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Body Paragraph On Macbeth
Body paragraph 1
Macbeth is the main character in this Play, he is at the beginning a guy who seems emotionless
and cold. He wants to be king and to have the ultimate power, he wants his wife to be happy and
proud of him.To achieve all his goals he tries everything to become a friend of the king, duncan, and
is really nice to him even thought he just has the ultimate power in his mind. After a while Macbeth
is getting tired of always being nice and faking everything so his wife is trying to persuade him to
keep doing everything to be king. Macbeth is getting help from three witches who set them all the
thoughts about being king in his mind, with his wife many people want to convince him to kill
duncan, so Macbeth is under a lot of pressure. At the end of the play when macbeth killed duncan
and reached his goal to be king,he is really confident and full of himself what makes him think he
can get anything and win everything, but when he fights against Mcduff his head got cut off and he
The witches tell banquo and macbeth but basically Macbeth that he can be king and show him how
nice it would be to be king, they tell them they more content...
The purpose of this essay is to examine Macbeth's choices and show how he is driven by choice
and not by fate. I believe that the witches who sent Macbeth the idea of having this beautiful life
as a king what made him wants to be king and to kill Duncan.Macbeth was manipulated from the
three witches but he still hadn't to do it. Besides that Macbeth wives, Lady Macbeth, always
forces him to keep trying his best to be king shows that it's not all his free will and he maybe
doesn't really feel like doing it. But through the play at the end you can realize that he got no
problems with killing these people and that he actually wants it and wants to reach his
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Macbeth English Ib-Hl Essay
It is human nature to be intrigued by all things mystical and dangerous. We fear the unknown but
seek it nonetheless out of greed. Most of Shakespeare's works hold an element of the supernatural
and the play Macbeth is no exception. In this play we see a contemporary morality that warns of the
dangers of trafficking with instruments of darkness; the witches in the play prophesize of Macbeths
future as king, and Macbeth blinded by his hunger for power fails to recognize that the witches
prophecies are luring him to evil . In act 1 scГЁne 3 we see the effect that the excitement of the
prophecies has had on his imagination as he begins to contemplate murdering the king. As Macbeth
gets closer more content...
If he were certain about the murder he would have had the confidence to face the exposing light
of nature fearlessly. True evil fears no good. Macbeth fears the light then he cannot be a purely
evil individual. A purely evil individual fears nothing but himself and to add to that note that is
reason why Macbeth is referred to as a tragic hero and not a villain. His tragedy is profound
because he realizes that killing the king is wrong and mentally and physically he is very hesitant to
do so but he still give into his selfishness ambitions as he makes his ways to Duncan's chambers.
As we move closer to the king's murder in act 2, the evil in Macbeth begins to strengthen and
solidify. We begin to see the cunning traits of a murder surface in Macbeth as the theme of
appearance verses reality is brought out in his character at the end of act 1 scene 7 when he says
"false face must hide what false heart doth know". This example implies that one can never truly
tell what is on someone else mind by looking at the face; the face will hide the truth that the heart
and mind (conscience) knows. There is a metaphoric reference to the reality that is behind
Macbeth's appearance. The false face that Macbeth speaks of is like a mask worn by a thief. Like
a thief he will put on a mask and steal Duncan's life and crown away from him and no will would
know it is him as he is disguised. In the beginning of this scene Macbeth had come to the
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Macbeth Argumentative Essay
Macbeth Finals
Shakespeare variety of plays and poems, one of the most well–known play was "Romeo and Juliet".
As many people known about this play as a genre of romance and comedies. On the other hand, the
other play he wrote that is opposing to the romantic play of "Romeo and Juliet", which is "Macbeth",
which this play has brought so many audiences awareness into bloodshed tragedy genre. Although
this story had been written over centuries. The main character, Macbeth can relate into our modern
Macbeth, the leading character has grabbed numerous audiences by his psychological thoughts.
Through the witches, as they poisoned his thoughts with fallacious prophecies. As one of the witches
prophecies eventually became accurate.
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Essay Macbeth by William Shakespeare
The pursuit of power and constant struggle to maintain it leads to the deterioration of the mind. In
the play Macbeth, Shakespeare demonstrates this concept through Macbeth's struggle for power and
his subsequent down fall. This is evident in his complete loss of honour and loyalty, his new found
constitution of duplicity and his lack of value for life itself.
To begin, Macbeth loses his sense of integrity slowly throughout the play until he has none
remaining. Macbeth is introduced as a valourous and successful general. His drive for power,
however, causes him to taint the perfect image of himself he has created. Once the witches flaunt
the idea of being king in front of the man, his natural impulse to gain power and prestige
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Macbeth is hesitant before commiting the murder of Duncan and only does so after scolding by
his lady wife. Once the power he craved and sought to protect morphed his mind, he was willing
to assassinate anyone in order to protect it. He went so far as to send a professional murderer to
kill a woman and her children. This proves the human drive for power's effect on the mind. A
once kind man has become full of intrigue and plots, willing to eliminate any and all who dare
challenge him. His hesitations from murder and intrigue have been obliterated and led to the
formation of a devious and atrocious mind. Moreover, His newly deformed mind becomes
inscenced with creating unnesseceary plots and frivolous schemes. Macbeth is so blinded by his
desire to cling to his throne that he sees a threat in the Macduff household even after Macduff has
gone to England to meet with Malcolm. "The very firstlings of my heart shall be/ The firstlings of
my hand."(IV,i,161–162). This proves Macbeth to have become almost psychopathic while
attempting to maintain his throne. Therefore, the thought of simply losing power causes Macbeth's
mind to deteriorate into a psychopathic one, creating a variety of elaborate schemes and plots,
leading to nothing.
Not only does power transform Macbeth into a monster, but also causes him to lose value in life
itself. Macbeth's drive for power desensitizes him to death and makes him
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Topic Sentence Of Characters In Macbeth
Topic Sentence:
When there is light, there is shadow. This is true with William Shakespeares Macbeth as the main
character of the same name is slowly transformed into a malevolent person that can only be stopped
by the "light" of another character, Macduff.
Macbeth and Macduff rely on each other as opposing forces in the play but cannot coexist because
of the parallels between them.
Three points:
The rise of Macbeth introduces Macduff
Macduff and Macbeth's characters are foils
Macduff must kill Macbeth to restore balance in the Country
Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence:
As Macbeth rises in power, Macduff's role in the play becomes more prominent.
Sub point:
Macbeths first major villainous deed was killing King Duncan. In the next scene after his actions,
Macduff is introduced to the audience.
Quote: (Act two Scene 3 Lines 41–46)
This quote shows the urgency of Macduff to go see the King right away even though he does not
know what has been done Duncan. Shakespeare does this right after the murder to show the
presence of Macbeths evil is what brought Macduff to existence in the first place and to cement a
future hero in Macduff.
Sub point:
After Macbeth is announced to become King, Macduff refuses to go to Scone to celebrate his
coronation and instead goes home to Fife.
Quote: (Act two Scene 4 Lines 31–37)
This refusal to go celebrate his new Kings coronation is a very big deal considering the time
period of the play. Kings were viewed as second to only god in the great chain of being and to not
show up to a coronation shows complete disrespect from Macduff. Macduff is the only nobleman
not to go, showing how he is different from the rest and the only one suspecting Macbeth may be the
culprit. This unique ability Macduff carries foreshadows his tenacious opposing force against
Macbeth later in the play.
Body Paragraph #2
Topic Sentence:
Macduff's character is used as an effective foil for Macbeth in the play. The foil serves to show the
parallels between these two characters.
Sub point:
Macduff is shown as endearing and emotional while Macbeth is cold and lacks empathy.
(Act two Scene 3 Lines 59–65)
Macduff is genuinely horrified
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Macbeth Theme Essay
The play, Macbeth, Macbeth and his wife kill the king of Scotland so Macbeth can become king.
