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Music Industry evolution
Digital world dramatically changed the Music recording, publishing and broadcasting

                                                      106% penetration rate of
                                                      digital music sources nowadays

Indusrty @ a turning point…
 The Industry is facing a loss in volumes and values that appears to be inexorable…

-31% the decline in the value of the              -240 Bln $ estimated cumulative
global recorded music industry 2004-10            lost retail from piracy 2008–2015

                                                                    Market Snapshot
Music Industry: story of a crisis and of a digital wayout
 With the revenues from physical on progressive fall Digtal World seems to be the only
 sign of hope in music industries

 -40% Costant decrease in Physical              20 Bln $ Digital music revenues
 music Value                                    forecasted by 2013

                                                +1000% Billion $ increase value of the
                                                digital music market 2004-10

                                                                   Market Snapshot
The current way of investing is not paying
 Relying on the traditional paradigm the Industry is failing in proposing new alternatives
 and product….the only way it seems to do it’s through enormous investment

                                                     30% the percentage revenues
                                                    invested by record companies in A&R and

                                                    -77% Fall in album unit sales in the
                                                    global Top 50 2003-2010

                                                                     Market Snapshot
Standing on the Verge of a change …
“This Changes Everything. The Industry is Dead. There has never been a better time to be
an artist”- Seth Godin

                                  • “After working in the creative industry for a number of
                                    years we got a bit tired of the loud complaints
                                    regarding the disappearance of business models due
                                    to pirating and continuing profit losses.”

                                  • “We felt that an important part of the story had been
                                    lost - the unprecedented cultural impact. Sure, there
                                    are lots of industry problems caused by technological
                                    innovation but there are also enormous new
                                    opportunities for creation.”

                                                                  —David Dworsky and Victor

                                        Changes brings always opportunities…
Industry Overview
          The Trends
          •Technology revolution is encouraging the need of expression
          through arts
          •Digital Tech is helping to overcome traditional barriers, flipping the
          traditional paradigm “Democratization process of Art”
          •This has changed the way people relate, think, produce and live
          •Music is one of the most changed industry of them all
          •This change is perceived as a New Renaissance by the artist and as
          a new Dark age buy the status quo

                         Standing on the verge of a New Renaissance
Industry Overview
          The Industry
          •Try of iterating a business model that, despite the past successes,
          nowadays seems to be anachronistic
          •Substantial yearly investment in the creation of “Push” &
          “massified musical products" (30% of revenues in A & R and
          Marketing to Create New Sensations)
          •Digital is experienced more as a problem than an opportunity

                    The Industry is not exploiting the full potential
                      of the market in terms of new artists, content
                      creation, audiences and channels.
Industry Overview
          The Musicians
          •High perceived risk of failure: fear of poverty
          •Difficulty in finding musicians to work with
          •High costs of start-up and self-production
          •Difficulties of promoting and broadcasting of their albums
          •Very little bargaining power, “the industry will decide if…”
          •Feeling of not being represented by the market
          •Digital Copyright and royalties problems
          •Difficulties in reaching the desired audience
          •Digital Hope
                     Very high barriers to market entry, distrust of
                       labels, low success’ prospective loss of large
                       musical talents
Industry Overview
          Music Lovers
          •Today's music propositions are Massified do not appeal to all the
          existing musical currents
          •The audience does not award a great value to this massified music
          •Not perceiving the value the audience is not willing to pay for it nor
          •This prompts him to download music for free, and to avoid the
          traditional channels of transmission and distribution
          •Search for places, channels and artists who could represent their
                     Music Lovers are very poorly represented in
                      today’s musical proposition, that is translated
                      into money loss and piracy
The current paradigm


      Pop       Pop
      R&B      Rock

     Pop Rap

  Musicians                                 Music market

                               The Industry decides what to
                                          propose and how
The current paradigm
 Currently the music market potential is sized only in one small part.

