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The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                        Page 1 of 12

 Secrets of the Day
 The Net Raker
 Lambert: Media
 Robson: Sports
 Zellar: Baseball
 March: Food           September 24, 2007
 Bauer & Iggers:
 Food News             Roll out the Red Carpet
 Bauer: Wine           THEATER AWARDS
 Staff: Movies         Local Theater Awards

 Zellar: Fiction
                       The third annual Ivey Awards --
 Video: Owen
 Goes...               which aspires to be, roughly,
 DeSmith: Style        something like a mini Minneapolis

 Birt: Cars            Tony Awards -- gets underway this
                       evening. If you're a fan of local
 Commentary            theater, you'll relish the chance to
                       see your favorite performers
                       dressed to the nines. (Mondays are

 Site Search:          the bohemian Sundays, you
                       know.) You'll also get a glimpse of snippets from upcoming shows, one-minute
                       plays, and, of course, a host of awards that recognize performers, as well as
                       directors and designers of lighting, sets, and costumes. The theater
                       community has regarded these young Ivey Awards with some skepticism, for
 Search results
 provided by Google.   certain. But now, three years later, very many theater-makers have been
                       honored by the Iveys, and they've gotten the chance to bask in the limelight
                       at this glamorous, high-production ceremony. Some have even gone so far as
 Blog Archive:
                       to give tearful speeches. And so, it seems, the actors are coming around. --
 September 2007
                       Christy DeSmith
 August 2007
 July 2007             7:30 p.m., Historic State Theater, 805 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis; 612-673-
 June 2007             0404; $30-$125.
 May 2007
 April 2007
 March 2007            THEATER & PERFORMANCE
 February 2007         Strange Love

 January 2007
                                                              This evening Skewed Visions presents its
 December 2006
                                                              only Monday performance of Strange
 November 2006
                                                              Love, a two-part exploration of
 October 2006                                                 contemporary and historical cultures of
 September 2006                                               fear. Based on Stanley Kubrick's Cold War
 August 2006                                                  satire, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned
 July 2006                                                    to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, this                                                                        9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                                        Page 2 of 12
 June 2006                                                 Theater All Year production features an an
 May 2006            installation and multidisciplinary show by artists Charles Campbell and Sean
 April 2006          Kelley-Pegg. Tonight's guest artists will be The Body Cartography Project.
 March 2006
 Full Monthly        8 p.m., Casket Arts, 681 17th Ave. N.E. (1700 Madison St.), Minneapolis; 612-
 Archives            201-5727.

 Author's Links:
 Rake Events         MUSIC
 Rake Restaurants    Peter Bjorn and John

 Rake Promotions
                     In an age of drum beats looped ad
                     nauseam, of recycled and often
 Mediation Tumblr    misused samples, of really
 Metroblogging       shameful overproduction, the
                     modest melodies laid out by this
 Minnesota Stories   Swedish trio feel almost
 The Bottle Gang     revolutionary. Peter Bjorn and
                                                                                                        Minneapolis Events
 Signal Eats Noise   John have been together since                                                      Visit Qwest at Uptown
 How Was the         1999, but were little-known stateside until their 2005 release Falling Out,        Art Fair & Learn More
 Show                which won them substantial critical acclaim and a devoted indie following. With    About our Great
                     their latest album, Writer's Block, they have landed a mainstream audience,        Services
 Overheard in Mpls
                     propelled by two songs, "Amsterdam" and "Young Folks." These tunes are
                     catchy but not infectious -- they strike that rare balance of introspection and
                     optimism that compels any casual listener to hum along. Lyrically intricate,       mpls Video
                     musically simple, their style is at once retro and progressive -- a '60s pop       Production
                                                                                                        5 national awards in 2
                     feeling, underscored by contemporary crises. --Max Ross
                                                                                                        years Friendly, cost-
                                                                                                        effective, call us!
                     8 p.m., First Avenue, 701 First Ave. N., Minneapolis; 612-332-1775; $20. 

                                                                                                        Advertise with The Rake

                     Also playing tonight are Sinead O'Connor at the Pantages Theatre and
                     Loudon Wainwright III at the Cedar Cultural Center.

                     Once, Full of Light

                                                           Granted, this is a fairytale of a movie.
                                                           There's actually a scene in which the
                                                           street busker and his rag-tag band are
                                                           cutting a demo album while a two-year-
                                                           old runs gleefully around the sound
                                                           studio. I've had two-year-olds [three of
                                                           them] and you can barely make toast
                                                           when they're around and upright.
                     Nevertheless, this film is wonderful. It's quirky and sad and nearly prayerful:
                     everyone in it is visibly lifted, exalted, made more whole by the music. And,
                     yes, the music is that good. On a strictly emotional level, Once is real. Its
                     stars, playing simply "the guy" and "the girl" according to a script by director
                     John Carney, are an Irish and a Czech musician (Glen Hansard and Marketa
                     Irglova, respectively) whose voices simply light up our world. In the story,
                     they sing together for the first time in an empty music shop and everyone --
                     from the clerk, who is leaning on the counter eating a sandwich, to members
                     of the theater audience -- goes still. Listening. --Ann Bauer

                     5 and 7:10 p.m., Heights Theater, 3951 Central Ave. N.E., Minneapolis; 763-                                                                                             9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                         Page 3 of 12

                 788-9079; $8 (matinees $6).

                 Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:01 AM | 0 Comments |
                 Permalink | Top of Page

                                               Advertise with The Rake

                 September 21, 2007
                 Hit the Theaters in Style
                 STYLE & ART
                 Loves Labourers: Art as Fashion, Fashion as Art 2

                 Mplsart presents an interesting event
                 this evening, as part of MNfashion
                 Weekend. Three visual artists (Adam
                 Garcia, Eric Inkala, and Jennifer
                 Davis) and three clothing designers
                 (Annie Larson, Ra'mon Lawrence, and
                 Crystal Quinn) are teaming up to
                 paint, smear, and de- and re-
                 construct a selection of wearable art.
                 The canvases -- which, in this case, are a bunch of cotton hoodies -- have
                 been available for pre-purchase at fifty dollars a pop; and buyers have no idea
                 what their piece will look like in the end. (Will it even fit?) It's likely too late to
                 get your own hoodie, but interested parties might inquire by email. The event
                 should provide for some fascinating visuals, in any case. And there'll be DJs
                 spinning to boot.

                 Friday at 8 p.m., Beast House, 600 Washington Ave. N., Suite 104,
                 Minneapolis; $50.

