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Mother Earth Destruction
The destruction of the great mother Earth is often overlooked downplayed and underrated leading
to mass pollution and in return has lead to less a chance of human evolution. Accompanied by mass
death of children and adults alike. In our most recent years we have seen earth truly become
perverted by self serving monsters looking to establish the wellbeing of themselves. "One hundred
and ten million americans live amongst such high levels of air pollution the federal government
considers it to be harmful to their health" if we plan to survive as a human species, evolve and
continue to grow we will need to understand how important the purity of Earth is needed. We must
come together and heal ourselves , our other humans and our mother Earth.
Destruction of mother earth is killing our life force slowly and steadily and increasing the amount
of difficulties a regular person or animal may have to go through in a lifetime." the united states
makes up only 5 percent of the life on earth but uses 30 percent of its resources." this statistic is
truly blasphemy what a selfish country benefiting off the destruction of our only physical life
source. True claims can be made saying that it is for a better benefit but as i see it no one benefits at
all. Homelessness and starvation is at an all time high on earth but our technological and
evolutionary advances are more than capable of solving most human problems including
homelessness and starvation. Something doesn't quite add up "550,000
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Earth Pollution Essay
The earth is 4.543 billion years old, our ancestors are estimated to date back to six million years,
with modern human life dating back to 200,000 years ago (Reed). The effects of humanity on earth
can be displayed by the increase of pollution within our ecosphere. As our population continues to
increase, so does our carbon footprint upon the earth. On a more localized scale, the Central Valley is
a mecca of poor air quality and elevating pollution levels. An assortment of environmental factors
increases these pollution levels. The Central Valley is a hub for the climate, natural, industrial,
mobile, and agricultural components that equate to this growing pollution problem.
Pollution, otherwise known as PM, or particulate matter, which is essentially any substance that is
not made up of water. PM is most commonly made of dust, ash, smoke, fumes, vapors and mists,
emitted from a source and absorbed into the ozone. Particulate matter that is produced directly
from a source, is called primary PM. Particulate matter that is formed in the atmosphere, by gas, is
called secondary PM. There are two certified health based standards, classifying particulate matter:
PM10, for particles smaller than 10 microns, and PM2.5, for particles smaller than 2.5. Common
PM10 is made up of more course particles, sources include: crushing or grinding operations, soil
stirred up in our valley's vast fields, and dirt roads. PM2.5 is composed of finer particles created by
elements most commonly
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Environmental Art Essay
Environmental art is a genre of art that was established in the late 1960's and it was created by
things found in nature to make a piece of art. Some of the the environmental art would be so large
in size, that it would be considered to be monumental. This kind of art can not be moved without
destroying it, and the climate and weather can change it. There are many reasons why an artist
would create an environmental work of art, such as : to address environmental issues affecting earth
today, to show things that could be powered by nature or be interactive with natural phenomenon
(like lighting or earthquakes), or to show how people can co–exist with nature, or maybe use it as a
means to help restore ecosystems in an aesthetic more content...
Michael Hiezer's piece, "Double negative" was built in Nevada, near the Mormon mesa.
According to Double negative, "The trenches line up across a large gap formed by the natural
shape of the mesa edge. Including this open area across the gap, the trenches together measure
1,500 feet long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide." Heizer just simply subtracted earth to create this
work, he took away earth to create the two trenches and thus, creating negative space, and that is
how he created a "double negative." This piece was considered to be one of the first works to start
the earth art movement. This piece was created to help show people how the earth can relate to art.
Heizer's piece "the city" is still a work in progress and has been a life–long project that is
somewhere in the Nevada Desert. The site can not be visited by people yet since Heizer is still
working on it. He is using "The complexes are made mostly of earth, and were inspired in part by
Native American traditions of mound–building and the ancient cities of Central and South America."
Heizer states in regards to the City as, "I'm building this work for later. I'm interested in making a
work of art that will represent all the civilization to this point." Walter de Maria was born in
California in 1935. He studied history and art at UC Berkeley, and then went to New York in 1960.
His early art was made from industrial materials to make minimalist art. In the late 1960's, he started
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Essay On Mother Nature
Mother Nature is unpredictable. We are vulnerable to her great wrath and how it can produce
environmental disasters. In recent events, we have seen Hurricane Harvey not only destroy
buildings, homes, and environmental structures. It has also claimed the irreplaceable....lives. The
Governor of Florida articulated it best as he encouraged citizens to evacuate his state as Hurricane
Irma approached. He pleaded and stated, "We can rebuilt homes, but we can't rebuilt your life." As
society continues to research vulnerability to disaster, both for built systems and vulnerable
populations. Society must also recognizes that factors such as wealth and poverty, race and ethnicity,
gender and age; specifically, how they more content...
