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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013                        Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

                                                                                         ISSN 2319-345X
                                                                                               Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2013
                                                                                       © 2013 IJMRBS. All Rights Reserved

                   BRAND VALUATION:
                         Washington Macías Rendón1* and Katia Rodríguez Morales1

         *Corresponding Author: Washington Macías Rendón, 

    Herewith, the authors present a review of InterbrandTM brand valuation model and Brand Capability
    Value (BCVTM) model developed by Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009), which have some issues in
    common. Therefore, the authors propose an addition to the BCV model based on some
    inconsistencies detected, and suggests the use of financial tools like the Capital Assets Pricing
    Model (CAPM) in order to estimate a discount rate used for brand valuation.

    Keywords: Brand valuation, Interbrand, Brand Capability Value, Branding

INTRODUCTION                                                        taken an important role in there search of
It has been shown that intangible assets may                        academics and practitioners (Salinas and Ambler,
become more valuable than tangible assets within                    2009). Indeed, the International Organization for
companies (Hulten and Hao, 2008) and it has                         Standardization (ISO) issued the 10668 Norm to
been held that brands are considered the most                       standardize this practice in the firms that choose
valuable intangibles assets (ISO, 2010).                            to report the brand value as complementary
Quantifying the financial value of brands is                        information in their financial statements or any
relevant to business activities since it allows,                    other purpose, as mentioned above.
among other things, to conduct financial                                One of the best known brand valuation
transactions involving the brand, to report its value               methodologies within the marketing community
to shareholders and the market (ISO, 2010), to                      is the one developed by InterbrandTM Consulting
register the outcomes of branding actions over                      Firm. Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009) extended the
brand equity and firm value (Salinas and Ambler,                    Interbrand brand valuation model by developing
2009), to estimate royalties for trademark                          an approach that guides managers in their
licensing contracts and count on an estimation                      budgets and processes of strategic decision
to demand monetary compensation in cases of                         making, focusing on the creation of brand value.
legal infringements by third parties (Freno, 2007).                 This model is called Brand Capability Value,
In consequence, the brand valuation has under-                      BCVTM, and it is considered an ex ante approach,

    Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Economics and Business School, Km. 30.5 Vía Perimetral, Guayaquil, Ecuador

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013              Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

since it estimates the future impact of branding             A Review of InterbrandTM Model
decisions over the brand value.                              The brand valuation model of the Interbrand Group
    The BCV model was based on previous                      is a famous model that is very well accepted in
                                                             the marketing community. However, it cannot be
papers, where was argued that companies need
                                                             used by any practitioner since some of its
to focus on knowing how to combine all of its
                                                             parameters, as the Brand Role Index and the
assets to produce its ability to increase its
                                                             Brand Strength Score, are estimated upon
economic value (Ratnatunga Gray and
                                                             formulas protected by the consultant, which is
Balachandran, 2004). The BVC model uses the
                                                             the one that markets the valuation services.
so called Expenses Leveraged Value Indices
(ELVIs), in order to estimate the economic value                Summing up, the Inter brand model has its
of company’s tangible and intangible assets, upon            starting point in the company´s operating profits
                                                             after taxes (or business unit´s), subtracting a
its expense budget allocated to different type of
                                                             charge for the invested capital, obtained from the
assets (Ratnatunga et al., 2004; and Ratnatunga
                                                             result between the amount of capital invested
and Ewing, 2005). In other words, it is based on
                                                             intangible assets and the cost of capital, in order
the premise that the expenses budget goes to
                                                             to reach what they call in tangible profit. Then,
activities that create value and ELVIs reflect the
                                                             the previous result is multiplied by the Role of
expenses multiplier effect on the value of tangible
                                                             Brand Index (RBI). The RBI is mainly determined
and intangible assets.                                       through primary sources from market resear-
     In this paper, there are made some                      ches, where the goal is finding in what percentage
modifications to the BCV approach. For instance,             the purchasing decision is generated by the brand
it is considered in a different way the contribution         instead of other determinants such as price or
brand factor in generating cash flows, in order to           product attributes (Rocha, 2012).
reflect that like the contribution of the brand in               Finally, these projected earnings in the next
generating sales increases, the value of the brand           five years are translated to present value with a
also increases. Besides, we suggest using, as                discount rate that considers the Brand Strength
an input of the valuation model, a discount rate             Score (Brand Strength Discount Rate), resulting
from models like the Capital Assets Pricing Model            into the brand value (Figure 1). Interbrand currently
(CAPM), a widely used model in the financial field           uses 10 components to obtain the Brand Strength
(Graham and Harvey, 2001). A correction to one               Score (Rocha, 2012):
of the BCV model formulas is also made, which                1. Internal commitment (within the organization)
has to do with the forecasted incremental value                 with the brand, in terms of time, influence and
derived from the branding budget and ELVIs.                     investment.
   The next section summarizes the most                      2. Brand protection which includes: legal
important issues of the BCV and Interbrand                      protection, proprietorship ingredients or
models and explains the additions suggested by                  design, scale or geographical jurisdiction.
the authors in order to improve the measuring of             3. Clarity of values, positioning and brand
brand value. The final part is a conclusion about               proposal within the organization, targeting the
the contribution of the proposed methodology.                   audience.

