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Reflection On Nursing Leadership
Written Assignment: Reflection on Nursing Leadership The difference between a chief nursing officer (CNO) and a nursing student can be
determined by experience, status, and education level. However, both a CNO and nursing student possess overlap in the domain of leadership. While
a CNO may be immediately perceived as a high–ranking leader, a student nurse also possesses the ability to demonstrate leadership skills. Within
interactional theories lies the approach of transformational leadership. Both a CNO and nursing student are more than able to demonstrate leadership
traits of same, whether it be in a clinical setting or as a mentor to others. However, no matter what setting, the nurse is susceptible to risk of burnout as
nursing is a demanding and stressful profession. By utilizing the style of transformational leadership, nursing leaders have the potential to reduce and
mitigate risk of burnout. In order to achieve same, two out of four entry–to–practice competencies have been highlighted: individuals must maintain
self–regulation; and maintain professional responsibility and accountability throughout their professional career. Per Gaudine and Lamb (2015),
transformational leadership is "inspirational and based on motivating followers to achieve a high level of performance" (p. 6). As nursing promotes
excellence in standard of care, this style of leadership is beneficial for a leader to demonstrate as inspiring and motivating followers will create the
drive for a
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Essay about Nursing Leadership
Nursing Leadership
Laura Edwards
Submitted to Jeanne Morrison PhD, MSN in partial fulfillment of
NR622 Advanced Leadership Concepts
Regis University
October 15, 2011
Nursing Leadership
Nursing leaders are crucial to any nursing organization. They motivate, empower, influence, and communicate the organization's vision to create
change within the organization. Great nursing leadership depends on great nursing leaders. This paper will define nursing leadership and describe
leadership characteristics. It will further depict the democratic style and transformational theory of nursing leadership. While exploring leadership in
action, this paper will illustrate the aspects of nursing.
Nursing Leadership Definition
" more content...
3). In this relationship, each must work through phases including conflict resolution and negotiation as part of the process. Transformational theory
further explains leadership must include exhibiting a degree of emotional intelligence. This occurs when perceiving how others feel, understanding how
the feelings lead to thinking, understanding the emotions, and managing emotions internally. In respects to this theory, emotional intelligence enhances
this bi–directional relationship between the leader and the followers (Spears, 2002).
Transformational theory reminds leaders of how their behavior influences their team members by building trust in the organization, showing how they
fit in the organization, and sharing a vision together (Northouse, 2010). Even though all nursing theories share unique criticisms, Northouse (2010)
goes on to suggest "more attention should be directed toward how leaders can encourage followers to challenge the leader's vision and share in the
leadership process" (p. 189). A self–assessment tool, such as the multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ), can assist the leader in understanding
how they can improve their leadership qualities. MLQ examples might include evaluating the awareness of being open to others opinions,
demonstrating confidence, or assisting in developing others leadership strengths.
Leadership in Action
As nursing leadership characteristics, styles, and theories are important to study, the aspects of
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My Future Career As A Nurse Leader Manager Essay
Mini reflection paper 2 At the beginning of this course I had very minimal experience and knowledge about leadership and management in the nursing
profession. This course provided me with the necessary leadership skills that I need to guide me through my future career as a nurse. In unit IV, the
roles and functions in organizing chapters helped me to develop a link between the organizational structures theories and the organization of patients
care. The roles and functions in staffing unit V, helped me to visualize the nursing staff shortage impact in patient care from another point of view. In
unit VI, The roles and Functions in directing chapters, helped me to understand the pros and cons of the unionization within an organization, also the
importance of the interpersonal communication among the managers and their staff. Unit VII, The Roles and functions in controlling showed me the
role of the nursing staff in quality control to prevent medical errors. By applying the skills that I have learned through this course, I will improve my
performance as a nursing leader–manager in the future. According to unit IV, chapters 12–14, organizing involves stablishing, planning and
coordinating the use of the available resources to accomplish the entity objectives. The resources availability impact the quality of care that is to be
provide it to patients. Every member of the healthcare team is responsible of patient's care within an organization, but the leader have the authority
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Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing
NUR/492: Leadership and Management
July 9, 2012
Instructor: Janet Bailie Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Leadership and management are essential to any health care organization,
balancing patient care, employees, physicians, and the organization. Nursing is founded on interpersonal relationships. As a people–oriented
profession, nursing leadership styles are influenced by humanism. The mission, attitude, and behaviors of a health care organization begins with its
leadership, which creates the direction and purpose of the organization. The purpose of this paper is to differentiate between leadership and management
, describe views of leadership, and explain more content...
Through trusting interpersonal relationships staff members are empowered to discuss openly concerns and proposed solutions without consequence
from the leader. It is important that followers feel comfortable with approaching the leader with complaints or concerns. Leadership demonstrating a
neutral position and maintaining a non–judgmental attitude when faced with difficult situations is much easier to approach.
Effective Leadership Leading a health care organization comes with immense responsibility and is not an easy task. Transformational leadership has
proven to be an effective leadership style in the nursing profession, demonstrating a clear mission, a commitment to excellence, and the ability to
motivate and lead others to higher levels of achievement (Schwartz, Spencer, Wilson, & Wood, 2001). Characteristics and qualities of an effective
leader include
Communication skills– able to openly communicate, easy to approach, and listens
Compassionate– kind, caring, and respectful of others
Dependable–reliable, consistent
Motivating– empowers others to perform at their best, promotes a sense of responsibility, encourages and assists other to excel in their profession
Actively participates– is a team player, leads by example
Fair– remains neutral when dealing with conflict, treats employees equally, is non–judgmental
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Essay On Nursing Leadership
Relationships between leaders, departments, and personnel within the Hospital of Duke University of Chapel Hill, are provided with important
understanding of knowledge about how each group operate and the understanding of each group. A well–oiled working relationship permits better
leaders to encourage followers outside small instructions, control and aids in the bigger admission of motivation, resourcefulness and knowledge of
groups that can be critical to difficult task completion. The leader and followers of each department relationship delivers normal situations,
communication order inside the group and organization where the inspirations are centered on. Leaders can come from groups and organizations, when
symbiotic relationships more content...
Leadership is at the head of business and is governed by the board of directors. This type of leadership is charismatic and tend to realize that CEO's
act as the chair as well and can dominate the board. A lot of the leadership styles in finance institutes have caught on to this approach. This gives an
effect of a strong leadership role to the board as a whole, even with the oversight and how the organization achieves its goals. This moves on to
transformational leadership where the chief of nursing contributes to achieving the quality of clinical systems under safety which also included the
participation of employees. Chief nursing officers contribute to quality and culture of safety in an organization.
