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Menestymisen resepti? (Nielsen, 2008)

    ‖ The V × C × L website success is:
          formula for

         − B = amount of business done by the site
         − V = unique visitors coming to the site
         − C = conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who become
           customers); note that the concept of conversion applies not
           only to ecommerce sites, but to any site where there is
           something you want users to do
         − L = loyalty rate (the degree to which customers return to
           conduct repeat business)
     Of course, there are further variables to consider, such as
     the size of the shopping cart and the marginal profitability of
     the most popular products. But roughly speaking, a website‘s
     success is derived from multiplying these three numbers.‖

Konversio -> uskollisuus (tulevaisuutta?)

    ―However, as conversion rates double — and later, double again —
    we‘ll eventually reach the point where the usability investment for
    continued improvements becomes much more expensive than
    current budgets. We‘ll then need to discover ever-more esoteric ways
    of satisfying customers, and those ways are unlikely to emerge from
    the cheap and fast user-testing approaches that dominate today.
    We‘ll soon reach the point where increasing the loyalty rate is the
    best way to achieve substantial improvements in website business
    metrics. Whereas we might aptly call the period 2000–2010 the
    conversion decade for website usability professionals, 2010–
    2020 will be the loyalty decade.‖ (Nielsen, 2008)

     konversioeroosio? (M.ex, 2006)                  Lue lisää:

    What is the difference between cost per sale and cost
    per acquisition?

       customer lifetime
       value (CLV)

Kritiikki analytiikkaa kohtaan (Maurya 2010)

    •   Asiakkuuden elinkaaren seuranta.
        Analytiikkatyökalut tuottavat usein aggregoitua tietoa
        rajatulta ajanjaksolta – tuloksena sivuilla hetkellä x
        tehtyjen muutosten seuraaminen hetkellä x+1
        saattaa olla hankalaa (annotaatio?)
    •   A/B-testien pitkäaikaisten vaikutusten seuranta.
        Ryhmä A ja Ryhmä B; edellinen freemium-sivulle ja
        jälkimmäinen trial-sivulle. Kumman ryhmän asiakkaat
        ovat mukana vielä 6 kk:n päästä? (ID-identifiointi?)
    •   Retention seuranta. Koska asiakkaita ei voida
        identifioida, ei pystytä sanomaan mitä he ovat
        tehneet pitkällä aikavälillä. (rekisteröityminen?)

Rekisteröinnin problematiikkaa…

    •   hyöty: tieto asiakkaasta helpottaa markkinointia,
        rekisteröinti vähentää asiakkaan myöhempää vaivaa
    •   haitta: asiakkaat vihaavat rekisteröitymistä
             ‖Assume up to 80% to 90% attrition if you are asking them
             to register for a username/password, for example. So if you
             can make it very short – 2-3 pages at most – with
             progressive commitment of personal information, you‘ll get
             further along in your design. And obviously, you‘d ideally
             want to test for drop-off at each point, and optimize each
             step as if it were a landing page.‖ (Chen 2007)
    •   ratkaisu: lykätty rekisteröinti (deferred registration),
        pyydä vasta konversion jälkeen

Evästeet (cookie) asiakkaiden seurannassa

    •   pieni tekstitiedosto, jonka Internet-sivu tallentaa
        käyttäjän tietokoneelle myöhempää tunnistamista
    •   mahdollistaa esim. asiakkaiden seuraamisen,
        tunnistamisen ja automaattisen kirjautumisen
    •   ongelmana vanheneminen ja useat tietokoneet

             # Esimerkki-eväste
             # Pvm. 2012-10-12         FACEBOOK-
             username=Joni             SALASANAVUOTO!!!1

Attribuutio-ongelma (Kelly 2009)

    ―One of the most difficult problems to solve is the issue with giving proper credit to the
    ‗original source‘ of the lead or sale. Some of the PPC systems refer to this as the ‗assist‘
    and they pass special tracking cookies to the user that will help indicate in the click
    stream data future visits from this user. This typically helps credit PPC campaigns and
    reduces the cost per acquisition (CPA) for that channel.
           This is great, but it is flawed. This generally assumes that the visitor used one
           computer, and few of us use one computer. We usually have an office computer, a
           home computer (we have 2), plus mobile devices.
                Consider this situation (which is probably quite typical):
                         1. Husband is searching for vacation spots for his family during his lunch at work. He does
                         several searches, including hitting a few paid ads.
                         2. He runs out of time and has to get back to work, so he emails himself the links to the pages of
                         the sites he liked to his home email account so he can show his wife later that evening.
                         3. He gets on email at home and pulls up the pages on his home computer to show his wife and
                         kids what he found.
                         4. They continue to do more research and even bookmark a few sites/pages and will revisit in a
                         couple of weeks so they can think about it.
                         5. They revisit the site a few weeks later by hitting the saved bookmark and from there, decide to
    Now in this case, it‘s going to be virtually impossible for the marketer to track this sale all
    the way back to the paid search ad because he lost him as soon as he switched
    computers. And if this happens often enough, he will think his paid search campaign is
    ineffective because it is not driving any sales.
    Newsflash: most people don‘t buy anything on the first visit!
    There is likely going to be multiple interactions, extensive research, bookmarking, etc.
    before any purchase is made over a several-week (depending on the product) sales
Ratkaisu: kohorttianalyysi (Maurya 2010)

                                   tehtyjen muutosten vaikutus voidaan
                                          nähdä kohorttien kautta

kehitystä voidaan
 seurata omissa

                    eri viikoilla
                    seurataan erikseen
Customer lifetime value

     •   CLV = tuotto, joka yhdestä asiakkaasta saadaan
         asiakkuuden aikana
     •   arvioitu vs. toteutunut
     •   tekijöitä (KissMetrics)
          –   keskimääräinen ostoksen arvo (esim. ostoskorin arvo)
          –   ostokertojen määrä asiakassuhteen aikana
          –   asiakaskohtainen kate
          –   retentio-%
          –   diskonttaustekijä

          ks. lisää!

