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Marketing & Media Governance 2012

             Marketing budget:
       Have you sense-checked yours?

                CMOs can’t win – but can they do something about ROI?
Morten Pedersen, GLUE2020, offers advice on how advertisers can anticipate the doom and gloom of
2013, and what actions can be taken to ensure a successful marketing outcome.
With almost 2 decades in marketing and           The CMO has lost control                                         external, because they will have to learn
media, covering 400 brands and over              In addition to the market-driven                                 to listen more to what consumers say
$25Bn global media spend evaluated, I            challenge, Marketing (and everything                             about their brands and their marketing
believe that creating marketing success          that sits hereunder) is now under even                           activity, and then apply this learning
has never been as difficult as it is today.      more scrutiny than they have ever been.                          when briefing agency partners.
No matter how long we look, we will              CMOs of today need to prove that they
never find a magic wand, a shortcut, or a        can be accountable and “deliver the                              Need for bigger picture thinking
golden rule that, with certainty, dictates       goods”, and they need to do so irrespective                      When agencies pitch, I keep getting
how consumers react to advertisers               of having lost control over how consumers                        surprised about how quickly agencies
marketing and media efforts.                     respond to their activities.                                     want to get stuck into the creative part;
                                                 Many CMOs scream “it’s not fair”, and                            the part where they show how a
Will 2013 be any different?                      they are probably right on some accounts.                        particular strategy or concept will be
In one word: yes (but not in a good sense).      But you can’t really blame CEOs for                              implemented using specific sports
Moving into 2013, we predict that                asking questions, considering that the                           sponsorship, digital campaigns, or
Marketing professionals (and CMOs in             general perception is that Marketing                             bespoke content creation.
particular) will come under more strain          “wastes” half of their budget.
than ever before. A few key contributing
factors, predominantly macro-economic
                                                                   say marketers keep                   say marketers focus                    believe that when
justify this line of thought, including:                           talking about brand,                 too much on the latest                 marketers are asked to
  1. No major regional or global sporting                          brand values, brand                  trends such as social                  increase their
       event to support ad market in 2013,                         equity and other                     media, because they                    marketing ROI, they
       hence no giant budget increase in                           similar parameters,                  believe they represent                 tend to understand it
                                                                                                                                 73% of CEOs
                                                     77% of CEOs

                                                                                          74% of CEOs

                                                                   and not what really                  the new marketing                      as cost-cutting through
       sight                                                       matters, namely                      frontiers – but can                    better economies of
  2. The extended Euro zone crisis                                 revenue, sales, EBIT                 rarely demonstrate                     scale or negotiations
       leaves companies more cautious,                             or even market                       how these trends will                  with their third-party
       resulting in cash going into                                valuation.                           help them generate                     partners and agencies,
                                                                                                        more business for the                  instead of top-line
       company balance sheets and not                                                                   company.                               growth generation:
       into consumer facing spending                                                                                                           more revenue, sales,
  3. Irrespective of the outcome of the                                                                                                        prospects, and buyers.
       forthcoming       US       presidential
       elections, 2013 tax policies will                                                                                                           Source: Fournaise

       impact        consumer        spending
                                                 Look inwards and outwards                                        For sure, it’s colorful and emotional to talk
       negatively, hence wild marketing
                                                 Nonetheless, despite so much doom and                            about the trend of the day, certainly more
       and communications spending
                                                 gloom lurking over the CMOs’ heads, they                         fun than analysis and insight for many.
       plans will be killed before they see
                                                 will still have to find ways to respond                          But it’s symptomatic to see how much
       the light
                                                 resolutely, and go out with a smile and                          time and effort is spent getting short-term
                                                 generate that sought-after incremental                           “smaller” things right, all at the expense
In summary, where markets have shown
                                                 value for their companies and brands.                            of the bigger picture, e.g. nailing that 3-
minor growth in ad spending in 2012 (vs.
                                                 To achieve this, they will have to instigate                     year strategic plan (for more on pitch
2011), we are not expecting this to
                                                 both internal and external change.                               management, read our article on the
continue. For marketers, 2013 may even
                                                 Internal because they will have to                               GLUE2020 website).
be a year to forget before it has begun.
                                                 streamline marketing operations even
                                                 further, make budgets work harder, and
                                                 justify plans for every dollar spent. And