As a result, of the witches since they told him about the prophecy and how he would become king.
He eventually does more evil things which fills Lady Macbeth with guilt. She ends up killing herself
and Macbeth ends up dying. In the play, there are numerous of themes that you can see and examples
that you can find. There are five themes that we have discussed in class which are ambition, guilt,
things are not what they seem, fate versus free will, and nature versus the unnatural.
One of the five themes in Macbeth that we discussed is ambition. I believe the meaning of ambition
is the desire to do something whether it is bad or good. In addition, more content...
The killing of his family is his motivation for him to kill Macbeth because he wants to get revenge.
Furthermore, ambition is desire of doing something that is good or bad like revenge. Also, when
Malcolm heard what happened to Macduff's family and how Scotland has become after being ruled
by Macbeth, it made him want to kill Macbeth.
Another theme in Macbeth is guilt. I believe that guilt is feeling bad for something that you have
done to someone or something. In addition, guilt can destroy you and/or eat at you. It could even
drive you to do something like it did to Macduff. Macduff went to England and left his family
behind so that he could get Malcolm to come back and be king. When he left to get Malcolm,
Macbeth killed his entire family. He felt guilty for living his family alone in Scotland without
protection. Similarly to ambition, his guilt drove him to kill Macbeth. Another example of guilt
is Lady Macbeth sleeping walking towards the end of the play. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth killed
the king of Scotland (Duncan) and she is feeling guilty for what she has done. Also, she doesn't
like what her husband has done like killing Macduff's whole family. She feels as if she was
responsible for that. In a result of that she ends up sleep walking and eventually killing herself
because she couldn't live with the guilt anymore. The guilt of killing Duncan literally ate at Lady
Macbeth and destroyed her to the point of suicide. Macbeth feels guilty for killing Duncan.
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Macbeth Universal Themes
In what ways has your study of Macbeth helped you develop an understanding of important universal
In the play of Macbeth, there are a number of themes that are shown/represented that we can
resemble to in our own lives or things happening around us. For example ambition is one of the
main themes and that is what leads to everything that happens in the story, also transformation and
fate are some of the main themes in the story which play a big part.
Ambition is probably if not the main theme of Macbeth and that is what the whole story revolves
around. It is first shown in the play when Macbeth is returning from a battle and along the way he
meets these 3 witches and they make a prophecy : "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of
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Themes in Macbeth Essay
In William Shakespeare's play Macbeth evil is conveyed in many ways through characters, themes
and settings. Many themes are explored in detail contributing hugely to the sense of evil with
characters being used along with these themes to create evil within the characters. These themes and
characters are shown in different settings at different times consequently affecting the mood and
atmosphere of the play. In relation, Shakespeare uses characters in order to raise the appeal of
themes being presented. A character which has the largest influence on the play is Macbeth.
Macbeth is someone who is tortured by the pain of the words of those around him. Macbeth is
influenced heavily by the three witches who prophesize that he is going more content...
She tells the sprits 'Come to my woman breasts/And take my milk for gall' so that she can get rid of
all the kindness within her–blood and milk form her breasts– Shakespeare uses 'direst cruelty' to
express the desperation running through Lady Macbeth and with this Shakespeare creates a very
hell–like picture for the audience. However, eventually Lady Macbeth persuasion overcomes
Macbeth and finally he agrees to kill Duncan. 'Let light not see my black and deep desires', this
shows Macbeths ambitions are not of good intention and turns to the universe to express this
ambition (about how great it is) It also shows that even though he wants to kill Duncan, the
audience is still finding Macbeth arguing whether or not to do it. Shakespeare also uses
alliteration to emphasize the amount evil involved in this deed. In relation, Shakespeare shows
Macbeth willing to jump the hierarchy of position. 'We'd jump the life to come' show the
willingness to jump the hierarchy, which instantly shows the relation to the archangel which went
against God and the hierarchy of Heaven to create his own land of chaos which is better known
as hell. Moreover, Lady Macbeth is shown with even more evil to represent her will for Macbeth to
complete the deed, 'I have given suck and know how tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I
would while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from
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Influences On Macbeth
Macbeth Analytical Essay
In life, there are two types of people: those who do the right thing and those who don't. In the play
Macbeth, by Shakespeare, the main character Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches that
says he will become king; however, there is no descending line of kings of his own blood. With the
knowledge of the Witches' prophecy,Macbeth's ambition, and manipulation from his wife, Lady
Macbeth, Macbeth is quickly dragged into a never–ending, bloody murder rampage to obtain the
crown and get rid of those who stand in the way of obtaining it as well. Macbeth constantly battles
with his moral dilemmas; however, he easily falls victim to influences that go against his morals.
Influences on major characters emphasize how easily one's decision making can be negatively
affected, resulting in one going against his or her morals/integrity.
The influence of the Witches' prophecy used by Shakespeare, change Lady Macbeth's and Banquo's
decision making which goes against their integrity. After Lady Macbeth receives a letter from
Macbeth describing his experience with the three witches' and their prophecy, she speaks about
Duncan's fatal death. She says to herself, "Fill me from the crown to the toe top–full of direst
cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up th' access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious
visitings of nature `shake my fell purpose" (1.5.49–54). Because of the witches' prophecy, Lady
Macbeth obsesses over acquiring inhuman traits to be able
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Character Analysis of Macbeth Essay
"Macbeth" a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays, how the main character Macbeth,
transforms from a war hero, to a murdering villain. Macbeth starts out as the thane of Glamis and
steadily rises to become King of Scotland. The higher Macbeth rose on his road of power the more
corrupt and evil he became. The character change of Macbeth ignites the whole theme of the play.
Macbeth is shown as a vigorous war hero in the opening scene. "And fortune, on his damned
quarrel smiling showed like a rebel's whore. But all's too weak for brave Macbeth." (1.2 16.18) The
captain expressing the braveness of great Macbeth in Scotland's battle with the invading Norway
hordes. It didn't take long for the people more content...
Macbeth decides that he wont murder the king. Lady Macbeth's determination to become queen
influences Macbeth's decision.
"If it were done when tis done, then twere it be done quickly" (1.7 1–2) Macbeth is toying with the
notion to murder King Duncan. Macbeth would not be satisfied until he ruled all Scotland! An idea
turned into a priority, Macbeth wasn't thinking of killing the king he was sure of it. "Is this a
dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand...."(2.1 42–43) Macbeth's vision turned out
to be a false creation of the mind that led macbeth to believe that fate was telling him to kill King
Near the end of the play Macbeths true evilness comes out. Macbeth paranoia leads him to believe
that everyone is out to get him. " So is he mine, and in such bloody distance that every minute of his
thrusts against my hear'st life" (3.1 128–130) Macbeth grows suspicious of Banquo. The witch's
predictions of Banquo's kids becoming king engulfed all thoughts in Macbeth's head. "I'll make
assurance double sure." (4.1 93) Macbeth is making sure Banquo and his son fleance are murdered.
Macbeth felt the it was best to hire murders to handle fleance and Banquo. Macbeth is overcome
with evil. "From this moment the very firstling of my heart shall be the firstling of my mind" (4.1
165–168) Macbeth's mind no
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Macbeth Themes
Macbeth is a great play that has a lot of violence in it. The character Macbeth has a little evil side
to him throughout the play. This is easy to tell because Macbeth has plenty of people killed, who
he believes will challenge him for the crown of King. Shakespeare in his career on wrote play
writes, so I wouldn't consider him an author; however, the plays he did write are some of the
best–known pieces of literature ever written. Although I don't know of many Shakespearian pieces I
feel that he was a popular man and that lots of people wanted to meet him just how people want to
meet famous authors in today's world. Shakespear in all of his writing adds a lot of themes and
throughout the play Macbeth, Shakespear has five themes that are talked about a lot. These themes
include: Ambition, Guilt, Things are not what they seem, Fate versus Free will, and nature versus
the Unnatural.
