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Cranio-facial muscles:
• The muscles which are present in cranium or skull and face they are
called Cranio-facial muscles.
• It is most essential for chewing and facial expressions.
• It consist of 2 muscles: Occipitofrontalis & Facial muscles
Also known as “Epicranius” & long and wide muscle of the scalp
It consist of 2 frontal bellies called frontalis and 2 occipital bellies
called occipitalis.
• Frontalis: Skin of eyebrow, muscles of forehead
• Occipitalis: superior nuchal line
Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis
Nerve supply: Facial nerve
Blood supply: F- ophthalmic artery & superficial temporal
artery O - occipital artery.
Functions or Action:
Raises the eye brows,
Transverse wrinkles of forehead
Surprise look of face
Retracts scalp
Facial muscles:
The facial muscles, also called craniofacial muscles.
Called muscles of facial expression, or mimetic muscles
These are a group of flat skeletal muscles lying underneath
the skin of the face and scalp.
• These muscles are categorized into several groups:
1. Muscles of the mouth (buccolabial group)
2. Muscles of the nose (nasal group)
3. Muscles of the cranium and neck (Epicranial group)
4. Muscles of the external ear (auricular group)
5. Muscles of the eyelid (orbital group)
1. Muscles of the mouth:
• Orbicularis oris
• Buccinator
• Levator labii superioris
• Depressor labii inferioris
• Mentalis
• Risorius
• Levator anguli oris
• Depressor anguli oris
• Zygomaticus major
• Zygomaticus minor
2.Muscles of the nose:
•Nasalis muscle
•Procerus muscle
3. Muscles of the eyelid:
• Orbicularis oculi muscle
• Corrugator supercilii muscle
4. Muscles of the cranium & neck:
• Occipitofrontalis muscle
• Platysma muscle
5. Muscles of the external ear:
• Auricular muscles
• Origin: from bone of skull;
• Insertion: onto the skin of face.
• Innervation - Facial nerve (CN VII)
• Blood supply - Facial artery
General function or Action:
It involve facial expressions like
Grinning (smile broadly)
 Impatience
 frowning(disapprove)
 Surprise
 Anger
 Grief & contempt
 Protection
Important facial muscles and their functions:
• Frontalis muscle: lifts the eyebrows, makes horizontal forehead
wrinkles when we are surprised.
• Orbicularis oculi: the circular muscle of the eye (consists of two
muscles). Closes the eyelids, squints the eye.
• Procerus: Pulls medial sides of eyebrows down and together.
• Corrugator superclii: pulls eyebrows together.
• Zygomatic muscles (major and minor): move the mouth
corners up and outward when we smile.
• Risorius: the “smile” muscle. Pulls mouth corners laterally
(outward) and forms dimples in the cheeks. This muscle is not always
active in all people.
• Orbicularis oris: the circular muscle of the mouth. contract
the lips and brings mouth corners towards the middle line.
• Depressor anguli oris: pulls mouth corners downward.
• Levator labii superioris & depressor labii inferioris:
pull the upper and lower lips up and down respectively when we
grin (smile broadly).
• Mentalis: the chin muscle. Pulls up the chin as we express
disappointment, doubt and some other negative emotions.
• Platysma: it is a surface muscle of the neck. The Platysma is
engaged in the expressions of fear, disgust and some other
negative emotions.
Masticatory muscles:
• Also known as muscles of mastication
• The muscles of mastication are a group of muscles responsible - chewing
• Act on temporomandibular (TMJ) joint
• Mandible may be elevated or depressed; protruded or retruded.
