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                                                                                                               ONCE IN A LIFETIME

                                                                                                              What?                        April right up until the    injuring anyone. The
                                                                                                              Wing walking is the          end of September.           sensation of soaring,
                                                                       TO DO                                  original aerial extreme                                  banking and diving
                                                                       BEFORE                                 sport. Banned in 1933        Where?                      through the air with
     Bored of club class? Give the frequent flier card a rest, strap   YOU DIE
                                                                                                              after heavy fatalities,
                                                                                                              it’s back, but thankfully
                                                                                                                                           RFC Rendcomb, Gloucs.
                                                                                                                                           The former First World
                                                                                                                                                                       nothing around you
                                                                                                                                                                       but huge blue skies
     yourself onto a biplane and follow Jonathan Thompson on the        WING WALKING
                                                                                                              significantly safer.          War airfield is home to
                                                                                                                                           Team Guinot, Europe’s
                                                                                                                                                                       is the ultimate white-
                                                                                                                                                                       knuckle ride.
     ride of his life. Welcome to the mad world of wing walking                                               When?                        only formation wing
                                                                                                              Tactfully avoiding most      walking team.               How?
                                                                                                              football clashes, bird                                   To arrange a session
                                                                                                              migration and the least      Why?                        and a chance to land
                                                                                                              clement weather, the         It’s the closest man        a place on the team,
                                                                                                              season runs from early       can get to flight without    visit

                                                                                                                                                                         he wings of the
                                                                                                                                                                         biplane jerk manically
                                                                                                                                                                         beneath me and
                                                                                                                                                           I steal a quick glance at the
                                                                                                                                                           patchwork quilt of fields and
                                                                                                                                                           country roads 1000ft (305m)
                                                                                                                                                           beneath my battered trainers.
                                                                                                                                                           The wings wiggle again: it’s the
                                                                                                                                                           pilot’s signal that he wants to
                                                                                                                                                           know if I’ve got the balls to do
                                                                                                                                                           this. He’s not the only one.
                                                                                                                                                              The nose dips, the engine’s
                                                                                                                                                           shriek becomes more urgent and
                                                                                                                                                           before my hands make it back to
                                                                                                                                                           my sides, we’re diving at 150mph.
                                                                                                                                                           The intense cold of the wind feels
                                                                                                                                                           like it’s pulverising the exposed
                                                                                                                                                           skin around my goggles, but no
                                                                                                                                                           sensation overrides the urgent
                                                                                                                                                           message from my eyes as the
                                                                                                                                                           Gloucestershire countryside
                                                                                                                                                           rushes closer. A split second
                                                                                                                                                           before that instinctive arms-
                                                                                                                                                           across-face moment, the pilot
                                                                                                                                                           pulls back and the full force of
                                                                                                                                                           four Gs – the equivalent of four
                                                                                                                                                           times my bodyweight – slams
                                                                                                                                                           into my chest as we go into a
                                                                                                                                 Jonathan does his         steep vertical climb. It feels like
                                                                                                                                best Dick Dastardly
                                                                                                                                                           someone’s trying to rip the skin
                                                                                                                                                           up over my skull as if it were ᮣ

00   MEN’S HEALTH AUGUST 2007                                                                                                           AUGUST 2007 MEN’S HEALTH    00

