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Qualities/Traits/ Personality
/Public Profile of Managers
25 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good
• Do you work well with others?
• Are you a leader?
• If you have these qualities, you might make a
good manager.
• However, you need just more than these two
qualities to be a good manager.
• There are a number of factors that play into
whether or not you would make a good
• The good news is that you don’t have to rely
solely on natural, inborn traits.
• It is possible to develop the qualities good
managers possess.
• You can complete a management program to
learn some of the necessary characteristics,
and you can also develop many desirable
qualities on your own.
• As you prepare for a job in management, keep
in mind these 25 qualities and characteristics
of a good manager:
• Personal Characteristics
• There are items that can help you improve yourself, and
enhance your interactions with others.
• Desirable personal characteristics make a manager
someone that others can look up to, and feel
comfortable following:
• Self-Motivation:
• An effective manager can’t motivate others if he or she
can’t self-motivate.
• Self-motivation, the ability to get yourself going, and
take charge of what’s next for you, is a vital personal
characteristic for a manager.
• You have to keep yourself going - and motivate those
who work with you.
• Integrity:
• People trust a good manager because they know he or she
has personal integrity.
• Workers need to know that you will fight for them, do what
you say, and follow the rules.
• Dependability/Reliability:
• As a person, you should be dependable and reliable.
• Your superiors, as well as your subordinates, need to know
that you can be counted on.
• Others in the organization should be able to rely on you.
• Optimism: Do you look to the future with hope?
• An optimistic attitude can help build morale in your
• Your positive attitude can inspire others, and help them feel
good about getting things done.
• Confidence:
• Do you have confidence in yourself.
• You need to be able to make decisions in confidence,
and show others that you are capable of making good
• Your confidence will rub off on others, and can be of
• Calmness: As the manager, you can’t afford to break
down when the pressure is on.
• The ability to remain calm and do what needs to be
done is essential in a good manager.
• Flexibility:
• A certain amount of flexibility is needed by a manager,
since he or she may need to adapt to changing
• Business Characteristics
• Some level of business acumen is important when you are a
• While you may not need to be on the level of a professional
dealmaker, familiarity with basic business principles and practices
can be helpful.
• Industry Knowledge:
• What do you know about the industry you are in?
• It helps understand your industry so that you can answer questions
and perform your work more effectively.
• Workers may not need industry knowledge, but a manager should
have some.
• Know When to Delegate:
• An effective manager knows that some tasks need to be delegated.
• You should be able to identify workers who will do well, and give
them tasks they can succeed at - while helping the project.
• Organization:
• You need to be organized in order to be a good manager. Keep track of
projects, employees and assignments so that you are on top of what
needs to happen in the business.
• Basic Money Management:
• Understand basic financial concepts so that you understand how to
manage money as part of a project you have been given.
• Business Hierarchy:
• You should know how the hierarchy works at your business, and
follow the chain of command.
• Make sure that you understand your duties, and to whom you report.
You should also know how the organization affects your subordinates.
• Legal Implications:
• While you don’t need to be a law expert, you should have a grasp of
the legal implications of sexual harassment, proper hiring and firing
practices, confidentiality, and more.
• Communication Qualities
• A good manager needs to be able to communicate
• You might be surprised at the different qualities there
are related to communication.
• Make sure that you develop the ability to communicate
as part of your efforts.
• Here are some qualities to possess if you want to be an
affective communicator as you fulfill your management
• Written Communication:
• Learn how to communicate effectively in writing.
• A good manager should be able to write professionally
and with correct grammar, expressing him or herself in
email, memos, and thank you notes.
• Public Speaking:
• As a good manager, you should know how to speak publicly,
annunciating your words, and concisely communicating your
ideas, whether in an interview, or addressing workers.
• Constructive Feedback:
• Learn how to provide feedback in a way that is helpful to
workers and others.
• Active Listening:
• One of the most important communication skills is listening.
• Make sure you are listening to your workers, superiors and
customers, and that you acknowledge them.
• Specific: When giving instructions, be specific in what you
want, and in expected outcomes. Make sure your employees
understand what should happen.
• Organize Your Presentations: Organize and practice your
presentations before giving them so that you are clear and
concise, and so that your presentation flows well.
• Relationship Qualities
• Your characteristics as you build relationships
matter when you are a manager.
• You will need to know how to manage
relationships between yourself and your
subordinates, as well as manage the relationships
among those who work under you.
• You should also know how to develop
relationships with your superiors, and coordinate
relationships between those above you and below
you in the hierarchy.
• Customer Service:
• You might be surprised to discover the customer service
is a relationship quality.
• You need to be able to build good relationships with
customers if you want to be a good manager.