Change and improvements can be produced by the corresponding leader, but the focus stands at accepting the implication of their personal assessment
and beliefs. On the other hand there are followers focused on leader's values and beliefs and their actions. Healthcare professional leaders need to
understand that, used effectively reflection and change management techniques, creativity, evidence–based approaches, network, and delegation can be
a powerful tool to support, motivation and inspiring others and the minimize conflict. Congruent leader's focuses on the influence and support,
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Leadership Styles in Professional Nursing Essay
Introduction In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles
of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right
style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a
nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) "Nursing
leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes but more
One mistake that new nurse leaders make is that they believe that the only way to get things accomplished, is to be direct and autocratic (Kerfoot,
2008.) The new leader's fear of failing can influence them to take on the autocratic role to try and earn respect from their employees. However, this is
not considered to be very effective among staff. When the professional nurse takes on the autocratic leadership trait and uses it on a daily basis,
employees feel micromanaged. When a manager micromanages their employees they take the risk of lowering morale, and losing good workers (North,
2011.) Nurses have a lot of autonomy in their profession. They work independently and take responsibility for their actions. When they become
micromanaged by their nurse leader, it takes away that autonomy and creates a work environment that is very low in morale, and can hurt the
relationship between manager and employee. Often managers are experiencing a substantial amount of stress from the administration concerning
budgets, deadlines, and high performance issues, but this does not justify micromanaging employees (North, 2011.) It is important to give your staff
some independence; this lets them know you trust their judgment (North, 2011.) A nurse leader may also change their leadership style depending on if
they are dealing with an inexperienced new graduate nurse, or an experienced veteran nurse.
Another leadership style that is common among nurse leaders is the democratic
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Personal Statement : Nursing Leadership
Leadership occurs when an individual is able to affect the behaviour or actions of others without having to make threats or use violence to implement
changes (Ellis & Abbott, 2013). Nursing leadership involves all roles and aspects of nursing practice. It revolves around the ability to use critical
thinking related to patient care, act upon those decisions and advocate for change whenever necessary. Nursing leadership has an important role in the
lives of nurses', influences the entire health care systems and the delivery of care (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009). Values and beliefs are
what form and guide an individual's thought processes and actions in everyday life. Being open, honest and sensitive are my values that guide my
behaviour in my everyday life. I value openness because it allows me to feel comfortable to express my feelings and ideas. This value became
important to me in my previous clinical setting. I was always afraid to openly inform my clinical instructor about whenever I did not agrees with
changes that were being made on the unit. I was always scared that if I did voice my opinion and she did not agree with me, it would lead to failure
of clinical. Honesty and being sensitive to one's emotions is a value I believe are important. This value is imperative because the truth is known, but
at the same time, it allows for one to be aware of individual feelings in relation to how to deliver this truth. This creates the knowledge of which tone
of voice to use
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Nursing Leadership Essay
Role models are the foundation of leadership. People are influenced by individuals that demonstrate the characteristics of trustworthiness and respect.
This rapport needs to be established between nurses and nursing management. Being a recent graduate myself, I can say a lot of my skills that are
being developed stem from the demonstration of my superior coworkers. Nursing management needs to understand the nurses, especially new nurses
such as myself, are looking to them for guidance. Nursing administration or nursing management is a broad term that may refer to a number of
management supervisory and executive titles including, nurse manager, nurse administration, nursing supervisor, director of nursing, vice president of
nursing, chief nursing officer (CNO), so on and so forth. There is an importance for nurse leaders to be up to date on policies, procedures, and strategic
initiatives. Healthcare requires nursing leadership professionals to lead a productive and efficient workforce that allows optimal patient care in a
medical setting. Nursing leaders have more content...
Results showed a relationship between leadership and: Patient satisfaction, patient safety outcomes, adverse events, complications, and patient
healthcare utilization. Studies were able to show the correlations between effective nurse leaders that are able to staff their nurses appropriately and
have proper resources in place are more likely to achieve safe care and optimal patient outcomes. Nurse leaders should be able to contribute strategic
direction through their decision making abilities thus reducing the number a adverse events. The ability to have optimal decision making skills using
critical thinking will help to reduce the number of complications thus promotes patient safety. This study also suggests that managers with larger span
of control may have aided in their ability to provide their nursing staff with direct
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Leadership in Professional Nursing Essay
Leadership in Professional Nursing
Every day, a set team of nurses and nursing managers set out to ensure the health and well–being of their patients. To achieve this goal, a nurse manager
must adhere to a specific style of nursing leadership. There are many different styles of leadership in the healthcare field. Bass and Barnes (1985)
stated that the two most common are transformational and transactional (as cited in Frankel, 2008, p.24). This paper will define leadership, the two
different styles, how each are executed, as well as pros and cons of each.
Review of Professional Nursing Literature
Stogdill (1950) defines leadership as the process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its more content...
The boss must be careful and narrow down the areas in which improvement is needed and explain why the improvements are needed. When utilizing
this method, Sutton suggested that they (bosses) consciously break out of the power bubble by asking for direct input and feedback (as cited in
Flora, 2010, p.50). By doing this, nurses are allowed to hold a functioning role in the development of policies. Bass (1985), found that "the
transformational leadership factors were more highly correlated with perceived group effectiveness and job satisfaction, and contributed more to
individual performance and motivation, than transactional leaders" (as cited in Frankel, 2008, p.23). This type of leader is often found empowering
their employees and giving them a sense self worth within the company. Steers (1977) found "commitment improves work performance and reduces
absenteeism and turnover which are costly to organizations (as cited in Loke, 2001). Transactional leadership is built on reciprocity, the ways in
which leaders and followers influence one another, and the idea that the relationship between leader and their followers develops from the exchange of
some reward, such as performance rating's, pay, recognition, or praise (Marturano, 2004). This style of leadership does not promote a close relationship
amongst the boss
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Leadership and Nursing Essay
Leadership and Nurse Productivity
Leadership and Nurse Productivity This paper will review an article by Elizabeth Curtis and Rhona O'Connell in Nurse Management–UK. "Essential
leadership skills for motivating and developing staff" reviews the importance of leadership skill and empowering staff (Curtis & O'Connell, 2011).
This article discusses the effect manager has on the staff they supervise, and how a negative attitude can produce negative results; whereby a positive
and supportive environment can produce staff
Nursing Leadership and Developing Staff Productivity.
In the article, Curtis and O'Connell discuss the difference between transactional and transformational leadership. Transactional leadership is based on more content...
This also shows the staff they are a valuable part of the team.
Intellectual stimulation demonstrates the aptitude for creativity and advancing knowledge base. These leaders encourage their staff to continue their
knowledge of the field. They provided mentorship encourage nurses to become certified or get advanced degrees.
