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Introduction to the project Our project  was based upon a stalker situation. We influenced it on a horror genre. We only did a 2 min opening sequence. I worked with Lily Conchie and Brodie Hope. Me and Lewis worked as the main characters and Brodie did not have a big role to play in the video but he did a lot of the camera and filming.  I did a lot of the acting in it and also did some of the filming and quite a lot of the editing, I also did a few posts on the blog, but lily did most of that. My thoughts after the filming and editing, would be that i have defiantly learnt a lot during the process. This experience has let me get hands on working with time to learn the skills needed. Having have a few problems this meant we learnt from these mistakes and understood it more. However I feel we pulled through in the end.
Evaluation of the audience feedback After the completion of our project we then wanted other views and opinions on how it looked and came together in the end. We got ten people to watch it and tell us what they thought of it in all aspects by asking them questions. We wanted to know if it was noticeable as to what genre the sequence belonged to and how they could tell, also if they could distinguish the main characters and what was happening. We also then asked for their suggestions on how we could develop it in order for it to be of a better more understandable quality. We wanted to know if the pace of the sequence felt right, if the images and shots made you feel in any particular way and also if the music in the background went well. We then asked them if they found it appealing and as it is an opening sequence would they want to carry on watching the rest of the motion picture if was made, and why.
We found people of our particular target groups as we did not want people watching this that had no interest in horror/scary films what so ever as it was inevitable that we would get negative feedback due to the fact they did not enjoy that type of films in the first place. Therefore we got some college friends, the other group that did a film in the class and I also got some family and my boyfriend from home. The feedback was good on a whole although there were some bits that weren't completely positive although they were not negative either which is good for us a group as we thought that if we got quite a few people to analyse it then we were bound to get some bad comments although we didn't. We also made sure that we did not just get people that we were friendly with as they are bound to just put nice things so they did not offend us, although to be truthful. When we come to doing something like this again it will help us to enable our work to be this is not what we wanted as we wanted people better from the feedback that we have gained. Most people noticed that our film was a build up to a horror/scary/thriller film although some people found it strange. We could not decide whether this was a good thing or not because in a way it was meant to seem quite strange and as if it had something eary about it because it was a horror and scary film although we didn't want the audience to feel like they didn't have a clue what was going on in it as in the opening scene of something it is the aim to get across to the reader what is going on helping them to decide weather or not they find it interesting and want to continue watching. Our main aim was to grasp them in in the start of it yet not give to much away as when it is an opening scene you do not want the main thing happening straight away as the viewer is bound to loose interest the rest of the way through, the main aim was to create tension and make the reader feel they are getting excited as to guessing what is going to go on in the next bit.ost people distinguished that the main aim was to create tension and make the reader feel they are getting excited as to guessing what is going to go on in the next bit.
One of the main good points we got from the surveys that the viewers did was that they all said that they found it interesting the way through and that they would continue to watch it. This was a very good boost for us as we did not get one person saying they didn't find it interesting and that they wouldn't continue watching. The feedback was really positive and they also said that it created tension as it built up to the very start of the film when it said 'the list' our main aim was for it to feel like this for the viewers and it did for us so we were thrilled to see that it did the same for the rest of the people watching it. They also said it would keep them watching as it left them in suspense because at the very end you just saw him follow me into a room and then nothing else after that, this made the reader question? what is going to happen next so they did continue watching. Our first idea was to create a screaming sound as if I was in danger although we realised that this much give too much away, although it could be seen as not making it interesting enough we believed that it made it better and our comments seem to reflect this. One of our main downfalls was that some of the people said that the music did not go very well at all times. This was mainly because we left our music until last minute which we then went on to realise was a very silly idea as something alternate could of created such a better mood/feel/atmosphere to the opening sequence although it did fit in a way. It was quite good because the sound was very alternate and the range of the sounds in the music varied allot, making some sounds very loud and noticeable and others quieter and less effective. Also the sound of the music sort of had a Egyptian feel to it as it got the way through, we didn't think it would sound to bad as you didn't hear a great deal of this but it was obviously too noticeable and people felt for that reason that something more scary sounding should have been used. Not only the reason that we had this problem was down to leaving it until last minute but the music had to be copyrighted for us to use it so we did not have that many choices. We/I would definitely take this into account next time I was creating a film. Over all the feedback that we got from our viewers was good on a whole. We didn't have 100% positive comments but I believe strongly that mistakes make you stronger and your performance better the next time as you learn from what you have done wrong and progress from them building better ideas. I will certainly think about everything that was said about this task next time I am creating another film in media or anything film like.
