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 Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1

                                                  Sligro Food Group
                                                     ensure their online orders

                                             Boehringer Ingelheim
                                                    centralize their monitoring

                                    International Card Services
                                                control their critical processes

                                              emerging leader in
                                      real-time banking security
Letter from the CEO

          Welcome to the future

Real-time is not easy, but it is our passion
         We are investing heavily to be the number 1 global software vendor for real-time monitoring solutions.

         It is clear that corporations all around the world need to be on top of anything that can impact them so they
         have a chance to react. Be it a security threat, a policy violation, an external event, a degraded service level,
         an operational problem in a critical web application.

         We are here to help.

         Companies worldwide are turning to us to deploy solutions that work.

         It saddens us to see millions and millions of dollars being wasted on arcane, complex
         monitoring frameworks that promise you the moon and never achieve even a fraction
                                                                                                             many companies
         of their promises. In particular when we offer an astonishing rate of project success,
                                                                                                             waste millions of
         both in time and in customer satisfaction; a perfect 100% for 3 years running.
                                                                                                              dollars on highly
         So it is no surprise we are perfecting ways to allow the IT department to                            complicated and
         communicate better with the business: Our new solutions offer unmatched                            outdated solutions
         applications' modeling and real-time impact analysis capabilities, powerful                                 that make
         dashboard and scoreboard technology, Security Compliance reports, unique real-
                                                                                                                promises they
         time data protection tools, and more.
                                                                                                               cannot deliver”
         Real-time makes the difference between success and failure.

         Real-time is the future, but it is available here, today, and we are proud to deliver it to you.

         Welcome to the future.

         Raúl Cristián Aguirre

         President and CEO

Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1

     Table of contents

4    Boehringer Ingelheim centralize their monitoring
     Tango/04 centralizes the monitoring of their business processes, infrastructure and IT security in a
     functional, quick and visual manner thanks to a single console.

7    The standard for real-time security
     Banks around the world adopt VISUAL Security Suite as real-time protection standard.

8    International Card Services control their critical processes
     ICS monitors their business processes to show their internal clients, in real time, the status of their
     critical processes.

10   Latest news
     New Tango/04 Transaction Agent Monitors User Experience and Simplifies Service Level Management.
     New HP-UX Agents Complete Tango/04’s UNIX Monitoring Capabilities.
     Moores Rowland Consulting to distribute Tango/04 Solutions in India.

12   Sligro Food Group ensure their online orders with Tango/04
     One of the main European supermarkets chooses Tango/04 to monitor their infrastructure and
     ensure their online orders are processed 24/7.

14   Tango/04, close to you
15   About Tango/04

 centralize their
Visual Message Center centralizes the monitoring of
their business processes, their infrastructure and IT
security in a functional, quick and visual manner thanks
to a unique console.
Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1

Committed to offer value through scientific and                             The main inconvenience in this process was that
technical innovations, Boehringer Ingelheim, one of                         when it failed, problems fell on the Information
the world's leading pharmaceutical laboratories,                            Systems Department. Sales data, crucial to any
has been producing medicines for more than 100                              company, is the first thing the people at Boehringer
years, employing more than 30,000 people                                    check when they arrive at work in the morning. Sales
worldwide and 400 in Argentina.
                                                                            representatives have a quota to achieve; therefore
The Information Systems department of the                                   this figure is critical, especially near the end of the
Argentina branch leads the South American                                   month. VISUAL Message Center monitors this
Regional Operative Unit, a region comprising                                nightly process and informs the Information Systems
Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Perú, Uruguay                          Department if any of the steps are not completed.
and Paraguay. They all rely on the continuous
o p e rat i o n s o f B o e h r i n ge r A rge nt i n a ' s I T             Monitoring this business process saves Boehringer´s

infrastructure.                                                             Information Systems Department time and
                                                                            prevents them from receiving complaints
The headache and the right painkiller                                       from users, while data availability is
The Information Systems Department was lacking                              under control at all times. And, above
an event monitoring tool. Due to its big                                    all, “everytime the process failed,
infrastructure and diverse platforms, “the company                          the image of the Information                                   “Besides
first developed its own tools in-house, but this did                        Systems Department                                     offering a better
not provide the right solution,” explains Marcelo                           d ete r i o r a te d . T h i s h e l ps              price, we found it
Grasso, IT Security and Infrastructure Manager at                                                                              functional and easy
                                                                            improve it,” explains Grasso.
Boehringer Ingelheim.                                                                                                                         to use.
                                                                            Multiple control: “VISUAL                              It is very visual,
In order to find a real solution to its needs,                                                                                 easy to manage and
                                                                            Message does it for us”
Boehringer chose Tango/04's VISUALMessage                                                                                                  maintain”
Center. “Not only did it offer a better value, but we                       Besides monitoring the main
also found it functional and easy to use. It is very                        business process, with VISUAL
visual, easy to manage and maintain” says Grasso.                           Message Center, Boehringer is also able
The deciding factors in selecting this tool were the                        to control its infrastructure and multi-
capability to centralize monitoring in a single                             platform applications:
console, the scalability of the solution, and the real-                          ?and Communications
time alerts that constantly inform about what is                                 iSeries Servers
going on in the company.                                                         SQL Servers
                                                                                 Oracle Servers
Controlling Critical Processes While Improving
Your Image Multiple Control:                                                     Windows Servers
                                                                            The main benefit Marcelo Grasso finds in monitoring
The main business process being monitored by
                                                                            these processes is that they are completing tasks that
Boehringer is the submission of sales information.
                                                                            were impossible to do before, due to time constraints
This is a daily procedure, executed at night, which
                                                                            on the members of the Information Systems
updates the sales and generates reports that are
available company-wide.                                                     Department.

This is vital information that is consulted by sales,                       Boehringer's Information Systems Department was
finance, and information systems managers, as well                          able to increase its daily productivity, by saving time
as sales representatives, and the entire company.                           using a single centralized console.

“We use
                                          VISUAL Message Center
                                       to monitor each of our servers
                                         in detail, which used to be
                                    impossible due to time constraints.
                                      Now the software does it for us”
                                                                                          an answer – with VISUAL
“Not having a detailed X-ray of
                                                                                    Message Center Last year, that
our system used to be very
                                                                                was a weakness in our audit. Today,
problematic for us. Now, we control what
                                                                           we can show what we have implemented
is going on better, and we can act accordingly” says
                                                              with Tango/04”.
                                                              In Summary: A Happy Ending
It's Better to be Safe Using Real-TimeAlerts,
Than Sorry                                                    “We chose VISUAL Message Center because we
                                                              found it was a very visual, very user-friendly tool,
This type of prevention regarding user problems
                                                              with a cost-benefit ratio that made it very convenient
has become essential to Boehringer's Information
                                                              for us”, says Grasso.
Systems Department. “This tool has provided a lot
of benefits” he says.                                         All this was completed in a short period of time and
                                                              delivered on schedule. In a few weeks, Boehringer
                                                              got a complete monitoring tool that met and
                        Branch Connection Status              exceeded its demands.

