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MGT-325: Developing an Organizational Change
Communications Plan
<Name>Part 1 Directions:
Fill out the company's name below and then, using the updated
question prompts starting in page 2 of this template, address
each of the following 11 sections. Notice how these various
sections relate to your three-part plan: summary, findings, and
recommendations, as well as the connection to the ADKAR
model you first learned about in Topic 2. In total, your
responses will range between 750-1,000 words (i.e.,
approximately 70-90 words each).
Company Name:
Summary should address: Think "Awareness" and "Desire" in
creating the summary.
· Key Stakeholders
· Key Activities
· Communications Team
· Communication Goals
Findings should address: Think "Knowledge" and "Ability"
when collecting and summarizing observations and findings.
· Key Messages and Stories
· Target Personas
· Communication Channels and Techniques
· Communications Budget
Recommendations should address: Think "Reinforcement" when
identifying next steps and success measurements.
· Tracking/Measuring Results
· Two Proactive Steps or Sacrifices
· Identify the Techniques, Channels, and Technologies for Both
Internal and External Communication
Communications Plan
Adapted from Business Model Canvas, Strategyzer, and the
Business Model Generation
Who will help you?
Of the three stakeholders identified in your Topic 3 research,
identify the most impacted stakeholder and the
importance/impact of change to this stakeholder. Describe ideal
forms of communication for this stakeholder communication
and reports that can be utilized. Describe establishment of
feedback mechanisms for this stakeholder.
How do you do it?
Describe impending change, necessity of change, and sacrifices
necessary. Indicate reports/metrics supporting impending
Who do you need?
Identify role management will play during the change process,
means to achieve collaboration, how servant leadership can be
utilized by management, and the role of technology in
What do you need to accomplish?
Identify current vision, mission, values statement, manifestos,
promises (etc.) for the organization, and what revisions should
be made to these to align with the change?
How do you describe your recipients?
Describe in detail the organization's primary personas of
interest. Are there groups currently being served that are not a
fit for the organization or groups not being served that should
be considered?
How do you reach them?
Summarize what communication channels are currently being
used to reach the target personas. Provide examples of
communication techniques applied. Identify untapped avenues
that may be worth consideration as well as challenges related to
technologically mediated communications whenconveying
important information.
What will you communicate?
Provide examples of key messages or relevant stories that
currently exist and identify messaging issues or gaps.
What will it cost?
In addition to budget considerations, identify and explain
significant obstacles that could be encountered by each of the
following: management, employees, change agents, and two
other significant stakeholders. Include essential resources the
organization needs to sustain the required changes.
How will you know the message was successfully deployed and
What outcomes can be expected upon completion of the change;
how will outcome progress be measured? What metrics will be
utilized to measure change process.
What Needs to Change?
Identify two proactive steps or sacrifices that the organization
might need to make to accomplish the goals/objectives of this
organization or avert potential change-related problems.
What Needs to Be Leveraged?
Identify the techniques, channels, and technologies for both
internal and external communication to be leveraged to
effectively communicate with the most-impacted stakeholder
identified at the onset of change, during the change, and after
the change is complete. What differentiations exist between the
approach for internal versus external communications?
Part 2 Directions:
Review the three-step writing process model detailed in Figure
4.1 (below) from the Business Communications Today textbook.
In the spaces provided on the following pages, complete each of
the steps in the three-step writing process to ultimately create a
brief statement for external stakeholders on the change to take
place and the desired end state. Step 1: Plan
Using bulleted phrases, identify the key elements to be
addressed. Remember that you will likely include information in
this section that does not make it into your draft section in Part
· <Point 1>
· <Point 2>
· <Etc.>
Step 2: Write
Create the first rough draft of the statement. Remember that you
are demonstrating a process, so do not worry about editing this
Step 3: Complete
In 150-200 words, finalize the statement, indicating in the
provided space who in the organization would have reviewed
the rough draft and who in the organization will need to approve
the final language.
