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The Buffalo Bisons - $4
The Buffalo Bisons are a triple A affiliate of the New York Mets-players on this team
are one level below the major leagues where salaries can be huge. In the early days of
the team s most recent incarnation, sell outs were very common. Filing 20,900 seats
was fairly easy in the early 90 s when the stadium was still new and the team was a
perennial contender. In recent years the selling effort has become more difficult.
Typical attendance is about 8,000 per game. (The following information is a fictional,
but realistic, account of the sales plan used by the Bisons.) The VP of Operations,
Michael Salamone, wants to design a sales incentive plan that will reinvigorate the
fan babe for the Bisons. He recognizes several realities.
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The importance of a company having a robust information management system strategy - $4
1. Evaluate the importance of a company having a robust information management
system strategy. Recommend two (2) actions that a company may take in order to
protect its information assets from potential disruption and loss. 2. Examine the major
advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft charging businesses to use Skype.
Determine whether or not it would be beneficial for Microsoft to charge businesses
for the use of Skype. Provide a rationale for your response.
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Types of Data - $5
In what ways are Usage, Purchase, and Judgmental Data used to assess market
structure? Can you think of other types of data? Bring up two examples for
illustrating this concept from relevant and recent Wall Street Journal articles (or other
scholarly articles.) Discuss concepts by focusing on two implications for, and
examples of, marketing oneself, marketing in social media, or other up-to-date online
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Retail Environment - $4
Retail Environment Please respond to the following:analyze the overall role of store
associates in serving consumers who are better informed through technology. Support
your answer with examples. Please respond to the following:ideas that Achilles
public relations campaign could use in order to counter the false allegation that the
company is involved in using exotic leathers illegally to make formal shoes for
women. Justify your response.
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RBS brand - $4
1. Situational Overview: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the RBS brand? 2.
Past Promotional Events: Analyze the effectiveness of past RBS consumer and trade
promotions. How have the promotional strategies impacted sales volume? What kind
of return on investment is the company getting for consumer promotions and trade
promotions? 3. Push vs. Pull: Compare the relative merits of a push vs. a pull strategy
for the marketing a low-involvement, low-price grocery item in a mature market
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Marketing strategy - $4
Find a recent news article about an organization that changed its marketing strategy.
What were the reasons for change? How did the organization approach the
development and implementation of the new strategy?
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Singapore Airlines. Stella Artois - $7
1. Explain how the imagery of the ad communicates the product to the consumer? 2.
Explain how the imagery could insult or upset consumers in other cultures and why?
3. Explain if there are any sexual overtones in this ad and why this ad would work
better in some cultures? 4. How can this ad affect the service s perceived quality?
Figure 6.13: Stella Artois Ad Questions Answer all of the following questions in a 2-3
page paper as they relate to the impact of the ad on consumers from different cultures.
1. Explain how the imagery of the ad communicates the product to the consumer? 2.
Explain how the imagery could insult or upset consumers in other cultures and why?
3. Explain if there are any sexual overtones in this ad and why this ad would work
better in some cultures?..
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For this assignment, you will develop professional communications to a specific
scenario with diverse audiences. Even when responding about the same issue, the
tone, style, structure, and content may vary depending upon your audience. You will
need to take into account the audience and the communication outcome required. As
the local manager of a new entertainment business for children, you must abide by
franchise rules by not awarding free passes for services for the first year. You have
just received several requests of this kind. Prepare a paper to include your responses
to the following request scenarios: A letter from a local public school requesting free
passes for their charity auction. An email from a local social service organization
requesting free passes for their clients.
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Cultures - $4
1.Individually: Select a situation that is currently in the news that involves two or
more cultures. Analyze the situation using Hofstede s original four dimensions, plus
the universalism/particularism and task/relationship dimensions. How does your
cultural analysis help explain the situation? Given your understanding of the cultural
similarities and differences, what would you recommend that each side do (or avoid
doing) to resolve the situation? 2.In triads (groups of three): Each person in the triad
presents his or her cross-cultural situation and analysis. The triad then makes
recommendations, as if it was a consulting team advising the people in the actual
situation, as to what they should do or avoid doing to make the situation a success.