                                                              “This solution has endless capabilities. I see a great
                                                              future in it. I recommend Tango/04`s VISUAL Message
                                                              Center to companies who want to implement a
                                                              monitoring solution”, concludes Grasso.




We can configure it to receive real-time alerts                   60
whenever an event occurs, via e-mail, Blackberry,
and SMS messages to a cell phone.                                 40

+ IT Security

Marcelo Grasso is also responsible for Boehringer's
IT Security, and that is why he was more than happy
when they found a tool that could monitor
business processes, applications and                         Percentage of Availability
                                                                Available                      99,58%
infrastructure, as well as the IT security area. “All
                                                                Non available                  0,42%
the security monitoring that we did not have
before, is now being done automatically, and
generates weekly reports”.                                   Total Changes                         245

                                                                Succes                    77     31,43%
Security monitoring is also used to meet corporate
                                                                Minor                 109        44,49%
and Qaaudits (controlling the quality of the user
                                                                Warning                   53     21,63%
area by auditing the systems area). Monitoring is
                                                                Critical                   6      2,45%
one of the requirements of the audit. “If someone
                                                                Unknow                     0      0,00%
asks how do we monitor our servers, we now have

Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1

More and more banks worldwide choose
Tango/04 Visual Security Suite as a solution
for real time security monitoring

Around the world, many financial institutions such as Galicia Bank, the Italian Stock Exchange, BBVA, San Paolo Bank, the
Industrial Bank, Red Link, Itau Bank, Patagonia Bank are finding that that nothing compares to the level of protection
provided by Tango/04. Banks are choosing Tango/04´s solutions for various reasons that differentiate them from their
competitors, including:

Ease of use                                                          ?Low risk implementation (quick implementation,
? references in the banking sector
Experience and                                                       guaranteed success)

?console with real time alerts (Smart
Centralized                                                          Besides, the integrated nature of Tango/04
Console)                                                             solutions means that the same solution
                                                                     c a n b e u s e d f o r s e c u r i t y,
? Internal and External Audits
Helps with
compliance, as well as covering banking regulations
                                                                     infrastructure monitoring, and                   “Galicia Bank,
                                                                     BSM (Business Service                          the Italian Stock
Unique record-level, real time protection for
                                                                     Monitoring, which includes the               Exchange, BBVA,
databases (Data Monitor)
                                                                     protection of business services                San Paolo Bank,
? interpret and change the format of
Ability to read,                                                     and processes by controlling               the Industrial Bank,
any text log, regardless of their complexity, in real                quality of service and important                 Red Link, Itau
time, including SWIFT and custom applications logs                   business indicators in real time).             Bank, Patagonia
Ability to monitor with or without agents (agentless)                As the Chief Information                     Bank Are some of
                                                                     Security Officer of Patagonia                  our most recent
Prevents Security Departments from going through
                                                                     Bank puts it “Tango/04 helped                            clients”
endless list of events manually, which saves them
                                                                     improving the quality of service of
time and avoids problems
                                                                     our bank”. So Tango/04 is already
Complete reports which cover various controls
                                                                     positioning itself as the emerging leader
requested by banking institutions
                                                                     for security in financial institutions in many
? the impact of security events on the
Ability to show                                                      regions. In some territories it is already the “de
business services                                                    facto” standard in real time security solutions.

   Card Services
control their critical processes
from a single console

ICS monitors its business
processes in order to show its
internal customers the status of
its critical operations in real-time.

The Fortis subsidiary International Card Services           “ICS' IT network includes a number of external parties,
(ICS) is one of the largest credit card specialists and a   including the Fortis Computer Center in Woerden. They
market leader in issuing credit cards in The                manage the technical operations of the systems,” says
Netherlands. The company has been issuing credit            Smits. “However, the fact that their systems are up and
cards for VISA and MasterCard for over 15 years. In         running does not necessarily mean that our business
addition ICS manages promotions, administration             processes are performing as required. That is why we
and transactions processing of credit cards. In total       were looking for a way to clarify our internal business
ICS has more than 2,4 million cardholders,                  processes. We thought: if we could mount a screen that
approximately 300 employees and – in addition to            displays the current status of our business processes,
its headquarters in Diemen – has offices in Belgium         then we could show our internal customers what is
(near Brussels) and in Germany (Düsseldorf).                going on, both from a technical point of view and in
                                                            relation to our processes. The model that we envisioned
Business processes at a glance                              contained IT components, business processes and
Pieter Smits is Head of Technical Management at             applications. These three elements were to be
International Card Services and is responsible for          displayed in a single transparent model.” After a
managing individual workstations and the IT                 successful Proof-of-Concept from PST Business
network, user support, change management and                Solutions, Tango/04's partner in The Netherlands,
service management. In collaboration with Dick de           International Card Services decided to purchase the
Graaf, IT Supply Manager at ICS, he set out to find a       company-wide monitoring and management solution,
method for monitoring business processes at ICS.            Tango/04 VISUAL Message Center.
Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1

“What struck us from the start about VISUAL Message                                 A visual solution
Center was how easy the product is to use. Other                                    “For us the visual aspect was particularly
packages are much more cumbersome to work with,
                                                                                    important,” says Smits. “A clear design of the
offer built-in helpdesk functionality, or completely
                                                                                    management console makes it easier and faster for
defined ITIL-processes that you do not need. The
                                                                                                                   users to recognize
reason is that these products
are not designed for                                                                                                  problems.” Thus ICS's
monitoring business processes                                                                                         visual management
but for monitoring technical                            Not only does                                                 consoles give a clear, real-
issues. These other packages                      Tango04 monitor servers,                                            time picture of the
we investigated were too
                                           it can also control business processes
                                                                                                                      business processes; they
complicated,” says Smits.                                                                                             show any problems, their
                                                                                                                      causes, and their impact
Card application process
                                                                                    on the business processes. VISUAL Message Center
When taking VISUAL Message Center into
                                                                                    offers ICS proactive and in particular real-time
production, ICS
                                                                                                                           management of the
s t a r t e d      b y
implementing a few                                                                                                         company. A problem
w e l l - k n o w n           External
                                                                                                                           can be intercepted in
processes. “One of                                                                                                         time and, where
these processes was                                                                                                        required, be solved
                              Direct                Approve                      Order to     Card and PIN
the card application        application            application                  create card
                                                                                                                           automatically before it
process,” relates                                                                                                          escalates.
Smits. “This process                       $
                                                                                              Send card                    Heartbeat
includes all steps                             Credit

from the moment a                                                                                    VISUAL                “Our processes are the
                                                                                                    message center
customer applies for                                                                                                       a r t e r i e s            o f
a card to the actual production of the credit card.”                                International Card Services,” ends Smits. “As our
                                                                                    company grows, our processes become more
In order to process a credit card application several
processes are checked: the                                                                                         complex and many of our
application system must be                                                                                            business processes require
available, response times must                     “We monitor the entire process -                                   continuous availability, it is
be satisfactory, a credit check                    from the initial card request until                                increasingly important to
must be run on the customer,                     the delivery of the card to the client                               have a uniform view of our
and so on. To use the credit                       - including all internal processes                                 business. For us VISUAL
cards other processes are                         and third parties involved. Without                                 Message Center is the
checked and must be available                     VISUAL Message Center we would
                                                                                                                      ideal solution for
without interruption. “We                           lose overview of these complex
                                                                                                                      monitoring our business
have made all these processes                                 processes”
                                                                                                                      processes and to alert us
transparent,” continues Smits.
“After quickly and successfully                                                                                    when necessary. It allows us
completing the application process, we continued to                                 to work in a more proactive manner, without added
add all of our business processes to VISUAL Message                                 resources, and in most cases without continuous on-
Center, one-by one and step by- step.”                                              site support.”

