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BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                             FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

Executive Primer

Migrating Legacy
DAM Systems and
Offline Content to
Next Generation
DAM PLUS Platforms
AUTHOR                                                                             KEY TOPICS
Michael Moon, CEO                                                                     • Here comes on-demand DAM platform-as-a-service
                                                                                      • Wikipedia on DAM
GISTICS Incorporated, innovation think-tank for marketing                             • DAM in Marketing
92 Templar Place, Oakland, CA 94618 USA                                               • DAM Service-Capabilities Framework
Tel +1 510.450.9999 | Mobile +1 415.509.5023                                          • DAM metadata model
Skype: michael_moon | Fax +1 510.601.0563                                             • Evolution of DAM for Marketing
                                                                                      • DAM PLUS Emerges
                                                                                      • New Business Requirement for DAM in Marketing
                                                                                      • Orphaned Assets and Systems
                                                                                      • Catalytic Assets
                                                                                      • Concierge Service Migrating legacy DAMs
                                                                                      • About GISTICS and Michael Moon

   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems   -1-                                                  ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                                     FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

Here Comes on-demand DAM platform-as-a-service                                     DAM in Marketing
In this executive white paper, we will present a forward-looking                   Digital Asset Management in marketing continues to evolve from its
roadmap of the future of DAM in marketing, emphasizing next-                       humble roots multimedia database and file manager (1993),
generation platforms delivered as an on-demand service.                            delivering progressive greater value through systems such as:
                                                                                       • Departmental content portals using client-server
Wikipedia on DAM                                                                          technologies (1997 onward)
In the broadest application, DAM constitutes a productivity-                           • Enterprise DAM repositories (2000 onward)
enhancing practice that speeds the retrieval, reuse, or                                • Media service platforms (2003 onward)
transformation of digital media files into the most useful form.                       • Database-publishing (Web to print) workflow platforms
                                                                                          (2006 onward)
As defined in Wikipedia, Digital asset management (DAM) consists                       • Enterprise marketing content-process management
of management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion,                              platforms (2009 onward).
annotation, cataloging, storage, retrieval and controlled distribution
of digital assets—digital photographs, animations, videos, and                     The years spanning 1999 to 2005 represented a greatest level of
music.                                                                             adoption of DAM in medium to large enterprises, numbering more
                                                                                   than 2,500 installations worldwide of the following:
Digital asset management entails the use of specialized systems                       • Department content portals
that aid in the downloading, renaming, backing up, rating,                            • Enterprise DAM repositories
grouping, archiving, optimizing, maintaining, thinning, and                           • Media service platforms
exporting digital files.
                                                                                   Today, many medium to large enterprises still use a DAM system
Generally an "asset" represents a digital file and description of the              originally installed in the halcyon years of 1999 to 2005, satisfying
contents and property rights of associated with the digital file.                  business requirements then understood and addressed.
The term "essence" refers the content of a digital asset and                       In many cases today, these same firms seek new DAM options,
generally constitutes the highest resolution and fidelity                          beyond a simple upgrade; in some cases, marketing groups today
representation. The term “metadata" refers the description of an                   seek systems that go beyond the basic assumptions of DAM:
asset; the description depth may vary depending on the needs of                        • Integrated procurement of creative services and content
the system, designer, or user.                                                         • Complex, multi-party project management
Metadata can describe the actual content or file properties, the                       • Integrated multichannel content-process management for
subject matter of the content, the means of encoding/decoding (e.g.                      enterprise marketing (Web sites, microsites, social networking
JPEG, tar, MPEG 2), the provenance or its history to point of capture,                   sites, newsletters, circulars and direct mail)
ownership, rights of access, as well as the file’s compliance with
predefined standards and template for metadata such as Dublin
Core and SCORM.

   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems   -2-                                                          ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                                                                                  FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

DAM Capabilities Framework
                                                                                       PROJECT           DAM SYSTEMS                               DISTRIBUTED RICH-MEDIA SERVICES                  MANAGED
The table to the right indicates six basic system                                      PORTAL                                                      (DAM PLUS)                                       SUPPLY CHAIN
configurations. Many of the terms represent                                            1. Marcomm        2. Image and     3. Creative              4. Distributed        5. Smart Marcomm           6. Federated

self-explanatory items. A few need explanation.                                           intranet          Content          Workflow                 Media                 Operations                 Marketing
In particular, 3D CGI photo replacement                                                                     Portal           Repository               Workflows                                        Operations
represents the use of 3D CAD models, rendered                                          Share files and   Find marketing   Streamline creation      Provision content     Speed delivery of          Synchronize
                                                                                       collaborate       content and      and production           and media             brand-consistent           global product
in photorealistic detail, to product 2D product

