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2 About this Issue                        13   Resources
                                                                                     Jewish Voice Passover Kit,
                                      3   Shalom! From Jonathan Bernls               Jonathan Bernis Messages,
                                      4   U p Front                                  ''As Seen on jewish Voice
                                          The Myth of Palestine                      Today," Books & more!
                                          By Joseph Farah                       14   ~eClal Report
                                      6 Guest Author                                     AMAS:
                                        Isaac or Ishmael - To Whom                   Islam Will Rule the World
                                        was the Land of Israel                       By Ryan Jones
                                        Promised? By Walid Shoe bat
                                                                                     Television Schedule
                                      8 ~eciar Rb 0rt
                                            estern himmitude                              J            Q
                                          By Hal lindsey
                                                                                     Why Not Divide Israel for
                                      9 Special Report from Israel                   the Sake of Peace?
                                          H amas Victory Shocks                      By Sarah
                                          the World                             17   laYing up Treasure
                                          By David Dolan
                                                                                     In H eaven
                                     10                  V'        r                 BiII 's Stewardship Corner
                                          News from Israel
                                          & Around the World                    17   Palestine - When Did it Exist?
                                     12   Prophev; in t he N ews
                                          H amas ictory is Political            18   Headquarters Report
                                          Earthquake By Jan Markell
                                                                               20    Israel Tour - join j onathan!

                                                      forces of the neighboring Ar<lb COlllltries,          pt'Ople and II fictitiolls land, the pressure on
                                                      Israel captured the entire land mass from the         Isr;ld to capitulate to their demands grew,
                                                      Mediterranean Sea; 10 Lebanon on the north;           even a~ they waged a terror war within Israel 's
                                                      1 S}'ria and Jonhtn on the east; and the entire
                                                       0                                                    borders against civilians. A Israel began
                                                      Sinai Peninsula to Ihe Suez Canal in Egypt.           gh1ng back the I.and so graciolL'iI~' hestowed by
                                                      It seemed a modern-day j)a~d and Goliath             Gexl ,l~ a tnlst and Covenant - for the elusive
                                                      miracle a.~ ~ l oshe Oay:tIl stood on the lCmple      pursuit of peace - with a people pledged to her
                                                      MOllnt - the first time ,I Jewish pel"S(lIl had set   utter destmction.
                                                      fOOL there for near two millennia, Mordechai                tno the myth of the Palestinians grew.
     In 1948, a Nation from antiquity was             Gur'Sremarkable cry, 'The 'lernpleMount is in         And now, it is only trab nations, or worldlv
reborn - in a day, jll'it a'i Isaiah prll.licted.     our hand'i!" and Rabbi Sh lomo Goren's shofar         nations that accept this lie ami are hostile to
(Is. 66) And wi th it, the hand'i of a great          b la~t at the Kotel (Wailing Wall) rang Ollt.         Israel because of it, it even includes Christian
prophetic dock began to move toward the End                This time, howC'er, there wa.~ a new,           denominations.
of Days. All generations since the Firsr Century      more fonnidahle weapon being fonncd - one                   From the hegi nni ng, when G gave Israel
preceding this event have expected the return         wamed of in Scripture - {/(x.;eplioll, at work. In    the 1.and, He said Israel must: " out
of the M essiah, bur this necessalY element had       1967, a new people group was invented -the            the inhahitants .. Jor I hm'e given the Land for
not yet been fulfilled.                               "Palestinians" - and their anny, the Palestine        YOU to poss~... But if YOll don't dri'e out the
     Immediately, nedgling Israel , with              Liberation Organization (PLO), backed by the          inhabitanlS .. .those YOU allow to remain wil1
almost 110 military or anns, was atracked by          hostile Arab mltions, would (~lCmte within the        become like thoms in your eyes and thistles in
Egypt, Syria. Transjnrdan, Lebannn and Iraq.          Land of Israel with theexprcs.'i purpose, a~ their    roursides - theywil l hara% you in the I.and... ··
A miraculous victory over vastly superior             chmter stated, to dL. itl1J}' Israel.
                                                                           "                                (Nul11. 33:55) And now, Israel h~t'i HtMAS, the
milital)' foret'S W;l~ given tn Israel. This became        So, evcn as God gave miraculous victory          most Violent of the PI.O groups established
a familiar patlern.                                   after viclOl), to Israel against her enemies, a       within her I.and. declaring (~lC llly that her day
     In 1967, despite ~reat superiority in anns,      more insidiolls enemy was at work ~thin. A'i        is o'er. ..
aircraft, and troops favoring the combiJlt-d          the world acl'CpK'll tI~is fabricateo claim of a                                   ~. Edito r

         Jewish Voice Ministries Intemational aka JeWish Voice Today Volume 40 Number I March/April2oo6 Adar/Nlsan/lyar S766
                                    Publisher: Jon<lthan Bemis          Senior Managing Editor/DeSigner: Sarah Weiner
                                               Desk Editor: Aubrey Schneider Assistant Editor: Carrie Biddison
         J~sh Voice Ministries I,ltemational 1600 1 North 31th St.-eet Phoeni)(. AZ 85032 USA 602.97 I -SSOI On the web: hup:/Iwww.jew;
                            S.od ,II ,dd"" ,h,ogo< ,od "h"    "''''po''''''''' "    eo. Bo' 30990 Phoeo;,. AZ 8' 0<6·0990 USA
               JEWISH VOICE TODAY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Rabbl Jonathan Sernis Elliot Klayman, Esq Mrs. Madelaine Lindvall                               ~
                                              Mr. James Mueller Cheryl Schang Dr. Jeff Self Mr. Roger West                                            ~. .

                                                               Jewish Voice Today                                                      March/April 2006
Shalom from jonathan!

    Where in the
     World is
       Ph.~ase teln~l1lber
     to pray (or Jonathan        Dear Ministry Partners and Friend~,
     dS he travels around
          the world .            Why is a little slivcr of Land, smaller than the slate of Rhode Island, with a population of under 6 million,
     jonathan 's schedule        always in the lllf..'(/ialimelight. , .hare ~'ou ever wondered?
         (or March &
         April 2006:             Over 2,500 years ago, the Prophet 7.echariah wrote that in the Last Days, 'yerusalem will be a beauy stOlle
                                 bwrlen;ng Ibi! {(lorld. And Ibougb af{ Ibe Ila/ions of Ibe earlb un;le in (/II alJem/Jllo mO/le bel: Ibey
            M :lrch I   ~   18
                                 /(Jill all be c:rusbed. ., (Zech.12:3 TLB) 'lhis prophecy hm; now come to pas..~ in our da~'.ll seem~ that forcing
              Erhiopi:t          Israel to give back her God mandated Land h;~~ become an obsession of not only the Europe,U] Community,
          Medic:!] Ourrc;u:h     but the enUre world. After President fimh's re-eleclion, his first phone call was from British Prime Iinister
                                 Ton)' I1I:tir. After congratulating him on his victory, he implored the President to foclls his attention on the
           March 19 -28          creation of a Palestinian stale.
                                 With Israel's recent pu llout from Gaza, Sharon's break-away from the right-wing Ukud Pany, and CTeation
          April 213 - May ()     of a new political palty, Krtdima (meaning fOlvard), it is dear that the current govcmmelll is intent on
               Turkey            making a Palestinian state a reality. Even with Sharon out of the picture now, acting Prime Minister Elll1d
               TjCl1             Olmert has vowed to continue his legacy and complete the Withdrawals fmlll most of the West Bank and the
                                 tcnitorics, if their party wins the election on March 28th.
                                 The 'Pa(eSlillirllls " living in these regions of the Promised Land refer to these areas ,~'i "occufJied lerrHo-
                                 rie..'i. " nlCY claim that they were there for centuries bcfore the Jews c'er C,Ulle along and were drivcn fmm
                                 their homes after the Six Day War in 1967. Now they want ··tbeir" l'llld back. Yet, histo1)' reveals this claim to
                                 be nothing more. than a myth. [n fact. the land conquered by Israel in 1967 was nc'cr under the control of
                                 a people known as P(t/£lI/initms. No sl1ch people ever existed before 1967! The land referred to toda)' as the
                                 West Bank was part of Jordon and the Arabs dwelling there wcreJordanians! In this issue of}ewislJ V          oice
                                 TQdfIY, entitled "71Je fl~)'{b oj Palestine," we seek to dispel these false claims and present the real picture
                                 and history of this Land and People.
                                 With the victory of Hamas in r(.'Cenl elections, the origi nal agenda of the PLO remains finnl)' in place ... to
                                 eventually push Israel into the Mediterranean Sea. Until they succeed. or at least until Jerusalem is fully
                                 under Palestinian control, YOll can be assured that the tcrrorism and homicide bombings will conti nue. No
                                 amount of negotiating is going to change this. ~lan 's peace plans will continue to fa il ... it is only G peace
                                 plan, througll the Prince of Peace, Yeshutl, tllm tme and lasting peace will ultirnately come to this troubled
                                 and war torn L1nd.
                                 On the ministry front. by the time you read this I will be in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. leading a team of ovcr
                                 70 doctors, dentisl~, nurses and ministry workers on the largest medical ministry outreach ollr ministry has
                                 ever undenaken. We are there to reach out to the two Jewish Communities remaini ng in Ethiopia, the Beta
                                 Avraham and the Beta Israel. Our primal" focus will he to pl'Ovide medical and dental care to the Bela Avra-
                                 h,1Il1, an imlXlvcrisllL'd community of ovcr 50,000 dwelling in the poorest area of Ihc city. Ve will have. a fu ll
                                 report for you in the next issue. Your prayers for the team during our time there (March 4- t8) are greatly
                                 Plans are still 11l0ving forward with theJewish Voice International ~ Iessianic ~ l edia Center. Plea..'>e keep this
                                 in prayer as we arc still waiting for various approvals Ilet'{k'd b~' the cityof Phoenix to complete all the work.
                                 We are still hoping to he In this new fad lity h~' the end of August.

                                 Please know that we lovc and appreciate rou, our pannel'S, so vel" much. Thank you for enabling us to
                                                              1 "proclaim Messiah 1 lil" world."
                                                              0                      0

                                 Jonathan Bemis, President
                                 Jewish Voice ~linisl ries Internation al
March/April 2006                                                    JewiSh Voice Today                                                              J
Up Front

      1 come fit tbe issue of the Mhidle             war. there was no serious
/:'a ' a lillIe bit d{ffel'eut{)1 tlxm jllst         movement for a Pales-
abOut (lII),olle else. I'm (11/ Amb·Ameri·           tinian homeland. 111b)'?
?m OJris/iau journalist. j've arrived at                   In 1967, during' the
/I~)' conclusious largeo Ibrougb first·             Six-Day War, the Israelis
                            '                       capUlredjudea, Samaria
baud experience COIJf!rillg the Mideast
onlbe ground                                         and Ellst Jenlsalem. Nut
                                                    I/Je)' didn 't Cllplure
      Tbrougbout IJ~J' 25·yea/' career (IS          t/}ese territories from
a dai()' lJews/JtljJerm(lfJ, rile bad two            )'tl~e,. Art!(al.     71JfJ)'
jJrincipal beats - flol(Fll'ood and Ibe             captured /belll fium
Middle Easl. YOli miglJl wOl/del' what                                                                 tian Cnl'laders, bythe Ottoman Empire lind.
                                                    jordal/. :~ King l1us,min. 1) ~' did the so-
                                                                                                       briell~', by the British after World War I. TIle
tbese two beats have ill COlli mall.                called Palestinians suddenly discover their        British agn:cd to restore at least part of the
      1'lJe C01ll1ll011 denomillator is Ibat         national identityailer Ismei llIonlbe Il'ar?      land 10 the Jewish people as their hnllle-
!be'y botb deal ill tbe rcallll of to/real-          Wh}' wasn'l there a demand for a Palestin-        land. Who rejected that idea? TbeArtibs. ll)e
i~J" l1Jey hOlb re(JI011 m),Ib.'.                   ian homeland hefore?                              jell!s f.XIuld I1tllle 110 /JklL'C ill /be Alid(!(I.I1.
                                                          'Ihe truth is that Palestine is no more      NOJ/e.
         Wha t i s thi s d e bat e                   real than Never-Ncver Land. The first time
             all about ?                                                                                      There is 110 language known as P:lles-
                                                     the name was llSl'ti was after 70 A.D. when        tinian. There is no distinct Palestinian CUl-
     What a rc I he re al r Oo l s o f               the Romans committed genocide against
             thi s co nfli c t ?                                                                        ture. There h:15 never been a land known :IS
                                                     thejCvs, sm,L~hed the lemple and declaret1        Palesline govcmcd by Palestinians. Pales-
     If you believe what you read in most            the L of Israel would be no more, From
                                                            and                                         lillllms are Arabs, illdil'lillglll:wablefium
news sources, Palestinians want a home-              then on, the Homans promised, it would he         .Iol'(/allitms. S)'I'itms. Lebanese, Il'tIqis, etc.
land and Muslims wanl control over                   known as Palestinc, The name was derived,          Keep ill mind thaI the A colltrol 99.9
sites they consider holy. Simple, right?             we think. from the Philistines, a people con-      percent of the Middle East lands. Israel rcp~
     1171'01lg [n fact. these. two demands are      quered by theje,>'S ccnnlries earl ier.            resen t~ one-tenth of I percent of the land-
nothing more than strategic deceptions -                  Contrary to what PLO Founder YasseT          mass.
prupag.Ulda ploys. 'I11t~y are nothing more          Arafat dainll'd, the Philistines werr extinct            1M that's tuo Illuch for the A   rabs. They
than phony excllses and rationalizations for         hy thilt time. Arafal liked to pretend his peo-    want it al1. Alld tbal i.~·lIllim(lle(}' /l'/xillhe
the terrorism and the ll111nleringofjews. The        ple were the descendants of the Philistines.      jigbtillg ill I.mlfJ/ i~ (lbolfttod(~JI. No IIItll-
real goal of those making these demand'i is          Actuall y, the name was silllply a wayfor the      IeI' bOfll m(lm' lalld cOllce&!';ons Ibe /SI'tlC-
the destnlction of the Stille uf Israel.             Romans to add insult to injury to the JC~'S      h'! make, illi,ill neue,. be ellollgb.
     The proof of the pudding is that prior         - not only were they annihi1atOO, htl! their              Arafat himself explainL'd the ploy of
                       to the 1967 Arab· lsI<lcli    land was renamed after people they had             negotiations with Israel in a 1 SI)Cl'( h
                                                                                                        in South Africa - in English. He's explained
                                                                          Pal es t ine ha s             it in Arabic dozel1s of times: "First we cre-
                                                                       neve r ex is t e d -             ate our own slate. then w use th:lt state to
                                                                      be fo re o r s ince -             liberate all of Palestine, ThaI's the goal. II's
                                                                                                       "'/{/t~)(· been IblJ goal, "
                                                                     a s a nat ion s tat e .
                                                                                                              Palestinians will tell vou the reason a
                                                                      It was m1ed altcmatdv bv          Palestinian-Arab state is llL't'<led is because
                                                                   Rome, hy Islamic ilnd Cliris~       Ar.tbs were forcibly fCmoved from their prop-