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Business Ethics - $15
Write a Topic Paper, Annotated Bibliography and Reflective Paper Activity
Description The literature review resources listed above provide some insights into
the development of a literature review. NCU supports the thematic approach
described in the resources. The annotated bibliography you have been developing
during this course should provide the sources for the literature review. Annotated
Bibliography: Assemble the 15+ annotations you have been accumulating during this
course. They should be presented in the same order as an APA reference list.
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Setting Up a Help Desk - $5
One of the most critical problems faced by the information technology department in
virtually every organization is how to provide effective help to end-users facing
problems with the technology. The help desk is the point at which every frustration,
every concern, and every mistake known to humanity is brought for resolution.
Typically staffed by lower-level and often new personnel, help desks often have a
reputation for minimal service and buck-passing. It shouldn t be this way, and doesn t
have to be; there s a lot of information out there about how to effectively manage and
coordinate help services, and a great deal of information about how important is to do
so. But like many aspects of IT, this knowledge doesn t always make it into the field
in many organizations. A while ago, TechRepublic ran a series on how to set up and
manage help desks. you are expected to evaluate in a 2-3 page paper, the best
strategies for a successful help desk within an organization. Identify three (3) best
practices and provide some examples on how and why those strategies are important.
Because this is a SLP, you are expected to discuss the topic with practical approach.
Do you have experiences that you can describe about user support (as a user or as an
IT person)? why were they good or bad? what suggestions do you have?
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Oasis Chemical Company - $4
The Oasis Chemical Company develops and manufactures pharmaceutical drugs for
distribution and sale in the United States. The pharmaceutical business can be very
lucrative when useful and safe drugs are introduced into the market. Whenever the
Oasis research lab considers putting a drug into production, the company must
establish the following sets of null and alternative hypotheses:
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Performance Appraisal - $4
What are the different performance appraisal methods? the one you find to be MOST
effective (and tell us why) and the one you find to be LEAST effective, Compare and
contrast the following methods of job evaluation: ranking, classification, factor
comparison, and point method. Which of these do you feel is most useful and why?
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Appraisal system - $4
Review the Case application: APPRAISING THE SECRETARIES AT
SWEETWATER U, What performance appraisal system would you develop for the
secretaries if you were Rob Winchester? Defend your answer.
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Employee orientation - $6
Employee orientation is handled differently in each organization. Let s talk about this
in both the theoretical perspective as well as in practical terms. Here are a few
questions to get started. Should companies offer formal orientation programs for all
new employees, or should they be designed and run by each individual supervisor,
manager, or department head? (Support your answer.) Explain some purposes for
having employee orientations. Give an example from your own experience of the first
weeks on the job, either with or without an orientation program, and how you felt
orientation helped you settle in (or, if you didn t have an orientation, how that
impacted your view of that job). How important is career development to you? How
much do you want your HR department to involve itself in your career development?
How much, as a future HR person (if you plan to be one), would you want to be
involved in your employees career development?
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Dole - $12
This case is complex and involves a large multi-national corporation and foreign
workers. Although the case is from 1997, the ramifications of the final decision can
still affect corporations today. Address the following in a paper: 1. Is a corporation s
instrumentality status defined as of the time of an alleged tort or other actionable
wrong? 2. Identify the shared responsibilities of the corporation and employees. What
are the steps taken to resolve this matter and avoid future ones? 3. What does the
Court conclude in this case and why? 4. Your thoughts on the case, its impact and
results. Support your paper with minimum of five (5) resources. In addition to these
specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles,
may be included. Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages.
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LG Electronics - $20
Your management team sees a number of similarities between your company
operations and various aspects of the LG Electronics case(attached). You are asked to
research the case and then to bring the outcome up to date with recent findings in the
industry at the next managerial meeting. n a PowerPoint presentation, address the
following key points of the case and current legal situations that have occurred since
the case was completed: 1. Was there a binding agreement between Quanta and LG?
