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Macbeth Film Analysis
Macbeth Film Review
In the 2010 film adaptation of the tragedy Macbeth, Robert Gould – the director – takes a spin on the Shakespearean play and switches up the setting to
add character to the film. While changing the historical setting is bold and risky, it alludes to a bigger theme: history repeating itself. In a sense there
is a comparison of power struggles during the 11th century and early 1940s. It is not hard to make these connections within the 180 minutes of the
film but some scenes tend to be slow and repetitive of the message being given. Power is one of the biggest sources of conflict in the film, as Macbeth
(played by the talented Patrick Stewart) is continuously trying to protect his claim to the throne. Macbeth is clearly compared to Stalin when he goes
on a hiatus for power.
The opening science presents viewers with the implementation that war is occurring and a traitor has been caught. The three nurse, who we later find
out represent the three witches, went on to give Macbeth and Banquo (Martin Turner) a prophecy. Macbeth then goes on a quest to fulfill that
prophesy with the help of his wife, Lady Macbeth (Kate Fleetwood). As he double crosses the people closest to him, he learns that it is not easy to
have so much power. Thus, throughout the course of the movie, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are challenged by others around them– or so they think.
But as you know, this is a tragedy, meaning nothing good can possibly come out of this film.
Before watching this film, you should know that it takes places underground for majority of the film. Maybe the director meant for this to be
symbolic but it is hard to tell. For example, in one scene there is a sink in the middle of a hallway. Nothing else, just a sink. This is where I
questioned if they had the budget to make this film spectacular. But I would think a PBS production would have brought more character to the
setting. Also, the film clearly makes connections to World War II but the setting skips pass showing any aspects of war; except for the montage of
war footage. The only thing used to remind viewers that this is supposed to be during World War II are the props, mainly the picture of Macbeth.
However, Gould produced amazing camera angles by
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Cinematography Essay examples
Today, the movie industry has become a huge moneymaker in the entertainment business. You cannot turn on the television without seeing
advertisements for the next big blockbuster film. While most of the films these days entertain with amazing special effects or raunchy comedy, there
are still films that thrive because of great acting, directing, and editing. Three films that I believe would be great examples of the way these aspects
can cause a film to excel are ?Any Given Sunday?, ?The Cell?, and ?Almost Famous?. ?Any Given Sunday? shows how, by using editing, a movie can
portray an intense situation realistically. In ?The Cell?, color is used to differentiate between how we see things in reality and more content...
Panning shots of cheering fans and screaming coaches along with occasional shots of the game being broadcast on a television with commentators
giving their take on the action send the viewer back to the reality that they are only watching the action and not participating in it. While watching this
movie you truly feel like you are in the game.
?The Cell?, instead of focusing on accurately portraying reality, takes you to the dream world. Catherine Deane, played by Jennifer Lopez, is a
child psychologist involved in an experimental project that allows her to travel inside the mind of coma victims to try to draw them away from
their fears and thus out of their coma. This movie portrays the journey inside the mind much like you would depict a dream. When Deane is inside
a young child, whose main concern seems to be a fear of the ?boogie man?, the world she enters is a beautiful desert scene where the sky is bright
blue with puffy white clouds. She is always dressed in bright white dresses and seems to glow. This depicts that she has earned the child?s trust. All
color is brighter in this dreamlike world. Even though these experiments had not been successful bringing the child out of the coma, Dean was able
to learn a lot about the child. This caused a couple of detectives to approach her about entering the mind of a serial killer who had slipped into a coma
with the goal of discovering the location of his most recent captive.
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Hollywood Film Analysis
The classic Hollywood movie was dominated by a misogynistic view of sex and gender. The Hollywood film rose rapidly as one of the highest
earning industries in America in the early twentieth century. As a result of the traditional patriarchal society of the era it was the men who owned the
studios, the men who wrote the scripts, the men who worked behind the scenes, and the men who held the leading roles that dominated the industry. In
this paper, I will discuss in brief my experience in viewing the short film by Tracy Moffatt (2003). Second, examine the feminist theories of Mulvey
(1975) that provide a psychoanalysis of the 'male gaze' and how these views of sex and gender were placed in the movie. Finally, I will provide a more content...
The criteria of this theory examined how women's roles were perceived, were they passive or active, did they receive adequate screen time and were
their roles stereotypical of the female genre, did the roles 'reinforce sexism'. In addition, in its infancy, this theory examined the meaning of the text and
what affects they had on the audience and the primary focus on the 'male gaze' and 'spectatorship'.
