TO OPEN MAN‟S GRAVES by granting free access and passage out of satanic and demonic prison and slavery, it also connotes liberation or freedom from the clutch of satanic agents and his cohorts. Psalm 107: 16 For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder. b) TO COME UP OUT: This is triumphant exit from satanic and demonic slavery or prison. This can be termed as spiritual freedom of movement, where there are no constrictions to where you can or cannot go. c) TO BRING MAN BACK HOME: This is restoring man back to his original domain. Bishop Oyedepo got his mandate after he had an 18 hour vision of beaten, battered, and buffeted people wailing and crying for help, he asked God "But why Lord" God responded and said "but in the beginning it was not so. And now the hour has come to liberate man from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching the word of faith and I am sending to undertake this task”. Matthew 15:13 But he answered and said, every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Matthew 3:12 whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. God is still in the business of redeeming men and women who calls on him to be saved from the path of death and destruction. Call his toll free line to date for your salvation and he will surely save you. Prayer: Thank you dear blessed father for your redemptive plan for me. (AMEN).
  • 24. DAY twenty TWO BLANK CHEQUE LUKE 18: 35-43 “What do you want me to do?...........” (Verse 41a) A wise man once said “it takes a wise mind to see and utilize opportunity” I once worked with three interesting people when I was in working in a rehab center in Lagos. This three always had issues with me whenever there is need to make request. My office assistant always goes round his request believing I will guess his need, yes I may but will probe until he specifically mention the particular need, one of my security guys does not really knows what he really wanted while my cook will always dwell on the less important than the most expedient and urgent. The first two does not like coming to my for any reason as they believe until you specifically as the boss he will keep asking so what do you want. This is not the same story with blind bartimaeus that Jesus met on his way to Jericho, blind bartimaeus was seated by the road side, though physically impaired but mentally alert taped into once in a life time opportunity by crying Christ to crush his crisis. When he was taping into his golden opportunity he got discouraging comments, advice and was even yelled at yet he wouldn‟t get discouraged but was more determined to receive his sight. Though the situation seems unrealistic for him but he believed he can get something out of nothing. His determination prompted Jesus to give him a blank cheque by asking him “What do you want me to do for you”. For an average man in desperate need, the first thing they do is commence detail history of how their problem has lingered and caused pain. But this man asked for what was of paramount importance to him at that specific time. Prayer: Dear Lord, give me the grace to pray aright and not amiss in the prayer room (Amen). Memory Verses for meditation: Matthew 7:8 Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks (CEV) 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not giving us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind. (KJV)
  • 25. DAY twenty THREE WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND EXODUS 4: 2-4 Then the LORD said to him, “what is that in your hand?” A staff”, he replied. (Verse 2) No man can lay claim to have created creativity as it has always been part of him, all men can only lay claim to have discovered their areas of creativity – Olusesan Oshatimehin Most people always pray that God should bless and use them for his glory, but God will not bless a vacuum. God blesses men and women with useful tools in their hands. God asked Moses what he had in his hand, and his response moved him to the next level in God‟s plan for him. To be used by God, what you have in your hand goes along way. We also need to put into use that which is in our hands, we must not rest on the fact that we‟ve got something that God can bless. Proverbs 22:29 says “do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscured men. God is ready to use you but there are some things you must do, you must have or hold what is not abominable to God, it must be identifiable with God. You must hold what God can use to his glory in your life. There something that are useful to God‟s glory in your life but not in others‟ life. Finally you need to inquire of God what tools you need to have in your hand. Remember what you have in your hand will take you to where you have to be in destiny, holding the wrong tools will take you to the wrong destination in destiny. Consciously discover the right tool for your life‟s journey to be stress free. Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to identify the tools you want me to have in other to fulfil the task you have for me (Amen).