 Muscle of mastication
 Powerful muscle
 O - maxilla
 I - mandible
 Nerve: mandibular
 Blood: maxillary
1.Masseter 2. Temporalis 3. Lateral pterygoid 4. Medial pterygoid
 Elevate mandible
 Protrude mandible
 Clenches the teeth
2. Temporalis:
• Temporal muscle
• Chewing muscle
• Broad & fan shaped
• Each side
 O - parietal & sphenoid
 I - mandible
 Nerve: deep temporal
 Blood: deep temporal
• Function:
• Closes the mouth
• Assist chewing
• Move mandible
3. Medial Pterygoid:
• Also internal pterygoid
• Major elevator of jaw
• Square shape
• Chewing muscle
 O – palatine & maxilla
 I - mandible
 Nerve: mandibular
 Blood: maxillary
 Function:
• Elevate mandible
• Protrude mandible
• Side to side movement of mandible in chewing
4. Lateral Pterygoid:
• Also external pterygoid
• Fan shape
• Chewing muscle
• Sup & Inf Heads
• Act TMJ
 O – sphenoid
 I - TMJ & Mandible
 Nerve: mandibular
 Blood: maxillary & facial
 Function:
• Depress the mandible
• Open the mouth
Muscles of the neck:
• These muscles are responsible for the movement of the head in
all directions
• They consist of 3 main groups of muscles: anterior, lateral, &
muscles of the
• Superficial muscles: Platysma,
• Suprahyoid muscles: Digastric, mylohyoid,
geniohyoid, stylohyoid
• Infrahyoid muscles: Sternohyoid, sternothyroid,
thyrohyoid, omohyoid
• Anterior vertebral muscles: Rectus capitis,
longus capitis, longus colli
• Superficial: Trapezius, splenius capitis, splenius cervicis
• Deep layer: Cervical transversospinales muscles
(semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis)
• Deepest layer: Suboccipital muscles (rectus capitis
posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, obliquus
capitis superior, obliquus capitis inferior)
Lateral (vertebral)
muscles of the
• Scalene muscles: Anterior scalene, middle
scalene, posterior scalene muscles
Muscles of chest wall:
• The chest wall contains a variety of muscles, where many of the muscles that
cover and attach to the chest wall have a primary action is movement of arms,
neck, and abdomen, and it is their secondary actions is the movements of
thoracic wall.
4 muscles:
1. Pectoralis major (O - clavicle, sternum, abdomen & I - humerus)
2. Pectoralis minor (O - ribs & I - scapula)
3. Serratus anterior (O - ribs & I - scapula)
4. Subclavius (O - 1st rib & I - clavicle)
Function or action:
 Rotates & flex the upper limb and draws the scapula
 Movement of shoulder joint
 Protracts & stabilizes scapula
Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor
Serratus anterior
Muscles of thoracic cavity:
It includes the external intercostal , internal intercostal ,
innermost intercostal muscles and Transversus thoracis.
• EICM: Origin: Inferior border of ribs, Insertion: Superior
border of rib,
• IICM: Origin - superior border of Rib, Insertion: inferior
border of Rib
• IMICM: O - Infero-posterior border of each rib, I - Supero-
posterior border of the rib (below)
• Transversus thoracis: O - sternum& ribs; I - inner ribs
Function: These muscles are primarily responsible for changing
the volume of the thoracic cavity during respiration
Muscles of back:
The muscles of the back are a group of strong, paired muscles that
provide movements of the spine, stability to the trunk, as well as
the coordination between the movements of the limbs and trunk.
Muscles - Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Levator scapulae,
Rhomboid Major & Rhomboid Minor
Trapezius: O - occipital bone & vertebrae's ; I - clavicle & scapula
Latissimus Dorsi: O - vertebrae's, ribs & scapula; I - humerus
Levator scapulae: O - C1 to C4; I - scapula
Rhomboid Major: O - T2 to T5; I - scapula
Rhomboid Minor: O - C7-T1; I - scapula
1.Trapezius elevates the
scapula and rotates,
2.Latissimus Dorsi Extends,
adducts & rotates the upper
3.Levator scapulae Elevates
the scapula,
4.Rhomboid Major & Minor
Retracts and rotates the
Muscles of abdomen:
• Abdominal muscles that cover the anterior and lateral abdominal region
and meet at the anterior midline
Muscle: Transversus abdominis, Rectus abdominis, External oblique
muscles & Internal oblique muscles
• Transversus abdominis: O - iliac crest ; I - Linea alba
• Rectus abdominis: O - Pubic symphysis, pubic crest ; I - Xiphoid
process, ribs 5-7
• External oblique muscles: O - ribs 5-12 ; I - Linea alba & iliac crest
• Internal oblique muscles: O - iliac crest ; I - ribs 10-12, linea alba,
pubic crest
Function or Action: movement of the trunk, maintain intra abdominal
pressure, protection of internal organs, helping in respiration
• The diaphragm, located below the lungs,
is the major muscle of respiration.
