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MKT 500 Week 8 Scenario: Developing Social Media
Campaigns for the New Product Launch
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Scene #
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Scene 1
[Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office]
Ed and Samantha meet in the morning to discuss the next steps
in the tablet PC launch.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-1: Good morning, Ed. How are you
doing today?
MKT500_8_1_Ed-1: Good morning, I’m doing quite well. What
about yourself?
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-2: Good, thanks. I’m really proud of
the progress we’ve been making with our tablet launch, and I’m
excited for the next steps.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-2: I love your enthusiasm, Samantha! I spoke
with Carl earlier. He said now that we have selected our
advertising media and budget, we need to take a deeper look
into social media.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-3: Yes, the enormity of today’s media
choices—the Internet alone—makes it a wonderful time to be
alive. Social media is at the cutting edge of this trend.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-3: As we discussed, we can use social media
as one of our main media outlets for advertising the new tablets.
However, mobile marketing is growing because our cell phones
are particularly convenient; they contain our identities and
those of the people we talk to frequently. They are our portals
to email, social media and networking sites, which are many
people’s primary means of sharing information and
Interestingly enough, at the same time that electronic and
information technologies are becoming more accessible and
pervasive, traditional media are experiencing their own changes.
Slide 2
Hover your mouse over each media to discover more
information about the changes they are undergoing.
Newspaper circulations are declining, and while optimists
continue to launch new magazines every year, their overall sales
and circulations are down as well.
The number of radio stations has grown, boosted by satellite
servers, but listeners are tuned in for less time each day than
just a few years ago.
Television channels also continue to grow. The bad news about
this fragmentation is that with more TV channels, the audience
for any given show is typically smaller. The good news is that
targeting is a facilitated when the segments of viewers are
somewhat more homogeneous.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-4: Hover your mouse over each type of media
to discover more information about the changes they are
MKT500_8_1_Ed-4_Tab A: Newspaper circulations are
declining, and while optimists continue to launch new
magazines every year, their overall sales and circulations are
down as well.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-4_Tab B: The number of radio stations has
grown, boosted by satellite servers, but listeners are tuned in for
less time each day than just a few years ago.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-4_Tab C:Television channels also continue to
grow. The bad news about this fragmentation is that with more
TV channels, the audience for any given show is typically
smaller. The good news is that targeting is facilitated when the
segments of viewers are somewhat more homogeneous.
Slide 3
Scene 1, cont.
[Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office]
(Display social media graphic)
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-3: Very interesting, Ed. I hadn’t
realized the effects of social media on more traditional media
MKT500_8_1_Ed-5: The other part of the “social media” story
is its social, or human, element. Belonging to different
communities and interacting with different people in our social
roles is part of our identity.
The most fundamental means of interaction is dialogue. In
social media, customers have become participants in a dialogue
with marketers or brands.
Traditionally, customers had been mere recipients of one-way
messages that had been shot out by marketers, but now
customers have a means of talking back. For example,
customers post positive endorsements about brands, and they
also use the web to vent. I often vent on Facebook about
restaurants where I have had a bad experience.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-4: (pointing to graphic of different
types of social media) This is very true. Are there certain types
of social media that you had in mind for our tablet launch? I
have a Facebook account and use Twitter and Pinterest
frequently, but I feel that using all of these might be overkill
for our new tablet launch.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-6: Well, there are a few sites that I believe
will provide Golds Reling with very strong exposure during our
initial launch. Let me show you this short video that discusses
the advantages of using social media in our marketing
Slide 4
Social Media Marketing in 3 Minutes
Slide 5
Scene 1, cont.
[Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office]
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-5: Thanks for sharing that video, Ed. I
understand better how social media helps connect companies to
customers, and helps customers get to know, like, and trust
companies better.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-7: Yes. The key to a successful social media
campaign is selecting a social media that creates good W.O.M.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-6: What is W.O.M.?