               Focus on SMALL NUMBER of Pdts
               sold @ HIGH VOLUMES
# of Sales

                                                Not considered Market opportunities

                                                     # of Artists

                                                          This leaves the most of the market
                                                                   opportunities unexplored
Traditional Model

                    It’s a long way to the top…and sometimes it’s
                                impossible even to take the 1° step
 Create a new Web
                Platform that could exploit the business
 model so far overlooked…

  Music Lovers                Label               Musicians

New Paradigm

Musicians                                Music markets

               Vision: possibly give to all the existing
                      music niches a market location
The New Paradigm
             With MYousicShare ® we aim to bring out the potential of the entire market in terms of finding new
             artists and new demands generation of different musical genres reaching an audience and a profit
             stream even wider than the present.

                         Focus on SMALL NUMBER
                         of Pdts sold @ HIGH
# of Sales

                                                        Focus on a LARGE NUMBER of Pdts sold in LOW VOLUMES

                                                       # of Artists

The market is ready
  And it’s moving forward to a full Democratization of Art and to a possible new Renaissance of content

 In particular                        is an important sign of the trends that are currently transforming
 the industry: indaba Music has now reached more that 500k musicians all over the world with a service
 that has shown a deep understanding of the ongoing industry transformation

                                                       •500K Musicians all over the world
                                                       • Opportunities of collaboration with
                                                       established artists/producers
                                                       •Clear sign of the Future of the Industry

                                                         Signals for a direction to take…
A New Paradigm
 With MYousicShare ® we aim to fully Exploit this paradigm change that is leading to a full Democratization
 of Art and to a possible new Renaissance of content creation

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 Harry is a Young guy with a need of expression and a dream…. become a musician

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 Like millions of other guys in the world he wish he could follow his dreams and aspirations….but the way to do it
 seems to hard to walk…

  I wish i have a band….
                                                                                            How could i propose my
   …I wish we could share the                                                               work?!?!....and to whom?!
   same feelings…                                                                        Who is gonna judge my
                                                                                         work?!....does he understand my
I wish we could find gigs and make a
little money to record some material
  Autoproduce my music….i
  don’t have the skills…                                                                 Labels?! Radio Channels?!....u
                                                                                         need connections…and i don’t
                                                                                         have em….
  ….it’s too expansive….
                                                                                        They’re probably gonna try to
 And even if i do it….how am i gonna                                                    change me anyway….
 enter the Business?!?!

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 Like millions of other guys in the world he wish he could follow his dreams and aspirations….but the way to do it
 seems to hard to walk…

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 Harry founds out about MYousicShare® a new platform that offer him the service that every muscian has
 always dreamed of for free…..

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 He connects to MYousicShare® via desktop or via mobile and he starts looking for the multiple value added
 services it offers…

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 Harry can easily: Record and Upload his tracks, Connect and collaborate with other musicians, receive
 full copyrights protection, broadcast his material through thematic web radio channels and sell his
 own music

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 MYousicShare® offers full copyrights protection ensuring artists the intellectual propriety of the music
 he uploads and the related royalties

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 Harry Uploads his material and Records new one through a Dedicated Software. He can also Connect
 with other musicians according to Background, Values and Complementarity, starting New Collaborations

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 Through one of the MYousicShare® thematic radio channels, Harry can broadcast his music to an
 interested audience sharing similar values….

MYousicShare® Value proposition
 …Sharing Harry’s background the audience perceive the value in its work and it’s willing to award it
 with a monetary value…

MYousicShare® Business Model Canvas

                             Vision: Business Model Canvas.
Vision: Business Model Canvas.
MYousicShare® Value proposition
    MYousicShare® Creates a Digital Platform empowering :

• Upload and Record their Material through a Dedicated Software
• Connect and Cooperate with other musicians according to Background and coplementariety
• Broadcast their tracks and albums on specifics Web Radio Channels (Segmented by specifics music genders,
    Artists back)

• Create a Personal Store to sell the produced Tracks and Albums with different commercial options
     MYousicShare® give Musicians a way to enter the market, disrupting the traditional
       Industry boundaries, giving them a possibility to follow their need of
       expression and dreams…
MYousicShare® Value proposition
    MYousicShare® Creates a Digital Platform empowering :

• Monitor the Market to find new Music sensations
• Be aware of the Market and of different Niches musical trends.