2. Though the agreement was well-publicized is it binding? Does it make the contract
legal? Is this a valid defense? 3. Explain in detail what constitutes the acceptance of
an agreement, identifying any critical elements required and how they apply in this
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Worksite Protection - $12
Explain in a paper what you have learned about worksite protection for employees to
address the following: Under the decision in this case, when does a duty arise for the
defendant Metro-North to protect its employees? What does the court suggest that
Metro-North should have done in this case that would have satisfied the duty? May
railroad workers invoke the Federal Employers Liability Act to sue their employers
for emotional distress due to asbestos, or some other disease-causing carcinogen,
exposure if it has not made them ill? Why or why not?
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Ethics in study - $8
Develop a paper which includes an assessment of any ethical concerns for your
intended research topic as well as a brief review of the IRB Application. Length: 3-5
pages not including title and reference pages References: Minimum of 3 scholarly
resources. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and
concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights
relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current
APA standards. Review APA Form and Style.
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Modern Book Distribution - $5
1. Modern Book Distribution, Inc. Case Study Evaluation (20 points). Richard Guy,
CEO of Modern Book Distribution, Inc. (MBD) scanned the Executive Summary of
the consulting report he had just received. Guy saw the report was filled with the
latest buzzwords and hot concepts: Establish cross docking facilities for high-volume
deliveries to large customers centralize storage operations to decrease safety stock
levels leverage point-of-sale data to move toward a pull distribution strategy...Guy
was familiar with all of these phases and concepts at a superficial level, of course -
anybody who occasionally picked up The Wall Street Journal or Business Week
would be. He was less sure, however, if the consultants were trying to dazzle him
with fads or if the kind of radical operating changes that were being proposed in the
report would help to position MBD for the future.Founded 80 years ago, MBD had
been for many years one of the largest book distributors in the country.
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Ethics - $15
1) how does managing ethical risk in the oil and gas industry relate to reducing
accident? 2) Compare the risk that BP , EXXON and the tracking industry continue to
face in providing an adequate supply of energy? 3) How can ethical leadership help
the oil and gas industry to manage risk?
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Social Media Policies - $4
Here are several tips for successfully completing this case study. You should
incorporate information from the textbook, the lectures, and maybe the discussions to
support your position. In other words, tell me more than just your opinion. Provide
some relevant facts from the course material to support your position. Utilize the
LexisNexis database in the DeVry University Online Library to help you research this
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HR - $10
Question 1: What is job evaluation, and how is it used by compensation
professionals? Discuss the various techniques used in job evaluation. Question 2:
Explain the similarities and differences that exist among merit pay systems, incentive
pay systems, and person-focused pay systems. Of the three of these pay systems,
which one would you implement at your company? Explain your choice Question 3:
Describe the various types of flexible work schedules. Would you prefer working one
of these schedules or would you prefer a regular schedule? Explain your answer.
Question 4: Identify and explain the different types of contingent workers. Why
might a company choose a contingent worker over a regular full time employee
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Waiting - $5
Outcome: Students will analyze a waiting line system and determine key operating
characteristics of the system. A customer service center has customers call with
questions about the use of a product. The mean arrival rate of customer calls is 20 per
hour and follows a Poisson distribution. The mean service rate (how long it takes the
call center employee to answer the customer s question) is 30 customers per hour
(most customer questions can be answered rather quickly) and follows an
Exponential distribution.
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Toyota - $8
I made an error. I was suppose to be working on Toyota not Nintendo. I did not
realize that i made that mistake. I would like you to make it on Toyota I need it by
tomorrow morning. how much will it cost? It will be the same assignment except it
was supposed to be Toyota Vamry Hybrid
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Assess a firm - $10
Assess a firm of your choice and the way it is organized internationally, in order to
exploit global or regional advantages, yet remain responsive to local conditions.
