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A Key Success Factor for African
American Women in the
U.S. Federal Senior Executive Service
Lynda C. Jackson, T rinity W ashington U niversity
Marcia M. Bouchard, U niversity o f M a ry la n d U niversity
In tro d u c tio n
Between 1991 and 2009, the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) provided numerous
reports on the lack of diversity in the Federal Senior
Executive Service for women and minorities (Stalcup,
2008a; Stalcup, 2008b; Rezendes, 2003). Numerous
reports from the GAO suggest that government-wide
SES appointm ents remain in the low percentages for
African American Women (AAW) when compared to
the percentages of AAW in comparable positions in
the civilian labor force (CLF) (Rezendes, 2003; Stalcup,
2005; Stalcup, 2008a; Stalcup, 2008b). One of the
reports stated, “Racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in
the SES corps is im portant because they are the people
who run the governm ents programs, and diversity
in the senior leadership is an im portant component
for effective operation of the governm ent” (Rezendes,
2003, p. 1).
Further, according to GAO, of the total 6,555 SES
appointees, 232 or 3.5 percent are AAW (Stalcup,
2008a). AAW’s representation in the CLF, as
reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics in the
management, professional, and related occupations
is 6.1 percent (U.S. D epartm ent of Labor, 2007).
This disparity, suggests that a representation rate of
3.5 percent constitutes a valid underrepresentation
of AAW in the SES. Despite many studies and
government reports, GAO asserted that progress has
been slow for increasing m inority representation
at both the SES level and in the GS-15 and GS-14
developmental pool (Stalcup, 2008a).
Concern for the lack of m inority representation
has gained the attention of senior leaders in both
public and private organizations. It has become a
top agenda item with leading executives recognizing
the essentiality of diversity in developing and
m aintaining high quality and inclusive workforces in
the government’s Office of Personnel and Management
(OPM) (Marquis, Lim, Scott, Harrell, & Kavanagh,
2008; OPM Strategic Plan, 2002; Stalcup, 2008a). In
2003, President George W. Bush recognized the merits
of a Supreme C ourt decision that highlighted the
benefits of diversity, noting that “diversity is one of
Americas greatest strengths” (Bush, 2003).
Problem S ta te m e n t
The lack of sufficient representation of women and
minorities in the SES impedes its ability to reflect
the diversity of the people it serves (Zeller, 2003).
In support of this goal, the Civilian Federal Register
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Edition 4 35
(CFR) prescribes that executive agencies create
program s and recruit to reduce underrepresentation
of minorities in the Federal service ranks (5 CFR,
P u rp o s e o f t h e S tu d y
The purpose o f this study is to analyze views
held by AAW in the SES and those serving in the
GS-15 and GS-14 developmental pool of federal
governm ent employees. We posit that this analysis
will provide insights into factors that AAW perceived
were empowering and related to their career success.
Previous studies have explored career progression
challenges women may face in public and private
workforces, yet few scholarly studies solely examined
perceptions o f AAW in the federal SES and the
developmental pool. Experts in the research of women
in m anagem ent issues observe that past studies have
focused on all minorities, all women, or women of
color (Catalyst, 1998; Bell & Nkomo, 2001). This
study may serve to fill the gap in scholarly studies, as
it focused specifically on AAW s perceptions of the
success factors that enabled or would enable them to
achieve SES-level careers.
B a c k g r o u n d o n S e n io r E x e c u tiv e S e rv ic e
The SES, a corps of appointed leaders, was created
by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 to provide
direction for the federal workforce. SES members serve
in civilian ranks above GS-15 and below presidential
appointees (Office of Personnel Management, n.d.).
F ig u re 1. SES Core Q u a lific a tio n s fo r A p p o in te e s
As shown in Figure 1, SES members have distinctive
skills and meet strict core qualifications, including
“leading change, leading people, results driven,
business acumen, and building coalitions” (Davis,
2008). Members in the SES are selected for their
leadership skills gained in public or private positions,
including career civil service, military, and corporate
experiences. SES salary scales range from $114,468 to
$172,200 (SES salary table, 2008).
SES Oversight Agency
The U.S. Office of Personnel M anagement (OPM)
maintains oversight of SES personnel programs,
including the initiative that developed the SES core
qualifications outlined in Figure 1. In perform ing
its administrative role, OPM has had a long-term
focus on the value of diversity and seeks to increase
representation of women and minorities at all
levels (Office of Personnel Management, 2002).
Yet, according to a 2008 GAO report, the federal
government is not meeting the challenges o f increasing
m inority representation in its workforce (Stalcup,
2008a). OPM recognizes that the SES is not a diverse
workforce and that progress toward diversity is slow
(Zeller, 2003).
SES Diversity Legislation
Members of Congress support OPM ’s focus on
diversity. In 2007 the House of Representatives
and the Senate introduced two SES diversity bills.
This legislation called for statutes to boost diversity
Source: Diagram adapted from Guide to Senior Executive
Service Core Qualifications (2006)
SAM Advanced Management ]ournal - Volume 84 Edition 4
policies and increase OPM s supervision of the SES
(H. 3774; S. 2148,). Also, because it was not obvious
that agencies were consistently docum enting SES
diversity statistics, the bills recom m ended that OPM
create an SES resource office. This office would manage
docum entation of SES applicants and track annual data
on race and other demographics related to the SES.
To break the stride of current trends, OPM included
diversity policies in its strategic plan and supported
the notion that agencies must improve diversity
efforts in at least three ways. First, OPM ’s strategy
called for expanding recruitm ent of underrepresented
groups (Office of Personnel Management, 2002).
U nderrepresented groups include women, minorities,
and people with disabilities. Next, OPM sought to
improve tracking of dem ographic data within each
agency for women and minorities (Office of Personnel
Management, 2002). Possessing an overall goal of
increasing diversity, gathering and reporting data on
demographics would provide the only visible means
for m easuring success.
S c o p e o f t h e S tu d y a n d R e s e arc h
Q u e s tio n
The scope of the present study focused on African
American women in the SES, GS-15, and GS-14 ranks.
After discovering the wide gap in research studies on
AAW’s perceptions of success in the workplace (Bell 8c
Nkomo, 2001; Catalyst, 2004), this study concentrated
on investigating AAW’s perceptions of the importance
of key success factors necessary to reach SES level
positions. Further, this study was bound by gender,
race, organization and federal ranks, as it focused on
AAW serving in the SES and in developmental grades.
The research question guiding this study is: W hat
are the key success factors necessary to leverage a
successful career in the executive ranks?
L it e r a t u r e R e v ie w
A critical review of the literature established the
foundation for this study which sought to explore the
success factor among other factors as perceived by
AAW serving in the SES, GS-15, and GS-14 ranks.
The literature suggests that mentors can serve to
boost career potential for individuals seeking career
success (Ragins, 1989; Catalyst, 1998; Catalyst, 1999).
Although this factor may be salient to all career-
oriented individuals, it may be most critical for women
and minorities who aspire to reach executive-level
Obstacles and Challenges to AAW Career Success
The U.S. Government recognized the challenges
that leaders may face in managing a diverse workforce.
Three governm ent-sponsored reports that addressed
workforce diversity and inclusion challenges were:
Workforce 2000 (Johnson 8c Packer, 1987; Dominguez,
1991), the Federal Glass Ceiling Initiative (Federal
Glass Ceiling Commission, 1995) and Workforce
2020 (Richard 8c D’Amico, 1997). This triad of
reports provided a foundation for legitimizing the
diversity and inclusion challenges faced by women
and minorities in the workforce, particularly in their
achievement of senior managem ent positions.
The seminal study, Workforce 2000 (Johnson 8c
Packer, 1987), set the groundwork for convincing
organizations to place more focus on diversity
management as a result of changing workforce
demographics. Commissioned by the Departm ent
of Labor (DoL) and conducted by the Hudson
Institute, this study predicted that the future U.S.
workforce would be increasingly populated with more
women and minorities (Johnson 8c Packer, 1987). In
addition, the authors predicted that the workforce
would no longer depend prim arily on white males
in m anufacturing jobs. Perhaps the most significant
concepts introduced in this docum ent were “skills gap”
and “workplace diversity” (D’Amico, 1997). Workforce
2000 authors also predicted that organizations would
need to increase skills by reducing obstacles that
prevent diversity and inclusion (Dominguez, 1991).
Whereas Workforce 2000 emphasized America’s
transitional workforce demographics, the DoL’s Glass
Ceiling Commission focused on exploring the career
progression potential for women and minorities.
The concept glass ceiling’ refers to “invisible, yet
real or perceived barriers which appear to impede
advancement opportunities for minorities and women”
(Dominguez, 1991, p. 16). Although women and
minorities have passed the hurdles to gaining initial
employment, researchers found that many have
reached the “glass ceiling” plateau just below mid-
and senior-management levels (Nkomo 8c Cox, 1989;
Dominguez, 1991; Cox 1993; Bell 8c Nkomo, 2001).
As a follow-up to Workforce 2000 (Johnson 8c
Packer, 1987), Workforce 2020 (Richard 8c D’Amico,
1997) was also sponsored by the DoL and published by
the H udson Institute. Similar to the earlier report, this
predictive docum ent continued the examination of our
nation’s future workforce. Workforce 2020 contributes
SAM Advanced Management Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 37
to the proposed study by providing empirical evidence
for the need to prepare for, strategically manage, and
embrace diversity rather than “ward off the forces
of change” (p. 148). Identification of career success
factors can help minorities and women take a measure
of responsibility for personal career advancement and
find access to success factors that may lead toward
increasing their num bers in organizations’ senior
executive levels.
These DoL sponsored studies not only legitimized
“invisible” barriers, but also set forth initiatives to
eliminate them. This study was a logical follow-
on to the DoL reports as it may add to the body of
knowledge in understanding AAW’s viewpoints of
key success factors that may play a role in helping this
group break through the “invisible” barriers.
W hereas much of the literature lacks data on AAW,
Lynda Hite, professor of organizational leadership
and supervision at Purdue University, focused her
1996 study on AAW managers and their perceptions
of career progression factors, by employing a
qualitative methodology. Published in the Women
in M anagement Review journal, the study involved
ethnographic interviews and focus groups with 12
participants ranging in age from their late twenties
to their early sixties (Hite, 1996). The resulting
data were outlined in three categories: family and
personal perspectives on life; attitudes about society,
work, and racism; and the unique position of being
underrepresented in managem ent (Hite, 1996).
Although Hite’s (1996) research findings offered no
solid conclusions, im portant implications revealed
that AAW perceived that they faced a different set of
barriers than white women. Hite concluded that this
phenom enon required further research to increase
understanding of AAW’s managem ent experiences
(Hite). Hite’s analysis inferred that, although AAW
faced some of the same gender barriers as white
women, some AAW also perceived race obstacles
A nother study, conducted by Nkom o and Cox
(1989), com pared the differences between senior
m anagem ent opportunities for African American men
(AAM) and AAW. The purpose of the study was to
determ ine if AAW managers experienced a “double
w ham m y or double advantage” (p. 825) in being
African American and female. Testing two hypotheses,
the researchers predicted that AAW would attain
senior positions at higher rates or lower rates than
Nkomo and Cox (1989) conducted a pilot study
with 50 white and African American managers
employed in the banking industry. The study employed
questionnaires to gather prim ary study data from
283 participants (165 men and 118 women); all were
members of the National Black MBA Association
(Nkomo & Cox). The researchers found no significant
differences between prom otion rates, m anagement
levels, and num ber of prom otions for AAM and AAW.
Another significant finding indicated that predictors
for career progress were not the same for AAM and
AAW managers (Nkomo & Cox). AAW perceived
that having mentors was m ost influential while AAM
were more concerned with achieving rapid career
Researchers who have studied AAW emphasize
that few research studies have focused solely on
AAW managers; rather, analysis of this group is often
combined with managers who are AAM, all women, or
women of color (Tsui & Gutek, 1984; Cox & Nkomo,
1986; Nkomo & Cox, 1989; Catalyst, 2004). A study
conducted by Catalyst, a respected women’s research
firm, indicates that designated groups for “women of
color” include not only AAW, but also Latinas, and
Asian women (Catalyst, 1998). Although AAW are
part of the “women of color” group, Catalyst reports
that these women may indeed face a different set of
challenges because of their distinctive U.S. history
(Catalyst, 2004). In the past, AAW have faced issues
related to ancestral slavery, legal segregation, and race
Researchers have noted that the “glass ceiling”
concept denoting obstacles to career advancement
is often considered the “concrete ceiling” for AAW
(Catalyst, 2004; Bell & Nkomo, 2001). Belle & Nkomo
(2001) refer to this phenom ena as a “concrete wall” and
contend it is “m ore persistent and m ore pernicious” (p.
140) than the “glass ceiling.” That is, the top jobs are
more difficult for AAW to obtain as they often have
no awareness of-and cannot “see” upward mobility
opportunities. A Catalyst report argued that the
inability to “see” advancement opportunities amounts
to a “concrete ceiling” that is opaque, versus a “glass
ceiling” that would allow one to see but not achieve
opportunities (Catalyst, 2004).
Mentoring as a Key Success Factor
Mentors play a key role in facilitating career
progression to senior managem ent positions
(Ragins,1989; Ragins & Cotton, 1991; Ragins,1996;
38 SAM A dvanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volume 84
Edition 4
Giscombe and Sims,1998; Blake-Beard, 2001). Along
with providing evidence of the value of m entoring for
career advancement, the literature also suggests that
women com m only face barriers to accessing effective
m entor relationships (Ragins, 1989; Ragins & Cotton,
1991; Ragins, 1996; Giscombe 8c Sims, 1998; Blake-
Beard, 2001).
M entoring is considered a key aspect for facilitating
prom otion to senior managem ent positions. Yet,
a myriad of studies reveal that some women face
barriers to experiencing m entoring relationships
(Ragins, 1989; Ragins 8c Cotton, 1991; Akande, 1994;
Ragins, 1996; Giscombe 8c Sims, 1998; Blake-Beard,
2001). McGlowan-Fellows and Claudewell Thomas
(2004) conducted a review of m entoring experiences
of women of color. McGlowan-Fellows, a professor at
Notre Dame de N am ur University and winner of the
2004 Circle of Scholars Award for “seminal research in
womens issues and cultural competence in corporate
America” (McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas, 2004, p.
3), collaborated on a study with Claudewell Thomas,
professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences
at the University of California at Los Angeles. Their
study found that m entoring may influence individuals’
capability to reach senior levels in organizations
(McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas, 2004).
Also, McGlowan-Fellows and Thomas surfaced
evidence that m entoring could serve as a conduit for
gaining authority and power, and “few black women
are offered opportunities to be m entored” (McGlowan-
Fellows 8c Thomas, 2004, p.3). Further, they found that
opportunities for advancement in the workplace could
be acutely influenced by race. The authors suggested
that m entoring could increase racial and gender
diversity because m entoring relationships often offer
insights for career progression (McGlowan-Fellows
8c Thomas, 2004). They concluded that there was
also a strong relationship between firms’ competitive
advantage and gender diversity (McGlowan-Fellows
8c Thomas). Additionally, many studies found
evidence of the value of m entoring as a career success
factor (Ragins, 1989; Ragins 8c Cotton, 1991; Ragins,
1996; Giscombe 8c Sims, 1998; Blake-Beard, 2001,
McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas).
Additional proponents for the value of m entoring
were Harvard professors David A. Thomas and John
H. Gabarro. In their book, Breaking Through: The
Making of M inority Executives in Corporate America,
the authors presented the results of a longitudinal,
three-year study focused on m inority career tracks in
three major U.S. corporations (Thomas 8c Gabarro,
1999). The purpose of this seminal study was to
examine differences between m entoring minorities
and m entoring whites by analyzing participants’ career
trajectories. Thomas and Gabarro (1999) investigated
complexities associated with m entoring minorities
and “boosting minorities’ careers through the glass
ceiling” (p. 99). The study revealed that high potential
white managers saw early career successes while
m inority managers experienced career progress much
later. Furtherm ore, m inority participants with the
highest potential possessed m entor relationships and
corporate sponsors who cultivated the protege’s career
development (Thomas 8c Gabarro, 1999).
Another key finding indicated that successful
m inority executives had experienced the advantage
of close relationships with mentors who helped them
build a sense of pride and capability (Thomas 8c
Gabarro, 1999). Based on case studies, the researchers
suggested that m inority managers whose careers
peaked at the management level had received basic
m entoring to help develop their skills. O n the other
hand, minorities who reached the executive levels
had experienced closer bonds with their mentors
who helped them build “confidence, credibility, and
competence” (p. 104). The Thomas and Gabarro
study suggested that mentors m ust also focus on
helping their proteges build a network of sponsors and
associations in the senior ranks of the organization
(Thomas 8c Gabarro, 1999).
Much of the evidence in the literature validates
that m entoring is a significant success factor for all,
but even more so for AAW as they have historically
suffered a deficit in receiving equal and fair treatm ent
in the workplace. Successful m entoring relationships
may likely lead to successful career development for
the mentee. In the H andbook of M entoring at Work:
Theory, research, and practice, pivotal m entoring
researchers, Belle Rose Ragins and Kathy E. Kram
assert that although m entoring is im portant and may
enhance careers, it may also be a difficult concept to
fully understand. They are convinced that m entoring
relationships work, but we may not yet recognize
exactly what makes them work (Ragins & Kram, 2009).
Ragins and Kram provide a valuable sum m ary
of m entoring research, yet they argue that there are
two deficits in the literature on mentoring. First,
a gap exists where m ost m entoring research delves
into investigations related to the perspectives and
development of the mentee versus perspectives of the
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Edition 4 43
mentor. Second, they acknowledge that “too often the
effectiveness of m entoring for people of color has been
based on w hether there is assimilation to the dom inant
white/male model.” (Ragins & Kram, 2007). Not only is
this a poor measure of effectiveness for people of color,
it is even less of a measure for, and may be particularly
irrelevant to, AAW. This discussion confirms
that m ore research m ust be accomplished to truly
determ ine effectiveness of m entoring relationships
for AAW and couple it with and exploration of the
measures that can be taken to access to this key success
factor that may leverage executive level careers.
The current study reveals evidence that AAW
women are underrepresented in the SES (Stalcup,
2008a; U.S. D epartm ent of Labor 2007) and argues
that m entoring is a key success factor for AAW who
aspire to achieve SES appointments. A related study
conducted by Johnson-Drake (2010) also suggests that
m entoring relationships for AAW SES women are “an
essential com ponent for African American women
at the SES level in the federal government.” Johnson-
Drake’s qualitative exploration employed interviews
and focus groups to exam m entoring experiences from
AAW s points of view.
