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What are we doing here? 
1. Talk Marketing, 
definitions, what it 
means to you 
2. Parts of a Marketing 
Plan, with some extra 
tips and tricks 
3. How to make your 
Marketing Plan YOURS, 
ways to customize and 
resources to help 
I’m going to give you lots of info to help you out so lets get started!
‘Selling’ or Product terms 
Even though terms like ‘selling’, ‘purchase’, or ‘buying’ 
maybe used – they still make sense even if no money 
exchanges hands directly.
What is your definition of 
Definition of Marketing and 
other terms 
mar·ket·ing ˈmärkədiNG/ noun
-the action or business of 
promoting and selling 
products or services, 
including market research 
and advertising. 
Oxford Dictionary 
-the activity, set of 
institutions, and 
processes for creating, 
delivering, and exchanging 
offerings that have value 
for customers, clients, 
partners, and society at 
American Marketing 
Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a 
product to customers, for the purpose of selling that product, 
goods or services. Another simple definition of "marketing" is 
"managing profitable customer relationships”. Marketing 
can be looked at as an organizational function and a set of 
processes for creating, delivering and communicating value to 
customers, and customer relationship management that also 
benefits the organization. Marketing is the science of 
choosing target markets through market analysis and market 
segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior 
and providing superior customer value. From a societal 
point of view, marketing is the link between a society's 
material requirements and its economic patterns of response. 
Marketing satisfies these needs and wants through 
exchange processes and building long term relationships.
Types of Marketing 
Alliance Marketing - Here two or more entities come 
together to pool in their resources to promote and sell a 
product or service, which will not only benefit their 
stakeholders, but also have a greater impact on the 
Call to Action (CTA) Marketing - CTA is a part of 
inbound marketing used on websites in the form of a 
banner, text or graphic, where it is meant to prompt a 
person to click it and move into the conversion funnel, 
that is, from searching to navigating an online store to 
converting to a sale. 
Community Marketing (Evangelism Marketing) - 
This technique caters to the needs and requirements of 
the existing customers, as opposed to using resources 
to gather new consumers. This promotes loyalty and 
product satisfaction and also gives rise to word of 
mouth marketing among the community.
Content Marketing - In this case, content is created 
and published on various platforms to give information 
about a certain product or service to potential 
customers and to influence them, without making a 
direct sales pitch. 
Cross-media Marketing - As the name suggests, 
multiple channels like emails, letters, web pages etc are 
used to give information about products and services to 
customers in the form of cross promotion. Use multiple 
forms of communication to get a marketing point 
Database Marketing - This utilizes and information 
from database of customers or potential consumers to 
create customized communication strategies through 
any media in order to promote products and services. 
Casting a wide net, using pre-collected information to 
target a specific audience.
Digital Marketing - This strategy uses various digital 
devices like smartphones, computers, tablets or digital 
billboards to inform customers and business partners 
about its products. Internet Marketing is a key element 
in Digital Marketing. This is like casting a wide net but 
geared towards internet users. (Social Media)
Direct Marketing - This is a wide term which refers to 
the technique where organizations communicate 
directly with the consumer through mail, email, texts, 
fliers and various promotional materials.
Diversity Marketing - The aim of this strategy is to 
take into account the different diversities in a culture in 
terms of beliefs, expectations, tastes and needs and then 
create a customized marketing plan to target those 
consumers effectively. 
(In most cases, openly targeting a particular race sets you up for more 
pitfalls than benefits. So be careful)
This is good 
This is bad
Freebie Marketing - Here a particular item is sold at low rates, 
or is given away free, to boost the sales of another 
complimentary item or service. 
Free Sample Marketing - Unlike Freebie Marketing, this is not 
dependent on complimentary marketing, but rather consists of 
giving away a free sample of the product to influence the 
consumer to make the purchase.
Guerrilla Marketing - Unconventional and inexpensive 
techniques with imagination, big crowds and a surprise 
element are used for marketing something, a popular 
example being flash mobs.
Parts of a Marketing Plan 
1. SWOT 
2. Target Audience Worksheet 
3. Goals 
4. Strategies and Tactics 
5. Budget
Getting Ready for the Meeting: 
1. The team can include leadership, department heads and 
anyone else that wants to help. 
