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Best Buy’s @ 15, is a scholarship program and teen-led social change platform launched in August
of 2008, for high school aged students. Without awareness by the key demographic, teens, this
program will not succeed. This 12-month campaign will increase awareness among Hispanic teens
living in the southwestern United States, and match that of their English-speaking peers.
Una Comunidad de Oportunidads, a community of opportunities. Community is the basis of all
Hispanic culture. As an inclusive way to inform, @15 defines community as school, sports, family,
neighborhoods, or anything that encourages teens to strive for a bright future.
Other competitors such as Walmart and Target offer scholarship opportunities for this age group,
but these programs have no basis of creating social change by these students, or any student
involvement. @ 15 is different from other programs in that they are not only encouraging continued
education for a successful future, they also emphasize the importance of giving back to the
community and that teens are vital to our future. @ 15 aims to acknowledge teens and their opin-
ions, to make sure it’s understood they are important. With this specific target, the campaign also
aims to utilize the strong sense of community among Hispanic neighborhoods and families to bring
teens in both states together.
Best Buy’s @ 15 is a national program that will be advertised regionally in the California and
Texas. With the niche market of Hispanic high school students ages 13-19, research indicates teens
spend a large portion of their time on computers and more specifically the Internet. So the cam-
paign will utilize the concept of viral marketing and use social networking web sites. Research also
indicates that the Hispanic culture places high value on education and family relationships, so the
campaign will reflect these with advertising and events.
Through traditional and non-traditional marketing, an average reach of 80% will be achieved with
an average frequency of 4. Tradtional media accompanied by special events will be used target
Hispanic teens and their parents. Booths at Hispanic festivals will be used to reach millions, and
localized Fiestas will be held to being families and communities together to be informed about the
opprotunities @ 15 provides. Tutoring sessions will be held at local colleges in both states, to help
Hispanic students prepare for ACT and SAT testing, in hopes to being them one step closer to fulfill-
ing their dream of a college education.
Marketing Objectives and Strategies
Best Buy’s @ 15, is a scholarship program and teen led social change platform launched in
August of 2008, for high school aged students. The mission of @ 15 is to make teens realize that
they are important now, and can make a difference in communities now. The goal of @ 15 is to
keep high school aged teenagers from dropping out of school and to find their “spark” or the
thing in their life that makes them tick or that defines a part of them. The program currently has
very little awareness or recognition thus far. With Hispanics quickly becoming the largest minority
in the US, concentrated in the southwest, Hispanic teens in that area will be targeted for the F12
Competitive Considerations
The @15 program is in a niche market, with a target of primarily high school aged students, it is
not alone in that it is a scholarship program but is set apart by the fact that it is a teen-led social
change platform also. Other competitors such as Walmart and Target offer scholarship
opportunities for this age group, but these programs have no basis of creating social change by
these students, or any student involvement.
Creative History of the Brand
There is very little awareness due to very little advertising of @15. Current advertising includes a
website, a Facebook page with approximately 1,300 members, Twitter page, and some short You
Tube videos, which are the main advertisers for the program to date. There has also been some
instore initiatives including kiosks and flyers. Taylor Swift is the spokesperson for this program and
discusses her high school struggles and the necessity in finding your “spark.” The programs web
site is very brightly colored, has trendy geometric shapes, and warm looking backgrounds. It has a
very school oriented theme, and uses many different celebrities as spokespeople, with Taylor Swift
as the main endorser.
Target Audience
Hispanic teens are not unlike their American peers. They have grown up in the computer age,
and they have always been connected. They are used to being able to instantly communicate with
anyone at anytime. Research shows US teens spend about 10 hours of their day being exposed to
media, of which they consume 32% of their media on TV, 25% on a computer and 20% by using
a mobile device. Hispanic teens tend to live in the same household as their extended family, often
including their grandparents. Hispanic teens are very culturally aware and look up their older
siblings and cousins and the good of the whole family is more important than the individual.
Contrary to high drop out rates and poor education, Hispanics highly value education, and they
often credit their achievements to “fate” or “religious circumstances” rather than ability. Research
shows in 2007, 67% of Hispanics over the age of 16 were employed and their income is usually
shared by the whole family.
