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id=93240538&amp;iu=/11548178/Makezine">SunBEAM SeekerBot</a></h3>
id=93240538&amp;iu=/11548178/Makezine">This bot will turn and head towards the
brightest light.</a></p>
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<img width="290" height="180"
?crop=0px%2C122px%2C301px%2C187px&amp;resize=290%2C180" class="attachment-p2"
alt="20_gift_guide" />
<h3><a href="
holiday-gifts-under-20/">Holiday Gift Guide: Under $20</a></h3>
<p><a href="
holiday-gifts-under-20/">Last minute, low cost, maker friendly ideas. </a></p>
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class="paddme small">
<img width="290" height="180"
crop=0px%2C47px%2C1600px%2C994px&amp;resize=290%2C180" class="attachment-p2"
alt="Prototype of a Philips Hue lighting control system called &quot;DOD&quot;
by Jay Zehngebot." />
<h3><a href="
highlights-from-itps-2013-winter-show/">ITP&#039;s Winter Show
<p><a href="
highlights-from-itps-2013-winter-show/">See what NYU&#039;s Tisch School of the
Arts students have been up to lately.</a></p>
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class="img"><a href="
whiz-geek-nerd-wonk-ace-pro-babe-or-stud-in-your-life/"><img width="105"
height="105" src="
fives.jpg?w=105&amp;h=105&amp;crop=1" class="attachment-featured-thumb wp-post-
image" alt="This thing is a giant chip! Not a disproportionate Dorito (nor even
a tremendous Tostito), but a giant integrated circuit, or IC. These little
&quot;black boxes&quot; combine dozens, hundreds, thousands, and upwards into
the kajillions of little discrete resistors and transistors in a single package
with inputs and outputs that respond in well-defined ways.
Learning to understand and use ICs is one of the earliest and most exciting
challenges when you&#039;re entering the field. And the classic 555 timer is
the chip that almost everybody cuts their teeth on. It&#039;s so useful, so
versatile, so robust, so reliable, so inexpensive and so widely available, that
it&#039;s pretty common for old-timers to get a bit nostalgic and/or sentimental
about it. Hence you see things like 555 benches, 555 footstools, 555 jewelry,
and other fandom-y projects that, considering we&#039;re ultimately talking
about a little black wedge of silicon and plastic, might be a bit confusing for
the uninitiated.
This thing works just like the familiar 555 timer chip, but instead of being
manufactured from a sliver of silicon wafer, it&#039;s manufactured by you, on
your benchtop, from a stack of discrete resistors and transistors soldered into
the black PCB body. When it&#039;s done, you can hook up wires to the finger-
friendly screw terminals and use it just like a monolithic 555 for projects,
demonstrations, or educational activities. Pay attention to what you&#039;re
doing, as you build, and by the time you&#039;re done you&#039;ll understand the
555 literally inside and out." /></div><div class="blurb"><h3><span
class="trending">What's hot:</span> Gifts for the Electronics Whiz, Geek, Nerd,
Wonk, Ace, Pro, Babe, or Stud in Your Life</h3><p><small>By: <strong>Sean
Michael Ragan</strong></small></p><p>Even if your favorite solder jockey favors
a more reserved title like "hobbyist" or "enthusiast" (they do often tend
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class="arrows">&raquo;</span> <h3 class="look_like_h4">Weekend Projects HOA
&#8211; Beatband Sleeve LIVE Today at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm&nbsp;ET</h3>
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Join us later today
for our tenth and final installment for 2013&#8242;s Weekend Projects Hangouts
On Air. We&#8217;ll be discussing...
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attending a Maker Faire is the treasure hunt. What's new that you haven't seen
before? What tried-and-true...
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class="arrows">&raquo;</span> <h3 class="look_like_h4">littleBits Synth Kit
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littleBits' Synth Kit
it's a series of open-source synthesizer modules, co-designed with synth legends
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class="arrows">&raquo;</span> <h3 class="look_like_h4">Upcycled-Computer
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Louis Pelissier
upcycled components from old computers to make a festive, red and green
Christmas wreath. He spelled out "Merry...