2. Have your mission and vision statements on hand. 
3. Remind everyone that this is not a personal attack.
STOP, Collaborate and Listen
Today we are not a library… 
Sometimes you are a little too 
close to a project to get the full 
picture, so we are going to 
start fresh as another business 
We are from so many different 
counties that we would not 
make a unique plan for one 
but a hodge-podge on for all – 
that does not work 
Gets you in the practice of 
Alliance Marketing…
Today we are a farm!
Parts of a Marketing Plan 
1. SWOT 
2. Target Audience Worksheet 
3. Goals 
4. Strategies and Tactics 
5. Budget
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats 
A nonprofit SWOT analysis may seem simple, but it 
packs a powerful punch that can help you take your 
strategic plan or marketing plan to the next level. Don’t 
avoid SWOT analysis because it requires you to ask the 
hard questions and face problems within your 
organization. It will make your operations and 
marketing more effective and arm you with the next 
steps you need to take.
List Internal Strengths 
A few things to consider: 
Age of organization 
Tenure of staff 
Staff education and experience 
Ease of purchase/donation 
Financial stability 
Lets pretend we are a farm… 
List some strengths 
We are local 
Family owned for 30 years 
Lots of growing knowledge
Compile Internal Weaknesses 
A few examples: 
Lack of education and experience 
Cash flow 
Poor website 
No public awareness 
Board inefficiency
Back to the farm… 
Short staffed 
Smaller farm 
Have some veggies 
that are not so popular 
No website or social media
What Are Your Opportunities? 
Opportunities are the thing your organization has no control over, but 
could potentially take advantage of 
New grants available 
Possible partnerships 
Demographic trends 
Companies looking for 
cause marketing opportunities 
Influential connections 
Recent good press 
*Partners/ Connections pg 81 MYL
And at the farm… 
Educational Grants 
Farmers Markets 
Organic grocery stores 
Organic Partners 
‘Green’ very popular
What Are the Threats to Your 
What external threats exist that could harm your nonprofit? 
Economic downturn 
Elimination of funding 
An advocate leaving 
government office 
Recent bad press 
Demographic trends 
Rising vendor costs
The farm… 
Other larger farms in the area with more product 
Not as popular as some farms 
And remember… 
That your weaknesses and threats can be converted 
into strengths and opportunities by looking at them 
Can you frame your loss of government funding as an 
opportunity for major donors to step up? Or maybe you 
can take your bad website and make it into something 
you’re truly proud of and that the community, your 
volunteers and donors enjoy visiting.
You can use the SWOT analysis as a reference during 
each step of creating your marketing plan or strategic 
plan. As you move forward, look at your strengths and 
opportunities and try to match them up so your 
organization is taking the path of least resistance in 
your marketing.
Target Audience
A target audience is the person or group of people 
whom writing is intended to reach. In other words, it is 
important for a writer to know who will be reading his 
or her writing. 
This audience is the person or group of people the 
writer is aiming for or trying to reach. When a writer 
knows the target audience, he or she will shape both 
the purpose and tone of the writing to match the 
audience's needs and, sometimes, expectations. Make 
PERSONAS to help you visualize the target audience.
There is no such thing as 
Even though your library welcomes everyone and might 
have something for everyone, you can not market to 
That would make your marketing plan way too broad 
and it would turn into a ‘cross your fingers and hope it 
works’ campaign.
How to narrow down your target audience 
1. What is the desired action of you 
target audience? 
2. What demographic groups are 
most likely to take the desired action? 
3. How do they think? 
4. What needs, challenges, and 
frustrations do they have? 
5. How does your idea, service, or 
product help your target audience? 
6. What drives them to make 
purchasing decisions? 
7. Do they currently use (or support) 
a product or service of your organization 
or that of a similar organization? 
8. What media do they currently use? 
9. How can you best reach your 
target audience?
1. What is the desired action 
of your target audience? 
(This is a good time to look back at the SWOT Analysis) 
Buying your product or service? 
Donating to your organization? 
Volunteer for an event? 
Advocate by spreading the word and educating others?
So, at the farm… 
I want the Target(s) to buy and advocate for my product.
2. What demographic groups 
are most likely to take the 
desired action? 
Figure out not only 
who has a need for 
your product or 
service, but also who 
is most likely to take 
action (buy, donate, 
Some things to consider… 
Age Group 
Gender (M, F, both) 
Location (local, regional, 
national &/or urban, 
suburban, rural) 
Marital/Family Status 
Income Level 
Education Level 
3. How do they think? 
Personality types 
4. What needs, challenges, 
and frustrations do they 
Understanding where 
your audience’s needs 
and frustrations are, 
helps to shift the 
conversation from 
how they can help you 
(“buy my product”) to 
how you can help 
them. Often times this 
is communicated very 
5. How does your idea, 
service, or product help your 
target audience? 