• Learn how to relate to customers, and see things from
their perspective.
• Mediator:
• Do you know how to make peace?
• Often, a good manager needs to be able to act as a
mediator between workers, between a worker and a
client, or between a superior and a worker. Brush up on
your mediation qualities, and learn conflict resolution
techniques to be a good manager.
• Team Player:
• Are you part of a team?
• You need to be able to function as part of a
team if you want to succeed as an effective
• Make sure that you are willing to work with
others, and that you will hold up your end.
• Respect:
• You need to be respectful of your workers if you are to
have respect as a manager in return.
• It’s up to you to set the example and build relationships
of respect.
• Collaboration:
• You’ll need to set up collaborations with others, and
with your team.
• You should also be able to work well with others, and
understand how to integrate ideas and personalities.
• Value Others:
• A good manager helps employees feel valued.
• Surveys show that employees want recognition from
their superiors, and you need to make sure to recognize
contributions from your workers.
Top 7 Characteristics of a Good
• FAIRNESS: - This is paramount to your effectiveness. You need to
demonstrate parity/fairness in your governing style from the
• ETHICAL STANDING: - In anything you do, you must demonstrate
a fair and balanced ethical approach and style in how you manage
• HONESTY: - Honesty is the best policy - and effective managers are
honest in their business management day to day activities. This applies
to both written and oral communication.
• d) LEAD BY EXAMPLE: - You need to be able to manage and lead
by your example, never ask your team to do something you would not
do yourself.
• POSSESS KEEN JUDGEMENT/INSIGHT: A good manager has the
wisdom and discernment to make the tough decisions that need to be
• A good manager must be able to communicate fairly
both in written and in oral speech to his/her team in
order to be understood.
g) INTEGRITY: - This is probably the most important
• Your integrity defines not only who you are as a
manager - but more importantly who you are as a
You must value integrity at all costs.
• If you compromise your integrity in the organization or
in dealings with the people you have been "entrusted to
lead and manage", you will have forever lost your
effectiveness as a manager.
Here are ten of the most important traits to
look for in a manager for your business:
• Self-Motivation.
• The person that you hire for the job has to be
capable of doing the job without needing you to
look over her shoulder all of the time.
• This individual needs to be capable of
understanding the basic goals of the business and
developing her own strategies for achieving those
• She needs to be committed to putting her all into
the job every day without the close supervision of
a boss.
Great Customer Service Skills.
• No matter what type of business you are in, you can
benefit from having a manager who is excellent in
dealing with customers and clients.
• Ultimately this may not be a large percentage of the
manager's job since the daily tasks of customer service
will fall to other employees.
• However, when problems arise with customers, the
manager is the one who has the potential to diffuse the
situation or to exacerbate it.
• You want to hire a manager who is going to be capable
of making even the most difficult customers happy so
that you can retain customers and the business can
Integrity and Trustworthiness
• . You want to hire a manager who is going to
be someone that you think that you can trust.
• Of course, it's hard to tell this off the bat at an
interview but asking the right questions can
give you a general sense of the individual's
basic integrity.
• By hiring someone that you believe is
trustworthy, you will reduce the stress of
placing the growth of your business in the
hands of someone else.
Being a Team Player.
• The manager has to be someone who is
committed to working with a team of people for
the improvement of the whole business.
• This means that the manager isn't in the business
solely for the selfish reasons of "getting ahead".
Instead, he is interested in growing the business
because it is going to be to his benefit as well as
to the benefit of the other people working with
him in the company.
• A manager is a middle-man who has to work with
both the upper-level bosses and the lower-level
employees so it's highly important that this person
is really a team player
Conflict-Resolution Abilities.
• Serving as this type of middle-man is also going to put
the manager into the position of having to act as a
liaison between people in the company.
• He will be the liaison between the lower-level and
upper-level employees.
• He will also serve as the mediator for disputes between
lower-level employees.
• In order to be able to do this position well, the manager
that you hire is going to have to be capable of handling
conflicts in the office place.
• He needs to be someone who can spot problems as they
form and nip them in bud as well as someone who can
deal with bigger conflicts when they do arise.
Knowledge of the industry.
• The manager is going to have to be someone who
is capable of answering the questions of
customers, clients and staff members. This means
that she better know what she is talking about.
Although you can certainly provide training in the
industry to a good manager, the ideal person for
the job is going to be someone who already has
advanced or specialized experience in this
industry. A thirst for more knowledge about the
business is a plus.
• When it comes right down to it, you're going to
need to have a manager that you can count on.
• A dependable manager is someone who always
shows up to work on time, doesn't slack off on the
job and is capable of being counted on to stay late
when there are times at the office that require him
to do so.