Marketing & Media Governance 2012

Regaining control means new rules             Separately, agency remuneration should         7. Media commitments
Whilst each marketer and brand owner          justify the resource allocated (and vice       If the CMO hasn’t already quantified the
has very different challenges ahead, our      versa), and an incentive should be in place    financial impact of short, medium or long-
experience tells us that all major change     to ensure collaboration and integration        term commitment for 2013 media buying,
will have to be driven from the CMO’s         across disciplines (research says that a       doing so now may be one of the smartest
office.                                       staggering 2/3 marketers experience poor       business decisions he/she will make.
Sometimes change in specific areas will       integration across agencies – source: Horn     Even if media buying is predominantly
happen on an ad-hoc or fluid basis.           Group).                                        made on annual calendar year, agencies
However, streamlining and structuring         In short, it is the CMO’s job to ensure that   will allow for renegotiations in case
efforts within a pre-agreed framework         the agency eco-system employed is geared       demand is slower than anticipated (which
unsurprisingly helps focus minds and          financially to deliver the best possible       is the case for 2013).
hard work, whilst maintaining a               marketing ROI (from revenue growth to          In addition, it’s worth assessing if any
functional relationship with both internal    bottom line savings).                          non-used value from 2012 deals can be
and external parties.                                                                        transferred to 2013 activity, or if this is
Experience tells us that the following        4. Improve the briefing process                lost forever (e.g. lower-than-anticipated
cover the most important areas, and at        Everyone knows that agency briefs should       inflation, non-used free space, credits,
the same time helps built a framework for     be done in writing using a comprehensive       etc.).
managing marketing budgets.                   and bespoke template. Briefs should be
                                              done on time, they should include tangible     8. Are you getting what you pay for?
1. Sync with your colleagues                  targets, be task-led (not budget led, hence    When assessing the financial impact of
If the CMO hasn’t already reaped the          only give an indication on budget              short or long term media commitments,
benefits of independent social media          available), and they should be shared          the CMO also need to seek reassurance
monitoring tools and analysis, it is high     amongst all agencies to ensure everyone        from agencies that the company will
time to catch up. There are many benefits,    has the opportunity to provide input.          receive the full value of the paid-for media
but above all, live input from consumers      Unfortunately, only the budget part            space.
(and those of competitors) helps identify     seems to happen consistently (and              Transparency is a massive area of
and discover unmet customer needs or          dictatorially), hence agencies are obliged     concern, not least because it potentially
segments. Furthermore, digital listening      to do a lot of guesswork when preparing        skews any strategic recommendations
can help re-design how brands interact        recommendations.                               and plans that brands receive from
and engage with consumers, and it can         So if briefs and agency recommendations        agencies (due to some media demand
helps inform brand performance metrics –      and plans look like last year’s, it’s          higher kickbacks).
ultimately all things that help the CMO       probably about time for a review of the        Secondly, reassurance on transparent
make smarter decisions on marketing           process, starting with an agency meeting       production costs needs to be sought,
budget allocation (and helps putting          where the biggest issues are ironed out,       including clarification on how production
marketing money where the mouth is).          and a better process identified.               houses are selected, what mark-ups and
Done properly, the CMO will also have                                                        margins they operate on, and what
the perfect answer next time the CEO          5. What if scenarios                           payment terms they benefit from.
asks about why any money at all is spent      For any advertiser, preparing for budget
on social media fads.                         cuts should be as normal as asking kids to 9. Data management
                                              do their school homework (both have a      Data has unquestionably become the
2. Use your digital ears                      high level of predictability). Furthermore,single biggest contributor to campaign
If the CMO haven’t already reaped the         if it is the desire of the CMO to ring fence
                                                                                         effectiveness and consumer insight. But
benefits of independent social media          marketing budgets, he/she would need to    this is still a new area, and clients often
monitoring tools and analysis, it is high     know the impact an eventual 10%, 30%,      pay for data which a) has little value to
time to catch up. There are many benefits,    50% budget cut will have on individual     the specific brand in question, b) has been
but above all, live input from consumers      brands’ exposure, buying efficiency and    skewed to reflect a better-than-reality
(and those of competitors) helps identify     ROI. A highly useful bi-product of going   picture, or c) has been manipulated to
and discover unmet customer needs or          through this effort is that it helps the   serve the agency’s books more than the
segments. Furthermore, digital listening      CMO prioritize and cut the fat out of any  client’s strategic goals.
can help re-design how brands interact        existing plan.                             Moving ahead of the pack means
and engage with consumers, and it can                                                    investing time and money in a strategy
helps inform brand performance metrics –      6. Innovation framework                    that covers data purchase, access,
ultimately all things that help the CMO       To stand out, agencies need to be briefed analysis, management, and ownership.
make smarter decisions on marketing           to deliver on creativity and innovation – In many cases, we recommend that client
budget allocation (and helps putting          but this rarely happens systematically. So contracts stipulate that all data used
marketing money where the mouth is).          to properly embrace innovation coming during the agency’s tenure should be
Done properly, the CMO will also have         from agencies (as opposed to being an shared in raw format with the client (as
the perfect answer next time the CEO          annoyance), the CMO needs to set out the he/she ultimately pays for it).
asks about why any money at all is spend      rules of engagement with each agency.
on social media fads.                         This means having a clear framework 10. Performance reviews
                                              establishing under how and when The last valuable action is to prepare for
3. All aboard                                 agencies can submit ideas, what measurement. A CMO needs to know
The risk associated with internal fighting,   supporting information is needed (i.e. the how hard marketing and media money
politics, and poor decision-making is         business case), how ideas are selected, has worked, and they need to know if it is
accentuated considerably more if              and at what stage will selected ideas be competitive.
everyone is not singing from the same         developed and commercialized.              Performance reviews should be done
hymn sheet. If agencies are briefed piece     Agencies also need to be prepared for against both internal KPIs and external
meal, the CMO cannot expect them to           ideas coming from within the client’s benchmarks, enabling the CMO to
work together, let alone deliver the          organization, so the framework would understand if his/her agency is delivering
business outcome he/she is looking for.       need to address the issue of co-creation, to the best of their ability.
                                              co-development and co-ownership.

