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Marketing in a Down Economy
     IABC-KY Meeting, Louisville, KY
                July 12, 2012
Today’s Agenda

•   A historical perspective
•   Strong brand = consumer confidence
•   What can I do and can I afford it?
•   Using digital in a down economy
“You don’t ever want a crisis
   to go to waste; it’s an
 opportunity to do important
    things that you would
      otherwise avoid.”
                            - Rahm Emmanuel
              Former White House Chief of Staff
Should You Advertise
                 in a Down Market?
• 1981-1982 Recession
   – Companies that maintained or increased their ad
     expenditures averaged significantly higher sales growth
     during that time and grew 256% for two years after
• 1989-1991 Recession
   – Companies that increased ad expenditures experienced
     growth from 15-70%
   – Companies that cut back on advertising during that time
     had a drop in sales from 26-64%*

                               *McGraw-Hill’s Research of 600 companies between 1981-82 and 1989-91
How Does a Recession Impact
              Consumer Behavior?
• Decrease in overall spending
   – 80-90% willing to trade off or trade down
   – May not return to previous spending habits
• Change in lifestyle and how they spend their time
   – Staying home
   – Focus on home and family
• Focus on products and services that provide a “rational benefit”
   – Running shoes? Yes
   – Jimmy Choo’s? No
• Consumers, manufacturers & retailers in a “no frills” mood
   – Emphasize value (quality divided by price) and how those savings will
     benefit them and their family
Recession Spending

• Increased spending only likely to be in:
   – Online
   – Mobile
   – In-home entertainment sectors
• Consumers want reassurances about their spending in bad
  economic times
   – Anxious about keeping job, paying the mortgage, college
     tuition, etc.
   – I’m making the right decision with the money I have
   – Consistency and authenticity are critical
Success Stories

– Every Day Low Prices launched in 2000-2001
– Positioned as more than just low prices, but making
  contributions to consumers lives

– Consumers staying at home more
– Brand promise = “you can have a superior cooking
  experience and you can share this with your friends in a
  superior way”
Reasons to Stay the Course
1. Today’s consumer has to be motivated to action. Replace
   consumer anxiety with empowerment.

2. Go after or protect market share. It’s less expensive than
   trying to rebuild it later and studies show it leads to long-
   term profitability.

3. Increase share of voice and top-of-mind awareness. Less
   aggressive advertisers leave the door open to consumer brand
Reasons to Stay the Course

4. Great media values are out there. Advertising is still a viable
   and important communications vehicle. Purchase
   “opportunistically” but don’t sacrifice frequency.

5. The economy will improve. Staying engaged with your
   consumers during the recession enables you to optimize
   performance now and to accelerate into the recovery.
Strategies for Thriving
             in a Down Economy
• Focus on the Future
   – Since 1854 there have been 28 recessions
   – Average recession has lasted 10 months
   – Position your product or service as bringing value to the
     consumer (don’t focus on the “bad times”)

 In other words, the economy WILL recover
Strategies for Thriving
               in a Down Economy
• A strategic marketing plan is vital
   – Don't waste money communicating the wrong
     “message” in the wrong place to the “wrong”
   – Good time to review plans for continued relevance in
     current market

• “Stick to your knitting”
  – This is not the time to stray from your known brand
  – But, do evaluate your brand identity and how relevant it is
    to your consumers in this market
  – Consumer research essential
  – Reinforce the positives, change the negatives
Strategies for Thriving
               in a Down Economy
• Maintain your advertising budget
   – If possible, increase it (just don’t tell your CFO) and let the
     competition cut theirs
   – Increased ad spending = increased share of voice

• Re-evaluate your media/dayparts/insertions mix
   – Changing a TV daypart can save you as much as 19% while only
     reducing your reach by about 9%
   – Increase time between flights/insertions
   – Eliminate weeks of media

• Don’t sacrifice strategy and message
   – If you can’t run a full schedule, don’t water down your message
Strategies for Thriving in a Down
• Maintain continuity to sustain awareness
  – Consumers depend on brands they trust
  – Advertising works cumulatively, so we have to remind
    people frequently about our brand or they'll forget us
  – A strong brand is the best defense against a difficult

• PR and non-paid media
   – Op-eds and pitched stories are more valuable
   – Newspapers are not ‘dead’, but their readership and
     how consumers access the product is shifting
We’re All in This Together
• Recommit to customer excellence
   – Internalize your brand: your brand reputation depends on it
   – If you don’t already have a service excellence program,
     start one!