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013               Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

                                Figure 1: Interbrand Valuation Approach

                                               Source: Rocha (2012)

4. Brand Responsiveness (adaptability) to                    10. Differentiation from competition, based on
   changes in the environment.                                   customers’ perception.
5. Brand’s authenticity regarding to its distinctive            Ratnatunga and Ewing model is based on an
   values                                                    earlier version of Interbrand model, which used 7
6. Relevance for customers’ needs desires and                components for Brand Strength Score.
   decision criteria.
7. Customers’ understanding (not only
                                                             THE BCVTM MODEL
   knowledge) of brand’s distinctive qualities and           The BCV model is based on projected cash flows
   characteristics.                                          attributable to the brand, which are brought to a
8. Consistency while experimenting with the                  present value. In this sense, the BCV model is
   brand, with regard to their expectations.                 aligned with the Interbrand Model. However, a
9. Positive presence in traditional media and                difference and main strength of BCV is the fact
   social networks.                                          that the model can be used to optimize the

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013                                     Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

branding budget, with the aim of increasing the                                      consensual analysis conduced together the
expected value of the brand; due to this, the                                        company executives.
authors call this model an ex-ante model.
Moreover, the model is participative, in the sense                                   Review and Extension of BCV Model
that many of its parameters are obtained from a                                      Table 1 shows the main elements of the BCV

                                                     Table 1: Changes on BCV Model

                 BCV (Ratnatunga and Ewing, 2009)                                                                      This Proposal

 To determine:                                                                       To determine operating cash flow instead of sales, because of the
 • Current company sales (recent historical average)                                 costs associated to the products or services sold. We call:
 • Maximum possible company sales (average of two                                    • Cash flow Statu Quo, CFSQ
     subsequent years)                                                               • Cash flow Maximum , CFMAX

 To determine the brand contribution to the sales:                                   The same
 • To separate the activities of the sales process and weigh their
     importance, ai
 • To determine the role of brand recognition in achieving each
     activity listed previously, bi
 • To estimate the total contribution of brand recognition, c:
     c = ai * bi

 To determine the maximun capability, M, and the current capability                  To determine:
 of the value of the brand, S:
                                                                                     •     Cash flows attributable to the brand, BCF, as a direct relationship
       Current Sales                                                                       to the brand’s contribution factor:
 S                                                                                  •     Maximun capability, M, and the current capability value of
             c                                                                             the brand, S, applying a discount rate, k, to the cash flows:
        Maximum Sales                                                                                  BCF
 M                                                                                        S       
                 c                                                                                       k

                                                                                           M       

                                                                                     •     The discount rate can be estimated with the CAPM, where
                                                                                           the risk factor  is inversely related to the brand strength
                                                                                           score. Include an illiquidity premium.

                                                                                     •     The brand strength score could be an overall score based on a
                                                                                           consumer market research evaluating the 10 Interbrand
                                                                                           components, or a subjective evaluation by firm executives.

 To list variables (marketing activities) that contribute to brand                   To extend from 7 to 10 actual Interbrand components and their
 recognition, based on 7 Interbrand Brand Strength components                        weights, wi
 (previous version) and weigh their importance, wi (Equation 2,
 Ratnatunga and Ewing, 2009)
                                                                                      dS    N                M i  Si           
                                                                                            ri Ei                      i Si 
 dS     N            M i  Si                                                     dt   i 1
                                                                                                             Mi                 
       ri Ei                 pi   i Si 
       i 1
  dt                 Mi                    
 To apply the model of change in the value of brand capability, optimizing           To exclude the pi term, since it is already implicit in Ei , meaning Ei
 the branding budget:                                                                the total budget multiplied by the proportion spent on component
 where,                                                                              i. N can include up to 10 components.
 N total number of components or brand strength variables. BCV
 model uses 7 components, following the previous Interbrand
 approach.                                                                           To add dS/dt (corrected) to S0 in order to obtain the expected value
 ri: is the value-increasing ELVI multiplier of the ith component (value             of the brand.
 generated per dollar spent).
 Ei:is the expense incurred in carrying out the activities of ith component.
 pi : proportionof the total budget supportaimed to the brand strength
 ith component.
 Mi: is the maximum capability value of brand, dueto ith component.
 Si : is the current capability value of brand, dueto ith component.
 i : is the value-reduction ELVI of the ith component.