Johnson-Drake collected data from nine AAW
participants who were employed in the SES ranks in
the federal government (2010). Data analysis suggests
participants believed mentors were valuable to their
journey toward becoming an SES. Further, the women
perceived that access to a mentor, early in one’s career,
was imperative to gain awareness for navigating the
labyrinth of milestones toward becoming an SES.
Although this study certainly contributes to the body
o f knowledge on AAW’s perceptions of mentoring
relationships, the lack of the researcher’s access to a
larger num ber of participants may be considered a
m ajor lim itation of this study. Future research with
a larger pool of respondents would provide a more
effective view and analysis of the perceptions of AAW
in the SES corps.
A phenomenological study by Saturday Aisuan
(2011) also suggests that an area of concern for African
American women aspiring to reach executive level
positions is m entoring and networking. Aisuan’s
study informs that AAW seeking high level leadership
careers may benefit by understanding, among
other areas, barriers, mentoring, and networking in
organizations (2011). The value of this qualitative
study lies in succinctly providing results of surveys
and interviews of 20 AAW who were serving in
senior positions in the Los Angeles City government.
Participants (30%) believed that it was im portant to
have the “ability to network and obtain m entors” in the
workplace (Aisuan, 2011, p. 160). AAW also perceived
that mentors were needed for support and as role
Interestingly, the participants in Aisuan’s study
appeared to have similar perspectives, as the
participants in this current study. Data, in both
cases, suggest that among others, internal factors
such as education, training, and hard work were key
factors to reaching executive level careers. Yet, the
study provides no evidence of participants’ rating
these success factors in order of importance. Rating
the priority of factors may provide insight on how
the leaders may knowledgeably m entor the next
generation of aspiring AAW.
Another study led by Drexel University Professor
Rajashi Ghosh presents the argum ent that
developmental networks may be considered as
valuable “holding environm ents” that may leverage
development and provide workplace support
for emerging leaders. M aintaining a network of
“developers” or mentors, “may offer varying degrees
of career support, psychosocial support, and role
modeling” (Ghosh, Haynes, & Kram, 2013, p. 241).
Further, they posit that developmental networks are
beneficial to new leaders, as they offer an opportunity
to experience trial and error leadership experiences
while consistently being assured by developers o f their
value to the organization.
In this case, high potential leaders would be
afforded a safety net as their developers help them
understand and surm ount workplace leadership
challenges. The study also places special emphasis
on the holding environments by prescribing that
mentors be highly experienced, have “shared goals”
with the developing leader, and have the capacity to
build “high-quality relationships” (Ghosh et al. 2013,
p. 243). This seminal work informs that leaders may
have a greater opportunity for career success when
organizations recognize the value of employing in-
house developmental networks as a safe space while
future leaders learn to navigate the complications of
tough organizational leadership responsibilities.
Salient research informs that m entoring not only has
the potential to provide career growth for the mentee,
but it also provides considerable value to organizations
when their own knowledgeable executives, who are
already on board, can contribute to the development
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Edition 4
of mentees. In their seminal work on the virtues of
“peer coaching,” Parker, Kram, and Hall (2014) suggest
that organizations may gain immense value from
helping to build and support m entoring relationships.
Citing the difficulties of finding work-ready new
employees, they contend that a training squad already
exists within the organizations and workshops on
coaching may be the key to a less expensive way to
help new leaders in the organization become highly
qualified (Parker, Kram & Hall, 2014). The authors
provide a detailed outline for peer coaching programs
that can be developed by organizations. They argue
that the focus m ust be on organizational support
and environments of trust among coaches and peers.
Further, the researchers prescribe a three-step process
which includes: 1) Building the relationship; 2)
Creating success; and 3) Internalizing the skills. These
processes are necessary to lay a foundation for building
“self-awareness, develop critical skills, sharpen
relational skills, energize partners to the relationship,
and create a desire for more connection” (Parker et
al., 2014, p. 123). Although there is more work to do,
this study provides a solid framework for introducing
organizational m entoring programs that may add
valuable relationships to the overall work environment.
To address the gap in literature related specifically
to African American women’s perceptions and
experiences, researchers Lim, Clark, Ross, and Wells
(2015) examined mentoring to determ ine if this
success factor may serve to increase diversity for AAW
accountants. They explored AAW’s perceived benefits
from m entoring experiences, types of mentoring,
and the im pact of mentors on job positions. The
researchers conducted online surveys of African
American accountants who were m embers of the
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA).
Participants included 226 women and 124 men who
were working accountants and that had experienced a
m entoring relationship in an organization (Lim, Clark,
Ross & Wells, 2015).
Study results suggested that AAW were not as likely
to obtain beneficial mentors as compared to African
American men (AAM). In fact, the findings indicated
that AAW had a lower num ber of mentors than
AAM. However, AAW perceived the same as or even
greater support from m entoring than AAM. They also
found that gender was not related to the level of their
jobs. As well, individuals having a larger num ber of
m entoring experiences appeared to also gain beneficial
career enhancement. Overall, this affirms that although
m entoring is a key factor in helping individuals reach
career goals, AAW were less likely to gain access to
career building m entoring relationships.
Few studies focus on m entoring for African
American women (Catalyst, 1998; Bell & Nkomo,
2001). A recent study expressed a goal, in part, “to
provide insight to the barriers African American
women experience during the career advancement
process...” (Williams-Stokes, 2017, p. 142). The
researcher posits that organizations benefit from
m entoring women in ways that will develop their
potential to advance. Yet, in many government
organizations AAW are underrepresented, and are
often placed in less than 1% of the upper echelon
positions (Williams-Stokes, 2017). The study explored
AAW’s perceptions of the value of m entoring support
by examining the responses of fifteen AAW.
Study results focused on four major themes
including 1) relationship building, 2) supervisors’
roles, 3) barriers and 4) work ethic. Results also
suggest that m entoring opportunities may be less
available to AAW, thus providing them with fewer
developmental work environments. William-Stokes’
(2017) placed more focus on the barriers to reach the
top, whereas the current study examined perceptions
of the value of m entoring in their trek to SES level
positions. Although, both focus areas have potential
to inform, recognizing that m entoring opportunities
may be key success factors, may be more effective than
focusing on the barriers.
R e s e a rc h M e t h o d ’s a n d M e a s u re s
The mentors’ measure was defined for participants
as experienced individuals who develop a relationship
with less skilled or less experienced individuals with
a focus on helping the lesser-skilled person develop
career-related competencies (Catalyst, 1998). Effective
mentors may coach, train, provide advice, and facilitate
sponsorship for protegees in the workplace.
Based on the literature review, the following
hypothesis is proposed:
Hypothesis: The more emphasis the mentee
placed on the im portance of the m entor/
mentee relationship, the more the mentee
perceived career enhancing outcomes.
A 6-item perceptions-of-mentors scale was
developed by the first author to measure the level of
im portance participants placed on mentors as success
factors. Two of the six items were adapted from
Ragins and Cotton’s (1991) perceived barriers scale
SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volume 84
Edition 4 45
Figure 2. M entor Measures
M -l. Mentors are important for African American women who
want to gain SES
M-2. African American women need mentors to make it to the
SES level.
M-3. Mentors enhance career progression for protegees' who
seek to achieve SES status.
M-4. Mentors are willing to develop a relationship with me.
M-5. I have had opportunities to develop effective relationships
with mentors.
M-6. Providing mentorship to other African American women is
important to me.
(‘M entors are willing to develop a relationship with
me’) and (‘I have had opportunities to develop effective
relationships with mentors’). The scale was measured
with a 5-point Likert-like scale, (1 = strongly disagree:
to 5 = strongly agree), and the coefficient alpha was
.838. (See Figure 2, M entoring Survey Measures).
M entoring refers to a relationship between an
experienced individual and one with less skill or
experience with a focus on helping the lesser skilled
person develop career-related competencies. This
person may or may not be the individual’s supervisor.
Among other benefits, mentors coach, train, advise,
and facilitate sponsorship for protegees. Further, the
participants were told, “W ith this explanation in mind,
please rate your agreement with each of the following
Reliability o f Measures
The reliability of each measure was examined using
Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient. An
item analysis procedure was conducted in order to
deduce w hether any inappropriate items needed to
be excluded for further analyses. Ensuring reliability
helped determ ine if the items were good measures
and if the scales were providing accurate measures of
the study variables. Two items were removed from the
perception-of-m entors scale because they significantly
lowered the alpha value of the scale. After deleting
these items, the alpha value of the scale increased from
.711 to .838. The new reliability obtained was deemed
acceptable based on the requirem ents set forth by
Nunnally (1978)
The 188 participants responded to an on-line survey
instrum ent. The participants were AAW, holding
developmental positions (GS-14 & GS-15) within the
Federal Government, and senior m anagement (SES)
positions serving as mentors (see Table 1). As shown
in Table 1, SES women rated the m easured success
factors as follows: emotional intelligence received
a mean rating of4.31 (SD = .468), mentors received
a mean rating of 4.28 (SD = .587) and organization
diversity practices received a mean rating of 4.04 (SD
= .626). SES rated role models received a mean rating
of 3.94 (SD = .916) and informal networks received a
mean of 3.74 (SD=.851).
In addition to the descriptive data, frequencies
tests for SES ratings revealed the percentages of SES
women’s positive ratings for key success factors. SES
ratings of success factors favorably at 4 (agree) or 5
(strongly agree) were as follows: El (85.7%), mentors
(77.1%), organization diversity practices (57.1%), role
models (68.6%) and informal networks (45.7).
As shown in Table 2, GS-15s rated the measured
success factors as follows: mentors received a mean
rating of 4.53 (SD = .547), emotional intelligence
received a mean rating of 4.49 (SD = .485), models
received a mean rating o f 4.07 (SD = .935), informal
networks received a mean rating of 4.04 (SD = .804)
and organizational diversity practices received a mean
of 3.98 (SD-.622).
Frequency statistics were also reviewed for GS-
15s to determ ine the percentages of GS-15s that
provided positive ratings of the key success factors.
Percentages of GS-15s rating the measured success
factors favorably with ratings of 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly
agree) were as follows: mentors (88.2%), El (83.7%),
role models (69.8%), informal networks (61.6%) and
organization diversity practices (51.2%).
Table 3 presents descriptive statistics for GS-14
ratings of the measured success factors. This table
includes num ber of participants, mean ratings, and
standard deviations. Table 3 indicates that GS-14s rated
the measured success factors as follows: emotional
intelligence received a mean rating of 4.38(SD = .563,
SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t ^Journal - Volume 84
Edition 4
T a b le 1 . D e s c r ip t iv e S t a t is t ic s f o r SES S u c e
s s F a c t o r R a t in g s
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
SES_EI_PERCEPT 35 4.3119 .46895
SES_MENTORS 35 4.2833 .58759
SES DIV PRACT 35 4.0456 .62652
SES_ROLEMODELS 35 3.9429 .91639
SES_NETWORKS 35 3.7476 .85165
Valid N (listwise) 35
T a b le 2 . D e s c r ip t iv e S t a t is t ic s f o r G S -1 5 S u
c c e s s F a c t o r R a t in g s
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
GS15MENTOR 85 4.5353 .54711
G S 15E IP E R C E P T 86 4.4961 .48539
GS15ROLEMODELS 86 4.0756 .93503
GS15NETWORKS 86 4.0469 .80403
GS15DIV_PRACT 86 3.9816 .62286
Valid N (listwise) 85
T a b le 3. D e s c r ip t iv e S t a t is t ic s f o r G S - 1 4 S u
c c e s s F a c t o r R a t in g s
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
GS14EI_PERCEPT 68 4.3860 .56389
GS14MENTORS 68 4.3566 .81304
GS14ROLEMODELS 68 4.2672 .68576
GS14DIV_PRACTICE 68 4.0854 .63006
GS14NETWORKS 68 4.0137 .79668
Valid N (listwise) 68
N = 68); mentors received a mean rating of 4.35 (S D =
.813) and role models received a mean rating of 4.26
(SD = .685). GS-14s rated m easured success factors
as follows: organization diversity practices received
a mean of 4.08 (SD = .630) and informal networks
received a mean of 4.01 (SD=.796).
As shown in Table 3, frequencies were reviewed to
determ ine if GS-14s favorably rated the key success
factors. This test displayed the percentage of GS-14s
that provided scores of 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree)
delineating the perception of im portance of each
success factor. This groups rated the m easured success
factor ratings as follows: mentors (85.3%), El (83.8%),
role models (75.0%), informal networks (60.3) and
organization diversity practices (54.4%).
After analyzing descriptive and frequenc y data,
a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) between
subjects (SES, GS-15 and GS-14) was employed to
compare the mean accuracy of perceptions o f key
success factors. As shown in Table 4, an ANOVA test
helped us determ ine whether the differences in the
means between and within the three groups were
SAM Advanced Managem ent Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 47
Table 4. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for Success
Factor Ratings
Sum o f
Sauares df Mean Square F Siq.
MENTORS Betw een G roups 2.421 2 1.210 3.431 .034
W ithin G roups 64.906 184 .353
Total 67.326 186
N ETW O RKS Betw een G roups 1.586 2 .793 1.150 .319
W ithin G roups 127.589 185 .690
Total 129.175 187
ROLE MODELS Betw een G roups 2.519 2 1.259 1.828 .164
W ithin G roups 127.444 185 .689
Total 129.963 187
El PERCEPTION Betw een G roups .639 2 .319 1.061 .348
W ithin G roups 55.675 185 .301
Total 56.314 187
DIVERSITY PRACTICES Betw een G roups .551 2 .276 .686
W ithin G roups 74.258 185 .401
Total 74.809 187
Table 5. Scheffe Tests for Key Success Factors
Multiple Com parisons
S c h e ffe
V a ria b le m G R A D E (J1 G R A D E
M e an
D iffe re n c e (I-
J) S td . E rro r S id .
A A W M e n to rs S E S G S -1 5 -.0 3 4 4 0 .1 1 9 6 0 .9 5 9
G S -1 4 .1 9 3 11 .1 2 4 2 0 .301
G S -1 5 S E S .0 3 4 4 0 .1 1 9 6 0 .9 5 9
G S -1 4 .2 2 7 5 0 .0 9 7 2 9 .0 6 8
G S -1 4 S E S -.1 9 3 1 1 .1 2 4 2 0 .301
G S -1 5 -.2 2 7 5 0 .0 9 7 2 9 .0 6 8
AAW N E T W O R K S S E S G S -1 5 -.2 9 9 2 8 .1 6 2 2 5 .1
8 5
G S -1 4 -.2 5 1 3 9 .1 6 8 7 7 .3 3 2
G S -1 5 S E S .2 9 9 2 8 .1 6 2 2 5 .1 8 5
G S -1 4 .0 4 7 8 9 .1 3 1 8 7 .9 3 6
G S -1 4 S E S .2 5 1 3 9 .1 6 8 7 7 .3 3 2
G S -1 5 -.0 4 7 8 9 .1 3 1 8 7 .9 3 6
A A W R O L E M O D E L S S E S G S -1 5 .0 9 7 1 8 .1 6 3 2
3 .8 3 8
G S -1 4 -.1 6 5 4 6 .1 6 9 8 0 .6 2 3
G S -1 5 S E S - .0 9 7 1 8 .1 6 3 2 3 .8 3 8
G S -1 4 - .2 6 2 6 3 .1 3 2 6 6 .1 4 4
G S -1 4 S E S .1 6 5 4 6 .1 6 9 8 0 .6 2 3
G S -1 5 .2 6 2 6 3 .1 3 2 6 6 .1 4 4
AAW EI P E R C E P T S E S G S -1 5 -.1 8 4 2 2 .1 0 2 5 8 .2 0
G S -1 4 -.0 6 4 9 6 .1 0 6 7 0 .831
G S -1 5 S E S .1 8 4 2 2 .1 0 2 5 8 .2 0 2
G S -1 4 .1 1 9 2 6 .0 8 3 3 7 .361
G S -1 4 S E S .0 6 4 9 6 .1 0 6 7 0 .831
G S -1 5 -.1 1 9 2 6 .0 8 3 3 7 .361
A A W D IV E R S E P R A C S E S G S -1 5 .0 6 4 0 5 .1 2 5 8
4 .8 7 9
G S -1 4 -.0 4 2 6 7 .1 3 0 9 0 .9 4 8
G S -1 5 S E S - .0 6 4 0 5 .1 2 5 8 4 .8 7 9
G S -1 4 -.1 0 6 7 2 .1 0 2 2 8 .581
G S -1 4 S E S .0 4 2 6 7 .1 3 0 9 0 .9 4 8
G S -1 5 .1 0 6 7 2 .1 0 2 2 8 .581
48 SAM Advanced Management Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4
As shown in Table 5, we provide comparisons of the
mean accuracy of the success factor scores between
groups (SES, GS-15, and GS-14). This test found that
participants’ perceptions of mentors differed across the
three groups, F(2,l 84) = 3.431, p <.05. Table 5 also
shows the Scheffe follow-up procedure which provides
an assessment of pairwise differences among the three
groups. However, Post Hoc comparisons revealed
no statistically significant differences at the p < .05
level between the three groups’ perceptions. That is,
although there appeared to be a difference in the three
groups’ mean ratings of mentors, this test verified that
the differences were not statistically significant.
We also sought to learn how AAW in the SES, GS-
15, and GS-14 rate the im portance of the measured
key success factors: mentors, informal networks, role
models, em otional intelligence, and organization
diversity practices. Resulting analysis shows the
following ranges of means for the m easured success
factors: SES women’s mean ratings ranged from 3.7
( S D = .851) to 4.31 (S D = .468); GS-15 women’s mean
ratings ranged from 3.98 ( S D = .622) to 4.53 ( S D =
.547); and GS-14s mean ratings ranged from 4.01
( S D = .796) to 4.38 ( S D = .563). Participants’ ratings
indicated perceptions that key success factors were
im portant for career advancement to the SES level.
I n t e r n a l V e rs u s E x t e r n a l Success F a c to r
A n a ly s is
To leverage understanding of perception of key
success factors, a final survey question was posed to
respondents in all grades: Select the top three factors
that have contributed the m ost to your overall career
success. The following analysis is based on responses to
this survey item.
Ten success factor choices were listed in the survey
which included an option to select none of these. No
participant selected the none of these option, therefore,
that response was not considered in conducting this
analysis. The success factor options were as follows: 1)
mentors, 2) hard work, 3) informal networks, 4) your
own ability, 5) role models, 6) being in the right place
at the right time, 7) organization diversity practices, 8)
em otional intelligence (El), 9) education and training
and, 10) None of these.
A frequency chart was created to observe the
num ber of times each factor was selected as one of the
top three choices. Table 6 provides the data by grade
and frequencies of selections of each success factor.
As shown in Table 6, participants (N = 188) selected
hard work (82.4%) most often as one of their top three
success factors. The second and third most frequent
selections were education and training (60.6%) and
your own ability (43.0%). Percentages do not equal
100% because each participant was asked to provide
three responses.