Marketing & Media Governance 2012

The CMO may also want to consider
looking in more detail at areas where the
largest share of spend is allocated (often
media), to gain an independent view and
recommendation on where to look for
even further value.

Concluding thoughts
Spending some time on establishing the
most       appropriate    framework       for
marketing and media budget allocation
has never been as important as it is today.
The fragmentation of customer segments
and media channels available means that
getting it right has become unbelievably
difficult, compared to even 5-10 years ago.
The devil is still found in the detail, but it
is now more important than ever to know
where to look for the opportunities that
can stretch marketing budgets even

About GLUE2020
GLUE2020 is a leading-edge consultancy
that enables corporations and brand
owners create, quantify and capture value
from marketing and media investments.
Entrepreneurial, we defy the old
consulting guard by offering innovative
services that design enterprises and
agency relationships of the future. We
help Fortune-500 companies exploit the
ever-changing consumer landscape, the
latest technological developments, and
pioneering agency remuneration models.


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Marketing budget sense check

  • 1. Marketing & Media Governance 2012 Marketing budget: Have you sense-checked yours? CMOs can’t win – but can they do something about ROI? Morten Pedersen, GLUE2020, offers advice on how advertisers can anticipate the doom and gloom of 2013, and what actions can be taken to ensure a successful marketing outcome. With almost 2 decades in marketing and The CMO has lost control external, because they will have to learn media, covering 400 brands and over In addition to the market-driven to listen more to what consumers say $25Bn global media spend evaluated, I challenge, Marketing (and everything about their brands and their marketing believe that creating marketing success that sits hereunder) is now under even activity, and then apply this learning has never been as difficult as it is today. more scrutiny than they have ever been. when briefing agency partners. No matter how long we look, we will CMOs of today need to prove that they never find a magic wand, a shortcut, or a can be accountable and “deliver the Need for bigger picture thinking golden rule that, with certainty, dictates goods”, and they need to do so irrespective When agencies pitch, I keep getting how consumers react to advertisers of having lost control over how consumers surprised about how quickly agencies marketing and media efforts. respond to their activities. want to get stuck into the creative part; Many CMOs scream “it’s not fair”, and the part where they show how a Will 2013 be any different? they are probably right on some accounts. particular strategy or concept will be In one word: yes (but not in a good sense). But you can’t really blame CEOs for implemented using specific sports Moving into 2013, we predict that asking questions, considering that the sponsorship, digital campaigns, or Marketing professionals (and CMOs in general perception is that Marketing bespoke content creation. particular) will come under more strain “wastes” half of their budget. than ever before. A few key contributing factors, predominantly macro-economic say marketers keep say marketers focus believe that when justify this line of thought, including: talking about brand, too much on the latest marketers are asked to 1. No major regional or global sporting brand values, brand trends such as social increase their event to support ad market in 2013, equity and other media, because they marketing ROI, they hence no giant budget increase in similar parameters, believe they represent tend to understand it 73% of CEOs 77% of CEOs 74% of CEOs and not what really the new marketing as cost-cutting through sight matters, namely frontiers – but can better economies of 2. The extended Euro zone crisis revenue, sales, EBIT rarely demonstrate scale or negotiations leaves companies more cautious, or even market how these trends will with their third-party resulting in cash going into valuation. help them generate partners and agencies, more business for the instead of top-line company balance sheets and not company. growth generation: into consumer facing spending more revenue, sales, 3. Irrespective of the outcome of the prospects, and buyers. forthcoming US presidential elections, 2013 tax policies will Source: Fournaise impact consumer spending Look inwards and outwards For sure, it’s colorful and emotional to talk negatively, hence wild marketing Nonetheless, despite so much doom and about the trend of the day, certainly more and communications spending gloom lurking over the CMOs’ heads, they fun than analysis and insight for many. plans will be killed before they see will still have to find ways to respond But it’s symptomatic to see how much the light resolutely, and go out with a smile and time and effort is spent getting short-term generate that sought-after incremental “smaller” things right, all at the expense In summary, where markets have shown value for their companies and brands. of the bigger picture, e.g. nailing that 3- minor growth in ad spending in 2012 (vs. To achieve this, they will have to instigate year strategic plan (for more on pitch 2011), we are not expecting this to both internal and external change. management, read our article on the continue. For marketers, 2013 may even Internal because they will have to GLUE2020 website). be a year to forget before it has begun. streamline marketing operations even further, make budgets work harder, and justify plans for every dollar spent. And 1
  • 2. Marketing & Media Governance 2012 Regaining control means new rules Separately, agency remuneration should 7. Media commitments Whilst each marketer and brand owner justify the resource allocated (and vice If the CMO hasn’t already quantified the has very different challenges ahead, our versa), and an incentive should be in place financial impact of short, medium or long- experience tells us that all major change to ensure collaboration and integration term commitment for 2013 media buying, will have to be driven from the CMO’s across disciplines (research says that a doing so now may be one of the smartest office. staggering 2/3 marketers experience poor business decisions he/she will make. Sometimes change in specific areas will integration across agencies – source: Horn Even if media buying is predominantly happen on an ad-hoc or fluid basis. Group). made on annual calendar year, agencies However, streamlining and structuring In short, it is the CMO’s job to ensure that will allow for renegotiations in case efforts within a pre-agreed framework the agency eco-system employed is geared demand is slower than anticipated (which unsurprisingly helps focus minds and financially to deliver the best possible is the case for 2013). hard work, whilst maintaining a marketing ROI (from revenue growth to In addition, it’s worth assessing if any functional relationship with both internal bottom line savings). non-used value from 2012 deals can be and external parties. transferred to 2013 activity, or if this is Experience tells us that the following 4. Improve the briefing process lost forever (e.g. lower-than-anticipated cover the most important areas, and at Everyone knows that agency briefs should inflation, non-used free space, credits, the same time helps built a framework for be done in writing using a comprehensive etc.). managing marketing budgets. and bespoke template. Briefs should be done on time, they should include tangible 8. Are you getting what you pay for? 1. Sync with your colleagues targets, be task-led (not budget led, hence When assessing the financial impact of If the CMO hasn’t already reaped the only give an indication on budget short or long term media commitments, benefits of independent social media available), and they should be shared the CMO also need to seek reassurance monitoring tools and analysis, it is high amongst all agencies to ensure everyone from agencies that the company will time to catch up. There are many benefits, has the opportunity to provide input. receive the full value of the paid-for media but above all, live input from consumers Unfortunately, only the budget part space. (and those of competitors) helps identify seems to happen consistently (and Transparency is a massive area of and discover unmet customer needs or dictatorially), hence agencies are obliged concern, not least because it potentially segments. Furthermore, digital listening to do a lot of guesswork when preparing skews any strategic recommendations can help re-design how brands interact recommendations. and plans that brands receive from and engage with consumers, and it can So if briefs and agency recommendations agencies (due to some media demand helps inform brand performance metrics – and plans look like last year’s, it’s higher kickbacks). ultimately all things that help the CMO probably about time for a review of the Secondly, reassurance on transparent make smarter decisions on marketing process, starting with an agency meeting production costs needs to be sought, budget allocation (and helps putting where the biggest issues are ironed out, including clarification on how production marketing money where the mouth is). and a better process identified. houses are selected, what mark-ups and Done properly, the CMO will also have margins they operate on, and what the perfect answer