Individual consideration is where leaders are supportive to their staff's needs. In this article, Curtis and O'Connell determined that staff will leave a
position because the manager did not show concern for the staff. Managers must realize that staff needs social contact and friendship and should be
treated with dignity and fairness. Through these leadership skills a manager can create an environment that encourages staff to behave in a mature way,
express creativity and enable participation in decision making processes. This will increase job satisfaction, staff retention and productivity.
Importance of This Article This article discusses skills for motivating and developing staff. This article also discusses transformational leadership verses
transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is important because it provides not only direction but it also creates opportunities for
professional development (O'Brien et al., 2008). Through the information here on encouraging staff to participate, to be creative and to continue
gaining self– confidence, a manager can excel in
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Nursing Leadership In Nursing
A leader is a person who can motivate others to do work to achieve the goals of the organization. In a nursing organization, improving the quality of
healthcare delivered by the department to be equal with the organizational performance is a key role of leadership(Marquis and Huston, 2015). Nursing
leadership is essential in the clinical setting and plays an important role in the development of the nurse as an individual or as a professional. An
effective leader often has persistence, initiative, integrity, courage, and can handle stress. Furthermore, leaders must be able to think critically,
communicate effectively with other team members, set and execute goals (Davidson, 2010). During my clinical experience in the Cardiovascular
Intensive Care Unit at Arkansas Children's Hospital, I was apt to learn and perform leadership duties with Ms. Street, a Patient Care Manager. Hence, I
addressed four important learning objectives, which are discussed in further detail below.
Currently, the CVICU is understaffed, especially on day shift due to many variables. This leads to the first objective, "Assess staffing to determine if
staffing is adequate to meet the required staffing based on the current acuities of the patients." The staffing is based on the current acuities and also
based on the surgeries to be performed that day, direct admissions from the Emergency Department, the Catherization Lab, or outpatient clinics, and
any neonates to be born with known fetal cardiac defects that require transportation to ACH for immediate care. Generally speaking, most of the days
I was in the unit at least one of the Patient Care Managers were having to work in staffing due to staff shortages. My preceptor had to staff my first
day of clinical experience due to nursing shortages. Consequently, I was able to examine an assignment with high acuity patients that had to be paired
due to staffing issues. My preceptor's assignment consisted of a seven–month–old Tetralogy of Fallot with multiple anomalies with pleural effusions
status post–operative chest tube drains placed, currently on a Heated Nasal Cannula, with a right radial Arterial Line, femoral Central Venous Line, and
a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter, on contact
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Leadership in Nursing
The aim of this essay is to identify a significant event from the authors clinical practice where there was an issues relating to the management and
leadership of the nursing and health care team. Appropriate management and leadership theories will be used to support the issues which would be
discussed in this essay. A critical analyses of the event we be carried out. Confidentiality will be maintained. Name and places used in this essay will
be changed to maintain confidentiality in accordance to the Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC, 2008). Database search was carried out
MEDLINE, CINAHL, BRITISH NURSING INDEX AND Nursing and Midwifery council were searched for relevant literature. The author also made more content...
Schilling (2009) suggests that leadership does have an effect on organisational performance, either positively or negatively. Larsen et al (2005) stated
that in order for leadership and management to be successful leaders and managers have to develop their own unique style of leadership since
effective leadership and management in healthcare system are drivers in patient experience. . There is a difference between management and
leadership. Managers plan, organize and control, while leaders communicate vision, motivate, inspire and empower in order to create organizational
change. Similarly, Moiden (2002, p.32) stated that there is a difference between theory and style leadership. Leadership theory represents the reality of
things, while style of leadership is the various ways one can implement a theory of leadership–the way in which something is said or done. Faugier
& Woolnough (2002) says that organizations should aim for a leadership style that allows for high levels of work performance, with few
disruptions, in a wide variety of situational circumstances, in an efficient manner . Leadership style. There are different types of leadership styles.
According to Faugier & Woolnough ( 2002) an Autocratic leader is one who set aims , objectives and end goal without engaging or allowing
others to be involved in the
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Nursing leadership plays an important role in the ability to improve the quality of care that is available to the patient, but in order to be able to reach
this capacity of "change and innovation [it] requires a clinical leader mind–set that includes a strong personal awareness of one's strengths and
vulnerability, openness to other ideas, courage to challenge the status quo, and a highly developed comfort with rational risk taking" (Porter–O'Grady,
2013, p.71). The application of these leadership characteristics empowers the nurse to identify gaps in patient care, integrate evidence based
research, and find alternate solutions to the problems identified in patient care (Committee, O. T. R. W. J., 2010). In addition, leadership itself can
be described in various forms and through the highlight of different skill sets, but the one thing that all definitions have in common is that
"leadership involves influencing the attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and feelings of other people" Spector's work (as cited in Curtis, de Vries, &
Sheerin, 2011, p.306). When the skill set of a leader is compared to that of a manager, true differences are noted. Some of these key differences are
apparent even in the approach utilized to reach the desired goals. While a manager directs, a leader transforms, a manager sustains and a leader
improves, a manager controls, a leader motivates, a manager's focus is on short–term goals and a leader's is long–term based, managers ask how and
when, while
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Before I started this leadership/management coarse I had no idea what qualities a good leader manager needs to hold. I had no idea a registered nurse
was considered a leader/manager. Now that I have reviewed all the chapters in the Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing (Marquis &
Huston, 2015) I have a full understanding of how important leadership/management functions play in a nurse's career. Chapters 12–25 describe roles
and functions that are needed for a nurse to become a successful leader/manager. These chapters discussed the roles and functioning of organizing,
staffing, directing, and controlling.
During my clinical experience at Our Lady of Fatima hospital I have observed how important it is for organizations to have structure. When an
organization has structure it increases their chances of accomplishing their units goals. Structure provides for better coordination and use of available
resources. In order for an organization to build structure they must start off using an organizing stage. This is where "relationships are defined,
procedures are outlined, equipment is readied, and task are assigned." (Marquis & Huston, 2015, p261). It takes multiple levels of management to build
structure within the organization. Working in Fatima hospital I was able to observe many different levels of management. The Top
–level managers
look at the organization as a whole. They generally make decisions with few guidelines. An example of a top–level manager would
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Essay on Nursing Management
Appropriate Nursing Management in a Hospital Unit Mariamma Thazhavana American Sentinel University Appropriate Nursing Management in a
Hospital Unit The purpose of this paper is to judge the power used by the nurse manager in the given scenario, evaluate the detrimental behaviors
identified in the case and the consequences of strong negative leadership, value behaviors that contribute to optimal team functioning, formulate action
plan for the manager, and to measure the observations that should be used to monitor her performances. The expectation set up on a nurse manager is
to coordinate levels of employees and facilitate services for patients. She is to direct the workforce and available resources within the existing structure more content...