                 THEATER & PERFORMANCE
                 Jane Eyre at the Guthrie

                                                          I hear the patrons on opening night were
                                                          handed long-stemmed roses as they
                                                          exited the theater. I attended the second
                                                          showing, and while I didn't get a rose
                                                          (and that's okay), it would certainly have
                                                          been an apt crowning of an evening                                                                         9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                     Page 4 of 12

                                                       wherein love and beauty sprang from a
                 bed of thorns. I read the book many years ago, and although I recognize that
                 my memory of the plot is a bit lacking (since I thought the play was over at
                 intermission), I nevertheless have my own version of images spawned by the
                 novel. The spacious, sparsely-set, thrust stage reflects the continual bleakness
                 of Jane's environments: the horrid aunt and abusive childhood, the austere
                 institutional upbringing, the lonely post as governess at grand, cold Thornfield,
                 and later, destitution even. The play familiarizes Jane's experience and a
                 seemingly distant era in a way the book fails to achieve: here are Jane and Mr.
                 Rochester (superbly acted by Stacia Rice and Sean Haberle) in flesh and blood,
                 expressive and tangible. I might add that Mr. Rochester was far more dashing
                 than I'd imagined him, and Jane certainly wasn't plain. Here and there, I
                 nearly grumbled "romance, shromance," but I may have been the only one
                 fatigued by the reappearance of the "I'm-not-pretty-but-I'm-smart-and-
                 interesting" theme, whereby a plain woman intrigues and attracts the man by
                 virtue of not being the archetypal prissy, fussy female. And yes, Jane's rival
                 for Mr. Rochester's hand was shallow and bubbly with the requisite frilly pink
                 dress. This is no flaw of the play, mind you, as the production quite strictly
                 followed the source material. Just my own little hang-up, and a minor and
                 passing one at that, considering director John Miller-Stephany's remarks that
                 "Jane Eyre can be compared to a mirror that reflects back onto each viewer
                 what he/she wishes to see." --Eeva-Liisa Waaraniemi

                 Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 1 and 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 7 p.m., Guthrie
                 Theater, 818 S. 2nd St., Minneapolis; 612-377-2224; $34-$54.

                 The Darkest of Dark Comedies

                 Opening tonight is Frank Theater's production of
                 The Pillowman, in which a writer's warped
                 fairytales about torturing and killing children
                 seem to be coming true. Crucifixion, severed
                 fingers, and other unthinkable forms of child
                 abuse figure into Martin McDonagh's Olivier-
                 Award-winning play; the result is the darkest of dark comedies, with
                 provocative questions of artistic responsibility and censorship woven
                 throughout. Perhaps surprisingly, it's a consistently funny (if disturbing) play...
                 the big question is if director Wendy Knox can maintain a light, comedic touch,
                 without sacrificing Pillowman's more tender and thoughtful moments. I saw
                 the gleefully dark opening run at London's National Theatre in 2004, which
                 deftly walked the line between cartoonish and eerie. Both the London and New
                 York runs were quite successful, featuring famous actors (Jim Broadbent in
                 London; Jeff Goldblum and Billy Crudup in New York) and drawing packed
                 houses. Will Frank Theater's production live up to its predecessors? Will it do
                 justice to McDonagh's script? I will have a review on Monday. --Danielle

                 Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 1 p.m., Dowling Studio, Guthrie
                 Theater, 818 S. 2nd St., Minneapolis; 612-377-2224; $18-$34.

                 Manda Bala

                                                        Let's call this a hybrid of the fictional
                                                        Brazilian exposé City of God and Errol                                                                     9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                    Page 5 of 12

                                                         Morris's police procedure doc The Thin
                 Blue Line -- both tremendous entertainment. Manda Bala (send a bullet) is a
                 bizarre documentary detailing the rise of corruption in Brazilian culture as well
                 as the country's kidnapping epidemic. "Men will steal with a gun or a pen,"
                 says one talking head. The film boasts garish cinematography, a dynamite
                 score, and perhaps best of all, a fearless director who can get even the worst,
                 most hardened criminals to open up. Stories include money laundering
                 through a frog farm, images of the booming plastic surgery trade (all the ears
                 cut from kidnap victims need replacing), and kidnappers philosophizing about
                 the meaning of life. --Peter Schilling, Jr.

                 Opens today at Landmark Theatres, 612-825-6006.

                 Fearless Kids in the Biz

                 Flaunting its fabulous new
                 facelift, the Parkway Theater
                 opens its doors on Sunday to
                 this month's Fearless
                 Filmmakers event. Don't be
                 confused if you see a lot of
                 youngsters lurking about. It's
                 not the venue; it's the event.
                 Acknowledging our overwhelming focus on adults in the art world, Fearless
                 Filmmakers has taken a stand to correct the oversight by focusing on "Kids in
                 the Biz." The evening will begin with music by Now, Now Every Children -- a
                 lovely, languid sound. And Joe Minjares, owner of the Parkway and Pepitos
                 Restaurant, will even provide appetizers and drinks. The screenings will begin
                 at 6 p.m., and will include 15 films made by kids between 7 and 17 years old.
                 Following the screening, there will be a Q & A session with the filmmakers, and
                 an after party with a Guitar Hero competition.

                 Sunday at 5 p.m., The Parkway Theater, 4814 Chicago Avenue, Minneapolis;
                 612-822-3030; $9, students $7, children $5.

                 Ramble through Red Wing

                                                Red Wing claims to be a city for lovers, poets, and
                                                dreamers; so it stands to reason they'd have a
                                                notable arts community -- and no, they don't all
                                                paint the Mississippi, trees, and birds (not that
                                                there's anything wrong with that). It promises to
                                                be a lovely weekend, perhaps a great weekend for
                                                a drive and a wander through Red Wing's many art
                                                studios. This weekend marks the 6th annual
                 Studio Ramble Fall Art Tour, with 11 open studios, featuring 27 area artists.
                 Experience a variety of media -- pottery, painting, print making, photography,
                 sculpture, textiles, jewelry, computer imaging, Glicée prints, and musical
                 instruments -- meet the artists, and purchase original works.

                 Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Red Wing, Minnesota.

                 MUSIC                                                                    9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                 Page 6 of 12

                 Neglected Legends

                 You have two great shows to choose from this
                 weekend, both of which are being utterly under-
                 promoted. The first is tonight, at Famous Dave's
                 BBQ & Blues. I have to start paying closer attention
                 to their shows, because I was shocked when I
                 looked for information on Ana Popovic's show
                 tonight, only to find that the warm-up show was just as stellar. For a mere $5
                 cover, you can catch Paul Metsa & Sonny Earl at 6 p.m., followed by Popovic at
                 9 p.m. What a show! Two blues legends, followed by the guitar-shredding
                 pride of Belgrade, "a high-energy blues force who crosses the wires of Hendrix
                 bravado with Bonnie Raitt soul." Whew!

                 Friday at 6 p.m., Famous Dave's BBQ & Blues, 3001 Hennepin Ave. S.,
                 Minneapolis; 612-822-9900; $5.