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013                Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

model and the improvement proposal as well as                                  SQ
the addition that are hold throughout this paper,                 S0                                       ...(2)
which are explained below.
                                                               where, k is the discount rate for the cash flow
Brand Contribution and Cash Flow                               attributable to the brand. Among the models to
Attributable to the Brand                                      estimate discount rates, according to a study by
Considering the weaknesses of the BCV model,                   Graham and Harvey (2001), the most widely used
it has been considered the proposal of a variation             model is the CAPM. The risk reflected in the rate
thereof. In first place, instead of assessing the              should consider brand strength variables.
brand from sales, it is suggested to use operating             Interbrand uses an algorithm in which a higher
cash flow due to the costs involved in the goods               score of brand strength means a lower discount
or services of the brand. We define:                           rate, reflecting lower risk. This approach is
   BCFSQ (Brand Cash Flow, Statu Quo): Cash                    supported by studies demonstrating that with
Flow attributable to the brand estimated without               higher branding efforts and increased customer
considering future marketing efforts to increase               satisfaction, it is reduced the variability of cash
brand equity (Statu Quo).                                      flows and company´s returns (Gruca and Rego,
   BCFSQ = CFSQ * c                             ...(1)         2005; and Krasnikov et al., 2009).

    In practice, this cash flow would be obtained                  An option proposed to relate the brand strength
from the average cash flow of the company or                   with the discount rate is similar to the approach
business unit, CFSQ, of recent years (e.g., 2 or 3             of Interbrand. In view of the fact that the discount
years) multiplying by a factor that reflects the brand         rate should consider the characteristics of the
contribution to achieve cash flow, c, analogous                industry of the brand being evaluated, its
to the Role of Brand Index of Interbrand.                      determination may obtain the information from
    As suggested by Ratnatunga and Ewing                       companies in the same industry that operate in
(2009), the factor can be obtained from listing the            the stock market.
activities of the sales process of the assessed                    Suppose that the brand strength score is
company, establishing a weight for each activity               assigned from a market survey of its ten evaluated
in the total process, determining the percentage               ithcomponents on a scale from 1 to 10. A score of
by which the brand recognition influences in the               1 should have to be associated to the highest
development of each activity, and then multiplying             risk and 10 to the lowest. These risk levels depend
the weights by the percentage of brand influence.              on observed betas in the industry.In order to
The activities, their weights, and the percentages             illustrate this, Figure 2 shows thestatistical
of brand influence are derived upon consensus
                                                               information of unlevered betas of the restaurant
among company executives.
                                                               industry in the United States, and upon it can be
Brand Strength, Discount Rate and                              set an interval at 95% confidence with minimum
Current Value of the Brand                                     values of –0.42 and maximum of 2.14.
Afterwards, we propose that the current value of                  The beta of 2.14 reflecting high risk levels of
the brand, S0, should be obtained through the                  industry would have to be associated with lowest
following expression:                                          brand strength score 1, while the beta of –0.42

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013                                 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

                               Figure 2: Histogram of Betas, Restaurants Industry, USA


                                                                                                                    Unlevered Beta

                                                                                                   N        Valid                       51

                                                                                                            Lost                        0

                                                                                                   Mean                              0.859946

                                                                                                   Std. Dev.                         0.6520581

                                                                                                   Skewness                            0.845

                                                                                                   SE in Skewness                      0.333

                                                                                                   Kurtosis                            0.794

                                                                                                   SE in Kutosis                       0.656

                                                                                                   Minimum                           –0.4393

                                                                                                   Maximum                            2.6100

                                                                Elaboration: Authors

would have to be associated with the highest                                  a way to apply this is with a premium in the
brand strength score, 10, corresponding to this                               discount rate (Damodaran, 2005). If we add a 1%
specific case, a discount rate even lower than                                illiquidity premium, the discount rate would be
the risk-free rate, according to the CAPM1.
                                                                                  Making the same exercise for a brand in the
   For example, for a brand of restaurants with a
                                                                              same industry, with brand strength score set to
brand strength score equal to 8, the unlevered                                4, the equity discount rate including 1% of illiquidity
beta would be 0.51. Obtaining the information from                            premium would be 6.98%.
the stock market on October 2012, the risk-free
                                                                                 The BVC model used to treat the contributing
rate would be 0.71%2. With an estimated risk                                  factor of the brand in a way opposed to the
premium of 4.10%3, the resulting discount rate is                             proposal of this article. The cash flow of the
1.32%. In addition, you can include an illiquidity                            company was divided by the factor, obtaining the
premium in the discount rate, because brands                                  estimated brand value in the current situation.
are less tradable than other kind of assets like                              However, with this treatment, a greater role of the
stocks. There is evidence that investors spenalize                            brand would turn into a lower brand value, which
asset prices based on the perceived illiquidity and                           has no theoretical basis.
    Because of the negative beta of –0.42, the discount rate associated is lower than the risk-free rate.
    Source: Yahoo Finance. 5 years yield, average of the last month, October 16, 2012.
    Source: Damodaran Online. Historic estimated risk premium (1928-2011) over US treasury bonds.

