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#AbuseorLove Campaign for Joyful Heart Foundation
Kristina Brandt
Southern New Hampshire University
COM 656: Spread the Word- Social Media
October 9, 2016
A good public relations campaign has the power to reach target audiences to inspire,
educate, and motivate others into action. Organizations like the Joyful Heart Foundation
currently use digital campaigns to reach followers in new ways and spread their mission of a
world without abuse to other likeminded individuals who together can work to achieve this goal.
As trends in digital marketing change, organizations like the Joyful Heart Foundation need to
grow and adapt to make the most use of the online tools available to them. With a new campaign
entitled #AbuseorLove, the foundation can do even more to inspire, educate, and motivate not
only their existing supporters, but new ones as well.
Applications of #AbuseorLove
The official mission of the Joyful Heart Foundation is to “transform society’s response to
sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse, support survivors’ healing, and end this
violence forever (Vision and Mission, n.d.). Founded in 2004 by television actress Mariska
Hargitay of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, the foundation aims to spread awareness of
abuse and aid survivors. Through its current public relations campaigns such as No More and its
active involvement during Domestic Violence Awareness month in October and Teen Dating
Violence Awareness month in February, the Joyful Heart Foundation has already built up a large
digital presence that has helped to bring the topic of abusive relationships to the foreground. By
utilizing their current digital platforms, and adding a new one, the #AbuseorLove campaign can
be used to educate and spark conversations about the difference between an abusive relationship
and a healthy one. Through the campaign information could also be shared that would inform the
public on best intervention methods used to prevent abuse or assist a victim. In this way, the
Joyful Heart Foundation could play a more active role in motivating their target audience to take
active steps both online and offline to stop and prevent abuse.
In order for the campaign to be the most effective, it needs to be created with a specific
target audience in mind. For the #AbuseorLove campaign, its audience falls in line with the
Joyful Heart Foundation’s audience which includes survivors of domestic violence and abuse,
advocates, educators, parents, and students. As both men and women are effected by abuse, both
genders will be targeted for the purpose of the campaign to ensure full coverage of the issue of
abuse and bring home the idea that abuse isn’t restricted to a particular type of person. Instances
of child abuse and elder abuse demonstrate the need to include a wide age range when
considering the target audience and to create content that reaches these demographics. By
utilizing the Joyful Heart Foundation’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blog platforms, and by
adding a new account on Snapchat, the #AbuseorLove campaign can be spread out to appeal to
the target audience. With the additional use of effective hashtags and images, online users who
currently do not follow the foundation’s digital platforms can discover the content and develop
an interest in following the campaign and the Joyful Heart Foundation for continued
Digital Tools
Facebook, once a digital tool restricted to users with a college email address, is now used
by a wide demographic of all ages with an international reach. With Facebook pages being the
most effective way for a business or organization to communicate its brand, the platform can be
used with the goal to “deliver information and ideas to a network of people who are interested in
[them and their] products and services” (Scott, 2013). The Joyful Heart Foundation already uses
this digital marketing tool and currently has over 128,000 users following the page (Joyful Heart
Foundation, n.d.). Since an audience is already established, it would be wise to continue using
Facebook to communicate the #AbuseorLove campaign to build on the content previously
shared. Similar organizations like Love is Not Abuse use their Facebook pages to create
opportunities to discuss specific topics within the brand. In August 2016, Love is Not Abuse ran
a campaign called #LINAchat with questions posted relating to abuse, how to talk about it, the
role the media plays, and what types of abuse users are familiar with (Love is Not Abuse, n.d.).
This not only encouraged users to like and share the content, but to comment on it, engaging
with the organization and with other likeminded users in the community. A similar effort can be
made with the #AbuseorLove campaign for the Joyful Heart Foundation.
Facebook sample copy. This October in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness
month, we will be sharing questions and scenarios with you in an effort to help discern the
difference between abuse and real love. By following our #AbuseorLove campaign on our page
and other social media channels, you can help be a part of the dialogue to put an end to abusive
Analysis of copy. The sample copy above would serve as an introduction to the
#AbuseorLove campaign. It provides clear time restrictions to inform the target audience of
when the campaign will run to draw attention to the limited time addition of the Facebook page.
By running the campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness month when the page sees an
increase in participation, and again in February during Teen Dating Violence Awareness month,
the organization can maximize on the opportunity for the most people to see the campaign and
benefit from its messages. As each additional message is posted, with an image to increase the
chances of standing out in a user’s newsfeed, people can participate in an active discussions
similar to the results seen though the #LINAchat campaign.
Online chats are also a device used on Twitter to engage users on a different digital
platform. Through the use of hashtags, Twitter chats take place during a specific time and date,
often on a weekly basis to connect professionals and drive conversations on specific topics
(Schoenfeld, 2012). By using the hashtag #AbuseorLove, currently available for use, Twitter
users would be able to find content related to the campaign and discussions about the Joyful
Heart Foundation’s mission. In addition, the hashtag would be unique to the campaign and would
help to solidify its direct relationship to the foundation. Twitter has been proven to be an
effective tool used specifically by nonprofits. A 2014 study conducted by evaluating 188
advocacy organizations and their use of Twitter showed the majority of content shared on this
platform was directed at reaching out to the public followed by keeping participants interested
and ending with inspiring action (Guo and Saxton, 2014). By following the same formula with
the #AbuseorLove campaign, the Joyful Heart Foundation can hit on all three intentions to build
their brand and encourage engagement with their target audience.
