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Welcome to Muscle Building Unlocked by WC Fitness. This book will give you some great
information to get you packing on some real lean muscle mass fast.

Let's get right into the good stuff!

Muscle Building Workouts

The workouts are one of the most essential parts of any muscle building routine. I am sure
you are ready to get stuck in, so let's have a look at the best workouts you can do.

If you are a beginner, you are best sticking to a beginner style routine as this will give the
best results. Because your body will not react as well to more advanced routines. You
can check out a proper beginners workout routine below.

Beginner Bodybuilding Routine

A common question I get asked by untrained people is “What is a good beginner
bodybuilding routine?”. This is actually a very smart question to ask, simply because
bodybuilding workouts should be different for untrained and experienced lifters.

Generally bodybuilding workouts for experienced trainers will have to much volume and
intensity for beginner bodybuilders. Therefore a beginner bodybuilding routine should be
altered to suit.

That is not to say that beginners cannot do more advanced bodybuilding workouts, but you
will not get the same (or any) muscle gains. A beginner bodybuilding routine will give you
far better results, than with intermediate to advanced muscle building routines.


Beginner bodybuilders have one great advantage of being untrained. Therefore, whenever
you begin weight lifting you body will automatically add muscle, no matter the bodybuilding
routine. This is because it is a new stimulus to your muscles, so your body “panics” by
wondering what is happening to it, then adds muscle to compensate.

With that being said, you can get even better results with a proper beginner bodybuilding
routine, designed for your experience level. Rather than mess about in the gym, not really
focusing on anything. With that in mind, let’s have a look at beginner bodybuilding

Beginner bodybuilding workouts tend to have less volume on your muscles during a
workout, compared to more advanced bodybuilding routines. Simply because your

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muscles do not need much stimulation to get them to grow. However to speed up the
muscle building process, you will be using more frequency on your muscles with 3 full
body workouts.

These beginner bodybuilding workouts will hit your muscles three times a week, which
means you will be forcing your muscles to grow three times a week. You can get these
workouts below.

Beginner Bodybuilding Workout

Exercise                     Sets    Reps
Barbell Squat                3       6-10
Stiff Leg Deadlift           3       6-10
Standing Calf Raise          2       10-20
Cable Chin Ups               3       10-12
Barbell Bench Press          3       10-12
Dumbbell Overhead Press      3       10-12
E-Z Bar Curl                 2       10-12
Close Grip Bench Press       2       10-12
Crunches                     3       10-20

I would urge you not to be fooled by this beginner bodybuilding workout or to be lured by
other advanced workouts promising massive muscle gains. This workout will provide you
with the best gains for your level of experience. If you do not know what the exercises are,
you can do an internet search for them to show you.

Take around a minute between sets, if you are fairly fresh then use shorter rest periods
and use up to a minute if you have tired yourself out.

Do not use rest periods to chat to that sexy blond thing beside you! Use as little as rest as
possible then move on.

Start by using the lower rep range number, then each week try to do more reps with the
same weight. Then once you can do the upper range of reps, add more weight to the bar
to drop your reps down to the lower end. Keep doing this, as this is the most important
element of any bodybuilding workout routine, which is something called Progressive

Progressive Overload

You must be following a progressive overload!

This means that every week you must be adding more weight to your lifts or doing more
reps with that same weight. Whenever we lift weights for so many reps, our muscles adapt
and grow to that training stress. If you then do the same weight, sets and reps in your next
session you will only be maintaining your current level of strength and muscle mass. As

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your body has already adapted for that stress.

If you neglect the above information you will not get any bigger or stronger, but stay the
same size as before.

More Workouts

If you already have 6-12 months training experience under your belt and want to ramp
things up a bit, I have you covered as well. Generally speaking the best 2 workout styles
you can do is volume and strength. A combination of both volume and strength has
proven time and again to get the best muscle building results.

Volume Training

Volume training workouts are among the most popular forms of bodybuilding workouts
these days. There are many reasons for this, mainly because they work well for putting on
muscle mass. Secondly because a lot of the top bodybuilders use volume training and
influences a lot of people to follow suit.

Volume training works very well as it gets a lot of nutrient rich blood pumping through the
muscles and also puts a fair bit of tension onto the muscles. Without going into all the
scientific mumbo jumbo about this style of training, volume training can add on muscle
mass fast.

Volume training can also provide you with a great muscle pump, which can give you a
great feeling in the gym. We’ll not start getting into the old arguments as to whether the
muscle pump is needed for muscle growth. Some argue that is is needed to stretch the
fascia of the muscles to provide space for growth. Some argue it is only the a temporary
effect and has no effect on future muscle growth. Which ever side of the fence you fall on I
think it is wise to get a pump some of the time. Might as well cover our bases and enjoy
the feeling of walking about gym feeling like Johnny Bravo.

Volume Training Routines

Now before you jump out of your chair now to start blasting your biceps with tonnes of
volume in the hope of packing on lots of muscle mass. It is important to understand some
important points about volume training. To many people fall for the usual mistakes and use
extreme volumes of training, similar to pro bodybuilders. Unfortunately unless you have
their genetics and are using the same amount of steroids as them. Extreme Volume
training will not do diddly squat for you. Pro bodybuilders have elite muscle building
genetics which helps them recover faster. Couple this with steroids and you can begin to
understand how they pack on so much muscle.

Having said that, volume training workouts can and should have their place among a
muscle building program. Just not as much as the pro’s use.

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Volume Training Workouts

So that we are all on the same page when it comes to volume training. We will define it
here as specific muscle building training where we use large volume training. Or in other
words high reps, sets and exercises during a workout. Of course that is not to say that
more volume is better as enough weight must be used to stimulate your muscles. Lets
face it marathon runners are not known for there bulging thighs and they do more volume
than many. So enough weigh must be used as well as volume to induce muscle growth.