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013                 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

Maximum Capability Value of the Brand                           Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009) are proxies of the
The BCV model makes an estimation of the                        Interbrand brand strength components.
maximum capability value of the brand, M0, with                    We propose the following equation for the
the same in consistencies described above. In                   change in the BCV in time, ds/dt, which corrects
this case, the maximum cash flow that could be                  the Equation (2) of Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009)
achieved in future periods is divided by the brand              excluding the pi term, which is implicit in the Ei
contributing factor. One more time, a greater                   term:
brand contribution used to result into a lower value
                                                                     ds                      Mi  Si           
brand capability.
                                                                            r E 
                                                                            i 1
                                                                                       i i
                                                                                                Mi 
                                                                                                          i Si 
   This proposal consists in using the maximum
estimated cash flow, multiplied by the factor of                where,
brand contribution, obtaining the maximum cash                  N      Total number of components and brand
flow attributable to the brand, and then dividing it                   strength
by the appropriate discount rate:
                                                                ri     is the value-increasing ELVI multiplier of the
          BCF                                                          ith component (value generated per dollar
   M0                                           ...(3)
             k                                                         spent).
   BCFMAX = CFMAX * c                            ...(4)         Ei     is the expense incurred in carrying out the
where                                                                  activities of the ith component. It is obtained
                                                                       by multiplying the total budget that supports
   M0         Maximum capability value of the brand
                                                                       the brand strength, by the proportion
   BCFMAX     (Brand Cash Flow, Maximum
                                                                       assigned to the ith component.
              Capability): Maximum cash flows
              attributable to the brand.                        Mi     is the maximum capability value of brand
                                                                       due to ith component.
   The BCFMAX is calculated upon the maximum
cash flow that the company could reach in the                   Si     is the current capability value of the brand
projection period, optimizing its branding budget,                     due to the i component.
CFMAX, multiplied by the brand contribution factor.
                                                                i     is thevalue-decay ELVI multiplier of the ith
Change in Brand Capability Value                                       component, this implies that there must be
The contributionof the BCV model, which mainly                         a minimum expenditure to maintain the
differentiates it from the Interbrand’s approach,                      value of brand capability.
is that it permits estimating the change in the                     Both ELVIs, the one that increases value and
economic value of the brand based on the                        the one that reduces it, are obtained from
assigned budget for N components (or activities)                consensus among executives of the company
oriented to the construction of brand strength, and             or business unit evaluated. This feature of the
the multipliers of value of those expenses, which               approach has the advantage of being participative,
are named ELVIs. The N components used by                       allowing the company abetter understanding of

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013               Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

the determinants of its brand value, which is kept            the efforts to improve the available methodologies
in our proposal.                                              for professionals in marketing and finance areas.
Projected Brand Capability Value
The value obtained with the above Equation (5),
                                                               1.   Damodaran Aswath (2005), “Marketability
represents the expected change in the BCV during
                                                                    and Value: Measuring the Illiquidity
the budget period, which added to the current
                                                                    Discount”, Working paper, New York
value, S0, would give the new expected BCV.
                                                                    University. Available at SSRN: http://
Using this tool, managers can modify the budget
allocation in different components of brand
strength, to maximize the projected brand value,               2.   Freno Michael (2007), “Trademark Valuation:
without neglecting any of the activities.                           Preserving Brand Equity”, The Trademark
                                                                    Reporter, Vol. 97, No. 5, pp. 1055-1072
CONCLUSION                                                     3.   Graham J and Harvey C (2001), “The Theory
The BCV model for valuing brands has some                           and Practice of Corporate Finance:
advantages. It is participative, in the sense that it               Evidence From The Field”, Journal of
considers the internal consensus of company´s                       Financial Economics, Vol. 60, pp. 187-243.
executives to determine the relative importance
                                                               4.   Gruca T and Rego L (2005), “Customer
of the activities involved in the sales process, and
                                                                    Satisfaction, Cash Flow, and Shareholder
multipliers of the expenses related to branding
                                                                    Value”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, No. 3,
activities. Besides, it allows an optimization of
                                                                    pp. 115-130.
branding budget, since the brand projected value
is expressed in terms of expenses and                          5.   Hamada Robert (1969), “Portfolio Analysis,
multipliers. However, the model has some                            Market Equilibrium and Corporation
                                                                    Finance”, The Journal of Finance, Vol. 24,
inconsistencies in the treatment of brand
                                                                    No. 1, pp. 13-31.
contribution factor, as it proposes an inverse
relationship between the brand contribution and                6.   Hulten C R and Hao X (2008), “What is a
its value.                                                          Company Really Worth? Intangible Capital
                                                                    and the ‘Market to Book Value’ Puzzle”,
   The changes proposed in this paper correct
                                                                    NBER Working Paper 14548.
the inconsistencies, suggesting a direct link
between the brand contribution and its value.                  7.   International Standard Organization (2010),
Furthermore, we propose the use of tools                            ISO 10668: 2010 “Brand Valuation –
available in the financial literature, showing how                  Requirements for Monetary Brand
they could be included in the process of                            Valuation”.
estimating the value of a brand. Given the                     8.   Krasnikov A, Mishra S and Orozco D (2009),
relevance that valuing brands has, which has                        “Evaluating the Financial Impact of Branding
been recognized by several authors (International                   Using Trademarks: A Framework and
Standard Organization, 2010; Salinas and Ambler,                    Empirical Evidence”, Journal of Marketing,
2009; and Freno, 2007), we consider important                       Vol. 73, No. 6, pp. 154-166.

