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                      Photo by: Laura Rivera
Me and my NEW
      SCHOOL    3
 Shakespeare     Amway    5
13 in Trouble     Products
The word s Must The First World War
    Shocking •Russia Revolution
 8  Disasters
                9 Religions

Have you ever heard about           The      last      headquarter
Rochester School? Do you            accustom oneself to especial
know that this school have a        places that with time we
new host country? I'm a             take care. Some of those
student and I study 11 years        especial places are the
ago in Rochester . I want to talk   soccer field, the building
about my experience in this         that we like to walk around
school and how                                it and the little park
 I feel Changing                                  that in childhood
 headquarters.                                 we see as the same
Rochester moves                                as "Salitre Magico.“
like 60 streets                                   The construction
to north. Sincerely                           was built so quickly.
those streets                                    I'm in eight grade
changed my life.                              and they give us the
We started in                                   notice that for the
this headquarters                    other year we have our new
in September. I remember that        headquarter. I'm sincere and
the first day I was so nervous.     I didn't think that this could
The sensation, went to a new        happen. We and many
school but with the same            promotions didn't think so.
people, same friends, and same      But I'm happy that this
rules, is better than eat when      occurs. This is not only
you were hungry.                    change the buildings also
                                    the systems that we used to
                                    satisfy needs.
The first day when I entered I
feel lost and nervous. The
school really looks as I
thought. I didn't know where
is my classroom, my friends or
my teachers so I started asking
everyone that I saw. Then we
entered to the classrooms and
saw technology likes TV,
computers. We need two days
and divide in groups to
become acquainted the

What are Amway Products? It is a     Amway was founded in 1959
company that is known globally       by Jay Van Andel and Richard
for selling various types of         DeVos. This product lines
products.       The      principal   include       home         care
characteristic of products Amway     products,     personal     care
is the form to sell the              products, jewelry, electronics,
products, the Multi-Marketing.       Nutrilite               dietary
Amway          are       products    supplements,             water
concentrated        and     100%     purifiers,                   air
biodegradable. The first product     purifiers,   insurance     and
is the LOC and is a multipurpose     cosmetics. Amway expanded
product. Major of people buy         overseas to Australia in
Amway products because if there      1971, to Europe in 1973, for
are concentrated products they       some parts of Asia in
mix it with water and surrenders     1974, Japan in 1979, Latin
more.                                America in 1985, China in
                                     1995, to Africa in 1997, India
Amway is an American multi           and Scandinavian countries in
national direct-selling company      1998, Russia in 2005 and
that      uses         multi-level   Vietnam in 2008.
marketing to sell a variety of
products, primarily in the           The first product LOC is an
health, beauty, and home care        effective cleaner for all
markets.                             surfaces, without abrasive
                                     chlorine and acids, and      5
                                     households are hygienically
This product is versatile and
safe for any washable surface.
Safely removes tough dirt
accumulations, leaving no
residue. In this years is
important to care planet and
Amway       products help the
environment with the 100%
biodegradable. Also Amway
had campaigns to help kids
with disadvantages economics
in differences places.

Are you a victim of regular       killed, 300,000 injured, 1.3
hurricanes?       Do       you    million displaced, 97,294
remember the catastrophic         houses       destroyed    and
earthquake in Haiti? The          188,383 damaged.          The
country       suffered       a    January 12, 2010 earthquake
catastrophic blow in January      significantly damaged key
2010 when an earthquake of        infrastructure and greatly
7.0     magnitude       struck    reduced the capacity of Haiti’s
southwest of the capital Port-    medical facilities.
au-Prince. It was the worst
earthquake in the region in       The 2010 Haiti earthquake
200 years. The earthquake         was registered on January 12,
leveled many sections of the      2010 at 16:53:09 local time
city, destroying government       with an epicenter 15 km from
buildings, foreign aid offices    Port au Prince, Haiti's capital.
and        many        homes.     Haiti covers the western third
"Parliament has collapsed.        of the Caribbean island of
The tax office has collapsed.     Hispaniola. According to the
Schools     have    collapsed.    U.S. Geological Survey, the
Hospitals have collapsed,"        quake would have had a
said Preval the prime             magnitude of 7.2 degrees and
minister. According to official   would have generated at a
                                  depth of 10 kilometers.
estimates, 316,000 people
even hours later, it was           been      contaminated     by
reported that a tsunami was        the feces of an infected
recorded              minimum      person, including one with no
proportions and killed 4           apparent symptoms.
people. This earthquake was
the strongest recorded in the      The country was thrust into
area since happened in 1770.       further chaos after the
The quake was felt in nearby       November             presidential
countries        such         as   election. There were numerous
Cuba, Jamaica and the              reports      of    irregularities,
Dominican Republic, which          including ballot box stuffing,
caused fear and preventive         multiple people casting votes,
evacuations.    this    country    spoiled      ballots,     polling
devastated by the earthquake       destroyed and intimidation of
quickly     faced      another     voters. Opposition candidates
challenge:     cholera.       In   called for a new vote, but their
November,      the       Haitian   requests were rejected. On 7
government said the death toll     December 2010, the country's
had reached 1,034, with            electoral            commission
16,799 people treated for          announced that Mirlande
cholera or symptoms of the         Manigat, the top vote getter,
disease. The cholera disease is    and Jude         Célestin, the
an infection in the small          candidate val Pré finger, will
intestine caused by the            meet in the second round of
bacterium.       The       main    voting. These results seem to
symptoms                     are   contradict      what     election
profuse,    watery     diarrhea    observers conducting exit polls
and vomiting. Transmission                     expected.
occurs primarily by drinking
water or eating food that has
Michel Martelly, a popular
singer, was a favorite among
the urban poor results and
principles had coming in
second behind Manigat. The
results set off protests
throughout Haiti.