 4                                                               JeWish VOIce Today                                                      MarcJv'Apnl 2006
Up Fron[

env in the 1948 war. The truth is: ;'The A   rab    Since th en, milli o ns of J ew+                    country viltuallywithout comment.
sta'te which had encouraged the Palestine+          ish refugees from arou nd th e                               So , what is mea nt by
Arabs to leave their homes tcmpormily in or-        world have been absorbed in                                   " Pa lest in ia n '!'
der to be out of the way of the Arab invasion       th e lill Y nation of Israel.
annies, hare failL>d to keep their promise to                                                                 It meant whate''er Yasser Ararat wanted
help thec;e refugees." - The Jordanian daily             It makes no sense to expect that same          it to mean. Arafat wa~ hom in Eg~l)t and lat-
    'wspaper Falastin, Feb. 19, 1949.
Ilf..                                               tiny Jewish state to solve a refugee crisis it      er 1ll0"ed to Jerusalem. Indt'Ctl, Illost of the
       There are plenty of historical record~       did not create.                                     Arahs living withi n the borders of Israel to-
showing the Je-.vs pleading with their Arab              Do you Ihink Ihe Arabs really care             day hare come from some other Arab COUIl -
neighbors to stay and live in peace and har-        alxmt the plight of their refugees? J would         tr" at some time in their lifc. Arabs continue
mony. Yet, despite the clear, unambiguous           submit to yOLI that Israel. of all ihe Middle       t<i nock into !sraeltoday. 11ley continue to
words of the Arab obsclvcrs al the time, his-       East Slates, has treated the Mab refugees           move into the Palestinian Authority. The}'
tOI), has been sllccessfully rt;:wrilten to tum     with mure faimess .tIld more compassion.            immigr<lll'( there evell before it left Israeli
the Jews into the bad guys.                              Let me give you an example: The Jor-           control. 'Ine Arabs have built 261 scttle-

     The Arab states that                                                                                                       menl~ in the West Bank
initiated the hostilities                                                                                                       since 1967. We don 't
have never accepted re-                                                                                                         hear much about
sponsibili ty - despite thei r                                                                                                  those. seltlemenlt We
cnonnous wealth and                                                                                                             hear instead aoout
their ability to assimi -                                                                                                       the number of jeldsb
late tellS of millions of                                                                                                       settlements that have
refugees in their largely                                                                                                       been created. We hear
undcr-populated nations.                                                                                                        how destabilizing they
And other states have failed to hold them ;lC-                                                          are - ""'" I'"wocati" they ;lre. Yet, hy com-
countable.                                          dan TImes rcpOl1s that "Palestinian refu-           parisoll, only 1 Jewish scttlemenl) have
     Today, of CQurse, this cruel charade           gees in L  ebanon, who have long been de-           bt'ell built since 1967 - including those sur-
continues. The suffering of millions of Arabs       nied many civil rights including the right          rounding Jerusalem, in tbe West Bank and
is perpetuated only for political pUflX>SCS hy      10 work, now face a new obstacle ill their          inGala.
the Arab states. TIley are merely pa'~lS ill the   precariolls 1i1'eS:' U  nder a bill introducl'(]          Is this a Ill'W phenomenon! Absolutely
war to destroy Israel.                              by parliament, Palestinian -A will be de·
                                                                                    rabs                not. This h;l<; always been the ca<;e. A   rabs
                                                    pril'ed of their right to own prorx~rty. Those      have been flocking to Israel and il<; ellvirons
   There were so me 100 mil -                       who already own propel1ywillnot be able to          el'er since it wa~ created and el'en hefore, co-
lion refugees afound th e                           pass it 011 to their children. Can rOll imag-       incidi ng with the Wal'C of Jewish immigra-
world foJ1ow in g World War 1
                            1.                      ine the. intel'llational OlltCYif Israel passed
                                                                                  I                     tion into Palestine prior to I94K
Th e Pal es tinian -Arab group                      stich a law? Mmt would the U      nitl'(] Nations         According to the 1110st liberal claims by
i s t he o nly one ill t he world                   hal'e tDsay about thiS? J-Iowwould the media        Arab sources, some 600,000 to 700,000 Arabs
not absorbed o r ill t eg r<ll e d                  establishment in the West view sl1ch a dmco-        left Israel ill and around 1948 when theJt'v.
into rh ei r own peop le 's lands .                 nian plo~'? Yet, th is is happening in an Arah      ish State was created. Most were 110t forced
                                                                                                                             Continued on page 19
Marek/April 2006                                                  Jewish Voke Today                                                                   5
Guest Author

                  , COncentrates 011 [srael ;IS the      mbom I bmic cbosel!. you descent/mils oj                        How could the Palestinians be. Canaan-
            Nation, the re[x)sitory of the Cov-          Abmbam my friend IlooJ! YOli fivm Ibe                     ites ;lnd Arabs at the S,Ime time? And what is
           the channel of the ~ tessi;Hlic Hope,         endi' offbe em1b, }i'om il~ jarlbesl comers               the origi n of "Palestine?"
th(!'i1!i!"di' '" of the Divinely approved '[em-         I calied yOli. I said. ·),{w are Ill)' serlltml;               joel 3:4, a biblical 'crse th at Cllrst'<l thc
pie. the keeper of the oraclcs of God, and               , btllic chosen you (/nd have uol rejecled                Philisti ncs, is often cited 10 prove the mcn-
the capital N    ation of the retlll1ling crllci fieti   YOll.'" Jacob was chosell) /lol 6iJmael or                tion of Palestine. The H   ebrew word translat-
and risen King of kings. [srael is the ccntral           the Arabs.                                                ed in some versions for Palestine is Palasheth
theme of the Bible. '"7Jms saifb tbe Lord                       "71)en made Ibi~ vow to Ibe LOHD:                  which is Philistia, the land of the biblical
God Bebolrl, I Il"ifl ItIMe tbe d)ildrell qf              'ff YOil (('ill rle/ilJ(fr I/)(!W /Jeo/Jle illlO our     Philislines, a Iloll-Semitic l>e(~)lc who lived
Ism ellrom fllJlong the nflti()n.I~ to which             halld~, I/!e wifi lolali)' destro), tbeir cities. .       on 11 small portion of land Oil the coast lilal
tbey fire gOlfe, and urill gather (hem all               11Je LORD Ui1ened 10 israel 'splefl fllld gtllle          included only Joppa. Ashdod, Ashkclon,
el'el)1side. lind bring tbem into Ibei,. 01l1Jl          Ihe Ctllwtmiles over to tbem. 11)e), COIll-               and Gaza. '111is presents a major problem,
land. "                                                  /Jlele{J destro)'l.:d tbem (/ud their 101l'lls;so
                                                                 '                                                 si ncc today's Pale;linians claim 10 originate
    Then the l.oRI) said to It~ , ·'Ip.lII ·e tbis      /be /J!/Il;e ".rL.~ 11({}l1ed NOJ"fJlrtiJ. " Yet I{KhIY   from Srmitic Arahs. To I;I~' stake to a land of
place, J'Ou and the people)'011 bl'ollgbl up              the Pal!3tinian people cling to the idea that            promise by misusing Scrip1l1 re, attributing
Old ofEg)1)1, and go 11/1 10 /be land I prom-             they are descendants of the Cana,mites, Je-              the Land of Promise to Ishmael, and claim-
ised all oath loAbmhtllll. l~aac find jacob.              bllsites, and Philistines.                               ing to be Philistincs, is a dealh hlow for the
St(ril1g. '11I,i /l gille ilIa )'0111" descendanls.             Tbe first occupation of Canaan (the                Palestinian argument.
Iw;tJ send allllllgel btt/Ore YOlf alld dl'iu'e           Promised Land) was by the Nation of Israel,                    Palesti nian claims vary, depending on
oUl the Canaamles, Amoriles, HiIIi{es, Pel~               who knew that God was One God: 'Heal' 0                  the isslle - if the claim COllCCnlS who was
iz:dfes, liilJiles aJ/d.lebusil(~f. ...                  Israel. Ihe lORD tb)' G'od iI' One. This was
                                                                                                  It               there first. then they are descendant<; of the
     God promises to give the /IIhole 1.and to            a startli ng revelation in the midst of the na-          Canaanites - if the goal is to prove who le-
Abraham and his descendant<; fo r an ever-                tions who were worshipping innumerable                   gally deservcs it, then they are /1Ibs. So it
lasting possession, l1lis is established by a             gods, so holding onto the rejected heathen               all depends 011 what Iype of propagand a is
Covenant of God and God dcclarc.o; in Psalm               tribes prior to [sracl's existencc is no honor.          being promoted, yet both views are in greal
89:34 "His coven ant lie wil! never break."               So wh ~' did Arafat and the Pal ~lini:lIls in-           error. With the biblical evidence confinned
But tn which of hi ~ desccmlallt~? 15hmacl?               sist thut lhey were of Canaanite and jebusitc            by histOlY lLlld by dccmks of archaeological
Isaac? Or both?                                           origi n? At the same lime, they also insisted            research, the Hible has pro'Cn to be the most
     If we look at the context of Scripture, we           that the~' arc Arabs (semites), 10 the extent            accurate book 011 Mjddle Eastern history. In
can casil~' sec who this seed refers to:                  of clairningjesus W,t~ a Palesti nian rerolll-           it is recorded GO(rS plan for Canaan and its
     'Blft ),011. 0 ll)mei. my seI"I.l{ml, jacob          tionary.                                                 peoples.
Guest Author

           'In call today's Israel the land of the            It w<t~ onl' in 1878. that hm":'ih condi-     they end up belieVing that they themsclvcs
Philislint!S would re<luire a recreation of the        tiOIlS furced rmiJ1~t groups to immigmle into         hold divine IMh.
other seven nations that made up the land              Palestine: Circ:lssians, Algerians, Eg~'v tians,           Within the last 40 centuries, A ruled
of Canaan. How does one relate tooa(s sup-             Dnlsai,lttrks, KurtIs. Bosnians. and olhers.          the L1nd for less than one of them. I sav to
posedly Semitic Palestinians to the non-Se-                  Mler the ltlrkish Ollo111ans, the fililish      the Arabs, if 'Ollr current claim to the I.;md
mitic I'[evites, Perazitcs, and jebusites? No          fough t the 11.lrks for Sl1PIX)rting the Nazis,       is based on tlte length of lime YOll rull'<l his-
one today can trace any culture, language,             ;U1d legally crealL'{] the State of Israel. '11lC     toriC:llly, irs hest to find another argument.
l"t'.!igioll, or f;unily origi n to ,Ul~' Canaanites   A then called to wipe out all the jl'VS.
                                                         rabs                                                      Onl'. would think th'lt the Palestinians
from Palestine, and there is ample histori-            which resulted in an Arab defeat, as the Bible        who live in the midst of the conAict would
cal l'Vidence showing the "true" origin of             pn.>dicted,                                           be expert~ on the. situation. but the opposite
todav's Palestinians.                                         '111ere was never a call for a P;testin-      is true; thei r schools <Ire infested with hate-
       ' In 135 A.D., Emperor lIadlian applied         ian state in all of A histoli'-- only after
                                                                              rab                            filled lies, their mosques preach hatred from
the le1111 "Palt;'Stine" to the I.and of Israel        lhe Jews retunll>U to Israel. Yet ille Jt.'vS made   Ihe pulpit. and their priests call (lut ror the
'L~ a propaganda ploy to era5(' Israel. his            all the "nevers" possible when thcy made              dcstmction of Israel. Christians and Mus-
enemy, and replace it with Israel's enemy              this ignored Land <I Nation. They made je-            lims alike in Israel are victims of this brain-
instead: Philistines with a new I.atin twist -         nlsalem a capital, opened the holy plaL'(!S           washing.
-Palestine.                                            to all tlucc religions, and built illikc nc'cr              Goo has in no lVay eilher rejectl'tl or
         Christian A who focus on the New
                      rabs                             befm!;!.                                              replaced Israel or lIle jt.wisIJ People.llis Cov-
Testament instead of the Old ignore the facl                 Plior to the 1800's, the l.aJld was nol in-     enant with them is llllcondi tional and nUll-
that in the New'lestament the tenn Palestine            habited except for small impermanent pock-           transferable. Goers Covenants and promises
is never IlSl'<l - only Israel. ~uld no matter         cl~ of [lC<~)le scatler<:d throughout the COlllI-     were never IU<;ed OIl J    srael"s good bclla~or,
how they look al Scripture it always seems              try. History contradicts the propagandist~ of        but were based O Gt~rS faithfulness loward
they have a problem filling it into their po-           today: the L Wll'i not a thriving nation.
                                                                       and                                   His People, Although thejl> People have
litical agenda.                                        l'vel; in the past 2,000 yea~ and never until         suffen."l.i the COn5e<lllences of bre'lking G(Ki's
       Yet ignorance of Scripture. is not an ex-        the Jews made it so,                                 Laws, just as wc all do, they havc not Ix..oen
cuse with God, since the rest of Scripture di-                   The jews, before the wars. who were         replaced or rejected. 'nle Scriptures make
rects ]S to the remaining story and to wlmm            already living ,L~ pe;L'itlnLS, hOl1ghl Jan(t~ and   Ihm quite ckar.
this se<.-d belongs. 111e promises of the Land         cultil'atetl th~m afte r years of neglect. TIle             I choose to speak out because I know
in the Abrahamic Co'(~ nant are given strictly        jCvs restored tlle l.and and made it what it         whm is wrong. When will we get rid of the
t()jacob, who was later called Israel.                  is today, with an ecollomy tCll tillles the size     education propaganda promoting hoth de-
         God uses the word Mv in two corlllCC-         of that of Egypt.Jordan and Syria combined,           stmction and self-destmction? Will it take a
tiOllS: "My people Israel" aild '"My land." In         while the Arabs hal'e been plotlill); wafS            generation? lim? 111ere is 110 solution unless
I:!ach case He, in a particular way. identifies         against her since the 1920's and instead of          we liberate the children from an evil and
Ilimsclf with them:                                     ~clti n~ rid of the jews, they displaccd one-        growing menace and stop tllC cycle.
         "1 will eshlblish My covenant ~L~ an ev-       hillf uf the Pale;tillians in 1948.                       M,at the world must acknowledge is thaI
erlasting covenant betwccn Me and you and                      Still, many W!'Stemers believc that the       Arafat and the Palestinians never wanted a
your descendants after Ylllr for the genera-           Arabs aClually want peace. The truth is th at         Pale;linian state becausc he never wanted
tions to (':Ollle to lx' your God and the God of        the evil saga of the '"final SOIUtiOlJ" will con-    the wnmct to end. Ifhedid, he would have
your descendants after you, The whole land              tinue as planned by satan. Vcstemers forget         accepted the Barak Agreemen t that gave
of Cana:1Il where you are nuw all alien. I              that Arafal supported Hitler in World War II         him everythin g he cbiml'tl he wantl'tl, He
will give as an everlasting posseSSion to you           and Saddam H     ussein in thl' Gulf War. Also,      rejected it and all ()tllel~. So what then did
and your descendanL~ after you and I will he            the PLO Charter calls for Ihe destmction of          he want? Ohviousl)' there is no olher amwer
their God."                                             ISrael 10 this da'.                                 but the destntctioll' of Israel and the jews.
          $0 these prumiSl'S of land and rctum                 Arab students are llC'l'r taught Jewish
dearlv involve I!'racl, nor Ishmael.                    history; they are programmed hy repetitiOn
        'Ih! greatm:ljorily of [what are calledl       of old pmpaganrla to the poilll ihat
"the Palestinian Arabs" is of vcry reccnt
origin, starting in the nineteenth centllT)'
immigrating from Illany nations, 1110St of
which are not even Arab.
     Tod;ty's Palcstini:Uls are immigrantS from
man' nations: Balkans, Greeks, S'rians, Lat-
ins, i~gyptians, ltlrk.~. Annenian's, Italians,
Per.;ians. Kurds, Gcnnans, Afghans, Cir-
cassians, Bosnians, Sudanese. Smnaritans,
Algerians, j'lotawila, Tartars, Hungarians,
Scots. Nav<lJt'Se, Bretons, English, Franks,
Rutheni ans, Bohemians, Bulgarians, Geor-
gians, Persian Ncstorians, Indians, COpL~,
~laronitcs , and Illany (llhers.

