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Mixed Martial Arts
                                        Ken Stiles

Learn real-life, no-holds-barred street fighting techniques that are designed to break,
crush and maim your attackers. Get the details on “dirty” street fighting techniques that
are made for survival – and may even save your life.
                   Click here:

                 For more information about Martial Arts movies, go to:

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Martial Arts Overview..............................................................................................................3
Chapter 2: What Is Mixed Martial Arts?....................................................................................................5
Chapter 3: Choosing The Best Martial Arts Style......................................................................................7
Chapter 4: What Does It Take To Be A Mixed Martial Arts Fighter.........................................................9
Chapter 5: Martial Arts Movies................................................................................................................11

Chapter 1: Martial Arts Overview

Anytime an individual decides to learn how to protect themselves, learn self defense, or
become a better person, one thing comes to mind - martial arts. Martial arts are very
common these days, being practiced all over the world.

The martial arts have been used for many centuries, although they really became famous
around the time of Bruce Lee. Bruce invented the style of Jeet Kune Do, which involves
very fast strikes with amazing counter defenses. Once people began to see just how fast
Bruce Lee could move, they began to look into martial arts and see just how it could
benefit them.

Martial arts are broken down into specific styles. The style all depends on where and
what you study. A lot of cultures and countries offer martial arts that they originated,
developed, and perfected. Brazil offers Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, Japan has Karate, Thailand
has Muay Thai, France has Savate, and China has Shaolin. Keep in mind that each style
will vary in techniques and what it has to offer you.

Although many people think of martial arts as being just for self defense purposes, this
isn't always the case. Martial arts are used in tournaments and competitions as well,
which can include sparring, floor routines, and even block and brick breaking
demonstrations. All across the world, there are competitions and chances for fighters to
prove themselves and their knowledge.

In general, all martial arts will teach you how to defend yourself and above all else -
help you develop self control. Once you begin to study a martial art, you'll quickly start
to develop a much better state of mind. No matter what style of martial art you study,
the instructors will drill self control into your head.

Those of you who have a bad temper or just need to learn self control, martial arts can
be very beneficial to study. Not only will you learn self control, you'll also learn how to
defend yourself in the most drastic of situations. Self control is very important, as
martial arts can be very deadly if they are taught to the wrong person - with the wrong

Over the last decade, there have been a lot of mainstream competitions that showcase
martial arts, such as Extreme Fighting, King of the cage, and the most popular of all, the
UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The UFC has come a long way over the years,
sparking interest from all over the world. It pairs stylists from all over the world

together, to test their skills and see who is the better fighter.

With the UFC, a lot of people have gotten the wrong idea about martial arts. A martial
art is great to learn, although if it works in the UFC, it doesn't always mean that it will
protect you out on the streets. Karate for example, teaching blocking and striking, with
little to no emphasis on grappling techniques. If you get in close, Karate really doesn't
help. With some distance however, Karate can be very devastating.

No matter how you look at it, martial arts can be great to learn if you learn it for the
right reasons. Each style will vary in technique and what it has to offer you, which is
why you should pick the best style for your needs and what you hope to accomplish.
Martial arts can teach you a lot about self defense and yourself - all you have to do is
give it a try.

Chapter 2: What Is Mixed Martial Arts?

You have probably heard of karate or judo. But did you know that there is such a thing
called mixed martial arts?

Mixed martial arts or MMA is a full contact combat support which allows players to
fight in a competition using various fighting techniques. The rules allow the fighters to
use various striking and grappling techniques both while standing and on the ground.

But MMA was first introduced by the Greeks in 648 B.C. Back then, it was called the
pankration which was introduced into the Olympic Games. Records show that there was
a similar version of this in the 1800's which continued on in the early 1900's until the
MMA came out in 1993 with the establishment of the Ultimate Fighting Championship
or UFC.

The difference between the MMA and those in the past is that this was initially created
to find out which hand to hand combat technique works best to fight in a combat
situation so fighters of various disciplines were gathered. During that time, there were
only a few rules but more than 10 years later, additional ones were adopted to increase
the safety of those who competed and to promote the sport.