• Remember your employees
   – They are also feeling the economic pinch
   – Work with HR to help them get through the hard times
   – This isn’t 100% altruistic – your employees are your best
     brand ambassadors
Think Digital in a Down Economy

    Allow digital communications and
 marketing to do the heavy lifting. If you
aren’t already using digital for marketing,
                start now!

The Budget Rollercoaster

              41% plan to
              reduce print                         70% plan to
64% plan to    spending                              increase
  increase                                        investment in
 budget for                                        social media
    SEO                                         (including blogs
                                                   and product
                                                reviews on their


Budgets May Not Be Growing
   But They Are Shifting

     28% are moving
     some budget to
     digital channels


Consumers Find You
 on Search Engines
  20% of Google searches by
  month are for local businesses

  46% of daily searches are for
  info on products or services

                             SEO & SEM are
                             important and worth
                             the investment!

Mobile Matters More Every Year
                                In 2013:

                                • There will be over 60
                                  million smartphone users

                                • U.S. companies will spend
                                  more than 2 million on
                                  mobile marketing (36%
                                  increase over 2012)

                                • 80% of major U.S. brands
                                  will be using mobile

Low/Moderate Investments = High Leads

                           Search investments (SEO and
                           SEM (PPC)) create strong
                           business leads
    % of digital budgets

Social media is
making big gains
as a lead

Digital Priorities Pyramid
                                       Site Refinement, Analytics &
                  60%                 Search Marketing (SEO & PPC)

In 2013, U.S.                                 Online Display Advertising
companies will    30%                             & Affiliate Partners
spend 21% or
more of their                                            Email Marketing
marketing          5%
budgets on
digital            3%                                        Social Media

                                                                 Mobile &
                   2%                                             Video

                        Source: Forrester’s Interactive Models Research: Forecast for U.S. Interactive Marketing Spend

Tackling the Top 4 Digital
Concerns of Marketers

The Top 4 Digital Concerns
       During a Down Economy
             • I have a modest marketing budget or my
 Budget        marketing budget is maxed.

Monetary     • I have already allocated 90% of my budget. I
               am afraid to move dollars from traditional
Allocation     marketing to digital.

 Media &     • I don’t know where to start with digital. There
 Medium        are so many options.

             • I don’t have additional resources to take on
Resources      new marketing efforts.
• Use free online marketing tools when possible. Your
 Budget        investment is equal to the time it takes to set them up.

Monetary     • Reallocate 15 -25% to digital. Pull funds from low return
               investments and move them to 1 – 3 digital efforts.

 Media &     • Do your homework. Search what’s working in businesses like
               yours. Not every digital option will be a good fit . Seek
 Medium        guidance from digital marketing experts.

             • Devote approximately10-15 minutes of your time each
               business day to digital. It doesn’t have to be daily, but expect
Resources      to spend one hour+ per week on digital. Hire an intern and pay
               him/her to help you run your digital program.
Write It Down & Stick to the

Serious Times Call for
 a Serious Strategy







What Are Your Goals?
          What Are Your Digital Options?
                                                                                      Measure &
      Acquire                     Convert                 Retain & Grow
Search Engine Marketing      Usability & Accessibility      E-mail Marketing            Web Analytics

   E-Mail Marketing        Customer Decision Support        Loyalty Programs     Site Performance Monitoring

                                     3rd Party
   Affiliate Marketing                                       Personalization      Competitor Benchmarking

 Aggregators Shopping         Copywriting, Content              Referrals               Online Panels

Comparison Interactive     Functionality & Presentation     Customer Service           Online Surveys

