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Local Marketing Accelerator
• If you’re a local marketing consultant – or 
someone who wants to fast track their way to 
being a successful local marketing consultant – 
there is one (and only one) critical factor that 
separates successful consultants from 
consultants who struggle to keep their doors 
• This one factor is: 
Being able to attract a steady stream of pre-qualified 
prospects who are highly likely to do 
business with you
• If you’re a local marketing consultant – or 
someone who wants to fast track their way to 
being a successful local marketing consultant – 
there is one (and only one) critical factor that 
separates successful consultants from 
consultants who struggle to keep their doors 
• This one factor is: 
Being able to attract a steady stream of pre-qualified 
prospects who are highly likely to do 
business with you
• Because bottom line, if you don't have a 
consistent flow of prospects, you'll never have 
enough clients to create a sustainable business 
• Most consultants, even those who are successful, 
struggle with this prospecting problem 
continually, causing their businesses to 
experience drastic peaks and valleys
• Fortunately, the solution to this problem is 
actually quite simple 
• You see, there are three powerful sources of pre-qualified 
leads that will send you dozens of 
prospects every day – for free 
• These three sources are available to anyone
• In fact, you receive emails from most of them 
every day 
• But few people ever recognize that these sources 
can provide you with all the leads you’ll ever 
need to succeed as a local marketing consultant 
– and that all of these leads are delivered directly 
to you for free 
• So what are these three powerful sources of a 
never ending stream of pre-qualified prospects?
• They are: 
1. Groupon 
2. Living Social 
3. Amazon Local
• All three of these are commonly referred to as 
"group coupon" services 
• And while these three are the big dogs in the 
industry, there are many other group coupon 
programs that will feed you highly qualified leads 
as well 
• But for today, we’ll focus just on the Big 3
• So with this foundational principle in mind, let’s 
start with the single most important piece of 
information that you’ll get from this training 
• What's critical to understand here is that the 
emails you receive every day with these group 
coupon offers are… 
All from businesses that are 
paying for this service
• And decades of scientific studies have proven 
that the single best predictor of a client who will 
buy from you is someone who is already buying 
something similar 
• Conversely, this is precisely why the vast 
majority of local marketing consultants fail 
• You see, they try to market their services to 
anyone and everyone
• But when you do this, it’s both expensive and 
ineffective, because you never know who is a 
true prospect and who isn’t 
• So you waste a lot of time and money trying to 
convince people who aren’t interested in your 
services to hire you 
• Worst of all, this waste is totally unnecessary 
when you have such rich sources of proven 
buyers sending you dozens of pre-qualified leads 
every day for free
• Now, there’s also a second point that’s vital to 
• And this second point is actually what makes the 
Local Marketing Accelerator so successful 
• So here it is…
• You see, these group coupon programs charge 
massive fees that cause the businesses that use 
them to lose money now with the hope that 
they’ll make up for it in future business 
• So Groupon, Living Social and Amazon Local 
make their money up front and never have any 
• But the businesses that use them always take on 
considerable risk
• So that you really understand the situation, AND 
the opportunity here, let’s take a quick look at 
how a typical local coupon deal works from the 
vendor’s point of view 
• Our vendor, Joe’s Restaurant, is trying to get 
new customers in the door and spending money 
• So Joe signs up to use Groupon to blast out his 
discount offer
• Joe creates a deal that gives customers $100 of 
food for just $50 
• Now, that’s a great deal for diners 
• But let’s examine how this deal works – or 
actually, DOESN’T work – for Joe
• Per the terms of Groupon, the most that Joe will 
make on a customer ordering $100 worth of food 
is $25 – and sometimes a lot less 
• That’s rarely enough to cover the cost of food, 
his kitchen and wait staff, and overhead, so Joe 
is actually LOSING money 
• At best, Joe is hoping that customers enjoy his 
food so much that they will come back again, at 
which point he hopes to begin to make up for his 
• But unfortunately for Joe, the fact is that group 
coupon customers are typically the worst type of 
• They’re only seeking deep discounts and their 
loyalty is to the next coupon deal that comes 
along, not to Joe 
• So very few of these coupon chasers will ever 
return to Joe’s Restaurant
• Plus, here’s another fact that many local 
businesses don’t realize until it’s too late 
• According to a recent Harvard study published 
on the Huffington Post, businesses tend to see 
their Yelp ratings drop dramatically after 
offering a Groupon deal
• That’s because online coupons attract easily 
dissatisfied bargain hunters who not only fail to 
return to local businesses after redeeming 
discounts, but also tend to bad-mouth the 
business on the web 
• They are difficult to please, create huge 
headaches for the vendor and then leave nasty, 
negative feedback 
• So given the significant financial loss and 
negative feedback, why do vendors continue to 
use these group coupon programs?