Best Buy’s @15 is a national program that will be advertised regionally in the southwest,
specifically Texas and California. Currently advertised primarily on the Internet the program does
not yet have national recognition. Research shows 49% of Hispanic teens ages 13-19 living in TX
and CA, live in large-medium sized cities. Data shows advertising in specific spot markets would be
beneficial to closing the gap between teens, especially in the Hispanic population.
Timing and Purchase Cycle
According to Tru, Hispanic teens in Texas and California, rarely shop for electronics, shopping at
an electronics store only .68 times a month, on average and spending an average of $15 a month
on electronics and technology.
Questions about Media Mix
As a relatively young program, @15 has the benefit of being owned by Best Buy and using their
stores as a vehicle for promotion. Because the @15 program is so unique, there are no major
competitors and there is not enough information to create a SOV analysis. Our primary target
is Hispanic teens, and research shows second from TV, teens in general spend most of their time
on computers. One incentive for using the Internet media is the ability to use viral marketing and
social networking to spread the brand promise. According to Tru, 58% of teens in CA and TX visit at least once a day.
Video Game Consoule
Graphic SWOT Summary
Strengths Weaknesses
•	 Relatable Spokesperson
•	 Strong Corporate Sponsor
•	 Positive Influence for Teens
•	 Opportunities for Teens
•	 Language Barrier
•	 Low Site Membership
•	 Not Well-Established
•	 No Relateable Hispanic Mediums
Opportunities Threats
•	 Unique Program
•	 Bring Communities Together
•	 Team up with Charities
•	 Other Scholarship Programs
•	 Unmotivated Teens
•	 Unreceptive Communities
@15 is an organization created by Best Buy in 2008 to encourage teens to stay in school and find
the inspiration they need to continue their education. Best Buy understands how important teens
are to the world and wants them to succeed. They give out $1,000,000 in scholarships each year
to 9th-12th graders and help provide funding to other charitable organizations. Their main goal
is to help teens find their passion, and have a place to connect with others who share their same
Target Audience
The target is Hispanic teens, between the ages of 15-19 living in California or Texas. They are
bilingual and live with their extended family. They place great value on family and education,
however coming from lower income areas, they may not always have the resources to reach their
full potential. They are employed and when they are not working or in school they spend their time
online, with friends, or family.
Features and Benef its
The @15 website features games and message boards where teens can earn points. Users can then
give these points to one of the four main charities to which Best Buy will donate. They can also
apply for one of the $1,000 scholarships given away each year. The site also helps them find their
“spark” or passion and provides resources and information on possible paths for the future.
To increase awareness of @15 by Hispanic teens living in California and Texas to match the
English-speaking population.
Message Strategy
Use of an emotional message strategy will encourage Hispanic teens to take advantage of the
opportunity to continue their education and help their communities.
Strategy Statement
The campaign will convince Hispanic teens ages 15-19 to encourage them further their education
and get involved with their communities
Creative Requirements
Print, transit, video, outdoor,online, non-traditional
Target Audience and Media Mix
Objective: To increase awareness of @15 among Hispanic teens living in California and Texas
and to bridge the gap between their English-speaking peers. The objective will be achieved
through online, in-store, print and transit advertising as well as the production of special events and
Strategies: In efforts to reach Hispanic teens, web site banners will be placed on social networking
sites including Facebook, and the popular Latino site Batanga. A promotional video will be posted
on You Tube and be aired on spot networks. Direct mailers will be sent to households about
upcoming ACT Prep tutoring sessions and another for neighborhood block parties. The block
parties will help connect the strong feeling of community in Hispanic neighborhoods to @15. Local
Reggetone bands will be selected to play at the block parties. Small kiosks will be set up near the
entrances of Best Buy stores where teens can register for tutoring, apply for the scholarship, and
submit their band entry form.
Reach, Frequency, and GRPs
Objective: To achieve an average frequency of 4.5 throughout the course of the campaign with an
average reach of 80% (4,695 GRPs). Reach will range from 50%-95% and frequency will bottom
at 1.
Strategies: The Reach Frequency Decision Model favored reach and it was determined that the
budget would be best allocated so that reach would be optimized. By using the Ostrow Model, our
optimum frequency was found to be 4.3. Because most of the media chosen will provide minimal
impressions, it will provide a higher reach. There will be an average of 340 GRPs for traditional
media and 173 GRPs for events and non-traditional media.