Asiakkuuden arvon ekstrapolointi (Liew
     ―A typical pattern found in subscription businesses is that after a
     steep drop off after an initial period, month-on-month attrition
     rates tend to level off. You can see a similar pattern in this example,
     where after the first month, month-on-month attrition rates are around
     -6% (ie month N subs ~ 94% of month [N-1] subs).
         If you see a pattern like this, you can extrapolate forward using the
         same month-on-month attrition across several years. As you can
         see in the model, we extrapolate an average lifetime of 9.77 months by
         extrapolating forward over 5 years of data.
     So if you were a subscription business charging $20/month with 90%
     gross margins (after accounting for customer service costs for
     example), then you would attribute a lifetime value for a new
     customer of 9.77 x $20 x 90% = $176. This sets an upper bound of
     what you would be willing to pay to acquire a customer (although
     in practice, you would prefer to see a ratio of CAC/LTV in the 25-35%

Aikaulottuvuuden aiheuttamia ongelmia

     •   Ongelma: kuinka paljon voit käyttää uuden asiakkaan
     •   Ongelma: SaaS-liiketoimintamalleissa
         asiakashankinta täytyy maksaa HETI, mutta rahat
         saadaan vasta ajan päästä
          – paradoksi: on mahdollista, että mitä enemmän yritys
            saa asiakkaita, sitä enemmän se tuottaa tappiota
          – keinoja: pyydä koko vuosi ennalta (alennus); upselling;
     •   Ongelma: churn eli asiakaskato
          – absoluuttisen kadon määrä kasvaa asiakasmäärän
            lisääntyessä, vaikka kato-% pysyy vakiona; ts. joka
            kuukausi tietty osa käyttäjistä tippuu pois
          – kuinka minimoida asiakaskato?

Esimerkki asiakaskadosta (churn) SaaS-
                Date of initial subscription
                Mth 1     Mth 2     Mth 3      Mth 4   Mth 5   Mth 6   Mth 7   Mth 8   Mth 9   Mth 10   Mth 11   Mth 12   Average month
     Subs at
     end of
     month      98.1%     90.3%     91.1%      89.7%   92.4%   91.5%   90.5%   95.3%   94.4%   94.2%    99.1%    97.3%    93.7%
     month      54.7%     60.8%     48.7%      49.0%   53.4%   50.5%   56.7%   54.6%   48.0%   52.0%    51.7%             52.7%      56 %
     month      54.8%     48.9%     43.4%      46.8%   50.8%   53.3%   54.4%   44.2%   46.1%   46.0%                      48.9%      93 %
     month      48.7%     45.9%     43.1%      43.4%   52.5%   49.7%   40.8%   42.8%   44.2%                              45.7%      93 %
     month      40.7%     43.0%     40.6%      44.9%   47.6%   37.2%   41.2%   40.2%                                      41.9%      92 %
     month      41.2%     41.3%     44.2%      42.8%   37.3%   38.0%   39.4%                                              40.6%      97 %
     month      40.5%     45.7%     38.9%      33.2%   36.5%   34.8%                                                      38.3%      94 %
     month      40.0%     41.9%     29.5%      33.8%   34.8%                                                              36.0%      94 %
     month      37.3%     34.0%     30.0%      32.8%                                                                      33.5%      93 %
     month      35.8%     33.0%     30.1%                                                                                 32.9%      98 %
     month      29.3%     30.9%                                                                                           30.1%      91 %
     month      29.2%                                                                                                     29.2%      97 %

Aggregaattiharha (Chen 2007)

     ―When you compare to the week 1 to week 2 cohort, you
     can tell that 1) there was a 25% increase in new users
     (100k to 125k), and that the retention rate DECREASED
     to 40% (50k/100k versus 50k/125k). This would be a red
     flag that your site was sucking, even if your aggregate
     stats looked good:
        In either case, this might hint at a bad systematic
        condition within the site, but ultimately the aggregate
        numbers hide the problem. In either case, not being able
        to acquire and retain brand new users is a problem, and
        without measuring the groups separately, it seems
        impossible to assess the true situation.‖

Asiakashankinnan ansa tilauspohjaisessa
           liiketoimintamallissa (York 2010)

     Kasvu hidastuu
     väistämättä ellei
     määrä kasva
     nopeammin kuin

     vaikuttaa siihen,
     kuinka paljon
     voidaan maksaa!

Vertaismarkkinoinnin (viraalikertoimen)
          kompensoiva vaikutus asiakaskadossa (York 2010)

     Viraalikasvu on

     Molempiin vaikuttaa
     kato, mutta korkea
     viraalikasvu voi
     lyhyellä aikavälillä
     korkeankin kadon

     Huom! Retention
     ollessa alhainen (ja
     kadon korkea),
     lyhyen viraalipiikin
     edut haihtuvat
     nopeasti (shark fin)
Asiakashankinnan kasvuparadoksi (York

     Jos kato-% pysyy
     vakiona, johtaa se yhä
     suurempaan määrään
     luopuneita asiakkaita,
     vaikka samalla uusien
     asiakkaiden määrä
     kasvaisi kuinka paljon

     Sama kuin kaataisi
     vettä vuotavaan

     kasvattaminen on siis
     ensiarvoisen tärkeää.
Asiakkuuden ja asiakkaan laadullinen
     kehittyminen (York 2010)

          Asiakas              Suosittelija   Evankelista

        Lisäksi laadullinen ero
        vaikutusvallassa; ts.
        kaikki evankelistat eivät
        ole yhtä arvokkaita.

        Opetus: asiakkuuden
        rahallinen arvo ei ole
        ainoa mittari asiakkuuden
        arvoa määritettäessä!

Analytiikan ongelmia (Performable 2010)

         •    Kampanjat tehdään “siiloissa”. Eri kanavien kampanjat
              eivät ole aidosti integroituja – viestit voivat olla erilaisia,
              koordinaatio puuttuu eikä pystytä keskitetysti seuraamaan
              niiden tuloksia ja yhteisvaikutusta. Kampanjametriikat eivät
              ole vertailukelpoisia, ja eri kanaville on omat strategiansa,
              joista vastaavat eri ihmiset. Vaikea saada yleiskuva
              (snapshot) markkinoinnin toimivuudesta.
         •    Data on usein anonyymia. Vaikea rakentaa
              asiakassuhdetta, jos asiakas on täysin tuntematon. Kuinka
     L        yhdistää statistiikka yksittäisiin asiakkaisiin tai
     O        asiakasryhmiin?
         •    Mittarit kertovat tietystä hetkestä, eivät kehityksestä.
              Esim. tiettyjen asiakkaiden keskiostot voivat kasvaa, toiset
              eivät osta enää ja pitäisi harkita uudelleenaktivointia, jne.