• Because they’re desperate for new business 
• And that’s where we come in 
• These negatives work in your favor – especially 
when you approach businesses after they’ve run 
a group coupon campaign and are experiencing 
these headaches for themselves
• That’s the reason this program is called the Local 
Marketing Accelerator 
• Because it starts by putting an immediate end 
to the immense risk that your clients get stuck 
with when they use group coupon services 
• And it shows you how to help them by replacing 
the group coupon programs with an alternative 
that accelerates the number of high-quality 
customers they bring in and is actually profitable 
from day one
• And because you’re dealing only with businesses 
that are already paying to advertise locally – and 
they’re losing money by doing this with the 
group coupon services – landing new clients for 
your services couldn’t get much easier 
• So now that you understanding these 
important concepts, in the remainder of this 
training we’re going to cover the following 7 
1. How to get group coupon programs to feed you 
tens of thousands of pre-qualified leads every 
year – anywhere from 147 to 491 leads per week 
– so many that you never need another source 
of leads again 
2. Which types of businesses are ideal to target – 
and which to avoid at all costs 
3. How to approach the ideal businesses quickly, 
easily and with the highest probability of them 
welcoming you, without any cold calling or 
knocking on doors
4. What alternative marketing campaign to offer 
your prospects that will make them a lot more 
money than the group coupon programs 
5. How to create marketing templates you can 
customize in minutes for nearly every type of 
business so it takes as little time as possible to 
service each client
6. How to license your marketing campaigns to 
clients rather than selling them, so you get paid 
each time they use them – year after year 
7. How to get off to a fast start at the local level 
then quickly ramp up to state and national 
levels without leaving the comfort of your 
home or office 
• So let’s dig into the details of each step
STEP 1: How to get group coupon 
programs to feed you tens of 
thousands of pre-qualified leads every 
year – anywhere from 147 to 491 
leads per week – so many that you 
never need another source of leads 
• At the risk of repeating myself, let me emphasize 
as strongly as possible… 
• THE single most important factor in having a 
thriving, highly-profitable consulting practice is 
being able to keep a steady stream of qualified 
prospects coming in at all times
• Not just this month… 
• Not just in your busy season… 
• But every month like clockwork
• Because if you can’t generate a consistent flow 
of highly qualified prospects, it’s only natural 
that you’ll experience substantial peaks and 
• And if you don’t master the prospecting process, 
you’ll never have enough clients to create a 
highly profitable, sustainable business 
• So the first Step in this program focuses on this 
all important topic
• It shows you how to get group coupon programs 
to feed you tens of thousands of pre-qualified 
leads every year 
• Here’s how this is done 
• First, it’s critical to understand the meaning of 
pre-qualified leads
• As I mentioned earlier, the single best predictor 
of a prospect who will buy from you is someone 
who is already buying something similar to what 
you offer – in this case, a marketing campaign 
designed to bring in new customers 
• And when you get an email with group coupon 
offers from Groupon, Living Social, Amazon Local 
or any other group coupon service, every offer is 
from a business that’s paying for this service
• So you never have to guess whether or not they 
buy marketing services 
• Because they’re paying substantial fees to tell 
you in no uncertain terms that they are definitely 
buying marketing services! 
• So how many leads can you expect to get each 
week from these three group coupon services?