                                                               Business requirements
                                                                                       within team |     reusable media   processes for            applications to       multimedia                 launches and
images—fast, infinitely modifiable, and way less                                       Sharepoint,       components       artwork, 3D CGI          users across          materials through          integrated
expensive than professional photography.                                               Basecamp,         using simple     photo replacements,      enterprise and        structured, online         multichannel
                                                                                       @task, Lotus      keywords and     collateral, packaging,   partner, creating     processes                  campaigns using
Marketing claims databases represent a                                                 Notes             nested folders   POP displays, and        process             Lower sourcing               multiple centers
managed repository of “good to go” copy-text                                                                              multimodal               benchmarks          costs of creative,           of excellence in
                                                                                                                          customer-                Lower agency        content, and                 marketing
(product claims, slogs, features and benefits,                                                                            engagement                                                                communications
                                                                                                                                                   switching costs and production
product descriptions, user directions, etc.),                                                                             packages                 service
suitable for automated publishing workflows.                                                                                                       interruptions
                                                                                       Browser or        Structured       Integration with         Multiple user         MRM capabilities:          Pan-regional
MRM stands for marketing resource                                                      desktop access    catalogs with    creative tools,          classes, faceted      planning,                  execution of
management entails applications and                            Key functions           to intranet or    basic metadata   works of process and     taxonomies, and       campaigns, strategic       print, broadcast,
workflows for automating a marketing                                                   public portal     and search       approval workflows       dynamic imaging       sourcing of creative       online, mobile,
                                                                                                                                                   Full integration of   services, and              and in-field
operation: budgeting, planning, scheduling,                                                                                                                              analytics                  promotions and
project management, sourcing, process                                                                                                              management                                       customer
benchmarking, database-publishing, and                                                                                                                                                              engagement
financial governance of advertising and creative                                                                          Marketing claims         Database-             Ad agency                  Outsourced
                                                                                                                          databases                publishing of         governance                 localization

agency expenditures.                                                                                                                               collateral and        systems                    services
Managed supply chains entails end-to-end                                                                                                           banner ads (smart
integration of scheduling, collaboration,
                                                                                       PROGRESSION SEQUENCE FROM MATURITY TO THE NEXT
transaction, project management, and digital
                                                                                                         1. Ad Hoc > 2. Organize > 3. Measure > 4. Analyze > 5. Optimize
asset data across all contributors to integrated,
multichannel, pan-regional campaigns, creating                The table above depicts the evolution of DAM Systems into DAM PLUS and Managed Supply-Chains for
full visibility of the entire marketing team and              Marketing as well as the five steps of optimizing any focused capability (e.g., creative workflow repository). The
                                                              enumerated sequence indicates five basic modes of managing any operations or process. In any particular
their specific contributions to revenue, profit,              organization, one might say: 1) We’re ad hoc in managing our digital assets, 2) We’re currently organizing our
and return on marketing investments.                          assets, 3) We’re currently measuring the use of assets and users, 4) We’re currently analyzing asset-activities and
                                                              payback, or 5) We’re currently optimizing operations for next-phase innovations.

   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems                                 -3-                                                                         ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                                                            FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

Evolution of DAM for Marketing                                                                In most cases, these marketing DAMs provide a basic library and
Most of the initial deployments of enterprise DAM repositories and                            self-service function to internal marketing users and external field
media service platforms historically emphasized the management of                             marketing teams and partners.
static images and content for printed materials: ads, flyers, etc.                            As direct communication and digital services continue to grow in
As the Web emerged as a strategic communications channel in the                               prominence in enterprise marketing, the marketing and media mix
early-2000’s, modern DAMs evolved to manage source files for rich-                            continues to evolve in three dimensions:
media content: animations, video clips, web page elements, and                                   • Marketing incorporates a growing number of media types
downloaded content (PDFs and Webcast movies).                                                    • Marketing works with burgeoning array of specialist agencies,
                                                                                                     creative partners, and independent contributors
In some cases, the Web operations deployed a DAM to support                                      • Management requires marketing to provide greater visibility
their Web sites and portals, populating the DAM with content and                                     and accountability for marketing expenses.
assets largely purpose-built for publishing online. The Web
operations rarely understood the rigorous
technical requirements for printed material        Market Maturity Breeds Diversity and Specialization
(fonts, color management, single-pixel                                      EVOLUTION ON DAM CAPABILITIES IN MARKETING OPERATIONS
precision, etc.) or they did not care (“Hey,                             Basic    DAM       Packaged Hosted      SaaS       DAM
that’s not my job!”).                                                    Tools    Frame-    Software   DAM App DAM          PLUS
Often, this Web-centric DAM frustrated the                 FOCUS                          ON-PREMISE SOFTWARE           OFF-PREMISE SOFTWARE
marketing or marketing communications                      Marketing Supply Chain
                                                                                                                       NA        NA
group, prompting marketing teams to secure
                                                           Marketing Operations
their marketing DAM system, such as                                                                                    NA
   • Smaller departmental content portal                          POINT SOLUTIONS (below) evolving into PROCESS MANAGEMENT PLATFORMS (above)
       using packaged software with pre-                   DAM Services Groups                    Most
       defined functions and capabilities.                                                        DAMs
   • Online DAM provided by their                          Marcomm Content Portals
                                                           Creative Workgroups
       advertising agency, printer, or hosted              Creative Desktops
       DAM service provider.                               Consumers                                                             NA          NA
                                                           The table above depicts the evolution of DAM capabilities in marketing operations, migrating on-premise DAM
                                                           software to off-premise DAM PLUS capabilities.
                                                           The table also depicts the evolution of focus in marketing operations, migrating away from single-focus point
                                                           solutions and towards integrated MOM-DAM process management.