         Destroyed buildings are seen after a major
      earthquake hit the capital Port-au-Prince January
      13, 2010. Reuters
The First World War
World War I and the Russian
In 1914 began World War also        Therefore    the     Austro-
known as The Great War for          Hungarian Empire declared
reasons          socioeconomic,     war on Serbia small state
political,   ideological     and    where it enters Germany to
diplomatic. Although the war        support the Russian Empire
began in 1914 years ago had         and go to defend Serbia. For
shocked the interests of the        poor preparation of the
European states in the late         Russian army, Russia scored
nineteenth               century.   early and severe defeats
Participating countries had a       Germany such as the Battle of
system were the triple alliance     Tannenberg.
and the triple entente alliance.
The Triple Entente consisted of     Between 1915-1917 formed
France, Britain, Russia, Britain,   trench warfare, in April 1917
among others, and the Triple        to join the U.S. enters the
Alliance of Germany, Austro-        triple entente and the end of
Hungarian      and     Ottoman      1917 Russia withdrew from
Empire.                             the confrontation that caused
                                    discontent in the political and
                                    social sectors and signed the
One of the events that
                                    Treaty of Brest- that sealed
triggered the conflict was the
                                    Litovsk peace with Germany
assassination of Archduke of
                                    and that was when the
the Austro-Hungarian Empire
                                    Bolsheviks instituted the
(Franz Ferdinand) by The Black
                                    Soviet government.
Hand (Serbian extremist group)
on June 28, 1914.                                            11
Russia years ago began his        supported by the imperial
revolution of 1905 and the        military and why the liberal
Russians       fought      the    parties and the Mensheviks
Japanese for control of           established a provisional
Korea and Manchuria. This         government headed by
greatly displeased political      Prince Lvov. In the October
and social sectors by the         Revolution the Petrograd
defeat of his troops. The         Bolsheviks             occupy
Mensheviks were moderate          yourselves, the Winter
socialists who sought to          Palace and Kerensky take
implement a constitutional        the throne and could
regime and the Bolsheviks         establish     the       Soviet
were         a        socialist   government. Then because
revolutionary group led by        of many changes in 1922
Lenin. Increasingly they          created the Union of Soviet
were increased peasant and        Socialist Republics (USSR).
worker      protests,     and
military    uprisings     and
protests in major Russian
cities. Russia's participation
in the First World War was
catastrophic and reiterate
the problems exhibited
during the war with Japan.
This led to the February 23
will make the strike called
by the workers in Petrograd
which was also

DH   DH   DH

October 31 when I went with       Shakespeare was born on April 23
classmates to the Agustiano      of 1564 in Avon Stratfordon. He
Theater to watch this play       studied at the local school. had
where I meet students from       studied for about six years
different schools. There were    grammar school or elementary
people from the Tierra Nueva     school, whose basic material was
and San Bartolome de La          Latin. The play is acting by 4
Merced. All Rochester high       people. There were good singers
school went to see the play      and with a good english. There
Ninth, tenth, eleventh and       performance was good most of
twelve graders, the school       the times, there was only one
wants that anybody misses        scenario but with different stories.
the new play. Shakespeare is     This play is about some theater
one of the biggest poets.        students that want to hear stories.
People might only know           There were 2 girls and 2 boys. First
about his works but in some      One boys starts to tell a love story
places       people      have    and by the time passing we realize
incorporate 3 in one theater     it was Romeo and Juliet a classic of
play. “Shakespeare in trouble”   Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet the
is one of the new plays          classic one man one woman with a
inspired in some of the most     family fight, so they couldn’t be
important        play       of   lovers. At the end of the story for
Shakespeare.                     love they suicide because was
                                 worts to be without the other.

Then continues with Macbeth          part of it. One daughter was
the story is different but also of   simple and the other only want
a man and a woman but in the         the bigger part. At the end of
woods with witches, wizards          the story both of them
and magic. The man has a             disappoint                   him.
prediction of his future he will     The dynamic of the story was a
become a king, but his wife          bit slow, in some parts they lose
make him kill people for no          it emotion. I think that only use
reason. The story didn’t end up      one scenario help that people
because        continues      with   get bored, but is a system that
Macbeth the story is different       characters implement to use all
but also of a man and a woman        the material properly and not
but in the woods with witches,       waste time changing. If
wizards and magic. The man           someone        likes     a     lot
has a prediction of his future he    Shakespeare this might be a
will become a king, but his wife     new way of see his play. This
make him kill people for no          play have new things but not
reason. The story didn’t end up      taking out the real script.
because 1 girl scares and they
 change the story up
 to King Lear. This
 story is about a
 king with two
 daughters and he
 needs to divide the
 empire to give the
territory to both daughters but
he want to know which love
him most to give her a biggest
Satanic Sects, Mormons, and        Even thought the terrible
Voodoo are some of the             things they have been
religious groups we talked         through, Jehovah’s witnesses
about on religion class. But are   are      still      nowadays    a
them all satanic? Do they all go   consolidated group that has
against God? Well, there is a      gathered people all around
group I was very interested in     the                        world.
that is called the Jehovah's       It all begun with the idea of a
Witnesses. In contrast to the      man           called      Charles
others, they follow the exact      Russel, who gathered a group
words of the bible and plenty      of people on 1870, for making
believe in God. But there are      some biblical studies. Along
some controversies against         the years they had a lot of
these particular group. The        leaders,          like     Aldem
science has improved a lot and     Adams, who has been the
the transfusion of organs and      president          since    2000.
blood is one of it’s greatest      Although the idea started in
advances. Although it can save     Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, these
someone’s life, the Jehovah’s      group had spread all around
Witnesses refuse to use this       the world, specially in Canada
medical treatments even if a       and Cuba. In some parts it is
person’s life is in danger         prohibited to be part of them
because they say it goes           , like Singapore and other
against God. These group has       countries where military
suffered from persecution          service is mandatory. During
(during the Nazi period)           the history of Jehovah's
leaving hundreds of deaths,        Witnesses, there has been at
homeless, and orphans.             various times persecution of
                                   this group                  16
1962 Marilyn
 1962 The cars continued to
                                  Monroe August 5th is found
  evolve as more compacts
                                   dead on after apparently
appeared and sold well in the
                                  overdosing on sleeping pills
            Brazil beat             1962The New York
       Czechoslovakia 3-1         Yankees win The World
         to win the 1962                  Series.
            World Cup

       1987 Fox Broadcasting
                                    1987 in history astronomers
       Co. made its prime-
                                     at University of California
                                    observe the birth of a galaxy
  1987 The first woman was
                                     The first heart-lung
inducted into the rock and roll
                                   transplant was in May
hall of fame - Aretha Franklin.