MarchJApril2006                                                         jewish VoIce Today                                                                  7
Western Dhimmitude
     Global Reaction to Uproar over "Satanic Cartoons" - Western Embrace
      oj Islamic "DIJimmitude" Subtly Disguised as Political Correctlless?
     The global reactioll to the upmar oyer            contemplate.                                              Scvcntl'Cn foreign ministers from
the" 1 Satanic earloom" demollslr.ltes a
       2                                                     There. W;15 a scene in the old '60's series   the Arabian I.eague demanded the edi tors
growing Wcstcm embrace of the mentality                "Swr Trek" in which all evil android W:l~           responsihle for puhlishing lhc cartoons to he
of Islamic "dhimmitude" subtl y disguised              defeated by Mr. $pock's circular logic. Mr,         "JJun ished. '·
as political correctness.                              Spock told the android that he (Mr. Spock)                 Iran ian President Ahmadinaj;ld, nOI to
     U nder [slam, a "dhil11111i" is II n011-          was lying when he said he wa~ I}~ng, Sorting        be out dOlle, announced Ih at the cartoonists
I us]im living in conquered
                             ~ I uslim land.<i.       it all out made the android's head c'x plode.       shuuld he kilkd.
"[)himmis" are pennittetl limited freedom                    Figuring oul how iI religion's                      As for the c;1TtooniS themselves?
of religion, provided there is no conflict             fundamentals Gill inspire terror while              TI1CYare. reportedly all in hiding, in fear
with Islamic laws govl'11ling slIch things             arguing it is fll1ldmnentally "peaceful alld        fo r their lives. A~ Daniel Pipes accurate!)'
as religioLls s~bols and images. However,              tolerant" makes me feel li ke that android.         noted in a recent coitunll, "the deeper issue
a dhimmi has 1rlmlly no rights in :lema!                    Dcnlll<l1'k submitted to [slam when           here, howercr, is nO! M          uslim h)1XlCrisy.
practice. The word of one "offended Muslim-'           it apologiZl'tl on hehalf of its press for          hut Isl:unic sllpl'cmacism.'· To back lip
can send a dhirnmi to death .                          publishing cartoons dlat violall'(j Islamic         his [}(Jillt, Pipes qU(Jted Flemming Rose,
     lIistorically, Jews living as                                                                                      the Danish editor who puhlished
dhimrn is in Mmlim countries have                                                                                       the cartoons: "ll]f 1. :L~ a 11011 -
been subjected to daily humiliations                                                                                    ~ Iuslim, shuuld submit to their
that reduced life to a perilous                                                                                         taboos ... they' re a~king for my
uncertainty. They are r€Cluired to pilya                                                                                submission." Indeed, Islam has
'Cry high ta:x called the "jizra" for the                                                                              not only demandl'<i submiSSion,
"privilege of living among ~llIslims. "                                                                                 they' ve gotten it.
      Th is latest example of Muslim                                                                                          Said U.N, High Commissioner
intolcrance and violencc ovcr all'                                                                                     for H uman Rights Louise A "IrbOl;
hint of insult to their religion displa~                                                                                find alarming any behaviOrs lhal
dearl . . . for all to s{''e thm thei r core                                                                            disregard theheliefs of others. '111is
beliefs inspire hatred and violence,                                                                                    kind of thing is unacceptahle.'·
      TIle behm~or of the V:l~t majority                                                                                (Then she annOlllll'ed an
of Muslims puts the lie to "the                                                                                         investigation into racism and
political correct image of Islam as                                                                                     Is!alllophobia. Harnunphhh!)
inherently [X!llceful and tolcnlnl " Yel,                                                                                     [n the U    nited Statei, dlC
dle contillliing ad'aJlce of this patently false      law, Some members of the European [llt'S.~          mainstream meJia, which ha'e already
idea byWestcm lcadcrs, despitc dlC tot:l.llack         estahlishment, unaware of the mles of               all ied themselves ''lith dlCpolitical (Ulimmis
of evidence to lillppon it. is all admission           dhillllllitllde, rC[lllhlishcd the carlexlilS :L~   Oil the left. kncw better. With thc exception
thai we're alt dhimmis now.                            an exercise of joumalism's religious defense        of CNN - which pixc!atcd the images the
       It is evidence that w voluntarilv
                                 e've                  of freedom of the Preis. Soon, thei r various       first time (suppressing them altogether
submittL'(j most of our cul ture In "Islamic           national lellders also slIbmitted to Islamic        thereafter) - the U.S. mainstream media
dhimmiturlc," hy censoring dlOSC who dare              dhimmitude, apologizing to Islam 011                devoled hours of c()'crage to thc sto!),
to point out the inherent contradictions               behalf of their citizens for violating Islamic      wi thout daring to show dle Satanic CaJ10011S
evident in thc conti nually repeated myth              religious prohibitions,                             themsclves.
dlat Islam is l)tl~icalty tolerant and peaceful.              Fomler president Clinton, speaking                 nhil1lmis know their I)l ace.
It is a myth dri'en byfear of Muslim viol~ nL'e       from Qatar, callet! the publication of the
and temlrism.                                          cartoons "!lppaIHng"' and "outrageous."
      A Christian fundamentalist is one who            In true dhilllllli fashion, his outrage was
adhcres to the fu ndamentals of C       hristianity.   reservcd for the cartoonists, not the raging               Hal l.indsc), iJ {be bt.>s!·selllll,~ till/bor
AJt!'lish fl.lIldamcntalist is one who adheres        sea of fo nnerly "moderate Islamists" calling       of 20 booJ:s, il/cluding            "I.ale Grell! Plalle!
                                                       for thei r exccution.                               Harl/}," He Il'r/'le-. {/ It'eeklJ'
to the fundamentals ofJudaism. 'nlcre is no
other logicalullder.;:tandi ng of the tenllS.                 The illlmn at the Islamic Center in          column      jo,'trorkINeIDtli{I' alid
                                                                                                           bis //(11 J.iudl·/",')' Rl1xJI'i pmgmlll
       If an Islamic fundmnentalist is one             Brussels denounaxl the cartoons. "Where are         I~' bl'OlldcflSf t'in Slife/life find
who adheres to the fundamentals of Islam,              the hUlllan-righl~ organ izations? Why ,IJ'C        Il'eixllSl, For II/J-/O-fbe-millllfe
then a "mfK          lerate" Islamic majority          thL')' silent? he demanded. A the Mll~lim
                                                                     "                  nd                 (/I/(/{rsis of ltorld LI(/enls ill fbt,
means a majority of Mlislims reject Islam's            W Leaguc callcd 011 U,N. Secretar)' K
                                                         orld                                        ofi   ligbt of allclelll prO{Jbcdes, l'b'il:
fundamental teachi ng5. This is so self-               Annan to implemcrH international laws               bll/l://II'II'II '. lxlllil1(l~e;'Qrtlde. COli}
evident l~' circular that it makes one di7.7.)' to     against insolence of religions.

8                                                                      Jewish Voice Today                                                         March/April 2006
111e radi c. .1 Hamas mO'ement
                     1                                and elsewhere to somehow keep alive Ule #-              Muslims, or Olrer hllld currently or previ
shocked Israel and the world by its                   fusion that the long-frozen peace process has        control led by Islamic govcmments. Instead,
landslide 'iClory in the Palestinian                 1I0t been totally blllied, the new leadcr pro- the IsI;unic holy blxJk adju11.'S J uhammad's
legislative el ections on j ltnllary 2;th.            claimt:d he would aitt!r that stance if the ter- folluwers tu wage jihad war against "the in -
Virtuall ), no one forecast the over-                 rorist movement did three vital thin&li.             fidels'· until thc end of time---an Islamic I'C-
whelming triumph by the extremist                             Olmert"s or.;t condition for e'I'emually Iigious '·duty" that H:u n;l~ leaders and their
terrori st group, found ed in 1988                    dealing with I-  lamas was that the group agree devout followers whulehear1edly ,Uld happily
from the same Islamic fund amental-                   to disann it~elf and halt all lel'ror aUilck~, embrace.
ist wellspring that later produced                    which group lc:tder.; (I llickly made clear they             The Ha11l :L~ political earthquake jol ted
Osruml Bin Laden 's AI Qaida interna-                 will nerer do, Uis second condition was that Washingtun and other intemalionai capitals.
tional terrorist network,                             Hamas renouncc and al ter ilS 1988 founding Several right-wi ng Isr~l i politicians said the
        The unanticipau.'ti e1~cti{)n outcome         dwrter's call for Israel's total annihilation Bush Adminislralion W:l~ only reaping whal
also took llamas leaders themselves by sur-           and replacement by an A      rab-Islamic regime. it had sown, having insisted that ';democ-
pri~e. Their main pl'e-eleclion goal was to           Hi:>. final condi tion was lhat Ihe militant
win enough seats to thwart the U,S.-backed            group fonnally recognize Israel's right to ex- What WOu.1lI the
Road Jlap peace plan's call for thc Palestin-        ist, and then agree to honor all previolls PA
ian Authority (PA) to completely disann lind          peace accords and amendments contracted                   hi te say if Ehud
ciismantle the group's illegal militia and ter-       wi th theJewish State.                                O/me rt or Ton)1Blair
mristcells, The huge H ama~ triumph insure.1i                 Hamas leaders laughed out loud at the
that no SHch action will lake place, Instetld,        suggestion that they might change thtctntral dellltilule d that A l Qailla
Hamas seems certai n to take full governmen-          plank in their Koran-based charter calling for be allowe d to field calldi-
tal contml ovcr the PA, its institutions and.         Israel's destnlction, even though many pun-
most importantly, ilS 30,000 plus anlled se-          dilS around the globe mysteriollsly predicted tildes ill Alneric{l.'s 11Ii,l-
curity forces. While this will insure the radio       such action as the group "assumes the 1'C- ler ln cOllgressional
cal movement's stm'ival on the Palestin ian           spollsihilities" of [loweI'. ~ l ahrlloud ZahaT, it
stagt, it apparrntly also spells tht! end of the      senior llamas official t wId reporters ten days elections?
'(11ite Housc-sponsored peace plan, with all         after the startling Palestinian election l'CSltllS
tll,I1 implies for this troubled region and the       were lwe<lled that "Ismel is not a legitimate raev" meant that Ollllerl lllust allow Ham<l~
entirr planet.                                        entity, and no amount of pres.IiUI'C can force to Rlll in the electiolls, e~'en in mainly Arab
         Reeling ovcr the sudden exit of stroke       LIS W rt'Cognizc it~ right to exist."                neighborhoods in cast JCnlsaiem, including
victim Ariel Shamn from the dramatic Is-                      Israeli political analysts were nearly lhe walled Old CilV. This was an absunl de-
raeli political scene, <Kting Premier Ehud            unanimous in stating that llamas would mand, thcy mainiained, gi'Cll that llamas
Ohnert was quickly faced with his fil'S t ma-         never adhere to even (Jnc of Olmert's fair has openly claimed to have murdered ncarly
jor clisis: How to resp to the unfureseen
                          ond                         conditions, Hmnas leaders did reveal plans 400 Israelis in ,I series of vicioliS terror atroci -
llamas land~lide 1C(01)'. He wasted no time          to fold their outlawed 3,000 strong militia ties launched sincc carly 2001. ''Vhat WOllid
in clarifying that his govcmmcllt would not           force illto lhe much larger itnnt'tl PA Sl'Curity the W HoU5£: say if Ehud Olmert or TOllY
recogni7£ or deal with a Hamas-led PA gu'-           foret'S. But th is action would not even ful fill Blair demanded that Al Qaida be allowed to
                          el1llllcnt.   llo,cver,   the acting Premier's first condition lhat the field candidates in An"ICrica's mid-term con-
                          faci ng pressure fmm        group sUITCnder i t~ illegal a nn~ .                 gressinrllli elections?·' :t5ked onl.:! Likud Party
                          Washington. InllduJl                Israeli experts on the growing Islamic Knt.'SSC1mtmbcr.
                                                      faith noted thm lhe derisive Hama charters                  '111e U nited States and thc European
                                                                                         is huilt u j}(}n Union have 1x..'Cn the main foreign ftlnders
                                                                                         scveral Koranic urthe PA, togcthcrdonati ng over 800 million
                                                                                         verses which dollar.; each year. The two world 1}()'Crs were
                                                                                         dearlv state therefore instantly f,lced wi th a seriOllStli lem-
                                                                                         that jL'. .s can ma. Should they uphold their own laws that
                                                                                         never mil' oVer 01111:lw transfening PllUlic money to knuwn
                                                                                                                                   Continued on page '9
March/Aprit 2006                                                         Jewish Voice Today                                                                ,
·       ,..     '           '-                 .,','                           '        .                            "           .          ,~       ..

26J:lIl.. 2006                                                                           'il
     Mariam            f'arahal,                                                         was ki lled himself.
who w:t~ elected to the                                                                    Urn Nidal's home h:t~
Palestinian parii:unent, can                                                         hecome a shrine to her
      a crowd like :t veteran                                                        dead sons, ~th admirers
politician-shaking hands                                                             and other members
:md greeting supporters.                                                             H:unas often dropping by.
     In Gaza, Farahat is                                                                   Destroying Israel is
known :1.~ Um N        idal, or                                                      not something llamas h:t~
~Iother of the Struggle - a                                                          jlromoted much during
mother who sent three of                                       ~I..._ _" this elect ion carn llaign.                                19J:lIl. 2006
her six sons un Ham:1.~ ...._...;;                             -                     But at the gm~srool~ k",'el                        In the (Iuesl 1 find new and profitable wa~'S
homicide missions against Israel i targets.                 in Gaza, I,~lere Urn Nidal camraigns, most                             to attract consumers, the banking industry has
     "W consider it holy duty," she told A
        e                                          IK       P:llestinian surporters believe itwas the violent                       found religion. Islamic banking is emerging as
News, "Our land is occupieu. Y lake allihe
                                      Oll                   :lt1l1cks ag:linsllsraci !lmt forced them to pull                       a small hUl growing trend among lenders in [he
means to banish the occupier. I saCri ficed my              out fmm the Gaza Strip last fall.                                       U tl States.
children for this holy, I   )atriotic duty. I love my              "'J11is is our strategy," she said. "We are                           Sharia forbids ~lus1i ms from accepting
children, but as ~ I us l irns Vie pressure oU!Seh-es                                                                               paying interest - a challenge for Western hanks
                                                            working on two parallel lines - Ihe political
                                                                                                                                    [hal are based in the interest-paying system.
and sacrifice our emotions for the interest                 and the jihadist."
                                                                                                                                    Currently there are tllrce banks that offer Isl:un-
of the homeland. The greater interest takes                        Um Nidal is now a politici:m, but she says                       ic banki ng in the U.s" includi ng international
precedence to the personal intel"e)t."                      violence is still an option and she does hm'e                           giant HSBC (R    esearch), but experts expect that
     She is most famous for her pfCSCnce in a               tlln.e sons who are still alive. If nl'Ccssary,
                                                                 '                                                                  number to rise as the ~l us1i m population grows
H am:t~ video, showing her 1       7-year-old how to        she says, t he~' wi ll fo llow in their brothers'                       ~md the community begins to demand more
attack Israel is :Uld telling him not to return.            fool~teps .                         ' hup:I/;,b<: ncws. gl>.~l>rn       spt'Cialized services.
                      he killed fi'C students in a               PI~"    COO'ISC")' "f: hul':lI".. w.. ·.~lqa~:;;I"' .w~
                                                                                                                                       Deipie tlle difficul ties in creating ~Ul entirely
                                                                                                                                    different finance system, hanks such :t~ Ann
 Biblical Robe Produced for lise by High Priest in Holy Temple                                                                      Arbor, illichig:Ul based Unirersity B ~Ulk , arewi ll-
2IJ llo:c .. MJj                                                          ~hould not he tom. And you sld l                          ing to put in tllC ext.m work to create banking
    !fter much hard work and                                             make on i l~ hem pornegramncs                             alternatives that appeal to tlle growing market.
re;carch, !llC 7ecbelel (azure                                            of bluc, purple, ;Uld scarlet wool,                          The banks deposit accounts allow Muslims
blue) mbe of the High Priest has                                          on its hem all around, and gold                           [0 open accounts where any profi ts are shared
been oornpleled by !lle Temple                                            bells between them, all around;                           with customers rather !llan paid as interest.
Institute and it is hoped to be fit                                       :I gold hell and a pomeg("jJl<lIe,                        A instead of traditional mortgages, the b:U1k
10 be wom in the Third T     emple.                                       a gold bell :lIld a pumcgranate,                          essentiall ysel~ up :t special trllst for the property
   Thc blue coat, or mc'il tech-                                          all around. It must be on Aaron                           the consumer is trying t<l buy.
elet as it is called in [he 'lorah,                                       in order tn minister. Ito; sound                               Ch icago-based D   evon Bank also offers a
SpurL~ 72 gulden bells alternating                                        shall be heanl when he enters                             lIlur:lhaha mortgage product and plal l~ 10
with 72 pomegranates allachcd                                             the Sanctuary befure Hashem                               expand il~ islamic banking to include comrli-
around its hem, wo'en of blue, .1,                                       and when he lea'cs, so that he                           ant money market and checking accoullts and
pu ~) l e, and scarlet wool.                                              not die." (Exodus 28:31-35)                               CDs upon appro'al from federal regu lators, said
                                    The bluc foix, dispb)lU OWflllC
  "And you shall make the robe leXt uf lh' 1   %li('".d cumm~nd JlII:IJI    In Ihe near future, the Insti-                         D Loundy, corporate counsel for the bank.
of the ePhud entirely out of blue h, 1!r"l.-1,ar~ iI, ~:,{)dw; lllJl ,~5 tute plans 1 embark on anolher
                                                                                      0                                                "The rise of IslamiC lXUl king i~ a sign of the
wool. Its head-opening shall be The roh,~'s hem. 1IIIh lIS bdb major project: Ihe production                                        maturity of the Muslim community in Ameri-
folded over within it, i t~ opening ;md limen POIDt;<.gr.lHal~"" and supplyi ng of the 'lorah-spec-                                 ca," said Rabiah Ahmed, spokeswomen for the
shall have :t horder all <lI1Jl lnd
of weaver's work - it shall he for     t . :C.U:...l.(.
                                         j                                ified white garment<; of the urdi-
                                                                          nary pricsts for every maJe)e'ish
                                                                                                                                    Council of American- Islamic Rclalion~. "The
                                                                                                                                    trend is defini tely incrensing."
it like the opening of a coat of mai l, that it descendant of Aaron. ,'Io'olv.:iSr:k' in:UIOl1 :Wk'll"S.COtn                                                          ,C NN Mon~y.,"om