Latest News
New Tango/04 Transaction Agent
Monitors User Experience
and Simplifies Service Level Management
                                                                                             (UTA), which provides its flagship
                                                                                             solution, VISUAL Message Center, with
                                                                                             new monitoring capabilities to help
                CRITICAL BUSINESS SERVICES REAL TIME DASHBOARD                               automatically reproduce typical user
                                                                 Remote CRM                  business transactions, measuring the
                                                                 access grom branches
                          Availability   Response Time                                       time they take to complete and
     SAP R/3
                                                                 East Coast
                                                                                             detecting any possible malfunction
     Siebel CRM                                                  West Coast
                                                                                             before it’s too late.
     Corporate Web Site                                          UK

     Intranet                                                    Germany
                                                                                            “Most companies today
     e-mail services
                                                                                            depend on the successful
     Mainframe (3270)

     iSeries (5250)
                                                                 India                      completion of the
     Tango/04 Console                                            China                      transactions
                                                                                            performed online
                                                                                            b y      t h e i r            “Tango/04 software
                                                                                            customers,                             allowed us to
                                                                                                                          implement efficient
                                                                                            partners or                  compliance controls
What is the actual experience of users of business                                          internal users,”                  in record time. It
                                                                                says Raul Cristian Aguirre,                      surpassed our
applications? What is the actual response time they
                                                                                CEO of Tango/04 Computing                          expectations.
get from SAP, Siebel or applications running on                                                                          We are very happy.”
                                                                                Group. “If an application
Citrix? How fast are transactions performed? Can
                                                                                transaction takes longer than                             Ricardo Martin,
companies detect if a critical application is failing
                                                                                expected or fails, it can create             Systems and Security Director
before it affects the business?                                                 serious business problems and                              SEUR Geopost
                                                                                losses. Now, with the new Tango/04
Tango/04 Computing Group, a leading developer of
                                                                                Universal Transaction Agent, it is very
software solutions for Systems Management,
                                                                                easy to automatically detect and proactively
Security Auditing, Operations Monitoring and
                                                                                solve the root-cause problems that affect user
Business Service Management (BSM), today
released the new Universal Transaction Agent

New HP-UX Agents Complete Tango/04’s UNIX
Monitoring Capabilities
Companies relying on HP-UX servers can now                                      software solutions for Systems with the addition of
improve the availability and performance of their                               these new monitors, VISUAL Message Center now
critical applications and business services using the
                                                                                helps IT departments manage all major UNIX
new dedicated HP-UX Agents of VISUAL Message
                                                                                systems, as these new HP-UX Agents complement
Center, Tango/04’s IT operations monitoring and
Business Service Management solution.                                           the already existing range of AIX, Sun Solaris, Linux
Tango/04 Computing Group, a leading developer of                                and other VISUAL Message Center Agents.

Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1

                                                  Focus on the One Million Dollar
“It is a solid
for Security
                                                  problem, not on the Five Cents
Administrators today”

Giuseppe Re,                                     The new Tango/04 suite of                        context, focusing on the relevant problems first. This
                                                Business            Service                       is accomplished by modeling the services using the
Soluzioni EDP
                                              Management products lets you                        new Service Control Points and the extremely easy
                                           monitor whole applications and
                                                                                                  to use modeling features, which let you reflect the
                                       business services, instead of just
                                                                                                  dependencies between components. Tango/04
                                   isolated elements (such as routers and
                                                                                                  VISUAL Message Center makes the IT department
                         servers). As you always know the real impact of
                  an incident on the supported applications,                                      shine as technicians always know what’s happening
                  operators can manage infrastructure in the right                                at the end-user level.

                  Moores Rowland Consulting to distribute
                  Tango/04 Solutions in India
                  Tango/04 award-winning software solutions for IT
                  Monitoring, Business Service Management (BSM), IT Security,
                  Compliance and Data Auditing, will be distributed and
                  implemented in India by Mumbai-based Moores Rowland
                  Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (MRCPL), a Haribhakti Group company.

                  The Haribhakti Group is a leading accounting and consulting
                  organization covering a wide array of Audit, Financial
                  Advisory and IT Management services, assisting clients to
                                                                                                  pleased to have Moores Rowland Consulting Pvt. Ltd. as
                               obtain optimum value from their investments in IT.
                                                                                                  our Business Partner in India. With their experience,
                                      “India is one of the biggest IT markets in the              knowledge and commitment to quality we are sure to offer
                                          world and is expanding very rapidly”                    the best integrated solutions and services.”
                                            said Jenko Gaviglia, International
RANDOM HOUSE MONDADORI                        Sales Director at Tango/04
                                                Computing Group. “We are very
“Finally, we can
monitor our entire IT
infrastructure in a
simple and intuitive
manner, centralizing
                                                                                                                                          “Tango/04 solutions have
everything in a single
                                                                                                                                       adapted to our needs so well
console. ”
                                                                                                                                        that now we cannot imagine
                                                                                                                                             working without them.”
Ricard Carnicer, IT Director
Random House Mondadori
                                                                                                                                                                            Tibor Herzog
                                                                                                                                                                               IT Director
                                                                                                                                                                               K&H Bank

     Food Group
        ensure their
       online orders
                                      with Tango04

                   The IT department at Sligro Food
                   Group chooses Tango04 to monitor its
                   infrastructure and to ensure the
                   process of its online orders 24/7.

                   With a range of over 60,000 products, Sligro is the
                   largest food wholesaler in the Netherlands. It serves
                   retailers and food service companies including
                   stores, supermarkets, restaurants and caterers.
                   Sligro's infrastructure encompasses more than 70
                   Windows servers and approximately 60 iSeries
                   systems. Protecting business processes supported
                   by this infrastructure from downtime is crucial to
                   Sligro. This is why Sligro decided to permanently
                   monitor its business processes and infrastructure
                   with Tango/04 VISUAL Message Center.

                   The Challenge: Order Processes and Infrastructure

                   Order processes are the heart of Sligro's business.
                   Orders from large accounts are entered directly into
                   the system, while orders from smaller accounts
                   come in by handheld terminals or Electronic Data
                   Interchange (EDI).

                   If an order gets lost, the Sligro store that placed the
                   order may not be supplied the next day. The result is
                   that articles won't be on stock and the store will
                   have to say no to a customer.