There are different types of volume training, with their own specific purpose. The traditional
volume training a bodybuilder would use is doing one body part per workout, which is
usually a 5 times a week schedule. I would however advise you to try the this style of
training shown below which has proven time and again to pack on muscle mass fast.

German Volume Training

German volume training is a proven style of volume training which has provide great
results to countless gym rats. It was popularised by Charles Poliquin in the Western world,
so I will quote below his praises for the program:

There is, however, one training system that stands above all the rest. It’s brutally hard, but
I’ve found it to be a very effective way to pack on muscle fast!

In strength-coaching circles, this method is often called the “ten sets method.” Because it
has its roots in German-speaking countries, I like to call it German Volume Training. To the
best of my knowledge, this training system originated in Germany in the mid-’70′s and was
popularized by Rolf Feser, who was then the National Coach of Weightlifting. A similar
protocol was promoted by Vince Gironda in the U.S., but regardless of who actually
invented it, it works.

In Germany, the ten-sets method was used in the off-season to help weightlifters gain lean
body mass. It was so efficient that lifters routinely moved up a full weight class within 12

The program works because it targets a group of motor units, exposing them to an
extensive volume of repeated efforts, specifically, 10 sets of a single exercise. The body
adapts to the extraordinary stress by hypertrophying the targeted fibers. To say this
program adds muscle fast is probably an understatement. Gains of ten pounds or more in
six weeks are not uncommon, even in experienced lifters!

Goals & Guidelines

The goal of the German Volume Training method is to complete ten sets of ten reps with
the same weight for each exercise. You want to begin with a weight you could lift for 20
reps to failure if you had to. For most people, on most exercises, that would represent 60%
of their 1RM load. Therefore, if you can bench press 300 lbs for 1 rep, you would use 180
lbs for this exercise.

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For lifters new to this method, I recommend using the following body-part splits:

Day 1 – Chest & Back
Day 2 – Legs & Abs
Day 3 – Off
Day 4 – Arms & Shoulders
Day 5 - Off

When using this program or any other, you should keep a detailed journal of the exact
sets/reps and rest intervals performed, and only count the repetitions completed in strict
form. Here are a few more guidelines to ensure optimal progress:

Rest Intervals: When bodybuilders start with this method, they often question its value for
the first several sets because the weight won’t feel heavy enough. However, there is
minimal rest between sets (about 60 seconds when performed in sequence and 90-120
seconds when performed as a superset), which incurs cumulative fatigue. (Interestingly
enough, you might find you get stronger again during the eighth and ninth sets. This is
because of a short-term neural adaptation.) Because of the importance of the rest
intervals, you should use a stopwatch to keep the rest intervals constant. This is very
important, as it becomes tempting to lengthen the rest time as you fatigue.

Tempo: For long-range movements such as squats, dips, and chins, use a 4-0-2 tempo;
this means you would lower the weight in four seconds and immediately change direction
and lift for two seconds. For movements such as curls and triceps extensions, use a 3-0-2

Number of Exercises: One, and only one, exercise per body part should be performed.
Therefore, select exercises that recruit a lot of muscle mass. Triceps kickbacks and leg
extensions are definitely out; squats and bench presses are definitely in. For
supplementary work for individual body parts (like triceps and biceps), you can do 3 sets of
10-20 reps.

Training Frequency: Because this is such an intense program, it’ll take you longer to
recover. In fact, if you’re familiar with the writings of Peter Sisco and John Little, you’ll find
that the average “Power Factor Rating” of the 10-sets method is about 8 billion.
Consequently, one training session every four to five days per body part is plenty.

Overload Mechanism: Once you’re able to do 10 sets of 10 with constant rest intervals,
increase the weight on the bar by 4% to 5%, and repeat the process. Refrain from using
forced reps, negatives, or burns. The volume of the work will take care of the hypertrophy.
Expect to have some deep muscle soreness without having to resort to set prolonging
techniques. In fact, after doing a quad and hams session with this method, it takes the
average bodybuilder about five days to stop limping.

Beginner / Intermediate Program: Phase 1

This is a sample routine based on a five-day cycle. Once you’ve used this method for six
workouts per body part, it’s time to move on to a more intensive program for a three-week

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Day 1 – Chest and Back

                      Exercise                         Sets   Reps    Tempo
A-1 Decline Dumbbell Presses, Semi-Supinated
                                                   10         10     4020      90 sec
Grip(palms facing each other)
A-2 Chin-Ups (palms facing you)                    10         10    4020       90 sec
B-1 Incline Dumbbell Flys                          3          10-12 3 0 2 0    60 sec
B-2 One-Arm Dumbbell Rows                          3          10-12 3 0 2 0    60 sec

Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each “A” exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds
between each “B” exercise and each superset. Incidentally, I only recommend three sets of
ten in this program for the “B” exercises. The “B” exercises constitute supplementary work,
and doing ten sets of them would result in over training.

Day 2 - Legs and Abs

      Exercise          Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval
A-1 Back Squats         10 10    4 0 2 0 90 sec
A-2 Lying Leg Curls     10 10    4 0 2 0 90 sec
B-1 Low-Cable Pull-
                        3    15-20 2 0 2 0    60 sec
B-2 Seated Calf
                        3    15-20 2 0 2 0    60 sec

Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each “A” exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds
between each “B” exercise and each superset.

Day 4 - Arms and Shoulders

               Exercise                  Sets Reps  Tempo               Rest Interval
A-1 Parallel Bar Dips                    10  10    4020              90 sec
A-2 Incline Hammer Curls                 10  10    4020              90 sec
B-1 Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral
                                         3     10-12    20X0         60 sec
B-2 Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises       3     10-12    20X0         60 sec

Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each “A” exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds
between each “B” exercise and each superset. “X” in the tempo means to move as fast as
possible, keeping the weight under control.