                 The other show worthy of note is the Fat Maw Rooney show this Sunday (9
                 p.m.) at Trocaderos.

                 Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:03 AM | 0 Comments |
                 Permalink | Top of Page

                 September 20, 2007
                 Isn't It All Art Anyway?
                 ART & MUSIC
                 Gallery Grooves Serves Up Art, Jazz, and Wine

                 Join us this evening for Gallery Grooves, The
                 Rake's monthly gathering around art, jazz, and
                 wine. Tonight's event is at the Goldstein
                 Museum of Design, featuring art from its latest
                 exhibit. Products of Our Time explores the
                 interstices of design, art, and cultural
                 commentary, highlighting consumer-inspired
                 designed objects as a bellwether of our times.
                 Enjoy the exhibit accompanied by a bellwether of another time, the stellar jazz
                 selections of Terence Blanchard ("A Tale of God's Will"), Dave Brubeck ("Indian
                 Summer"), and Monk's Music Trio ("Monk on Mondays"). Socialize and discuss
                 the latest jazz with Kevin Barnes from KBEM, and tease the palate with
                 complimentary libations from The Wine Company.

                 7 p.m., Goldstein Museum of Design, University of Minnesota, 364 McNeal Hall,
                 Saint Paul; 612-624-7434; free.

                 ART & FILM
                 Super Night Shot

                                                             If you happen to be wandering near
                                                             the Walker, do not be alarmed if
                                                             you're accosted by a young
                                                             European wielding a video camera.
                                                             This is merely part of the "War on
                                                             Anonymity" waged by the Gob
                                                             Squad, a performance art troupe                                                                 9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                   Page 7 of 12

                                                             whose members hail from the U.K.
                 and Germany. One hour before each 9 p.m. performance, troupe members will
                 take to the mean streets of Lowry Hill, where they will allow serendipity to
                 take over as they incorporate unsuspecting passersby into their impromptu
                 cinematic creation. Then they hustle back to the Walker to treat their audience
                 to Super Night Shot, a one-hour, four-screen showing of their uncut footage.
                 Who know what kind of material they can generate by provoking us
                 supposedly modest Minnesotans? --Danielle Kurtzleben

                 9 p.m., Walker Art Center, 1750 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis; 612-375-7600;
                 $25 (members $21).

                 BOOKS & AUTHORS
                 Steven Pinker

                 You had your summer of trashy beach reading -- now
                 it's time for the weighty tomes like The Stuff of
                 Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature.
                 Not that they can't be entertaining, too. In the case of
                 Stuff, author Steven Pinker is not only super-smart
                 (he's made Time's 100-Most-Influential-People-in- the-
                 World-Today list and is a two-time Pulitzer Prize
                 finalist), but he also has a gift for writing that makes
                 heavy-duty science accessible and even, dare we say, popular. Most likely his
                 public presentations, such as this "Talk of the Stacks" event at the Minneapolis
                 Central Library, follow suit. We'll be interested to see if he uses the material
                 from the chapter in Stuff that delves into the differences between taboo and
                 respectable terms for sex (motion, it turns out, is one factor). --Julie Caniglia

                 7 p.m., Minneapolis Central Library, Pohlad Hall, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis,

                 Writing in Clip

                                     A last-minute booking from the Amazon Bookstore
                                     Cooperative: With the release, earlier this month, of her
                                     new book Ani DiFranco: Verses, the eminent Ms. DiFranco
                                     joins the ranks of Jim Carroll and countless other rockers
                                     who've gone poet. Of course, to the throngs of not-pretty
                                     girls who count themselves as fans, the folk singer's
                                     clever, not-so-soft lyrics sounded like poetry all along.
                                     (Verses is apparently decorated by DiFranco's drawings,
                                     too.) The book is being released in conjunction with
                 DiFranco's career retrospective album, Canon; and in fact, the righteous babe
                 will traverse her repertoire when she plays the State Theatre tomorrow
                 (Friday) night. But who better to host this more intimate gathering than
                 Minneapolis's own (and only) feminist bookstore? --Christy DeSmith

                 5:30 p.m., Parkway Theater, 4814 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis; 612-821-9630;
                 $7, $20 with book included.

                 Definitely the Time for a Rug                                                                   9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                 Page 8 of 12

                 A Stephanie Odegard-designed rug certainly won't come cheap. But if you've
                 been coveting a floor covering by the native Minnesotan turned New York City-
                 based minimalist and business owner (with a conscience), now's your chance
                 to snag one at a discount -- we're talking up to eighty-percent off. Odegard at
                 Michael Sydney, Ltd. hosts a rare Minneapolis surplus sale today through
                 Sunday. Check out work samples on its website, and read The Rake's February
                 2007 story on Odegard. --DeSmith

                 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Odegard at Michael Sydney, Ltd., 210 N. Second St.,
                 Minneapolis; 612-455-6100.

                 Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:31 AM | 0 Comments |
                 Permalink | Top of Page

                 September 19, 2007
                 Books Are Fashionable Too
                 Minnesota Fashion

                 Fall Fashion Weekend kicks off with a
                 reception this evening, and the next four
                 days are filled with runway events, trunk
                 shows, and other ways to celebrate
                 Minnesota's small, but growing, clothing
                 design "industry." In fact, not only does
                 the weekend offer a glimpse of what's
                 great about local fashion, but it also
                 marks the launch of a new nonprofit
                 organization, MNfashion, that will work to serve the business needs of local
                 designers. Some of the best-looking events in the weekend's lineup include
                 tomorrow evening's Kjurek Couture fashion show, Friday's Art as Fashion
                 event, and Saturday's Eclecticoiffeur Cotillion/Launch Party. But there are a
                 host of more relaxed, less committal events, too, such as a Saturday morning
                 champagne and truffles brunch with House of Henry and Rectangle Designs'
                 trunk show with a conscience -- Local Flora, Fashion and Food. --by Christy

                 10 p.m., Clubhouse Jaeger, 923 Washington Ave. N., Minneapolis; 612-332-

                 BOOKS & AUTHORS
                 A Living Legend in the World of Comics

                                                     If you know anything at all about comics,
                                                     beyond Marvel Comics and Stan Lee, then
                                                     you know Kim Deitch. (And if you don't then
                                                     now is your chance to redeem yourself.) A
                                                     key player in the underground comix scene                                                                 9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                  Page 9 of 12

                                                    of the '60s, Deitch has gone on to become
                 one of the most revered cartoonists of our time. Recently, some of his older
                 works have even been getting reprinted, including Alias the Cat and
                 Shadowland. Kim (and his wife Pam) will be doing a signing at Big Brain
                 Comics tonight. And then tomorrow afternoon (1 p.m.) he'll be doing a
                 multimedia presentation at MCAD (auditorium 15).