Moreover, Laura Mulvey's essay, 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' (1975), Mulvey applied the psychoanalysis theories of Sigmund Freud and
Jacques Lacan and combined them with feminist theory to analyse the woman's role in film. Mulvey argues that women play roles that are passive
and women are only used as a 'visual pleasure' to accompany the 'male actor', that is to say, the woman's role is to highlight the 'patriarchal order' of
the male, hence the woman is 'objectified and exploited'. According to Mulvey, this manifests in the way the male actor perceives the female actor and
the character she plays. The 'male gaze' is defined in three points made by Mulvey, the man behind the camera, the male representation in the film, and
the male spectator. In addition, Mulvey argues, that the female character has an impact on the audience both male and female. These passive female
roles reinforce the patriarchal view on the male audience and his
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My Life
When I first learned about this assignment I got very excited; it would be so much fun to analyze a move from a developmental perspective. I
knew many movies from the list but never before look at them from psychological view. Since I could not decide which movie to choose I made a
decision to watch all of them and pick one the most meaningful to me or related the most to my life experiences. I choose to write about 'My Life'.
In the movie Michael Keaton stars as Bob Jones, who has just been informed that his wife Gail (Nicole Kidman) is pregnant with their first child.
However, he has also been told he has kidney cancer that has spread to his lungs. Doctors are giving him not long than four month to live in which
case Bob would not more content...
Ivanovich doesn't show of anger or resentment toward god or faith beside this one moment when he shouts at his main doctor after one of the
consultations. In the meantime, under the persuasion of his wife, Bob decides to visit a Chinese healer named Mr. Ho who urges him to listen to
his heart, which is calling him to forgive, and that life is always giving him invitations if he would but listen. It was probably a turning point which
made him rethink his life and initiate searching for reasons of his inner anger. Mr. Ho's words were especially important and meaningful in the face
of earlier events at Bob's office. Jonson's assistant was asked to videotape a short conversation with people in the office about their boss and
co–worker. Apparently, he faced a lot of problems in completion of this task since people either did not wanted to do it or were not honest about their
answers. They all seem to see Jonson as a nice person, very cleaver, funny and charming. "Great men of PR, based on one of the magazines one of the
most successful one..... the real wheeler– dealer..... the best boss ever ." However, during a process of creating the video one of Bob's coworkers, in
the belief he was not recorded, expressed his true opinion about him. He admitted that he rally does not know him and he doubts that Bob truly knows
himself; " Jones is a product of his own PR." Until the last
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Film Analysis: Wall-E
At the beginning of the movie shows Wall–E working and traveling through town and all the skyscrapers are constructed out of garbage.Earth is
swamp with garbage and the lacking of plant and animals are evidentv(except for his pet the cockroach named Hal).This part of the movie while a
little exagerted it has a realistic force. Is the planet is fill with trash it will decay the plants and affectes greatly the animals.The garbage breaks down if
given enough time. The time vary depending upon the density of the matter, weather conditions and
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Get Out Film Analysis
Get Out is a film by Jordan Peele, which was release on February 24, 2017. Get Out is a social thriller, which follows an interracial couple, Rose and
Chris. Chris and Rose take a weekend to visit her family, the Armitage family, home in a isolated area surrounded by a forest. The plot spirals out of
control following many disturbing discoveries by Chris and in turn, Chris must get out of the Armitage household.
Jordan Peele's acclaimed social horror thriller "Get Out" released February 24th, 2017 in the USA portrayed racial relation in America. The story
follows Chris (Daniel Kaluuya), who is a talented, young African American male photographer who is had been dating Rose Armitage (Allison
Williams) for five months. Rose takes Chris more content...
Following this suggestion, the police officer backs off and wishes them safe travels. Chris then tells Rose that it was 'hot' the way she stood up for
him to the racist policeman as they continue to drive to her parents' home. The behavior of the police officer fits the narrative as told by role schema.