   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems             -4-                                                                       ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                                 FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

DAM-PLUS Emerges                                                                      • Deliver the end-to-end process management of Ad Agency
Looking to the future, most of the new or enhanced DAM systems                          Governance, standardizing the procurement of creative
will:                                                                                   services, content development, uploaded and tagged digital
    • Enable creative partners and individual contributors of                           assets, and production and logistics from a global network of
      integrated rich-media workflows to create self-tagged digital                     suppliers.
      assets, requiring tight integration of DAM systems with an                   New Business Requirement for DAM in Marketing
      array of creative tools and desktops.
    • Store product information, marketing claims and                              A comprehensive reassessment of DAM as a business strategy or
      communications (vetted and approved copywritten text),                       business-process enabler for marketing reveals five new
      and user-generated content as digital asset types, using                     requirements:
      industry-standard XML schemas to publish structured data                        • Consolidate Web and marketing content, unifying reuse
      and unstructured information with rich media assets.                               and sourcing standards
    • Automatically generate and place banner ads into Web                            • Migrate existing orphan content and digital assets now
      content management or ad network systems as well as                                held by agencies, creative partners, and other departmental
      produce printer-certified PDFs for inserts, flyers, coupons,                       or hosted DAM systems to a consolidated DAM system
      and POP materials.                                                              • Recertify and clear intellectual property rights for
    • Coordinate a comprehensive approval management process,                            worldwide use in all mediums.
      speeding the review and commenting of ideation and                              • Drive enterprise-wide reuse existing content and digital
      sketches, work-in-process versions, finished digital goods, and                    assets, preempting rouge procurement of “dumb” content
      localized versions.                                                                (untagged or difficult to repurpose)
    • Use easily configured forms to create market plans, campaign                    • Integrate DAM and Content Operations to core marketing
      analytics, budgets, calendars, project plans, and forecasts,                       processes: budgeting, planning, scheduling, project
      storing these data in the same underlying database of the                          management, sourcing, process benchmarking, database-
      DAM and, thus, creating a consolidated marketing                                   publishing, and financial governance of advertising and
      information database.                                                              creative agency expenditures
    • Links items of the marketing information database, such as                   Our recent client work reveals another interesting if not
      marketing plans and creative briefs, to all designated                       transformational conclusion: Many core processes, databases, and
      contributors of rich-media workflows as well as to individual                applications will continue migrating into the “cloud”, riding the
      assets, including comps and sketches, work-in-process                        innovation curves of Moore’s Law (and others): everything becomes
      versions, finished digital goods, and localized versions                     10x faster or 10x cheaper in five years.
                                                                                   Thus, many marketing organizations will stampede into on-demand
                                                                                   DAM platform-as-a-service.

   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems   -5-                                                      ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                                    FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

Orphaned Assets and Systems                                                        Catalytic Assets
Most of the enterprise DAM repositories and media service                          The term catalytic asset connotes the type of return on digital assets
platforms entailed:                                                                that the firm derives from the reusing an asset.
    • Significant customization of the user interfaces and workflow                Return on digital assets fall in one of five basic categories and
       routes                                                                      deliver a particular economic result:
    • Extensive development of new purpose-built software
    • Integration with other enterprise data-sources                               CATALYTIC
    • Modification underlying technologies (rendering engines,                     ENHANCED BALANCE           Economic value        • Revenue per customer
                                                                                   SHEET                                              engagement objects
       metadata model.                                                                                        per asset
As a result, many Enterprise DAM repositories remain frozen in
                                                                                   INCREASED REVENUE          Cycle time gains      • Days gained time-to-
time, relying on the original and largely not-updated technologies                                                                    market
and application versions.                                                                                                           • Days added to product-
                                                                                                                                      sales lifecycle
Of course, vendors of enterprise DAM repositories and media service                                                                 • Days to close out end-of-
platforms have made steady improvements to their software                                                                             lifecycle goods
applications.                                                                      NON- CATALYTIC
                                                                                   COST REDUCTION             Cycle time gains      • Fewer expenses
However, their customers seeking these improvements must:                                                                           • Lower labor content
  • Pay for a new enterprise software license                                                                 Sourcing              • Price consistency
  • Throw away much of their previous customization work                                                      consistency
  • Engage a new professional services team to deploy and                          PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS       Workflow              •   Greater production values
                                                                                                                                    •   Better ease of use
    configure the new software                                                                                automation            •   Fewer defects
  • Recreate existing workflows, business rules, and user                          INTANGIBLE                 By definition,        •   Brand integrity
    interfaces                                                                                                not measured
  • Migrate digital assets, metadata, business rules, and
    linkages to the new system                                                     Likely candidates of Catalytic Assets:
  • Test and validate the new news                                                     • Banner ads and print-display ads published from database
  • Launch a new system to existing and largely “habituated”                           • Circulars and inserts published from database
    users                                                                              • Packaging artwork approvals
                                                                                       • 3D photo replacement of product photography
Thus, upgrading enterprise DAM repositories and media service
platforms represents a major capital investment and often calls
for a comprehensive reassessment of DAM as business strategy
or business-process enabler.