        Story  27
 Respiratory   The Grey     18
21 System        Movie
   Computer    VIDEOGAMES
 29 Devices    •Advantages
 25 (OMS)      9 Guinness

The Grey
I want to tell you about a          John Ottway is the one that
movie that we saw in Spanish        want to kill him self. Is the
class. Is a story that we           leader      and     works      in
analyze        romantic      and    Alaska, when the airplane have
dramatic ways. This story that      the accident they have to killed
I would narrate is about a man      wolves that threaten an oil
that it want to kill him self       drilling team. On his last day
because it is not satisfy with      on the job, Ottway writes a
his life. But he didn’t count       letter to his wife Ana in which
that minutes later he need          he explains his plans to commit
make a travel to Alaska             suicide. While holding the
because he has worked in a          barrel of a rifle in his
petroleum company. So in            mouth, Ottway hears the howl
that travel occurs a terrible       of a wolf and does not pull the
accident that would change          trigger. Ottway sets the
his life. This movie as you can     survivors to task collecting
see is not really a romantic        material for a fire. He sees a
story buy next you would have       woman ask for help and she
an idea of this. Also in this       starts to cry but that noises its
movie the scenes, when              making the wolf that is eat
wolves appears and kills one        she, after then Ottawa decide
of      them      in    different   to live the area of the accident
scenes, make you have a             and start to walk with the
terror. So the appearance of        survivors.
the wolves are cut but they
only want to eat you.
Wolves continue eating the         Now there are four survivors.
group members and then             The walk and walk another
Ottawa make a campfire to          wolves appears and they have
maintain the wolves far away.      to run and run the skip but
The     cold,   hunger     and     they have to cross to another
loneliness are the factors that    mountain so one of them
most of the survivor can not       throw a rope and pass to the
support so one of them try to      other side one of them don’t
kill Ottawa but then start to      like the height but he have to
cry. Next of that another wolf     cross because the wolves come
appears and they have to kill it   and eat him. He start to cross
and eat the wolf to survive        and in the middle of the rope
because there is nothing to        he felt down an when Ottawa
eat. In a moment they feel         near to him the wolf star to eat
comfortable and saves so start     him. Then the other to die one
to talk about region and god,      stop walked because his leg its
Ottawa read a poem and gives       not worked properly and the
some stories that he lived.        other die drowned. Ottawa
When there are sleep Ottawa        was the last survivor and then
remember his wife. She die         is confronted with a Wolf. If
because have a disease so          you want to see what happen
dangerous. It is one of the        with Ottawa and the wolf you
reason Ottawa wants to kill        have to see the movie.
him self. But this experience
give him reasons to live. At
morning a blizzard approaches
and they do anything to
prevent hypothermia when the
blizzard stop. Ottway finds
Burke's frozen lifeless body in
the morning.                                                 20
Give to your hair a NEW
 LOOK with this special
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Breathing is so vital to life that   The pharynx is part of the
it happens automatically. Each       digestive system as well as the
day, you breathe about 20,000        respiratory system because it
times, and by the time you're        carries both food and air. At
70 years old, you'll have taken      the bottom of the pharynx, this
at least 600 million breaths.        pathway divides in two, one for
The respiratory system includes      food (the esophagus, which
the nose, throat, voice box,         leads to the stomach) and the
windpipe,                     and    other for air. The epiglottis, a
lungs. Everything starts with        small flap of tissue, covers the
then nostrils that act as the        air-only passage. when we
air in take, bringing air into the   swallow, keeping food and
nose, where it's warmed and          liquid from going into the
humidified. Tiny hairs called        lungs.
cilia    protect     the     nasal   The larynx is the uppermost
passageways and other parts of       part of the air-only pipe. This
the respiratory tract, filtering     short tube contains a pair of
out dust and other particles         vocal cords. The trachea, or
that enter the nose through the      windpipe, extends downward
breathed air. Air can also be        from the base of the
taken in through the mouth.          larynx. The walls of the trachea
These two openings of the            are strengthened by stiff rings
airway (the nasal cavity and the     of cartilage to keep it open.
mouth) meet at the pharynx, or
throat, at the back of the nose
and mouth.
At this point, the trachea         through the nose or mouth.
divides into left and right air    When we breathe out, the
tubes called bronchi, which        diaphragm             moves
connect to the lungs. Within       upward, forcing the chest
the lungs, the bronchi branch      cavity to get smaller and
into smaller bronchi and even      pushing the gases in the
smaller       tubes       called   lungs up and out of the nose
bronchioles. Bronchioles end       and mouth.
in tiny air sacs called
alveoli, where the exchange of
oxygen and carbon dioxide
actually takes place.Alveoli are
like the most important part of
the respiratory system the
exchange of gases occurs by
the process of diffusion so the
low quantity of molecules is
the carbon dioxide and the low
quantity of molecules is the
oxygen this means that carbon
dioxide exchange to oxygen
and then the blood absorb this
oxygen which flows around the