                 5-7 p.m., Big Brain Comics, 1027 Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis612) 338-
                 4390; free.

                 Just Like Her Momma

                 Everyone jokes about turning into their parents, but Joshua
                 Furst's new novel, The Sabotage Cafe, shows the disturbing
                 side of this phenomenon. In this debut novel, teenager
                 Cheryl seems doomed to repeat the sex, drugs, violence,
                 and trauma of her mother's teenage years. Set in
                 Minneapolis and its suburbs, The Sabotage Cafe delves into
                 the city's past and present counterculture movements as it
                 weaves its two coming-of-age stories. It sounds like the
                 stuff of Lifetime movies, but Furst's writing and wonderfully flawed characters
                 have received extensive praise. See him tonight. --by Danielle Kurtzleben

                 7 p.m., U of MN Bookstore, Coffman Memorial Union, 300 Washington Ave.
                 S.E., Minneapolis; 612-626-0559; free.

                 World Flavors at WA Frost

                                                         Enjoy a multiple course tasting menu
                                                         with our favorite wine pairings at The
                                                         Rake's World Flavors Tour. This month,
                                                         join us at W.A. Frost for New American
                                                         cuisine. W.A. Frost has been providing
                                                         the ultimate in dining pleasure since
                                                         1975, with a sensational wine selection,
                 cuisine, and ambiance. Space is limited, and reservations are required, so visit
                 The Rake Store now.

                 6 p.m., W.A. Frost, 374 Selby Ave., St. Paul; 651-224-5715; $40.

                 How They Celebrate Freedom in Kashmir

                 We take freedom for granted in this country. It's
                 true. And while some of us may question that
                 freedom from time to time, it's certainly less
                 complicated -- or at least less uncomfortable -- than
                 in so many other countries, among them India. As
                 India celebrates 60 years of independence, director
                 Sanjay Kak brings us Jashn-e-azadi (how we
                 celebrate freedom), a documentary that explores the implications of the
                 struggle for Azadi, for freedom, in the Kashmir valley. The film has generated
                 quite a bit of contraversy on the web (see here and here) and may have been                                                                  9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                   Page 10 of 12

                 censored in Bombay. Make up your own mind; go see the film tonight, and
                 meet Kak after the screening for a Q & A session. Please call to confirm,
                 however, because I'm not finding it on the Bell Museum's calendar.

                 7 p.m., Bell Museum of Natural History Auditorium, 10 Church St. S.E.,
                 Minneapolis; 612-624-7083.

                 An Extra Couple of Beers

                 You could go out and spend $9 for an evening at the Crown 15 with Mr.
                 Woodcock (hell, you could also punch yourself in the face). Or you could go to
                 the Bryant-Lake Bowl and see what your local independent filmmakers have
                 been up to. Tonight (and on the third Tuesday of every month) IFP MN
                 presents Cinema Lounge, a showcase of 4-5 short films by your fellow
                 Minnesotans. Plus, anyone can submit films -- come, be inspired, and send in
                 your next cinematic masterpiece for a future screening. And it's FREE -- so
                 save your money and buy yourself a beer or two to sip during the screening.
                 Which you definitely can't do at the multiplex. --by Danielle Kurtzleben

                 7 p.m., Bryant Lake Bowl, 810 W. Lake St., Minneapolis; 612-825-8949; free.

                 Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:00 AM | 0 Comments |
                 Permalink | Top of Page

                 September 18, 2007
                 Odd Characters
                 THEATER & PERFORMANCE
                 A Sexy Twist on a Classic Tale

                                                     On a dark and stormy night, after getting a
                                                     flat tire, the innocent Brad and Janet are
                                                     forced to take refuge in an old castle. What
                                                     they find inside is perhaps in keeping with
                                                     the expected mad-scientist scenario, but
                                                     there's a definite twist. Sure, you have your
                                                     man-made creature. You have your loss of
                                                     innocence. And you even have a touch of
                 cannibalism. But you also have some seriously sexy goth all the way through:
                 men in corsettes, sexual confusion, and a clear indication of a decadent
                 morality. "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me. I wanna be dirty," sings Janet
                 during her sexual awakening. If you grew up doing the "Time Warp" in movie
                 theater aisles after midnight, you'll perhaps appreciate a live production of the
                 now classic (and cult) movie. But beware, this is probably not something to
                 which you want to take your children.

                 8 p.m., Ordway Center for Performing Arts, 345 Washington St., St. Paul; 651-
                 224-4222; $32, $37.

                 Tragic Pride

                 "Only at nightfall, aethereal rumours / Revive for a moment a
                 broken Coriolanus." When T.S. Eliot references something in
                 one of his poems -- particularly his most famous, "The
                 Wasteland" -- you know it's worthy. Coriolanus is a                                                                    9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                   Page 11 of 12

                 Shakespearian tragedy based on the life of legendary Roman
                 leader Caius Martius Coriolanus. Not unlike many of Shakespeare's heroes,
                 Coriolanus's militaristic pride makes him a less than sympathetic character. In
                 fact, the play seems to indicate that heroic ideals no longer serve the
                 increasingly sophisticated needs of government. For this reason, in fact, many
                 twentieth century playwrights, including Bertolt Brecht, have adapted the play
                 to reflect on modern politics (both left and right). This week, Flaneur
                 Productions, probably one of the best experimental troupes in town, explores
                 what the play might mean in America today. Director Bridget Escolme (author
                 of Talking to the Audience: Shakespeare, Performance, Self) presents a
                 promenade-style performance in Bedlam's new theater. Players include
                 Flaneur Co-Director Jim Bovino in the title role, Don Mabley-Allen, Christian
                 Gaylord, Barbara Meyer, Jillia Pessenda, Scott Reynolds, Kym Longhi, Ben
                 Kreilkamp, Dave Schneider, Jeff Broitman, Tracie Hodgdon, and Jim Wescott.
                 Feel free to go early for dinner and drinks in Bedlam's new bar and restaurant.

                 8 p.m. (through Saturday), Bedlam Theatre, 1501 6th St. S., West Bank,
                 Minneapolis; 612-338-9817; $12.

                 Cries & Whispers

                                                       Oak Street Cinema's Bergman Tribute
                                                       comes to a close this week, with one of
                                                       his most visually seductive works, Cries
                                                       and Whispers -- "an eerie, intense, lurid,
                                                       death-obsessed dream play á la
                                                       Strindberg, with a large dollop of
                                                       Chekhov." Bergman's masterpiece
                                                       depicts the emotional and physical pain
                 of the woman's world. The film, set in an elegant turn-of-the-century manor
                 house, revolves around four women, a young virginal woman who is dying of
                 womb cancer (Bergman was never known for his subtle metaphors), two
                 unhappily married sisters -- one of which is suicidal and actually self-mutilates
                 her sexual organ -- and a maternal-type servant who loses her children. This
                 is not a pretty world, my friends -- and men might take offense at their utterly
                 useless depiction; but the acting is impeccable and the camera work is
                 spectacular. Bergman uses his lens to highlight the pain of each woman, to
                 show the physical and emotional fragmentation. And he does so brilliantly. His
                 color palette -- another metaphorical representation of the pain and suffering -
                 - and his use of silence, seem to transcend the narrative and take on a life of
                 their own.