Role schema, which is the cognitive structure that organizes one's knowledge about appropriate behaviors, tells the audience that the police officer
initial purpose was to help Chris and Rose. The role and expectations associated with these categories are commonly referred to as stereotypes – mental
representations of social groups and their members that are widely shared. (Hamilton & Sherman, 1994; Macrae, Stangor & Hewstone, 1996; and
Stangor & Lange, 1994). Expectations from our memory tell us how police officers are to act through real life situations we experience and from
what we are taught. We then make inferences and judge whether the officer is acting "correct" based upon these experiences and teachings. The term
'correct' is subjective, and define differently from out group members to stigmatized group members. Police officers' purpose is to protect and serve
civilians; however, social expectation theory challenges the role schema of police. The social expectation theory applies to audience members who
have learned what to expect from certain groups of people by viewing media and have not learned it through real life
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Film Analysis Essay
So, I've decided to start watching films by themes every week. Forcing myself not only to put a break to the insane amount of TV shows I have
been watching (I'm back on the TV binge again, I don't know how it happens, but I always go back to it) but to also analyse patterns within the film
industry. First week. Gyllenhaal week, Jake Gyllenhaal to be precise. He has always had really intriguing choices/ or been given interesting
characters, trying not to be pinpointed by a single form of filmmaking. But, there are always patterns, and I can't remember during this week any film
that he didn't have any love interest. Which comes to questions, that he always is an object of romantic desire, even when he is playing a creepy man
recording late more content...
the references to spiders as women come from dreamlike states. the tram lines that surround the city resembling webs in the sky, the Louise bourgeois
Maman spider–like controlling the city. the film has many interpretations and many different subjects being dealt with, it being the idea of
individual and maybe the lack of it in this society or the fear of the understanding of the female. it is open for interpretation. although I might say
that the spiders aren't referenced in the book. so... there's that. it has a yellow tone, a desaturation that can characterise the lack of individuality of
the being in a society like that. here's the rundown of films I watched that week, and a bit of a review to them lol not really. (some were
rewatched) (give a star system) Donnie Darko (overrated tbh) Zodiac ( a true icon ) Demolition ( can't truly remember what happened there, but
Naomi watts was in it, I think?) Jarhead (incredibly fascinating, plus the fact that the editing god, Walter Murch edited this film and in the film, they
were watching apocalypse now, another film edited by him, was true meta moment The day after tomorrow ( classic !!! this film was 2012 before 2012
was 2012 ) Love and other drugs ( that was strange ) Enemy ( !!! AAAAAAAAAAAA
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Film Analysis
There is always a time and place for everything, no matter where we are in this world. Sometimes, it takes the smallest and the largest of things to
really find yourself in this vast society. One of those things is filming, otherwise known as film in general. Throughout the world, there are people
who direct films to often give a story that captivates us. In these films, we not only see what the Director sees in his eyes, but we also see life in its
finest detail. Capturing the life that moves around us is an art and when we fully take the advantage of remembering our past, not only will we be
able to encounter the days of our past, but we will be able to look towards the future as well.
When we look at the films that countless of more content...
The study of sociology has to do with the society as a whole, while the study of psychology has to do with the human behavior. In film, we look at the
psychological reading of characters. In many films where the setting takes place in a hospital or a dark house, we usually see characters with abnormal
features that often frighten people. Edward Scissor–Hands is a good example. Although the story of Scissor–Hands was well written and well
established, the concept of the character left a horrifying remark. In many cases, the way a character is developed often leads to a specific genre
being picked. The way we look into the human behavior of a character can differ from each person. Sometimes you will have one person view the
characters development on how they changed, while another will simply look at how the character is portrayed throughout the film. Either way, both
methods are correct in looking into the human behavior of one specific character. Using this type of analysis can be an advantage as in international
cinema, we are privy to experiencing and learning about many different characters that are often introduced
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Frankenstein Film Analysis
Tiffiany Stewart
English 2122 British Literature
Module 11
Film Analysis Essay
Mary Shelley "Frankenstein" and Kenneth Branagh Film "Frankenstein"
Film adaptations generally differ from the novel on which they are based. Between Frankenstein, a novel by Mary Shelley, and the film adaptation by
Kenneth Branagh, there are many differences in detail, however this was done to illuminate major themes of the novel, for example, the dangers of the
constant pursuit of science and Victor Frankenstein's relationships. Nonetheless, there are similarities in the undertone of both mediums that portray
mutual morals. Reading the novel and watching the film adaption demonstrated that although there are several differences between the two,
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This was a significant scene because it fostered the later the obsession Victor has with the transference of energy and defeating death (13:01–15:36).