Results from questionnaire What does the sequence at genre belong to???? Is it clear what is going on? Do you want to keep watching from what you have seen? Who are the main characters in the opening sequence?
Did the pace of the sequence feel right to you? Did you find it interesting? Over all when looking back on our findings from the questionnaire we do have a lot of good feedback and some slightly bad but this will benefit us in the long run. Did the images work well with the music?
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products. The genre for our final project was stalker/horror.In order for us to portray  this there are many indispensable things that needed doing. We decided that the characters clothing needed to be thought about, music and facial expression mainly. Our aim was to make this look as real life like as possible. By also using acting well to flow with all the other work needed.For the villan I was chosen as I was the biggest. We found this would be necessary so the viewer sort of got an idea that he was not a good guy. We had me the victim in just day to day clothing so it looked as if it was just a normal day for me. Which suggests the audience there is no sign of threatAlso in horror films you often see the villain with some kind of weapon, for this we decided to create something new and different rather than something such as a knife or a gun, so we used a rope. The rope worked well as it is used in most horror films to hang tie up or strangle the victim. Also we did the title with a black background and white writing, this was to not give it a really happy look but bland and more bold, giving it more of a scary look to it. And making it significant its serious. Hooded jacket, can not see his face Casual day to day clothing for the victim
If you notice here there are different  horror films and different types, our screen title for the film is black and white as these are here, it therefore shows that it fulfils the requirements for how they should look as a horror film. Being bland with no intense colours it  represents darkness and danger. You can also see here that there are weapons being used within horror films, this is very likely that is why we used a rope rather than using a gun or a knife, yet we can see that we have reached the requirements as this leaves suspense. From our audience feed back and the pictures above it is very noticeable that we have reached all of the requirements needed for the opening sequence and the genre that we were using. The viewers noted that it built up suspense and also made you want to keep watching it because you see him with the rope and wonder what is going to happen next.
How does your media product represent particular social groups? In our media project we decided to aim for a target audience of late teenager, as most of the time they are victims in this sort of sequence and ours opening scene is acted by this age. We thought of the target audience, because we are based in a college’s canteen so therefore it is showing young people and them in their surroundings; college. You can tell it is based on young people from the casual college clothes, how the look, and the setting that it is in and there general behaviour during college times.  All of it is based around the college and is focusing on the life and daily routine of the main character lily.On the other hand it is focusing on villains and victims. Because lily the victim who is being followed around college by me. A teenage boy(me) who is the same age as lily, and I am obviously following lily around college with an intention of doing something to her. So this therefore gets across to the viewer that we have a villain and a victim in it. me being the villain and me being the victim. We see all about stereotypes here as we all looked on as young teens throughout this because we are sat around messing about in the college. Although we show a contrast of something as well that does not always happen in day to day life where you see somebody following somebody around intensely and also we see from the start that I have some kind of strange and weird obsession that is not really normal.From our audience feedback we see that they notice who the main characters are and also who the villain and the victim are and what is going on which was our aim.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? I have had a look at quite allot of film distributers and I have found one company that base their films that they distribute on scary, horror, strange films.  I think that this company would be one that could possibly distribute this as they aim for films that shock the viewers and with our film because what is going on is something that is like a real life event and something that could happen to anybody at any time in their life. Stalking is well known and is something that there has been many cases of so for this reason i believe it would be a possible choice as it is like a real life event and bound to shock.I also think that they would consider it because it gets very interesting as it builds up and has potential to be made into something that could be very popular. I also think that it would appeal to a large range of people as it could be scary for some people but also interesting. As well there is allot that you could do with it and you could make it to.I think as well that it would be good to distribute world wide because it is not just one certain type/race of people that would be interested in watching it, it could be people worldwide because it had potential for being a good spine chilling film.Also they would most likely make a lot of money because stalker type films are really popular with people as they are all similar but with a different twist and this is what ours is.