                 7 p.m. & 9 p.m., Oak Street Cinema, 309 Oak St. S.E., Minneapolis; $8
                 (seniors $6, members/students $5).

                 The Threepenny Opera

                 Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht may never have had it so
                 good. G. W. Pabst, who brought Louise Brooks to fame in
                 his silent (and seductive) 1929 masterpiece Pandora's
                 Box, this time took to sound production and dirtied up
                 the silver screen like never before. The Threepenny
                 Opera tells the story of Mackie Messer (a.k.a. Mack the                                                                    9/24/2007
The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day                                                                                                 Page 12 of 12

                       Knife) and the beautiful Polly Peachum. It's is a feast for
                       the eyes, ears, and the soul, wallowing in the underworld and bringing the
                       original characters to life as if they had wandered on-screen straight from the
                       gutter. It will be interesting to see how or if Criterion can clean up this film,
                       however, since the original 1931 prints were destroyed by the Nazis.
                       Notwithstanding potentially scratchy images, Threepenny is perhaps the
                       greatest study of poverty and corruption ever filmed, and, like Pabst's other
                       films, a delicious romp as well. --by Peter Schilling, Jr.

                       Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:10 AM | 0 Comments |
                       Permalink | Top of Page

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  • 1. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 1 of 12 Secrets of the Day The Net Raker Lambert: Media Robson: Sports Zellar: Baseball March: Food September 24, 2007 Bauer & Iggers: Food News Roll out the Red Carpet Bauer: Wine THEATER AWARDS Staff: Movies Local Theater Awards Zellar: Fiction The third annual Ivey Awards -- Video: Owen Goes... which aspires to be, roughly, DeSmith: Style something like a mini Minneapolis Birt: Cars Tony Awards -- gets underway this evening. If you're a fan of local Bartel: Commentary theater, you'll relish the chance to see your favorite performers dressed to the nines. (Mondays are Site Search: the bohemian Sundays, you know.) You'll also get a glimpse of snippets from upcoming shows, one-minute plays, and, of course, a host of awards that recognize performers, as well as directors and designers of lighting, sets, and costumes. The theater community has regarded these young Ivey Awards with some skepticism, for Search results provided by Google. certain. But now, three years later, very many theater-makers have been honored by the Iveys, and they've gotten the chance to bask in the limelight at this glamorous, high-production ceremony. Some have even gone so far as Blog Archive: to give tearful speeches. And so, it seems, the actors are coming around. -- September 2007 Christy DeSmith August 2007 July 2007 7:30 p.m., Historic State Theater, 805 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis; 612-673- June 2007 0404; $30-$125. May 2007 April 2007 March 2007 THEATER & PERFORMANCE February 2007 Strange Love January 2007 This evening Skewed Visions presents its December 2006 only Monday performance of Strange November 2006 Love, a two-part exploration of October 2006 contemporary and historical cultures of September 2006 fear. Based on Stanley Kubrick's Cold War August 2006 satire, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned July 2006 to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, this 9/24/2007
  • 2. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 2 of 12 June 2006 Theater All Year production features an an May 2006 installation and multidisciplinary show by artists Charles Campbell and Sean April 2006 Kelley-Pegg. Tonight's guest artists will be The Body Cartography Project. March 2006 Full Monthly 8 p.m., Casket Arts, 681 17th Ave. N.E. (1700 Madison St.), Minneapolis; 612- Archives 201-5727. Author's Links: Rake Events MUSIC Rake Restaurants Peter Bjorn and John Rake Promotions In an age of drum beats looped ad MNSpeak nauseam, of recycled and often Mediation Tumblr misused samples, of really Metroblogging shameful overproduction, the Mpls modest melodies laid out by this Minnesota Stories Swedish trio feel almost The Bottle Gang revolutionary. Peter Bjorn and Minneapolis Events Signal Eats Noise John have been together since Visit Qwest at Uptown How Was the 1999, but were little-known stateside until their 2005 release Falling Out, Art Fair & Learn More Show which won them substantial critical acclaim and a devoted indie following. With About our Great their latest album, Writer's Block, they have landed a mainstream audience, Services Overheard in Mpls propelled by two songs, "Amsterdam" and "Young Folks." These tunes are catchy but not infectious -- they strike that rare balance of introspection and optimism that compels any casual listener to hum along. Lyrically intricate, mpls Video musically simple, their style is at once retro and progressive -- a '60s pop Production 5 national awards in 2 feeling, underscored by contemporary crises. --Max Ross years Friendly, cost- effective, call us! 8 p.m., First Avenue, 701 First Ave. N., Minneapolis; 612-332-1775; $20. Advertise with The Rake Also playing tonight are Sinead O'Connor at the Pantages Theatre and Loudon Wainwright III at the Cedar Cultural Center. FILM Once, Full of Light Granted, this is a fairytale of a movie. There's actually a scene in which the street busker and his rag-tag band are cutting a demo album while a two-year- old runs gleefully around the sound studio. I've had two-year-olds [three of them] and you can barely make toast when they're around and upright. Nevertheless, this film is wonderful. It's quirky and sad and nearly prayerful: everyone in it is visibly lifted, exalted, made more whole by the music. And, yes, the music is that good. On a strictly emotional level, Once is real. Its stars, playing simply "the guy" and "the girl" according to a script by director John Carney, are an Irish and a Czech musician (Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, respectively) whose voices simply light up our world. In the story, they sing together for the first time in an empty music shop and everyone -- from the clerk, who is leaning on the counter eating a sandwich, to members of the theater audience -- goes still. Listening. --Ann Bauer 5 and 7:10 p.m., Heights Theater, 3951 Central Ave. N.E., Minneapolis; 763- 9/24/2007
