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Spring and the Many Faces of the Web
   (or, Thin,   Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients with Spring)

Josh Long
Spring Developer Advocate
SpringSource, a division of VMware

                                                          © 2009 VMware Inc. All rights reserved
About Josh Long
SpringSource Developer Advocate
twitter: @starbuxman

                       NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE   2

 Introduction to Spring
 Web Applications
 • Spring MVC, JSF, Others
 • the final frontier: TV, tablets, operating systems
 Mobile Clients
 • Android, iPhone
 • Flex, GWT, Vaadin
 OAuth
 • Spring Social, Spring Security OAuth

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 SpringSource is the organization that develops the Spring
  framework, the leading enterprise Java framework

 SpringSource was acquired by VMware in 2009

 VMware and SpringSource bring you to the cloud and
  deliver on the mission of “build, run, manage”
  • established partnerships with the major players in the business,
   including Adobe, SalesForce, and Google to help deliver the
   best experience for Spring users across multiple platforms

 Leading contributor to projects like
  Apache HTTPD and Apache Tomcat

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Introduction to Spring

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At its core, the Spring Framework...

 Provide comprehensive infrastructural support for developing
 enterprise Java™ applications
 • Spring deals with the plumbing
 • So you can focus on solving the domain problem

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Spring’s aim:
 bring simplicity to java development
  web tier                                    integration
                                batch                                access
    &        service tier                          &                                  mobile
                             processing                            / NoSQL /
   RIA                                        messaging
                                                                   Big Data

                            The Spring framework
the cloud:                    lightweight                             traditional
     CloudFoundry                                                           WebSphere
                                          tc Server
       VMForce                                                               JBoss AS
   Google App Engine                                                        WebLogic
  Amazon Web Services                                                   (on legacy versions, too!)

                               NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE                                     7
The Spring Framework

                  Framework       Description
                  Spring Core     The foundation
               Spring @MVC        the web leading framework (comes with the core framework)
               Spring Security    Extensible framework providing authentication, authorization
             Spring Webflow       An excellent web framework for building multi-page flows
         Spring Web Services      Contract-first, document–centric SOAP and XML web services
                 Spring Batch     Powerful batch processing framework
             Spring Integration   Implements enterprise integration patterns
              Spring BlazeDS      Support for Adobe BlazeDS
                 Spring AMQP      interface with AMQP message brokers, like RabbitMQ
                  Spring Data     NoSQL options: HBase, MongoDB, Redis, Riak, CouchDB, Neo4J, etc.
                 Spring Social    integrate Twitter, Facebook, Tripit, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.
               Spring Hadoop      Provides a POJO-centric approach to building Hadoop applications
                                  provides first-class support for service
Spring Mobile, Spring Android
                                  creation and consumption for iPhone, Android
              Spring GemFire      Provides the easiest interface for the GemFire enterprise data grid technology

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Web Applications with Spring

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The Spring ApplicationContext

 Spring Beans are Managed by An ApplicationContext
 • whether you’re in an application server, a web server, in regular Java SE
   application, in the cloud, Spring is initialized through an ApplicationContext
 • In a Java SE application:
       ApplicationContext ctx =
         new GenericAnnotationApplicationContext( “”);

 • In a web application, you will configure an application context in your web.xml

          <servlet-name>Spring Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Web Core

 Spring Dispatcher Servlet
 • Objects don’t have to be web-specific.
 • Spring web supports lower-level web machinery: ‘
   •   HttpRequestHandler (supports remoting: Caucho, Resin, JAX RPC)
   •   DelegatingFilterProxy.
   •   HandlerInterceptor wraps requests to HttpRequestHandlers
   •   ServletWrappingController lets you force requests to a servlet through the Spring
       Handler chain
   • OncePerRequestFilter ensures that an action only occurs once, no matter how many
       filters are applied. Provides a nice way to avoid duplicate filters
 • Spring provides access to the Spring application context using
   WebApplicationContextUtils, which has a static method to look up the context,
   even in environments where Spring isn’t managing the web components

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Web Core

 Spring provides the easiest way to integrate with your web
 framework of choice
 • Spring Faces for JSF 1 and 2
 • Struts support for Struts 1
 • Tapestry, Struts 2, Stripes, GWT, Wicket, Vaadin, Play framework, etc.

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Spring MVC

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Spring MVC
Spring MVC configuration - config

 @Configuration @EnableWebMvc @Import(Config.class)
 public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter{
     @Bean public UrlBasedViewResolver resolver() {
         UrlBasedViewResolver url = new UrlBasedViewResolver();
         return url;
     public void configureViewControllers(ViewControllerConfigurer configurer) {
         configurer.mapViewName("/", "welcome") ;
            A Controller - config

       public class CustomerController {
           @Autowired private CustomerService customerService;

             @ModelAttribute public Customer customer() { return new Customer(); }

             @RequestMapping(value = "/display", method = RequestMethod.GET)
             public Map<String, Object> customer(@RequestParam("id") Long id) {
                 Map<String, Object> out = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                 out.put("customer", customerService.getCustomerById(id) );
                 return out;
             }                  NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE                 14
Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Spring MVC

 Demos
 • Spring MVC and associated configuration

                            NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE

Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST

 Spring MVC is basis for REST support
 • Spring’s server side REST support is based on the standard controller model
 • RestTemplate
   • provides dead simple, idiomatic RESTful services consumption
   • can use Spring OXM, too.
 • Spring Integration and Spring Social both build on the RestTemplate where
 • JavaScript and HTML5 can consume JSON-data payloads
 • REST is the ultimate connectivity mechanism: everything can speak HTTP.

