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Dare Not to Quit
Winners never quit and quitters never win
Dare Not to Quit
Kenya Copyright © 2018 by Theword Bookstores Publishers.
Requests for information should be addressed to:
Ambassador Steve Mbugua.
P.O. Box 12092-00400 - Nairobi - Kenya
Tel. No. (254) 724036078
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Theword Printing Press.
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© 2018, Ambassador Steve Mbugua. All rights reserved. No part
of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
written permission from the publisher.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the
Holy Bible, are from the New King James Version (NKJV), © 1979,
1980, 1982, 1984 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All
rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the
King James Version of the Holy Bible. Scripture quotations marked
(NASB) are from the New American Standard Bible®, NASB ®, ©
1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1988.
Dare Not to Quit
I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude to my most merciful
God for always working behind the scenes in my life.
My dearest and patient wife Kezia Mbugua, you are the rock of
my life. You are the best in this life, I thank God for you. Your
support in this assignment is beyond measure. You have been a
blessing every step of the way. To my gracious daughter Zannet
Mbugua and son Israel Bryton Mbugua; thank you for always
believing in me. You bring me tremendous joy and you are such
a blessing. God bless you. I thank all my spiritual sons and
daughters who have undergone my mentorship programs. You
all inspire me to do more.
I also want to thank the wider circle of faithful family and friends
whose encouragement and gifts of wisdom gave this story its
life. I owe a debt of gratitude to my father, mother and siblings.
I thank all my mentors and Pastors, this work is not just the great
achievement of one person but of many. It is with that in mind
that I realize the words inside this pages are inspired by many.
The prayers of others made this come true.
I thank Wycliffe Mije for working tirelessly on this book to make
the dream come true. I want to thank all that have helped me in
many unexplainable ways. You inspired me to think on paper.
Once again I thank God through His grace I have this book for
you and to His Glory.
Dare Not to Quit
This book is dedicated to everyone
who has thought of quitting and
throwing in the towel.
This is for you. To let you know that
God has given you the capacity to
“One of the most common causes of failure
is the habit of quitting when one is
overtaken by temporary defeat.”
(Napoleon Hill)
Dare Not to Quit
Acknowledgment 3
Dedication 4
Introduction 6
Chapter 1: You have got to Fight for your Dreams 9
Chapter 2: Passion, Patience, Perseverance,
Persistence andPossesion (5Ps) 15
Chapter 3: A God of a Second chance 24
Chapter 4: Change your Perception. Change your Mindset
and keep the Right Perspective 37
Chapter 5: Arise get set for your Season 49
Chapter 6: The Power of Perception and word of Mouth 54
Chapter 7: Worry not, Pray and be Thankful, be Happy 63
Chapter 8: Dare not to Quit 67
Chapter 9: Pressing On 73
Chapter 10: The Grace to finishing Strong 80
Chapter 11: You are heading to flourishing finish 84
About The Author 91
Dare Not to Quit
f you do not fight for what you want now, you will fight against
what you don’t want later. Everything you have ever wanted is on
the other side of fear. To gain anything substantial in life you have
to do something that requires you to go an extra mile. To win a
marathon race you have to undergo thorough training, disciplined
lifestyle and strategize. You have to change and set your mindset on
achievement and wining.
My early school life was punctuated by immense mediocrity. I was a
damn dull short boy with a low self-esteem, to make matters worse I
was also a stammerer; other kids would mock me whenever I opened
my mouth to speak. My academic performance in class was wanting, I
was always at the bottom of the class, and I severally quit school to be
employed as a shamba boy (a gardener) but my mother always intervened
forcedly to stop it. Severally she would punish me for not reporting to
school even after I left home in the morning with other students to go
to school. I would hide in the maize plantations from morning up to
the time other pupils came back in the evening from school.
My situation worsened when I joined secondary school, I could not
even defeat one student in class. That was a farfetched dream. I was an
academic dwarf.
In 1999 as a form two student I decided to quit school to become a
street boy roaming on the streets of Nakuru town. I went through a
four year period of reckless lifestyle; I grew dreadlocks, abused drugs
and got involved in criminal activities. However, deeper inside I knew
that I had a great destiny and even envisioned a time when I would be
blessed and become a pillar to many. I never gave up despite the fact
that the environment was pushing me to destruction. In August 2013,
I gave my life to Christ and in the following year I went back to school
and joined the Anestar High School from form two. I dared not quit. It
was a serious risk. Why? A very dull young man having been in the
streets for four years, going back to school without school fees! That
was a risk in itself. There was a reason to despise myself, there was fear
of failure and the fear of unknown, but I mastered it, and through my
high school life I worked smart and hard regardless of my weak
academic status. My effort yielded fruits, I emerged the fourth best
Dare Not to Quit
student in the final KCSE Exams in that year. I was determined to excel.
So I joined the university and pursued a degree in Pure Economics.
I made a deliberate choice not to quit but to pursue my dreams and
fight for my dreams, I eventually became the person I envisaged. It
doesn’t matter what stage you are in life right now. It doesn’t matter
how young or old you are. At any point in time you can decide to change
your life and go for your dreams and aspirations. Would it be taking a
risk? Perhaps. Anytime we take a step into the unknown we are taking
a risk. That’s why it’s called the unknown. So, what if you don’t like the
unknown when you get there? Then you will find a way to change it or
to move past it. You will. And what if the unknown turns out to be
more amazing than you could have ever imagined? Well, there is only
one way to find it out.
Don’t always blame people, events and circumstances for your failures
and position. The greatest level of warfare is when you truly confront
yourself in battle. The greatest person on earth is that who conquers
himself, Conquers his fear, position and perception. He breaks the
status quo, takes risk, and fights for his dreams and destiny. He knows
no defeat, He never quits.
The people who wish that you remain in your low position or even
retrogress are more than the fans of Manchester united in the whole
universe. The people waiting for your downfall are more than those
waiting for Christ to return. Don’t be a people pleaser and dare not be
affected by those who are not for you. As long as your heart and mind
are set towards your greatness, you are on track.
It’s not about what they say about you but what you say about yourself.
The perception you have about you determines their reception towards
you. You will not be defeated by what they say about you, you will be
defeated by what you say about you.
The majority of people live a life of timidity, procrastination and
quitting. They have very weird dreams but never commit to pursue
them. If you listen to their plans they amaze you with their aspirations
but they never take action. The next step after dreaming is taking action
to pursue it. There will be ups and downs, people will not support you,
and resources may not be favorable but dare not quit. If you quit now,
Dare Not to Quit
what were you even fighting for? You have to put up the victor’s
attitude and face your fears. It’s hard to beat a person who never gives
up. Keep getting up until you get that breakthrough.
Never stop believing in yourself and never stop fighting for your
dreams because if you don’t, who will?
I know you could be going through a rough time, maybe you are going
into the fight of your life. Fighting for your future, fighting for your
career, fighting for your ventures, fighting for your family, fighting for
your health, some of you are fighting for your life and Amb. Steve
Mbugua is here begging you, ‘DO NOT QUIT! DO NOT GIVE IN.
At times life can be tough, I know sometimes life can wear you down,
but if you just stick it out…Even if you don’t get the result, the
character you show will be your reward. The fighting spirit you develop
will be the reward. And it will serve you well, for the rest of your life.
Fight for what you want now, or fight against what you don’t want later!
You have the choice!
Don’t you DARE quit. Don’t you DARE settle! Don’t you DARE back
Dare Not to Quit
Chapter 1
he greatest achievement in any generation came from people
who were willing to fight for what they believed was justified
to them. They were willing to overcome the pain even when
their hands were soaked in blood, sweat and blisters. You too
have a better chance to make a mark in history to be remembered as
someone who did not quit, when the going was tough but as someone
who fought to achieve his dreams. Fight for what you believe in and
pursue your dreams with zeal. Believe in yourself, push your limits, and
do whatever it takes to conquer your goals. Never give up, not because
you still have tomorrow to try, but because you may not have
tomorrow to try. Don’t allow temporary defeat to put a limit to what
you can achieve. Go an extra mile, go beyond all limits and be the best
version of you.
I made my mind not to allow anything to stop me from pursuing my
dreams. Life has its own turns and bends. So you have to fight for your
space. Whenever I have discussions with the young people in my
seminars in regard to issues of employment, Agribusiness and self-
employment, I have realized that most of them have wonderful dreams
but somewhere along the way something came up and the dream was
buried. Every so often its sickness, death of a loved one, loss of a job,
financial instability, lack of relevant academic papers and so on and
on….. Listen, that sickness is no match for you. That relationship issue
Dare Not to Quit
is not going to keep you from your destiny. The loss of that loved one
did not stop God’s plan for your life. Don’t let it overwhelm you.
You can handle it. Don't you ever
think of giving up! Put up the victors
stamina, head high and declare that
greater is He who is in you than who
is in the world. Maybe you work in a
financial institution and the interest
issue is threatening your career, believe
that the God who started the good
work in you will take it to completion.
Keep Going. You may not be sure
how your rent and other bills will be
paid, my friend, God is on your case.
When the going gets tough, put one
foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up!
You have been pursuing a dream that never seems to become a reality,
you better get set now. If you have a dream, don’t just sit there.
Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone un-
turned to make it a reality.
There was a Business Executive who was deep in debt and could see
no way out. Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were
demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands,
wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy.
Suddenly an old man appeared before him.
“I can see that something is troubling you,” he said.
After listening to the Executive’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can
help you.”
He asked the man his name, wrote a cheque, and pushed it into his
hand saying, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and
you can pay me back at that time.”
Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come. The
Business Executive saw in his hand a cheque for $500,000, signed by
John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world.
“I can erase my money worries in an instant!” he realized.
“One of the most
common causes of
failure is the habit of
quitting when one is
overtaken by
temporary defeat.”
Napoleon Hill.
Dare Not to Quit
But instead, the Executive decided to put the uncashed cheque in his
safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out
a way to save his business, he thought.
With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms
of payment. He closed several big sales and within a few months, he
was out of debt and making money once again.
Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the uncashed
cheque. At the exact agreed place, the old man appeared. But just as
the Executive was about to hand back the cheque and share his success
story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man.
“I’m so glad I caught him!” she cried. “I hope he hasn’t been bothering you. He’s
always escaping from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller.”
And she led the old man away by the arm.
The astonished Executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he’d
been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a
million dollars behind him. He suddenly realized that it wasn’t the
money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his
newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve
anything he pursued.
Every now and then what we have is just the fear of unknown. You
are not sure why you have not taken the next step and deep inside
there is a conviction that that is the way to go. Don’t let mental blocks
control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental
blocks into building blocks. You can do it now! Wherever you are,
right now, you can start, right now; this very moment. Encourage
yourself and build self-confidence.
Whenever everyone gives up on you, gives up on your dreams and
stops believing in you and with you. That should not stop you from
dreaming big. You going to square up your shoulders and say,
"My appointed time, for my dream to come true is at the corner!"
You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it's enough.
It takes just one moon to pierce a universe of darkness.
Never give up.
You may have been saving to get that dream car, that dream house,
invest in that dream business but by the look of your account things
aren't adding up. Success comes step at a time and you have to be
patient and persistent my friend. Success is not obtained overnight.
Dare Not to Quit
It comes in installments; you get a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow
until the whole package is given out. The day you procrastinate, you
lose that day's success. The world’s greatest achievers have been those
who have always stayed focused on their goals and have been
consistent in their efforts. Perhaps you are just close to what you have
been waiting for all along and ideas start formulating in your mind and
advising you to "give up". Tell them
"not me!"
God Has given us immeasurable
power within. You have power to
mold your destiny with your choices,
words and actions today. One of the
most powerful lessons in life is to
recognize that no one can give you
power, and many people don’t want
you to have it. You have to find the
courage to seize it, own it and hold
When it comes to fighting for your
dream, fight like a mad bull. It's your
dream, your life, your legacy and is yours alone.
No one has the power to shatter your dreams unless you give it to
them. Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your
life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.
You’ve been armed with strength. Keep a victor’s mentality because a
victor’s mentality becomes a victor’s reality!
Put a frog into a pot with water and start heating the water.
As the temperature of the water increase, the frog adjust its body
temperature accordingly. The frog keeps adjusting its body
temperature with the increasing temperature of water. When water is
about to boil, the frog cannot adjust anymore.
Now the frog decides to jump, but cannot, because it has lost all its
strength in adjusting.
So the frog dies. What killed the frog? The boiling water?
No, the frog was killed by its inability to decide when to jump.
We all need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to
jump. If we allow people to exploit us physically, emotionally,
“There are five
important things for
living a successful and
fulfilling life: never stop
dreaming, never stop
believing, never give up,
never stop trying, and
never stop learning.”
Roy Bennett
Dare Not to Quit
financially, spiritually or mentally they will continue to do so.
Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.
You win by working hard, making tough decisions and building
There is always the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding you on what to
say. …
for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in that very hour what ye ought to say.
(Luke 12:12).
In my life I had to make some crucial decisions of which I have
enjoyed and also regretted in equal measure. In the year 2014, I had an
opportunity to own a piece of land along Kenyatta Road off Thika
Superhighway which was just Ksh. 125,000 but it took long for me to
make the decision, and today I regret because the same piece of land
was purchased by a friend I referred, the value today is several
I have however made some great decisions like marrying my wife,
quitting a well-paying job to start my ventures among others.
Today my venture Busara Investment Group (BIG) owns companies like
Makinika Afrika, Nairobi safety Shop, Signet Ring Collections, Busara Farm,
Kadosh Enterprises, Busara Properties and Real Estate Ltd, STEWA Safaris
Kenya Ltd etc.
I had to make a crucial decision, resign and start my own venture and
now a lot of people get their daily bread from these ventures.
You have to always involve God before you make that crucial
Then David asked the LORD, "Should I chase after this band of raiders?
Will I catch them?" And the LORD told him, "Yes, go after them. You will
surely recover everything that was taken from you!" (1 Samuel 30:8).
There will be very few occasions when you are absolutely certain
about anything. You will consistently be called upon to make
decisions with limited information. That being the case, your goal
should not be to eliminate uncertainty. Instead, you must develop the
art of being clear in the face of uncertainty.
Dare Not to Quit
There never is a good time for tough decisions. There will always be an
election, selection or something else. You have to pick courage and do
Whether the decision is to propose to that potential wife, quit that
relationship, resign from that office, sell that asset...whatever it is you
have to consider the best option but have to know the best and
appropriate time to make the decision as that will be the difference
between a good decision made or regret to live with.
I think the path is different for everybody. Go after the doors that are
open to you. Do the things that seem to be good opportunities and
work hard at it. Try to make good decisions and be nice. Hopefully all
of that will pay off at some point.
God is taking care of you, even when it seems like you are all alone;
believe me, so don’t quit keep on fighting until you achieve your
dreams and aspirations. You have to be tough and elevate your faith
as your time of manifestation awaits you to make that decision.
Dare Not to Quit
Chapter 2
ver observed the great athletes that have broken the world
records like David Rudisha, Vivian Cheluiyot, Julius Yego on the
field? They seem to not use a lot of energy to win, they make
it look so easy. What you have to know is that before they
get to the field they go through very tough exercises and have to beat
all odds. Sports is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving
against great odds. Athletes, in times of difficulty, can be important
role models. In my youth mentorship forums across the country, I
always tell them to be fighters and push for their place in the society
and be the best. Too often than not, we focus so much on the
problems and difficulties aligned on our path. It is rare for a dream or
goal to come true easily without efforts, without delays, problems and
hurdles. It is far more common, however, that you have to overcome
countless obstacles and suffer severe pain before you achieve any
meaningful target. You must understand that the bigger your dreams,
the tougher the challenges, the more ambitious your goals are, the
likelihood that you will face more difficulties along the way. When this
happens, what will you do? Will you just give up? Or will you persist
and struggle and succeed? A lot of that depends upon your attitude
and experience. It also depends upon your skills and network.
Only a very tiny part depends upon luck or chance.
Dare Not to Quit
Let’s say you set out for a holiday
trip to Maasai Mara or an
adventurous jungle drive to Mount
Kenya. You pack up your car with
all the gear you need to enjoy a
lazy week-long vacation, plan your
destination, and set out on the
drive. Halfway along your planned
route, the road gets rough and
bumpy. You’re driving along an
unpaved path with potholes and
pits, bushes and bramble scraping
the side of your vehicle.
It’s an uncomfortable ride, with a lot of jolting and bumping in your
seat. Unfortunately, this is the only way you can get to that lovely
camping spot you remember fondly and enjoy relaxing at.
What do you do?
You could change your plans, turn the car around, and go back home.
Or drive back to the highway and go somewhere else, even if your
heart is set on this holiday spot. Or you can curse and swear at the
discomfort and keep on going. Or you can count your blessings, be
happy about having a vehicle to get you there, a path (even if a bad one)
that leads to the place, and a map to direct you along the right route
and even with your buddies ready to enjoy the adventure. Plus, you
really, really love that spot and want to be there soon.
That journey is your life. Your business growth path. The vehicle is
you. The driver is your attitude. If the driver is decisive and
determined, he just won’t give up! Its like when applying for a job,
you have to bare the tough time of writing applications, visiting
different recruitment sites and attending a number of interviews.