Who would be the audience for your media product? We did our target group audience for teens and young/older adults. I would say that our film would probably be most popular to people from 16-50. I don't think that people of a younger age would enjoy this or for that matter I don't think that it would be suitable. As well as this I don't think  it would be approved of for young children to watch this so for that reason it would probably classify at a 15. I do not think people that were older would enjoy it because it could really frighten people and they would not enjoy it for this reason. It would aim at the people that had horror/scary films as there all time favourite films, not really people that just enjoyed them a little It would mainly be for people that were big fans of horror films so then it gives us a wide area of audience.This audience would potentially be a good choice i think because they are  a large mass audience as there are many young teens around and many middle aged people. As well if it is younger people it would be good because they enjoy going to the cinema and buying films more. Parents could take children or they could go on there own, this could additionally help for building the money that it would make as the cinemas aren't really seen with young children in or really older people as they do not enjoy sitting there and watching films. ,[object Object],[object Object]
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product. Equipment I used  In  our process of constructing our product we have learnt allot of things. I have learnt more about how to use a camera and how to do various shots which have helped me throughout filming. I have also learnt how to handheld film and also how to film on a tripod.As well I have learnt how to edit on the Macs once we had fininished it. I also learnt how to add music and special effect.Also we learnt how to add titles and credits, as well to change colours of the film. I have also learnt how to upload photos using a fire wire cable.A lot of these things I have learnt have benefited me and my group throughout doing our film and i don't think that we would have been able to do it without all of these techniques.The equipment allows you to do so much and it is really good to experiment with and will help gain quality of products we do in the future. This is not the same but similar software we used
Looking back at our preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt from it to the full product? When looking back on our pre lim task from the start of the year you can see how much we have altered in our work and how much strength that we have gained in many areas. Our pre lim task was done at the very start of the year when we first got started using the cameras and also the editing suite, therefore it was quite basic. In our final project - the opening sequence we have added a lot more ranges of shots, close ups,long shots and panning in our film, although everything in the pre lim was very basic and plain. As well we have added credits, titles and so on to our new project making it look more profession able and more like something in real life. As well as this we have used a lot more editing on it for example we played around with the lighting a lot, we added more editing effects, we cropped a lot more to make it to a really good quality and make everything perfect so there was nothing shaky, no jolts or anything. In our pre lim the quality was not poor because we did go over it a few times in order to make it as good as we can but by watching the pre lim and the finished project you can easily see the difference in the quality.
Personal progress Strengths  I believe that throughout this experience i have gained a lot of progress.I have definitely become a lot more skilled with my filming and this has shown from what i did in the preliminary task and the final project.Also i learnt how to edit and I found that really interesting as we were all able to contribute to the editing of the final project. Weaknesses I think that I have over come some weaknesses. Concentration being the main one. Our group found it hard to concentrate and organise things well as we were a group of friends, although we did finish it in the end I think we would have been more sensible to have done it all organised and timed. As a lot got left until last minute but this is something I will learn from! Over all I think that it is a good project. I do not think it is perfect and it doesn't come really close to the real article but it is a good attempt, I do not think that without really good equipment you can make a really good horror film but I think more effort would of made it better, I think it is good because it is real life like but next time I will definitely do more work on it to make it an even better quality.
Media work[1] [recovered] [recovered]

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Media work[1] [recovered] [recovered]

  • 1. Introduction to the project Our project was based upon a stalker situation. We influenced it on a horror genre. We only did a 2 min opening sequence. I worked with Lily Conchie and Brodie Hope. Me and Lewis worked as the main characters and Brodie did not have a big role to play in the video but he did a lot of the camera and filming. I did a lot of the acting in it and also did some of the filming and quite a lot of the editing, I also did a few posts on the blog, but lily did most of that. My thoughts after the filming and editing, would be that i have defiantly learnt a lot during the process. This experience has let me get hands on working with time to learn the skills needed. Having have a few problems this meant we learnt from these mistakes and understood it more. However I feel we pulled through in the end.
  • 2. Evaluation of the audience feedback After the completion of our project we then wanted other views and opinions on how it looked and came together in the end. We got ten people to watch it and tell us what they thought of it in all aspects by asking them questions. We wanted to know if it was noticeable as to what genre the sequence belonged to and how they could tell, also if they could distinguish the main characters and what was happening. We also then asked for their suggestions on how we could develop it in order for it to be of a better more understandable quality. We wanted to know if the pace of the sequence felt right, if the images and shots made you feel in any particular way and also if the music in the background went well. We then asked them if they found it appealing and as it is an opening sequence would they want to carry on watching the rest of the motion picture if was made, and why.