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST
RestCustomerController - server

@Controller @RequestMapping(headers = "Accept=application/json, application/xml")
public class RestCustomerController {

  @Autowired private CustomerService cs;

  @RequestMapping(value = "/customer/{cid}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
  @ResponseBody public Customer updateCustomer(@RequestBody Customer c) {
        return cs.updateCustomer( c.getId(), c.getFirstName(), c.getLastName());

     WebConfig - server

      public class WebConfig
       extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {}


                 Customer customer1 = restTemplate.getForEntity(
                      url + "customer/{customerId}",
                      Customer.class, c.getId()).getBody();
       "fetched customer " + customer1.toString());

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST

 Demos:
• Spring REST service
• Spring REST client

                        NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
Mobile (pt 1.)

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile

 Best strategy? Develop Native
 • Fallback to client-optimized web applications
 Spring MVC 3.1 mobile client-specific content negotiation and
 • for other devices
   • (there are other devices besides Android??)

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile
     WebConfig - server

!   @Bean
     public ViewResolver viewResolver() {
         UrlBasedViewResolver viewResolver = new UrlBasedViewResolver();
         return viewResolver;

    public TilesConfigurer tilesConfigurer() {
        TilesConfigurer configurer = new TilesConfigurer();
        configurer.setDefinitions(new String[]{
        return configurer;

    public void configureInterceptors(InterceptorConfigurer configurer) {
        configurer.addInterceptor(new DeviceResolverHandlerInterceptor());

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST

 Demos:
• Mobile clients using client specific rendering

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Mobile (pt 2.)

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile

               Spring REST is ideal for mobile devices
               Spring MVC 3.1 mobile client-specific content
                negotiation and rendering
                • for other devices
               Spring Android
                • RestTemplate

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile

     CustomerServiceClient - client

!    private <T> T extractResponse( ResponseEntity<T> response) {
!    !    if (response != null && response().value() == 200) {
!    !    !   return response.getBody();
!    !    }
!    !    throw new RuntimeException("couldn't extract response.");
!    }

!    @Override
!    public Customer updateCustomer(long id, String fn, String ln) {
!    !    String urlForPath = urlForPath("customer/{customerId}");!   !
!    !    return extractResponse(this.restTemplate.postForEntity(
                   urlForPath, new Customer(id, fn, ln), Customer.class, id));
!    }

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile

 Demos:
• consuming the Spring REST service from Android

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Rich Internet Applications

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Flex

       Spring Flex
      • Dead-simple to expose Spring beans as Flex services
      • Developed with support from Adobe
      • But it still has strengths:
        • form driven apps
        • video, 2D and 3D graphics, sound
        • Adobe AIR
        • blazing fast communication
        • server side push
      • Spring ActionScript is a cool framework “sponsored” by SpringSource

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Flex
                                                                             crm-flex-servlet.xml - server
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans ...>

   <context:component-scan base-package="org.springsource.examples.sawt.web.flex"/>


   <flex:message-broker mapping-order="1">
       <flex:mapping pattern="/messagebroker/*"/>
       <flex:message-service default-channels="my-streaming-amf,my-longpolling-amf,my-polling-amf"/>

   <flex:remoting-destination ref="jdbcCustomerService" destination-id="customerService"/>


                                                                              CustomerForm.mxml - client

<fx:Declarations><s:RemoteObject id="cs" destination="customerService"
  <s:method name="createCustomer" result="create_resultHandler(event)"/>
  <s:method name="updateCustomer" result="update_resultHandler(event)"/>
 </s:RemoteObject> </fx:Declarations>
<fx:Script><![CDATA[ cs.updateCustomer(, c.firstName, c.lastName); ]]>

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: RIA with Flex

 Demos:
• exposing Spring services through BlazeDS
• consuming it from a Flex client

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: GWT

             Google Web Toolkit
            • Lots of popular options
            • We’ll look at building a simple example by simple delegating as
            • Server-side: standard DispatcherServlet

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Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: GWT
                                                        GwtCustomerService - client


public interface GwtCustomerService extends RemoteService {
    void updateCustomer(long cid, String f, String l);
    CustomerDto getCustomerById(long customerId);
    CustomerDto createCustomer(String f, String ln);

GwtCustomerServiceImpl - server

 private <T> T beanOfType(Class t) {
   ApplicationContext ac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(
   return (T) ac.getBean(t);

 public void updateCustomer(long cid, String f, String l) {
   try {
     CustomerService customerService = beanOfType(CustomerService.class);
     customerService.updateCustomer(cid, f, l);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw new RuntimeException(ex);
                                  NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE                   33
Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: GWT

 Demos:
• building a simple GWT client that consumes services in Spring

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Social Communication

                       NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE   35
Spring Social

 Extension to Spring Framework to enable connectivity with
  Software-as-a-Service providers
 Features...
 • An extensible connection framework
 • A connect controller
 • Java API bindings
 • A sign-in controller

Spring Social Projects

   Spring Social Core
   Spring Social Facebook
   Spring Social Twitter
   Spring Social LinkedIn
   Spring Social TripIt
   Spring Social GitHub
   Spring Social Gowalla
   Spring Social Samples
    • Includes Showcase, Quickstart, Movies, Canvas, Twitter4J, Popup