State who would have reviewed the rough draft:
State who will need to approve the final language:
© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Subjective Documentation in Provider Notes
Subjective narrative documentation in Provider Notes is
detailed and organized and includes:
Chief Complaint (CC), HPI, Current Medications, Allergies,
Past Medical History, Family History, Social History and
Review of Systems (ROS)
ROS: covers all body systems that may help you formulate a list
of differential diagnoses. You should list each system as
General: Head: EENT: etc.
You should list these in bullet format and document the systems
in order from head to toe.—
Objective Documentation in Provider Notes - this is to be
completed in Shadow Health
Physical exam: Document in a systematic order starting from
head-to-toe, include what you see, hear, and feel when doing
your physical exam using medical terminology/jargon.
Document all normal and abnormal exam findings. Do not use
"WNL" or "normal".
You only need to examine the systems that are pertinent to the
CC, HPI, and History.
Diagnostic result - Include any pertinent labs, x-rays, or
diagnostic test that would be appropriate to support the
differential diagnoses mentioned
Differential Diagnoses (list a minimum of 3 differential
diagnoses). Your primary or presumptive diagnosis should be at
the top of the list (#1).--
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Documentation / Electronic Health Record
Document: Provider Notes
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Mr. Foster is a pleasant 58 years old caucasian man who
to the clinic with chief complaints of intermittent chest pain
that has
been going on for the past month. There is no evidence of acute
distress at this time and he currently denies chest pain. He
that his chest pain occured at least three times this month. He
"I feel it mostly in the middle of my chest. over my heart." He
that pain severity at its worst is 5/10, non-radiating, and usually
after a couple of minutes. He describes the pain as "mostly feels
tight and uncomfortable right in the middle of the chest." He
states "the pain seems to start when I'm doing something
and subsides a little bit with rest." He denies taking any
to relieve his chest pain. He reports history of hypertension and
hyperlipidemia and takes Atorvastatin 20mg daily and fish oil
cholesterol and metoprolol 100mg daily for his hypertension.
reports that he has not been checking his blood pressure at home
and only gets it checked during clinic visits. He states that his
physical was about three months ago. Reports ocassional
consumption. Denies smoking and substance abuse. He denies
shortness of breath, fever or chills and any abdominal
dsicomfort. He
denies history of blood clot and bleeding. He states that his
died of heart attack.
Pt. reports: "I have been having some troubling chest pain in my
chest now and then for the past month." Experiencing periodic
pain with exertion such as yard work, as well as with
Points to midsternum as location. Describes pain as "tight and
uncomfortable" upon movement or exertion. Mentioned an
upon going up the stairs to bed. Most recent episode was three
ago after eating a large restaurant dinner. Denies radiation. Pain
for "a few" minutes and goes away when he rests. States "It has
never gotten 'really bad'" so he didn't think it was an
emergency, but
is concerned after three episodes in one month and wants his
checked out. Last physical was 1 year ago but says he hadn't
checked out for several years prior. His regular diet includes
meat, some sandwiches, and vegetables. Reports grilling
between 4-
5 times a week, usually red meat. Has fast food for lunch on
days. 1-2 cups of coffee a day. Denies coughing, shortness of
breath, indigestion, heartburn, jaw pain, fatigue, dizziness,
weakness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Denies chest pain at
of interview. No history of anxiety or depression.
• General Survey: Alert and oriented, with clear speech. Sitting
comfortably in no acute distress.
• Cardiac: S1, S2, without murmurs or rubs. S3 noted at mitral
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Subjective Data Collection
Objective Data Collection
Education & Empathy
Document: Vitals Document: Provider Notes
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3/25/20, 8:31 PMFocused Exam: Chest Pain | Completed |
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General Survey: 58 years old male patient is alert and oriented,
clear speech and no acute distress. V/s BP 146/90, HR 104,
respiration 19, SpO2 98% on room air and temperatire 36.7C.
expression symmetrical.
Cardiac: S1 S2 wit S3 noted at mitral area, without murmurs.
jugular vein distention.
Peripheral Vascular: Capillary refill less than 3 seconds in all
extremities. Right carotid pulse with thrill, 3+ and left carotid
without thrill, 2+. PMI displaced laterally, brisk and tapping,
less than
3 cm. R/L brachial pulses no thrill, 2+. R/L radial pulses no
thrill, 2+.