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013              Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013

 9.   Ratnatunga J and Ewing M (2009), An Ex-                  Brand Capability Value of Integrated
      ante Approach to Brand Capability                        Marketing Communication”, Journal of
      Valuation”, Journal of Business Research,                Advertising, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 25-40.
      Vol. 62, March, pp. 523-331                          12. Rocha Mike (2012), Brand Valuation, A
10. Ratnatunga J, Gray N and Balachandran K                    Versatile Strategic Tool for Business,
    R (2004), “CEVITA: The Valuation and                       Interbrand.
    Reporting of Strategic Capabilities”,                  13. Salinas G and Ambler T (2009), “A
    Management Accounting Research, Vol. 15,                   Taxonomy of Brand Valuation Practice:
    No. 1, pp. 77-105.                                         Methodologies and Purposes”, Brand
11.   Ratnatunga J and Ewing M (2005), “The                    Management, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 39-61.

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Macias Rodriguez2013(11)(p.121-129)

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Macias Rodriguez2013(11)(p.121-129)

  • 1.
  • 2. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 ISSN 2319-345X Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2013 © 2013 IJMRBS. All Rights Reserved BRAND VALUATION: A REVIEW OF INTERBRANDTM AND BRAND CAPABILITY VALUETM MODELS Washington Macías Rendón1* and Katia Rodríguez Morales1 *Corresponding Author: Washington Macías Rendón,  Herewith, the authors present a review of InterbrandTM brand valuation model and Brand Capability Value (BCVTM) model developed by Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009), which have some issues in common. Therefore, the authors propose an addition to the BCV model based on some inconsistencies detected, and suggests the use of financial tools like the Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) in order to estimate a discount rate used for brand valuation. Keywords: Brand valuation, Interbrand, Brand Capability Value, Branding INTRODUCTION taken an important role in there search of It has been shown that intangible assets may academics and practitioners (Salinas and Ambler, become more valuable than tangible assets within 2009). Indeed, the International Organization for companies (Hulten and Hao, 2008) and it has Standardization (ISO) issued the 10668 Norm to been held that brands are considered the most standardize this practice in the firms that choose valuable intangibles assets (ISO, 2010). to report the brand value as complementary Quantifying the financial value of brands is information in their financial statements or any relevant to business activities since it allows, other purpose, as mentioned above. among other things, to conduct financial One of the best known brand valuation transactions involving the brand, to report its value methodologies within the marketing community to shareholders and the market (ISO, 2010), to is the one developed by InterbrandTM Consulting register the outcomes of branding actions over Firm. Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009) extended the brand equity and firm value (Salinas and Ambler, Interbrand brand valuation model by developing 2009), to estimate royalties for trademark an approach that guides managers in their licensing contracts and count on an estimation budgets and processes of strategic decision to demand monetary compensation in cases of making, focusing on the creation of brand value. legal infringements by third parties (Freno, 2007). This model is called Brand Capability Value, In consequence, the brand valuation has under- BCVTM, and it is considered an ex ante approach, 1 Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Economics and Business School, Km. 30.5 Vía Perimetral, Guayaquil, Ecuador This article can be downloaded from 121
  • 3. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 since it estimates the future impact of branding A Review of InterbrandTM Model decisions over the brand value. The brand valuation model of the Interbrand Group The BCV model was based on previous is a famous model that is very well accepted in the marketing community. However, it cannot be papers, where was argued that companies need used by any practitioner since some of its to focus on knowing how to combine all of its parameters, as the Brand Role Index and the assets to produce its ability to increase its Brand Strength Score, are estimated upon economic value (Ratnatunga Gray and formulas protected by the consultant, which is Balachandran, 2004). The BVC model uses the the one that markets the valuation services. so called Expenses Leveraged Value Indices (ELVIs), in order to estimate the economic value Summing up, the Inter brand model has its of company’s tangible and intangible assets, upon starting point in the company´s operating profits after taxes (or business unit´s), subtracting a its expense budget allocated to different type of charge for the invested capital, obtained from the assets (Ratnatunga et al., 2004; and Ratnatunga result between the amount of capital invested and Ewing, 2005). In other words, it is based on intangible assets and the cost of capital, in order the premise that the expenses budget goes to to reach what they call in tangible profit. Then, activities that create value and ELVIs reflect the the previous result is multiplied by the Role of expenses multiplier effect on the value of tangible Brand Index (RBI). The RBI is mainly determined and intangible assets. through primary sources from market resear- In this paper, there are made