       MYousicShare® give Labels the opportunity of relocating the yearly investements in
         A&R (30% of the revenues) reducing the Artist Creation Costs and having a
         more concrete knowledge of each nieche of the market
MYousicShare® Value proposition
    MYousicShare® Creates a Digital Platform empowering :

   Music Lovers
• Find representing artists and sensations
• Connect and Cooperate with other musicians lovers and Musicians
• Create their tracks, albums playlists on specifics Web Radio Channels
• Buy or a more value addes music from background-sharing artists

    MYousicShare® give Musc Lovers the music they want
MYousicShare® Visuals
MYousicShare® Free         <
                     Home Page
Recording Software

1   Music creation and upload feature

       2   Connect with musicians all over the world

       3   Broadcast music to interested audiences

How?   4   Feedback, ratings and stats

       5   Music selling feature

       6   Find new Gigs

       7   Copyrights protection and certification

                                         Brief Overview
MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview
 Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software…

    1     Music creation and upload feature;
     Through the MYousicShare ® platform every musician can record, upload, edit their own
     music tracks in a simple and immediate way:
     a) Free registration to MYousicShare ®
     b) Creation of the artist profile (personal data, solo artist / band, pro/ prospects, played
        instruments, influences, etc..)
     c) Dynamic upload of existing tracks and recording of new ones (jack or microphone)
        through a dedicated web application

                                                                           Brief Overview
MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview
 Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software…

    2       Connect with musicians all over the world
 Possibility to develop and refine the traces with the help of musicians from all over the world.
 Combining musicians depending on back-ground, influences, tastes, geographical areas, shared values ​and
 artistic complementariety  Collaborations will grow spontaneously , and provide mutual value &
 professional growth.

    3       Broadcast music to interested audiences worldiwide
 • Thematic Web radio to address interested audiences
 • Users selected audience by genre and influences
 • Ability to catalyze admirers and to propose their own music

                                                                                     Brief Overview
MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview
 Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software…

    4        Feedback, rating and Analytics
 • Each artist will be promoted and broadcasted by the platform on the basis of the success attribute
    to him by its community of reference.
 • Each artist will have the opportunity to access comprehensive statistics relating to him and his work,
    using them to learn how to improve himself and be more appreciated
 • Those Stats will provide Interested Labels a concrete market test on each single musician that could
    be a “New sensation prospect”

    5        Music selling feature
  • Each artist can take advantage of the functionality of the commerce platform, which will sell
     their music, thus making even a passion u tangible business.

                                                                                  Brief Overview
MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview
 Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software…

   6       Find New Gigs
 • By using MYousicShare ® a new Artist will not only have the opportunity of collaborating with
    other musicians all over the world, but also of building a Network providing him with new Gigs
    anytime he/she wants
 • A specific MYousicShare ® section will connect Artists and Club Owner/Events organizer Helping
    MYousicians in what is the most important task for a musician: Live Performing

   7       Copyrights protection and certification
 • The registration will allow the user to certify MYousicShare ® the paternity of the recorded track
    and the related rights.

                                                                                   Brief Overview
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                      “This Changes Everything. The Industry is
                      Dead. There has never been a better time to
                      be an artist”- Seth Godin
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                      “Ideas that are free spread faster….and
                      ideas that are spread win….”
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                             Publishing and Promoting...Of Course
                                              with diverging ideas
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                                       Publishing and Promoting
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                                        The traditional Paradigm
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                           Relying on the traditional paradigm the
                           new approach is nothing but a threat…
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                                But this can’t stop the world from
                          evolving….and all that this anachronistic
                      approach could bring….are lost opportunities
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                         Thousands of Free Downloads a day…and
                         then….the value sharing brings the rest….
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                     Sharing the same values leads to percieve the
                    value within the Idea… and to a will of award it
                                            with a monetary value
Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus”

                             “I made more money out of an idea I
                                    gave away for free than out of
                                 everything I did till that moment”
MYousicShare ® Revolution
• Art has been here since's only in the last
  60 years someone made an industry out of
  that's very typical...a self empowered group try to
  make money on someonelse's back, trying to keep
  things steady, to keep making money out of it....till
  the whole system they build.....collapses under the
  pressure of changes....and the only thing that will
  remain from the death of this umpteenth falling the Art itself.