  • 3. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 3 of 12 788-9079; $8 (matinees $6). Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:01 AM | 0 Comments | Permalink | Top of Page Advertise with The Rake September 21, 2007 Hit the Theaters in Style STYLE & ART Loves Labourers: Art as Fashion, Fashion as Art 2 Mplsart presents an interesting event this evening, as part of MNfashion Weekend. Three visual artists (Adam Garcia, Eric Inkala, and Jennifer Davis) and three clothing designers (Annie Larson, Ra'mon Lawrence, and Crystal Quinn) are teaming up to paint, smear, and de- and re- construct a selection of wearable art. The canvases -- which, in this case, are a bunch of cotton hoodies -- have been available for pre-purchase at fifty dollars a pop; and buyers have no idea what their piece will look like in the end. (Will it even fit?) It's likely too late to get your own hoodie, but interested parties might inquire by email. The event should provide for some fascinating visuals, in any case. And there'll be DJs spinning to boot. Friday at 8 p.m., Beast House, 600 Washington Ave. N., Suite 104, Minneapolis; $50. THEATER & PERFORMANCE Jane Eyre at the Guthrie I hear the patrons on opening night were handed long-stemmed roses as they exited the theater. I attended the second showing, and while I didn't get a rose (and that's okay), it would certainly have been an apt crowning of an evening 9/24/2007
  • 4. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 4 of 12 wherein love and beauty sprang from a bed of thorns. I read the book many years ago, and although I recognize that my memory of the plot is a bit lacking (since I thought the play was over at intermission), I nevertheless have my own version of images spawned by the novel. The spacious, sparsely-set, thrust stage reflects the continual bleakness of Jane's environments: the horrid aunt and abusive childhood, the austere institutional upbringing, the lonely post as governess at grand, cold Thornfield, and later, destitution even. The play familiarizes Jane's experience and a seemingly distant era in a way the book fails to achieve: here are Jane and Mr. Rochester (superbly acted by Stacia Rice and Sean Haberle) in flesh and blood, expressive and tangible. I might add that Mr. Rochester was far more dashing than I'd imagined him, and Jane certainly wasn't plain. Here and there, I nearly grumbled "romance, shromance," but I may have been the only one fatigued by the reappearance of the "I'm-not-pretty-but-I'm-smart-and- interesting" theme, whereby a plain woman intrigues and attracts the man by virtue of not being the archetypal prissy, fussy female. And yes, Jane's rival for Mr. Rochester's hand was shallow and bubbly with the requisite frilly pink dress. This is no flaw of the play, mind you, as the production quite strictly followed the source material. Just my own little hang-up, and a minor and passing one at that, considering director John Miller-Stephany's remarks that "Jane Eyre can be compared to a mirror that reflects back onto each viewer what he/she wishes to see." --Eeva-Liisa Waaraniemi Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 1 and 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 7 p.m., Guthrie Theater, 818 S. 2nd St., Minneapolis; 612-377-2224; $34-$54. The Darkest of Dark Comedies Opening tonight is Frank Theater's production of The Pillowman, in which a writer's warped fairytales about torturing and killing children seem to be coming true. Crucifixion, severed fingers, and other unthinkable forms of child abuse figure into Martin McDonagh's Olivier- Award-winning play; the result is the darkest of dark comedies, with provocative questions of artistic responsibility and censorship woven throughout. Perhaps surprisingly, it's a consistently funny (if disturbing) play... the big question is if director Wendy Knox can maintain a light, comedic touch, without sacrificing Pillowman's more tender and thoughtful moments. I saw the gleefully dark opening run at London's National Theatre in 2004, which deftly walked the line between cartoonish and eerie. Both the London and New York runs were quite successful, featuring famous actors (Jim Broadbent in London; Jeff Goldblum and Billy Crudup in New York) and drawing packed houses. Will Frank Theater's production live up to its predecessors? Will it do justice to McDonagh's script? I will have a review on Monday. --Danielle Kurtzleben Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 1 p.m., Dowling Studio, Guthrie Theater, 818 S. 2nd St., Minneapolis; 612-377-2224; $18-$34. FILM Manda Bala Let's call this a hybrid of the fictional Brazilian exposé City of God and Errol 9/24/2007
  • 5. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 5 of 12 Morris's police procedure doc The Thin Blue Line -- both tremendous entertainment. Manda Bala (send a bullet) is a bizarre documentary detailing the rise of corruption in Brazilian culture as well as the country's kidnapping epidemic. "Men will steal with a gun or a pen," says one talking head. The film boasts garish cinematography, a dynamite score, and perhaps best of all, a fearless director who can get even the worst, most hardened criminals to open up. Stories include money laundering through a frog farm, images of the booming plastic surgery trade (all the ears cut from kidnap victims need replacing), and kidnappers philosophizing about the meaning of life. --Peter Schilling, Jr. Opens today at Landmark Theatres, 612-825-6006. Fearless Kids in the Biz Flaunting its fabulous new facelift, the Parkway Theater opens its doors on Sunday to this month's Fearless Filmmakers event. Don't be confused if you see a lot of youngsters lurking about. It's not the venue; it's the event. Acknowledging our overwhelming focus on adults in the art world, Fearless Filmmakers has taken a stand to correct the oversight by focusing on "Kids in the Biz." The evening will begin with music by Now, Now Every Children -- a lovely, languid sound. And Joe Minjares, owner of the Parkway and Pepitos Restaurant, will even provide appetizers and drinks. The screenings will begin at 6 p.m., and will include 15 films made by kids between 7 and 17 years old. Following the screening, there will be a Q & A session with the filmmakers, and an after party with a Guitar Hero competition. Sunday at 5 p.m., The Parkway Theater, 4814 Chicago Avenue, Minneapolis; 612-822-3030; $9, students $7, children $5. ART Ramble through Red Wing Red Wing claims to be a city for lovers, poets, and dreamers; so it stands to reason they'd have a notable arts community -- and no, they don't all paint the Mississippi, trees, and birds (not that there's anything wrong with that). It promises to be a lovely weekend, perhaps a great weekend for a drive and a wander through Red Wing's many art studios. This weekend marks the 6th annual Studio Ramble Fall Art Tour, with 11 open studios, featuring 27 area artists. Experience a variety of media -- pottery, painting, print making, photography, sculpture, textiles, jewelry, computer imaging, Glicée prints, and musical instruments -- meet the artists, and purchase original works. Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Red Wing, Minnesota. MUSIC 9/24/2007