MKT500_8_1_Ed-8: W.O.M. is Word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth
works on inherently exciting products like Golds Reling’s new
tablet, and it also works where the notion of buzz marketing
makes sense. Yet creative brand managers have launched clever
ad campaigns that get talked about even for pretty mundane
products, too; the key being that the product and the message
are meaningful to the customer.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-7: Okay. You know, I learned in my
classes at Strayer University that different social media
combined create social networks. In social networks, there are
some members that are more connected and influential than
others. We need to leverage these interpersonal group dynamics,
ideally locating the highly connected influential members, to
induce their trial of our tablet, in turn initiating and propelling
the diffusion process.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-9: You’re right. To locate these influential
members and get the word out about our tablet, we need to
study how these potential consumers, or actors, are embedded in
these networks to locate those that are relatively central.
Centrality indices are computed for each actor in the network to
describe the position of that actor relative to others in the
The easiest and most common way to compute centrality is to
count the number of connections each actor has with the others
in the network. An index of degree centrality is derived for each
actor—those with many links are said to be relatively central,
and those with fewer links are more peripheral.
In order to determine the degree of centrality for these
consumers, we need to create several different accounts on
various social media forums for Golds Reling. Strong centrality
will be useful in creating buzz for our new tablets.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-8: Okay. We can start working on this
right away.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-10: First, though, let’s begin with answering
the return of investments, or ROI, issues. As you know, Carl is
always focused on the bottom line.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-9: What should we focus on in terms
of ROI?
MKT500_8_1_Ed-11: As with traditional media, we can begin
to answer return on investment questions only if we know the
goal that the marketing action was initially intended to achieve.
Based on our goals, selecting the media and ROI measures are
rather straightforward.
When estimating ROI, which is really the efficiency of
investments, the primary expenditures might not be media buys
or explicit budgetary contributions so much as salary
equivalents of people’s time allocations.
We also need to consider KPIs.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-10: I know that KPIs are key
performance indicators, but how do we identify KPIs for social
MKT500_8_1_Ed-12:KPI’s for social media are analogous to
traditional measures for advertising effectiveness. Specifically,
marketers are always interested in quantifying reach, frequency,
monetary value of customers, customers’ behaviors, attitudes,
and memory, including recall and recognition.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-11: So, how can we determine the ROI
and KPIs for our tablet?
MKT500_8_1_Ed-13: I’m glad you asked this question,
Samantha. A common way to determine ROI for social media is
through conversation rate. This term refers to the true
engagement for conversations in your social media
communities. Conversations will be different depending on the
For example, Facebook, YouTube, and blogs are focused on
comments; however, Twitter is measured with mentions and
hashtags. We, therefore, calculate the figures for each network,
and calculate how many conversations took place about our
company and products per post, tweet, or video submission.
Another method we can use is viewability rate. This metric is a
little harder to find on Twitter. However, for other networks and
mediums such as Facebook, YouTube, and our blog, it is the
total number of views or impressions per post. This is not as
important as the conversation rate, but it is always satisfying to
see how often your content is being looked at, and if no one is
seeing it, then you better find a way to get users to view it!
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-12: I see. Thank you for that
explanation. Before we move on, let me check to make sure I
understand what you are saying about KPIs.
Slide 6
Check Your Understanding
KPIs for social media are _________ traditional measures for
advertising effectiveness.
A) very different from
B) analogous to
C) opposite of
D) inconsistent with
Incorrect A – very different from: KPI’s are very similar to
traditional media.
Correct B– analogous: KPI’s are very similar to traditional
Incorrect C– opposite of: KPI’s are very similar to traditional
Incorrect D– inconsistent with: KPI’s are very consistent with
traditional media measurements.
Slide 7
Scene 1, cont.
[Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office]
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-13: Great information, Ed, but can we
go back to the word-of-mouth concept? How do we know
consumers are talking about our new tablets on social media?
How can we capture this and make it work for Golds Reling?
MKT500_8_1_Ed-14: Word-of-mouth conversations and other
customer-to-customer information flows have become a rich
new source of consumer insights.
There are two main categories for the ways in which consumers
receive information about companies and their products: passive
listening and active intervention.
Slide 8
Click the tabs to learn more about passive listening in
Passive Listening
Research shows that a lot is learned from lurking, or web
crawling, and scraping, all of which are examples of passive
Tab A - Tweets, blogs, and discussion forums are monitored to
make predictions about new product launches more accurate.
Tab B - Companies use text analyses on Facebook to get a read
on customer opinions about their brands.