Advertising Partnerships   Promotions & Merchandising     Choice & Convenience              Usability

    Co-Registration        Personalization & Targeting      Dynamic Pricing

    Viral Marketing             E-mail Marketing               Community

          PPC                   Payment Options

Content Distribution/RSS         Onsite Search                            

       Online PR
Digital Checklists for a Down

Website: Your Marketing
                       Front Line
 Have I had my website independently audited           Have I tested usability on my website?
   in the last 12 months                                Is my website showing up in keyword
 Is my website professional and modern?                 searches?
 Have I compared my site to my competitors’            Is everything working properly on my site
   sites?                                               Have I gotten rid of Flash elements?
 Can consumers easily reach me via phone,              Do I know how my site looks on a variety of
   email, inquiry form, and physical address             mobile phones?
 Am I immediately responsive to all inquires?          Do I have strong customer testimonials
 Am I building my prospective and existing             Have I included location-based apps or links to
   customer databases and collecting valuable            location-based apps for easy downloading for
   information about them?                               my consumers?
 Am I talking about myself and my company on           Is my site listed correctly on all of free
   my site or am I talking about what I can do for       business listing sites? You may be listed and
   my consumer?                                          do not know it.
 Is it hard to navigate?                               Are the images helping or hurting my brand?
 Is there too much text?
Emails and Eblasts: A Must
   Do I really know what I need to know to be effective         Have I encouraged my email recipients to pass along
    with my emails?                                               the message or discount?
   Am I using a reliable and easy ESP (email service            Have I included my social media resources?
    provider, i.e. iContact, Constant Contact)?                  Am I rewarding good customers with coupons,
   Is my email database clean                                    discounts or special offers?
   Am I collecting consumer preferences?                        Does the imagery enhance the message or just make
   Am I following all SPAM and best practice email               it look pretty?
    guidelines?                                                  Am I tracking my email campaigns?
   Am I correcting incorrect emails and reducing my             Do I know the best days, time of day and frequencies
    bounce rate?                                                  to reach my audiences?
   Am I faithfully removing anyone who does not want to         Have I purchased a list?
    receive my emails from my mailing lists?                     Do I have a mechanism to collect new emails
   Am I providing web page and text backups for all of           addresses and contact information to expand my
    my emails?                                                    business’ database?
   Do I have a strong CTA (call to action)? Have I given        Have I started collecting mobile phone numbers for
    them a reason to click?                                       future texting campaigns?
   Is my email compelling?                                      Have I built out an editorial schedule for my emails for
   Have I included all of my contact information in a text       the next 6 months?
    format?                                                      Am I tracking my email campaigns and are my
                                                                  campaigns improving upon each refinement?
Social Media: You Need It But…
   Have I given serious thought to my primary social media channel?
   Do I know what my competitors are doing?
   Do I have a formal LinkedIn profile? (Particularly important for B to B)
   Have I had my social media presence audited for value?
   Have I claimed my brand on all major channels?
   Have I educated myself and my team on how to use social media for business?
   Is my presence representing my brand to it’s fullest potential
   Am I aware and using new marketing tools available to me?
   Do I really understand what businesses do well advertising in these mediums and what do not?
   Have I built a social media strategy around my brand, products, services, seasonal advantages, pass along
    strategies, engaging my fan base, messaging voice and appropriate use of imagery?
   Have I received and acknowledged feedback from followers?
   Am I responsive?
   Am I tracking my social media placements, my competitors and my viral influence correctly?
   Are my fans engaged and participating in discussions?
   Is my page professional and well-designed
   Do I offer my fans special offers and discounts?
   Do I have compelling content? (Worth asking again… Do I REALLY have compelling content?)
   Is social media part of my public relations strategy?
% of Firms Using Social Media For
        Marketing Activities