What problem does 
it solve? How does 
it make their lives 
easier? better? 
What would 
motivate them to 
pay for it?
6. What drives them to make 
purchasing decisions? (or 
donating, volunteering, 
sharing, etc) 
What influences them to take that final step? What 
obstacles might be in their way? One product I worked 
with did an amazing job at marketing to potential users 
of our product and generated tons of interest and 
excitement on an advertising budget of virtually $0.
7. Do they currently use (or 
support) a product or service 
of your organization or that of 
a similar organization? 
If so, this means that 
they have shown an 
active interest in your 
type of service (good) 
but may be open to 
new opportunities or 
may be satisfied with 
the way things are. e. 
If they don’t, it might 
8. What media do they 
currently use? 
Consider the magazines 
they read, tv & movies they 
watch, websites they visit, 
social media sites they 
frequent. For social media, 
consider the times they are 
most active and what types 
of content they engage 
with (follows, clicks, 
comments, mentions, likes, 
and shares)
9. How can you best reach 
your target audience? 
Helpful Hints! 
With a little persistence Google can prove quite helpful 
in helping track down research that others have already 
compiled on your target. Search for blog posts, 
magazine articles and survey results (or databases) that 
talk about your target market.
You also might want to consider creating a 
survey of your own where you can ask your 
current customers for feedback.
Defining the market is the tough part. 
Now that you know who you 
are targeting, you should find 
it much easier to figure out 
what marketing messages will 
resonate with them and which 
media channels will be most 
effective at reaching them.
Typically you only want 3-5 
goals, but you can start with 
just 1…
SMART Goals 
Time Bound
Identify a SPECIFIC audience 
being addressed 
(from your Target Audiences)
outcome, check your SWOT 
Analysis sheet.
Set an attainment level you 
want to ACHIEVE – how much 
do you want the situation to 
the audience match the 
situation and the 
– declare when 
you would like 
everything to be 
done or when you 
will check the 
Draw connections between 
your SWOT Analysis, Target 
Audiences, and Goals.
How you intend to reach the intended audience. 
This might be the hardest part.
Unfortunately, there is no 
magic equation for strategy 
This is where you have to get 
creative, how will the target 
audience hear about your 
Where is your target audience 
already going? Where do they 
get their news? Are they 
regulars at a church, local 
sport, or chamber of 
If you decide to do a survey, these are some of the 
questions you should ask.
Here are a few Library ads to 
check out!
Brief breakdown of what the strategies will cost
Some budget 
questions to ask 
What resources do you 
How much time will this 
take away from the staff? 
Who will be doing what? 
Printing costs of marketing 
Constantly Evolving 
which is cascaded to the relevant people and monitored 
regularly. Most action plans are relatively short term 
documents which focus on the coming year, but longer 
term implications should also be considered. Determine 
who will complete each action point. Monitor the 
progress of the plan and review regularly.
How to make it your own… 
A few tips to help make your point look and sound like 
its coming from you
Important to make the message consistent, not just in 
graphics but in voice and tone, not just for the 
consumers but for staff as well. Write like a smart 
human , talk directly to the reader using ‘you’, and 
yourself as ‘we’ or ‘I’.
Take position statement (from your goals) and the strategy to 
form a campaign
What is a position statement? 
For (target customers) 
Who (have the following 
Our product is a (describe the 
product or solution) 
That provides (cite the 
breakthrough capability) 
Unlike (reference competition), 
Our product/solution (describe 
the key point of competitive 
The following positioning statement was used by in 2001, when it sold books almost exclusively: 
For World Wide Web users who enjoy books, is a 
retail bookseller that provides instant access to over 1.1 
million books. Unlike traditional book retailers, 
provides a combination of extraordinary convenience, low 
prices, and comprehensive selection.
Fictitious company, Underfoot Industries, has decided 
to pursue two target markets: schools and light 
commercial customers. These are distinct market 
segments whose customers rate their needs differently, 
so the company must develop two positioning 
Underfoot Industries #1 
For schools, the Underfoot Industries EverAwesome line 
is the strongest, most durable carpet among all 
commercial-grade carpets for organizations on a budget, 
because it is made using our patented SteelTwist 
technology. The EverAwesome line features Underfoot 
Industries’ patented technology for producing high-strength, 
low-wear carpets. Underfoot named its 
production technology “SteelTwist” to appeal to 
customers, such as schools, who place a very high value 
on carpet strength.