This could never have been an option for poverty stricken citizens.
"In contrast with homeowners, renters are dependent on their landlords to carry out activities that
can reduce disaster vulnerabilities, such as making routine repairs and improvements, complying
with building and safety codes, and carrying out specific disaster loss–reduction measures" (Tierney,
2006, pg. 113). Citizens that live in poverty main objectives are; paying the rent to have a rough
over their heads and having food on the table. Their financial instabilities does not provide them the
luxuries of providing additional improvising to reduce disaster vulnerabilities. Additionally, many
can't even afford to evacuate; regardless, if the evacuation becomes mandated. Financially, they do
not have the additional financial resource to "just get up and go". History has shown that a majority
of this financial factors, are amongst specific races and ethnicity.
Race and Ethnicity
The United States has a diversity of race and ethnicity amongst its population. When some disasters
are predicated such as a known Hurricane that is predicted to be a Category Five. Scientist can
estimate the damages that it may cause, which will provide the advance notice for citizens to
evacuate. Regardless of advance notices, many citizens within specific race and ethnicity, don't even
speak the English language and don't understand the warnings. "Warnings cannot be issued for all
types of disasters, but even
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Mother Earth Essay
Native Indians refer to the Earth as "Mother Earth". They believe that Mother Earth will provide
everything that is needed for their survival. It is because of her that we are able to live and survive.
Since Mother Earth provides for all, we are expected to show respect for her and everything else that
surrounds us. According to Native Indians everything, whether living or non–living, has a spirit and
is sacred. Because of this Native Indians believe everything to be related. Native Indians saw the
world around them as sacred and deserving of respect. They saw their world to be a delicate
balance of respect and caring for one another and all within the world. They believed that animals
sacrificed themselves for the people. more content...
Even though the Thunder Beings can choose to destroy they are revered as great protectors.
Sometimes the Thunder Beings reveal themselves to those on earth. Their physical form is
described as a great Thunderbird with large claws and wings, and is large enough to carry a killer
whale. The Native Indians have a wonderful relationship with the Earth and everything around
them. It is not easy to maintain these spiritual and sacred beliefs with each generation. In many
tribes, the elders would look after the children and raise them while the parents carried on with
daily life and chores. The elders ensured to pass on their knowledge and teach their beliefs and
ways of life to the children. This not only kept their way of life alive with each passing generation,
but ensured that the balance between them and the Earth was maintained. The Native Indians
believe that all things come from the earth and once their cycle is complete they will return to the
earth upon their death. It is strongly believed that what you put into the Earth is returned to you.
The Earth will nurture you as long as you nurture and respect her. In other words, if you abuse and
disrespect the Earth then you shall reap what you sow. The land and water will eventually become
poisoned and no longer able to sustain life as it once had. Native Indians do not refer to those who
are able to communicate with the spirit world as shamans, rather they
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Environmental Science Essay
Environmental Fundamentals
Laura Jackson
April 8, 2013
Environmental Fundamentals
Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it
contains, furthermore, the way people interact with their natural surroundings and use natural
resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse,
for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the
following; the definition of environmental science, the relationship between science and technology
and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it
should be studied; how more content...
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the
environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible
based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so
important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely
preserving the life support systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only
use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally.
Human Values affecting Society
The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species
extinction has remained at one species per million per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction
of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth
by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period
(, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly or indirectly from plants, for
example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of
communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more
homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants and ourselves:
where the process reaches
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How to Save Mother Earth
Maika Loise D. DingalAugust 29, 2012
Giving back to the Womb that gave us Life
We were born into this world completely provided with everything– food, air, natural riches and a
beautiful environment that would serve as our home. We are so secure, safe and well–nourished
within Mother Earth's womb. However, we never saw the real extent of how precious this planet is
to us and we went out the world as a successful species but completely a failure as sons and
daughters of Mother Earth. Instead of protecting and nurturing the environment, we did just the
opposite. We built factories that release substances that destroy the environment and kill many
animals, we brilliantly invented new materials more content...