SEO & SEM: Can They Find You?
 Do I know all of my critical keywords and key phrases?
 Has my site been audited for SEO effectiveness?
 Do I show up on page one of my keyword/key phrase search?
 Do I use a regional strategy for my SEM? (If relevant)
 Are strong sites linking to mine?
 Do I encourage social media followers to visit my site?
 Do I track SEO and SEM via analytics?
 Have I done my homework? Do my team and I understand the fundamentals of SEO?
 If my search engine ranking is low, am I engaging SEM with a reputable specialist?
 Is my search marketing company making recommendations to improve my ranking and monitoring
   my SEM buys 24/7?
 Am I prepared to commit to a 12+ month engagement in SEM?
 Do I have a way to track leads from search engines and keyword searches?
 Is the abstract that surfaces based on a keyword/phrase search strong, clear and compelling?
 Have I made a compelling offer in my abstract?
 Am I taking search users to the correct pages on my site?
 Am I giving search users an easy but actionable and clickable result? Am I properly collecting
   searcher information when they land on my site?
Mobile Marketing: Yes, If…
 Have I done my homework on the success rates of the online mobile marketing providers that I
   plan to use? (Trumpia, etc.)
 Does my consumer have a smartphone texting profile? Do they message frequently
 Are my competitors doing well with mobile?
 Does my online mobile marketing provider have strong ROI case studies? Are participants
   gaining revenue?
 Is my offer good enough to bring new consumers to my business? Is it as good or better than
 Am I able to collect and reuse consumer email addresses and mobile numbers so that I can send
   out offers directly?
 Have I prepared for business surges and planned accordingly?
 Do I have a follow up plan for participants who click through?
 Am I promoting my mobile campaign via my traditional and online marketing channels? Is this an
   opportunity for QR codes
 Am I tracking my spend to revenue ratio from the promotion?
 Do I have the right message and contact information with my incentive or coupon so that
   redemption is easy and trackable?
 Am I staying local and building in local relevance
 Have I reviewed my mobile display ads on a variety of smartphones?
Free Resources

23 Free Online Marketing Tools
            That You Should Have
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Example: Marketing Channel Evaluation
Channel            Volume                                 Cost/user   Time to implement                          Mktg Effort   Production Effort

Viral / Referral   depends on CTA; size of accessible     low/zero    Low for FB social networks;                low           low/med
                   social networks / # users                          med/hi for normal sites

Email              depends on CTA, size of your house     low/med     Low                                        low/med       low/med
                   lists, email signups                                                                                        (med = create templates)

Blogs /            Depends on # blogs in your segment,    low/med     Low (if just you blogging);                low/med       low/zero
Bloggers           competitive scenario                               med (if you're setting up big CMS /                      (med = CMS, prof design)
                                                                      evangelizing to other bloggers)

SEO                depends on your keywords               Low/zero    Medium                                     low/zero      med/hi
                                                                      (depends on your search geeks)

SEM                depends on your keywords               Depends     Low/med                                    Low/med       low/med
                                                                      (depends on your marketing)                              (landing pages = med)

Contest            small unless big prize $               low/med     low/med                                    Med           low/zero
                   (don’t, keep it under $5K)                         (depends on contest, site, campaign)                     (med = prof contest site)

Widget             Depends on CTA; size of accessible     low/med     Low/med                                    med           med/hi (depends on
                   sites, level of adoption + bloggers                                                                         complexity)

Domains            depends on keywords, domain costs      depends     low                                        low           Low (redirects/co-brand?)

PR                 depends on your business & audience    Med/hi      medium (develop story, build contacts)     med           low/zero
                   & news

Biz Dev /          depends on partner, size of customer   Med-high    med/hi (capture metrics, generate          Med/hi        med/hi
Partner            base, conversion                                   reports)                                                 (reports, co-branding)

Affiliate / Lead   depends on economics                   Med/hi      med/hi (need to build affiliate program,   med/hi        med/hi (depends on rqd
Gen                                                                   capture metrics, generated reports)                      tracking & reporting)

Direct / radio     depends on geography                   Med/hi      medium                                     Med/hi        low/zero

Telemktg           depends on target demographics         med-high    med-high                                   High          low/zero if no system;
                                                                                                                               Med/hi if integrated SFA