The Consequences of Strong Negative Leadership According to Dr. Annette Roter, (2012), an experienced leadership and organization development
professional, there are two types of negative leaders: transactional leaders and destructive leaders. A transactional leader does not focus on the
individual needs of his subordinates, but tries to value to advance his own and his subordinate's programs. This leader uses both positive and
negative motivation. He positively motivates the subordinates by praising them, offering rewards and promises. The negative motivation focuses on
negative feedback, threats, or disciplinary actions. The subordinates would suffer the impact of these tendencies for months or years (Roter, 2012).
A destructive leader creates division among the employees, spoiling the team spirit. He or she separates the subordinates voluntarily or
involuntarily and this creates instability in the team. There is a tendency for some people to accept the negative leader as a hero. These people
would become the leader's favorites and the leader would benefit them. As a result, the other group that is less favorable to the leader will suffer. The
manager deviates from the mission of the organization and they find it uncomfortable to work as a team. "The toxic leader will use charismatic
tendencies to manipulate, isolate, and ostracize his or her followers. This is where team work is impacted" (Roter, 2012, p. 1). Some leaders create
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Nursing Leadership Reflection Paper
In the increasingly complex, ever changing environment of today's healthcare, effective leaders are essential to help drive positive change resulting in
increased access to care with positive outcomes for as many as possible. In its 2010 report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing
Health, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recognized that nurses are well positioned to play a key role in the transformation of our healthcare system in
the United States (U.S.) (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010). In The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice, the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) specifically identifies organizational and systems leadership as a core competency for
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Consequently, I continued to function well enough at work and complete numerous large scale projects, but I was not focused on developing my
leadership skills and abilities. As I am currently experiencing a fair amount of leadership drift, I am grateful for the opportunity to review and reflect
upon my previous leadership development work and analyses, and to create a new development plan for the next three to five years. This will allow
me to continue to grow and be effective in my current role, while developing my future roadmap.
Personal Leadership Style
In reviewing leadership literature, my own leadership development analytics, and reflecting on my work, I believe my leadership style aligns well with
the definition of Transformational Leadership as described by Hutchinson and Jackson (2013). Hutchinson and Jackson describe a transformational
leader as one who has the ability to create a vision which provides meaning and motivation, as well as communicating that vision with enthusiasm and
confidence (2013). According to my Situational Leadership Summary Profile, my preferred leadership style is Participating, which indicates that I am
most comfortable leading by influencing others through encouragement, involvement and participation (The Center for Leadership Studies, 2017).
Additionally, my personalysis report states that in my preferred style I enjoy people–type roles and undertaking organizational challenges. Furthermore,
it indicates that
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Nursing Leadership Essay
Nursing leadership is essential in the clinical settings. It plays a big role in the development of the nurses as an individual and as a profession. With
nursing leadership, management skills are beneficial; nurse leaders are accountable in empowering, influencing, motivating and advocating for the
nursing staff and patients. There is a common denomination between the nursing staff providing nursing care in patient satisfaction as an effect on
clinical outcome with the nursing leadership. In this discussion paper, the importance of nursing leadership in the health care system and its definition
will be conferred. The applicability in the clinical setting and its several effects on nursing staff and patient outcomes will also be
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In every clinical setting, inspiring and motivational leadership is essential for education, organization, staff arrangement and professional development.
Application of leadership is applied in nursing to encourage staff to attain a mission, vision and optimization of patient outcomes (Kennedy, 2008). The
effectiveness of nursing leadership has been discussed in a number of studies relating to staff and patient outcome. One key of nursing leadership being
effective is the role of the nurse leader in managing staff and resources and in developing strategies for the group to succeed in giving quality patient
care. In a research by Wong and Cummings (2007), having good communication skills, being able to adapt to change, open and demonstrating staff
relationship and patient safety and staff outcomes is proven to have a significant correlation amongst positive leadership style. A positive relationship
amongst leaders and team members facilitates support in staff, staff stability and increases staff satisfaction, the result of collaborative and affirmative
team would then lead to increased productivity and higher quality of work (Bjarnason & Lasala, 2011). Another research on the effectiveness of
nursing leadership in the area of recruitment and retention of
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Nursing leadership and Mangement Essay
Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Shortage
Amita Pradhan
Grand Canyon University: NRS 451V–O101
September 29, 2013
Health professionals demand is on the rise due to nation's 78 millions aging baby boomers. Nursing profession is in the midst of a cyclical and
worsening shortage. Economists estimate 285,000 registered nurses shortage between 2015 and 2020 while 95% of patient care is provided by nursing
in hospital setting (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Nursing shortage and the nurse – turnover has become an important issue in health care industry. This
paper focuses on important role of nursing leadership and management to approach the situation and the student's more content...
Nursing leaders were strong and courageous individual who would take risk in achieving the organization goal, would use their knowledge and skills
to manage the employee who they were responsible for. Huber (2010) adds that Nursing leader should have the ability to collaborate clinical,
administrative and operation skills into problems solving in care giving environment which needs a special skills, courage and ability to move the
vision into action. Successful leader has the ability to create positive work environments. Laschinger (2012) pointed out "Authentic leadership"
characterized by leader behaviors that create meaning and optimism in followers through transparency, balanced processing, moral integrity and
self–awareness, to be linked with positive working conditions. While taking clinical co–coordinator role on the clinical environment, student
experienced knowing owns "Inner leadership" or "Self–awareness" helped to bring the hidden qualities of leadership into reality and to apply them in
life and work situations. As a team member student feels personally and professionally important while being treated with respect and consideration by
the nursing leader. It also increases the sense of professional security when the nursing leader becomes supportive in dealing with clinical and
administrative problems.
Staffing and
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In order for any given workplace to function in its maximum capacity, a good leader must take the wheel. Within the health care setting, nurses lead
in different aspects to ensure high quality care is delivered towards the patient. The first part of this essay will focus on leadership and management
with the aim of developing knowledge from the discussion of theories and strategies to the provision of quality care. In the last section I will reflect on
how knowledge gathered about leadership and management theories, principles and best practice concepts benefit my nursing leadership development.
To begin with, fundamentals of leadership are to believe in the vision and to enjoy the journey as it is a very important concept in life. Leadership
define by Zuber–Skerritt (2011) as the ability to ignite a fire and influence others towards the achievement of common goals that commit to a
commonly agreed purpose, such as professional, organizational and community development and advancement of practice of life generally. Leadership
role is recognised and described as their tasks, supported by Yoder–Wise (2011) reiterating that the role of leadership includes envisioning goal, where
patients outcomes are being monitored, aiming for health care unit to provide safe, effective and efficient patients outcome and thought of as a process.