  • 6. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 6 of 12 Neglected Legends You have two great shows to choose from this weekend, both of which are being utterly under- promoted. The first is tonight, at Famous Dave's BBQ & Blues. I have to start paying closer attention to their shows, because I was shocked when I looked for information on Ana Popovic's show tonight, only to find that the warm-up show was just as stellar. For a mere $5 cover, you can catch Paul Metsa & Sonny Earl at 6 p.m., followed by Popovic at 9 p.m. What a show! Two blues legends, followed by the guitar-shredding pride of Belgrade, "a high-energy blues force who crosses the wires of Hendrix bravado with Bonnie Raitt soul." Whew! Friday at 6 p.m., Famous Dave's BBQ & Blues, 3001 Hennepin Ave. S., Minneapolis; 612-822-9900; $5. The other show worthy of note is the Fat Maw Rooney show this Sunday (9 p.m.) at Trocaderos. Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:03 AM | 0 Comments | Permalink | Top of Page September 20, 2007 Isn't It All Art Anyway? ART & MUSIC Gallery Grooves Serves Up Art, Jazz, and Wine Join us this evening for Gallery Grooves, The Rake's monthly gathering around art, jazz, and wine. Tonight's event is at the Goldstein Museum of Design, featuring art from its latest exhibit. Products of Our Time explores the interstices of design, art, and cultural commentary, highlighting consumer-inspired designed objects as a bellwether of our times. Enjoy the exhibit accompanied by a bellwether of another time, the stellar jazz selections of Terence Blanchard ("A Tale of God's Will"), Dave Brubeck ("Indian Summer"), and Monk's Music Trio ("Monk on Mondays"). Socialize and discuss the latest jazz with Kevin Barnes from KBEM, and tease the palate with complimentary libations from The Wine Company. 7 p.m., Goldstein Museum of Design, University of Minnesota, 364 McNeal Hall, Saint Paul; 612-624-7434; free. ART & FILM Super Night Shot If you happen to be wandering near the Walker, do not be alarmed if you're accosted by a young European wielding a video camera. This is merely part of the "War on Anonymity" waged by the Gob Squad, a performance art troupe 9/24/2007
  • 7. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 7 of 12 whose members hail from the U.K. and Germany. One hour before each 9 p.m. performance, troupe members will take to the mean streets of Lowry Hill, where they will allow serendipity to take over as they incorporate unsuspecting passersby into their impromptu cinematic creation. Then they hustle back to the Walker to treat their audience to Super Night Shot, a one-hour, four-screen showing of their uncut footage. Who know what kind of material they can generate by provoking us supposedly modest Minnesotans? --Danielle Kurtzleben 9 p.m., Walker Art Center, 1750 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis; 612-375-7600; $25 (members $21). BOOKS & AUTHORS Steven Pinker You had your summer of trashy beach reading -- now it's time for the weighty tomes like The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature. Not that they can't be entertaining, too. In the case of Stuff, author Steven Pinker is not only super-smart (he's made Time's 100-Most-Influential-People-in- the- World-Today list and is a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist), but he also has a gift for writing that makes heavy-duty science accessible and even, dare we say, popular. Most likely his public presentations, such as this "Talk of the Stacks" event at the Minneapolis Central Library, follow suit. We'll be interested to see if he uses the material from the chapter in Stuff that delves into the differences between taboo and respectable terms for sex (motion, it turns out, is one factor). --Julie Caniglia 7 p.m., Minneapolis Central Library, Pohlad Hall, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, 612-630-6174. Writing in Clip A last-minute booking from the Amazon Bookstore Cooperative: With the release, earlier this month, of her new book Ani DiFranco: Verses, the eminent Ms. DiFranco joins the ranks of Jim Carroll and countless other rockers who've gone poet. Of course, to the throngs of not-pretty girls who count themselves as fans, the folk singer's clever, not-so-soft lyrics sounded like poetry all along. (Verses is apparently decorated by DiFranco's drawings, too.) The book is being released in conjunction with DiFranco's career retrospective album, Canon; and in fact, the righteous babe will traverse her repertoire when she plays the State Theatre tomorrow (Friday) night. But who better to host this more intimate gathering than Minneapolis's own (and only) feminist bookstore? --Christy DeSmith 5:30 p.m., Parkway Theater, 4814 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis; 612-821-9630; $7, $20 with book included. SHOPPING Definitely the Time for a Rug 9/24/2007
  • 8. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 8 of 12 A Stephanie Odegard-designed rug certainly won't come cheap. But if you've been coveting a floor covering by the native Minnesotan turned New York City- based minimalist and business owner (with a conscience), now's your chance to snag one at a discount -- we're talking up to eighty-percent off. Odegard at Michael Sydney, Ltd. hosts a rare Minneapolis surplus sale today through Sunday. Check out work samples on its website, and read The Rake's February 2007 story on Odegard. --DeSmith 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Odegard at Michael Sydney, Ltd., 210 N. Second St., Minneapolis; 612-455-6100. Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:31 AM | 0 Comments | Permalink | Top of Page September 19, 2007 Books Are Fashionable Too STYLE Minnesota Fashion Fall Fashion Weekend kicks off with a reception this evening, and the next four days are filled with runway events, trunk shows, and other ways to celebrate Minnesota's small, but growing, clothing design "industry." In fact, not only does the weekend offer a glimpse of what's great about local fashion, but it also marks the launch of a new nonprofit organization, MNfashion, that will work to serve the business needs of local designers. Some of the best-looking events in the weekend's lineup include tomorrow evening's Kjurek Couture fashion show, Friday's Art as Fashion event, and Saturday's Eclecticoiffeur Cotillion/Launch Party. But there are a host of more relaxed, less committal events, too, such as a Saturday morning champagne and truffles brunch with House of Henry and Rectangle Designs' trunk show with a conscience -- Local Flora, Fashion and Food. --by Christy DeSmith 10 p.m., Clubhouse Jaeger, 923 Washington Ave. N., Minneapolis; 612-332- 2686. BOOKS & AUTHORS A Living Legend in the World of Comics If you know anything at all about comics, beyond Marvel Comics and Stan Lee, then you know Kim Deitch. (And if you don't then now is your chance to redeem yourself.) A key player in the underground comix scene 9/24/2007
  • 9. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 9 of 12 of the '60s, Deitch has gone on to become one of the most revered cartoonists of our time. Recently, some of his older works have even been getting reprinted, including Alias the Cat and Shadowland. Kim (and his wife Pam) will be doing a signing at Big Brain Comics tonight. And then tomorrow afternoon (1 p.m.) he'll be doing a multimedia presentation at MCAD (auditorium 15). 5-7 p.m., Big Brain Comics, 1027 Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis612) 338- 4390; free. Just Like Her Momma Everyone jokes about turning into their parents, but Joshua Furst's new novel, The Sabotage Cafe, shows the disturbing side of this phenomenon. In this debut novel, teenager Cheryl seems doomed to repeat the sex, drugs, violence, and trauma of her mother's teenage years. Set in Minneapolis and its suburbs, The Sabotage Cafe delves into the city's past and present counterculture movements as it weaves its two coming-of-age stories. It sounds like the stuff of Lifetime movies, but Furst's writing and wonderfully flawed characters have received extensive praise. See him tonight. --by Danielle Kurtzleben 7 p.m., U of MN Bookstore, Coffman Memorial Union, 300 Washington Ave. S.E., Minneapolis; 612-626-0559; free. FOOD World Flavors at WA Frost Enjoy a multiple course tasting menu with our favorite wine pairings at The Rake's World Flavors Tour. This month, join us at W.A. Frost for New American cuisine. W.A. Frost has been providing the ultimate in dining pleasure since 1975, with a sensational wine selection, cuisine, and ambiance. Space is limited, and reservations are required, so visit The Rake Store now. 6 p.m., W.A. Frost, 374 Selby Ave., St. Paul; 651-224-5715; $40. FILM How They Celebrate Freedom in Kashmir We take freedom for granted in this country. It's true. And while some of us may question that freedom from time to time, it's certainly less complicated -- or at least less uncomfortable -- than in so many other countries, among them India. As India celebrates 60 years of independence, director Sanjay Kak brings us Jashn-e-azadi (how we celebrate freedom), a documentary that explores the implications of the struggle for Azadi, for freedom, in the Kashmir valley. The film has generated quite a bit of contraversy on the web (see here and here) and may have been 9/24/2007