10                                                                            jewish Voice Today                                                                      March/April 2006

                   8 Stabbed by Knife-Wielding Assailant at Moscow Synagogue
 llJ:m.,lOO6                                          ciety faces gr~l'C: danger, " said Borukh Gorin,                     Zuyev said.
    Aknife-wielding man shouling, "! will kill        chief spokesman for the Federal.ion of Jewish                           Officials and witnesses said a son of the
    . ! attacked a synagogue in d()~l I0Wn          Communitit<i of RUSSia. "Fascism will come                            agogue's r.lbhi, Yitzhak Kogan, wrestled
IM,,,,,,,w yesterday. slashing and s!:lbbing at       knocking at the door of l.''C1Y citizen if we do                     tacker to the ground ~uld held him until
 least eight people before a rabbi's son wrestled     not take serious me,L~ures nO~ "                                    arrired.
 him to the ground, officials and eyewitnesses            Among the eight men wounded wcn: an
    i                                                 American, an Israeli, and a man from thcCcn-
      W  itnesses said the shaven-headed attacker tral Asi an nation nf Tajikistan, chit!f Moscow
            "Heil Hitler!" a.~ he aimed at victims' prosecutor Anatoly Zuycv told reporter.i out-
I';:~~l~~:'~~l'~:' torsos in wllat appcan.'( to be a side the synagogue. showed he Iv:.L~ motiV:ltt.'(1
II           I I    attack.                           "shouted wurds thM
                                                                              He said the attacker had

   'Ille :lIIack at the Chahad Bronnaya Syna- nyethnic and religious hatred."
            came runid an incn:ase in hate-group         ZU)'CV said Alexander Kopt~', a Muscovite
I",iv;,y in l~u$Sia. Jewish l eadc~ said it shou ld hom in 1985, was in custOO)' ami faced charges
            message to Russian authorities and the including hate-ha..o:.ed allcmpted murder, It was
            to fight prejudice.                       not immediatel' drar whether he was:t mem-
    .. If 100lay's act docs nol souml an alimn, su- her of ,Ul~' :Inti-Semitic or nco-Nazi groups,

      Saudi Professor Exhorts Muslims to "Positive
                 Hatred" of Christians
  161lrt., zoo;                                                          a Muslim ..:' He            jOJ:m. .mi                                          ~lid in reg.1rds to the
  Shcikh /Ix1AI-Aziz                                              went un to ex-                     1lile stoping in Ne-                             Ayatollahs' regime and
 Fawzan AI-Faw-                                                    plain that such                   tany:! yeslemay, l.ikud                             the l'alib:m. There are
 zan, a profco;sur of                                              an altitude "is                   ChaimlaJl MK Benj a-                                urgent waming signs
 Islamic law at A   I-                                             not      racism"                  min Ketanyahu com-                                  thaI [scremnJ out II lusl
 Imam Uiliver$ity,                                                since the Chris-                   pared I-amas' I'ictory
                                                                                                                  l                                      f{X" murder alld dt!'Jtruc-

 who frequent ly ap-                                               tian is not haled                 in last week's Pales-                               lion.
 pears on Saudi TV,                                                "because of his                   tinian parlial11cnl:lry ;;j~~~j~ Ukud ill not conlin-
 recentlr made lUlti-Christian 00111-          color, gender, blood, country, or be-                 elections to the rise of }o                         ue tnOlsferring territory,
                                                                                                     the Nazis in Gemmnv                                  ["t!) need 10 SlOp giv-
 ments on Saudi A   I-r-.lajd W, He told       cause he is American, Eumpean,                        illthc 1930·s.               '             ing ~elll lIlont!y - ou~ and the
 his audience to hate mwone "who               Chinese, or Asian," and stipulatoo                      "A ft.".1' days ago, a 1It.'W foc arose. world's - and [we[must pm'enl
 w{)rships Christ, son of ~Iary" and           that this hatred should be "llOSitil't!               ~11en Hitler rose to pov.'er, it was them from establishing an anny
 added ~lat "whoever says 'I don 't            hatred" that gUides and refonns.                      said that being in power would in ,Ulywaypossible," Netanyahu
 hate him [L a Christian}' is [Jot
               e.                                 -M I RJ M '~I(h hllp:/Illv.'AA1l'1T1r1lY.orgl
                                                    K       oola                                     moderate him, [md it was also said. -~!tJ1:1I;unllt'dltrus3kl1l.(lll:

                                                                                  Americans Pessimistic About , liddle East Peace,
                                                                                           ~Iore Sympathetic to Israel
 19 j;llI•• _
            1006                                                     I) Fm ..   .!006                                                                sympathies lie mort: Witll
         Exccrplt.'d from an                                               'l1le anllllal Gallup                                                     the Israelis or with the
I",klress by H~n'" l,,,dcr                                           1'011 on W Affairs was
                                                                                 orld                                                                Arabs of the P:ilcstiniml
 KhaIL'Ci Mash 'al: 'We                                              conducted on a r:ulIiolll                                                       Authority. 11le numhcr.i
      commiHL'l:i tu ... '1
                          1le                                        samplin~of 1,002 adults                                                         this y  ear: 59% lire with
 resistance and adhere to its                                        un F 6-9, some two
                                                                             eb.                                                                     Israel. and only 15% with
I~::~~:';~;;/" HaJna.~ is not the [Israel] III
I(           - for recognizing kind of ~:m~~dc~n~,:::~:~,~1
                                                                     weeks after the H:unas                                                          thc PA. These figures
                                                                     terrorist organization                                                          repl"t:senl OIlt: of the most
         I . to pres.~llre., . We wi!! not ll:Cogni7.e it , I
                                                                     won power in the Palestinian Authority                    lnpsidecl margins in favor of thc IsraeliS erer
                      time passcs.. ,                                (PA). Some findings: Ignorance on the                     recorded byGall up.
       say to the Americ<UJ                                             iddle E:L~t conflict does not w to Israci"s
 Europeans, and tile internatlonal          It ,
                                                                     M                                  ork                         %en not culllpa~1 with each other,
 make all tht!SC demands, likt! stopping the     '[                  adv:mtagc. according to Gallup, Americans                 Israel received a "favorable" rating from
   liT stupping 'terrurism: as they call it - :tlld
                                                                     who say th!.'}' follow nl'l'S about world affairs        68% of Americans, :Ind the PA rt'Ccil'l>d the
Idil;amll, .. I sal' to them: If vou ha'e a                         H ery closely" are morc likely to sympathize
                                                                       '                                                      salTle from I 1 .%
        the factions' w  eapons, 'wc are                             with the Israelis (66%) than Alllt!riC,U]S                     By a 2-1 margin, Americans now say
 unite the Palestinian wellpOIlS based on 1 I 1                      who follow foreign n~ only somewhat                       there will never cOlne a time. when Israel
 understandings, and to (onn an army, like .                         closely (59%) orwho do not fnllnw it closely              and the Arab nations willlivc in pcal."C, '[1le
        cownry, cl'en ~lOugh our COUIIII)' is not                    (52%) .                                                   65% to 32%split ct)mpares with II roughly
 independent."                            .I                               Gallup also asked whether American                  SO-50 sp l illa.~t }'C:!r. -http:lr~ln:uioll;llIlI'"s.C<)(11

M3n:hJApril 1006                                                                        Jewish Voice Today                                                                                11
                                                                                                    Fatah Party could care I<5S about. But Hamas
                                                                                                    promises 1101 to pull il<; pk'llge to destroy Isra~1.
                                                                                                    A dditionally, it will go'cm by Ihe Kor.ln-Shana
                                                                                           Ahhas was not hlatantly doing.
                                                                                                            A~ many have said in fl'Cen t years, "demo(;-
                                                                                                    rae' in the Middle East" will be tough 10 pull off,
                                                                                                    and this is the proof of the pudding when terror-
                                                                                                    isls arc allowed to nUl in "democratic elections."
                                                                                                    So by giving a nation that isn ', a nation-."Pal-
                                                                                                    estinc"-- the right to have a "dcrnocr;lt!C elec-
                                                                                                    lion," they have voted in the world's first official
                                                                                                    termrist gO'C nlllIcnt, all with U.s. assistance and
                                                                                                    aid over many yeilrs. Democracy does not uver-
                                            The futile efforts in Ihe Middle East to have           come tyranny and terror in the M           uslim ~liddlc
      Barnas ranks                     Israelis and Palestinians live in security side by
                                       side 1l:L~ jllst tx.>etl dealt what could he a fatal hlow.
                                                                                                    East. It solidifies it. New idea, in a region where
                                                                                                    filming beheadings is the rage are not going to
      with al-Qaida                    This may he good Ill'V$ and I'll expand. )-        lamas    be successful.
                                       won a vieton' O'e f Fatah, the patty of Mahmoud                     This is a poli tical eal1hquake and will de-
      in its love for                  Abb,LS, 011 Jaimary 25. 111is may drive a nail into          stabilize the regiun. Hamas lIlay ha't.~ '011, but
                                       the coffin of the "Road Map to Peace" just as the            those del uded with the hope of peace in that spe-
    Jew-killing and                    Oslo Accords hit <l dead end. The "I~o jd M         ap's"   cific region have lost. Humus ranks~vith :11~Qai~:1
                                       FIRST requirement was to disaml groups like                  in its love for Jew-killing <lnd Amenca-hatlllg; III
   America-hating;                     llama'). ht~lcad . the Palestinian people revealed           fact, they have aClIally killed thirty Americans
                                       much aooulthelilselvcs-Ihe}' elected them. The               over the ve:1r.; and never been held accoun table.
 in fact, they have                    Palestinian people have chosen terror, not peace.                    011 a more positive note, it could put thl'
                                       and Mahmoud A            hhao; could not he tl1L~ted any     formation of a Palestinian S(;lte nn hold. Any na-
     actually killed                   more than Hallla5.                                           lion that agree<; to do bu~inl'~s with Hamas will
                                               As my friendJack Kinscllasays in his Omega
  thirty Americans                     Intelligence Briefing, "Washington h,L<; only it~lf
                                                                                                    fC'Cal its tmc color.;, On whal basis can anyonc
                                                                                                    in Israel or the u.s. still argue that the answcr
                                       to blame. The Bush A inistration's lIllWa'Cnng
over the years and                     faith in democracy causc<i it to push for Palestin-
                                                                                                    to Hamas' success is to gil'e mvay more precious
                                                                                                    land and force more Jews out of their homes?
                                       ian elections, convinced, as it is, of the existellt"C
   never been held                     of a moderate majority mnong lslamics. It was
                                                                                                            Ll'1 us pra~' for P~idl'nt B mld Condo-
                                                                                                    Icc7za Rice, thaI they will make wise choices in
       accountable.                    convinced that if tbe majority of Palestinians               the dal's and week.o; ahead. The President is talk-
                                       ttlmed out t() vote, the}' would overwhelmingly              ing tm'lgh ahout Har11<lS, lt~ is Rice, now that real -
                                       reject violencc and terror and embrace peace-                ity has S in. While they were in 100%S
                                                                                                               link                                  llpport
                                       ful co-existence with Israel. The election was               of these elections, I suspect they ne'ef expected
                                       touted as the Palestinian's first real chance at a           the results that occufll.'d. Again. 11 b:L~ic flaw in
                   lin M:l.rkcll is    popular peace." X11ilc somc Palestin ians c1:ari}'          not understanding Islam is at the root. While it
                 FQunder /D irec(Qr    w.tnt to jllst raiSt! familit!s and ha'~ dl'cc.n~ Jobs,     looks like the Administration will not deal with
                   of O [iv( Tree      lhe greater majority set:m to have Ilul~ des~re fo r         Hama'i thcy ··undcrstand the reaction of the Pal-
                  Ministries, Inc.     living "side by side in peace and secuntyw lt~ is-           estini:u'l peOplc for being sick uf the cormption of
                   To learn nto.)re    rael." But haVing said thm, the 'ote was hkely              Arafat tlnd AbbiL~, ,. Rut if they th ink Hamas offers
                 "bour her mini~[ry    more a vote against the corruption of Abbas & As-
                 or to reques t he r                                                                some fonn of non-cormpLion, they are in for a
                                       sociates tban it was for Ila.llla~.                          sad surprise. Further, Israel will nel'er sit down at
                  free newsletter,             In rt'Cenl year.;. Amcricah;L~scnt 1.7billion
                 wri te TO Bo" 1452,                                                                a peace whle with 1     ·lamas-we hope. They have
                                       dollar.; to the Palestin ian Icadclship. They hal'C          been duped before in the longing for peace and
                   Maple Grove,
 MN 553 11 01' visirJ.1n's website,
                                       squandered it. spent it on lhemselves, or st,lsh:d           security. Onl ~' one per.;on will offer il and pro- w here you
                                       it away in foreign banks. Hamas has a "SOCial                duce it- lheAnti -christ .
can also listen [0 her weeklr radio    program" proViding medical aid and other pcr~~

         p rogram online.              for the P;lleslinians, something Abh,L<; ;Inri hIS

12                                                              jewish Voice Today                                                      March/April 2006
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                                              '·Iama" remains undeterred in            " WesaJl lotbis If/est ... IJpAllab,
                                          its quest to uitillllllcly see Israd     )'ou lf'iII be defeated. }(:u / will be
                                          annihilated, and says one day            defeated in Palestine, alld )'our
                                          Soon the tables will tum and the         defeal tbere btlS afreatljl begun.
        so will whoever supported         ;'Christian" West will be dependent
                                          all the good graces of its Muslim
                                                                                   True, il Is I~.,.ael Ibal is being
                                                                                   defeated tbert!, bill wbell Israel
                                                                                   is de.foalell, its plItb is defcated,
       or supports it. Tomorrow, our      overlords.
                                             For the time being, the United        tbose 1l,llO (;all to slIj)porl U lire
                                                                                   defeated. fllld tbe cowards 1I1
                                          States and Europe can 1,1I,c their                                            bo

      nation will sit on the throne of    much needed financial aid and
                                          drop dead.
                                                                                   bide hebilld il alld suppor' ;J are
                                                                                   defeated. /srtlelu'ill be defeater/,
                                              Washington, and to a lesser          twd so willwboever slipported or
     the world. This is not afigment      degree W cslCrn Europe, ha'c been
                                          threatening to CUI off the flo w of
                                                                                   sfljJjJort,· il . ..