Underfoot Industries #2 
For today’s appearance-conscious business, the 
Underfoot Industries EverAwesome line is the carpet that 
stays new-looking longest among all commercial-grade 
carpets. Our patented technology produces durable, low-wear 
carpet whose lifetime cost is 40-80% lower than 
other brands. The brand name “EverAwesome” tells 
customers: “This carpet looks great, AND it will last a 
long time.” 
Have a process established for creating and approving 
content/marketing materials. Hold a training session.
Social and other media help 
1. Genuine, generous, grateful, not greedy, 
grandstanding, or grabby. 
2. Product, Price, Place 
3. Think outside the box
1. We have a great professional collection!
Here are a few of the books I used… 
The Nonprofit Marketing Guide by Kivi Leroux Miller 
Marketing Your Library edited by Carol Smallwood, Vera 
Gubnitskaia, and Kerol Harrod 
Meatball Sundae by Seth Godin 
Word of Mouth Marketing by Andy Sernovitz
Seth Godin 
SETH GODIN is the author of 17 books 
that have been bestsellers around the 
world and have been translated into more 
than 35 languages. 
Writing and speaking, Seth is founder of, a fast growing, easy to use 
website. His blog (which you can find by 
typing "seth" into Google) is one of the 
most popular in the world. Before his 
work as a writer and blogger, Godin was 
Vice President of Direct Marketing at 
Yahoo!, a job he got after selling them his 
pioneering 1990s online startup, 
In 2013, Godin was inducted into the 
Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, one of 
three chosen for this honor.
We can also help with printing 
and graphic design! 
For graphics please email and for any 
printing questions just ask! 
We would love to help 
you out! 
ESRL has a stock photo account here. Browse the site 
and email me ( the link with what size 
you would like and Ill email it back. Try give me 5-7 
days before you need it, I only have a few downloads a 
Your community 
Each community is unique and has its own hidden 
treasures, use these and other assets in your area. 
Various events, other companies 
*partners/ connections MYL
Your Fans! 
The people can be your biggest and best forms of 
Your SEO! 
I know computer stuff can be intimidating, but Search 
Engine Optimization can be your best friend, make sure 
that you are getting the best search results for your site.

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Basic marketing

  • 1.
  • 2. What are we doing here? 1. Talk Marketing, definitions, what it means to you 2. Parts of a Marketing Plan, with some extra tips and tricks 3. How to make your Marketing Plan YOURS, ways to customize and resources to help I’m going to give you lots of info to help you out so lets get started!
  • 3. ‘Selling’ or Product terms Even though terms like ‘selling’, ‘purchase’, or ‘buying’ maybe used – they still make sense even if no money exchanges hands directly.
  • 4. What is your definition of Marketing?
  • 5. Definition of Marketing and other terms mar·ket·ing ˈmärkədiNG/ noun
  • 6. Marketing… -the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Oxford Dictionary -the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. American Marketing Association
  • 7. Wikipedia Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product to customers, for the purpose of selling that product, goods or services. Another simple definition of "marketing" is "managing profitable customer relationships”. Marketing can be looked at as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, delivering and communicating value to customers, and customer relationship management that also benefits the organization. Marketing is the science of choosing target markets through market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and providing superior customer value. From a societal point of view, marketing is the link between a society's material requirements and its economic patterns of response. Marketing satisfies these needs and wants through exchange processes and building long term relationships.
  • 8. Types of Marketing Alliance Marketing - Here two or more entities come together to pool in their resources to promote and sell a product or service, which will not only benefit their stakeholders, but also have a greater impact on the market. 15677076-9.html
  • 9. Call to Action (CTA) Marketing - CTA is a part of inbound marketing used on websites in the form of a banner, text or graphic, where it is meant to prompt a person to click it and move into the conversion funnel, that is, from searching to navigating an online store to converting to a sale. Community Marketing (Evangelism Marketing) - This technique caters to the needs and requirements of the existing customers, as opposed to using resources to gather new consumers. This promotes loyalty and product satisfaction and also gives rise to word of mouth marketing among the community.