Scheduling and Timing
Objective: The campaign will begin March 1, of fiscal year 12 by launching ads online, transit
ads, in-store kiosks, an update to the existing web site, and a video on You Tube. A continuous
schedule will be used throughout the next three quarters, using traditional media supplemented
with television spots, events and electronic media.
Strategies: The first month of the campaign will focus on branding and making the audience aware
of @15 and the upcoming programs. Beginning in April and continuing throughout September,
@15 will have booths at several Hispanic festivals around the two state area. Registration for free
ACT/SAT tutoring will start in March and tutoring dates will run from August- February. The Fiesta
en el Parque will be tested for effectiveness and neighborhood response in 5 largely Hispanic
cities from September- October. Introduction of the Mural Contest will begin in March and
winner’s work will be displayed September- February. Informational in-store kiosks will be in place
throughout all four quarters.
Media Budget
Objective: Best Buy’s @15 program will have a $1 million dollar budget for fiscal year 12 to be
divided between California and Texas.
Strategies: This $1 million dollar budget will be spent on events and traditional media in a
continuous pattern throughout the year. The largest amount of the budget will be spent on
traditional advertising including, print, outdoor, transit, online and TV. The second largest portion
will be allocated to the special events planned and directed at the Hispanic teen households and
Objective: To match the awareness of @15 among Hispanic teens in Califonia and Texas to that of
their Engligh speaking peers in those states and the rest of the nation.
Strategies: Regional target index data combined with secondary research and evaluation of the
most densly populated Hispanic areas indicated key markets and major cites where the campaign
will be focused. Our campaign will reach 108 Best Buy stores in the largest cities as well as the
millions of Hispanics in attendence at festivals in both states.
Sales Promotion
Objective: Sales promotion has the largest percentage in traditional advertising. Tutoring and
Fiesta direct mailings, a television ad, and student designed billboards. The next largest portion
is in alternative advertising. Citywide fiesta’s, festival booths, transit ads, bus wraps, and a new
revamped Hispanic webpage.
Strategies: Direct mailings, transit ads, bus wraps, billboards, and bag stuffers will be used as a
way to reach out to the community and families of high school aged students and to these students.
Along with these more traditional, or tangible forms of advertising, the community-wide fiesta’s in 5
test locations.
The @15 website will have an additional tab called “Mi Vida,” to be launched at the beginning
of the fiscal year in March. “Mi Vida” is a link that gives access to all of the Hispanic targeted
2012-2013 campaigns events and contests. Transit advertisements in bus stops will be located on
4 bus routes with 25 in each major city. In store kiosks will be displayed in 108 stores throughout
CA and TX displaying band contest brochures, scholarship applications, tutoring information, and
information on fiestas and festival events. A 1 minute television advertisement will run in June and
October on MTV, and be launched as a YouTube clip and displayed on the in store kiosks, to run
the entire year.
Best Buy’s @15 will have a presence at 5 major Hispanic and ethnic festivals throughout the
year. They will also host “Fiesta en el Parque” events at 5 test locations, including: food, band
competition winners, mural unveiling, and information on programs to get involved.v These events
are a way to get families and communities involved in the future of teens.
Direct targeting of Hispanic teens will include: contests for billboard designs, student band
contests, and tutoring sessions, as a way to get teens actively involved in the campaign. A contest
for an artistic billboard design will allow Hispanic teens to express their artistic flair through a
design contest. This contest will judged by the youth at, and offer two winners the
chance have their designs displayed across 5 major cites in CA and TX on billboards, and to be
unveiled at the “Fiesta en el Parque” events. The band competition will offer Hispanic teenagers
the opportunity to “Get from the Garage to the Stage,” and have their band be heard by their
community and to win $1,000 at the “Fiesta en el Parque” events. Tutoring sessions will be held
at 10 locations and will run Aug.-Feb. as a way to encourage Hispanic teens to do well in school
and work toward doing well on their ACT and SAT. Online advertisements will have a presence on
Facebook and Batanga, the most prevalent Hispanic social network, throughout the entire year.