Key Steps to Socializing an Application

 Configure Spring Social beans
 • Connection Factory Locator and Connection Factories
 • Connection Repository
 • Connect Controller
 • API Bindings
 Create connection status views
 Inject/use API bindings

Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator

@Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() {
 ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry();

       new TwitterConnectionFactory(

       new FacebookConnectionFactory(

    return registry;

Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator

@Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() {
 ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry();

       new TwitterConnectionFactory(

       new FacebookConnectionFactory(

    return registry;

Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator

@Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() {
 ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry();

       new TwitterConnectionFactory(

       new FacebookConnectionFactory(

    return registry;

Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator

@Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() {
 ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry();

       new TwitterConnectionFactory(

       new FacebookConnectionFactory(

    return registry;

Configuration: Connection Repository

@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public ConnectionRepository connectionRepository() {
  Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().
  if (authentication == null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
        "Unable to get a ConnectionRepository: no user signed in");
  return usersConnectionRepository().createConnectionRepository(

Configuration: Connection Repository

@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public ConnectionRepository connectionRepository() {
  Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().
  if (authentication == null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
        "Unable to get a ConnectionRepository: no user signed in");
  return usersConnectionRepository().createConnectionRepository(

@Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public UsersConnectionRepository usersConnectionRepository() {
  return new JdbcUsersConnectionRepository(

Configuration: ConnectController

 public ConnectController connectController() {
   return new ConnectController(connectionFactoryLocator(),

Configuration: ConnectController

 public ConnectController connectController() {
   return new ConnectController(connectionFactoryLocator(),

Configuration: ConnectController

 public ConnectController connectController() {
   return new ConnectController(connectionFactoryLocator(),

Configuration: API Bindings

@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Facebook facebook() {
  Connection<Facebook> facebook =
  return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate();
@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Twitter twitter() {
  Connection<Twitter> twitter =
  return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate();

Configuration: API Bindings

@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Facebook facebook() {
  Connection<Facebook> facebook =
  return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate();
@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Twitter twitter() {
  Connection<Twitter> twitter =
  return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate();

Configuration: API Bindings

@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Facebook facebook() {
  Connection<Facebook> facebook =
  return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate();
@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Twitter twitter() {
  Connection<Twitter> twitter =
  return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate();

Configuration: API Bindings

@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Facebook facebook() {
  Connection<Facebook> facebook =
  return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate();
@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)	
public Twitter twitter() {
  Connection<Twitter> twitter =
  return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate();

Injecting and Using the API Bindings

 public class TwitterTimelineController {

 	   private final Twitter twitter;
 	   public TwitterTimelineController(Twitter twitter) {
 	   	  this.twitter = twitter;

 	   public String postTweet(String message) {
 	   	  return "redirect:/twitter";

Injecting and Using the API Bindings

 public class TwitterTimelineController {

 	   private final Twitter twitter;
 	   public TwitterTimelineController(Twitter twitter) {
 	   	  this.twitter = twitter;

 	   public String postTweet(String message) {
 	   	  return "redirect:/twitter";

Injecting and Using the API Bindings

 public class TwitterTimelineController {

 	   private final Twitter twitter;
 	   public TwitterTimelineController(Twitter twitter) {
 	   	  this.twitter = twitter;

 	   public String postTweet(String message) {
 	   	  return "redirect:/twitter";

ConnectController Endpoints
 GET /connect
 • Displays connection status for all providers
 GET /connect/{provider}
 • Displays connection status for a given provider
 POST /connect/{provider}
 • Initiates the authorization flow, redirecting to the provider
 GET /connect/{provider}?oauth_token={token}
 • Handles an OAuth 1 callback
 GET /connect/{provider}?code={authorization code}
 • Handles an OAuth 2 callback
 DELETE /connect/{provider}
 • Removes all connections for a user to the given provider
 DELETE /connect/{provider}/{provider user ID}
 • Removes a specific connection for the user to the given provider
ConnectController Flow

                                                     Your Application


                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

ConnectController Flow

                                                     Your Application

                     GET /connect/{provider ID}

                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

                 Display connection status page
ConnectController Flow

                                                     Your Application

                     POST /connect/{provider ID}

                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

                    Initiate connection flow
ConnectController Flow

                                                     Your Application


                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

            Fetch request token (OAuth 1.0/1.0a only)
ConnectController Flow

                                                      Your Application


                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

          Redirect browser to provider’s authorization page
ConnectController Flow

                                                      Your Application


                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

          Redirect browser to provider’s authorization page
ConnectController Flow

                                                      Your Application


                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

          Redirect browser to provider’s authorization page
ConnectController Flow

                                                                 Your Application
               GET /connect/{provider ID}?oauth_token={token}
                  GET /connect/{provider ID}?code={code}

                             Service Provider
                          (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

                Provider redirects to callback URL
ConnectController Flow

                                                     Your Application


                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

        Exchange request token and/or code for access token
ConnectController Flow

                                                        Your Application


                              Service Provider
                           (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

  ConnectController stores connection details in connection repository
ConnectController Flow

                                                      Your Application


                            Service Provider
                         (Twitter, Facebook, etc)