• O - xiphoid process, ribs 7-12, vertebrae
L1-L3; I – central tendon of diaphragm.
• It is a large, dome-shaped muscle that
contracts rhythmically and continually
• Upon inhalation, the diaphragm
contracts and flattens and the chest
cavity enlarges
• It separates the thoracic and abdominal
• Function: primary muscle for breathing
Muscles of pelvic floor:
The Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) are found in the base of the
pelvis. There are superficial muscles and deep muscles
Muscles: The levator ani is situated on either side of the pelvis.
Consist of pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, puborectalis and
The coccygeus muscle completes the pelvic floor, which is also
called the pelvic diaphragm.
Levator ani: O - pubic bones; I – Anococcygeal ligament,
Coccygeus muscle: O - ischial spine ; I – coccyx and sacrum
Function or Action: support & protect pelvic organs and
maintain intra pelvis pressure, bladder and bowel control and
sexual function
Muscle of upper arm:
The (upper) arm muscles are a group of muscles located in the
region between the shoulder and elbow joints.
 The upper arm muscles are – in anterior compartment (biceps
brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis, deltoid) & the
posterior compartment (teres major and teres minor,
triceps brachii).
 Biceps brachii: O – scapula; I – radius.
 Brachialis: O – humerus; I – ulna
 Coracobrachialis: O – scapula; I – humerus.
 Deltoid: O – clavicle, scapula; I – humerus
 teres major: O – scapula; I – humerus.
 teres minor: O – scapula; I – humerus.
•triceps brachii: O –scapula, humerus ;I – ulna
Function or Action:
•Flexes the arm at the elbow and at the shoulder
•Flexion at the elbow
•Flexion and internal rotation of the arm
•Extension of arm at elbow
Muscles of fore arm: superficial anterior & deep anterior
 The superficial anterior compartment are the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor
carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis &
pronator teres
1. Flexor carpi ulnaris: O – humerus & ulna ; I - metacarpal
2. Flexor carpi radialis: O - humerus ; I - metacarpal
3. Palmaris longus: O - humerus; I – palmar aponeurosis
4. Flexor digitorum superficialis: O – humerus, ulna & radius ; I -
middle phalanges
5. Pronator teres: O - humerus & ulna ; I - radius
 Function or Action: Pronation of the forearm, Flexion and abduction at
the wrist, Flexes the metacarpophalangeal joints and interphalangeal joints
Muscles of fore arm:
 There are three muscles in the deep anterior forearm:
flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, and
pronator quadratus.
 Flexor digitorum profundus: O - ulna; I - distal phalanges
 Flexor pollicis longus: O - radius ; I - distal phalanx of
 Pronator quadratus: O - ulna; I - radius
 Function or Action: Flexes the interphalangeal joint and
metacarpophalangeal joint, Pronates the forearm
Muscles of hand and Fingers:
• Adductor pollicis, palmaris brevis, interossei,
lumbricals, thenar (includes Abductor Pollicis Brevis, Flexor
Pollicis Brevis, Opponens Pollicis) & hypothenar
muscles(includes Opponens Digiti Minimi, Abductor Digiti
Minimi, Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis)
• Origin - Upper extremity, I - Hand and fingers
• Functions: fine movements of the thumb , medially rotating
and flexing the metacarpal, Abducts the thumb, Flexes the
metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint, rotates the metacarpal,
Abducts the little finger, Flexes the MCP joint of the little finger
Muscles of the gluteal region: Superficial & Deep
lateral rotators
Superficial: group of large muscles that abduct and
extend the femur. Includes the gluteus maximus,
gluteus medius & gluteus minimus
1. Gluteus maximus: O - sacrum, coccyx & ilium; I -
2. Gluteus medius: O - ilium; I - femur
3. Gluteus minimus: O - ilium; I - femur
•Function: hip extension, internal rotation, and
abduction of the hip
• Deep lateral rotators: group of smaller muscles that mainly
act to laterally rotate the femur. Includes the quadratus
femoris, piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus
inferior and obturator internus
1. Quadratus femoris: O - Ischial tuberosity; I - femur
2. Piriformis: O - sacrum ; I - femur
3. Gemellus superior: O - Ischial spine; I - femur
4. Gemellus inferior: O - Ischial tuberosity; I - femur
5. Obturator internus: O - obturator foramen; I - femur
Function: rotate the hip joint laterally & also help with other
motions of the hip, such as extension and adduction
Muscle of the thigh:
It includes 3 sections: anterior, medial and posterior
Anterior thigh: the pectineus, sartorius & quadriceps
femoris (rectis femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus
intermedius). In addition to these, the end of
the iliopsoas muscle passes into the anterior compartment.