Paluu Wanamaker-dilemmaan…

     ―If you are like most companies, you probably have several
     marketing promotions going on across multiple channels. Maybe
     what you have is some online pay-per-click (PPC), organic search
     engine optimization (SEO), direct mail and radio. Good marketing
     requires that we know and understand what sales are costing us
     from each channel.
         Well, how do you know how much you are going to spend in each
         marketing channel?
     The fact is, most are guessing. In order to properly assess what you
     are going to spend in each marketing channel, it is necessary to
     understand what you are willing to spend to acquire a new customer
     (cost per acquisition), and ultimately, the lifetime value of the
         Wait, what is ‗lifetime value of the customer‘? That is the net dollars a
         customer is worth to you from the moment they become a customer to
         the moment they are no longer a customer.‖

                                                               Sääntö #1
                                                               CAC < CLV

Customer lifetime tracking (Performable



”Metrics are people, too”

     ―The things we‘re trying to solve are if someone comes to the
     site multiple times and then they sign up, let‘s say on the third
     or fourth time, we‘re allowing you to identify that user and
     we’re trying to attach all of those times that they came,
     previously, to that customer. What that means is that we‘ll
     understand the first touch point they had with you and where it
     came from, and we‘ll be able to attach that for the history of
     that user using your product. And that‘s a much different view
     than most analytics have, which is either page-view tracking
     or event tracking. This is actually, honestly, people tracking,
     which means that we‘re trying to actually track people.‖ (Nivi

Markkinoinnin automaatio (Performable

     ‖Most marketing automation programs are based on a
     defined schedule, hitting your customers‘ inboxes before
     they‘re ready for them. Performable automation is different. By
     connecting to its cross-platform marketing analytics,
     Performable can automate emails and trigger other
     messages based on real user behavior on and off your site.
         In the example to the right, a company has used Performable
         and the company‘s existing email service provider to target
         shopping cart abandonment by automatically sending limited
         time offers to any customer who placed an item in a carts but
         never checked out.‖
     •   automatisoitu markkinointiviestintä          Hyödyt
                                                         • ajansäästö
                                                         • workflow
               Ajastettu         Reagoiva                • ennakointi
               viestintä         viestintä
                                                        Ei korvaa oikeaa
                                                        vuorovaikutusta. Miksi?
”Monikanavamaksimi” (totta vai tarua?)

     “The more points of contact you have with
     someone, the more likely they are to convert
     into something more.” (Rucker 2010)

     Keinot esim.
     • retargeting
     • Facebook-iteraatio

So, you’ve got all this data…

     •   Liian informaation riskit:
          – vanity metrics
          – analysis paralysis
     •   Miten erottaa jyvät akanoista?
          – asiakaskohtainen seuranta (vs. keskiarvot)
          – kohorttianalyysi (vs. aggregaatit)

”Social media espionage” (Salminen &
      Degbey 2011)

              Company A                                Customer

     competitive              Company B

        • semi-public information            •   vulnerability; exposure; risk
          (degrees of control)               •   opportunity
        • switching behavior;                •   responsive behaviors
          discontent; window of              •   companies are driven to
          opportunity                            transparency! (”conversations are
        • choice of engaging or not              being held on the web with or without our

Strategic grid of social espionage (Salminen
     & Degbey, 2011)
                        Engage              Not engage
          Spy           Full pot            ―Machiavellian
          Not spy       ―Sucker‘s payoff‖   Empty pot

      For example, if a competitor suffers from technical problems, a possible
      reaction would be to launch an opportunistic marketing campaign (…).
      Therefore, the process would aim to (1) detect competitor‘s problem, (2)
      respond rapidly by offering alternative, (3) win new customers. It is critical
      that the common pitfall of (…) delayed action is avoided – (…), the window
      of opportunity is easily lost as customers take adaptive behavior. (…) there
      is a common bullwhip effect that hinders big corporations‘ ability to leverage
      real-time information efficiently. A possible solution involves removing the
      firm‘s CI unit and instead empowering operational units to take direct action
      based on their proprietary judgment.
             “Customers are talking about their desires, needs and issues on
             Twitter, Facebook and blogs so why not take advantage of all this
             information to create a strategy built on leveraging the weaknesses of
             competitors. If your rivals are offering a window of opportunity, it
             makes complete sense to use social media to take advantage of it.”
             (Evans 2010)
Startup neuvoo toista…

     ―In your case, you might want to contact people that are
     frustrated with existing tools, like basecamp:
     a quick search for #basecamp reveals:
        – It seems like #Basecamp does about 70% of a lot of
          things, but not 100% of any-one-thing. Too bad.
        – cuting off after 20 messages within categories & not
          having pagination sucks! I cant find anything!!!!!
        – WTF kind of sense does it make to click on a Milestone
          link & go to a LIST of milestones instead of THE
     The first one looks promising. You might contact him
     and see if he would use your product.‖

Suoramarkkinoinnin mahdollisuus, kun
     mainonta on liian kallista

     ―We‘ve had trouble using adwords to test out shopping
     site as well. Our clicks typically cost $.50 or so. Quite an
     expensive way to experiment. As a result, we‘ve moved
     to contacting people directly on twitter. There are a lot of
     people stating their interest for women‘s accessories. In
     addition to being free, twitter also allows you to actually
     communicate directly with the people that will be using
     your site / testing your idea.‖

Case ”United breaks guitars”


     Olet Unitedin markkinointipäällikkö. Miten reagoit?