next time the CEO 5. What if scenarios payment terms they benefit from. asks about why any money at all is spent For any advertiser, preparing for budget on social media fads. cuts should be as normal as asking kids to 9. Data management do their school homework (both have a Data has unquestionably become the 2. Use your digital ears high level of predictability). Furthermore,single biggest contributor to campaign If the CMO haven’t already reaped the if it is the desire of the CMO to ring fence effectiveness and consumer insight. But benefits of independent social media marketing budgets, he/she would need to this is still a new area, and clients often monitoring tools and analysis, it is high know the impact an eventual 10%, 30%, pay for data which a) has little value to time to catch up. There are many benefits, 50% budget cut will have on individual the specific brand in question, b) has been but above all, live input from consumers brands’ exposure, buying efficiency and skewed to reflect a better-than-reality (and those of competitors) helps identify ROI. A highly useful bi-product of going picture, or c) has been manipulated to and discover unmet customer needs or through this effort is that it helps the serve the agency’s books more than the segments. Furthermore, digital listening CMO prioritize and cut the fat out of any client’s strategic goals. can help re-design how brands interact existing plan. Moving ahead of the pack means and engage with consumers, and it can investing time and money in a strategy helps inform brand performance metrics – 6. Innovation framework that covers data purchase, access, ultimately all things that help the CMO To stand out, agencies need to be briefed analysis, management, and ownership. make smarter decisions on marketing to deliver on creativity and innovation – In many cases, we recommend that client budget allocation (and helps putting but this rarely happens systematically. So contracts stipulate that all data used marketing money where the mouth is). to properly embrace innovation coming during the agency’s tenure should be Done properly, the CMO will also have from agencies (as opposed to being an shared in raw format with the client (as the perfect answer next time the CEO annoyance), the CMO needs to set out the he/she ultimately pays for it). asks about why any money at all is spend rules of engagement with each agency. on social media fads. This means having a clear framework 10. Performance reviews establishing under how and when The last valuable action is to prepare for 3. All aboard agencies can submit ideas, what measurement. A CMO needs to know The risk associated with internal fighting, supporting information is needed (i.e. the how hard marketing and media money politics, and poor decision-making is business case), how ideas are selected, has worked, and they need to know if it is accentuated considerably more if and at what stage will selected ideas be competitive. everyone is not singing from the same developed and commercialized. Performance reviews should be done hymn sheet. If agencies are briefed piece Agencies also need to be prepared for against both internal KPIs and external meal, the CMO cannot expect them to ideas coming from within the client’s benchmarks, enabling the CMO to work together, let alone deliver the organization, so the framework would understand if his/her agency is delivering business outcome he/she is looking for. need to address the issue of co-creation, to the best of their ability. co-development and co-ownership. 2
  • 3. Marketing & Media Governance 2012 The CMO may also want to consider looking in more detail at areas where the largest share of spend is allocated (often media), to gain an independent view and recommendation on where to look for even further value. Concluding thoughts Spending some time on establishing the most appropriate framework for marketing and media budget allocation has never been as important as it is today. The fragmentation of customer segments and media channels available means that getting it right has become unbelievably difficult, compared to even 5-10 years ago. The devil is still found in the detail, but it is now more important than ever to know where to look for the opportunities that can stretch marketing budgets even further. About GLUE2020 GLUE2020 is a leading-edge consultancy that enables corporations and brand owners create, quantify and capture value from marketing and media investments. Entrepreneurial, we defy the old consulting guard by offering innovative services that design enterprises and agency relationships of the future. We help Fortune-500 companies exploit the ever-changing consumer landscape, the latest technological developments, and pioneering agency remuneration models. 3