So, what I'll do is to maintain this kind of attitude. Whenever I have trash in hand and there is no
trash bin in sight, I will just place the trash in my pockets or in my bag. Or I will look around for
a trash bin. Maybe, what I will try to add to my list of good deeds is picking up litters and
throwing them to the nearest trash bin. In that way, I would not only help maintain a cleaner
environment, I might also encourage other people to do the same or at least be ashamed of their
disposing of trash in wrong places. Number six: Promote environmental awareness. During second
year, I was one of the appointed people to organize an environmental camp for our batch as a
culminating activity for our Environmental Science class. It was really challenging and fulfilling at
the same time because I knew I was doing something that would benefit the environment. It was
nice organizing activities that would increase awareness about the environment and its processes.
Since that time, I've always wanted to promote environmental awareness and I promise to do that.
Great things could come from small things so I will promote environmental awareness by starting
with my family. I will tell my mom and my brother not to throw trash everywhere and follow the
segregation policy of our community. When I have my own family in the future, I will always
teach my kids to reduce, reuse and recycle. I will have an
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Save Our Mother Earth
Let's save our 'Mother Earth'
It is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists with incredible biodiversity. People all
over the world celebrate this grand event to protect flora and fauna and to clean up the earth on
which we live.
The noble 'Earth' has bestowed the human beings with incredible and beautiful nature in the form of
mountains, rivers, forests and various natural resources that helped human beings to survive and
initiated our evolution. So, now it's our time to save our planet from the challenges which are
threatening the existence of the earth...
The life of Human beings originated on the planet Earth .The "Mother Earth" is calling us for her
protection. People have become selfish and they are more content...
As a new initiative to protect the earth , the concept of 'Earth Hour' has been started which is
observed in the month of March every year in which people all over the world switch off the lights
and devote in saving the environment. Demonstrations are carried out by the conservation groups at
various levels in the form of seminars, debates and discussions by the eminent personalities.
Ways to save Earth
There are many ways through which we all can contribute in the protection and conservation of
species and keeping the earth clean. We should also try to lessen the use of natural resources so that
there will be enough resources for the coming generation as well.
We should find solutions to protect and save endangered species as they are essential part of our
flora and fauna. Conservation groups should open more and more wildlife sanctuaries, national
parks and biosphere reserves. For instance, there are very less number of tigers left on the earth.
For this,'Aircel' has launched an awareness campaign to 'save tigers' in which they convince people
to write articles and blogs to aware people across the world.
People should try to use public transportation instead of personal vehicles as it will help in reducing
pollution to great extent. Lesser the
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Mother Earth Essay

  • 1. Mother Earth Destruction The destruction of the great mother Earth is often overlooked downplayed and underrated leading to mass pollution and in return has lead to less a chance of human evolution. Accompanied by mass death of children and adults alike. In our most recent years we have seen earth truly become perverted by self serving monsters looking to establish the wellbeing of themselves. "One hundred and ten million americans live amongst such high levels of air pollution the federal government considers it to be harmful to their health" if we plan to survive as a human species, evolve and continue to grow we will need to understand how important the purity of Earth is needed. We must come together and heal ourselves , our other humans and our mother Earth. Destruction of mother earth is killing our life force slowly and steadily and increasing the amount of difficulties a regular person or animal may have to go through in a lifetime." the united states makes up only 5 percent of the life on earth but uses 30 percent of its resources." this statistic is truly blasphemy what a selfish country benefiting off the destruction of our only physical life source. True claims can be made saying that it is for a better benefit but as i see it no one benefits at all. Homelessness and starvation is at an all time high on earth but our technological and evolutionary advances are more than capable of solving most human problems including homelessness and starvation. Something doesn't quite add up "550,000 Get more content on
  • 2. Earth Pollution Essay The earth is 4.543 billion years old, our ancestors are estimated to date back to six million years, with modern human life dating back to 200,000 years ago (Reed). The effects of humanity on earth can be displayed by the increase of pollution within our ecosphere. As our population continues to increase, so does our carbon footprint upon the earth. On a more localized scale, the Central Valley is a mecca of poor air quality and elevating pollution levels. An assortment of environmental factors increases these pollution levels. The Central Valley is a hub for the climate, natural, industrial, mobile, and agricultural components that equate to this growing pollution problem. Pollution, otherwise known as PM, or particulate matter, which is essentially any substance that is not made up of water. PM is most commonly made of dust, ash, smoke, fumes, vapors and mists, emitted from a source and absorbed into the ozone. Particulate matter that is produced directly from a source, is called primary PM. Particulate matter that is formed in the atmosphere, by gas, is called secondary PM. There are two certified health based standards, classifying particulate matter: PM10, for particles smaller than 10 microns, and PM2.5, for particles smaller than 2.5. Common PM10 is made up of more course particles, sources include: crushing or grinding operations, soil stirred up in our valley's vast fields, and dirt roads. PM2.5 is composed of finer particles created by elements most commonly Get more content on