TV                 Potentially large (if you spend)       High        Med-high                                   High          Med/hi (production cost)
 disclaimer: these estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are highly subjective & very dependent on your specific business
Example: Justification Matrix

  Margaret Horlander
 VP of Account Services

      Elizabeth Scott
     Digital Strategist


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Marketing in a Down Economy

  • 1. Marketing in a Down Economy IABC-KY Meeting, Louisville, KY July 12, 2012
  • 2. Today’s Agenda • A historical perspective • Strong brand = consumer confidence • What can I do and can I afford it? • Using digital in a down economy
  • 3. “You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste; it’s an opportunity to do important things that you would otherwise avoid.” - Rahm Emmanuel Former White House Chief of Staff
  • 4. Should You Advertise in a Down Market? • 1981-1982 Recession – Companies that maintained or increased their ad expenditures averaged significantly higher sales growth during that time and grew 256% for two years after • 1989-1991 Recession – Companies that increased ad expenditures experienced growth from 15-70% – Companies that cut back on advertising during that time had a drop in sales from 26-64%* *McGraw-Hill’s Research of 600 companies between 1981-82 and 1989-91
  • 5. How Does a Recession Impact Consumer Behavior? • Decrease in overall spending – 80-90% willing to trade off or trade down – May not return to previous spending habits • Change in lifestyle and how they spend their time – Staying home – Focus on home and family • Focus on products and services that provide a “rational benefit” – Running shoes? Yes – Jimmy Choo’s? No • Consumers, manufacturers & retailers in a “no frills” mood – Emphasize value (quality divided by price) and how those savings will benefit them and their family
  • 6. Recession Spending • Increased spending only likely to be in: – Online – Mobile – In-home entertainment sectors • Consumers want reassurances about their spending in bad economic times – Anxious about keeping job, paying the mortgage, college tuition, etc. – I’m making the right decision with the money I have – Consistency and authenticity are critical
  • 7. Success Stories – Every Day Low Prices launched in 2000-2001 – Positioned as more than just low prices, but making contributions to consumers lives – Consumers staying at home more – Brand promise = “you can have a superior cooking experience and you can share this with your friends in a superior way”
  • 9. Reasons to Stay the Course 1. Today’s consumer has to be motivated to action. Replace consumer anxiety with empowerment. 2. Go after or protect market share. It’s less expensive than trying to rebuild it later and studies show it leads to long- term profitability. 3. Increase share of voice and top-of-mind awareness. Less aggressive advertisers leave the door open to consumer brand switching.
  • 10. Reasons to Stay the Course 4. Great media values are out there. Advertising is still a viable and important communications vehicle. Purchase “opportunistically” but don’t sacrifice frequency. 5. The economy will improve. Staying engaged with your consumers during the recession enables you to optimize performance now and to accelerate into the recovery.
  • 12. Strategies for Thriving in a Down Economy • Focus on the Future – Since 1854 there have been 28 recessions – Average recession has lasted 10 months – Position your product or service as bringing value to the consumer (don’t focus on the “bad times”) In other words, the economy WILL recover
  • 13. Strategies for Thriving in a Down Economy • A strategic marketing plan is vital – Don't waste money communicating the wrong “message” in the wrong place to the “wrong” audience – Good time to review plans for continued relevance in current market • “Stick to your knitting” – This is not the time to stray from your known brand – But, do evaluate your brand identity and how relevant it is to your consumers in this market – Consumer research essential – Reinforce the positives, change the negatives
  • 14. Strategies for Thriving in a Down Economy • Maintain your advertising budget – If possible, increase it (just don’t tell your CFO) and let the competition cut theirs – Increased ad spending = increased share of voice • Re-evaluate your media/dayparts/insertions mix – Changing a TV daypart can save you as much as 19% while only reducing your reach by about 9% – Increase time between flights/insertions – Eliminate weeks of media • Don’t sacrifice strategy and message – If you can’t run a full schedule, don’t water down your message