Dennis Wolf from PST Business Solutions (Tango04 business partner) awarding the
Training Certificate to Hans Theunissen for attending the advanced Tango/04 training
“If we cannot receive our
                  orders online our business
                             grinds to a halt”

“Without the electronic receipt of orders our                       full-scale Business Service Management (BSM)
business comes to a complete standstill,” says Alex                 environment.
Manders, IT Manager at Sligro. “It is therefore
extremely important that the order process can be                   VISUAL Message Center helps companies obtain the
carried out at all times and that the underlying                    maximum output from their IT infrastructure by
infrastructure is working correctly. Not a single                   simplifying the management of their critical
order may get stuck in the systems without anybody                  technical components and business processes
noticing, or worse, get lost altogether.”                           across distributed systems.

Choosing a Solution                                                 Businesses benefit from increased datacenter
Sligro had a number of criteria that were essential to              productivity, maximum availability, optimal
selecting a solution. The solution had to be very                   performance and a more cost efficient management
scalable, provide an increased speed of handling                    of their IT infrastructure.
orders and be implemented by a professional
provider. To meet Sligro's goals, the clear choice was              With average deployment times in the range of a
Tango/04 VISUAL Message Center, capable of doing                    few days or weeks, VISUAL Message Center delivers
exactly what they wanted.                                           tangible value to companies of all sizes in a fraction

From the start, high standards were set. Order                      of the time required to implement other monitoring

processes were to be continuously monitored, 24/7.                  frameworks.
In addition all IT components on the network had to
                                                                    Issues in the systems are immediately noticed,
be monitored and protected proactively from any
                                                                    escalated, corrected and reported.
                                                                    “Thanks to the IT process modeling and infrastructure
Implementing an IT Operations Management                            monitoring capabilities of VISUAL Message Center, it
Solution                                                            was very easy for Sligro to implement a solution that
After a successful Proof of Concept and the                         can monitor in real time their operations and the
management presentation, Sligro decided to go                       critical ordering processes on which the company's
ahead with the company-wide implementation of
                                                                    success depends,” says Jenko Gaviglia, Tango/04's
VISUAL Message Center.
                                                                    Director of International Sales.
Sligro adopted a gradual approach to implementing
                                                                    Visualization of the processes plays an important role,
the application. By brainstorming in advance and
creating time for the necessary analysis and                        too. Visual management displays show in real time
execution required, Sligro took full advantage of the               what errors occur, what the root cause is and what
increasing insight of the team as the project                       impact it has on the business process in question.
progressed. It also allowed Sligro managers to
                                                                    The automatic and continuous protection of Sligro's
attend to their important daily tasks.
                                                                    business processes with VISUAL Message Center
IT Operations Management with Tango/04                              leads to an increased availability, providing
V I S UA L M e s s a g e C e n t e r, Ta n g o / 0 4 ' s I T        significant time savings and ultimately increasing
Infrastructure & Operations Monitoring solution,                    Sligro's profit margins.
has been designed with simplicity in mind. Its
unique ease of use ensures a quick implementation,                  With Tango/04 Visual Message Center, Sligro can be
an easy operation and maintenance and full                          100% sure that orders that have been placed will get
scalability to evolve your monitoring project into a                delivered.

clos e to you
Tango04 offers you different communications channels so that you
are always up-to-date with the latest trends in monitoring and IT

Discover our newsletters, and our eChannel offering free training
and Web seminars. Regularly visit our Web site and always have our
details at hand.

                   channel                                                               News
We invite you to discover Tango04 eChannel, our                      Tango04 eNews is a free newsletter regarding
new online training and communication service,                       monitoring and IT security, available in 2 versions:
which will keep you up-to-date with the latest in IT
                                                                     iSeries edition, created especially for IT managers
and introduce you to the latest technologies created
                                                                       and professionals who work in iSeries
by our R&D department in Barcelona.
Through our Web seminars learn the views of experts
                                                                     CIO Edition, directed mainly at CIOs, CEOs and
and high profile people in the industry and let our
                                                                       t e c h n i c a l p ro fe s s i o n a l s w h o w o r k i n
team of professionals answer all your questions.
                                                                       multiplatform environments
All events are free and available in English. Visit our
                                                                     To register and read the latest editions of our
Web site to find
                                                                     newsletters, visit
out more about upcoming events and our Learn
How section.

                                                         Contact Email

On our Web site,, you will find                      You can easily get in touch with Tango04, to solve
all the information you need about our solutions,                    any doubt or query, by emailing us to
including brochures, case studies, white papers,           
business meetings, press releases and a lot more.
                                                                     We are more than happy to assist you.
Don’t forget to regularly visit our Web site to keep up to date with the
latest from Tango04.

  Call us now to learn more about our solutions, no strings attached
                     North America 1 800-304-6872
                       EMEA + 34 93 274 00 51
100% Satisfaction
It´s not common place to find a
                                                          “To optimize our most critical           “Tango/04 has
satisfaction rate in monitoring
                                                         business processes, to minimize      an excellent technical and
solutions as high as Tango04´s.                         downtime, and to help us improve         professional team.”
Whilst our competitors                                  our Service Levels. This is why we
accumulate failures, this is what                               chose Tango/04.”              Ruben Hector Villaverde, Systems
                                                                                                     Coca-Cola FEMSA
our clients have got to say:
                                                                     Mauro Fonzo,
                                                             Head of Systems Management
                                                                Gruppo Borsa Italiana

                                                                                             “Configuring the Tango/04
                                                                                              software was very easy.”

         About                                                                                    Rob Freeling, Consultant

         Tango/04 Computing Group is one of the leading developers of
         systems management and automation software. Tango/04 software                           PREVISION
         helps companies maintain the operating health of all their business
                                                                                                  “Tango/04 proved
         processes, improve service levels, increase productivity, and reduce                to be a very positive answer
         costs through intelligent management of their IT infrastructure.                         to our exhaustive
                                                                                                 monitoring needs.”
         Founded in 1991 in Barcelona, Spain, Tango/04 is an IBM Business
         Partner and a key member of IBM’s Autonomic Computing initiative.                          Victor Lizarraga, CIO
                                                                                                     Helvetia Insurance
         Tango/04 has more than a thousand customers who are served by
         over 35 authorized Business Partners around the world.