  • 26. DAY twenty FOUR KNOWING THE GOD OF THE HOUSE PART 2 Act 17:23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD”. Whom wherefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. When I was growing up one of my favourite time was the family devotion time where it was like a church service and my Dad will break the word down to everyone‟s comprehension. I especially love it when it was my turn to share the word; I will search the bible and network scriptures to make sure I try my little best then to impress my Dad and everyone at the meeting. Though the primary motive then was to “Impress” little did I know that I was building my spiritual muscles for the battles ahead and that was the beginning of my knowing God. From wanting to impress man during family devotion, I ended up knowing the living God during my search for scriptures. My search led me through wonderful discoveries and inspirations that helped me later in life: a) a relationship with God: the scriptures led me to finally give my life to Christ John 3:3&16 b) more search: I kept studying the word and that made me fell in love with the book of revelation. Most of the notes I took when I was searching is put together in my daily deliberation Dan 9:2, 2 Tim 2:15, 2 Tim 3:15 c) I always love to be with believers: I noticed I enjoy myself when I am with the saints of God and the inspiration flows greatly Matth. 18:20, Heb. 10:25 d) more mind blowing insight and revelation: the more I study the word and other Christian literatures the more understanding I get and the inspiration flows. John 14:26 e) divine empowerment: the deeper I reach into the scripture the more I become empowered. I noticed in every organization I work I get any of these the nickname Pastor, Bishop, Young Bishop or spiritual head of the family, as a result of God‟s power Act 10:38. Knowing God of the house requires diligence, consistence, commitment, and persistence, it is not a one off exercise, and this should be as natural to us as breathing. Knowing God is like blind men told to describe an elephant by touching some part of an elephant, after first man touch touched the tusk he said an elephant is a short hard curved metal, another said an elephant has four short hard stump after touching the Legs, the next said an elephant is like a house because he felt the stomach and the legs. These men cannot really describe the real elephant until they go “regularly” to touch the elephant and have someone explain what they have touched, this will give them better understanding. 1 Corinthians 13:9 Prayer: Lord, give me more appetite for your word in my daily life. (Amen)
  • 27. DAY twenty FIVE AT THE STREAM OF CHANGE Then the man said, “From now on, your name will no longer be Jacob. You will be called Israel, because you have wrestled with God and with men, and you have won. (Verse 28) CEV Success is more than putting one‟s best in a quest but not giving up even when you are weak and tired. Jacob wrestled with God from dusk till daybreak without letting go of God until he was blessed. We need to know that during confusion, isolation, dejection, rejection, depression and failure we ought to struggle in altar of prayer to prevail. Do not allow circumstance and situation subject you to fate rather struggle by faith surely you shall overcome. Jacob is a good example to that situation facing you to today in the sense that, behind Jacob was Laban who is not at peace with Jacob and ahead was Esau who was coming with men of war to kill Jacob, his sides are foreign land who have hostile attitude to foreigners. That was not the time to wrestle with any unknown person but despite his trouble, he knew when to dive into a worthwhile venture, though all looked hopeless and tiring, he did not give in to distraction. Jacob knew what he wanted. He wanted a way out and he got it because he recognized the opportunity to his way out. Wrestle tirelessly with your situation today by not giving up and I can assure you of victory at last. PRAYER: Oh Lord, lead me to my place of change and grant me the wisdom to recognise my place of change. (AMEN).
  • 28. DAY twenty SIX ESSENTIAL COMMODITY “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in afield. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy, went and sold all he had and bought the field.” (Verse 44) Men and women who know and value treasures will go the extra mile to own some while some go for loans while some will sell their possessions, while some increase their income just to own a valuable treasure. Unto some people treasure is life while to some it is wealth, if well harnessed. There is one treasure to valuable and costless to own, the kingdom of God. Usually after a period of time earthly treasures experience fall in value but there is one whose value appreciates daily, it is always available. Man has a need for a commodity of great and essential value to him/her and that is the kingdom of God, the bible says, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all others shall be added.” God‟s kingdom does not experience fall in value, but appreciates daily. I will urge you to take a bold step of faith and set yourself on the path to heaven. Investors always invest their money on a flourishing organization and not on a failing one, invest today into the kingdom of heaven by selling those attitudes and practices unworthy of the kingdom of God. God is waiting for you today for your investment into eternity. Are you in a fix of the value of this treasure? I am telling you that this treasure is inexhaustible and it daily appreciates. There are some rules to owning this treasure which are:- Confess Jesus as your lord and savior, Believe in the lord Jesus today and know his plans for your daily living by studying his word and communing with him in prayer. PRAYER:- Lord God let me be qualified for this eternal treasure to spend my eternity in tour kingdom.