   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems   -6-                                                         ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                                  FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

Concierge Service Migrating legacy DAMs                                            Boeing, Disney, E&J Gallo, Ericsson, Frank Russell Company, Gap,
GISTICS offers a simple and effective seven-step packaged service                  General Motors, FCB, Hallmark, Hasbro, IBM, Leo Burnett, Nokia,
for migrating legacy DAM systems to next-generation systems.                       Philips, SanomaWSOY, SAP, TeliaSonera, Thomson Corporation,
                                                                                   Time, VF Corp, and Warner Bros.
1. Questionnaire: Business mandate and options ranking
2. Criteria discovery: Collaborative workspace (remote)                            GISTICS assists conference and event-management firms in the
                                                                                   design, agenda development, speaker and talent acquisition, and
3. Business case: Estimated return on investment
                                                                                   marketing of executive-level events. GISTICS specializes in small-
4. Request for quotation (RFQ):
                                                                                   group "world cafe" sessions that emphasize executive-peer insight
    • Criteria and short-list of providers
                                                                                   sharing and full-immersion masterclasses. Our clients include
    • Content migration framework
                                                                                   Euroforum (NL), Henry Stewart Events (UK), Igedo (DE), Seybold
    • Total-cost-of-service of current and projected system
                                                                                   Seminars, and Thought Leadership Summits.
    • Cost of do-it-yourself vs. out-tasked content migration
5. Vendor offering assessment: Trade-offs and negotiation points                   GISTICS assists technology companies in executing corporate and
                                                                                   market-entry strategies. This includes personal lead-pass
6. Pre-deployment project planning workshop: 15-day project
    plans                                                                          introductions, advocacy in social networking groups (Linked In,
                                                                                   Facebook, Plaxo), certified consultant’s and developer relations
7. Coaching and peer-tutoring: Weekly tele-session and
                                                                                   programs, and service-fulfillment methodologies. Clients include
                                                                                   Adnovate (NL), Adobe, Alterian (UK), Apple, Arizona (BR), Artesia,
About GISTICS                                                                      AssetLink, Big Step, Capital ID (NL), Cariocas, ClearStory, D-BAM,
                                                                                   Deep Video, Deloitte, Digital Media Partners (FI), EMC, Emotion,
GISTICS constitutes an innovation think-tank that speeds the                       Ex’pression, Freedman International (UK), Getty Images, Informix,
adoption of innovation. Often, this entails perfecting an existing                 Harris, HP, IBM Autonomic Computing, Kodak, LaComunidad (NL)
processes and systems, adding ingenuity and fun to client’s                        Macromedia, Media Equation (AU), NetXposure, Nokia Multimedia,
products or services that already meet basic customer requirements.                North Plains Systems, Nstein Technologies, Onstream Media,
To that end, GISTICS assists its partnering clients in                             OpenText, Oracle, Paxonix, Peer English Networks,
    • Migrating legacy DAM systems to next generation platforms                    PricewaterhouseCoopers, Radiance Technologies, SocialMedia8
    • Delivering technology training to marketing professionals                    (NL), Sonera (FI), and Talent Partners (FI).
    • Advising technology providers in how to market and deliver                   GISTICS assists independent consultants to find long-term
      their digital service-innovations                                            engagements, define and manage complex, multi-year projects, and
    • Activating of social networks comprised of customers, buyers,                achieve professional and personal success, using masterclass
      independent consultants                                                      academies, publications, workshops, telebriefings, and certification
GISTICS advises international-brand corporations on service-                       programs.
innovation strategies for customer engagement, marketing supply
chains, and digital asset management. Clients include Amway,
   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems   -7-                                                       ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration                                                                 FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx

About Michael Moon
                 Executives worldwide recognize Michael Moon as an                 Michael Moon maintains three LinkedIn social networking groups
                 international authority on customer engagement,                   that serve international networks of innovation leaders, subject
                 marketing operations management, and digital asset                matter experts, and master-class practitioners with approximately
                 management and as a masterclass facilitator of                    3000 members and growing rapidly:
                 innovation leadership academies and executive peer-                • Masters of Digital Assets:
                 workgroup sessions.                                                • Masters of Customer Engagement:
Michael Moon has delivered more than 400 keynotes, presentations,            
executive seminars, workshops, and Web-based Webinars around                        • Masters of Marketing Operations:
the world. McGraw-Hill and its international affiliates offer Mr.            
Moon's book, Firebrands: Building Brand Loyalty in the Internet
                                                                                   Corporate Address
Age in 13 languages.
                                                                                   GISTICS Incorporated, innovation think-tank for marketing
He has lectured at UC Berkeley, Stanford University, San                 
Francisco State University, California State University—East
Bay, Fielding Institute, and St. Pölten University (AT).                           92 Templar Place, Oakland, CA 94618 USA

Michael Moon also co-chairs the prestigious international                          Tel +1 510.450.9999 | Mobile +1 415.509.5023 | Skype:
conferences on Digital Asset Management                    michael_moon | Fax +1 510.601.0563
and serves as the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Digital Asset
Management and Editing
Blogger-in-Chief at several microsites:
 • Engagement Marketspace for
   technology providers
 • DAM for Marketing for insights about
   digital asset management in marketing operations
 • Customer Engagement Agencies for insights about next
   generation marketing firms

   Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems   -8-                                                      ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.

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Migrating Legacy DAM Systems and Offline Content to Next Generation DAM PLUS Platforms