Every leader has a responsibility to themselves and the followers through assisting members in formulating their vision, encouraging clinical and
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Reflection On Nursing Leadership

  • 1. Reflection On Nursing Leadership Written Assignment: Reflection on Nursing Leadership The difference between a chief nursing officer (CNO) and a nursing student can be determined by experience, status, and education level. However, both a CNO and nursing student possess overlap in the domain of leadership. While a CNO may be immediately perceived as a high–ranking leader, a student nurse also possesses the ability to demonstrate leadership skills. Within interactional theories lies the approach of transformational leadership. Both a CNO and nursing student are more than able to demonstrate leadership traits of same, whether it be in a clinical setting or as a mentor to others. However, no matter what setting, the nurse is susceptible to risk of burnout as nursing is a demanding and stressful profession. By utilizing the style of transformational leadership, nursing leaders have the potential to reduce and mitigate risk of burnout. In order to achieve same, two out of four entry–to–practice competencies have been highlighted: individuals must maintain self–regulation; and maintain professional responsibility and accountability throughout their professional career. Per Gaudine and Lamb (2015), transformational leadership is "inspirational and based on motivating followers to achieve a high level of performance" (p. 6). As nursing promotes excellence in standard of care, this style of leadership is beneficial for a leader to demonstrate as inspiring and motivating followers will create the drive for a Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Nursing Leadership Nursing Leadership Laura Edwards Submitted to Jeanne Morrison PhD, MSN in partial fulfillment of NR622 Advanced Leadership Concepts Regis University October 15, 2011 Nursing Leadership Nursing leaders are crucial to any nursing organization. They motivate, empower, influence, and communicate the organization's vision to create change within the organization. Great nursing leadership depends on great nursing leaders. This paper will define nursing leadership and describe leadership characteristics. It will further depict the democratic style and transformational theory of nursing leadership. While exploring leadership in action, this paper will illustrate the aspects of nursing. Nursing Leadership Definition " more content... 3). In this relationship, each must work through phases including conflict resolution and negotiation as part of the process. Transformational theory further explains leadership must include exhibiting a degree of emotional intelligence. This occurs when perceiving how others feel, understanding how the feelings lead to thinking, understanding the emotions, and managing emotions internally. In respects to this theory, emotional intelligence enhances this bi–directional relationship between the leader and the followers (Spears, 2002). Transformational theory reminds leaders of how their behavior influences their team members by building trust in the organization, showing how they fit in the organization, and sharing a vision together (Northouse, 2010). Even though all nursing theories share unique criticisms, Northouse (2010) goes on to suggest "more attention should be directed toward how leaders can encourage followers to challenge the leader's vision and share in the leadership process" (p. 189). A self–assessment tool, such as the multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ), can assist the leader in understanding how they can improve their leadership qualities. MLQ examples might include evaluating the awareness of being open to others opinions, demonstrating confidence, or assisting in developing others leadership strengths. Leadership in Action As nursing leadership characteristics, styles, and theories are important to study, the aspects of
  • 3. Get more content on
  • 4. My Future Career As A Nurse Leader Manager Essay Mini reflection paper 2 At the beginning of this course I had very minimal experience and knowledge about leadership and management in the nursing profession. This course provided me with the necessary leadership skills that I need to guide me through my future career as a nurse. In unit IV, the roles and functions in organizing chapters helped me to develop a link between the organizational structures theories and the organization of patients care. The roles and functions in staffing unit V, helped me to visualize the nursing staff shortage impact in patient care from another point of view. In unit VI, The roles and Functions in directing chapters, helped me to understand the pros and cons of the unionization within an organization, also the importance of the interpersonal communication among the managers and their staff. Unit VII, The Roles and functions in controlling showed me the role of the nursing staff in quality control to prevent medical errors. By applying the skills that I have learned through this course, I will improve my performance as a nursing leader–manager in the future. According to unit IV, chapters 12–14, organizing involves stablishing, planning and coordinating the use of the available resources to accomplish the entity objectives. The resources availability impact the quality of care that is to be provide it to patients. Every member of the healthcare team is responsible of patient's care within an organization, but the leader have the authority Get more content on
  • 5. Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing NUR/492: Leadership and Management July 9, 2012 Instructor: Janet Bailie Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Leadership and management are essential to any health care organization, balancing patient care, employees, physicians, and the organization. Nursing is founded on interpersonal relationships. As a people–oriented profession, nursing leadership styles are influenced by humanism. The mission, attitude, and behaviors of a health care organization begins with its leadership, which creates the direction and purpose of the organization. The purpose of this paper is to differentiate between leadership and management , describe views of leadership, and explain more content... Through trusting interpersonal relationships staff members are empowered to discuss openly concerns and proposed solutions without consequence from the leader. It is important that followers feel comfortable with approaching the leader with complaints or concerns. Leadership demonstrating a neutral position and maintaining a non–judgmental attitude when faced with difficult situations is much easier to approach. Effective Leadership Leading a health care organization comes with immense responsibility and is not an easy task. Transformational leadership has proven to be an effective leadership style in the nursing profession, demonstrating a clear mission, a commitment to excellence, and the ability to motivate and lead others to higher levels of achievement (Schwartz, Spencer, Wilson, & Wood, 2001). Characteristics and qualities of an effective leader include Communication skills– able to openly communicate, easy to approach, and listens Compassionate– kind, caring, and respectful of others Dependable–reliable, consistent Motivating– empowers others to perform at their best, promotes a sense of responsibility, encourages and assists other to excel in their profession Actively participates– is a team player, leads by example Fair– remains neutral when dealing with conflict, treats employees equally, is non–judgmental Employee Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Nursing Leadership Relationships between leaders, departments, and personnel within the Hospital of Duke University of Chapel Hill, are provided with important understanding of knowledge about how each group operate and the understanding of each group. A well–oiled working relationship permits better leaders to encourage followers outside small instructions, control and aids in the bigger admission of motivation, resourcefulness and knowledge of groups that can be critical to difficult task completion. The leader and followers of each department relationship delivers normal situations, communication order inside the group and organization where the inspirations are centered on. Leaders can come from groups and organizations, when symbiotic relationships more content... Leadership is at the head of business and is governed by the board of directors. This type of leadership is charismatic and tend to realize that CEO's act as the chair as well and can dominate the board. A lot of the leadership styles in finance institutes have caught on to this approach. This gives an effect of a strong leadership role to the board as a whole, even with the oversight and how the organization achieves its goals. This moves on to transformational leadership where the chief of nursing contributes to achieving the quality of clinical systems under safety which also included the participation of employees. Chief nursing officers contribute to quality and culture of safety in an organization. Change and improvements can be produced by the corresponding leader, but the focus stands at accepting the implication of their personal assessment and beliefs. On the other hand there are followers focused on leader's values and beliefs and their actions. Healthcare professional leaders need to understand that, used effectively reflection and change management techniques, creativity, evidence–based approaches, network, and delegation can be a powerful tool to support, motivation and inspiring others and the minimize conflict. Congruent leader's focuses on the influence and support, Get more content on