Victor then takes his family on a walk and while a lightning storm approached them, Victor set up an apparatus which then displayed to his family how
he could transfer electricity from the lightning to their bodies (Branagh). Though this scene never happened in the novel, it was supportive to the
understanding of Victor's deep curiosity in science and proved how electricity is an initial notion of scientific study, which Victor later uses to create life.
Victor Frankenstein then goes off to the University of Ingolstadt to study and become a medical doctor (15:39–17:30). While he is in school he points
out to everyone that Professor Waldman had once experimented with reviving the dead. This successfully put Waldman's reputation at serious risk,
which Frankenstein uses as leverage to provoke Waldman's assistance in his own experiments. Later, Victor's first trail at reviving life was bringing a
frog back to life, and cheers his success. This aspect of Frankenstein's personality, however, is best exemplified by the films chief departure from the
Branagh shows Victor to be a concentrated man who is incapable of accepting God's natural order of life and death. For the reason alone, he
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Outline Of An Informative Speech On Film Scores
SPEECH TITLE: Film Scores 101
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: My purpose is to inform my audience about the history of film scores, how they are made, and how film scores have changed
recently because of technology.
CENTRAL IDEA/THESIS: Film scores are an undoubtedly important part of the movie watching experience, however you may not know about how
they were first introduced, the process it takes to make them, or how they have changed over time.
1.GET ATTENTION: {Listen to Jaws Theme} Many people as soon as they hear that ominous and menacing piece of music, immediately think of the
iconic 1975 thriller classic known as Jaws. And by chance if you did not recognize the Jaws theme, there are plenty of other iconic film scores that you
would recognize.
2.CLEARLY REVEAL TOPIC: I am here today to inform you about some things you many have not known about how your favorite film scores came
to be.
3.LISTENER RELEVANCE: Since film scores are such an important part of movies, it makes sense to learn a little bit more about them.
4.ESTABLISH CREDIBILITY: I spend a lot of time listening to scores while I study, so one day I decided to actually learn how my favorites were
made. I've spent a considerable amount of time researching the topic since.
5.PREVIEW MAIN POINTS: Today I would like to share with you some of the history of film scores, how they are made, and how scores have
evolved in more recent times due to advances in
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Macbeth Film Analysis

  • 1. Macbeth Film Analysis Macbeth Film Review In the 2010 film adaptation of the tragedy Macbeth, Robert Gould – the director – takes a spin on the Shakespearean play and switches up the setting to add character to the film. While changing the historical setting is bold and risky, it alludes to a bigger theme: history repeating itself. In a sense there is a comparison of power struggles during the 11th century and early 1940s. It is not hard to make these connections within the 180 minutes of the film but some scenes tend to be slow and repetitive of the message being given. Power is one of the biggest sources of conflict in the film, as Macbeth (played by the talented Patrick Stewart) is continuously trying to protect his claim to the throne. Macbeth is clearly compared to Stalin when he goes on a hiatus for power. The opening science presents viewers with the implementation that war is occurring and a traitor has been caught. The three nurse, who we later find out represent the three witches, went on to give Macbeth and Banquo (Martin Turner) a prophecy. Macbeth then goes on a quest to fulfill that prophesy with the help of his wife, Lady Macbeth (Kate Fleetwood). As he double crosses the people closest to him, he learns that it is not easy to have so much power. Thus, throughout the course of the movie, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are challenged by others around them– or so they think. But as you know, this is a tragedy, meaning nothing good can possibly come out of this film. Before watching this film, you should know that it takes places underground for majority of the film. Maybe the director meant for this to be symbolic but it is hard to tell. For example, in one scene there is a sink in the middle of a hallway. Nothing else, just a sink. This is where I questioned if they had the budget to make this film spectacular. But I would think a PBS production would have brought more character to the setting. Also, the film clearly makes connections to World War II but the setting skips pass showing any aspects of war; except for the montage of war footage. The only thing used to remind viewers that this is supposed to be during World War II are the props, mainly the picture of Macbeth. However, Gould produced amazing camera angles by Get more content on