Personally, I have sent more than 1000 different job applications and
many of interviews went bad, but inside I knew that if I gave up
looking for my dream job then I would have to face the
consequences. I've learned that the only things we are in control of are
the choices we make at any one moment. Never give up, and be
confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the
difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve
your objectives and to win against all the odds. I do what I do because
“The difficulties and
struggles of today are
but the price we must
pay for the
accomplishments and
victories of tomorrow.”
William Boetcker
Dare Not to Quit
it is the right thing to do. I am a warrior, and it is the way of the
warrior to fight superior odds. When something is important enough,
you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. Never think of giving
up even. Press on. The courage and persistence to keep going on, past
hurdles and obstacles, is powered by purpose. Your purpose.
My friend, don't take the option of quitting like many would do. Fight!
Winners don't quit. They have no choice. To quit is to die. Winners
are survivors who refused to quit. Stop looking for excuses and
justifications. Look for solutions. Our mind tends to find whatever we
are looking for. If we’re seeking out excuses to fail or to justify our
decision not to push forward, we’ll find them, in the form of setbacks,
constraints and limitations. But if we get obsessed about finding a way
past any of these restraints and breaking through to the level of
success we set out in search of, then magically we discover these
solutions. To survive, you've got to keep wheedling your way.
You can't just sit there and fight against odds when it's not going to
work. You have to turn around a corner, dig a tunnel, and go through
the tunnel - and find the momentum to keep moving toward to your
city of success.
I studied Bachelor of Arts in Economics at Moi University but my first
formal major job was as a safety instructor at St. John Ambulance.
Although a challenge, I had to beat all odds to meet its expectations
and surely I have saved hundreds of lives, trained thousands of people
and impacted thousands through this opportunity. By end of 2014 I
had trained a minimum of 10,000 individuals and responded to 127
major incidents of which I received awards. I also rose to the rank of
a Training Manager at St John Ambulance and as well as National Staff
officer before heading to Bloodlink as a Director of training and later
starting several ventures where I have created opportunities for many
and source of income. I have participated in several government
committees developing several policies on Safety and Disaster
preparedness. As an Economist I had to grow in the line of Safety and
leadership. Passion, determination and persistence made me grow and
Even when you do what you love, there always comes a moment
when you feel down and think about giving up, but the truth is,
Dare Not to Quit
everything you are going to
accomplish in life, on any scale,
will come from your ability to not
surrender when circumstances get
unbearable. This capacity to stay
determined and committed to your
original resolutions in spite of
everything that is directed against
you is, in my opinion, the main
thing that helps you grow as a
The hard part comes when you are
not doing well, and you’re alone
out there and there is no one to
help you. You make a mistake, and it leads to another mistake and so
on, and you just get lost in all of that, your confidence drops you lose.
That is a lot of pressure for any person.
In my opinion patience is an attitude that involves accepting greater
future good will gradually come as a consequence of the existence and
learning from life’s day to day obstacles. I believe perseverance is the
behavior that results from being patient. It involves acting steadily
towards that future good that is in your mind independently of the
obstacles that come in the way.
You need to have passion, perseverance, and patience, even for
growing a tree; what to talk of ‘growing’ a grown up human being?
Do what matters, do not major on the minors. When you find work
that matters, giving up is not an option. So choose only the kind of
work that matters. No, it does not have to necessarily be ‘life saving’
like me or ‘world changing’. But it should matter enough to you that you
will not casually think of abandoning it when a distraction or obstacle
crops up.
But now, this is what the LORD says, he who created you, Jacob, he who formed
you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name;
you are mine. (Isaiah43:1).
How do we force ourselves to love what we do or do what we love?
Each one of us has had this experience at some time in our life. We
“I learned that courage
was not the absence of
fear, but the triumph
over it. The brave man is
not he who does not feel
afraid, but he who
conquers that fear.”
Nelson Mandela
Dare Not to Quit
get involved in something, and forget the world around us. Maybe it’s
a book, or a movie, or a game. Maybe it’s writing a story, or a poem,
or a painting, or programming a project. Maybe it’s cooking or a
hobby. You get so deeply involved with it, that suddenly you look up
and discover with startled surprise that hours have slipped by in just
minutes. That happens when you do work that you really and truly
love. Stuff that fascinates and engulfs you. That you’re passionate and
excited about. And when you’re engaged in such work, you do not
want to stop. Even when you’re tired or hungry or have other things
to do, you stretch to try and keep doing it. Find work that you love,
and you won’t have to work another day of your life… you’ll just be
having fun all the time.
Do what you’re good at. Delegate or automate the other things that
you can afford to and you won’t ever run the risk of giving up.
When you’re good at it, you don’t want to give up. Even difficulties
become challenges to be conquered, not barriers to keep you down.
In life we read stories of great people like Abraham Lincoln, Isaac
Newton, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Dr. Myles Munroe and others
who refused to quit and were able to overcome the forces of nature.
They enriched their lives and powered their dreams along exciting and
unimagined directions. They made a greater impact on their world
than if they quit and surrendered to the misfortunes. When you look
for the ‘hidden’ good behind all the ‘bad’ things that happen in your
quest for success, purpose will help you past any blocks and sustain
your momentum and progress. We should have the strength like that
of a single mother, I have a lot of respect to single parents who
struggle and sacrifice, trying against almost superhuman odds to hold
the family together. They should be honored and helped in their
heroic efforts. Parenting is made easier when both parents are in the
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
When you are focused on the outcome of everything that you do,
every day, in every way, you cannot help but be encouraged and
inspired to keep on going. When you pick your tasks carefully so that
Dare Not to Quit
the work you do matters, keeping that ultimate goal in mind as you do
it can be remarkably motivating. Why are you doing this?
Where do you plan to go? What will happen when this is done?
The answers will energize you. We cannot live in splendid isolation, as
attractive as that may sound. We need people around us, for many
different reasons. It a good thing to have more people in your circle.
When you feel like quitting you can always ask for help.
The challenges that are scaring you or threatening to break you are
probably not as rare, unusual or even impossible to overcome as you
once thought.
You can tap into the collective experience and wisdom of people like
you, who probably have even had difficulties like yours.
In any case, Paul Kagame once said that, ‘only fools learn from their own
mistakes.” The majority of people love to help others. Especially when
they have faced and overcame a similar challenge. Just ask someone
about simple things like how to get rid of your phone battery
problem, or what to do when your cellphone gets soaked in water,
and chances are you’ll get a flood of helpful responses. Having
supportive people in your corner will help you keep going until you
catch your second wind of inspiration and motivation from within.
Passion is contagious. You can’t hang around a passionate person
without some of that positive energy rubbing off on you. Being in a
group of passionate people who are solving their own problems, living
their dreams, and pursuing their mission in life can help tide you over
any temporary setback.
On the other hand, surrounding yourself with nay-sayers and
pessimists who always see the worst possibilities can quickly dull your
enthusiasm and make it easier to simply give up. So choose your
friends and network wisely. Finally and after all is said and done, put
God first and let Him be the Lord in all that you do. He will help you
discover your purpose and give you direction in life. His hand will
hold you firmly and you will not slip no matter the circumstances.
God will show you your purpose on earth just as he took Joseph
through to His place of purpose, a Prime minister.
Whatever you might be going through today will soon be your funny
TBT, You will be laughing at where you have come from and for sure
there will be a great testimony out of what you are going through
Dare Not to Quit
today. You just need to be patient
and persevering. Dare not even
think of quitting.
A dream doesn’t become reality
through magic; it takes patience,
determination and hard work. You
need to keep fighting, persevere,
endure and through patience your
dream will become a reality. Strong enough to make holes in the rock
are tiny drops of water that persist to fall. Persistence is the attitude
that breaks down mountains one rock at a time!
Do not despise little beginnings. It'll all make sense as you're staring at
an opportunity that you realize the difficult moments merely prepared
you for.
Every big castle was once started with a single block; despise no small
beginnings. A little step taken every day builds up the hope of greater
accomplishments. Do something every day!
Patience and perseverance, tolerance and perseverance are common
traits of the world’s most successful people. Patience is a very high
quality of man.
Sometimes one gets it wrong in differentiating between patience on
one hand and laziness, inaction, tolerating oppression and relying on
luck on the other. Whereas patience and perseverance guarantees
victory and success while laziness and inaction causes misfortune and
results in failure. Patience and success are friends of each other,
Success comes as a result of patience.
Every triumph is not of the same kind. Sometimes it arrives early and
sometimes it takes a long time. One must not expect that everything
would be done in the same manner and that everything will end in
So if success does not arrive early one must not give up efforts.
One must not imagine that victory is impossible and very difficult.
In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an
idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with the Long
Island. However bridge building experts throughout the world
thought that this was an impossible feat and told Roebling to forget
Persistence is the
attitude that breaks
down mountains one
rock at a time!
Dare Not to Quit
the idea. It just could not be done. It was not practical. It had never
been done before.
Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge.
He thought about it all the time and he knew deep in his heart that it
could be done. He just had to share the dream with someone else.
After much discussion and persuasion he managed to convince his
son Washington, an up and coming engineer, that the bridge in fact
could be built.
Working together for the first time, the father and son developed
concepts of how it could be accomplished and how the obstacles
could be overcome. Excited and inspired, they headed for wild
challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their
dream bridge.
The project started well, but when it was only a few months underway
a tragic accident on the site that took the life of John Roebling.
Washington was also injured and scared with brain damage, which
rendered him paralyzed.
“We told them so.” “Crazy men and their crazy dreams.” “It’s foolish to chase
wild visions.”
Everyone had a negative comment to make and felt that the project
should be scrapped since the Roeblings were the only ones who knew
how the bridge could be built.
In spite of his handicap Washington was never discouraged and still
had a burning desire to complete the bridge, his mind was still as
smart as ever. He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some
of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task.
As he lay on his bed in his hospital room, with the sunlight streaming
through the windows, a gentle breeze blew the flimsy white curtains
apart and he was able to see the sky and the tops of the trees outside
for just a moment.
It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. Suddenly
an idea hit him. All he could do was move one finger and he decided
to make the best use of it. By moving this, he slowly developed a code
of communication with his wife.
He touched his wife’s arm with that finger, indicating to her that he
wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method
of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do.
It seemed foolish but the project was under way again.
Dare Not to Quit
For 13 years, Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger
on his wife’s arm, until the bridge was finally completed.
Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute
to the triumph of one man’s indomitable spirit and his determination
not to be defeated by circumstances. It is also a tribute to the
engineers and their team work, and to their faith in a man who was
considered mad by half the world. It stands too as a tangible
monument to the love and devotion of his wife who for 13 long years
patiently decoded the messages of her husband and told the engineers
what to do.
Perhaps this is one of the best examples of a never-say-die attitude
that overcomes a terrible physical handicap and achieves an
impossible goal.
Often when we face obstacles in our day-to-day life, our hurdles seem
very small in comparison to what many others have to face.
The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that dreams that seem impossible can
be realized with determination and persistence, no matter what the
odds are.
The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will
advise you and watch over you.’ (Psalm 32:8).
The LORD replied, "I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you
rest, everything will be fine for you." (Exodus33:14).
The passion, courage and persistence to keep going on, past hurdles
and obstacles, is powered by purpose. Your purpose. Discover it.
Tap into it. Achieve it. Dare not quit.
Dare Not to Quit
Chapter 3
n life we sometime find ourselves in unfamiliar territories and
sometimes on the ground of I wish I knew. Sometimes the bitter
consequences of our actions are unbearable and sometimes guilt,
self-denial and self-unforgiveness haunt us. God offers us a
second chance. These are very rare opportunities accompanied by
grace and mercy. We all need them and the good news is that God
gives them. After stepping out of school and being on the streets for
four years, God gave me a second chance. His grace was exceedingly
and abundantly that He not only opened ways and sources of school
fees but He also gave me a spirit of excellence and resilience.
After failing Jesus three times on the night he was arrested, Peter
really needed a second chance and it was along the Sea of Galilee, that
he got it. God’s second chance is so great that it gives you a new
beginning. Sometimes when we make a mistake in life it feels so final,
you may think it’s all over for you. The game of life isn’t like a game in
which you only have one chance to win before it’s over. God will give
you a second chance. His mercies and grace will be with you but you
have to embrace them and be willing to follow His leading. God
wants us to understand that Failure is not final, bad results can be
redeemed and that the future is open.
You might have walked out of the walk of faith or done things that
your inner conviction shows you that you are doomed but there is
hope. He is a merciful and gracious God who has his arms wide open
ready to help you. It is wonderful that God gives us a chance to do it
all over again.
The Bible says,
Dare Not to Quit
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new
has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
We serve a God of new beginnings. Everyone has a situation or a
point in life where they wish they did things right. Whether an error of
omission or commission, you feel guilty and convinced that if you
could go back in time you would change some things, habit, friends,
decisions, priorities and do it in a better way. When we look back over
our life, at some of the situations that we have been involved in and
some of the choices that we have made. We think, if only I had a
second chance.
If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have married who I married.
If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have moved where I moved.
If only I had a second chance, I would have finished school.
If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have gotten involved in the things that I
was involved in. If only I was careful in that relationship, I wouldn’t have lost my
virginity and become pregnant. If only I worked hard in my studies like so and so,
I would have excelled in life…
Sometimes when we make a mistake in life it feels so final. When you
make a serious mistake you might think it’s all over for you. I want to
let you know that the game of life isn’t like a game in which you only
have one chance to win before it’s over. I want to let you know that
when you make a mistake in this life, with God you get a second
It’s important to take a hard look in the mirror and acknowledge that
we have moments of failure when the choices we have made have
broken relationships and jeopardized our futures. Maybe it was
spending beyond our means, being unfaithful in our marriage, not
being more supportive of our children or placing unreasonable
expectations upon them. We have all made choices that if we could
change, we would. Maybe even we wish we could take back words
that were said or choices that we made and while we can’t go back and
change the past, we can be honest about it, confess it and seek
forgiveness. That’s what Jesus did with people, he helped them face
their sin and confess their failures so they could accept the forgiveness
God offers.
Dare Not to Quit
We serve a God of mercy. The
word mercy means to extend
help to the lowliest or the most
undeserving. It implies
compassion that overshadows
punishment. Even when justice
demands it.
God allows us to walk in that
line so that when He redeems us, we shall be an example for others
not to give up.
Bad results can be redeemed through a second chance. Today, am so
grateful to God for having allowed me to walk in that path because
that is where my ministry of motivation and encouraging brethren was
born. Bad choices leads to bad consequences. Many of us are living
with the results of a wrong decision. It is true that God forgives our
past sins, and that he heals the wounds with which sin has injured us.
However, there are scars that remain even from a healed wound. But
even scars can serve a purpose. They remind us of what happens
when we rebel against God and try to go our own way. They also
serve to help us relate to other people who have wounds. We can help
them to know that wounds can heal and that the consequences of our
actions can be redeemed. God uses everything in our lives, even our
The past years may have gone very well for you. On the other hand,
you may feel like you have messed up. We have all messed up in some
areas. But the good news is that you don’t have to justify it somehow,
or call failure by another name, because even though you may have
messed up, there is always another chance to begin anew, especially
with God. Everyone needs another chance; a new beginning; a clean
page. We serve the God of second chances, and I, for one, am
enormously grateful. Our sins can never be greater than the grace of
God. Our failure can never be greater than the love of God. Our
failure in the past does not determine what we will become in the
Failure is not final. If failure was final none of us would make it. None
of the people of the Bible would make it. In fact, the Bible is one
story after another of people who messed up repeatedly, and how they
were coached along by God until they got it right. Names like
“Success is doing
ordinary things
extraordinarily well."
Jim Rohn
Dare Not to Quit
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jonah, David, Paul and Peter come to mind —
along with many others — including my own. If failures were not
included in the Bible there would be no one there. If failures were not
included in the church no one would be here either. But the Bible also
shows us that failure is not final.
Bible declares,
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
God’s people have been on and off, they shine, then go off and His
mercy and grace has been guiding them.
We know of David killing Goliath and as a successful warrior, his
finest hour. He had had his lowest moment. David didn’t just
stumble, he plotted and schemed. He committed Adultery, Murder
and then lied about it. God is just and merciful but He gave him a
second chance, even third and fourth.
The stories of Jacob, Peter, Paul, Jonah and the prodigal son have both
the on and off.
Look back at own life, even if you’ve squandered all, disgraced God
the Father, denied Christ, even if you committed adultery or even
murder, God is giving you a second chance. That is what mercy and
grace are all about.
Even when we stray away from our purpose and squander
opportunity, God rejoice when we return to our purpose and fulfill it.
He is anticipating our come back. His hand of grace leads us through
to his purpose.
In my humble opinion, you would have a hard time finding a more
action-packed Book of the Bible than the book of Jonah. You know,
the entire Book of Jonah is only forty-eight verses but take a minute
and think about all of the actions that took. Starting in chapter One
when Jonah thought he could run away from God’s command to go
to the Ninevites. We see how God prepared a big fish to swallow
Jonah, to put Jonah back on the right track. In chapter two, Jonah
learned some valuable lessons from inside the belly of the whale and
from here, mercy and grace are taking charge. When we deserve
something bad, God responds by giving us something good.
“And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying, ‘Arise, go
unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.’ So
Dare Not to Quit
Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now
Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days’ journey. And Jonah began to enter
into the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, ‘Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall
be overthrown.’ So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put
on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them. For word came unto
the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and
covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he caused it to be proclaimed and
published throughout Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, ‘Let
neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything: let them not feed, nor drink
water: but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God:
yea, let them turn everyone from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their
hands. Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from His fierce anger
that we perish not?’ And God saw their works that they turned from their evil way;
and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and He
did it not.”