AT15 Campaign Flow Chart
Medium Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Freq. Reach Total GRPs: Total Cost:
Transit Ads x x x x x x x 6 70 420 $138,750.00
Commercial on YouTube x x x x x x x x x x x x 5 90 360 $0.00
Tutoring Direct Mail x 1 95 95 $75,578.00
Fiesta Direct Mail x 1 95 95 $75,578.00
In Store Kiosks x x x x x x x x x x x x 6 95 570 $54,000.00
Bag Stuffers x x x x x x x x x x x x 4 65 260 $2,500.00
Facebook x x x x x x x x x x x x 7 80 560 $36,400.00
Batanga x x x x x x 4 80 320 $18,200.00
Scholarship Brochure x x x x x 4 75 300 $2,500.00
Festivals x x x x 4 85 340 $34,449.00
Fiestas x x x 2 65 130 $70,324.00
Tutoring x x x x x x x 2 50 50 $29,684.00
Band Brochure x x x x x 4 75 300 $2,500.00
TV Spot (1min)
Spot TV-Early Fringe
x x 5 80 400 $157,960.00
Billboards x x x x x x 5 80 400 $93,000.00
Cost: $791,423.00
Avg. Freq. 4.0
Avg. Reach 78.7
GRPs 4,600
Video Game Consoule
Ostrow Model
Marketing Factors That Affect Frequency
Established Brands		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 New Brands
High Market Share		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Low Market Share
Dominant Brand		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Smaller, Less Known
High Brand Loyalty		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Low Brand Loyalty
Long Purchase Cycle	 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Short Purchase Cycle
Product used occasionally	-0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Product Used Daily
						 +0.1 	+0.2	 Need to Beat Competition
						 +0.1 	+0.2	 Older Customers/ Children
Copy Factors That Affect Frequency
Simple Copy			 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Complex Copy
More Unique Copy		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Less Unique Copy
Continuing Campaign	 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 New Copy Campaign
Product Sell Copy		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Image Copy
Single Kind of Message	 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Mult. Kinds of Messages
Larger Ad Units		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Smaller Ad Units
To Avoid Wearout:
Older Messages		 -0.2	 -0.1			 New Messages
Media Factors That Affect Frequency
Lower Ad Clutter		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Higher Ad Clutter
Compatible Editorial Env.	 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Non-Compatible Env.
High Media Attentiveness	-0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Low Media Attentiveness
Continuity Scheduling	 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Pulsing/Flighting
Limited Media Mix		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Many Media in Mix
Opp. For Repetition		 -0.2	 -0.1	 +0.1 	+0.2	 Fewer Opportunities
Frequency: 4.3
Reach Frequency Decision Model
Optimize Reach Optimize Frequency
*Product introduction
*In growth phase of life cycle
*Strong, established brand
*Among brand leaders in category
*Brand awareness is higher
*Higher market share
*Higher involvement purchase decision
Stronger interest in category
*Often higher priced goods/services
*Little to moderate competition in category
*Not purchased often- once a month or less
*Continuous advertising schedule
*Original powerful creative executions
compared to categories; stands out
*Powerful creative compared to category
*Advertising message easily understood
*Expanding into new markets, territory
*Launching major sales promotional event
*Seasonal peak for sales
*Product introduction
*Mature well-known brand among competition
*Less established brand
*Among bottom half in category
*Brand awareness is lower
*Lower market share
*Low involvement purchase decision
Weaker interest category
*Often lower priced good/services
*Strong intense competition in category
*Purchases frequently- 2+ month or more
*Flighting schedule
*Creative on par with executions in all
*Creative on par for brands in category
*Advertising message more complex
*Brand not expanding
*Moderate to low sales promo activity
*Beginning new season for brand
Optimize Reach
	 This was used for tutoring snacks information
	 This was used for tutoring snacks information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for market information
	 This was used for promotional activity finances
	 This was used for promotional activity finances
	 This was used for promotional activity finances
	 This is information of festivals for Best buy to have an @15 booth
	 This is information of festivals for Best buy to have an @15 booth
	 This is information of festivals for Best buy to have an @15 booth
	 This is information of parks for Best Buy to have the block party
	 This is information of parks for Best Buy to have the block party
	 This is information for the sound equipment for the block party
	 Used it to find out how much a bus wrap would cost
	 Used it to find out how much the direct mail would cost.
	 Used it to find out the test dates of the ACT and to contact a person at the ACT to figure out 		
	 the cost of the test
	 Used it to find out how much the cost of the test would be.