The diaphragm separates the
chest         from          the
abdomen, It moves downward
when we breathe in, enlarging
the chest cavity and pulling air
in                                                        23
Do you like to play video          As all things that happen in life
games? What do you know            also video games have
about video games? Video           advantages and disadvantages.
game it’s a n electronic dame      The advantages that had to
that gives you a image or a        play video games its that your
sequence of images, like a         hands gains motor function
video and you can interact         and if you know playing, make
with a user interface. User        moves with your fingers to
interface is a design of human     control the game at faster as
machine interaction, is the        you can its better. The players
space     where      interaction   need a nice control with the
between        humans       and    fingers to be the best player
machines occurs. This video        and also knowledge they need.
games are categorized into         In video games, not at all but
genres based on many factors       in some games the reaction its
such ad method of game play.       very fast so the player can
We can see the disadvantages       improve time that spend to
and advantages that had a          think what to do in an
video game. Can we perceive        emergency cases. So another
that video games cant give us      advantages is that people can
information but we can learn       improve the reaction in a
and play with them. As a           situation. Laze eye is a disease
hobby boys and girls play video    of the visual system and occurs
games and then those people        during       early     childhood
cant stop playing so became an     resulting in poor or blurry
addiction of video games.          vision. This affect only one eye
And people use eye patch to       There are many solutions, to
cure this disease. In one hour    haves a healthy body you can
the video games can do what       play but the time you spend
an eye patch does in 400          doing exercises has to be more
hours. So the best treatment      that playing, also if you're
to achieve the lazy eye is by     addicted to video games try to
playing video games.              do another activity to have
                                  fun. I consider, that violent
Video games also have             games give a big problem to
disadvantages for examples        society so a solution is to
some games have a lot of          prevent those games.
levels and make more interest
that another activity, like do
physical exercises or spend
time are important to maintain
a body health and a good
communication with parents.
Video      games can give
information but the knowledge
of parents not. The most
disadvantage of play video
games is that some people
became addicted. Kids are
violent because they play
games like call of duty, god or
war, halo wars ans other
games that dive a education so

Saudi Arabia in the subject     more serious about the safety
A; basically is neutral as it   of the construction of the
realizes that processes that    plant and monitoring. In the
produce       radiation   to    violation, violators should be
humans that are neutral,        prosecuted and penalized in
and talking about nuclear       their respective countries, and
plants, is also a risk that     should receive the maximum
must be taken to progress,      penalty is life imprisonment or
and if all done with high       whether                  death
security measures, there will   penalty, because those are
be no problem in these          the people who should not
plants. In item B is totally    walk freely in the world.
against these inhumane acts     Radiation is an unavoidable
and selfish. These acts are     factor in the natural cycle of
those that would erase the      the earth, produced by
human history, and it would     natural        processes     of
be great progress to remove     decomposition, but now
all traces of these monsters,   radiation is not entirely
for a better world. The         natural as it should be. Thus
solutions proposed by Saudi     the position of Saudi Arabia, is
Arabia is that nuclear          that the radiation in humans
radiation      (caused    by    is caused not by its
humans) should be taken
more into account,
most natural processes of the     rights of people to meet theirs.
Earth, but by excessive human     There have also been cases of
progress. Nuclear accidents are   mass rape in U.S. troops in Arab
the most affected by the          land, threatening the village
radiation of a human being. In    women, and these have not yet
2011, the earthquake in Japan     been sentenced. Been at war,
Fukushima      nuclear    plant   the minds of the soldiers may
explosions followed by three      be affected by several factors,
plant, reactor 3 and 2, were      influencing the acts committed,
estimated      around      over   the lack of support, trauma,
100muertos      and     several   climate, among other factors
disappeared and no tsunami,
but by the explosion that
ejected so much radiation that
compared to the power of the
Chernobyl incident.

The rape and murder of
innocents has been so far one
of the worst humiliations that
can make a country or armed
group in armed conflict. There
are cases in which the NATO
armed forces have abused
their   power      within    an
occupation of a country. The
position of Saudi Arabia, is to
judge and condemn those who
do these despicable acts and
unpleasant, violating
Have      you    ever    known    would achieve his disease. But
someone who overcame a            in couple of weeks he die. My
difficult stage of his life? I    ant where so depress and that
know cases of people that the     was the reason she starts to
most of the time felt down        drink and became addicted. At
and then cant wake up but         work she had political enemies
fortunately my aunt have          and finally she was separated
alcoholism problems and then      from her husband because he
is    a     professional   with   drank too much. She goes to a
scholarships at universities.     psychiatrist    and      began
She was a role model, have a      providing powerful drug. My
nice house, beautiful dogs and    father and my uncle went to
she was married to a Chilean.     brazil and have to return with
But when she lived on brazil      my aunt. Here in Colombia
became addicted to alcohol        another psychiatrist give some
and members of my family          drugs that make a reaction so
have to travel immediately and    power full. and said she was
return with my aunt. Then         very ill . A doctor friend saw
here start a terrible live        the drugs she had been given
because have to suppurated        and said that my aunt was
this problem. But with the        poisoning. When they realized
family everything can be more     they were looking for places to
easier.                           Rehabilitative and had one
                                  called Fundar.
When my grand father was
alive he said that my aunt                                     28
would have a baby and he
On December 20 She escaped
and in the morning on 20th
was        my      grandfather
birthday, and that day in the
evening a strange thing
happened and showed she
had been cured. She was
slowly resuming his life thanks
to        treatment         and
rehabilitation. Continued live
in Colombia, and she resumed
work in Llanos. Long after she
came a request for a
conference in Mexico to
pursue his doctorate.