R/L femoral pulses no thrill, 2+. R/L popliteal pulses no thrill
1+. R/L
tibial pulses no thrill 1+. R/L dorsalis pedis pulses no thrill 1+.
extremities are dry and warm to touch. No edema, varicosities
stasis noted.
Respiratory: Breathing is quiet and unlabored. Chest expansion
symmetrical. Breath sounds are clear to ausculation in upper
Fine crackles on pesterior bases of both lungs.
Gastrointestinal: Round, soft, nontender with normoactive
sounds in all four quadrants, no abnormal bruits. No tenderness
palpation. Tympanic throughout. Liver is 7cm in the
Neuro: Alert and oriented, follows commands
EKG: NSR with no ST changes
No swelling or fluid retention present.
• Peripheral Vascular: No JVD present. JVP 3 cm above sternal
angle. Left carotid no bruit. Right side carotid bruit. Right
pulse with thrill, 3+. Brachial, radial, femoral pulses without
thrill, 2+.
Popliteal, tibial, and dorsalis pedis pulses without thrill, 1+.
Cap refill
less than 3 seconds in all 4 extremities.
• Respiratory: Breathing is quiet and unlabored. Breath sounds
clear to auscultation in upper lobes and RML. Fine crackles in
posterior bases of L/R lungs.
• Gastrointestinal: Round, soft, non-tender with normoactive
sounds in all quadrants; no abdominal bruits. No tenderness to
or deep palpation. Tympanic throughout. Liver is 7 cm at the
and 1 cm below the right costal margin. Spleen and bilateral
are not palpable.
• Neuro: Alert and oriented x 3, follows commands, moves all
extremities. Gross cranial nerves 2-12 bilaterally and grossly
• Skin: Warm, dry, pink, and intact. No tenting and no sweating.
• Musculoskeletal: Moves all extremities.
• Psych: Normal affect, cooperative, good eye contact.
• EKG (interpretation): Regular sinus rhythm. No ST changes.
• Gastrointestinal: Round, soft, non-tender with normoactive
sounds in 4 quadrants; no abdominal bruits. No tenderness to
or deep palpation. Tympanic throughout. Liver is 7 cm at the
and 1 cm below the right costal margin. Spleen and bilateral
are not palpable.
• Neuro: Alert and oriented x 3, follows commands, moves all
• Skin: Warm, dry, pink, and intact. No tenting.
• EKG (interpretation): Regular sinus rhythm. No ST changes.
Coronary artery disease with stable angina. Possible congestive
heart failure, carotid disease or GERD.
Based on the abnormal findings during cardiovascular and
respiratory auscultation, my differentials include coronary
disease with stable angina; congestive heart failure; carotid
aortic aneurysm; pericarditis; or GERD.
1. Since Mr. Foster's BP is not yet controlled, I will titrate his
Lopressor and transition to ACE inhibitor. Will also refer to
Cardiologist for start of diuretic therapy, PRN nitroglycerin for
pain, echocardiogram and stress test. May need an additional
consult with a vascular surgeon for carotid evaluation.
2. Cxray, lab workup including cardiac enzyme, electrolyte,
BMP, CMP, Hgb, A1C, lipid profile, and liver function test.
3. Educate patient regarding exercise, diet and lifestyle
Educate Mr. Foster to seek immediate medical attention if chest
returns and gets worse.
7. Return to clinic in 5-7 days for follow-up.
Mr. Foster should receive a 12-lead ECG, chest x-ray, and lab
workup (cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, CBC, BNP, CMP, Hgb
lipid profile, and liver function tests) to confirm a diagnosis. He
should be referred for an echocardiogram, exercise stress test,
carotid dopplers as well as a consult with a vascular surgeon for
carotid evaluation. Mr. Foster should be prescribed diltiazem
and a
diuretic in addition to his daily Lopressor and Lipitor. If
needed, add
an ACE inhibitor to manage his hypertension and PRN
for chest pain that does not subside with rest.
If your instructor provides individual feedback on this
assignment, it will appear here.
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Week 7
Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience Focused Exam:
Chest Pain Documentation
SUBJECTIVE DATA: Include what the patient tells you, but
organize the information.