  • 10. Content Marketing - In this case, content is created and published on various platforms to give information about a certain product or service to potential customers and to influence them, without making a direct sales pitch. come-to-life-and-scare-the-he- 1652707324?utm_campaign=socialflow_giz modo_facebook&utm_source=gizmodo_faceb ook&utm_medium=socialflow
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Cross-media Marketing - As the name suggests, multiple channels like emails, letters, web pages etc are used to give information about products and services to customers in the form of cross promotion. Use multiple forms of communication to get a marketing point across.
  • 14. Database Marketing - This utilizes and information from database of customers or potential consumers to create customized communication strategies through any media in order to promote products and services. Casting a wide net, using pre-collected information to target a specific audience.
  • 15. Digital Marketing - This strategy uses various digital devices like smartphones, computers, tablets or digital billboards to inform customers and business partners about its products. Internet Marketing is a key element in Digital Marketing. This is like casting a wide net but geared towards internet users. (Social Media)
  • 16. Direct Marketing - This is a wide term which refers to the technique where organizations communicate directly with the consumer through mail, email, texts, fliers and various promotional materials.
  • 17. Diversity Marketing - The aim of this strategy is to take into account the different diversities in a culture in terms of beliefs, expectations, tastes and needs and then create a customized marketing plan to target those consumers effectively. (In most cases, openly targeting a particular race sets you up for more pitfalls than benefits. So be careful)
  • 18. This is good This is bad
  • 19. Freebie Marketing - Here a particular item is sold at low rates, or is given away free, to boost the sales of another complimentary item or service. Free Sample Marketing - Unlike Freebie Marketing, this is not dependent on complimentary marketing, but rather consists of giving away a free sample of the product to influence the consumer to make the purchase.
  • 20. Guerrilla Marketing - Unconventional and inexpensive techniques with imagination, big crowds and a surprise element are used for marketing something, a popular example being flash mobs.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Parts of a Marketing Plan 1. SWOT 2. Target Audience Worksheet 3. Goals 4. Strategies and Tactics 5. Budget
  • 24. Getting Ready for the Meeting: 1. The team can include leadership, department heads and anyone else that wants to help. 2. Have your mission and vision statements on hand. 3. Remind everyone that this is not a personal attack.
  • 26. Today we are not a library… Sometimes you are a little too close to a project to get the full picture, so we are going to start fresh as another business We are from so many different counties that we would not make a unique plan for one but a hodge-podge on for all – that does not work Gets you in the practice of Alliance Marketing…
  • 27. Today we are a farm!
  • 28. Parts of a Marketing Plan 1. SWOT 2. Target Audience Worksheet 3. Goals 4. Strategies and Tactics 5. Budget
  • 29. SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats A nonprofit SWOT analysis may seem simple, but it packs a powerful punch that can help you take your strategic plan or marketing plan to the next level. Don’t avoid SWOT analysis because it requires you to ask the hard questions and face problems within your organization. It will make your operations and marketing more effective and arm you with the next steps you need to take.
  • 30. List Internal Strengths A few things to consider: Age of organization Tenure of staff Staff education and experience Ease of purchase/donation Financial stability Transparency Reputation
  • 31. Lets pretend we are a farm… List some strengths We are local Organic Family owned for 30 years Lots of growing knowledge
  • 32. Compile Internal Weaknesses A few examples: Lack of education and experience Cash flow Short-staffed Poor website No public awareness Board inefficiency
  • 33. Back to the farm… Short staffed Smaller farm Have some veggies that are not so popular No website or social media
  • 34. What Are Your Opportunities? Opportunities are the thing your organization has no control over, but could potentially take advantage of New grants available Possible partnerships Demographic trends Companies looking for cause marketing opportunities Influential connections Recent good press *Partners/ Connections pg 81 MYL
  • 35. And at the farm… Educational Grants Farmers Markets Organic grocery stores Organic Partners ‘Green’ very popular
  • 36. What Are the Threats to Your Organization? What external threats exist that could harm your nonprofit? Economic downturn Elimination of funding An advocate leaving government office Recent bad press Demographic trends Rising vendor costs
  • 37. The farm… Other larger farms in the area with more product Not as popular as some farms Seasonal
  • 38. And remember… That your weaknesses and threats can be converted into strengths and opportunities by looking at them differently. Can you frame your loss of government funding as an opportunity for major donors to step up? Or maybe you can take your bad website and make it into something you’re truly proud of and that the community, your volunteers and donors enjoy visiting.