                                       Just a simple thought...
MYousic Share Presentation Deck

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MYousic Share Presentation Deck

  • 1.
  • 2. Music Industry evolution Digital world dramatically changed the Music recording, publishing and broadcasting industry… 106% penetration rate of digital music sources nowadays Overview.
  • 3. Indusrty @ a turning point… The Industry is facing a loss in volumes and values that appears to be inexorable… -31% the decline in the value of the -240 Bln $ estimated cumulative global recorded music industry 2004-10 lost retail from piracy 2008–2015 Market Snapshot
  • 4. Music Industry: story of a crisis and of a digital wayout With the revenues from physical on progressive fall Digtal World seems to be the only sign of hope in music industries -40% Costant decrease in Physical 20 Bln $ Digital music revenues music Value forecasted by 2013 +1000% Billion $ increase value of the digital music market 2004-10 Market Snapshot
  • 5. The current way of investing is not paying Relying on the traditional paradigm the Industry is failing in proposing new alternatives and product….the only way it seems to do it’s through enormous investment 30% the percentage revenues invested by record companies in A&R and marketing -77% Fall in album unit sales in the global Top 50 2003-2010 Market Snapshot
  • 6. Standing on the Verge of a change … “This Changes Everything. The Industry is Dead. There has never been a better time to be an artist”- Seth Godin • “After working in the creative industry for a number of years we got a bit tired of the loud complaints regarding the disappearance of business models due to pirating and continuing profit losses.” • “We felt that an important part of the story had been lost - the unprecedented cultural impact. Sure, there are lots of industry problems caused by technological innovation but there are also enormous new opportunities for creation.” —David Dworsky and Victor Köhler Changes brings always opportunities…
  • 7. Industry Overview The Trends •Technology revolution is encouraging the need of expression through arts •Digital Tech is helping to overcome traditional barriers, flipping the traditional paradigm “Democratization process of Art” •This has changed the way people relate, think, produce and live arts •Music is one of the most changed industry of them all •This change is perceived as a New Renaissance by the artist and as a new Dark age buy the status quo Standing on the verge of a New Renaissance
  • 8. Industry Overview The Industry •Try of iterating a business model that, despite the past successes, nowadays seems to be anachronistic •Substantial yearly investment in the creation of “Push” & “massified musical products" (30% of revenues in A & R and Marketing to Create New Sensations) •Digital is experienced more as a problem than an opportunity The Industry is not exploiting the full potential of the market in terms of new artists, content creation, audiences and channels.
  • 9. Industry Overview The Musicians •High perceived risk of failure: fear of poverty •Difficulty in finding musicians to work with •High costs of start-up and self-production •Difficulties of promoting and broadcasting of their albums •Very little bargaining power, “the industry will decide if…” •Feeling of not being represented by the market •Digital Copyright and royalties problems •Difficulties in reaching the desired audience •Digital Hope Very high barriers to market entry, distrust of labels, low success’ prospective loss of large musical talents
  • 10. Industry Overview Music Lovers •Today's music propositions are Massified do not appeal to all the existing musical currents •The audience does not award a great value to this massified music proposition •Not perceiving the value the audience is not willing to pay for it nor •This prompts him to download music for free, and to avoid the traditional channels of transmission and distribution •Search for places, channels and artists who could represent their values Music Lovers are very poorly represented in today’s musical proposition, that is translated into money loss and piracy
  • 11. The current paradigm Pop Pop Pop R&B Rock Pop Rap Label Musicians Music market The Industry decides what to propose and how
  • 12. The current paradigm Currently the music market potential is sized only in one small part. Focus on SMALL NUMBER of Pdts sold @ HIGH VOLUMES # of Sales Not considered Market opportunities # of Artists This leaves the most of the market opportunities unexplored
  • 13. Traditional Model It’s a long way to the top…and sometimes it’s impossible even to take the 1° step
  • 15. Solution Create a new Web Platform that could exploit the business model so far overlooked… Music Lovers Label Musicians Vision.
  • 16. New Paradigm Musicians Music markets Vision: possibly give to all the existing music niches a market location