• You want to be able to ask this person to do
something for you and know for sure that he is
going to just go ahead and do it.
Ability to Remain Calm.
• The role of being a manager can be a tough position to
be in.
• There is a lot of stress involved in the daily tasks of
• A number of problems will arise throughout the course
of any given day and the manager is responsible for
handling those things well.
• You want to hire a manager who is going to be able to
remain calm more often than not.
• A calm manager will keep the entire office calm which
will lead to increased productivity and a better
workplace overall.
• This will ultimately grow your business.
• A number of problems will arise throughout
the course of any given day and the manager is
responsible for handling those things well.
• You want to hire a manager who is going to be
able to remain calm more often than not.
• A calm manager will keep the entire office
calm which will lead to increased productivity
and a better workplace overall.
• This will ultimately grow your business.
Optimistic Attitude
• . You don't want a manager who is calm but
• You want a manager who is going to approach
each project and each work day with an optimistic
• You want a manager who will come in smiling and
who will express genuinely good feelings about the
work that she is doing with her team.
• This will help to keep morale in the business high
which leads to satisfied employees, low turnover
rates, higher rates of productivity and growth of
the business.
Leadership Skills
• . Beyond all of the other things that you need to see in a
manager, you need to immediately be able to see that he
has strong leadership skills.
• He needs to be confident in his ability to lead a team.
• He needs to be a good public speaker, someone who
can delegate tasks appropriately and a person that
people will feel comfortable taking directions from.
• If you see these things in someone at an interview, it's a
safe bet to guess that this person will probably make a
good manager for your business.
Becoming a Good Manager :- Common
Qualities & Characteristics
• In daily life, most of us have had experience “managing”
others, whether it’s organizing a church fund drive or
directing a crew of employees.
• Simply defined, management is the act of coordinating
others to achieve a goal.
• The process involves planning, task assignment,
monitoring, providing feedback, and, when necessary,
• There are a variety of different management styles, each
geared toward different organizations and situations.
• For example, the command-based and discipline-oriented
culture of the military may be essential to the battlefield, but
does not generally transfer to the more relaxed culture of a
law firm.
Your Management Style
• As a new manager or a manager with seeking
more responsibility, you would be well-
advised to observe other managers around you
to learn the following:
• What the Culture Expects and Rewards. In
some companies, conviviality, extensive social
interaction, and high employee morale are
important values; in others, accomplishing
tasks within the limitations of a schedule or
budget is the main criterion for success.
• The Effectiveness of Other Managers in
Goal Accomplishments.
• In the late 1960s, the “Peter Principle” became
a popular concept in management theory.
• The principle theorized that people are
promoted until they can no longer accomplish
the tasks expected, which is where they remain
until leaving an organization.
• Not all managers of the same rank are
considered equal.
• You want to be sure to emulate the former in
your trek to the top.
• The Style of Managers Considered
Exemplary By the Organization.
• All managers have their distinct style.
• Analyze the methods of those managers who
consistently meet their goals, and identify the
methods and characteristics that fit your basic
• It is highly unlikely that you can adopt a style
opposite your natural tendencies, so look for
skills that are easily transferable.
• Common Mistakes of Managers
• You may adopt the style favored by your organization,
your mentors, and other successful managers, but are
not going to be successful if you can’t avoid the most
common managerial pitfalls:
• 1. Lacking Clear Directions
• Without clear objectives, it’s impossible to work toward
a goal. An employee whose goals are not made explicit
is likely to dawdle the day away, achieving little
personal satisfaction and accomplishing even less for
the company. Managers who fail to clearly
communicate what is expected to their subordinates
cannot supervise a successful team.
• Be sure to include any or all of the following
components when assigning tasks to your staff:
• Project Description.
• What work is to be performed?
• What resources are involved?
• What is the expected outcome?
• Managers who provide thorough details during
work assignments are more likely to achieve
their intended results.
• Responsibilities.
• Who does the work?
• How can it be coordinated to minimize
duplication and delays?
• Assign detailed tasks to avoid confusion and
maximize efficiency.
• Schedules. What are the deadlines of a project or
work assignment? What are the benchmarks to be
• When is the work expected to be completed?
• Lack of a schedule conveys a low priority to
• Objectives.
• What is the goal you are working toward?
• Is it clearly defined?
• Specific?
• Realistic?
• Tangible?
• Vague, indefinite objectives drag out projects and ratchet
up costs because no one knows when the work is done.
• Process. How is the work to be performed?
• What activities are required and in what sequence?
• Is training required?
• Conflicts and frustration can arise when a subordinate
completes a task in a manner unexpected by the
manager, even when work objectives are met.