You should only do this volume training routine for 3 weeks then switch to another style of
training to prevent muscle adaptation and stagnation. Strength training routines after
German Volume Training works very well so you may want to look into that.

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So there you have one of the best and proven volume training routines to hopefully get you
putting on some muscle. If you try it and it works, feel free to let me know. I like to hear
how people get on to help get the real word out on different muscle building techniques.

Strength Training Workouts

Strength training workouts are a great way to increase strength (funnily enough) and
muscle mass. Big muscles will lift big weights and if you constantly try to lift heavier
weights your muscles will get bigger. For some odd reason this is an often forgotten rule
when people try to increase their lean muscle mass.

So many trainees will needlessly hammer away in the gym, doing lots of volume with reps
schemes like 3×10, among others. When in reality if you can lift heavier loads you will out
on muscle mass. Therefore strength training workouts are an essential component for
people looking to get bigger.

Volume training workouts have grown massively popular in moderns times, mainly due to
pro bodybuilders using them. Because of this, a lot of people copy their workouts in the
hoping of putting on lots of muscle mass. Unfortunately most people do not get the same
results as the pro’s due to not have the same genetics and not using anabolic steroids. It is
useful to cycle volume training into your workouts (there will be more on this later in the

Strength Training

But strength training should form a major part your training if you are reach your muscle
building goals. This becomes even more important after you have trained for more than a
year of continuous weight training. As your muscles will have become adapted to weight
training. Therefore it is of paramount importance that you start using proper techniques, to
increase strength and muscle mass.

In fact if you go back a lot of years to when pro bodybuilders did not use steroids. You will
find that they had to do a lot of heavy lifting to get such high levels of muscle mass. So,
hopefully by now you understand the importance of strength training workouts.

There are many forms of strength training workouts you can use to increase your strength
levels. Some are used more frequently by power lifters and some are used more often by
bodybuilders, or weight lifting enthusiasts looking to build muscle. The main difference is
that bodybuilding strength training tends to use slightly more volume which helps with
muscle mass. As this book is more for muscle build workouts I will mainly list these

Strength Training Workouts - 5 x 5 Workout

One of the most popular strength training workouts for muscle mass has to be the 5 x 5
workout. The 5×5 workout was mainly popularised back in the “golden age” of

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bodybuilding, when you had natural bodybuilders reaching high levels of muscle mass.
The 5×5 workout has a great combination of using heavy weight for strength but also
provides enough volume to induce muscle growth. Which is why it is so popular among
bodybuilders. The 5×5 workout has stood the test of time and is still one of the best
strength training workouts around today. Despite what some guru who is selling his “super
secret” muscle building formula to you might say.

I’m going to give you my personal 5×5 workout that I use most of the time. It is a slight
variation from the older 5×5 workouts, which has been modified to suit modern research
and findings. The workout I am giving you is a 4 day a week, upper and lower split. You
can of course use it to workout 3 days a week as well and just alternate between upper
and lower body days.

Lower Body - Monday & Thursday

       Exercise          Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval
A-1 Squat                5    4-6  201  90 sec
A-2 Lying Hamstring
                         5      4-6       201      90 sec
B-1 Leg Press            5      4-6       201      60 sec
B-2 Good Morning         5      4-6       201      60 sec
C-1 Calf Raise           3      8-10      201      60 sec
C-2 Reverse Crunch       3      8-10      201      60 sec

Upper Body - Tuesday & Friday or Saturday

             Exercise                 Sets   Reps    Tempo       Rest Interval
A-1 Barbell Bench                     5      4-6    201       90 sec
A-2 Single Arm Bent Over Row          5      4-6    201       90 sec
B-1 Military Press                    5      4-6    201       60 sec
B-2 Chin Up                           5      4-6    201       60 sec
C-1 Lying E-Z Bar Triceps
                                      5      4-6    201       60 sec
C-2 E-Z Bar Biceps Curl               5      4-6    201       60 sec

Standard Bodybuilding Workout Rule Of Progression

Every bodybuilding workout you do must have some form of progression, or it will fail and
you will not get stronger or bigger. For the above strength training workout all you have to
do is use a weight that will keep you within the rep range. Whenever you can do the reps
at the higher end of the range; you should add more weight to bring your reps down to the
lower rep range. Then keep the weight constant until you can perform the higher rep
ranges before increasing the weight.

For example: For a set/rep scheme of 5 x 4-6 you pick a weight were you can lift the
weight for 4 reps for the 5 sets (you may have to reduce the weight for the later sets). The

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next workout keep the weight the same but try to more reps. Whenever you can do 6 reps
for the 5 sets, increase the weight and continue as before. It is essential that you follow
this rule of adding more reps or weight, to ensure you are always getting stronger and

Variations For Strength Training Workouts

In order to constantly get bigger muscles and improve your strength levels it is important to
vary your workouts. After all a workout is only as good as the time it takes your body to
adapt to it. A great style of workout to use after strength training is volume training.

You should use strength training workouts for around 3 weeks then switch to volume
training for around 3 weeks. This has proven time and again to get great muscles building
results, as muscle building does not occur in a straight constant fashion. You go through
periods of getting bigger and not.

You can of course use other types of bodybuilding workouts but strength training should be
cycled into your training routine at regular intervals.

How Much To Eat To Gain Muscle Mass Fast

I am going to show you how much to eat to gain muscle, because most people do not
realise how much is enough. You see, muscle building nutrition is one of the most
important aspects of packing on muscle mass.

All your training will go to waste and will not mean squat, if you do not eat enough to fuel
new muscle growth.