Twitter sample copy. Tweet 1: Noticing abuse isn’t always clear. Know the difference
between #AbuseorLove. Learn to recognize the signs & step in.
Tweet 2: A partner who doesn’t want their significant other to go out w/ their friends bc they
need them around all the time. #AbuseorLove? Tell us.
Analysis of copy. These two examples of copy for the Joyful Heart Foundation’s Twitter
account show two different ways the #AbuseorLove campaign can be approached. The first
example is used to educate the public on the warning signs of abuse. This is done to first give
them the knowledge they will need to engage with the content accompanying it. The second
example is meant to get the target audience actively thinking about the resource they were given
and the scenario presented. By giving the public a link to the Joyful Heart Foundation as its
resource for the campaign, the organization reinforces its position as an authority on the topic of
abuse and by following up that message with a real-life scenario of how that information could
be applied, the link becomes more relevant. Furthermore, as the sample copy here provides an
example that doesn’t have a clear answer, it leaves room for a difference of opinion which will
spark a debate amongst users and encourage them to pay attention to the examples and
responses. Since the hashtag associated with the campaign will be used with all responses, the
Joyful Heart Foundation can study both the responses to the content and the number of responses
to better analyze the effectiveness of the campaign.
Snapchat is a digital tool not currently used by the Joyful Heart Foundation, but one that
could prove to be very effective, especially with the #AbuseorLove campaign. Currently,
Snapchat, an image-based application used via mobile devices, is used primarily by a narrow
market of users between the ages of 13 and 24 and is not widely used for marketing purposes
(Gotter, 2016). This creates an opportunity to reach a specific target market with little
competition. The biggest feature that sets Snapchat apart from other image-based social media
tools is its limited time frame to view pictures before they are deleted. This time limit can be
used to the Joyful Heart Foundation’s advantage much in the same way the World Wildlife Fund
used their account. The fund created a campaign that shared pictures of endangered animals on
their Snapchat account “hinting at the possibility of endangered animals disappearing for good if
they go extinct” (McDonald, 2015). The short amount of time the images were visible worked to
drive home the immediacy of the public acting to save these endangered animals. The same
sense of urgency can be created with the intention of encouraging the public to act in the
prevention of domestic violence and defense of those affected by it.
Shapchat sample copy.
Analysis of copy. The image used in the copy of Snapchat
is meant to evoke emotions and prompt action to be taken
(Scott, 2013). It quickly drives home the idea that on the
surface, relationships can look healthy and normal, but if
one were to pay closer attention, they could see the
warning signs. By adding the caption of Olivia’s (2012)
image, viewers are asked to take a closer look at
relationships around them and decide if they would step in
or walk away if they detected signs of abuse. The time
constraints of Snapchat call for the viewers to pay attention
and make a decision quickly, as real life opportunities to
step in can come and go in a matter of seconds. With the age demographic of users on this digital
platform, the #AbuseorLove campaign can effectively focus on middle school, high school, and
college students and empower them with the information they need to tell an abusive relationship
from a healthy one, and to take action. Using this digital tool during Teen Dating Violence
Awareness month would be the most opportune time to incorporate this new account into the
Joyful Heart Foundation brand.
Figure 1. #AbuseorLove Snapchat content
Where still images can prove effective in stimulating an emotional response, videos can
spend more time in engaging those emotions and building a stronger relationship between the
brand and audience. Through YouTube, these digital videos are easily shared between users and
between other digital platforms, with the possibility of content going viral. Over 700 YouTube
videos are shared on Twitter per minute and over 100 million people interact with videos directly
through YouTube by liking, sharing, or commenting each week (Bullas, n.d.). Those numbers
increase as more news stations include viral videos in their television broadcasts and include
links to the original videos on their websites (Viral, n.d). With this ability to reach a wide
audience, it would be beneficial to use the Joyful Heart Foundation’s channel to share the
#AbuseorLove campaign to further demonstrate the difference between healthy and abusive
relationships, and how difficult it can be to get the difference wrong if you’re not paying
YouTube sample copy. Video will show a series of short clips of couples interacting
with a mix of abusive relationships and healthy relationships. Included will be examples of
healthy arguing versus verbal abuse, genuine concern versus controlling behavior, and how
abusive relationships can be hidden when interacting with family and friends. The short video
will ask the user which examples are abuse and which are love followed by the #AbuseorLove
Analysis of copy. While the focus of the campaign is to encourage the public to take an
active role in recognizing, preventing and stopping abuse, it’s also important to show what
healthy relationships look like. The video described above would feature on the Joyful Heart
Foundation’s YouTube channel and its website, allowing viewers to see the obvious and subtle
differences between healthy conduct and abuse. In asking the viewer a question about the content
they are about to see, they will pay more attention to the video and can engage with the content
by commenting with their answers. A second video would follow with the correct answers and
explanations by experts as to why each scenario was an example of a healthy or abusive
relationship. Being consistent with the methods used in the other digital tools used with the
#AbuseorLove campaign, the focus is on both educating the public and encouraging them to take
action. The combination of the two can help to build a stronger network or more active
participants to further the Joyful Heart Foundation’s mission.