Identify the firm you have selected and summarize how it has been internationally
organized over the past five years. Assess the structure and modus operandi of the
firm in relationship to its objectives to exploit global (or regional) advantages, while
remaining responsive to local conditions. Does the firm have the resources to
compete internationally? Provide your strategic recommendations for the firm to
become a market leader in the next five years.Mini-Paper FormatSubmitted in 12-
point font, preferably Times New Roman, and double-spaced with 1-inch marginsThe
report should incorporate correct form, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and
mmunication skills Each paper should be well-organized and well-written (should not
be more than four (4) pages in length)
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Choose a controversial issue - $5
Choose a controversial issue. For the purposes of this assignment, it is best if you do
not feel strongly about the issue because you need to be objective about the good
reasons for both sides. Write your issue in question form, so you can clearly see the
pro and con sides of the issues by answering yes or no to the question. For example,
you might write Does secondhand smoke cause cancer? Those who answer yes are on
the pro side of this issue; those who say no are on the con side. Conduct research
using the Virtual Library and/or the Internet and find eight sources. Four should be
pro and four should be con. Following this, study the research you compiled and
choose three reasons for supporting the pro side of the issue and three reasons for
supporting the con side. Discuss the reasons for each side, using evidence to support
each reason. Finally, take a position on the issue and state why you found the reasons
for that position to be more credible. Acknowledge the strengths of the other side and
also explain why you found your chosen side s position to be stronger. In addition,
comment on what you learned in the process of studying both sides of an issue.
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Luxury Hotel - $7
Address the changes in scope of an industry (either an industry you are currently
employed within or one that you would like to investigate and learn more about).
Identify the industry you have selected and summarize industry changes over the past
five years. Ascertain the type of industry (i.e. emerging, maturing, declining, or
fragmented) and utilize a portfolio matrix to portray industry attractiveness and
competitive strengths. Which competitor has the best strategy in the industry?
Identify industry drivers for change and summary your projections for the industry
going forward to the next five years.Mini-Paper FormatSubmitted in 12-point font,
preferably Times New Roman, and double-spaced with 1-inch marginsThe report
should incorporate correct form, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and
communication skillsEach paper should be well-organized and well-written (should
not be more than four (4) pages in length).If you are able to please let me know what
industry by tomorrow around 3ish
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WRU - $4
Answer the following questions:You have been called in as a consultant to analyze
the operations at WRU. Based on the readings, what would you advise Widgets R Us
to do in order to sustain the competitive advantage in the widget market?What
structural design changes might be undertaken to improve the operations at the
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True or False - $5
True or false holesaling includes all the activities involved in selling products or
services directly to final consumers for their personal, nonbusiness use.( )Page Ref:
392 Shopper marketing involves focusing the entire marketing process from product
and brand development to logistics, promotion, and merchandising toward turning
shoppers into buyers at the point of sale.( )Page Ref: 374 Department stores carry
narrow product lines with deep assortments within those lines. ( )Page Ref: 375 Self-
service retailers serve customers who are willing to perform their own locate-
compare-select process to save time or money.( )Page Ref: 375 Full-service stores
usually carry more specialty goods for which customers need or want assistance or
advice.( )Page Ref: 375 In recent years, convenience stores have redesigned their
stores to closely focus on serving their primary market made up of young, blue-collar
men.( )Page Ref: 377 Superstores are much larger than regular supermarkets and
offer a large assortment of routinely purchased food products, nonfood items, and
services.( )Page Ref: 377 Supermarkets sell a limited selection of goods at deep
discounts to consumers who pay membership fees.( )Page Ref: 376
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True or False - $4
1) Downstream marketing channel partners, such as wholesalers and retailers, form a
vital link between the firm and its customers.( )Page Ref: 340 2) A company s
channel decisions directly affect the prices of its products. ( )Page Ref: 341 3)
Producers use intermediaries because they create greater efficiency in making goods
available to markets.( )Page Ref: 342 4) The role of marketing intermediaries is to
transform the assortments of products made by retailers into the assortments wanted
by producers.( )Page Ref: 342 5) Each layer of marketing intermediaries that
performs some work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final
buyer is a channel level.( )Page Ref: 343 6) The number of products supplied
indicates the length of a channel. ( )Page Ref: 343
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Write a case brief using the IRAC method. - $4
Write a case brief using the IRAC method. Write an explanation of no more than 750
words about how the legal concepts in the selected case can be applied within a
business managerial setting Topic Article: I found this discrimination case which I
think would be great to go with here is the
employment-discrimination-cases/ Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar,My
portion of the IRAC method is conlusion.
