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F   .   F   .   F          F   , 2545.
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๑๐. ฉันทลักษณ์และคำประพันธ์ประเภทกาพย์[1]
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๑๐. ฉันทลักษณ์และคำประพันธ์ประเภทกาพย์[1]๑๐. ฉันทลักษณ์และคำประพันธ์ประเภทกาพย์[1]
๑๐. ฉันทลักษณ์และคำประพันธ์ประเภทกาพย์[1]
๒. วิเคราะห์โคลง[1]
๒. วิเคราะห์โคลง[1]๒. วิเคราะห์โคลง[1]
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  • 4. -2- ʿ F F ʿ 3 F F F F F F F F ʾ 5 F F ˈ FF F F F F F F F F F F ˈ F F F F ˆ F FFF F F F F F F F F ʿ 3 ʿ F F F 1. F F F F F F SQ3R F F F 2. F F 3. F F F F F F 70
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  • 6. -4- SQ3R 5 1.Survey( ) 2.Question ( ) 3.Read( F ) 4.Recite( ) 5. Review ( ) ˈ F F ˈ SQ3R ˆ FF F R3 ˈ SQ3R ˈ ˈ F ... F FF F F F ˆ ˆ F F 1 F F F F 5 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
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  • 15. -13- 1 2 Question (Q) F F F F 1. 2. 3. 4. F 1. ............................................................................................................................................................. 2. ............................................................................................................................................................. 3. ............................................................................................................................................................. 4. ............................................................................................................................................................. 5. ............................................................................................................................................................. 6. ............................................................................................................................................................. 7. ............................................................................................................................................................. 8. .............................................................................................................................................................
  • 16. -14- 1 3 Read ( R1 ) F F F F F F F F 1. ............................................................................................................................................................. 2. ............................................................................................................................................................. 3. ............................................................................................................................................................. 4. ............................................................................................................................................................. 5. ............................................................................................................................................................. 6. ............................................................................................................................................................. 7. ............................................................................................................................................................. 8. .............................................................................................................................................................
  • 17. -15- 1 4 Recite ( R2 ) F F F F ʿ 4
  • 18. -16- 1 5 Review ( R3 ) F F F F F F
  • 19. -17- ʿ 3 F F F F F F F F F 1. F F F F F FF F . F F . F . FFF F F . F F ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. F F F F F F ˈ F . . F F . F F ˈ . F F F F ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. F F F . F . F . . F ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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  • 22. -19- ʿ 3 F F F F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  • 23. -20- F F . F . F F , 2545.