The first theme I am going to talk about is Ambition. I believe the meaning of this theme is that if
a person has too much ambition can destroy others as much as yourself. In Act 1, there are many
instances of this theme being portrayed. One example is when Macbeth is talking to himself
when he says," The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else
o'erleap, for in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. The
eye wink at the hand, yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see (Act 1, scene 4,
Lines 50–55). In
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Examples Of Archetypes In Macbeth
Archetypal Criticism
There is no original story. All stories derive themes and characters that go with the human situation,
The Archetypes. An Archetype is undeniably a theme for the character, the common Archetypes that
Author's exhibit are; The Hero, The Mentor, The Villain, and The Innocence. Authors use Archetypes
to develop meaning to their stories, for a much deeper connection between the reader and the
characters. After reading Shakespeare's Macbeth, There are many relations to Archetypes and
Character meaning. Archetypal is approached being closely connected with psychological theory
because different archetypes are inserted in human psyche and the mass of archetypes have
individualities with the personalities, their actions, and more content...
Characters develop different personalities, therefore the Archetypes aren't used with a character
throughout the whole text, Archetypal figures change as the text advances. Macbeth had a huge
downfall it's not a matter of personality but it's a matter of his social life, his social recognition,
many people lost their respect for Macbeth. Their was a dramatic change in Macbeth's character as
a brave man and they looked up to him, he was a very admired character but he eventually changes
into a cold hearted and selfish ambitious man. It wasn't all on Macbeth, we feel sympathy for
Macbeth at a point in the story and see the influence of his wife's manipulation upon Macbeth's
actions. Macbeth is attached into his own desires, he has changed very dramatically and keeps
conflicts among his self. There was an Encounter between macbeth and The Three Witches , Three
supernatural creatures are called 'heralds' reason why is they seek attention on Macbeth's obsessions.
As stated before, Macbeth wasn't so evil before he tries to fight the evil thoughts and pretends they
never crossed his mind. But when he meets Duncan in the palace and invites him into his castle,
Macbeth's actions differ as contradictory. Macbeth's bad side is inevitable and Macbeth cannot hold
the innocence any
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Macbeth Argumentative Essay
Macduff, planning his journey to England, with a map in one hand and shadow of guilt in his
other, acknowledging the fact that leaving his family behind is a bad idea but a good idea at the
same time because he is an imminent threat to Macbeth. Macduff, a noble and strong character turns
away and starts walking to England. Meanwhile his wife and son have noticed his disappearance
and are dumbfounded by the quick exit. On the other side of town Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are
planning a sinister attack on King Duncan.
Macduff knew that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were the ones planning on killing King Duncan
and taking over the throne. Macbeth wasn't the main pursuer of this, more like Lady Macbeth
encouraging him to do this. The Lady Macbeth planned it all out and Macbeth was the one that
would be taking the rack for it. Lady Macduff did not know what was happening as her husband
Macduff left her and her son without saying good bye or giving any reasons why. Starting to put
together what has happened to Macduff, Lady Macduff explains to Sirrah (Son) what has happened
to his father, "Sirrah, your father's dead;
And what will you do now? How will you live?".
Sirrah responds with "As birds do, mother".
A messenger quickly fluttered into the mansion and demanded that they must leave immediately and more content...
Now that Lady Macduff and her son are dead, Macbeth believed that it would make Macduff an
easier target. Instead of being an easier target Macduff was fuelled even more to kill Macbeth. The
men set off in search of Scotland again, Not just Macduff but a clan of men. With a compass and a
map in hand, slowly they were making their way to Scotland. When arriving in Scotland, being
careful they made their way to Macbeths Castle, where he was at the time. Bursting through the
doors they made their way up to Macbeth and Lady
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Mentality In Macbeth
In the Shakespearian play, Macbeth, a story is told of a greatly admired and respected general who
in the drive of ambition deteriorates in moral character. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is
shown to be brave and mentally stable but his mentality starts to decline when his guilt causes him to
be hysterical. Throughout the acts, the witches, the hallucinations, and his hunger for power has all
caused him to total madness. Macbeth's moral decline is further developed with the idea of light and
darkness. In the beginning of Act I, Macbeth is described to be a brave general, one who is well
admired and respected by his peers and King. In the first Act, a captain reports the outcome of the
war and says "But all's too weak; for brave Macbeth..." more content...
Macbeth's first hallucination occurs when he sees a dagger with blood and believes it to be real
until he realizes it is not real: "Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?
Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." (2.1.44–47). The dagger
foreshadows Macbeth's future path of blood and death. After Macbeth kills the king, he hears
voices say to him "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep" (2.2. 47–48). This shows the
beginning of Macbeth's eventual mental deterioration. After Macbeth takes the throne, unnatural
events occur in Scotland and these unnatural events occurred because the Elizabethan Great Chain
of Being was broken. This is another example of light and darkness. After Macbeth broke the Great
Chain of Being, light was obscured and darkness was ever–present. When the Chain is in order
everything is good and light is dominant but when the chain is broken darkness and evil rule.
Macbeth bought darkness to Scotland. This is the point where Macbeth's morality has been
wiped away completely as he becomes a murdering tyrant and does everything to secure his place
as king. In Act III , Macbeth planned to kill Banquo and his son, and he does not tell Lady
Macbeth nor does he hesitate to act out those murders. This shows that he no longer needs Lady
Macbeth and shows how far he is willing to go to have
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Essay on Macbeth
Responsibility for the Tragedy
In Shakespeare's classic tragedy of Macbeth the main character Macbeth is driven from his status
as a well respected warrior and lord of not one, but two Scottish regions to a dishonest, unloyal
murderer. Macbeth gets caught in a web of lies and vile acts of murder in which he brings about his
own demise. His criminal actions lead up to his tragic ending of life. ' They have tied me to a stake; I
cannot fly, But bearlike I must fight the course.' His great ambition and gullibility of the witches
predictions are two of the biggest factors of his downfall;however, Lady Macbeth was probably the
biggest influence in the whole tragedy.
Early in more content...
Lady Macbeth played a large role as Macbeth's seductress and brainwasher. Lady Macbeth
persuaded her husband to kill the King not so that he would himself be King but so that she could
be Queen.Although because of her involvement in this web of lies she felt guilty and drove herself
insane worrying about what had happened and what would happen to her and her husband for being
so dishonest. She was not responsible for the tragedy, she was only a manipulative factor in the
scheme of things. Even though it does take two to tango, Macbeth tangoed on his own.
After the death of Duncan Macbeth begins to work on his own without the help of his wife. He
plans the murders of Banquo and the heir to the throne, Banquo's son Fleance. Although it does not
turn out as expected Macbeth remains calm until Banquo's ghost appears. '... and keep the natural
ruby of your cheeks, when mine is blanched with fear.' This was the turning point in the whole story
because until this point everything was going great for Macbeth, he had power, fame and fortune, all
you could ever want;however, when this ghost appeared Macbeth went on a little insanity trip. He,
also like his wife was engulfed with guilt and unable to function properly anymore. This led to
another visit with the witches. Showing
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Macbeth Character Essay
An important character in 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare was Macbeth. Macbeth is shown as
the protagonist of the play and is the person who drives the plot of the drama. Macbeth changes
dramatically throughout the play as in the start he is portrayed as the tragic hero who would do
anything for his King and country. As the plays continue he becomes ambitious and, encouraged by
a prophecy. After that, he ends up killing a lot of people/becoming a tyrant. Paragraph 1:
At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is introduced as a brave war soldier; whose fame on the
battlefield wins him a great honour from King Duncan and others around him. Macbeth is described
by the captain as "brave Macbeth... Till he fac'd more content...
Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires." This shows that Macbeth is more
determined to kill King Duncan after he hears that Malcolm is named the Prince of Cumberland. He
is determined as Macbeth believes that he should be the King as the witches told him that he would
be. Paragraph 3:
After Macbeth kills Duncan and becomes the king of Scotland, we see that he becomes out of
control and starts to act like a tyrant. Macbeth begins to kill innocent people to hide his fear and
become more of a man. He starts off by killing his best friend Banquo and attempts to kill his son
Fleance. This is because he knows that Banquo suspects him of something. Macbeth is also mad
that he has done all this work to become king and Banquo's Son will benefit from this and become
King. After he kills Banquo, he says "For mine own good All causes shall give way. I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er." This quote
shows that there is no going back now to stop killing for Macbeth. He is committed to killing and
whatever terrible things he may yet have to do.
After this Macbeth kills Macduff whole family and servants to send Macduff a message for being
disloyal and he thinks that Macduff suspects him of something as well. This is shown when
Macbeth says "The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword
His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his
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Essay on Macbeth: Summary
Macbeth: Summary
Macbeth and Banquo, Scottish generals, are returning after crushing a rebellion against Duncan (
King of Scotland ), when they are met by three witches. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will
become thane of Cawdor , then later on he will become King. Banquo is told that he will never
become King, but will be the father of Kings. Macbeth is horrified, for shortly afterwards a
messenger arrives to tell him that Duncan has created him Thane of Cawdor as a reward for his
Macbeth writes the news to his wife. Lady Macbeth reads the letter from
Macbeth, telling her of the prophecies. With reading this she chooses to invite evil spirits into her to
take away her womanhood, she wants to lose her tenderness that more content...
After the Banquet when everyone goes off to bed, Macbeth murders Duncan. When finding out of
the death, Duncan's two sons fled fearing for their lives, Malcolm headed towards
England and Donabain to Ireland.
Macbeth sends two murderers to kill Banquo, for he fears that the witches prophecies about Banquo
will come true too. Macbeth is scared and confused at the second Banquet celebrating the coronation,
for he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his seat, everyone thinks he is mad, though Lady
Macbeth saves her husband from revealing her guilt to the guests.
Macbeth goes and visits the witches again asking for another prophecy and they tell him three
things. (1) to beware Macduff, (2) not to fear any man born of women, (3) that he will not die
unless Birnam Wood moves towards
Dunsaine Castle. Macbeth is later informed that Macduff has gone to England, so he then plans to
kill all of Macduff's family. Macduffs family are murdered,
Macduff hears of the terrible news and plans revenge against Macbeth.
The Scottish contingent are marching to meet the English forces led by
Malcolm and Macduff, to make their attack on Macbeth. Macbeth learns that there are ten thousand
soldiers after him and that his wife had died ( or killed herself ). The English army arrives at
Birnam Wood and Malcolm instructs each solider to cut down a branch and carry it in front of them
to disguise their approach. A servant tells Macbeth that
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Topic Sentence In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'
Claim/Evidence/Tie :
Topic Sentence :
Claim/Evidence/Tie :
Topic Sentence :
Claim/Evidence/Tie :
In the play 'Macbeth', Shakespeare uses brutal imagery, with association of blood. The mood of
disgust and horror towards the characters and setting is established by the references to the
universal representation of death and pain. The first mention of blood seems to establish a sense of
honor. The second mention of blood seems to communicate betrayal. Lastly the third allusion of
blood appears to establish a sense of guilt All of these images of blood help develop the atmosphere
and scene and contribute to the over all drama of the play.
The use of the word 'blood' contains the recoiling images of horror and disgust that more
Lady Macbeth initiates this theme when she utters the words, "make thick my blood", before helping
to frame the guards for the murder of Duncan. The notion of making ones blood thick attempts to
communicate how Lady Macbeth wants to become remorseless and insensitive. However the
irony is established since she also feels guilty and trepidation for the crime of treason she is about
to commit. Lady Macbeth understands that the symbolic of use of blood is treacherous and if
she places Duncan's blood on the guards the blame will be diverted from Macbeth and Lady
Macbeth. We are told this by the following lines, "smear the sleepy grooms with blood. If he do
bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt." Lady Macbeth plans to
go into Duncan's room after Macbeth has killed him. Then she will place the bloody daggers by
the passed out guards and put blood on their faces so they will be accused of treason.
The most obvious use of blood in 'Macbeth' is that which symbolizes the guilt within the scene.
The imagery of bloody helps to emphasize the sense of guilt, adding to the overall dramatic
connotations of the scene and the words spoken by each character. One of the most memorable
references to blood and guilt is when it is established that Lady Macbeth is sleep walking. Her guilt
overcomes her subconscious and in her sleep walking she admits to her part in the murder of
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According to the classical view, tragedy should arouse feelings of pity and fear in the audience.
Does Macbeth do this?
Tragedy has most definitely influenced the viewer's thoughts on Macbeth within this play. In
Shakespeare's Macbeth, the audience sees a gradual breakdown in the character of Macbeth himself,
due to the tragic events that unfold during the play. This has a direct effect on the audience's views
and thoughts of Macbeth, thus creating pity and fear within the audience. Macbeth, being a man and
a human being himself, is in–clined to some forms of temptation, to which man himself has quite
often succumbed. The guilt that Mac–beth experiences after the death of his beloved King Duncan
also experienced in every human's life, more content...
The events in which took place after this increase our pity of Macbeth. The audience sees a grown,
noble and mighty officer degraded into a pool of immense guilt.
Macbeth was, shortly after the murdering incident, driven insane by the immense guilt produced by
his withered conscience. The dagger that was used in the killing of King Duncan haunted him
before the murder took place. This tragedy in the play gives us both fear of where the sword came
from and pity for Macbeth's character that had degraded to such a point that he has become paranoid.
"Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch
thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to
sight? Or art thou but A dagger of mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat–oppressed brain?
The events before the murder of Duncan, which include Macbeth's fear of killing Duncan, the timing
at–which it will take place; all of which these things made the audience fearful. Macbeth seemed
nervous in a way, for he loved his king and would do anything in his strength to protect him and his
"The service and loyalty...your throne and state, children and servants, Which do but what they
should by doing everything Safe toward your love and hon–our..."
Macbeth [I.iv.22–27]
Macbeth knew that Duncan was a kind man, and Duncan thought that others were like him (as noble
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Fate In Macbeth Essay
In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, changes happen. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a well
liked and good man of Scotland, who turns into an evil, cold hearted, murderer by the end. His
rewards and punishments could have been predetermined by fate, but the actions he took to get to
get those rewards and punishments were determined by Macbeth's free will. In Macbeth, he attempts
to control the future and hide the past by listening to other people and committing multiple murders
of innocent people. Macbeth questions his conscience in Act 1 because of Lady Macbeth's power
she has on him. Macbeth attempted to control the future because he listened to what Lady Macbeth
told him, instead of listening to his conscience when more content...
Banquo won't support Macbeth if he get to crown immorally. Macbeth didn't listen to Banquo. He
listened to the evil instead of following his conscience. The witches also told Macbeth to fear
Macduff. After Macbeth heard this, he killed Macduff's whole family. He believed everything that
the witches told him, instead of overriding their prophecy and following his morals. Instead of doing
the right thing, he committed multiple murders to try to cover up the previous ones.
He attempted to bury the past by killing more and more people to try to cover up that he was the
one who killed Duncan. Once Banquo started getting suspicious of Macbeth, he decided to kill him.
"But to be safely thus. Our fears in Banquo/ Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature/ Reigns that
which would be fear'd. 'Tis must he dares/ And, to that dauntless temper of his mind" (III.i.52–54).