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Marketing homework help

  • 1. Marketing homework help buy here g.php Immediate access to solutions for ENTIRE COURSES, FINAL EXAMS and HOMEWORKS “RATED A+" - Without Registration!
  • 2. Marketing The Buffalo Bisons - $4 The Buffalo Bisons are a triple A affiliate of the New York Mets-players on this team are one level below the major leagues where salaries can be huge. In the early days of the team s most recent incarnation, sell outs were very common. Filing 20,900 seats was fairly easy in the early 90 s when the stadium was still new and the team was a perennial contender. In recent years the selling effort has become more difficult. Typical attendance is about 8,000 per game. (The following information is a fictional, but realistic, account of the sales plan used by the Bisons.) The VP of Operations, Michael Salamone, wants to design a sales incentive plan that will reinvigorate the fan babe for the Bisons. He recognizes several realities. to view the entire page, click here The importance of a company having a robust information management system strategy - $4 1. Evaluate the importance of a company having a robust information management system strategy. Recommend two (2) actions that a company may take in order to protect its information assets from potential disruption and loss. 2. Examine the major advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft charging businesses to use Skype. Determine whether or not it would be beneficial for Microsoft to charge businesses for the use of Skype. Provide a rationale for your response. to view the entire page, click here Types of Data - $5 In what ways are Usage, Purchase, and Judgmental Data used to assess market structure? Can you think of other types of data? Bring up two examples for illustrating this concept from relevant and recent Wall Street Journal articles (or other scholarly articles.) Discuss concepts by focusing on two implications for, and examples of, marketing oneself, marketing in social media, or other up-to-date online sources to view the entire page, click here Retail Environment - $4 Retail Environment Please respond to the following:analyze the overall role of store associates in serving consumers who are better informed through technology. Support your answer with examples. Please respond to the following:ideas that Achilles public relations campaign could use in order to counter the false allegation that the
  • 3. company is involved in using exotic leathers illegally to make formal shoes for women. Justify your response. to view the entire page, click here RBS brand - $4 1. Situational Overview: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the RBS brand? 2. Past Promotional Events: Analyze the effectiveness of past RBS consumer and trade promotions. How have the promotional strategies impacted sales volume? What kind of return on investment is the company getting for consumer promotions and trade promotions? 3. Push vs. Pull: Compare the relative merits of a push vs. a pull strategy for the marketing a low-involvement, low-price grocery item in a mature market setting. to view the entire page, click here Marketing strategy - $4 Find a recent news article about an organization that changed its marketing strategy. What were the reasons for change? How did the organization approach the development and implementation of the new strategy? to view the entire page, click here Singapore Airlines. Stella Artois - $7 1. Explain how the imagery of the ad communicates the product to the consumer? 2. Explain how the imagery could insult or upset consumers in other cultures and why? 3. Explain if there are any sexual overtones in this ad and why this ad would work better in some cultures? 4. How can this ad affect the service s perceived quality? Figure 6.13: Stella Artois Ad Questions Answer all of the following questions in a 2-3 page paper as they relate to the impact of the ad on consumers from different cultures. 1. Explain how the imagery of the ad communicates the product to the consumer? 2. Explain how the imagery could insult or upset consumers in other cultures and why? 3. Explain if there are any sexual overtones in this ad and why this ad would work better in some cultures?.. to view the entire page, click here PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION - $7 For this assignment, you will develop professional communications to a specific scenario with diverse audiences. Even when responding about the same issue, the tone, style, structure, and content may vary depending upon your audience. You will need to take into account the audience and the communication outcome required. As
  • 4. the local manager of a new entertainment business for children, you must abide by franchise rules by not awarding free passes for services for the first year. You have just received several requests of this kind. Prepare a paper to include your responses to the following request scenarios: A letter from a local public school requesting free passes for their charity auction. An email from a local social service organization requesting free passes for their clients. to view the entire page, click here Cultures - $4 1.Individually: Select a situation that is currently in the news that involves two or more cultures. Analyze the situation using Hofstede s original four dimensions, plus the universalism/particularism and task/relationship dimensions. How does your cultural analysis help explain the situation? Given your understanding of the cultural similarities and differences, what would you recommend that each side do (or avoid doing) to resolve the situation? 