  • 3. We found people of our particular target groups as we did not want people watching this that had no interest in horror/scary films what so ever as it was inevitable that we would get negative feedback due to the fact they did not enjoy that type of films in the first place. Therefore we got some college friends, the other group that did a film in the class and I also got some family and my boyfriend from home. The feedback was good on a whole although there were some bits that weren't completely positive although they were not negative either which is good for us a group as we thought that if we got quite a few people to analyse it then we were bound to get some bad comments although we didn't. We also made sure that we did not just get people that we were friendly with as they are bound to just put nice things so they did not offend us, although to be truthful. When we come to doing something like this again it will help us to enable our work to be this is not what we wanted as we wanted people better from the feedback that we have gained. Most people noticed that our film was a build up to a horror/scary/thriller film although some people found it strange. We could not decide whether this was a good thing or not because in a way it was meant to seem quite strange and as if it had something eary about it because it was a horror and scary film although we didn't want the audience to feel like they didn't have a clue what was going on in it as in the opening scene of something it is the aim to get across to the reader what is going on helping them to decide weather or not they find it interesting and want to continue watching. Our main aim was to grasp them in in the start of it yet not give to much away as when it is an opening scene you do not want the main thing happening straight away as the viewer is bound to loose interest the rest of the way through, the main aim was to create tension and make the reader feel they are getting excited as to guessing what is going to go on in the next bit.ost people distinguished that the main aim was to create tension and make the reader feel they are getting excited as to guessing what is going to go on in the next bit.
  • 4. One of the main good points we got from the surveys that the viewers did was that they all said that they found it interesting the way through and that they would continue to watch it. This was a very good boost for us as we did not get one person saying they didn't find it interesting and that they wouldn't continue watching. The feedback was really positive and they also said that it created tension as it built up to the very start of the film when it said 'the list' our main aim was for it to feel like this for the viewers and it did for us so we were thrilled to see that it did the same for the rest of the people watching it. They also said it would keep them watching as it left them in suspense because at the very end you just saw him follow me into a room and then nothing else after that, this made the reader question? what is going to happen next so they did continue watching. Our first idea was to create a screaming sound as if I was in danger although we realised that this much give too much away, although it could be seen as not making it interesting enough we believed that it made it better and our comments seem to reflect this. One of our main downfalls was that some of the people said that the music did not go very well at all times. This was mainly because we left our music until last minute which we then went on to realise was a very silly idea as something alternate could of created such a better mood/feel/atmosphere to the opening sequence although it did fit in a way. It was quite good because the sound was very alternate and the range of the sounds in the music varied allot, making some sounds very loud and noticeable and others quieter and less effective. Also the sound of the music sort of had a Egyptian feel to it as it got the way through, we didn't think it would sound to bad as you didn't hear a great deal of this but it was obviously too noticeable and people felt for that reason that something more scary sounding should have been used. Not only the reason that we had this problem was down to leaving it until last minute but the music had to be copyrighted for us to use it so we did not have that many choices. We/I would definitely take this into account next time I was creating a film. Over all the feedback that we got from our viewers was good on a whole. We didn't have 100% positive comments but I believe strongly that mistakes make you stronger and your performance better the next time as you learn from what you have done wrong and progress from them building better ideas. I will certainly think about everything that was said about this task next time I am creating another film in media or anything film like.
  • 5. Results from questionnaire What does the sequence at genre belong to???? Is it clear what is going on? Do you want to keep watching from what you have seen? Who are the main characters in the opening sequence?
  • 6. Did the pace of the sequence feel right to you? Did you find it interesting? Over all when looking back on our findings from the questionnaire we do have a lot of good feedback and some slightly bad but this will benefit us in the long run. Did the images work well with the music?
  • 7. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products. The genre for our final project was stalker/horror.In order for us to portray this there are many indispensable things that needed doing. We decided that the characters clothing needed to be thought about, music and facial expression mainly. Our aim was to make this look as real life like as possible. By also using acting well to flow with all the other work needed.For the villan I was chosen as I was the biggest. We found this would be necessary so the viewer sort of got an idea that he was not a good guy. We had me the victim in just day to day clothing so it looked as if it was just a normal day for me. Which suggests the audience there is no sign of threatAlso in horror films you often see the villain with some kind of weapon, for this we decided to create something new and different rather than something such as a knife or a gun, so we used a rope. The rope worked well as it is used in most horror films to hang tie up or strangle the victim. Also we did the title with a black background and white writing, this was to not give it a really happy look but bland and more bold, giving it more of a scary look to it. And making it significant its serious. Hooded jacket, can not see his face Casual day to day clothing for the victim
  • 8. If you notice here there are different horror films and different types, our screen title for the film is black and white as these are here, it therefore shows that it fulfils the requirements for how they should look as a horror film. Being bland with no intense colours it represents darkness and danger. You can also see here that there are weapons being used within horror films, this is very likely that is why we used a rope rather than using a gun or a knife, yet we can see that we have reached the requirements as this leaves suspense. From our audience feed back and the pictures above it is very noticeable that we have reached all of the requirements needed for the opening sequence and the genre that we were using. The viewers noted that it built up suspense and also made you want to keep watching it because you see him with the rope and wonder what is going to happen next.