Nowadays she is in Mexico
with a scholarships and very
happy. She don’t continue
drinking and when she goes to
Colombia visit Fundar and give
teachings to people that have
the same problems. No all the
people have the save luck that
my aunt have but if people
wants to achieve problems like
alcoholism can do it if get a
compromise and positive
actitude.                         29

Example of a Network In a
Security: The network of the
university should be safe as a
network of students requires
that documentation can not
leak because the information
is confidential students or
teachers.     Reliability:    The
network must be reliable
college students as a student
in any unforeseen problems
can be solved using the
university network for this
network should be useful as
the                 information
reaches, without antecedents.
reliability of use. For this
installation must be perfect
and legal. A computer
network,        or         simply
a network, is a collection
of         computers          and
other hardware interconnecte
d by communication channels
that allow sharing of resources
and information.

Where at least one process      To have more speed
in one device is able to        network using optical fiber
send/receive data to at         is recommended as it is the
least one process residing in   fastest one of the level of
a remote device, then the       other networks. The wifi
two devices are said to be      cost is high but the cost is
in a network. A network is a    reflected in the ability.
group of devices connected      Macro      computer    that
to each other. Networks         supports large databases in
may be classified into a        large enterprise networks.
wide         variety       of
characteristics: the medium
used to transport the
data,       communications
protocol                used,
scale, topology, benefit, and
organizational scope.

The WAN would be the best
geographic coverage and
that is best for a university
Outreach has increased
connectivity and dare to
media such as optical fiber.
The network geographical
coverage and reaches the
bandwidth is high in
comparison to others.