Today, you can see the Ultimate Fighting Championship on television. Research shows
that mixed martial arts is now more popular today than boxing especially when more
people were willing to pay to see it on pay per view channels surpassing wrestling and

There are now 5 weight classes namely lightweight which is 67 to 70 kg, welterweight
which is 71 to 77kg, middleweight from 78 to 84 kg, light heavyweight from 85 to 93 kg
and heavy weight from 94 to 120 kg. There are 4 other weight classes but these are not
currently being used by the UFC.

How someone wins in mixed martial arts is pretty simple. If the opponent taps the floor,
the match is over. The same happens if the opponent is knocked unconscious. Should
both fighters still be standing at the end of the match, the winner will be decided by the

Illegal contact with the other opponent is called a foul. The referee inside the ring may
deduct points from one player or even disqualify that person if the act committed was
intentional or no contest if this was unintentional.

One of the biggest differences in mixed martial arts is the ring where the fighters play.
Unlike a boxing or wrestling ring that is shaped in a rectangle, competition here is done
in an octagon shaped cage. The eight sided structure has walls of metal chain link fence
coated with black vinyl. There is padding around the top of the fence and between each
of the eight sections as well as two entry-exit gates which are opposite each other.

Competitors who enter the ring have to wear proper attire. This means going into the
ring with approved shorts and no shoes. Gloves must also be approved and have at least
an inch of padding around the knuckles so the person will still be able to use his fingers
and grab the opponent without the risk of injuring the hand.

Is mixed martial arts nice to watch? The answer is yes given that there are now more
people watching it and others who want to join the competition. There was even a reality
show that come out recently called the Contender which first started airing boxers
fighting in the ring.

Chapter 3: Choosing The Best Martial Arts Style

For anyone who wants to learn a martial art, there is a lot to know in regards to the many
different styles. Of course there is the question of finding the best martial art, which is a
question a lot of people ask With so many martial arts styles to choose from, it can be
very complicated to pick one to learn.

No matter you may hear or what others have to say, it is quite impossible to name one
style of martial arts as the ultimate best. Actually, there are several factors that come
into play, which makes a statement about a style being the best impossible. Even though
one style may beat another in a competition or a fight, doesn't always mean that the
winning style is the best.

Before deciding to rush out there and learn a martial art, there are several things that you
should decide first. Martial arts are great to learn, no matter which style you decide on.
A martial art can teach you self discipline, self defense, and several other traits that will
help you no matter where you decide to go in life.

Self defense All over the world, there are several martial arts schools and dojo's that
emphasize self defense a lot more than others. Schools that focus on kata, forms, or
light sparring are less than likely to teach you what you need to protect yourself on the
street. If you are looking for street self defense, then you'll want a style that trains hard
and doesn't let up.

Fitness Even though martial arts can improve your fitness level, it isn't the goal behind a
lot of the martial arts styles. Several styles, such as Tae Bo, are based purely on martial
arts and doesn't include a lot of physical fitness training. If you are looking for fitness as
your main goal, then you should be looking into something other than martial arts.

Fighting ability This will vary among the many different martial arts styles. Self defense
schools will most often take advantage of fighting skills, teaching you everything you
need to survive. Most martial arts styles are slow in theory, teaching you kata,
movements, and forms. Self defense schools on the other hand, teach you how to inflict
the most amounts of damage in the least amount of time.

Competition Competition based martial arts are all about winning trophies and showing
the world your style of martial arts. The competition that you have chosen, will greatly
impact your style of martial arts. You'll need to decide if you will be fighting or
showcasing display kata, light or heavy contact, or focusing on grappling or striking.

Before you decide on a martial arts style, you should always research the schools and
dojo's in your area and see what all they offer you. The best schools will allow you to
participate in a few free classes, or offer you discounts on your first few months. They
will answer any questions that you have, and work with you to help you learn as much
as you can.

Martial arts can be a very fun and exciting learning experience. There are hundreds of
different martial arts styles out there, although you may be limited in choice, depending
on what all is offered in your area. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, and Jiu-Jitsu and
some of the most common types of martial arts, are normally offered just about
everywhere. The more distinct styles, such as Kung Fu, Shootfighting, Kenpo, and
Shaolin styles are a bit hard to harder to find.

If you do your homework on some of the styles that are offered in your area, you'll find
one that best fits your reasons to study. Martial arts can change your outlook on life - all
you have to do it devote yourself to learning all you can about the philosophy of your
martial art.