Chief Complaint (CC): In just a few words, explain why the
patient came to the clinic.
History of Present Illness (HPI): This is the symptom analysis
section of your note. Thorough documentation in this section is
essential for patient care, coding, and billing analysis. Paint a
picture of what is wrong with the patient. You need to start
EVERY HPI with age, race, and gender (i.e. 34-year-old AA
male). You must include the 7 attributes of each principal
1. Location
2. Quality
3. Quantity or severity
4. Timing, including onset, duration, and frequency
5. Setting in which it occurs
6. Factors that have aggravated or relieved the symptom
7. Associated manifestations
Medications: Include over the counter, vitamin, and herbal
supplements. List each one by name with dosage and frequency.
Allergies: Include specific reactions to medications, foods,
insects, and environmental factors.
Past Medical History (PMH): Include illnesses (also childhood
illnesses), hospitalizations, and risky sexual behaviors.
Past Surgical History (PSH): Include dates, indications, and
types of operations.
Sexual/Reproductive History: If applicable, include obstetric
history, menstrual history, methods of contraception, and sexual
Personal/Social History: Include tobacco use, alcohol use, drug
use, patient’s interests, ADL’s and IADL’s if applicable, and
exercise and eating habits.
Immunization History: Include last Tdp, Flu, pneumonia, etc.
Significant Family History: Include history of parents,
Grandparents, siblings, and children.
Review of Systems: From head-to-toe, include each system that
covers the Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, and
History).Remember that the information you include in this
section is based on what the patient tells you. You will only
need to cover systems pertinent to your CC, HPI (N/A,
UNKNOWN is not acceptable, make up the information if you
need to). To ensure that you include all essentials in your case,
refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text.
General: Include any recent weight changes, weakness, fatigue,
or fever, but do not restate HPI data here.
Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular:
OBJECTIVE DATA: From head-to-toe, includewhat you see,
hear, and feel when doing your physical exam. You only need to
examine the systems that are pertinent to the CC, HPI, and
History unless you are doing a total H&P. Do not use WNL or
normal. You must describe what you see.
Physical Exam:
Vital signs: Include vital signs, ht, wt, temperature, and BMI
and pulse oximetry.
General: Include general state of health, posture, motor activity,
and gait. This may also include dress, grooming, hygiene, odors
of body or breath, facial expression, manner, level of
conscience, and affect and reactions to people and things.
Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: Always include
the heart in your PE.
Respiratory: Always include this in your PE.
Diagnostic Test/Labs: Include any labs, x-rays, or other
diagnostics that are needed to develop the differential diagnoses
with rationale for each one documented OR ones that were
mentioned during the SH assignment.
ASSESSMENT: List your priority diagnosis(es). For each
priority diagnosis, list at least 3 differential diagnoses, each of
which must be supported with evidence and guidelines. For
holistic care, you need to include previous diagnoses and
indicate whether these are controlled or not controlled.
© 2021 Walden University

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MGT-325 Developing an Organizational Change Communications Pl

  • 1. MGT-325: Developing an Organizational Change Communications Plan Name: <Name>Part 1 Directions: Fill out the company's name below and then, using the updated question prompts starting in page 2 of this template, address each of the following 11 sections. Notice how these various sections relate to your three-part plan: summary, findings, and recommendations, as well as the connection to the ADKAR model you first learned about in Topic 2. In total, your responses will range between 750-1,000 words (i.e., approximately 70-90 words each). Company Name: Summary should address: Think "Awareness" and "Desire" in creating the summary. · Key Stakeholders · Key Activities · Communications Team · Communication Goals Findings should address: Think "Knowledge" and "Ability" when collecting and summarizing observations and findings. · Key Messages and Stories · Target Personas · Communication Channels and Techniques · Communications Budget Recommendations should address: Think "Reinforcement" when identifying next steps and success measurements. · Tracking/Measuring Results · Two Proactive Steps or Sacrifices
  • 2. · Identify the Techniques, Channels, and Technologies for Both Internal and External Communication Communications Plan Adapted from Business Model Canvas, Strategyzer, and the Business Model Generation KEY STAKEHOLDERS Who will help you? Of the three stakeholders identified in your Topic 3 research, identify the most impacted stakeholder and the importance/impact of change to this stakeholder. Describe ideal forms of communication for this stakeholder communication and reports that can be utilized. Describe establishment of feedback mechanisms for this stakeholder. KEY ACTIVITIES How do you do it? Describe impending change, necessity of change, and sacrifices necessary. Indicate reports/metrics supporting impending change. COMMUNICATIONS TEAM Who do you need? Identify role management will play during the change process, means to achieve collaboration, how servant leadership can be utilized by management, and the role of technology in communications. COMMUNICATION GOALS What do you need to accomplish? Identify current vision, mission, values statement, manifestos, promises (etc.) for the organization, and what revisions should be made to these to align with the change?