	 Used it as a base for the cost of renting a room
	 Taste of Mexico Festival Information
	 Dia De La Hispanidad Festival and parade Saturday
	 Information for L.A. County Fair September
	 Information for L.A. County Fair
	 Cinco de Mayo Celebration
	 This was used for bus advertising prices
	 USA Outdoor Media- (888)-825-3055
	 A representative was called to obtain pricing for billboard advertisements

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Media plan - Best Buy @15 Mass Communication Capstone Project

  • 1. Best Buy’s @ 15, is a scholarship program and teen-led social change platform launched in August of 2008, for high school aged students. Without awareness by the key demographic, teens, this program will not succeed. This 12-month campaign will increase awareness among Hispanic teens living in the southwestern United States, and match that of their English-speaking peers. Una Comunidad de Oportunidads, a community of opportunities. Community is the basis of all Hispanic culture. As an inclusive way to inform, @15 defines community as school, sports, family, neighborhoods, or anything that encourages teens to strive for a bright future. Other competitors such as Walmart and Target offer scholarship opportunities for this age group, but these programs have no basis of creating social change by these students, or any student involvement. @ 15 is different from other programs in that they are not only encouraging continued education for a successful future, they also emphasize the importance of giving back to the community and that teens are vital to our future. @ 15 aims to acknowledge teens and their opin- ions, to make sure it’s understood they are important. With this specific target, the campaign also aims to utilize the strong sense of community among Hispanic neighborhoods and families to bring teens in both states together. Best Buy’s @ 15 is a national program that will be advertised regionally in the California and Texas. With the niche market of Hispanic high school students ages 13-19, research indicates teens spend a large portion of their time on computers and more specifically the Internet. So the cam- paign will utilize the concept of viral marketing and use social networking web sites. Research also indicates that the Hispanic culture places high value on education and family relationships, so the campaign will reflect these with advertising and events. Through traditional and non-traditional marketing, an average reach of 80% will be achieved with an average frequency of 4. Tradtional media accompanied by special events will be used target Hispanic teens and their parents. Booths at Hispanic festivals will be used to reach millions, and localized Fiestas will be held to being families and communities together to be informed about the opprotunities @ 15 provides. Tutoring sessions will be held at local colleges in both states, to help Hispanic students prepare for ACT and SAT testing, in hopes to being them one step closer to fulfill- ing their dream of a college education.
  • 2. Marketing Objectives and Strategies Best Buy’s @ 15, is a scholarship program and teen led social change platform launched in August of 2008, for high school aged students. The mission of @ 15 is to make teens realize that they are important now, and can make a difference in communities now. The goal of @ 15 is to keep high school aged teenagers from dropping out of school and to find their “spark” or the thing in their life that makes them tick or that defines a part of them. The program currently has very little awareness or recognition thus far. With Hispanics quickly becoming the largest minority in the US, concentrated in the southwest, Hispanic teens in that area will be targeted for the F12 campaign. Competitive Considerations The @15 program is in a niche market, with a target of primarily high school aged students, it is not alone in that it is a scholarship program but is set apart by the fact that it is a teen-led social change platform also. Other competitors such as Walmart and Target offer scholarship opportunities for this age group, but these programs have no basis of creating social change by these students, or any student involvement. Creative History of the Brand There is very little awareness due to very little advertising of @15. Current advertising includes a website, a Facebook page with approximately 1,300 members, Twitter page, and some short You Tube videos, which are the main advertisers for the program to date. There has also been some instore initiatives including kiosks and flyers. Taylor Swift is the spokesperson for this program and discusses her high school struggles and the necessity in finding your “spark.” The programs web site is very brightly colored, has trendy geometric shapes, and warm looking backgrounds. It has a very school oriented theme, and uses many different celebrities as spokespeople, with Taylor Swift as the main endorser.
  • 3. Target Audience Hispanic teens are not unlike their American peers. They have grown up in the computer age, and they have always been connected. They are used to being able to instantly communicate with anyone at anytime. Research shows US teens spend about 10 hours of their day being exposed to media, of which they consume 32% of their media on TV, 25% on a computer and 20% by using a mobile device. Hispanic teens tend to live in the same household as their extended family, often including their grandparents. Hispanic teens are very culturally aware and look up their older siblings and cousins and the good of the whole family is more important than the individual. Contrary to high drop out rates and poor education, Hispanics highly value education, and they often credit their achievements to “fate” or “religious circumstances” rather than ability. Research shows in 2007, 67% of Hispanics over the age of 16 were employed and their income is usually shared by the whole family. Geography Best Buy’s @15 is a national program that will be advertised regionally in the southwest, specifically Texas and California. Currently advertised primarily on the Internet the program does not yet have national recognition. Research shows 49% of Hispanic teens ages 13-19 living in TX and CA, live in large-medium sized cities. Data shows advertising in specific spot markets would be beneficial to closing the gap between teens, especially in the Hispanic population.