Pectineus: O - Superior part of pubis; I - femur.
Sartorius: O - Anterior superior iliac spine ; I - tibia
Quadriceps femoris: O – ilium & femur ; I - tibia
Function: Extend the leg at the knee joint & flex the hip
Quadriceps femoris
Muscle of the Medial thigh:
• The muscles are Gracilis, obturator externus, adductor brevis,
adductor longus & adductor magnus.
• Gracilis: O - pubis; I - tibia
• Obturator externus: O - obturator foramen ; I - femur
• Adductor brevis: O - pubis ; I - femur
• Adductor longus: O - pubis & pubic symphysis; I - femur
• Adductor magnus: O – ischium of pubis ; I - femur
• Function: Flexes the thigh, Adduction of the thigh, lateral rotation of
the thigh, flexion of the leg at the knee
Muscle of the posterior thigh:
 The muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh are
collectively known as the hamstrings. They consist of the
biceps femoris, semitendinosus &
 Biceps femoris: O - ischial tuberosity & femur ; I - fibula
 Semitendinosus: O - Ischial tuberosity ; I - tibia
 Semimembranosus: O - Ischial tuberosity ; I - tibia
 Function: Extend at the hip, and flex at the knee, lateral
rotation of leg
Muscle of the leg:
• It includes 3 sections: anterior, lateral and posterior
• Anterior leg: muscles are tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum
longus, extensor hallucis longus and fibularis(peroneus)
• Tibialis anterior: O - tibia ; I - tarsal & metatarsal bones
• Extensor digitorum longus: O - fibula ; I - phalanges of digits 2-5
• Extensor hallucis longus: O - fibula; I - phalanx of great toe
• Fibularis(peroneus) tertius: O - fibula. ; I - base of metatarsal bone
Function: Dorsiflex and invert the foot at the ankle joint. The extensor
digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus also extend the toes
Muscles in the lateral Compartment of the Leg:
 2 muscles in the lateral compartment of the leg
the fibularis longus and fibularis brevis (also
known as peroneal longus and peroneal brevis)
•Fibularis longus: O - fibula ; I - tarsal & metatarsal
 Fibularis brevis: I - fibula ; O - 5th metatarsal bone
 Function: Eversion - turning the sole of the
foot outwards.