It is a bit like paying someone to build you a wall, but not giving the builder any bricks. You
can pay the builder as much as you want, but they still cannot build a wall without the

So, enough of the reasoning for eating and all that, lets take a look at how much to eat to
gain muscle.

How Much To Eat To Gain Muscle

I will show you some examples on how to put all this together at the end of the article. But
for now, it is important to understand how to work out how much food you need.

How much you need to eat to gain muscle, will depend on your metabolic rate and how
much energy you take in and out, from food and exercise.

Your metabolic rate is basically a combination of how much energy your body needs to
stay alive. Processes like breathing, maintaining body temperature and the like. All affect
your metabolic rate.

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There are formulas to work out your metabolic rate, but I do not want to turn this into a
mathematical article, as they are quite long.

Therefore, I have put a simple calculation you can use to guide you below:

Slight weight gain: 30-35 calories per kg OR 14-16 calories per pound
Greater weight gain: 35-40 calories per kg OR 16-18 calories per pound

To use the figures above, you simple multiply your bodyweight (in kilograms or pounds), by
the figures shown. For example: if you weight 200 lbs and you want to put on a lot of
weight, you multiply 200 x 16 = 3600 calories.

The above calculation means that you need 3200 calories a day to gain weight.

Now that may seem like an awful lot of eating, but that is the sort of calories you need to
be eating, to put on muscle!

Maybe now you realise why some people have a hard time gaining muscle?

If you are going to use the above figures, you will need to use some trial and error. As the
figures are not set in stone, so you may have to increase or decrease your calorie intake.
You are best aiming for your calorie target, for a few weeks, while keeping an eye on your
weight and muscle gains.

Alrighty then, are you still with me after this? Starting to realise how much you actually
have to eat? I hope you are.

Now lets take a look at what food to eat to gain muscle, as this is terribly important.
Because eating the wrong calories from foods can ruin all your efforts.

What Food To Eat To Gain Muscle

Once again, I am going to keep this next section as simple as possible. Not because I do
not think you are not smart enough, but because I want to keep this article as streamlined
as possible for you. I do not want you reading any ‘filler’ information from me.

The foods you need to eat can be broken into 3 different categories, which are also called;
macro-nutrients. Every food that you eat has these 3 macro-nutrients in them, these 3
macros are:

   •   Protein
   •   Carbohydrates
   •   Fat

So, what does this have to do with you? Well, it is very important to eat the right macro-
nutrients to fuel new muscle growth. Each macro-nutrient provides your body with certain
nutrients which are essential.

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Protein: is the building block of life and is what your muscles are actually made up of. If
you take the water content away from a muscle, you are mainly left with protein.

Carbohydrates: are sugars which provide you with energy. You can get energy from other
macro-nutrients, but it is important to eat carbohydrates so that other nutrients are not
wasted on energy.

Fats: are an often misunderstood nutrient, but should form an essential part of your diet,
be it for muscle gains or even weight loss. Fats are involved in literally thousands of bodily
processes; One stand out one being hormone production, (can you say testosterone?)

The list above is not exactly a complete detailed look at the macro-nutrients, but I put it
there to give you an idea of what they do. What is important to know, is how much of the
macro-nutrients you should be eating.

I will show you a sample plan on what food to eat to gain muscle, with these macro-
nutrients. But for now I will give you a quick guide, to let you see how it is worked out.

The best ratio of these macro-nutrients to use is the easy to remember 40-30-30 ratio. Do
not worry I will explain what this means and it is quite simple.

The 40-30-30 ratio basically means to get 40% of your diet in carbohydrates, 30% protein
and 30% fats.

Remember this is only a guide, so do not start sweating at the thought of trying to work all
this out exactly. But your total calorie intake should be roughly made up of: 40%
carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fats. Understand?

Muscle Building Supplements

Firstly, before you even look at bodybuilding supplements, you must realise that building
muscle comes down to training and diet. You should start with a great training program to
follow, to break down your muscles, then plan a muscle building diet to build muscle back
up. Because if you are not training right and not eating correctly for your muscle building
training, you will not build muscle mass. No matter how many of the best bodybuilding
supplements you throw down your neck.


Protein is the basic building blocks of life. Proteins are an essential part of all living cells,
they make up structural components of body cells such as hair, muscle, collagen and
many others. Protein is the nutrient mostly in charge of creating new muscle tissue.
Protein shakes and supplements can be a convient way to add high quality protein to your
diet. Although protein can be obtained from food like chicken, it can be easier to
supplement with shakes when you are pushed for time. Protein shakes can be
supplemented at any time of the day, which is great to give yourself protein feeds between
meals. Protein is at the top of my list of the best bodybuilding supplements that work.

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Creatine comes in at a close second and works very well for increasing muscle mass
Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in your body that helps your muscles
release energy. Creatine as a supplement should be considered by anyone interested in
maximizing his fitness, health and performance. Creatine is a very popular weight lifting
supplement because of its ability to produce results very quickly. Creatine is the most
popular and one of the most commonly used sports work out supplements available today.
For this reason creatine gets my number 2 of the best bodybuilding supplements that

Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamins do not necessarily affect exercise but perform highly specific functions in the
body essential for muscle growth. In order for the human body to perform at its peak
potential, a large supply of vital minerals and vitamins must be supplied to the body. The
most common vitamin supplement is the multivitamin tablets which contain all the known
vitamins as well as trace elements and minerals. Be sure to take with a meal to allow for
better absorption of the vitamins and minerals. It is one of the underrated work out
supplements but very important.

Fish Oil

There are some fitness experts that will say you only need a multivitamin and fish oil work
out supplements to build muscle. Fish Oils contain long-chain fatty acids, such as DHA
and EPA. Fish Oil Benefits don’t stop at heart disease or depression. Fish oil can boost
metabolism and allow anyone to lose weight naturally. Fish oil helps to indirectly build
muscle by decreasing the inflammation brought on by hard training and increasing

So, there you have my favourite supplements, nothing to flash or fancy I think you'll agree.