  • 4. Timing and Purchase Cycle According to Tru, Hispanic teens in Texas and California, rarely shop for electronics, shopping at an electronics store only .68 times a month, on average and spending an average of $15 a month on electronics and technology. Questions about Media Mix As a relatively young program, @15 has the benefit of being owned by Best Buy and using their stores as a vehicle for promotion. Because the @15 program is so unique, there are no major competitors and there is not enough information to create a SOV analysis. Our primary target is Hispanic teens, and research shows second from TV, teens in general spend most of their time on computers. One incentive for using the Internet media is the ability to use viral marketing and social networking to spread the brand promise. According to Tru, 58% of teens in CA and TX visit at least once a day. Video Game Consoule
  • 5. Graphic SWOT Summary Strengths Weaknesses • Relatable Spokesperson • Strong Corporate Sponsor • Positive Influence for Teens • Opportunities for Teens • Language Barrier • Low Site Membership • Not Well-Established • No Relateable Hispanic Mediums Opportunities Threats • Unique Program • Bring Communities Together • Team up with Charities • Other Scholarship Programs • Unmotivated Teens • Unreceptive Communities
  • 6. Background @15 is an organization created by Best Buy in 2008 to encourage teens to stay in school and find the inspiration they need to continue their education. Best Buy understands how important teens are to the world and wants them to succeed. They give out $1,000,000 in scholarships each year to 9th-12th graders and help provide funding to other charitable organizations. Their main goal is to help teens find their passion, and have a place to connect with others who share their same goals. Target Audience The target is Hispanic teens, between the ages of 15-19 living in California or Texas. They are bilingual and live with their extended family. They place great value on family and education, however coming from lower income areas, they may not always have the resources to reach their full potential. They are employed and when they are not working or in school they spend their time online, with friends, or family. Features and Benef its The @15 website features games and message boards where teens can earn points. Users can then give these points to one of the four main charities to which Best Buy will donate. They can also apply for one of the $1,000 scholarships given away each year. The site also helps them find their “spark” or passion and provides resources and information on possible paths for the future. Objective To increase awareness of @15 by Hispanic teens living in California and Texas to match the English-speaking population. Message Strategy Use of an emotional message strategy will encourage Hispanic teens to take advantage of the opportunity to continue their education and help their communities. Strategy Statement The campaign will convince Hispanic teens ages 15-19 to encourage them further their education and get involved with their communities Creative Requirements Print, transit, video, outdoor,online, non-traditional
  • 7. Target Audience and Media Mix Objective: To increase awareness of @15 among Hispanic teens living in California and Texas and to bridge the gap between their English-speaking peers. The objective will be achieved through online, in-store, print and transit advertising as well as the production of special events and contests. Strategies: In efforts to reach Hispanic teens, web site banners will be placed on social networking sites including Facebook, and the popular Latino site Batanga. A promotional video will be posted on You Tube and be aired on spot networks. Direct mailers will be sent to households about upcoming ACT Prep tutoring sessions and another for neighborhood block parties. The block parties will help connect the strong feeling of community in Hispanic neighborhoods to @15. Local Reggetone bands will be selected to play at the block parties. Small kiosks will be set up near the entrances of Best Buy stores where teens can register for tutoring, apply for the scholarship, and submit their band entry form. Reach, Frequency, and GRPs Objective: To achieve an average frequency of 4.5 throughout the course of the campaign with an average reach of 80% (4,695 GRPs). Reach will range from 50%-95% and frequency will bottom at 1. Strategies: The Reach Frequency Decision Model favored reach and it was determined that the budget would be best allocated so that reach would be optimized. By using the Ostrow Model, our optimum frequency was found to be 4.3. Because most of the media chosen will provide minimal impressions, it will provide a higher reach. There will be an average of 340 GRPs for traditional media and 173 GRPs for events and non-traditional media.