                                          money to 11 'lamas-led Palestin-             "Tomorrow, 0 111' /lation will
      01 the imagination, but a           ian ,ulhority unless the group
                                          reJlOUllces its violent intentions,
                                                                                   sit 011 tim tbrone of the world.
                                                                                   1bis is 1/01 lIjigmt!1l1 qftbe imag-
                                          recognizes the Jewish State and          inatioll, bill (/filcL. ·'
                                          works fol' a negolimed peace sct-
                                          tlement.                                    Mashal went on to point OUI
                                             Meeti ng with PLO chjd Mah-           the obvious reason why the West
                                          moud Abbas in Gaza Saturday,             continues inching itself closer
                                           lamas' top parliamentary candi-         to defeal by pandering to whal it
                                          date, Ismail lIaniyah, reiterated        believcs arC the "moderate" Mus-
                                          that his group will never accept         lim masses:
                                         Jewish so'creigIllY over even one            "Thev do nOi understand the
                                          inch of this land.                       Arab or' Musli m mentlliity, which
                                              G ala-based HaJ1l:L'i leader         rejects the foreigner."
                                          Mahmoud al -Z:lhar followed up by           This tnltll wa...;; exposed last
                                          lelling The Washinglon I> in his
                                                                   osl             month with 1  ·lamas' landslide d cc-
                                          usual fOl1hright manner:                 toral victory. despite a   sscI1ions
                                                                                   bv the Bush Administration that
                                             '}srael is all illegal ellli~)I,      Ihe I}alestinian-Arab public would
                                          alld 110 amQuIII uf pressure call        ncver vOle in blood-soaked terror-
                                         force us 10 recognize Us rigbt 10         ists.
                                          e.tisl... tbe western coulllries C(l1I
                                          take tbelr aid and go /0 bell..,

                                              ·lalllas' determination to not
                                          compromise on Israel's destruc-
                                          tion stems from its Islam-based
                                          belief that wiping 0 111 the Jewish
                                          State is just the fi rst slep towards
                                          world domjnation, as revealed by
                                          ovcmll Hamas chi ef Khaled Mashal
                                          during an address at a D:Ul1llSCUS
                                          mosque on February 3:

14                                       Jewish Voice Today                                                       March/April 2006
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The Myth Of Palestine - Jvt - Mar Apr 2006