  • 1. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx Executive Primer Migrating Legacy DAM Systems and Offline Content to Next Generation DAM PLUS Platforms AUTHOR KEY TOPICS Michael Moon, CEO • Here comes on-demand DAM platform-as-a-service • Wikipedia on DAM GISTICS Incorporated, innovation think-tank for marketing • DAM in Marketing 92 Templar Place, Oakland, CA 94618 USA • DAM Service-Capabilities Framework Tel +1 510.450.9999 | Mobile +1 415.509.5023 • DAM metadata model Skype: michael_moon | Fax +1 510.601.0563 • Evolution of DAM for Marketing • DAM PLUS Emerges • New Business Requirement for DAM in Marketing • Orphaned Assets and Systems • Catalytic Assets • Concierge Service Migrating legacy DAMs • About GISTICS and Michael Moon Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -1- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
  • 2. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx Here Comes on-demand DAM platform-as-a-service DAM in Marketing In this executive white paper, we will present a forward-looking Digital Asset Management in marketing continues to evolve from its roadmap of the future of DAM in marketing, emphasizing next- humble roots multimedia database and file manager (1993), generation platforms delivered as an on-demand service. delivering progressive greater value through systems such as: • Departmental content portals using client-server Wikipedia on DAM technologies (1997 onward) In the broadest application, DAM constitutes a productivity- • Enterprise DAM repositories (2000 onward) enhancing practice that speeds the retrieval, reuse, or • Media service platforms (2003 onward) transformation of digital media files into the most useful form. • Database-publishing (Web to print) workflow platforms (2006 onward) As defined in Wikipedia, Digital asset management (DAM) consists • Enterprise marketing content-process management of management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, platforms (2009 onward). annotation, cataloging, storage, retrieval and controlled distribution of digital assets—digital photographs, animations, videos, and The years spanning 1999 to 2005 represented a greatest level of music. adoption of DAM in medium to large enterprises, numbering more than 2,500 installations worldwide of the following: Digital asset management entails the use of specialized systems • Department content portals that aid in the downloading, renaming, backing up, rating, • Enterprise DAM repositories grouping, archiving, optimizing, maintaining, thinning, and • Media service platforms exporting digital files. Today, many medium to large enterprises still use a DAM system Generally an "asset" represents a digital file and description of the originally installed in the halcyon years of 1999 to 2005, satisfying contents and property rights of associated with the digital file. business requirements then understood and addressed. The term "essence" refers the content of a digital asset and In many cases today, these same firms seek new DAM options, generally constitutes the highest resolution and fidelity beyond a simple upgrade; in some cases, marketing groups today representation. The term “metadata" refers the description of an seek systems that go beyond the basic assumptions of DAM: asset; the description depth may vary depending on the needs of • Integrated procurement of creative services and content the system, designer, or user. • Complex, multi-party project management Metadata can describe the actual content or file properties, the • Integrated multichannel content-process management for subject matter of the content, the means of encoding/decoding (e.g. enterprise marketing (Web sites, microsites, social networking JPEG, tar, MPEG 2), the provenance or its history to point of capture, sites, newsletters, circulars and direct mail) ownership, rights of access, as well as the file’s compliance with predefined standards and template for metadata such as Dublin Core and SCORM. Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -2- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
  • 3. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx DAM Capabilities Framework PROJECT DAM SYSTEMS DISTRIBUTED RICH-MEDIA SERVICES MANAGED The table to the right indicates six basic system PORTAL (DAM PLUS) SUPPLY CHAIN configurations. Many of the terms represent 1. Marcomm 2. Image and 3. Creative 4. Distributed 5. Smart Marcomm 6. Federated Focus self-explanatory items. A few need explanation. intranet Content Workflow Media Operations Marketing In particular, 3D CGI photo replacement Portal Repository Workflows Operations represents the use of 3D CAD models, rendered Share files and Find marketing Streamline creation Provision content Speed delivery of Synchronize collaborate content and and production and media brand-consistent global product in photorealistic detail, to product 2D product Business requirements within team | reusable media processes for applications to multimedia launches and images—fast, infinitely modifiable, and way less Sharepoint, components artwork, 3D CGI users across materials through integrated expensive than professional photography. Basecamp, using simple photo replacements, enterprise and structured, online multichannel @task, Lotus keywords and collateral, packaging, partner, creating processes campaigns using Marketing claims databases represent a Notes nested folders POP displays, and process Lower sourcing multiple centers managed repository of “good to go” copy-text multimodal benchmarks costs of creative, of excellence in customer- Lower agency content, and marketing (product claims, slogs, features and benefits, engagement communications switching costs and production product descriptions, user directions, etc.), packages service suitable for automated publishing workflows. interruptions Browser or Structured Integration with Multiple user MRM capabilities: Pan-regional MRM stands for marketing resource desktop access catalogs with creative tools, classes, faceted planning, execution of management entails applications and Key functions to intranet or basic metadata works of process and taxonomies, and campaigns, strategic print, broadcast, workflows for automating a marketing public portal and search approval workflows dynamic imaging sourcing of creative online, mobile, Full integration of services, and and in-field operation: budgeting, planning, scheduling, analytics promotions and project project management, sourcing, process management customer benchmarking, database-publishing, and engagement financial governance of advertising and creative Marketing claims Database- Ad agency Outsourced databases publishing of governance localization Pivots agency expenditures. collateral and systems services Managed supply chains entails end-to-end banner ads (smart artwork) integration of scheduling, collaboration, PROGRESSION SEQUENCE FROM MATURITY TO THE NEXT transaction, project management, and digital 1. Ad Hoc > 2. Organize > 3. Measure > 4. Analyze > 5. Optimize asset data across all contributors to integrated, multichannel, pan-regional campaigns, creating The table above depicts the evolution of DAM Systems into DAM PLUS and Managed Supply-Chains for full visibility of the entire marketing team and Marketing as well as the five steps of optimizing any focused capability (e.g., creative workflow repository). The enumerated sequence indicates five basic modes of managing any operations or process. In any particular their specific contributions to revenue, profit, organization, one might say: 1) We’re ad hoc in managing our digital assets, 2) We’re currently organizing our and return on marketing investments. assets, 3) We’re currently measuring the use of assets and users, 4) We’re currently analyzing asset-activities and payback, or 5) We’re currently optimizing operations for next-phase innovations. Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -3- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