Attributes of good mangers
• Good managers ensure that their subordinates
understand directions through repetition,
rephrasing, and feedback.
• They are careful about the words they use,
how they say those words, and how they use
body language to reinforce their message.
• If managers listen to the words and observe the
unspoken attitude of their subordinates, they
can ensure their message has been accepted
Requirements for good management
• Management skills and confidence make an
individual a good manager.
• His managerial skills matter most.
• What are they?
• Actually it is a skill set that consists of leadership,
decision-making abilities, an understanding
nature and confidence.
• Thorough knowledge of his domain, expertise in
his field, effective strategic planning skills and
foresight make him a real manager.
• An effective manager is someone who can be
both strict and understanding.
• Strict when he has to implement the decisions
taken, when he has to get things done within a
stipulated time, and understanding when it
comes to considering employee concerns,
accepting their feedback and catering to their
• A manager should be able to differentiate
between the right and the wrong.
• He should know where to play the stickler for
rules and when to be considerate.
• Leadership is one of the vital qualities a manager should
• A good manager is often seen exercising effective
leadership in the organization.
• By effective and fair leadership we mean, the skills to
guide team members, to encourage them towards
attainment of the organization's goals and take the right
decisions at the right time.
• A manager should have confidence in his abilities, and
should be innovative enough to experiment.
• Nevertheless he should be brave enough to accept
• Leadership skills involve the ability to take not just
decisions, but also the responsibility of their
Planning and Delegation Skills
• Planning is a part of managerial skills. Ideally, a manager
has foresight that helps him plan effectively.
• He devises fail-proof plans, divides the task at hand into
subtasks and delegates them to team members.
• Effective delegation involves understanding employees'
skills, scheduling tasks and getting them done from the
employees within set deadlines.
• Delegation enables division of responsibility, helps
accomplish the plan faster while also giving the delegates
an opportunity to excel.
• Effective execution of a plan requires a manager to dream,
dedicate resources towards fulfillment of the dream and
lead the team in making that dream come true.
Communication Skills
• These are often the most talked about when it comes to
leading or managing. It's essential for a manager to have good
communication skills, both written and verbal, to be able to
manage effectively. In every aspect of being a good manager,
communication plays a major role.
• Leading a group of people needs an understanding of their
strengths and weaknesses and that comes only through
interaction. While planning and delegating tasks to
subordinates, a manager needs to communicate with them.
• To get the tasks done from people, a manager needs to be in
constant touch with them so that he is able to track work
progress and know the difficulties they may be facing at work.
Listening skills are yes, a part of communication.
• Whatever knowledge a manager possesses or the domain
expertise he has, to put his knowledge into practice, it needs to
be shared.
• And that again demands communication skills.
• The very uncommon common sense is something that a
manager should possess.
• A manager needs to have complete knowledge of his
field and feel confident about what he knows.
• Thorough knowledge of one's position and
responsibilities is the trait of an effective manager.
• Intelligence is another characteristic of good managers.
Having a witty sense of humor is an added advantage.
• They have it or they develop it, but once it's there, it's
of great help in tackling difficult situations.
• Along with intellect and humor, creativity is another
essential attribute of managers.
• A manager needs to have a creative mind to welcome new
ideas from team members and subordinates, and execute the
bright and feasible ones. An effective leader, that a manager
is, needs to think out of the box! That's what innovation is.
• A manager always aims at bringing reforms to his work
patterns, adapt to change, experiment with his working
style, come up with new schemes for business growth; all
that in order to lead the organization on the path of success.
• Emotional intelligence is another important trait of a
• It translates into understanding of the strengths and
weaknesses of his team and a concern for their problems.
Listening Ability
• A good manager possesses an optimistic attitude and has
motivating abilities.
• Listening skills and concern for his people are among the
other important traits.
• An effective manager must motivate his team and be aware of
the strengths and weaknesses of his team members.
• He needs to be a good listener to be able to cater to his team's
problems, be open to their views, accept their criticism and
understand their capacities.
• A manager is always aware that subordinates are also humans
and he treats them with respect and due consideration.
• He never forgets that he is in charge of the most important
assets of an organization - its people.
Skill of Keeping Cool
• Being able to keep one's cool in all kinds of situations is a trait
that managers should have.
• Ideally, he should not lose his calm even under the worst of
• When situations become difficult to deal with, when employees
become a nuisance, when strategies fail... there are so many
scenarios when a manager's ability to keep calm is put to test. If
he can't keep his cool in situations like these, he can't take the
right decisions and that's when there are high chances that the
situation at hand worsens.
• Thinking and acting with a cool head under every circumstance is
the secret to effective management. To be a good and effective
manager, one must be able to maintain his temperamental balance
at all times.