        − videon kehuminen
        − soitto ja pahoittelu
        − pyyntö käyttää videota
        − lupaus muuttaa käytäntöjä
        − 3000 $ lahjoitus

Case British Petroleum

     ―Twitter is very confused by BPGlobalPR, the conspicuously fictitious
     Twitter account ―belonging to‖ the public relations division of British
     Petroleum. On May 20, the anonymous author began posting silly tweets in
     which he/she proclaimed that the ocean is “half-full” of oil, not half empty,
     announced a free matches giveaway, and instructed readers to send $25
     for “B.P. Cares” t-shirts. This is not so funny to people who fail to identify
     it as a joke! ―wait, seeing two sea-creatures fight makes ruining thousands of
     lives and much of the south‘s economy worth it?‖ asked one user. Another
     Twitterer took an equally brave stand: ―I think it‘s disgusting that
     @BPGlobalPR is making flippant jokes about the destruction of our wetlands-
     -see the preceding retweet.‖ Others skipped the pulpit and went straight to
     nonsensical death wishes: ―why the hell are you all being so nonchalant about
     this?! You've destroyed the ocean‘s balance, I hope you die in the
     recession.‖‖ (Weiner 2010)

      Lähti liikkeelle BP:n kömpelöstä reagoinnista; heikkoa maineenhallintaa,
       osaamattomuus Twitterin käyttöön


McDonald’s vastaa…

Viral contamination? (Roth 2011)

     ―In response, McDonald‘s sent a tweet of its own on Saturday: ‗That
     pic is a senseless & ignorant hoax McD's values ALL our customers.
     Diversity runs deep in our culture on both sides of the counter.‘
     But that clearly wasn't enough to clear things up, because Twitter
     users continued to send out the picture, with that same message of
     condemnation: ‗Seriously McDonald’s.‘ Indeed, so many people
     sent ‗Seriously McDonald‘s‘ Tweets that the phrase became a
     leading entry on Twitter‘s trend list.
     That led to a second, blunter McTweet, on Sunday: ‗That Seriously
     McDonalds picture is a hoax.‘
     The latest pushback effort seems to have helped keep the photo
     from spreading too much further--but there’s no telling how
     many people out there still think the photo is for real.‖

Process for emergency reaction in social
     media (Salminen, working paper)

           Phase       Description                 Company imperative
       0   emergence   ‖patient zero‖ emerges      in oblivion
       1   alert       story reaches some          company should be
                       virality                    alerted (‖set filters‖)
       2   reaction    the public participates     take corrective
                       in discussion               measures (‖react‖)
       3   counter-    the public responds to      capture and analyze
           reaction    company‘s reaction          responses (‖listen‖)
       4   decisive    the company clarifies       take action to
           reaction    how it will help to solve   demonstrate
                       the problem                 seriousness (‖signal
       5   spread or   company becomes             withdraw from
           decay       either a good or bad        discussion (‖exit‖)

Gmail v1

Gmail v2

Kommentit vaihtelevat kohteliaista erittäin
     aggressivisiin (rant)
     •   I seriously wonder of Google designers are on drugs. Are u kidding with the new Gmail design. It looks horrible, and
         it's much harder to navigate. Why does Google keep having to screw around with perfectly good designs.
         Are u trying to drive us away to other companies?
     •   Please do not force us to switch to a new (and might I add, hideous) interface if we don't like it. Changing things for the
         sake of changing them, despite quite a bit of negative feedback, and more importantly, without giving users the choice
         to not have their interface changed, is a horribly blind management decision. I stopped using my Google Reader after
         the layout switch. I will stop using Gmail if a new layout is likewise forced upon me. Users want choice and ease-of-
         use. If you take away that choice and force users to adapt to a new look they may not like, you will lose users.
     •   You are making some of the worst decisions I've ever seen Google make. Some of the simplest things are the things
         you are totally ruining.
     •    In Google Docs, the upload button doesn't say upload anymore--instead it's a box with an arrow coming out of it. "Oh,
         but it's visually consistent!" you say. WHO CARES?! You're choosing dogmatism over pragmatism. You're following
         a blind man towards a cliff.
     •   Oh, I'm sure I'm wasting my time--Google's demonstrated that it doesn't care what its users think anymore. Those of
         us with sense remaining are like voices crying in the desert.
     •   Hey Alex, Fuck You. You've got a bunch of people beta-testing the "New" Gmail for you, and guess what, they're a
         bunch of "Yes Men". They think if they say your new design is "teh awesome" that they'll benefit. Well, as someone
         who actually uses G
         IS ATROCIOUS...WHAT ON EARTH WERE THEY THINKING.Mail, on a "Real World" PC system, let me tell you the
         "New" Gmail is well nigh unusable.
         THE NEW LOOK.
     •   There is the HITLERISTIC (Google - cram it right down your throat) approach - here is the change DEAL WITH
         IT, NO, we don't read how your telling us how bad it is, no we don't care if it doesn't work for you, or at all, we
         don't read your comments we are being polite by asking for them but they mean nothing.
     •   etc. etc…
Product modification backlashes: Anatomy
     of a rant (Salminen 2012, working paper)
     •  user express hate for various motives
         – feel they have not been listened
         – change resistance
         – don‘t understand need for change
         – company is perceived as arrogant and authorative
         – emotions: insecurity, sense of deception
     • tactics for ranting
         – polite
         – repetitive
         – aggressive
         – compromising (constructive)
      • group effect
         – others negative comments reinforce the cycle of rants
         – strong group coherence and aggression towards deviation

Share of discussion (Salminen 2012)

     share of discussion: suhteellinen osuus, jolla yksi
     brändi osallistuu tuotekategorian keskusteluihin
         – asiakkaat eivät puhu niin paljon brändeistä kuin mitä
           yritykset luulevat (fallacy of mindshare), vaan
           enemmänkin omista ongelmistaan
         – yrityksen on oltava läsnä näissä keskusteluissa, ei
           ainoastaan niissä joissa keskustellaan brändistä
         – tapa vaikuttaa on tuottaa hyötyä keskustelussa, ei
           mainostaa omaa tuotetta
              • bränditunnettuus (brand awareness)
              • yhteys harkintajoukkoon (consideration set)
              • epäsuora suostuttelureitti (indirect route to persuasion)

Aitoa vai ei? Kas siinä pulma…

Epäaidon viestinnän tuntomerkit

     •   epämääräisiä viittauksia tutkimuksiin, ei kuitenkaan
         linkkejä niihin
     •   markkinointiadjektiivien käyttö (‖maailman paras‖)
     •   ei mainita huonoja puolia
     •   linkki yrityksen sivulle
     •   vastikään rekisteröitynyt käyttäjä