As shown in Table 6 the data were also analyzed to
tell us the top three success factors selected by grade.
Percentages were calculated based on the total num ber
of participants in each grade. SES (N = 32) ratings are
as follows: hard work (93.7%), education and training
(56.2%), and your own ability (46.8%). GS-15s (N =
86) ratings are as follows: hard work (75%), education
and training (62.5%), and your own ability (42%).
And GS-14s (N = 70) ratings are as follows: hard work
(84.2%), education and training (58.5%), and mentors
It is im portant to note that in this instance,
participants provided lower ratings for key success
factors evidenced in the literature as essential needs to
support successful career progress. SES women rated
the key success factors as follows: informal networks
(28.1%), mentors (25%), El (12.5%), organization
diversity practices (9.3%) and role models (6.2%).
GS-15 women rated the key success factors as follows:
mentors (38.6%), informal networks (21.5%), El
(13.6%), organization diversity practices (10.2%),
and role models (7.9%). And GS-14 women rated
the key success factors as follows: mentors (42.8%),
networks (20%), El (11.4%), organization diversity
practices (5.7%) and role models (5.7%). The results
of this analysis suggest that, as a group, and by-grade,
the largest percentage of study participants rated
hard work (internal factor) as the most im portant
success factor, followed by education and training and
one’s own ability. The percent of participants giving a
higher rating to the key success factors from the list of
options was lower for all groups except GS-14s who
rated mentors (42.8%) as one of their top three success
factors (see Table 6).
As shown in Table 7, multiple comparisons (Scheffe
test) helped us discover a statistically significant
difference between mean scores of SES and GS-15
women’s ratings and between SES and GS-14 women
ratings. Effort accounted for personal success with p <
.05. However, with the other attribution factors, no two
groups were significantly different at the .05 level.
A t t r ib u t io n T h e o r y a n d Success F a c to rs
SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volume 84
Edition 4 49
Table 6. Top Three Success Factors and Percentages Selected by
N= 188
(N = 188)
N = 32
N = 86
N = 70
Mentors 25.0% 38.6% 42.8% 72 (38.3%)
Hard Work 93.7% 75.0% 84.2% 155 (82.4%)
Informal Networks 28.1% 21.5% 20.0% 42 (22.3%)
Own Ability 46.8% 42.0% 41.4% 81 (43.0%)
Role Models 6.2%) 7.9% 5.7% 13(6.9%)
Right Place/Right 40.6%)
18.1% 20.0% 43 (22.9%)
Diversity Practices 9.3% 10.2% 5.7% 16(8.5%)
12.5% 13.6% 11.4% 24 (12.8%)
Education & Training 56.2% 62.5% 58.5% 114 (60.6%)
Table 7. Scheffe Tests for Attribution Factors
M u lt ip le C o m p a r i s o n s
S c h e ffe
9 5 % C o n f id e n c e Inte rv a l
D e p e n d e n t V a ria b le m G R A D E G R A D E
M e an
D iffe r e n c e (I-
j ) S td . E rro r S ia . L o w e r B o u n d U p p e r B o u n d
AT-1 A b ilitie s S E S G S -1 5 -.0 4 0 .1 0 3 .9 2 9 -.2 9 .22
G S -1 4 -.0 6 7 .10 8 .82 6 -.3 3 .20
G S -1 5 S E S .04 0 .1 0 3 .9 2 9 -.2 2 .29
G S -1 4 -.0 2 7 .0 8 4 .9 5 0 -.2 4 .18
G S -1 4 S E S .0 6 7 .1 0 8 .82 6 -.2 0 .33
G S -1 5 .0 2 7 .0 8 4 .95 0 -.1 8 .24
A T -2 E ffo rt S E S G S -1 5 -1 .0 2 4 * .2 3 8 .0 0 0 -1 .61 -.4
G S -1 4 -1 .1 4 4 * .2 4 8 .00 0 -1 .7 6 -.5 3
G S -1 5 S E S 1.0 2 4 * .2 3 8 .0 0 0 .44 1.61
G S -1 4 -.1 2 0 .19 4 .8 2 7 -.6 0 .36
G S -1 4 S E S 1 .1 44* .24 8 .0 0 0 .53 1 .7 6
G S -1 5 .1 2 0 .19 4 .8 2 7 -.3 6 .60
A T -3 T a s k S E S G S -1 5 .1 9 8 .2 0 0 .61 2 -.2 9 .69
G S -1 4 -.1 2 7 .2 0 8 .83 0 -.6 4 .39
G S -1 5 S E S -.1 9 8 .20 0 .6 1 2 -.6 9 .29
G S -1 4 -.3 2 6 1 6 4 .141 -.7 3 .08
G S -1 4 S E S .12 7 .2 0 8 .83 0 -.3 9 .64
G S -1 5 .3 2 6 .16 4 .141 -.0 8 .73
A T -4 L u c k S E S G S -1 5 .0 6 2 .24 8 .9 6 9 -.5 5 .67
G S -1 4 .1 3 6 .2 5 7 .8 6 9 -.5 0 .77
G S -1 5 S E S -.0 6 2 .24 8 .96 9 -.6 7 .55
G S -1 4 .0 7 4 .2 0 2 .9 3 4 -.4 2 .57
G S -1 4 S E S -.1 3 6 .2 5 7 .86 9 -.7 7 .50
G S -1 5 -.0 7 4 .20 2 .9 3 4 -.5 7 .42
*. T h e m e a n d iffe re n c e is s ig n if ic a n t a t th e 0 .0
5 le v e l.
50 SAM Advanced Management Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4
Attribution theory was also considered when
analyzing selections of the top three success factors.
The survey asked questions that were related to how
participants attribute personal achievement. The
factors were divided into internal and external, based
on characteristics. For example, the factor of mentors
was considered external because it has an external
dim ension (the mentor). On the other hand, education
is an internal factor (the individual person). External
factors in the survey items included: mentors,
informal networks, role models, and organization
diversity practices. While, internal factors listed
included: your own hard work, your own ability,
emotional awareness (intelligence), and education and
To further examine attribution for the internal and
external groups, each group was transform ed into one
variable. Statistics resulting from these transform ed
variables indicated that 184 (96.8%) of 190 participants
selected internal success factors among their choices
of the top three success factors. For comparison, only
66.3% of respondents rated external success factors
among their list of top three factors. Overall, this
analysis suggests that SES rated internal success factors
higher indicating their perceptions that these factors
were more likely to lead to career success.
D is c u s s io n
The hypothesis predicted: The more emphasis the
mentee placed on the im portance of the m entor/
mentee relationship, the more the mentee perceived
career enhancing outcomes.
However, the findings suggest that while supporting
the im portance of mentors (extrinsic factor) was
recognized by mentees, more emphasis was placed
on intrinsic factors of hard work, education, and
emotional intelligence.
Results o f the study suggest that AAW in the three
grades studied, considered m entoring as an im portant
success factor for achieving SES . SES ratings of agree
or strongly agree for the im portance of mentors were
slightly lower than GS-15’s and GS-14’s agree and
strongly agree ratings. These results are consistent
with Nkomo and Cox’s (1989) findings contending
that AAW perceived mentors as influential factors for
career advancement. Also, results of the present study
are in line with research conducted by McGlowan-
Fellow and Thomas (2004), as their findings suggested
that m entoring influenced individual capabilities to
achieve senior-level positions. Further, their study
found that mentors may help increase diversity in
organizations because they may offer insight for career
advancement when counseling m inority proteges
(McGlowan-Fellow & Thomas, 2004). A nother related
study found that while networks were most effective
for white women, m entoring program s were more
effective in supporting career development for AAW
(Kalev, Dobbin, & Kelly, 2006)
A possible reason for SESs placing less im portance
on mentors may be related to hindsight bias. Hindsight
bias is present when participants’ recollections of
the past become distorted either because they are
uncertain of how they felt in the past, or because they
discount negative or positive circumstances depending
on the situation (Werth, Strack & Forster, 2002).
Max Bazerman, a Harvard professor and renowned
expert on decision making, and his colleagues, also
contributed to understanding this bias. Bazerman,
Loewenstein, and Moore (2002) argued that
individuals may be unconscious of their tendency to
distort facts and supported the salience of recognizing
the possibility of bias (Bazerman, et. al., 2002). In
recognizing the potential for this bias, researchers
gain an increased awareness of issues that may be
involved when evaluating results based on participants’
perceptions of past events.
SES perceptions were m easured based on after-
the-fact thought processes, and although they were
asked to “think back to the time before you achieved
your SES appointment,” a potential exists for past
events to be seen through a different lens when
reporting perceptions. Hindsight bias may account
for mentors and other success factors appearing to be
less im portant to senior executives because they had
already reached the SES level, and memories o f the
success factors’ significance may have faded over the
Interestingly, the analysis discovered no major
differences between the three grades’ views of the
im portance of m entoring as a success factor. One
explanation for this finding may be the high visibility
of m entoring as a concept in the federal government,
particularly in term s of preparing women and
minorities for advanced careers. In September 2008,
the U.S. Office of Personnel M anagement (OPM)
published a m entoring handbook (OPM, 2008). The
handbook cited the Federal Workforce Flexibility
Act of 2004 that m andated provisions for training
managers on m entoring employees (OPM, 2008). As
a result OPM pushed for agencies to develop formal
SAM A d vanced M an ag e m e n t Journal - Volume 84
Edition 4 51
m entoring programs and published guidance on
all aspects of mentoring. Moreover, a recent study
of AAW in the Peoria, Illinois, Black Cham ber of
Commerce concluded that m entoring related to career
success (Ali, 2007). The results of the present study
substantiate evidence presented in the literature that
points to m entors as a key success factor for achieving
senior executive positions.
Study results suggest that when participants were
given an opportunity to select the top three factors to
which they credited personal career success, they were
more likely to select factors in the following order:
hard work, education and training, and ones own
ability. Selecting these factors, versus the key success
factors, was a turning point in this investigation
of perceived success factors. In fact, these findings
suggest that AAW, in this study, when not limited
to prioritizing key success factors evidenced by the
literature, were more likely to credit internal versus
external factors for personal career success.
External factors including mentors, consistently
received fewer selections among participants’ top
three success factors. These results may be informative
for organizations that wish to maintain a diverse
workforce and may provide insight for how they may
appeal to AAW by recognizing their perceptions
of the im portance of internal factors. This may be
accomplished by recognizing and rewarding hard work
and efforts and by awarding scholarships or tuition
assistance for advanced education. Coupled with
these enticements, organizations may also implement
inclusion policies to reduce perceptions of obstacles to
external factors such as mentors.
The present study’s results also surface viewpoints
related to attribution theory. Based on attribution
theory, the results suggest that among all three grades,
AAW attributed internal factors at a higher rate
than external factors as the foundation for personal
achievement and career progress. W hen analyzing
attributions by grade, study results suggest that SESs
were more likely to place confidence in external factors
than were GS-15s or GS-14s. In contrast to women in
the SES, the GS-15s and GS-14s were more likely to
credit internal factors as the basis for their own career
These results suggest that after prom otion to SES,
women may have a better understanding of the
value that external success factors may contribute
to achieving SES ranking. Also, SESs may have
experienced situations that prom inently presented
the im portance of accessing external factors. On the
other hand, GS-15s and GS-14s are less experienced
and may not have developed a full awareness of the
powerful influence that external factors may have on
facilitating prom otions to SES. Organizations may use
this analysis to build career development programs
that focus on im portant internal and external factors
for individuals who aspire to achieve executive level
Im p lic a t io n s f o r E m p lo y e e s
AAW who aspire to achieve SES ranking should take
measures to increase awareness o f the combination of
success factors that may support achieving executive
careers. The current study suggested that mentors,
networks, role models, organization diversity, and
emotional intelligence were key success factors that
helped advance careers. Although there is still much to
be learned about key success factors needed to reach
SES ranking, the present study implies that AAW
should place more emphasis on devising m ethods to
gain access to im portant external factors. Increasing
AAW’s potential to reach the SES may be a m atter of
placing more personal focus on strategies for gaining
access to mentors, informal networks, and role models.
Additionally, AAW who are currently serving
in executive-level positions could participate in
m entoring activities to aid high-potential AAWs who
aspire to reach the SES. They should consider the
value of sharing strategies and approaches that worked
for them in achieving SES ranking. AAW may also
consider proactively building their own networks and
m entor programs to expose SES hopefuls to career
advancement advice and opportunities. Also, the
current corps of AAW in the SES can create forums
that will allow them to provide counseling and share
knowledge of the factors needed to achieve SES. This
recom m endation would enable AAW who are SES to
provide support and become role models for other
AAW who aspire to gain SES appointments.
Further, implications of the present study may
also increase AAW employees’ knowledge of key and
essential success factors that may be needed to achieve
SES. The present study’s results may offer self-help
solutions for AAW in guiding them toward success
factors that are most im portant for achieving executive
careers. Enhanced awareness of key success factors
may also increase AAW’s potential for achieving SES
and, in turn, increase their representation in the SES corps.
Im p lic a t io n s f o r M a n a g e m e n t
SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volum e 84
Edition 452
Organizations may benefit from the results of the
current study by increasing their preparedness to
effectively address concerns related to career success
factors for AAW. The findings may contribute to
developing program s that can lead to increased
opportunities for AAW to gain access to key success
factors. Further, understanding perceptions held
by AAW in SES, GS-15 and GS-14 grades may also
motivate organizations to expand on this study by
examining perceptions of success factors for all
minorities in all grades.
R e c o m m e n d a tio n s
Armed with knowledge gained from the present
study, it is recom m ended that organizations consider
implementing policies that support expanding AAW’s
access to mentors, networks, and role models. Also,
leaders can institute organizational agendas that
include developing or improving formal mentoring
and networking programs.
To implement m entoring programs, organizations
can formally couple senior executives with AAW
subordinates. The effectiveness of these couplings
can be enhanced by providing training support in
career-counseling techniques and protegee career
development. Organizations can also implement
formal in-house network programs and encourage
AAW to participate. Through formal networks,
organizations can provide a num ber of relationship-
building opportunities for AAW that may include
presentations from senior leadership and professional
development training. Also, organizations can conduct
interactive meetings and forums to bring together
AAW and senior leaders to discuss challenges in
AAWs’ careers and m ethods to improve career success.
By establishing formal m entoring and networking
programs, organizations can create associations that
may lead to informal m entoring relationships and
network connections.
Another recom m endation for organizations involves
leaders m aintaining awareness of the effectiveness
of organization diversity programs. One way to
accomplish this is by conducting periodic diversity
climate assessment surveys of all employees. Climate
assessment surveys are effective for informing leaders
of employee perceptions of an organization’s diversity
policies and programs. This review can also indicate
the level of effectiveness of specific programs that were
instituted to enhance inclusion and diversity. Periodic
assessments should be followed with leadership’s
visible com m itm ent to address negative issues that may
surface, the com m itm ent to address and strengthen
weak programs, and continuance of support for
effective diversity practices.
Additionally, based on knowledge gained from
the current study, we recom m end that organization
diversity programs be visibly supported by leadership.
Working from a foundation of knowledge of AAW’s
perceptions, organizations can use this information
to determ ine which career development programs
are most effective in showing the organization’s solid
support of inclusion and diversity. Leaders should
ask themselves, “W hat was the purpose of this
diversity program? Is it working? Are we meeting our
diversity goals? W hat should be the next steps for our
Finally, organizations com m itted to prom oting
diversity may enhance effectiveness by reviewing
the best m entoring program and practices employed
in other successful organizations. Benchmarking
organizations who have implemented successful
diversity practices can help organizations improve
current policies and institute new diversity practices.
S u m m a r y a n d C o n c lu s io n s
We have learned from this study that AAW who
participated in this study appeared to be aware of the
im portant success factors needed to achieve SES. Yet,
when given a broad range of factors to choose from,
more often the women selected internal factors as the
basis for their own personal success. Because so few
studies focus on AAW’s views of SES success factors,
the present study can serve as a baseline for future
studies that explore AAW’s perceptions of success
factors necessary to reach SES levels.
Additionally, this study informed us that mentors
are an im portant success factor that may facilitate
career success. However, this im portant factor was
not among the m ost prevalent factors that study
participants perceived as the top three responsible for
their own career success. In fact, participants provided
the highest rate of internal related responses including
education and training, hard work, and personal
efforts. Through this study we learned that participants
believed internal factors underpinned their success
and it may be necessary to enhance awareness for
the im portance of attaining powerful external factors
in order to gain leadership positions and to reach
executive-level positions.
While recognizing the im portance of aspiring
SAM Advanced M anagement Dournal - Volume 84 Edition 4 53
leaders’ em otional intelligence, advanced schooling,
diligent work efforts, and talents in the workplace, it
should also be understood that individuals who lack
these characteristics may not meet even the lowest
qualifications for senior-level leadership positions.
We learned from this study that it may be equally
im portant to identify and understand the role played
by m entors as a powerful key success factor.
F u tu re Research
Although this study expands the body of knowledge
regarding AAW’s perceptions o f success factors,
it has not succeeded in identifying all factors that
may be involved in explaining why so few AAW
are in the SES. Many aspects involving this area of
research remain unknown. For this reason, future
research is very im portant to continue expanding
our knowledge of success factors that may lead to
higher representation of AAW in the SES. Aspects to
consider during future research include examination
of SES workforce diversity policies, investigation of
the extent to which AAW aspire to become SES, and
exploration of SES organizations’ career development
and hiring practices. These researchers hope that a
model for future research can be developed to serve
as a useful guide for fruitful efforts that will continue
filling the gap in the inadequate body of knowledge on
AAW’s perceptions of success factors needed to gain
appointm ents in the SES.
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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Why Benefiting From Discrimination Is Less Recognized as
L. Taylor Phillips and Sora Jun
Online First Publication, September 13, 2021.
Phillips, L. T., & Jun, S. (2021, September 13). Why Benefiting
From Discrimination Is Less Recognized as Discrimination.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online
Why Benefiting From Discrimination Is Less Recognized as
L. Taylor Phillips1 and Sora Jun2
1 Stern School of Business, New York University
2 Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas
Discrimination continues to plague society, creating stark
inequities between groups. While existing
work has considered the role of prejudice in perpetuating
discrimination, we draw on emerging research
on privilege and inequity frames to offer an overlooked,
complementary explanation: Objectively dis-
criminatory decisions that are described as favoring, compared
with disfavoring, are less likely to be
recognized as discrimination. We further theorize this is
because favoring decisions are perceived to be
motivated by positive intentions. We find support for our
hypotheses across eight studies. First, using
both qualitative (Studies 1a-b) and experimental approaches
(Studies 2–7), across a range of discrimina-
tion contexts including race, sex, nationality, and age, we find
that inequity frames affect perceptions of
discrimination. Further, we find that even human resource
employees are less likely to recognize dis-
crimination when described as favoring (Study 3), in turn
affecting their reporting behaviors: They are
less likely to report potentially discriminatory decisions for
review. Next, sampling language from U.S.