  • 7. Leadership Styles in Professional Nursing Essay Introduction In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) "Nursing leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes but more content... One mistake that new nurse leaders make is that they believe that the only way to get things accomplished, is to be direct and autocratic (Kerfoot, 2008.) The new leader's fear of failing can influence them to take on the autocratic role to try and earn respect from their employees. However, this is not considered to be very effective among staff. When the professional nurse takes on the autocratic leadership trait and uses it on a daily basis, employees feel micromanaged. When a manager micromanages their employees they take the risk of lowering morale, and losing good workers (North, 2011.) Nurses have a lot of autonomy in their profession. They work independently and take responsibility for their actions. When they become micromanaged by their nurse leader, it takes away that autonomy and creates a work environment that is very low in morale, and can hurt the relationship between manager and employee. Often managers are experiencing a substantial amount of stress from the administration concerning budgets, deadlines, and high performance issues, but this does not justify micromanaging employees (North, 2011.) It is important to give your staff some independence; this lets them know you trust their judgment (North, 2011.) A nurse leader may also change their leadership style depending on if they are dealing with an inexperienced new graduate nurse, or an experienced veteran nurse. Another leadership style that is common among nurse leaders is the democratic Get more content on
  • 8. Personal Statement : Nursing Leadership Leadership occurs when an individual is able to affect the behaviour or actions of others without having to make threats or use violence to implement changes (Ellis & Abbott, 2013). Nursing leadership involves all roles and aspects of nursing practice. It revolves around the ability to use critical thinking related to patient care, act upon those decisions and advocate for change whenever necessary. Nursing leadership has an important role in the lives of nurses', influences the entire health care systems and the delivery of care (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009). Values and beliefs are what form and guide an individual's thought processes and actions in everyday life. Being open, honest and sensitive are my values that guide my behaviour in my everyday life. I value openness because it allows me to feel comfortable to express my feelings and ideas. This value became important to me in my previous clinical setting. I was always afraid to openly inform my clinical instructor about whenever I did not agrees with changes that were being made on the unit. I was always scared that if I did voice my opinion and she did not agree with me, it would lead to failure of clinical. Honesty and being sensitive to one's emotions is a value I believe are important. This value is imperative because the truth is known, but at the same time, it allows for one to be aware of individual feelings in relation to how to deliver this truth. This creates the knowledge of which tone of voice to use Get more content on
  • 9. Nursing Leadership Essay Role models are the foundation of leadership. People are influenced by individuals that demonstrate the characteristics of trustworthiness and respect. This rapport needs to be established between nurses and nursing management. Being a recent graduate myself, I can say a lot of my skills that are being developed stem from the demonstration of my superior coworkers. Nursing management needs to understand the nurses, especially new nurses such as myself, are looking to them for guidance. Nursing administration or nursing management is a broad term that may refer to a number of management supervisory and executive titles including, nurse manager, nurse administration, nursing supervisor, director of nursing, vice president of nursing, chief nursing officer (CNO), so on and so forth. There is an importance for nurse leaders to be up to date on policies, procedures, and strategic initiatives. Healthcare requires nursing leadership professionals to lead a productive and efficient workforce that allows optimal patient care in a medical setting. Nursing leaders have more content... Results showed a relationship between leadership and: Patient satisfaction, patient safety outcomes, adverse events, complications, and patient healthcare utilization. Studies were able to show the correlations between effective nurse leaders that are able to staff their nurses appropriately and have proper resources in place are more likely to achieve safe care and optimal patient outcomes. Nurse leaders should be able to contribute strategic direction through their decision making abilities thus reducing the number a adverse events. The ability to have optimal decision making skills using critical thinking will help to reduce the number of complications thus promotes patient safety. This study also suggests that managers with larger span of control may have aided in their ability to provide their nursing staff with direct Get more content on
  • 10. Leadership in Professional Nursing Essay Leadership in Professional Nursing Introduction Every day, a set team of nurses and nursing managers set out to ensure the health and well–being of their patients. To achieve this goal, a nurse manager must adhere to a specific style of nursing leadership. There are many different styles of leadership in the healthcare field. Bass and Barnes (1985) stated that the two most common are transformational and transactional (as cited in Frankel, 2008, p.24). This paper will define leadership, the two different styles, how each are executed, as well as pros and cons of each. Review of Professional Nursing Literature Stogdill (1950) defines leadership as the process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its more content... The boss must be careful and narrow down the areas in which improvement is needed and explain why the improvements are needed. When utilizing this method, Sutton suggested that they (bosses) consciously break out of the power bubble by asking for direct input and feedback (as cited in Flora, 2010, p.50). By doing this, nurses are allowed to hold a functioning role in the development of policies. Bass (1985), found that "the transformational leadership factors were more highly correlated with perceived group effectiveness and job satisfaction, and contributed more to individual performance and motivation, than transactional leaders" (as cited in Frankel, 2008, p.23). This type of leader is often found empowering their employees and giving them a sense self worth within the company. Steers (1977) found "commitment improves work performance and reduces absenteeism and turnover which are costly to organizations (as cited in Loke, 2001). Transactional leadership is built on reciprocity, the ways in which leaders and followers influence one another, and the idea that the relationship between leader and their followers develops from the exchange of some reward, such as performance rating's, pay, recognition, or praise (Marturano, 2004). This style of leadership does not promote a close relationship amongst the boss Get more content on
  • 11. Leadership and Nursing Essay Leadership and Nurse Productivity Leadership and Nurse Productivity This paper will review an article by Elizabeth Curtis and Rhona O'Connell in Nurse Management–UK. "Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff" reviews the importance of leadership skill and empowering staff (Curtis & O'Connell, 2011). This article discusses the effect manager has on the staff they supervise, and how a negative attitude can produce negative results; whereby a positive and supportive environment can produce staff Nursing Leadership and Developing Staff Productivity. In the article, Curtis and O'Connell discuss the difference between transactional and transformational leadership. Transactional leadership is based on more content... This also shows the staff they are a valuable part of the team. Intellectual stimulation demonstrates the aptitude for creativity and advancing knowledge base. These leaders encourage their staff to continue their knowledge of the field. They provided mentorship encourage nurses to become certified or get advanced degrees. Individual consideration is where leaders are supportive to their staff's needs. In this article, Curtis and O'Connell determined that staff will leave a position because the manager did not show concern for the staff. Managers must realize that staff needs social contact and friendship and should be treated with dignity and fairness. Through these leadership skills a manager can create an environment that encourages staff to behave in a mature way, express creativity and enable participation in decision making processes. This will increase job satisfaction, staff retention and productivity. Importance of This Article This article discusses skills for motivating and developing staff. This article also discusses transformational leadership verses transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is important because it provides not only direction but it also creates opportunities for professional development (O'Brien et al., 2008). Through the information here on encouraging staff to participate, to be creative and to continue gaining self– confidence, a manager can excel in Get more content on