Muscles in the posterior Compartment of the Leg:
It consists 7 muscles, organized into two layers - 3
superficial and 4 deep muscles
Superficial muscles - Gastrocnemius, plantaris & soleus
Gastrocnemius: large posterior muscle of the calf of the leg. O -
femur; I - calcaneus, or heel bone
Plantaris: Plantaris is long, thin muscle, O – femur & knee ; I -
Posterior surface of calcaneus
Soleus: The soleus muscle is a wide flat leg muscle found on the
posterior leg. O – tibia & fibula ; I - Posterior surface of calcaneus
Deep muscles - Popliteus, Flexor hallucis longus,
Flexor digitorum longus & Tibialis posterior
Popliteus: O - femur ; I - tibia
Flexor hallucis longus: O - fibula ; I - great toe (hallux)
Flexor digitorum longus: O - tibia ; I - distal phalanges of
digits 2-5
Tibialis posterior: O - tibia & fibula; I - tarsal bones
Action superficial and Deep muscles in this area
plantarflex, knee flexion, invert the foot
Muscles of body to Leg By Thiru Murugan.pptx

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Muscles of body to Leg By Thiru Murugan.pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. Cranio-facial muscles: • The muscles which are present in cranium or skull and face they are called Cranio-facial muscles. • It is most essential for chewing and facial expressions. • It consist of 2 muscles: Occipitofrontalis & Facial muscles Occipitofrontalis: Also known as “Epicranius” & long and wide muscle of the scalp It consist of 2 frontal bellies called frontalis and 2 occipital bellies called occipitalis. Origin: • Frontalis: Skin of eyebrow, muscles of forehead • Occipitalis: superior nuchal line
  • 3. Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis Nerve supply: Facial nerve Blood supply: F- ophthalmic artery & superficial temporal artery O - occipital artery. Functions or Action: Frontalis: Raises the eye brows, Transverse wrinkles of forehead Surprise look of face Occipitalis: Retracts scalp
  • 4.
  • 5. Facial muscles: The facial muscles, also called craniofacial muscles. Called muscles of facial expression, or mimetic muscles These are a group of flat skeletal muscles lying underneath the skin of the face and scalp. • These muscles are categorized into several groups: 1. Muscles of the mouth (buccolabial group) 2. Muscles of the nose (nasal group) 3. Muscles of the cranium and neck (Epicranial group) 4. Muscles of the external ear (auricular group) 5. Muscles of the eyelid (orbital group)
  • 6. 1. Muscles of the mouth: • Orbicularis oris • Buccinator • Levator labii superioris • Depressor labii inferioris • Mentalis • Risorius • Levator anguli oris • Depressor anguli oris • Zygomaticus major • Zygomaticus minor 2.Muscles of the nose: •Nasalis muscle •Procerus muscle 3. Muscles of the eyelid: • Orbicularis oculi muscle • Corrugator supercilii muscle 4. Muscles of the cranium & neck: • Occipitofrontalis muscle • Platysma muscle 5. Muscles of the external ear: • Auricular muscles
  • 7.
  • 8. • Origin: from bone of skull; • Insertion: onto the skin of face. • Innervation - Facial nerve (CN VII) • Blood supply - Facial artery General function or Action: It involve facial expressions like Sadness Grinning (smile broadly) Doubt Look Speech  Impatience  frowning(disapprove)  Surprise  Anger  Grief & contempt  Protection
  • 9. Important facial muscles and their functions: • Frontalis muscle: lifts the eyebrows, makes horizontal forehead wrinkles when we are surprised. • Orbicularis oculi: the circular muscle of the eye (consists of two muscles). Closes the eyelids, squints the eye. • Procerus: Pulls medial sides of eyebrows down and together. • Corrugator superclii: pulls eyebrows together. • Zygomatic muscles (major and minor): move the mouth corners up and outward when we smile. • Risorius: the “smile” muscle. Pulls mouth corners laterally (outward) and forms dimples in the cheeks. This muscle is not always active in all people.
  • 10. • Orbicularis oris: the circular muscle of the mouth. contract the lips and brings mouth corners towards the middle line. • Depressor anguli oris: pulls mouth corners downward. • Levator labii superioris & depressor labii inferioris: pull the upper and lower lips up and down respectively when we grin (smile broadly). • Mentalis: the chin muscle. Pulls up the chin as we express disappointment, doubt and some other negative emotions. • Platysma: it is a surface muscle of the neck. The Platysma is engaged in the expressions of fear, disgust and some other negative emotions.