Supreme Court cases, we find that people support litigation less
when discrimination uses a favoring
frame, versus disfavoring frame (Study 4). Then, we find that
this pattern is driven by inequity frames
shaping perceived intentions, rather than perceived harm
(Studies 5–6). Finally, we find some evidence
that inequity frames regarding a discriminatory decision
committed by an organization may affect candi-
dates’ job pursuit behaviors (Study 7). This work contributes to
a nascent perspective that advantaging
mechanisms are critical for creating group inequity: given
individuals are less likely to recognize favor-
itism as discriminatory, favoritism may especially contribute to
the persistence of inequity.
Keywords: discrimination, inequality/inequity,
advantage/privilege, favoritism, diversity
Supplemental materials:
Group-based discrimination is detrimental to individuals, organ-
izations, and society: discrimination reduces justice and in tur n
versity, harms individuals’ health and well-being, and depresses
satisfaction, motivation, and commitment in the workplace
et al., 2003; Ensher et al., 2001; Kessler et al., 1999; Pascoe &
Smart Richman, 2009; Schmitt et al., 2014). And yet,
tion on the basis of race, sex, nationality, age—and many other
identities—persists, despite continued efforts toward its
(EEOC, 2020; see also Pager & Shepherd, 2008; Ragins &
well, 2001). For instance, in job interviews, White applicants
more than twice as likely to receive callbacks than are Black
cants with the same qualifications (Pager et al., 2009),
heterosexual men are nearly twice as likely to receive callbacks
compared with openly gay men (Tilcsik, 2011), and upper-class
men are more than 12 times more likely to receive an interview
compared with lower-class men (Rivera & Tilcsik, 2016).
Prior research finds that group-based discrimination is driven
both by bias against disadvantaged group members, and bias in
favor of advantaged group members (Brewer, 1999; DiTomaso,
2013, 2015; Greenwald & Pettigrew, 2014; Sidanius & Pratto,
2001). And yet, existing research on perceived discrimination
disproportionately focused on understanding disfavoring-framed
decisions, paying little attention to whether, when, and why
also recognize favoring-framed decisions (see also Lloyd &
lips, 2006). Existing work has prioritized identifying points of
intervention to reduce discrimination, including individual -level
levers, such as prejudice (Guryan & Charles, 2013; Pager &
herd, 2008) and structural-level levers, such as weak
(Hirsh & Kornrich, 2008). However, if people fail to recognize
favoring-discrimination as discriminatory, then such discrimina-
tory decisions will likely persist, ultimately fueling inequity.
Here, we consider how perceptions of discrimination may
diverge from the objective reality, obscuring instances of
nation. Specifically, we suggest people will be less likely to
nize discrimination when it is described as favoring some group
members over others (e.g., “hiring a male candidate”), as
L. Taylor Phillips
We are grateful for helpful comments from Lisa Leslie, Brian
Sean Malahy, Elad Sherf, and Batia Wiesenfeld; developmental
from Mikki Hebl, Kathy Phillips, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, and
participants at the Gender and Diversity in Organizations paper
workshop; and research assistance from Olivia Foster-Gimbel.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
L. Taylor
Phillips, Stern School of Business, New York University, 44
West 4th Street,
New York, NY 10012, United States. Email: [email protected]
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:
Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes
© 2021 American Psychological Association
ISSN: 0022-3514
y. supp
mailto:[email protected]
to disfavoring some group members over others (e.g., “not
hiring a
female candidate”), despite equivalent discriminatory outcomes.
That is, bias in favor of beneficiaries of discrimination,
with bias against victims of discrimination, is less likely to be
ceived as discriminatory. Importantly, we also connect these
asymmetric perceptions to behaviors that maintain systems of
crimination: supporting litigation, reporting discrimination, and
job pursuit. We thus aim to contribute to a budding literature
works to expose group-based advantage as a mechanism of
inequity (DiTomaso, 2013, 2015; Lowery et al., 2007, 2009,
Rosette & Koval, 2018).
Objective Versus Subjective Discrimination
Discrimination is the differential treatment of individuals on the
basis of their (assumed or actual) group membership or social
tity (e.g., Major et al., 2002; Pager & Shepherd, 2008).
prior literature has found that both favoring and disfavoring
on the basis of group membership contribute to objective
tion (DiTomaso, 2013, 2015, see also Brewer, 1999). That is,
criminatory decisions are made because decision makers engage
disfavoring, animus or “out-group hate,”1 via explicit or
implicit prej-
udice (e.g., taste-based discrimination; Bertrand et al., 2005;
& Charles, 2013) or negative stereotypes associated with out-
members (e.g., statistical-discrimination; Arrow, 1998; Guryan
Charles, 2013; Pager & Shepherd, 2008). In addition,
decisions are made because decision makers engage in favoring,
voritism, or “in-group love” (e.g., homophily, in-group bias;
et al., 2014; DiTomaso, 2013; Goldberg, 1982; Greenwald &
grew, 2014; Halevy et al., 2008; Rivera, 2016; Ridgeway &
2012; Roth, 2004; Waytz et al., 2014). For instance, favoring is
driven by social identity processes—expecting reciprocity,
punishment, or affirming one’s own identity by preferring
others (Brewer, 1999; Finkelstein et al., 1995; Tajfel & Turner,
1979; Thau et al., 2015). Such favoring can also be the result of
eotyping, in which more positive traits and skills are attributed
dominant group members (e.g., Whites, men; Bertrand et al.,
Jacquemet & Yannelis, 2012; Lee et al., 2015).
In fact, recent work suggests that favoritism may be an espe-
cially powerful mechanism contributing to inequitable selection
outcomes. For example, DiTomaso (2013) uses a qualitative
approach to demonstrate how favoritism within friendship net-
works gives Whites employment advantages over minorities.
Given that networks are racially segregated, Whites’ favoring
friends for employment referrals can create racial inequity in
selection decisions, even without managers explicitly
minorities. Rivera (2016) similarly finds that candidates from
lower social class backgrounds suffer discrimination in elite
fessional firms. Importantly, this gap is driven by hiring
favoring those with similar social class backgrounds as them-
selves, due to their feeling fit and comfort. Indeed, models of
discrimination find that accounting for favoring and disfavoring
separate preferences can better explain the persistence of
natory outcomes across a range of demographic groups (Feld et
al., 2016; Goldberg, 1982; Jacquemet & Yannelis, 2012; Sala-
manca & Feld, 2017).
In the U.S. legal context, both favoring and disfavoring actions
can be the basis of illegal discrimination (Piscataway Township
Bd. of Educ. v. Taxman, 1997; Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld,
However, psychological perspectives suggest that not all
of discrimination are recognized as such (Avery et al., 2008;
Major et al., 2002): objective instances of discriminatory
are distinct from the subjective perceptions of those decisions
discriminatory. On one hand, an objectively discriminatory
sion is defined as one that involves favoring or disfavoring
dates based on their group membership, rather than individual
qualifications. On the other hand, subjectively perceived
nation—also known as attributions to discrimination—is a per-
ceiver’s recognition that the decision is indeed unfairly based
candidates’ group membership rather than individual merit
et al., 2002).
Attributions to discrimination have important effects above and
beyond objective discrimination. For instance, perceiving
tion is associated with weakened psychological safety and
health outcomes (Avery et al., 2008; Kessler et al., 1999;
Pascoe &
Smart Richman, 2009; Sanchez & Brock, 1996; Schmitt et al.,
Triana et al., 2015). Further, perceiving discrimination w hen it
is a required first step towards reporting and ultimately rooting
discrimination (Ambrose & Schminke, 2009; Miller et al., 1981;
Simon, 1991; Skarlicki et al., 2015). Thus, scholars and
alike need to understand when and why objective discrimination
likely to be subjectively perceived as discrimination, or to
Attributions to Discrimination Framework
The attributions to discrimination framework (Major et al.,
2002) theorizes two conditions under which an individual will
tribute a decision to group-based discrimination: The decision is
perceived to be unjust (rather than just) and is perceived to be
based on a social identity (rather than the individual’s merit).
Ample research supports this framework, and has focused on
tifying organizational and individual moderators of attributions
discrimination (e.g., Goldman et al., 2006; Major et al., 2002;
Major & Dover, 2016). For example, prodiversity climate and
clear reporting mechanisms in organizations increase the likeli-
hood that employees perceive objective discrimination as
tively unjust (Hirsh & Lyons, 2010; Leslie & Gelfand, 2008).
Interestingly, to the best of our knowledge, attributions to dis -
crimination and perceived discrimination work has primarily
investigated when and why perceivers attribute disfavoring-
decisions—a candidate not being selected—to discrimination. In
contrast, this work has not considered when and why perceivers
might attribute favoring-framed decisions—a candidate being
selected—to discrimination, despite the framework’s noted
retical relevance (Lloyd & Phillips, 2006; Major et al., 2002, p.
264). But, as reviewed above, research clearly finds that both
favoring and disfavoring contribute to discrimination. Indeed,
scholars have recently registered concern that work on inequity
ten neglects discrimination resulting from favoring (DiTomaso,
2015; Greenwald & Pettigrew, 2014; Lloyd & Phillips, 2006).
In past literature, disfavoring has been described as out-group
out-group denigration, animus, disadvantage, and
discrimination, among
other phrases (Brewer, 1999; Brief et al., 2005; DiTomaso,
Favoring has been described as in-group love, in-group
favoritism, advantage, and privilege, among other phrases.
Here, for both
simplicity and specificity, we use the terms “disfavoring” and
“favoring” to
describe the two inequity frames that may be applied.
Here, we work to integrate literature that documents favoring as
a mechanism of objective discrimination with theory on
perceptions of discrimination in order to ask: Given both
and disfavoring cause discrimination, do people perceive both
such? We suggest that inequity frames—specifically, framing an
inequitable decision in terms of favoring versus disfavoring—
an important antecedent that can bias attributions to discrimina-
tion. That is, regardless of the motivation behind the deci sion
Brewer, 1999), an inequitable decision can be framed as either
favoring or disfavoring. We predict that people will be less
to attribute a decision to discrimination when it is framed in
of favoring the beneficiary of the decision as opposed to
ing the victim of the decision.
Inequity Frames Theory
Cognitive frames (also known as decision frames, organiza-
tional frames, or simply “frames”) refer to perceivers’
of the acts, outcomes, and contingencies associated with a
lar choice” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981, p. 453; see also
& Snow, 2000; Cornelissen & Werner, 2017; Goffman, 1974;
Kaplan, 2008). Frames can focus and anchor our attention,
our assumptions about decisions and processes, and ul timately
have powerful effects on our behavior. For instance, Hugenberg
al. (2006) show that framing a shortlist selection process as
sionary (who should be cut) increases decision makers’
ing and ultimately discrimination against minority candidates,
opposed to using an inclusionary frame (who should be kept).
Intergroup and diversity scholars have developed inequity
frames theory to describe how and why different framings affect
reactions to group inequities as well (Lowery et al., 2007,
Specifically, group inequity can be described as a disadvantage
those who suffer from the inequity, or as an advantage for those
who benefit from the same inequity (Branscombe, 1998; Chow
al., 2008; Knowles et al., 2014; Lowery et al., 2012; Rosette &
Koval, 2018). For instance, consider Jake and John competing
a newly open position. Alejandra, the hiring manager decides to
hire Jake over John, solely because Jake is the same nationality
Alejandra, and John is not. This decision is clearly
because it was made based on group membership (i.e.,
rather than individual merit. However, the decision can be dis -
cussed as Alejandra’s biased treatment against John
frame), or it could be discussed as Alejandra’s biased treatment
favor of Jake (favoring frame).
The frame used to describe the same inequity can evoke very
different responses. For instance, framing racial group inequity
terms of advantages for Whites evokes more personal defensive-
ness among Whites than does framing racial inequity in terms of
disadvantages for Blacks (Lowery et al., 2007; Lowery & Wout,
2010). Similar effects have been found among men and
of other social groups (e.g., Branscombe, 1998; Phillips & Low -
ery, 2020; Rosette & Tost, 2013; Sullivan et al., 2012). In turn,
such defensiveness can reduce support for policies designed to
correct group inequity, such as affirmative action (Phillips &
ery, 2015). In contrast, at the individual level, framing inequity
with a focus on the disadvantaged individual can spur
group members to action by offering an identifiable victim and
clear path for restoration (e.g., pay restitution; Rosette &
2018). In short, different frames can lead to different interpreta-
tions of, and therefore different reactions to, the same
Extant research suggests these differential responses to inequity
arise because the frames differentially prompt negative
and experiences of threat: advantaged individuals feel more
more blame, and ultimately report lower group- and self-esteem
when they read about inequity described with a favoring frame
(e.g., men are advantaged) as compared with a disfavoring
(e.g., women are disadvantaged; Branscombe, 1998; Leach et
2002; Lowery et al., 2007; Powell et al., 2005; Rosette &
2018). However, this work has focused on the first-person
ence of inequity frames, in which an advantaged group member
learns about the ways they benefit from inequity. In contrast,
suggest that because inequity frames shift people’s
of the fundamental nature of inequity (Lowery et al., 2009;
ery & Wout, 2010), the impact of inequity frames should extend
people who are impartial to the inequity as well. Thus, we
inequity frames might also affect third-party observers of
nation. Specifically, we theorize that, rather than emotions,
inequity frames will shape third parties’ perceptions of a
maker’s intentions, in turn affecting their interpretation of the
text. We explain these predictions in more detail below.
Favoring-Framed Discrimination Is Less Recognized
as Discrimination
We suggest that although favoring and disfavoring frames
describe an equivalent discriminatory outcome (e.g., Jake being
hired and John not being hired based on nationality), the two
frames are likely to be interpreted differently. Specifically, we
expect that favoring versus disfavoring-framed decisions imply
different decision maker intentions: the disfavoring frame is
likely to imply negative intentions. For instance, based on
heuristics and expectations, observers may construe disfavoring
demonstrating animus, hatred, and intentions to hurt others, and
such, perceive negative intentions. Favoring frames, in contrast,
are more likely to imply positive intentions. For instance,
ers may construe favoring as demonstrating love, loyalty, and
intentions to help others (Brewer, 1999), and as such, perceive
positive intentions.3
Perceived intentions, in turn, are critical for perceivers’ judg-
ments of actions as just, fair, and moral (Alicke et al., 2015;
man, 2008, 2015; Folger & Cropanzano, 2001); as such,
intentions should inform observers’ attributions to
Indeed, work from a variety of literatures, including justice and
attribution, suggests that intentions often outweigh objective
For instance, if men are systematically favored in promotion
then women are necessarily disfavored; if women are
disfavored in promotion decisions, then men are necessarily
favored (Lloyd
& Phillips, 2006). That is, regardless of the motivation driving
objectively discriminatory decision, or the frame used to
describe that
decision, the decision is equivalent in terms of who benefits and
suffers due to their group membership.
The framing of a decision is conceptually distinguishable from
relative status of a group member who “benefits” or “loses”
from the
decision. We expect, and find, a main effect of framing on
attributions to
discrimination, above and beyond any main effect of beneficiary
status (see also decision prototypicality; Major & Dover, 2016;
Rodin et
al., 1990).
outcomes when it comes to judging fairness (especially in
contexts; Clark et al., 2017). For example, even failed attempts
harm are seen as worse than accidental harm (Alicke et al.,
Cushman, 2008, 2015). Likewise, in U.S. legal studies,
are considered an aggravating factor, or the lack thereof a
ing factor (Dripps, 2003; see also Ames & Fiske, 2015). In
decisions must be perceived as intentional in order to be
as unjust, rather than merely unfortunate (Alicke, 2000; Feather,
1999; Folger & Cropanzano, 2001; Umphress et al., 2013; see
Major et al., 2002). We therefore suggest that, because we
favoring-framed decisions will imply more positive intentions
than disfavoring-framed decisions, favoring-framed decisions
be less likely to be recognized as discrimination.
In line with our predictions, employee surveys (focused on dis -
favoring-framed decisions) have found that perceiving managers
as having negative intentions can increase perceptions of
nation (Avery et al., 2008; Harris et al., 2004). Likewise, a
experiment (focused on disfavoring-framed decisions) found
participants who perceived more negative intent in a decision
attributed the decision to discrimination more (Simon et al.,
see also Apfelbaum et al., 2017; Swim et al., 2003). Our
might also help explain why White interview informants feel
their own in-group favoritism is largely disconnected from dis-
crimination—they focus more on helping intentions or conven-
ience (DiTomaso, 2013). In sum, perceived intentions are likely
critical to judgments of discrimination; therefore, we theorize
to the extent inequity frames affect perceived intentions, then
frames should also affect attributions to discrimination.
Downstream Consequences
We further suggest that differential attributions to discrimina-
tion caused by different inequity frames are likely to influence
subsequent behaviors, including support for litigation,
to report discrimination, and job pursuit intentions. Existing
on perceived discrimination has especially focused on
ing the perspective, beliefs, and behaviors of victims of
nation (e.g., Avery et al., 2008; Pascoe & Smart Richman, 2009;
Schmitt et al., 2014; Triana et al., 2015). However, third-party
observers can serve as critical gatekeepers, helping identify and
report injustice, or letting injustice continue (e.g., Skarlicki et
2015). For instance, when third-party observers do not attribute
racial bullying to racial animus, they are less likely to report
blatant physical violence (Apfelbaum et al., 2010).
Here, we suggest that to the extent that favoring-framed deci-
sions are less recognized as discrimination (compared with
voring-framed decisions), people will be less likely to report
decisions as discriminatory, via either supporting litigation or
ferring the decision for additional review. Further, they may be
more likely to show interest in working for such organizations.
this way, discrimination framed as favoring beneficiaries may
mask injustice, allowing it to persist.
Current Research
In sum, we propose that individuals are less likely to recognize
a discriminatory decision as discriminatory when it is described
favoring, as compared with disfavoring. We further suggest that
this relative failure of recognition is driven by the effect of
inequity frames on perceived intentions, despite discriminatory
outcomes being identical.
We tested our predictions in two qualitative surveys and six
experiments, which sampled a variety of discrimination domains
(e.g., age, sex, nationality, and race), across a variety of
populations (e.g., working adults, business students, human
employees). Studies 1a-b examined lay beliefs of discrimination
involving favoring versus disfavoring. Study 2 directly tested
inequity frames affect attributions to discrimination across a
range of group-based discrimination contexts. Study 3 tested
human resource employees fall victim to the same framing
and whether this affects their willingness to report
Studies 4–6 investigated alternative mechanisms, including
harm versus perceived intentions. Finally, Study 7 examined
potential job applicants’ efforts to apply to an organization are
by how the organization’s discriminatory decisions are framed.