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  • 1. September--November VOLUME 1 Photo by: Laura Rivera
  • 2. Me and my NEW SCHOOL 3 Shakespeare Amway 5 13 in Trouble Products The word s Must The First World War Shocking •Russia Revolution 11 8 Disasters 9 Religions 2
  • 3. Have you ever heard about The last headquarter Rochester School? Do you accustom oneself to especial know that this school have a places that with time we new host country? I'm a take care. Some of those student and I study 11 years especial places are the ago in Rochester . I want to talk soccer field, the building about my experience in this that we like to walk around school and how it and the little park I feel Changing that in childhood headquarters. we see as the same Rochester moves as "Salitre Magico.“ like 60 streets The construction to north. Sincerely was built so quickly. those streets I'm in eight grade changed my life. and they give us the We started in notice that for the this headquarters other year we have our new in September. I remember that headquarter. I'm sincere and the first day I was so nervous. I didn't think that this could The sensation, went to a new happen. We and many school but with the same promotions didn't think so. people, same friends, and same But I'm happy that this rules, is better than eat when occurs. This is not only you were hungry. change the buildings also the systems that we used to satisfy needs. 3
  • 4. The first day when I entered I feel lost and nervous. The school really looks as I thought. I didn't know where is my classroom, my friends or my teachers so I started asking everyone that I saw. Then we entered to the classrooms and saw technology likes TV, computers. We need two days and divide in groups to become acquainted the school. 4
  • 5. What are Amway Products? It is a Amway was founded in 1959 company that is known globally by Jay Van Andel and Richard for selling various types of DeVos. This product lines products. The principal include home care characteristic of products Amway products, personal care is the form to sell the products, jewelry, electronics, products, the Multi-Marketing. Nutrilite dietary Amway are products supplements, water concentrated and 100% purifiers, air biodegradable. The first product purifiers, insurance and is the LOC and is a multipurpose cosmetics. Amway expanded product. Major of people buy overseas to Australia in Amway products because if there 1971, to Europe in 1973, for are concentrated products they some parts of Asia in mix it with water and surrenders 1974, Japan in 1979, Latin more. America in 1985, China in 1995, to Africa in 1997, India Amway is an American multi and Scandinavian countries in national direct-selling company 1998, Russia in 2005 and that uses multi-level Vietnam in 2008. marketing to sell a variety of products, primarily in the The first product LOC is an health, beauty, and home care effective cleaner for all markets. surfaces, without abrasive chlorine and acids, and 5 households are hygienically
  • 6. This product is versatile and safe for any washable surface. Safely removes tough dirt accumulations, leaving no residue. In this years is important to care planet and Amway products help the environment with the 100% biodegradable. Also Amway had campaigns to help kids with disadvantages economics in differences places. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. Are you a victim of regular killed, 300,000 injured, 1.3 hurricanes? Do you million displaced, 97,294 remember the catastrophic houses destroyed and earthquake in Haiti? The 188,383 damaged. The country suffered a January 12, 2010 earthquake catastrophic blow in January significantly damaged key 2010 when an earthquake of infrastructure and greatly 7.0 magnitude struck reduced the capacity of Haiti’s southwest of the capital Port- medical facilities. au-Prince. It was the worst earthquake in the region in The 2010 Haiti earthquake 200 years. The earthquake was registered on January 12, leveled many sections of the 2010 at 16:53:09 local time city, destroying government with an epicenter 15 km from buildings, foreign aid offices Port au Prince, Haiti's capital. and many homes. Haiti covers the western third "Parliament has collapsed. of the Caribbean island of The tax office has collapsed. Hispaniola. According to the Schools have collapsed. U.S. Geological Survey, the Hospitals have collapsed," quake would have had a said Preval the prime magnitude of 7.2 degrees and minister. According to official would have generated at a depth of 10 kilometers. estimates, 316,000 people 8
  • 9. even hours later, it was been contaminated by reported that a tsunami was the feces of an infected recorded minimum person, including one with no proportions and killed 4 apparent symptoms. people. This earthquake was the strongest recorded in the The country was thrust into area since happened in 1770. further chaos after the The quake was felt in nearby November presidential countries such as election. There were numerous Cuba, Jamaica and the reports of irregularities, Dominican Republic, which including ballot box stuffing, caused fear and preventive multiple people casting votes, evacuations. this country spoiled ballots, polling devastated by the earthquake destroyed and intimidation of quickly faced another voters. Opposition candidates challenge: cholera. In called for a new vote, but their November, the Haitian requests were rejected. On 7 government said the death toll December 2010, the country's had reached 1,034, with electoral commission 16,799 people treated for announced that Mirlande cholera or symptoms of the Manigat, the top vote getter, disease. The cholera disease is and Jude Célestin, the an infection in the small candidate val Pré finger, will intestine caused by the meet in the second round of bacterium. The main voting. These results seem to symptoms are contradict what election profuse, watery diarrhea observers conducting exit polls and vomiting. Transmission expected. occurs primarily by drinking water or eating food that has 9
  • 10. Michel Martelly, a popular singer, was a favorite among the urban poor results and principles had coming in second behind Manigat. The results set off protests throughout Haiti. Destroyed buildings are seen after a major earthquake hit the capital Port-au-Prince January 13, 2010. Reuters quake/haiti-quake-02.htm 10
  • 11. The First World War World War I and the Russian Revolution In 1914 began World War also Therefore the Austro- known as The Great War for Hungarian Empire declared reasons socioeconomic, war on Serbia small state political, ideological and where it enters Germany to diplomatic. Although the war support the Russian Empire began in 1914 years ago had and go to defend Serbia. For shocked the interests of the poor preparation of the European states in the late Russian army, Russia scored nineteenth century. early and severe defeats Participating countries had a Germany such as the Battle of system were the triple alliance Tannenberg. and the triple entente alliance. The Triple Entente consisted of Between 1915-1917 formed France, Britain, Russia, Britain, trench warfare, in April 1917 among others, and the Triple to join the U.S. enters the Alliance of Germany, Austro- triple entente and the end of Hungarian and Ottoman 1917 Russia withdrew from Empire. the confrontation that caused discontent in the political and social sectors and signed the One of the events that Treaty of Brest- that sealed triggered the conflict was the Litovsk peace with Germany assassination of Archduke of and that was when the the Austro-Hungarian Empire Bolsheviks instituted the (Franz Ferdinand) by The Black Soviet government. Hand (Serbian extremist group) on June 28, 1914. 11
  • 12. Russia years ago began his supported by the imperial revolution of 1905 and the military and why the liberal Russians fought the parties and the Mensheviks Japanese for control of established a provisional Korea and Manchuria. This government headed by greatly displeased political Prince Lvov. In the October and social sectors by the Revolution the Petrograd defeat of his troops. The Bolsheviks occupy Mensheviks were moderate yourselves, the Winter socialists who sought to Palace and Kerensky take implement a constitutional the throne and could regime and the Bolsheviks establish the Soviet were a socialist government. Then because revolutionary group led by of many changes in 1922 Lenin. Increasingly they created the Union of Soviet were increased peasant and Socialist Republics (USSR). worker protests, and military uprisings and protests in major Russian cities. Russia's participation in the First World War was catastrophic and reiterate the problems exhibited during the war with Japan. This led to the February 23 will make the strike called by the workers in Petrograd which was also 12
  • 13. DH DH DH 13