  • 1.
  • 2. 2 About this Issue 13 Resources Jewish Voice Passover Kit, 3 Shalom! From Jonathan Bernls Jonathan Bernis Messages, 4 U p Front ''As Seen on jewish Voice The Myth of Palestine Today," Books & more! By Joseph Farah 14 ~eClal Report 6 Guest Author AMAS: Isaac or Ishmael - To Whom Islam Will Rule the World was the Land of Israel By Ryan Jones Promised? By Walid Shoe bat I Television Schedule 8 ~eciar Rb 0rt estern himmitude J Q By Hal lindsey Why Not Divide Israel for 9 Special Report from Israel the Sake of Peace? H amas Victory Shocks By Sarah the World 17 laYing up Treasure By David Dolan In H eaven 10 V' r BiII 's Stewardship Corner News from Israel & Around the World 17 Palestine - When Did it Exist? 12 Prophev; in t he N ews H amas ictory is Political 18 Headquarters Report Earthquake By Jan Markell 20 Israel Tour - join j onathan! forces of the neighboring Ar<lb COlllltries, pt'Ople and II fictitiolls land, the pressure on Israel captured the entire land mass from the Isr;ld to capitulate to their demands grew, Mediterranean Sea; 10 Lebanon on the north; even a~ they waged a terror war within Israel 's 1 S}'ria and Jonhtn on the east; and the entire 0 borders against civilians. A Israel began nd Sinai Peninsula to Ihe Suez Canal in Egypt. gh1ng back the I.and so graciolL'iI~' hestowed by It seemed a modern-day j)a~d and Goliath Gexl ,l~ a tnlst and Covenant - for the elusive miracle a.~ ~ l oshe Oay:tIl stood on the lCmple pursuit of peace - with a people pledged to her MOllnt - the first time ,I Jewish pel"S(lIl had set utter destmction. fOOL there for near two millennia, Mordechai tno the myth of the Palestinians grew. In 1948, a Nation from antiquity was Gur'Sremarkable cry, 'The 'lernpleMount is in And now, it is only trab nations, or worldlv reborn - in a day, jll'it a'i Isaiah prll.licted. our hand'i!" and Rabbi Sh lomo Goren's shofar nations that accept this lie ami are hostile to (Is. 66) And wi th it, the hand'i of a great b la~t at the Kotel (Wailing Wall) rang Ollt. Israel because of it, it even includes Christian prophetic dock began to move toward the End This time, howC'er, there wa.~ a new, denominations. of Days. All generations since the Firsr Century more fonnidahle weapon being fonncd - one From the hegi nni ng, when G gave Israel od preceding this event have expected the return wamed of in Scripture - {/(x.;eplioll, at work. In the 1.and, He said Israel must: " out of the M essiah, bur this necessalY element had 1967, a new people group was invented -the the inhahitants .. Jor I hm'e given the Land for not yet been fulfilled. "Palestinians" - and their anny, the Palestine YOU to poss~... But if YOll don't dri'e out the Immediately, nedgling Israel , with Liberation Organization (PLO), backed by the inhabitanlS .. .those YOU allow to remain wil1 almost 110 military or anns, was atracked by hostile Arab mltions, would (~lCmte within the become like thoms in your eyes and thistles in Egypt, Syria. Transjnrdan, Lebannn and Iraq. Land of Israel with theexprcs.'i purpose, a~ their roursides - theywil l hara% you in the I.and... ·· A miraculous victory over vastly superior chmter stated, to dL. itl1J}' Israel. " (Nul11. 33:55) And now, Israel h~t'i HtMAS, the milital)' foret'S W;l~ given tn Israel. This became So, evcn as God gave miraculous victory most Violent of the PI.O groups established a familiar patlern. after viclOl), to Israel against her enemies, a within her I.and. declaring (~lC llly that her day In 1967, despite ~reat superiority in anns, more insidiolls enemy was at work ~thin. A'i is o'er. .. aircraft, and troops favoring the combiJlt-d the world acl'CpK'll tI~is fabricateo claim of a ~. Edito r e Jewish Voice Ministries Intemational aka JeWish Voice Today Volume 40 Number I March/April2oo6 Adar/Nlsan/lyar S766 Publisher: Jon<lthan Bemis Senior Managing Editor/DeSigner: Sarah Weiner Desk Editor: Aubrey Schneider Assistant Editor: Carrie Biddison J~sh Voice Ministries I,ltemational 1600 1 North 31th St.-eet Phoeni)(. AZ 85032 USA 602.97 I -SSOI On the web: hup:/Iwww.jew; S.od ,II ,dd"" ,h,ogo< ,od "h" "''''po''''''''' " eo. Bo' 30990 Phoeo;,. AZ 8' 0<6·0990 USA JEWISH VOICE TODAY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Rabbl Jonathan Sernis Elliot Klayman, Esq Mrs. Madelaine Lindvall ~ Mr. James Mueller Cheryl Schang Dr. Jeff Self Mr. Roger West ~. . . Jewish Voice Today March/April 2006
  • 3. Shalom from jonathan! Where in the World is Jonathan Bernisil Ph.~ase teln~l1lber to pray (or Jonathan Dear Ministry Partners and Friend~, dS he travels around the world . Why is a little slivcr of Land, smaller than the slate of Rhode Island, with a population of under 6 million, jonathan 's schedule always in the lllf..'(/ialimelight. , .hare ~'ou ever wondered? (or March & April 2006: Over 2,500 years ago, the Prophet 7.echariah wrote that in the Last Days, 'yerusalem will be a beauy stOlle bwrlen;ng Ibi! {(lorld. And Ibougb af{ Ibe Ila/ions of Ibe earlb un;le in (/II alJem/Jllo mO/le bel: Ibey M :lrch I ~ 18 /(Jill all be c:rusbed. ., (Zech.12:3 TLB) 'lhis prophecy hm; now come to pas..~ in our da~'.ll seem~ that forcing Erhiopi:t Israel to give back her God mandated Land h;~~ become an obsession of not only the Europe,U] Community, Medic:!] Ourrc;u:h but the enUre world. After President fimh's re-eleclion, his first phone call was from British Prime Iinister Ton)' I1I:tir. After congratulating him on his victory, he implored the President to foclls his attention on the March 19 -28 creation of a Palestinian stale. Br:l:zi] With Israel's recent pu llout from Gaza, Sharon's break-away from the right-wing Ukud Pany, and CTeation April 213 - May () of a new political palty, Krtdima (meaning fOlvard), it is dear that the current govcmmelll is intent on Turkey making a Palestinian state a reality. Even with Sharon out of the picture now, acting Prime Minister Elll1d TjCl1 Olmert has vowed to continue his legacy and complete the Withdrawals fmlll most of the West Bank and the tcnitorics, if their party wins the election on March 28th. The 'Pa(eSlillirllls " living in these regions of the Promised Land refer to these areas ,~'i "occufJied lerrHo- rie..'i. " nlCY claim that they were there for centuries bcfore the Jews c'er C,Ulle along and were drivcn fmm their homes after the Six Day War in 1967. Now they want ··tbeir" l'llld back. Yet, histo1)' reveals this claim to be nothing more. than a myth. [n fact. the land conquered by Israel in 1967 was nc'cr under the control of a people known as P(t/£lI/initms. No sl1ch people ever existed before 1967! The land referred to toda)' as the West Bank was part of Jordon and the Arabs dwelling there wcreJordanians! In this issue of}ewislJ V oice TQdfIY, entitled "71Je fl~)'{b oj Palestine," we seek to dispel these false claims and present the real picture and history of this Land and People. With the victory of Hamas in r(.'Cenl elections, the origi nal agenda of the PLO remains finnl)' in place ... to eventually push Israel into the Mediterranean Sea. Until they succeed. or at least until Jerusalem is fully under Palestinian control, YOll can be assured that the tcrrorism and homicide bombings will conti nue. No amount of negotiating is going to change this. ~lan 's peace plans will continue to fa il ... it is only G peace od's plan, througll the Prince of Peace, Yeshutl, tllm tme and lasting peace will ultirnately come to this troubled and war torn L1nd. On the ministry front. by the time you read this I will be in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. leading a team of ovcr 70 doctors, dentisl~, nurses and ministry workers on the largest medical ministry outreach ollr ministry has ever undenaken. We are there to reach out to the two Jewish Communities remaini ng in Ethiopia, the Beta Avraham and the Beta Israel. Our primal" focus will he to pl'Ovide medical and dental care to the Bela Avra- h,1Il1, an imlXlvcrisllL'd community of ovcr 50,000 dwelling in the poorest area of Ihc city. Ve will have. a fu ll report for you in the next issue. Your prayers for the team during our time there (March 4- t8) are greatly appreciated. Plans are still 11l0ving forward with theJewish Voice International ~ Iessianic ~ l edia Center. Plea..'>e keep this in prayer as we arc still waiting for various approvals Ilet'{k'd b~' the cityof Phoenix to complete all the work. We are still hoping to he In this new fad lity h~' the end of August. 2:).2: Please know that we lovc and appreciate rou, our pannel'S, so vel" much. Thank you for enabling us to 1 "proclaim Messiah 1 lil" world." 0 0 Jonathan Bemis, President Jewish Voice ~linisl ries Internation al March/April 2006 JewiSh Voice Today J
  • 4. Up Front 1 come fit tbe issue of the Mhidle war. there was no serious /:'a ' a lillIe bit d{ffel'eut{)1 tlxm jllst movement for a Pales- abOut (lII),olle else. I'm (11/ Amb·Ameri· tinian homeland. 111b)'? ?m OJris/iau journalist. j've arrived at In 1967, during' the /I~)' conclusious largeo Ibrougb first· Six-Day War, the Israelis ' capUlredjudea, Samaria baud experience COIJf!rillg the Mideast onlbe ground and Ellst Jenlsalem. Nut I/Je)' didn 't Cllplure Tbrougbout IJ~J' 25·yea/' career (IS t/}ese territories from a dai()' lJews/JtljJerm(lfJ, rile bad two )'tl~e,. Art!(al. 71JfJ)' jJrincipal beats - flol(Fll'ood and Ibe captured /belll fium Middle Easl. YOli miglJl wOl/del' what tian Cnl'laders, bythe Ottoman Empire lind. jordal/. :~ King l1us,min. 1) ~' did the so- briell~', by the British after World War I. TIle tbese two beats have ill COlli mall. called Palestinians suddenly discover their British agn:cd to restore at least part of the 1'lJe C01ll1ll011 denomillator is Ibat national identityailer Ismei llIonlbe Il'ar? land 10 the Jewish people as their hnllle- !be'y botb deal ill tbe rcallll of to/real- Wh}' wasn'l there a demand for a Palestin- land. Who rejected that idea? TbeArtibs. ll)e i~J" l1Jey hOlb re(JI011 m),Ib.'. ian homeland hefore? jell!s f.XIuld I1tllle 110 /JklL'C ill /be Alid(!(I.I1. 'Ihe truth is that Palestine is no more NOJ/e. Wha t i s thi s d e bat e real than Never-Ncver Land. The first time all about ? There is 110 language known as P:lles- the name was llSl'ti was after 70 A.D. when tinian. There is no distinct Palestinian CUl- What a rc I he re al r Oo l s o f the Romans committed genocide against thi s co nfli c t ? ture. There h:15 never been a land known :IS thejCvs, sm,L~hed the lemple and declaret1 Palesline govcmcd by Palestinians. Pales- If you believe what you read in most the L of Israel would be no more, From and lillllms are Arabs, illdil'lillglll:wablefium news sources, Palestinians want a home- then on, the Homans promised, it would he .Iol'(/allitms. S)'I'itms. Lebanese, Il'tIqis, etc. land and Muslims wanl control over known as Palestinc, The name was derived, Keep ill mind thaI the A colltrol 99.9 rahs sites they consider holy. Simple, right? we think. from the Philistines, a people con- percent of the Middle East lands. Israel rcp~ 1171'01lg [n fact. these. two demands are quered by theje,>'S ccnnlries earl ier. resen t~ one-tenth of I percent of the land- nothing more than strategic deceptions - Contrary to what PLO Founder YasseT mass. prupag.Ulda ploys. 'I11t~y are nothing more Arafat dainll'd, the Philistines werr extinct 1M that's tuo Illuch for the A rabs. They than phony excllses and rationalizations for hy thilt time. Arafal liked to pretend his peo- want it al1. Alld tbal i.~·lIllim(lle(}' /l'/xillhe the terrorism and the ll111nleringofjews. The ple were the descendants of the Philistines. jigbtillg ill I.mlfJ/ i~ (lbolfttod(~JI. No IIItll- real goal of those making these demand'i is Actuall y, the name was silllply a wayfor the IeI' bOfll m(lm' lalld cOllce&!';ons Ibe /SI'tlC- the destnlction of the Stille uf Israel. Romans to add insult to injury to the JC~'S h'! make, illi,ill neue,. be ellollgb. The proof of the pudding is that prior - not only were they annihi1atOO, htl! their Arafat himself explainL'd the ploy of to the 1967 Arab· lsI<lcli land was renamed after people they had negotiations with Israel in a 1 SI)Cl'( h 994 in South Africa - in English. He's explained Pal es t ine ha s it in Arabic dozel1s of times: "First we cre- neve r ex is t e d - ate our own slate. then w use th:lt state to e be fo re o r s ince - liberate all of Palestine, ThaI's the goal. II's "'/{/t~)(· been IblJ goal, " a s a nat ion s tat e . Palestinians will tell vou the reason a It was m1ed altcmatdv bv Palestinian-Arab state is llL't'<led is because Rome, hy Islamic ilnd Cliris~ Ar.tbs were forcibly fCmoved from their prop- 4 JeWish VOIce Today MarcJv'Apnl 2006
  • 5. Up Fron[ env in the 1948 war. The truth is: ;'The A rab Since th en, milli o ns of J ew+ country viltuallywithout comment. sta'te which had encouraged the Palestine+ ish refugees from arou nd th e So , what is mea nt by Arabs to leave their homes tcmpormily in or- world have been absorbed in " Pa lest in ia n '!' der to be out of the way of the Arab invasion th e lill Y nation of Israel. annies, hare failL>d to keep their promise to It meant whate''er Yasser Ararat wanted help thec;e refugees." - The Jordanian daily It makes no sense to expect that same it to mean. Arafat wa~ hom in Eg~l)t and lat- 'wspaper Falastin, Feb. 19, 1949. Ilf.. tiny Jewish state to solve a refugee crisis it er 1ll0"ed to Jerusalem. Indt'Ctl, Illost of the There are plenty of historical record~ did not create. Arahs living withi n the borders of Israel to- showing the Je-.vs pleading with their Arab Do you Ihink Ihe Arabs really care day hare come from some other Arab COUIl - neighbors to stay and live in peace and har- alxmt the plight of their refugees? J would tr" at some time in their lifc. Arabs continue mony. Yet, despite the clear, unambiguous submit to yOLI that Israel. of all ihe Middle t<i nock into !sraeltoday. 11ley continue to words of the Arab obsclvcrs al the time, his- East Slates, has treated the Mab refugees move into the Palestinian Authority. The}' tOI), has been sllccessfully rt;:wrilten to tum with mure faimess .tIld more compassion. immigr<lll'( there evell before it left Israeli the Jews into the bad guys. Let me give you an example: The Jor- control. 'Ine Arabs have built 261 scttle- The Arab states that menl~ in the West Bank initiated the hostilities since 1967. We don 't have never accepted re- hear much about sponsibili ty - despite thei r those. seltlemenlt We cnonnous wealth and hear instead aoout their ability to assimi - the number of jeldsb late tellS of millions of settlements that have refugees in their largely been created. We hear undcr-populated nations. how destabilizing they And other states have failed to hold them ;lC- are - ""'" I'"wocati" they ;lre. Yet, hy com- countable. dan TImes rcpOl1s that "Palestinian refu- parisoll, only 1 Jewish scttlemenl) have 44 Today, of CQurse, this cruel charade gees in L ebanon, who have long been de- bt'ell built since 1967 - including those sur- continues. The suffering of millions of Arabs nied many civil rights including the right rounding Jerusalem, in tbe West Bank and is perpetuated only for political pUflX>SCS hy 10 work, now face a new obstacle ill their inGala. the Arab states. TIley are merely pa'~lS ill the precariolls 1i1'eS:' U nder a bill introducl'(] Is this a Ill'W phenomenon! Absolutely war to destroy Israel. by parliament, Palestinian -A will be de· rabs not. This h;l<; always been the ca<;e. A rabs pril'ed of their right to own prorx~rty. Those have been flocking to Israel and il<; ellvirons There were so me 100 mil - who already own propel1ywillnot be able to el'er since it wa~ created and el'en hefore, co- lion refugees afound th e pass it 011 to their children. Can rOll imag- incidi ng with the Wal'C of Jewish immigra- world foJ1ow in g World War 1 1. ine the. intel'llational OlltCYif Israel passed I tion into Palestine prior to I94K Th e Pal es tinian -Arab group stich a law? Mmt would the U nitl'(] Nations According to the 1110st liberal claims by i s t he o nly one ill t he world hal'e tDsay about thiS? J-Iowwould the media Arab sources, some 600,000 to 700,000 Arabs not absorbed o r ill t eg r<ll e d establishment in the West view sl1ch a dmco- left Israel ill and around 1948 when theJt'v. into rh ei r own peop le 's lands . nian plo~'? Yet, th is is happening in an Arah ish State was created. Most were 110t forced Continued on page 19 Marek/April 2006 Jewish Voke Today 5
  • 6. Guest Author , COncentrates 011 [srael ;IS the mbom I bmic cbosel!. you descent/mils oj How could the Palestinians be. Canaan- Nation, the re[x)sitory of the Cov- Abmbam my friend IlooJ! YOli fivm Ibe ites ;lnd Arabs at the S,Ime time? And what is the channel of the ~ tessi;Hlic Hope, endi' offbe em1b, }i'om il~ jarlbesl comers the origi n of "Palestine?" th(!'i1!i!"di' '" of the Divinely approved '[em- I calied yOli. I said. ·),{w are Ill)' serlltml; joel 3:4, a biblical 'crse th at Cllrst'<l thc pie. the keeper of the oraclcs of God, and , btllic chosen you (/nd have uol rejecled Philisti ncs, is often cited 10 prove the mcn- the capital N ation of the retlll1ling crllci fieti YOll.'" Jacob was chosell) /lol 6iJmael or tion of Palestine. The H ebrew word translat- and risen King of kings. [srael is the ccntral the Arabs. ed in some versions for Palestine is Palasheth theme of the Bible. '"7Jms saifb tbe Lord "71)en made Ibi~ vow to Ibe LOHD: which is Philistia, the land of the biblical God Bebolrl, I Il"ifl ItIMe tbe d)ildrell qf 'ff YOil (('ill rle/ilJ(fr I/)(!W /Jeo/Jle illlO our Philislines, a Iloll-Semitic l>e(~)lc who lived Ism ellrom fllJlong the nflti()n.I~ to which halld~, I/!e wifi lolali)' destro), tbeir cities. . on 11 small portion of land Oil the coast lilal tbey fire gOlfe, and urill gather (hem all 11Je LORD Ui1ened 10 israel 'splefl fllld gtllle included only Joppa. Ashdod, Ashkclon, el'el)1side. lind bring tbem into Ibei,. 01l1Jl Ihe Ctllwtmiles over to tbem. 11)e), COIll- and Gaza. '111is presents a major problem, land. " /Jlele{J destro)'l.:d tbem (/ud their 101l'lls;so ' si ncc today's Pale;linians claim 10 originate Then the l.oRI) said to It~ , ·'Ip.lII ·e tbis /be /J!/Il;e ".rL.~ 11({}l1ed NOJ"fJlrtiJ. " Yet I{KhIY from Srmitic Arahs. To I;I~' stake to a land of place, J'Ou and the people)'011 bl'ollgbl up the Pal!3tinian people cling to the idea that promise by misusing Scrip1l1 re, attributing Old ofEg)1)1, and go 11/1 10 /be land I prom- they are descendants of the Cana,mites, Je- the Land of Promise to Ishmael, and claim- ised all oath loAbmhtllll. l~aac find jacob. bllsites, and Philistines. ing to be Philistincs, is a dealh hlow for the St(ril1g. '11I,i /l gille ilIa )'0111" descendanls. Tbe first occupation of Canaan (the Palestinian argument. Iw;tJ send allllllgel btt/Ore YOlf alld dl'iu'e Promised Land) was by the Nation of Israel, Palesti nian claims vary, depending on oUl the Canaamles, Amoriles, HiIIi{es, Pel~ who knew that God was One God: 'Heal' 0 the isslle - if the claim COllCCnlS who was iz:dfes, liilJiles aJ/d.lebusil(~f. ... Israel. Ihe lORD tb)' G'od iI' One. This was It there first. then they are descendant<; of the God promises to give the /IIhole 1.and to a startli ng revelation in the midst of the na- Canaanites - if the goal is to prove who le- Abraham and his descendant<; fo r an ever- tions who were worshipping innumerable gally deservcs it, then they are /1Ibs. So it lasting possession, l1lis is established by a gods, so holding onto the rejected heathen all depends 011 what Iype of propagand a is Covenant of God and God dcclarc.o; in Psalm tribes prior to [sracl's existencc is no honor. being promoted, yet both views are in greal 89:34 "His coven ant lie wil! never break." So wh ~' did Arafat and the Pal ~lini:lIls in- error. With the biblical evidence confinned But tn which of hi ~ desccmlallt~? 15hmacl? sist thut lhey were of Canaanite and jebusitc by histOlY lLlld by dccmks of archaeological Isaac? Or both? origi n? At the same lime, they also insisted research, the Hible has pro'Cn to be the most If we look at the context of Scripture, we that the~' arc Arabs (semites), 10 the extent accurate book 011 Mjddle Eastern history. In can casil~' sec who this seed refers to: of clairningjesus W,t~ a Palesti nian rerolll- it is recorded GO(rS plan for Canaan and its 'Blft ),011. 0 ll)mei. my seI"I.l{ml, jacob tionary. peoples.