  • 15. Strategies for Thriving in a Down Economy • Maintain continuity to sustain awareness – Consumers depend on brands they trust – Advertising works cumulatively, so we have to remind people frequently about our brand or they'll forget us – A strong brand is the best defense against a difficult economy • PR and non-paid media – Op-eds and pitched stories are more valuable – Newspapers are not ‘dead’, but their readership and how consumers access the product is shifting
  • 16. We’re All in This Together • Recommit to customer excellence – Internalize your brand: your brand reputation depends on it – If you don’t already have a service excellence program, start one! • Remember your employees – They are also feeling the economic pinch – Work with HR to help them get through the hard times – This isn’t 100% altruistic – your employees are your best brand ambassadors
  • 17. 17
  • 18. Think Digital in a Down Economy Allow digital communications and marketing to do the heavy lifting. If you aren’t already using digital for marketing, start now!
  • 21. The Budget Rollercoaster 41% plan to reduce print 70% plan to 64% plan to spending increase increase investment in budget for social media SEO (including blogs and product reviews on their site) 21
  • 22. Budgets May Not Be Growing But They Are Shifting 28% are moving some budget to digital channels 22
  • 23. Consumers Find You on Search Engines 20% of Google searches by month are for local businesses 46% of daily searches are for info on products or services SEO & SEM are important and worth the investment! 23
  • 24. Mobile Matters More Every Year In 2013: • There will be over 60 million smartphone users • U.S. companies will spend more than 2 million on mobile marketing (36% increase over 2012) • 80% of major U.S. brands will be using mobile marketing 24
  • 25. Low/Moderate Investments = High Leads Search investments (SEO and SEM (PPC)) create strong business leads % of digital budgets Social media is making big gains as a lead generator
  • 26. Digital Priorities Pyramid Site Refinement, Analytics & 60% Search Marketing (SEO & PPC) In 2013, U.S. Online Display Advertising companies will 30% & Affiliate Partners spend 21% or more of their Email Marketing marketing 5% budgets on digital 3% Social Media Mobile & 2% Video Mkting Source: Forrester’s Interactive Models Research: Forecast for U.S. Interactive Marketing Spend 26
  • 27. Tackling the Top 4 Digital Concerns of Marketers 27
  • 28. The Top 4 Digital Concerns During a Down Economy • I have a modest marketing budget or my Budget marketing budget is maxed. Monetary • I have already allocated 90% of my budget. I am afraid to move dollars from traditional Allocation marketing to digital. Media & • I don’t know where to start with digital. There Medium are so many options. • I don’t have additional resources to take on Resources new marketing efforts.
  • 29. • Use free online marketing tools when possible. Your Budget investment is equal to the time it takes to set them up. Monetary • Reallocate 15 -25% to digital. Pull funds from low return investments and move them to 1 – 3 digital efforts. Allocation Media & • Do your homework. Search what’s working in businesses like yours. Not every digital option will be a good fit . Seek Medium guidance from digital marketing experts. • Devote approximately10-15 minutes of your time each business day to digital. It doesn’t have to be daily, but expect Resources to spend one hour+ per week on digital. Hire an intern and pay him/her to help you run your digital program.
  • 30. Write It Down & Stick to the Plan 30
  • 31. Serious Times Call for a Serious Strategy Justification Integration Campaign/Execution Budget Education Resources Measurement
  • 32. What Are Your Goals? What Are Your Digital Options? Measure & Acquire Convert Retain & Grow Optimize Search Engine Marketing Usability & Accessibility E-mail Marketing Web Analytics E-Mail Marketing Customer Decision Support Loyalty Programs Site Performance Monitoring 3rd Party Affiliate Marketing Personalization Competitor Benchmarking Certification/Accreditation Aggregators Shopping Copywriting, Content Referrals Online Panels Comparison Interactive Functionality & Presentation Customer Service Online Surveys Advertising Partnerships Promotions & Merchandising Choice & Convenience Usability Co-Registration Personalization & Targeting Dynamic Pricing Viral Marketing E-mail Marketing Community PPC Payment Options Content Distribution/RSS Onsite Search Online PR 32
  • 33. Digital Checklists for a Down Economy 33