     ᮤ  a mask in Ethan Hunt’s field                                                                                                                                                                               there, it feels like somebody’s
                                                                                                                                                                                     Suit Windproof,
     kit. A brief moment later the                                                                                              THE GEAR                       Goggles
                                                                                                                                                               Essential to          lightweight Lycra one-        trying to push your eyeballs
     pressure eases, the plane inverts                                                                                                                                               piece, close-fitting for      into the back of your head.”
     and I’m at the top of the loop.
                                                                                                                                Tools of the air-trade         combat wind
                                                                                                                                                                                     minimum in-flight             I’m thinking I should have flown
                                                                                                                                                               pressure and
                                                                                                                                                               allow in-flight       flapping.
     Forcing my eyes to stay open,                                                                                                                                                                                 Business class.
     I see the whole world tipping                                                                                                                                                                                     The pilot elegantly twists and
     upside down, the horizon                                                                                                                                                                                      banks while I survey the scene
     spinning until blue sky becomes                                                                                                                                                                               below, my fixed grin only partially
     green fields, then blue sky once                                                                                                                                                                              due to the force of the wind. It’s
     more. If there was any breath left                                                                                                                                                                            a phenomenal feeling up there
     in my lungs, it would have been                                                                                                                                                                               on the edge of the wing. On
     well and truly taken away.                                                                                                                                                                                    this chilly Gloucestershire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   morning it also feels a little like
     AIR TO THE BONE                                                                                                                                                                   Rig The swivelling          being simultaneously plunged
     It seems a lifetime ago now, but                                                                                                                                                  rig is a half-seat          into a barrel of ice and shot out
     rewind a few short hours and I’m                                                                                                                                                  attached to a vertical      of a circus cannon. But, what
                                                                                                                                    Aircraft The Boeing Stearman                       column. Wingwalkers
     leaving London by rather more                                                                                                  was originally used for training                   are locked in via a         a ride. This is the granddaddy
     prosaic transport. Safely                                                                                                      pilots during the Second World                     five-point military         of aerial sports and through its
                                                                                                                                    War, then for crop-spraying                        harness, but can
     attached to the ground via my                                                                                                                                                                                 sensation of swooping up as
                                                                                                                                    before a final career change.                      move arms and legs.
     four wheels, the realisation of                                                                                                                                                                               much as down, combined with
     what lies ahead is a long way                                                                                                                                                                                 your position on the very edge
     from sinking in. That bile-inducing                                                                                                                                                                           of the wing and the ability to
     moment only arrives a few                                                                                                                                                                      “Look Mum,     manoeuvre arms and legs, it
                                                                                                                                                                                                     no hands!”
     seconds after I’ve been strapped                                                                                                                                                                              gets closer than any other to
     tightly, firing squad-style, to                                                                                                                                                                               a true feeling of flight.
     a vertical pole on the upper wing
     of the Boeing Stearman by Sarah                                                                                                                                                                               IN-FLIGHT
     Tanner, a 25-year-old pro-wing                                                                                                                                                                                ENTERTAINMENT
     walker who looks a damn sight                                                                                                                                                                                 I can’t resist pulling a Superman
     better in Lycra than I ever could.                                                                                                                                                                            pose, then I run through a few
        Secure in the rig, I’m given                                                                                                                                                                               of the simple wingwalking
     a bizarre winged leather helmet,                                                                                                                                                                              manoeuvres Tanner taught me
     which looks half Asterix, half                                                                                                                                                                                back on terra firma. I can’t
     Ann Summers. Next come the                                                                                                                                                                                    imagine I muster an ounce of
     goggles, which I’m told are                                                                                                                                                                                   her gymnastic grace and every
     particularly important when                                                                                                                                                                                   movement of every limb feels
     travelling outside planes at                                                                                                                                                                                  like pushing through a deep
     160mph. “Keep these on tight,”                                                                                                                                                                                snowdrift. But this pales in
     says Tanner, strangely unmoved        “And you’re                                                                                                                                                             comparison to what comes next.
                                           sure this will get
     by my daredevil-fetishist attire.     us airborne?”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The loop is simultaneously the
     “Otherwise, when you’re up                                                                                                                                                                                    most invigorating, life-affirming ᮣ

         FLYING CIRCUS                                          LOOP-THE-LOOP                                                                   AILERON ROLL                                                      THE MIRROR
         (PART ONE)                                             The incontinence-inducing staple
                                                                starts at 1000ft
                                                                                                                                                This is a roll around the plane’s
                                                                                                                                                longitudinal axis, (a loop-the-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Regarded as one of the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  daring of wing walking stunts
         Aerial acrobatics from                                 1 The pilot points the nose down                                                loop goes round the plane’s                                       and only performed in perfect
         pilot and plane                                        and dives, picking up speed to carry                                            lateral axis)                                                     weather conditions
                                                                through the loop.                                                               1 Again, the pilot dives to gain                                  1 Two aircraft fly in formation,
                                                                2 When he hits the required                                                     speed, then he pitches the nose                                   one slightly ahead and to the left.
                                                                airspeed, the pilot eases the stick                                             up to around 40 degrees above                                     2 Both dive and on the pull up,
                                                                back, pulling the plane up into                                                 the horizon.                                                      the lead plane performs a left
                                                                a steep climb.                                                                  2 He shifts his stick extreme left                                half-aileron roll, inverting itself.
                                                                3 As the plane flies over the top,                                              or right and the plane rolls 360                                  3 The lead plane keeps flying
                                                                inverted, he drops the nose, picks                                              degrees in that direction before                                  straight and upside down. Then
                                                                up speed down the back of the loop,                                             he re-centres the stick and                                       the lower plane comes in beneath,
                                                                then pulls into a climb to finish it.                                           levels out.                                                       so the wingwalkers touch hands.