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MA8 Digitaalinen markkinointi (luento 5)

  • 2. Menestymisen resepti? (Nielsen, 2008) ‖ The V × C × L website success is: B= formula for − B = amount of business done by the site − V = unique visitors coming to the site − C = conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who become customers); note that the concept of conversion applies not only to ecommerce sites, but to any site where there is something you want users to do − L = loyalty rate (the degree to which customers return to conduct repeat business) Of course, there are further variables to consider, such as the size of the shopping cart and the marginal profitability of the most popular products. But roughly speaking, a website‘s success is derived from multiplying these three numbers.‖ 2
  • 3. Konversio -> uskollisuus (tulevaisuutta?) ―However, as conversion rates double — and later, double again — we‘ll eventually reach the point where the usability investment for continued improvements becomes much more expensive than current budgets. We‘ll then need to discover ever-more esoteric ways of satisfying customers, and those ways are unlikely to emerge from the cheap and fast user-testing approaches that dominate today. We‘ll soon reach the point where increasing the loyalty rate is the best way to achieve substantial improvements in website business metrics. Whereas we might aptly call the period 2000–2010 the conversion decade for website usability professionals, 2010– 2020 will be the loyalty decade.‖ (Nielsen, 2008)  konversioeroosio? (M.ex, 2006) Lue lisää: http://www.marketinge ving-website- conversion/website- conversion- 3 erosion.html
  • 4. Kysymys: What is the difference between cost per sale and cost per acquisition? Vastaus: customer lifetime value (CLV) 4
  • 5. Kritiikki analytiikkaa kohtaan (Maurya 2010) • Asiakkuuden elinkaaren seuranta. Analytiikkatyökalut tuottavat usein aggregoitua tietoa rajatulta ajanjaksolta – tuloksena sivuilla hetkellä x tehtyjen muutosten seuraaminen hetkellä x+1 saattaa olla hankalaa (annotaatio?) • A/B-testien pitkäaikaisten vaikutusten seuranta. Ryhmä A ja Ryhmä B; edellinen freemium-sivulle ja jälkimmäinen trial-sivulle. Kumman ryhmän asiakkaat ovat mukana vielä 6 kk:n päästä? (ID-identifiointi?) • Retention seuranta. Koska asiakkaita ei voida identifioida, ei pystytä sanomaan mitä he ovat tehneet pitkällä aikavälillä. (rekisteröityminen?) 5
  • 6. Rekisteröinnin problematiikkaa… • hyöty: tieto asiakkaasta helpottaa markkinointia, rekisteröinti vähentää asiakkaan myöhempää vaivaa • haitta: asiakkaat vihaavat rekisteröitymistä ‖Assume up to 80% to 90% attrition if you are asking them to register for a username/password, for example. So if you can make it very short – 2-3 pages at most – with progressive commitment of personal information, you‘ll get further along in your design. And obviously, you‘d ideally want to test for drop-off at each point, and optimize each step as if it were a landing page.‖ (Chen 2007) • ratkaisu: lykätty rekisteröinti (deferred registration), pyydä vasta konversion jälkeen 6
  • 7. Evästeet (cookie) asiakkaiden seurannassa • pieni tekstitiedosto, jonka Internet-sivu tallentaa käyttäjän tietokoneelle myöhempää tunnistamista varten • mahdollistaa esim. asiakkaiden seuraamisen, tunnistamisen ja automaattisen kirjautumisen • ongelmana vanheneminen ja useat tietokoneet # Esimerkki-eväste # Pvm. 2012-10-12 FACEBOOK- username=Joni SALASANAVUOTO!!!1 password=ma8_jee 7
  • 8. Attribuutio-ongelma (Kelly 2009) ―One of the most difficult problems to solve is the issue with giving proper credit to the ‗original source‘ of the lead or sale. Some of the PPC systems refer to this as the ‗assist‘ and they pass special tracking cookies to the user that will help indicate in the click stream data future visits from this user. This typically helps credit PPC campaigns and reduces the cost per acquisition (CPA) for that channel. This is great, but it is flawed. This generally assumes that the visitor used one computer, and few of us use one computer. We usually have an office computer, a home computer (we have 2), plus mobile devices. Consider this situation (which is probably quite typical): 1. Husband is searching for vacation spots for his family during his lunch at work. He does several searches, including hitting a few paid ads. 2. He runs out of time and has to get back to work, so he emails himself the links to the pages of the sites he liked to his home email account so he can show his wife later that evening. 3. He gets on email at home and pulls up the pages on his home computer to show his wife and kids what he found. 4. They continue to do more research and even bookmark a few sites/pages and will revisit in a couple of weeks so they can think about it. 5. They revisit the site a few weeks later by hitting the saved bookmark and from there, decide to purchase. Now in this case, it‘s going to be virtually impossible for the marketer to track this sale all the way back to the paid search ad because he lost him as soon as he switched computers. And if this happens often enough, he will think his paid search campaign is ineffective because it is not driving any sales. Newsflash: most people don‘t buy anything on the first visit! There is likely going to be multiple interactions, extensive research, bookmarking, etc. before any purchase is made over a several-week (depending on the product) sales cycle.‖ 8
  • 9. Ratkaisu: kohorttianalyysi (Maurya 2010) tehtyjen muutosten vaikutus voidaan nähdä kohorttien kautta konversion kehitystä voidaan seurata omissa funneleissa eri viikoilla rekisteröityneitä seurataan erikseen 9
  • 10. Customer lifetime value • CLV = tuotto, joka yhdestä asiakkaasta saadaan asiakkuuden aikana • arvioitu vs. toteutunut • tekijöitä (KissMetrics) – keskimääräinen ostoksen arvo (esim. ostoskorin arvo) – ostokertojen määrä asiakassuhteen aikana – asiakaskohtainen kate – retentio-% – diskonttaustekijä ks. lisää! lifetime-value/?wide=1 10