Tab C - Beyond the brand itself, content analysis has been
useful in detecting developing consumer trends.
Tab D - Brand managers check websites for misinformation to
try to nip bad, grassroots PR in the bud.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-15: Click the tabs to learn more about passive
listening in marketing.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-16: Passive Listening
Research shows that a lot is learned from lurking, web crawling,
and scraping, all of which are examples of passive listening:
MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab A: Tweets, blogs, and discussion
forums are monitored to make predictions about new product
launches more accurate.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab B: Companies use text analyses on
Facebook to get a read on customer opinions about their brands.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab C: Beyond the brand itself, content
analysis has been useful in detecting developing consumer
MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab D: Brand managers check websites
for misinformation to try to nip bad, grassroots PR in the bud.
Slide 9
Scene 1, cont.
[Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office]
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-14: Great information, Ed. What can
you tell me about active interventions?
Slide 10
Click the tabs to learn more about active interventions.
Active Interventions
Tab A - Marketers enter online communities and ask for paid
volunteers to be user groups to test beta products and offer
Tab B - Marketers conduct experiments. In the so-called A / B
split tests, one group is exposed to one ad, new product
description, or whatever element of the marketing mix the
marketer is testing. The other group is either a control group, or
they see a different version of an ad, new product description,
etc. The marketer then compares brand attitudes or subsequent
sales in test markets to detect some lift due to the marketing
Tab C - A company may wish to measure comparative click-
through rates, member sign-up rates, or purchase valuation, as a
function of whether the ad appeal is more rational or emotional,
whether video or script endorsements are featured, which price
is posted and whether a discount is available.
Tab D - GPS data function much like live cookies, storing
information for your convenience upon return while still
protecting your privacy. The purpose of GPS units in phones
was originally consumer service for mapping. GPS units are
becoming geo-retailing units, and they will soon offer extremely
timely opportunities for marketers, though some may consider
this more intrusive than timely. A motivated company will know
where its customers are at all times.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-17: Click the tabs to learn more about active
Active Interventions
MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab A: Marketers enter online
communities and ask for paid volunteers to be user groups to
test beta products and offer feedback.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab B: Marketers conduct experiments. In
the so-called A / B split tests, one group is exposed to one ad,
new product description, or whatever element of the marketing
mix the marketer is testing. The other group is either a control
group, or they see a different version of an ad, featuring a new
product description. The marketer then compares brand attitudes
or subsequent sales in test markets to detect some lift due to the
marketing intervention.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab C: A company may wish to measure
comparative click-through rates, member sign-up rates, or
purchase valuation as a function of whether the ad appeal is
more rational or emotional, whether video or script
endorsements are featured, which price is posted and whether a
discount is available.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab D: GPS data function much like live
cookies, storing information for your convenience upon return
while still protecting your privacy. The purpose of GPS units in
phones was originally consumer service for mapping. GPS units
are becoming geo-retailing units, and they will soon offer
extremely timely opportunities for marketers, though some may
consider this more intrusive than timely. A motivated company
will know where its customers are at all times.
Slide 11
Scene 1, cont.
[Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office]
MKT500_8_1_Ed-18: In general, social media pundits advise
that any corporate postings or representations have to start by
being interesting – otherwise, consumers won’t even read them!
The content needs to be honest, not defensive, and not too
“corporate”. There needs to be transparency to customers,
employees, and stakeholders. Being transparent usually means
being honest, building trust, and creating the opportunity for
two-way dialog.
Social media have sufficient variety and prevalence that they
can be a tremendous marketing tool—if we can offer something
that provides value to those customers, and reaches them in a
way that matters to them.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-15: You’ve given me a lot of valuable
information about social media, Ed.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-19: I’m glad that you feel that way. Next, we
can start by creating Golds Reling accounts for each of these
social media applications.
MKT500_8_1_Samantha-16: Well, since we already have a
Facebook account, I can create a Twitter, Google Plus, and
Pinterest account for Golds Reling.
MKT500_8_1_Ed-20: Excellent. Let’s break for now, and then
we can organize our information for Carl.