So when you read this verse, and you see that little phrase, a second
time, I hope that it reminds you of the amazing grace of our great God.
Jonah did not deserve this verse in the Bible, did he? No, if Jonah got
what he deserved, then the entire book of Jonah would just be one
chapter. It would end with the fifteenth verse, where that the sailors
threw Jonah into the sea to calm the storm. And yet, that’s only the
first part of the story, because Jonah has received grace and mercy.
You see, really, grace and mercy are two sides of the same coin.
“Mercy” is when God does not give you the bad things that you
deserve. And “grace” is when God gives you good things that you
don’t deserve. Do you see the difference there? Take our situation, for
instance. Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin is death.
So as Christians, we deserve death in hell because we have sinned
against God. But after we accept Christ, there is no longer the
promise of hell in our future. So, I ask you, is that mercy or grace?
Yes, it’s mercy. Mercy is when God does not give us a punishment
that we deserve, and we deserve hell, and yet He doesn’t give it to us.
The second half of Romans 6:23 says that the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Bible promises Christians that we will have eternal life. Now, is
that grace or mercy? Yes, that’s grace. Grace is when God gives us
good things that we don’t deserve. We deserve hell, and yet God saves
us. That’s mercy. We don’t deserve Heaven, and yet we’re going there.
Dare Not to Quit
That’s grace. The word of the Lord came unto Jonah a second time.
Praise God for His amazing grace and mercy!
When Jonah deserved to sink to
the bottom of the ocean, God gave
him a second chance, and he
reacted by walking 400 miles to
deliver God’s message to a group
that had never heard it. When the
Ninevites deserved nothing but the
wrath of God for their generations
of wickedness, God gave them a
second chance, and they reacted by
humbling themselves, and turning
from their wicked ways. An entire
city turned to God in a way that has never been repeated in recorded
Jesus specializes in second chances. Look at Peter. Look at Paul. Look
at you and me. We’ve not been the people we ought to have been.
Maybe we’re not now. The Lord doesn’t write any of us off. He gives
a second chance. Peter and Paul used theirs. What about you and me?
I have messed up, I have screwed up myself and I have done things
that make me deserve to be swallowed and be chewed by a whale.
You have your story and version, I know if given a chance you have a
bigger and weird one, But the good news is that you don’t have to
justify it somehow, or call failure by another name, because even
though you may have messed up, there is always another chance to
begin anew, especially with God.
The Good News is God gives a second chance. Use it wisely because
God will not forever allow a stump to shoot again. There may or may
not be a third chance.
“If only I had another chance!” You have one. Use it wisely.
We serve the God of second chances, and I, for one, am enormously
grateful. The Bible declares,
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new
has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Our sins can never be greater than the grace of God. Our failure can
never be greater than the love of God. Our failure in the past does not
“Every achiever I have
ever met says,
'My life turned around
when I began
to believe in me.”
Robert Schuller
Dare Not to Quit
determine what we will become in the future. Actually, failure is a
second chance to do it right.
God gives second chances to us all the time. Every one of us have at
one time and gone away from God needing a second chance. No
matter how much you have failed, God is always willing to give you
another chance –some of us need a second, third and fourth chance.
The good news is that we serve a God of new beginnings.
But God giving you a second chance for a new beginning to do things
right. He want Glory from every step of your life and so He will allow
you to fail, to go down deeper so that when He give you a second
chance accompanied with grace and mercy, all glory and honour will
be to Him and you will acknowledge His power.
Time and again God gave people a second chance to stand up and be
faithful and Jesus extended this kind of grace and mercy to people
throughout his life.
When a woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus for him to
condemn, he had every right to pass judgment on her. Jesus and all
the people of the community could have easily pronounce her guilty
and sentenced her to death, but Jesus gave her a second chance. That
same day, however, Jesus also gave the entire crowd a second chance.
In that story the woman was thrown in front of Jesus and the angry
crowd picked up stones getting ready to kill her. They then turned and
asked Jesus what they should do. It says Jesus bent down and wrote in
the sand and while we don’t know what he wrote, many people
believe that he simply started writing down the sins of the people
gathered around him.
Maybe he wrote down… adultery, stealing, pride, greed, gossip… The
crowd, curious at what he was doing, started reading the words on the
ground and then Jesus said, if anyone is without sin let him be the one
to cast the first stone. When they realized that they too were sinners, it
says they started dropping their stones and walking away until no one
was left to condemn the woman. Jesus then said to her, where are
they? Is there no one to condemn you, and she said, no one sir. Then
Jesus said, neither do I condemn you go and sin no more. Jesus gave
her a second chance, but he also gave everyone in the crowd a second
chance because after coming face to face with the reality of their own
sin, the crowd was shown mercy by Jesus and sent home.
Whether they understood it or not, they also got a second chance.
Dare Not to Quit
Our God is a God of second chances.
When we don’t get it right the first time, God gives us another chance
to be faithful and stand strong. When Jesus took Peter aside after
breakfast and asked him three times, do you love me, he was giving
Peter a second chance and in this story we being to understand what a
second chance for us is all about. When we are given a second chance,
or if we desire one, the first thing we need to do is come to Jesus who
helps us face our failure.
God gives us a second chance in life but we have to own up to our
failures and confess our sin. This doesn’t mean we wallow in despair
and focus on the negative, but it is important for us to be honest and
real before God and at times other people and admit that we are sinful
and broken and that we have failed God and others.
These are not the actions of a man who is holding on to his past,
Peter accepted God’s grace and mercy and he was looking to move
beyond his failures. If we are going to make the most of the second
chance God gives us in any situation then we also need to learn to
accept the forgiveness God offers which often means learning to
forgive ourselves. As long as we are holding on to our past sins, we
can’t move forward, all we can do is re-live the past. Peter didn’t relive
his failure in the courtyard of Caiaphas. He didn’t remain in that
moment and allow it to define him. Peter used the mercy of God and
the love Jesus offered to help him forgive himself.
The most difficult part that causes many to quit is forgiving ourselves.
In fact, many second chances are wasted because we don’t forgive
ourselves enough to be able to move forward.
So how do we have grace with ourselves? How do we stop kicking
ourselves and beating ourselves up for the things we have done or
failed to do? Well, once I figure it out, I’ll let you know, but what I do
know is that I’ve learned to have a measure of grace with myself by
seeing grace and forgiveness at work in others.
When I am able to forgive someone else or when I see people forgive
others it shows me that forgiveness is possible and so forgiving myself
is possible. So stories of forgiveness and grace are important for us to
hear because it shows us how we can be gracious with ourselves.
Maybe that is why the Bible is full of stories about God’s grace and
Dare Not to Quit
forgiveness. If God can forgive Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah and Peter
then God can forgive me, He can forgive you.
Second chances begin the minute we face our failures and learn to
forgive ourselves but then the whole point of a second chance is
making the most of the future God opens up for us. Look again at
Peter along the Sea of Galilee. Jesus didn’t ask three times, Peter, do
you love me and then say, Thanks, I appreciate that. What Jesus did
was give Peter a true second chance. He opened up the future for
Peter to be all God created him to be, which was the Rock or the
foundation of the church. The second chance for David allowed him to
be a better King of Israel. The second chance for Jonah allowed him
to be an effective prophet to the people of Nineveh.
A true second chance means we are given the opportunity to live for
God and serve God in some capacity.
In many ways I feel like my life has been a glorious second chance. I
had walked out of the way and the life I was now living was that of sin
and wickedness, pickpocketing, abusing drugs, clubbing and other
habits that characterizes wickedness together with others, we
delighted in sin. Like Apostle Peter I knew what God wanted from
me, but I failed and yet God gave me a second chance.
God confronted me with the reality of my failures, but didn’t hold it
against me, instead he forgave and said, ok Mbugua, now it’s time to
get to work. Love me, live for me, and serve me. And I’ve tried to
make the most of this second chance.
Any time God gives a second chance God is giving us the opportunity
to live life differently. In a marriage a second chance means we learn
to forgive, be patient and communicate better. As parents a second
chance means we pay more attention, offer more love, and give more
support, discipline and direction to our children. In finances a second
chance means we order our lives according to God’s principles of
earning, saving and giving. A second chance really does mean that we
live differently and so we need to look at how God is calling us to live
To Peter, living differently and feeding God’s people meant preaching
and teaching with boldness and courage, which he did.
Dare Not to Quit
What does it mean for us? What
does a second chance look like
for you? Where is change
needed? Where is grace needed?
God offers each of us a second
chance but it does mean
confessing our sin, accepting
God’s forgiveness and then
moving forward with faith and trusting in God’s purpose and plan for
our lives. Paul, a man who got a huge second chance, understood
this. He said, forgetting what lies behind and straining toward what is
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me
heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14).
Pressing on toward the goal, that’s making the most of God’s second
chance. A second chance means God opens the door to our future.
Our God is so good at redeeming. A God of new beginning and
second chance. He sees the end from the beginning.
Redeeming is what God is into. He is the finder of directionally
challenged sheep, the searcher of missing coins, and the embracer of
foolish prodigal children. His favorite department is ‘Lost and Found.’
If there is one way that human beings consistently underestimate
God’s love, it is perhaps in His loving longing to forgive.
The future is open. The future is as bright as the promises of God.
Failure does not mean that you are finished. God can not only forgive
your sin, he can redeem what you have done. You are not doomed to
repeat your mistakes and relive your lifestyle. Your future is not
dictated by your past. Something new awaits you. It is a future
designed by God. Jesus said,
“I am making everything new” (Revelation 21:5).
The apostle Paul knew how to face the future, for he said,
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press
on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider
myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and
straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God
has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14).
Any time God gives a
second chance God is
giving us the opportunity
to live life differently.
Dare Not to Quit
True change comes when we actively invite God to occupy our lives,
to focus on the great future ahead and the price. Inviting and allowing
His presence into your life. To make Him Lord of all in everything.
Let Him be in control, and given up trying to get your way and run
life yourself and suddenly life begins to work. Everything is different
now. New power comes with a new Presence in your life. When you
are full of self, you are empty and there is a malevolent force waiting
to fill the void. You may think your life is in order, but without the
filling of the Holy Spirit it will not stay that way for long.
True change comes when: You seek truth. Part of the reason that you
have had failure and dysfunction in your life is that you have believed
the wrong things. Sometimes you have even consciously or
unconsciously rejected the truth of God. You wanted to be able to
figure things out on your own. You wanted to trust your own thinking
rather than submit your mind to the Word of God. So the result was
that you believed things that were not true and acted on them. You
believed that you did not have to obey God in everything and you
could get by with doing what you wanted. But chaos and dysfunction
began to come into your life. Things began to fall apart.
Change your actions. The most destructive thing you can do is to say:
“This is just who I am. I can’t change at this stage in my life. People just have to
accept me this way.”
That may be true when we are talking about your basic personality
type, but when it comes to hurtful and destructive actions, then you
have to be humble enough to be willing to change. You cannot expect
your life to work when you think that you can love God and do as you
The Bible declares,
“What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By
no means, we died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” (Romans 6:1-2).
A second chance will not mean much if you are going to continue in
some sinful behavior.
Today is a new day, yet many folk’s lives will remain the same.
Nothing changing in their lives. Their attitudes, habits and lifestyles
will be unchanged. That’s because they fail to realize that there is new
life in Christ Jesus. He alone can wipe away the old and bring in the
new. He alone can give folk a new start in life. He alone can give
anyone a second chance. You and I can take a man, clean him up and
Dare Not to Quit
put him in a new suit. But, God is the only one who can take a suit
and put in it a new man. You can change the outward man by
changing your hairstyle or by wearing new clothes. You can have a
new attitude. You can get a makeover. You can learn how to make
friends and influence enemies. But only Jesus can make all things new
and give you a second chance.
Your future is not determined by your past. Your future is not
determined by what you used to be. Your future is not determined by
what you used to do, but your future and my future is determined by
who Jesus Christ is and what he can and will do. Jesus Christ is the
same today and yesterday. There is no secret, what God can do, what
He’s done for others He’ll do for you.
In the Book of John, we encounter the story of a lady that was
brought to Jesus. In the natural, her situation was hopeless. But with
God, this woman got a second chance. Did Jesus give this woman
another chance so she could go out and repeat her mistakes and fall
into sin again? No, he told her “Go and sin no more.’ That is grace and
mercy displayed.
Maybe you are discouraged because you’ve failed in some areas.
Maybe you are confused and you’ve been running in the wrong
direction of life. Don’t be afraid to go to God and confess your
mistakes to Him. God wants to put you back in the game. The game
isn’t over yet. If you will stay faithful to God and His Word, the game
isn’t over until you win.
I want you to know that even if you’ve messed up, God still has a plan
for your life. The Bible talks about many men and women who
messed up, but with God, they got another chance. I am a living
example today of such a person and this grace and mercy of God has
walked with me in this second chance and for sure I will tell dare not
A story is told about George Tech. He was a player at the University
of California in the 1929 Rose Bowl. During the game, the player
recovered and fumbled, but became confused and ran the wrong way.
A teammate tackled him just before he would have scored a
touchdown against his own team. At halftime all of the players went
into the dressing room and sat down, wondering what the coach
Dare Not to Quit
would say. This young man sat by himself; put a towel over his head,
and cried. When the team was ready to go back to the field for the
second half, the coach stunned the team when he announced that the
same players who had started the first half would start the second. All
of the players left the dressing room except for this young man. He
would not budge. The coach looked back and called him, and he saw
that his cheeks were wet with tears.
The player said, "Coach, I can't do it. I've ruined you. I've disgraced the
University. I can't face that crowd in the stadium again."
Then the Coach put his hand on the player's shoulder and said, "Get
up and go back in. The game is only half over."
That’s what God is saying to some of us right now. Get up and do
what I told you to do. You didn’t do it the first time I told you but
now I’m going to give you a second chance. You fell short the first
time, but now you get a second chance. You let somebody stop you
the first time, but now you get a second chance. Get back and go back
my friend!
As long as you are sitting on the sidelines of life, asking God, “Why did
this happen to me?” You will be defeated. But God want to help us. So
get up, shake yourself from the dust of doubt and defeat. Then God
can come to your rescue and bring you a victory. With God, you too
can get a second chance.
We understand that Peter denied three times that he knew Jesus. Yet
some 56 days later, it was Peter whom God used to preach the
salvation message that brought 3,000 people into the kingdom of
God. Why, because with God, Peter got another chance.
I want to let you know this day, that the same God that restored Peter
and gave him a second chance, gave David, Jonah, Moses, Jacob and
Paul a second chance is the same God today who wants to restore you
and give you another chance. He is still saying to you today, “You don’t
have to be defeated.” You don’t have to be discouraged. I will deliver you
out of every trouble if you’ll just get back in the game. You can’t win
the race unless you cross the finish line. The game isn’t over yet, Get
up and finish what I’ve called you to do.
Dare Not to Quit
Chapter 4
f you want to predict what your life is going to be like five years
from now, just listen to what you’re saying about yourself today.
Too many people go around saying, “I’ll never get well. I’ll never get
out of debt.” “It’s flu season. I’ll probably get it.” “This marriage is never
going to last.” Then they wonder why they don’t see things turn around.
It’s because they’re calling defeat into their future. They’re calling in
mediocrity. Don’t let that be you!
Your words have creative power. Your words, you can either bless
your future or curse your future. When you wake up in the morning,
no matter how you feel or what things look like, instead of using your
words to describe your situation, use your words to change your
situation. Make a declaration of faith by saying, “This is going to be a
great day. I have God’s favor. He’s directing my steps.” When you do that,
you are choosing to bless your future. You are calling in favor,
increase and opportunities. You are opening the door for God to
move on your behalf so you can live the abundant life He has for you.
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start
having positive results. Stay positive and happy.
Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep
learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.
Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a
fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can
Dare Not to Quit
do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or
criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into
something positive.
Don’t let shadows of the past haunt you. The past is gone and what
you have is today and the future. Keep your face to the sunshine and
you cannot see a shadow. Smile and put up a positive look.
Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people
feel comfortable around you. Adopting the right attitude can convert
a negative stress into a positive one.
Walter D. Wintle in his poem Thinking shared the following;
If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don’t,
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It is almost certain you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
When David faced Goliath, he never called him a giant. Everybody
else did. They talked about his size, his strength, and his skill. But
David called Goliath an uncircumcised Philistine. He never even gave
him credit for being that big. Here's the key: David didn't deny it, but
he didn't dwell on it. His attitude was; "If I'm magnifying anything I'm
magnifying the source of my strength. I'm talking about God's greatness. I'm not
focusing on how big my problems are. I'm focusing on how big my God is."
Dare Not to Quit
His brothers and the other Israelites were afraid and intimidated,
wondering what they were going to do. When David told them he
wanted to fight Goliath they said, "You can't fight him, you're just a kid,
you're too small, you don't have a chance."
But David had a different perspective. He knew if God be for him,
who would be against him. He knew he was strong in the Lord.
David said, "No he's too big to miss."
He went out, stood before Goliath and said, "You come against me with a
sword and a shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Israel!"
David was magnifying his God, talking about God's goodness. This
teenage boy, half the giant's size with no chance in the natural
defeated this huge giant. How? He had the right perspective.
Obama faced the Americans and told them, “Yes! We can!” and he
became the first back American president.
Julius Yego took a javelin and said, “Yes! I can!” went to YouTube and
became the world greatest.