  • 17. The New Paradigm With MYousicShare ® we aim to bring out the potential of the entire market in terms of finding new artists and new demands generation of different musical genres reaching an audience and a profit stream even wider than the present. Focus on SMALL NUMBER of Pdts sold @ HIGH VOLUMES # of Sales Focus on a LARGE NUMBER of Pdts sold in LOW VOLUMES # of Artists Vision.
  • 18. The market is ready And it’s moving forward to a full Democratization of Art and to a possible new Renaissance of content creation Vision.
  • 19. Competitors In particular is an important sign of the trends that are currently transforming the industry: indaba Music has now reached more that 500k musicians all over the world with a service that has shown a deep understanding of the ongoing industry transformation •500K Musicians all over the world • Opportunities of collaboration with established artists/producers •Clear sign of the Future of the Industry Signals for a direction to take…
  • 20. A New Paradigm With MYousicShare ® we aim to fully Exploit this paradigm change that is leading to a full Democratization of Art and to a possible new Renaissance of content creation Vision.
  • 21. MYousicShare® Value proposition Harry is a Young guy with a need of expression and a dream…. become a musician Vision.
  • 22. MYousicShare® Value proposition Like millions of other guys in the world he wish he could follow his dreams and aspirations….but the way to do it seems to hard to walk… I wish i have a band…. How could i propose my …I wish we could share the work?!?!....and to whom?! same feelings… Who is gonna judge my work?!....does he understand my values?!?!... I wish we could find gigs and make a little money to record some material Autoproduce my music….i don’t have the skills… Labels?! Radio Channels?!....u need connections…and i don’t have em…. ….it’s too expansive…. They’re probably gonna try to And even if i do it….how am i gonna change me anyway…. enter the Business?!?! Vision.
  • 23. MYousicShare® Value proposition Like millions of other guys in the world he wish he could follow his dreams and aspirations….but the way to do it seems to hard to walk… Vision.
  • 24. MYousicShare® Value proposition Harry founds out about MYousicShare® a new platform that offer him the service that every muscian has always dreamed of for free….. Vision.
  • 25. MYousicShare® Value proposition He connects to MYousicShare® via desktop or via mobile and he starts looking for the multiple value added services it offers… Vision.
  • 26. MYousicShare® Value proposition Harry can easily: Record and Upload his tracks, Connect and collaborate with other musicians, receive full copyrights protection, broadcast his material through thematic web radio channels and sell his own music Vision.
  • 27. MYousicShare® Value proposition MYousicShare® offers full copyrights protection ensuring artists the intellectual propriety of the music he uploads and the related royalties Vision.
  • 28. MYousicShare® Value proposition Harry Uploads his material and Records new one through a Dedicated Software. He can also Connect with other musicians according to Background, Values and Complementarity, starting New Collaborations Vision.
  • 29. MYousicShare® Value proposition Through one of the MYousicShare® thematic radio channels, Harry can broadcast his music to an interested audience sharing similar values…. Vision.
  • 30. MYousicShare® Value proposition …Sharing Harry’s background the audience perceive the value in its work and it’s willing to award it with a monetary value… Vision.
  • 31. MYousicShare® Business Model Canvas Vision: Business Model Canvas.
  • 33. MYousicShare® Value proposition MYousicShare® Creates a Digital Platform empowering : Musicians • Upload and Record their Material through a Dedicated Software • Connect and Cooperate with other musicians according to Background and coplementariety • Broadcast their tracks and albums on specifics Web Radio Channels (Segmented by specifics music genders, Artists back) • Create a Personal Store to sell the produced Tracks and Albums with different commercial options MYousicShare® give Musicians a way to enter the market, disrupting the traditional Industry boundaries, giving them a possibility to follow their need of expression and dreams…
  • 34. MYousicShare® Value proposition MYousicShare® Creates a Digital Platform empowering : Labels • Monitor the Market to find new Music sensations • Be aware of the Market and of different Niches musical trends. MYousicShare® give Labels the opportunity of relocating the yearly investements in A&R (30% of the revenues) reducing the Artist Creation Costs and having a more concrete knowledge of each nieche of the market
  • 35. MYousicShare® Value proposition MYousicShare® Creates a Digital Platform empowering : Music Lovers • Find representing artists and sensations • Connect and Cooperate with other musicians lovers and Musicians • Create their tracks, albums playlists on specifics Web Radio Channels • Buy or a more value addes music from background-sharing artists MYousicShare® give Musc Lovers the music they want