We hope to make three contributions with this work. First,
whereas recent research has focused on decoupling favoring and
disfavoring as drivers of objective discrimination (Brewer,
DiTomaso, 2013, 2015), this research has not yet considered
people subjectively perceive discrimination (e.g., Kessler et al.,
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MentoringA Key Success Factor for African American Wome

  • 1. Mentoring: A Key Success Factor for African American Women in the U.S. Federal Senior Executive Service Lynda C. Jackson, T rinity W ashington U niversity Marcia M. Bouchard, U niversity o f M a ry la n d U niversity College In tro d u c tio n Between 1991 and 2009, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) provided numerous reports on the lack of diversity in the Federal Senior Executive Service for women and minorities (Stalcup, 2008a; Stalcup, 2008b; Rezendes, 2003). Numerous reports from the GAO suggest that government-wide SES appointm ents remain in the low percentages for African American Women (AAW) when compared to the percentages of AAW in comparable positions in the civilian labor force (CLF) (Rezendes, 2003; Stalcup, 2005; Stalcup, 2008a; Stalcup, 2008b). One of the reports stated, “Racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in the SES corps is im portant because they are the people who run the governm ents programs, and diversity in the senior leadership is an im portant component for effective operation of the governm ent” (Rezendes, 2003, p. 1). Further, according to GAO, of the total 6,555 SES appointees, 232 or 3.5 percent are AAW (Stalcup,
  • 2. 2008a). AAW’s representation in the CLF, as reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics in the management, professional, and related occupations is 6.1 percent (U.S. D epartm ent of Labor, 2007). This disparity, suggests that a representation rate of 3.5 percent constitutes a valid underrepresentation of AAW in the SES. Despite many studies and government reports, GAO asserted that progress has been slow for increasing m inority representation at both the SES level and in the GS-15 and GS-14 developmental pool (Stalcup, 2008a). Concern for the lack of m inority representation has gained the attention of senior leaders in both public and private organizations. It has become a top agenda item with leading executives recognizing the essentiality of diversity in developing and m aintaining high quality and inclusive workforces in the government’s Office of Personnel and Management (OPM) (Marquis, Lim, Scott, Harrell, & Kavanagh, 2008; OPM Strategic Plan, 2002; Stalcup, 2008a). In 2003, President George W. Bush recognized the merits of a Supreme C ourt decision that highlighted the benefits of diversity, noting that “diversity is one of Americas greatest strengths” (Bush, 2003). Problem S ta te m e n t The lack of sufficient representation of women and minorities in the SES impedes its ability to reflect the diversity of the people it serves (Zeller, 2003). In support of this goal, the Civilian Federal Register SAM A d vanced M an ag e m e n t ^Journal - Volum e 84 Edition 4 35
  • 3. (CFR) prescribes that executive agencies create program s and recruit to reduce underrepresentation of minorities in the Federal service ranks (5 CFR, 720.101,2008). P u rp o s e o f t h e S tu d y The purpose o f this study is to analyze views held by AAW in the SES and those serving in the GS-15 and GS-14 developmental pool of federal governm ent employees. We posit that this analysis will provide insights into factors that AAW perceived were empowering and related to their career success. Previous studies have explored career progression challenges women may face in public and private workforces, yet few scholarly studies solely examined perceptions o f AAW in the federal SES and the developmental pool. Experts in the research of women in m anagem ent issues observe that past studies have focused on all minorities, all women, or women of color (Catalyst, 1998; Bell & Nkomo, 2001). This study may serve to fill the gap in scholarly studies, as it focused specifically on AAW s perceptions of the success factors that enabled or would enable them to achieve SES-level careers. B a c k g r o u n d o n S e n io r E x e c u tiv e S e rv ic e The SES, a corps of appointed leaders, was created by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 to provide direction for the federal workforce. SES members serve in civilian ranks above GS-15 and below presidential appointees (Office of Personnel Management, n.d.).
  • 4. F ig u re 1. SES Core Q u a lific a tio n s fo r A p p o in te e s As shown in Figure 1, SES members have distinctive skills and meet strict core qualifications, including “leading change, leading people, results driven, business acumen, and building coalitions” (Davis, 2008). Members in the SES are selected for their leadership skills gained in public or private positions, including career civil service, military, and corporate experiences. SES salary scales range from $114,468 to $172,200 (SES salary table, 2008). SES Oversight Agency The U.S. Office of Personnel M anagement (OPM) maintains oversight of SES personnel programs, including the initiative that developed the SES core qualifications outlined in Figure 1. In perform ing its administrative role, OPM has had a long-term focus on the value of diversity and seeks to increase representation of women and minorities at all levels (Office of Personnel Management, 2002). Yet, according to a 2008 GAO report, the federal government is not meeting the challenges o f increasing m inority representation in its workforce (Stalcup, 2008a). OPM recognizes that the SES is not a diverse workforce and that progress toward diversity is slow (Zeller, 2003). SES Diversity Legislation Members of Congress support OPM ’s focus on diversity. In 2007 the House of Representatives and the Senate introduced two SES diversity bills. This legislation called for statutes to boost diversity
  • 5. 36 Source: Diagram adapted from Guide to Senior Executive Service Core Qualifications (2006) SAM Advanced Management ]ournal - Volume 84 Edition 4 policies and increase OPM s supervision of the SES (H. 3774; S. 2148,). Also, because it was not obvious that agencies were consistently docum enting SES diversity statistics, the bills recom m ended that OPM create an SES resource office. This office would manage docum entation of SES applicants and track annual data on race and other demographics related to the SES. To break the stride of current trends, OPM included diversity policies in its strategic plan and supported the notion that agencies must improve diversity efforts in at least three ways. First, OPM ’s strategy called for expanding recruitm ent of underrepresented groups (Office of Personnel Management, 2002). U nderrepresented groups include women, minorities, and people with disabilities. Next, OPM sought to improve tracking of dem ographic data within each agency for women and minorities (Office of Personnel Management, 2002). Possessing an overall goal of increasing diversity, gathering and reporting data on demographics would provide the only visible means for m easuring success. S c o p e o f t h e S tu d y a n d R e s e arc h Q u e s tio n
  • 6. The scope of the present study focused on African American women in the SES, GS-15, and GS-14 ranks. After discovering the wide gap in research studies on AAW’s perceptions of success in the workplace (Bell 8c Nkomo, 2001; Catalyst, 2004), this study concentrated on investigating AAW’s perceptions of the importance of key success factors necessary to reach SES level positions. Further, this study was bound by gender, race, organization and federal ranks, as it focused on AAW serving in the SES and in developmental grades. The research question guiding this study is: W hat are the key success factors necessary to leverage a successful career in the executive ranks? L it e r a t u r e R e v ie w A critical review of the literature established the foundation for this study which sought to explore the success factor among other factors as perceived by AAW serving in the SES, GS-15, and GS-14 ranks. The literature suggests that mentors can serve to boost career potential for individuals seeking career success (Ragins, 1989; Catalyst, 1998; Catalyst, 1999). Although this factor may be salient to all career- oriented individuals, it may be most critical for women and minorities who aspire to reach executive-level careers. Obstacles and Challenges to AAW Career Success The U.S. Government recognized the challenges that leaders may face in managing a diverse workforce. Three governm ent-sponsored reports that addressed workforce diversity and inclusion challenges were: Workforce 2000 (Johnson 8c Packer, 1987; Dominguez, 1991), the Federal Glass Ceiling Initiative (Federal
  • 7. Glass Ceiling Commission, 1995) and Workforce 2020 (Richard 8c D’Amico, 1997). This triad of reports provided a foundation for legitimizing the diversity and inclusion challenges faced by women and minorities in the workforce, particularly in their achievement of senior managem ent positions. The seminal study, Workforce 2000 (Johnson 8c Packer, 1987), set the groundwork for convincing organizations to place more focus on diversity management as a result of changing workforce demographics. Commissioned by the Departm ent of Labor (DoL) and conducted by the Hudson Institute, this study predicted that the future U.S. workforce would be increasingly populated with more women and minorities (Johnson 8c Packer, 1987). In addition, the authors predicted that the workforce would no longer depend prim arily on white males in m anufacturing jobs. Perhaps the most significant concepts introduced in this docum ent were “skills gap” and “workplace diversity” (D’Amico, 1997). Workforce 2000 authors also predicted that organizations would need to increase skills by reducing obstacles that prevent diversity and inclusion (Dominguez, 1991). Whereas Workforce 2000 emphasized America’s transitional workforce demographics, the DoL’s Glass Ceiling Commission focused on exploring the career progression potential for women and minorities. The concept glass ceiling’ refers to “invisible, yet real or perceived barriers which appear to impede advancement opportunities for minorities and women” (Dominguez, 1991, p. 16). Although women and minorities have passed the hurdles to gaining initial employment, researchers found that many have reached the “glass ceiling” plateau just below mid- and senior-management levels (Nkomo 8c Cox, 1989;
  • 8. Dominguez, 1991; Cox 1993; Bell 8c Nkomo, 2001). As a follow-up to Workforce 2000 (Johnson 8c Packer, 1987), Workforce 2020 (Richard 8c D’Amico, 1997) was also sponsored by the DoL and published by the H udson Institute. Similar to the earlier report, this predictive docum ent continued the examination of our nation’s future workforce. Workforce 2020 contributes SAM Advanced Management Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 37 to the proposed study by providing empirical evidence for the need to prepare for, strategically manage, and embrace diversity rather than “ward off the forces of change” (p. 148). Identification of career success factors can help minorities and women take a measure of responsibility for personal career advancement and find access to success factors that may lead toward increasing their num bers in organizations’ senior executive levels. These DoL sponsored studies not only legitimized “invisible” barriers, but also set forth initiatives to eliminate them. This study was a logical follow- on to the DoL reports as it may add to the body of knowledge in understanding AAW’s viewpoints of key success factors that may play a role in helping this group break through the “invisible” barriers. W hereas much of the literature lacks data on AAW, Lynda Hite, professor of organizational leadership and supervision at Purdue University, focused her 1996 study on AAW managers and their perceptions of career progression factors, by employing a
  • 9. qualitative methodology. Published in the Women in M anagement Review journal, the study involved ethnographic interviews and focus groups with 12 participants ranging in age from their late twenties to their early sixties (Hite, 1996). The resulting data were outlined in three categories: family and personal perspectives on life; attitudes about society, work, and racism; and the unique position of being underrepresented in managem ent (Hite, 1996). Although Hite’s (1996) research findings offered no solid conclusions, im portant implications revealed that AAW perceived that they faced a different set of barriers than white women. Hite concluded that this phenom enon required further research to increase understanding of AAW’s managem ent experiences (Hite). Hite’s analysis inferred that, although AAW faced some of the same gender barriers as white women, some AAW also perceived race obstacles (Hite). A nother study, conducted by Nkom o and Cox (1989), com pared the differences between senior m anagem ent opportunities for African American men (AAM) and AAW. The purpose of the study was to determ ine if AAW managers experienced a “double w ham m y or double advantage” (p. 825) in being African American and female. Testing two hypotheses, the researchers predicted that AAW would attain senior positions at higher rates or lower rates than AAM. Nkomo and Cox (1989) conducted a pilot study with 50 white and African American managers employed in the banking industry. The study employed questionnaires to gather prim ary study data from
  • 10. 283 participants (165 men and 118 women); all were members of the National Black MBA Association (Nkomo & Cox). The researchers found no significant differences between prom otion rates, m anagement levels, and num ber of prom otions for AAM and AAW. Another significant finding indicated that predictors for career progress were not the same for AAM and AAW managers (Nkomo & Cox). AAW perceived that having mentors was m ost influential while AAM were more concerned with achieving rapid career advancement. Researchers who have studied AAW emphasize that few research studies have focused solely on AAW managers; rather, analysis of this group is often combined with managers who are AAM, all women, or women of color (Tsui & Gutek, 1984; Cox & Nkomo, 1986; Nkomo & Cox, 1989; Catalyst, 2004). A study conducted by Catalyst, a respected women’s research firm, indicates that designated groups for “women of color” include not only AAW, but also Latinas, and Asian women (Catalyst, 1998). Although AAW are part of the “women of color” group, Catalyst reports that these women may indeed face a different set of challenges because of their distinctive U.S. history (Catalyst, 2004). In the past, AAW have faced issues related to ancestral slavery, legal segregation, and race discrimination. Researchers have noted that the “glass ceiling” concept denoting obstacles to career advancement is often considered the “concrete ceiling” for AAW (Catalyst, 2004; Bell & Nkomo, 2001). Belle & Nkomo (2001) refer to this phenom ena as a “concrete wall” and contend it is “m ore persistent and m ore pernicious” (p. 140) than the “glass ceiling.” That is, the top jobs are
  • 11. more difficult for AAW to obtain as they often have no awareness of-and cannot “see” upward mobility opportunities. A Catalyst report argued that the inability to “see” advancement opportunities amounts to a “concrete ceiling” that is opaque, versus a “glass ceiling” that would allow one to see but not achieve opportunities (Catalyst, 2004). Mentoring as a Key Success Factor Mentors play a key role in facilitating career progression to senior managem ent positions (Ragins,1989; Ragins & Cotton, 1991; Ragins,1996; 38 SAM A dvanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 Giscombe and Sims,1998; Blake-Beard, 2001). Along with providing evidence of the value of m entoring for career advancement, the literature also suggests that women com m only face barriers to accessing effective m entor relationships (Ragins, 1989; Ragins & Cotton, 1991; Ragins, 1996; Giscombe 8c Sims, 1998; Blake- Beard, 2001). M entoring is considered a key aspect for facilitating prom otion to senior managem ent positions. Yet, a myriad of studies reveal that some women face barriers to experiencing m entoring relationships (Ragins, 1989; Ragins 8c Cotton, 1991; Akande, 1994; Ragins, 1996; Giscombe 8c Sims, 1998; Blake-Beard, 2001). McGlowan-Fellows and Claudewell Thomas (2004) conducted a review of m entoring experiences of women of color. McGlowan-Fellows, a professor at
  • 12. Notre Dame de N am ur University and winner of the 2004 Circle of Scholars Award for “seminal research in womens issues and cultural competence in corporate America” (McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas, 2004, p. 3), collaborated on a study with Claudewell Thomas, professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences at the University of California at Los Angeles. Their study found that m entoring may influence individuals’ capability to reach senior levels in organizations (McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas, 2004). Also, McGlowan-Fellows and Thomas surfaced evidence that m entoring could serve as a conduit for gaining authority and power, and “few black women are offered opportunities to be m entored” (McGlowan- Fellows 8c Thomas, 2004, p.3). Further, they found that opportunities for advancement in the workplace could be acutely influenced by race. The authors suggested that m entoring could increase racial and gender diversity because m entoring relationships often offer insights for career progression (McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas, 2004). They concluded that there was also a strong relationship between firms’ competitive advantage and gender diversity (McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas). Additionally, many studies found evidence of the value of m entoring as a career success factor (Ragins, 1989; Ragins 8c Cotton, 1991; Ragins, 1996; Giscombe 8c Sims, 1998; Blake-Beard, 2001, McGlowan-Fellows 8c Thomas). Additional proponents for the value of m entoring were Harvard professors David A. Thomas and John H. Gabarro. In their book, Breaking Through: The Making of M inority Executives in Corporate America, the authors presented the results of a longitudinal, three-year study focused on m inority career tracks in
  • 13. three major U.S. corporations (Thomas 8c Gabarro, 1999). The purpose of this seminal study was to examine differences between m entoring minorities and m entoring whites by analyzing participants’ career trajectories. Thomas and Gabarro (1999) investigated complexities associated with m entoring minorities and “boosting minorities’ careers through the glass ceiling” (p. 99). The study revealed that high potential white managers saw early career successes while m inority managers experienced career progress much later. Furtherm ore, m inority participants with the highest potential possessed m entor relationships and corporate sponsors who cultivated the protege’s career development (Thomas 8c Gabarro, 1999). Another key finding indicated that successful m inority executives had experienced the advantage of close relationships with mentors who helped them build a sense of pride and capability (Thomas 8c Gabarro, 1999). Based on case studies, the researchers suggested that m inority managers whose careers peaked at the management level had received basic m entoring to help develop their skills. O n the other hand, minorities who reached the executive levels had experienced closer bonds with their mentors who helped them build “confidence, credibility, and competence” (p. 104). The Thomas and Gabarro study suggested that mentors m ust also focus on helping their proteges build a network of sponsors and associations in the senior ranks of the organization (Thomas 8c Gabarro, 1999). Much of the evidence in the literature validates that m entoring is a significant success factor for all, but even more so for AAW as they have historically
  • 14. suffered a deficit in receiving equal and fair treatm ent in the workplace. Successful m entoring relationships may likely lead to successful career development for the mentee. In the H andbook of M entoring at Work: Theory, research, and practice, pivotal m entoring researchers, Belle Rose Ragins and Kathy E. Kram assert that although m entoring is im portant and may enhance careers, it may also be a difficult concept to fully understand. They are convinced that m entoring relationships work, but we may not yet recognize exactly what makes them work (Ragins & Kram, 2009). Ragins and Kram provide a valuable sum m ary of m entoring research, yet they argue that there are two deficits in the literature on mentoring. First, a gap exists where m ost m entoring research delves into investigations related to the perspectives and development of the mentee versus perspectives of the SAM A d vanced M an ag e m e n t Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 43 mentor. Second, they acknowledge that “too often the effectiveness of m entoring for people of color has been based on w hether there is assimilation to the dom inant white/male model.” (Ragins & Kram, 2007). Not only is this a poor measure of effectiveness for people of color, it is even less of a measure for, and may be particularly irrelevant to, AAW. This discussion confirms that m ore research m ust be accomplished to truly determ ine effectiveness of m entoring relationships for AAW and couple it with and exploration of the measures that can be taken to access to this key success factor that may leverage executive level careers.