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insta-buy for me. They&#039;re a little snug over my prescription glasses, but I
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  • 10. <a href=" id=93240538&amp;iu=/11548178/Makezine"> <img width="301" height="400" src=" g?w=301&amp;h=400&amp;crop=1" class="" alt="WP20_Feature_Art_001_Bur" /> </a> <div class="caption"> <h3><a href=" id=93240538&amp;iu=/11548178/Makezine">SunBEAM SeekerBot</a></h3> <p><a href=" id=93240538&amp;iu=/11548178/Makezine">This bot will turn and head towards the brightest light.</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4"> <div class="row"> <div class="span4"> <div class="paddme small"> <a href=" under-20/"> <img width="290" height="180" src=" ?crop=0px%2C122px%2C301px%2C187px&amp;resize=290%2C180" class="attachment-p2" alt="20_gift_guide" /> </a> <div class="caption"> <h3><a href=" holiday-gifts-under-20/">Holiday Gift Guide: Under $20</a></h3> <p><a href=" holiday-gifts-under-20/">Last minute, low cost, maker friendly ideas. </a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4">
  • 11. <div class="paddme small"> <a href=" itps-2013-winter-show/"> <img width="290" height="180" src=" crop=0px%2C47px%2C1600px%2C994px&amp;resize=290%2C180" class="attachment-p2" alt="Prototype of a Philips Hue lighting control system called &quot;DOD&quot; by Jay Zehngebot." /> </a> <div class="caption"> <h3><a href=" highlights-from-itps-2013-winter-show/">ITP&#039;s Winter Show Highlights</a></h3> <p><a href=" highlights-from-itps-2013-winter-show/">See what NYU&#039;s Tisch School of the Arts students have been up to lately.</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <div class="featured"> <div class="img"><a href=" whiz-geek-nerd-wonk-ace-pro-babe-or-stud-in-your-life/"><img width="105" height="105" src=" fives.jpg?w=105&amp;h=105&amp;crop=1" class="attachment-featured-thumb wp-post- image" alt="This thing is a giant chip! Not a disproportionate Dorito (nor even a tremendous Tostito), but a giant integrated circuit, or IC. These little &quot;black boxes&quot; combine dozens, hundreds, thousands, and upwards into the kajillions of little discrete resistors and transistors in a single package with inputs and outputs that respond in well-defined ways. Learning to understand and use ICs is one of the earliest and most exciting challenges when you&#039;re entering the field. And the classic 555 timer is the chip that almost everybody cuts their teeth on. It&#039;s so useful, so versatile, so robust, so reliable, so inexpensive and so widely available, that it&#039;s pretty common for old-timers to get a bit nostalgic and/or sentimental about it. Hence you see things like 555 benches, 555 footstools, 555 jewelry,
  • 12. and other fandom-y projects that, considering we&#039;re ultimately talking about a little black wedge of silicon and plastic, might be a bit confusing for the uninitiated. This thing works just like the familiar 555 timer chip, but instead of being manufactured from a sliver of silicon wafer, it&#039;s manufactured by you, on your benchtop, from a stack of discrete resistors and transistors soldered into the black PCB body. When it&#039;s done, you can hook up wires to the finger- friendly screw terminals and use it just like a monolithic 555 for projects, demonstrations, or educational activities. Pay attention to what you&#039;re doing, as you build, and by the time you&#039;re done you&#039;ll understand the 555 literally inside and out." /></div><div class="blurb"><h3><span class="trending">What's hot:</span> Gifts for the Electronics Whiz, Geek, Nerd, Wonk, Ace, Pro, Babe, or Stud in Your Life</h3><p><small>By: <strong>Sean Michael Ragan</strong></small></p><p>Even if your favorite solder jockey favors a more reserved title like "hobbyist" or "enthusiast" (they do often tend towards&hellip;</p></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4"> <div class="home-ads"> <!