  • 34. Website: Your Marketing Front Line Checklist:  Have I had my website independently audited  Have I tested usability on my website? in the last 12 months  Is my website showing up in keyword  Is my website professional and modern? searches?  Have I compared my site to my competitors’  Is everything working properly on my site sites?  Have I gotten rid of Flash elements?  Can consumers easily reach me via phone,  Do I know how my site looks on a variety of email, inquiry form, and physical address mobile phones?  Am I immediately responsive to all inquires?  Do I have strong customer testimonials  Am I building my prospective and existing  Have I included location-based apps or links to customer databases and collecting valuable location-based apps for easy downloading for information about them? my consumers?  Am I talking about myself and my company on  Is my site listed correctly on all of free my site or am I talking about what I can do for business listing sites? You may be listed and my consumer? do not know it.  Is it hard to navigate?  Are the images helping or hurting my brand?  Is there too much text?
  • 35. Emails and Eblasts: A Must Checklist:  Do I really know what I need to know to be effective  Have I encouraged my email recipients to pass along with my emails? the message or discount?  Am I using a reliable and easy ESP (email service  Have I included my social media resources? provider, i.e. iContact, Constant Contact)?  Am I rewarding good customers with coupons,  Is my email database clean discounts or special offers?  Am I collecting consumer preferences?  Does the imagery enhance the message or just make  Am I following all SPAM and best practice email it look pretty? guidelines?  Am I tracking my email campaigns?  Am I correcting incorrect emails and reducing my  Do I know the best days, time of day and frequencies bounce rate? to reach my audiences?  Am I faithfully removing anyone who does not want to  Have I purchased a list? receive my emails from my mailing lists?  Do I have a mechanism to collect new emails  Am I providing web page and text backups for all of addresses and contact information to expand my my emails? business’ database?  Do I have a strong CTA (call to action)? Have I given  Have I started collecting mobile phone numbers for them a reason to click? future texting campaigns?  Is my email compelling?  Have I built out an editorial schedule for my emails for  Have I included all of my contact information in a text the next 6 months? format?  Am I tracking my email campaigns and are my campaigns improving upon each refinement?
  • 36. Social Media: You Need It But… Checklist:  Have I given serious thought to my primary social media channel?  Do I know what my competitors are doing?  Do I have a formal LinkedIn profile? (Particularly important for B to B)  Have I had my social media presence audited for value?  Have I claimed my brand on all major channels?  Have I educated myself and my team on how to use social media for business?  Is my presence representing my brand to it’s fullest potential  Am I aware and using new marketing tools available to me?  Do I really understand what businesses do well advertising in these mediums and what do not?  Have I built a social media strategy around my brand, products, services, seasonal advantages, pass along strategies, engaging my fan base, messaging voice and appropriate use of imagery?  Have I received and acknowledged feedback from followers?  Am I responsive?  Am I tracking my social media placements, my competitors and my viral influence correctly?  Are my fans engaged and participating in discussions?  Is my page professional and well-designed  Do I offer my fans special offers and discounts?  Do I have compelling content? (Worth asking again… Do I REALLY have compelling content?)  Is social media part of my public relations strategy?
  • 37. % of Firms Using Social Media For Marketing Activities 37
  • 38. SEO & SEM: Can They Find You? Checklist:  Do I know all of my critical keywords and key phrases?  Has my site been audited for SEO effectiveness?  Do I show up on page one of my keyword/key phrase search?  Do I use a regional strategy for my SEM? (If relevant)  Are strong sites linking to mine?  Do I encourage social media followers to visit my site?  Do I track SEO and SEM via analytics?  Have I done my homework? Do my team and I understand the fundamentals of SEO?  If my search engine ranking is low, am I engaging SEM with a reputable specialist?  Is my search marketing company making recommendations to improve my ranking and monitoring my SEM buys 24/7?  Am I prepared to commit to a 12+ month engagement in SEM?  Do I have a way to track leads from search engines and keyword searches?  Is the abstract that surfaces based on a keyword/phrase search strong, clear and compelling?  Have I made a compelling offer in my abstract?  Am I taking search users to the correct pages on my site?  Am I giving search users an easy but actionable and clickable result? Am I properly collecting searcher information when they land on my site?