  • 15. The current study reveals evidence that AAW women are underrepresented in the SES (Stalcup, 2008a; U.S. D epartm ent of Labor 2007) and argues that m entoring is a key success factor for AAW who aspire to achieve SES appointments. A related study conducted by Johnson-Drake (2010) also suggests that m entoring relationships for AAW SES women are “an essential com ponent for African American women at the SES level in the federal government.” Johnson- Drake’s qualitative exploration employed interviews and focus groups to exam m entoring experiences from AAW s points of view. Johnson-Drake collected data from nine AAW participants who were employed in the SES ranks in the federal government (2010). Data analysis suggests participants believed mentors were valuable to their journey toward becoming an SES. Further, the women perceived that access to a mentor, early in one’s career, was imperative to gain awareness for navigating the labyrinth of milestones toward becoming an SES. Although this study certainly contributes to the body o f knowledge on AAW’s perceptions of mentoring relationships, the lack of the researcher’s access to a larger num ber of participants may be considered a m ajor lim itation of this study. Future research with a larger pool of respondents would provide a more effective view and analysis of the perceptions of AAW in the SES corps. A phenomenological study by Saturday Aisuan (2011) also suggests that an area of concern for African American women aspiring to reach executive level positions is m entoring and networking. Aisuan’s study informs that AAW seeking high level leadership
  • 16. careers may benefit by understanding, among other areas, barriers, mentoring, and networking in organizations (2011). The value of this qualitative study lies in succinctly providing results of surveys and interviews of 20 AAW who were serving in senior positions in the Los Angeles City government. Participants (30%) believed that it was im portant to have the “ability to network and obtain m entors” in the workplace (Aisuan, 2011, p. 160). AAW also perceived that mentors were needed for support and as role models. Interestingly, the participants in Aisuan’s study appeared to have similar perspectives, as the participants in this current study. Data, in both cases, suggest that among others, internal factors such as education, training, and hard work were key factors to reaching executive level careers. Yet, the study provides no evidence of participants’ rating these success factors in order of importance. Rating the priority of factors may provide insight on how the leaders may knowledgeably m entor the next generation of aspiring AAW. Another study led by Drexel University Professor Rajashi Ghosh presents the argum ent that developmental networks may be considered as valuable “holding environm ents” that may leverage development and provide workplace support for emerging leaders. M aintaining a network of “developers” or mentors, “may offer varying degrees of career support, psychosocial support, and role modeling” (Ghosh, Haynes, & Kram, 2013, p. 241). Further, they posit that developmental networks are beneficial to new leaders, as they offer an opportunity
  • 17. to experience trial and error leadership experiences while consistently being assured by developers o f their value to the organization. In this case, high potential leaders would be afforded a safety net as their developers help them understand and surm ount workplace leadership challenges. The study also places special emphasis on the holding environments by prescribing that mentors be highly experienced, have “shared goals” with the developing leader, and have the capacity to build “high-quality relationships” (Ghosh et al. 2013, p. 243). This seminal work informs that leaders may have a greater opportunity for career success when organizations recognize the value of employing in- house developmental networks as a safe space while future leaders learn to navigate the complications of tough organizational leadership responsibilities. Salient research informs that m entoring not only has the potential to provide career growth for the mentee, but it also provides considerable value to organizations when their own knowledgeable executives, who are already on board, can contribute to the development 44 SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volum e 84 Edition 4 of mentees. In their seminal work on the virtues of “peer coaching,” Parker, Kram, and Hall (2014) suggest that organizations may gain immense value from helping to build and support m entoring relationships. Citing the difficulties of finding work-ready new employees, they contend that a training squad already
  • 18. exists within the organizations and workshops on coaching may be the key to a less expensive way to help new leaders in the organization become highly qualified (Parker, Kram & Hall, 2014). The authors provide a detailed outline for peer coaching programs that can be developed by organizations. They argue that the focus m ust be on organizational support and environments of trust among coaches and peers. Further, the researchers prescribe a three-step process which includes: 1) Building the relationship; 2) Creating success; and 3) Internalizing the skills. These processes are necessary to lay a foundation for building “self-awareness, develop critical skills, sharpen relational skills, energize partners to the relationship, and create a desire for more connection” (Parker et al., 2014, p. 123). Although there is more work to do, this study provides a solid framework for introducing organizational m entoring programs that may add valuable relationships to the overall work environment. To address the gap in literature related specifically to African American women’s perceptions and experiences, researchers Lim, Clark, Ross, and Wells (2015) examined mentoring to determ ine if this success factor may serve to increase diversity for AAW accountants. They explored AAW’s perceived benefits from m entoring experiences, types of mentoring, and the im pact of mentors on job positions. The researchers conducted online surveys of African American accountants who were m embers of the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA). Participants included 226 women and 124 men who were working accountants and that had experienced a m entoring relationship in an organization (Lim, Clark, Ross & Wells, 2015).
  • 19. Study results suggested that AAW were not as likely to obtain beneficial mentors as compared to African American men (AAM). In fact, the findings indicated that AAW had a lower num ber of mentors than AAM. However, AAW perceived the same as or even greater support from m entoring than AAM. They also found that gender was not related to the level of their jobs. As well, individuals having a larger num ber of m entoring experiences appeared to also gain beneficial career enhancement. Overall, this affirms that although m entoring is a key factor in helping individuals reach career goals, AAW were less likely to gain access to career building m entoring relationships. Few studies focus on m entoring for African American women (Catalyst, 1998; Bell & Nkomo, 2001). A recent study expressed a goal, in part, “to provide insight to the barriers African American women experience during the career advancement process...” (Williams-Stokes, 2017, p. 142). The researcher posits that organizations benefit from m entoring women in ways that will develop their potential to advance. Yet, in many government organizations AAW are underrepresented, and are often placed in less than 1% of the upper echelon positions (Williams-Stokes, 2017). The study explored AAW’s perceptions of the value of m entoring support by examining the responses of fifteen AAW. Study results focused on four major themes including 1) relationship building, 2) supervisors’ roles, 3) barriers and 4) work ethic. Results also suggest that m entoring opportunities may be less available to AAW, thus providing them with fewer developmental work environments. William-Stokes’
  • 20. (2017) placed more focus on the barriers to reach the top, whereas the current study examined perceptions of the value of m entoring in their trek to SES level positions. Although, both focus areas have potential to inform, recognizing that m entoring opportunities may be key success factors, may be more effective than focusing on the barriers. R e s e a rc h M e t h o d ’s a n d M e a s u re s The mentors’ measure was defined for participants as experienced individuals who develop a relationship with less skilled or less experienced individuals with a focus on helping the lesser-skilled person develop career-related competencies (Catalyst, 1998). Effective mentors may coach, train, provide advice, and facilitate sponsorship for protegees in the workplace. Based on the literature review, the following hypothesis is proposed: Hypothesis: The more emphasis the mentee placed on the im portance of the m entor/ mentee relationship, the more the mentee perceived career enhancing outcomes. A 6-item perceptions-of-mentors scale was developed by the first author to measure the level of im portance participants placed on mentors as success factors. Two of the six items were adapted from Ragins and Cotton’s (1991) perceived barriers scale SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 45
  • 21. Figure 2. M entor Measures M -l. Mentors are important for African American women who want to gain SES appointments. M-2. African American women need mentors to make it to the SES level. M-3. Mentors enhance career progression for protegees' who seek to achieve SES status. M-4. Mentors are willing to develop a relationship with me. M-5. I have had opportunities to develop effective relationships with mentors. M-6. Providing mentorship to other African American women is important to me. (‘M entors are willing to develop a relationship with me’) and (‘I have had opportunities to develop effective relationships with mentors’). The scale was measured with a 5-point Likert-like scale, (1 = strongly disagree: to 5 = strongly agree), and the coefficient alpha was .838. (See Figure 2, M entoring Survey Measures). M entoring refers to a relationship between an experienced individual and one with less skill or experience with a focus on helping the lesser skilled person develop career-related competencies. This person may or may not be the individual’s supervisor. Among other benefits, mentors coach, train, advise, and facilitate sponsorship for protegees. Further, the participants were told, “W ith this explanation in mind, please rate your agreement with each of the following statements”. Reliability o f Measures The reliability of each measure was examined using
  • 22. Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient. An item analysis procedure was conducted in order to deduce w hether any inappropriate items needed to be excluded for further analyses. Ensuring reliability helped determ ine if the items were good measures and if the scales were providing accurate measures of the study variables. Two items were removed from the perception-of-m entors scale because they significantly lowered the alpha value of the scale. After deleting these items, the alpha value of the scale increased from .711 to .838. The new reliability obtained was deemed acceptable based on the requirem ents set forth by Nunnally (1978) Findings The 188 participants responded to an on-line survey instrum ent. The participants were AAW, holding developmental positions (GS-14 & GS-15) within the Federal Government, and senior m anagement (SES) 46 positions serving as mentors (see Table 1). As shown in Table 1, SES women rated the m easured success factors as follows: emotional intelligence received a mean rating of4.31 (SD = .468), mentors received a mean rating of 4.28 (SD = .587) and organization diversity practices received a mean rating of 4.04 (SD = .626). SES rated role models received a mean rating of 3.94 (SD = .916) and informal networks received a mean of 3.74 (SD=.851). In addition to the descriptive data, frequencies tests for SES ratings revealed the percentages of SES
  • 23. women’s positive ratings for key success factors. SES ratings of success factors favorably at 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) were as follows: El (85.7%), mentors (77.1%), organization diversity practices (57.1%), role models (68.6%) and informal networks (45.7). As shown in Table 2, GS-15s rated the measured success factors as follows: mentors received a mean rating of 4.53 (SD = .547), emotional intelligence received a mean rating of 4.49 (SD = .485), models received a mean rating o f 4.07 (SD = .935), informal networks received a mean rating of 4.04 (SD = .804) and organizational diversity practices received a mean of 3.98 (SD-.622). Frequency statistics were also reviewed for GS- 15s to determ ine the percentages of GS-15s that provided positive ratings of the key success factors. Percentages of GS-15s rating the measured success factors favorably with ratings of 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) were as follows: mentors (88.2%), El (83.7%), role models (69.8%), informal networks (61.6%) and organization diversity practices (51.2%). Table 3 presents descriptive statistics for GS-14 ratings of the measured success factors. This table includes num ber of participants, mean ratings, and standard deviations. Table 3 indicates that GS-14s rated the measured success factors as follows: emotional intelligence received a mean rating of 4.38(SD = .563, SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t ^Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4
  • 24. T a b le 1 . D e s c r ip t iv e S t a t is t ic s f o r SES S u c e s s F a c t o r R a t in g s Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation SES_EI_PERCEPT 35 4.3119 .46895 SES_MENTORS 35 4.2833 .58759 SES DIV PRACT 35 4.0456 .62652 SES_ROLEMODELS 35 3.9429 .91639 SES_NETWORKS 35 3.7476 .85165 Valid N (listwise) 35 T a b le 2 . D e s c r ip t iv e S t a t is t ic s f o r G S -1 5 S u c c e s s F a c t o r R a t in g s Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation GS15MENTOR 85 4.5353 .54711 G S 15E IP E R C E P T 86 4.4961 .48539 GS15ROLEMODELS 86 4.0756 .93503 GS15NETWORKS 86 4.0469 .80403 GS15DIV_PRACT 86 3.9816 .62286 Valid N (listwise) 85 T a b le 3. D e s c r ip t iv e S t a t is t ic s f o r G S - 1 4 S u
  • 25. c c e s s F a c t o r R a t in g s Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation GS14EI_PERCEPT 68 4.3860 .56389 GS14MENTORS 68 4.3566 .81304 GS14ROLEMODELS 68 4.2672 .68576 GS14DIV_PRACTICE 68 4.0854 .63006 GS14NETWORKS 68 4.0137 .79668 Valid N (listwise) 68 N = 68); mentors received a mean rating of 4.35 (S D = .813) and role models received a mean rating of 4.26 (SD = .685). GS-14s rated m easured success factors as follows: organization diversity practices received a mean of 4.08 (SD = .630) and informal networks received a mean of 4.01 (SD=.796). As shown in Table 3, frequencies were reviewed to determ ine if GS-14s favorably rated the key success factors. This test displayed the percentage of GS-14s that provided scores of 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) delineating the perception of im portance of each success factor. This groups rated the m easured success factor ratings as follows: mentors (85.3%), El (83.8%), role models (75.0%), informal networks (60.3) and organization diversity practices (54.4%). After analyzing descriptive and frequenc y data, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) between
  • 26. subjects (SES, GS-15 and GS-14) was employed to compare the mean accuracy of perceptions o f key success factors. As shown in Table 4, an ANOVA test helped us determ ine whether the differences in the means between and within the three groups were SAM Advanced Managem ent Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 47 Table 4. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for Success Factor Ratings Sum o f Sauares df Mean Square F Siq. MENTORS Betw een G roups 2.421 2 1.210 3.431 .034 W ithin G roups 64.906 184 .353 Total 67.326 186 N ETW O RKS Betw een G roups 1.586 2 .793 1.150 .319 W ithin G roups 127.589 185 .690 Total 129.175 187 ROLE MODELS Betw een G roups 2.519 2 1.259 1.828 .164 W ithin G roups 127.444 185 .689 Total 129.963 187 El PERCEPTION Betw een G roups .639 2 .319 1.061 .348
  • 27. W ithin G roups 55.675 185 .301 Total 56.314 187 DIVERSITY PRACTICES Betw een G roups .551 2 .276 .686 .505 W ithin G roups 74.258 185 .401 Total 74.809 187 Table 5. Scheffe Tests for Key Success Factors Multiple Com parisons S c h e ffe V a ria b le m G R A D E (J1 G R A D E M e an D iffe re n c e (I- J) S td . E rro r S id . A A W M e n to rs S E S G S -1 5 -.0 3 4 4 0 .1 1 9 6 0 .9 5 9 G S -1 4 .1 9 3 11 .1 2 4 2 0 .301 G S -1 5 S E S .0 3 4 4 0 .1 1 9 6 0 .9 5 9 G S -1 4 .2 2 7 5 0 .0 9 7 2 9 .0 6 8 G S -1 4 S E S -.1 9 3 1 1 .1 2 4 2 0 .301 G S -1 5 -.2 2 7 5 0 .0 9 7 2 9 .0 6 8 AAW N E T W O R K S S E S G S -1 5 -.2 9 9 2 8 .1 6 2 2 5 .1 8 5
  • 28. G S -1 4 -.2 5 1 3 9 .1 6 8 7 7 .3 3 2 G S -1 5 S E S .2 9 9 2 8 .1 6 2 2 5 .1 8 5 G S -1 4 .0 4 7 8 9 .1 3 1 8 7 .9 3 6 G S -1 4 S E S .2 5 1 3 9 .1 6 8 7 7 .3 3 2 G S -1 5 -.0 4 7 8 9 .1 3 1 8 7 .9 3 6 A A W R O L E M O D E L S S E S G S -1 5 .0 9 7 1 8 .1 6 3 2 3 .8 3 8 G S -1 4 -.1 6 5 4 6 .1 6 9 8 0 .6 2 3 G S -1 5 S E S - .0 9 7 1 8 .1 6 3 2 3 .8 3 8 G S -1 4 - .2 6 2 6 3 .1 3 2 6 6 .1 4 4 G S -1 4 S E S .1 6 5 4 6 .1 6 9 8 0 .6 2 3 G S -1 5 .2 6 2 6 3 .1 3 2 6 6 .1 4 4 AAW EI P E R C E P T S E S G S -1 5 -.1 8 4 2 2 .1 0 2 5 8 .2 0 2 G S -1 4 -.0 6 4 9 6 .1 0 6 7 0 .831 G S -1 5 S E S .1 8 4 2 2 .1 0 2 5 8 .2 0 2 G S -1 4 .1 1 9 2 6 .0 8 3 3 7 .361 G S -1 4 S E S .0 6 4 9 6 .1 0 6 7 0 .831 G S -1 5 -.1 1 9 2 6 .0 8 3 3 7 .361
  • 29. A A W D IV E R S E P R A C S E S G S -1 5 .0 6 4 0 5 .1 2 5 8 4 .8 7 9 G S -1 4 -.0 4 2 6 7 .1 3 0 9 0 .9 4 8 G S -1 5 S E S - .0 6 4 0 5 .1 2 5 8 4 .8 7 9 G S -1 4 -.1 0 6 7 2 .1 0 2 2 8 .581 G S -1 4 S E S .0 4 2 6 7 .1 3 0 9 0 .9 4 8 G S -1 5 .1 0 6 7 2 .1 0 2 2 8 .581 48 SAM Advanced Management Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 different. As shown in Table 5, we provide comparisons of the mean accuracy of the success factor scores between groups (SES, GS-15, and GS-14). This test found that participants’ perceptions of mentors differed across the three groups, F(2,l 84) = 3.431, p <.05. Table 5 also shows the Scheffe follow-up procedure which provides an assessment of pairwise differences among the three groups. However, Post Hoc comparisons revealed no statistically significant differences at the p < .05 level between the three groups’ perceptions. That is, although there appeared to be a difference in the three groups’ mean ratings of mentors, this test verified that the differences were not statistically significant. We also sought to learn how AAW in the SES, GS- 15, and GS-14 rate the im portance of the measured