00   MEN’S HEALTH AUGUST 2007                                                                                                                                           AUGUST 2007 MEN’S HEALTH    00

     ᮤ and gut-wrenchingly terrifying
     experience I’ve ever had. As the
     blue sky spins back into focus
     and the plane rights itself once
     more, I find myself punching
     the onrushing air in exultation,                                                FLYING CIRCUS
     shouting my victory into the wind.                                              (PART TWO)
        Then wings wiggle again – the
                                                                                     In-flight manoeuvres for
     most efficient way for pilot to
                                                                                     would-be wingwalkers
     communicate with wingwalker
     over the bellow of the engine
     and howl of the wind – and we
                                                                                     SPLIT HANDSTAND
                                                                                     1 Hold you arms aloft in an “L”.
     begin our descent. We come in                                                   This is the signal to other team
     fast, hitting the ground at the far                                             members that you’re about to
     end of the field and bouncing                                                   begin a manoeuvre.
     a couple of times before we are,                                                2 Spin your body 180 degrees
     once again, back in gravity’s                                                   in the rig.
     embrace. As the engine dies,                                                    3 Push your right leg forward so
                                                                                     it’s at right angles to the rest of
     my personal fuel lines are still
                                                                                     your body, then spread your
     pumping. My feet are on the                                                     arms to mirror the wings and
     ground but my head is still                                                     complete the effect (above).
     somewhere over Gloucestershire.

     Not even the discovery that my
     face is caked in frozen spittle
     and the stitches from a fresh
     wisdom tooth removal have been                                                  HORIZONTAL WAVE
     torn out is enough to dampen my                                                 1 Start with your arms in an “L”,
     enthusiasm. “Nothing beats it,        The new flat                               left leg bent and arm up.
     right?” says team member Lucy         beds received                             2 Swivel 90 degrees to the
                                           mixed reviews                             right, keeping your left leg bent
     Foster as she helps me down
     from the rig. “I’ve tried a lot of                                              with your left foot resting on
                                                                                     your right knee. Your left knee
     extreme sports, but nothing I’ve
     done comes anywhere near this
                                           MY FEET ARE ON                            should point straight up, so

     – it’s the best feeling in the        THE GROUND BUT                            you form a horizontal “P”.
                                                                                     3 Wave with your left arm at the
     world.” Sadly for me, although
     I squeezed under the accepted
                                           MY HEAD IS STILL                          gaping mouths beneath, while
                                                                                     clinging desperately to the
     height and weight limits to ride      SOMEWHERE                                 wire with your right.
     on the wing (6ft and 13st             OVER A FIELD
     respectively), I’m too big to                                                   THE STAR
     become a professional. Team                                                     1 Get into position by
     manager Vic Norman explains                                                     swivelling the rig to line
     that the ideal build would be akin                                              up with the
                                                                                     supporting wire. Your
     to that of a jockey – small and
                                                              Jonathan makes         left leg should be
                                                                                                                            PHOTOGRAPHY MARK CHILVERS. ILLUSTRATIONS

     agile with as little wind
                                                                                                                            TOM FROST AT ARTMARKETILLUSTRATION.COM

                                                              Biggles look           leaning
     resistance as possible.                                  positively sedentary   straight
         So it’s back to the day job.                                                along the wire, with your right
     But I’m not too disheartened.                                                   bent on top of it.
     I might not be joining Tanner and                                               2 Grab the sole of your right foot
     Foster in their skin-tight red jump                                             with your right hand.
                                                                                     3 Stretch into position with your
     suits, which is probably a good
                                                                                     right leg straight up, left arm
     thing for all concerned, but for                                                straight out and heart firmly in
     one day I have been a bona                                                      mouth as you swoop low over
     fide barnstormer – and it was                                                   the crowd.
     the ultimate high. I MH