             Partnerships IBM Business Partner
                                                                                                “Tango/04’s VISUAL
             " Autonomic Computing Business Partner
             IBM                                                                             Security Suite has allowed
             " PartnerWorld for Developers Advanced Membership
             IBM                                                                              us to rapidly implement
             " ISV Advantage Agreement
             IBM                                                                                   SOX controls.”
             " Early code release
             IBM                                                                                  Don Keating, IT Manager
             " Direct Technical Liaison                                                                Henry Schein
             Microsoft Developer Network
             Microsoft Early Code Release

             Best Monitoring product (USA, APEX Awards 2004)
             Product of the Year (USA,                                                  “Enhanced
             " All Star Award, 1997 to date
             IBM                                                                                  response times and
                                                                                             accomplishment of Service
             Best Performance Product (USA, Midrange Computing                                 Level Agreements were
              Showcase Product Excellence                                                    visible right from the start.”
             " iSeries Magazine Honor Roll, 2001
                                                                                             Jimmy van Kerkvoorde, IT Manager
             " Server Certification
             IBM                                                                                        Fortis Bank


                 The Critical Business
                 Processes of the

                 Italian Stock Exchange,
                 Monitored by Tango/04

                  Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia S.p.A. (CC&G), part                                                                                          “With Tango/04 we have the
                  of the Borsa Italiana Group (Italy's Stock Exchange), is                                                                                        ability to optimize our most
                  the clearinghouse responsible for all the Italian financial                                                                                   critical business processes and
                  transactions involving derivatives, cash equity and                                                                                           minimize downtime, improving
                  government bonds.                                                                                                                              our Service Levels (SLA) and
                                                                                                                                                                    applications availability.”

                  CC&G uses Tango/04 Business Service Management
                                                                                                                                                                           Angelo Mauro Fonzo
                  solutions for monitoring their IT infrastructure, allowing                                                                                   Head of Systems Management, CC&G Borsa
                  them to ensure the availability of their critical processes,                                                                                                Italiana Group
                                                                                                                                                                        (Italian Stock Exchange)
                  such as guaranteeing daily transactions, updating
                  derivatives closing prices and communicating them to
                  the media.

                                                                                Quotazioni, Contratti                                                               Tango/04 helps the IT
                  Avanzamento orario - quotazioni titoli 9:40 - 17:40 :1 h
                                                                                                                                                                Department by assuring the
                                                                                                                                                                   accuracy of derivatives
                   h 09:40        h 10:40        h 11:40           h 12:40       h 13:40       h 14:40           h 15:40      h 16:40
                                                                                                                                                               closing prices, controlling that
                  Avanzamento orario - quotazioni titoli 15:00 - 16:00 :5 m                                                                                    the established time limits for
                                                                                                                                                                 the required operations are

                   m 15:00   m 15:05        m 15:10      m 15:15    m 15:20     m 15:25    m 15:30     m 15:35      m 15:40   m 15:45   m 15:50   m 15:55

                                                                                                                                                                     met. With Tango/04
                  Stato processori                                              Stato processori                                          Operazioni
                                                                                                                                                               Solutions, CC&G can monitor
                                                                                                                                                                 the correct operation of the
                      Errore Q1              Errore T1                       Coda QBATCH                   Sottosistema                                Start

                                                                                                                                                                infrastructure and its critical

                      Errore A1              Errore I1                          Job 1          Job 2             Job 3                                 Stop               processes.