As part of its website, the foundation already has an established blog and online
magazine called Reunion Online. It covers topics related to abuse from advice to survivors,
stories in the news, information on how to get involved, and upcoming events (Reunion Online,
n.d.). By including a blog, the Joyful Heart Foundation allows its audience to learn more about
the brand through in-depth developed content that can then be shared on its social media
accounts to increase readership and notify the target audience of new content. In addition to these
blog posts, personal stories can also be shared. In keeping with the #AbuseorLove campaign,
these narratives could be centered on those who had a difficult time coming to the realization
their relationship was abusive. The blog can also include narratives from friends and family
members of survivors who did or did not step in, and what the results of those actions were. By
including stories of successful interventions, the public can learn about the real-world
applications of the advice given through the foundation and find the content relatable as the
stories are told by those with first-hand knowledge and experience with the subject.
Blog sample copy. You see a friend of yours with a bruise they can’t quite explain. Your
friend says she can’t hang out tonight because her boyfriend won’t like it. Or maybe he’s
depressed more and more often, citing relationship trouble, but assuring you everything is okay.
These are warning signs that can indicate an abusive relationship. As a friend you can either stay
out of their business or step in and say something.
Before you turn and walk away, consider that not everyone who is in one knows they’re
in an abusive relationship. Often times those closest to the situation can’t properly see the
problem or understand it the way someone on the outside can. Ask them about it. If they deflect,
keep asking. Make sure they know you are a safe space for them to turn to if they need help.
Send them links to resources to help them identify and come to terms with the state of their
relationship. Above all, just be there for them.
One person can make a difference and by refusing to be a bystander, ignoring the
situation, you can step in and help. As part of the Joyful Heart Foundation’s #AbuseorLove
campaign, we invite you to take a closer look that those around you. Understand the difference
between a damaging relationship and a healthy one, and know what to do if you do suspect
abuse. One person can save one more person from an abusive relationship. You just need to pay
attention and step in. Can you tell the difference between #AbuseorLove?
Analysis of copy. This blog post, which could be titled “The Impact of One Person,”
could be used to show the importance of everyone stepping up to do their part in the fight to end
abuse. As “one in every four women and one out of every seven men” experience physical abuse,
plus those suffering from emotional, verbal, and financial abuse, it can be daunting to think one
person can make a difference (Who does domestic violence affect?, n.d.). Through the blog,
motivation can be provided with examples to break down that intimidation factor and instill
confidence in the target audience to act. Knowing what to do is one thing. Being willing to act on
it is another, and is an aspect of abuse prevention the #AbuseorLove campaign can address.
Challenges and Opportunities
Unfortunately, while the campaign can stand to promote an increasing amount of
education and advocacy efforts through the Joyful Heart Foundation, there are those online users
who would make comments that belittle, insult, or in other words troll, the campaign and its
purposes. Businesses, organizations, and individuals are prone to receive messages from trolls, or
“the people online who purposefully stir up trouble in social media communities,” especially as
their popularity increases or a hot topic is covered (Wisuri, 2015). Should this happen during the
#AbuseorLove campaign, the foundation can tackle this problem by first monitoring their
accounts for such comments, and then responding in a manner that suits the brand, but also
addresses the issue. This is especially necessary for an organization that deals with the topic of
abuse as online harassment directed at women has been shown to link directly to abusive
situations (Topping, 2013). This challenge could be turned into an example of how victims of
online abuse can handle their trolls by seeing how the foundation deals with theirs.
Additional opportunities can be gained through integrating these digital tools together.
While these five tools have their own content, they all work to serve the same goal of the
#AbuseorLove campaign and the mission of the Joyful Heart Foundation. Further action can be
taken by ensuring the platforms work with one another to create a single, unified approach
(Burgess, 2012). The blog post can be shared through Facebook and Twitter. Images from
Snapchat can be shared on the blog and website. Links to all the social media accounts can be
included on the foundation’s website. These action work to integrate the digital tools more
closely to one another and increase the opportunity for their target audience to discover these
tools and follow the campaign on multiple platforms. The campaign already works to the online
medium’s advantage by working with a trending topic during the two awareness months in
February and October. Due to the name #AbuseorLove, this campaign could also be adapted to
include examples of child abuse and elder abuse, which could run during Child Abuse
Awareness month in April and Elder Abuse Awareness month in June. By running these
campaigns in February, April, June, and October, the topic of abuse is given more prominence
on social media platforms and would give the campaign more visibility and relevance to the
target audience.
Social Trends
Besides trending topics, taking advantage of social trends in online communication can
serve to aid the foundation in its mission and show its target audience that it can adapt as
technology and trends change. The Joyful Heart Foundation already uses Facebook and Twitter,
which are among the most popular social media networks for content. However, popularity is
also increasing in visual networks like Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and YouTube (Scott,
2013). By reaching out to audiences through these networks, the foundation and its campaigns
stand to increase its viewership. More view and followers leads to a greater chance of
influencing others to be educated about abuse and take action. Currently, the foundation is
running its No More campaign through the use of images and videos. The popularity of YouTube
works to share the public service announcements created involving celebrities and athletes
promoting the importance of saying no to abuse (No More, n.d.). Videos of behind-the-scenes
footage is also shown on this platform to share the vulnerability and difficulty of talking about
the subject. These videos have been shared across social media platforms, on the foundation’s
website, and even on television to target and reach a wide audience.
Moving into the future, these visual platforms will continue to grow and become targets
for advertisers. With the popularity of Snapchat growing and through the trends already seen in
Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, it is likely that we will see businesses and organizations using
this platform to advertise and sponsor content as well. By using Snapchat now, the Joyful Heart
Foundation will have a chance to build an audience and attract attention before advertising on
this platform goes mainstream. With written content, developing trends in “purpose-driven
marketing” are being used take a deeper look as to why a business or organization is sharing
specific content (Pulizzi, 2016). The Joyful Heart Foundation can capitalize on this by
communicating to their target audience why the topic of abuse and their mission statement is still
important. As advocacy efforts increase, it’s possible some individuals may think they don’t
need to get involved as other organizations are already taking care of the problem. By sharing
content that’s directed at why advocacy efforts are still needed, it can back up the mission
statement and encourage the public to continue their involvement. This can also be incorporated
with the trend of broadcasting live events on social media. With Facebook Live, Periscope, and
other digital tools used to share live video online, the foundation can broadcast directly from its
fundraisers, seminars, and other advocacy efforts to keep their followers updated on actions
being taken and to increase interest (Feedly, 2016).
Imaging Strategies
As visual elements such as pictures and videos play and important role in establishing a
brand, and will continue to do so, it’s important to play to the strengths of these elements. By
using platforms like Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest, these images can be shared
easily throughout social media to increase viewership and attract attention to target audiences by
making an emotional connection (Scott, 2013). Once the audience’s attention is grabbed through
the image, written content can then be used to encourage engagement. In platforms where written
content is dominant, these images can also work to set the content apart from the competition
and stand out when including in a list like Facebook’s newsfeed feature. The images associated
with the #AbuseorLove campaign would be used to spark debate and play on the importance
paying attention to the warning signs can play in the public’s efforts to stop and prevent abuse.
As more people discuss the images, more attention is drawn to them.
Through the use of the #AbuseorLove campaign, the Joyful Heart Foundation would be
able to promote its organization and mission statement by providing more examples of how the
public can play an active role online and offline to stop abuse. Using Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, YouTube, and its blog would serve to expose the campaign to a wide audience in
different ways, hitting different demographics and creating opportunities to positively affect the
culture of how we deal with abuse. In empowering the public, the foundation creates a larger
network of advocates who can reliably turn to the Joyful Heart Foundation’s digital tools as
resources and guidance.
#AbuseorLove Return on Investment Report
Method of Campaign
Using the digital platforms of the Joyful Heart Foundation’s Facebook, Twitter, and
YouTube accounts, by creating a Snapchat account, and using the website’s blog, post regular
content using #AbuseorLove to introduce the topic of recognizing warning signs of abuse and
maintain the conversation. With daily content posted through Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat
along with weekly content posted through YouTube and the blog, the campaign can build over
time and attract more participation, increasing the scope of the foundation’s reach.
Time Frame
The campaign is to start a week before October to introduce the campaign, then actively
run throughout October which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The #AbuseorLove
campaign can then return a week prior to February for a reintroduction and run throughout
February which serves as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. These time period provide
the best opportunity to the most interaction with the target audience.
Goals and Measurement
Goals will be measured by the number of participants and the amount of engagement
using Google Analytics and other tracking programs through social media to mark progress.
 Increase Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube followers by 500 during each campaign run
 Create Snapchat presence and build audience of 1000 followers during first run
 Have #AbuseorLove be a trending topic throughout its campaign run
 Increase traffic to the Joyful Heart Foundation website
 Attract the attention of news media and bloggers to expand reach of the campaign
 Increase engagement with target audience through campaign content
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Guo, C. and Saxton, G. (2014). Tweeting social change: How social media are changing
nonprofit advocacy. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 43(1) 57-79. DOI:
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Know the signs. (n.d.). Joyful heart foundation. Retrieved from:
Love is Not Abuse. (n.d.). Facebook. Retrieved from:
McDonald, J. (2015, September 28). 10 best social media campaigns you haven’t tried yet. DIY
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No More. (n.d.) Joyful Heart Foundation. Retrieved from:
Olivia, Z. (2012, March 23). Abusive relationships. Retrieved from:
Pulizzi, J. (2016, August 3). The biggest content marketing trends in 2017. Content marketing
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  • 1. Running head: #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 1 #AbuseorLove Campaign for Joyful Heart Foundation Kristina Brandt Southern New Hampshire University COM 656: Spread the Word- Social Media October 9, 2016
  • 2. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 2 A good public relations campaign has the power to reach target audiences to inspire, educate, and motivate others into action. Organizations like the Joyful Heart Foundation currently use digital campaigns to reach followers in new ways and spread their mission of a world without abuse to other likeminded individuals who together can work to achieve this goal. As trends in digital marketing change, organizations like the Joyful Heart Foundation need to grow and adapt to make the most use of the online tools available to them. With a new campaign entitled #AbuseorLove, the foundation can do even more to inspire, educate, and motivate not only their existing supporters, but new ones as well. Applications of #AbuseorLove The official mission of the Joyful Heart Foundation is to “transform society’s response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse, support survivors’ healing, and end this violence forever (Vision and Mission, n.d.). Founded in 2004 by television actress Mariska Hargitay of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, the foundation aims to spread awareness of abuse and aid survivors. Through its current public relations campaigns such as No More and its active involvement during Domestic Violence Awareness month in October and Teen Dating Violence Awareness month in February, the Joyful Heart Foundation has already built up a large digital presence that has helped to bring the topic of abusive relationships to the foreground. By utilizing their current digital platforms, and adding a new one, the #AbuseorLove campaign can be used to educate and spark conversations about the difference between an abusive relationship and a healthy one. Through the campaign information could also be shared that would inform the public on best intervention methods used to prevent abuse or assist a victim. In this way, the
  • 3. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 3 Joyful Heart Foundation could play a more active role in motivating their target audience to take active steps both online and offline to stop and prevent abuse. In order for the campaign to be the most effective, it needs to be created with a specific target audience in mind. For the #AbuseorLove campaign, its audience falls in line with the Joyful Heart Foundation’s audience which includes survivors of domestic violence and abuse, advocates, educators, parents, and students. As both men and women are effected by abuse, both genders will be targeted for the purpose of the campaign to ensure full coverage of the issue of abuse and bring home the idea that abuse isn’t restricted to a particular type of person. Instances of child abuse and elder abuse demonstrate the need to include a wide age range when considering the target audience and to create content that reaches these demographics. By utilizing the Joyful Heart Foundation’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blog platforms, and by adding a new account on Snapchat, the #AbuseorLove campaign can be spread out to appeal to the target audience. With the additional use of effective hashtags and images, online users who currently do not follow the foundation’s digital platforms can discover the content and develop an interest in following the campaign and the Joyful Heart Foundation for continued involvement. Digital Tools Facebook Facebook, once a digital tool restricted to users with a college email address, is now used by a wide demographic of all ages with an international reach. With Facebook pages being the most effective way for a business or organization to communicate its brand, the platform can be used with the goal to “deliver information and ideas to a network of people who are interested in [them and their] products and services” (Scott, 2013). The Joyful Heart Foundation already uses
  • 4. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 4 this digital marketing tool and currently has over 128,000 users following the page (Joyful Heart Foundation, n.d.). Since an audience is already established, it would be wise to continue using Facebook to communicate the #AbuseorLove campaign to build on the content previously shared. Similar organizations like Love is Not Abuse use their Facebook pages to create opportunities to discuss specific topics within the brand. In August 2016, Love is Not Abuse ran a campaign called #LINAchat with questions posted relating to abuse, how to talk about it, the role the media plays, and what types of abuse users are familiar with (Love is Not Abuse, n.d.). This not only encouraged users to like and share the content, but to comment on it, engaging with the organization and with other likeminded users in the community. A similar effort can be made with the #AbuseorLove campaign for the Joyful Heart Foundation. Facebook sample copy. This October in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness month, we will be sharing questions and scenarios with you in an effort to help discern the difference between abuse and real love. By following our #AbuseorLove campaign on our page and other social media channels, you can help be a part of the dialogue to put an end to abusive relationships. Analysis of copy. The sample copy above would serve as an introduction to the #AbuseorLove campaign. It provides clear time restrictions to inform the target audience of when the campaign will run to draw attention to the limited time addition of the Facebook page. By running the campaign during Domestic Violence Awareness month when the page sees an increase in participation, and again in February during Teen Dating Violence Awareness month, the organization can maximize on the opportunity for the most people to see the campaign and benefit from its messages. As each additional message is posted, with an image to increase the
  • 5. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 5 chances of standing out in a user’s newsfeed, people can participate in an active discussions similar to the results seen though the #LINAchat campaign. Twitter Online chats are also a device used on Twitter to engage users on a different digital platform. Through the use of hashtags, Twitter chats take place during a specific time and date, often on a weekly basis to connect professionals and drive conversations on specific topics (Schoenfeld, 2012). By using the hashtag #AbuseorLove, currently available for use, Twitter users would be able to find content related to the campaign and discussions about the Joyful Heart Foundation’s mission. In addition, the hashtag would be unique to the campaign and would help to solidify its direct relationship to the foundation. Twitter has been proven to be an effective tool used specifically by nonprofits. A 2014 study conducted by evaluating 188 advocacy organizations and their use of Twitter showed the majority of content shared on this platform was directed at reaching out to the public followed by keeping participants interested and ending with inspiring action (Guo and Saxton, 2014). By following the same formula with the #AbuseorLove campaign, the Joyful Heart Foundation can hit on all three intentions to build their brand and encourage engagement with their target audience. Twitter sample copy. Tweet 1: Noticing abuse isn’t always clear. Know the difference between #AbuseorLove. Learn to recognize the signs & step in. Tweet 2: A partner who doesn’t want their significant other to go out w/ their friends bc they need them around all the time. #AbuseorLove? Tell us. Analysis of copy. These two examples of copy for the Joyful Heart Foundation’s Twitter account show two different ways the #AbuseorLove campaign can be approached. The first
  • 6. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 6 example is used to educate the public on the warning signs of abuse. This is done to first give them the knowledge they will need to engage with the content accompanying it. The second example is meant to get the target audience actively thinking about the resource they were given and the scenario presented. By giving the public a link to the Joyful Heart Foundation as its resource for the campaign, the organization reinforces its position as an authority on the topic of abuse and by following up that message with a real-life scenario of how that information could be applied, the link becomes more relevant. Furthermore, as the sample copy here provides an example that doesn’t have a clear answer, it leaves room for a difference of opinion which will spark a debate amongst users and encourage them to pay attention to the examples and responses. Since the hashtag associated with the campaign will be used with all responses, the Joyful Heart Foundation can study both the responses to the content and the number of responses to better analyze the effectiveness of the campaign. Snapchat Snapchat is a digital tool not currently used by the Joyful Heart Foundation, but one that could prove to be very effective, especially with the #AbuseorLove campaign. Currently, Snapchat, an image-based application used via mobile devices, is used primarily by a narrow market of users between the ages of 13 and 24 and is not widely used for marketing purposes (Gotter, 2016). This creates an opportunity to reach a specific target market with little competition. The biggest feature that sets Snapchat apart from other image-based social media tools is its limited time frame to view pictures before they are deleted. This time limit can be used to the Joyful Heart Foundation’s advantage much in the same way the World Wildlife Fund used their account. The fund created a campaign that shared pictures of endangered animals on their Snapchat account “hinting at the possibility of endangered animals disappearing for good if
  • 7. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 7 they go extinct” (McDonald, 2015). The short amount of time the images were visible worked to drive home the immediacy of the public acting to save these endangered animals. The same sense of urgency can be created with the intention of encouraging the public to act in the prevention of domestic violence and defense of those affected by it. Shapchat sample copy. Analysis of copy. The image used in the copy of Snapchat is meant to evoke emotions and prompt action to be taken (Scott, 2013). It quickly drives home the idea that on the surface, relationships can look healthy and normal, but if one were to pay closer attention, they could see the warning signs. By adding the caption of Olivia’s (2012) image, viewers are asked to take a closer look at relationships around them and decide if they would step in or walk away if they detected signs of abuse. The time constraints of Snapchat call for the viewers to pay attention and make a decision quickly, as real life opportunities to step in can come and go in a matter of seconds. With the age demographic of users on this digital platform, the #AbuseorLove campaign can effectively focus on middle school, high school, and college students and empower them with the information they need to tell an abusive relationship from a healthy one, and to take action. Using this digital tool during Teen Dating Violence Awareness month would be the most opportune time to incorporate this new account into the Joyful Heart Foundation brand. YouTube Figure 1. #AbuseorLove Snapchat content
  • 8. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 8 Where still images can prove effective in stimulating an emotional response, videos can spend more time in engaging those emotions and building a stronger relationship between the brand and audience. Through YouTube, these digital videos are easily shared between users and between other digital platforms, with the possibility of content going viral. Over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter per minute and over 100 million people interact with videos directly through YouTube by liking, sharing, or commenting each week (Bullas, n.d.). Those numbers increase as more news stations include viral videos in their television broadcasts and include links to the original videos on their websites (Viral, n.d). With this ability to reach a wide audience, it would be beneficial to use the Joyful Heart Foundation’s channel to share the #AbuseorLove campaign to further demonstrate the difference between healthy and abusive relationships, and how difficult it can be to get the difference wrong if you’re not paying attention. YouTube sample copy. Video will show a series of short clips of couples interacting with a mix of abusive relationships and healthy relationships. Included will be examples of healthy arguing versus verbal abuse, genuine concern versus controlling behavior, and how abusive relationships can be hidden when interacting with family and friends. The short video will ask the user which examples are abuse and which are love followed by the #AbuseorLove tag. Analysis of copy. While the focus of the campaign is to encourage the public to take an active role in recognizing, preventing and stopping abuse, it’s also important to show what healthy relationships look like. The video described above would feature on the Joyful Heart Foundation’s YouTube channel and its website, allowing viewers to see the obvious and subtle differences between healthy conduct and abuse. In asking the viewer a question about the content
  • 9. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 9 they are about to see, they will pay more attention to the video and can engage with the content by commenting with their answers. A second video would follow with the correct answers and explanations by experts as to why each scenario was an example of a healthy or abusive relationship. Being consistent with the methods used in the other digital tools used with the #AbuseorLove campaign, the focus is on both educating the public and encouraging them to take action. The combination of the two can help to build a stronger network or more active participants to further the Joyful Heart Foundation’s mission. Blog As part of its website, the foundation already has an established blog and online magazine called Reunion Online. It covers topics related to abuse from advice to survivors, stories in the news, information on how to get involved, and upcoming events (Reunion Online, n.d.). By including a blog, the Joyful Heart Foundation allows its audience to learn more about the brand through in-depth developed content that can then be shared on its social media accounts to increase readership and notify the target audience of new content. In addition to these blog posts, personal stories can also be shared. In keeping with the #AbuseorLove campaign, these narratives could be centered on those who had a difficult time coming to the realization their relationship was abusive. The blog can also include narratives from friends and family members of survivors who did or did not step in, and what the results of those actions were. By including stories of successful interventions, the public can learn about the real-world applications of the advice given through the foundation and find the content relatable as the stories are told by those with first-hand knowledge and experience with the subject. Blog sample copy. You see a friend of yours with a bruise they can’t quite explain. Your friend says she can’t hang out tonight because her boyfriend won’t like it. Or maybe he’s
  • 10. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 10 depressed more and more often, citing relationship trouble, but assuring you everything is okay. These are warning signs that can indicate an abusive relationship. As a friend you can either stay out of their business or step in and say something. Before you turn and walk away, consider that not everyone who is in one knows they’re in an abusive relationship. Often times those closest to the situation can’t properly see the problem or understand it the way someone on the outside can. Ask them about it. If they deflect, keep asking. Make sure they know you are a safe space for them to turn to if they need help. Send them links to resources to help them identify and come to terms with the state of their relationship. Above all, just be there for them. One person can make a difference and by refusing to be a bystander, ignoring the situation, you can step in and help. As part of the Joyful Heart Foundation’s #AbuseorLove campaign, we invite you to take a closer look that those around you. Understand the difference between a damaging relationship and a healthy one, and know what to do if you do suspect abuse. One person can save one more person from an abusive relationship. You just need to pay attention and step in. Can you tell the difference between #AbuseorLove? Analysis of copy. This blog post, which could be titled “The Impact of One Person,” could be used to show the importance of everyone stepping up to do their part in the fight to end abuse. As “one in every four women and one out of every seven men” experience physical abuse, plus those suffering from emotional, verbal, and financial abuse, it can be daunting to think one person can make a difference (Who does domestic violence affect?, n.d.). Through the blog, motivation can be provided with examples to break down that intimidation factor and instill confidence in the target audience to act. Knowing what to do is one thing. Being willing to act on it is another, and is an aspect of abuse prevention the #AbuseorLove campaign can address.
  • 11. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 11 Challenges and Opportunities Unfortunately, while the campaign can stand to promote an increasing amount of education and advocacy efforts through the Joyful Heart Foundation, there are those online users who would make comments that belittle, insult, or in other words troll, the campaign and its purposes. Businesses, organizations, and individuals are prone to receive messages from trolls, or “the people online who purposefully stir up trouble in social media communities,” especially as their popularity increases or a hot topic is covered (Wisuri, 2015). Should this happen during the #AbuseorLove campaign, the foundation can tackle this problem by first monitoring their accounts for such comments, and then responding in a manner that suits the brand, but also addresses the issue. This is especially necessary for an organization that deals with the topic of abuse as online harassment directed at women has been shown to link directly to abusive situations (Topping, 2013). This challenge could be turned into an example of how victims of online abuse can handle their trolls by seeing how the foundation deals with theirs. Additional opportunities can be gained through integrating these digital tools together. While these five tools have their own content, they all work to serve the same goal of the #AbuseorLove campaign and the mission of the Joyful Heart Foundation. Further action can be taken by ensuring the platforms work with one another to create a single, unified approach (Burgess, 2012). The blog post can be shared through Facebook and Twitter. Images from Snapchat can be shared on the blog and website. Links to all the social media accounts can be included on the foundation’s website. These action work to integrate the digital tools more closely to one another and increase the opportunity for their target audience to discover these tools and follow the campaign on multiple platforms. The campaign already works to the online medium’s advantage by working with a trending topic during the two awareness months in
  • 12. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 12 February and October. Due to the name #AbuseorLove, this campaign could also be adapted to include examples of child abuse and elder abuse, which could run during Child Abuse Awareness month in April and Elder Abuse Awareness month in June. By running these campaigns in February, April, June, and October, the topic of abuse is given more prominence on social media platforms and would give the campaign more visibility and relevance to the target audience. Social Trends Besides trending topics, taking advantage of social trends in online communication can serve to aid the foundation in its mission and show its target audience that it can adapt as technology and trends change. The Joyful Heart Foundation already uses Facebook and Twitter, which are among the most popular social media networks for content. However, popularity is also increasing in visual networks like Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and YouTube (Scott, 2013). By reaching out to audiences through these networks, the foundation and its campaigns stand to increase its viewership. More view and followers leads to a greater chance of influencing others to be educated about abuse and take action. Currently, the foundation is running its No More campaign through the use of images and videos. The popularity of YouTube works to share the public service announcements created involving celebrities and athletes promoting the importance of saying no to abuse (No More, n.d.). Videos of behind-the-scenes footage is also shown on this platform to share the vulnerability and difficulty of talking about the subject. These videos have been shared across social media platforms, on the foundation’s website, and even on television to target and reach a wide audience. Moving into the future, these visual platforms will continue to grow and become targets for advertisers. With the popularity of Snapchat growing and through the trends already seen in
  • 13. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 13 Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, it is likely that we will see businesses and organizations using this platform to advertise and sponsor content as well. By using Snapchat now, the Joyful Heart Foundation will have a chance to build an audience and attract attention before advertising on this platform goes mainstream. With written content, developing trends in “purpose-driven marketing” are being used take a deeper look as to why a business or organization is sharing specific content (Pulizzi, 2016). The Joyful Heart Foundation can capitalize on this by communicating to their target audience why the topic of abuse and their mission statement is still important. As advocacy efforts increase, it’s possible some individuals may think they don’t need to get involved as other organizations are already taking care of the problem. By sharing content that’s directed at why advocacy efforts are still needed, it can back up the mission statement and encourage the public to continue their involvement. This can also be incorporated with the trend of broadcasting live events on social media. With Facebook Live, Periscope, and other digital tools used to share live video online, the foundation can broadcast directly from its fundraisers, seminars, and other advocacy efforts to keep their followers updated on actions being taken and to increase interest (Feedly, 2016). Imaging Strategies As visual elements such as pictures and videos play and important role in establishing a brand, and will continue to do so, it’s important to play to the strengths of these elements. By using platforms like Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest, these images can be shared easily throughout social media to increase viewership and attract attention to target audiences by making an emotional connection (Scott, 2013). Once the audience’s attention is grabbed through the image, written content can then be used to encourage engagement. In platforms where written content is dominant, these images can also work to set the content apart from the competition
  • 14. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 14 and stand out when including in a list like Facebook’s newsfeed feature. The images associated with the #AbuseorLove campaign would be used to spark debate and play on the importance paying attention to the warning signs can play in the public’s efforts to stop and prevent abuse. As more people discuss the images, more attention is drawn to them. Conclusion Through the use of the #AbuseorLove campaign, the Joyful Heart Foundation would be able to promote its organization and mission statement by providing more examples of how the public can play an active role online and offline to stop abuse. Using Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and its blog would serve to expose the campaign to a wide audience in different ways, hitting different demographics and creating opportunities to positively affect the culture of how we deal with abuse. In empowering the public, the foundation creates a larger network of advocates who can reliably turn to the Joyful Heart Foundation’s digital tools as resources and guidance.
  • 15. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 15 #AbuseorLove Return on Investment Report Method of Campaign Using the digital platforms of the Joyful Heart Foundation’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts, by creating a Snapchat account, and using the website’s blog, post regular content using #AbuseorLove to introduce the topic of recognizing warning signs of abuse and maintain the conversation. With daily content posted through Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat along with weekly content posted through YouTube and the blog, the campaign can build over time and attract more participation, increasing the scope of the foundation’s reach. Time Frame The campaign is to start a week before October to introduce the campaign, then actively run throughout October which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The #AbuseorLove campaign can then return a week prior to February for a reintroduction and run throughout February which serves as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. These time period provide the best opportunity to the most interaction with the target audience. Goals and Measurement Goals will be measured by the number of participants and the amount of engagement using Google Analytics and other tracking programs through social media to mark progress.  Increase Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube followers by 500 during each campaign run  Create Snapchat presence and build audience of 1000 followers during first run  Have #AbuseorLove be a trending topic throughout its campaign run  Increase traffic to the Joyful Heart Foundation website  Attract the attention of news media and bloggers to expand reach of the campaign  Increase engagement with target audience through campaign content
  • 16. #ABUSEORLOVE CAMPAIGN FOR JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION 16 References Bullas, J. (n.d.). 35 mind numbing Youtube facts, figures and statistics- Infographic. Jeff Bullas. Retrieved from: figures-and-statistics-infographic/ Burgess, M. (2012, July 3). Brand choreography through integrated marketing communications. Blue focus marketing. Retrieved from: choreography-through-integrated-marketing-communications/ Feedly. (2016, April 5). Trend report: The rise of live video streaming. Feedly Academy. Retrieved from: Gotter, A. (2016, May 17). Snapchat vs. Instagram: Which should you use? AdEspresso. Retrieved from: should-you-use/ Guo, C. and Saxton, G. (2014). Tweeting social change: How social media are changing nonprofit advocacy. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 43(1) 57-79. DOI: 10.1177/0899764012471585 Joyful Heart Foundation. (n.d.). Facebook. Retrieved from: Know the signs. (n.d.). Joyful heart foundation. Retrieved from: Love is Not Abuse. (n.d.). Facebook. Retrieved from:
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