  • 39. Mobile Marketing: Yes, If… Checklist:  Have I done my homework on the success rates of the online mobile marketing providers that I plan to use? (Trumpia, etc.)  Does my consumer have a smartphone texting profile? Do they message frequently  Are my competitors doing well with mobile?  Does my online mobile marketing provider have strong ROI case studies? Are participants gaining revenue?  Is my offer good enough to bring new consumers to my business? Is it as good or better than competitors?  Am I able to collect and reuse consumer email addresses and mobile numbers so that I can send out offers directly?  Have I prepared for business surges and planned accordingly?  Do I have a follow up plan for participants who click through?  Am I promoting my mobile campaign via my traditional and online marketing channels? Is this an opportunity for QR codes  Am I tracking my spend to revenue ratio from the promotion?  Do I have the right message and contact information with my incentive or coupon so that redemption is easy and trackable?  Am I staying local and building in local relevance  Have I reviewed my mobile display ads on a variety of smartphones?
  • 41. 23 Free Online Marketing Tools That You Should Have • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
  • 42. Example: Marketing Channel Evaluation Channel Volume Cost/user Time to implement Mktg Effort Production Effort Viral / Referral depends on CTA; size of accessible low/zero Low for FB social networks; low low/med social networks / # users med/hi for normal sites Email depends on CTA, size of your house low/med Low low/med low/med lists, email signups (med = create templates) Blogs / Depends on # blogs in your segment, low/med Low (if just you blogging); low/med low/zero Bloggers competitive scenario med (if you're setting up big CMS / (med = CMS, prof design) evangelizing to other bloggers) SEO depends on your keywords Low/zero Medium low/zero med/hi (depends on your search geeks) SEM depends on your keywords Depends Low/med Low/med low/med (depends on your marketing) (landing pages = med) Contest small unless big prize $ low/med low/med Med low/zero (don’t, keep it under $5K) (depends on contest, site, campaign) (med = prof contest site) Widget Depends on CTA; size of accessible low/med Low/med med med/hi (depends on sites, level of adoption + bloggers complexity) Domains depends on keywords, domain costs depends low low Low (redirects/co-brand?) PR depends on your business & audience Med/hi medium (develop story, build contacts) med low/zero & news Biz Dev / depends on partner, size of customer Med-high med/hi (capture metrics, generate Med/hi med/hi Partner base, conversion reports) (reports, co-branding) Affiliate / Lead depends on economics Med/hi med/hi (need to build affiliate program, med/hi med/hi (depends on rqd Gen capture metrics, generated reports) tracking & reporting) Direct / radio depends on geography Med/hi medium Med/hi low/zero Telemktg depends on target demographics med-high med-high High low/zero if no system; Med/hi if integrated SFA TV Potentially large (if you spend) High Med-high High Med/hi (production cost) disclaimer: these estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are highly subjective & very dependent on your specific business Source:
  • 44. THANK YOU! Margaret Horlander VP of Account Services Elizabeth Scott Digital Strategist 44

Editor's Notes

  1. Meet your consumers where they are.Optimize your site for search (SEO) and engage in search engine marketing (SEM).
  2. Include:JustificationResearch and support why you are choosing your digital and traditional option/sIntegrationHow are you going to make traditional and digital work together?Campaign/Execution CalendarBuild out a 12-month calendar of placements, reporting and lead generationBudgetDocument exactly what you plan to spend per option. Don’t forget to build in any fees or external support. Are you taking advantage of seasonal spending?EducationWhat’s your plan to educate yourself and your team on new executions?ResourcesWho will manage your digital marketing?MeasurementWhat tools are you using to measure success? How are you putting good leads to work?