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Monitor magazine

  • 1. Monitor Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1 Sligro Food Group ensure their online orders Boehringer Ingelheim centralize their monitoring International Card Services control their critical processes Tango/04, emerging leader in real-time banking security
  • 2. Letter from the CEO Welcome to the future Real-time is not easy, but it is our passion We are investing heavily to be the number 1 global software vendor for real-time monitoring solutions. It is clear that corporations all around the world need to be on top of anything that can impact them so they have a chance to react. Be it a security threat, a policy violation, an external event, a degraded service level, an operational problem in a critical web application. We are here to help. Companies worldwide are turning to us to deploy solutions that work. It saddens us to see millions and millions of dollars being wasted on arcane, complex “Unfortunately, monitoring frameworks that promise you the moon and never achieve even a fraction many companies of their promises. In particular when we offer an astonishing rate of project success, waste millions of both in time and in customer satisfaction; a perfect 100% for 3 years running. dollars on highly So it is no surprise we are perfecting ways to allow the IT department to complicated and communicate better with the business: Our new solutions offer unmatched outdated solutions applications' modeling and real-time impact analysis capabilities, powerful that make dashboard and scoreboard technology, Security Compliance reports, unique real- promises they time data protection tools, and more. cannot deliver” Real-time makes the difference between success and failure. Real-time is the future, but it is available here, today, and we are proud to deliver it to you. Welcome to the future. Raúl Cristián Aguirre President and CEO 2
  • 3. Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1 Table of contents 4 Boehringer Ingelheim centralize their monitoring Tango/04 centralizes the monitoring of their business processes, infrastructure and IT security in a functional, quick and visual manner thanks to a single console. 7 The standard for real-time security Banks around the world adopt VISUAL Security Suite as real-time protection standard. 8 International Card Services control their critical processes ICS monitors their business processes to show their internal clients, in real time, the status of their critical processes. 10 Latest news New Tango/04 Transaction Agent Monitors User Experience and Simplifies Service Level Management. New HP-UX Agents Complete Tango/04’s UNIX Monitoring Capabilities. Moores Rowland Consulting to distribute Tango/04 Solutions in India. 12 Sligro Food Group ensure their online orders with Tango/04 One of the main European supermarkets chooses Tango/04 to monitor their infrastructure and ensure their online orders are processed 24/7. 14 Tango/04, close to you 15 About Tango/04 3
  • 4. Boehringer Ingelheim centralize their monitoring Visual Message Center centralizes the monitoring of their business processes, their infrastructure and IT security in a functional, quick and visual manner thanks to a unique console.
  • 5. Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1 Committed to offer value through scientific and The main inconvenience in this process was that technical innovations, Boehringer Ingelheim, one of when it failed, problems fell on the Information the world's leading pharmaceutical laboratories, Systems Department. Sales data, crucial to any has been producing medicines for more than 100 company, is the first thing the people at Boehringer years, employing more than 30,000 people check when they arrive at work in the morning. Sales worldwide and 400 in Argentina. representatives have a quota to achieve; therefore The Information Systems department of the this figure is critical, especially near the end of the Argentina branch leads the South American month. VISUAL Message Center monitors this Regional Operative Unit, a region comprising nightly process and informs the Information Systems Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Perú, Uruguay Department if any of the steps are not completed. and Paraguay. They all rely on the continuous o p e rat i o n s o f B o e h r i n ge r A rge nt i n a ' s I T Monitoring this business process saves Boehringer´s infrastructure. Information Systems Department time and prevents them from receiving complaints The headache and the right painkiller from users, while data availability is The Information Systems Department was lacking under control at all times. And, above an event monitoring tool. Due to its big all, “everytime the process failed, infrastructure and diverse platforms, “the company the image of the Information “Besides first developed its own tools in-house, but this did Systems Department offering a better not provide the right solution,” explains Marcelo d ete r i o r a te d . T h i s h e l ps price, we found it Grasso, IT Security and Infrastructure Manager at functional and easy improve it,” explains Grasso. Boehringer Ingelheim. to use. Multiple control: “VISUAL It is very visual, In order to find a real solution to its needs, easy to manage and Message does it for us” Boehringer chose Tango/04's VISUALMessage maintain” Center. “Not only did it offer a better value, but we Besides monitoring the main also found it functional and easy to use. It is very business process, with VISUAL visual, easy to manage and maintain” says Grasso. Message Center, Boehringer is also able The deciding factors in selecting this tool were the to control its infrastructure and multi- capability to centralize monitoring in a single platform applications: console, the scalability of the solution, and the real- ?and Communications Networks time alerts that constantly inform about what is iSeries Servers ? going on in the company. SQL Servers ? Oracle Servers ? Controlling Critical Processes While Improving Your Image Multiple Control: Windows Servers ? The main benefit Marcelo Grasso finds in monitoring The main business process being monitored by these processes is that they are completing tasks that Boehringer is the submission of sales information. were impossible to do before, due to time constraints This is a daily procedure, executed at night, which on the members of the Information Systems updates the sales and generates reports that are available company-wide. Department. This is vital information that is consulted by sales, Boehringer's Information Systems Department was finance, and information systems managers, as well able to increase its daily productivity, by saving time as sales representatives, and the entire company. using a single centralized console. 5
  • 6. “We use VISUAL Message Center to monitor each of our servers in detail, which used to be impossible due to time constraints. Now the software does it for us” an answer – with VISUAL “Not having a detailed X-ray of Message Center Last year, that our system used to be very was a weakness in our audit. Today, problematic for us. Now, we control what we can show what we have implemented is going on better, and we can act accordingly” says with Tango/04”. Grasso. In Summary: A Happy Ending It's Better to be Safe Using Real-TimeAlerts, Than Sorry “We chose VISUAL Message Center because we found it was a very visual, very user-friendly tool, This type of prevention regarding user problems with a cost-benefit ratio that made it very convenient has become essential to Boehringer's Information for us”, says Grasso. Systems Department. “This tool has provided a lot of benefits” he says. All this was completed in a short period of time and delivered on schedule. In a few weeks, Boehringer got a complete monitoring tool that met and Branch Connection Status exceeded its demands. “This solution has endless capabilities. I see a great future in it. I recommend Tango/04`s VISUAL Message Center to companies who want to implement a monitoring solution”, concludes Grasso. 120 100 80 We can configure it to receive real-time alerts 60 whenever an event occurs, via e-mail, Blackberry, and SMS messages to a cell phone. 40 20 + IT Security Marcelo Grasso is also responsible for Boehringer's Summary IT Security, and that is why he was more than happy when they found a tool that could monitor business processes, applications and Percentage of Availability Available 99,58% infrastructure, as well as the IT security area. “All Non available 0,42% the security monitoring that we did not have before, is now being done automatically, and generates weekly reports”. Total Changes 245 Succes 77 31,43% Security monitoring is also used to meet corporate Minor 109 44,49% and Qaaudits (controlling the quality of the user Warning 53 21,63% area by auditing the systems area). Monitoring is Critical 6 2,45% one of the requirements of the audit. “If someone Unknow 0 0,00% asks how do we monitor our servers, we now have 6
  • 7. Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1 More and more banks worldwide choose Tango/04 Visual Security Suite as a solution for real time security monitoring Around the world, many financial institutions such as Galicia Bank, the Italian Stock Exchange, BBVA, San Paolo Bank, the Industrial Bank, Red Link, Itau Bank, Patagonia Bank are finding that that nothing compares to the level of protection provided by Tango/04. Banks are choosing Tango/04´s solutions for various reasons that differentiate them from their competitors, including: ? Ease of use ?Low risk implementation (quick implementation, ? references in the banking sector Experience and guaranteed success) ?console with real time alerts (Smart Centralized Besides, the integrated nature of Tango/04 Console) solutions means that the same solution c a n b e u s e d f o r s e c u r i t y, ? Internal and External Audits Helps with compliance, as well as covering banking regulations infrastructure monitoring, and “Galicia Bank, BSM (Business Service the Italian Stock ? Unique record-level, real time protection for Monitoring, which includes the Exchange, BBVA, databases (Data Monitor) protection of business services San Paolo Bank, ? interpret and change the format of Ability to read, and processes by controlling the Industrial Bank, any text log, regardless of their complexity, in real quality of service and important Red Link, Itau time, including SWIFT and custom applications logs business indicators in real time). Bank, Patagonia ? Ability to monitor with or without agents (agentless) As the Chief Information Bank Are some of Security Officer of Patagonia our most recent ? Prevents Security Departments from going through Bank puts it “Tango/04 helped clients” endless list of events manually, which saves them improving the quality of service of time and avoids problems our bank”. So Tango/04 is already ? Complete reports which cover various controls positioning itself as the emerging leader requested by banking institutions for security in financial institutions in many ? the impact of security events on the Ability to show regions. In some territories it is already the “de business services facto” standard in real time security solutions. 7