  • 8. Scheduling and Timing Objective: The campaign will begin March 1, of fiscal year 12 by launching ads online, transit ads, in-store kiosks, an update to the existing web site, and a video on You Tube. A continuous schedule will be used throughout the next three quarters, using traditional media supplemented with television spots, events and electronic media. Strategies: The first month of the campaign will focus on branding and making the audience aware of @15 and the upcoming programs. Beginning in April and continuing throughout September, @15 will have booths at several Hispanic festivals around the two state area. Registration for free ACT/SAT tutoring will start in March and tutoring dates will run from August- February. The Fiesta en el Parque will be tested for effectiveness and neighborhood response in 5 largely Hispanic cities from September- October. Introduction of the Mural Contest will begin in March and winner’s work will be displayed September- February. Informational in-store kiosks will be in place throughout all four quarters.
  • 9. Media Budget Objective: Best Buy’s @15 program will have a $1 million dollar budget for fiscal year 12 to be divided between California and Texas. Strategies: This $1 million dollar budget will be spent on events and traditional media in a continuous pattern throughout the year. The largest amount of the budget will be spent on traditional advertising including, print, outdoor, transit, online and TV. The second largest portion will be allocated to the special events planned and directed at the Hispanic teen households and communities. Geography Objective: To match the awareness of @15 among Hispanic teens in Califonia and Texas to that of their Engligh speaking peers in those states and the rest of the nation. Strategies: Regional target index data combined with secondary research and evaluation of the most densly populated Hispanic areas indicated key markets and major cites where the campaign will be focused. Our campaign will reach 108 Best Buy stores in the largest cities as well as the millions of Hispanics in attendence at festivals in both states.
  • 10. Sales Promotion Objective: Sales promotion has the largest percentage in traditional advertising. Tutoring and Fiesta direct mailings, a television ad, and student designed billboards. The next largest portion is in alternative advertising. Citywide fiesta’s, festival booths, transit ads, bus wraps, and a new revamped Hispanic webpage. Strategies: Direct mailings, transit ads, bus wraps, billboards, and bag stuffers will be used as a way to reach out to the community and families of high school aged students and to these students. Along with these more traditional, or tangible forms of advertising, the community-wide fiesta’s in 5 test locations. The @15 website will have an additional tab called “Mi Vida,” to be launched at the beginning of the fiscal year in March. “Mi Vida” is a link that gives access to all of the Hispanic targeted 2012-2013 campaigns events and contests. Transit advertisements in bus stops will be located on 4 bus routes with 25 in each major city. In store kiosks will be displayed in 108 stores throughout CA and TX displaying band contest brochures, scholarship applications, tutoring information, and information on fiestas and festival events. A 1 minute television advertisement will run in June and October on MTV, and be launched as a YouTube clip and displayed on the in store kiosks, to run the entire year. Best Buy’s @15 will have a presence at 5 major Hispanic and ethnic festivals throughout the year. They will also host “Fiesta en el Parque” events at 5 test locations, including: food, band competition winners, mural unveiling, and information on programs to get involved.v These events are a way to get families and communities involved in the future of teens. Direct targeting of Hispanic teens will include: contests for billboard designs, student band contests, and tutoring sessions, as a way to get teens actively involved in the campaign. A contest for an artistic billboard design will allow Hispanic teens to express their artistic flair through a design contest. This contest will judged by the youth at, and offer two winners the chance have their designs displayed across 5 major cites in CA and TX on billboards, and to be unveiled at the “Fiesta en el Parque” events. The band competition will offer Hispanic teenagers the opportunity to “Get from the Garage to the Stage,” and have their band be heard by their community and to win $1,000 at the “Fiesta en el Parque” events. Tutoring sessions will be held at 10 locations and will run Aug.-Feb. as a way to encourage Hispanic teens to do well in school and work toward doing well on their ACT and SAT. Online advertisements will have a presence on Facebook and Batanga, the most prevalent Hispanic social network, throughout the entire year.