  • 2. Cinematography Essay examples Today, the movie industry has become a huge moneymaker in the entertainment business. You cannot turn on the television without seeing advertisements for the next big blockbuster film. While most of the films these days entertain with amazing special effects or raunchy comedy, there are still films that thrive because of great acting, directing, and editing. Three films that I believe would be great examples of the way these aspects can cause a film to excel are ?Any Given Sunday?, ?The Cell?, and ?Almost Famous?. ?Any Given Sunday? shows how, by using editing, a movie can portray an intense situation realistically. In ?The Cell?, color is used to differentiate between how we see things in reality and more content... Panning shots of cheering fans and screaming coaches along with occasional shots of the game being broadcast on a television with commentators giving their take on the action send the viewer back to the reality that they are only watching the action and not participating in it. While watching this movie you truly feel like you are in the game. ?The Cell?, instead of focusing on accurately portraying reality, takes you to the dream world. Catherine Deane, played by Jennifer Lopez, is a child psychologist involved in an experimental project that allows her to travel inside the mind of coma victims to try to draw them away from their fears and thus out of their coma. This movie portrays the journey inside the mind much like you would depict a dream. When Deane is inside a young child, whose main concern seems to be a fear of the ?boogie man?, the world she enters is a beautiful desert scene where the sky is bright blue with puffy white clouds. She is always dressed in bright white dresses and seems to glow. This depicts that she has earned the child?s trust. All color is brighter in this dreamlike world. Even though these experiments had not been successful bringing the child out of the coma, Dean was able to learn a lot about the child. This caused a couple of detectives to approach her about entering the mind of a serial killer who had slipped into a coma with the goal of discovering the location of his most recent captive. Get more content on
  • 3. Hollywood Film Analysis The classic Hollywood movie was dominated by a misogynistic view of sex and gender. The Hollywood film rose rapidly as one of the highest earning industries in America in the early twentieth century. As a result of the traditional patriarchal society of the era it was the men who owned the studios, the men who wrote the scripts, the men who worked behind the scenes, and the men who held the leading roles that dominated the industry. In this paper, I will discuss in brief my experience in viewing the short film by Tracy Moffatt (2003). Second, examine the feminist theories of Mulvey (1975) that provide a psychoanalysis of the 'male gaze' and how these views of sex and gender were placed in the movie. Finally, I will provide a more content... The criteria of this theory examined how women's roles were perceived, were they passive or active, did they receive adequate screen time and were their roles stereotypical of the female genre, did the roles 'reinforce sexism'. In addition, in its infancy, this theory examined the meaning of the text and what affects they had on the audience and the primary focus on the 'male gaze' and 'spectatorship'. Moreover, Laura Mulvey's essay, 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' (1975), Mulvey applied the psychoanalysis theories of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan and combined them with feminist theory to analyse the woman's role in film. Mulvey argues that women play roles that are passive and women are only used as a 'visual pleasure' to accompany the 'male actor', that is to say, the woman's role is to highlight the 'patriarchal order' of the male, hence the woman is 'objectified and exploited'. According to Mulvey, this manifests in the way the male actor perceives the female actor and the character she plays. The 'male gaze' is defined in three points made by Mulvey, the man behind the camera, the male representation in the film, and the male spectator. In addition, Mulvey argues, that the female character has an impact on the audience both male and female. These passive female roles reinforce the patriarchal view on the male audience and his Get more content on
  • 4. My Life When I first learned about this assignment I got very excited; it would be so much fun to analyze a move from a developmental perspective. I knew many movies from the list but never before look at them from psychological view. Since I could not decide which movie to choose I made a decision to watch all of them and pick one the most meaningful to me or related the most to my life experiences. I choose to write about 'My Life'. In the movie Michael Keaton stars as Bob Jones, who has just been informed that his wife Gail (Nicole Kidman) is pregnant with their first child. However, he has also been told he has kidney cancer that has spread to his lungs. Doctors are giving him not long than four month to live in which case Bob would not more content... Ivanovich doesn't show of anger or resentment toward god or faith beside this one moment when he shouts at his main doctor after one of the consultations. In the meantime, under the persuasion of his wife, Bob decides to visit a Chinese healer named Mr. Ho who urges him to listen to his heart, which is calling him to forgive, and that life is always giving him invitations if he would but listen. It was probably a turning point which made him rethink his life and initiate searching for reasons of his inner anger. Mr. Ho's words were especially important and meaningful in the face of earlier events at Bob's office. Jonson's assistant was asked to videotape a short conversation with people in the office about their boss and co–worker. Apparently, he faced a lot of problems in completion of this task since people either did not wanted to do it or were not honest about their answers. They all seem to see Jonson as a nice person, very cleaver, funny and charming. "Great men of PR, based on one of the magazines one of the most successful one..... the real wheeler– dealer..... the best boss ever ." However, during a process of creating the video one of Bob's coworkers, in the belief he was not recorded, expressed his true opinion about him. He admitted that he rally does not know him and he doubts that Bob truly knows himself; " Jones is a product of his own PR." Until the last Get more content on