  • 7. Guest Author 'In call today's Israel the land of the It w<t~ onl' in 1878. that hm":'ih condi- they end up belieVing that they themsclvcs Philislint!S would re<luire a recreation of the tiOIlS furced rmiJ1~t groups to immigmle into hold divine IMh. other seven nations that made up the land Palestine: Circ:lssians, Algerians, Eg~'v tians, Within the last 40 centuries, A ruled rabs of Canaan. How does one relate tooa(s sup- Dnlsai,lttrks, KurtIs. Bosnians. and olhers. the L1nd for less than one of them. I sav to posedly Semitic Palestinians to the non-Se- Mler the ltlrkish Ollo111ans, the fililish the Arabs, if 'Ollr current claim to the I.;md mitic I'[evites, Perazitcs, and jebusites? No fough t the 11.lrks for Sl1PIX)rting the Nazis, is based on tlte length of lime YOll rull'<l his- one today can trace any culture, language, ;U1d legally crealL'{] the State of Israel. '11lC toriC:llly, irs hest to find another argument. l"t'.!igioll, or f;unily origi n to ,Ul~' Canaanites A then called to wipe out all the jl'VS. rabs Onl'. would think th'lt the Palestinians from Palestine, and there is ample histori- which resulted in an Arab defeat, as the Bible who live in the midst of the conAict would cal l'Vidence showing the "true" origin of pn.>dicted, be expert~ on the. situation. but the opposite todav's Palestinians. '111ere was never a call for a P;testin- is true; thei r schools <Ire infested with hate- ' In 135 A.D., Emperor lIadlian applied ian state in all of A histoli'-- only after rab filled lies, their mosques preach hatred from the le1111 "Palt;'Stine" to the I.and of Israel lhe Jews retunll>U to Israel. Yet ille Jt.'vS made Ihe pulpit. and their priests call (lut ror the 'L~ a propaganda ploy to era5(' Israel. his all the "nevers" possible when thcy made dcstmction of Israel. Christians and Mus- enemy, and replace it with Israel's enemy this ignored Land <I Nation. They made je- lims alike in Israel are victims of this brain- instead: Philistines with a new I.atin twist - nlsalem a capital, opened the holy plaL'(!S washing. -Palestine. to all tlucc religions, and built illikc nc'cr Goo has in no lVay eilher rejectl'tl or Christian A who focus on the New rabs befm!;!. replaced Israel or lIle jt.wisIJ People.llis Cov- ' Testament instead of the Old ignore the facl Plior to the 1800's, the l.aJld was nol in- enant with them is llllcondi tional and nUll- that in the New'lestament the tenn Palestine habited except for small impermanent pock- transferable. Goers Covenants and promises is never IlSl'<l - only Israel. ~uld no matter cl~ of [lC<~)le scatler<:d throughout the COlllI- were never IU<;ed OIl J srael"s good bclla~or, how they look al Scripture it always seems try. History contradicts the propagandist~ of but were based O Gt~rS faithfulness loward n they have a problem filling it into their po- today: the L Wll'i not a thriving nation. and His People, Although thejl> People have wish litical agenda. l'vel; in the past 2,000 yea~ and never until suffen."l.i the COn5e<lllences of bre'lking G(Ki's Yet ignorance of Scripture. is not an ex- the Jews made it so, Laws, just as wc all do, they havc not Ix..oen cuse with God, since the rest of Scripture di- The jews, before the wars. who were replaced or rejected. 'nle Scriptures make rects ]S to the remaining story and to wlmm already living ,L~ pe;L'itlnLS, hOl1ghl Jan(t~ and Ihm quite ckar. this se<.-d belongs. 111e promises of the Land cultil'atetl th~m afte r years of neglect. TIle I choose to speak out because I know in the Abrahamic Co'(~ nant are given strictly jCvs restored tlle l.and and made it what it whm is wrong. When will we get rid of the t()jacob, who was later called Israel. is today, with an ecollomy tCll tillles the size education propaganda promoting hoth de- God uses the word Mv in two corlllCC- of that of Egypt.Jordan and Syria combined, stmction and self-destmction? Will it take a tiOllS: "My people Israel" aild '"My land." In while the Arabs hal'e been plotlill); wafS generation? lim? 111ere is 110 solution unless I:!ach case He, in a particular way. identifies against her since the 1920's and instead of we liberate the children from an evil and Ilimsclf with them: ~clti n~ rid of the jews, they displaccd one- growing menace and stop tllC cycle. "1 will eshlblish My covenant ~L~ an ev- hillf uf the Pale;tillians in 1948. M,at the world must acknowledge is thaI erlasting covenant betwccn Me and you and Still, many W!'Stemers believc that the Arafat and the Palestinians never wanted a your descendants after Ylllr for the genera- Arabs aClually want peace. The truth is th at Pale;linian state becausc he never wanted tions to (':Ollle to lx' your God and the God of the evil saga of the '"final SOIUtiOlJ" will con- the wnmct to end. Ifhedid, he would have your descendants after you, The whole land tinue as planned by satan. Vcstemers forget accepted the Barak Agreemen t that gave of Cana:1Il where you are nuw all alien. I that Arafal supported Hitler in World War II him everythin g he cbiml'tl he wantl'tl, He will give as an everlasting posseSSion to you and Saddam H ussein in thl' Gulf War. Also, rejected it and all ()tllel~. So what then did and your descendanL~ after you and I will he the PLO Charter calls for Ihe destmction of he want? Ohviousl)' there is no olher amwer their God." ISrael 10 this da'. but the destntctioll' of Israel and the jews. $0 these prumiSl'S of land and rctum Arab students are llC'l'r taught Jewish dearlv involve I!'racl, nor Ishmael. history; they are programmed hy repetitiOn 'Ih! greatm:ljorily of [what are calledl of old pmpaganrla to the poilll ihat "the Palestinian Arabs" is of vcry reccnt origin, starting in the nineteenth centllT)' immigrating from Illany nations, 1110St of which are not even Arab. Tod;ty's Palcstini:Uls are immigrantS from man' nations: Balkans, Greeks, S'rians, Lat- ins, i~gyptians, ltlrk.~. Annenian's, Italians, Per.;ians. Kurds, Gcnnans, Afghans, Cir- cassians, Bosnians, Sudanese. Smnaritans, Algerians, j'lotawila, Tartars, Hungarians, Scots. Nav<lJt'Se, Bretons, English, Franks, Rutheni ans, Bohemians, Bulgarians, Geor- gians, Persian Ncstorians, Indians, COpL~, ~laronitcs , and Illany (llhers. MarchJApril2006 jewish VoIce Today 7
  • 8. Western Dhimmitude Global Reaction to Uproar over "Satanic Cartoons" - Western Embrace oj Islamic "DIJimmitude" Subtly Disguised as Political Correctlless? The global reactioll to the upmar oyer contemplate. Scvcntl'Cn foreign ministers from the" 1 Satanic earloom" demollslr.ltes a 2 There. W;15 a scene in the old '60's series the Arabian I.eague demanded the edi tors growing Wcstcm embrace of the mentality "Swr Trek" in which all evil android W:l~ responsihle for puhlishing lhc cartoons to he of Islamic "dhimmitude" subtl y disguised defeated by Mr. $pock's circular logic. Mr, "JJun ished. '· as political correctness. Spock told the android that he (Mr. Spock) Iran ian President Ahmadinaj;ld, nOI to U nder [slam, a "dhil11111i" is II n011- was lying when he said he wa~ I}~ng, Sorting be out dOlle, announced Ih at the cartoonists I us]im living in conquered ~ I uslim land.<i. it all out made the android's head c'x plode. shuuld he kilkd. "[)himmis" are pennittetl limited freedom Figuring oul how iI religion's As for the c;1TtooniS themselves? ts of religion, provided there is no conflict fundamentals Gill inspire terror while TI1CYare. reportedly all in hiding, in fear with Islamic laws govl'11ling slIch things arguing it is fll1ldmnentally "peaceful alld fo r their lives. A~ Daniel Pipes accurate!)' as religioLls s~bols and images. However, tolerant" makes me feel li ke that android. noted in a recent coitunll, "the deeper issue a dhimmi has 1rlmlly no rights in :lema! Dcnlll<l1'k submitted to [slam when here, howercr, is nO! M uslim h)1XlCrisy. practice. The word of one "offended Muslim-' it apologiZl'tl on hehalf of its press for hut Isl:unic sllpl'cmacism.'· To back lip can send a dhirnmi to death . publishing cartoons dlat violall'(j Islamic his [}(Jillt, Pipes qU(Jted Flemming Rose, lIistorically, Jews living as the Danish editor who puhlished dhimrn is in Mmlim countries have the cartoons: "ll]f 1. :L~ a 11011 - been subjected to daily humiliations ~ Iuslim, shuuld submit to their that reduced life to a perilous taboos ... they' re a~king for my uncertainty. They are r€Cluired to pilya submission." Indeed, Islam has 'Cry high ta:x called the "jizra" for the not only demandl'<i submiSSion, "privilege of living among ~llIslims. " they' ve gotten it. Th is latest example of Muslim Said U.N, High Commissioner intolcrance and violencc ovcr all' for H uman Rights Louise A "IrbOl; hint of insult to their religion displa~ find alarming any behaviOrs lhal dearl . . . for all to s{''e thm thei r core disregard theheliefs of others. '111is beliefs inspire hatred and violence, kind of thing is unacceptahle.'· TIle behm~or of the V:l~t majority (Then she annOlllll'ed an of Muslims puts the lie to "the investigation into racism and political correct image of Islam as Is!alllophobia. Harnunphhh!) inherently [X!llceful and tolcnlnl " Yel, [n the U nited Statei, dlC dle contillliing ad'aJlce of this patently false law, Some members of the European [llt'S.~ mainstream meJia, which ha'e already idea byWestcm lcadcrs, despitc dlC tot:l.llack estahlishment, unaware of the mles of all ied themselves ''lith dlCpolitical (Ulimmis of evidence to lillppon it. is all admission dhillllllitllde, rC[lllhlishcd the carlexlilS :L~ Oil the left. kncw better. With thc exception thai we're alt dhimmis now. an exercise of joumalism's religious defense of CNN - which pixc!atcd the images the It is evidence that w voluntarilv e've of freedom of the Preis. Soon, thei r various first time (suppressing them altogether submittL'(j most of our cul ture In "Islamic national lellders also slIbmitted to Islamic thereafter) - the U.S. mainstream media dhimmiturlc," hy censoring dlOSC who dare dhimmitude, apologizing to Islam 011 devoled hours of c()'crage to thc sto!), to point out the inherent contradictions behalf of their citizens for violating Islamic wi thout daring to show dle Satanic CaJ10011S evident in thc conti nually repeated myth religious prohibitions, themsclves. dlat Islam is l)tl~icalty tolerant and peaceful. Fomler president Clinton, speaking nhil1lmis know their I)l ace. It is a myth dri'en byfear of Muslim viol~ nL'e from Qatar, callet! the publication of the and temlrism. cartoons "!lppaIHng"' and "outrageous." A Christian fundamentalist is one who In true dhilllllli fashion, his outrage was adhcres to the fu ndamentals of C hristianity. reservcd for the cartoonists, not the raging Hal l.indsc), iJ {be bt.>s!·selllll,~ till/bor AJt!'lish fl.lIldamcntalist is one who adheres sea of fo nnerly "moderate Islamists" calling of 20 booJ:s, il/cluding "I.ale Grell! Plalle! for thei r exccution. Harl/}," He Il'r/'le-. {/ It'eeklJ' to the fundamentals ofJudaism. 'nlcre is no other logicalullder.;:tandi ng of the tenllS. The illlmn at the Islamic Center in column jo,'trorkINeIDtli{I' alid bis //(11 J.iudl·/",')' Rl1xJI'i pmgmlll If an Islamic fundmnentalist is one Brussels denounaxl the cartoons. "Where are I~' bl'OlldcflSf t'in Slife/life find who adheres to the fundamentals of Islam, the hUlllan-righl~ organ izations? Why ,IJ'C Il'eixllSl, For II/J-/O-fbe-millllfe then a "mfK lerate" Islamic majority thL')' silent? he demanded. A the Mll~lim " nd (/I/(/{rsis of ltorld LI(/enls ill fbt, means a majority of Mlislims reject Islam's W Leaguc callcd 011 U,N. Secretar)' K orld ofi ligbt of allclelll prO{Jbcdes, l'b'il: fundamental teachi ng5. This is so self- Annan to implemcrH international laws bll/l://II'II'II '. lxlllil1(l~e;'Qrtlde. COli} evident l~' circular that it makes one di7.7.)' to against insolence of religions. 8 Jewish Voice Today March/April 2006
  • 9. 111e radi c. .1 Hamas mO'ement 1 and elsewhere to somehow keep alive Ule #- Muslims, or Olrer hllld currently or previ shocked Israel and the world by its fusion that the long-frozen peace process has control led by Islamic govcmments. Instead, landslide 'iClory in the Palestinian 1I0t been totally blllied, the new leadcr pro- the IsI;unic holy blxJk adju11.'S J uhammad's legislative el ections on j ltnllary 2;th. claimt:d he would aitt!r that stance if the ter- folluwers tu wage jihad war against "the in - Virtuall ), no one forecast the over- rorist movement did three vital thin&li. fidels'· until thc end of time---an Islamic I'C- whelming triumph by the extremist Olmert"s or.;t condition for e'I'emually Iigious '·duty" that H:u n;l~ leaders and their terrori st group, found ed in 1988 dealing with I- lamas was that the group agree devout followers whulehear1edly ,Uld happily from the same Islamic fund amental- to disann it~elf and halt all lel'ror aUilck~, embrace. ist wellspring that later produced which group lc:tder.; (I llickly made clear they The Ha11l :L~ political earthquake jol ted Osruml Bin Laden 's AI Qaida interna- will nerer do, Uis second condition was that Washingtun and other intemalionai capitals. tional terrorist network, Hamas renouncc and al ter ilS 1988 founding Several right-wi ng Isr~l i politicians said the The unanticipau.'ti e1~cti{)n outcome dwrter's call for Israel's total annihilation Bush Adminislralion W:l~ only reaping whal also took llamas leaders themselves by sur- and replacement by an A rab-Islamic regime. it had sown, having insisted that ';democ- pri~e. Their main pl'e-eleclion goal was to Hi:>. final condi tion was lhat Ihe militant win enough seats to thwart the U,S.-backed group fonnally recognize Israel's right to ex- What WOu.1lI the Road Jlap peace plan's call for thc Palestin- ist, and then agree to honor all previolls PA ian Authority (PA) to completely disann lind peace accords and amendments contracted hi te say if Ehud ciismantle the group's illegal militia and ter- wi th theJewish State. O/me rt or Ton)1Blair mristcells, The huge H ama~ triumph insure.1i Hamas leaders laughed out loud at the that no SHch action will lake place, Instetld, suggestion that they might change thtctntral dellltilule d that A l Qailla Hamas seems certai n to take full governmen- plank in their Koran-based charter calling for be allowe d to field calldi- tal contml ovcr the PA, its institutions and. Israel's destnlction, even though many pun- most importantly, ilS 30,000 plus anlled se- dilS around the globe mysteriollsly predicted tildes ill Alneric{l.'s 11Ii,l- curity forces. While this will insure the radio such action as the group "assumes the 1'C- ler ln cOllgressional cal movement's stm'ival on the Palestin ian spollsihilities" of [loweI'. ~ l ahrlloud ZahaT, it stagt, it apparrntly also spells tht! end of the senior llamas official t wId reporters ten days elections? '(11ite Housc-sponsored peace plan, with all after the startling Palestinian election l'CSltllS tll,I1 implies for this troubled region and the were lwe<lled that "Ismel is not a legitimate raev" meant that Ollllerl lllust allow Ham<l~ entirr planet. entity, and no amount of pres.IiUI'C can force to Rlll in the electiolls, e~'en in mainly Arab Reeling ovcr the sudden exit of stroke LIS W rt'Cognizc it~ right to exist." neighborhoods in cast JCnlsaiem, including victim Ariel Shamn from the dramatic Is- Israeli political analysts were nearly lhe walled Old CilV. This was an absunl de- raeli political scene, <Kting Premier Ehud unanimous in stating that llamas would mand, thcy mainiained, gi'Cll that llamas Ohnert was quickly faced with his fil'S t ma- never adhere to even (Jnc of Olmert's fair has openly claimed to have murdered ncarly jor clisis: How to resp to the unfureseen ond conditions, Hmnas leaders did reveal plans 400 Israelis in ,I series of vicioliS terror atroci - llamas land~lide 1C(01)'. He wasted no time to fold their outlawed 3,000 strong militia ties launched sincc carly 2001. ''Vhat WOllid in clarifying that his govcmmcllt would not force illto lhe much larger itnnt'tl PA Sl'Curity the W HoU5£: say if Ehud Olmert or TOllY hite recogni7£ or deal with a Hamas-led PA gu'- foret'S. But th is action would not even ful fill Blair demanded that Al Qaida be allowed to el1llllcnt. llo,cver, the acting Premier's first condition lhat the field candidates in An"ICrica's mid-term con- faci ng pressure fmm group sUITCnder i t~ illegal a nn~ . gressinrllli elections?·' :t5ked onl.:! Likud Party Washington. InllduJl Israeli experts on the growing Islamic Knt.'SSC1mtmbcr. faith noted thm lhe derisive Hama charters '111e U nited States and thc European is huilt u j}(}n Union have 1x..'Cn the main foreign ftlnders scveral Koranic urthe PA, togcthcrdonati ng over 800 million verses which dollar.; each year. The two world 1}()'Crs were dearlv state therefore instantly f,lced wi th a seriOllStli lem- that jL'. .s can ma. Should they uphold their own laws that never mil' oVer 01111:lw transfening PllUlic money to knuwn Continued on page '9 March/Aprit 2006 Jewish Voice Today ,