  • 3. TARGET PERSONAS How do you describe your recipients? Describe in detail the organization's primary personas of interest. Are there groups currently being served that are not a fit for the organization or groups not being served that should be considered? COMMUNICATION CHANNELS AND TECHNIQUES How do you reach them? Summarize what communication channels are currently being used to reach the target personas. Provide examples of communication techniques applied. Identify untapped avenues that may be worth consideration as well as challenges related to technologically mediated communications whenconveying important information. KEY MESSAGES AND STORIES What will you communicate? Provide examples of key messages or relevant stories that currently exist and identify messaging issues or gaps. COMMUNICATIONS BUDGET What will it cost? In addition to budget considerations, identify and explain significant obstacles that could be encountered by each of the following: management, employees, change agents, and two other significant stakeholders. Include essential resources the organization needs to sustain the required changes. TRACKING AND MEASURING RESULTS How will you know the message was successfully deployed and received? What outcomes can be expected upon completion of the change; how will outcome progress be measured? What metrics will be utilized to measure change process.
  • 4. TWO PROACTIVE STEPS OR SACRIFICES What Needs to Change? Identify two proactive steps or sacrifices that the organization might need to make to accomplish the goals/objectives of this organization or avert potential change-related problems. TECHNIQUES, CHANNELS, AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION What Needs to Be Leveraged? Identify the techniques, channels, and technologies for both internal and external communication to be leveraged to effectively communicate with the most-impacted stakeholder identified at the onset of change, during the change, and after the change is complete. What differentiations exist between the approach for internal versus external communications? References: Part 2 Directions: Review the three-step writing process model detailed in Figure 4.1 (below) from the Business Communications Today textbook. In the spaces provided on the following pages, complete each of the steps in the three-step writing process to ultimately create a brief statement for external stakeholders on the change to take place and the desired end state. Step 1: Plan Using bulleted phrases, identify the key elements to be addressed. Remember that you will likely include information in this section that does not make it into your draft section in Part 2. · <Point 1> · <Point 2> · <Etc.> Step 2: Write Create the first rough draft of the statement. Remember that you are demonstrating a process, so do not worry about editing this yet. Step 3: Complete In 150-200 words, finalize the statement, indicating in the
  • 5. provided space who in the organization would have reviewed the rough draft and who in the organization will need to approve the final language. State who would have reviewed the rough draft: State who will need to approve the final language: © 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. 2 Subjective Documentation in Provider Notes Subjective narrative documentation in Provider Notes is detailed and organized and includes: Chief Complaint (CC), HPI, Current Medications, Allergies, Past Medical History, Family History, Social History and Review of Systems (ROS) ROS: covers all body systems that may help you formulate a list of differential diagnoses. You should list each system as follows: General: Head: EENT: etc. You should list these in bullet format and document the systems in order from head to toe.— Objective Documentation in Provider Notes - this is to be completed in Shadow Health Physical exam: Document in a systematic order starting from head-to-toe, include what you see, hear, and feel when doing your physical exam using medical terminology/jargon. Document all normal and abnormal exam findings. Do not use "WNL" or "normal". You only need to examine the systems that are pertinent to the CC, HPI, and History.