2.In triads (groups of three): Each person in the triad presents his or her cross-cultural situation and analysis. The triad then makes recommendations, as if it was a consulting team advising the people in the actual situation, as to what they should do or avoid doing to make the situation a success. to view the entire page, click here Business Ethics - $15 Write a Topic Paper, Annotated Bibliography and Reflective Paper Activity Description The literature review resources listed above provide some insights into the development of a literature review. NCU supports the thematic approach described in the resources. The annotated bibliography you have been developing during this course should provide the sources for the literature review. Annotated Bibliography: Assemble the 15+ annotations you have been accumulating during this course. They should be presented in the same order as an APA reference list. to view the entire page, click here Setting Up a Help Desk - $5 One of the most critical problems faced by the information technology department in virtually every organization is how to provide effective help to end-users facing problems with the technology. The help desk is the point at which every frustration, every concern, and every mistake known to humanity is brought for resolution. Typically staffed by lower-level and often new personnel, help desks often have a reputation for minimal service and buck-passing. It shouldn t be this way, and doesn t have to be; there s a lot of information out there about how to effectively manage and
  • 5. coordinate help services, and a great deal of information about how important is to do so. But like many aspects of IT, this knowledge doesn t always make it into the field in many organizations. A while ago, TechRepublic ran a series on how to set up and manage help desks. you are expected to evaluate in a 2-3 page paper, the best strategies for a successful help desk within an organization. Identify three (3) best practices and provide some examples on how and why those strategies are important. Because this is a SLP, you are expected to discuss the topic with practical approach. Do you have experiences that you can describe about user support (as a user or as an IT person)? why were they good or bad? what suggestions do you have? to view the entire page, click here Oasis Chemical Company - $4 The Oasis Chemical Company develops and manufactures pharmaceutical drugs for distribution and sale in the United States. The pharmaceutical business can be very lucrative when useful and safe drugs are introduced into the market. Whenever the Oasis research lab considers putting a drug into production, the company must establish the following sets of null and alternative hypotheses: to view the entire page, click here Performance Appraisal - $4 What are the different performance appraisal methods? the one you find to be MOST effective (and tell us why) and the one you find to be LEAST effective, Compare and contrast the following methods of job evaluation: ranking, classification, factor comparison, and point method. Which of these do you feel is most useful and why? to view the entire page, click here Appraisal system - $4 Review the Case application: APPRAISING THE SECRETARIES AT SWEETWATER U, What performance appraisal system would you develop for the secretaries if you were Rob Winchester? Defend your answer. to view the entire page, click here Employee orientation - $6 Employee orientation is handled differently in each organization. Let s talk about this in both the theoretical perspective as well as in practical terms. Here are a few questions to get started. Should companies offer formal orientation programs for all new employees, or should they be designed and run by each individual supervisor, manager, or department head? (Support your answer.) Explain some purposes for
  • 6. having employee orientations. Give an example from your own experience of the first weeks on the job, either with or without an orientation program, and how you felt orientation helped you settle in (or, if you didn t have an orientation, how that impacted your view of that job). How important is career development to you? How much do you want your HR department to involve itself in your career development? How much, as a future HR person (if you plan to be one), would you want to be involved in your employees career development? to view the entire page, click here Dole - $12 This case is complex and involves a large multi-national corporation and foreign workers. Although the case is from 1997, the ramifications of the final decision can still affect corporations today. Address the following in a paper: 1. Is a corporation s instrumentality status defined as of the time of an alleged tort or other actionable wrong? 2. Identify the shared responsibilities of the corporation and employees. What are the steps taken to resolve this matter and avoid future ones? 3. What does the Court conclude in this case and why? 4. Your thoughts on the case, its impact and results. Support your paper with minimum of five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages. to view the entire page, click here LG Electronics - $20 Your management team sees a number of similarities between your company operations and various aspects of the LG Electronics case(attached). You are asked to research the case and then to bring the outcome up to date with recent findings in the industry at the next managerial meeting. n a PowerPoint presentation, address the following key points of the case and current legal situations that have occurred since the case was completed: 1. Was there a binding agreement between Quanta and LG? 2. Though the agreement was well-publicized is it binding? Does it make the contract legal? Is this a valid defense? 3. Explain in detail what constitutes the acceptance of an agreement, identifying any critical elements required and how they apply in this case. to view the entire page, click here Worksite Protection - $12 Explain in a paper what you have learned about worksite protection for employees to address the following: Under the decision in this case, when does a duty arise for the