  • 12. Nursing Leadership In Nursing A leader is a person who can motivate others to do work to achieve the goals of the organization. In a nursing organization, improving the quality of healthcare delivered by the department to be equal with the organizational performance is a key role of leadership(Marquis and Huston, 2015). Nursing leadership is essential in the clinical setting and plays an important role in the development of the nurse as an individual or as a professional. An effective leader often has persistence, initiative, integrity, courage, and can handle stress. Furthermore, leaders must be able to think critically, communicate effectively with other team members, set and execute goals (Davidson, 2010). During my clinical experience in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit at Arkansas Children's Hospital, I was apt to learn and perform leadership duties with Ms. Street, a Patient Care Manager. Hence, I addressed four important learning objectives, which are discussed in further detail below. Currently, the CVICU is understaffed, especially on day shift due to many variables. This leads to the first objective, "Assess staffing to determine if staffing is adequate to meet the required staffing based on the current acuities of the patients." The staffing is based on the current acuities and also based on the surgeries to be performed that day, direct admissions from the Emergency Department, the Catherization Lab, or outpatient clinics, and any neonates to be born with known fetal cardiac defects that require transportation to ACH for immediate care. Generally speaking, most of the days I was in the unit at least one of the Patient Care Managers were having to work in staffing due to staff shortages. My preceptor had to staff my first day of clinical experience due to nursing shortages. Consequently, I was able to examine an assignment with high acuity patients that had to be paired due to staffing issues. My preceptor's assignment consisted of a seven–month–old Tetralogy of Fallot with multiple anomalies with pleural effusions status post–operative chest tube drains placed, currently on a Heated Nasal Cannula, with a right radial Arterial Line, femoral Central Venous Line, and a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter, on contact Get more content on
  • 13. Leadership in Nursing The aim of this essay is to identify a significant event from the authors clinical practice where there was an issues relating to the management and leadership of the nursing and health care team. Appropriate management and leadership theories will be used to support the issues which would be discussed in this essay. A critical analyses of the event we be carried out. Confidentiality will be maintained. Name and places used in this essay will be changed to maintain confidentiality in accordance to the Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC, 2008). Database search was carried out MEDLINE, CINAHL, BRITISH NURSING INDEX AND Nursing and Midwifery council were searched for relevant literature. The author also made more content... Schilling (2009) suggests that leadership does have an effect on organisational performance, either positively or negatively. Larsen et al (2005) stated that in order for leadership and management to be successful leaders and managers have to develop their own unique style of leadership since effective leadership and management in healthcare system are drivers in patient experience. . There is a difference between management and leadership. Managers plan, organize and control, while leaders communicate vision, motivate, inspire and empower in order to create organizational change. Similarly, Moiden (2002, p.32) stated that there is a difference between theory and style leadership. Leadership theory represents the reality of things, while style of leadership is the various ways one can implement a theory of leadership–the way in which something is said or done. Faugier & Woolnough (2002) says that organizations should aim for a leadership style that allows for high levels of work performance, with few disruptions, in a wide variety of situational circumstances, in an efficient manner . Leadership style. There are different types of leadership styles. According to Faugier & Woolnough ( 2002) an Autocratic leader is one who set aims , objectives and end goal without engaging or allowing others to be involved in the Get more content on
  • 14. Nursing leadership plays an important role in the ability to improve the quality of care that is available to the patient, but in order to be able to reach this capacity of "change and innovation [it] requires a clinical leader mind–set that includes a strong personal awareness of one's strengths and vulnerability, openness to other ideas, courage to challenge the status quo, and a highly developed comfort with rational risk taking" (Porter–O'Grady, 2013, p.71). The application of these leadership characteristics empowers the nurse to identify gaps in patient care, integrate evidence based research, and find alternate solutions to the problems identified in patient care (Committee, O. T. R. W. J., 2010). In addition, leadership itself can be described in various forms and through the highlight of different skill sets, but the one thing that all definitions have in common is that "leadership involves influencing the attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and feelings of other people" Spector's work (as cited in Curtis, de Vries, & Sheerin, 2011, p.306). When the skill set of a leader is compared to that of a manager, true differences are noted. Some of these key differences are apparent even in the approach utilized to reach the desired goals. While a manager directs, a leader transforms, a manager sustains and a leader improves, a manager controls, a leader motivates, a manager's focus is on short–term goals and a leader's is long–term based, managers ask how and when, while Get more content on
  • 15. Before I started this leadership/management coarse I had no idea what qualities a good leader manager needs to hold. I had no idea a registered nurse was considered a leader/manager. Now that I have reviewed all the chapters in the Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing (Marquis & Huston, 2015) I have a full understanding of how important leadership/management functions play in a nurse's career. Chapters 12–25 describe roles and functions that are needed for a nurse to become a successful leader/manager. These chapters discussed the roles and functioning of organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. During my clinical experience at Our Lady of Fatima hospital I have observed how important it is for organizations to have structure. When an organization has structure it increases their chances of accomplishing their units goals. Structure provides for better coordination and use of available resources. In order for an organization to build structure they must start off using an organizing stage. This is where "relationships are defined, procedures are outlined, equipment is readied, and task are assigned." (Marquis & Huston, 2015, p261). It takes multiple levels of management to build structure within the organization. Working in Fatima hospital I was able to observe many different levels of management. The Top –level managers look at the organization as a whole. They generally make decisions with few guidelines. An example of a top–level manager would Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Nursing Management Appropriate Nursing Management in a Hospital Unit Mariamma Thazhavana American Sentinel University Appropriate Nursing Management in a Hospital Unit The purpose of this paper is to judge the power used by the nurse manager in the given scenario, evaluate the detrimental behaviors identified in the case and the consequences of strong negative leadership, value behaviors that contribute to optimal team functioning, formulate action plan for the manager, and to measure the observations that should be used to monitor her performances. The expectation set up on a nurse manager is to coordinate levels of employees and facilitate services for patients. She is to direct the workforce and available resources within the existing structure more content... The Consequences of Strong Negative Leadership According to Dr. Annette Roter, (2012), an experienced leadership and organization development professional, there are two types of negative leaders: transactional leaders and destructive leaders. A transactional leader does not focus on the individual needs of his subordinates, but tries to value to advance his own and his subordinate's programs. This leader uses both positive and negative motivation. He positively motivates the subordinates by praising them, offering rewards and promises. The negative motivation focuses on negative feedback, threats, or disciplinary actions. The subordinates would suffer the impact of these tendencies for months or years (Roter, 2012). A destructive leader creates division among the employees, spoiling the team spirit. He or she separates the subordinates voluntarily or involuntarily and this creates instability in the team. There is a tendency for some people to accept the negative leader as a hero. These people would become the leader's favorites and the leader would benefit them. As a result, the other group that is less favorable to the leader will suffer. The manager deviates from the mission of the organization and they find it uncomfortable to work as a team. "The toxic leader will use charismatic tendencies to manipulate, isolate, and ostracize his or her followers. This is where team work is impacted" (Roter, 2012, p. 1). Some leaders create confusion Get more content on