00   MEN’S HEALTH AUGUST 2007                                                              

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Men's Health wingwalking

  • 1. COREADVENTURE A WING AND A PRAYER ONCE IN A LIFETIME #20 What? April right up until the injuring anyone. The Wing walking is the end of September. sensation of soaring, TO DO original aerial extreme banking and diving BEFORE sport. Banned in 1933 Where? through the air with Bored of club class? Give the frequent flier card a rest, strap YOU DIE after heavy fatalities, it’s back, but thankfully RFC Rendcomb, Gloucs. The former First World nothing around you but huge blue skies yourself onto a biplane and follow Jonathan Thompson on the WING WALKING significantly safer. War airfield is home to Team Guinot, Europe’s is the ultimate white- knuckle ride. ride of his life. Welcome to the mad world of wing walking When? only formation wing Tactfully avoiding most walking team. How? football clashes, bird To arrange a session migration and the least Why? and a chance to land clement weather, the It’s the closest man a place on the team, season runs from early can get to flight without visit T he wings of the biplane jerk manically beneath me and I steal a quick glance at the patchwork quilt of fields and country roads 1000ft (305m) beneath my battered trainers. The wings wiggle again: it’s the pilot’s signal that he wants to know if I’ve got the balls to do this. He’s not the only one. The nose dips, the engine’s shriek becomes more urgent and before my hands make it back to my sides, we’re diving at 150mph. The intense cold of the wind feels like it’s pulverising the exposed skin around my goggles, but no sensation overrides the urgent message from my eyes as the Gloucestershire countryside rushes closer. A split second before that instinctive arms- across-face moment, the pilot pulls back and the full force of four Gs – the equivalent of four times my bodyweight – slams into my chest as we go into a Jonathan does his steep vertical climb. It feels like best Dick Dastardly impression someone’s trying to rip the skin up over my skull as if it were ᮣ 00 MEN’S HEALTH AUGUST 2007 AUGUST 2007 MEN’S HEALTH 00
  • 2. COREADVENTURE ᮤ a mask in Ethan Hunt’s field there, it feels like somebody’s Suit Windproof, kit. A brief moment later the THE GEAR Goggles Essential to lightweight Lycra one- trying to push your eyeballs pressure eases, the plane inverts piece, close-fitting for into the back of your head.” and I’m at the top of the loop. Tools of the air-trade combat wind minimum in-flight I’m thinking I should have flown pressure and allow in-flight flapping. Forcing my eyes to stay open, Business class. vision. I see the whole world tipping The pilot elegantly twists and upside down, the horizon banks while I survey the scene spinning until blue sky becomes below, my fixed grin only partially green fields, then blue sky once due to the force of the wind. It’s more. If there was any breath left a phenomenal feeling up there in my lungs, it would have been on the edge of the wing. On well and truly taken away. this chilly Gloucestershire morning it also feels a little like AIR TO THE BONE Rig The swivelling being simultaneously plunged It seems a lifetime ago now, but rig is a half-seat into a barrel of ice and shot out rewind a few short hours and I’m attached to a vertical of a circus cannon. But, what Aircraft The Boeing Stearman column. Wingwalkers leaving London by rather more was originally used for training are locked in via a a ride. This is the granddaddy prosaic transport. Safely pilots during the Second World five-point military of aerial sports and through its War, then for crop-spraying harness, but can attached to the ground via my sensation of swooping up as before a final career change. move arms and legs. four wheels, the realisation of much as down, combined with what lies ahead is a long way your position on the very edge from sinking in. That bile-inducing of the wing and the ability to moment only arrives a few “Look Mum, manoeuvre arms and legs, it no hands!” seconds after I’ve been strapped gets closer than any other to tightly, firing squad-style, to a true feeling of flight. a vertical pole on the upper wing of the Boeing Stearman by Sarah IN-FLIGHT Tanner, a 25-year-old pro-wing ENTERTAINMENT walker who looks a damn sight I can’t resist pulling a Superman better in Lycra than I ever could. pose, then I run through a few Secure in the rig, I’m given of the simple wingwalking a bizarre winged leather helmet, manoeuvres Tanner taught me which looks half Asterix, half back on terra firma. I can’t Ann Summers. Next come the imagine I muster an ounce of goggles, which I’m told are her gymnastic grace and every particularly important when