Macbeth fears Banquo because he was starting to realize that Macbeth was the one to kill Duncan,
and because of this he decided to kill Banquo. Macbeth committed over nine murders throughout the
play, all revolving around the fact that he let others manipulate him.
Some people might argue that Lady Macbeth got into Macbeth's head because she wanted power,
and the only way she could do so, was to have a husband of high authority. Lady Macbeth may have
been the one to tell Macbeth what to do, but he took the actions upon himself. Macbeth
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Macbeth Essay Topics

  • 1. Body Paragraph On Macbeth Body paragraph 1 Macbeth is the main character in this Play, he is at the beginning a guy who seems emotionless and cold. He wants to be king and to have the ultimate power, he wants his wife to be happy and proud of him.To achieve all his goals he tries everything to become a friend of the king, duncan, and is really nice to him even thought he just has the ultimate power in his mind. After a while Macbeth is getting tired of always being nice and faking everything so his wife is trying to persuade him to keep doing everything to be king. Macbeth is getting help from three witches who set them all the thoughts about being king in his mind, with his wife many people want to convince him to kill duncan, so Macbeth is under a lot of pressure. At the end of the play when macbeth killed duncan and reached his goal to be king,he is really confident and full of himself what makes him think he can get anything and win everything, but when he fights against Mcduff his head got cut off and he dies. The witches tell banquo and macbeth but basically Macbeth that he can be king and show him how nice it would be to be king, they tell them they more content... The purpose of this essay is to examine Macbeth's choices and show how he is driven by choice and not by fate. I believe that the witches who sent Macbeth the idea of having this beautiful life as a king what made him wants to be king and to kill Duncan.Macbeth was manipulated from the three witches but he still hadn't to do it. Besides that Macbeth wives, Lady Macbeth, always forces him to keep trying his best to be king shows that it's not all his free will and he maybe doesn't really feel like doing it. But through the play at the end you can realize that he got no problems with killing these people and that he actually wants it and wants to reach his Get more content on
  • 2. Macbeth English Ib-Hl Essay ENGLISH HL SHAKESPEARE– MACBETH ESSAY It is human nature to be intrigued by all things mystical and dangerous. We fear the unknown but seek it nonetheless out of greed. Most of Shakespeare's works hold an element of the supernatural and the play Macbeth is no exception. In this play we see a contemporary morality that warns of the dangers of trafficking with instruments of darkness; the witches in the play prophesize of Macbeths future as king, and Macbeth blinded by his hunger for power fails to recognize that the witches prophecies are luring him to evil . In act 1 scГЁne 3 we see the effect that the excitement of the prophecies has had on his imagination as he begins to contemplate murdering the king. As Macbeth gets closer more content... If he were certain about the murder he would have had the confidence to face the exposing light of nature fearlessly. True evil fears no good. Macbeth fears the light then he cannot be a purely evil individual. A purely evil individual fears nothing but himself and to add to that note that is reason why Macbeth is referred to as a tragic hero and not a villain. His tragedy is profound because he realizes that killing the king is wrong and mentally and physically he is very hesitant to do so but he still give into his selfishness ambitions as he makes his ways to Duncan's chambers. As we move closer to the king's murder in act 2, the evil in Macbeth begins to strengthen and solidify. We begin to see the cunning traits of a murder surface in Macbeth as the theme of appearance verses reality is brought out in his character at the end of act 1 scene 7 when he says "false face must hide what false heart doth know". This example implies that one can never truly tell what is on someone else mind by looking at the face; the face will hide the truth that the heart and mind (conscience) knows. There is a metaphoric reference to the reality that is behind Macbeth's appearance. The false face that Macbeth speaks of is like a mask worn by a thief. Like a thief he will put on a mask and steal Duncan's life and crown away from him and no will would know it is him as he is disguised. In the beginning of this scene Macbeth had come to the Get more content on
  • 3. Macbeth Argumentative Essay Macbeth Finals Shakespeare variety of plays and poems, one of the most well–known play was "Romeo and Juliet". As many people known about this play as a genre of romance and comedies. On the other hand, the other play he wrote that is opposing to the romantic play of "Romeo and Juliet", which is "Macbeth", which this play has brought so many audiences awareness into bloodshed tragedy genre. Although this story had been written over centuries. The main character, Macbeth can relate into our modern society. Macbeth, the leading character has grabbed numerous audiences by his psychological thoughts. Through the witches, as they poisoned his thoughts with fallacious prophecies. As one of the witches prophecies eventually became accurate. Get more content on
  • 4. Essay Macbeth by William Shakespeare The pursuit of power and constant struggle to maintain it leads to the deterioration of the mind. In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare demonstrates this concept through Macbeth's struggle for power and his subsequent down fall. This is evident in his complete loss of honour and loyalty, his new found constitution of duplicity and his lack of value for life itself. To begin, Macbeth loses his sense of integrity slowly throughout the play until he has none remaining. Macbeth is introduced as a valourous and successful general. His drive for power, however, causes him to taint the perfect image of himself he has created. Once the witches flaunt the idea of being king in front of the man, his natural impulse to gain power and prestige more content... Macbeth is hesitant before commiting the murder of Duncan and only does so after scolding by his lady wife. Once the power he craved and sought to protect morphed his mind, he was willing to assassinate anyone in order to protect it. He went so far as to send a professional murderer to kill a woman and her children. This proves the human drive for power's effect on the mind. A once kind man has become full of intrigue and plots, willing to eliminate any and all who dare challenge him. His hesitations from murder and intrigue have been obliterated and led to the formation of a devious and atrocious mind. Moreover, His newly deformed mind becomes inscenced with creating unnesseceary plots and frivolous schemes. Macbeth is so blinded by his desire to cling to his throne that he sees a threat in the Macduff household even after Macduff has gone to England to meet with Malcolm. "The very firstlings of my heart shall be/ The firstlings of my hand."(IV,i,161–162). This proves Macbeth to have become almost psychopathic while attempting to maintain his throne. Therefore, the thought of simply losing power causes Macbeth's mind to deteriorate into a psychopathic one, creating a variety of elaborate schemes and plots, leading to nothing. Not only does power transform Macbeth into a monster, but also causes him to lose value in life itself. Macbeth's drive for power desensitizes him to death and makes him Get more content on
  • 5. Topic Sentence Of Characters In Macbeth Topic Sentence: When there is light, there is shadow. This is true with William Shakespeares Macbeth as the main character of the same name is slowly transformed into a malevolent person that can only be stopped by the "light" of another character, Macduff. Thesis: Macbeth and Macduff rely on each other as opposing forces in the play but cannot coexist because of the parallels between them. Three points: The rise of Macbeth introduces Macduff Macduff and Macbeth's characters are foils Macduff must kill Macbeth to restore balance in the Country Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: As Macbeth rises in power, Macduff's role in the play becomes more prominent. Sub point: Macbeths first major villainous deed was killing King Duncan. In the next scene after his actions, Macduff is introduced to the audience. Quote: (Act two Scene 3 Lines 41–46) Analysis: This quote shows the urgency of Macduff to go see the King right away even though he does not know what has been done Duncan. Shakespeare does this right after the murder to show the presence of Macbeths evil is what brought Macduff to existence in the first place and to cement a future hero in Macduff. Sub point: After Macbeth is announced to become King, Macduff refuses to go to Scone to celebrate his coronation and instead goes home to Fife. Quote: (Act two Scene 4 Lines 31–37) Analysis: This refusal to go celebrate his new Kings coronation is a very big deal considering the time period of the play. Kings were viewed as second to only god in the great chain of being and to not show up to a coronation shows complete disrespect from Macduff. Macduff is the only nobleman
  • 6. not to go, showing how he is different from the rest and the only one suspecting Macbeth may be the culprit. This unique ability Macduff carries foreshadows his tenacious opposing force against Macbeth later in the play. Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence: Macduff's character is used as an effective foil for Macbeth in the play. The foil serves to show the parallels between these two characters. Sub point: Macduff is shown as endearing and emotional while Macbeth is cold and lacks empathy. Quote: (Act two Scene 3 Lines 59–65) Analysis: Macduff is genuinely horrified Get more content on