  • 7. defendant Metro-North to protect its employees? What does the court suggest that Metro-North should have done in this case that would have satisfied the duty? May railroad workers invoke the Federal Employers Liability Act to sue their employers for emotional distress due to asbestos, or some other disease-causing carcinogen, exposure if it has not made them ill? Why or why not? to view the entire page, click here Ethics in study - $8 Develop a paper which includes an assessment of any ethical concerns for your intended research topic as well as a brief review of the IRB Application. Length: 3-5 pages not including title and reference pages References: Minimum of 3 scholarly resources. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Review APA Form and Style. to view the entire page, click here Modern Book Distribution - $5 1. Modern Book Distribution, Inc. Case Study Evaluation (20 points). Richard Guy, CEO of Modern Book Distribution, Inc. (MBD) scanned the Executive Summary of the consulting report he had just received. Guy saw the report was filled with the latest buzzwords and hot concepts: Establish cross docking facilities for high-volume deliveries to large customers centralize storage operations to decrease safety stock levels leverage point-of-sale data to move toward a pull distribution strategy...Guy was familiar with all of these phases and concepts at a superficial level, of course - anybody who occasionally picked up The Wall Street Journal or Business Week would be. He was less sure, however, if the consultants were trying to dazzle him with fads or if the kind of radical operating changes that were being proposed in the report would help to position MBD for the future.Founded 80 years ago, MBD had been for many years one of the largest book distributors in the country. to view the entire page, click here Ethics - $15 1) how does managing ethical risk in the oil and gas industry relate to reducing accident? 2) Compare the risk that BP , EXXON and the tracking industry continue to face in providing an adequate supply of energy? 3) How can ethical leadership help the oil and gas industry to manage risk? to view the entire page, click here
  • 8. Social Media Policies - $4 Here are several tips for successfully completing this case study. You should incorporate information from the textbook, the lectures, and maybe the discussions to support your position. In other words, tell me more than just your opinion. Provide some relevant facts from the course material to support your position. Utilize the LexisNexis database in the DeVry University Online Library to help you research this project. to view the entire page, click here HR - $10 Question 1: What is job evaluation, and how is it used by compensation professionals? Discuss the various techniques used in job evaluation. Question 2: Explain the similarities and differences that exist among merit pay systems, incentive pay systems, and person-focused pay systems. Of the three of these pay systems, which one would you implement at your company? Explain your choice Question 3: Describe the various types of flexible work schedules. Would you prefer working one of these schedules or would you prefer a regular schedule? Explain your answer. Question 4: Identify and explain the different types of contingent workers. Why might a company choose a contingent worker over a regular full time employee to view the entire page, click here Waiting - $5 Outcome: Students will analyze a waiting line system and determine key operating characteristics of the system. A customer service center has customers call with questions about the use of a product. The mean arrival rate of customer calls is 20 per hour and follows a Poisson distribution. The mean service rate (how long it takes the call center employee to answer the customer s question) is 30 customers per hour (most customer questions can be answered rather quickly) and follows an Exponential distribution. to view the entire page, click here Toyota - $8 I made an error. I was suppose to be working on Toyota not Nintendo. I did not realize that i made that mistake. I would like you to make it on Toyota I need it by tomorrow morning. how much will it cost? It will be the same assignment except it was supposed to be Toyota Vamry Hybrid to view the entire page, click here