  • 6. Diagnostic result - Include any pertinent labs, x-rays, or diagnostic test that would be appropriate to support the differential diagnoses mentioned Differential Diagnoses (list a minimum of 3 differential diagnoses). Your primary or presumptive diagnosis should be at the top of the list (#1).-- 3/25/20, 8:31 PMFocused Exam: Chest Pain | Completed | Shadow Health Page 1 of 3 Focused Exam: Chest Pain Results | Completed Advanced Health Assessment - January 2020, nur634 Return to Assignment (/assignments/299544/) (/site_notice_dismissals?from_flash=true&site_notice_id=412)S hadow Health will be performing planned maintenance this Friday, from 7:00am until 7:30am Eastern. During this time assignment attempts will be disabled. Thank you for helping us to improve your Shadow Health experience! If you are are experiencing audio issues while using Safari, please visit this article ( us/articles/360009548313-Audio-issues-in-Safari) on our Help Desk for further information. Documentation / Electronic Health Record
  • 7. Document: Provider Notes Student Documentation Model Documentation Subjective Mr. Foster is a pleasant 58 years old caucasian man who presented to the clinic with chief complaints of intermittent chest pain that has been going on for the past month. There is no evidence of acute distress at this time and he currently denies chest pain. He states that his chest pain occured at least three times this month. He states "I feel it mostly in the middle of my chest. over my heart." He states that pain severity at its worst is 5/10, non-radiating, and usually goes after a couple of minutes. He describes the pain as "mostly feels tight and uncomfortable right in the middle of the chest." He further states "the pain seems to start when I'm doing something physical and subsides a little bit with rest." He denies taking any medication to relieve his chest pain. He reports history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia and takes Atorvastatin 20mg daily and fish oil for cholesterol and metoprolol 100mg daily for his hypertension. He reports that he has not been checking his blood pressure at home and only gets it checked during clinic visits. He states that his last physical was about three months ago. Reports ocassional
  • 8. alcohol consumption. Denies smoking and substance abuse. He denies shortness of breath, fever or chills and any abdominal dsicomfort. He denies history of blood clot and bleeding. He states that his mom died of heart attack. Pt. reports: "I have been having some troubling chest pain in my chest now and then for the past month." Experiencing periodic chest pain with exertion such as yard work, as well as with overeating. Points to midsternum as location. Describes pain as "tight and uncomfortable" upon movement or exertion. Mentioned an episode upon going up the stairs to bed. Most recent episode was three days ago after eating a large restaurant dinner. Denies radiation. Pain lasts for "a few" minutes and goes away when he rests. States "It has never gotten 'really bad'" so he didn't think it was an emergency, but is concerned after three episodes in one month and wants his heart checked out. Last physical was 1 year ago but says he hadn't been checked out for several years prior. His regular diet includes grilled meat, some sandwiches, and vegetables. Reports grilling between 4- 5 times a week, usually red meat. Has fast food for lunch on busy days. 1-2 cups of coffee a day. Denies coughing, shortness of breath, indigestion, heartburn, jaw pain, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Denies chest pain at
  • 9. time of interview. No history of anxiety or depression. • General Survey: Alert and oriented, with clear speech. Sitting comfortably in no acute distress. • Cardiac: S1, S2, without murmurs or rubs. S3 noted at mitral area. Your Results Turn In (/assignment_attempts/6065961/choose) Reopen (/assignment_attempts/6065961/reopen) Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/6065961/lab_pass.pdf) Overview Transcript Subjective Data Collection Objective Data Collection Education & Empathy Documentation Document: Vitals Document: Provider Notes This study source was downloaded by 100000759230540 from on 01-11-2022 22:14:47 GMT -06:00 Chest-Pain-Completed-Shadow-Health-3pdf/ Chest-Pain-Completed-Shadow-Health-3pdf/
  • 10. 3/25/20, 8:31 PMFocused Exam: Chest Pain | Completed | Shadow Health Page 2 of 3 Objective General Survey: 58 years old male patient is alert and oriented, with clear speech and no acute distress. V/s BP 146/90, HR 104, respiration 19, SpO2 98% on room air and temperatire 36.7C. Facial expression symmetrical. Cardiac: S1 S2 wit S3 noted at mitral area, without murmurs. No jugular vein distention. Peripheral Vascular: Capillary refill less than 3 seconds in all extremities. Right carotid pulse with thrill, 3+ and left carotid pulse without thrill, 2+. PMI displaced laterally, brisk and tapping, less than 3 cm. R/L brachial pulses no thrill, 2+. R/L radial pulses no thrill, 2+. R/L femoral pulses no thrill, 2+. R/L popliteal pulses no thrill 1+. R/L tibial pulses no thrill 1+. R/L dorsalis pedis pulses no thrill 1+. All extremities are dry and warm to touch. No edema, varicosities and stasis noted. Respiratory: Breathing is quiet and unlabored. Chest expansion symmetrical. Breath sounds are clear to ausculation in upper lobes.