Want More Great Stuff From Me at WC Fitness?
Do you want to keep up-to-date with all my latest workouts info and special offers? If so,
you can follow me on your favourite social media. Also, feel free to ask me any questions
you have.

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Muscle Building Unlocked By WC Fitness

  • 1. Brought to you by Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 2. Welcome Welcome to Muscle Building Unlocked by WC Fitness. This book will give you some great information to get you packing on some real lean muscle mass fast. Let's get right into the good stuff! Muscle Building Workouts The workouts are one of the most essential parts of any muscle building routine. I am sure you are ready to get stuck in, so let's have a look at the best workouts you can do. If you are a beginner, you are best sticking to a beginner style routine as this will give the best results. Because your body will not react as well to more advanced routines. You can check out a proper beginners workout routine below. Beginner Bodybuilding Routine A common question I get asked by untrained people is “What is a good beginner bodybuilding routine?”. This is actually a very smart question to ask, simply because bodybuilding workouts should be different for untrained and experienced lifters. Generally bodybuilding workouts for experienced trainers will have to much volume and intensity for beginner bodybuilders. Therefore a beginner bodybuilding routine should be altered to suit. That is not to say that beginners cannot do more advanced bodybuilding workouts, but you will not get the same (or any) muscle gains. A beginner bodybuilding routine will give you far better results, than with intermediate to advanced muscle building routines. Beginners Beginner bodybuilders have one great advantage of being untrained. Therefore, whenever you begin weight lifting you body will automatically add muscle, no matter the bodybuilding routine. This is because it is a new stimulus to your muscles, so your body “panics” by wondering what is happening to it, then adds muscle to compensate. With that being said, you can get even better results with a proper beginner bodybuilding routine, designed for your experience level. Rather than mess about in the gym, not really focusing on anything. With that in mind, let’s have a look at beginner bodybuilding workouts. Beginner bodybuilding workouts tend to have less volume on your muscles during a workout, compared to more advanced bodybuilding routines. Simply because your Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 3. muscles do not need much stimulation to get them to grow. However to speed up the muscle building process, you will be using more frequency on your muscles with 3 full body workouts. These beginner bodybuilding workouts will hit your muscles three times a week, which means you will be forcing your muscles to grow three times a week. You can get these workouts below. Beginner Bodybuilding Workout Exercise Sets Reps Barbell Squat 3 6-10 Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 6-10 Standing Calf Raise 2 10-20 Cable Chin Ups 3 10-12 Barbell Bench Press 3 10-12 Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 10-12 E-Z Bar Curl 2 10-12 Close Grip Bench Press 2 10-12 Crunches 3 10-20 I would urge you not to be fooled by this beginner bodybuilding workout or to be lured by other advanced workouts promising massive muscle gains. This workout will provide you with the best gains for your level of experience. If you do not know what the exercises are, you can do an internet search for them to show you. Take around a minute between sets, if you are fairly fresh then use shorter rest periods and use up to a minute if you have tired yourself out. Do not use rest periods to chat to that sexy blond thing beside you! Use as little as rest as possible then move on. Start by using the lower rep range number, then each week try to do more reps with the same weight. Then once you can do the upper range of reps, add more weight to the bar to drop your reps down to the lower end. Keep doing this, as this is the most important element of any bodybuilding workout routine, which is something called Progressive Overload. Progressive Overload You must be following a progressive overload! This means that every week you must be adding more weight to your lifts or doing more reps with that same weight. Whenever we lift weights for so many reps, our muscles adapt and grow to that training stress. If you then do the same weight, sets and reps in your next session you will only be maintaining your current level of strength and muscle mass. As Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 4. your body has already adapted for that stress. If you neglect the above information you will not get any bigger or stronger, but stay the same size as before. More Workouts If you already have 6-12 months training experience under your belt and want to ramp things up a bit, I have you covered as well. Generally speaking the best 2 workout styles you can do is volume and strength. A combination of both volume and strength has proven time and again to get the best muscle building results. Volume Training Volume training workouts are among the most popular forms of bodybuilding workouts these days. There are many reasons for this, mainly because they work well for putting on muscle mass. Secondly because a lot of the top bodybuilders use volume training and influences a lot of people to follow suit. Volume training works very well as it gets a lot of nutrient rich blood pumping through the muscles and also puts a fair bit of tension onto the muscles. Without going into all the scientific mumbo jumbo about this style of training, volume training can add on muscle mass fast. Volume training can also provide you with a great muscle pump, which can give you a great feeling in the gym. We’ll not start getting into the old arguments as to whether the muscle pump is needed for muscle growth. Some argue that is is needed to stretch the fascia of the muscles to provide space for growth. Some argue it is only the a temporary effect and has no effect on future muscle growth. Which ever side of the fence you fall on I think it is wise to get a pump some of the time. Might as well cover our bases and enjoy the feeling of walking about gym feeling like Johnny Bravo. Volume Training Routines Now before you jump out of your chair now to start blasting your biceps with tonnes of volume in the hope of packing on lots of muscle mass. It is important to understand some important points about volume training. To many people fall for the usual mistakes and use extreme volumes of training, similar to pro bodybuilders. Unfortunately unless you have their genetics and are using the same amount of steroids as them. Extreme Volume training will not do diddly squat for you. Pro bodybuilders have elite muscle building genetics which helps them recover faster. Couple this with steroids and you can begin to understand how they pack on so much muscle. Having said that, volume training workouts can and should have their place among a muscle building program. Just not as much as the pro’s use. Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 5. Volume Training Workouts So that we are all on the same page when it comes to volume training. We will define it here as specific muscle building training where we use large volume training. Or in other words high reps, sets and exercises during a workout. Of course that is not to say that more volume is better as enough weight must be used to stimulate your muscles. Lets face it marathon runners are not known for there bulging thighs and they do more volume than many. So enough weigh must be used as well as volume to induce muscle growth. There are different types of volume training, with their own specific purpose. The traditional volume training a bodybuilder would use is doing one body part per workout, which is usually a 5 times a week schedule. I would however advise you to try the this style of training shown below which has proven time and again to pack on muscle mass fast. German Volume Training German volume training is a proven style of volume training which has provide great results to countless gym rats. It was popularised by Charles Poliquin in the Western world, so I will quote below his praises for the program: There is, however, one training system that stands above all the rest. It’s brutally hard, but I’ve found it to be a very effective way to pack on muscle fast! In strength-coaching circles, this method is often called the “ten sets method.” Because it has its roots in German-speaking countries, I like to call it German Volume Training. To the best of my knowledge, this training system originated in Germany in the mid-’70′s and was popularized by Rolf Feser, who was then the National Coach of Weightlifting. A similar protocol was promoted by Vince Gironda in the U.S., but regardless of who actually invented it, it works. In Germany, the ten-sets method was used in the off-season to help weightlifters gain lean body mass. It was so efficient that lifters routinely moved up a full weight class within 12 weeks. The program works because it targets a group of motor units, exposing them to an extensive volume of repeated efforts, specifically, 10 sets of a single exercise. The body adapts to the extraordinary stress by hypertrophying the targeted fibers. To say this program adds muscle fast is probably an understatement. Gains of ten pounds or more in six weeks are not uncommon, even in experienced lifters! Goals & Guidelines The goal of the German Volume Training method is to complete ten sets of ten reps with the same weight for each exercise. You want to begin with a weight you could lift for 20 reps to failure if you had to. For most people, on most exercises, that would represent 60% of their 1RM load. Therefore, if you can bench press 300 lbs for 1 rep, you would use 180 lbs for this exercise. Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 6. For lifters new to this method, I recommend using the following body-part splits: Day 1 – Chest & Back Day 2 – Legs & Abs Day 3 – Off Day 4 – Arms & Shoulders Day 5 - Off When using this program or any other, you should keep a detailed journal of the exact sets/reps and rest intervals performed, and only count the repetitions completed in strict form. Here are a few more guidelines to ensure optimal progress: Rest Intervals: When bodybuilders start with this method, they often question its value for the first several sets because the weight won’t feel heavy enough. However, there is minimal rest between sets (about 60 seconds when performed in sequence and 90-120 seconds when performed as a superset), which incurs cumulative fatigue. (Interestingly enough, you might find you get stronger again during the eighth and ninth sets. This is because of a short-term neural adaptation.) Because of the importance of the rest intervals, you should use a stopwatch to keep the rest intervals constant. This is very important, as it becomes tempting to lengthen the rest time as you fatigue. Tempo: For long-range movements such as squats, dips, and chins, use a 4-0-2 tempo; this means you would lower the weight in four seconds and immediately change direction and lift for two seconds. For movements such as curls and triceps extensions, use a 3-0-2 tempo. Number of Exercises: One, and only one, exercise per body part should be performed. Therefore, select exercises that recruit a lot of muscle mass. Triceps kickbacks and leg extensions are definitely out; squats and bench presses are definitely in. For supplementary work for individual body parts (like triceps and biceps), you can do 3 sets of 10-20 reps. Training Frequency: Because this is such an intense program, it’ll take you longer to recover. In fact, if you’re familiar with the writings of Peter Sisco and John Little, you’ll find that the average “Power Factor Rating” of the 10-sets method is about 8 billion. Consequently, one training session every four to five days per body part is plenty. Overload Mechanism: Once you’re able to do 10 sets of 10 with constant rest intervals, increase the weight on the bar by 4% to 5%, and repeat the process. Refrain from using forced reps, negatives, or burns. The volume of the work will take care of the hypertrophy. Expect to have some deep muscle soreness without having to resort to set prolonging techniques. In fact, after doing a quad and hams session with this method, it takes the average bodybuilder about five days to stop limping. Beginner / Intermediate Program: Phase 1 This is a sample routine based on a five-day cycle. Once you’ve used this method for six workouts per body part, it’s time to move on to a more intensive program for a three-week Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 7. period. Day 1 – Chest and Back Rest Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Interval A-1 Decline Dumbbell Presses, Semi-Supinated 10 10 4020 90 sec Grip(palms facing each other) A-2 Chin-Ups (palms facing you) 10 10 4020 90 sec B-1 Incline Dumbbell Flys 3 10-12 3 0 2 0 60 sec B-2 One-Arm Dumbbell Rows 3 10-12 3 0 2 0 60 sec Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each “A” exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds between each “B” exercise and each superset. Incidentally, I only recommend three sets of ten in this program for the “B” exercises. The “B” exercises constitute supplementary work, and doing ten sets of them would result in over training. Day 2 - Legs and Abs Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval A-1 Back Squats 10 10 4 0 2 0 90 sec A-2 Lying Leg Curls 10 10 4 0 2 0 90 sec B-1 Low-Cable Pull- 3 15-20 2 0 2 0 60 sec Ins B-2 Seated Calf 3 15-20 2 0 2 0 60 sec Raises Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each “A” exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds between each “B” exercise and each superset. Day 4 - Arms and Shoulders Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval A-1 Parallel Bar Dips 10 10 4020 90 sec A-2 Incline Hammer Curls 10 10 4020 90 sec B-1 Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral 3 10-12 20X0 60 sec Raises B-2 Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 10-12 20X0 60 sec Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each “A” exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds between each “B” exercise and each superset. “X” in the tempo means to move as fast as possible, keeping the weight under control. You should only do this volume training routine for 3 weeks then switch to another style of training to prevent muscle adaptation and stagnation. Strength training routines after German Volume Training works very well so you may want to look into that. Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 8. So there you have one of the best and proven volume training routines to hopefully get you putting on some muscle. If you try it and it works, feel free to let me know. I like to hear how people get on to help get the real word out on different muscle building techniques. Strength Training Workouts Strength training workouts are a great way to increase strength (funnily enough) and muscle mass. Big muscles will lift big weights and if you constantly try to lift heavier weights your muscles will get bigger. For some odd reason this is an often forgotten rule when people try to increase their lean muscle mass. So many trainees will needlessly hammer away in the gym, doing lots of volume with reps schemes like 3×10, among others. When in reality if you can lift heavier loads you will out on muscle mass. Therefore strength training workouts are an essential component for people looking to get bigger. Volume training workouts have grown massively popular in moderns times, mainly due to pro bodybuilders using them. Because of this, a lot of people copy their workouts in the hoping of putting on lots of muscle mass. Unfortunately most people do not get the same results as the pro’s due to not have the same genetics and not using anabolic steroids. It is useful to cycle volume training into your workouts (there will be more on this later in the article). Strength Training But strength training should form a major part your training if you are reach your muscle building goals. This becomes even more important after you have trained for more than a year of continuous weight training. As your muscles will have become adapted to weight training. Therefore it is of paramount importance that you start using proper techniques, to increase strength and muscle mass. In fact if you go back a lot of years to when pro bodybuilders did not use steroids. You will find that they had to do a lot of heavy lifting to get such high levels of muscle mass. So, hopefully by now you understand the importance of strength training workouts. There are many forms of strength training workouts you can use to increase your strength levels. Some are used more frequently by power lifters and some are used more often by bodybuilders, or weight lifting enthusiasts looking to build muscle. The main difference is that bodybuilding strength training tends to use slightly more volume which helps with muscle mass. As this book is more for muscle build workouts I will mainly list these workouts. Strength Training Workouts - 5 x 5 Workout One of the most popular strength training workouts for muscle mass has to be the 5 x 5 workout. The 5×5 workout was mainly popularised back in the “golden age” of Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 9. bodybuilding, when you had natural bodybuilders reaching high levels of muscle mass. The 5×5 workout has a great combination of using heavy weight for strength but also provides enough volume to induce muscle growth. Which is why it is so popular among bodybuilders. The 5×5 workout has stood the test of time and is still one of the best strength training workouts around today. Despite what some guru who is selling his “super secret” muscle building formula to you might say. I’m going to give you my personal 5×5 workout that I use most of the time. It is a slight variation from the older 5×5 workouts, which has been modified to suit modern research and findings. The workout I am giving you is a 4 day a week, upper and lower split. You can of course use it to workout 3 days a week as well and just alternate between upper and lower body days. Lower Body - Monday & Thursday Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval A-1 Squat 5 4-6 201 90 sec A-2 Lying Hamstring 5 4-6 201 90 sec Curl B-1 Leg Press 5 4-6 201 60 sec B-2 Good Morning 5 4-6 201 60 sec C-1 Calf Raise 3 8-10 201 60 sec C-2 Reverse Crunch 3 8-10 201 60 sec Upper Body - Tuesday & Friday or Saturday Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Interval A-1 Barbell Bench 5 4-6 201 90 sec A-2 Single Arm Bent Over Row 5 4-6 201 90 sec B-1 Military Press 5 4-6 201 60 sec B-2 Chin Up 5 4-6 201 60 sec C-1 Lying E-Z Bar Triceps 5 4-6 201 60 sec Extension C-2 E-Z Bar Biceps Curl 5 4-6 201 60 sec Standard Bodybuilding Workout Rule Of Progression Every bodybuilding workout you do must have some form of progression, or it will fail and you will not get stronger or bigger. For the above strength training workout all you have to do is use a weight that will keep you within the rep range. Whenever you can do the reps at the higher end of the range; you should add more weight to bring your reps down to the lower rep range. Then keep the weight constant until you can perform the higher rep ranges before increasing the weight. For example: For a set/rep scheme of 5 x 4-6 you pick a weight were you can lift the weight for 4 reps for the 5 sets (you may have to reduce the weight for the later sets). The Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 10. next workout keep the weight the same but try to more reps. Whenever you can do 6 reps for the 5 sets, increase the weight and continue as before. It is essential that you follow this rule of adding more reps or weight, to ensure you are always getting stronger and bigger. Variations For Strength Training Workouts In order to constantly get bigger muscles and improve your strength levels it is important to vary your workouts. After all a workout is only as good as the time it takes your body to adapt to it. A great style of workout to use after strength training is volume training. You should use strength training workouts for around 3 weeks then switch to volume training for around 3 weeks. This has proven time and again to get great muscles building results, as muscle building does not occur in a straight constant fashion. You go through periods of getting bigger and not. You can of course use other types of bodybuilding workouts but strength training should be cycled into your training routine at regular intervals. How Much To Eat To Gain Muscle Mass Fast I am going to show you how much to eat to gain muscle, because most people do not realise how much is enough. You see, muscle building nutrition is one of the most important aspects of packing on muscle mass. All your training will go to waste and will not mean squat, if you do not eat enough to fuel new muscle growth. It is a bit like paying someone to build you a wall, but not giving the builder any bricks. You can pay the builder as much as you want, but they still cannot build a wall without the bricks. So, enough of the reasoning for eating and all that, lets take a look at how much to eat to gain muscle. How Much To Eat To Gain Muscle I will show you some examples on how to put all this together at the end of the article. But for now, it is important to understand how to work out how much food you need. How much you need to eat to gain muscle, will depend on your metabolic rate and how much energy you take in and out, from food and exercise. Your metabolic rate is basically a combination of how much energy your body needs to stay alive. Processes like breathing, maintaining body temperature and the like. All affect your metabolic rate. Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 11. There are formulas to work out your metabolic rate, but I do not want to turn this into a mathematical article, as they are quite long. Therefore, I have put a simple calculation you can use to guide you below: Slight weight gain: 30-35 calories per kg OR 14-16 calories per pound Greater weight gain: 35-40 calories per kg OR 16-18 calories per pound To use the figures above, you simple multiply your bodyweight (in kilograms or pounds), by the figures shown. For example: if you weight 200 lbs and you want to put on a lot of weight, you multiply 200 x 16 = 3600 calories. The above calculation means that you need 3200 calories a day to gain weight. Now that may seem like an awful lot of eating, but that is the sort of calories you need to be eating, to put on muscle! Maybe now you realise why some people have a hard time gaining muscle? If you are going to use the above figures, you will need to use some trial and error. As the figures are not set in stone, so you may have to increase or decrease your calorie intake. You are best aiming for your calorie target, for a few weeks, while keeping an eye on your weight and muscle gains. Alrighty then, are you still with me after this? Starting to realise how much you actually have to eat? I hope you are. Now lets take a look at what food to eat to gain muscle, as this is terribly important. Because eating the wrong calories from foods can ruin all your efforts. What Food To Eat To Gain Muscle Once again, I am going to keep this next section as simple as possible. Not because I do not think you are not smart enough, but because I want to keep this article as streamlined as possible for you. I do not want you reading any ‘filler’ information from me. The foods you need to eat can be broken into 3 different categories, which are also called; macro-nutrients. Every food that you eat has these 3 macro-nutrients in them, these 3 macros are: • Protein • Carbohydrates • Fat So, what does this have to do with you? Well, it is very important to eat the right macro- nutrients to fuel new muscle growth. Each macro-nutrient provides your body with certain nutrients which are essential. Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 12. Protein: is the building block of life and is what your muscles are actually made up of. If you take the water content away from a muscle, you are mainly left with protein. Carbohydrates: are sugars which provide you with energy. You can get energy from other macro-nutrients, but it is important to eat carbohydrates so that other nutrients are not wasted on energy. Fats: are an often misunderstood nutrient, but should form an essential part of your diet, be it for muscle gains or even weight loss. Fats are involved in literally thousands of bodily processes; One stand out one being hormone production, (can you say testosterone?) The list above is not exactly a complete detailed look at the macro-nutrients, but I put it there to give you an idea of what they do. What is important to know, is how much of the macro-nutrients you should be eating. I will show you a sample plan on what food to eat to gain muscle, with these macro- nutrients. But for now I will give you a quick guide, to let you see how it is worked out. The best ratio of these macro-nutrients to use is the easy to remember 40-30-30 ratio. Do not worry I will explain what this means and it is quite simple. The 40-30-30 ratio basically means to get 40% of your diet in carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fats. Remember this is only a guide, so do not start sweating at the thought of trying to work all this out exactly. But your total calorie intake should be roughly made up of: 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fats. Understand? Muscle Building Supplements Firstly, before you even look at bodybuilding supplements, you must realise that building muscle comes down to training and diet. You should start with a great training program to follow, to break down your muscles, then plan a muscle building diet to build muscle back up. Because if you are not training right and not eating correctly for your muscle building training, you will not build muscle mass. No matter how many of the best bodybuilding supplements you throw down your neck. Protein Protein is the basic building blocks of life. Proteins are an essential part of all living cells, they make up structural components of body cells such as hair, muscle, collagen and many others. Protein is the nutrient mostly in charge of creating new muscle tissue. Protein shakes and supplements can be a convient way to add high quality protein to your diet. Although protein can be obtained from food like chicken, it can be easier to supplement with shakes when you are pushed for time. Protein shakes can be supplemented at any time of the day, which is great to give yourself protein feeds between meals. Protein is at the top of my list of the best bodybuilding supplements that work. Brought to you by: Follow me on:
  • 13. Creatine Creatine comes in at a close second and works very well for increasing muscle mass Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in your body that helps your muscles release energy. Creatine as a supplement should be considered by anyone interested in maximizing his fitness, health and performance. Creatine is a very popular weight lifting supplement because of its ability to produce results very quickly. Creatine is the most popular and one of the most commonly used sports work out supplements available today. For this reason creatine gets my number 2 of the best bodybuilding supplements that work. Vitamins And Minerals Vitamins do not necessarily affect exercise but perform highly specific functions in the body essential for muscle growth. In order for the human body to perform at its peak potential, a large supply of vital minerals and vitamins must be supplied to the body. The most common vitamin supplement is the multivitamin tablets which contain all the known vitamins as well as trace elements and minerals. Be sure to take with a meal to allow for better absorption of the vitamins and minerals. It is one of the underrated work out supplements but very important. Fish Oil There are some fitness experts that will say you only need a multivitamin and fish oil work out supplements to build muscle. Fish Oils contain long-chain fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA. Fish Oil Benefits don’t stop at heart disease or depression. Fish oil can boost metabolism and allow anyone to lose weight naturally. Fish oil helps to indirectly build muscle by decreasing the inflammation brought on by hard training and increasing recovery. So, there you have my favourite supplements, nothing to flash or fancy I think you'll agree. Want More Great Stuff From Me at WC Fitness? Do you want to keep up-to-date with all my latest workouts info and special offers? If so, you can follow me on your favourite social media. Also, feel free to ask me any questions you have. You can follow me using these links: Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Facebook Follow me on Google Plus Brought to you by: Follow me on: