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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 1
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 2
This concise outline features a portion of the key boundaries looked by the special children's, which
impacts on their movement into adulthood, employment and future which likewise gives ideas and choices
to nurture to these hindrances inside the setting for key regions: education and other benefits.
Admittance to schooling for children with troubles has been consistently difficult. Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) is a neurological problem that unfavorably influences ordinary mind working. Along these
lines a kid experiencing the issue face trouble in interfacing with others. Subsequently, educators and
different understudies face massive trouble in coordinating a medically introverted youngster into an
ordinary homeroom.
Present a large number of professionals and NGOs are coming forward to bring classroom training and
training for impaired younglings. Not only do they hand lift in rustic education, but also they're now
spreading hands for impaired children. Children with autism want special attention, so a lot of factors need
to be taken into consideration while opening special younglings. Professionals working under NGOs have
the asked knowledge and experience dealing with challenged children, so they construct academes and
education centers that fits well with the conjurations and the essentials of the challenged children. So, if you
have a child suffering from an autism bug, address NGO, the professionals will help your children by
offering them the right exposure, assist and training.
Education will be one of the most basic rights of each and every individual citizen of the country. Proper
and good education is really important for all of us. It facilitates quality learning all through the life among
people of any age group, cast, creed, religion and region. It's the process of achieving knowledge, values,
know-how, beliefs, and moral habits. People need to get high reach heed about the moment of knowledge
more than anteriorly. Education is really necessary for each and every one in order to help knowledge, way
of living as well as social and money-spinning status throughout the life. Getting proper education is the
birth rights of everyone limiting which is the crime. Education is the ultimate way to get win over all the
subjective and social problems. Education is really important to all of us as it plays really important tasks in
our life. In order to live a better and peaceful life, we need to be educated. It transforms us fully from out
and outside by changing our mind and personality as well as refining our confidence status. It changes our
life fully as it's productive in nature.
NGOs play a very essential and unique role in the education sector of India. As we can find there are
numerous NGOs in India each working specifically forging some aims and purposes helping poor masses
of India working as a charitable government in the country. The major strengths associated with the NGOs
are that they are working with people on a grassroots level and hence,
said to take into considerations the views of people. NGOs are regarded to be more democratic, flexible and
participatory than the government and most common is that NGOs put pressure on the government in order,
that the work of the government will be more transparent and accountable. Particularly in India, it has been
said that NGOs plays a significant and major role in implementing the policies of the Government.
In additional to this, a large count of NGOs has put pressure on the government to improve the educational
situations in the country. They should also keep in mind that due to the NGOs
there are more resources that are directed to primary and secondary Education. They have also done for
providing and implementing the various policies that have led for the development and the up gradation of
the education in the country.
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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The NGO's who are known to be the critical drivers of the general public assume a proactive part in
assisting the incipient gathering with getting development so the handicapped can add to the advancement
of the country.
Definition of NGO:
Willets (1996) define NGO as, “an independent voluntary association of people acting together on a
continuous basis for some common purpose other than achieving government office, making money or
illegal activities.”
World Bank (1990) defines NGO as, “an organization or group of people working independent of any
external control with specific objectives and aims to fulfill tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable
changes in a given community or area or situation.”
In this time of globalization, the consideration of the impaired in the country's standard establishes a huge
part of the nation's populace. The NGO's who are known to be the critical drivers of the general public
assume a proactive part in assisting the incipient gathering with getting development so the handicapped
can add to the advancement of the country. However it is unbelievable to expect to give work to the whole
incapacitated population, it is feasible to give the vital professional preparation, propelling them to become
free and independent. In accomplishing that, the job of NGOs in enabling the incapacitated in India holds
huge importance.
In the current situation, the term inability has gone through an ocean change particularly over the most
recent couple of a very long time by what is prominently known as the social model of handicap. So, to
manage this developing concern influencing the country, the NGOs assumes a proactive part in offering the
important chances in enabling this incipient gathering.
Need for Empowerment
It is a matter of extraordinary worry that the potential and capacities of these debilitated or rather
'distinctively abled' individuals are not used or investigated to their fullest. It is maybe an extraordinary loss
of HR if, used or channelized appropriately to its fullest potential could end up being a resource in the
development of the general public overall. This is the place where the job of NGO incapacities in India
becomes unmistakable.
Significance of Empowerment
Strengthening by and large alludes to the increment of the social, monetary and political strength of a
person to its fullest potential. Strengthening frequently includes setting off trust in their own abilities.
Sociological strengthening for the most part alludes to engaging yourself from the segregation dependent
on rank, race, religion, sexual orientation, and actual qualities.
What does it mean to be disabled?
A disability can be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or any combination of
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 4
these; it can start at birth or evolve through time. Disabilities are a broad phrase that encompasses
impairments, activity limitations, and restrictions on participation.
Disability can be said as the physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses and
ability to do things by him/herself, it can be grouped into three:
• Temporary
• Permanent
• Intermittent
Temporary inability: It is a sort of reparable hindrance of mental or actual resources that might obstruct the
influenced individual from working regularly just so particularly far as the person is under treatment.
Permanent inability: It is the sort of hindrance of mental or actual resources that might keep going for an
indeterminable period, subsequently endlessly keeping the influenced individual from working ordinarily.
Intermittent handicap: It is the kind of debilitation of mental or actual resources that happen at sporadic
spans and keep the influenced individual from working regularly.
Handicap is made by debilitation different sub-frameworks of the body, these incorporates:
Actual Disability
It is a debilitation that restricts the actual capacity of the appendages of gross engine capacity
(I) Sensory framework: it is a debilitation of the faculties; it is generally alluded to as the vision and hearing
Visual debilitation: it is the vision loss of an individual so as to qualify as an extra help required through a
critical limit of visual limit. It results from one or the other infection, inherent or degeneration conditions
that can't be associated by customary means.
Hearing debilitation: it alludes to conditions in which people are completely or to some degree unfit to
distinguish or see a few frequencies of sound which can commonly be heard by the vast majority.
Somatosensory confusion: it is the harshness toward improvements like touch, heat; cold and torment are
regularly an aide to a broader actual weakness including neural way ways.
Balance problem: It is the aggravation that makes a singular feel insecure; it could be joined by indications
of being thrilled, woozy, or has a vibe of development, turning or drifting.
Intellectual Disability
It is a wide idea that reaches from mental impediment to intellectual deficiencies to gentle or too explicit to
even consider qualifying as mental hindrance.
Mental turmoil: A psychological issue is a mental or standard of conduct commonly connected with
abstract pain or inability that happens in an individual and saw by most of society as being outside of
typical turn of events or social assumptions.
Developmental inability: It is any incapacity that outcomes in issues with development and advancement.
Invisible incapacity: It incorporates a few persistent problems, like diabetes, asthma, provocative inside
illness or epilepsy would be considered non-apparent handicaps, rather than inabilities which are plainly
noticeable, for example, those requiring the utilization of a wheelchair, Mojisola, (1997).
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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Disabled Person:
An individual may be qualify as disabled if he/she had an impairment in the past or is seen as
disabled based on personal or group standard, or such impairment includes physical, sensory and
congnitive or development disabilities. Some advocates object to describing certain conditions as
disabilities arguing that it is more appropriate to consider them “development differences that have
been unfairly stigmatized by society”
Following points are the difficulty that is looked by disabled person. How do they manage it, and
how would it be advisable for us to deal with make their lives somewhat more joyful?
Availability: Our general surroundings is certifiably not a stroll in the recreation center. We need to
confront a few obstructions in each progression we take. This is a lot more terrible for actually
incapacitated individuals. They for the most part move around in wheelchairs or use supports. Along these
lines, moving around openly isn't an extravagance that they can bear. In addition, the public places that we
have, are seldom made remembering the solace of individuals with incapacities. There are no inclines, or
the foyers are excessively thin for them to move. These days, numerous wheelchairs are computerized, and
structures are building a private lift to make the development of handicapped individuals somewhat
Education: schooling is an essential idea for all people, ideally, training would be free and accessible to
everybody, as envisioned by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, yet the fact of the matter is a long way from it.
An enormous number of kids with handicaps stay out of school and subsequently, they are denied of
fundamental training. They can't run the race of life like the other ordinary children. To tackle this issue,
few training organizations have been opened which centers around the instruction of these children with
extraordinary necessities, they get familiar with the Braille System and versatile innovation assists them
with having a superior existence.
Medical services: The medical services framework is now extremely extended. Needy individuals don't
approach legitimate medical services and individuals with incapacities are more awful off. Frequently,
individuals with scholarly handicaps are abused by the well- being laborers and this worsens the situation.
This can be just addressed by appropriate mindfulness and compassion. The impaired individuals discover
the spot of good in these circumstances and help each other in the manner conceivable. In this way, it is
mentioned that everybody should make a gift to guarantee NGOs can oblige their medical services needs in
a vastly improved manner.
Absence of business: Employment of any resident depends on his schooling and abilities he has gotten en
route. At the point when these individuals are denied of essential training, they will undoubtedly fall behind
different contender for that work. The public authority has presented plans which should ensure
occupations for incapacitated individuals.
Feeling of being incompetent: Disabled individuals need more opportunities to accomplish a specific work
than other ordinary individuals. The incapacity obstructions prevent him from performing fundamental
assignments effortlessly. This makes the individual with incapacities that he is pulling his mates down and
whenever loaded up with distress and outrage
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 6
Being mocked: People with uncommon requirements frequently hear things like, "I know what you are
going through" or "I realize this should be hard." These sorts of words never do equity to the issues those
individuals face and the difficulties they go through as the day progressed. A typical individual can't know
precisely the thing that individual is feeling.
Connections: Human creatures are complicated. They judge others on a bunch of boundaries that could
possibly apply to all circumstances. These biases are the main driver of all questions and misjudging.
Teased and abused: Every so often people find satisfaction in placing others down. They find supremacy
in bullying the week and underprivileged. Disabled people often find themselves at the receiving end of
such violence and comments
About The Organization
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled is a Non-Profit Organization that is engaged in empowering persons
with disabilities through its various initiatives on Education, Livelihood, Health & Nutrition, Sports,
Culture and Rehabilitation. It was established in the year 1997 by Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar founder
alongside with childhood friend, late. Nagesh SP. The organization is affiliated with the World Blind
Union. It has PAN-India existence and growing reach.
The trust aims to reach one million with disabilities by the year 2030.
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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From the Founders Desk:
Every year, Samarthanam launches incredible programmes aimed at providing the greatest possible help,
advice, support, and escort to persons with disabilities in their aspirations.
This year, Samarthanam sponsored activities such as the Inclusive Talent Hunt, National Congress,
Womens Blind Cricket, Assistive Technology Conclave, and National Technology Convention to highlight
individuals with disabilities' underlying potential. Inclusive Schooling, Disabled Youth Skilling, Women
Empowerment Program, Disabled Artists Training, and Blind Cricket events take place throughout the
year, and these remarkable events, which bring together the greatest minds advocating inclusivity, have
helped us proclaim to society, "We are not behind."
This year, Samarthanam has been awarded with three awards: the Namma Bengaluru Award, the Sri Sathya
Sai Award, and the Rotary Karnataka CSR Award. Thank you for recognising our efforts and believing in
Beginning in the year 2020, people have been thrown into a pandemic, which has been the most terrible
time for the disabled and underprivileged communities. The Relief Camps were set up in several places,
providing relief to the affected and restoring sanity to their life. The relief team has done an outstanding job
reaching out to remote areas and providing relief supplies, medical supplies, and food to those in need. I'm
pleased of my team, and I want to thank them for their dedication.
-Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar
Future Prospects for Disabled Children in Samarthanam Trust
Samarthanam is profoundly dedicated to assisting individuals with incapacities gain abilities to have the
option to assist completely in their networks. Following the accomplishment of IT and BPO preparing
focuses, they have arrangement a BPO in Bidadi. they have an extraordinary beginning and anticipate
supported business. Today, Samarthanam runs the whole range of tasks and supports in an unexpected way
capable right from essential schooling and nourishment, to advanced education, particular preparing in
IT/BPO/professional abilities, advising and work positions, while additionally giving preparing and
openings in sports and Culture all through.
Samarthanam gave help to 78 youngsters to seek after higher academic and expert courses this year. they
keep on offering monetary help, workstations, computerized book recordings, copyists and guides to help
understudies tried out a few eminent organizations Samarthanam additionally gives free inn offices – this
empowers young fellows and ladies from provincial Karnataka to seek after their schooling.
Programs offered by the Samarthanam trust to build the future for the disabled children:
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 8
Workshops for Visually Impaired People:
This year, 83 differently-able children, 47 of whom had visual impairments, got computer and soft skills
training at Samarthanam's Techvision centres. 40% of the trainees were placed in reputable firms, and 60%
received additional specialised training or higher education.
Special School for Intellectually Disabled Children:
As part of CSR, the vocational training unit, which is a fully operational training programme, keeps the
kids involved in arts and crafts and had them sell the goods to tourists and corporations.
Intensive training for children with special needs, with a specific concentration with a speech therapist
working with the children with speech impediment and assisting them with their overall communication.
Techvision's Future Plans:
Techvision plans to keep existing programmers and be ready for new possibilities, as well as to develop
students' abilities through additional guest lectures, exposure tours, and workshops.
Training in IT and BPO/Call Centers: 203 visually impaired and physically challenged adolescents got
BPO training at Shrishti, Samarthanam's BPO/Call canter training facility.
Akshara dasoha program:
Under the Akshara Dasoha programme, which is funded by the governments of Karnataka and India,
Samarthanam serves healthy midday meals to 52 government schools around Bangalore. A staff of 14
individuals delivers 250,000 sanitary meals per month thanks to centralised facilities, computerised
cooking, and an efficient distribution system.
The Vivdha Enterprise Program consists of the following components:
Vividha, one of Samarthanam's rehabilitation wings, is a self-sustaining institution that trains and employs
the differently challenged and economically disadvantaged to fulfil outsourced job task orders. Soldering,
packaging, reconditioning printer cartridges, and a variety of other skills are taught.
Sports and Cultural Programs: Over the last decade, Samarthanam has actively pushed sports for the
visually impaired as a legitimate activity as well as a platform for their physical and social growth.
Samarthanam athletes have competed in national and international sporting competitions, as well as cricket
and chess contests. Three Cricket World Cup events have been held, as well as visits to Pakistan and
Samarthanam promotes talent among differently-abled kids by encouraging their artistic, musical, and
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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dancing abilities and offering opportunity to perform on stage.
Excellence through Communication in English Language (EXCEL) is a programme that focuses on
language instruction in English.
Personality Enrichment and All-Round Learning (PEARL) program.
Samarthanam TechVision priorities the development of soft skills in addition to technical and language
abilities for its students' overall growth. Personality development, life skills education, motivation,
communication, leadership, team building and collaboration, career advice, employability, and
entrepreneurship are all included in PEARL.
The present study attempts to analyze the role and contribution of Samarthanam trust in regard with the
prospects of their future. NGO’s plays an important role in helping out the common man with their rightful
demands and also try to help needy people in every possible way.First and foremost, NGOs are responsible
for distributing education and making individuals aware of their rights to the common person. The need for
assistance and support for disabled persons may vary on different life stages and it is mostly based son
health and environmental conditions. Access to assistive equipment, as well as sufficient personal care and
support, are critical. NGOs play an essential role in providing appropriate aid and support to disabled
people and their families.
Because of a lack of appropriate support service networks, handicapped persons become too reliant on
family members. Support services serve as a conduit for good disability care and welfare. In these areas, the
institutional care provided by government systems is steadily dwindling, and these services are outsourced
to a competent authority. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in the welfare of
handicapped people in this setting. There are a number of non-profit organisations that have a proven track
record of helping handicapped individuals. If they can work together with the government, social services
will be substantially better than they are now. The authors investigated a variety of creative methods and
programmes for major streams persons with impairments, and the following paragraphs outline the
practises and programmes
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 11
Research methodology:
To understand the role of trusts in the lives of specially abled children’s
To know the contributions of trusts on their lives
To suggest possible ways for future prospects of specially abled children’s
The main source of information for this study is based on the data collection. Data collected are both
primary and secondary in nature.
Primary Data
Primary data have been directly collected from the members and students of smarthanam as well from the
people outside the smarthanam by survey method through accepted structured questionnaire.
Open ended have been used for the purpose of data collection.
Secondary Data
Secondary data have been collected from official website of SMARTHANAM and also from other official
Sample size is the total number of samples selected for the study from the sampling population. Sample
size for the study taken is 30.
Primary and Secondary data is the tool that was used to collect the data for the study.
For every study there will be some limitations and so in this study too. The first and foremost limitation in
the study is the time limit.
Another drawback was that there was no daily personal involvement, due to pandemic the visit to the trust
could not been done regularly.Lastly as there was restriction on the area of coverage, there were very few
researches and so little amount of information on the sites that are available, which contains information
about NGOs Role and contribution towards special children’s.
There where various other limitations faced with the research. Some of them are mentioned below:
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 12
The biggest limitation of the study was time period. The time period of the research was limited to four
weeks which is very short for a very detailed research on the topic. Hence the report is given in a narrow
Although I visited one of the trusts to directly to collect the data, experience the environment, and see to
that what special childrens are benefitted and what contributions are made on their lives, but data collected
is only that are located at Bangalore therefore the study cannot be applied to the entire state of Karnataka.
The data collected and analyzed is only on the basis of NGOs role and contribution towards disabled
children’s at Bangalore. Hence the study cannot be taken as reference for the study related to NGO's
contribution towards special children’s because this research is mainly concern with a few trusts that are
located at Bangalore. Hence the data is limited for the research.
Tools used in the study are:
Percentage analysis
A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows
a Student's t distribution if the null hypothesis is supported. It is most commonly applied when the test
statistic would follow a normal distribution if the value of a scaling term in the test statistic were known.
When the scaling term is unknown and is replaced by an estimate based on the data.
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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One-sample t-test
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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Elements of swot analysis:
SWOT analysis determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an association. An
examination of SWOT evaluates what an association can or can't do as far as considering both interior and
outer components. This examination utilizes natural information and structures an appraisal of the
circumstance of an organization. Doing a SWOT investigation recognizes the variables that can assist the
association with achieving its objectives. SWOT likewise distinguishes the components that need limiting
or defeating to achieve the expected result.
• Analyze the topic’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats.
• Helps to build on what one can do well.
• Assist to address what factor is lacking.
• Focus on the strength of the topic.
• Minimize the weakness.
• Support minimizing risks.
• Take the greatest possible advantage of chances for success.
• Identify key internal and external influences.
• Take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available.
• Turn threat to opportunities with proper precaution.
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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Strengths of an Ngo (Internal)
In this cycle first, they gather the data of incapacities in the locale with the help of VRW and MRW, and
they direct a gathering in the regions and they follow up with the students who are keen on this DDU-GKY
preparing program. The fundamental assets to run the trust are the students, so the preparation cycle is the
strength of the trust as it is an extremely viable viewpoint to accumulate the unprivileged students from
rural areas as well as to build awareness about the trust.
Implementation of government Program
The fundamental strength and uniqueness of the trust are to the execution of the central government
program DDU-GKY. This program assists with accomplishing the objectives of the trust. The objective of
the trust is as per the following to raise mindfulness, self-advancement, and self-acknowledgment among
the specially-abled children's.
Obtaining funds
A non-profit organisation should never rely solely on one source of funding. So, because finances are the
most essential component of running any organisation, the company has a significant ability to generate
cash from a variety of sources, including the phone centre, individual contribution boxes, individual
contributors, the Parisara programme, and donations from college students.
Management of human resources
Human resource management is critical in any workplace, and it is most successful when a strategic focus
is in place to guarantee that people can help the business achieve its objectives. To train the pupils, the trust
has an effective and qualified human resource.
Program Parisara
Parisara is a dry waste management programme that supports in the collection of garbage such as
newspapers, plastics, scrap, and other materials from businesses, homes, and schools. Separate and recycle
trash in a systematic manner to help the environment. This project generates revenue for the trust, which is
then used to fund the trust's educational initiatives.
Positive interactions with government agencies
The NGO's major strength is its ability to maintain positive relationships with government authorities,
which aids in the expansion of the trust's services.
Weakness (Internal):
Lack of brand awareness
This organization's drawback is a lack of understanding of the public's belief in it. Losses might occur as a
result of a poor brand name. Losses in the organization take the shape of students and donors. Many
members of the public are unaware of this trust, which restricts the cooperation of kids with special needs.
Student dropout rates
The primary problem of Samarthanam Trust is the rising dropout rates, which has resulted in a reduction in
the company's performance. The dropout rates should be managed utilizing a variety of techniques. The
major causes for the rise in dropouts include a lack of interest, a shortage of courses, and so on.
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Opportunities (external)
Enhance the abilities of youngsters with special needs.
As World Disability Day approaches on December 3rd, the situation of individuals with various abilities in
India appears to be unchanged. Only 1% of the 12 million children with various faculties attend school,
while 63, 66 percent of individuals with various faculties are unemployed, compared to 60, 21 percent in
India's rural and urban areas.
In light of the current situation, the trust should take use of this chance to develop diverse talents among the
society's differently-abled youngsters.
Establish a relationship between society and applicants with special needs.
The trust can take advantage of the chance to improve disability education and begin to build a bridge
between society and differently-abled pupils. As a result, it will assist the children in surviving in the
Governmental actions
Because the government is now prioritising differently-abled children, the trust should take use of this
opportunity to assist the children in obtaining government benefits such as education and travel allowances.
Challenges (EXTERNAl)
Economic Recession
A situation in which a country's economy is experiencing a significant slowdown as a result of a financial
crisis. This typically leads to unemployment, which lowers individual income for consumers. Individual
income levels are generally lower, reducing the amount of money that people are prepared to donate to
various trusts. The donor's interest will be lowered to one of the risks to the trust as a result of the economic
Urging contributors to change their ways
The influence of the economic crisis will lead to a shift in the donor's behavioural characteristics, which
will result in the donor's withdrawal from the trust.
Donor retention
When it comes to donor connections, one of the most common mistakes organisations make is not doing
enough to preserve good relationships. The company's greatest threat is the donor's lack of retention. Donor
retention will suffer as a result of the donor's shift in behaviour. The trust does not put much emphasis on
the retaining donor. There are several stages to follow: Maintain a social media presence, publish a charity
journal, and send frequent acknowledgements.
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
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Graph representing no of boys and girls
No of respondents 30
Males 18
Females 12
In the given graph it clearly indicates that out of 30 respondent 18 are boys and 12 are girls and all 30 are
Gender disabled
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Graph showing age group of respondents
Age group No of respondent 30
15-20 14
20-25 12
25-30 4
In this given graph its clearly state that no of respondents is 30 but age group divided into three category.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
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Statement showing educational services provided by Samarthanam
Using T-test to identify whether the educational services provided are satisfactory.
Total no. of samples (n)= 30 X = yes = 18
Y = No = 12
Ho = Samarthanam educational services are satisfactory H1= Samarthanam educational services are not
Calculation of Tcal value D(x-y) = 18-12
£d = 6
= 36
¯d = £d/n = 6/30 = 0.2 S2
= £d- (¯d)*n/ n-1 S2
= 36-0.04*30/30-1 S2
= 1.2
S = 1.09
Tcal = ¯d/s/√n = 0.2/1.09*√30 = 1.004 T at 5% with n-1 =29 degree of freedom Ttab = 2.76 ( value from
Hence Ttab > Tcal Accept Ho,
i.e., Educational services offered by samarthanam trust was satisfactory.
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From the above test it is proved that the educational services offered by samarthanam trust was satisfactory.
Supportiveness of staff and effectiveness of technic adopted
Supportiveness Effectiveness
Yes 25 20
No 5 10
Interpretation :
From the line graph it states that 25 respondents are satisfied with the support given by teaching staff and 5
respondents are not satisfied whereas teaching technique adopted by Samarthanam for the children are
satisfactory for 20 respondents and 10 respondents are not satisfactory.
yes no
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Statement showing support given by the volunteers
Using T-test to indentify whether the support given by the volunteers are satisfactory Total no. of samples
(n)= 30
X = yes = 13 Y = No = 17
Ho = Looking support from govt for food and money H1= Not looking support from govt
Calculation of Tcal value D(x-y) = 13-17
£d = 4
= 16
¯d = £d/n = 4/30 = 0.13 S2
= £d- (¯d)*n/ n-1
= 16-0.0169*30/30-1 S2
= 0.53
S = 0.7280
Tcal = ¯d/s/√n = 0.13/0.728*√30 = 0.978 T at 5% with n-1 =29 degree of freedom
Ttab = 2.76 ( value from table) Hence Ttab > Tcal
Accept Ho,
i.e., support given by the volunteers for the disable children of samarthanam are satisfactory. From the
above test it has been proved that support of volunteers are satisfactory.
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 24
Graph showing the response of respondents in regard to the motivation and betterment of their lives.
No.of respondents Motivated Betterment of lives
Yes 23 30
No 7 0
Interpretation :
It clearly shows that out of 30 respondents 23 respondents are motivated and all 30 says trust helped with
their betterment of lives.
yes no
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 25
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 26
One of the best experience that researcher got by doing this project use to manage the
available resources in effective manner, managing time, things in organized way, and came to
know about role and contributions of special children’s. This study was helpful to know the SWOT
analysis of Samarthanam trust, there were many strengths weakness opportunities and threats of
Samarthanam trust, this study created an opportunity to know the struggles of special children’s
and also created an opportunity to know the role and contributions of Samarthanam on the future
prospects of the special children’s. This study is not only based on the primary data, secondary data
is important for this study. But the place is limited only for Bangalore.It was bit challenging while
collecting secondary data for this project.
During this study we get to know, For future prospects for impaired children to be effective, staff
strength and capacities must be increased. Many volunteers oversee the Samarthanam programme,
which makes it tough to administer.In light of the current situation, greater marketing efforts
should be made at the local level.level of the organisation As it is necessary to continue in the near
future. More people will result in more money.The trust may be able to arrange for some
experienced visiting workers to provide the necessary training to the youngsters.More volunteers
should be encouraged to speak to the youngsters in order to provide further coaching.Individual
counselling should be provided so that children may communicate their needs and appropriate
efforts to resolve difficulties should be made.The trust should contact other institutions to provide
such facilities for the benefit of impaired children's futures.
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 27
Based on the findings of the study, we can conclude that the Samarthanam Trust is contributing
positively to the future of disadvantaged children. We may also infer that the organization requires
more education awareness and services in order to ensure the children's future. Surveys should be
done so that the trust can understand the problems and get more number of volunteers for their
additional support. Disabled people require assistance and care in order to live a dignified life and
participate equally in society. The position of handicapped persons is not improving, according to
statistics. The necessity for Non-Governmental Organizations to help and assist in the wellbeing of
people is urgent.individuals with disabilities Assessment in the community, rehabilitation in the
community, self-employment, and Various non-governmental groups have clearly made
significant contributions to the care and treatment of the sick and disabled.
A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 30
Week Date Work
carried out
Initials of co
Signature of
faculty guide
I. 9/10/2021 Topic
approved by
chapter 1
II. 16/10/2021 Collected
about topic
with 1- chapter
III. 23/10/2021 A draft copy
of internship
till chapter-
IV. 30/10/2021 Completed
with 4th
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
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A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future
prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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prospects of special children’s at Bangalore
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  • 1. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 1 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION
  • 2. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This concise outline features a portion of the key boundaries looked by the special children's, which impacts on their movement into adulthood, employment and future which likewise gives ideas and choices to nurture to these hindrances inside the setting for key regions: education and other benefits. Admittance to schooling for children with troubles has been consistently difficult. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological problem that unfavorably influences ordinary mind working. Along these lines a kid experiencing the issue face trouble in interfacing with others. Subsequently, educators and different understudies face massive trouble in coordinating a medically introverted youngster into an ordinary homeroom. Present a large number of professionals and NGOs are coming forward to bring classroom training and training for impaired younglings. Not only do they hand lift in rustic education, but also they're now spreading hands for impaired children. Children with autism want special attention, so a lot of factors need to be taken into consideration while opening special younglings. Professionals working under NGOs have the asked knowledge and experience dealing with challenged children, so they construct academes and education centers that fits well with the conjurations and the essentials of the challenged children. So, if you have a child suffering from an autism bug, address NGO, the professionals will help your children by offering them the right exposure, assist and training. INTRODUCTION: Education will be one of the most basic rights of each and every individual citizen of the country. Proper and good education is really important for all of us. It facilitates quality learning all through the life among people of any age group, cast, creed, religion and region. It's the process of achieving knowledge, values, know-how, beliefs, and moral habits. People need to get high reach heed about the moment of knowledge more than anteriorly. Education is really necessary for each and every one in order to help knowledge, way of living as well as social and money-spinning status throughout the life. Getting proper education is the birth rights of everyone limiting which is the crime. Education is the ultimate way to get win over all the subjective and social problems. Education is really important to all of us as it plays really important tasks in our life. In order to live a better and peaceful life, we need to be educated. It transforms us fully from out and outside by changing our mind and personality as well as refining our confidence status. It changes our life fully as it's productive in nature. NGOs play a very essential and unique role in the education sector of India. As we can find there are numerous NGOs in India each working specifically forging some aims and purposes helping poor masses of India working as a charitable government in the country. The major strengths associated with the NGOs are that they are working with people on a grassroots level and hence, said to take into considerations the views of people. NGOs are regarded to be more democratic, flexible and participatory than the government and most common is that NGOs put pressure on the government in order, that the work of the government will be more transparent and accountable. Particularly in India, it has been said that NGOs plays a significant and major role in implementing the policies of the Government. In additional to this, a large count of NGOs has put pressure on the government to improve the educational situations in the country. They should also keep in mind that due to the NGOs there are more resources that are directed to primary and secondary Education. They have also done for providing and implementing the various policies that have led for the development and the up gradation of the education in the country.
  • 3. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 3 The NGO's who are known to be the critical drivers of the general public assume a proactive part in assisting the incipient gathering with getting development so the handicapped can add to the advancement of the country. Definition of NGO: Willets (1996) define NGO as, “an independent voluntary association of people acting together on a continuous basis for some common purpose other than achieving government office, making money or illegal activities.” World Bank (1990) defines NGO as, “an organization or group of people working independent of any external control with specific objectives and aims to fulfill tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable changes in a given community or area or situation.” ROLE OF NGO In this time of globalization, the consideration of the impaired in the country's standard establishes a huge part of the nation's populace. The NGO's who are known to be the critical drivers of the general public assume a proactive part in assisting the incipient gathering with getting development so the handicapped can add to the advancement of the country. However it is unbelievable to expect to give work to the whole incapacitated population, it is feasible to give the vital professional preparation, propelling them to become free and independent. In accomplishing that, the job of NGOs in enabling the incapacitated in India holds huge importance. In the current situation, the term inability has gone through an ocean change particularly over the most recent couple of a very long time by what is prominently known as the social model of handicap. So, to manage this developing concern influencing the country, the NGOs assumes a proactive part in offering the important chances in enabling this incipient gathering. Need for Empowerment It is a matter of extraordinary worry that the potential and capacities of these debilitated or rather 'distinctively abled' individuals are not used or investigated to their fullest. It is maybe an extraordinary loss of HR if, used or channelized appropriately to its fullest potential could end up being a resource in the development of the general public overall. This is the place where the job of NGO incapacities in India becomes unmistakable. Significance of Empowerment Strengthening by and large alludes to the increment of the social, monetary and political strength of a person to its fullest potential. Strengthening frequently includes setting off trust in their own abilities. Sociological strengthening for the most part alludes to engaging yourself from the segregation dependent on rank, race, religion, sexual orientation, and actual qualities. What does it mean to be disabled? A disability can be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or any combination of
  • 4. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 4 these; it can start at birth or evolve through time. Disabilities are a broad phrase that encompasses impairments, activity limitations, and restrictions on participation. Disability can be said as the physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses and ability to do things by him/herself, it can be grouped into three: • Temporary • Permanent • Intermittent Temporary inability: It is a sort of reparable hindrance of mental or actual resources that might obstruct the influenced individual from working regularly just so particularly far as the person is under treatment. Permanent inability: It is the sort of hindrance of mental or actual resources that might keep going for an indeterminable period, subsequently endlessly keeping the influenced individual from working ordinarily. Intermittent handicap: It is the kind of debilitation of mental or actual resources that happen at sporadic spans and keep the influenced individual from working regularly. Handicap is made by debilitation different sub-frameworks of the body, these incorporates: Actual Disability It is a debilitation that restricts the actual capacity of the appendages of gross engine capacity (I) Sensory framework: it is a debilitation of the faculties; it is generally alluded to as the vision and hearing disability. Visual debilitation: it is the vision loss of an individual so as to qualify as an extra help required through a critical limit of visual limit. It results from one or the other infection, inherent or degeneration conditions that can't be associated by customary means. Hearing debilitation: it alludes to conditions in which people are completely or to some degree unfit to distinguish or see a few frequencies of sound which can commonly be heard by the vast majority. Somatosensory confusion: it is the harshness toward improvements like touch, heat; cold and torment are regularly an aide to a broader actual weakness including neural way ways. Balance problem: It is the aggravation that makes a singular feel insecure; it could be joined by indications of being thrilled, woozy, or has a vibe of development, turning or drifting. Intellectual Disability It is a wide idea that reaches from mental impediment to intellectual deficiencies to gentle or too explicit to even consider qualifying as mental hindrance. Mental turmoil: A psychological issue is a mental or standard of conduct commonly connected with abstract pain or inability that happens in an individual and saw by most of society as being outside of typical turn of events or social assumptions. Developmental inability: It is any incapacity that outcomes in issues with development and advancement. Invisible incapacity: It incorporates a few persistent problems, like diabetes, asthma, provocative inside illness or epilepsy would be considered non-apparent handicaps, rather than inabilities which are plainly noticeable, for example, those requiring the utilization of a wheelchair, Mojisola, (1997).
  • 5. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 5 Disabled Person: An individual may be qualify as disabled if he/she had an impairment in the past or is seen as disabled based on personal or group standard, or such impairment includes physical, sensory and congnitive or development disabilities. Some advocates object to describing certain conditions as disabilities arguing that it is more appropriate to consider them “development differences that have been unfairly stigmatized by society” Following points are the difficulty that is looked by disabled person. How do they manage it, and how would it be advisable for us to deal with make their lives somewhat more joyful? Availability: Our general surroundings is certifiably not a stroll in the recreation center. We need to confront a few obstructions in each progression we take. This is a lot more terrible for actually incapacitated individuals. They for the most part move around in wheelchairs or use supports. Along these lines, moving around openly isn't an extravagance that they can bear. In addition, the public places that we have, are seldom made remembering the solace of individuals with incapacities. There are no inclines, or the foyers are excessively thin for them to move. These days, numerous wheelchairs are computerized, and structures are building a private lift to make the development of handicapped individuals somewhat simpler. Education: schooling is an essential idea for all people, ideally, training would be free and accessible to everybody, as envisioned by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, yet the fact of the matter is a long way from it. An enormous number of kids with handicaps stay out of school and subsequently, they are denied of fundamental training. They can't run the race of life like the other ordinary children. To tackle this issue, few training organizations have been opened which centers around the instruction of these children with extraordinary necessities, they get familiar with the Braille System and versatile innovation assists them with having a superior existence. Medical services: The medical services framework is now extremely extended. Needy individuals don't approach legitimate medical services and individuals with incapacities are more awful off. Frequently, individuals with scholarly handicaps are abused by the well- being laborers and this worsens the situation. This can be just addressed by appropriate mindfulness and compassion. The impaired individuals discover the spot of good in these circumstances and help each other in the manner conceivable. In this way, it is mentioned that everybody should make a gift to guarantee NGOs can oblige their medical services needs in a vastly improved manner. Absence of business: Employment of any resident depends on his schooling and abilities he has gotten en route. At the point when these individuals are denied of essential training, they will undoubtedly fall behind different contender for that work. The public authority has presented plans which should ensure occupations for incapacitated individuals. Feeling of being incompetent: Disabled individuals need more opportunities to accomplish a specific work than other ordinary individuals. The incapacity obstructions prevent him from performing fundamental assignments effortlessly. This makes the individual with incapacities that he is pulling his mates down and whenever loaded up with distress and outrage
  • 6. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 6 Being mocked: People with uncommon requirements frequently hear things like, "I know what you are going through" or "I realize this should be hard." These sorts of words never do equity to the issues those individuals face and the difficulties they go through as the day progressed. A typical individual can't know precisely the thing that individual is feeling. Connections: Human creatures are complicated. They judge others on a bunch of boundaries that could possibly apply to all circumstances. These biases are the main driver of all questions and misjudging. Teased and abused: Every so often people find satisfaction in placing others down. They find supremacy in bullying the week and underprivileged. Disabled people often find themselves at the receiving end of such violence and comments About The Organization Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled is a Non-Profit Organization that is engaged in empowering persons with disabilities through its various initiatives on Education, Livelihood, Health & Nutrition, Sports, Culture and Rehabilitation. It was established in the year 1997 by Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar founder alongside with childhood friend, late. Nagesh SP. The organization is affiliated with the World Blind Union. It has PAN-India existence and growing reach. The trust aims to reach one million with disabilities by the year 2030.
  • 7. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 7 From the Founders Desk: Every year, Samarthanam launches incredible programmes aimed at providing the greatest possible help, advice, support, and escort to persons with disabilities in their aspirations. This year, Samarthanam sponsored activities such as the Inclusive Talent Hunt, National Congress, Womens Blind Cricket, Assistive Technology Conclave, and National Technology Convention to highlight individuals with disabilities' underlying potential. Inclusive Schooling, Disabled Youth Skilling, Women Empowerment Program, Disabled Artists Training, and Blind Cricket events take place throughout the year, and these remarkable events, which bring together the greatest minds advocating inclusivity, have helped us proclaim to society, "We are not behind." This year, Samarthanam has been awarded with three awards: the Namma Bengaluru Award, the Sri Sathya Sai Award, and the Rotary Karnataka CSR Award. Thank you for recognising our efforts and believing in us. Beginning in the year 2020, people have been thrown into a pandemic, which has been the most terrible time for the disabled and underprivileged communities. The Relief Camps were set up in several places, providing relief to the affected and restoring sanity to their life. The relief team has done an outstanding job reaching out to remote areas and providing relief supplies, medical supplies, and food to those in need. I'm pleased of my team, and I want to thank them for their dedication. -Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar Future Prospects for Disabled Children in Samarthanam Trust Samarthanam is profoundly dedicated to assisting individuals with incapacities gain abilities to have the option to assist completely in their networks. Following the accomplishment of IT and BPO preparing focuses, they have arrangement a BPO in Bidadi. they have an extraordinary beginning and anticipate supported business. Today, Samarthanam runs the whole range of tasks and supports in an unexpected way capable right from essential schooling and nourishment, to advanced education, particular preparing in IT/BPO/professional abilities, advising and work positions, while additionally giving preparing and openings in sports and Culture all through. Samarthanam gave help to 78 youngsters to seek after higher academic and expert courses this year. they keep on offering monetary help, workstations, computerized book recordings, copyists and guides to help understudies tried out a few eminent organizations Samarthanam additionally gives free inn offices – this empowers young fellows and ladies from provincial Karnataka to seek after their schooling. Programs offered by the Samarthanam trust to build the future for the disabled children:
  • 8. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 8 CSR SPLIT Workshops for Visually Impaired People: This year, 83 differently-able children, 47 of whom had visual impairments, got computer and soft skills training at Samarthanam's Techvision centres. 40% of the trainees were placed in reputable firms, and 60% received additional specialised training or higher education. Special School for Intellectually Disabled Children: As part of CSR, the vocational training unit, which is a fully operational training programme, keeps the kids involved in arts and crafts and had them sell the goods to tourists and corporations. Intensive training for children with special needs, with a specific concentration with a speech therapist working with the children with speech impediment and assisting them with their overall communication. Techvision's Future Plans: Techvision plans to keep existing programmers and be ready for new possibilities, as well as to develop students' abilities through additional guest lectures, exposure tours, and workshops. Training in IT and BPO/Call Centers: 203 visually impaired and physically challenged adolescents got BPO training at Shrishti, Samarthanam's BPO/Call canter training facility. Akshara dasoha program: Under the Akshara Dasoha programme, which is funded by the governments of Karnataka and India, Samarthanam serves healthy midday meals to 52 government schools around Bangalore. A staff of 14 individuals delivers 250,000 sanitary meals per month thanks to centralised facilities, computerised cooking, and an efficient distribution system. The Vivdha Enterprise Program consists of the following components: Vividha, one of Samarthanam's rehabilitation wings, is a self-sustaining institution that trains and employs the differently challenged and economically disadvantaged to fulfil outsourced job task orders. Soldering, packaging, reconditioning printer cartridges, and a variety of other skills are taught. Sports and Cultural Programs: Over the last decade, Samarthanam has actively pushed sports for the visually impaired as a legitimate activity as well as a platform for their physical and social growth. Samarthanam athletes have competed in national and international sporting competitions, as well as cricket and chess contests. Three Cricket World Cup events have been held, as well as visits to Pakistan and England. Samarthanam promotes talent among differently-abled kids by encouraging their artistic, musical, and
  • 9. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 9 dancing abilities and offering opportunity to perform on stage. Excellence through Communication in English Language (EXCEL) is a programme that focuses on language instruction in English. Personality Enrichment and All-Round Learning (PEARL) program. Samarthanam TechVision priorities the development of soft skills in addition to technical and language abilities for its students' overall growth. Personality development, life skills education, motivation, communication, leadership, team building and collaboration, career advice, employability, and entrepreneurship are all included in PEARL. NEED OF THE STUDY: The present study attempts to analyze the role and contribution of Samarthanam trust in regard with the prospects of their future. NGO’s plays an important role in helping out the common man with their rightful demands and also try to help needy people in every possible way.First and foremost, NGOs are responsible for distributing education and making individuals aware of their rights to the common person. The need for assistance and support for disabled persons may vary on different life stages and it is mostly based son health and environmental conditions. Access to assistive equipment, as well as sufficient personal care and support, are critical. NGOs play an essential role in providing appropriate aid and support to disabled people and their families. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Because of a lack of appropriate support service networks, handicapped persons become too reliant on family members. Support services serve as a conduit for good disability care and welfare. In these areas, the institutional care provided by government systems is steadily dwindling, and these services are outsourced to a competent authority. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in the welfare of handicapped people in this setting. There are a number of non-profit organisations that have a proven track record of helping handicapped individuals. If they can work together with the government, social services will be substantially better than they are now. The authors investigated a variety of creative methods and programmes for major streams persons with impairments, and the following paragraphs outline the practises and programmes
  • 10. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 10 CHAPTER-2 METHODOLOGY
  • 11. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 11 Research methodology: Objectives: To understand the role of trusts in the lives of specially abled children’s To know the contributions of trusts on their lives To suggest possible ways for future prospects of specially abled children’s DATA COLLECTION: The main source of information for this study is based on the data collection. Data collected are both primary and secondary in nature. Primary Data Primary data have been directly collected from the members and students of smarthanam as well from the people outside the smarthanam by survey method through accepted structured questionnaire. Open ended have been used for the purpose of data collection. Secondary Data Secondary data have been collected from official website of SMARTHANAM and also from other official websites. SAMPLE SIZE Sample size is the total number of samples selected for the study from the sampling population. Sample size for the study taken is 30. DATA COLLECTION: Primary and Secondary data is the tool that was used to collect the data for the study. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: For every study there will be some limitations and so in this study too. The first and foremost limitation in the study is the time limit. Another drawback was that there was no daily personal involvement, due to pandemic the visit to the trust could not been done regularly.Lastly as there was restriction on the area of coverage, there were very few researches and so little amount of information on the sites that are available, which contains information about NGOs Role and contribution towards special children’s. There where various other limitations faced with the research. Some of them are mentioned below:
  • 12. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 12 TIME LIMITATIONS: The biggest limitation of the study was time period. The time period of the research was limited to four weeks which is very short for a very detailed research on the topic. Hence the report is given in a narrow sense. LOCATION LIMITATIONS: Although I visited one of the trusts to directly to collect the data, experience the environment, and see to that what special childrens are benefitted and what contributions are made on their lives, but data collected is only that are located at Bangalore therefore the study cannot be applied to the entire state of Karnataka. DATA LIMITATIONS: The data collected and analyzed is only on the basis of NGOs role and contribution towards disabled children’s at Bangalore. Hence the study cannot be taken as reference for the study related to NGO's contribution towards special children’s because this research is mainly concern with a few trusts that are located at Bangalore. Hence the data is limited for the research. TOOLS: Tools used in the study are: Percentage analysis T-test T-test A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student's t distribution if the null hypothesis is supported. It is most commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the value of a scaling term in the test statistic were known. When the scaling term is unknown and is replaced by an estimate based on the data.
  • 13. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 13 One-sample t-test
  • 14. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 14 CHAPTER-3 SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 15. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 15 Elements of swot analysis: SWOT analysis determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an association. An examination of SWOT evaluates what an association can or can't do as far as considering both interior and outer components. This examination utilizes natural information and structures an appraisal of the circumstance of an organization. Doing a SWOT investigation recognizes the variables that can assist the association with achieving its objectives. SWOT likewise distinguishes the components that need limiting or defeating to achieve the expected result. SIGNIFICANCE OF SWOC: • Analyze the topic’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. • Helps to build on what one can do well. • Assist to address what factor is lacking. • Focus on the strength of the topic. • Minimize the weakness. • Support minimizing risks. • Take the greatest possible advantage of chances for success. • Identify key internal and external influences. • Take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available. • Turn threat to opportunities with proper precaution.
  • 16. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 16 Strengths of an Ngo (Internal) Mobilization In this cycle first, they gather the data of incapacities in the locale with the help of VRW and MRW, and they direct a gathering in the regions and they follow up with the students who are keen on this DDU-GKY preparing program. The fundamental assets to run the trust are the students, so the preparation cycle is the strength of the trust as it is an extremely viable viewpoint to accumulate the unprivileged students from rural areas as well as to build awareness about the trust. Implementation of government Program The fundamental strength and uniqueness of the trust are to the execution of the central government program DDU-GKY. This program assists with accomplishing the objectives of the trust. The objective of the trust is as per the following to raise mindfulness, self-advancement, and self-acknowledgment among the specially-abled children's. Obtaining funds A non-profit organisation should never rely solely on one source of funding. So, because finances are the most essential component of running any organisation, the company has a significant ability to generate cash from a variety of sources, including the phone centre, individual contribution boxes, individual contributors, the Parisara programme, and donations from college students. Management of human resources Human resource management is critical in any workplace, and it is most successful when a strategic focus is in place to guarantee that people can help the business achieve its objectives. To train the pupils, the trust has an effective and qualified human resource. Program Parisara Parisara is a dry waste management programme that supports in the collection of garbage such as newspapers, plastics, scrap, and other materials from businesses, homes, and schools. Separate and recycle trash in a systematic manner to help the environment. This project generates revenue for the trust, which is then used to fund the trust's educational initiatives. Positive interactions with government agencies The NGO's major strength is its ability to maintain positive relationships with government authorities, which aids in the expansion of the trust's services. Weakness (Internal): Lack of brand awareness This organization's drawback is a lack of understanding of the public's belief in it. Losses might occur as a result of a poor brand name. Losses in the organization take the shape of students and donors. Many members of the public are unaware of this trust, which restricts the cooperation of kids with special needs. Student dropout rates The primary problem of Samarthanam Trust is the rising dropout rates, which has resulted in a reduction in the company's performance. The dropout rates should be managed utilizing a variety of techniques. The major causes for the rise in dropouts include a lack of interest, a shortage of courses, and so on.
  • 17. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 17 Opportunities (external) Enhance the abilities of youngsters with special needs. As World Disability Day approaches on December 3rd, the situation of individuals with various abilities in India appears to be unchanged. Only 1% of the 12 million children with various faculties attend school, while 63, 66 percent of individuals with various faculties are unemployed, compared to 60, 21 percent in India's rural and urban areas. In light of the current situation, the trust should take use of this chance to develop diverse talents among the society's differently-abled youngsters. Establish a relationship between society and applicants with special needs. The trust can take advantage of the chance to improve disability education and begin to build a bridge between society and differently-abled pupils. As a result, it will assist the children in surviving in the market. Governmental actions Because the government is now prioritising differently-abled children, the trust should take use of this opportunity to assist the children in obtaining government benefits such as education and travel allowances. Challenges (EXTERNAl) Economic Recession A situation in which a country's economy is experiencing a significant slowdown as a result of a financial crisis. This typically leads to unemployment, which lowers individual income for consumers. Individual income levels are generally lower, reducing the amount of money that people are prepared to donate to various trusts. The donor's interest will be lowered to one of the risks to the trust as a result of the economic crisis. Urging contributors to change their ways The influence of the economic crisis will lead to a shift in the donor's behavioural characteristics, which will result in the donor's withdrawal from the trust. Donor retention When it comes to donor connections, one of the most common mistakes organisations make is not doing enough to preserve good relationships. The company's greatest threat is the donor's lack of retention. Donor retention will suffer as a result of the donor's shift in behaviour. The trust does not put much emphasis on the retaining donor. There are several stages to follow: Maintain a social media presence, publish a charity journal, and send frequent acknowledgements.
  • 18. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 18 CHAPTER-4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
  • 19. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 19 Graph representing no of boys and girls No of respondents 30 Males 18 Females 12 Interpretation: In the given graph it clearly indicates that out of 30 respondent 18 are boys and 12 are girls and all 30 are disabled. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Gender disabled boys girls
  • 20. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 20 Graph showing age group of respondents Age group No of respondent 30 15-20 14 20-25 12 25-30 4 Interpretation: In this given graph its clearly state that no of respondents is 30 but age group divided into three category. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 15-20 20-25 25-30
  • 21. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 21 Statement showing educational services provided by Samarthanam Using T-test to identify whether the educational services provided are satisfactory. Total no. of samples (n)= 30 X = yes = 18 Y = No = 12 Ho = Samarthanam educational services are satisfactory H1= Samarthanam educational services are not satisfactory Calculation of Tcal value D(x-y) = 18-12 £d = 6 £d2 = 36 ¯d = £d/n = 6/30 = 0.2 S2 = £d- (¯d)*n/ n-1 S2 = 36-0.04*30/30-1 S2 = 1.2 S = 1.09 Tcal = ¯d/s/√n = 0.2/1.09*√30 = 1.004 T at 5% with n-1 =29 degree of freedom Ttab = 2.76 ( value from table) Hence Ttab > Tcal Accept Ho, i.e., Educational services offered by samarthanam trust was satisfactory.
  • 22. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 22 From the above test it is proved that the educational services offered by samarthanam trust was satisfactory. Supportiveness of staff and effectiveness of technic adopted No.of respondents Supportiveness Effectiveness Yes 25 20 No 5 10 Interpretation : From the line graph it states that 25 respondents are satisfied with the support given by teaching staff and 5 respondents are not satisfied whereas teaching technique adopted by Samarthanam for the children are satisfactory for 20 respondents and 10 respondents are not satisfactory. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 yes no support effective
  • 23. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 23 Statement showing support given by the volunteers Using T-test to indentify whether the support given by the volunteers are satisfactory Total no. of samples (n)= 30 X = yes = 13 Y = No = 17 Ho = Looking support from govt for food and money H1= Not looking support from govt Calculation of Tcal value D(x-y) = 13-17 £d = 4 £d2 = 16 ¯d = £d/n = 4/30 = 0.13 S2 = £d- (¯d)*n/ n-1 S2 = 16-0.0169*30/30-1 S2 = 0.53 S = 0.7280 Tcal = ¯d/s/√n = 0.13/0.728*√30 = 0.978 T at 5% with n-1 =29 degree of freedom Ttab = 2.76 ( value from table) Hence Ttab > Tcal Accept Ho, i.e., support given by the volunteers for the disable children of samarthanam are satisfactory. From the above test it has been proved that support of volunteers are satisfactory.
  • 24. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 24 Graph showing the response of respondents in regard to the motivation and betterment of their lives. No.of respondents Motivated Betterment of lives Yes 23 30 No 7 0 Interpretation : It clearly shows that out of 30 respondents 23 respondents are motivated and all 30 says trust helped with their betterment of lives. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 yes no motivated betterment
  • 25. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 25 CHAPTER-5 EXPERIENCE, LEARNING AND CONCLUSION
  • 26. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 26 EXPERIENCE : One of the best experience that researcher got by doing this project use to manage the available resources in effective manner, managing time, things in organized way, and came to know about role and contributions of special children’s. This study was helpful to know the SWOT analysis of Samarthanam trust, there were many strengths weakness opportunities and threats of Samarthanam trust, this study created an opportunity to know the struggles of special children’s and also created an opportunity to know the role and contributions of Samarthanam on the future prospects of the special children’s. This study is not only based on the primary data, secondary data is important for this study. But the place is limited only for Bangalore.It was bit challenging while collecting secondary data for this project. LEARNINGS: During this study we get to know, For future prospects for impaired children to be effective, staff strength and capacities must be increased. Many volunteers oversee the Samarthanam programme, which makes it tough to administer.In light of the current situation, greater marketing efforts should be made at the local level.level of the organisation As it is necessary to continue in the near future. More people will result in more money.The trust may be able to arrange for some experienced visiting workers to provide the necessary training to the youngsters.More volunteers should be encouraged to speak to the youngsters in order to provide further coaching.Individual counselling should be provided so that children may communicate their needs and appropriate efforts to resolve difficulties should be made.The trust should contact other institutions to provide such facilities for the benefit of impaired children's futures.
  • 27. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 27 CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of the study, we can conclude that the Samarthanam Trust is contributing positively to the future of disadvantaged children. We may also infer that the organization requires more education awareness and services in order to ensure the children's future. Surveys should be done so that the trust can understand the problems and get more number of volunteers for their additional support. Disabled people require assistance and care in order to live a dignified life and participate equally in society. The position of handicapped persons is not improving, according to statistics. The necessity for Non-Governmental Organizations to help and assist in the wellbeing of people is urgent.individuals with disabilities Assessment in the community, rehabilitation in the community, self-employment, and Various non-governmental groups have clearly made significant contributions to the care and treatment of the sick and disabled.
  • 28. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 28 ANNEXURE
  • 29. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 29 ANNEXURE:
  • 30. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 30 WORK DONE DAIRY: Week Date Work carried out Initials of co guide Signature of faculty guide I. 9/10/2021 Topic approved by university and collecting information about chapter 1 II. 16/10/2021 Collected information about topic and completed with 1- chapter III. 23/10/2021 A draft copy of internship project completed till chapter- 3 IV. 30/10/2021 Completed with 4th and 5th chapter
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  • 38. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 38
  • 39. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 39
  • 40. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Reva Institute of Science and Management Page 40
  • 41. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Page 41 R E V A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T
  • 42. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Page 42 R E V A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T
  • 43. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Page 43 R E V A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T
  • 44. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Page 44 R E V A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T
  • 45. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Page 45 R E V A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T
  • 46. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Page 46 R E V A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T
  • 47. A study on roles and contribution of Samarthanam trust on future prospects of special children’s at Bangalore Page 47 R E V A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D M A N A G E M E N T