  • 7. Macbeth Theme Essay The play, Macbeth, Macbeth and his wife kill the king of Scotland so Macbeth can become king. As a result, of the witches since they told him about the prophecy and how he would become king. He eventually does more evil things which fills Lady Macbeth with guilt. She ends up killing herself and Macbeth ends up dying. In the play, there are numerous of themes that you can see and examples that you can find. There are five themes that we have discussed in class which are ambition, guilt, things are not what they seem, fate versus free will, and nature versus the unnatural. One of the five themes in Macbeth that we discussed is ambition. I believe the meaning of ambition is the desire to do something whether it is bad or good. In addition, more content... The killing of his family is his motivation for him to kill Macbeth because he wants to get revenge. Furthermore, ambition is desire of doing something that is good or bad like revenge. Also, when Malcolm heard what happened to Macduff's family and how Scotland has become after being ruled by Macbeth, it made him want to kill Macbeth. Another theme in Macbeth is guilt. I believe that guilt is feeling bad for something that you have done to someone or something. In addition, guilt can destroy you and/or eat at you. It could even drive you to do something like it did to Macduff. Macduff went to England and left his family behind so that he could get Malcolm to come back and be king. When he left to get Malcolm, Macbeth killed his entire family. He felt guilty for living his family alone in Scotland without protection. Similarly to ambition, his guilt drove him to kill Macbeth. Another example of guilt is Lady Macbeth sleeping walking towards the end of the play. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth killed the king of Scotland (Duncan) and she is feeling guilty for what she has done. Also, she doesn't like what her husband has done like killing Macduff's whole family. She feels as if she was responsible for that. In a result of that she ends up sleep walking and eventually killing herself because she couldn't live with the guilt anymore. The guilt of killing Duncan literally ate at Lady Macbeth and destroyed her to the point of suicide. Macbeth feels guilty for killing Duncan. Get more content on
  • 8. Macbeth Universal Themes In what ways has your study of Macbeth helped you develop an understanding of important universal themes? In the play of Macbeth, there are a number of themes that are shown/represented that we can resemble to in our own lives or things happening around us. For example ambition is one of the main themes and that is what leads to everything that happens in the story, also transformation and fate are some of the main themes in the story which play a big part. Ambition is probably if not the main theme of Macbeth and that is what the whole story revolves around. It is first shown in the play when Macbeth is returning from a battle and along the way he meets these 3 witches and they make a prophecy : "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Get more content on
  • 9. Themes in Macbeth Essay In William Shakespeare's play Macbeth evil is conveyed in many ways through characters, themes and settings. Many themes are explored in detail contributing hugely to the sense of evil with characters being used along with these themes to create evil within the characters. These themes and characters are shown in different settings at different times consequently affecting the mood and atmosphere of the play. In relation, Shakespeare uses characters in order to raise the appeal of themes being presented. A character which has the largest influence on the play is Macbeth. Macbeth is someone who is tortured by the pain of the words of those around him. Macbeth is influenced heavily by the three witches who prophesize that he is going more content... She tells the sprits 'Come to my woman breasts/And take my milk for gall' so that she can get rid of all the kindness within her–blood and milk form her breasts– Shakespeare uses 'direst cruelty' to express the desperation running through Lady Macbeth and with this Shakespeare creates a very hell–like picture for the audience. However, eventually Lady Macbeth persuasion overcomes Macbeth and finally he agrees to kill Duncan. 'Let light not see my black and deep desires', this shows Macbeths ambitions are not of good intention and turns to the universe to express this ambition (about how great it is) It also shows that even though he wants to kill Duncan, the audience is still finding Macbeth arguing whether or not to do it. Shakespeare also uses alliteration to emphasize the amount evil involved in this deed. In relation, Shakespeare shows Macbeth willing to jump the hierarchy of position. 'We'd jump the life to come' show the willingness to jump the hierarchy, which instantly shows the relation to the archangel which went against God and the hierarchy of Heaven to create his own land of chaos which is better known as hell. Moreover, Lady Macbeth is shown with even more evil to represent her will for Macbeth to complete the deed, 'I have given suck and know how tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from Get more content on
  • 10. Influences On Macbeth Macbeth Analytical Essay In life, there are two types of people: those who do the right thing and those who don't. In the play Macbeth, by Shakespeare, the main character Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches that says he will become king; however, there is no descending line of kings of his own blood. With the knowledge of the Witches' prophecy,Macbeth's ambition, and manipulation from his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is quickly dragged into a never–ending, bloody murder rampage to obtain the crown and get rid of those who stand in the way of obtaining it as well. Macbeth constantly battles with his moral dilemmas; however, he easily falls victim to influences that go against his morals. Influences on major characters emphasize how easily one's decision making can be negatively affected, resulting in one going against his or her morals/integrity. The influence of the Witches' prophecy used by Shakespeare, change Lady Macbeth's and Banquo's decision making which goes against their integrity. After Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth describing his experience with the three witches' and their prophecy, she speaks about Duncan's fatal death. She says to herself, "Fill me from the crown to the toe top–full of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up th' access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings of nature `shake my fell purpose" (1.5.49–54). Because of the witches' prophecy, Lady Macbeth obsesses over acquiring inhuman traits to be able Get more content on
  • 11. Character Analysis of Macbeth Essay "Macbeth" a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays, how the main character Macbeth, transforms from a war hero, to a murdering villain. Macbeth starts out as the thane of Glamis and steadily rises to become King of Scotland. The higher Macbeth rose on his road of power the more corrupt and evil he became. The character change of Macbeth ignites the whole theme of the play. Macbeth is shown as a vigorous war hero in the opening scene. "And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling showed like a rebel's whore. But all's too weak for brave Macbeth." (1.2 16.18) The captain expressing the braveness of great Macbeth in Scotland's battle with the invading Norway hordes. It didn't take long for the people more content... Macbeth decides that he wont murder the king. Lady Macbeth's determination to become queen influences Macbeth's decision. "If it were done when tis done, then twere it be done quickly" (1.7 1–2) Macbeth is toying with the notion to murder King Duncan. Macbeth would not be satisfied until he ruled all Scotland! An idea turned into a priority, Macbeth wasn't thinking of killing the king he was sure of it. "Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand...."(2.1 42–43) Macbeth's vision turned out to be a false creation of the mind that led macbeth to believe that fate was telling him to kill King Duncan. Near the end of the play Macbeths true evilness comes out. Macbeth paranoia leads him to believe that everyone is out to get him. " So is he mine, and in such bloody distance that every minute of his thrusts against my hear'st life" (3.1 128–130) Macbeth grows suspicious of Banquo. The witch's predictions of Banquo's kids becoming king engulfed all thoughts in Macbeth's head. "I'll make assurance double sure." (4.1 93) Macbeth is making sure Banquo and his son fleance are murdered. Macbeth felt the it was best to hire murders to handle fleance and Banquo. Macbeth is overcome with evil. "From this moment the very firstling of my heart shall be the firstling of my mind" (4.1 165–168) Macbeth's mind no Get more content on
  • 12. Macbeth Themes Macbeth is a great play that has a lot of violence in it. The character Macbeth has a little evil side to him throughout the play. This is easy to tell because Macbeth has plenty of people killed, who he believes will challenge him for the crown of King. Shakespeare in his career on wrote play writes, so I wouldn't consider him an author; however, the plays he did write are some of the best–known pieces of literature ever written. Although I don't know of many Shakespearian pieces I feel that he was a popular man and that lots of people wanted to meet him just how people want to meet famous authors in today's world. Shakespear in all of his writing adds a lot of themes and throughout the play Macbeth, Shakespear has five themes that are talked about a lot. These themes include: Ambition, Guilt, Things are not what they seem, Fate versus Free will, and nature versus the Unnatural. The first theme I am going to talk about is Ambition. I believe the meaning of this theme is that if a person has too much ambition can destroy others as much as yourself. In Act 1, there are many instances of this theme being portrayed. One example is when Macbeth is talking to himself when he says," The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, for in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see (Act 1, scene 4, Lines 50–55). In Get more content on