-- Beginning Sync AdSlot 2 for Ad unit header ### size: [[300,250]] --> <div id='div-gpt-ad- 664089004995786621-2'> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display('div-gpt-ad- 664089004995786621-2')}); </script> </div> <!-- End AdSlot 2 --> </div> <div class="home-ads bottom"> <!-- Beginning Sync AdSlot 2 for Ad unit header ### size: [[300,250]] --> <div id='div-gpt-ad- 664089004995786621-3'> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display('div-gpt-ad- 664089004995786621-3')}); </script> </div> <!-- End AdSlot 2 --> </div>
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  • 14. href=""> <span class="arrows">&raquo;</span> <h3 class="look_like_h4">RobotsConf 2013: Mission&nbsp;Accomplished!</h3> <span class="blurb"> RobotsConf, a new conference designed to transform coders into makers, was a huge success! I spoke with conference curators Chris... </span> </a> </div> </article> <article class="post-362100 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-tools tag-hex-key-2 tag- lockpicking tag-maker-shed tag-new-products tag-tools-and-components tag-wrench- 2"> <div class="entry-content"> <a href=""> <a href="" title="Raid the Shed for New&nbsp;Tools!"><img src=" w=269&h=120&crop=1" alt="Raid the Shed for New&nbsp;Tools!" class="Thumbnail thumbnail left-rail-home-thumb " /></a> </a> <a href=""> <span class="arrows">&raquo;</span> <h3 class="look_like_h4">Raid the Shed for New&nbsp;Tools!</h3> <span class="blurb"> Although we already have a decent lineup of cool Tools and Components for prototyping and making (like ShapeLock, and others),... </span> </a> </div> </article> <article class="post-362592 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-makers tag-featured tag- greatcreate tag-pulse tag-radioshack tag-weekend-projects"> <div class="entry-content"> <a href=" today-at-330pm-pt630pm-et/"> <a href=" today-at-330pm-pt630pm-et/" title="Weekend Projects HOA &#8211; Beatband Sleeve LIVE Today at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm&nbsp;ET"><img src="
  • 15. -620px1.gif?crop=0px%2C40px%2C620px%2C277px&resize=269%2C120" alt="Weekend Projects HOA &#8211; Beatband Sleeve LIVE Today at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm&nbsp;ET" class="Thumbnail thumbnail left-rail-home-thumb " /></a> </a> <a href=" today-at-330pm-pt630pm-et/"> <span class="arrows">&raquo;</span> <h3 class="look_like_h4">Weekend Projects HOA &#8211; Beatband Sleeve LIVE Today at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm&nbsp;ET</h3> <span class="blurb"> Join us later today for our tenth and final installment for 2013&#8242;s Weekend Projects Hangouts On Air. We&#8217;ll be discussing... </span> </a> </div> </article> <article class="post-360466 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-makers tag-maker-faire tag-san- diego-mini-maker-faire"> <div class="entry-content"> <a href=" faire/"> <a href=" faire/" title="Maker Delights at the San Diego Mini Maker&nbsp;Faire"><img src=" 12-19-at-1-59-48-pm1.png?crop=0px%2C107px%2C620px%2C277px&resize=269%2C120" alt="Maker Delights at the San Diego Mini Maker&nbsp;Faire" class="Thumbnail thumbnail left-rail-home-thumb " /></a> </a> <a href=" faire/"> <span class="arrows">&raquo;</span> <h3 class="look_like_h4">Maker Delights at the San Diego Mini Maker&nbsp;Faire</h3> <span class="blurb"> One pleasure of attending a Maker Faire is the treasure hunt. What's new that you haven't seen before? What tried-and-true... </span> </a> </div> </article> <article class="post-362622 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-education category-electronics category-music tag-analog-synthesizer tag-ayah-bdeir tag-electronic-music tag- korg tag-littlebits">
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