  • 9. Assess a firm - $10 Assess a firm of your choice and the way it is organized internationally, in order to exploit global or regional advantages, yet remain responsive to local conditions. Identify the firm you have selected and summarize how it has been internationally organized over the past five years. Assess the structure and modus operandi of the firm in relationship to its objectives to exploit global (or regional) advantages, while remaining responsive to local conditions. Does the firm have the resources to compete internationally? Provide your strategic recommendations for the firm to become a market leader in the next five years.Mini-Paper FormatSubmitted in 12- point font, preferably Times New Roman, and double-spaced with 1-inch marginsThe report should incorporate correct form, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and mmunication skills Each paper should be well-organized and well-written (should not be more than four (4) pages in length) to view the entire page, click here Choose a controversial issue - $5 Choose a controversial issue. For the purposes of this assignment, it is best if you do not feel strongly about the issue because you need to be objective about the good reasons for both sides. Write your issue in question form, so you can clearly see the pro and con sides of the issues by answering yes or no to the question. For example, you might write Does secondhand smoke cause cancer? Those who answer yes are on the pro side of this issue; those who say no are on the con side. Conduct research using the Virtual Library and/or the Internet and find eight sources. Four should be pro and four should be con. Following this, study the research you compiled and choose three reasons for supporting the pro side of the issue and three reasons for supporting the con side. Discuss the reasons for each side, using evidence to support each reason. Finally, take a position on the issue and state why you found the reasons for that position to be more credible. Acknowledge the strengths of the other side and also explain why you found your chosen side s position to be stronger. In addition, comment on what you learned in the process of studying both sides of an issue. to view the entire page, click here Luxury Hotel - $7 Address the changes in scope of an industry (either an industry you are currently employed within or one that you would like to investigate and learn more about). Identify the industry you have selected and summarize industry changes over the past five years. Ascertain the type of industry (i.e. emerging, maturing, declining, or
  • 10. fragmented) and utilize a portfolio matrix to portray industry attractiveness and competitive strengths. Which competitor has the best strategy in the industry? Identify industry drivers for change and summary your projections for the industry going forward to the next five years.Mini-Paper FormatSubmitted in 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman, and double-spaced with 1-inch marginsThe report should incorporate correct form, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and communication skillsEach paper should be well-organized and well-written (should not be more than four (4) pages in length).If you are able to please let me know what industry by tomorrow around 3ish to view the entire page, click here WRU - $4 Answer the following questions:You have been called in as a consultant to analyze the operations at WRU. Based on the readings, what would you advise Widgets R Us to do in order to sustain the competitive advantage in the widget market?What structural design changes might be undertaken to improve the operations at the company? to view the entire page, click here True or False - $5 True or false holesaling includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to final consumers for their personal, nonbusiness use.( )Page Ref: 392 Shopper marketing involves focusing the entire marketing process from product and brand development to logistics, promotion, and merchandising toward turning shoppers into buyers at the point of sale.( )Page Ref: 374 Department stores carry narrow product lines with deep assortments within those lines. ( )Page Ref: 375 Self- service retailers serve customers who are willing to perform their own locate- compare-select process to save time or money.( )Page Ref: 375 Full-service stores usually carry more specialty goods for which customers need or want assistance or advice.( )Page Ref: 375 In recent years, convenience stores have redesigned their stores to closely focus on serving their primary market made up of young, blue-collar men.( )Page Ref: 377 Superstores are much larger than regular supermarkets and offer a large assortment of routinely purchased food products, nonfood items, and services.( )Page Ref: 377 Supermarkets sell a limited selection of goods at deep discounts to consumers who pay membership fees.( )Page Ref: 376 to view the entire page, click here True or False - $4
  • 11. 1) Downstream marketing channel partners, such as wholesalers and retailers, form a vital link between the firm and its customers.( )Page Ref: 340 2) A company s channel decisions directly affect the prices of its products. ( )Page Ref: 341 3) Producers use intermediaries because they create greater efficiency in making goods available to markets.( )Page Ref: 342 4) The role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortments of products made by retailers into the assortments wanted by producers.( )Page Ref: 342 5) Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level.( )Page Ref: 343 6) The number of products supplied indicates the length of a channel. ( )Page Ref: 343 to view the entire page, click here Write a case brief using the IRAC method. - $4 Write a case brief using the IRAC method. Write an explanation of no more than 750 words about how the legal concepts in the selected case can be applied within a business managerial setting Topic Article: I found this discrimination case which I think would be great to go with here is the link: employment-discrimination-cases/ Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar,My portion of the IRAC method is conlusion. to view the entire page, click here