• Here’s a real life example based on my own 
actual subscriptions 
• I’m subscribed to Groupon, Living Social, and 
Amazon Local 
• On an average day, I receive 7 emails from these 
• BUT – each email comes with 3 to 10 offers
• So let’s do a little quick math 
• On the low end of 3 offers times 7 emails, that 
would be 21 offers per day – all from companies 
that are paying to have their offer put in front of 
• On the high end of 10 offers times 7 emails, that 
comes to 70 offers per day
• On a yearly basis, the low end (21 offers x 365 
days) clocks in at 7,665 offers per year 
• And on the high end of 70 offers X 365 days, 
you’d receive 25,550 offers delivered right to 
your inbox 
• That’s anywhere between 147 to 491 highly 
qualified leads delivered directly to you every 
• So without having to lift a finger, you can get 
thousands of pre-qualified leads to tell you every 
year, “Hey, I’m paying for the exact type of 
marketing that you’re selling” 
• Pretty sweet if you ask me! 
• So now that you have all those leads coming in, 
that brings us to the next step
STEP 2: Which types of businesses are ideal 
to target – and which to avoid at all costs
• Now, even though you’re receiving thousands of 
leads and they’re all spending money to 
advertise with the group coupon services, not all 
of these leads are truly qualified to use your 
• And it’s critical that you’re able to identify your 
ideal clients before you ever invest any time or 
money marketing to them 
• So here’s exactly how you do this
• Primarily, you want to target local businesses 
• Some national brands advertise regularly on 
group coupon services and approaching those 
leads is a waste of your time 
• Similarly, there are local franchises that are part 
of national chains that may be restricted by the 
national chain from advertising on their own – or 
they’re forced to use the ads provided by the 
national chain
• So you want to avoid those local franchise 
owners as well 
• Now, let’s say that eliminating those two 
categories rules out 20% of your prospects 
• You still have between 6,132 to 20,440 
prospects you could approach every year
• Now, in addition to franchises, I also tend to stay 
away from highly regulated industries 
• Two that come to mind are real estate and 
moving services 
• In the U.S. both of these industries are 
prohibited from discounting their rates or 
sharing fees in most states
• And because there are so many industries that 
don’t have these restrictions, I avoid regulated 
industries and focus on the low-hanging fruit 
• But because they are regulated, you rarely see 
these types of businesses using group coupon 
services, so they don’t really reduce your 
prospect count to any significant degree
• Other than these couple of exceptions, just 
about any industry is a good fit for this approach 
• Otherwise, they wouldn’t be buying group 
coupon services in the first place 
• So now that we’ve targeted our ideal prospects, 
let’s move on to the next step
STEP 3: How to approach the ideal 
businesses quickly, easily and with 
the highest probability of them 
welcoming you, without any cold 
calling or knocking on doors
• This step is very simple, but if it isn’t done 
properly, it will either fail or your results will be 
just a fraction of what they could be 
• The initial contact can be made either by email 
or by letter 
• The advantage to using a letter is that people 
receive a lot less postal mail than they do emails, 
so you can often get their attention more easily 
with a letter
• On the other hand, it’s much easier to cut and 
paste your template email, then take a couple 
minutes to customize it for each prospect 
• I still use both methods and they both work well
• The key to any successful approach piece is to 
• Identify the pain your prospect is feeling and 
offer them the solution 
• Or use proof of the results you’ve produced for 
other similar companies to demonstrate how you 
can help them get much better results in their 
• Here again, I use both methods 
• However, I’ve found that if you can say 
something like: 
“I provide a service to get significantly more 
customers into your gift shop. My team just did 
this for the Evergreen Gift Shop about 10 miles 
away from you and they report that their sales 
are up by 27%. I’d love to show you how we 
could do the same for you.”
• You can practically guarantee that you’ll get a 
• Why? There are two reasons 
• First – the person you’re contacting most likely 
knows the owner of the Evergreen Gift Shop and 
can easily verify what you’ve said
• Second – by doing your homework using the 
tools you get in this program, you know that the 
customer area for gift shops is a radius of 3 miles 
• And by referencing another gift shop that’s 10 
miles away, there’s no danger of having either of 
these gift shops step on each other’s toes 
• Next, let’s take a look at…
STEP 4: What alternative marketing 
campaign to offer your prospects that will 
make them a lot more money than the 
group coupon programs
• So what do you offer a prospect to save them 
from “group coupon hell”? 