movement of every limb feels travelling outside planes at like pushing through a deep 160mph. “Keep these on tight,” snowdrift. But this pales in says Tanner, strangely unmoved “And you’re comparison to what comes next. sure this will get by my daredevil-fetishist attire. us airborne?” The loop is simultaneously the “Otherwise, when you’re up most invigorating, life-affirming ᮣ FLYING CIRCUS LOOP-THE-LOOP AILERON ROLL THE MIRROR (PART ONE) The incontinence-inducing staple starts at 1000ft This is a roll around the plane’s longitudinal axis, (a loop-the- Regarded as one of the most daring of wing walking stunts Aerial acrobatics from 1 The pilot points the nose down loop goes round the plane’s and only performed in perfect pilot and plane and dives, picking up speed to carry lateral axis) weather conditions through the loop. 1 Again, the pilot dives to gain 1 Two aircraft fly in formation, 2 When he hits the required speed, then he pitches the nose one slightly ahead and to the left. airspeed, the pilot eases the stick up to around 40 degrees above 2 Both dive and on the pull up, back, pulling the plane up into the horizon. the lead plane performs a left a steep climb. 2 He shifts his stick extreme left half-aileron roll, inverting itself. 3 As the plane flies over the top, or right and the plane rolls 360 3 The lead plane keeps flying inverted, he drops the nose, picks degrees in that direction before straight and upside down. Then up speed down the back of the loop, he re-centres the stick and the lower plane comes in beneath, then pulls into a climb to finish it. levels out. so the wingwalkers touch hands. 00 MEN’S HEALTH AUGUST 2007 AUGUST 2007 MEN’S HEALTH 00
  • 3. COREADVENTURE ᮤ and gut-wrenchingly terrifying experience I’ve ever had. As the blue sky spins back into focus and the plane rights itself once more, I find myself punching the onrushing air in exultation, FLYING CIRCUS shouting my victory into the wind. (PART TWO) Then wings wiggle again – the In-flight manoeuvres for most efficient way for pilot to would-be wingwalkers communicate with wingwalker over the bellow of the engine and howl of the wind – and we SPLIT HANDSTAND 1 Hold you arms aloft in an “L”. begin our descent. We come in This is the signal to other team fast, hitting the ground at the far members that you’re about to end of the field and bouncing begin a manoeuvre. a couple of times before we are, 2 Spin your body 180 degrees once again, back in gravity’s in the rig. embrace. As the engine dies, 3 Push your right leg forward so it’s at right angles to the rest of my personal fuel lines are still your body, then spread your pumping. My feet are on the arms to mirror the wings and ground but my head is still complete the effect (above). somewhere over Gloucestershire. ICARUS FALLS BACK TO EARTH Not even the discovery that my face is caked in frozen spittle and the stitches from a fresh wisdom tooth removal have been HORIZONTAL WAVE torn out is enough to dampen my 1 Start with your arms in an “L”, enthusiasm. “Nothing beats it, The new flat left leg bent and arm up. right?” says team member Lucy beds received 2 Swivel 90 degrees to the mixed reviews right, keeping your left leg bent Foster as she helps me down from the rig. “I’ve tried a lot of with your left foot resting on your right knee. Your left knee extreme sports, but nothing I’ve done comes anywhere near this MY FEET ARE ON should point straight up, so – it’s the best feeling in the THE GROUND BUT you form a horizontal “P”. 3 Wave with your left arm at the world.” Sadly for me, although I squeezed under the accepted MY HEAD IS STILL gaping mouths beneath, while clinging desperately to the height and weight limits to ride SOMEWHERE wire with your right. on the wing (6ft and 13st OVER A FIELD respectively), I’m too big to THE STAR become a professional. Team 1 Get into position by manager Vic Norman explains swivelling the rig to line that the ideal build would be akin up with the supporting wire. Your to that of a jockey – small and Jonathan makes left leg should be PHOTOGRAPHY MARK CHILVERS. ILLUSTRATIONS agile with as little wind TOM FROST AT ARTMARKETILLUSTRATION.COM Biggles look leaning resistance as possible. positively sedentary straight So it’s back to the day job. along the wire, with your right But I’m not too disheartened. bent on top of it. I might not be joining Tanner and 2 Grab the sole of your right foot Foster in their skin-tight red jump with your right hand. 3 Stretch into position with your suits, which is probably a good right leg straight up, left arm thing for all concerned, but for straight out and heart firmly in one day I have been a bona mouth as you swoop low over fide barnstormer – and it was the crowd. the ultimate high. I MH 00 MEN’S HEALTH AUGUST 2007