  • 11. Masticatory muscles: • Also known as muscles of mastication • The muscles of mastication are a group of muscles responsible - chewing • Act on temporomandibular (TMJ) joint • Mandible may be elevated or depressed; protruded or retruded. Muscles: 1.Masseter:  Muscle of mastication  Powerful muscle  O - maxilla  I - mandible  Nerve: mandibular  Blood: maxillary 1.Masseter 2. Temporalis 3. Lateral pterygoid 4. Medial pterygoid Function:  Elevate mandible  Protrude mandible  Clenches the teeth
  • 12. 2. Temporalis: • Temporal muscle • Chewing muscle • Broad & fan shaped • Each side  O - parietal & sphenoid  I - mandible  Nerve: deep temporal  Blood: deep temporal • Function: • Closes the mouth • Assist chewing • Move mandible
  • 13. 3. Medial Pterygoid: • Also internal pterygoid • Major elevator of jaw • Square shape • Chewing muscle  O – palatine & maxilla  I - mandible  Nerve: mandibular  Blood: maxillary  Function: • Elevate mandible • Protrude mandible • Side to side movement of mandible in chewing
  • 14. 4. Lateral Pterygoid: • Also external pterygoid • Fan shape • Chewing muscle • Sup & Inf Heads • Act TMJ  O – sphenoid  I - TMJ & Mandible  Nerve: mandibular  Blood: maxillary & facial  Function: • Depress the mandible • Open the mouth
  • 15. Muscles of the neck: • These muscles are responsible for the movement of the head in all directions • They consist of 3 main groups of muscles: anterior, lateral, & posterior. Anterior muscles of the neck • Superficial muscles: Platysma, sternocleidomastoid • Suprahyoid muscles: Digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, stylohyoid • Infrahyoid muscles: Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid • Anterior vertebral muscles: Rectus capitis, longus capitis, longus colli
  • 16. Posterior muscles • Superficial: Trapezius, splenius capitis, splenius cervicis • Deep layer: Cervical transversospinales muscles (semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis) • Deepest layer: Suboccipital muscles (rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, obliquus capitis superior, obliquus capitis inferior) Lateral (vertebral) muscles of the neck • Scalene muscles: Anterior scalene, middle scalene, posterior scalene muscles
  • 17.
  • 18. Muscles of chest wall: • The chest wall contains a variety of muscles, where many of the muscles that cover and attach to the chest wall have a primary action is movement of arms, neck, and abdomen, and it is their secondary actions is the movements of thoracic wall. 4 muscles: 1. Pectoralis major (O - clavicle, sternum, abdomen & I - humerus) 2. Pectoralis minor (O - ribs & I - scapula) 3. Serratus anterior (O - ribs & I - scapula) 4. Subclavius (O - 1st rib & I - clavicle) Function or action:  Rotates & flex the upper limb and draws the scapula  Movement of shoulder joint  Protracts & stabilizes scapula
  • 19. Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior Subclavius
  • 20. Muscles of thoracic cavity: It includes the external intercostal , internal intercostal , innermost intercostal muscles and Transversus thoracis. • EICM: Origin: Inferior border of ribs, Insertion: Superior border of rib, • IICM: Origin - superior border of Rib, Insertion: inferior border of Rib • IMICM: O - Infero-posterior border of each rib, I - Supero- posterior border of the rib (below) • Transversus thoracis: O - sternum& ribs; I - inner ribs Function: These muscles are primarily responsible for changing the volume of the thoracic cavity during respiration
  • 21.
  • 22. Muscles of back: The muscles of the back are a group of strong, paired muscles that provide movements of the spine, stability to the trunk, as well as the coordination between the movements of the limbs and trunk. Muscles - Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Levator scapulae, Rhomboid Major & Rhomboid Minor Trapezius: O - occipital bone & vertebrae's ; I - clavicle & scapula Latissimus Dorsi: O - vertebrae's, ribs & scapula; I - humerus Levator scapulae: O - C1 to C4; I - scapula Rhomboid Major: O - T2 to T5; I - scapula Rhomboid Minor: O - C7-T1; I - scapula
  • 23. Function: 1.Trapezius elevates the scapula and rotates, 2.Latissimus Dorsi Extends, adducts & rotates the upper limb, 3.Levator scapulae Elevates the scapula, 4.Rhomboid Major & Minor Retracts and rotates the scapula.