Chapter 4: What Does It Take To Be A Mixed Martial Arts Fighter

If you are familiar with one martial arts technique, you may be able to win fighting
another opponent using the same discipline. But could you do the same if your opponent
is using something else when you meet him in the ring?

The chances of you winning are fifty-fifty. But if you are familiar with the technique the
opponent is using, then your chances become much higher.

For that to happen, you have to learn a variety of martial arts and condition yourself like
you have never done before. Being able to this makes you a mixed martial arts fighter
and since this is not for everyone, you have to commit yourself to the sport and make a
lot of changes in your lifestyle.

These changes include how you train, how you eat, sleep and even how you live. The
downside is that it will affect your family and even your social life. Every sacrifice you
make is important because the moment you lose focus, the greater the chances that you
will really get hurt in the ring.

If you are for example skilled in judo, you will have to learn how to punch and kick by
learning other styles such as boxing, kickboxing, judo and jiu-jitsu. You will not learn
this overnight since it will take time to master them. After all the training, you should be
able to switch from one discipline to another when the need calls for it especially when
you are facing your opponent in the ring.

Aside from fighting in the ring, you will also need to run regularly so you are able to
maintain your endurance. For those who were on the varsity team in high school or
college, things are going to get more intense than that. When you are hurt, you will train
even harder until you reach the point of exhaustion. Just remember that your opponent
whoever he may be is doing exactly the same thing and the winner all boils down to who
wants it the most.

The human body is the weapon you have as a mixed martial arts fighter. What you do
and how you train for it will greatly affect how well you perform in the ring. If you
notice, most of the fighters in the ring are physically fit so you have to just as ready as
them during competition.

So what does it take to be a mixed martial arts fighter? To be the best in this sport you
must have dedication. For that, you have to give up a lot of things and the first step is to

enroll in a school that offers various levels of training.

What you learn here is not only proper technique but also helps build up your morale
and confidence which is something you need to push yourself further. When you look
for a school, review the methods of training they use as well as the cost.

Can you afford it? If you do, then this shouldn't be a problem but if you are financially
strapped, try to find another school that can give you the same quality of training so you
may become a mixed martial arts fighter. Look for them in the internet or ask around
because there is surely a school there that can help you out.

Chapter 5: Martial Arts Movies

Almost everyone I know who has studied martial arts got a start watching kung fu films.
The most obvious and most classic ones are the martial arts movies done by the late
Bruce Lee. He really set a new standard in martial arts films. He made things faster,
more dramatic, and more involved than ever before. His movies not only had excellent
and unprecedented fight scenes, but they also had interesting plots and sinister villains as

When watching old martial arts movies, it is easy to forget how pioneering They were at
the time. Many people get caught up in the bad translations and cheesy dialog, not
noticing me incredible fight scenes. Of course, modern Chinese martial arts movies
have taken things even further. The films of people like Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, and Jackie
Chan have set a whole news level of excellence for martial arts fight scenes. They
seamlessly combined special effects, brilliant choreography, and humorous antics into
one seamless whole.

Of course, There are plenty of other martial arts movies besides the kung fu films.
America has been making fighting films for years. There were, of course, the Karate Kid
movies. Anyone who grew up in the 80s remembers these films. They were interesting
because they featured a style of fighting that wasn't generally portrayed in movies at the
time. Karate is pretty straightforward, and doesn't necessarily make for great film. In the
Karate Kid movies, however, they really made it work.

Some of the most interesting martial arts movies are actually not fictional films at all,
but demonstrations. I first saw a kung fu demonstration video about a year ago, and
since then I have been watching every single one I can get my hands on. Many of these
demos are based around long, elaborate, intricate dance-like routines rather than simple
fighting. All the moves have a combative purpose, but they also have a grace and beauty
to them as well. The fighters shadowbox with imaginary enemies, leaping, vaulting,
kicking, and punching all over the stage with grace and ease. They punctuate flashy
aerobatics and martial arts weapons displays with grunts, shouts, and shoulder rolls. All
in all, it is almost every bit as dramatic as watching Jackie Chan take on the bad guys in
one of his martial arts movies. Best of all, it gives you a taste of the art that you don't
really get in the big kung fu movies, No matter how cool they are. Somehow, it feels
more authentic and more immediate.
Learn real-life, no-holds-barred that are
designed to break, crush and maim your attackers. Get the details on “dirty” street

fighting techniques that are made for survival – and may even save your life.
                     Click here:

                For more information about Martial Arts movies, go to:

MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the author of this book has an
affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services
mentioned in this book and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should
always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.