• Do you find a similarity between these traits
and the attributes you have?
• Could you spot a good manager in you?
• Build on these abilities and you could be a
successful business manager some day.

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Managers qualities in Bachelor of Business Administration.pptx

  • 2. 25 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Manager • Do you work well with others? • Are you a leader? • If you have these qualities, you might make a good manager. • However, you need just more than these two qualities to be a good manager. • There are a number of factors that play into whether or not you would make a good manager.
  • 3. • The good news is that you don’t have to rely solely on natural, inborn traits. • It is possible to develop the qualities good managers possess. • You can complete a management program to learn some of the necessary characteristics, and you can also develop many desirable qualities on your own. • As you prepare for a job in management, keep in mind these 25 qualities and characteristics of a good manager:
  • 4. • Personal Characteristics • There are items that can help you improve yourself, and enhance your interactions with others. • Desirable personal characteristics make a manager someone that others can look up to, and feel comfortable following: • Self-Motivation: • An effective manager can’t motivate others if he or she can’t self-motivate. • Self-motivation, the ability to get yourself going, and take charge of what’s next for you, is a vital personal characteristic for a manager. • You have to keep yourself going - and motivate those who work with you.
  • 5. • Integrity: • People trust a good manager because they know he or she has personal integrity. • Workers need to know that you will fight for them, do what you say, and follow the rules. • Dependability/Reliability: • As a person, you should be dependable and reliable. • Your superiors, as well as your subordinates, need to know that you can be counted on. • Others in the organization should be able to rely on you. • Optimism: Do you look to the future with hope? • An optimistic attitude can help build morale in your employees. • Your positive attitude can inspire others, and help them feel good about getting things done.
  • 6. • Confidence: • Do you have confidence in yourself. • You need to be able to make decisions in confidence, and show others that you are capable of making good decisions. • Your confidence will rub off on others, and can be of benefit. • Calmness: As the manager, you can’t afford to break down when the pressure is on. • The ability to remain calm and do what needs to be done is essential in a good manager. • Flexibility: • A certain amount of flexibility is needed by a manager, since he or she may need to adapt to changing situations.
  • 7. • Business Characteristics • Some level of business acumen is important when you are a manager. • While you may not need to be on the level of a professional dealmaker, familiarity with basic business principles and practices can be helpful. • Industry Knowledge: • What do you know about the industry you are in? • It helps understand your industry so that you can answer questions and perform your work more effectively. • Workers may not need industry knowledge, but a manager should have some. • Know When to Delegate: • An effective manager knows that some tasks need to be delegated. • You should be able to identify workers who will do well, and give them tasks they can succeed at - while helping the project.
  • 8. • Organization: • You need to be organized in order to be a good manager. Keep track of projects, employees and assignments so that you are on top of what needs to happen in the business. • Basic Money Management: • Understand basic financial concepts so that you understand how to manage money as part of a project you have been given. • Business Hierarchy: • You should know how the hierarchy works at your business, and follow the chain of command. • Make sure that you understand your duties, and to whom you report. You should also know how the organization affects your subordinates. • Legal Implications: • While you don’t need to be a law expert, you should have a grasp of the legal implications of sexual harassment, proper hiring and firing practices, confidentiality, and more.
  • 9. • Communication Qualities • A good manager needs to be able to communicate effectively. • You might be surprised at the different qualities there are related to communication. • Make sure that you develop the ability to communicate as part of your efforts. • Here are some qualities to possess if you want to be an affective communicator as you fulfill your management duties. • Written Communication: • Learn how to communicate effectively in writing. • A good manager should be able to write professionally and with correct grammar, expressing him or herself in email, memos, and thank you notes.
  • 10. • Public Speaking: • As a good manager, you should know how to speak publicly, annunciating your words, and concisely communicating your ideas, whether in an interview, or addressing workers. • Constructive Feedback: • Learn how to provide feedback in a way that is helpful to workers and others. • Active Listening: • One of the most important communication skills is listening. • Make sure you are listening to your workers, superiors and customers, and that you acknowledge them. • Specific: When giving instructions, be specific in what you want, and in expected outcomes. Make sure your employees understand what should happen. • Organize Your Presentations: Organize and practice your presentations before giving them so that you are clear and concise, and so that your presentation flows well.
  • 11. • Relationship Qualities • Your characteristics as you build relationships matter when you are a manager. • You will need to know how to manage relationships between yourself and your subordinates, as well as manage the relationships among those who work under you. • You should also know how to develop relationships with your superiors, and coordinate relationships between those above you and below you in the hierarchy.