some ches, where the goal is finding in what percentage modifications to the BCV approach. For instance, the purchasing decision is generated by the brand it is considered in a different way the contribution instead of other determinants such as price or brand factor in generating cash flows, in order to product attributes (Rocha, 2012). reflect that like the contribution of the brand in Finally, these projected earnings in the next generating sales increases, the value of the brand five years are translated to present value with a also increases. Besides, we suggest using, as discount rate that considers the Brand Strength an input of the valuation model, a discount rate Score (Brand Strength Discount Rate), resulting from models like the Capital Assets Pricing Model into the brand value (Figure 1). Interbrand currently (CAPM), a widely used model in the financial field uses 10 components to obtain the Brand Strength (Graham and Harvey, 2001). A correction to one Score (Rocha, 2012): of the BCV model formulas is also made, which 1. Internal commitment (within the organization) has to do with the forecasted incremental value with the brand, in terms of time, influence and derived from the branding budget and ELVIs. investment. The next section summarizes the most 2. Brand protection which includes: legal important issues of the BCV and Interbrand protection, proprietorship ingredients or models and explains the additions suggested by design, scale or geographical jurisdiction. the authors in order to improve the measuring of 3. Clarity of values, positioning and brand brand value. The final part is a conclusion about proposal within the organization, targeting the the contribution of the proposed methodology. audience. This article can be downloaded from 122
  • 4. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 Figure 1: Interbrand Valuation Approach Source: Rocha (2012) 4. Brand Responsiveness (adaptability) to 10. Differentiation from competition, based on changes in the environment. customers’ perception. 5. Brand’s authenticity regarding to its distinctive Ratnatunga and Ewing model is based on an values earlier version of Interbrand model, which used 7 6. Relevance for customers’ needs desires and components for Brand Strength Score. decision criteria. 7. Customers’ understanding (not only THE BCVTM MODEL knowledge) of brand’s distinctive qualities and The BCV model is based on projected cash flows characteristics. attributable to the brand, which are brought to a 8. Consistency while experimenting with the present value. In this sense, the BCV model is brand, with regard to their expectations. aligned with the Interbrand Model. However, a 9. Positive presence in traditional media and difference and main strength of BCV is the fact social networks. that the model can be used to optimize the This article can be downloaded from 123
  • 5. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 branding budget, with the aim of increasing the consensual analysis conduced together the expected value of the brand; due to this, the company executives. authors call this model an ex-ante model. Moreover, the model is participative, in the sense Review and Extension of BCV Model that many of its parameters are obtained from a Table 1 shows the main elements of the BCV Table 1: Changes on BCV Model BCV (Ratnatunga and Ewing, 2009) This Proposal To determine: To determine operating cash flow instead of sales, because of the • Current company sales (recent historical average) costs associated to the products or services sold. We call: • Maximum possible company sales (average of two • Cash flow Statu Quo, CFSQ subsequent years) • Cash flow Maximum , CFMAX To determine the brand contribution to the sales: The same • To separate the activities of the sales process and weigh their importance, ai • To determine the role of brand recognition in achieving each activity listed previously, bi • To estimate the total contribution of brand recognition, c: c = ai * bi To determine the maximun capability, M, and the current capability To determine: of the value of the brand, S: • Cash flows attributable to the brand, BCF, as a direct relationship Current Sales to the brand’s contribution factor: S  • Maximun capability, M, and the current capability value of c the brand, S, applying a discount rate, k, to the cash flows: SQ Maximum Sales BCF M  S  0 c k MAX BCF M  0 k • The discount rate can be estimated with the CAPM, where the risk factor  is inversely related to the brand strength score. Include an illiquidity premium. • The brand strength score could be an overall score based on a consumer market research evaluating the 10 Interbrand components, or a subjective evaluation by firm executives. To list variables (marketing activities) that contribute to brand To extend from 7 to 10 actual Interbrand components and their recognition, based on 7 Interbrand Brand Strength components weights, wi (previous version) and weigh their importance, wi (Equation 2, Ratnatunga and Ewing, 2009) dS N   M i  Si      ri Ei     i Si  dS N   M i  Si   dt i 1   Mi     ri Ei   pi   i Si  i 1 dt   Mi   To apply the model of change in the value of brand capability, optimizing To exclude the pi term, since it is already implicit in Ei , meaning Ei the branding budget: the total budget multiplied by the proportion spent on component where, i. N can include up to 10 components. N total number of components or brand strength variables. BCV model uses 7 components, following the previous Interbrand approach. To add dS/dt (corrected) to S0 in order to obtain the expected value ri: is the value-increasing ELVI multiplier of the ith component (value of the brand. generated per dollar spent). Ei:is the expense incurred in carrying out the activities of ith component. pi : proportionof the total budget supportaimed to the brand strength ith component. Mi: is the maximum capability value of brand, dueto ith component. Si : is the current capability value of brand, dueto ith component. i : is the value-reduction ELVI of the ith component. This article can be downloaded from 124