When I met my wife, she was a beautiful lady leading a worship band
at Githurai 45 full Gospel Church and working as a music instructor in
one of the music school in Nairobi and I said, “yes! I can!” I faced her
and did my best to win her heart and today we are happily married.
"Do not be intimidated by your enemies." (Philippians 1:28).
You may be like David, up against a big giant right now; a giant of
debt, a giant of sickness, a giant of joblessness, a giant legal problem.
It's so big, it looks impossible in the natural. You could easily be
overwhelmed and think, "I don't have a chance."
No, God is saying,
"Don't be intimidated. Those for you are greater than those against you. Put your
shoulders back and hold your head up high. You are not weak, defeated, or
powerless; you are a child of the Most High God, anointed, equipped, well able.
Don't you dare shrink back and think, "It's just too big. It's been this say too
long. My property is never going to sell. I'll never break this addiction, I'll never
accomplish my dreams.”
Do as David did get a new perspective. You are full of can-do power.
The greatest force in the universe is breathing in your direction.
Dare Not to Quit
There is no challenge too tough for
you, no enemy too big, no sickness
too great, and no dream too far off.
We all face challenges, but it's not the
size of the problem that's important,
it's our perception of the problem;
it's how big or small we make it in
our minds. When Moses sent twelve
men to spy out the Promised Land,
ten came back and said, "We'll never
defeat them. There are giants in the land."
But the two other spies, Joshua and
Caleb, came back with a different report. They said, "Yes the people are
big, but our God is bigger. We are well able to take the land. Let us go."
Both groups saw the same giants and the same situation; the only
difference was their perspective. One group focused on the size of
their God, the other group focused on the size of the enemy and
quitting. Out of the two million people camped next door to the
Promised Land, only two made it in, Joshua and Caleb. Could it all be
that your perspective is keeping you out of your promised land? If you
see your challenges as impossible and you tell yourself, "I'll never get out
of debt and I'll never overcome this sickness, and I'll never accomplish my dreams,"
then just like them, your wrong perspective can keep you from
becoming all God's created you to be.
What you focus on, you magnify. If you stay focused on your problem
or what you don't have and how it will never work out, all you're
doing is making it bigger than it really is. When you magnify
something you don't change the size of an object; you only change
your perception of it.
That was why David said, "Magnify the Lord with me." He was saying if
you want to make something bigger, then don't make your problems
bigger, don't make the medical report bigger, and don’t make the
opposition bigger. Learn instead to make God bigger.
Let's say you have two cars, a brand new Range Rover sport worth
US$. 200000 and an old Toyota Probox worth about US$ 4000.
Now, your garage space can only hold one car at any given time.
Which car will you allow to be secured in the garage all the time?
The answer is pretty obvious - the Range Rover. It's more valuable.
“There are two
primary choices in life:
to accept conditions as
they exist, or accept the
responsibility for
changing them."
Denis Waitley
Dare Not to Quit
But why then do you allow little, negative and depressive thoughts to
occupy your garage called time? Why do you allow little people who
always distract your life and lead you to destructive habits occupy your
garage called life? Why then do you allow little and destructive habits
occupy your garage called life?
Why do you keep packing a wrecked Probox in your garage called
mind and always open the door daily hoping to see a Range Rover.
Worse still, why do you keep blaming the garage for not providing
your expectations, prayers, hopes, trust and faith?
Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they become too heavy to
be broken. You have become too used to the Probox life that you fear
you can't manage the Range Rover life.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where
you’ve always been. People become creatures of habit so easily.
We get up, we go to work, we come home, we shop at the same
grocery store, go to the same kinyozi or salon, board the same matatu
route, chat with the same people, read the same newspaper page, treat
your spouse the same way, we drive on the same street. Get out of the
box and see what else is out there that would impassion you and
inspire you. Stop hanging with the same people, routine and mindset.
Get in another circle. Explore, invent, discover and grow.
That neighbor or person you always assume could be holding a key to
your destiny connector. That risk you fear taking could be the step to
your greatness. Arise and Shine!
How do you know whether you're serious about your values?
You fight for them when they're violated even if it costs you title,
favor, friendship, and profit.
You won’t ever get ahead if you keep feeling sorry for yourself.
You must stop all the negative talk and start thinking positive.
You have a lot of potential but your life won’t change until you
change how you think. Any situation, circumstance or challenge is just
a distraction and as you remain true to your goals and trust in God
they will fall away. You must be ready to live for what you believe in
and where need be, die for it. Facing it with a positive mind will give
you a brand and leave a legacy.
Let us learn to look at things positively. Looking at our current
government, depending with your perception of things, if you have a
Dare Not to Quit
negative perception you will only see bad leadership and governance,
corruption and negative things. If you are positive, you will see great
infrastructure development, some individuals in the government doing
well, some efforts being made e.g. in the National Police Service,
Tourism and Education. You will see growth of technology, business
opportunities, freedom of expression, good business environment,
Free maternity, the work done by the NYS, problems solved by the
Huduma centers, some individuals doing the wrong things and not the
whole system or government etc. If you looked closely and honestly
you would find that the way you see things is not always the way
things really are. You're only seeing what you want to see - and if
that's what you want to see - then you'll continue seeing things in a
limiting way.
As a good Kenyan citizen, be optimistic, play your part and be the
best you can be where you are knowing that you will give an account
in judgment day and the reward will be here on earth and in heaven.
Purpose to stay away from corruption, sin and bad politics. Purpose
to always pray for the presidency and the nation. Purpose to sell
Kenya that everyone will see it a better place minus the shortcomings.
There is no nation or country in the world that is perfect, all of them
have their flaws well known by their citizens and am sure if everyone
in the world had an option of choosing where they want to live 50%
of the people of the world will chose Kenya and will want President
Uhuru Kenyatta to be their president. A leader is appointed and
Anointed by God and if God rejects a person even if you give them
100% votes he will not rule. Now because it pleased God for Uhuru
to be our president, you better Accept, Adjust and Advance to help
him rule the country well by encouraging him, praying for him, being
a good ambassador of the government and if you feel things are not
being done in the right way, criticize positively by giving the best
possible alternative and God will bless you.
Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep
watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will
be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. (Hebrew13:17)
Romans13:1 -5, All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no
authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen
by God. So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has
appointed. Those who do that will be judged. If you do what is right, you won’t
Dare Not to Quit
need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong. You don’t
want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will
be praised. The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong,
watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And
God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does
wrong. You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must
also obey them because you know it is right.
The minute you change your perception from looking at only the
negative things to looking at some of the positive things in life you
start developing the power of perception. When this happens you no
longer dwell on what is wrong because you'll move into the next
phase - which is to find solutions. Automatically your mind and
subconscious mind will begin attracting solutions for you -- but this
only happens when you see the
positive things that are going on in
your life and when you look for
the good in other people.
In closing I would like to advise
every citizen to know that there is
power in the words of your mouth
and perception of things. Be
positive, focus on solutions not
problems. Ask yourself, “Am I
doing the right thing?" and not. "Are they doing the wrong thing?”
Understand that whatever you say or do God will bring it to judgment
and He looks at the motive in everything so let us move forward and
build this nation together and because we cannot all be president, let
us rule this nation on our knees, do what is right and support our
leaders just as the Israelites lifted Moses hands to keep winning the
As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he
lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. (Exodus17:11)
Friend, let us reason together. As a child of the Most High God, you
are equipped to handle anything that comes your way. To claim your
destiny, start thinking about yourself the way God does and delete the
“Nothing ever comes to
one that is worth having
except as a result of
hard work."
Booker T. Washington
Dare Not to Quit
thoughts that tear down your confidence. Your mind has incredible
power over your success or failure. Your perception of yourself
determines your possession. When you train yourself to tune out the
negativity and tune into your calling, you’ll begin to live the wonderful
plans God has made for you. Am humbled to have been involved in
motivation sessions, writing, and public speaking in various occasions
and one thing that I never withhold from sharing is the power of the
words of our mouth and perception.
How You Perceive Any Situation Has A Reality On The Fact That An
Outcome Will Manifest And Be Experienced As A Result.
How you perceive a situation, regardless of what that situation may
consist of or which area of life it is, has a direct impact on the future
results that you will inevitably experience as a result of that
perception, or more specifically the emotions that are experienced as
result of the perceptions that you hold.
How you see people is what you bring out of them. For example if
you see a Matatu conductor as annoying you're going to always find
and attract annoying Matatu conductors. If you view your spouse a
pain - you're always going to bring out the side in that person that is a
pain towards you.
If you see your colleagues as jealous, competitive or vindictive then
you're always going to bring out those qualities in them, because that's
what you see in them and that is what you believe is their character.
Chances are when you look really closely, most people are not as
mean and unkind as you think they are. They probably think that
they're being very nice but since you only see the negative qualities in
them, anything they do will be deemed negative. Once you've
perceived them to be a certain way, there's nothing that they can do to
change your mind.
The only way you will truly see the good in the other person is to
focus on and see their good qualities, and then you'll actually see them
displaying these qualities more often. Look for the good in someone
and you will only attract good things.
Anything is possible as long as you look at it positively. Now if you
were to look for ways for you to succeed, if you focused on
succeeding, if you started to look at how you could do the things you
want then your subconscious mind will guide you to the people,
situations and events that will help you achieve what you want. Now
this may not happen overnight but it will happen. And if your
Dare Not to Quit
perception is that you can get things done and that there are ways for
you to get things done then you will likely get what you want a lot
If you looked closely and honestly you would find that the way you
see things is not always the way things really are. You're only seeing
what you want to see and if that's what you want to see then you'll
continue seeing things in a limiting way.
When you speak positive words, you breathe life over your
circumstances. The words you speak magnify the situation positively
or negatively.
Of course things haven't improved but when you look at what is right
you attract more good things to you. When you look at what is wrong
you attract more negative things into your life. I'm not asking you to
ignore what is real. I'm simply suggesting that you take time to look at
things a little differently and focus on some of the good things in your
The minute you change your perception from looking at only the
negative things to looking at some of the positive things in your life
you start developing the power of perception. When this happens you
no longer dwell on what is wrong because you'll move into the next
phase which is to find solutions. Automatically your mind and
subconscious mind will begin attracting solutions for you but this only
happens when you see the positive things that are going on in your
life and when you look for the good in other people.
I know some of you may have a number of challenges that you're
facing but once you change your perception once you change the way
you see the world you will begin to attract the situations, people and
circumstances to help you accomplish your goals.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing! ...Do you not perceive it and know it and will
you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the
desert.” (Isaiah 43:19 AMP).
Can you perceive it? Are you making room for it in your mind, or
have you already made up your mind not to expect anything new due
to your present circumstances? God is interested in all your needs,
desires, and even, your prosperity. In fact,
“God delights in the prosperity of His people”. (Psalm 35:27)
Dare Not to Quit
The fact is that you are a limitless
and infinite being existing in an
infinite and limitless universe with the
ability to experience life in the way
that you choose. When you set your
mindset right, nature takes course.
Dare not quit God puts things
together to make you succeed.
One Sunday evening, we were
having a family time with my wife
and daughter watching a movie. I expressed that several months had
gone without boarding a plane and yet that was not the life I was
supposed to live. So I will create an opportunity to fly. In three days’
time I was flying to Samburu Intrepid Hotel to train the staff on hotel
safety for several days. I received a call with 24 hours of that
expression to fly, they were inquiring for my personal details to be
allocated to me a flight to conduct the training to the Hotel staff.
So early on that Tuesday morning I was at Wilson airport with a
75Kgs luggage of training materials. Surprisingly, the Safarilink Jet that
I had boarded was destined for Nanyuki but redirected its route to
Samburu Buffolo Spring airstrip in my favour, and it dropped me alone
then proceeded with the other passengers to their destinations.
How would you feel when a whole jet carrying tourists has to take you
to special destinations you never been before? You would feel nice,
right? Remember two days before I just shared with my wife how I
had missed to travel via air and now an opportunity showed up.
Changing our perspective, setting our mindset right.
Discover the power of finding good in any situation. Develop the
unshakable awareness that all things regardless of what they are or
how they may appear at the time, you are creating and that all happen
for a "greater good"...a greater purpose.
God has created you as a super being in His own image and likeness
to rule, subdue, have dominion and multiply and have put all things in
place for you to ask, possess and take charge.
God has good intentions over your life.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah29:11).
“It is wise to keep in
mind that neither
success nor failure
is ever final."
Roger Babson
Dare Not to Quit
Your life is a sum total of the words you've spoken. What you say is
what you get. In other words, what you confess you will possess.
Use your mouth as an instrument of life, not death. You are literally
words away from your harvest; don't let negative speech short-circuit
your breakthrough.
Your words set the tone of your life. If you don’t like the life you live
today, begin to change what you are confessing.
But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it
in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words
you will be condemned. (Matthew 12:36).
You have been provided with an incredible and inalienable gift of free
will. You have been given the power to choose how you will utilize
that gift without outside interference or judgment.
When you have successfully adopted and internalized this way of
thinking and "perceiving", you will have discovered the key to attracting
and experiencing a life far more fulfilling than you have ever
previously experienced or "perceived" as being possible. You will have
made one huge step forward in discovering how to consciously and
purposefully begin designing and "consciously creating" the life that you
desire, deserve, and were created to enjoy.
We were not created to just get by with average, unrewarding or
unfulfilling lives. God created us to leave our marks on our
generations. Every person has seeds of greatness planted within by the
Creator. When life weighs upon us, pushing us down, limiting our
thinking, labeling us in negative ways, we have what it takes to
overcome and rise above into the fullness of our destinies.
When you break though in your mind, believing you can rise higher
and overcome obstacles, then God will unleash the power within that
will enable you to go beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary life
you were designed to live.
You are blessed and highly favored. God has written your name on
His palm that He may not forget you. Your yesterday challenges and
breakdowns are nothing compared to your tomorrows breakthroughs
and open doors, just unleash the power in you by having the right
Dare Not to Quit
perspective, a victor’s mentality and know that God is working behind
the scene on your favor and your time of favor has come.
Shout…I am blessed! I am healed! I am whole! I am complete in
Christ. I am the head not the tail! I am an overcomer! This is the
lowest I will ever be! I am beautiful and wonderfully made!
I will make it, YES I will! I can and I can and I can and I will! I am
loved! My family is the best and will be the best! I am wealthy! I am
I am bought with the blood of Jesus! I am the chosen of God! I am
highly favored of the Lord! My future is bright! I am enjoying a great
overflow! I am the best there is! I operate in the promise of God! My
life will never be the same again, never, never, never will I ever be in
this situation again because my God Has come to crown me, to
beautify me, to reward me and to elevate me to where He want me to
be! It is my time for a great overflow! Look at me now because you
will have to testify and write a bestselling motivational book of the
person who was elevated by God in a magnificent way and that
person is me! Yes! I possess it in Jesus name!
May God crown you, beautify you, complete you and elevate you.
Remember whatever you confess you possess and it is the perception
of yourself that determines your perception by others and your
Dare Not to Quit
Chapter 5
n most parts of the world, the normal weather seasons have
changed. Long rainy seasons, dry spells, extremely heavy rainfall
and unique seasons are being witnessed. Regardless of these, one
season leads to another. There is a season to prepare the land,
planting, weeding and harvesting and they don’t come together at
once. Some seasons are not suitable and actually we have to
sometimes withstand harsh weathers. During harvesting seasons most
of the time the weather is dry and we have to tolerate the heat.
Planting time in most cases is characterized with heavy rains.
Regardless of the harshness of the weather, we do not give up rather
we endure knowing that it won’t last forever.
I know sometimes you feel like giving up. Every new day there seems
to be no change in your life.
All the troubles of your heart and worries keep on worsening. You
wonder why everything is happening to you. You keep on asking
yourself why you’re not lucky like other people. You ask yourself a lot
of rhetorical questions. You keep on praying to God but so far He
hasn’t answered your prayers. Now you have started losing hope. You
now think that maybe you were meant to be like that or maybe
somebody cursed you. You now feel like giving up and not pursuing it
again. But I tell you my friend, you weren’t meant to be like that and
you weren’t cursed. God is silent but He watches you day and night.
He listens to your prayers and He has something special for you. Just
stay strong, focused, and hardworking and keep praying to God. Bear
it in your mind that you’re not alone in that hard situation, we are all
Dare Not to Quit
in the same boat of waiting
patiently. So don’t give up my
dear friend. Your time is coming
When God will say yes to your
prayer, the outcome will be
exceedingly, abundantly, above
more than you have ever wished
or asked for.
It’s patience that brings forth the
promise. Abraham and Sarah waited a long time for that child and at
God’s appointed time, an angel was sent to bring the good news to
them. They had to wait patiently and God was working behind the
scene on the promise.
My friend, I want to tell you that God’s delay is not God’s denial. It’s
up to you and me to press through with patience. Patience is a virtue.
Patience is power. Patience is an attribute that we must all learn to live
Just tell God, “Lord don’t let me let go of my promise and dreams because I’m
tired of waiting on my promise.”
Promise yourself that regardless of what happen quitting will never be
an option in your life.
The time while you’re waiting is a time of learning, being strengthened
and growing in faith. God will help us grow and mature and He will
glorify Himself through our needs. He hears us when we call. Even
when you feel like all odds are against you and we feel like quitting.
Over and over again, we wonder why something is taking so long, we
get discouraged and think it’ll never happen. Just like in planting
season where we put the seed in the soil and sometimes wonder why
it is taking so long to germinate. There is a set time when the shoot
will break the ground into a plant. You can’t force it. The moment
God put the dream in you He put a set time for its fulfillment. When
you understand this you won’t get discouraged. You know the set
time is the right time. Don’t listen to the lies that it’s never going to
happen. As long as you keep believing it will happen, you know the
promise is for you but when you look at the natural it seems it’ll never
happen. You may wonder when your husband, Dad or brother will be
born again, but, God has already set a time for each of your family
“All men who have
achieved great things
have been great
Orison Swett Marden
Dare Not to Quit
members to come to Him. In your future there is a set time for the
fulfillment of your dreams.
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it
will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come to pass.”
(Habakkuk 2:3)NKJV
There is an appointed time for everything. At the fullness of time,
God is going to make everything beautiful for you. He might seem
quiet at the moment but He is aligning things on your favor. It will
not be one second late, We don’t have to live frustrated because it’s
not happening in our time table, You don’t have to worry to the point
of feeling like quitting. Whatever you are planning will come to pass.
When is the set time? The right time, the time best for you. We want it
quick, fast and right now. We have become the pap! Generation
expecting everything to happen in a second but God was us to be
patient, to endure and persevere to strengthen our faith. Often we’re
not prepared but as we wait with the right attitude God is able to do a
work in us. The other person may not be ready. If you were to meet
right now it wouldn’t work out.
When the lies tell you it will never happen, don’t believe them.
Just say, “ I may not see a way but I know God has a way, God gave me the
dream and He established a set time for it, I will wait earnestly for it in faith, It
won’t be late at all, It will happen at the exact right time.”
He will not be one second late. He is working on your next season.
Your set time could be this week or tomorrow morning.
In life we all have to wait, It’s through faith and patience that we
inherit the promises. Wait with expectancy. Elevate your faith and
change your attitude. Rejoice in
the Lord regardless.
Just declare,
”I won’t live upset and frustrated because
God has already ordained it, It could
happen today, I know there are set times
in my future.”
Being consistent in waiting is not
easy. What if I get my hopes up
“In life we all have to
wait, It’s through faith
and patience that we
inherit the promises.”
Amb. Steve Mbugua
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
Dare Not Quit
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Dare Not Quit

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Dare Not to Quit 2 DARE NOT TO QUIT Winners never quit and quitters never win AMBASSADOR STEVE MBUGUA
  • 3. Dare Not to Quit 3 DARE NOT QUIT Kenya Copyright © 2018 by Theword Bookstores Publishers. Requests for information should be addressed to: Ambassador Steve Mbugua. P.O. Box 12092-00400 - Nairobi - Kenya Tel. No. (254) 724036078 Email: Layout and design by Theword Bookstore Publishers. Theword Printing Press. Email: Cell phone (+254)723335887. P.O Box 59119-00100 - NAIROBI, KENYA © 2018, Ambassador Steve Mbugua. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, are from the New King James Version (NKJV), © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1984 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are from the New American Standard Bible®, NASB ®, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1988.
  • 4. Dare Not to Quit 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude to my most merciful God for always working behind the scenes in my life. My dearest and patient wife Kezia Mbugua, you are the rock of my life. You are the best in this life, I thank God for you. Your support in this assignment is beyond measure. You have been a blessing every step of the way. To my gracious daughter Zannet Mbugua and son Israel Bryton Mbugua; thank you for always believing in me. You bring me tremendous joy and you are such a blessing. God bless you. I thank all my spiritual sons and daughters who have undergone my mentorship programs. You all inspire me to do more. I also want to thank the wider circle of faithful family and friends whose encouragement and gifts of wisdom gave this story its life. I owe a debt of gratitude to my father, mother and siblings. I thank all my mentors and Pastors, this work is not just the great achievement of one person but of many. It is with that in mind that I realize the words inside this pages are inspired by many. The prayers of others made this come true. I thank Wycliffe Mije for working tirelessly on this book to make the dream come true. I want to thank all that have helped me in many unexplainable ways. You inspired me to think on paper. Once again I thank God through His grace I have this book for you and to His Glory.
  • 5. Dare Not to Quit 5 DEDICATION This book is dedicated to everyone who has thought of quitting and throwing in the towel. This is for you. To let you know that God has given you the capacity to overcome. “One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.” (Napoleon Hill)
  • 6. Dare Not to Quit 6 CONTENTS Acknowledgment 3 Dedication 4 Introduction 6 Chapter 1: You have got to Fight for your Dreams 9 Chapter 2: Passion, Patience, Perseverance, Persistence andPossesion (5Ps) 15 Chapter 3: A God of a Second chance 24 Chapter 4: Change your Perception. Change your Mindset and keep the Right Perspective 37 Chapter 5: Arise get set for your Season 49 Chapter 6: The Power of Perception and word of Mouth 54 Chapter 7: Worry not, Pray and be Thankful, be Happy 63 Chapter 8: Dare not to Quit 67 Chapter 9: Pressing On 73 Chapter 10: The Grace to finishing Strong 80 Chapter 11: You are heading to flourishing finish 84 About The Author 91
  • 7. Dare Not to Quit 7 INTRODUCTION f you do not fight for what you want now, you will fight against what you don’t want later. Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear. To gain anything substantial in life you have to do something that requires you to go an extra mile. To win a marathon race you have to undergo thorough training, disciplined lifestyle and strategize. You have to change and set your mindset on achievement and wining. My early school life was punctuated by immense mediocrity. I was a damn dull short boy with a low self-esteem, to make matters worse I was also a stammerer; other kids would mock me whenever I opened my mouth to speak. My academic performance in class was wanting, I was always at the bottom of the class, and I severally quit school to be employed as a shamba boy (a gardener) but my mother always intervened forcedly to stop it. Severally she would punish me for not reporting to school even after I left home in the morning with other students to go to school. I would hide in the maize plantations from morning up to the time other pupils came back in the evening from school. My situation worsened when I joined secondary school, I could not even defeat one student in class. That was a farfetched dream. I was an academic dwarf. In 1999 as a form two student I decided to quit school to become a street boy roaming on the streets of Nakuru town. I went through a four year period of reckless lifestyle; I grew dreadlocks, abused drugs and got involved in criminal activities. However, deeper inside I knew that I had a great destiny and even envisioned a time when I would be blessed and become a pillar to many. I never gave up despite the fact that the environment was pushing me to destruction. In August 2013, I gave my life to Christ and in the following year I went back to school and joined the Anestar High School from form two. I dared not quit. It was a serious risk. Why? A very dull young man having been in the streets for four years, going back to school without school fees! That was a risk in itself. There was a reason to despise myself, there was fear of failure and the fear of unknown, but I mastered it, and through my high school life I worked smart and hard regardless of my weak academic status. My effort yielded fruits, I emerged the fourth best I
  • 8. Dare Not to Quit 8 student in the final KCSE Exams in that year. I was determined to excel. So I joined the university and pursued a degree in Pure Economics. I made a deliberate choice not to quit but to pursue my dreams and fight for my dreams, I eventually became the person I envisaged. It doesn’t matter what stage you are in life right now. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are. At any point in time you can decide to change your life and go for your dreams and aspirations. Would it be taking a risk? Perhaps. Anytime we take a step into the unknown we are taking a risk. That’s why it’s called the unknown. So, what if you don’t like the unknown when you get there? Then you will find a way to change it or to move past it. You will. And what if the unknown turns out to be more amazing than you could have ever imagined? Well, there is only one way to find it out. Don’t always blame people, events and circumstances for your failures and position. The greatest level of warfare is when you truly confront yourself in battle. The greatest person on earth is that who conquers himself, Conquers his fear, position and perception. He breaks the status quo, takes risk, and fights for his dreams and destiny. He knows no defeat, He never quits. The people who wish that you remain in your low position or even retrogress are more than the fans of Manchester united in the whole universe. The people waiting for your downfall are more than those waiting for Christ to return. Don’t be a people pleaser and dare not be affected by those who are not for you. As long as your heart and mind are set towards your greatness, you are on track. It’s not about what they say about you but what you say about yourself. The perception you have about you determines their reception towards you. You will not be defeated by what they say about you, you will be defeated by what you say about you. The majority of people live a life of timidity, procrastination and quitting. They have very weird dreams but never commit to pursue them. If you listen to their plans they amaze you with their aspirations but they never take action. The next step after dreaming is taking action to pursue it. There will be ups and downs, people will not support you, and resources may not be favorable but dare not quit. If you quit now,
  • 9. Dare Not to Quit 9 what were you even fighting for? You have to put up the victor’s attitude and face your fears. It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. Keep getting up until you get that breakthrough. Never stop believing in yourself and never stop fighting for your dreams because if you don’t, who will? I know you could be going through a rough time, maybe you are going into the fight of your life. Fighting for your future, fighting for your career, fighting for your ventures, fighting for your family, fighting for your health, some of you are fighting for your life and Amb. Steve Mbugua is here begging you, ‘DO NOT QUIT! DO NOT GIVE IN. DO NOT GIVE UP’. At times life can be tough, I know sometimes life can wear you down, but if you just stick it out…Even if you don’t get the result, the character you show will be your reward. The fighting spirit you develop will be the reward. And it will serve you well, for the rest of your life. Fight for what you want now, or fight against what you don’t want later! You have the choice! Don’t you DARE quit. Don’t you DARE settle! Don’t you DARE back down.
  • 10. Dare Not to Quit 10 Chapter 1 YOU HAVE GOT TOFIGHT FOR YOUR REAMS he greatest achievement in any generation came from people who were willing to fight for what they believed was justified to them. They were willing to overcome the pain even when their hands were soaked in blood, sweat and blisters. You too have a better chance to make a mark in history to be remembered as someone who did not quit, when the going was tough but as someone who fought to achieve his dreams. Fight for what you believe in and pursue your dreams with zeal. Believe in yourself, push your limits, and do whatever it takes to conquer your goals. Never give up, not because you still have tomorrow to try, but because you may not have tomorrow to try. Don’t allow temporary defeat to put a limit to what you can achieve. Go an extra mile, go beyond all limits and be the best version of you. I made my mind not to allow anything to stop me from pursuing my dreams. Life has its own turns and bends. So you have to fight for your space. Whenever I have discussions with the young people in my seminars in regard to issues of employment, Agribusiness and self- employment, I have realized that most of them have wonderful dreams but somewhere along the way something came up and the dream was buried. Every so often its sickness, death of a loved one, loss of a job, financial instability, lack of relevant academic papers and so on and on….. Listen, that sickness is no match for you. That relationship issue T
  • 11. Dare Not to Quit 11 is not going to keep you from your destiny. The loss of that loved one did not stop God’s plan for your life. Don’t let it overwhelm you. You can handle it. Don't you ever think of giving up! Put up the victors stamina, head high and declare that greater is He who is in you than who is in the world. Maybe you work in a financial institution and the interest issue is threatening your career, believe that the God who started the good work in you will take it to completion. Keep Going. You may not be sure how your rent and other bills will be paid, my friend, God is on your case. When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up! You have been pursuing a dream that never seems to become a reality, you better get set now. If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone un- turned to make it a reality. There was a Business Executive who was deep in debt and could see no way out. Creditors were closing in on him. Suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy. Suddenly an old man appeared before him. “I can see that something is troubling you,” he said. After listening to the Executive’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.” He asked the man his name, wrote a cheque, and pushed it into his hand saying, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come. The Business Executive saw in his hand a cheque for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world. “I can erase my money worries in an instant!” he realized. “One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.” Napoleon Hill.
  • 12. Dare Not to Quit 12 But instead, the Executive decided to put the uncashed cheque in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought. With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales and within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again. Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the uncashed cheque. At the exact agreed place, the old man appeared. But just as the Executive was about to hand back the cheque and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man. “I’m so glad I caught him!” she cried. “I hope he hasn’t been bothering you. He’s always escaping from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller.” And she led the old man away by the arm. The astonished Executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he’d been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars behind him. He suddenly realized that it wasn’t the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he pursued. Every now and then what we have is just the fear of unknown. You are not sure why you have not taken the next step and deep inside there is a conviction that that is the way to go. Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks. You can do it now! Wherever you are, right now, you can start, right now; this very moment. Encourage yourself and build self-confidence. Whenever everyone gives up on you, gives up on your dreams and stops believing in you and with you. That should not stop you from dreaming big. You going to square up your shoulders and say, "My appointed time, for my dream to come true is at the corner!" You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it's enough. It takes just one moon to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up. You may have been saving to get that dream car, that dream house, invest in that dream business but by the look of your account things aren't adding up. Success comes step at a time and you have to be patient and persistent my friend. Success is not obtained overnight.
  • 13. Dare Not to Quit 13 It comes in installments; you get a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow until the whole package is given out. The day you procrastinate, you lose that day's success. The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focused on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts. Perhaps you are just close to what you have been waiting for all along and ideas start formulating in your mind and advising you to "give up". Tell them "not me!" God Has given us immeasurable power within. You have power to mold your destiny with your choices, words and actions today. One of the most powerful lessons in life is to recognize that no one can give you power, and many people don’t want you to have it. You have to find the courage to seize it, own it and hold on. When it comes to fighting for your dream, fight like a mad bull. It's your dream, your life, your legacy and is yours alone. No one has the power to shatter your dreams unless you give it to them. Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end. You’ve been armed with strength. Keep a victor’s mentality because a victor’s mentality becomes a victor’s reality! Put a frog into a pot with water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water increase, the frog adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps adjusting its body temperature with the increasing temperature of water. When water is about to boil, the frog cannot adjust anymore. Now the frog decides to jump, but cannot, because it has lost all its strength in adjusting. So the frog dies. What killed the frog? The boiling water? No, the frog was killed by its inability to decide when to jump. We all need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to jump. If we allow people to exploit us physically, emotionally, “There are five important things for living a successful and fulfilling life: never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying, and never stop learning.” Roy Bennett
  • 14. Dare Not to Quit 14 financially, spiritually or mentally they will continue to do so. Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. You win by working hard, making tough decisions and building coalitions. There is always the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding you on what to say. … for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in that very hour what ye ought to say. (Luke 12:12). In my life I had to make some crucial decisions of which I have enjoyed and also regretted in equal measure. In the year 2014, I had an opportunity to own a piece of land along Kenyatta Road off Thika Superhighway which was just Ksh. 125,000 but it took long for me to make the decision, and today I regret because the same piece of land was purchased by a friend I referred, the value today is several millions. I have however made some great decisions like marrying my wife, quitting a well-paying job to start my ventures among others. Today my venture Busara Investment Group (BIG) owns companies like Makinika Afrika, Nairobi safety Shop, Signet Ring Collections, Busara Farm, Kadosh Enterprises, Busara Properties and Real Estate Ltd, STEWA Safaris Kenya Ltd etc. I had to make a crucial decision, resign and start my own venture and now a lot of people get their daily bread from these ventures. You have to always involve God before you make that crucial decision. Then David asked the LORD, "Should I chase after this band of raiders? Will I catch them?" And the LORD told him, "Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!" (1 Samuel 30:8). There will be very few occasions when you are absolutely certain about anything. You will consistently be called upon to make decisions with limited information. That being the case, your goal should not be to eliminate uncertainty. Instead, you must develop the art of being clear in the face of uncertainty.
  • 15. Dare Not to Quit 15 There never is a good time for tough decisions. There will always be an election, selection or something else. You have to pick courage and do it. Whether the decision is to propose to that potential wife, quit that relationship, resign from that office, sell that asset...whatever it is you have to consider the best option but have to know the best and appropriate time to make the decision as that will be the difference between a good decision made or regret to live with. I think the path is different for everybody. Go after the doors that are open to you. Do the things that seem to be good opportunities and work hard at it. Try to make good decisions and be nice. Hopefully all of that will pay off at some point. God is taking care of you, even when it seems like you are all alone; believe me, so don’t quit keep on fighting until you achieve your dreams and aspirations. You have to be tough and elevate your faith as your time of manifestation awaits you to make that decision.