  • 36. MYousicShare® Visuals MYousicShare® MYousicShare® Free < Home Page Recording Software Visuals.
  • 37. 1 Music creation and upload feature 2 Connect with musicians all over the world 3 Broadcast music to interested audiences worldwide How? 4 Feedback, ratings and stats 5 Music selling feature 6 Find new Gigs 7 Copyrights protection and certification Brief Overview
  • 38. MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software… 1 Music creation and upload feature; Through the MYousicShare ® platform every musician can record, upload, edit their own music tracks in a simple and immediate way: a) Free registration to MYousicShare ® b) Creation of the artist profile (personal data, solo artist / band, pro/ prospects, played instruments, influences, etc..) c) Dynamic upload of existing tracks and recording of new ones (jack or microphone) through a dedicated web application Brief Overview
  • 39. MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software… 2 Connect with musicians all over the world Possibility to develop and refine the traces with the help of musicians from all over the world. Combining musicians depending on back-ground, influences, tastes, geographical areas, shared values ​and artistic complementariety  Collaborations will grow spontaneously , and provide mutual value & professional growth. 3 Broadcast music to interested audiences worldiwide • Thematic Web radio to address interested audiences • Users selected audience by genre and influences • Ability to catalyze admirers and to propose their own music Brief Overview
  • 40. MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software… 4 Feedback, rating and Analytics • Each artist will be promoted and broadcasted by the platform on the basis of the success attribute to him by its community of reference. • Each artist will have the opportunity to access comprehensive statistics relating to him and his work, using them to learn how to improve himself and be more appreciated • Those Stats will provide Interested Labels a concrete market test on each single musician that could be a “New sensation prospect” 5 Music selling feature • Each artist can take advantage of the functionality of the commerce platform, which will sell their music, thus making even a passion u tangible business. Brief Overview
  • 41. MYousicShare ® Functionalities quick overview Music upload and creation through a unique free dedicated and user friendly software… 6 Find New Gigs • By using MYousicShare ® a new Artist will not only have the opportunity of collaborating with other musicians all over the world, but also of building a Network providing him with new Gigs anytime he/she wants • A specific MYousicShare ® section will connect Artists and Club Owner/Events organizer Helping MYousicians in what is the most important task for a musician: Live Performing 7 Copyrights protection and certification • The registration will allow the user to certify MYousicShare ® the paternity of the recorded track and the related rights. Brief Overview
  • 42.
  • 43. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” “This Changes Everything. The Industry is Dead. There has never been a better time to be an artist”- Seth Godin
  • 44. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Creation
  • 45. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Creation
  • 46. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Creation
  • 47. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” “Ideas that are free spread faster….and ideas that are spread win….”
  • 48. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Publishing and Promoting...Of Course with diverging ideas
  • 49. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Publishing and Promoting
  • 50. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” The traditional Paradigm
  • 51. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Relying on the traditional paradigm the new approach is nothing but a threat…
  • 52. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” But this can’t stop the world from evolving….and all that this anachronistic approach could bring….are lost opportunities
  • 53. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Thousands of Free Downloads a day…and then….the value sharing brings the rest….
  • 54. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” Sharing the same values leads to percieve the value within the Idea… and to a will of award it with a monetary value
  • 55. Tale of the n°1 eBook in History: “the Idea Virus” “I made more money out of an idea I gave away for free than out of everything I did till that moment”
  • 56. MYousicShare ® Revolution • Art has been here since's only in the last 60 years someone made an industry out of that's very typical...a self empowered group try to make money on someonelse's back, trying to keep things steady, to keep making money out of it....till the whole system they build.....collapses under the pressure of changes....and the only thing that will remain from the death of this umpteenth falling the Art itself. Just a simple thought...