Slide 12
Scene 2
[Ed, Samantha, Carl – Conference Room]
Ed, Samantha, and Carl meet in the conference room to discuss
the social media aspects of the product launch.
MKT500_8_2_Carl-1: Good afternoon, Ed and Samantha. I saw
you both looking very busy in Ed’s office earlier. I’m looking
forward to hearing the information that you two have put
together concerning social media marketing for our new tablets.
MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-1: Yes, Ed and I have been very busy.
We have analyzed and concluded some basic concepts.
MKT500_8_2_Carl-2: And what would these be?
MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-2: Social media are an abundant
opportunity for Golds Reling.
Social media provides a web-based means for customers to
interact with friends and strangers by posting opinions, pictures,
and videos.
Social networks are the structures of interconnections among
customers that propagate word-of-mouth. Networks can be
drawn and analyzed, and the actors measured on indices of
centrality to assist Golds Reling in finding opinion leaders and
influential consumers. Our campaign would identify these actors
within two months of launch and create great buzz for our new
A great feature of social media is the measurement methods;
these are ROI and KPIs, and they can be computed with the help
of online analytics, as for any marketing effort.
MKT500_8_2_Carl-3: Good points! Why do you believe that
investing in advertising through social media would be the right
decision for Golds Reling and our new tablet?
MKT500_8_2_ Ed-1: Social media is a great way to generate
repeat business and to attract new customers. Furthermore, the
target market we have selected are big users of social media.
Golds Reling already has a Facebook account, but we believe
that creating accounts for Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest
will really help boost the conversation rate, and, thereby, the
word-of-mouth, for both our company as a whole as well as our
new tablet.
MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-3: Carl, by utilizing social media, we
feel that Golds Reling is spending our advertising money
MKT500_8_2_Carl-4: Ok, sounds like a good investment.
Explain how we are going to measure this investment.
MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-4: The key is to communicate the
different features of our new tablet and to have consistency in
the message we choose for social media. Measuring
effectiveness will occur through KPI’s, recall, attitudes, click
rates, and conversation and viewability rates from social media
MKT500_8_2_Carl-5: Excellent. I like what I’m hearing. Social
media sounds perfect for generating buzz and word-of-mouth
about our new tablet. I agree that Twitter, Google Plus, and
Pinterest accounts for Golds Reling will be excellent additions
to our existing Facebook account. Very nice work, both of you.
Slide 13
Check Your Understanding
What social media term refers to a set of actors (or nodes) and
the relational ties that link them?
A) Team
B) Group
C) Network
D) Forum
Incorrect A – Team: This is not the terminology used to
describe relationships in social media.
Incorrect B – Group: Although a group includes two or more
people, this is not a part of the relational ties.
Correct C – Social Network: A network is defined as the set of
actors (or nodes) and the relational ties that link them. Actors
may be customers, firms, brands, concepts, countries, etc. The
connections between the actors are relational ties (or links).
Ties can be symmetric or directional, and they can be binary or
vary in strength.
Incorrect D – Forum: Although this is a close description, it
doesn’t explain the interaction experienced in social media.
Slide 14
Scene 3
[Ed, Samantha – Hallway]
MKT500_8_3_Samantha-1: Today was a highly informative
day. Using social media for marketing can help us generate
word-of-mouth about our tablet, especially if we are able to
connect with the most influential members of social networks.
MKT500_8_3_Ed-1: Absolutely. It will also help customers
identify Golds Reling as a company they know, like and trust.
Don’t forget to complete the e-Activity and participate in this
week’s threaded discussion on social media KPI’s and ROI. See
you next week!
"The Importance of Social Media and Web Analytics" Please
respond to the following:
1. From the scenario, prioritize the most significant components
of a social media campaign according to the level of influence
each could have on the new product launch. Examine both the
social media tools that will provide the highest return on
investment (ROI), and two (2) key performance indicators
(KPIs) that one could use to measure success. Provide a
rationale for your response.