  • 8. International Card Services control their critical processes from a single console ICS monitors its business processes in order to show its internal customers the status of its critical operations in real-time. The Fortis subsidiary International Card Services “ICS' IT network includes a number of external parties, (ICS) is one of the largest credit card specialists and a including the Fortis Computer Center in Woerden. They market leader in issuing credit cards in The manage the technical operations of the systems,” says Netherlands. The company has been issuing credit Smits. “However, the fact that their systems are up and cards for VISA and MasterCard for over 15 years. In running does not necessarily mean that our business addition ICS manages promotions, administration processes are performing as required. That is why we and transactions processing of credit cards. In total were looking for a way to clarify our internal business ICS has more than 2,4 million cardholders, processes. We thought: if we could mount a screen that approximately 300 employees and – in addition to displays the current status of our business processes, its headquarters in Diemen – has offices in Belgium then we could show our internal customers what is (near Brussels) and in Germany (Düsseldorf). going on, both from a technical point of view and in relation to our processes. The model that we envisioned Business processes at a glance contained IT components, business processes and Pieter Smits is Head of Technical Management at applications. These three elements were to be International Card Services and is responsible for displayed in a single transparent model.” After a managing individual workstations and the IT successful Proof-of-Concept from PST Business network, user support, change management and Solutions, Tango/04's partner in The Netherlands, service management. In collaboration with Dick de International Card Services decided to purchase the Graaf, IT Supply Manager at ICS, he set out to find a company-wide monitoring and management solution, method for monitoring business processes at ICS. Tango/04 VISUAL Message Center.
  • 9. Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1 “What struck us from the start about VISUAL Message A visual solution Center was how easy the product is to use. Other “For us the visual aspect was particularly packages are much more cumbersome to work with, important,” says Smits. “A clear design of the offer built-in helpdesk functionality, or completely management console makes it easier and faster for defined ITIL-processes that you do not need. The users to recognize reason is that these products are not designed for problems.” Thus ICS's monitoring business processes visual management but for monitoring technical Not only does consoles give a clear, real- issues. These other packages Tango04 monitor servers, time picture of the we investigated were too it can also control business processes business processes; they complicated,” says Smits. show any problems, their causes, and their impact Card application process on the business processes. VISUAL Message Center When taking VISUAL Message Center into offers ICS proactive and in particular real-time production, ICS management of the s t a r t e d b y Validation implementing a few company. A problem Unlock card w e l l - k n o w n External application can be intercepted in processes. “One of time and, where these processes was required, be solved Direct Approve Order to Card and PIN the card application application application create card automatically before it Process process,” relates escalates. Smits. “This process $ Send card Heartbeat includes all steps Credit report Credit check from the moment a VISUAL “Our processes are the message center customer applies for a r t e r i e s o f a card to the actual production of the credit card.” International Card Services,” ends Smits. “As our company grows, our processes become more In order to process a credit card application several processes are checked: the complex and many of our application system must be business processes require available, response times must “We monitor the entire process - continuous availability, it is be satisfactory, a credit check from the initial card request until increasingly important to must be run on the customer, the delivery of the card to the client have a uniform view of our and so on. To use the credit - including all internal processes business. For us VISUAL cards other processes are and third parties involved. Without Message Center is the checked and must be available VISUAL Message Center we would ideal solution for without interruption. “We lose overview of these complex monitoring our business have made all these processes processes” processes and to alert us transparent,” continues Smits. “After quickly and successfully when necessary. It allows us completing the application process, we continued to to work in a more proactive manner, without added add all of our business processes to VISUAL Message resources, and in most cases without continuous on- Center, one-by one and step by- step.” site support.” 9
  • 10. Latest News New Tango/04 Transaction Agent Monitors User Experience and Simplifies Service Level Management (UTA), which provides its flagship solution, VISUAL Message Center, with new monitoring capabilities to help CRITICAL BUSINESS SERVICES REAL TIME DASHBOARD automatically reproduce typical user Remote CRM business transactions, measuring the access grom branches Availability Response Time time they take to complete and SAP R/3 East Coast detecting any possible malfunction Siebel CRM West Coast before it’s too late. Corporate Web Site UK Intranet Germany VPN Argentina “Most companies today e-mail services Japan depend on the successful Mainframe (3270) iSeries (5250) India completion of the Tango/04 Console China transactions Brazil performed online b y t h e i r “Tango/04 software customers, allowed us to implement efficient partners or compliance controls What is the actual experience of users of business internal users,” in record time. It says Raul Cristian Aguirre, surpassed our applications? What is the actual response time they CEO of Tango/04 Computing expectations. get from SAP, Siebel or applications running on We are very happy.” Group. “If an application Citrix? How fast are transactions performed? Can transaction takes longer than Ricardo Martin, companies detect if a critical application is failing expected or fails, it can create Systems and Security Director before it affects the business? serious business problems and SEUR Geopost losses. Now, with the new Tango/04 Tango/04 Computing Group, a leading developer of Universal Transaction Agent, it is very software solutions for Systems Management, easy to automatically detect and proactively Security Auditing, Operations Monitoring and solve the root-cause problems that affect user Business Service Management (BSM), today experience.” released the new Universal Transaction Agent New HP-UX Agents Complete Tango/04’s UNIX Monitoring Capabilities Companies relying on HP-UX servers can now software solutions for Systems with the addition of improve the availability and performance of their these new monitors, VISUAL Message Center now critical applications and business services using the helps IT departments manage all major UNIX new dedicated HP-UX Agents of VISUAL Message systems, as these new HP-UX Agents complement Center, Tango/04’s IT operations monitoring and Business Service Management solution. the already existing range of AIX, Sun Solaris, Linux Tango/04 Computing Group, a leading developer of and other VISUAL Message Center Agents. 10
  • 11. Latest news in System Management and Security for the CEO, CIO and CISO - Nº1 Focus on the One Million Dollar “It is a solid product,essential for Security problem, not on the Five Cents Administrators today” Giuseppe Re, The new Tango/04 suite of context, focusing on the relevant problems first. This CIO Business Service is accomplished by modeling the services using the Soluzioni EDP Management products lets you new Service Control Points and the extremely easy monitor whole applications and to use modeling features, which let you reflect the business services, instead of just dependencies between components. Tango/04 isolated elements (such as routers and VISUAL Message Center makes the IT department servers). As you always know the real impact of an incident on the supported applications, shine as technicians always know what’s happening operators can manage infrastructure in the right at the end-user level. Moores Rowland Consulting to distribute Tango/04 Solutions in India Tango/04 award-winning software solutions for IT Monitoring, Business Service Management (BSM), IT Security, Compliance and Data Auditing, will be distributed and implemented in India by Mumbai-based Moores Rowland Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (MRCPL), a Haribhakti Group company. The Haribhakti Group is a leading accounting and consulting organization covering a wide array of Audit, Financial Advisory and IT Management services, assisting clients to pleased to have Moores Rowland Consulting Pvt. Ltd. as obtain optimum value from their investments in IT. our Business Partner in India. With their experience, “India is one of the biggest IT markets in the knowledge and commitment to quality we are sure to offer world and is expanding very rapidly” the best integrated solutions and services.” said Jenko Gaviglia, International RANDOM HOUSE MONDADORI Sales Director at Tango/04 Computing Group. “We are very “Finally, we can monitor our entire IT infrastructure in a simple and intuitive manner, centralizing “Tango/04 solutions have everything in a single adapted to our needs so well console. ” that now we cannot imagine working without them.” Ricard Carnicer, IT Director Random House Mondadori Tibor Herzog IT Director K&H Bank 11