  • 12. • Customer Service: • You might be surprised to discover the customer service is a relationship quality. • You need to be able to build good relationships with customers if you want to be a good manager. • Learn how to relate to customers, and see things from their perspective. • Mediator: • Do you know how to make peace? • Often, a good manager needs to be able to act as a mediator between workers, between a worker and a client, or between a superior and a worker. Brush up on your mediation qualities, and learn conflict resolution techniques to be a good manager.
  • 13. • Team Player: • Are you part of a team? • You need to be able to function as part of a team if you want to succeed as an effective manager. • Make sure that you are willing to work with others, and that you will hold up your end.
  • 14. • Respect: • You need to be respectful of your workers if you are to have respect as a manager in return. • It’s up to you to set the example and build relationships of respect. • Collaboration: • You’ll need to set up collaborations with others, and with your team. • You should also be able to work well with others, and understand how to integrate ideas and personalities. • Value Others: • A good manager helps employees feel valued. • Surveys show that employees want recognition from their superiors, and you need to make sure to recognize contributions from your workers.
  • 15. Top 7 Characteristics of a Good Manager • FAIRNESS: - This is paramount to your effectiveness. You need to demonstrate parity/fairness in your governing style from the beginning. • ETHICAL STANDING: - In anything you do, you must demonstrate a fair and balanced ethical approach and style in how you manage others. • HONESTY: - Honesty is the best policy - and effective managers are honest in their business management day to day activities. This applies to both written and oral communication. • d) LEAD BY EXAMPLE: - You need to be able to manage and lead by your example, never ask your team to do something you would not do yourself. • POSSESS KEEN JUDGEMENT/INSIGHT: A good manager has the wisdom and discernment to make the tough decisions that need to be made.
  • 16. • POSSESS GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS: • A good manager must be able to communicate fairly both in written and in oral speech to his/her team in order to be understood. g) INTEGRITY: - This is probably the most important quality. • Your integrity defines not only who you are as a manager - but more importantly who you are as a person. You must value integrity at all costs. • If you compromise your integrity in the organization or in dealings with the people you have been "entrusted to lead and manage", you will have forever lost your effectiveness as a manager.
  • 17. Here are ten of the most important traits to look for in a manager for your business: • Self-Motivation. • The person that you hire for the job has to be capable of doing the job without needing you to look over her shoulder all of the time. • This individual needs to be capable of understanding the basic goals of the business and developing her own strategies for achieving those goals. • She needs to be committed to putting her all into the job every day without the close supervision of a boss.
  • 18. Great Customer Service Skills. • No matter what type of business you are in, you can benefit from having a manager who is excellent in dealing with customers and clients. • Ultimately this may not be a large percentage of the manager's job since the daily tasks of customer service will fall to other employees. • However, when problems arise with customers, the manager is the one who has the potential to diffuse the situation or to exacerbate it. • You want to hire a manager who is going to be capable of making even the most difficult customers happy so that you can retain customers and the business can grow.
  • 19. Integrity and Trustworthiness • . You want to hire a manager who is going to be someone that you think that you can trust. • Of course, it's hard to tell this off the bat at an interview but asking the right questions can give you a general sense of the individual's basic integrity. • By hiring someone that you believe is trustworthy, you will reduce the stress of placing the growth of your business in the hands of someone else.
  • 20. Being a Team Player. • The manager has to be someone who is committed to working with a team of people for the improvement of the whole business. • This means that the manager isn't in the business solely for the selfish reasons of "getting ahead". Instead, he is interested in growing the business because it is going to be to his benefit as well as to the benefit of the other people working with him in the company. • A manager is a middle-man who has to work with both the upper-level bosses and the lower-level employees so it's highly important that this person is really a team player
  • 21. Conflict-Resolution Abilities. • Serving as this type of middle-man is also going to put the manager into the position of having to act as a liaison between people in the company. • He will be the liaison between the lower-level and upper-level employees. • He will also serve as the mediator for disputes between lower-level employees. • In order to be able to do this position well, the manager that you hire is going to have to be capable of handling conflicts in the office place. • He needs to be someone who can spot problems as they form and nip them in bud as well as someone who can deal with bigger conflicts when they do arise.
  • 22. Knowledge of the industry. • The manager is going to have to be someone who is capable of answering the questions of customers, clients and staff members. This means that she better know what she is talking about. Although you can certainly provide training in the industry to a good manager, the ideal person for the job is going to be someone who already has advanced or specialized experience in this industry. A thirst for more knowledge about the business is a plus.
  • 23. Dependability. • When it comes right down to it, you're going to need to have a manager that you can count on. • A dependable manager is someone who always shows up to work on time, doesn't slack off on the job and is capable of being counted on to stay late when there are times at the office that require him to do so. • You want to be able to ask this person to do something for you and know for sure that he is going to just go ahead and do it.