  • 9. How does your media product represent particular social groups? In our media project we decided to aim for a target audience of late teenager, as most of the time they are victims in this sort of sequence and ours opening scene is acted by this age. We thought of the target audience, because we are based in a college’s canteen so therefore it is showing young people and them in their surroundings; college. You can tell it is based on young people from the casual college clothes, how the look, and the setting that it is in and there general behaviour during college times. All of it is based around the college and is focusing on the life and daily routine of the main character lily.On the other hand it is focusing on villains and victims. Because lily the victim who is being followed around college by me. A teenage boy(me) who is the same age as lily, and I am obviously following lily around college with an intention of doing something to her. So this therefore gets across to the viewer that we have a villain and a victim in it. me being the villain and me being the victim. We see all about stereotypes here as we all looked on as young teens throughout this because we are sat around messing about in the college. Although we show a contrast of something as well that does not always happen in day to day life where you see somebody following somebody around intensely and also we see from the start that I have some kind of strange and weird obsession that is not really normal.From our audience feedback we see that they notice who the main characters are and also who the villain and the victim are and what is going on which was our aim.
  • 10. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? I have had a look at quite allot of film distributers and I have found one company that base their films that they distribute on scary, horror, strange films. I think that this company would be one that could possibly distribute this as they aim for films that shock the viewers and with our film because what is going on is something that is like a real life event and something that could happen to anybody at any time in their life. Stalking is well known and is something that there has been many cases of so for this reason i believe it would be a possible choice as it is like a real life event and bound to shock.I also think that they would consider it because it gets very interesting as it builds up and has potential to be made into something that could be very popular. I also think that it would appeal to a large range of people as it could be scary for some people but also interesting. As well there is allot that you could do with it and you could make it to.I think as well that it would be good to distribute world wide because it is not just one certain type/race of people that would be interested in watching it, it could be people worldwide because it had potential for being a good spine chilling film.Also they would most likely make a lot of money because stalker type films are really popular with people as they are all similar but with a different twist and this is what ours is.
  • 11.
  • 12. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product. Equipment I used In our process of constructing our product we have learnt allot of things. I have learnt more about how to use a camera and how to do various shots which have helped me throughout filming. I have also learnt how to handheld film and also how to film on a tripod.As well I have learnt how to edit on the Macs once we had fininished it. I also learnt how to add music and special effect.Also we learnt how to add titles and credits, as well to change colours of the film. I have also learnt how to upload photos using a fire wire cable.A lot of these things I have learnt have benefited me and my group throughout doing our film and i don't think that we would have been able to do it without all of these techniques.The equipment allows you to do so much and it is really good to experiment with and will help gain quality of products we do in the future. This is not the same but similar software we used
  • 13. Looking back at our preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt from it to the full product? When looking back on our pre lim task from the start of the year you can see how much we have altered in our work and how much strength that we have gained in many areas. Our pre lim task was done at the very start of the year when we first got started using the cameras and also the editing suite, therefore it was quite basic. In our final project - the opening sequence we have added a lot more ranges of shots, close ups,long shots and panning in our film, although everything in the pre lim was very basic and plain. As well we have added credits, titles and so on to our new project making it look more profession able and more like something in real life. As well as this we have used a lot more editing on it for example we played around with the lighting a lot, we added more editing effects, we cropped a lot more to make it to a really good quality and make everything perfect so there was nothing shaky, no jolts or anything. In our pre lim the quality was not poor because we did go over it a few times in order to make it as good as we can but by watching the pre lim and the finished project you can easily see the difference in the quality.
  • 14. Personal progress Strengths I believe that throughout this experience i have gained a lot of progress.I have definitely become a lot more skilled with my filming and this has shown from what i did in the preliminary task and the final project.Also i learnt how to edit and I found that really interesting as we were all able to contribute to the editing of the final project. Weaknesses I think that I have over come some weaknesses. Concentration being the main one. Our group found it hard to concentrate and organise things well as we were a group of friends, although we did finish it in the end I think we would have been more sensible to have done it all organised and timed. As a lot got left until last minute but this is something I will learn from! Over all I think that it is a good project. I do not think it is perfect and it doesn't come really close to the real article but it is a good attempt, I do not think that without really good equipment you can make a really good horror film but I think more effort would of made it better, I think it is good because it is real life like but next time I will definitely do more work on it to make it an even better quality.