  • 10. · ,.. ' '- .,',' ' . " . ,~ .. 26J:lIl.. 2006 'il Mariam f'arahal, was ki lled himself. who w:t~ elected to the Urn Nidal's home h:t~ Palestinian parii:unent, can hecome a shrine to her a crowd like :t veteran dead sons, ~th admirers politician-shaking hands and other members :md greeting supporters. H:unas often dropping by. In Gaza, Farahat is Destroying Israel is known :1.~ Um N idal, or not something llamas h:t~ ~Iother of the Struggle - a jlromoted much during mother who sent three of ~I..._ _" this elect ion carn llaign. 19J:lIl. 2006 her six sons un Ham:1.~ ...._...;; - But at the gm~srool~ k",'el In the (Iuesl 1 find new and profitable wa~'S 0 homicide missions against Israel i targets. in Gaza, I,~lere Urn Nidal camraigns, most to attract consumers, the banking industry has "W consider it holy duty," she told A e IK P:llestinian surporters believe itwas the violent found religion. Islamic banking is emerging as News, "Our land is occupieu. Y lake allihe Oll :lt1l1cks ag:linsllsraci !lmt forced them to pull a small hUl growing trend among lenders in [he means to banish the occupier. I saCri ficed my out fmm the Gaza Strip last fall. U tl States. nil<.' children for this holy, I )atriotic duty. I love my "'J11is is our strategy," she said. "We are Sharia forbids ~lus1i ms from accepting children, but as ~ I us l irns Vie pressure oU!Seh-es paying interest - a challenge for Western hanks working on two parallel lines - Ihe political [hal are based in the interest-paying system. and sacrifice our emotions for the interest and the jihadist." Currently there are tllrce banks that offer Isl:un- of the homeland. The greater interest takes Um Nidal is now a politici:m, but she says ic banki ng in the U.s" includi ng international precedence to the personal intel"e)t." violence is still an option and she does hm'e giant HSBC (R esearch), but experts expect that She is most famous for her pfCSCnce in a tlln.e sons who are still alive. If nl'Ccssary, ' number to rise as the ~l us1i m population grows H am:t~ video, showing her 1 7-year-old how to she says, t he~' wi ll fo llow in their brothers' ~md the community begins to demand more attack Israel is :Uld telling him not to return. fool~teps . ' hup:I/;,b<: ncws. gl>.~l>rn spt'Cialized services. he killed fi'C students in a PI~" COO'ISC")' "f: hul':lI".. w.. ·.~lqa~:;;I"' .w~ Deipie tlle difficul ties in creating ~Ul entirely different finance system, hanks such :t~ Ann Biblical Robe Produced for lise by High Priest in Holy Temple Arbor, illichig:Ul based Unirersity B ~Ulk , arewi ll- 2IJ llo:c .. MJj ~hould not he tom. And you sld l ing to put in tllC ext.m work to create banking !fter much hard work and make on i l~ hem pornegramncs alternatives that appeal to tlle growing market. re;carch, !llC 7ecbelel (azure of bluc, purple, ;Uld scarlet wool, The banks deposit accounts allow Muslims blue) mbe of the High Priest has on its hem all around, and gold [0 open accounts where any profi ts are shared been oornpleled by !lle Temple bells between them, all around; with customers rather !llan paid as interest. Institute and it is hoped to be fit :I gold hell and a pomeg("jJl<lIe, A instead of traditional mortgages, the b:U1k nd, 10 be wom in the Third T emple. a gold bell :lIld a pumcgranate, essentiall ysel~ up :t special trllst for the property Thc blue coat, or mc'il tech- all around. It must be on Aaron the consumer is trying t<l buy. elet as it is called in [he 'lorah, in order tn minister. Ito; sound Ch icago-based D evon Bank also offers a SpurL~ 72 gulden bells alternating shall be heanl when he enters lIlur:lhaha mortgage product and plal l~ 10 with 72 pomegranates allachcd the Sanctuary befure Hashem expand il~ islamic banking to include comrli- around its hem, wo'en of blue, .1, and when he lea'cs, so that he ant money market and checking accoullts and pu ~) l e, and scarlet wool. not die." (Exodus 28:31-35) CDs upon appro'al from federal regu lators, said The bluc foix, dispb)lU OWflllC "And you shall make the robe leXt uf lh' 1 %li('".d cumm~nd JlII:IJI In Ihe near future, the Insti- D Loundy, corporate counsel for the bank. a1d of the ePhud entirely out of blue h, 1!r"l.-1,ar~ iI, ~:,{)dw; lllJl ,~5 tute plans 1 embark on anolher 0 "The rise of IslamiC lXUl king i~ a sign of the wool. Its head-opening shall be The roh,~'s hem. 1IIIh lIS bdb major project: Ihe production maturity of the Muslim community in Ameri- folded over within it, i t~ opening ;md limen POIDt;<.gr.lHal~"" and supplyi ng of the 'lorah-spec- ca," said Rabiah Ahmed, spokeswomen for the shall have :t horder all <lI1Jl lnd of weaver's work - it shall he for t . :C.U:...l.(. j ified white garment<; of the urdi- nary pricsts for every maJe)e'ish Council of American- Islamic Rclalion~. "The trend is defini tely incrensing." it like the opening of a coat of mai l, that it descendant of Aaron. ,'Io'olv.:iSr:k' in:UIOl1 :Wk'll"S.COtn ,C NN Mon~y.,"om 10 jewish Voice Today March/April 2006
  • 11. News 8 Stabbed by Knife-Wielding Assailant at Moscow Synagogue llJ:m.,lOO6 ciety faces gr~l'C: danger, " said Borukh Gorin, Zuyev said. Aknife-wielding man shouling, "! will kill chief spokesman for the Federal.ion of Jewish Officials and witnesses said a son of the . ! attacked a synagogue in d()~l I0Wn Communitit<i of RUSSia. "Fascism will come agogue's r.lbhi, Yitzhak Kogan, wrestled IM,,,,,,,w yesterday. slashing and s!:lbbing at knocking at the door of l.''C1Y citizen if we do tacker to the ground ~uld held him until least eight people before a rabbi's son wrestled not take serious me,L~ures nO~ " arrired. him to the ground, officials and eyewitnesses Among the eight men wounded wcn: an i American, an Israeli, and a man from thcCcn- W itnesses said the shaven-headed attacker tral Asi an nation nf Tajikistan, chit!f Moscow "Heil Hitler!" a.~ he aimed at victims' prosecutor Anatoly Zuycv told reporter.i out- I';:~~l~~:'~~l'~:' torsos in wllat appcan.'( to be a side the synagogue. showed he Iv:.L~ motiV:ltt.'(1 II I I attack. "shouted wurds thM He said the attacker had 'Ille :lIIack at the Chahad Bronnaya Syna- nyethnic and religious hatred." came runid an incn:ase in hate-group ZU)'CV said Alexander Kopt~', a Muscovite I",iv;,y in l~u$Sia. Jewish l eadc~ said it shou ld hom in 1985, was in custOO)' ami faced charges I message to Russian authorities and the including hate-ha..o:.ed allcmpted murder, It was to fight prejudice. not immediatel' drar whether he was:t mem- .. If 100lay's act docs nol souml an alimn, su- her of ,Ul~' :Inti-Semitic or nco-Nazi groups, Saudi Professor Exhorts Muslims to "Positive Hatred" of Christians 161lrt., zoo; a Muslim ..:' He jOJ:m. .mi ~lid in reg.1rds to the Shcikh /Ix1AI-Aziz went un to ex- 1lile stoping in Ne- Ayatollahs' regime and Fawzan AI-Faw- plain that such tany:! yeslemay, l.ikud the l'alib:m. There are zan, a profco;sur of an altitude "is ChaimlaJl MK Benj a- urgent waming signs Islamic law at A I- not racism" min Ketanyahu com- thaI [scremnJ out II lusl Imam Uiliver$ity, since the Chris- pared I-amas' I'ictory l f{X" murder alld dt!'Jtruc- who frequent ly ap- tian is not haled in last week's Pales- lion. pears on Saudi TV, "because of his tinian parlial11cnl:lry ;;j~~~j~ Ukud ill not conlin- recentlr made lUlti-Christian 00111- color, gender, blood, country, or be- elections to the rise of }o ue tnOlsferring territory, the Nazis in Gemmnv ["t!) need 10 SlOp giv- ments on Saudi A I-r-.lajd W, He told cause he is American, Eumpean, illthc 1930·s. ' ing ~elll lIlont!y - ou~ and the his audience to hate mwone "who Chinese, or Asian," and stipulatoo "A ft.".1' days ago, a 1It.'W foc arose. world's - and [we[must pm'enl w{)rships Christ, son of ~Iary" and that this hatred should be "llOSitil't! ~11en Hitler rose to pov.'er, it was them from establishing an anny added ~lat "whoever says 'I don 't hatred" that gUides and refonns. said that being in power would in ,Ulywaypossible," Netanyahu hate him [L a Christian}' is [Jot e. -M I RJ M '~I(h hllp:/Illv.'AA1l'1T1r1lY.orgl K oola moderate him, [md it was also said. -~!tJ1:1I;unllt'dltrus3kl1l.(lll: Americans Pessimistic About , liddle East Peace, ~Iore Sympathetic to Israel 19 j;llI•• _ 1006 I) Fm .. .!006 sympathies lie mort: Witll Exccrplt.'d from an 'l1le anllllal Gallup the Israelis or with the I",klress by H~n'" l,,,dcr 1'011 on W Affairs was orld Arabs of the P:ilcstiniml KhaIL'Ci Mash 'al: 'We conducted on a r:ulIiolll Authority. 11le numhcr.i commiHL'l:i tu ... '1 1le samplin~of 1,002 adults this y ear: 59% lire with resistance and adhere to its un F 6-9, some two eb. Israel. and only 15% with I~::~~:';~;;/" HaJna.~ is not the [Israel] III I( - for recognizing kind of ~:m~~dc~n~,:::~:~,~1 weeks after the H:unas thc PA. These figures terrorist organization repl"t:senl OIlt: of the most I . to pres.~llre., . We wi!! not ll:Cogni7.e it , I won power in the Palestinian Authority lnpsidecl margins in favor of thc IsraeliS erer time passcs.. , (PA). Some findings: Ignorance on the recorded byGall up. say to the Americ<UJ iddle E:L~t conflict does not w to Israci"s Europeans, and tile internatlonal It , M ork %en not culllpa~1 with each other, make all tht!SC demands, likt! stopping the '[ adv:mtagc. according to Gallup, Americans Israel received a "favorable" rating from liT stupping 'terrurism: as they call it - :tlld who say th!.'}' follow nl'l'S about world affairs 68% of Americans, :Ind the PA rt'Ccil'l>d the Idil;amll, .. I sal' to them: If vou ha'e a H ery closely" are morc likely to sympathize ' salTle from I 1 .% the factions' w eapons, 'wc are with the Israelis (66%) than Alllt!riC,U]S By a 2-1 margin, Americans now say unite the Palestinian wellpOIlS based on 1 I 1 who follow foreign n~ only somewhat there will never cOlne a time. when Israel understandings, and to (onn an army, like . closely (59%) orwho do not fnllnw it closely and the Arab nations willlivc in pcal."C, '[1le cownry, cl'en ~lOugh our COUIIII)' is not (52%) . 65% to 32%split ct)mpares with II roughly independent." .I Gallup also asked whether American SO-50 sp l illa.~t }'C:!r. -http:lr~ln:uioll;llIlI'"s.C<)(11 M3n:hJApril 1006 Jewish Voice Today 11
  • 12. IOOLE EAST HQ Fatah Party could care I<5S about. But Hamas E promises 1101 to pull il<; pk'llge to destroy Isra~1. A dditionally, it will go'cm by Ihe Kor.ln-Shana Ahhas was not hlatantly doing. A~ many have said in fl'Cen t years, "demo(;- rae' in the Middle East" will be tough 10 pull off, and this is the proof of the pudding when terror- isls arc allowed to nUl in "democratic elections." So by giving a nation that isn ', a nation-."Pal- estinc"-- the right to have a "dcrnocr;lt!C elec- lion," they have voted in the world's first official termrist gO'C nlllIcnt, all with U.s. assistance and aid over many yeilrs. Democracy does not uver- The futile efforts in Ihe Middle East to have come tyranny and terror in the M uslim ~liddlc Barnas ranks Israelis and Palestinians live in security side by side 1l:L~ jllst tx.>etl dealt what could he a fatal hlow. East. It solidifies it. New idea, in a region where filming beheadings is the rage are not going to with al-Qaida This may he good Ill'V$ and I'll expand. )- lamas be successful. won a vieton' O'e f Fatah, the patty of Mahmoud This is a poli tical eal1hquake and will de- in its love for Abb,LS, 011 Jaimary 25. 111is may drive a nail into stabilize the regiun. Hamas lIlay ha't.~ '011, but the coffin of the "Road Map to Peace" just as the those del uded with the hope of peace in that spe- Jew-killing and Oslo Accords hit <l dead end. The "I~o jd M ap's" cific region have lost. Humus ranks~vith :11~Qai~:1 FIRST requirement was to disaml groups like in its love for Jew-killing <lnd Amenca-hatlllg; III America-hating; llama'). ht~lcad . the Palestinian people revealed fact, they have aClIally killed thirty Americans much aooulthelilselvcs-Ihe}' elected them. The over the ve:1r.; and never been held accoun table. in fact, they have Palestinian people have chosen terror, not peace. 011 a more positive note, it could put thl' and Mahmoud A hhao; could not he tl1L~ted any formation of a Palestinian S(;lte nn hold. Any na- actually killed more than Hallla5. lion that agree<; to do bu~inl'~s with Hamas will As my friendJack Kinscllasays in his Omega thirty Americans Intelligence Briefing, "Washington h,L<; only it~lf fC'Cal its tmc color.;, On whal basis can anyonc in Israel or the u.s. still argue that the answcr to blame. The Bush A inistration's lIllWa'Cnng dm over the years and faith in democracy causc<i it to push for Palestin- to Hamas' success is to gil'e mvay more precious land and force more Jews out of their homes? ian elections, convinced, as it is, of the existellt"C never been held of a moderate majority mnong lslamics. It was Ll'1 us pra~' for P~idl'nt B mld Condo- lLo;h Icc7za Rice, thaI they will make wise choices in accountable. convinced that if tbe majority of Palestinians the dal's and week.o; ahead. The President is talk- ttlmed out t() vote, the}' would overwhelmingly ing tm'lgh ahout Har11<lS, lt~ is Rice, now that real - reject violencc and terror and embrace peace- ity has S in. While they were in 100%S link llpport ful co-existence with Israel. The election was of these elections, I suspect they ne'ef expected touted as the Palestinian's first real chance at a the results that occufll.'d. Again. 11 b:L~ic flaw in lin M:l.rkcll is popular peace." X11ilc somc Palestin ians c1:ari}' not understanding Islam is at the root. While it FQunder /D irec(Qr w.tnt to jllst raiSt! familit!s and ha'~ dl'cc.n~ Jobs, looks like the Administration will not deal with of O [iv( Tree lhe greater majority set:m to have Ilul~ des~re fo r Hama'i thcy ··undcrstand the reaction of the Pal- Ministries, Inc. living "side by side in peace and secuntyw lt~ is- estini:u'l peOplc for being sick uf the cormption of To learn nto.)re rael." But haVing said thm, the 'ote was hkely Arafat tlnd AbbiL~, ,. Rut if they th ink Hamas offers "bour her mini~[ry more a vote against the corruption of Abbas & As- or to reques t he r some fonn of non-cormpLion, they are in for a sociates tban it was for Ila.llla~. sad surprise. Further, Israel will nel'er sit down at free newsletter, In rt'Cenl year.;. Amcricah;L~scnt 1.7billion wri te TO Bo" 1452, a peace whle with 1 ·lamas-we hope. They have dollar.; to the Palestin ian Icadclship. They hal'C been duped before in the longing for peace and Maple Grove, MN 553 11 01' visirJ.1n's website, squandered it. spent it on lhemselves, or st,lsh:d security. Onl ~' one per.;on will offer il and pro- w here you it away in foreign banks. Hamas has a "SOCial duce it- lheAnti -christ . can also listen [0 her weeklr radio program" proViding medical aid and other pcr~~ * p rogram online. for the P;lleslinians, something Abh,L<; ;Inri hIS 12 jewish Voice Today March/April 2006
  • 13. mE ROLE OF ISRAEL IN LAST DAYS PROPHECY In lhis timely and in -depth IC'Jching series, Jonatha1' Bemis ansvcrs slich questions as: J) Why did ancient Jewish Rabbis believe in IwO Messiahs? I)'M1Yis satan trying 0 dcstroy the Jewish Pcople? (rWhal is God's hcan for the Church & Ihc)cwish People? *What does the Bible reference to the "fullness of the Gentiles" mC',m? Yoursfor a gift of S25.00 or more: Orller #7167A ...(AlIIlifJ TfI/X"~) Order #7167C... (CIJ) -S1flffl. "6 .1.wJ l lum.r.."GARf. l sClWfJJ ~~ (Q)l!! ..'" ..." for the Promised LatllU Should Christians Support Israel? Book By David Dolan David the growing conflict in A DVD by Randall Price Ibe the anti·lsrael frenzy. the Randall Price tackles ti,e con· Ihenew troverslal issue of wbether Ibe Israel continlles to !Jove a /11- Israeli be. lie does ture in the pllrpose ofGod and Ibis all and tlJbether Chri.dian support Biblical placing all of Israel is supported by the 'he events in of Biblical New Testament Scriptures. prophecy. Order #6018 ..... $15.00· Order #!JOli 5. ....1 ~;.OO Call Toll and celebrate in your home or congregatio n! This I-bggadah will he lp you navigate! It: ro U 9~ h:~~ h~r.:;~~~ the Passover Seder from the bless- ... ings with l-bbrew tran s literation, to the res pon sive readi ngs and spiri- tual in sights. Co lor iJillstr..Hions & colorful comlllentary will make this a treas ured bookle t you will use ove r and over aga in , Order #9402 .....$5.00 IJ
  • 14. ISLAM WILL RULE THE WORLD• '·Iama" remains undeterred in " WesaJl lotbis If/est ... IJpAllab, its quest to uitillllllcly see Israd )'ou lf'iII be defeated. }(:u / will be ' annihilated, and says one day defeated in Palestine, alld )'our Soon the tables will tum and the defeal tbere btlS afreatljl begun. so will whoever supported ;'Christian" West will be dependent all the good graces of its Muslim True, il Is I~.,.ael Ibal is being defeated tbert!, bill wbell Israel is de.foalell, its plItb is defcated, or supports it. Tomorrow, our overlords. For the time being, the United tbose 1l,llO (;all to slIj)porl U lire defeated. fllld tbe cowards 1I1 States and Europe can 1,1I,c their bo nation will sit on the throne of much needed financial aid and drop dead. bide hebilld il alld suppor' ;J are defeated. /srtlelu'ill be defeater/, Washington, and to a lesser twd so willwboever slipported or the world. This is not afigment degree W cslCrn Europe, ha'c been threatening to CUI off the flo w of sfljJjJort,· il . .. money to 11 'lamas-led Palestin- "Tomorrow, 0 111' /lation will 01 the imagination, but a ian ,ulhority unless the group reJlOUllces its violent intentions, sit 011 tim tbrone of the world. 1bis is 1/01 lIjigmt!1l1 qftbe imag- recognizes the Jewish State and inatioll, bill (/filcL. ·' works fol' a negolimed peace sct- tlement. Mashal went on to point OUI Meeti ng with PLO chjd Mah- the obvious reason why the West moud Abbas in Gaza Saturday, continues inching itself closer '- lamas' top parliamentary candi- to defeal by pandering to whal it date, Ismail lIaniyah, reiterated believcs arC the "moderate" Mus- that his group will never accept lim masses: Jewish so'creigIllY over even one "Thev do nOi understand the inch of this land. Arab or' Musli m mentlliity, which G ala-based HaJ1l:L'i leader rejects the foreigner." Mahmoud al -Z:lhar followed up by This tnltll wa...;; exposed last lelling The Washinglon I> in his osl month with 1 ·lamas' landslide d cc- usual fOl1hright manner: toral victory. despite a sscI1ions bv the Bush Administration that '}srael is all illegal ellli~)I, Ihe I}alestinian-Arab public would alld 110 amQuIII uf pressure call ncver vOle in blood-soaked terror- force us 10 recognize Us rigbt 10 ists. e.tisl... tbe western coulllries C(l1I take tbelr aid and go /0 bell.., 1 ·lalllas' determination to not "".jJlI.''l>1Iire.cum ,........,. compromise on Israel's destruc- tion stems from its Islam-based belief that wiping 0 111 the Jewish State is just the fi rst slep towards world domjnation, as revealed by ovcmll Hamas chi ef Khaled Mashal during an address at a D:Ul1llSCUS mosque on February 3: 14 Jewish Voice Today March/April 2006