  • 10. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 10 of 12 censored in Bombay. Make up your own mind; go see the film tonight, and meet Kak after the screening for a Q & A session. Please call to confirm, however, because I'm not finding it on the Bell Museum's calendar. 7 p.m., Bell Museum of Natural History Auditorium, 10 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis; 612-624-7083. An Extra Couple of Beers You could go out and spend $9 for an evening at the Crown 15 with Mr. Woodcock (hell, you could also punch yourself in the face). Or you could go to the Bryant-Lake Bowl and see what your local independent filmmakers have been up to. Tonight (and on the third Tuesday of every month) IFP MN presents Cinema Lounge, a showcase of 4-5 short films by your fellow Minnesotans. Plus, anyone can submit films -- come, be inspired, and send in your next cinematic masterpiece for a future screening. And it's FREE -- so save your money and buy yourself a beer or two to sip during the screening. Which you definitely can't do at the multiplex. --by Danielle Kurtzleben 7 p.m., Bryant Lake Bowl, 810 W. Lake St., Minneapolis; 612-825-8949; free. Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:00 AM | 0 Comments | Permalink | Top of Page September 18, 2007 Odd Characters THEATER & PERFORMANCE A Sexy Twist on a Classic Tale On a dark and stormy night, after getting a flat tire, the innocent Brad and Janet are forced to take refuge in an old castle. What they find inside is perhaps in keeping with the expected mad-scientist scenario, but there's a definite twist. Sure, you have your man-made creature. You have your loss of innocence. And you even have a touch of cannibalism. But you also have some seriously sexy goth all the way through: men in corsettes, sexual confusion, and a clear indication of a decadent morality. "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me. I wanna be dirty," sings Janet during her sexual awakening. If you grew up doing the "Time Warp" in movie theater aisles after midnight, you'll perhaps appreciate a live production of the now classic (and cult) movie. But beware, this is probably not something to which you want to take your children. 8 p.m., Ordway Center for Performing Arts, 345 Washington St., St. Paul; 651- 224-4222; $32, $37. Tragic Pride "Only at nightfall, aethereal rumours / Revive for a moment a broken Coriolanus." When T.S. Eliot references something in one of his poems -- particularly his most famous, "The Wasteland" -- you know it's worthy. Coriolanus is a 9/24/2007
  • 11. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 11 of 12 Shakespearian tragedy based on the life of legendary Roman leader Caius Martius Coriolanus. Not unlike many of Shakespeare's heroes, Coriolanus's militaristic pride makes him a less than sympathetic character. In fact, the play seems to indicate that heroic ideals no longer serve the increasingly sophisticated needs of government. For this reason, in fact, many twentieth century playwrights, including Bertolt Brecht, have adapted the play to reflect on modern politics (both left and right). This week, Flaneur Productions, probably one of the best experimental troupes in town, explores what the play might mean in America today. Director Bridget Escolme (author of Talking to the Audience: Shakespeare, Performance, Self) presents a promenade-style performance in Bedlam's new theater. Players include Flaneur Co-Director Jim Bovino in the title role, Don Mabley-Allen, Christian Gaylord, Barbara Meyer, Jillia Pessenda, Scott Reynolds, Kym Longhi, Ben Kreilkamp, Dave Schneider, Jeff Broitman, Tracie Hodgdon, and Jim Wescott. Feel free to go early for dinner and drinks in Bedlam's new bar and restaurant. 8 p.m. (through Saturday), Bedlam Theatre, 1501 6th St. S., West Bank, Minneapolis; 612-338-9817; $12. FILM Cries & Whispers Oak Street Cinema's Bergman Tribute comes to a close this week, with one of his most visually seductive works, Cries and Whispers -- "an eerie, intense, lurid, death-obsessed dream play á la Strindberg, with a large dollop of Chekhov." Bergman's masterpiece depicts the emotional and physical pain of the woman's world. The film, set in an elegant turn-of-the-century manor house, revolves around four women, a young virginal woman who is dying of womb cancer (Bergman was never known for his subtle metaphors), two unhappily married sisters -- one of which is suicidal and actually self-mutilates her sexual organ -- and a maternal-type servant who loses her children. This is not a pretty world, my friends -- and men might take offense at their utterly useless depiction; but the acting is impeccable and the camera work is spectacular. Bergman uses his lens to highlight the pain of each woman, to show the physical and emotional fragmentation. And he does so brilliantly. His color palette -- another metaphorical representation of the pain and suffering - - and his use of silence, seem to transcend the narrative and take on a life of their own. 7 p.m. & 9 p.m., Oak Street Cinema, 309 Oak St. S.E., Minneapolis; $8 (seniors $6, members/students $5). DVD The Threepenny Opera Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht may never have had it so good. G. W. Pabst, who brought Louise Brooks to fame in his silent (and seductive) 1929 masterpiece Pandora's Box, this time took to sound production and dirtied up the silver screen like never before. The Threepenny Opera tells the story of Mackie Messer (a.k.a. Mack the 9/24/2007
  • 12. The Rake Today: Secrets of the Day Page 12 of 12 Knife) and the beautiful Polly Peachum. It's is a feast for the eyes, ears, and the soul, wallowing in the underworld and bringing the original characters to life as if they had wandered on-screen straight from the gutter. It will be interesting to see how or if Criterion can clean up this film, however, since the original 1931 prints were destroyed by the Nazis. Notwithstanding potentially scratchy images, Threepenny is perhaps the greatest study of poverty and corruption ever filmed, and, like Pabst's other films, a delicious romp as well. --by Peter Schilling, Jr. Posted by Cristina Cordova at 12:10 AM | 0 Comments | Permalink | Top of Page HOME RAKE TODAY CURRENT ISSUE EVENTS RESTAURANTS RAKE READERS ABOUT US © 2007 Rake Publishing, Inc. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Rake Publishing, Inc. except that an individual may print for personal use and/or forward articles via e-mail to a reasonable number of recipients for personal, non-commercial purposes. Please read our Privacy Policy. 9/24/2007