  • 13. Examples Of Archetypes In Macbeth Archetypal Criticism There is no original story. All stories derive themes and characters that go with the human situation, The Archetypes. An Archetype is undeniably a theme for the character, the common Archetypes that Author's exhibit are; The Hero, The Mentor, The Villain, and The Innocence. Authors use Archetypes to develop meaning to their stories, for a much deeper connection between the reader and the characters. After reading Shakespeare's Macbeth, There are many relations to Archetypes and Character meaning. Archetypal is approached being closely connected with psychological theory because different archetypes are inserted in human psyche and the mass of archetypes have individualities with the personalities, their actions, and more content... Characters develop different personalities, therefore the Archetypes aren't used with a character throughout the whole text, Archetypal figures change as the text advances. Macbeth had a huge downfall it's not a matter of personality but it's a matter of his social life, his social recognition, many people lost their respect for Macbeth. Their was a dramatic change in Macbeth's character as a brave man and they looked up to him, he was a very admired character but he eventually changes into a cold hearted and selfish ambitious man. It wasn't all on Macbeth, we feel sympathy for Macbeth at a point in the story and see the influence of his wife's manipulation upon Macbeth's actions. Macbeth is attached into his own desires, he has changed very dramatically and keeps conflicts among his self. There was an Encounter between macbeth and The Three Witches , Three supernatural creatures are called 'heralds' reason why is they seek attention on Macbeth's obsessions. As stated before, Macbeth wasn't so evil before he tries to fight the evil thoughts and pretends they never crossed his mind. But when he meets Duncan in the palace and invites him into his castle, Macbeth's actions differ as contradictory. Macbeth's bad side is inevitable and Macbeth cannot hold the innocence any Get more content on
  • 14. Macbeth Argumentative Essay Macduff, planning his journey to England, with a map in one hand and shadow of guilt in his other, acknowledging the fact that leaving his family behind is a bad idea but a good idea at the same time because he is an imminent threat to Macbeth. Macduff, a noble and strong character turns away and starts walking to England. Meanwhile his wife and son have noticed his disappearance and are dumbfounded by the quick exit. On the other side of town Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are planning a sinister attack on King Duncan. Macduff knew that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were the ones planning on killing King Duncan and taking over the throne. Macbeth wasn't the main pursuer of this, more like Lady Macbeth encouraging him to do this. The Lady Macbeth planned it all out and Macbeth was the one that would be taking the rack for it. Lady Macduff did not know what was happening as her husband Macduff left her and her son without saying good bye or giving any reasons why. Starting to put together what has happened to Macduff, Lady Macduff explains to Sirrah (Son) what has happened to his father, "Sirrah, your father's dead; And what will you do now? How will you live?". Sirrah responds with "As birds do, mother". A messenger quickly fluttered into the mansion and demanded that they must leave immediately and more content... Now that Lady Macduff and her son are dead, Macbeth believed that it would make Macduff an easier target. Instead of being an easier target Macduff was fuelled even more to kill Macbeth. The men set off in search of Scotland again, Not just Macduff but a clan of men. With a compass and a map in hand, slowly they were making their way to Scotland. When arriving in Scotland, being careful they made their way to Macbeths Castle, where he was at the time. Bursting through the doors they made their way up to Macbeth and Lady Get more content on
  • 15. Mentality In Macbeth In the Shakespearian play, Macbeth, a story is told of a greatly admired and respected general who in the drive of ambition deteriorates in moral character. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is shown to be brave and mentally stable but his mentality starts to decline when his guilt causes him to be hysterical. Throughout the acts, the witches, the hallucinations, and his hunger for power has all caused him to total madness. Macbeth's moral decline is further developed with the idea of light and darkness. In the beginning of Act I, Macbeth is described to be a brave general, one who is well admired and respected by his peers and King. In the first Act, a captain reports the outcome of the war and says "But all's too weak; for brave Macbeth..." more content... Macbeth's first hallucination occurs when he sees a dagger with blood and believes it to be real until he realizes it is not real: "Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." (2.1.44–47). The dagger foreshadows Macbeth's future path of blood and death. After Macbeth kills the king, he hears voices say to him "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep" (2.2. 47–48). This shows the beginning of Macbeth's eventual mental deterioration. After Macbeth takes the throne, unnatural events occur in Scotland and these unnatural events occurred because the Elizabethan Great Chain of Being was broken. This is another example of light and darkness. After Macbeth broke the Great Chain of Being, light was obscured and darkness was ever–present. When the Chain is in order everything is good and light is dominant but when the chain is broken darkness and evil rule. Macbeth bought darkness to Scotland. This is the point where Macbeth's morality has been wiped away completely as he becomes a murdering tyrant and does everything to secure his place as king. In Act III , Macbeth planned to kill Banquo and his son, and he does not tell Lady Macbeth nor does he hesitate to act out those murders. This shows that he no longer needs Lady Macbeth and shows how far he is willing to go to have Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Macbeth Responsibility for the Tragedy In Shakespeare's classic tragedy of Macbeth the main character Macbeth is driven from his status as a well respected warrior and lord of not one, but two Scottish regions to a dishonest, unloyal murderer. Macbeth gets caught in a web of lies and vile acts of murder in which he brings about his own demise. His criminal actions lead up to his tragic ending of life. ' They have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly, But bearlike I must fight the course.' His great ambition and gullibility of the witches predictions are two of the biggest factors of his downfall;however, Lady Macbeth was probably the biggest influence in the whole tragedy. Early in more content... Lady Macbeth played a large role as Macbeth's seductress and brainwasher. Lady Macbeth persuaded her husband to kill the King not so that he would himself be King but so that she could be Queen.Although because of her involvement in this web of lies she felt guilty and drove herself insane worrying about what had happened and what would happen to her and her husband for being so dishonest. She was not responsible for the tragedy, she was only a manipulative factor in the scheme of things. Even though it does take two to tango, Macbeth tangoed on his own. After the death of Duncan Macbeth begins to work on his own without the help of his wife. He plans the murders of Banquo and the heir to the throne, Banquo's son Fleance. Although it does not turn out as expected Macbeth remains calm until Banquo's ghost appears. '... and keep the natural ruby of your cheeks, when mine is blanched with fear.' This was the turning point in the whole story because until this point everything was going great for Macbeth, he had power, fame and fortune, all you could ever want;however, when this ghost appeared Macbeth went on a little insanity trip. He, also like his wife was engulfed with guilt and unable to function properly anymore. This led to another visit with the witches. Showing Get more content on