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Mixed Martial Arts

  • 1. Mixed Martial Arts by Ken Stiles Learn real-life, no-holds-barred street fighting techniques that are designed to break, crush and maim your attackers. Get the details on “dirty” street fighting techniques that are made for survival – and may even save your life. Click here: For more information about Martial Arts movies, go to: 1
  • 2. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Martial Arts Overview..............................................................................................................3 Chapter 2: What Is Mixed Martial Arts?....................................................................................................5 Chapter 3: Choosing The Best Martial Arts Style......................................................................................7 Chapter 4: What Does It Take To Be A Mixed Martial Arts Fighter.........................................................9 Chapter 5: Martial Arts Movies................................................................................................................11 2
  • 3. Chapter 1: Martial Arts Overview Anytime an individual decides to learn how to protect themselves, learn self defense, or become a better person, one thing comes to mind - martial arts. Martial arts are very common these days, being practiced all over the world. The martial arts have been used for many centuries, although they really became famous around the time of Bruce Lee. Bruce invented the style of Jeet Kune Do, which involves very fast strikes with amazing counter defenses. Once people began to see just how fast Bruce Lee could move, they began to look into martial arts and see just how it could benefit them. Martial arts are broken down into specific styles. The style all depends on where and what you study. A lot of cultures and countries offer martial arts that they originated, developed, and perfected. Brazil offers Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, Japan has Karate, Thailand has Muay Thai, France has Savate, and China has Shaolin. Keep in mind that each style will vary in techniques and what it has to offer you. Although many people think of martial arts as being just for self defense purposes, this isn't always the case. Martial arts are used in tournaments and competitions as well, which can include sparring, floor routines, and even block and brick breaking demonstrations. All across the world, there are competitions and chances for fighters to prove themselves and their knowledge. In general, all martial arts will teach you how to defend yourself and above all else - help you develop self control. Once you begin to study a martial art, you'll quickly start to develop a much better state of mind. No matter what style of martial art you study, the instructors will drill self control into your head. Those of you who have a bad temper or just need to learn self control, martial arts can be very beneficial to study. Not only will you learn self control, you'll also learn how to defend yourself in the most drastic of situations. Self control is very important, as martial arts can be very deadly if they are taught to the wrong person - with the wrong intentions. Over the last decade, there have been a lot of mainstream competitions that showcase martial arts, such as Extreme Fighting, King of the cage, and the most popular of all, the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The UFC has come a long way over the years, sparking interest from all over the world. It pairs stylists from all over the world 3
  • 4. together, to test their skills and see who is the better fighter. With the UFC, a lot of people have gotten the wrong idea about martial arts. A martial art is great to learn, although if it works in the UFC, it doesn't always mean that it will protect you out on the streets. Karate for example, teaching blocking and striking, with little to no emphasis on grappling techniques. If you get in close, Karate really doesn't help. With some distance however, Karate can be very devastating. No matter how you look at it, martial arts can be great to learn if you learn it for the right reasons. Each style will vary in technique and what it has to offer you, which is why you should pick the best style for your needs and what you hope to accomplish. Martial arts can teach you a lot about self defense and yourself - all you have to do is give it a try. 4
  • 5. Chapter 2: What Is Mixed Martial Arts? You have probably heard of karate or judo. But did you know that there is such a thing called mixed martial arts? Mixed martial arts or MMA is a full contact combat support which allows players to fight in a competition using various fighting techniques. The rules allow the fighters to use various striking and grappling techniques both while standing and on the ground. But MMA was first introduced by the Greeks in 648 B.C. Back then, it was called the pankration which was introduced into the Olympic Games. Records show that there was a similar version of this in the 1800's which continued on in the early 1900's until the MMA came out in 1993 with the establishment of the Ultimate Fighting Championship or UFC. The difference between the MMA and those in the past is that this was initially created to find out which hand to hand combat technique works best to fight in a combat situation so fighters of various disciplines were gathered. During that time, there were only a few rules but more than 10 years later, additional ones were adopted to increase the safety of those who competed and to promote the sport. Today, you can see the Ultimate Fighting Championship on television. Research shows that mixed martial arts is now more popular today than boxing especially when