2. Imagine that you are a manager of a retail store in a major
mall with decreasing sales. From the e-Activity and weekly
reading, suggest two (2) ways that you can use social media in
order to increase sales and promote your business. Provide two
(2) examples of businesses that have used these methods and

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  • 1. MKT 500 Week 8 Scenario: Developing Social Media Campaigns for the New Product Launch Slide # Scene # Narration Slide 1 Scene 1 [Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office] Ed and Samantha meet in the morning to discuss the next steps in the tablet PC launch. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-1: Good morning, Ed. How are you doing today? MKT500_8_1_Ed-1: Good morning, I’m doing quite well. What about yourself? MKT500_8_1_Samantha-2: Good, thanks. I’m really proud of the progress we’ve been making with our tablet launch, and I’m excited for the next steps. MKT500_8_1_Ed-2: I love your enthusiasm, Samantha! I spoke with Carl earlier. He said now that we have selected our advertising media and budget, we need to take a deeper look into social media. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-3: Yes, the enormity of today’s media choices—the Internet alone—makes it a wonderful time to be alive. Social media is at the cutting edge of this trend. MKT500_8_1_Ed-3: As we discussed, we can use social media as one of our main media outlets for advertising the new tablets. However, mobile marketing is growing because our cell phones
  • 2. are particularly convenient; they contain our identities and those of the people we talk to frequently. They are our portals to email, social media and networking sites, which are many people’s primary means of sharing information and entertainment. Interestingly enough, at the same time that electronic and information technologies are becoming more accessible and pervasive, traditional media are experiencing their own changes. Slide 2 Interaction Hover your mouse over each media to discover more information about the changes they are undergoing. Newspaper Newspaper circulations are declining, and while optimists continue to launch new magazines every year, their overall sales and circulations are down as well. Radio The number of radio stations has grown, boosted by satellite servers, but listeners are tuned in for less time each day than just a few years ago. TV Television channels also continue to grow. The bad news about this fragmentation is that with more TV channels, the audience for any given show is typically smaller. The good news is that targeting is a facilitated when the segments of viewers are somewhat more homogeneous. MKT500_8_1_Ed-4: Hover your mouse over each type of media to discover more information about the changes they are
  • 3. undergoing. MKT500_8_1_Ed-4_Tab A: Newspaper circulations are declining, and while optimists continue to launch new magazines every year, their overall sales and circulations are down as well. MKT500_8_1_Ed-4_Tab B: The number of radio stations has grown, boosted by satellite servers, but listeners are tuned in for less time each day than just a few years ago. MKT500_8_1_Ed-4_Tab C:Television channels also continue to grow. The bad news about this fragmentation is that with more TV channels, the audience for any given show is typically smaller. The good news is that targeting is facilitated when the segments of viewers are somewhat more homogeneous. Slide 3 Scene 1, cont. [Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office] (Display social media graphic) MKT500_8_1_Samantha-3: Very interesting, Ed. I hadn’t realized the effects of social media on more traditional media types. MKT500_8_1_Ed-5: The other part of the “social media” story is its social, or human, element. Belonging to different communities and interacting with different people in our social roles is part of our identity. The most fundamental means of interaction is dialogue. In social media, customers have become participants in a dialogue
  • 4. with marketers or brands. Traditionally, customers had been mere recipients of one-way messages that had been shot out by marketers, but now customers have a means of talking back. For example, customers post positive endorsements about brands, and they also use the web to vent. I often vent on Facebook about restaurants where I have had a bad experience. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-4: (pointing to graphic of different types of social media) This is very true. Are there certain types of social media that you had in mind for our tablet launch? I have a Facebook account and use Twitter and Pinterest frequently, but I feel that using all of these might be overkill for our new tablet launch. MKT500_8_1_Ed-6: Well, there are a few sites that I believe will provide Golds Reling with very strong exposure during our initial launch. Let me show you this short video that discusses the advantages of using social media in our marketing campaign. Slide 4 Social Media Marketing in 3 Minutes Slide 5 Scene 1, cont. [Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office] MKT500_8_1_Samantha-5: Thanks for sharing that video, Ed. I understand better how social media helps connect companies to customers, and helps customers get to know, like, and trust companies better. MKT500_8_1_Ed-7: Yes. The key to a successful social media