  • 11. Fine crackles on pesterior bases of both lungs. Gastrointestinal: Round, soft, nontender with normoactive bowel sounds in all four quadrants, no abnormal bruits. No tenderness to palpation. Tympanic throughout. Liver is 7cm in the midclavicular line. Neuro: Alert and oriented, follows commands EKG: NSR with no ST changes No swelling or fluid retention present. • Peripheral Vascular: No JVD present. JVP 3 cm above sternal angle. Left carotid no bruit. Right side carotid bruit. Right carotid pulse with thrill, 3+. Brachial, radial, femoral pulses without thrill, 2+. Popliteal, tibial, and dorsalis pedis pulses without thrill, 1+. Cap refill less than 3 seconds in all 4 extremities. • Respiratory: Breathing is quiet and unlabored. Breath sounds are clear to auscultation in upper lobes and RML. Fine crackles in posterior bases of L/R lungs. • Gastrointestinal: Round, soft, non-tender with normoactive bowel sounds in all quadrants; no abdominal bruits. No tenderness to light or deep palpation. Tympanic throughout. Liver is 7 cm at the MCL and 1 cm below the right costal margin. Spleen and bilateral kidneys are not palpable.
  • 12. • Neuro: Alert and oriented x 3, follows commands, moves all extremities. Gross cranial nerves 2-12 bilaterally and grossly intact. • Skin: Warm, dry, pink, and intact. No tenting and no sweating. • Musculoskeletal: Moves all extremities. • Psych: Normal affect, cooperative, good eye contact. • EKG (interpretation): Regular sinus rhythm. No ST changes. • Gastrointestinal: Round, soft, non-tender with normoactive bowel sounds in 4 quadrants; no abdominal bruits. No tenderness to light or deep palpation. Tympanic throughout. Liver is 7 cm at the MCL and 1 cm below the right costal margin. Spleen and bilateral kidneys are not palpable. • Neuro: Alert and oriented x 3, follows commands, moves all extremities. • Skin: Warm, dry, pink, and intact. No tenting. • EKG (interpretation): Regular sinus rhythm. No ST changes. Assessment Coronary artery disease with stable angina. Possible congestive heart failure, carotid disease or GERD. Based on the abnormal findings during cardiovascular and
  • 13. respiratory auscultation, my differentials include coronary artery disease with stable angina; congestive heart failure; carotid disease; aortic aneurysm; pericarditis; or GERD. Plan 1. Since Mr. Foster's BP is not yet controlled, I will titrate his Lopressor and transition to ACE inhibitor. Will also refer to Cardiologist for start of diuretic therapy, PRN nitroglycerin for chest pain, echocardiogram and stress test. May need an additional consult with a vascular surgeon for carotid evaluation. 2. Cxray, lab workup including cardiac enzyme, electrolyte, CBC, BMP, CMP, Hgb, A1C, lipid profile, and liver function test. 3. Educate patient regarding exercise, diet and lifestyle modification. Educate Mr. Foster to seek immediate medical attention if chest pain returns and gets worse. 7. Return to clinic in 5-7 days for follow-up. Mr. Foster should receive a 12-lead ECG, chest x-ray, and lab workup (cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, CBC, BNP, CMP, Hgb A1C, lipid profile, and liver function tests) to confirm a diagnosis. He should be referred for an echocardiogram, exercise stress test, and carotid dopplers as well as a consult with a vascular surgeon for carotid evaluation. Mr. Foster should be prescribed diltiazem and a diuretic in addition to his daily Lopressor and Lipitor. If needed, add an ACE inhibitor to manage his hypertension and PRN
  • 14. nitroglycerin for chest pain that does not subside with rest. Comments If your instructor provides individual feedback on this assignment, it will appear here. This study source was downloaded by 100000759230540 from on 01-11-2022 22:14:47 GMT -06:00 Chest-Pain-Completed-Shadow-Health-3pdf/ Chest-Pain-Completed-Shadow-Health-3pdf/ 3/25/20, 8:31 PMFocused Exam: Chest Pain | Completed | Shadow Health Page 3 of 3 © Shadow Health 2012 - 2020 (800) 860-3241 | Help Desk ( | Terms of Service (/static/terms_of_service) | Privacy Policy (/static/privacy_policy) | Patents ( ® This study source was downloaded by 100000759230540 from on 01-11-2022 22:14:47 GMT -06:00