  • 4. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx Evolution of DAM for Marketing In most cases, these marketing DAMs provide a basic library and Most of the initial deployments of enterprise DAM repositories and self-service function to internal marketing users and external field media service platforms historically emphasized the management of marketing teams and partners. static images and content for printed materials: ads, flyers, etc. As direct communication and digital services continue to grow in As the Web emerged as a strategic communications channel in the prominence in enterprise marketing, the marketing and media mix early-2000’s, modern DAMs evolved to manage source files for rich- continues to evolve in three dimensions: media content: animations, video clips, web page elements, and • Marketing incorporates a growing number of media types downloaded content (PDFs and Webcast movies). • Marketing works with burgeoning array of specialist agencies, creative partners, and independent contributors In some cases, the Web operations deployed a DAM to support • Management requires marketing to provide greater visibility their Web sites and portals, populating the DAM with content and and accountability for marketing expenses. assets largely purpose-built for publishing online. The Web operations rarely understood the rigorous technical requirements for printed material Market Maturity Breeds Diversity and Specialization (fonts, color management, single-pixel EVOLUTION ON DAM CAPABILITIES IN MARKETING OPERATIONS precision, etc.) or they did not care (“Hey, Basic DAM Packaged Hosted SaaS DAM that’s not my job!”). Tools Frame- Software DAM App DAM PLUS works Often, this Web-centric DAM frustrated the FOCUS ON-PREMISE SOFTWARE OFF-PREMISE SOFTWARE marketing or marketing communications Marketing Supply Chain NA NA Management group, prompting marketing teams to secure Marketing Operations their marketing DAM system, such as NA Management • Smaller departmental content portal POINT SOLUTIONS (below) evolving into PROCESS MANAGEMENT PLATFORMS (above) using packaged software with pre- DAM Services Groups Most defined functions and capabilities. DAMs • Online DAM provided by their Marcomm Content Portals Creative Workgroups advertising agency, printer, or hosted Creative Desktops DAM service provider. Consumers NA NA The table above depicts the evolution of DAM capabilities in marketing operations, migrating on-premise DAM software to off-premise DAM PLUS capabilities. The table also depicts the evolution of focus in marketing operations, migrating away from single-focus point solutions and towards integrated MOM-DAM process management. Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -4- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
  • 5. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx DAM-PLUS Emerges • Deliver the end-to-end process management of Ad Agency Looking to the future, most of the new or enhanced DAM systems Governance, standardizing the procurement of creative will: services, content development, uploaded and tagged digital • Enable creative partners and individual contributors of assets, and production and logistics from a global network of integrated rich-media workflows to create self-tagged digital suppliers. assets, requiring tight integration of DAM systems with an New Business Requirement for DAM in Marketing array of creative tools and desktops. • Store product information, marketing claims and A comprehensive reassessment of DAM as a business strategy or communications (vetted and approved copywritten text), business-process enabler for marketing reveals five new and user-generated content as digital asset types, using requirements: industry-standard XML schemas to publish structured data • Consolidate Web and marketing content, unifying reuse and unstructured information with rich media assets. and sourcing standards • Automatically generate and place banner ads into Web • Migrate existing orphan content and digital assets now content management or ad network systems as well as held by agencies, creative partners, and other departmental produce printer-certified PDFs for inserts, flyers, coupons, or hosted DAM systems to a consolidated DAM system and POP materials. • Recertify and clear intellectual property rights for • Coordinate a comprehensive approval management process, worldwide use in all mediums. speeding the review and commenting of ideation and • Drive enterprise-wide reuse existing content and digital sketches, work-in-process versions, finished digital goods, and assets, preempting rouge procurement of “dumb” content localized versions. (untagged or difficult to repurpose) • Use easily configured forms to create market plans, campaign • Integrate DAM and Content Operations to core marketing analytics, budgets, calendars, project plans, and forecasts, processes: budgeting, planning, scheduling, project storing these data in the same underlying database of the management, sourcing, process benchmarking, database- DAM and, thus, creating a consolidated marketing publishing, and financial governance of advertising and information database. creative agency expenditures • Links items of the marketing information database, such as Our recent client work reveals another interesting if not marketing plans and creative briefs, to all designated transformational conclusion: Many core processes, databases, and contributors of rich-media workflows as well as to individual applications will continue migrating into the “cloud”, riding the assets, including comps and sketches, work-in-process innovation curves of Moore’s Law (and others): everything becomes versions, finished digital goods, and localized versions 10x faster or 10x cheaper in five years. Thus, many marketing organizations will stampede into on-demand DAM platform-as-a-service. Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -5- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