  • 39. You can use the SWOT analysis as a reference during each step of creating your marketing plan or strategic plan. As you move forward, look at your strengths and opportunities and try to match them up so your organization is taking the path of least resistance in your marketing.
  • 41. A target audience is the person or group of people whom writing is intended to reach. In other words, it is important for a writer to know who will be reading his or her writing. This audience is the person or group of people the writer is aiming for or trying to reach. When a writer knows the target audience, he or she will shape both the purpose and tone of the writing to match the audience's needs and, sometimes, expectations. Make PERSONAS to help you visualize the target audience.
  • 42. There is no such thing as ‘everyone’ Even though your library welcomes everyone and might have something for everyone, you can not market to everyone. That would make your marketing plan way too broad and it would turn into a ‘cross your fingers and hope it works’ campaign.
  • 43. How to narrow down your target audience 1. What is the desired action of you target audience? 2. What demographic groups are most likely to take the desired action? 3. How do they think? 4. What needs, challenges, and frustrations do they have? 5. How does your idea, service, or product help your target audience? 6. What drives them to make purchasing decisions? 7. Do they currently use (or support) a product or service of your organization or that of a similar organization? 8. What media do they currently use? 9. How can you best reach your target audience?
  • 44. 1. What is the desired action of your target audience? (This is a good time to look back at the SWOT Analysis) Buying your product or service? Donating to your organization? Volunteer for an event? Advocate by spreading the word and educating others?
  • 45. So, at the farm… I want the Target(s) to buy and advocate for my product.
  • 46. 2. What demographic groups are most likely to take the desired action? Figure out not only who has a need for your product or service, but also who is most likely to take action (buy, donate, volunteer).
  • 47. Some things to consider… Age Group Gender (M, F, both) Location (local, regional, national &/or urban, suburban, rural) Marital/Family Status Income Level Education Level Occupation
  • 48. 3. How do they think? Personality types Attitudes Values Interest/Hobbies Lifestyles Behaviors
  • 49. 4. What needs, challenges, and frustrations do they have? Understanding where your audience’s needs and frustrations are, helps to shift the conversation from how they can help you (“buy my product”) to how you can help them. Often times this is communicated very subtly.
  • 50. 5. How does your idea, service, or product help your target audience? What problem does it solve? How does it make their lives easier? better? What would motivate them to pay for it?
  • 51. 6. What drives them to make purchasing decisions? (or donating, volunteering, sharing, etc) What influences them to take that final step? What obstacles might be in their way? One product I worked with did an amazing job at marketing to potential users of our product and generated tons of interest and excitement on an advertising budget of virtually $0.
  • 52. 7. Do they currently use (or support) a product or service of your organization or that of a similar organization? If so, this means that they have shown an active interest in your type of service (good) but may be open to new opportunities or may be satisfied with the way things are. e. If they don’t, it might prove
  • 53. 8. What media do they currently use? Consider the magazines they read, tv & movies they watch, websites they visit, social media sites they frequent. For social media, consider the times they are most active and what types of content they engage with (follows, clicks, comments, mentions, likes, and shares)
  • 54. 9. How can you best reach your target audience?
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 58. Helpful Hints! With a little persistence Google can prove quite helpful in helping track down research that others have already compiled on your target. Search for blog posts, magazine articles and survey results (or databases) that talk about your target market.
  • 59. You also might want to consider creating a survey of your own where you can ask your current customers for feedback.
  • 60. Defining the market is the tough part. Now that you know who you are targeting, you should find it much easier to figure out what marketing messages will resonate with them and which media channels will be most effective at reaching them.
  • 62. Typically you only want 3-5 goals, but you can start with just 1…
  • 63. SMART Goals Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Time Bound
  • 64. Identify a SPECIFIC audience being addressed (from your Target Audiences)
  • 65. State a MEASURABLE outcome, check your SWOT Analysis sheet.
  • 66. Set an attainment level you want to ACHIEVE – how much do you want the situation to improve?
  • 67. Think REALISTICALLY – does the audience match the situation and the achievement?
  • 68. Set a TIMEFRAME – declare when you would like everything to be done or when you will check the progress
  • 69. Draw connections between your SWOT Analysis, Target Audiences, and Goals.
  • 70. Strategy How you intend to reach the intended audience. This might be the hardest part.
  • 71. Unfortunately, there is no magic equation for strategy making.