  • 5. campaign is selecting a social media that creates good W.O.M. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-6: What is W.O.M.? MKT500_8_1_Ed-8: W.O.M. is Word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth works on inherently exciting products like Golds Reling’s new tablet, and it also works where the notion of buzz marketing makes sense. Yet creative brand managers have launched clever ad campaigns that get talked about even for pretty mundane products, too; the key being that the product and the message are meaningful to the customer. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-7: Okay. You know, I learned in my classes at Strayer University that different social media combined create social networks. In social networks, there are some members that are more connected and influential than others. We need to leverage these interpersonal group dynamics, ideally locating the highly connected influential members, to induce their trial of our tablet, in turn initiating and propelling the diffusion process. MKT500_8_1_Ed-9: You’re right. To locate these influential members and get the word out about our tablet, we need to study how these potential consumers, or actors, are embedded in these networks to locate those that are relatively central. Centrality indices are computed for each actor in the network to describe the position of that actor relative to others in the network. The easiest and most common way to compute centrality is to count the number of connections each actor has with the others in the network. An index of degree centrality is derived for each actor—those with many links are said to be relatively central, and those with fewer links are more peripheral. In order to determine the degree of centrality for these consumers, we need to create several different accounts on
  • 6. various social media forums for Golds Reling. Strong centrality will be useful in creating buzz for our new tablets. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-8: Okay. We can start working on this right away. MKT500_8_1_Ed-10: First, though, let’s begin with answering the return of investments, or ROI, issues. As you know, Carl is always focused on the bottom line. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-9: What should we focus on in terms of ROI? MKT500_8_1_Ed-11: As with traditional media, we can begin to answer return on investment questions only if we know the goal that the marketing action was initially intended to achieve. Based on our goals, selecting the media and ROI measures are rather straightforward. When estimating ROI, which is really the efficiency of investments, the primary expenditures might not be media buys or explicit budgetary contributions so much as salary equivalents of people’s time allocations. We also need to consider KPIs. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-10: I know that KPIs are key performance indicators, but how do we identify KPIs for social media? MKT500_8_1_Ed-12:KPI’s for social media are analogous to traditional measures for advertising effectiveness. Specifically, marketers are always interested in quantifying reach, frequency, monetary value of customers, customers’ behaviors, attitudes, and memory, including recall and recognition. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-11: So, how can we determine the ROI and KPIs for our tablet? MKT500_8_1_Ed-13: I’m glad you asked this question, Samantha. A common way to determine ROI for social media is
  • 7. through conversation rate. This term refers to the true engagement for conversations in your social media communities. Conversations will be different depending on the network. For example, Facebook, YouTube, and blogs are focused on comments; however, Twitter is measured with mentions and hashtags. We, therefore, calculate the figures for each network, and calculate how many conversations took place about our company and products per post, tweet, or video submission. Another method we can use is viewability rate. This metric is a little harder to find on Twitter. However, for other networks and mediums such as Facebook, YouTube, and our blog, it is the total number of views or impressions per post. This is not as important as the conversation rate, but it is always satisfying to see how often your content is being looked at, and if no one is seeing it, then you better find a way to get users to view it! MKT500_8_1_Samantha-12: I see. Thank you for that explanation. Before we move on, let me check to make sure I understand what you are saying about KPIs. Slide 6 Check Your Understanding KPIs for social media are _________ traditional measures for advertising effectiveness. A) very different from B) analogous to C) opposite of D) inconsistent with Feedback:
  • 8. Incorrect A – very different from: KPI’s are very similar to traditional media. Correct B– analogous: KPI’s are very similar to traditional media. Incorrect C– opposite of: KPI’s are very similar to traditional media. Incorrect D– inconsistent with: KPI’s are very consistent with traditional media measurements. Slide 7 Scene 1, cont. [Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office] MKT500_8_1_Samantha-13: Great information, Ed, but can we go back to the word-of-mouth concept? How do we know consumers are talking about our new tablets on social media? How can we capture this and make it work for Golds Reling? MKT500_8_1_Ed-14: Word-of-mouth conversations and other customer-to-customer information flows have become a rich new source of consumer insights. There are two main categories for the ways in which consumers receive information about companies and their products: passive listening and active intervention. Slide 8 Interaction Click the tabs to learn more about passive listening in marketing.