           Application can make API calls via API binding
Connection Status Page View

<form action="<c:url value="/connect/twitter" />" method="POST">
 <div class="formInfo">
  You haven't created any connections with Twitter yet.
  Click the button to connect with your Twitter account.
  <button type="submit">
  <img src="<c:url value="/resources/social/twitter/connect-with-twitter.png" />"/>

Provider Sign In

 A convenience for users
 Enables authentication to an app using their connection as
 Implemented with ProviderSignInController
 Works consistently with any provider

Configuration: ProviderSignInController

   Performs a similar flow as ConnectController
   Compares connections (by user ID)
   If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application
   Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page
    • Connection is be established after signup

public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController(
        RequestCache requestCache) {
  return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(),
                    new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache));

Configuration: ProviderSignInController

   Performs a similar flow as ConnectController
   Compares connections (by user ID)
   If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application
   Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page
    • Connection is be established after signup

public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController(
        RequestCache requestCache) {
  return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(),
                    new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache));

Configuration: ProviderSignInController

   Performs a similar flow as ConnectController
   Compares connections (by user ID)
   If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application
   Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page
    • Connection is be established after signup

public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController(
        RequestCache requestCache) {
  return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(),
                    new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache));

Configuration: ProviderSignInController

   Performs a similar flow as ConnectController
   Compares connections (by user ID)
   If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application
   Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page
    • Connection is be established after signup

public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController(
        RequestCache requestCache) {
  return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(),
                    new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache));

ProviderSignInController Endpoints

 POST /signin/{provider}
 • Initiates the authorization flow, redirecting to the provider
 GET /signin/{provider}?oauth_token={token}
 • Handles an OAuth 1 callback
 GET /signin/{provider}?code={authorization code}
 • Handles an OAuth 2 callback
 GET /signin
 • Handles a callback when no oauth token or code is sent
 • Likely indicates that the user declined authorization

Social Security OAuth

                        NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE   50
Spring Security OAuth

 Extension to Spring Security
 • originally a community contribution (now officially part of the project)
 Features...
 • endpoint management for OAuth service types
 • (along with corresponding client management)
 • token management (persistence, authentication)
 • integrations for the web, as well as through standard Spring Security

Setup Spring Security with Spring MVC...

<http access-denied-page="/login.jsp"

	       <form-login authentication-failure-url="/login.jsp"
            login-processing-url="/" />

	       <logout logout-success-url="/index.jsp" logout-url="/" />

    	   <anonymous />

	       <intercept-url pattern="/sparklr/**" access="ROLE_USER" />

	       <custom-filter ref="oauth2ClientFilter" after="EXCEPTION_TRANSLATION_FILTER" />


Then Tell Spring Security About Our OAuth Endpoints

   	      	     <user name="marissa" password="wombat"
                        authorities="ROLE_USER" />
   	      	     <user name="sam" password="kangaroo"
                        authorities="ROLE_USER" />

<oauth:client id="oauth2ClientFilter"
   redirect-on-error="${redirectOnError:false}" />

<oauth:resource id="sparklr"
   type="authorization_code" client-id="tonr"
   client-secret="secret" access-token-uri="${accessTokenUri}"
   user-authorization-uri="${userAuthorizationUri}" scope="read" />

Then get an Instance of a RestTemplate for the client...

<bean class="">
  <constructor-arg ref = “sparklr”/>


Josh Long | | @starbuxman

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Multi client Development with Spring