  • 16. Dare Not to Quit 16 Chapter 2 PASSION, PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE, PERSISTENCE AND POSESSION (5Ps) ver observed the great athletes that have broken the world records like David Rudisha, Vivian Cheluiyot, Julius Yego on the field? They seem to not use a lot of energy to win, they make it look so easy. What you have to know is that before they get to the field they go through very tough exercises and have to beat all odds. Sports is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving against great odds. Athletes, in times of difficulty, can be important role models. In my youth mentorship forums across the country, I always tell them to be fighters and push for their place in the society and be the best. Too often than not, we focus so much on the problems and difficulties aligned on our path. It is rare for a dream or goal to come true easily without efforts, without delays, problems and hurdles. It is far more common, however, that you have to overcome countless obstacles and suffer severe pain before you achieve any meaningful target. You must understand that the bigger your dreams, the tougher the challenges, the more ambitious your goals are, the likelihood that you will face more difficulties along the way. When this happens, what will you do? Will you just give up? Or will you persist and struggle and succeed? A lot of that depends upon your attitude and experience. It also depends upon your skills and network. Only a very tiny part depends upon luck or chance. E
  • 17. Dare Not to Quit 17 Let’s say you set out for a holiday trip to Maasai Mara or an adventurous jungle drive to Mount Kenya. You pack up your car with all the gear you need to enjoy a lazy week-long vacation, plan your destination, and set out on the drive. Halfway along your planned route, the road gets rough and bumpy. You’re driving along an unpaved path with potholes and pits, bushes and bramble scraping the side of your vehicle. It’s an uncomfortable ride, with a lot of jolting and bumping in your seat. Unfortunately, this is the only way you can get to that lovely camping spot you remember fondly and enjoy relaxing at. What do you do? You could change your plans, turn the car around, and go back home. Or drive back to the highway and go somewhere else, even if your heart is set on this holiday spot. Or you can curse and swear at the discomfort and keep on going. Or you can count your blessings, be happy about having a vehicle to get you there, a path (even if a bad one) that leads to the place, and a map to direct you along the right route and even with your buddies ready to enjoy the adventure. Plus, you really, really love that spot and want to be there soon. That journey is your life. Your business growth path. The vehicle is you. The driver is your attitude. If the driver is decisive and determined, he just won’t give up! Its like when applying for a job, you have to bare the tough time of writing applications, visiting different recruitment sites and attending a number of interviews. Personally, I have sent more than 1000 different job applications and many of interviews went bad, but inside I knew that if I gave up looking for my dream job then I would have to face the consequences. I've learned that the only things we are in control of are the choices we make at any one moment. Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds. I do what I do because “The difficulties and struggles of today are but the price we must pay for the accomplishments and victories of tomorrow.” William Boetcker
  • 18. Dare Not to Quit 18 it is the right thing to do. I am a warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight superior odds. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. Never think of giving up even. Press on. The courage and persistence to keep going on, past hurdles and obstacles, is powered by purpose. Your purpose. My friend, don't take the option of quitting like many would do. Fight! Winners don't quit. They have no choice. To quit is to die. Winners are survivors who refused to quit. Stop looking for excuses and justifications. Look for solutions. Our mind tends to find whatever we are looking for. If we’re seeking out excuses to fail or to justify our decision not to push forward, we’ll find them, in the form of setbacks, constraints and limitations. But if we get obsessed about finding a way past any of these restraints and breaking through to the level of success we set out in search of, then magically we discover these solutions. To survive, you've got to keep wheedling your way. You can't just sit there and fight against odds when it's not going to work. You have to turn around a corner, dig a tunnel, and go through the tunnel - and find the momentum to keep moving toward to your city of success. I studied Bachelor of Arts in Economics at Moi University but my first formal major job was as a safety instructor at St. John Ambulance. Although a challenge, I had to beat all odds to meet its expectations and surely I have saved hundreds of lives, trained thousands of people and impacted thousands through this opportunity. By end of 2014 I had trained a minimum of 10,000 individuals and responded to 127 major incidents of which I received awards. I also rose to the rank of a Training Manager at St John Ambulance and as well as National Staff officer before heading to Bloodlink as a Director of training and later starting several ventures where I have created opportunities for many and source of income. I have participated in several government committees developing several policies on Safety and Disaster preparedness. As an Economist I had to grow in the line of Safety and leadership. Passion, determination and persistence made me grow and become. Even when you do what you love, there always comes a moment when you feel down and think about giving up, but the truth is,
  • 19. Dare Not to Quit 19 everything you are going to accomplish in life, on any scale, will come from your ability to not surrender when circumstances get unbearable. This capacity to stay determined and committed to your original resolutions in spite of everything that is directed against you is, in my opinion, the main thing that helps you grow as a person. The hard part comes when you are not doing well, and you’re alone out there and there is no one to help you. You make a mistake, and it leads to another mistake and so on, and you just get lost in all of that, your confidence drops you lose. That is a lot of pressure for any person. In my opinion patience is an attitude that involves accepting greater future good will gradually come as a consequence of the existence and learning from life’s day to day obstacles. I believe perseverance is the behavior that results from being patient. It involves acting steadily towards that future good that is in your mind independently of the obstacles that come in the way. You need to have passion, perseverance, and patience, even for growing a tree; what to talk of ‘growing’ a grown up human being? Do what matters, do not major on the minors. When you find work that matters, giving up is not an option. So choose only the kind of work that matters. No, it does not have to necessarily be ‘life saving’ like me or ‘world changing’. But it should matter enough to you that you will not casually think of abandoning it when a distraction or obstacle crops up. But now, this is what the LORD says, he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. (Isaiah43:1). How do we force ourselves to love what we do or do what we love? Each one of us has had this experience at some time in our life. We “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Nelson Mandela
  • 20. Dare Not to Quit 20 get involved in something, and forget the world around us. Maybe it’s a book, or a movie, or a game. Maybe it’s writing a story, or a poem, or a painting, or programming a project. Maybe it’s cooking or a hobby. You get so deeply involved with it, that suddenly you look up and discover with startled surprise that hours have slipped by in just minutes. That happens when you do work that you really and truly love. Stuff that fascinates and engulfs you. That you’re passionate and excited about. And when you’re engaged in such work, you do not want to stop. Even when you’re tired or hungry or have other things to do, you stretch to try and keep doing it. Find work that you love, and you won’t have to work another day of your life… you’ll just be having fun all the time. Do what you’re good at. Delegate or automate the other things that you can afford to and you won’t ever run the risk of giving up. When you’re good at it, you don’t want to give up. Even difficulties become challenges to be conquered, not barriers to keep you down. In life we read stories of great people like Abraham Lincoln, Isaac Newton, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Dr. Myles Munroe and others who refused to quit and were able to overcome the forces of nature. They enriched their lives and powered their dreams along exciting and unimagined directions. They made a greater impact on their world than if they quit and surrendered to the misfortunes. When you look for the ‘hidden’ good behind all the ‘bad’ things that happen in your quest for success, purpose will help you past any blocks and sustain your momentum and progress. We should have the strength like that of a single mother, I have a lot of respect to single parents who struggle and sacrifice, trying against almost superhuman odds to hold the family together. They should be honored and helped in their heroic efforts. Parenting is made easier when both parents are in the home… So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah41:10). When you are focused on the outcome of everything that you do, every day, in every way, you cannot help but be encouraged and inspired to keep on going. When you pick your tasks carefully so that
  • 21. Dare Not to Quit 21 the work you do matters, keeping that ultimate goal in mind as you do it can be remarkably motivating. Why are you doing this? Where do you plan to go? What will happen when this is done? The answers will energize you. We cannot live in splendid isolation, as attractive as that may sound. We need people around us, for many different reasons. It a good thing to have more people in your circle. When you feel like quitting you can always ask for help. The challenges that are scaring you or threatening to break you are probably not as rare, unusual or even impossible to overcome as you once thought. You can tap into the collective experience and wisdom of people like you, who probably have even had difficulties like yours. In any case, Paul Kagame once said that, ‘only fools learn from their own mistakes.” The majority of people love to help others. Especially when they have faced and overcame a similar challenge. Just ask someone about simple things like how to get rid of your phone battery problem, or what to do when your cellphone gets soaked in water, and chances are you’ll get a flood of helpful responses. Having supportive people in your corner will help you keep going until you catch your second wind of inspiration and motivation from within. Passion is contagious. You can’t hang around a passionate person without some of that positive energy rubbing off on you. Being in a group of passionate people who are solving their own problems, living their dreams, and pursuing their mission in life can help tide you over any temporary setback. On the other hand, surrounding yourself with nay-sayers and pessimists who always see the worst possibilities can quickly dull your enthusiasm and make it easier to simply give up. So choose your friends and network wisely. Finally and after all is said and done, put God first and let Him be the Lord in all that you do. He will help you discover your purpose and give you direction in life. His hand will hold you firmly and you will not slip no matter the circumstances. God will show you your purpose on earth just as he took Joseph through to His place of purpose, a Prime minister. Whatever you might be going through today will soon be your funny TBT, You will be laughing at where you have come from and for sure there will be a great testimony out of what you are going through
  • 22. Dare Not to Quit 22 today. You just need to be patient and persevering. Dare not even think of quitting. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes patience, determination and hard work. You need to keep fighting, persevere, endure and through patience your dream will become a reality. Strong enough to make holes in the rock are tiny drops of water that persist to fall. Persistence is the attitude that breaks down mountains one rock at a time! Do not despise little beginnings. It'll all make sense as you're staring at an opportunity that you realize the difficult moments merely prepared you for. Every big castle was once started with a single block; despise no small beginnings. A little step taken every day builds up the hope of greater accomplishments. Do something every day! Patience and perseverance, tolerance and perseverance are common traits of the world’s most successful people. Patience is a very high quality of man. Sometimes one gets it wrong in differentiating between patience on one hand and laziness, inaction, tolerating oppression and relying on luck on the other. Whereas patience and perseverance guarantees victory and success while laziness and inaction causes misfortune and results in failure. Patience and success are friends of each other, Success comes as a result of patience. Every triumph is not of the same kind. Sometimes it arrives early and sometimes it takes a long time. One must not expect that everything would be done in the same manner and that everything will end in success. So if success does not arrive early one must not give up efforts. One must not imagine that victory is impossible and very difficult. In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. However bridge building experts throughout the world thought that this was an impossible feat and told Roebling to forget Persistence is the attitude that breaks down mountains one rock at a time!
  • 23. Dare Not to Quit 23 the idea. It just could not be done. It was not practical. It had never been done before. Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge. He thought about it all the time and he knew deep in his heart that it could be done. He just had to share the dream with someone else. After much discussion and persuasion he managed to convince his son Washington, an up and coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. Working together for the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished and how the obstacles could be overcome. Excited and inspired, they headed for wild challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge. The project started well, but when it was only a few months underway a tragic accident on the site that took the life of John Roebling. Washington was also injured and scared with brain damage, which rendered him paralyzed. “We told them so.” “Crazy men and their crazy dreams.” “It’s foolish to chase wild visions.” Everyone had a negative comment to make and felt that the project should be scrapped since the Roeblings were the only ones who knew how the bridge could be built. In spite of his handicap Washington was never discouraged and still had a burning desire to complete the bridge, his mind was still as smart as ever. He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task. As he lay on his bed in his hospital room, with the sunlight streaming through the windows, a gentle breeze blew the flimsy white curtains apart and he was able to see the sky and the tops of the trees outside for just a moment. It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. Suddenly an idea hit him. All he could do was move one finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving this, he slowly developed a code of communication with his wife. He touched his wife’s arm with that finger, indicating to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. It seemed foolish but the project was under way again.
  • 24. Dare Not to Quit 24 For 13 years, Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife’s arm, until the bridge was finally completed. Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man’s indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances. It is also a tribute to the engineers and their team work, and to their faith in a man who was considered mad by half the world. It stands too as a tangible monument to the love and devotion of his wife who for 13 long years patiently decoded the messages of her husband and told the engineers what to do. Perhaps this is one of the best examples of a never-say-die attitude that overcomes a terrible physical handicap and achieves an impossible goal. Often when we face obstacles in our day-to-day life, our hurdles seem very small in comparison to what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that dreams that seem impossible can be realized with determination and persistence, no matter what the odds are. The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.’ (Psalm 32:8). The LORD replied, "I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest, everything will be fine for you." (Exodus33:14). The passion, courage and persistence to keep going on, past hurdles and obstacles, is powered by purpose. Your purpose. Discover it. Tap into it. Achieve it. Dare not quit.
  • 25. Dare Not to Quit 25 Chapter 3 A GOD OF A SECOND CHANCE n life we sometime find ourselves in unfamiliar territories and sometimes on the ground of I wish I knew. Sometimes the bitter consequences of our actions are unbearable and sometimes guilt, self-denial and self-unforgiveness haunt us. God offers us a second chance. These are very rare opportunities accompanied by grace and mercy. We all need them and the good news is that God gives them. After stepping out of school and being on the streets for four years, God gave me a second chance. His grace was exceedingly and abundantly that He not only opened ways and sources of school fees but He also gave me a spirit of excellence and resilience. After failing Jesus three times on the night he was arrested, Peter really needed a second chance and it was along the Sea of Galilee, that he got it. God’s second chance is so great that it gives you a new beginning. Sometimes when we make a mistake in life it feels so final, you may think it’s all over for you. The game of life isn’t like a game in which you only have one chance to win before it’s over. God will give you a second chance. His mercies and grace will be with you but you have to embrace them and be willing to follow His leading. God wants us to understand that Failure is not final, bad results can be redeemed and that the future is open. You might have walked out of the walk of faith or done things that your inner conviction shows you that you are doomed but there is hope. He is a merciful and gracious God who has his arms wide open ready to help you. It is wonderful that God gives us a chance to do it all over again. The Bible says, I
  • 26. Dare Not to Quit 26 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). We serve a God of new beginnings. Everyone has a situation or a point in life where they wish they did things right. Whether an error of omission or commission, you feel guilty and convinced that if you could go back in time you would change some things, habit, friends, decisions, priorities and do it in a better way. When we look back over our life, at some of the situations that we have been involved in and some of the choices that we have made. We think, if only I had a second chance. If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have married who I married. If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have moved where I moved. If only I had a second chance, I would have finished school. If only I had a second chance, I wouldn’t have gotten involved in the things that I was involved in. If only I was careful in that relationship, I wouldn’t have lost my virginity and become pregnant. If only I worked hard in my studies like so and so, I would have excelled in life… Sometimes when we make a mistake in life it feels so final. When you make a serious mistake you might think it’s all over for you. I want to let you know that the game of life isn’t like a game in which you only have one chance to win before it’s over. I want to let you know that when you make a mistake in this life, with God you get a second chance. It’s important to take a hard look in the mirror and acknowledge that we have moments of failure when the choices we have made have broken relationships and jeopardized our futures. Maybe it was spending beyond our means, being unfaithful in our marriage, not being more supportive of our children or placing unreasonable expectations upon them. We have all made choices that if we could change, we would. Maybe even we wish we could take back words that were said or choices that we made and while we can’t go back and change the past, we can be honest about it, confess it and seek forgiveness. That’s what Jesus did with people, he helped them face their sin and confess their failures so they could accept the forgiveness God offers.
  • 27. Dare Not to Quit 27 We serve a God of mercy. The word mercy means to extend help to the lowliest or the most undeserving. It implies compassion that overshadows punishment. Even when justice demands it. God allows us to walk in that line so that when He redeems us, we shall be an example for others not to give up. Bad results can be redeemed through a second chance. Today, am so grateful to God for having allowed me to walk in that path because that is where my ministry of motivation and encouraging brethren was born. Bad choices leads to bad consequences. Many of us are living with the results of a wrong decision. It is true that God forgives our past sins, and that he heals the wounds with which sin has injured us. However, there are scars that remain even from a healed wound. But even scars can serve a purpose. They remind us of what happens when we rebel against God and try to go our own way. They also serve to help us relate to other people who have wounds. We can help them to know that wounds can heal and that the consequences of our actions can be redeemed. God uses everything in our lives, even our failures. The past years may have gone very well for you. On the other hand, you may feel like you have messed up. We have all messed up in some areas. But the good news is that you don’t have to justify it somehow, or call failure by another name, because even though you may have messed up, there is always another chance to begin anew, especially with God. Everyone needs another chance; a new beginning; a clean page. We serve the God of second chances, and I, for one, am enormously grateful. Our sins can never be greater than the grace of God. Our failure can never be greater than the love of God. Our failure in the past does not determine what we will become in the future. Failure is not final. If failure was final none of us would make it. None of the people of the Bible would make it. In fact, the Bible is one story after another of people who messed up repeatedly, and how they were coached along by God until they got it right. Names like “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." Jim Rohn
  • 28. Dare Not to Quit 28 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jonah, David, Paul and Peter come to mind — along with many others — including my own. If failures were not included in the Bible there would be no one there. If failures were not included in the church no one would be here either. But the Bible also shows us that failure is not final. Bible declares, “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). God’s people have been on and off, they shine, then go off and His mercy and grace has been guiding them. We know of David killing Goliath and as a successful warrior, his finest hour. He had had his lowest moment. David didn’t just stumble, he plotted and schemed. He committed Adultery, Murder and then lied about it. God is just and merciful but He gave him a second chance, even third and fourth. The stories of Jacob, Peter, Paul, Jonah and the prodigal son have both the on and off. Look back at own life, even if you’ve squandered all, disgraced God the Father, denied Christ, even if you committed adultery or even murder, God is giving you a second chance. That is what mercy and grace are all about. Even when we stray away from our purpose and squander opportunity, God rejoice when we return to our purpose and fulfill it. He is anticipating our come back. His hand of grace leads us through to his purpose. In my humble opinion, you would have a hard time finding a more action-packed Book of the Bible than the book of Jonah. You know, the entire Book of Jonah is only forty-eight verses but take a minute and think about all of the actions that took. Starting in chapter One when Jonah thought he could run away from God’s command to go to the Ninevites. We see how God prepared a big fish to swallow Jonah, to put Jonah back on the right track. In chapter two, Jonah learned some valuable lessons from inside the belly of the whale and from here, mercy and grace are taking charge. When we deserve something bad, God responds by giving us something good. “And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying, ‘Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.’ So
  • 29. Dare Not to Quit 29 Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days’ journey. And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, ‘Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.’ So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them. For word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, ‘Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything: let them not feed, nor drink water: but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn everyone from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands. Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from His fierce anger that we perish not?’ And God saw their works that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and He did it not.” So when you read this verse, and you see that little phrase, a second time, I hope that it reminds you of the amazing grace of our great God. Jonah did not deserve this verse in the Bible, did he? No, if Jonah got what he deserved, then the entire book of Jonah would just be one chapter. It would end with the fifteenth verse, where that the sailors threw Jonah into the sea to calm the storm. And yet, that’s only the first part of the story, because Jonah has received grace and mercy. You see, really, grace and mercy are two sides of the same coin. “Mercy” is when God does not give you the bad things that you deserve. And “grace” is when God gives you good things that you don’t deserve. Do you see the difference there? Take our situation, for instance. Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin is death. So as Christians, we deserve death in hell because we have sinned against God. But after we accept Christ, there is no longer the promise of hell in our future. So, I ask you, is that mercy or grace? Yes, it’s mercy. Mercy is when God does not give us a punishment that we deserve, and we deserve hell, and yet He doesn’t give it to us. The second half of Romans 6:23 says that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Bible promises Christians that we will have eternal life. Now, is that grace or mercy? Yes, that’s grace. Grace is when God gives us good things that we don’t deserve. We deserve hell, and yet God saves us. That’s mercy. We don’t deserve Heaven, and yet we’re going there.