  • 11. Asiakkuuden arvon ekstrapolointi (Liew 2010) ―A typical pattern found in subscription businesses is that after a steep drop off after an initial period, month-on-month attrition rates tend to level off. You can see a similar pattern in this example, where after the first month, month-on-month attrition rates are around -6% (ie month N subs ~ 94% of month [N-1] subs). If you see a pattern like this, you can extrapolate forward using the same month-on-month attrition across several years. As you can see in the model, we extrapolate an average lifetime of 9.77 months by extrapolating forward over 5 years of data. So if you were a subscription business charging $20/month with 90% gross margins (after accounting for customer service costs for example), then you would attribute a lifetime value for a new customer of 9.77 x $20 x 90% = $176. This sets an upper bound of what you would be willing to pay to acquire a customer (although in practice, you would prefer to see a ratio of CAC/LTV in the 25-35% range).‖ 11
  • 12. Aikaulottuvuuden aiheuttamia ongelmia • Ongelma: kuinka paljon voit käyttää uuden asiakkaan hankintaan? • Ongelma: SaaS-liiketoimintamalleissa asiakashankinta täytyy maksaa HETI, mutta rahat saadaan vasta ajan päästä – paradoksi: on mahdollista, että mitä enemmän yritys saa asiakkaita, sitä enemmän se tuottaa tappiota – keinoja: pyydä koko vuosi ennalta (alennus); upselling; puskurointi • Ongelma: churn eli asiakaskato – absoluuttisen kadon määrä kasvaa asiakasmäärän lisääntyessä, vaikka kato-% pysyy vakiona; ts. joka kuukausi tietty osa käyttäjistä tippuu pois – kuinka minimoida asiakaskato? 12
  • 13. Esimerkki asiakaskadosta (churn) SaaS- liiketoimintamallissa Date of initial subscription Drop from previous Mth 1 Mth 2 Mth 3 Mth 4 Mth 5 Mth 6 Mth 7 Mth 8 Mth 9 Mth 10 Mth 11 Mth 12 Average month Still Subs at end of first month 98.1% 90.3% 91.1% 89.7% 92.4% 91.5% 90.5% 95.3% 94.4% 94.2% 99.1% 97.3% 93.7% Second month 54.7% 60.8% 48.7% 49.0% 53.4% 50.5% 56.7% 54.6% 48.0% 52.0% 51.7% 52.7% 56 % Third month 54.8% 48.9% 43.4% 46.8% 50.8% 53.3% 54.4% 44.2% 46.1% 46.0% 48.9% 93 % Fourth month 48.7% 45.9% 43.1% 43.4% 52.5% 49.7% 40.8% 42.8% 44.2% 45.7% 93 % Fifth month 40.7% 43.0% 40.6% 44.9% 47.6% 37.2% 41.2% 40.2% 41.9% 92 % Sixth month 41.2% 41.3% 44.2% 42.8% 37.3% 38.0% 39.4% 40.6% 97 % Seventh month 40.5% 45.7% 38.9% 33.2% 36.5% 34.8% 38.3% 94 % Eighth month 40.0% 41.9% 29.5% 33.8% 34.8% 36.0% 94 % Ninth month 37.3% 34.0% 30.0% 32.8% 33.5% 93 % Tenth month 35.8% 33.0% 30.1% 32.9% 98 % Eleventh month 29.3% 30.9% 30.1% 91 % Twelfth month 29.2% 29.2% 97 % 13
  • 14. Aggregaattiharha (Chen 2007) ―When you compare to the week 1 to week 2 cohort, you can tell that 1) there was a 25% increase in new users (100k to 125k), and that the retention rate DECREASED to 40% (50k/100k versus 50k/125k). This would be a red flag that your site was sucking, even if your aggregate stats looked good: In either case, this might hint at a bad systematic condition within the site, but ultimately the aggregate numbers hide the problem. In either case, not being able to acquire and retain brand new users is a problem, and without measuring the groups separately, it seems impossible to assess the true situation.‖ 14
  • 15. Asiakashankinnan ansa tilauspohjaisessa liiketoimintamallissa (York 2010) Kasvu hidastuu väistämättä ellei hankittujen asiakkaiden määrä kasva nopeammin kuin asiakaskato. Asiakaskato vaikuttaa siihen, kuinka paljon uusista asiakkaista voidaan maksaa! 15
  • 16. Vertaismarkkinoinnin (viraalikertoimen) kompensoiva vaikutus asiakaskadossa (York 2010) Viraalikasvu on eksponentiaalista, maksettu asiakashankinta lineaarista. Molempiin vaikuttaa kato, mutta korkea viraalikasvu voi lyhyellä aikavälillä kompensoida korkeankin kadon Huom! Retention ollessa alhainen (ja kadon korkea), lyhyen viraalipiikin edut haihtuvat 16 nopeasti (shark fin)
  • 17. Asiakashankinnan kasvuparadoksi (York 2010) Jos kato-% pysyy vakiona, johtaa se yhä suurempaan määrään luopuneita asiakkaita, vaikka samalla uusien asiakkaiden määrä kasvaisi kuinka paljon tahansa. Sama kuin kaataisi vettä vuotavaan ämpäriin. Retention (asiakasuskollisuuden) kasvattaminen on siis ensiarvoisen tärkeää. 17
  • 18. Asiakkuuden ja asiakkaan laadullinen kehittyminen (York 2010) Asiakas Suosittelija Evankelista Lisäksi laadullinen ero asiakkaan vaikutusvallassa; ts. kaikki evankelistat eivät ole yhtä arvokkaita. Opetus: asiakkuuden rahallinen arvo ei ole ainoa mittari asiakkuuden arvoa määritettäessä! 18
  • 19. Analytiikan ongelmia (Performable 2010) • Kampanjat tehdään “siiloissa”. Eri kanavien kampanjat eivät ole aidosti integroituja – viestit voivat olla erilaisia, koordinaatio puuttuu eikä pystytä keskitetysti seuraamaan niiden tuloksia ja yhteisvaikutusta. Kampanjametriikat eivät ole vertailukelpoisia, ja eri kanaville on omat strategiansa, joista vastaavat eri ihmiset. Vaikea saada yleiskuva (snapshot) markkinoinnin toimivuudesta. S • Data on usein anonyymia. Vaikea rakentaa I I asiakassuhdetta, jos asiakas on täysin tuntematon. Kuinka L yhdistää statistiikka yksittäisiin asiakkaisiin tai O asiakasryhmiin? • Mittarit kertovat tietystä hetkestä, eivät kehityksestä. Esim. tiettyjen asiakkaiden keskiostot voivat kasvaa, toiset eivät osta enää ja pitäisi harkita uudelleenaktivointia, jne. 19
  • 20. Paluu Wanamaker-dilemmaan… ―If you are like most companies, you probably have several marketing promotions going on across multiple channels. Maybe what you have is some online pay-per-click (PPC), organic search engine optimization (SEO), direct mail and radio. Good marketing requires that we know and understand what sales are costing us from each channel. Well, how do you know how much you are going to spend in each marketing channel? The fact is, most are guessing. In order to properly assess what you are going to spend in each marketing channel, it is necessary to understand what you are willing to spend to acquire a new customer (cost per acquisition), and ultimately, the lifetime value of the customer. Wait, what is ‗lifetime value of the customer‘? That is the net dollars a customer is worth to you from the moment they become a customer to the moment they are no longer a customer.‖ Sääntö #1 CAC < CLV 20