  • 1. Spring and the Many Faces of the Web (or, Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients with Spring) Josh Long @starbuxman Spring Developer Advocate SpringSource, a division of VMware © 2009 VMware Inc. All rights reserved
  • 2. About Josh Long SpringSource Developer Advocate twitter: @starbuxman NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 2
  • 3. Agenda  Introduction to Spring  Web Applications • Spring MVC, JSF, Others  REST • the final frontier: TV, tablets, operating systems  Mobile Clients • Android, iPhone  RIA / SOFEA • Flex, GWT, Vaadin  OAuth • Spring Social, Spring Security OAuth NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 3
  • 4. About  SpringSource is the organization that develops the Spring framework, the leading enterprise Java framework  SpringSource was acquired by VMware in 2009  VMware and SpringSource bring you to the cloud and deliver on the mission of “build, run, manage” • established partnerships with the major players in the business, including Adobe, SalesForce, and Google to help deliver the best experience for Spring users across multiple platforms  Leading contributor to projects like Apache HTTPD and Apache Tomcat NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 4
  • 5. Introduction to Spring NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 5
  • 6. At its core, the Spring Framework...  Provide comprehensive infrastructural support for developing enterprise Java™ applications • Spring deals with the plumbing • So you can focus on solving the domain problem NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 6
  • 7. Spring’s aim: bring simplicity to java development data web tier integration batch access & service tier & mobile processing / NoSQL / RIA messaging Big Data The Spring framework the cloud: lightweight traditional CloudFoundry WebSphere tc Server VMForce JBoss AS Tomcat Google App Engine WebLogic Jetty Amazon Web Services (on legacy versions, too!) NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 7
  • 8. The Spring Framework Framework Description Spring Core The foundation Spring @MVC the web leading framework (comes with the core framework) Spring Security Extensible framework providing authentication, authorization Spring Webflow An excellent web framework for building multi-page flows Spring Web Services Contract-first, document–centric SOAP and XML web services Spring Batch Powerful batch processing framework Spring Integration Implements enterprise integration patterns Spring BlazeDS Support for Adobe BlazeDS Spring AMQP interface with AMQP message brokers, like RabbitMQ Spring Data NoSQL options: HBase, MongoDB, Redis, Riak, CouchDB, Neo4J, etc. Spring Social integrate Twitter, Facebook, Tripit, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. Spring Hadoop Provides a POJO-centric approach to building Hadoop applications provides first-class support for service Spring Mobile, Spring Android creation and consumption for iPhone, Android Spring GemFire Provides the easiest interface for the GemFire enterprise data grid technology NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 8
  • 9. Web Applications with Spring NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 9
  • 10. The Spring ApplicationContext  Spring Beans are Managed by An ApplicationContext • whether you’re in an application server, a web server, in regular Java SE application, in the cloud, Spring is initialized through an ApplicationContext • In a Java SE application: ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericAnnotationApplicationContext( “”); • In a web application, you will configure an application context in your web.xml <servlet> <servlet-name>Spring Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name> <servlet- class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet- class> <init-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/spring/myAppContext*.xml</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 10
  • 11. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Web Core  Spring Dispatcher Servlet • Objects don’t have to be web-specific. • Spring web supports lower-level web machinery: ‘ • HttpRequestHandler (supports remoting: Caucho, Resin, JAX RPC) • DelegatingFilterProxy. • HandlerInterceptor wraps requests to HttpRequestHandlers • ServletWrappingController lets you force requests to a servlet through the Spring Handler chain • OncePerRequestFilter ensures that an action only occurs once, no matter how many filters are applied. Provides a nice way to avoid duplicate filters • Spring provides access to the Spring application context using WebApplicationContextUtils, which has a static method to look up the context, even in environments where Spring isn’t managing the web components NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 12. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Web Core  Spring provides the easiest way to integrate with your web framework of choice • Spring Faces for JSF 1 and 2 • Struts support for Struts 1 • Tapestry, Struts 2, Stripes, GWT, Wicket, Vaadin, Play framework, etc. NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 13. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Spring MVC NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 13
  • 14. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Spring MVC Spring MVC configuration - config @Configuration @EnableWebMvc @Import(Config.class) public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter{ @Bean public UrlBasedViewResolver resolver() { UrlBasedViewResolver url = new UrlBasedViewResolver(); url.setPrefix("views/"); url.setViewClass(JstlView.class); url.setSuffix(".jsp"); return url; } public void configureViewControllers(ViewControllerConfigurer configurer) { configurer.mapViewName("/", "welcome") ; } } A Controller - config @Controller public class CustomerController { @Autowired private CustomerService customerService; @ModelAttribute public Customer customer() { return new Customer(); } @RequestMapping(value = "/display", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Map<String, Object> customer(@RequestParam("id") Long id) { Map<String, Object> out = new HashMap<String, Object>(); out.put("customer", customerService.getCustomerById(id) ); return out; } NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 14
  • 15. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Spring MVC  Demos • Spring MVC and associated configuration NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 17. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST  Spring MVC is basis for REST support • Spring’s server side REST support is based on the standard controller model • RestTemplate • provides dead simple, idiomatic RESTful services consumption • can use Spring OXM, too. • Spring Integration and Spring Social both build on the RestTemplate where possible. • JavaScript and HTML5 can consume JSON-data payloads • REST is the ultimate connectivity mechanism: everything can speak HTTP. NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 18. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST RestCustomerController - server @Controller @RequestMapping(headers = "Accept=application/json, application/xml") public class RestCustomerController { @Autowired private CustomerService cs; @RequestMapping(value = "/customer/{cid}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public Customer updateCustomer(@RequestBody Customer c) { return cs.updateCustomer( c.getId(), c.getFirstName(), c.getLastName()); } WebConfig - server @EnableWebMvc @Import(Config.class) @Configuration public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {} client Customer customer1 = restTemplate.getForEntity( url + "customer/{customerId}", Customer.class, c.getId()).getBody();"fetched customer " + customer1.toString()); NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 18
  • 19. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST  Demos: • Spring REST service • Spring REST client NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 20. Mobile (pt 1.) NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 20
  • 21. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile  Best strategy? Develop Native • Fallback to client-optimized web applications  Spring MVC 3.1 mobile client-specific content negotiation and rendering • for other devices • (there are other devices besides Android??) NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 21
  • 22. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile WebConfig - server ! @Bean public ViewResolver viewResolver() { UrlBasedViewResolver viewResolver = new UrlBasedViewResolver(); viewResolver.setViewClass(TilesView.class); return viewResolver; } @Bean public TilesConfigurer tilesConfigurer() { TilesConfigurer configurer = new TilesConfigurer(); configurer.setDefinitions(new String[]{ "/WEB-INF/layouts/tiles.xml", "/WEB-INF/views/**/tiles.xml" }); configurer.setCheckRefresh(true); return configurer; } @Override public void configureInterceptors(InterceptorConfigurer configurer) { configurer.addInterceptor(new DeviceResolverHandlerInterceptor()); } NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 22
  • 23. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: REST  Demos: • Mobile clients using client specific rendering NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 24. Mobile (pt 2.) NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 24