  • 17. Nursing Leadership Reflection Paper Introduction In the increasingly complex, ever changing environment of today's healthcare, effective leaders are essential to help drive positive change resulting in increased access to care with positive outcomes for as many as possible. In its 2010 report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recognized that nurses are well positioned to play a key role in the transformation of our healthcare system in the United States (U.S.) (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010). In The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) specifically identifies organizational and systems leadership as a core competency for more content... Consequently, I continued to function well enough at work and complete numerous large scale projects, but I was not focused on developing my leadership skills and abilities. As I am currently experiencing a fair amount of leadership drift, I am grateful for the opportunity to review and reflect upon my previous leadership development work and analyses, and to create a new development plan for the next three to five years. This will allow me to continue to grow and be effective in my current role, while developing my future roadmap. Personal Leadership Style In reviewing leadership literature, my own leadership development analytics, and reflecting on my work, I believe my leadership style aligns well with the definition of Transformational Leadership as described by Hutchinson and Jackson (2013). Hutchinson and Jackson describe a transformational leader as one who has the ability to create a vision which provides meaning and motivation, as well as communicating that vision with enthusiasm and confidence (2013). According to my Situational Leadership Summary Profile, my preferred leadership style is Participating, which indicates that I am most comfortable leading by influencing others through encouragement, involvement and participation (The Center for Leadership Studies, 2017). Additionally, my personalysis report states that in my preferred style I enjoy people–type roles and undertaking organizational challenges. Furthermore, it indicates that Get more content on
  • 18. Nursing Leadership Essay Nursing leadership is essential in the clinical settings. It plays a big role in the development of the nurses as an individual and as a profession. With nursing leadership, management skills are beneficial; nurse leaders are accountable in empowering, influencing, motivating and advocating for the nursing staff and patients. There is a common denomination between the nursing staff providing nursing care in patient satisfaction as an effect on clinical outcome with the nursing leadership. In this discussion paper, the importance of nursing leadership in the health care system and its definition will be conferred. The applicability in the clinical setting and its several effects on nursing staff and patient outcomes will also be more content... In every clinical setting, inspiring and motivational leadership is essential for education, organization, staff arrangement and professional development. Application of leadership is applied in nursing to encourage staff to attain a mission, vision and optimization of patient outcomes (Kennedy, 2008). The effectiveness of nursing leadership has been discussed in a number of studies relating to staff and patient outcome. One key of nursing leadership being effective is the role of the nurse leader in managing staff and resources and in developing strategies for the group to succeed in giving quality patient care. In a research by Wong and Cummings (2007), having good communication skills, being able to adapt to change, open and demonstrating staff relationship and patient safety and staff outcomes is proven to have a significant correlation amongst positive leadership style. A positive relationship amongst leaders and team members facilitates support in staff, staff stability and increases staff satisfaction, the result of collaborative and affirmative team would then lead to increased productivity and higher quality of work (Bjarnason & Lasala, 2011). Another research on the effectiveness of nursing leadership in the area of recruitment and retention of Get more content on
  • 19. Nursing leadership and Mangement Essay Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Shortage Amita Pradhan Grand Canyon University: NRS 451V–O101 September 29, 2013 Health professionals demand is on the rise due to nation's 78 millions aging baby boomers. Nursing profession is in the midst of a cyclical and worsening shortage. Economists estimate 285,000 registered nurses shortage between 2015 and 2020 while 95% of patient care is provided by nursing in hospital setting (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Nursing shortage and the nurse – turnover has become an important issue in health care industry. This paper focuses on important role of nursing leadership and management to approach the situation and the student's more content... Nursing leaders were strong and courageous individual who would take risk in achieving the organization goal, would use their knowledge and skills to manage the employee who they were responsible for. Huber (2010) adds that Nursing leader should have the ability to collaborate clinical, administrative and operation skills into problems solving in care giving environment which needs a special skills, courage and ability to move the vision into action. Successful leader has the ability to create positive work environments. Laschinger (2012) pointed out "Authentic leadership" characterized by leader behaviors that create meaning and optimism in followers through transparency, balanced processing, moral integrity and self–awareness, to be linked with positive working conditions. While taking clinical co–coordinator role on the clinical environment, student experienced knowing owns "Inner leadership" or "Self–awareness" helped to bring the hidden qualities of leadership into reality and to apply them in life and work situations. As a team member student feels personally and professionally important while being treated with respect and consideration by the nursing leader. It also increases the sense of professional security when the nursing leader becomes supportive in dealing with clinical and administrative problems. Staffing and Get more content on
  • 20. In order for any given workplace to function in its maximum capacity, a good leader must take the wheel. Within the health care setting, nurses lead in different aspects to ensure high quality care is delivered towards the patient. The first part of this essay will focus on leadership and management with the aim of developing knowledge from the discussion of theories and strategies to the provision of quality care. In the last section I will reflect on how knowledge gathered about leadership and management theories, principles and best practice concepts benefit my nursing leadership development. To begin with, fundamentals of leadership are to believe in the vision and to enjoy the journey as it is a very important concept in life. Leadership define by Zuber–Skerritt (2011) as the ability to ignite a fire and influence others towards the achievement of common goals that commit to a commonly agreed purpose, such as professional, organizational and community development and advancement of practice of life generally. Leadership role is recognised and described as their tasks, supported by Yoder–Wise (2011) reiterating that the role of leadership includes envisioning goal, where patients outcomes are being monitored, aiming for health care unit to provide safe, effective and efficient patients outcome and thought of as a process. Every leader has a responsibility to themselves and the followers through assisting members in formulating their vision, encouraging clinical and Get more content on