  • 72. This is where you have to get creative, how will the target audience hear about your service/program?
  • 73. Where is your target audience already going? Where do they get their news? Are they regulars at a church, local sport, or chamber of commerce?
  • 74. Survey If you decide to do a survey, these are some of the questions you should ask.
  • 75. Here are a few Library ads to check out!
  • 76. Budget Brief breakdown of what the strategies will cost
  • 77. Some budget questions to ask What resources do you need? How much time will this take away from the staff? Who will be doing what? Printing costs of marketing materials?
  • 78. Constantly Evolving Document which is cascaded to the relevant people and monitored regularly. Most action plans are relatively short term documents which focus on the coming year, but longer term implications should also be considered. Determine who will complete each action point. Monitor the progress of the plan and review regularly.
  • 79. How to make it your own… A few tips to help make your point look and sound like its coming from you
  • 81. Important to make the message consistent, not just in graphics but in voice and tone, not just for the consumers but for staff as well. Write like a smart human , talk directly to the reader using ‘you’, and yourself as ‘we’ or ‘I’.
  • 83. Campaign Take position statement (from your goals) and the strategy to form a campaign
  • 84. What is a position statement? For (target customers) Who (have the following problem) Our product is a (describe the product or solution) That provides (cite the breakthrough capability) Unlike (reference competition), Our product/solution (describe the key point of competitive differentiation)
  • 85. The following positioning statement was used by in 2001, when it sold books almost exclusively: For World Wide Web users who enjoy books, is a retail bookseller that provides instant access to over 1.1 million books. Unlike traditional book retailers, provides a combination of extraordinary convenience, low prices, and comprehensive selection.
  • 86. Fictitious company, Underfoot Industries, has decided to pursue two target markets: schools and light commercial customers. These are distinct market segments whose customers rate their needs differently, so the company must develop two positioning statements.
  • 87. Underfoot Industries #1 For schools, the Underfoot Industries EverAwesome line is the strongest, most durable carpet among all commercial-grade carpets for organizations on a budget, because it is made using our patented SteelTwist technology. The EverAwesome line features Underfoot Industries’ patented technology for producing high-strength, low-wear carpets. Underfoot named its production technology “SteelTwist” to appeal to customers, such as schools, who place a very high value on carpet strength.
  • 88. Underfoot Industries #2 For today’s appearance-conscious business, the Underfoot Industries EverAwesome line is the carpet that stays new-looking longest among all commercial-grade carpets. Our patented technology produces durable, low-wear carpet whose lifetime cost is 40-80% lower than other brands. The brand name “EverAwesome” tells customers: “This carpet looks great, AND it will last a long time.”
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. Process Have a process established for creating and approving content/marketing materials. Hold a training session.
  • 98. Social and other media help 1. Genuine, generous, grateful, not greedy, grandstanding, or grabby. 2. Product, Price, Place 3. Think outside the box
  • 100. ESRL! 1. We have a great professional collection!
  • 101. Here are a few of the books I used… The Nonprofit Marketing Guide by Kivi Leroux Miller Marketing Your Library edited by Carol Smallwood, Vera Gubnitskaia, and Kerol Harrod Meatball Sundae by Seth Godin Word of Mouth Marketing by Andy Sernovitz
  • 102. Seth Godin SETH GODIN is the author of 17 books that have been bestsellers around the world and have been translated into more than 35 languages. Writing and speaking, Seth is founder of, a fast growing, easy to use website. His blog (which you can find by typing "seth" into Google) is one of the most popular in the world. Before his work as a writer and blogger, Godin was Vice President of Direct Marketing at Yahoo!, a job he got after selling them his pioneering 1990s online startup, Yoyodyne. In 2013, Godin was inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, one of three chosen for this honor.
  • 103. ESRL We can also help with printing and graphic design! For graphics please email and for any printing questions just ask! We would love to help you out!
  • 104. ESRL has a stock photo account here. Browse the site and email me ( the link with what size you would like and Ill email it back. Try give me 5-7 days before you need it, I only have a few downloads a day.
  • 105. Your community Each community is unique and has its own hidden treasures, use these and other assets in your area. Various events, other companies *partners/ connections MYL
  • 106. Your Fans! The people can be your biggest and best forms of marketing.
  • 107. Your SEO! I know computer stuff can be intimidating, but Search Engine Optimization can be your best friend, make sure that you are getting the best search results for your site.