  • 15. Chest-Pain-Completed-Shadow-Health-3pdf/ Powered by TCPDF ( Chest-Pain-Completed-Shadow-Health-3pdf/ Name: Section: Week 7 Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience Focused Exam: Chest Pain Documentation SUBJECTIVE DATA: Include what the patient tells you, but organize the information. Chief Complaint (CC): In just a few words, explain why the patient came to the clinic. History of Present Illness (HPI): This is the symptom analysis section of your note. Thorough documentation in this section is essential for patient care, coding, and billing analysis. Paint a picture of what is wrong with the patient. You need to start EVERY HPI with age, race, and gender (i.e. 34-year-old AA male). You must include the 7 attributes of each principal symptom: 1. Location 2. Quality 3. Quantity or severity 4. Timing, including onset, duration, and frequency 5. Setting in which it occurs 6. Factors that have aggravated or relieved the symptom
  • 16. 7. Associated manifestations Medications: Include over the counter, vitamin, and herbal supplements. List each one by name with dosage and frequency. Allergies: Include specific reactions to medications, foods, insects, and environmental factors. Past Medical History (PMH): Include illnesses (also childhood illnesses), hospitalizations, and risky sexual behaviors. Past Surgical History (PSH): Include dates, indications, and types of operations. Sexual/Reproductive History: If applicable, include obstetric history, menstrual history, methods of contraception, and sexual function. Personal/Social History: Include tobacco use, alcohol use, drug use, patient’s interests, ADL’s and IADL’s if applicable, and exercise and eating habits. Immunization History: Include last Tdp, Flu, pneumonia, etc. Significant Family History: Include history of parents, Grandparents, siblings, and children. Review of Systems: From head-to-toe, include each system that covers the Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, and History).Remember that the information you include in this section is based on what the patient tells you. You will only need to cover systems pertinent to your CC, HPI (N/A, UNKNOWN is not acceptable, make up the information if you need to). To ensure that you include all essentials in your case, refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text.
  • 17. General: Include any recent weight changes, weakness, fatigue, or fever, but do not restate HPI data here. Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: Respiratory: Gastrointestinal: Musculoskeletal: Psychiatric: OBJECTIVE DATA: From head-to-toe, includewhat you see, hear, and feel when doing your physical exam. You only need to examine the systems that are pertinent to the CC, HPI, and History unless you are doing a total H&P. Do not use WNL or normal. You must describe what you see. Physical Exam: Vital signs: Include vital signs, ht, wt, temperature, and BMI and pulse oximetry. General: Include general state of health, posture, motor activity, and gait. This may also include dress, grooming, hygiene, odors of body or breath, facial expression, manner, level of conscience, and affect and reactions to people and things. Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: Always include the heart in your PE. Respiratory: Always include this in your PE. Gastrointestinal: Musculoskeletal: Neurological: Skin: Diagnostic Test/Labs: Include any labs, x-rays, or other diagnostics that are needed to develop the differential diagnoses with rationale for each one documented OR ones that were mentioned during the SH assignment.
  • 18. ASSESSMENT: List your priority diagnosis(es). For each priority diagnosis, list at least 3 differential diagnoses, each of which must be supported with evidence and guidelines. For holistic care, you need to include previous diagnoses and indicate whether these are controlled or not controlled. © 2021 Walden University