  • 11. Flowchart AT15 Campaign Flow Chart Medium Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Freq. Reach Total GRPs: Total Cost: Transit Ads x x x x x x x 6 70 420 $138,750.00 Commercial on YouTube x x x x x x x x x x x x 5 90 360 $0.00 Tutoring Direct Mail x 1 95 95 $75,578.00 Fiesta Direct Mail x 1 95 95 $75,578.00 In Store Kiosks x x x x x x x x x x x x 6 95 570 $54,000.00 Bag Stuffers x x x x x x x x x x x x 4 65 260 $2,500.00 Facebook x x x x x x x x x x x x 7 80 560 $36,400.00 Batanga x x x x x x 4 80 320 $18,200.00 Scholarship Brochure x x x x x 4 75 300 $2,500.00 Festivals x x x x 4 85 340 $34,449.00 Fiestas x x x 2 65 130 $70,324.00 Tutoring x x x x x x x 2 50 50 $29,684.00 Band Brochure x x x x x 4 75 300 $2,500.00 TV Spot (1min) Spot TV-Early Fringe x x 5 80 400 $157,960.00 Billboards x x x x x x 5 80 400 $93,000.00 Totals: Cost: $791,423.00 Avg. Freq. 4.0 Avg. Reach 78.7 GRPs 4,600
  • 13.
  • 14. Ostrow Model Marketing Factors That Affect Frequency Established Brands -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 New Brands High Market Share -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Low Market Share Dominant Brand -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Smaller, Less Known High Brand Loyalty -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Low Brand Loyalty Long Purchase Cycle -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Short Purchase Cycle Product used occasionally -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Product Used Daily +0.1 +0.2 Need to Beat Competition +0.1 +0.2 Older Customers/ Children Copy Factors That Affect Frequency Simple Copy -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Complex Copy More Unique Copy -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Less Unique Copy Continuing Campaign -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 New Copy Campaign Product Sell Copy -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Image Copy Single Kind of Message -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Mult. Kinds of Messages Larger Ad Units -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Smaller Ad Units To Avoid Wearout: Older Messages -0.2 -0.1 New Messages Media Factors That Affect Frequency Lower Ad Clutter -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Higher Ad Clutter Compatible Editorial Env. -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Non-Compatible Env. High Media Attentiveness -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Low Media Attentiveness Continuity Scheduling -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Pulsing/Flighting Limited Media Mix -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Many Media in Mix Opp. For Repetition -0.2 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 Fewer Opportunities Frequency: 4.3
  • 15. Reach Frequency Decision Model Optimize Reach Optimize Frequency *Product introduction *In growth phase of life cycle *Strong, established brand *Among brand leaders in category *Brand awareness is higher *Higher market share *Higher involvement purchase decision Stronger interest in category *Often higher priced goods/services *Little to moderate competition in category *Not purchased often- once a month or less *Continuous advertising schedule *Original powerful creative executions compared to categories; stands out *Powerful creative compared to category *Advertising message easily understood *Expanding into new markets, territory *Launching major sales promotional event *Seasonal peak for sales *Product introduction *Mature well-known brand among competition *Less established brand *Among bottom half in category *Brand awareness is lower *Lower market share *Low involvement purchase decision Weaker interest category *Often lower priced good/services *Strong intense competition in category *Purchases frequently- 2+ month or more *Flighting schedule *Creative on par with executions in all categories *Creative on par for brands in category *Advertising message more complex *Brand not expanding *Moderate to low sales promo activity *Beginning new season for brand Optimize Reach
  • 16. This was used for tutoring snacks information This was used for tutoring snacks information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information
  • 17. tions/007173.html This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for market information This was used for promotional activity finances This was used for promotional activity finances This was used for promotional activity finances This is information of festivals for Best buy to have an @15 booth This is information of festivals for Best buy to have an @15 booth This is information of festivals for Best buy to have an @15 booth This is information of parks for Best Buy to have the block party This is information of parks for Best Buy to have the block party This is information for the sound equipment for the block party
  • 18. Used it to find out how much a bus wrap would cost Used it to find out how much the direct mail would cost. Used it to find out the test dates of the ACT and to contact a person at the ACT to figure out the cost of the test Used it to find out how much the cost of the test would be. Used it as a base for the cost of renting a room Taste of Mexico Festival Information Dia De La Hispanidad Festival and parade Saturday Information for L.A. County Fair September Information for L.A. County Fair Cinco de Mayo Celebration This was used for bus advertising prices USA Outdoor Media- (888)-825-3055 A representative was called to obtain pricing for billboard advertisements