  • 9. Passive Listening Research shows that a lot is learned from lurking, or web crawling, and scraping, all of which are examples of passive listening: Tab A - Tweets, blogs, and discussion forums are monitored to make predictions about new product launches more accurate. Tab B - Companies use text analyses on Facebook to get a read on customer opinions about their brands. Tab C - Beyond the brand itself, content analysis has been useful in detecting developing consumer trends. Tab D - Brand managers check websites for misinformation to try to nip bad, grassroots PR in the bud. MKT500_8_1_Ed-15: Click the tabs to learn more about passive listening in marketing. MKT500_8_1_Ed-16: Passive Listening Research shows that a lot is learned from lurking, web crawling, and scraping, all of which are examples of passive listening: MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab A: Tweets, blogs, and discussion forums are monitored to make predictions about new product launches more accurate. MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab B: Companies use text analyses on Facebook to get a read on customer opinions about their brands. MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab C: Beyond the brand itself, content analysis has been useful in detecting developing consumer trends. MKT500_8_1_Ed-16_Tab D: Brand managers check websites for misinformation to try to nip bad, grassroots PR in the bud. Slide 9 Scene 1, cont. [Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office]
  • 10. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-14: Great information, Ed. What can you tell me about active interventions? Slide 10 Interaction Click the tabs to learn more about active interventions. Active Interventions Tab A - Marketers enter online communities and ask for paid volunteers to be user groups to test beta products and offer feedback. Tab B - Marketers conduct experiments. In the so-called A / B split tests, one group is exposed to one ad, new product description, or whatever element of the marketing mix the marketer is testing. The other group is either a control group, or they see a different version of an ad, new product description, etc. The marketer then compares brand attitudes or subsequent sales in test markets to detect some lift due to the marketing intervention. Tab C - A company may wish to measure comparative click- through rates, member sign-up rates, or purchase valuation, as a function of whether the ad appeal is more rational or emotional, whether video or script endorsements are featured, which price is posted and whether a discount is available. Tab D - GPS data function much like live cookies, storing information for your convenience upon return while still protecting your privacy. The purpose of GPS units in phones was originally consumer service for mapping. GPS units are becoming geo-retailing units, and they will soon offer extremely timely opportunities for marketers, though some may consider this more intrusive than timely. A motivated company will know where its customers are at all times. MKT500_8_1_Ed-17: Click the tabs to learn more about active interventions. Active Interventions
  • 11. MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab A: Marketers enter online communities and ask for paid volunteers to be user groups to test beta products and offer feedback. MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab B: Marketers conduct experiments. In the so-called A / B split tests, one group is exposed to one ad, new product description, or whatever element of the marketing mix the marketer is testing. The other group is either a control group, or they see a different version of an ad, featuring a new product description. The marketer then compares brand attitudes or subsequent sales in test markets to detect some lift due to the marketing intervention. MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab C: A company may wish to measure comparative click-through rates, member sign-up rates, or purchase valuation as a function of whether the ad appeal is more rational or emotional, whether video or script endorsements are featured, which price is posted and whether a discount is available. MKT500_8_1_Ed-17_Tab D: GPS data function much like live cookies, storing information for your convenience upon return while still protecting your privacy. The purpose of GPS units in phones was originally consumer service for mapping. GPS units are becoming geo-retailing units, and they will soon offer extremely timely opportunities for marketers, though some may consider this more intrusive than timely. A motivated company will know where its customers are at all times. Slide 11 Scene 1, cont. [Ed, Samantha – Ed’s Office] MKT500_8_1_Ed-18: In general, social media pundits advise that any corporate postings or representations have to start by being interesting – otherwise, consumers won’t even read them!
  • 12. The content needs to be honest, not defensive, and not too “corporate”. There needs to be transparency to customers, employees, and stakeholders. Being transparent usually means being honest, building trust, and creating the opportunity for two-way dialog. Social media have sufficient variety and prevalence that they can be a tremendous marketing tool—if we can offer something that provides value to those customers, and reaches them in a way that matters to them. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-15: You’ve given me a lot of valuable information about social media, Ed. MKT500_8_1_Ed-19: I’m glad that you feel that way. Next, we can start by creating Golds Reling accounts for each of these social media applications. MKT500_8_1_Samantha-16: Well, since we already have a Facebook account, I can create a Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest account for Golds Reling. MKT500_8_1_Ed-20: Excellent. Let’s break for now, and then we can organize our information for Carl. Slide 12 Scene 2 [Ed, Samantha, Carl – Conference Room] Ed, Samantha, and Carl meet in the conference room to discuss the social media aspects of the product launch. MKT500_8_2_Carl-1: Good afternoon, Ed and Samantha. I saw you both looking very busy in Ed’s office earlier. I’m looking forward to hearing the information that you two have put together concerning social media marketing for our new tablets. MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-1: Yes, Ed and I have been very busy. We have analyzed and concluded some basic concepts.