  • 5. Film Analysis: Wall-E At the beginning of the movie shows Wall–E working and traveling through town and all the skyscrapers are constructed out of garbage.Earth is swamp with garbage and the lacking of plant and animals are evidentv(except for his pet the cockroach named Hal).This part of the movie while a little exagerted it has a realistic force. Is the planet is fill with trash it will decay the plants and affectes greatly the animals.The garbage breaks down if given enough time. The time vary depending upon the density of the matter, weather conditions and temperatures. Get more content on
  • 6. Get Out Film Analysis Get Out is a film by Jordan Peele, which was release on February 24, 2017. Get Out is a social thriller, which follows an interracial couple, Rose and Chris. Chris and Rose take a weekend to visit her family, the Armitage family, home in a isolated area surrounded by a forest. The plot spirals out of control following many disturbing discoveries by Chris and in turn, Chris must get out of the Armitage household. Jordan Peele's acclaimed social horror thriller "Get Out" released February 24th, 2017 in the USA portrayed racial relation in America. The story follows Chris (Daniel Kaluuya), who is a talented, young African American male photographer who is had been dating Rose Armitage (Allison Williams) for five months. Rose takes Chris more content... Following this suggestion, the police officer backs off and wishes them safe travels. Chris then tells Rose that it was 'hot' the way she stood up for him to the racist policeman as they continue to drive to her parents' home. The behavior of the police officer fits the narrative as told by role schema. Role schema, which is the cognitive structure that organizes one's knowledge about appropriate behaviors, tells the audience that the police officer initial purpose was to help Chris and Rose. The role and expectations associated with these categories are commonly referred to as stereotypes – mental representations of social groups and their members that are widely shared. (Hamilton & Sherman, 1994; Macrae, Stangor & Hewstone, 1996; and Stangor & Lange, 1994). Expectations from our memory tell us how police officers are to act through real life situations we experience and from what we are taught. We then make inferences and judge whether the officer is acting "correct" based upon these experiences and teachings. The term 'correct' is subjective, and define differently from out group members to stigmatized group members. Police officers' purpose is to protect and serve civilians; however, social expectation theory challenges the role schema of police. The social expectation theory applies to audience members who have learned what to expect from certain groups of people by viewing media and have not learned it through real life Get more content on
  • 7. Film Analysis Essay So, I've decided to start watching films by themes every week. Forcing myself not only to put a break to the insane amount of TV shows I have been watching (I'm back on the TV binge again, I don't know how it happens, but I always go back to it) but to also analyse patterns within the film industry. First week. Gyllenhaal week, Jake Gyllenhaal to be precise. He has always had really intriguing choices/ or been given interesting characters, trying not to be pinpointed by a single form of filmmaking. But, there are always patterns, and I can't remember during this week any film that he didn't have any love interest. Which comes to questions, that he always is an object of romantic desire, even when he is playing a creepy man recording late more content... the references to spiders as women come from dreamlike states. the tram lines that surround the city resembling webs in the sky, the Louise bourgeois Maman spider–like controlling the city. the film has many interpretations and many different subjects being dealt with, it being the idea of individual and maybe the lack of it in this society or the fear of the understanding of the female. it is open for interpretation. although I might say that the spiders aren't referenced in the book. so... there's that. it has a yellow tone, a desaturation that can characterise the lack of individuality of the being in a society like that. here's the rundown of films I watched that week, and a bit of a review to them lol not really. (some were rewatched) (give a star system) Donnie Darko (overrated tbh) Zodiac ( a true icon ) Demolition ( can't truly remember what happened there, but Naomi watts was in it, I think?) Jarhead (incredibly fascinating, plus the fact that the editing god, Walter Murch edited this film and in the film, they were watching apocalypse now, another film edited by him, was true meta moment The day after tomorrow ( classic !!! this film was 2012 before 2012 was 2012 ) Love and other drugs ( that was strange ) Enemy ( !!! AAAAAAAAAAAA Get more content on