  • 30. Dare Not to Quit 30 That’s grace. The word of the Lord came unto Jonah a second time. Praise God for His amazing grace and mercy! When Jonah deserved to sink to the bottom of the ocean, God gave him a second chance, and he reacted by walking 400 miles to deliver God’s message to a group that had never heard it. When the Ninevites deserved nothing but the wrath of God for their generations of wickedness, God gave them a second chance, and they reacted by humbling themselves, and turning from their wicked ways. An entire city turned to God in a way that has never been repeated in recorded history. Jesus specializes in second chances. Look at Peter. Look at Paul. Look at you and me. We’ve not been the people we ought to have been. Maybe we’re not now. The Lord doesn’t write any of us off. He gives a second chance. Peter and Paul used theirs. What about you and me? I have messed up, I have screwed up myself and I have done things that make me deserve to be swallowed and be chewed by a whale. You have your story and version, I know if given a chance you have a bigger and weird one, But the good news is that you don’t have to justify it somehow, or call failure by another name, because even though you may have messed up, there is always another chance to begin anew, especially with God. The Good News is God gives a second chance. Use it wisely because God will not forever allow a stump to shoot again. There may or may not be a third chance. “If only I had another chance!” You have one. Use it wisely. We serve the God of second chances, and I, for one, am enormously grateful. The Bible declares, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our sins can never be greater than the grace of God. Our failure can never be greater than the love of God. Our failure in the past does not “Every achiever I have ever met says, 'My life turned around when I began to believe in me.” Robert Schuller
  • 31. Dare Not to Quit 31 determine what we will become in the future. Actually, failure is a second chance to do it right. God gives second chances to us all the time. Every one of us have at one time and gone away from God needing a second chance. No matter how much you have failed, God is always willing to give you another chance –some of us need a second, third and fourth chance. The good news is that we serve a God of new beginnings. But God giving you a second chance for a new beginning to do things right. He want Glory from every step of your life and so He will allow you to fail, to go down deeper so that when He give you a second chance accompanied with grace and mercy, all glory and honour will be to Him and you will acknowledge His power. Time and again God gave people a second chance to stand up and be faithful and Jesus extended this kind of grace and mercy to people throughout his life. When a woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus for him to condemn, he had every right to pass judgment on her. Jesus and all the people of the community could have easily pronounce her guilty and sentenced her to death, but Jesus gave her a second chance. That same day, however, Jesus also gave the entire crowd a second chance. In that story the woman was thrown in front of Jesus and the angry crowd picked up stones getting ready to kill her. They then turned and asked Jesus what they should do. It says Jesus bent down and wrote in the sand and while we don’t know what he wrote, many people believe that he simply started writing down the sins of the people gathered around him. Maybe he wrote down… adultery, stealing, pride, greed, gossip… The crowd, curious at what he was doing, started reading the words on the ground and then Jesus said, if anyone is without sin let him be the one to cast the first stone. When they realized that they too were sinners, it says they started dropping their stones and walking away until no one was left to condemn the woman. Jesus then said to her, where are they? Is there no one to condemn you, and she said, no one sir. Then Jesus said, neither do I condemn you go and sin no more. Jesus gave her a second chance, but he also gave everyone in the crowd a second chance because after coming face to face with the reality of their own sin, the crowd was shown mercy by Jesus and sent home. Whether they understood it or not, they also got a second chance.
  • 32. Dare Not to Quit 32 Our God is a God of second chances. When we don’t get it right the first time, God gives us another chance to be faithful and stand strong. When Jesus took Peter aside after breakfast and asked him three times, do you love me, he was giving Peter a second chance and in this story we being to understand what a second chance for us is all about. When we are given a second chance, or if we desire one, the first thing we need to do is come to Jesus who helps us face our failure. God gives us a second chance in life but we have to own up to our failures and confess our sin. This doesn’t mean we wallow in despair and focus on the negative, but it is important for us to be honest and real before God and at times other people and admit that we are sinful and broken and that we have failed God and others. These are not the actions of a man who is holding on to his past, Peter accepted God’s grace and mercy and he was looking to move beyond his failures. If we are going to make the most of the second chance God gives us in any situation then we also need to learn to accept the forgiveness God offers which often means learning to forgive ourselves. As long as we are holding on to our past sins, we can’t move forward, all we can do is re-live the past. Peter didn’t relive his failure in the courtyard of Caiaphas. He didn’t remain in that moment and allow it to define him. Peter used the mercy of God and the love Jesus offered to help him forgive himself. The most difficult part that causes many to quit is forgiving ourselves. In fact, many second chances are wasted because we don’t forgive ourselves enough to be able to move forward. So how do we have grace with ourselves? How do we stop kicking ourselves and beating ourselves up for the things we have done or failed to do? Well, once I figure it out, I’ll let you know, but what I do know is that I’ve learned to have a measure of grace with myself by seeing grace and forgiveness at work in others. When I am able to forgive someone else or when I see people forgive others it shows me that forgiveness is possible and so forgiving myself is possible. So stories of forgiveness and grace are important for us to hear because it shows us how we can be gracious with ourselves. Maybe that is why the Bible is full of stories about God’s grace and
  • 33. Dare Not to Quit 33 forgiveness. If God can forgive Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah and Peter then God can forgive me, He can forgive you. Second chances begin the minute we face our failures and learn to forgive ourselves but then the whole point of a second chance is making the most of the future God opens up for us. Look again at Peter along the Sea of Galilee. Jesus didn’t ask three times, Peter, do you love me and then say, Thanks, I appreciate that. What Jesus did was give Peter a true second chance. He opened up the future for Peter to be all God created him to be, which was the Rock or the foundation of the church. The second chance for David allowed him to be a better King of Israel. The second chance for Jonah allowed him to be an effective prophet to the people of Nineveh. A true second chance means we are given the opportunity to live for God and serve God in some capacity. In many ways I feel like my life has been a glorious second chance. I had walked out of the way and the life I was now living was that of sin and wickedness, pickpocketing, abusing drugs, clubbing and other habits that characterizes wickedness together with others, we delighted in sin. Like Apostle Peter I knew what God wanted from me, but I failed and yet God gave me a second chance. God confronted me with the reality of my failures, but didn’t hold it against me, instead he forgave and said, ok Mbugua, now it’s time to get to work. Love me, live for me, and serve me. And I’ve tried to make the most of this second chance. Any time God gives a second chance God is giving us the opportunity to live life differently. In a marriage a second chance means we learn to forgive, be patient and communicate better. As parents a second chance means we pay more attention, offer more love, and give more support, discipline and direction to our children. In finances a second chance means we order our lives according to God’s principles of earning, saving and giving. A second chance really does mean that we live differently and so we need to look at how God is calling us to live differently. To Peter, living differently and feeding God’s people meant preaching and teaching with boldness and courage, which he did.
  • 34. Dare Not to Quit 34 What does it mean for us? What does a second chance look like for you? Where is change needed? Where is grace needed? God offers each of us a second chance but it does mean confessing our sin, accepting God’s forgiveness and then moving forward with faith and trusting in God’s purpose and plan for our lives. Paul, a man who got a huge second chance, understood this. He said, forgetting what lies behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14). Pressing on toward the goal, that’s making the most of God’s second chance. A second chance means God opens the door to our future. Our God is so good at redeeming. A God of new beginning and second chance. He sees the end from the beginning. Redeeming is what God is into. He is the finder of directionally challenged sheep, the searcher of missing coins, and the embracer of foolish prodigal children. His favorite department is ‘Lost and Found.’ If there is one way that human beings consistently underestimate God’s love, it is perhaps in His loving longing to forgive. The future is open. The future is as bright as the promises of God. Failure does not mean that you are finished. God can not only forgive your sin, he can redeem what you have done. You are not doomed to repeat your mistakes and relive your lifestyle. Your future is not dictated by your past. Something new awaits you. It is a future designed by God. Jesus said, “I am making everything new” (Revelation 21:5). The apostle Paul knew how to face the future, for he said, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14). Any time God gives a second chance God is giving us the opportunity to live life differently.
  • 35. Dare Not to Quit 35 True change comes when we actively invite God to occupy our lives, to focus on the great future ahead and the price. Inviting and allowing His presence into your life. To make Him Lord of all in everything. Let Him be in control, and given up trying to get your way and run life yourself and suddenly life begins to work. Everything is different now. New power comes with a new Presence in your life. When you are full of self, you are empty and there is a malevolent force waiting to fill the void. You may think your life is in order, but without the filling of the Holy Spirit it will not stay that way for long. True change comes when: You seek truth. Part of the reason that you have had failure and dysfunction in your life is that you have believed the wrong things. Sometimes you have even consciously or unconsciously rejected the truth of God. You wanted to be able to figure things out on your own. You wanted to trust your own thinking rather than submit your mind to the Word of God. So the result was that you believed things that were not true and acted on them. You believed that you did not have to obey God in everything and you could get by with doing what you wanted. But chaos and dysfunction began to come into your life. Things began to fall apart. Change your actions. The most destructive thing you can do is to say: “This is just who I am. I can’t change at this stage in my life. People just have to accept me this way.” That may be true when we are talking about your basic personality type, but when it comes to hurtful and destructive actions, then you have to be humble enough to be willing to change. You cannot expect your life to work when you think that you can love God and do as you please. The Bible declares, “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means, we died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” (Romans 6:1-2). A second chance will not mean much if you are going to continue in some sinful behavior. Today is a new day, yet many folk’s lives will remain the same. Nothing changing in their lives. Their attitudes, habits and lifestyles will be unchanged. That’s because they fail to realize that there is new life in Christ Jesus. He alone can wipe away the old and bring in the new. He alone can give folk a new start in life. He alone can give anyone a second chance. You and I can take a man, clean him up and
  • 36. Dare Not to Quit 36 put him in a new suit. But, God is the only one who can take a suit and put in it a new man. You can change the outward man by changing your hairstyle or by wearing new clothes. You can have a new attitude. You can get a makeover. You can learn how to make friends and influence enemies. But only Jesus can make all things new and give you a second chance. Your future is not determined by your past. Your future is not determined by what you used to be. Your future is not determined by what you used to do, but your future and my future is determined by who Jesus Christ is and what he can and will do. Jesus Christ is the same today and yesterday. There is no secret, what God can do, what He’s done for others He’ll do for you. In the Book of John, we encounter the story of a lady that was brought to Jesus. In the natural, her situation was hopeless. But with God, this woman got a second chance. Did Jesus give this woman another chance so she could go out and repeat her mistakes and fall into sin again? No, he told her “Go and sin no more.’ That is grace and mercy displayed. Maybe you are discouraged because you’ve failed in some areas. Maybe you are confused and you’ve been running in the wrong direction of life. Don’t be afraid to go to God and confess your mistakes to Him. God wants to put you back in the game. The game isn’t over yet. If you will stay faithful to God and His Word, the game isn’t over until you win. I want you to know that even if you’ve messed up, God still has a plan for your life. The Bible talks about many men and women who messed up, but with God, they got another chance. I am a living example today of such a person and this grace and mercy of God has walked with me in this second chance and for sure I will tell dare not quit. A story is told about George Tech. He was a player at the University of California in the 1929 Rose Bowl. During the game, the player recovered and fumbled, but became confused and ran the wrong way. A teammate tackled him just before he would have scored a touchdown against his own team. At halftime all of the players went into the dressing room and sat down, wondering what the coach
  • 37. Dare Not to Quit 37 would say. This young man sat by himself; put a towel over his head, and cried. When the team was ready to go back to the field for the second half, the coach stunned the team when he announced that the same players who had started the first half would start the second. All of the players left the dressing room except for this young man. He would not budge. The coach looked back and called him, and he saw that his cheeks were wet with tears. The player said, "Coach, I can't do it. I've ruined you. I've disgraced the University. I can't face that crowd in the stadium again." Then the Coach put his hand on the player's shoulder and said, "Get up and go back in. The game is only half over." That’s what God is saying to some of us right now. Get up and do what I told you to do. You didn’t do it the first time I told you but now I’m going to give you a second chance. You fell short the first time, but now you get a second chance. You let somebody stop you the first time, but now you get a second chance. Get back and go back my friend! As long as you are sitting on the sidelines of life, asking God, “Why did this happen to me?” You will be defeated. But God want to help us. So get up, shake yourself from the dust of doubt and defeat. Then God can come to your rescue and bring you a victory. With God, you too can get a second chance. We understand that Peter denied three times that he knew Jesus. Yet some 56 days later, it was Peter whom God used to preach the salvation message that brought 3,000 people into the kingdom of God. Why, because with God, Peter got another chance. I want to let you know this day, that the same God that restored Peter and gave him a second chance, gave David, Jonah, Moses, Jacob and Paul a second chance is the same God today who wants to restore you and give you another chance. He is still saying to you today, “You don’t have to be defeated.” You don’t have to be discouraged. I will deliver you out of every trouble if you’ll just get back in the game. You can’t win the race unless you cross the finish line. The game isn’t over yet, Get up and finish what I’ve called you to do.
  • 38. Dare Not to Quit 38 Chapter 4 CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION, CHANGE YOUR MINDSET AND KEEP THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE f you want to predict what your life is going to be like five years from now, just listen to what you’re saying about yourself today. Too many people go around saying, “I’ll never get well. I’ll never get out of debt.” “It’s flu season. I’ll probably get it.” “This marriage is never going to last.” Then they wonder why they don’t see things turn around. It’s because they’re calling defeat into their future. They’re calling in mediocrity. Don’t let that be you! Your words have creative power. Your words, you can either bless your future or curse your future. When you wake up in the morning, no matter how you feel or what things look like, instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation. Make a declaration of faith by saying, “This is going to be a great day. I have God’s favor. He’s directing my steps.” When you do that, you are choosing to bless your future. You are calling in favor, increase and opportunities. You are opening the door for God to move on your behalf so you can live the abundant life He has for you. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people. Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can I
  • 39. Dare Not to Quit 39 do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive. Don’t let shadows of the past haunt you. The past is gone and what you have is today and the future. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. Smile and put up a positive look. Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you. Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. Walter D. Wintle in his poem Thinking shared the following; Thinking If you think you are beaten, you are If you think you dare not, you don’t, If you like to win, but you think you can’t It is almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost For out of the world we find, Success begins with a fellow’s will It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are You’ve got to think high to rise, You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or faster man, But soon or late the man who wins Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN! When David faced Goliath, he never called him a giant. Everybody else did. They talked about his size, his strength, and his skill. But David called Goliath an uncircumcised Philistine. He never even gave him credit for being that big. Here's the key: David didn't deny it, but he didn't dwell on it. His attitude was; "If I'm magnifying anything I'm magnifying the source of my strength. I'm talking about God's greatness. I'm not focusing on how big my problems are. I'm focusing on how big my God is."
  • 40. Dare Not to Quit 40 His brothers and the other Israelites were afraid and intimidated, wondering what they were going to do. When David told them he wanted to fight Goliath they said, "You can't fight him, you're just a kid, you're too small, you don't have a chance." But David had a different perspective. He knew if God be for him, who would be against him. He knew he was strong in the Lord. David said, "No he's too big to miss." He went out, stood before Goliath and said, "You come against me with a sword and a shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Israel!" David was magnifying his God, talking about God's goodness. This teenage boy, half the giant's size with no chance in the natural defeated this huge giant. How? He had the right perspective. Obama faced the Americans and told them, “Yes! We can!” and he became the first back American president. Julius Yego took a javelin and said, “Yes! I can!” went to YouTube and became the world greatest. When I met my wife, she was a beautiful lady leading a worship band at Githurai 45 full Gospel Church and working as a music instructor in one of the music school in Nairobi and I said, “yes! I can!” I faced her and did my best to win her heart and today we are happily married. "Do not be intimidated by your enemies." (Philippians 1:28). You may be like David, up against a big giant right now; a giant of debt, a giant of sickness, a giant of joblessness, a giant legal problem. It's so big, it looks impossible in the natural. You could easily be overwhelmed and think, "I don't have a chance." No, God is saying, "Don't be intimidated. Those for you are greater than those against you. Put your shoulders back and hold your head up high. You are not weak, defeated, or powerless; you are a child of the Most High God, anointed, equipped, well able. Don't you dare shrink back and think, "It's just too big. It's been this say too long. My property is never going to sell. I'll never break this addiction, I'll never accomplish my dreams.” Do as David did get a new perspective. You are full of can-do power. The greatest force in the universe is breathing in your direction.