  • 6. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 model and the improvement proposal as well as SQ BCF the addition that are hold throughout this paper, S0  ...(2) k which are explained below. where, k is the discount rate for the cash flow Brand Contribution and Cash Flow attributable to the brand. Among the models to Attributable to the Brand estimate discount rates, according to a study by Considering the weaknesses of the BCV model, Graham and Harvey (2001), the most widely used it has been considered the proposal of a variation model is the CAPM. The risk reflected in the rate thereof. In first place, instead of assessing the should consider brand strength variables. brand from sales, it is suggested to use operating Interbrand uses an algorithm in which a higher cash flow due to the costs involved in the goods score of brand strength means a lower discount or services of the brand. We define: rate, reflecting lower risk. This approach is BCFSQ (Brand Cash Flow, Statu Quo): Cash supported by studies demonstrating that with Flow attributable to the brand estimated without higher branding efforts and increased customer considering future marketing efforts to increase satisfaction, it is reduced the variability of cash brand equity (Statu Quo). flows and company´s returns (Gruca and Rego, BCFSQ = CFSQ * c ...(1) 2005; and Krasnikov et al., 2009). In practice, this cash flow would be obtained An option proposed to relate the brand strength from the average cash flow of the company or with the discount rate is similar to the approach business unit, CFSQ, of recent years (e.g., 2 or 3 of Interbrand. In view of the fact that the discount years) multiplying by a factor that reflects the brand rate should consider the characteristics of the contribution to achieve cash flow, c, analogous industry of the brand being evaluated, its to the Role of Brand Index of Interbrand. determination may obtain the information from As suggested by Ratnatunga and Ewing companies in the same industry that operate in (2009), the factor can be obtained from listing the the stock market. activities of the sales process of the assessed Suppose that the brand strength score is company, establishing a weight for each activity assigned from a market survey of its ten evaluated in the total process, determining the percentage ithcomponents on a scale from 1 to 10. A score of by which the brand recognition influences in the 1 should have to be associated to the highest development of each activity, and then multiplying risk and 10 to the lowest. These risk levels depend the weights by the percentage of brand influence. on observed betas in the industry.In order to The activities, their weights, and the percentages illustrate this, Figure 2 shows thestatistical of brand influence are derived upon consensus information of unlevered betas of the restaurant among company executives. industry in the United States, and upon it can be Brand Strength, Discount Rate and set an interval at 95% confidence with minimum Current Value of the Brand values of –0.42 and maximum of 2.14. Afterwards, we propose that the current value of The beta of 2.14 reflecting high risk levels of the brand, S0, should be obtained through the industry would have to be associated with lowest following expression: brand strength score 1, while the beta of –0.42 This article can be downloaded from 125
  • 7. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 Figure 2: Histogram of Betas, Restaurants Industry, USA Statistics Unlevered Beta N Valid 51 Lost 0 Mean 0.859946 Std. Dev. 0.6520581 Skewness 0.845 SE in Skewness 0.333 Kurtosis 0.794 SE in Kutosis 0.656 Minimum –0.4393 Maximum 2.6100 Elaboration: Authors would have to be associated with the highest a way to apply this is with a premium in the brand strength score, 10, corresponding to this discount rate (Damodaran, 2005). If we add a 1% specific case, a discount rate even lower than illiquidity premium, the discount rate would be 2.32%. the risk-free rate, according to the CAPM1. Making the same exercise for a brand in the For example, for a brand of restaurants with a same industry, with brand strength score set to brand strength score equal to 8, the unlevered 4, the equity discount rate including 1% of illiquidity beta would be 0.51. Obtaining the information from premium would be 6.98%. the stock market on October 2012, the risk-free The BVC model used to treat the contributing rate would be 0.71%2. With an estimated risk factor of the brand in a way opposed to the premium of 4.10%3, the resulting discount rate is proposal of this article. The cash flow of the 1.32%. In addition, you can include an illiquidity company was divided by the factor, obtaining the premium in the discount rate, because brands estimated brand value in the current situation. are less tradable than other kind of assets like However, with this treatment, a greater role of the stocks. There is evidence that investors spenalize brand would turn into a lower brand value, which asset prices based on the perceived illiquidity and has no theoretical basis. 1 Because of the negative beta of –0.42, the discount rate associated is lower than the risk-free rate. 2 Source: Yahoo Finance. 5 years yield, average of the last month, October 16, 2012. 3 Source: Damodaran Online. Historic estimated risk premium (1928-2011) over US treasury bonds. This article can be downloaded from 126