  • 14. October 31 when I went with Shakespeare was born on April 23 classmates to the Agustiano of 1564 in Avon Stratfordon. He Theater to watch this play studied at the local school. had where I meet students from studied for about six years different schools. There were grammar school or elementary people from the Tierra Nueva school, whose basic material was and San Bartolome de La Latin. The play is acting by 4 Merced. All Rochester high people. There were good singers school went to see the play and with a good english. There Ninth, tenth, eleventh and performance was good most of twelve graders, the school the times, there was only one wants that anybody misses scenario but with different stories. the new play. Shakespeare is This play is about some theater one of the biggest poets. students that want to hear stories. People might only know There were 2 girls and 2 boys. First about his works but in some One boys starts to tell a love story places people have and by the time passing we realize incorporate 3 in one theater it was Romeo and Juliet a classic of play. “Shakespeare in trouble” Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet the is one of the new plays classic one man one woman with a inspired in some of the most family fight, so they couldn’t be important play of lovers. At the end of the story for Shakespeare. love they suicide because was worts to be without the other. 14
  • 15. Then continues with Macbeth part of it. One daughter was the story is different but also of simple and the other only want a man and a woman but in the the bigger part. At the end of woods with witches, wizards the story both of them and magic. The man has a disappoint him. prediction of his future he will The dynamic of the story was a become a king, but his wife bit slow, in some parts they lose make him kill people for no it emotion. I think that only use reason. The story didn’t end up one scenario help that people because continues with get bored, but is a system that Macbeth the story is different characters implement to use all but also of a man and a woman the material properly and not but in the woods with witches, waste time changing. If wizards and magic. The man someone likes a lot has a prediction of his future he Shakespeare this might be a will become a king, but his wife new way of see his play. This make him kill people for no play have new things but not reason. The story didn’t end up taking out the real script. because 1 girl scares and they change the story up to King Lear. This story is about a king with two daughters and he needs to divide the empire to give the territory to both daughters but he want to know which love him most to give her a biggest 15
  • 16. Satanic Sects, Mormons, and Even thought the terrible Voodoo are some of the things they have been religious groups we talked through, Jehovah’s witnesses about on religion class. But are are still nowadays a them all satanic? Do they all go consolidated group that has against God? Well, there is a gathered people all around group I was very interested in the world. that is called the Jehovah's It all begun with the idea of a Witnesses. In contrast to the man called Charles others, they follow the exact Russel, who gathered a group words of the bible and plenty of people on 1870, for making believe in God. But there are some biblical studies. Along some controversies against the years they had a lot of these particular group. The leaders, like Aldem science has improved a lot and Adams, who has been the the transfusion of organs and president since 2000. blood is one of it’s greatest Although the idea started in advances. Although it can save Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, these someone’s life, the Jehovah’s group had spread all around Witnesses refuse to use this the world, specially in Canada medical treatments even if a and Cuba. In some parts it is person’s life is in danger prohibited to be part of them because they say it goes , like Singapore and other against God. These group has countries where military suffered from persecution service is mandatory. During (during the Nazi period) the history of Jehovah's leaving hundreds of deaths, Witnesses, there has been at homeless, and orphans. various times persecution of this group 16
  • 17. 1962 Marilyn 1962 The cars continued to Monroe August 5th is found evolve as more compacts dead on after apparently appeared and sold well in the overdosing on sleeping pills US. Brazil beat 1962The New York Czechoslovakia 3-1 Yankees win The World to win the 1962 Series. World Cup 1987 Fox Broadcasting 1987 in history astronomers Co. made its prime- at University of California time observe the birth of a galaxy 1987 The first woman was The first heart-lung inducted into the rock and roll transplant was in May hall of fame - Aretha Franklin. 1987 17
  • 18. Amazing Story 27 Respiratory The Grey 18 21 System Movie Computer VIDEOGAMES 29 Devices •Advantages •Disadvantages 23 ONU 25 (OMS) 9 Guinness Records 18
  • 19. The Grey I want to tell you about a John Ottway is the one that movie that we saw in Spanish want to kill him self. Is the class. Is a story that we leader and works in analyze romantic and Alaska, when the airplane have dramatic ways. This story that the accident they have to killed I would narrate is about a man wolves that threaten an oil that it want to kill him self drilling team. On his last day because it is not satisfy with on the job, Ottway writes a his life. But he didn’t count letter to his wife Ana in which that minutes later he need he explains his plans to commit make a travel to Alaska suicide. While holding the because he has worked in a barrel of a rifle in his petroleum company. So in mouth, Ottway hears the howl that travel occurs a terrible of a wolf and does not pull the accident that would change trigger. Ottway sets the his life. This movie as you can survivors to task collecting see is not really a romantic material for a fire. He sees a story buy next you would have woman ask for help and she an idea of this. Also in this starts to cry but that noises its movie the scenes, when making the wolf that is eat wolves appears and kills one she, after then Ottawa decide of them in different to live the area of the accident scenes, make you have a and start to walk with the terror. So the appearance of survivors. the wolves are cut but they only want to eat you. 19
  • 20. Wolves continue eating the Now there are four survivors. group members and then The walk and walk another Ottawa make a campfire to wolves appears and they have maintain the wolves far away. to run and run the skip but The cold, hunger and they have to cross to another loneliness are the factors that mountain so one of them most of the survivor can not throw a rope and pass to the support so one of them try to other side one of them don’t kill Ottawa but then start to like the height but he have to cry. Next of that another wolf cross because the wolves come appears and they have to kill it and eat him. He start to cross and eat the wolf to survive and in the middle of the rope because there is nothing to he felt down an when Ottawa eat. In a moment they feel near to him the wolf star to eat comfortable and saves so start him. Then the other to die one to talk about region and god, stop walked because his leg its Ottawa read a poem and gives not worked properly and the some stories that he lived. other die drowned. Ottawa When there are sleep Ottawa was the last survivor and then remember his wife. She die is confronted with a Wolf. If because have a disease so you want to see what happen dangerous. It is one of the with Ottawa and the wolf you reason Ottawa wants to kill have to see the movie. him self. But this experience give him reasons to live. At morning a blizzard approaches and they do anything to prevent hypothermia when the blizzard stop. Ottway finds Burke's frozen lifeless body in the morning. 20
  • 21. Give to your hair a NEW LOOK with this special brushes that maintain your hair smooth and silky!!!! 21
  • 22. Breathing is so vital to life that The pharynx is part of the it happens automatically. Each digestive system as well as the day, you breathe about 20,000 respiratory system because it times, and by the time you're carries both food and air. At 70 years old, you'll have taken the bottom of the pharynx, this at least 600 million breaths. pathway divides in two, one for The respiratory system includes food (the esophagus, which the nose, throat, voice box, leads to the stomach) and the windpipe, and other for air. The epiglottis, a lungs. Everything starts with small flap of tissue, covers the then nostrils that act as the air-only passage. when we air in take, bringing air into the swallow, keeping food and nose, where it's warmed and liquid from going into the humidified. Tiny hairs called lungs. cilia protect the nasal The larynx is the uppermost passageways and other parts of part of the air-only pipe. This the respiratory tract, filtering short tube contains a pair of out dust and other particles vocal cords. The trachea, or that enter the nose through the windpipe, extends downward breathed air. Air can also be from the base of the taken in through the mouth. larynx. The walls of the trachea These two openings of the are strengthened by stiff rings airway (the nasal cavity and the of cartilage to keep it open. mouth) meet at the pharynx, or throat, at the back of the nose and mouth. 22