  • 41. Dare Not to Quit 41 There is no challenge too tough for you, no enemy too big, no sickness too great, and no dream too far off. We all face challenges, but it's not the size of the problem that's important, it's our perception of the problem; it's how big or small we make it in our minds. When Moses sent twelve men to spy out the Promised Land, ten came back and said, "We'll never defeat them. There are giants in the land." But the two other spies, Joshua and Caleb, came back with a different report. They said, "Yes the people are big, but our God is bigger. We are well able to take the land. Let us go." Both groups saw the same giants and the same situation; the only difference was their perspective. One group focused on the size of their God, the other group focused on the size of the enemy and quitting. Out of the two million people camped next door to the Promised Land, only two made it in, Joshua and Caleb. Could it all be that your perspective is keeping you out of your promised land? If you see your challenges as impossible and you tell yourself, "I'll never get out of debt and I'll never overcome this sickness, and I'll never accomplish my dreams," then just like them, your wrong perspective can keep you from becoming all God's created you to be. What you focus on, you magnify. If you stay focused on your problem or what you don't have and how it will never work out, all you're doing is making it bigger than it really is. When you magnify something you don't change the size of an object; you only change your perception of it. That was why David said, "Magnify the Lord with me." He was saying if you want to make something bigger, then don't make your problems bigger, don't make the medical report bigger, and don’t make the opposition bigger. Learn instead to make God bigger. Let's say you have two cars, a brand new Range Rover sport worth US$. 200000 and an old Toyota Probox worth about US$ 4000. Now, your garage space can only hold one car at any given time. Which car will you allow to be secured in the garage all the time? The answer is pretty obvious - the Range Rover. It's more valuable. “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." Denis Waitley
  • 42. Dare Not to Quit 42 But why then do you allow little, negative and depressive thoughts to occupy your garage called time? Why do you allow little people who always distract your life and lead you to destructive habits occupy your garage called life? Why then do you allow little and destructive habits occupy your garage called life? Why do you keep packing a wrecked Probox in your garage called mind and always open the door daily hoping to see a Range Rover. Worse still, why do you keep blaming the garage for not providing your expectations, prayers, hopes, trust and faith? Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they become too heavy to be broken. You have become too used to the Probox life that you fear you can't manage the Range Rover life. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been. People become creatures of habit so easily. We get up, we go to work, we come home, we shop at the same grocery store, go to the same kinyozi or salon, board the same matatu route, chat with the same people, read the same newspaper page, treat your spouse the same way, we drive on the same street. Get out of the box and see what else is out there that would impassion you and inspire you. Stop hanging with the same people, routine and mindset. Get in another circle. Explore, invent, discover and grow. That neighbor or person you always assume could be holding a key to your destiny connector. That risk you fear taking could be the step to your greatness. Arise and Shine! How do you know whether you're serious about your values? You fight for them when they're violated even if it costs you title, favor, friendship, and profit. You won’t ever get ahead if you keep feeling sorry for yourself. You must stop all the negative talk and start thinking positive. You have a lot of potential but your life won’t change until you change how you think. Any situation, circumstance or challenge is just a distraction and as you remain true to your goals and trust in God they will fall away. You must be ready to live for what you believe in and where need be, die for it. Facing it with a positive mind will give you a brand and leave a legacy. Let us learn to look at things positively. Looking at our current government, depending with your perception of things, if you have a
  • 43. Dare Not to Quit 43 negative perception you will only see bad leadership and governance, corruption and negative things. If you are positive, you will see great infrastructure development, some individuals in the government doing well, some efforts being made e.g. in the National Police Service, Tourism and Education. You will see growth of technology, business opportunities, freedom of expression, good business environment, Free maternity, the work done by the NYS, problems solved by the Huduma centers, some individuals doing the wrong things and not the whole system or government etc. If you looked closely and honestly you would find that the way you see things is not always the way things really are. You're only seeing what you want to see - and if that's what you want to see - then you'll continue seeing things in a limiting way. As a good Kenyan citizen, be optimistic, play your part and be the best you can be where you are knowing that you will give an account in judgment day and the reward will be here on earth and in heaven. Purpose to stay away from corruption, sin and bad politics. Purpose to always pray for the presidency and the nation. Purpose to sell Kenya that everyone will see it a better place minus the shortcomings. There is no nation or country in the world that is perfect, all of them have their flaws well known by their citizens and am sure if everyone in the world had an option of choosing where they want to live 50% of the people of the world will chose Kenya and will want President Uhuru Kenyatta to be their president. A leader is appointed and Anointed by God and if God rejects a person even if you give them 100% votes he will not rule. Now because it pleased God for Uhuru to be our president, you better Accept, Adjust and Advance to help him rule the country well by encouraging him, praying for him, being a good ambassador of the government and if you feel things are not being done in the right way, criticize positively by giving the best possible alternative and God will bless you. Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. (Hebrew13:17) Romans13:1 -5, All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. If you do what is right, you won’t
  • 44. Dare Not to Quit 44 need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong. You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong. You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right. The minute you change your perception from looking at only the negative things to looking at some of the positive things in life you start developing the power of perception. When this happens you no longer dwell on what is wrong because you'll move into the next phase - which is to find solutions. Automatically your mind and subconscious mind will begin attracting solutions for you -- but this only happens when you see the positive things that are going on in your life and when you look for the good in other people. In closing I would like to advise every citizen to know that there is power in the words of your mouth and perception of things. Be positive, focus on solutions not problems. Ask yourself, “Am I doing the right thing?" and not. "Are they doing the wrong thing?” Understand that whatever you say or do God will bring it to judgment and He looks at the motive in everything so let us move forward and build this nation together and because we cannot all be president, let us rule this nation on our knees, do what is right and support our leaders just as the Israelites lifted Moses hands to keep winning the battle. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. (Exodus17:11) Friend, let us reason together. As a child of the Most High God, you are equipped to handle anything that comes your way. To claim your destiny, start thinking about yourself the way God does and delete the “Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having except as a result of hard work." Booker T. Washington
  • 45. Dare Not to Quit 45 thoughts that tear down your confidence. Your mind has incredible power over your success or failure. Your perception of yourself determines your possession. When you train yourself to tune out the negativity and tune into your calling, you’ll begin to live the wonderful plans God has made for you. Am humbled to have been involved in motivation sessions, writing, and public speaking in various occasions and one thing that I never withhold from sharing is the power of the words of our mouth and perception. How You Perceive Any Situation Has A Reality On The Fact That An Outcome Will Manifest And Be Experienced As A Result. How you perceive a situation, regardless of what that situation may consist of or which area of life it is, has a direct impact on the future results that you will inevitably experience as a result of that perception, or more specifically the emotions that are experienced as result of the perceptions that you hold. How you see people is what you bring out of them. For example if you see a Matatu conductor as annoying you're going to always find and attract annoying Matatu conductors. If you view your spouse a pain - you're always going to bring out the side in that person that is a pain towards you. If you see your colleagues as jealous, competitive or vindictive then you're always going to bring out those qualities in them, because that's what you see in them and that is what you believe is their character. Chances are when you look really closely, most people are not as mean and unkind as you think they are. They probably think that they're being very nice but since you only see the negative qualities in them, anything they do will be deemed negative. Once you've perceived them to be a certain way, there's nothing that they can do to change your mind. The only way you will truly see the good in the other person is to focus on and see their good qualities, and then you'll actually see them displaying these qualities more often. Look for the good in someone and you will only attract good things. Anything is possible as long as you look at it positively. Now if you were to look for ways for you to succeed, if you focused on succeeding, if you started to look at how you could do the things you want then your subconscious mind will guide you to the people, situations and events that will help you achieve what you want. Now this may not happen overnight but it will happen. And if your
  • 46. Dare Not to Quit 46 perception is that you can get things done and that there are ways for you to get things done then you will likely get what you want a lot sooner. If you looked closely and honestly you would find that the way you see things is not always the way things really are. You're only seeing what you want to see and if that's what you want to see then you'll continue seeing things in a limiting way. When you speak positive words, you breathe life over your circumstances. The words you speak magnify the situation positively or negatively. Of course things haven't improved but when you look at what is right you attract more good things to you. When you look at what is wrong you attract more negative things into your life. I'm not asking you to ignore what is real. I'm simply suggesting that you take time to look at things a little differently and focus on some of the good things in your life. The minute you change your perception from looking at only the negative things to looking at some of the positive things in your life you start developing the power of perception. When this happens you no longer dwell on what is wrong because you'll move into the next phase which is to find solutions. Automatically your mind and subconscious mind will begin attracting solutions for you but this only happens when you see the positive things that are going on in your life and when you look for the good in other people. I know some of you may have a number of challenges that you're facing but once you change your perception once you change the way you see the world you will begin to attract the situations, people and circumstances to help you accomplish your goals. “Behold, I am doing a new thing! ...Do you not perceive it and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19 AMP). Can you perceive it? Are you making room for it in your mind, or have you already made up your mind not to expect anything new due to your present circumstances? God is interested in all your needs, desires, and even, your prosperity. In fact, “God delights in the prosperity of His people”. (Psalm 35:27)
  • 47. Dare Not to Quit 47 The fact is that you are a limitless and infinite being existing in an infinite and limitless universe with the ability to experience life in the way that you choose. When you set your mindset right, nature takes course. Dare not quit God puts things together to make you succeed. One Sunday evening, we were having a family time with my wife and daughter watching a movie. I expressed that several months had gone without boarding a plane and yet that was not the life I was supposed to live. So I will create an opportunity to fly. In three days’ time I was flying to Samburu Intrepid Hotel to train the staff on hotel safety for several days. I received a call with 24 hours of that expression to fly, they were inquiring for my personal details to be allocated to me a flight to conduct the training to the Hotel staff. So early on that Tuesday morning I was at Wilson airport with a 75Kgs luggage of training materials. Surprisingly, the Safarilink Jet that I had boarded was destined for Nanyuki but redirected its route to Samburu Buffolo Spring airstrip in my favour, and it dropped me alone then proceeded with the other passengers to their destinations. How would you feel when a whole jet carrying tourists has to take you to special destinations you never been before? You would feel nice, right? Remember two days before I just shared with my wife how I had missed to travel via air and now an opportunity showed up. Changing our perspective, setting our mindset right. Discover the power of finding good in any situation. Develop the unshakable awareness that all things regardless of what they are or how they may appear at the time, you are creating and that all happen for a "greater good"...a greater purpose. God has created you as a super being in His own image and likeness to rule, subdue, have dominion and multiply and have put all things in place for you to ask, possess and take charge. God has good intentions over your life. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah29:11). “It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final." Roger Babson
  • 48. Dare Not to Quit 48 Your life is a sum total of the words you've spoken. What you say is what you get. In other words, what you confess you will possess. Use your mouth as an instrument of life, not death. You are literally words away from your harvest; don't let negative speech short-circuit your breakthrough. Your words set the tone of your life. If you don’t like the life you live today, begin to change what you are confessing. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. (Matthew 12:36). You have been provided with an incredible and inalienable gift of free will. You have been given the power to choose how you will utilize that gift without outside interference or judgment. When you have successfully adopted and internalized this way of thinking and "perceiving", you will have discovered the key to attracting and experiencing a life far more fulfilling than you have ever previously experienced or "perceived" as being possible. You will have made one huge step forward in discovering how to consciously and purposefully begin designing and "consciously creating" the life that you desire, deserve, and were created to enjoy. We were not created to just get by with average, unrewarding or unfulfilling lives. God created us to leave our marks on our generations. Every person has seeds of greatness planted within by the Creator. When life weighs upon us, pushing us down, limiting our thinking, labeling us in negative ways, we have what it takes to overcome and rise above into the fullness of our destinies. When you break though in your mind, believing you can rise higher and overcome obstacles, then God will unleash the power within that will enable you to go beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary life you were designed to live. You are blessed and highly favored. God has written your name on His palm that He may not forget you. Your yesterday challenges and breakdowns are nothing compared to your tomorrows breakthroughs and open doors, just unleash the power in you by having the right
  • 49. Dare Not to Quit 49 perspective, a victor’s mentality and know that God is working behind the scene on your favor and your time of favor has come. Shout…I am blessed! I am healed! I am whole! I am complete in Christ. I am the head not the tail! I am an overcomer! This is the lowest I will ever be! I am beautiful and wonderfully made! I will make it, YES I will! I can and I can and I can and I will! I am loved! My family is the best and will be the best! I am wealthy! I am priceless! I am bought with the blood of Jesus! I am the chosen of God! I am highly favored of the Lord! My future is bright! I am enjoying a great overflow! I am the best there is! I operate in the promise of God! My life will never be the same again, never, never, never will I ever be in this situation again because my God Has come to crown me, to beautify me, to reward me and to elevate me to where He want me to be! It is my time for a great overflow! Look at me now because you will have to testify and write a bestselling motivational book of the person who was elevated by God in a magnificent way and that person is me! Yes! I possess it in Jesus name! May God crown you, beautify you, complete you and elevate you. Remember whatever you confess you possess and it is the perception of yourself that determines your perception by others and your possession.
  • 50. Dare Not to Quit 50 Chapter 5 ARISE, GET SET FOR YOUR SEASON n most parts of the world, the normal weather seasons have changed. Long rainy seasons, dry spells, extremely heavy rainfall and unique seasons are being witnessed. Regardless of these, one season leads to another. There is a season to prepare the land, planting, weeding and harvesting and they don’t come together at once. Some seasons are not suitable and actually we have to sometimes withstand harsh weathers. During harvesting seasons most of the time the weather is dry and we have to tolerate the heat. Planting time in most cases is characterized with heavy rains. Regardless of the harshness of the weather, we do not give up rather we endure knowing that it won’t last forever. I know sometimes you feel like giving up. Every new day there seems to be no change in your life. All the troubles of your heart and worries keep on worsening. You wonder why everything is happening to you. You keep on asking yourself why you’re not lucky like other people. You ask yourself a lot of rhetorical questions. You keep on praying to God but so far He hasn’t answered your prayers. Now you have started losing hope. You now think that maybe you were meant to be like that or maybe somebody cursed you. You now feel like giving up and not pursuing it again. But I tell you my friend, you weren’t meant to be like that and you weren’t cursed. God is silent but He watches you day and night. He listens to your prayers and He has something special for you. Just stay strong, focused, and hardworking and keep praying to God. Bear it in your mind that you’re not alone in that hard situation, we are all I
  • 51. Dare Not to Quit 51 in the same boat of waiting patiently. So don’t give up my dear friend. Your time is coming soon. When God will say yes to your prayer, the outcome will be exceedingly, abundantly, above more than you have ever wished or asked for. It’s patience that brings forth the promise. Abraham and Sarah waited a long time for that child and at God’s appointed time, an angel was sent to bring the good news to them. They had to wait patiently and God was working behind the scene on the promise. My friend, I want to tell you that God’s delay is not God’s denial. It’s up to you and me to press through with patience. Patience is a virtue. Patience is power. Patience is an attribute that we must all learn to live with. Just tell God, “Lord don’t let me let go of my promise and dreams because I’m tired of waiting on my promise.” Promise yourself that regardless of what happen quitting will never be an option in your life. The time while you’re waiting is a time of learning, being strengthened and growing in faith. God will help us grow and mature and He will glorify Himself through our needs. He hears us when we call. Even when you feel like all odds are against you and we feel like quitting. Over and over again, we wonder why something is taking so long, we get discouraged and think it’ll never happen. Just like in planting season where we put the seed in the soil and sometimes wonder why it is taking so long to germinate. There is a set time when the shoot will break the ground into a plant. You can’t force it. The moment God put the dream in you He put a set time for its fulfillment. When you understand this you won’t get discouraged. You know the set time is the right time. Don’t listen to the lies that it’s never going to happen. As long as you keep believing it will happen, you know the promise is for you but when you look at the natural it seems it’ll never happen. You may wonder when your husband, Dad or brother will be born again, but, God has already set a time for each of your family “All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers." Orison Swett Marden
  • 52. Dare Not to Quit 52 members to come to Him. In your future there is a set time for the fulfillment of your dreams. “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come to pass.” (Habakkuk 2:3)NKJV There is an appointed time for everything. At the fullness of time, God is going to make everything beautiful for you. He might seem quiet at the moment but He is aligning things on your favor. It will not be one second late, We don’t have to live frustrated because it’s not happening in our time table, You don’t have to worry to the point of feeling like quitting. Whatever you are planning will come to pass. When is the set time? The right time, the time best for you. We want it quick, fast and right now. We have become the pap! Generation expecting everything to happen in a second but God was us to be patient, to endure and persevere to strengthen our faith. Often we’re not prepared but as we wait with the right attitude God is able to do a work in us. The other person may not be ready. If you were to meet right now it wouldn’t work out. When the lies tell you it will never happen, don’t believe them. Just say, “ I may not see a way but I know God has a way, God gave me the dream and He established a set time for it, I will wait earnestly for it in faith, It won’t be late at all, It will happen at the exact right time.” He will not be one second late. He is working on your next season. Your set time could be this week or tomorrow morning. In life we all have to wait, It’s through faith and patience that we inherit the promises. Wait with expectancy. Elevate your faith and change your attitude. Rejoice in the Lord regardless. Just declare, ”I won’t live upset and frustrated because God has already ordained it, It could happen today, I know there are set times in my future.” Being consistent in waiting is not easy. What if I get my hopes up “In life we all have to wait, It’s through faith and patience that we inherit the promises.” Amb. Steve Mbugua