  • 29. DAY twenty SEVEN HELP MATE OR HELL MATE Genesis 2:18-25 And the LORD GOD said it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him. (Verse 18) At creation God created a helpmate (woman) for Adam to be his companion, friend and a shoulder to lean on. When the man saw her he said “this is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh”. Looking at the female, from the concept of creation, they are meant to be help mates to the male, to encourage, motivate, assist, support and be strong where her partner is weak, to correct him when he is wrong. As time went on, the helpmate turned hell mate when she was deceived (tricked) by the devil. It is sad to see couples these days fighting, getting divorced, misunderstanding and hating each other, deviating from God‟s original plan for marriage. I have had opportunities of interacting with couples and taken time to study their relationship and interactions, a lot of couple are public actors and family martial artists (they know all the rules of attack and self defense). All these fight, divorce, misunderstanding and hate in the home are traceable to; a) Faulty communication: a lot of relationships fail due to faulty communication flow b) Misunderstanding: There is need for lovers to have in-depth comprehension of one another from spoken word, body language, mood change, and gestures Amos 3:3 c) Doubt: a good relationship must move through the process of compliance, internalization and identification by believing in each other (having the same passion for your family vision and living it together) d) Inappropriate Love: love is being responsible, commitment, and being faithful to your partner. Prayer: Lord, give me the grace to be more loving and responsible to my spouse (Amen)
  • 30. DAY twenty Eight MY SEASON OF REST 1 Kings 5:4 But now the LORD my God hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent. Biblically rest is not limited to relaxation, refreshing, or inactivity it also means freedom from challenging situations, and or peaceful establishment of God‟s promises. It is a natural phenomenon for man to go through harsh situations and affliction in his quest through life‟s journey while it is God‟s nature to intervene and make a way out (solution) to any situation not in his plan for his blood bought children John 16:33. God ordained rest is characterized by; a) a relationship with Christ: to benefit from a family inheritance there must be a member of such family and that is applicable to the kingdom of God, you must be born again and that is your passport to enjoying rest 1 john 5:4. b) Services with joyful heart Psalm 100:1-2: A joyful heart come from a grateful mind which grants access to divine rewards c) A teachable heart Isaiah 1:19: success always comes the way of people who pay particular attention to instructions but those who despise instructions suffer the pain of disobedience. Rest is not a time for us to hang our diligence by mentally, physically, creatively and spiritually lazing around, it is a time to keep doing something out of the ordinary such as setting and breaking records in kingdom stewardship. David had few rest and he used the little he had to organize a mobile concert of choral group that set Guinness world record till date as recorded in 1 chronicles 15:16-28. Solomon had rest and he built a magnificent temple for the Lord and also sacrificed four thousand offerings to the Lord 1 Kings 3:4, 1 Chronicles 29:21. Implication: When records are set and or broken in kingdom stewardship, it moves God and when he is moved he showers you with his blessings and favour to show that whatever is done for God is not lost. Prayer: Dear Lord, help me convert my rest to a worthwhile time to serve you faithfully (Amen).
  • 31. DAY twenty NINE TREASURES IN THE WORD OF GOD PART II Joshua 1:8 Study this book of the law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed. God‟s word is ever fresh, potent and powerful. It is the only word that has been consistently current, correct and powerful for over two thousand years. The treasures embedded in the word can NEVER be fully harnessed in a one off flip through. Treasures are hidden in sure and least expected places and it takes searching and researching to find them, pirates make use of information and maps to find old hidden treasures, in their quest to finding the treasures pirates are highly sensitive and take to consideration anything on the way very seriously as they could be a lead. To access the treasures in the Word of God we have to be highly sensitive to the rhema and the Logos in our search quest as God mostly commune with us through these mediums, and we have to always a) Empowerment mark 6:7, 12&13 Digging deep into the scriptures gives access to divine strength and constant renewal of strength b) Supernatural Victory Eph 6:17 CEV c) Sanctification Eph 5:26 d) Re- enforcement of Faith Rom 10:26. e) By doing this we find Wisdom Psalm 119:99, Divine Direction Pro 3:6 (CEV) Authority Gen 1:28, Matt 18:18, Revelation Daniel 10:1 and Prosperity Joshua 1:8 PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the Treasures you have in stock for me (AMEN).
  • 32. DAY Thirty WORK PLAN Habakkuk 2:2 Yahweh answered me, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he who runs may read it. Work plan sometimes called project plan, is a document that, at a minimum, describes the program, defines the program objectives, and goals by outlining our goals through objectives. I have worked in the Not-for-profit sector for about eleven years and can unequivocally say that, the most important key to the success of any Not-for-profit organization is “Work Plan” Having aspirations, yearning and hopes for 2013 is never enough you must write them down and you “MUST” work it out with your devised SMART strategies and remember to have a second opinion along with a back up strategy, Of course, with only 358 days left, a few things are important: 1) Define your goals and objectives: What goals will you have achieved before the year ends. Make sure they are SMART! 2) Maintain your focus: You will need to prioritise and give 80% of your time & resources to the top 20% of your goals. Avoid distractions. 3) Get Knowledge: You can't do things the same way and expect a different result. Ask questions, get information. 4) Go for it! This simple step separates the 'wishers' from achievers. 5) Demonstrate the spirit of love Isaiah 58:5-7: Give to the poor, your parents (biological and or spiritual), the aged, widows and the fatherless also visit and pray for the sick. PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to package the right work plan for this year (AMEN).
  • 33. DAY Thirty-ONE NO CHARGE John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. I received a broadcast on my BlackBerry of a man who reached 70 years and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him he will need a surgery to correct the disorder. He agreed to do the surgery as the disorder had given him severe pain for days. After the surgery he was given his a bill which covered all the costs. After looking through his medical bill, tears were rolling down his checks. Upon seeing this, the doctor said "If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you." The old man replied, "I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because God let me urinate for 70 years and He never sent me a bill!" John 3:16 records for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son….. God is still in the business of dishing out free services to mankind while mankind is not appreciating his services since it is free. God‟s love to man is at no charge and he is never going to ask us to pay all he wants from us is to carry out his will which is love your neighbor as yourself. PRAYER: Thank you Lord for your free and unending love (AMEN).