  • 3. Environmental Art Essay Environmental art is a genre of art that was established in the late 1960's and it was created by things found in nature to make a piece of art. Some of the the environmental art would be so large in size, that it would be considered to be monumental. This kind of art can not be moved without destroying it, and the climate and weather can change it. There are many reasons why an artist would create an environmental work of art, such as : to address environmental issues affecting earth today, to show things that could be powered by nature or be interactive with natural phenomenon (like lighting or earthquakes), or to show how people can co–exist with nature, or maybe use it as a means to help restore ecosystems in an aesthetic more content... Michael Hiezer's piece, "Double negative" was built in Nevada, near the Mormon mesa. According to Double negative, "The trenches line up across a large gap formed by the natural shape of the mesa edge. Including this open area across the gap, the trenches together measure 1,500 feet long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide." Heizer just simply subtracted earth to create this work, he took away earth to create the two trenches and thus, creating negative space, and that is how he created a "double negative." This piece was considered to be one of the first works to start the earth art movement. This piece was created to help show people how the earth can relate to art. Heizer's piece "the city" is still a work in progress and has been a life–long project that is somewhere in the Nevada Desert. The site can not be visited by people yet since Heizer is still working on it. He is using "The complexes are made mostly of earth, and were inspired in part by Native American traditions of mound–building and the ancient cities of Central and South America." Heizer states in regards to the City as, "I'm building this work for later. I'm interested in making a work of art that will represent all the civilization to this point." Walter de Maria was born in California in 1935. He studied history and art at UC Berkeley, and then went to New York in 1960. His early art was made from industrial materials to make minimalist art. In the late 1960's, he started to Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Mother Nature Mother Nature is unpredictable. We are vulnerable to her great wrath and how it can produce environmental disasters. In recent events, we have seen Hurricane Harvey not only destroy buildings, homes, and environmental structures. It has also claimed the irreplaceable....lives. The Governor of Florida articulated it best as he encouraged citizens to evacuate his state as Hurricane Irma approached. He pleaded and stated, "We can rebuilt homes, but we can't rebuilt your life." As society continues to research vulnerability to disaster, both for built systems and vulnerable populations. Society must also recognizes that factors such as wealth and poverty, race and ethnicity, gender and age; specifically, how they more content... This could never have been an option for poverty stricken citizens. "In contrast with homeowners, renters are dependent on their landlords to carry out activities that can reduce disaster vulnerabilities, such as making routine repairs and improvements, complying with building and safety codes, and carrying out specific disaster loss–reduction measures" (Tierney, 2006, pg. 113). Citizens that live in poverty main objectives are; paying the rent to have a rough over their heads and having food on the table. Their financial instabilities does not provide them the luxuries of providing additional improvising to reduce disaster vulnerabilities. Additionally, many can't even afford to evacuate; regardless, if the evacuation becomes mandated. Financially, they do not have the additional financial resource to "just get up and go". History has shown that a majority of this financial factors, are amongst specific races and ethnicity. Race and Ethnicity The United States has a diversity of race and ethnicity amongst its population. When some disasters are predicated such as a known Hurricane that is predicted to be a Category Five. Scientist can estimate the damages that it may cause, which will provide the advance notice for citizens to evacuate. Regardless of advance notices, many citizens within specific race and ethnicity, don't even speak the English language and don't understand the warnings. "Warnings cannot be issued for all types of disasters, but even Get more content on
  • 5. Mother Earth Essay Native Indians refer to the Earth as "Mother Earth". They believe that Mother Earth will provide everything that is needed for their survival. It is because of her that we are able to live and survive. Since Mother Earth provides for all, we are expected to show respect for her and everything else that surrounds us. According to Native Indians everything, whether living or non–living, has a spirit and is sacred. Because of this Native Indians believe everything to be related. Native Indians saw the world around them as sacred and deserving of respect. They saw their world to be a delicate balance of respect and caring for one another and all within the world. They believed that animals sacrificed themselves for the people. more content... Even though the Thunder Beings can choose to destroy they are revered as great protectors. Sometimes the Thunder Beings reveal themselves to those on earth. Their physical form is described as a great Thunderbird with large claws and wings, and