  • 30. key success factors: mentors, informal networks, role models, em otional intelligence, and organization diversity practices. Resulting analysis shows the following ranges of means for the m easured success factors: SES women’s mean ratings ranged from 3.7 ( S D = .851) to 4.31 (S D = .468); GS-15 women’s mean ratings ranged from 3.98 ( S D = .622) to 4.53 ( S D = .547); and GS-14s mean ratings ranged from 4.01 ( S D = .796) to 4.38 ( S D = .563). Participants’ ratings indicated perceptions that key success factors were im portant for career advancement to the SES level. I n t e r n a l V e rs u s E x t e r n a l Success F a c to r A n a ly s is To leverage understanding of perception of key success factors, a final survey question was posed to respondents in all grades: Select the top three factors that have contributed the m ost to your overall career success. The following analysis is based on responses to this survey item. Ten success factor choices were listed in the survey which included an option to select none of these. No participant selected the none of these option, therefore, that response was not considered in conducting this analysis. The success factor options were as follows: 1) mentors, 2) hard work, 3) informal networks, 4) your own ability, 5) role models, 6) being in the right place at the right time, 7) organization diversity practices, 8) em otional intelligence (El), 9) education and training and, 10) None of these. A frequency chart was created to observe the num ber of times each factor was selected as one of the top three choices. Table 6 provides the data by grade
  • 31. and frequencies of selections of each success factor. As shown in Table 6, participants (N = 188) selected hard work (82.4%) most often as one of their top three success factors. The second and third most frequent selections were education and training (60.6%) and your own ability (43.0%). Percentages do not equal 100% because each participant was asked to provide three responses. As shown in Table 6 the data were also analyzed to tell us the top three success factors selected by grade. Percentages were calculated based on the total num ber of participants in each grade. SES (N = 32) ratings are as follows: hard work (93.7%), education and training (56.2%), and your own ability (46.8%). GS-15s (N = 86) ratings are as follows: hard work (75%), education and training (62.5%), and your own ability (42%). And GS-14s (N = 70) ratings are as follows: hard work (84.2%), education and training (58.5%), and mentors (42.8%). It is im portant to note that in this instance, participants provided lower ratings for key success factors evidenced in the literature as essential needs to support successful career progress. SES women rated the key success factors as follows: informal networks (28.1%), mentors (25%), El (12.5%), organization diversity practices (9.3%) and role models (6.2%). GS-15 women rated the key success factors as follows: mentors (38.6%), informal networks (21.5%), El (13.6%), organization diversity practices (10.2%), and role models (7.9%). And GS-14 women rated the key success factors as follows: mentors (42.8%), networks (20%), El (11.4%), organization diversity practices (5.7%) and role models (5.7%). The results
  • 32. of this analysis suggest that, as a group, and by-grade, the largest percentage of study participants rated hard work (internal factor) as the most im portant success factor, followed by education and training and one’s own ability. The percent of participants giving a higher rating to the key success factors from the list of options was lower for all groups except GS-14s who rated mentors (42.8%) as one of their top three success factors (see Table 6). As shown in Table 7, multiple comparisons (Scheffe test) helped us discover a statistically significant difference between mean scores of SES and GS-15 women’s ratings and between SES and GS-14 women ratings. Effort accounted for personal success with p < .05. However, with the other attribution factors, no two groups were significantly different at the .05 level. A t t r ib u t io n T h e o r y a n d Success F a c to rs SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 49 Table 6. Top Three Success Factors and Percentages Selected by Grade Total N= 188 (N = 188) SES N = 32
  • 33. GS-15 N = 86 GS-14 N = 70 Mentors 25.0% 38.6% 42.8% 72 (38.3%) Hard Work 93.7% 75.0% 84.2% 155 (82.4%) Informal Networks 28.1% 21.5% 20.0% 42 (22.3%) Own Ability 46.8% 42.0% 41.4% 81 (43.0%) Role Models 6.2%) 7.9% 5.7% 13(6.9%) Right Place/Right 40.6%) Time 18.1% 20.0% 43 (22.9%) Diversity Practices 9.3% 10.2% 5.7% 16(8.5%) Emotional Intelligence 12.5% 13.6% 11.4% 24 (12.8%) Education & Training 56.2% 62.5% 58.5% 114 (60.6%) Table 7. Scheffe Tests for Attribution Factors M u lt ip le C o m p a r i s o n s S c h e ffe 9 5 % C o n f id e n c e Inte rv a l
  • 34. D e p e n d e n t V a ria b le m G R A D E G R A D E M e an D iffe r e n c e (I- j ) S td . E rro r S ia . L o w e r B o u n d U p p e r B o u n d AT-1 A b ilitie s S E S G S -1 5 -.0 4 0 .1 0 3 .9 2 9 -.2 9 .22 G S -1 4 -.0 6 7 .10 8 .82 6 -.3 3 .20 G S -1 5 S E S .04 0 .1 0 3 .9 2 9 -.2 2 .29 G S -1 4 -.0 2 7 .0 8 4 .9 5 0 -.2 4 .18 G S -1 4 S E S .0 6 7 .1 0 8 .82 6 -.2 0 .33 G S -1 5 .0 2 7 .0 8 4 .95 0 -.1 8 .24 A T -2 E ffo rt S E S G S -1 5 -1 .0 2 4 * .2 3 8 .0 0 0 -1 .61 -.4 4 G S -1 4 -1 .1 4 4 * .2 4 8 .00 0 -1 .7 6 -.5 3 G S -1 5 S E S 1.0 2 4 * .2 3 8 .0 0 0 .44 1.61 G S -1 4 -.1 2 0 .19 4 .8 2 7 -.6 0 .36 G S -1 4 S E S 1 .1 44* .24 8 .0 0 0 .53 1 .7 6 G S -1 5 .1 2 0 .19 4 .8 2 7 -.3 6 .60 A T -3 T a s k S E S G S -1 5 .1 9 8 .2 0 0 .61 2 -.2 9 .69 G S -1 4 -.1 2 7 .2 0 8 .83 0 -.6 4 .39 G S -1 5 S E S -.1 9 8 .20 0 .6 1 2 -.6 9 .29 G S -1 4 -.3 2 6 1 6 4 .141 -.7 3 .08 G S -1 4 S E S .12 7 .2 0 8 .83 0 -.3 9 .64 G S -1 5 .3 2 6 .16 4 .141 -.0 8 .73 A T -4 L u c k S E S G S -1 5 .0 6 2 .24 8 .9 6 9 -.5 5 .67
  • 35. G S -1 4 .1 3 6 .2 5 7 .8 6 9 -.5 0 .77 G S -1 5 S E S -.0 6 2 .24 8 .96 9 -.6 7 .55 G S -1 4 .0 7 4 .2 0 2 .9 3 4 -.4 2 .57 G S -1 4 S E S -.1 3 6 .2 5 7 .86 9 -.7 7 .50 G S -1 5 -.0 7 4 .20 2 .9 3 4 -.5 7 .42 *. T h e m e a n d iffe re n c e is s ig n if ic a n t a t th e 0 .0 5 le v e l. 50 SAM Advanced Management Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 Attribution theory was also considered when analyzing selections of the top three success factors. The survey asked questions that were related to how participants attribute personal achievement. The factors were divided into internal and external, based on characteristics. For example, the factor of mentors was considered external because it has an external dim ension (the mentor). On the other hand, education is an internal factor (the individual person). External factors in the survey items included: mentors, informal networks, role models, and organization diversity practices. While, internal factors listed included: your own hard work, your own ability, emotional awareness (intelligence), and education and training. To further examine attribution for the internal and external groups, each group was transform ed into one variable. Statistics resulting from these transform ed variables indicated that 184 (96.8%) of 190 participants
  • 36. selected internal success factors among their choices of the top three success factors. For comparison, only 66.3% of respondents rated external success factors among their list of top three factors. Overall, this analysis suggests that SES rated internal success factors higher indicating their perceptions that these factors were more likely to lead to career success. D is c u s s io n The hypothesis predicted: The more emphasis the mentee placed on the im portance of the m entor/ mentee relationship, the more the mentee perceived career enhancing outcomes. However, the findings suggest that while supporting the im portance of mentors (extrinsic factor) was recognized by mentees, more emphasis was placed on intrinsic factors of hard work, education, and emotional intelligence. Results o f the study suggest that AAW in the three grades studied, considered m entoring as an im portant success factor for achieving SES . SES ratings of agree or strongly agree for the im portance of mentors were slightly lower than GS-15’s and GS-14’s agree and strongly agree ratings. These results are consistent with Nkomo and Cox’s (1989) findings contending that AAW perceived mentors as influential factors for career advancement. Also, results of the present study are in line with research conducted by McGlowan- Fellow and Thomas (2004), as their findings suggested that m entoring influenced individual capabilities to achieve senior-level positions. Further, their study found that mentors may help increase diversity in
  • 37. organizations because they may offer insight for career advancement when counseling m inority proteges (McGlowan-Fellow & Thomas, 2004). A nother related study found that while networks were most effective for white women, m entoring program s were more effective in supporting career development for AAW (Kalev, Dobbin, & Kelly, 2006) A possible reason for SESs placing less im portance on mentors may be related to hindsight bias. Hindsight bias is present when participants’ recollections of the past become distorted either because they are uncertain of how they felt in the past, or because they discount negative or positive circumstances depending on the situation (Werth, Strack & Forster, 2002). Max Bazerman, a Harvard professor and renowned expert on decision making, and his colleagues, also contributed to understanding this bias. Bazerman, Loewenstein, and Moore (2002) argued that individuals may be unconscious of their tendency to distort facts and supported the salience of recognizing the possibility of bias (Bazerman, et. al., 2002). In recognizing the potential for this bias, researchers gain an increased awareness of issues that may be involved when evaluating results based on participants’ perceptions of past events. SES perceptions were m easured based on after- the-fact thought processes, and although they were asked to “think back to the time before you achieved your SES appointment,” a potential exists for past events to be seen through a different lens when reporting perceptions. Hindsight bias may account for mentors and other success factors appearing to be less im portant to senior executives because they had already reached the SES level, and memories o f the
  • 38. success factors’ significance may have faded over the years. Interestingly, the analysis discovered no major differences between the three grades’ views of the im portance of m entoring as a success factor. One explanation for this finding may be the high visibility of m entoring as a concept in the federal government, particularly in term s of preparing women and minorities for advanced careers. In September 2008, the U.S. Office of Personnel M anagement (OPM) published a m entoring handbook (OPM, 2008). The handbook cited the Federal Workforce Flexibility Act of 2004 that m andated provisions for training managers on m entoring employees (OPM, 2008). As a result OPM pushed for agencies to develop formal SAM A d vanced M an ag e m e n t Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 51 m entoring programs and published guidance on all aspects of mentoring. Moreover, a recent study of AAW in the Peoria, Illinois, Black Cham ber of Commerce concluded that m entoring related to career success (Ali, 2007). The results of the present study substantiate evidence presented in the literature that points to m entors as a key success factor for achieving senior executive positions. Study results suggest that when participants were given an opportunity to select the top three factors to which they credited personal career success, they were more likely to select factors in the following order: hard work, education and training, and ones own
  • 39. ability. Selecting these factors, versus the key success factors, was a turning point in this investigation of perceived success factors. In fact, these findings suggest that AAW, in this study, when not limited to prioritizing key success factors evidenced by the literature, were more likely to credit internal versus external factors for personal career success. External factors including mentors, consistently received fewer selections among participants’ top three success factors. These results may be informative for organizations that wish to maintain a diverse workforce and may provide insight for how they may appeal to AAW by recognizing their perceptions of the im portance of internal factors. This may be accomplished by recognizing and rewarding hard work and efforts and by awarding scholarships or tuition assistance for advanced education. Coupled with these enticements, organizations may also implement inclusion policies to reduce perceptions of obstacles to external factors such as mentors. The present study’s results also surface viewpoints related to attribution theory. Based on attribution theory, the results suggest that among all three grades, AAW attributed internal factors at a higher rate than external factors as the foundation for personal achievement and career progress. W hen analyzing attributions by grade, study results suggest that SESs were more likely to place confidence in external factors than were GS-15s or GS-14s. In contrast to women in the SES, the GS-15s and GS-14s were more likely to credit internal factors as the basis for their own career success. These results suggest that after prom otion to SES,
  • 40. women may have a better understanding of the value that external success factors may contribute to achieving SES ranking. Also, SESs may have experienced situations that prom inently presented the im portance of accessing external factors. On the other hand, GS-15s and GS-14s are less experienced and may not have developed a full awareness of the powerful influence that external factors may have on facilitating prom otions to SES. Organizations may use this analysis to build career development programs that focus on im portant internal and external factors for individuals who aspire to achieve executive level careers. Im p lic a t io n s f o r E m p lo y e e s AAW who aspire to achieve SES ranking should take measures to increase awareness o f the combination of success factors that may support achieving executive careers. The current study suggested that mentors, networks, role models, organization diversity, and emotional intelligence were key success factors that helped advance careers. Although there is still much to be learned about key success factors needed to reach SES ranking, the present study implies that AAW should place more emphasis on devising m ethods to gain access to im portant external factors. Increasing AAW’s potential to reach the SES may be a m atter of placing more personal focus on strategies for gaining access to mentors, informal networks, and role models. Additionally, AAW who are currently serving in executive-level positions could participate in m entoring activities to aid high-potential AAWs who aspire to reach the SES. They should consider the
  • 41. value of sharing strategies and approaches that worked for them in achieving SES ranking. AAW may also consider proactively building their own networks and m entor programs to expose SES hopefuls to career advancement advice and opportunities. Also, the current corps of AAW in the SES can create forums that will allow them to provide counseling and share knowledge of the factors needed to achieve SES. This recom m endation would enable AAW who are SES to provide support and become role models for other AAW who aspire to gain SES appointments. Further, implications of the present study may also increase AAW employees’ knowledge of key and essential success factors that may be needed to achieve SES. The present study’s results may offer self-help solutions for AAW in guiding them toward success factors that are most im portant for achieving executive careers. Enhanced awareness of key success factors may also increase AAW’s potential for achieving SES and, in turn, increase their representation in the SES corps. Im p lic a t io n s f o r M a n a g e m e n t SAM A d vanced M a n a g e m e n t Journal - Volum e 84 Edition 452 Organizations may benefit from the results of the current study by increasing their preparedness to effectively address concerns related to career success factors for AAW. The findings may contribute to developing program s that can lead to increased opportunities for AAW to gain access to key success factors. Further, understanding perceptions held by AAW in SES, GS-15 and GS-14 grades may also
  • 42. motivate organizations to expand on this study by examining perceptions of success factors for all minorities in all grades. R e c o m m e n d a tio n s Armed with knowledge gained from the present study, it is recom m ended that organizations consider implementing policies that support expanding AAW’s access to mentors, networks, and role models. Also, leaders can institute organizational agendas that include developing or improving formal mentoring and networking programs. To implement m entoring programs, organizations can formally couple senior executives with AAW subordinates. The effectiveness of these couplings can be enhanced by providing training support in career-counseling techniques and protegee career development. Organizations can also implement formal in-house network programs and encourage AAW to participate. Through formal networks, organizations can provide a num ber of relationship- building opportunities for AAW that may include presentations from senior leadership and professional development training. Also, organizations can conduct interactive meetings and forums to bring together AAW and senior leaders to discuss challenges in AAWs’ careers and m ethods to improve career success. By establishing formal m entoring and networking programs, organizations can create associations that may lead to informal m entoring relationships and network connections. Another recom m endation for organizations involves leaders m aintaining awareness of the effectiveness
  • 43. of organization diversity programs. One way to accomplish this is by conducting periodic diversity climate assessment surveys of all employees. Climate assessment surveys are effective for informing leaders of employee perceptions of an organization’s diversity policies and programs. This review can also indicate the level of effectiveness of specific programs that were instituted to enhance inclusion and diversity. Periodic assessments should be followed with leadership’s visible com m itm ent to address negative issues that may surface, the com m itm ent to address and strengthen weak programs, and continuance of support for effective diversity practices. Additionally, based on knowledge gained from the current study, we recom m end that organization diversity programs be visibly supported by leadership. Working from a foundation of knowledge of AAW’s perceptions, organizations can use this information to determ ine which career development programs are most effective in showing the organization’s solid support of inclusion and diversity. Leaders should ask themselves, “W hat was the purpose of this diversity program? Is it working? Are we meeting our diversity goals? W hat should be the next steps for our programs?” Finally, organizations com m itted to prom oting diversity may enhance effectiveness by reviewing the best m entoring program and practices employed in other successful organizations. Benchmarking organizations who have implemented successful diversity practices can help organizations improve current policies and institute new diversity practices.