  • 24. Ability to Remain Calm. • The role of being a manager can be a tough position to be in. • There is a lot of stress involved in the daily tasks of management. • A number of problems will arise throughout the course of any given day and the manager is responsible for handling those things well. • You want to hire a manager who is going to be able to remain calm more often than not. • A calm manager will keep the entire office calm which will lead to increased productivity and a better workplace overall. • This will ultimately grow your business.
  • 25. Management. • A number of problems will arise throughout the course of any given day and the manager is responsible for handling those things well. • You want to hire a manager who is going to be able to remain calm more often than not. • A calm manager will keep the entire office calm which will lead to increased productivity and a better workplace overall. • This will ultimately grow your business.
  • 26. Optimistic Attitude • . You don't want a manager who is calm but indifferent. • You want a manager who is going to approach each project and each work day with an optimistic attitude. • You want a manager who will come in smiling and who will express genuinely good feelings about the work that she is doing with her team. • This will help to keep morale in the business high which leads to satisfied employees, low turnover rates, higher rates of productivity and growth of the business.
  • 27. Leadership Skills • . Beyond all of the other things that you need to see in a manager, you need to immediately be able to see that he has strong leadership skills. • He needs to be confident in his ability to lead a team. • He needs to be a good public speaker, someone who can delegate tasks appropriately and a person that people will feel comfortable taking directions from. • If you see these things in someone at an interview, it's a safe bet to guess that this person will probably make a good manager for your business.
  • 28. Becoming a Good Manager :- Common Qualities & Characteristics • In daily life, most of us have had experience “managing” others, whether it’s organizing a church fund drive or directing a crew of employees. • Simply defined, management is the act of coordinating others to achieve a goal. • The process involves planning, task assignment, monitoring, providing feedback, and, when necessary, correction. • There are a variety of different management styles, each geared toward different organizations and situations. • For example, the command-based and discipline-oriented culture of the military may be essential to the battlefield, but does not generally transfer to the more relaxed culture of a law firm.
  • 29. Your Management Style • As a new manager or a manager with seeking more responsibility, you would be well- advised to observe other managers around you to learn the following: • What the Culture Expects and Rewards. In some companies, conviviality, extensive social interaction, and high employee morale are important values; in others, accomplishing tasks within the limitations of a schedule or budget is the main criterion for success.
  • 30. • The Effectiveness of Other Managers in Goal Accomplishments. • In the late 1960s, the “Peter Principle” became a popular concept in management theory. • The principle theorized that people are promoted until they can no longer accomplish the tasks expected, which is where they remain until leaving an organization. • Not all managers of the same rank are considered equal. • You want to be sure to emulate the former in your trek to the top.
  • 31. • The Style of Managers Considered Exemplary By the Organization. • All managers have their distinct style. • Analyze the methods of those managers who consistently meet their goals, and identify the methods and characteristics that fit your basic personality. • It is highly unlikely that you can adopt a style opposite your natural tendencies, so look for skills that are easily transferable.
  • 32. • Common Mistakes of Managers • You may adopt the style favored by your organization, your mentors, and other successful managers, but are not going to be successful if you can’t avoid the most common managerial pitfalls: • 1. Lacking Clear Directions • Without clear objectives, it’s impossible to work toward a goal. An employee whose goals are not made explicit is likely to dawdle the day away, achieving little personal satisfaction and accomplishing even less for the company. Managers who fail to clearly communicate what is expected to their subordinates cannot supervise a successful team. • Be sure to include any or all of the following components when assigning tasks to your staff:
  • 33. • Project Description. • What work is to be performed? • What resources are involved? • What is the expected outcome? • Managers who provide thorough details during work assignments are more likely to achieve their intended results.
  • 34. • Responsibilities. • Who does the work? • How can it be coordinated to minimize duplication and delays? • Assign detailed tasks to avoid confusion and maximize efficiency. • Schedules. What are the deadlines of a project or work assignment? What are the benchmarks to be achieved? • When is the work expected to be completed? • Lack of a schedule conveys a low priority to employees.
  • 35. • Objectives. • What is the goal you are working toward? • Is it clearly defined? • Specific? • Realistic? • Tangible? • Vague, indefinite objectives drag out projects and ratchet up costs because no one knows when the work is done. • Process. How is the work to be performed? • What activities are required and in what sequence? • Is training required? • Conflicts and frustration can arise when a subordinate completes a task in a manner unexpected by the manager, even when work objectives are met.