  • 8. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 Maximum Capability Value of the Brand Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009) are proxies of the The BCV model makes an estimation of the Interbrand brand strength components. maximum capability value of the brand, M0, with We propose the following equation for the the same in consistencies described above. In change in the BCV in time, ds/dt, which corrects this case, the maximum cash flow that could be the Equation (2) of Ratnatunga and Ewing (2009) achieved in future periods is divided by the brand excluding the pi term, which is implicit in the Ei contributing factor. One more time, a greater term: brand contribution used to result into a lower value N ds   Mi  Si   brand capability. dt   r E    i 1   i i Mi     i Si     ...(5) This proposal consists in using the maximum estimated cash flow, multiplied by the factor of where, brand contribution, obtaining the maximum cash N Total number of components and brand flow attributable to the brand, and then dividing it strength by the appropriate discount rate: ri is the value-increasing ELVI multiplier of the MAX BCF ith component (value generated per dollar M0  ...(3) k spent). BCFMAX = CFMAX * c ...(4) Ei is the expense incurred in carrying out the where activities of the ith component. It is obtained by multiplying the total budget that supports M0 Maximum capability value of the brand the brand strength, by the proportion BCFMAX (Brand Cash Flow, Maximum assigned to the ith component. Capability): Maximum cash flows attributable to the brand. Mi is the maximum capability value of brand due to ith component. The BCFMAX is calculated upon the maximum cash flow that the company could reach in the Si is the current capability value of the brand projection period, optimizing its branding budget, due to the i component. CFMAX, multiplied by the brand contribution factor. i is thevalue-decay ELVI multiplier of the ith Change in Brand Capability Value component, this implies that there must be The contributionof the BCV model, which mainly a minimum expenditure to maintain the differentiates it from the Interbrand’s approach, value of brand capability. is that it permits estimating the change in the Both ELVIs, the one that increases value and economic value of the brand based on the the one that reduces it, are obtained from assigned budget for N components (or activities) consensus among executives of the company oriented to the construction of brand strength, and or business unit evaluated. This feature of the the multipliers of value of those expenses, which approach has the advantage of being participative, are named ELVIs. The N components used by allowing the company abetter understanding of This article can be downloaded from 127
  • 9. Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2013 Washington Macías Rendón and Katia Rodríguez Morales, 2013 the determinants of its brand value, which is kept the efforts to improve the available methodologies in our proposal. for professionals in marketing and finance areas. Projected Brand Capability Value REFERENCES The value obtained with the above Equation (5), 1. Damodaran Aswath (2005), “Marketability represents the expected change in the BCV during and Value: Measuring the Illiquidity the budget period, which added to the current Discount”, Working paper, New York value, S0, would give the new expected BCV. University. Available at SSRN: http:// Using this tool, managers can modify the budget allocation in different components of brand strength, to maximize the projected brand value, 2. Freno Michael (2007), “Trademark Valuation: without neglecting any of the activities. Preserving Brand Equity”, The Trademark Reporter, Vol. 97, No. 5, pp. 1055-1072 CONCLUSION 3. Graham J and Harvey C (2001), “The Theory The BCV model for valuing brands has some and Practice of Corporate Finance: advantages. It is participative, in the sense that it Evidence From The Field”, Journal of considers the internal consensus of company´s Financial Economics, Vol. 60, pp. 187-243. executives to determine the relative importance 4. Gruca T and Rego L (2005), “Customer of the activities involved in the sales process, and Satisfaction, Cash Flow, and Shareholder multipliers of the expenses related to branding Value”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, No. 3, activities. Besides, it allows an optimization of pp. 115-130. branding budget, since the brand projected value is expressed in terms of expenses and 5. Hamada Robert (1969), “Portfolio Analysis, multipliers. However, the model has some Market Equilibrium and Corporation Finance”, The Journal of Finance, Vol. 24, inconsistencies in the treatment of brand No. 1, pp. 13-31. contribution factor, as it proposes an inverse relationship between the brand contribution and 6. Hulten C R and Hao X (2008), “What is a its value. Company Really Worth? Intangible Capital and the ‘Market to Book Value’ Puzzle”, The changes proposed in this paper correct NBER Working Paper 14548. the inconsistencies, suggesting a direct link between the brand contribution and its value. 7. International Standard Organization (2010), Furthermore, we propose the use of tools ISO 10668: 2010 “Brand Valuation – available in the financial literature, showing how Requirements for Monetary Brand they could be included in the process of Valuation”. estimating the value of a brand. Given the 8. Krasnikov A, Mishra S and Orozco D (2009), relevance that valuing brands has, which has “Evaluating the Financial Impact of Branding been recognized by several authors (International Using Trademarks: A Framework and Standard Organization, 2010; Salinas and Ambler, Empirical Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, 2009; and Freno, 2007), we consider important Vol. 73, No. 6, pp. 154-166. This article can be downloaded from 128
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