  • 13. MKT500_8_2_Carl-2: And what would these be? MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-2: Social media are an abundant opportunity for Golds Reling. Social media provides a web-based means for customers to interact with friends and strangers by posting opinions, pictures, and videos. Social networks are the structures of interconnections among customers that propagate word-of-mouth. Networks can be drawn and analyzed, and the actors measured on indices of centrality to assist Golds Reling in finding opinion leaders and influential consumers. Our campaign would identify these actors within two months of launch and create great buzz for our new tablets. A great feature of social media is the measurement methods; these are ROI and KPIs, and they can be computed with the help of online analytics, as for any marketing effort. MKT500_8_2_Carl-3: Good points! Why do you believe that investing in advertising through social media would be the right decision for Golds Reling and our new tablet? MKT500_8_2_ Ed-1: Social media is a great way to generate repeat business and to attract new customers. Furthermore, the target market we have selected are big users of social media. Golds Reling already has a Facebook account, but we believe that creating accounts for Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest will really help boost the conversation rate, and, thereby, the word-of-mouth, for both our company as a whole as well as our new tablet. MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-3: Carl, by utilizing social media, we feel that Golds Reling is spending our advertising money wisely.
  • 14. MKT500_8_2_Carl-4: Ok, sounds like a good investment. Explain how we are going to measure this investment. MKT500_8_2_ Samantha-4: The key is to communicate the different features of our new tablet and to have consistency in the message we choose for social media. Measuring effectiveness will occur through KPI’s, recall, attitudes, click rates, and conversation and viewability rates from social media communications. MKT500_8_2_Carl-5: Excellent. I like what I’m hearing. Social media sounds perfect for generating buzz and word-of-mouth about our new tablet. I agree that Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest accounts for Golds Reling will be excellent additions to our existing Facebook account. Very nice work, both of you. Slide 13 Check Your Understanding What social media term refers to a set of actors (or nodes) and the relational ties that link them? A) Team B) Group C) Network D) Forum Incorrect A – Team: This is not the terminology used to describe relationships in social media. Incorrect B – Group: Although a group includes two or more people, this is not a part of the relational ties. Correct C – Social Network: A network is defined as the set of actors (or nodes) and the relational ties that link them. Actors may be customers, firms, brands, concepts, countries, etc. The connections between the actors are relational ties (or links).
  • 15. Ties can be symmetric or directional, and they can be binary or vary in strength. Incorrect D – Forum: Although this is a close description, it doesn’t explain the interaction experienced in social media. Slide 14 Scene 3 [Ed, Samantha – Hallway] MKT500_8_3_Samantha-1: Today was a highly informative day. Using social media for marketing can help us generate word-of-mouth about our tablet, especially if we are able to connect with the most influential members of social networks. MKT500_8_3_Ed-1: Absolutely. It will also help customers identify Golds Reling as a company they know, like and trust. Don’t forget to complete the e-Activity and participate in this week’s threaded discussion on social media KPI’s and ROI. See you next week! "The Importance of Social Media and Web Analytics" Please respond to the following: 1. From the scenario, prioritize the most significant components of a social media campaign according to the level of influence each could have on the new product launch. Examine both the social media tools that will provide the highest return on investment (ROI), and two (2) key performance indicators (KPIs) that one could use to measure success. Provide a rationale for your response. 2. Imagine that you are a manager of a retail store in a major mall with decreasing sales. From the e-Activity and weekly reading, suggest two (2) ways that you can use social media in order to increase sales and promote your business. Provide two
  • 16. (2) examples of businesses that have used these methods and succeeded.