  • 24. Muscles of abdomen: • Abdominal muscles that cover the anterior and lateral abdominal region and meet at the anterior midline Muscle: Transversus abdominis, Rectus abdominis, External oblique muscles & Internal oblique muscles • Transversus abdominis: O - iliac crest ; I - Linea alba • Rectus abdominis: O - Pubic symphysis, pubic crest ; I - Xiphoid process, ribs 5-7 • External oblique muscles: O - ribs 5-12 ; I - Linea alba & iliac crest • Internal oblique muscles: O - iliac crest ; I - ribs 10-12, linea alba, pubic crest Function or Action: movement of the trunk, maintain intra abdominal pressure, protection of internal organs, helping in respiration
  • 25.
  • 26. Diaphragm: • The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is the major muscle of respiration. • O - xiphoid process, ribs 7-12, vertebrae L1-L3; I – central tendon of diaphragm. • It is a large, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continually • Upon inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens and the chest cavity enlarges • It separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities • Function: primary muscle for breathing
  • 27. Muscles of pelvic floor: The Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) are found in the base of the pelvis. There are superficial muscles and deep muscles Muscles: The levator ani is situated on either side of the pelvis. Consist of pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, puborectalis and The coccygeus muscle completes the pelvic floor, which is also called the pelvic diaphragm. Levator ani: O - pubic bones; I – Anococcygeal ligament, Coccyx Coccygeus muscle: O - ischial spine ; I – coccyx and sacrum Function or Action: support & protect pelvic organs and maintain intra pelvis pressure, bladder and bowel control and sexual function
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  • 29. Muscle of upper arm: The (upper) arm muscles are a group of muscles located in the region between the shoulder and elbow joints.  The upper arm muscles are – in anterior compartment (biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis, deltoid) & the posterior compartment (teres major and teres minor, triceps brachii).  Biceps brachii: O – scapula; I – radius.  Brachialis: O – humerus; I – ulna  Coracobrachialis: O – scapula; I – humerus.  Deltoid: O – clavicle, scapula; I – humerus
  • 30.  teres major: O – scapula; I – humerus.  teres minor: O – scapula; I – humerus. •triceps brachii: O –scapula, humerus ;I – ulna Function or Action: •Flexes the arm at the elbow and at the shoulder •Flexion at the elbow •Flexion and internal rotation of the arm •Extension of arm at elbow
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  • 32. Muscles of fore arm: superficial anterior & deep anterior  The superficial anterior compartment are the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis & pronator teres 1. Flexor carpi ulnaris: O – humerus & ulna ; I - metacarpal 2. Flexor carpi radialis: O - humerus ; I - metacarpal 3. Palmaris longus: O - humerus; I – palmar aponeurosis 4. Flexor digitorum superficialis: O – humerus, ulna & radius ; I - middle phalanges 5. Pronator teres: O - humerus & ulna ; I - radius  Function or Action: Pronation of the forearm, Flexion and abduction at the wrist, Flexes the metacarpophalangeal joints and interphalangeal joints
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  • 34. Muscles of fore arm:  There are three muscles in the deep anterior forearm: flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus.  Flexor digitorum profundus: O - ulna; I - distal phalanges (2-5)  Flexor pollicis longus: O - radius ; I - distal phalanx of thumb  Pronator quadratus: O - ulna; I - radius  Function or Action: Flexes the interphalangeal joint and metacarpophalangeal joint, Pronates the forearm
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  • 36. Muscles of hand and Fingers: • Adductor pollicis, palmaris brevis, interossei, lumbricals, thenar (includes Abductor Pollicis Brevis, Flexor Pollicis Brevis, Opponens Pollicis) & hypothenar muscles(includes Opponens Digiti Minimi, Abductor Digiti Minimi, Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis) • Origin - Upper extremity, I - Hand and fingers • Functions: fine movements of the thumb , medially rotating and flexing the metacarpal, Abducts the thumb, Flexes the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint, rotates the metacarpal, Abducts the little finger, Flexes the MCP joint of the little finger