  • 17. Macbeth Character Essay Essay: Introduction: An important character in 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare was Macbeth. Macbeth is shown as the protagonist of the play and is the person who drives the plot of the drama. Macbeth changes dramatically throughout the play as in the start he is portrayed as the tragic hero who would do anything for his King and country. As the plays continue he becomes ambitious and, encouraged by a prophecy. After that, he ends up killing a lot of people/becoming a tyrant. Paragraph 1: At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is introduced as a brave war soldier; whose fame on the battlefield wins him a great honour from King Duncan and others around him. Macbeth is described by the captain as "brave Macbeth... Till he fac'd more content... Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires." This shows that Macbeth is more determined to kill King Duncan after he hears that Malcolm is named the Prince of Cumberland. He is determined as Macbeth believes that he should be the King as the witches told him that he would be. Paragraph 3: After Macbeth kills Duncan and becomes the king of Scotland, we see that he becomes out of control and starts to act like a tyrant. Macbeth begins to kill innocent people to hide his fear and become more of a man. He starts off by killing his best friend Banquo and attempts to kill his son Fleance. This is because he knows that Banquo suspects him of something. Macbeth is also mad that he has done all this work to become king and Banquo's Son will benefit from this and become King. After he kills Banquo, he says "For mine own good All causes shall give way. I am in blood Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er." This quote shows that there is no going back now to stop killing for Macbeth. He is committed to killing and whatever terrible things he may yet have to do. After this Macbeth kills Macduff whole family and servants to send Macduff a message for being disloyal and he thinks that Macduff suspects him of something as well. This is shown when Macbeth says "The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Macbeth: Summary Macbeth: Summary Macbeth and Banquo, Scottish generals, are returning after crushing a rebellion against Duncan ( King of Scotland ), when they are met by three witches. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor , then later on he will become King. Banquo is told that he will never become King, but will be the father of Kings. Macbeth is horrified, for shortly afterwards a messenger arrives to tell him that Duncan has created him Thane of Cawdor as a reward for his services. Macbeth writes the news to his wife. Lady Macbeth reads the letter from Macbeth, telling her of the prophecies. With reading this she chooses to invite evil spirits into her to take away her womanhood, she wants to lose her tenderness that more content... After the Banquet when everyone goes off to bed, Macbeth murders Duncan. When finding out of the death, Duncan's two sons fled fearing for their lives, Malcolm headed towards England and Donabain to Ireland. Macbeth sends two murderers to kill Banquo, for he fears that the witches prophecies about Banquo will come true too. Macbeth is scared and confused at the second Banquet celebrating the coronation, for he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his seat, everyone thinks he is mad, though Lady Macbeth saves her husband from revealing her guilt to the guests. Macbeth goes and visits the witches again asking for another prophecy and they tell him three things. (1) to beware Macduff, (2) not to fear any man born of women, (3) that he will not die unless Birnam Wood moves towards Dunsaine Castle. Macbeth is later informed that Macduff has gone to England, so he then plans to kill all of Macduff's family. Macduffs family are murdered, Macduff hears of the terrible news and plans revenge against Macbeth. The Scottish contingent are marching to meet the English forces led by Malcolm and Macduff, to make their attack on Macbeth. Macbeth learns that there are ten thousand soldiers after him and that his wife had died ( or killed herself ). The English army arrives at Birnam Wood and Malcolm instructs each solider to cut down a branch and carry it in front of them to disguise their approach. A servant tells Macbeth that Get more content on
  • 19. Topic Sentence In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' Claim/Evidence/Tie : Topic Sentence : Claim/Evidence/Tie : Topic Sentence : Claim/Evidence/Tie : T In the play 'Macbeth', Shakespeare uses brutal imagery, with association of blood. The mood of disgust and horror towards the characters and setting is established by the references to the universal representation of death and pain. The first mention of blood seems to establish a sense of honor. The second mention of blood seems to communicate betrayal. Lastly the third allusion of blood appears to establish a sense of guilt All of these images of blood help develop the atmosphere and scene and contribute to the over all drama of the play. The use of the word 'blood' contains the recoiling images of horror and disgust that more content... Lady Macbeth initiates this theme when she utters the words, "make thick my blood", before helping to frame the guards for the murder of Duncan. The notion of making ones blood thick attempts to communicate how Lady Macbeth wants to become remorseless and insensitive. However the irony is established since she also feels guilty and trepidation for the crime of treason she is about to commit. Lady Macbeth understands that the symbolic of use of blood is treacherous and if she places Duncan's blood on the guards the blame will be diverted from Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. We are told this by the following lines, "smear the sleepy grooms with blood. If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt." Lady Macbeth plans to go into Duncan's room after Macbeth has killed him. Then she will place the bloody daggers by the passed out guards and put blood on their faces so they will be accused of treason. The most obvious use of blood in 'Macbeth' is that which symbolizes the guilt within the scene. The imagery of bloody helps to emphasize the sense of guilt, adding to the overall dramatic connotations of the scene and the words spoken by each character. One of the most memorable references to blood and guilt is when it is established that Lady Macbeth is sleep walking. Her guilt overcomes her subconscious and in her sleep walking she admits to her part in the murder of Get more content on
  • 20. Macbeth According to the classical view, tragedy should arouse feelings of pity and fear in the audience. Does Macbeth do this? Tragedy has most definitely influenced the viewer's thoughts on Macbeth within this play. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the audience sees a gradual breakdown in the character of Macbeth himself, due to the tragic events that unfold during the play. This has a direct effect on the audience's views and thoughts of Macbeth, thus creating pity and fear within the audience. Macbeth, being a man and a human being himself, is in–clined to some forms of temptation, to which man himself has quite often succumbed. The guilt that Mac–beth experiences after the death of his beloved King Duncan also experienced in every human's life, more content... The events in which took place after this increase our pity of Macbeth. The audience sees a grown, noble and mighty officer degraded into a pool of immense guilt. Macbeth was, shortly after the murdering incident, driven insane by the immense guilt produced by his withered conscience. The dagger that was used in the killing of King Duncan haunted him before the murder took place. This tragedy in the play gives us both fear of where the sword came from and pity for Macbeth's character that had degraded to such a point that he has become paranoid. "Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but A dagger of mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat–oppressed brain? ..." [II.i.33–39] The events before the murder of Duncan, which include Macbeth's fear of killing Duncan, the timing at–which it will take place; all of which these things made the audience fearful. Macbeth seemed nervous in a way, for he loved his king and would do anything in his strength to protect him and his family: "The service and loyalty...your throne and state, children and servants, Which do but what they should by doing everything Safe toward your love and hon–our..." Macbeth [I.iv.22–27] Macbeth knew that Duncan was a kind man, and Duncan thought that others were like him (as noble and Get more content on
  • 21. Fate In Macbeth Essay In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, changes happen. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a well liked and good man of Scotland, who turns into an evil, cold hearted, murderer by the end. His rewards and punishments could have been predetermined by fate, but the actions he took to get to get those rewards and punishments were determined by Macbeth's free will. In Macbeth, he attempts to control the future and hide the past by listening to other people and committing multiple murders of innocent people. Macbeth questions his conscience in Act 1 because of Lady Macbeth's power she has on him. Macbeth attempted to control the future because he listened to what Lady Macbeth told him, instead of listening to his conscience when more content... Banquo won't support Macbeth if he get to crown immorally. Macbeth didn't listen to Banquo. He listened to the evil instead of following his conscience. The witches also told Macbeth to fear Macduff. After Macbeth heard this, he killed Macduff's whole family. He believed everything that the witches told him, instead of overriding their prophecy and following his morals. Instead of doing the right thing, he committed multiple murders to try to cover up the previous ones. He attempted to bury the past by killing more and more people to try to cover up that he was the one who killed Duncan. Once Banquo started getting suspicious of Macbeth, he decided to kill him. "But to be safely thus. Our fears in Banquo/ Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature/ Reigns that which would be fear'd. 'Tis must he dares/ And, to that dauntless temper of his mind" (III.i.52–54). Macbeth fears Banquo because he was starting to realize that Macbeth was the one to kill Duncan, and because of this he decided to kill Banquo. Macbeth committed over nine murders throughout the play, all revolving around the fact that he let others manipulate him. Some people might argue that Lady Macbeth got into Macbeth's head because she wanted power, and the only way she could do so, was to have a husband of high authority. Lady Macbeth may have been the one to tell Macbeth what to do, but he took the actions upon himself. Macbeth Get more content on