  • 25. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile  Spring REST is ideal for mobile devices  Spring MVC 3.1 mobile client-specific content negotiation and rendering • for other devices  Spring Android • RestTemplate NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 25
  • 26. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile CustomerServiceClient - client ! private <T> T extractResponse( ResponseEntity<T> response) { ! ! if (response != null && response().value() == 200) { ! ! ! return response.getBody(); ! ! } ! ! throw new RuntimeException("couldn't extract response."); ! } ! @Override ! public Customer updateCustomer(long id, String fn, String ln) { ! ! String urlForPath = urlForPath("customer/{customerId}");! ! ! ! return extractResponse(this.restTemplate.postForEntity( urlForPath, new Customer(id, fn, ln), Customer.class, id)); ! } NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 26
  • 27. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Mobile  Demos: • consuming the Spring REST service from Android NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 28. Rich Internet Applications NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 28
  • 29. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Flex  Spring Flex • Dead-simple to expose Spring beans as Flex services • Developed with support from Adobe • But it still has strengths: • form driven apps • video, 2D and 3D graphics, sound • Adobe AIR • blazing fast communication • server side push • Spring ActionScript is a cool framework “sponsored” by SpringSource NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 30. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: Flex crm-flex-servlet.xml - server <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans ...> <context:component-scan base-package="org.springsource.examples.sawt.web.flex"/> <mvc:default-servlet-handler/> <flex:message-broker mapping-order="1"> <flex:mapping pattern="/messagebroker/*"/> <flex:message-service default-channels="my-streaming-amf,my-longpolling-amf,my-polling-amf"/> </flex:message-broker> <flex:remoting-destination ref="jdbcCustomerService" destination-id="customerService"/> </beans> CustomerForm.mxml - client <fx:Declarations><s:RemoteObject id="cs" destination="customerService" endpoint="{serviceUrl}"> <s:method name="createCustomer" result="create_resultHandler(event)"/> <s:method name="updateCustomer" result="update_resultHandler(event)"/> </s:RemoteObject> </fx:Declarations> <fx:Script><![CDATA[ cs.updateCustomer(, c.firstName, c.lastName); ]]> </fx:Script> NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 30
  • 31. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: RIA with Flex  Demos: • exposing Spring services through BlazeDS • consuming it from a Flex client NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 32. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: GWT  Google Web Toolkit • Lots of popular options • We’ll look at building a simple example by simple delegating as appropriate • Server-side: standard DispatcherServlet NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 33. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: GWT GwtCustomerService - client import*; @RemoteServiceRelativePath("crm") public interface GwtCustomerService extends RemoteService { void updateCustomer(long cid, String f, String l); CustomerDto getCustomerById(long customerId); CustomerDto createCustomer(String f, String ln); } GwtCustomerServiceImpl - server private <T> T beanOfType(Class t) { ApplicationContext ac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext( getServletContext()); return (T) ac.getBean(t); } public void updateCustomer(long cid, String f, String l) { try { CustomerService customerService = beanOfType(CustomerService.class); customerService.updateCustomer(cid, f, l); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 33
  • 34. Thin, Thick, Web, Mobile and Rich Clients: GWT  Demos: • building a simple GWT client that consumes services in Spring NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE
  • 35. Social Communication NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 35
  • 36. Spring Social  Extension to Spring Framework to enable connectivity with Software-as-a-Service providers  Features... • An extensible connection framework • A connect controller • Java API bindings • A sign-in controller  36
  • 37. Spring Social Projects  Spring Social Core  Spring Social Facebook  Spring Social Twitter  Spring Social LinkedIn  Spring Social TripIt  Spring Social GitHub  Spring Social Gowalla  Spring Social Samples • Includes Showcase, Quickstart, Movies, Canvas, Twitter4J, Popup 37
  • 38. Key Steps to Socializing an Application  Configure Spring Social beans • Connection Factory Locator and Connection Factories • Connection Repository • Connect Controller • API Bindings  Create connection status views  Inject/use API bindings 38
  • 39. Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator @Bean @Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() { ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry(); registry.addConnectionFactory( new TwitterConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerKey"), environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerSecret"))); registry.addConnectionFactory( new FacebookConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("facebook.clientId"), environment.getProperty("facebook.clientSecret"))); return registry; } 39
  • 40. Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator @Bean @Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() { ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry(); registry.addConnectionFactory( new TwitterConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerKey"), environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerSecret"))); registry.addConnectionFactory( new FacebookConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("facebook.clientId"), environment.getProperty("facebook.clientSecret"))); return registry; } 39
  • 41. Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator @Bean @Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() { ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry(); registry.addConnectionFactory( new TwitterConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerKey"), environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerSecret"))); registry.addConnectionFactory( new FacebookConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("facebook.clientId"), environment.getProperty("facebook.clientSecret"))); return registry; } 39
  • 42. Configuration: ConnectionFactoryLocator @Bean @Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public ConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactoryLocator() { ConnectionFactoryRegistry registry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry(); registry.addConnectionFactory( new TwitterConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerKey"), environment.getProperty("twitter.consumerSecret"))); registry.addConnectionFactory( new FacebookConnectionFactory( environment.getProperty("facebook.clientId"), environment.getProperty("facebook.clientSecret"))); return registry; } 39
  • 43. Configuration: Connection Repository @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public ConnectionRepository connectionRepository() { Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(). getAuthentication(); if (authentication == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to get a ConnectionRepository: no user signed in"); } return usersConnectionRepository().createConnectionRepository( authentication.getName()); } 40
  • 44. Configuration: Connection Repository @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public ConnectionRepository connectionRepository() { Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(). getAuthentication(); if (authentication == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to get a ConnectionRepository: no user signed in"); } return usersConnectionRepository().createConnectionRepository( authentication.getName()); } @Bean @Scope(value="singleton", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public UsersConnectionRepository usersConnectionRepository() { return new JdbcUsersConnectionRepository( dataSource, connectionFactoryLocator(), Encryptors.noOpText()); } 40
  • 45. Configuration: ConnectController @Bean public ConnectController connectController() { return new ConnectController(connectionFactoryLocator(), connectionRepository()); } 41
  • 46. Configuration: ConnectController @Bean public ConnectController connectController() { return new ConnectController(connectionFactoryLocator(), connectionRepository()); } 41
  • 47. Configuration: ConnectController @Bean public ConnectController connectController() { return new ConnectController(connectionFactoryLocator(), connectionRepository()); } 41
  • 48. Configuration: API Bindings @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Facebook facebook() { Connection<Facebook> facebook = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Facebook.class); return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate(); } @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Twitter twitter() { Connection<Twitter> twitter = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Twitter.class); return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate(); } 42