  • 6. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx Orphaned Assets and Systems Catalytic Assets Most of the enterprise DAM repositories and media service The term catalytic asset connotes the type of return on digital assets platforms entailed: that the firm derives from the reusing an asset. • Significant customization of the user interfaces and workflow Return on digital assets fall in one of five basic categories and routes deliver a particular economic result: • Extensive development of new purpose-built software • Integration with other enterprise data-sources CATALYTIC • Modification underlying technologies (rendering engines, ENHANCED BALANCE Economic value • Revenue per customer SHEET engagement objects metadata model. per asset As a result, many Enterprise DAM repositories remain frozen in INCREASED REVENUE Cycle time gains • Days gained time-to- time, relying on the original and largely not-updated technologies market and application versions. • Days added to product- sales lifecycle Of course, vendors of enterprise DAM repositories and media service • Days to close out end-of- platforms have made steady improvements to their software lifecycle goods applications. NON- CATALYTIC COST REDUCTION Cycle time gains • Fewer expenses However, their customers seeking these improvements must: • Lower labor content • Pay for a new enterprise software license Sourcing • Price consistency • Throw away much of their previous customization work consistency • Engage a new professional services team to deploy and PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS Workflow • Greater production values • Better ease of use configure the new software automation • Fewer defects • Recreate existing workflows, business rules, and user INTANGIBLE By definition, • Brand integrity interfaces not measured • Migrate digital assets, metadata, business rules, and linkages to the new system Likely candidates of Catalytic Assets: • Test and validate the new news • Banner ads and print-display ads published from database • Launch a new system to existing and largely “habituated” • Circulars and inserts published from database users • Packaging artwork approvals • 3D photo replacement of product photography Thus, upgrading enterprise DAM repositories and media service platforms represents a major capital investment and often calls for a comprehensive reassessment of DAM as business strategy or business-process enabler. Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -6- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
  • 7. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx Concierge Service Migrating legacy DAMs Boeing, Disney, E&J Gallo, Ericsson, Frank Russell Company, Gap, GISTICS offers a simple and effective seven-step packaged service General Motors, FCB, Hallmark, Hasbro, IBM, Leo Burnett, Nokia, for migrating legacy DAM systems to next-generation systems. Philips, SanomaWSOY, SAP, TeliaSonera, Thomson Corporation, Time, VF Corp, and Warner Bros. 1. Questionnaire: Business mandate and options ranking 2. Criteria discovery: Collaborative workspace (remote) GISTICS assists conference and event-management firms in the design, agenda development, speaker and talent acquisition, and 3. Business case: Estimated return on investment marketing of executive-level events. GISTICS specializes in small- 4. Request for quotation (RFQ): group "world cafe" sessions that emphasize executive-peer insight • Criteria and short-list of providers sharing and full-immersion masterclasses. Our clients include • Content migration framework Euroforum (NL), Henry Stewart Events (UK), Igedo (DE), Seybold • Total-cost-of-service of current and projected system Seminars, and Thought Leadership Summits. • Cost of do-it-yourself vs. out-tasked content migration 5. Vendor offering assessment: Trade-offs and negotiation points GISTICS assists technology companies in executing corporate and market-entry strategies. This includes personal lead-pass 6. Pre-deployment project planning workshop: 15-day project plans introductions, advocacy in social networking groups (Linked In, Facebook, Plaxo), certified consultant’s and developer relations 7. Coaching and peer-tutoring: Weekly tele-session and programs, and service-fulfillment methodologies. Clients include workspace Adnovate (NL), Adobe, Alterian (UK), Apple, Arizona (BR), Artesia, About GISTICS AssetLink, Big Step, Capital ID (NL), Cariocas, ClearStory, D-BAM, Deep Video, Deloitte, Digital Media Partners (FI), EMC, Emotion, GISTICS constitutes an innovation think-tank that speeds the Ex’pression, Freedman International (UK), Getty Images, Informix, adoption of innovation. Often, this entails perfecting an existing Harris, HP, IBM Autonomic Computing, Kodak, LaComunidad (NL) processes and systems, adding ingenuity and fun to client’s Macromedia, Media Equation (AU), NetXposure, Nokia Multimedia, products or services that already meet basic customer requirements. North Plains Systems, Nstein Technologies, Onstream Media, To that end, GISTICS assists its partnering clients in OpenText, Oracle, Paxonix, Peer English Networks, • Migrating legacy DAM systems to next generation platforms PricewaterhouseCoopers, Radiance Technologies, SocialMedia8 • Delivering technology training to marketing professionals (NL), Sonera (FI), and Talent Partners (FI). • Advising technology providers in how to market and deliver GISTICS assists independent consultants to find long-term their digital service-innovations engagements, define and manage complex, multi-year projects, and • Activating of social networks comprised of customers, buyers, achieve professional and personal success, using masterclass independent consultants academies, publications, workshops, telebriefings, and certification GISTICS advises international-brand corporations on service- programs. innovation strategies for customer engagement, marketing supply chains, and digital asset management. Clients include Amway, Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -7- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.
  • 8. BEST PRACTICES FRAMEWORK | Digital Asset and Content Migration FILE: Migrating-Legacy-DAM-Systems-v4.docx About Michael Moon Executives worldwide recognize Michael Moon as an Michael Moon maintains three LinkedIn social networking groups international authority on customer engagement, that serve international networks of innovation leaders, subject marketing operations management, and digital asset matter experts, and master-class practitioners with approximately management and as a masterclass facilitator of 3000 members and growing rapidly: innovation leadership academies and executive peer- • Masters of Digital Assets: workgroup sessions. • Masters of Customer Engagement: Michael Moon has delivered more than 400 keynotes, presentations, executive seminars, workshops, and Web-based Webinars around • Masters of Marketing Operations: the world. McGraw-Hill and its international affiliates offer Mr. Moon's book, Firebrands: Building Brand Loyalty in the Internet Corporate Address Age in 13 languages. GISTICS Incorporated, innovation think-tank for marketing He has lectured at UC Berkeley, Stanford University, San Francisco State University, California State University—East Bay, Fielding Institute, and St. Pölten University (AT). 92 Templar Place, Oakland, CA 94618 USA Michael Moon also co-chairs the prestigious international Tel +1 510.450.9999 | Mobile +1 415.509.5023 | Skype: conferences on Digital Asset Management michael_moon | Fax +1 510.601.0563 and serves as the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Digital Asset Management and Editing Blogger-in-Chief at several microsites: • Engagement Marketspace for technology providers • DAM for Marketing for insights about digital asset management in marketing operations • Customer Engagement Agencies for insights about next generation marketing firms Digital Asset Management | Migrating Digital Assets from Legacy Systems -8- ©2010 GISTICS. All rights reserved.