  • 44. S u m m a r y a n d C o n c lu s io n s We have learned from this study that AAW who participated in this study appeared to be aware of the im portant success factors needed to achieve SES. Yet, when given a broad range of factors to choose from, more often the women selected internal factors as the basis for their own personal success. Because so few studies focus on AAW’s views of SES success factors, the present study can serve as a baseline for future studies that explore AAW’s perceptions of success factors necessary to reach SES levels. Additionally, this study informed us that mentors are an im portant success factor that may facilitate career success. However, this im portant factor was not among the m ost prevalent factors that study participants perceived as the top three responsible for their own career success. In fact, participants provided the highest rate of internal related responses including education and training, hard work, and personal efforts. Through this study we learned that participants believed internal factors underpinned their success and it may be necessary to enhance awareness for the im portance of attaining powerful external factors in order to gain leadership positions and to reach executive-level positions. While recognizing the im portance of aspiring SAM Advanced M anagement Dournal - Volume 84 Edition 4 53 leaders’ em otional intelligence, advanced schooling, diligent work efforts, and talents in the workplace, it
  • 45. should also be understood that individuals who lack these characteristics may not meet even the lowest qualifications for senior-level leadership positions. We learned from this study that it may be equally im portant to identify and understand the role played by m entors as a powerful key success factor. F u tu re Research Although this study expands the body of knowledge regarding AAW’s perceptions o f success factors, it has not succeeded in identifying all factors that may be involved in explaining why so few AAW are in the SES. Many aspects involving this area of research remain unknown. For this reason, future research is very im portant to continue expanding our knowledge of success factors that may lead to higher representation of AAW in the SES. Aspects to consider during future research include examination of SES workforce diversity policies, investigation of the extent to which AAW aspire to become SES, and exploration of SES organizations’ career development and hiring practices. These researchers hope that a model for future research can be developed to serve as a useful guide for fruitful efforts that will continue filling the gap in the inadequate body of knowledge on AAW’s perceptions of success factors needed to gain appointm ents in the SES. References Aisuan, S. (2011). African American women in leadership positions in Los Angeles city government: A qualitative phenomenological study (Doctoral Dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
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  • 54. SAMnational news o CONNECT WITH US ONLINE SAMnational 56 SAM Advanced Management Journal - Volume 84 Edition 4 https://d0i.0rg/l0.2307/256049 Copyright of SAM Advanced Management Journal (07497075) is the property of Society for Advancement of Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Why Benefiting From Discrimination Is Less Recognized as Discrimination L. Taylor Phillips and Sora Jun Online First Publication, September 13, 2021. CITATION Phillips, L. T., & Jun, S. (2021, September 13). Why Benefiting From Discrimination Is Less Recognized as Discrimination. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
  • 55. Why Benefiting From Discrimination Is Less Recognized as Discrimination L. Taylor Phillips1 and Sora Jun2 1 Stern School of Business, New York University 2 Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas Discrimination continues to plague society, creating stark inequities between groups. While existing work has considered the role of prejudice in perpetuating discrimination, we draw on emerging research on privilege and inequity frames to offer an overlooked, complementary explanation: Objectively dis- criminatory decisions that are described as favoring, compared with disfavoring, are less likely to be recognized as discrimination. We further theorize this is because favoring decisions are perceived to be motivated by positive intentions. We find support for our hypotheses across eight studies. First, using both qualitative (Studies 1a-b) and experimental approaches (Studies 2–7), across a range of discrimina- tion contexts including race, sex, nationality, and age, we find that inequity frames affect perceptions of discrimination. Further, we find that even human resource employees are less likely to recognize dis- crimination when described as favoring (Study 3), in turn affecting their reporting behaviors: They are less likely to report potentially discriminatory decisions for review. Next, sampling language from U.S. Supreme Court cases, we find that people support litigation less when discrimination uses a favoring frame, versus disfavoring frame (Study 4). Then, we find that
  • 56. this pattern is driven by inequity frames shaping perceived intentions, rather than perceived harm (Studies 5–6). Finally, we find some evidence that inequity frames regarding a discriminatory decision committed by an organization may affect candi- dates’ job pursuit behaviors (Study 7). This work contributes to a nascent perspective that advantaging mechanisms are critical for creating group inequity: given individuals are less likely to recognize favor- itism as discriminatory, favoritism may especially contribute to the persistence of inequity. Keywords: discrimination, inequality/inequity, advantage/privilege, favoritism, diversity Supplemental materials: Group-based discrimination is detrimental to individuals, organ- izations, and society: discrimination reduces justice and in tur n di- versity, harms individuals’ health and well-being, and depresses satisfaction, motivation, and commitment in the workplace (Deitch et al., 2003; Ensher et al., 2001; Kessler et al., 1999; Pascoe & Smart Richman, 2009; Schmitt et al., 2014). And yet, discrimina- tion on the basis of race, sex, nationality, age—and many other identities—persists, despite continued efforts toward its reduction (EEOC, 2020; see also Pager & Shepherd, 2008; Ragins & Corn- well, 2001). For instance, in job interviews, White applicants are more than twice as likely to receive callbacks than are Black appli-
  • 57. cants with the same qualifications (Pager et al., 2009), heterosexual men are nearly twice as likely to receive callbacks compared with openly gay men (Tilcsik, 2011), and upper-class men are more than 12 times more likely to receive an interview compared with lower-class men (Rivera & Tilcsik, 2016). Prior research finds that group-based discrimination is driven both by bias against disadvantaged group members, and bias in favor of advantaged group members (Brewer, 1999; DiTomaso, 2013, 2015; Greenwald & Pettigrew, 2014; Sidanius & Pratto, 2001). And yet, existing research on perceived discrimination has disproportionately focused on understanding disfavoring-framed decisions, paying little attention to whether, when, and why people also recognize favoring-framed decisions (see also Lloyd & Phil- lips, 2006). Existing work has prioritized identifying points of intervention to reduce discrimination, including individual -level levers, such as prejudice (Guryan & Charles, 2013; Pager & Shep- herd, 2008) and structural-level levers, such as weak enforcement (Hirsh & Kornrich, 2008). However, if people fail to recognize favoring-discrimination as discriminatory, then such discrimina- tory decisions will likely persist, ultimately fueling inequity. Here, we consider how perceptions of discrimination may diverge from the objective reality, obscuring instances of discrimi- nation. Specifically, we suggest people will be less likely to recog- nize discrimination when it is described as favoring some group members over others (e.g., “hiring a male candidate”), as opposed
  • 58. L. Taylor Phillips We are grateful for helpful comments from Lisa Leslie, Brian Lowery, Sean Malahy, Elad Sherf, and Batia Wiesenfeld; developmental comments from Mikki Hebl, Kathy Phillips, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, and other participants at the Gender and Diversity in Organizations paper development workshop; and research assistance from Olivia Foster-Gimbel. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to L. Taylor Phillips, Stern School of Business, New York University, 44 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012, United States. Email: [email protected] 1 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes © 2021 American Psychological Association ISSN: 0022-3514 T hi s do cu m en t is co
  • 62. mailto:[email protected] to disfavoring some group members over others (e.g., “not hiring a female candidate”), despite equivalent discriminatory outcomes. That is, bias in favor of beneficiaries of discrimination, compared with bias against victims of discrimination, is less likely to be per- ceived as discriminatory. Importantly, we also connect these asymmetric perceptions to behaviors that maintain systems of dis- crimination: supporting litigation, reporting discrimination, and job pursuit. We thus aim to contribute to a budding literature that works to expose group-based advantage as a mechanism of inequity (DiTomaso, 2013, 2015; Lowery et al., 2007, 2009, 2012; Rosette & Koval, 2018). Objective Versus Subjective Discrimination Discrimination is the differential treatment of individuals on the basis of their (assumed or actual) group membership or social iden- tity (e.g., Major et al., 2002; Pager & Shepherd, 2008). Importantly, prior literature has found that both favoring and disfavoring decisions on the basis of group membership contribute to objective discrimina- tion (DiTomaso, 2013, 2015, see also Brewer, 1999). That is, dis-
  • 63. criminatory decisions are made because decision makers engage in disfavoring, animus or “out-group hate,”1 via explicit or implicit prej- udice (e.g., taste-based discrimination; Bertrand et al., 2005; Guryan & Charles, 2013) or negative stereotypes associated with out- group members (e.g., statistical-discrimination; Arrow, 1998; Guryan & Charles, 2013; Pager & Shepherd, 2008). In addition, discriminatory decisions are made because decision makers engage in favoring, fa- voritism, or “in-group love” (e.g., homophily, in-group bias; Balliet et al., 2014; DiTomaso, 2013; Goldberg, 1982; Greenwald & Petti- grew, 2014; Halevy et al., 2008; Rivera, 2016; Ridgeway & Fisk, 2012; Roth, 2004; Waytz et al., 2014). For instance, favoring is driven by social identity processes—expecting reciprocity, avoiding punishment, or affirming one’s own identity by preferring similar others (Brewer, 1999; Finkelstein et al., 1995; Tajfel & Turner, 1979; Thau et al., 2015). Such favoring can also be the result of ster- eotyping, in which more positive traits and skills are attributed to dominant group members (e.g., Whites, men; Bertrand et al., 2005; Jacquemet & Yannelis, 2012; Lee et al., 2015). In fact, recent work suggests that favoritism may be an espe- cially powerful mechanism contributing to inequitable selection
  • 64. outcomes. For example, DiTomaso (2013) uses a qualitative approach to demonstrate how favoritism within friendship net- works gives Whites employment advantages over minorities. Given that networks are racially segregated, Whites’ favoring friends for employment referrals can create racial inequity in selection decisions, even without managers explicitly disfavoring minorities. Rivera (2016) similarly finds that candidates from lower social class backgrounds suffer discrimination in elite pro- fessional firms. Importantly, this gap is driven by hiring managers favoring those with similar social class backgrounds as them- selves, due to their feeling fit and comfort. Indeed, models of labor discrimination find that accounting for favoring and disfavoring as separate preferences can better explain the persistence of discrimi- natory outcomes across a range of demographic groups (Feld et al., 2016; Goldberg, 1982; Jacquemet & Yannelis, 2012; Sala- manca & Feld, 2017). In the U.S. legal context, both favoring and disfavoring actions can be the basis of illegal discrimination (Piscataway Township Bd. of Educ. v. Taxman, 1997; Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld, 1975). However, psychological perspectives suggest that not all instances of discrimination are recognized as such (Avery et al., 2008; Major et al., 2002): objective instances of discriminatory decisions are distinct from the subjective perceptions of those decisions as discriminatory. On one hand, an objectively discriminatory
  • 65. deci- sion is defined as one that involves favoring or disfavoring candi- dates based on their group membership, rather than individual qualifications. On the other hand, subjectively perceived discrimi- nation—also known as attributions to discrimination—is a per- ceiver’s recognition that the decision is indeed unfairly based on candidates’ group membership rather than individual merit (Major et al., 2002). Attributions to discrimination have important effects above and beyond objective discrimination. For instance, perceiving discrimina- tion is associated with weakened psychological safety and worsened health outcomes (Avery et al., 2008; Kessler et al., 1999; Pascoe & Smart Richman, 2009; Sanchez & Brock, 1996; Schmitt et al., 2014; Triana et al., 2015). Further, perceiving discrimination w hen it occurs is a required first step towards reporting and ultimately rooting out discrimination (Ambrose & Schminke, 2009; Miller et al., 1981; Simon, 1991; Skarlicki et al., 2015). Thus, scholars and practitioners alike need to understand when and why objective discrimination is likely to be subjectively perceived as discrimination, or to remain unrecognized. Attributions to Discrimination Framework
  • 66. The attributions to discrimination framework (Major et al., 2002) theorizes two conditions under which an individual will at- tribute a decision to group-based discrimination: The decision is perceived to be unjust (rather than just) and is perceived to be based on a social identity (rather than the individual’s merit). Ample research supports this framework, and has focused on iden- tifying organizational and individual moderators of attributions to discrimination (e.g., Goldman et al., 2006; Major et al., 2002; Major & Dover, 2016). For example, prodiversity climate and clear reporting mechanisms in organizations increase the likeli- hood that employees perceive objective discrimination as subjec- tively unjust (Hirsh & Lyons, 2010; Leslie & Gelfand, 2008). Interestingly, to the best of our knowledge, attributions to dis - crimination and perceived discrimination work has primarily investigated when and why perceivers attribute disfavoring- framed decisions—a candidate not being selected—to discrimination. In contrast, this work has not considered when and why perceivers might attribute favoring-framed decisions—a candidate being selected—to discrimination, despite the framework’s noted theo- retical relevance (Lloyd & Phillips, 2006; Major et al., 2002, p. 264). But, as reviewed above, research clearly finds that both favoring and disfavoring contribute to discrimination. Indeed, scholars have recently registered concern that work on inequity of- ten neglects discrimination resulting from favoring (DiTomaso, 2015; Greenwald & Pettigrew, 2014; Lloyd & Phillips, 2006). 1
  • 67. In past literature, disfavoring has been described as out-group hate, out-group denigration, animus, disadvantage, and discrimination, among other phrases (Brewer, 1999; Brief et al., 2005; DiTomaso, 2015). Favoring has been described as in-group love, in-group favoritism, favoritism, advantage, and privilege, among other phrases. Here, for both simplicity and specificity, we use the terms “disfavoring” and “favoring” to describe the two inequity frames that may be applied. 2 PHILLIPS AND JUN T hi s do cu m en t is co py ri gh te d by th e
  • 70. du al us er an d is no t to be di ss em in at ed br oa dl y. Here, we work to integrate literature that documents favoring as a mechanism of objective discrimination with theory on subjective perceptions of discrimination in order to ask: Given both favoring and disfavoring cause discrimination, do people perceive both as such? We suggest that inequity frames—specifically, framing an
  • 71. inequitable decision in terms of favoring versus disfavoring— are an important antecedent that can bias attributions to discrimina- tion. That is, regardless of the motivation behind the deci sion (cf. Brewer, 1999), an inequitable decision can be framed as either favoring or disfavoring. We predict that people will be less likely to attribute a decision to discrimination when it is framed in terms of favoring the beneficiary of the decision as opposed to disfavor- ing the victim of the decision. Inequity Frames Theory Cognitive frames (also known as decision frames, organiza- tional frames, or simply “frames”) refer to perceivers’ “conception of the acts, outcomes, and contingencies associated with a particu- lar choice” (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981, p. 453; see also Benford & Snow, 2000; Cornelissen & Werner, 2017; Goffman, 1974; Kaplan, 2008). Frames can focus and anchor our attention, shape our assumptions about decisions and processes, and ul timately have powerful effects on our behavior. For instance, Hugenberg et al. (2006) show that framing a shortlist selection process as exclu- sionary (who should be cut) increases decision makers’ stereotyp- ing and ultimately discrimination against minority candidates, as opposed to using an inclusionary frame (who should be kept).
  • 72. Intergroup and diversity scholars have developed inequity frames theory to describe how and why different framings affect reactions to group inequities as well (Lowery et al., 2007, 2009). Specifically, group inequity can be described as a disadvantage for those who suffer from the inequity, or as an advantage for those who benefit from the same inequity (Branscombe, 1998; Chow et al., 2008; Knowles et al., 2014; Lowery et al., 2012; Rosette & Koval, 2018). For instance, consider Jake and John competing for a newly open position. Alejandra, the hiring manager decides to hire Jake over John, solely because Jake is the same nationality as Alejandra, and John is not. This decision is clearly discriminatory because it was made based on group membership (i.e., nationality) rather than individual merit. However, the decision can be dis - cussed as Alejandra’s biased treatment against John (disfavoring frame), or it could be discussed as Alejandra’s biased treatment in favor of Jake (favoring frame). The frame used to describe the same inequity can evoke very different responses. For instance, framing racial group inequity in terms of advantages for Whites evokes more personal defensive- ness among Whites than does framing racial inequity in terms of disadvantages for Blacks (Lowery et al., 2007; Lowery & Wout, 2010). Similar effects have been found among men and members of other social groups (e.g., Branscombe, 1998; Phillips & Low -
  • 73. ery, 2020; Rosette & Tost, 2013; Sullivan et al., 2012). In turn, such defensiveness can reduce support for policies designed to correct group inequity, such as affirmative action (Phillips & Low- ery, 2015). In contrast, at the individual level, framing inequity with a focus on the disadvantaged individual can spur advantaged group members to action by offering an identifiable victim and clear path for restoration (e.g., pay restitution; Rosette & Koval, 2018). In short, different frames can lead to different interpreta- tions of, and therefore different reactions to, the same inequity.2 Extant research suggests these differential responses to inequity arise because the frames differentially prompt negative emotions and experiences of threat: advantaged individuals feel more guilty, more blame, and ultimately report lower group- and self-esteem when they read about inequity described with a favoring frame (e.g., men are advantaged) as compared with a disfavoring frame (e.g., women are disadvantaged; Branscombe, 1998; Leach et al., 2002; Lowery et al., 2007; Powell et al., 2005; Rosette & Koval, 2018). However, this work has focused on the first-person experi- ence of inequity frames, in which an advantaged group member learns about the ways they benefit from inequity. In contrast, we suggest that because inequity frames shift people’s understanding of the fundamental nature of inequity (Lowery et al., 2009;
  • 74. Low- ery & Wout, 2010), the impact of inequity frames should extend to people who are impartial to the inequity as well. Thus, we suggest inequity frames might also affect third-party observers of discrimi- nation. Specifically, we theorize that, rather than emotions, inequity frames will shape third parties’ perceptions of a decision maker’s intentions, in turn affecting their interpretation of the con- text. We explain these predictions in more detail below. Favoring-Framed Discrimination Is Less Recognized as Discrimination We suggest that although favoring and disfavoring frames describe an equivalent discriminatory outcome (e.g., Jake being hired and John not being hired based on nationality), the two frames are likely to be interpreted differently. Specifically, we expect that favoring versus disfavoring-framed decisions imply different decision maker intentions: the disfavoring frame is more likely to imply negative intentions. For instance, based on existing heuristics and expectations, observers may construe disfavoring as demonstrating animus, hatred, and intentions to hurt others, and as such, perceive negative intentions. Favoring frames, in contrast, are more likely to imply positive intentions. For instance, observ- ers may construe favoring as demonstrating love, loyalty, and intentions to help others (Brewer, 1999), and as such, perceive positive intentions.3
  • 75. Perceived intentions, in turn, are critical for perceivers’ judg- ments of actions as just, fair, and moral (Alicke et al., 2015; Cush- man, 2008, 2015; Folger & Cropanzano, 2001); as such, perceived intentions should inform observers’ attributions to discrimination. Indeed, work from a variety of literatures, including justice and attribution, suggests that intentions often outweigh objective 2 For instance, if men are systematically favored in promotion decisions, then women are necessarily disfavored; if women are systematically disfavored in promotion decisions, then men are necessarily favored (Lloyd & Phillips, 2006). That is, regardless of the motivation driving the objectively discriminatory decision, or the frame used to describe that decision, the decision is equivalent in terms of who benefits and who suffers due to their group membership. 3 The framing of a decision is conceptually distinguishable from the relative status of a group member who “benefits” or “loses” from the decision. We expect, and find, a main effect of framing on attributions to discrimination, above and beyond any main effect of beneficiary
  • 76. group status (see also decision prototypicality; Major & Dover, 2016; Rodin et al., 1990). DISCRIMINATION FRAMING 3 T hi s do cu m en t is co py ri gh te d by th e A m er ic an P sy ch ol
  • 79. to be di ss em in at ed br oa dl y. outcomes when it comes to judging fairness (especially in Western contexts; Clark et al., 2017). For example, even failed attempts at harm are seen as worse than accidental harm (Alicke et al., 2015; Cushman, 2008, 2015). Likewise, in U.S. legal studies, intentions are considered an aggravating factor, or the lack thereof a mitigat- ing factor (Dripps, 2003; see also Ames & Fiske, 2015). In short, decisions must be perceived as intentional in order to be perceived as unjust, rather than merely unfortunate (Alicke, 2000; Feather, 1999; Folger & Cropanzano, 2001; Umphress et al., 2013; see also Major et al., 2002). We therefore suggest that, because we
  • 80. expect favoring-framed decisions will imply more positive intentions than disfavoring-framed decisions, favoring-framed decisions will be less likely to be recognized as discrimination. In line with our predictions, employee surveys (focused on dis - favoring-framed decisions) have found that perceiving managers as having negative intentions can increase perceptions of discrimi- nation (Avery et al., 2008; Harris et al., 2004). Likewise, a recent experiment (focused on disfavoring-framed decisions) found that participants who perceived more negative intent in a decision attributed the decision to discrimination more (Simon et al., 2019; see also Apfelbaum et al., 2017; Swim et al., 2003). Our theorizing might also help explain why White interview informants feel that their own in-group favoritism is largely disconnected from dis- crimination—they focus more on helping intentions or conven- ience (DiTomaso, 2013). In sum, perceived intentions are likely critical to judgments of discrimination; therefore, we theorize that to the extent inequity frames affect perceived intentions, then frames should also affect attributions to discrimination. Downstream Consequences We further suggest that differential attributions to discrimina- tion caused by different inequity frames are likely to influence subsequent behaviors, including support for litigation, willingness to report discrimination, and job pursuit intentions. Existing
  • 81. work on perceived discrimination has especially focused on understand- ing the perspective, beliefs, and behaviors of victims of discrimi- nation (e.g., Avery et al., 2008; Pascoe & Smart Richman, 2009; Schmitt et al., 2014; Triana et al., 2015). However, third-party observers can serve as critical gatekeepers, helping identify and report injustice, or letting injustice continue (e.g., Skarlicki et al., 2015). For instance, when third-party observers do not attribute racial bullying to racial animus, they are less likely to report even blatant physical violence (Apfelbaum et al., 2010). Here, we suggest that to the extent that favoring-framed deci- sions are less recognized as discrimination (compared with disfa- voring-framed decisions), people will be less likely to report such decisions as discriminatory, via either supporting litigation or re- ferring the decision for additional review. Further, they may be more likely to show interest in working for such organizations. In this way, discrimination framed as favoring beneficiaries may mask injustice, allowing it to persist. Current Research In sum, we propose that individuals are less likely to recognize a discriminatory decision as discriminatory when it is described as favoring, as compared with disfavoring. We further suggest that this relative failure of recognition is driven by the effect of
  • 82. inequity frames on perceived intentions, despite discriminatory outcomes being identical. We tested our predictions in two qualitative surveys and six experiments, which sampled a variety of discrimination domains (e.g., age, sex, nationality, and race), across a variety of participant populations (e.g., working adults, business students, human resource employees). Studies 1a-b examined lay beliefs of discrimination as involving favoring versus disfavoring. Study 2 directly tested how inequity frames affect attributions to discrimination across a wide range of group-based discrimination contexts. Study 3 tested whether human resource employees fall victim to the same framing effect, and whether this affects their willingness to report discrimination. Studies 4–6 investigated alternative mechanisms, including perceived harm versus perceived intentions. Finally, Study 7 examined whether potential job applicants’ efforts to apply to an organization are shaped by how the organization’s discriminatory decisions are framed. We hope to make three contributions with this work. First, whereas recent research has focused on decoupling favoring and disfavoring as drivers of objective discrimination (Brewer, 1999; DiTomaso, 2013, 2015), this research has not yet considered how people subjectively perceive discrimination (e.g., Kessler et al.,