  • 23. At this point, the trachea through the nose or mouth. divides into left and right air When we breathe out, the tubes called bronchi, which diaphragm moves connect to the lungs. Within upward, forcing the chest the lungs, the bronchi branch cavity to get smaller and into smaller bronchi and even pushing the gases in the smaller tubes called lungs up and out of the nose bronchioles. Bronchioles end and mouth. in tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide actually takes place.Alveoli are like the most important part of the respiratory system the exchange of gases occurs by the process of diffusion so the low quantity of molecules is the carbon dioxide and the low quantity of molecules is the oxygen this means that carbon dioxide exchange to oxygen and then the blood absorb this oxygen which flows around the body. The diaphragm separates the chest from the abdomen, It moves downward when we breathe in, enlarging the chest cavity and pulling air in 23
  • 24. Do you like to play video As all things that happen in life games? What do you know also video games have about video games? Video advantages and disadvantages. game it’s a n electronic dame The advantages that had to that gives you a image or a play video games its that your sequence of images, like a hands gains motor function video and you can interact and if you know playing, make with a user interface. User moves with your fingers to interface is a design of human control the game at faster as machine interaction, is the you can its better. The players space where interaction need a nice control with the between humans and fingers to be the best player machines occurs. This video and also knowledge they need. games are categorized into In video games, not at all but genres based on many factors in some games the reaction its such ad method of game play. very fast so the player can We can see the disadvantages improve time that spend to and advantages that had a think what to do in an video game. Can we perceive emergency cases. So another that video games cant give us advantages is that people can information but we can learn improve the reaction in a and play with them. As a situation. Laze eye is a disease hobby boys and girls play video of the visual system and occurs games and then those people during early childhood cant stop playing so became an resulting in poor or blurry addiction of video games. vision. This affect only one eye 24
  • 25. And people use eye patch to There are many solutions, to cure this disease. In one hour haves a healthy body you can the video games can do what play but the time you spend an eye patch does in 400 doing exercises has to be more hours. So the best treatment that playing, also if you're to achieve the lazy eye is by addicted to video games try to playing video games. do another activity to have fun. I consider, that violent Video games also have games give a big problem to disadvantages for examples society so a solution is to some games have a lot of prevent those games. levels and make more interest that another activity, like do physical exercises or spend time are important to maintain a body health and a good communication with parents. Video games can give information but the knowledge of parents not. The most disadvantage of play video games is that some people became addicted. Kids are violent because they play games like call of duty, god or war, halo wars ans other games that dive a education so violent. 25
  • 26. ONU (OMS) Saudi Arabia in the subject more serious about the safety A; basically is neutral as it of the construction of the realizes that processes that plant and monitoring. In the produce radiation to violation, violators should be humans that are neutral, prosecuted and penalized in and talking about nuclear their respective countries, and plants, is also a risk that should receive the maximum must be taken to progress, penalty is life imprisonment or and if all done with high whether death security measures, there will penalty, because those are be no problem in these the people who should not plants. In item B is totally walk freely in the world. against these inhumane acts Radiation is an unavoidable and selfish. These acts are factor in the natural cycle of those that would erase the the earth, produced by human history, and it would natural processes of be great progress to remove decomposition, but now all traces of these monsters, radiation is not entirely for a better world. The natural as it should be. Thus solutions proposed by Saudi the position of Saudi Arabia, is Arabia is that nuclear that the radiation in humans radiation (caused by is caused not by its humans) should be taken more into account, 26
  • 27. most natural processes of the rights of people to meet theirs. Earth, but by excessive human There have also been cases of progress. Nuclear accidents are mass rape in U.S. troops in Arab the most affected by the land, threatening the village radiation of a human being. In women, and these have not yet 2011, the earthquake in Japan been sentenced. Been at war, Fukushima nuclear plant the minds of the soldiers may explosions followed by three be affected by several factors, plant, reactor 3 and 2, were influencing the acts committed, estimated around over the lack of support, trauma, 100muertos and several climate, among other factors disappeared and no tsunami, but by the explosion that ejected so much radiation that compared to the power of the Chernobyl incident. The rape and murder of innocents has been so far one of the worst humiliations that can make a country or armed group in armed conflict. There are cases in which the NATO armed forces have abused their power within an occupation of a country. The position of Saudi Arabia, is to judge and condemn those who do these despicable acts and unpleasant, violating
  • 28. Have you ever known would achieve his disease. But someone who overcame a in couple of weeks he die. My difficult stage of his life? I ant where so depress and that know cases of people that the was the reason she starts to most of the time felt down drink and became addicted. At and then cant wake up but work she had political enemies fortunately my aunt have and finally she was separated alcoholism problems and then from her husband because he is a professional with drank too much. She goes to a scholarships at universities. psychiatrist and began She was a role model, have a providing powerful drug. My nice house, beautiful dogs and father and my uncle went to she was married to a Chilean. brazil and have to return with But when she lived on brazil my aunt. Here in Colombia became addicted to alcohol another psychiatrist give some and members of my family drugs that make a reaction so have to travel immediately and power full. and said she was return with my aunt. Then very ill . A doctor friend saw here start a terrible live the drugs she had been given because have to suppurated and said that my aunt was this problem. But with the poisoning. When they realized family everything can be more they were looking for places to easier. Rehabilitative and had one called Fundar. When my grand father was alive he said that my aunt 28 would have a baby and he
  • 29. On December 20 She escaped and in the morning on 20th was my grandfather birthday, and that day in the evening a strange thing happened and showed she had been cured. She was slowly resuming his life thanks to treatment and rehabilitation. Continued live in Colombia, and she resumed work in Llanos. Long after she came a request for a conference in Mexico to pursue his doctorate. Nowadays she is in Mexico with a scholarships and very happy. She don’t continue drinking and when she goes to Colombia visit Fundar and give teachings to people that have the same problems. No all the people have the save luck that my aunt have but if people wants to achieve problems like alcoholism can do it if get a compromise and positive actitude. 29
  • 31. Example of a Network In a University Security: The network of the university should be safe as a network of students requires that documentation can not leak because the information is confidential students or teachers. Reliability: The network must be reliable college students as a student in any unforeseen problems can be solved using the university network for this network should be useful as the information reaches, without antecedents. reliability of use. For this installation must be perfect and legal. A computer network, or simply a network, is a collection of computers and other hardware interconnecte d by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information. 31
  • 32. Where at least one process To have more speed in one device is able to network using optical fiber send/receive data to at is recommended as it is the least one process residing in fastest one of the level of a remote device, then the other networks. The wifi two devices are said to be cost is high but the cost is in a network. A network is a reflected in the ability. group of devices connected Macro computer that to each other. Networks supports large databases in may be classified into a large enterprise networks. wide variety of characteristics: the medium used to transport the data, communications protocol used, scale, topology, benefit, and organizational scope. The WAN would be the best geographic coverage and that is best for a university Outreach has increased connectivity and dare to media such as optical fiber. The network geographical coverage and reaches the bandwidth is high in comparison to others. 32
  • 33. 33