  • 8. Film Analysis There is always a time and place for everything, no matter where we are in this world. Sometimes, it takes the smallest and the largest of things to really find yourself in this vast society. One of those things is filming, otherwise known as film in general. Throughout the world, there are people who direct films to often give a story that captivates us. In these films, we not only see what the Director sees in his eyes, but we also see life in its finest detail. Capturing the life that moves around us is an art and when we fully take the advantage of remembering our past, not only will we be able to encounter the days of our past, but we will be able to look towards the future as well. When we look at the films that countless of more content... The study of sociology has to do with the society as a whole, while the study of psychology has to do with the human behavior. In film, we look at the psychological reading of characters. In many films where the setting takes place in a hospital or a dark house, we usually see characters with abnormal features that often frighten people. Edward Scissor–Hands is a good example. Although the story of Scissor–Hands was well written and well established, the concept of the character left a horrifying remark. In many cases, the way a character is developed often leads to a specific genre being picked. The way we look into the human behavior of a character can differ from each person. Sometimes you will have one person view the characters development on how they changed, while another will simply look at how the character is portrayed throughout the film. Either way, both methods are correct in looking into the human behavior of one specific character. Using this type of analysis can be an advantage as in international cinema, we are privy to experiencing and learning about many different characters that are often introduced Get more content on
  • 9. Frankenstein Film Analysis Tiffiany Stewart English 2122 British Literature Module 11 11/29/2017 Film Analysis Essay Mary Shelley "Frankenstein" and Kenneth Branagh Film "Frankenstein" Film adaptations generally differ from the novel on which they are based. Between Frankenstein, a novel by Mary Shelley, and the film adaptation by Kenneth Branagh, there are many differences in detail, however this was done to illuminate major themes of the novel, for example, the dangers of the constant pursuit of science and Victor Frankenstein's relationships. Nonetheless, there are similarities in the undertone of both mediums that portray mutual morals. Reading the novel and watching the film adaption demonstrated that although there are several differences between the two, more content... This was a significant scene because it fostered the later the obsession Victor has with the transference of energy and defeating death (13:01–15:36). Victor then takes his family on a walk and while a lightning storm approached them, Victor set up an apparatus which then displayed to his family how he could transfer electricity from the lightning to their bodies (Branagh). Though this scene never happened in the novel, it was supportive to the understanding of Victor's deep curiosity in science and proved how electricity is an initial notion of scientific study, which Victor later uses to create life. Victor Frankenstein then goes off to the University of Ingolstadt to study and become a medical doctor (15:39–17:30). While he is in school he points out to everyone that Professor Waldman had once experimented with reviving the dead. This successfully put Waldman's reputation at serious risk, which Frankenstein uses as leverage to provoke Waldman's assistance in his own experiments. Later, Victor's first trail at reviving life was bringing a frog back to life, and cheers his success. This aspect of Frankenstein's personality, however, is best exemplified by the films chief departure from the novel. Branagh shows Victor to be a concentrated man who is incapable of accepting God's natural order of life and death. For the reason alone, he Get more content on
  • 10. Outline Of An Informative Speech On Film Scores SPC 2608 INFORMATIVE FULL SPEAKING OUTLINE SPEECH TITLE: Film Scores 101 SPECIFIC PURPOSE: My purpose is to inform my audience about the history of film scores, how they are made, and how film scores have changed recently because of technology. CENTRAL IDEA/THESIS: Film scores are an undoubtedly important part of the movie watching experience, however you may not know about how they were first introduced, the process it takes to make them, or how they have changed over time. INTRODUCTION: 1.GET ATTENTION: {Listen to Jaws Theme} Many people as soon as they hear that ominous and menacing piece of music, immediately think of the iconic 1975 thriller classic known as Jaws. And by chance if you did not recognize the Jaws theme, there are plenty of other iconic film scores that you would recognize. 2.CLEARLY REVEAL TOPIC: I am here today to inform you about some things you many have not known about how your favorite film scores came to be. 3.LISTENER RELEVANCE: Since film scores are such an important part of movies, it makes sense to learn a little bit more about them. 4.ESTABLISH CREDIBILITY: I spend a lot of time listening to scores while I study, so one day I decided to actually learn how my favorites were made. I've spent a considerable amount of time researching the topic since. 5.PREVIEW MAIN POINTS: Today I would like to share with you some of the history of film scores, how they are made, and how scores have evolved in more recent times due to advances in Get more content on