  • 36. Attributes of good mangers • Good managers ensure that their subordinates understand directions through repetition, rephrasing, and feedback. • They are careful about the words they use, how they say those words, and how they use body language to reinforce their message. • If managers listen to the words and observe the unspoken attitude of their subordinates, they can ensure their message has been accepted
  • 37. Requirements for good management • Management skills and confidence make an individual a good manager. • His managerial skills matter most. • What are they? • Actually it is a skill set that consists of leadership, decision-making abilities, an understanding nature and confidence. • Thorough knowledge of his domain, expertise in his field, effective strategic planning skills and foresight make him a real manager. • An effective manager is someone who can be both strict and understanding.
  • 38. • Strict when he has to implement the decisions taken, when he has to get things done within a stipulated time, and understanding when it comes to considering employee concerns, accepting their feedback and catering to their difficulties. • A manager should be able to differentiate between the right and the wrong. • He should know where to play the stickler for rules and when to be considerate.
  • 39. Leadership • Leadership is one of the vital qualities a manager should possess. • A good manager is often seen exercising effective leadership in the organization. • By effective and fair leadership we mean, the skills to guide team members, to encourage them towards attainment of the organization's goals and take the right decisions at the right time. • A manager should have confidence in his abilities, and should be innovative enough to experiment. • Nevertheless he should be brave enough to accept failures. • Leadership skills involve the ability to take not just decisions, but also the responsibility of their consequences.
  • 40. Planning and Delegation Skills • Planning is a part of managerial skills. Ideally, a manager has foresight that helps him plan effectively. • He devises fail-proof plans, divides the task at hand into subtasks and delegates them to team members. • Effective delegation involves understanding employees' skills, scheduling tasks and getting them done from the employees within set deadlines. • Delegation enables division of responsibility, helps accomplish the plan faster while also giving the delegates an opportunity to excel. • Effective execution of a plan requires a manager to dream, dedicate resources towards fulfillment of the dream and lead the team in making that dream come true.
  • 41. Communication Skills • These are often the most talked about when it comes to leading or managing. It's essential for a manager to have good communication skills, both written and verbal, to be able to manage effectively. In every aspect of being a good manager, communication plays a major role. • Leading a group of people needs an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and that comes only through interaction. While planning and delegating tasks to subordinates, a manager needs to communicate with them. • To get the tasks done from people, a manager needs to be in constant touch with them so that he is able to track work progress and know the difficulties they may be facing at work. Listening skills are yes, a part of communication. • Whatever knowledge a manager possesses or the domain expertise he has, to put his knowledge into practice, it needs to be shared. • And that again demands communication skills.
  • 42. Intelligentsia • The very uncommon common sense is something that a manager should possess. • A manager needs to have complete knowledge of his field and feel confident about what he knows. • Thorough knowledge of one's position and responsibilities is the trait of an effective manager. • Intelligence is another characteristic of good managers. Having a witty sense of humor is an added advantage. • They have it or they develop it, but once it's there, it's of great help in tackling difficult situations. • Along with intellect and humor, creativity is another essential attribute of managers.
  • 43. • A manager needs to have a creative mind to welcome new ideas from team members and subordinates, and execute the bright and feasible ones. An effective leader, that a manager is, needs to think out of the box! That's what innovation is. • A manager always aims at bringing reforms to his work patterns, adapt to change, experiment with his working style, come up with new schemes for business growth; all that in order to lead the organization on the path of success. • Emotional intelligence is another important trait of a manager. • It translates into understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of his team and a concern for their problems.
  • 44. Listening Ability • A good manager possesses an optimistic attitude and has motivating abilities. • Listening skills and concern for his people are among the other important traits. • An effective manager must motivate his team and be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of his team members. • He needs to be a good listener to be able to cater to his team's problems, be open to their views, accept their criticism and understand their capacities. • A manager is always aware that subordinates are also humans and he treats them with respect and due consideration. • He never forgets that he is in charge of the most important assets of an organization - its people.
  • 45. Skill of Keeping Cool • Being able to keep one's cool in all kinds of situations is a trait that managers should have. • Ideally, he should not lose his calm even under the worst of circumstances. • When situations become difficult to deal with, when employees become a nuisance, when strategies fail... there are so many scenarios when a manager's ability to keep calm is put to test. If he can't keep his cool in situations like these, he can't take the right decisions and that's when there are high chances that the situation at hand worsens. • Thinking and acting with a cool head under every circumstance is the secret to effective management. To be a good and effective manager, one must be able to maintain his temperamental balance at all times. •
  • 46. SELF ASSESSMENT • Do you find a similarity between these traits and the attributes you have? • Could you spot a good manager in you? • Build on these abilities and you could be a successful business manager some day.