  • 49. Configuration: API Bindings @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Facebook facebook() { Connection<Facebook> facebook = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Facebook.class); return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate(); } @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Twitter twitter() { Connection<Twitter> twitter = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Twitter.class); return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate(); } 42
  • 50. Configuration: API Bindings @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Facebook facebook() { Connection<Facebook> facebook = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Facebook.class); return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate(); } @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Twitter twitter() { Connection<Twitter> twitter = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Twitter.class); return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate(); } 42
  • 51. Configuration: API Bindings @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Facebook facebook() { Connection<Facebook> facebook = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Facebook.class); return facebook != null ? facebook.getApi() : new FacebookTemplate(); } @Bean @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public Twitter twitter() { Connection<Twitter> twitter = connectionRepository().findPrimaryConnection(Twitter.class); return twitter != null ? twitter.getApi() : new TwitterTemplate(); } 42
  • 52. Injecting and Using the API Bindings @Controller public class TwitterTimelineController { private final Twitter twitter; @Inject public TwitterTimelineController(Twitter twitter) { this.twitter = twitter; } @RequestMapping(value="/twitter/tweet", method=RequestMethod.POST) public String postTweet(String message) { twitter.timelineOperations().updateStatus(message); return "redirect:/twitter"; } } 43
  • 53. Injecting and Using the API Bindings @Controller public class TwitterTimelineController { private final Twitter twitter; @Inject public TwitterTimelineController(Twitter twitter) { this.twitter = twitter; } @RequestMapping(value="/twitter/tweet", method=RequestMethod.POST) public String postTweet(String message) { twitter.timelineOperations().updateStatus(message); return "redirect:/twitter"; } } 43
  • 54. Injecting and Using the API Bindings @Controller public class TwitterTimelineController { private final Twitter twitter; @Inject public TwitterTimelineController(Twitter twitter) { this.twitter = twitter; } @RequestMapping(value="/twitter/tweet", method=RequestMethod.POST) public String postTweet(String message) { twitter.timelineOperations().updateStatus(message); return "redirect:/twitter"; } } 43
  • 55. ConnectController Endpoints  GET /connect • Displays connection status for all providers  GET /connect/{provider} • Displays connection status for a given provider  POST /connect/{provider} • Initiates the authorization flow, redirecting to the provider  GET /connect/{provider}?oauth_token={token} • Handles an OAuth 1 callback  GET /connect/{provider}?code={authorization code} • Handles an OAuth 2 callback  DELETE /connect/{provider} • Removes all connections for a user to the given provider  DELETE /connect/{provider}/{provider user ID} • Removes a specific connection for the user to the given provider 44
  • 56. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) 45
  • 57. ConnectController Flow Your Application GET /connect/{provider ID} ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Display connection status page 45
  • 58. ConnectController Flow Your Application POST /connect/{provider ID} ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Initiate connection flow 45
  • 59. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Fetch request token (OAuth 1.0/1.0a only) 45
  • 60. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Redirect browser to provider’s authorization page 45
  • 61. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Redirect browser to provider’s authorization page 45
  • 62. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Redirect browser to provider’s authorization page 45
  • 63. ConnectController Flow Your Application GET /connect/{provider ID}?oauth_token={token} GET /connect/{provider ID}?code={code} ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Provider redirects to callback URL 45
  • 64. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Exchange request token and/or code for access token 45
  • 65. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) ConnectController stores connection details in connection repository 45
  • 66. ConnectController Flow Your Application ConnectController Service Provider (Twitter, Facebook, etc) Application can make API calls via API binding 45
  • 67. Connection Status Page View <form action="<c:url value="/connect/twitter" />" method="POST"> <div class="formInfo"> <p> You haven't created any connections with Twitter yet. Click the button to connect with your Twitter account. </p> </div> <p> <button type="submit"> <img src="<c:url value="/resources/social/twitter/connect-with-twitter.png" />"/> </button> </p> </form> 46
  • 68. Provider Sign In  A convenience for users  Enables authentication to an app using their connection as credentials  Implemented with ProviderSignInController  Works consistently with any provider 47
  • 69. Configuration: ProviderSignInController  Performs a similar flow as ConnectController  Compares connections (by user ID)  If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application  Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page • Connection is be established after signup @Bean public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController( RequestCache requestCache) { return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(), usersConnectionRepository(), new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache)); } 48
  • 70. Configuration: ProviderSignInController  Performs a similar flow as ConnectController  Compares connections (by user ID)  If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application  Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page • Connection is be established after signup @Bean public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController( RequestCache requestCache) { return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(), usersConnectionRepository(), new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache)); } 48
  • 71. Configuration: ProviderSignInController  Performs a similar flow as ConnectController  Compares connections (by user ID)  If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application  Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page • Connection is be established after signup @Bean public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController( RequestCache requestCache) { return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(), usersConnectionRepository(), new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache)); } 48
  • 72. Configuration: ProviderSignInController  Performs a similar flow as ConnectController  Compares connections (by user ID)  If there’s a match, the user is signed into the application  Otherwise, the user is sent to signup page • Connection is be established after signup @Bean public ProviderSignInController providerSignInController( RequestCache requestCache) { return new ProviderSignInController(connectionFactoryLocator(), usersConnectionRepository(), new SimpleSignInAdapter(requestCache)); } 48
  • 73. ProviderSignInController Endpoints  POST /signin/{provider} • Initiates the authorization flow, redirecting to the provider  GET /signin/{provider}?oauth_token={token} • Handles an OAuth 1 callback  GET /signin/{provider}?code={authorization code} • Handles an OAuth 2 callback  GET /signin • Handles a callback when no oauth token or code is sent • Likely indicates that the user declined authorization 49
  • 74. Social Security OAuth NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE 50
  • 75. Spring Security OAuth  Extension to Spring Security • originally a community contribution (now officially part of the project)  Features... • endpoint management for OAuth service types • (along with corresponding client management) • token management (persistence, authentication) • integrations for the web, as well as through standard Spring Security  51
  • 76. Setup Spring Security with Spring MVC... <http access-denied-page="/login.jsp" xmlns=""> <form-login authentication-failure-url="/login.jsp" default-target-url="/index.jsp" login-page="/login.jsp" login-processing-url="/" /> <logout logout-success-url="/index.jsp" logout-url="/" /> <anonymous /> <intercept-url pattern="/sparklr/**" access="ROLE_USER" /> <custom-filter ref="oauth2ClientFilter" after="EXCEPTION_TRANSLATION_FILTER" /> </http> 52
  • 77. Then Tell Spring Security About Our OAuth Endpoints <authentication-manager xmlns=""> <authentication-provider> <user-service> <user name="marissa" password="wombat" authorities="ROLE_USER" /> <user name="sam" password="kangaroo" authorities="ROLE_USER" /> </user-service> </authentication-provider> </authentication-manager> <oauth:client id="oauth2ClientFilter" redirect-on-error="${redirectOnError:false}" /> <oauth:resource id="sparklr" type="authorization_code" client-id="tonr" client-secret="secret" access-token-uri="${accessTokenUri}" user-authorization-uri="${userAuthorizationUri}" scope="read" /> 53
  • 78. Then get an Instance of a RestTemplate for the client... <bean class=""> <constructor-arg ref = “sparklr”/> </bean> 54
  • 79. Questions? Josh Long | | @starbuxman NOT CONFIDENTIAL -- TELL EVERYONE