more people were willing to pay to see it on pay per view channels surpassing wrestling and boxing. There are now 5 weight classes namely lightweight which is 67 to 70 kg, welterweight which is 71 to 77kg, middleweight from 78 to 84 kg, light heavyweight from 85 to 93 kg and heavy weight from 94 to 120 kg. There are 4 other weight classes but these are not currently being used by the UFC. How someone wins in mixed martial arts is pretty simple. If the opponent taps the floor, the match is over. The same happens if the opponent is knocked unconscious. Should both fighters still be standing at the end of the match, the winner will be decided by the judges. Illegal contact with the other opponent is called a foul. The referee inside the ring may deduct points from one player or even disqualify that person if the act committed was intentional or no contest if this was unintentional. 5
  • 6. One of the biggest differences in mixed martial arts is the ring where the fighters play. Unlike a boxing or wrestling ring that is shaped in a rectangle, competition here is done in an octagon shaped cage. The eight sided structure has walls of metal chain link fence coated with black vinyl. There is padding around the top of the fence and between each of the eight sections as well as two entry-exit gates which are opposite each other. Competitors who enter the ring have to wear proper attire. This means going into the ring with approved shorts and no shoes. Gloves must also be approved and have at least an inch of padding around the knuckles so the person will still be able to use his fingers and grab the opponent without the risk of injuring the hand. Is mixed martial arts nice to watch? The answer is yes given that there are now more people watching it and others who want to join the competition. There was even a reality show that come out recently called the Contender which first started airing boxers fighting in the ring. 6
  • 7. Chapter 3: Choosing The Best Martial Arts Style For anyone who wants to learn a martial art, there is a lot to know in regards to the many different styles. Of course there is the question of finding the best martial art, which is a question a lot of people ask With so many martial arts styles to choose from, it can be very complicated to pick one to learn. No matter you may hear or what others have to say, it is quite impossible to name one style of martial arts as the ultimate best. Actually, there are several factors that come into play, which makes a statement about a style being the best impossible. Even though one style may beat another in a competition or a fight, doesn't always mean that the winning style is the best. Before deciding to rush out there and learn a martial art, there are several things that you should decide first. Martial arts are great to learn, no matter which style you decide on. A martial art can teach you self discipline, self defense, and several other traits that will help you no matter where you decide to go in life. Self defense All over the world, there are several martial arts schools and dojo's that emphasize self defense a lot more than others. Schools that focus on kata, forms, or light sparring are less than likely to teach you what you need to protect yourself on the street. If you are looking for street self defense, then you'll want a style that trains hard and doesn't let up. Fitness Even though martial arts can improve your fitness level, it isn't the goal behind a lot of the martial arts styles. Several styles, such as Tae Bo, are based purely on martial arts and doesn't include a lot of physical fitness training. If you are looking for fitness as your main goal, then you should be looking into something other than martial arts. Fighting ability This will vary among the many different martial arts styles. Self defense schools will most often take advantage of fighting skills, teaching you everything you need to survive. Most martial arts styles are slow in theory, teaching you kata, movements, and forms. Self defense schools on the other hand, teach you how to inflict the most amounts of damage in the least amount of time. Competition Competition based martial arts are all about winning trophies and showing the world your style of martial arts. The competition that you have chosen, will greatly impact your style of martial arts. You'll need to decide if you will be fighting or showcasing display kata, light or heavy contact, or focusing on grappling or striking. 7
  • 8. Before you decide on a martial arts style, you should always research the schools and dojo's in your area and see what all they offer you. The best schools will allow you to participate in a few free classes, or offer you discounts on your first few months. They will answer any questions that you have, and work with you to help you learn as much as you can. Martial arts can be a very fun and exciting learning experience. There are hundreds of different martial arts styles out there, although you may be limited in choice, depending on what all is offered in your area. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, and Jiu-Jitsu and some of the most common types of martial arts, are normally offered just about everywhere. The more distinct styles, such as Kung Fu, Shootfighting, Kenpo, and Shaolin styles are a bit hard to harder to find. If you do your homework on some of the styles that are offered in your area, you'll find one that best fits your reasons to study. Martial arts can change your outlook on life - all you have to do it devote yourself to learning all you can about the philosophy of your martial art. 8