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  • 38. Muscles of the gluteal region: Superficial & Deep lateral rotators Superficial: group of large muscles that abduct and extend the femur. Includes the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius & gluteus minimus 1. Gluteus maximus: O - sacrum, coccyx & ilium; I - femur 2. Gluteus medius: O - ilium; I - femur 3. Gluteus minimus: O - ilium; I - femur •Function: hip extension, internal rotation, and abduction of the hip
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  • 40. • Deep lateral rotators: group of smaller muscles that mainly act to laterally rotate the femur. Includes the quadratus femoris, piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior and obturator internus 1. Quadratus femoris: O - Ischial tuberosity; I - femur 2. Piriformis: O - sacrum ; I - femur 3. Gemellus superior: O - Ischial spine; I - femur 4. Gemellus inferior: O - Ischial tuberosity; I - femur 5. Obturator internus: O - obturator foramen; I - femur Function: rotate the hip joint laterally & also help with other motions of the hip, such as extension and adduction
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  • 42. Muscle of the thigh: It includes 3 sections: anterior, medial and posterior Anterior thigh: the pectineus, sartorius & quadriceps femoris (rectis femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius). In addition to these, the end of the iliopsoas muscle passes into the anterior compartment. Pectineus: O - Superior part of pubis; I - femur. Sartorius: O - Anterior superior iliac spine ; I - tibia Quadriceps femoris: O – ilium & femur ; I - tibia Function: Extend the leg at the knee joint & flex the hip
  • 44. Muscle of the Medial thigh: • The muscles are Gracilis, obturator externus, adductor brevis, adductor longus & adductor magnus. • Gracilis: O - pubis; I - tibia • Obturator externus: O - obturator foramen ; I - femur • Adductor brevis: O - pubis ; I - femur • Adductor longus: O - pubis & pubic symphysis; I - femur • Adductor magnus: O – ischium of pubis ; I - femur • Function: Flexes the thigh, Adduction of the thigh, lateral rotation of the thigh, flexion of the leg at the knee
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  • 46. Muscle of the posterior thigh:  The muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh are collectively known as the hamstrings. They consist of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus & semimembranosus,  Biceps femoris: O - ischial tuberosity & femur ; I - fibula  Semitendinosus: O - Ischial tuberosity ; I - tibia  Semimembranosus: O - Ischial tuberosity ; I - tibia  Function: Extend at the hip, and flex at the knee, lateral rotation of leg
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  • 48. Muscle of the leg: • It includes 3 sections: anterior, lateral and posterior • Anterior leg: muscles are tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and fibularis(peroneus) tertius. • Tibialis anterior: O - tibia ; I - tarsal & metatarsal bones • Extensor digitorum longus: O - fibula ; I - phalanges of digits 2-5 toes • Extensor hallucis longus: O - fibula; I - phalanx of great toe • Fibularis(peroneus) tertius: O - fibula. ; I - base of metatarsal bone 5. Function: Dorsiflex and invert the foot at the ankle joint. The extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus also extend the toes
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  • 50. Muscles in the lateral Compartment of the Leg:  2 muscles in the lateral compartment of the leg the fibularis longus and fibularis brevis (also known as peroneal longus and peroneal brevis) •Fibularis longus: O - fibula ; I - tarsal & metatarsal bones  Fibularis brevis: I - fibula ; O - 5th metatarsal bone  Function: Eversion - turning the sole of the foot outwards.
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  • 52. Muscles in the posterior Compartment of the Leg: It consists 7 muscles, organized into two layers - 3 superficial and 4 deep muscles Superficial muscles - Gastrocnemius, plantaris & soleus Gastrocnemius: large posterior muscle of the calf of the leg. O - femur; I - calcaneus, or heel bone Plantaris: Plantaris is long, thin muscle, O – femur & knee ; I - Posterior surface of calcaneus Soleus: The soleus muscle is a wide flat leg muscle found on the posterior leg. O – tibia & fibula ; I - Posterior surface of calcaneus
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  • 54. Deep muscles - Popliteus, Flexor hallucis longus, Flexor digitorum longus & Tibialis posterior Popliteus: O - femur ; I - tibia Flexor hallucis longus: O - fibula ; I - great toe (hallux) Flexor digitorum longus: O - tibia ; I - distal phalanges of digits 2-5 Tibialis posterior: O - tibia & fibula; I - tarsal bones Action superficial and Deep muscles in this area plantarflex, knee flexion, invert the foot