  • 12. Sligro Food Group ensure their online orders with Tango04 The IT department at Sligro Food Group chooses Tango04 to monitor its infrastructure and to ensure the process of its online orders 24/7. With a range of over 60,000 products, Sligro is the largest food wholesaler in the Netherlands. It serves retailers and food service companies including stores, supermarkets, restaurants and caterers. Sligro's infrastructure encompasses more than 70 Windows servers and approximately 60 iSeries systems. Protecting business processes supported by this infrastructure from downtime is crucial to Sligro. This is why Sligro decided to permanently monitor its business processes and infrastructure with Tango/04 VISUAL Message Center. The Challenge: Order Processes and Infrastructure Order processes are the heart of Sligro's business. Orders from large accounts are entered directly into the system, while orders from smaller accounts come in by handheld terminals or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). If an order gets lost, the Sligro store that placed the order may not be supplied the next day. The result is that articles won't be on stock and the store will have to say no to a customer. Dennis Wolf from PST Business Solutions (Tango04 business partner) awarding the Training Certificate to Hans Theunissen for attending the advanced Tango/04 training
  • 13. “If we cannot receive our orders online our business grinds to a halt” “Without the electronic receipt of orders our full-scale Business Service Management (BSM) business comes to a complete standstill,” says Alex environment. Manders, IT Manager at Sligro. “It is therefore extremely important that the order process can be VISUAL Message Center helps companies obtain the carried out at all times and that the underlying maximum output from their IT infrastructure by infrastructure is working correctly. Not a single simplifying the management of their critical order may get stuck in the systems without anybody technical components and business processes noticing, or worse, get lost altogether.” across distributed systems. Choosing a Solution Businesses benefit from increased datacenter Sligro had a number of criteria that were essential to productivity, maximum availability, optimal selecting a solution. The solution had to be very performance and a more cost efficient management scalable, provide an increased speed of handling of their IT infrastructure. orders and be implemented by a professional provider. To meet Sligro's goals, the clear choice was With average deployment times in the range of a Tango/04 VISUAL Message Center, capable of doing few days or weeks, VISUAL Message Center delivers exactly what they wanted. tangible value to companies of all sizes in a fraction From the start, high standards were set. Order of the time required to implement other monitoring processes were to be continuously monitored, 24/7. frameworks. In addition all IT components on the network had to Issues in the systems are immediately noticed, be monitored and protected proactively from any escalated, corrected and reported. workstation. “Thanks to the IT process modeling and infrastructure Implementing an IT Operations Management monitoring capabilities of VISUAL Message Center, it Solution was very easy for Sligro to implement a solution that After a successful Proof of Concept and the can monitor in real time their operations and the management presentation, Sligro decided to go critical ordering processes on which the company's ahead with the company-wide implementation of success depends,” says Jenko Gaviglia, Tango/04's VISUAL Message Center. Director of International Sales. Sligro adopted a gradual approach to implementing Visualization of the processes plays an important role, the application. By brainstorming in advance and creating time for the necessary analysis and too. Visual management displays show in real time execution required, Sligro took full advantage of the what errors occur, what the root cause is and what increasing insight of the team as the project impact it has on the business process in question. progressed. It also allowed Sligro managers to The automatic and continuous protection of Sligro's attend to their important daily tasks. business processes with VISUAL Message Center IT Operations Management with Tango/04 leads to an increased availability, providing V I S UA L M e s s a g e C e n t e r, Ta n g o / 0 4 ' s I T significant time savings and ultimately increasing Infrastructure & Operations Monitoring solution, Sligro's profit margins. has been designed with simplicity in mind. Its unique ease of use ensures a quick implementation, With Tango/04 Visual Message Center, Sligro can be an easy operation and maintenance and full 100% sure that orders that have been placed will get scalability to evolve your monitoring project into a delivered. 13
  • 14. clos e to you Tango04 offers you different communications channels so that you are always up-to-date with the latest trends in monitoring and IT security. Discover our newsletters, and our eChannel offering free training and Web seminars. Regularly visit our Web site and always have our details at hand. channel News We invite you to discover Tango04 eChannel, our Tango04 eNews is a free newsletter regarding new online training and communication service, monitoring and IT security, available in 2 versions: which will keep you up-to-date with the latest in IT iSeries edition, created especially for IT managers ? and introduce you to the latest technologies created and professionals who work in iSeries by our R&D department in Barcelona. environments Through our Web seminars learn the views of experts CIO Edition, directed mainly at CIOs, CEOs and ? and high profile people in the industry and let our t e c h n i c a l p ro fe s s i o n a l s w h o w o r k i n team of professionals answer all your questions. multiplatform environments All events are free and available in English. Visit our To register and read the latest editions of our Web site to find newsletters, visit out more about upcoming events and our Learn How section. Contact Email On our Web site,, you will find You can easily get in touch with Tango04, to solve all the information you need about our solutions, any doubt or query, by emailing us to including brochures, case studies, white papers, business meetings, press releases and a lot more. We are more than happy to assist you. Don’t forget to regularly visit our Web site to keep up to date with the latest from Tango04. Call us now to learn more about our solutions, no strings attached North America 1 800-304-6872 EMEA + 34 93 274 00 51
  • 15. 100% Satisfaction It´s not common place to find a “To optimize our most critical “Tango/04 has satisfaction rate in monitoring business processes, to minimize an excellent technical and solutions as high as Tango04´s. downtime, and to help us improve professional team.” Whilst our competitors our Service Levels. This is why we accumulate failures, this is what chose Tango/04.” Ruben Hector Villaverde, Systems Coca-Cola FEMSA our clients have got to say: Mauro Fonzo, Head of Systems Management Gruppo Borsa Italiana “Configuring the Tango/04 software was very easy.” About Rob Freeling, Consultant Capgemini Tango/04 Computing Group is one of the leading developers of systems management and automation software. Tango/04 software PREVISION helps companies maintain the operating health of all their business “Tango/04 proved processes, improve service levels, increase productivity, and reduce to be a very positive answer costs through intelligent management of their IT infrastructure. to our exhaustive monitoring needs.” Founded in 1991 in Barcelona, Spain, Tango/04 is an IBM Business Partner and a key member of IBM’s Autonomic Computing initiative. Victor Lizarraga, CIO Helvetia Insurance Tango/04 has more than a thousand customers who are served by over 35 authorized Business Partners around the world. Alliances Partnerships IBM Business Partner " “Tango/04’s VISUAL " Autonomic Computing Business Partner IBM Security Suite has allowed " PartnerWorld for Developers Advanced Membership IBM us to rapidly implement " ISV Advantage Agreement IBM SOX controls.” " Early code release IBM Don Keating, IT Manager " Direct Technical Liaison Henry Schein IBM " Microsoft Developer Network " Microsoft Early Code Release Awards " Best Monitoring product (USA, APEX Awards 2004) " Product of the Year (USA, “Enhanced " All Star Award, 1997 to date IBM response times and accomplishment of Service " Best Performance Product (USA, Midrange Computing Level Agreements were Showcase Product Excellence visible right from the start.” " iSeries Magazine Honor Roll, 2001 IBM Jimmy van Kerkvoorde, IT Manager " Server Certification IBM Fortis Bank 15
  • 16. Distribution The Critical Business Processes of the Pharmaceutical Italian Stock Exchange, Monitored by Tango/04 Manufacturing Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia S.p.A. (CC&G), part “With Tango/04 we have the of the Borsa Italiana Group (Italy's Stock Exchange), is ability to optimize our most the clearinghouse responsible for all the Italian financial critical business processes and transactions involving derivatives, cash equity and minimize downtime, improving government bonds. our Service Levels (SLA) and applications availability.” Logistics CC&G uses Tango/04 Business Service Management Angelo Mauro Fonzo solutions for monitoring their IT infrastructure, allowing Head of Systems Management, CC&G Borsa them to ensure the availability of their critical processes, Italiana Group (Italian Stock Exchange) such as guaranteeing daily transactions, updating derivatives closing prices and communicating them to the media. Financial Quotazioni, Contratti Tango/04 helps the IT Avanzamento orario - quotazioni titoli 9:40 - 17:40 :1 h Department by assuring the accuracy of derivatives h 09:40 h 10:40 h 11:40 h 12:40 h 13:40 h 14:40 h 15:40 h 16:40 closing prices, controlling that Avanzamento orario - quotazioni titoli 15:00 - 16:00 :5 m the established time limits for the required operations are Insurance m 15:00 m 15:05 m 15:10 m 15:15 m 15:20 m 15:25 m 15:30 m 15:35 m 15:40 m 15:45 m 15:50 m 15:55 met. With Tango/04 Stato processori Stato processori Operazioni Solutions, CC&G can monitor the correct operation of the Errore Q1 Errore T1 Coda QBATCH Sottosistema Start infrastructure and its critical QBATCH Errore A1 Errore I1 Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Stop processes. Banking