  • 9. Chapter 4: What Does It Take To Be A Mixed Martial Arts Fighter If you are familiar with one martial arts technique, you may be able to win fighting another opponent using the same discipline. But could you do the same if your opponent is using something else when you meet him in the ring? The chances of you winning are fifty-fifty. But if you are familiar with the technique the opponent is using, then your chances become much higher. For that to happen, you have to learn a variety of martial arts and condition yourself like you have never done before. Being able to this makes you a mixed martial arts fighter and since this is not for everyone, you have to commit yourself to the sport and make a lot of changes in your lifestyle. These changes include how you train, how you eat, sleep and even how you live. The downside is that it will affect your family and even your social life. Every sacrifice you make is important because the moment you lose focus, the greater the chances that you will really get hurt in the ring. If you are for example skilled in judo, you will have to learn how to punch and kick by learning other styles such as boxing, kickboxing, judo and jiu-jitsu. You will not learn this overnight since it will take time to master them. After all the training, you should be able to switch from one discipline to another when the need calls for it especially when you are facing your opponent in the ring. Aside from fighting in the ring, you will also need to run regularly so you are able to maintain your endurance. For those who were on the varsity team in high school or college, things are going to get more intense than that. When you are hurt, you will train even harder until you reach the point of exhaustion. Just remember that your opponent whoever he may be is doing exactly the same thing and the winner all boils down to who wants it the most. The human body is the weapon you have as a mixed martial arts fighter. What you do and how you train for it will greatly affect how well you perform in the ring. If you notice, most of the fighters in the ring are physically fit so you have to just as ready as them during competition. So what does it take to be a mixed martial arts fighter? To be the best in this sport you must have dedication. For that, you have to give up a lot of things and the first step is to 9
  • 10. enroll in a school that offers various levels of training. What you learn here is not only proper technique but also helps build up your morale and confidence which is something you need to push yourself further. When you look for a school, review the methods of training they use as well as the cost. Can you afford it? If you do, then this shouldn't be a problem but if you are financially strapped, try to find another school that can give you the same quality of training so you may become a mixed martial arts fighter. Look for them in the internet or ask around because there is surely a school there that can help you out. 10
  • 11. Chapter 5: Martial Arts Movies Almost everyone I know who has studied martial arts got a start watching kung fu films. The most obvious and most classic ones are the martial arts movies done by the late Bruce Lee. He really set a new standard in martial arts films. He made things faster, more dramatic, and more involved than ever before. His movies not only had excellent and unprecedented fight scenes, but they also had interesting plots and sinister villains as well. When watching old martial arts movies, it is easy to forget how pioneering They were at the time. Many people get caught up in the bad translations and cheesy dialog, not noticing me incredible fight scenes. Of course, modern Chinese martial arts movies have taken things even further. The films of people like Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan have set a whole news level of excellence for martial arts fight scenes. They seamlessly combined special effects, brilliant choreography, and humorous antics into one seamless whole. Of course, There are plenty of other martial arts movies besides the kung fu films. America has been making fighting films for years. There were, of course, the Karate Kid movies. Anyone who grew up in the 80s remembers these films. They were interesting because they featured a style of fighting that wasn't generally portrayed in movies at the time. Karate is pretty straightforward, and doesn't necessarily make for great film. In the Karate Kid movies, however, they really made it work. Some of the most interesting martial arts movies are actually not fictional films at all, but demonstrations. I first saw a kung fu demonstration video about a year ago, and since then I have been watching every single one I can get my hands on. Many of these demos are based around long, elaborate, intricate dance-like routines rather than simple fighting. All the moves have a combative purpose, but they also have a grace and beauty to them as well. The fighters shadowbox with imaginary enemies, leaping, vaulting, kicking, and punching all over the stage with grace and ease. They punctuate flashy aerobatics and martial arts weapons displays with grunts, shouts, and shoulder rolls. All in all, it is almost every bit as dramatic as watching Jackie Chan take on the bad guys in one of his martial arts movies. Best of all, it gives you a taste of the art that you don't really get in the big kung fu movies, No matter how cool they are. Somehow, it feels more authentic and more immediate. *** Learn real-life, no-holds-barred that are designed to break, crush and maim your attackers. Get the details on “dirty” street 11
  • 12. fighting techniques that are made for survival – and may even save your life. Click here: For more information about Martial Arts movies, go to: 12
  • 13. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the author of this book has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this book and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. 13