Editor's Notes

  1. \n
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  3. Hello, thank you or having me. Im pleased to have the opportunity to introduce you today to Spring and the SpringSource Tool Suite \n\nMy anem is Josh Long. I serve as the developer advocate for the Spring framework. I&amp;#x2019;ve used it in earnest and advocated it for many years now. i&amp;#x2019;m an author on 3 books on the technology, as well as a comitter to many of the Spring projects. Additionally, I take community activism very seriously and do my best to participate in the community. Sometimes this means answering question on Twitter, or in the forums, or helping contribute to the and communities\n
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  7. highlight that yu shouldnt be required to write the muck. highlight that the framework buils on the soulders of giants and benefits from almost a decafe of community feedback\n\nat its heart spring addresses these problems by delivery DI, AOP, ESA \n
  8. these different framerworks let u tackle any problem youre likely to want to solve today \n- we support javee1.4 + 1.5 + 1.6; \n\nsits above target platform \nruns in cloud \n\n
  9. there are lots of frameworks to solve lots of problems\nthey all use the same pojo metaphor\nlets review some ofthem ... \nnaturally, the best part is that you can pick and choose - architecture a la carte! these are just lbiraris you can add to your applications, after all \n
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  12. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  13. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  14. Familiar to somebody who&amp;#x2019;s used Struts:\n Models (like Struts ActionForms)\n Views (like Struts views: tiles, .jsp(x)s, velocity, PDF, Excel, etc.) \n Controllers (like Struts Actions)\n\n
  15. \n
  16. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  17. \n
  18. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pieces are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  19. \n
  20. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  21. \n
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  23. \n
  24. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  25. \n
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  27. \n
  28. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  29. \n
  30. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  31. \n
  32. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
  33. another example of the fact that often the client side model won&amp;#x2019;t represent the server side model \n\n
  34. \n
  35. talk about how convenient the messaging support is, then roll back and start looking at how u might do the same thing manually. Explain that many of the pices are already there, and then seguqe into a discussion about the core Spring APIs. Lets imagine we&amp;#x2019;re going to build ourselves a file system poller to notify us of when something&amp;#x2019;s happened on the file system\n\n
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