  • 21. 21
  • 23. Customer lifetime tracking (Performable 2010) Tämä on… …unelma 23
  • 24. ”Metrics are people, too” ―The things we‘re trying to solve are if someone comes to the site multiple times and then they sign up, let‘s say on the third or fourth time, we‘re allowing you to identify that user and we’re trying to attach all of those times that they came, previously, to that customer. What that means is that we‘ll understand the first touch point they had with you and where it came from, and we‘ll be able to attach that for the history of that user using your product. And that‘s a much different view than most analytics have, which is either page-view tracking or event tracking. This is actually, honestly, people tracking, which means that we‘re trying to actually track people.‖ (Nivi 2010) 24
  • 25. Markkinoinnin automaatio (Performable 2010) ‖Most marketing automation programs are based on a defined schedule, hitting your customers‘ inboxes before they‘re ready for them. Performable automation is different. By connecting to its cross-platform marketing analytics, Performable can automate emails and trigger other messages based on real user behavior on and off your site. In the example to the right, a company has used Performable and the company‘s existing email service provider to target shopping cart abandonment by automatically sending limited time offers to any customer who placed an item in a carts but never checked out.‖ • automatisoitu markkinointiviestintä Hyödyt • ajansäästö • workflow Ajastettu Reagoiva • ennakointi viestintä viestintä Ei korvaa oikeaa 25 vuorovaikutusta. Miksi?
  • 26. ”Monikanavamaksimi” (totta vai tarua?) “The more points of contact you have with someone, the more likely they are to convert into something more.” (Rucker 2010) Keinot esim. • retargeting • Facebook-iteraatio 26
  • 27. So, you’ve got all this data… • Liian informaation riskit: – vanity metrics – analysis paralysis • Miten erottaa jyvät akanoista? – asiakaskohtainen seuranta (vs. keskiarvot) – kohorttianalyysi (vs. aggregaatit) 27
  • 28. ”Social media espionage” (Salminen & Degbey 2011) relationship Company A Customer competitive Company B intelligence • semi-public information • vulnerability; exposure; risk (degrees of control) • opportunity • switching behavior; • responsive behaviors discontent; window of • companies are driven to opportunity transparency! (”conversations are • choice of engaging or not being held on the web with or without our consent.”) 28
  • 29. Strategic grid of social espionage (Salminen & Degbey, 2011) Engage Not engage Spy Full pot ―Machiavellian payoff‖ Not spy ―Sucker‘s payoff‖ Empty pot For example, if a competitor suffers from technical problems, a possible reaction would be to launch an opportunistic marketing campaign (…). Therefore, the process would aim to (1) detect competitor‘s problem, (2) respond rapidly by offering alternative, (3) win new customers. It is critical that the common pitfall of (…) delayed action is avoided – (…), the window of opportunity is easily lost as customers take adaptive behavior. (…) there is a common bullwhip effect that hinders big corporations‘ ability to leverage real-time information efficiently. A possible solution involves removing the firm‘s CI unit and instead empowering operational units to take direct action based on their proprietary judgment. “Customers are talking about their desires, needs and issues on Twitter, Facebook and blogs so why not take advantage of all this information to create a strategy built on leveraging the weaknesses of competitors. If your rivals are offering a window of opportunity, it makes complete sense to use social media to take advantage of it.” (Evans 2010) 29
  • 30. Startup neuvoo toista… ―In your case, you might want to contact people that are frustrated with existing tools, like basecamp: a quick search for #basecamp reveals: – It seems like #Basecamp does about 70% of a lot of things, but not 100% of any-one-thing. Too bad. – cuting off after 20 messages within categories & not having pagination sucks! I cant find anything!!!!! – WTF kind of sense does it make to click on a Milestone link & go to a LIST of milestones instead of THE milestone? The first one looks promising. You might contact him and see if he would use your product.‖ 30
  • 31. Suoramarkkinoinnin mahdollisuus, kun mainonta on liian kallista ―We‘ve had trouble using adwords to test out shopping site as well. Our clicks typically cost $.50 or so. Quite an expensive way to experiment. As a result, we‘ve moved to contacting people directly on twitter. There are a lot of people stating their interest for women‘s accessories. In addition to being free, twitter also allows you to actually communicate directly with the people that will be using your site / testing your idea.‖ 31
  • 32. Case ”United breaks guitars” Katso: Olet Unitedin markkinointipäällikkö. Miten reagoit? United − videon kehuminen − soitto ja pahoittelu − pyyntö käyttää videota koulutusmateriaalina − lupaus muuttaa käytäntöjä − 3000 $ lahjoitus hyväntekeväisyyteen 32
  • 33. Case British Petroleum ―Twitter is very confused by BPGlobalPR, the conspicuously fictitious Twitter account ―belonging to‖ the public relations division of British Petroleum. On May 20, the anonymous author began posting silly tweets in which he/she proclaimed that the ocean is “half-full” of oil, not half empty, announced a free matches giveaway, and instructed readers to send $25 for “B.P. Cares” t-shirts. This is not so funny to people who fail to identify it as a joke! ―wait, seeing two sea-creatures fight makes ruining thousands of lives and much of the south‘s economy worth it?‖ asked one user. Another Twitterer took an equally brave stand: ―I think it‘s disgusting that @BPGlobalPR is making flippant jokes about the destruction of our wetlands- -see the preceding retweet.‖ Others skipped the pulpit and went straight to nonsensical death wishes: ―why the hell are you all being so nonchalant about this?! You've destroyed the ocean‘s balance, I hope you die in the recession.‖‖ (Weiner 2010)  Lähti liikkeelle BP:n kömpelöstä reagoinnista; heikkoa maineenhallintaa, osaamattomuus Twitterin käyttöön 33
  • 36. Viral contamination? (Roth 2011) ―In response, McDonald‘s sent a tweet of its own on Saturday: ‗That pic is a senseless & ignorant hoax McD's values ALL our customers. Diversity runs deep in our culture on both sides of the counter.‘ But that clearly wasn't enough to clear things up, because Twitter users continued to send out the picture, with that same message of condemnation: ‗Seriously McDonald’s.‘ Indeed, so many people sent ‗Seriously McDonald‘s‘ Tweets that the phrase became a leading entry on Twitter‘s trend list. That led to a second, blunter McTweet, on Sunday: ‗That Seriously McDonalds picture is a hoax.‘ The latest pushback effort seems to have helped keep the photo from spreading too much further--but there’s no telling how many people out there still think the photo is for real.‖ 36
  • 37. Process for emergency reaction in social media (Salminen, working paper) Phase Description Company imperative 0 emergence ‖patient zero‖ emerges in oblivion 1 alert story reaches some company should be virality alerted (‖set filters‖) 2 reaction the public participates take corrective in discussion measures (‖react‖) 3 counter- the public responds to capture and analyze reaction company‘s reaction responses (‖listen‖) 4 decisive the company clarifies take action to reaction how it will help to solve demonstrate the problem seriousness (‖signal credibility‖) 5 spread or company becomes withdraw from decay either a good or bad discussion (‖exit‖) example 37
  • 40. Kommentit vaihtelevat kohteliaista erittäin aggressivisiin (rant) • I seriously wonder of Google designers are on drugs. Are u kidding with the new Gmail design. It looks horrible, and it's much harder to navigate. Why does Google keep having to screw around with perfectly good designs. Are u trying to drive us away to other companies? • Please do not force us to switch to a new (and might I add, hideous) interface if we don't like it. Changing things for the sake of changing them, despite quite a bit of negative feedback, and more importantly, without giving users the choice to not have their interface changed, is a horribly blind management decision. I stopped using my Google Reader after the layout switch. I will stop using Gmail if a new layout is likewise forced upon me. Users want choice and ease-of- use. If you take away that choice and force users to adapt to a new look they may not like, you will lose users. • You are making some of the worst decisions I've ever seen Google make. Some of the simplest things are the things you are totally ruining. • In Google Docs, the upload button doesn't say upload anymore--instead it's a box with an arrow coming out of it. "Oh, but it's visually consistent!" you say. WHO CARES?! You're choosing dogmatism over pragmatism. You're following a blind man towards a cliff. • Oh, I'm sure I'm wasting my time--Google's demonstrated that it doesn't care what its users think anymore. Those of us with sense remaining are like voices crying in the desert. • Hey Alex, Fuck You. You've got a bunch of people beta-testing the "New" Gmail for you, and guess what, they're a bunch of "Yes Men". They think if they say your new design is "teh awesome" that they'll benefit. Well, as someone who actually uses G • I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE (TO INFINITY) THE NEW LOOK...THE FONT SIZE IS SET FOR THE BLIND...I HAVE PERFECT VISION AND IT HURTS MY EYES EVERY TIME I LOOK AT THE PAGE. I HAVE TO SCROLL FOREVER TO READ MY EMAILS OR ACCESS ANY OF THE APPLICATIONS/OPTIONS I SELECTED. THE SETUP IS ATROCIOUS...WHAT ON EARTH WERE THEY THINKING.Mail, on a "Real World" PC system, let me tell you the "New" Gmail is well nigh unusable. • I AM REALLY STARTING TO HATE GOOGLE. THEY MADE A CHANGE A COUPLE MONTHS AGO AND SAID YOU COULD CHANGE IT BACK TO THE OLD FORMAT, BUT THAT NEVER WORKED EITHER. JUST A THOUGHT...WOULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN BETTER TO GIVE US ("THE PEOPLE") THE OPTION OF OPTING INTO THE NEW LOOK. • There is the HITLERISTIC (Google - cram it right down your throat) approach - here is the change DEAL WITH IT, NO, we don't read how your telling us how bad it is, no we don't care if it doesn't work for you, or at all, we don't read your comments we are being polite by asking for them but they mean nothing. • etc. etc… 40
  • 41. Product modification backlashes: Anatomy of a rant (Salminen 2012, working paper) • user express hate for various motives – feel they have not been listened – change resistance – don‘t understand need for change – company is perceived as arrogant and authorative – emotions: insecurity, sense of deception • tactics for ranting – polite – repetitive – aggressive – compromising (constructive) • group effect – others negative comments reinforce the cycle of rants – strong group coherence and aggression towards deviation 41
  • 42. Share of discussion (Salminen 2012) share of discussion: suhteellinen osuus, jolla yksi brändi osallistuu tuotekategorian keskusteluihin – asiakkaat eivät puhu niin paljon brändeistä kuin mitä yritykset luulevat (fallacy of mindshare), vaan enemmänkin omista ongelmistaan – yrityksen on oltava läsnä näissä keskusteluissa, ei ainoastaan niissä joissa keskustellaan brändistä – tapa vaikuttaa on tuottaa hyötyä keskustelussa, ei mainostaa omaa tuotetta • bränditunnettuus (brand awareness) • yhteys harkintajoukkoon (consideration set) • epäsuora suostuttelureitti (indirect route to persuasion) 42
  • 43. Aitoa vai ei? Kas siinä pulma… 43
  • 44. Epäaidon viestinnän tuntomerkit • epämääräisiä viittauksia tutkimuksiin, ei kuitenkaan linkkejä niihin • markkinointiadjektiivien käyttö (‖maailman paras‖) • ei mainita huonoja puolia • linkki yrityksen sivulle • vastikään rekisteröitynyt käyttäjä 44
  • 45. Kiitos! PE 10: 15 45