is large enough to carry a killer whale. The Native Indians have a wonderful relationship with the Earth and everything around them. It is not easy to maintain these spiritual and sacred beliefs with each generation. In many tribes, the elders would look after the children and raise them while the parents carried on with daily life and chores. The elders ensured to pass on their knowledge and teach their beliefs and ways of life to the children. This not only kept their way of life alive with each passing generation, but ensured that the balance between them and the Earth was maintained. The Native Indians believe that all things come from the earth and once their cycle is complete they will return to the earth upon their death. It is strongly believed that what you put into the Earth is returned to you. The Earth will nurture you as long as you nurture and respect her. In other words, if you abuse and disrespect the Earth then you shall reap what you sow. The land and water will eventually become poisoned and no longer able to sustain life as it once had. Native Indians do not refer to those who are able to communicate with the spirit world as shamans, rather they Get more content on
  • 6. Environmental Science Essay Environmental Fundamentals Laura Jackson Env/100 April 8, 2013 JOHN ENSWORTH Environmental Fundamentals Introduction Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact with their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse, for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental science, the relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it should be studied; how more content... Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally. Human Values affecting Society The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants and ourselves: where the process reaches Get more content on
  • 7. How to Save Mother Earth Maika Loise D. DingalAugust 29, 2012 INTARMED Blk. 15 2012–31404 Giving back to the Womb that gave us Life We were born into this world completely provided with everything– food, air, natural riches and a beautiful environment that would serve as our home. We are so secure, safe and well–nourished within Mother Earth's womb. However, we never saw the real extent of how precious this planet is to us and we went out the world as a successful species but completely a failure as sons and daughters of Mother Earth. Instead of protecting and nurturing the environment, we did just the opposite. We built factories that release substances that destroy the environment and kill many animals, we brilliantly invented new materials more content... So, what I'll do is to maintain this kind of attitude. Whenever I have trash in hand and there is no trash bin in sight, I will just place the trash in my pockets or in my bag. Or I will look around for a trash bin. Maybe, what I will try to add to my list of good deeds is picking up litters and throwing them to the nearest trash bin. In that way, I would not only help maintain a cleaner environment, I might also encourage other people to do the same or at least be ashamed of their disposing of trash in wrong places. Number six: Promote environmental awareness. During second year, I was one of the appointed people to organize an environmental camp for our batch as a culminating activity for our Environmental Science class. It was really challenging and fulfilling at the same time because I knew I was doing something that would benefit the environment. It was nice organizing activities that would increase awareness about the environment and its processes. Since that time, I've always wanted to promote environmental awareness and I promise to do that. Great things could come from small things so I will promote environmental awareness by starting with my family. I will tell my mom and my brother not to throw trash everywhere and follow the segregation policy of our community. When I have my own family in the future, I will always teach my kids to reduce, reuse and recycle. I will have an Get more content on
  • 8. Save Our Mother Earth Let's save our 'Mother Earth' It is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists with incredible biodiversity. People all over the world celebrate this grand event to protect flora and fauna and to clean up the earth on which we live. The noble 'Earth' has bestowed the human beings with incredible and beautiful nature in the form of mountains, rivers, forests and various natural resources that helped human beings to survive and initiated our evolution. So, now it's our time to save our planet from the challenges which are threatening the existence of the earth... The life of Human beings originated on the planet Earth .The "Mother Earth" is calling us for her protection. People have become selfish and they are more content... As a new initiative to protect the earth , the concept of 'Earth Hour' has been started which is observed in the month of March every year in which people all over the world switch off the lights and devote in saving the environment. Demonstrations are carried out by the conservation groups at various levels in the form of seminars, debates and discussions by the eminent personalities. Ways to save Earth There are many ways through which we all can contribute in the protection and conservation of species and keeping the earth clean. We should also try to lessen the use of natural resources so that there will be enough resources for the coming generation as well. We should find solutions to protect and save endangered species as they are essential part of our flora and fauna. Conservation groups should open more and more wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves. For instance, there are very less number of tigers left on the earth. For this,'Aircel' has launched an awareness campaign to 'save tigers' in which they convince people to write articles and blogs to aware people across the world. People should try to use public transportation instead of personal vehicles as it will help in reducing pollution to great extent. Lesser the Get more content on