• In the Local Marketing Accelerator program, 
what we offer prospects is something with three 
important qualities: 
1. It costs less to use than the group coupon 
2. It produces far greater results – anywhere 
from 40% to 200% greater response than 
group coupon programs – and with a higher 
quality of customers that produces much 
more repeat business 
3. It’s profitable immediately as opposed to 
group coupons which always create an 
immediate loss with only a slight chance of 
recapturing that loss later
• What we use to achieve all three of these points 
is a proven marketing campaign that is much 
more tightly targeted than group coupons which 
are just blasted to a broad area 
• In fact, the marketing areas that group coupon 
services use is so broad, that the majority of and 
advertiser’s dollars are completely wasted
• To verify this, just check the group coupon offers 
you receive to see how many of them are too far 
from where you live to be of interest to you 
• For example, as with gift shops, most restaurants 
pull the majority of their customers from a 3- 
mile radius
• Yet I constantly receive restaurant offers from 
10, 20 and even 40 miles away 
• Since most people aren’t going to drive that far 
to dine out, that’s just wasted money 
• So the first thing we do is target the exact radius 
for each type of business, which is easy to do 
with the tools you get in this program
• Another critical difference that you won’t find 
anywhere else is that in the marketing campaign 
you get with the Local Marketing Accelerator, 
we use a double-engagement device that gets 
prospects to respond on two levels 
• Some will respond on one level 
• Some will respond on the other level
• And many will respond on both levels 
• But the bottom line is that over 20 years of 
testing, nothing has produced nearly as strong a 
response as this double-engagement device 
• And as I mentioned above, it nearly always 
improves results by 40% to 200% 
• The campaign we use has a few variations, so 
let’s move on and take a more detailed look at 
this component
STEP 5: How to create marketing 
templates you can customize in minutes 
for nearly every type of business so it 
takes as little time as possible to service 
each client
• While there’s one basic format for the proven 
marketing campaign we use with clients, there 
are four variations of it 
• This gives you two important advantages 
• First – you can use the same campaign with each 
client, simply by customizing a few points
• Second – this same campaign can be used every 
month by each of your clients simply by rotating 
through the four campaigns 
• So you can keep helping your clients – and 
collecting your fee – every month rather than 
this being a one-shot project 
• Now, it’s essential to be able to quickly modify 
each variation of the campaign and rotate it in as 
• And you want the modifications to give each 
client’s campaigns a truly personal feel 
• So it’s important to have templates for each 
variation and clear instructions on how to modify 
each template with just 10 to 15 minutes of 
• That way, it takes as little time as possible to 
service each client, freeing up more time for you 
to work with even more clients
• And that’s all provided in this program 
• While our marketing campaign is highly 
differentiated from the ineffective, run-of-the 
mill offers you see in the group coupon 
programs, so is our fee structure 
• It has distinct advantages for both you and your 
• So let’s take a deeper look at this
STEP 6: How to license your marketing 
campaigns to clients rather than selling 
them, so you get paid each time they 
use them – year after year
• Now we come to a very important and exciting 
part of this program 
• This concept alone of licensing marketing 
campaigns to your clients rather than selling 
them will set you apart from every other 
• And it will give you a powerful advantage they 
can’t hope to match
• So let me start by clarifying how using a licensing 
model with your clients differs from the standard 
consulting or ad agency model 
• Licensing means that a client pays you to use a 
marketing campaign but they don’t own that 
• You can think of it as your clients “renting” your 
• Now, typically with a standard consulting or ad 
agency arrangement, the client pays a 
substantial upfront fee for a marketing 
campaign and they then own it 
• In addition to the fee, the consultant or ad 
agency places contracts with outside services to 
run the campaign for their clients, both online 
and offline 
• And the consultant gets paid a commission on 
every service they contract, with the standard 
commission being 20%
• This creates an immediate conflict of interest 
because the consultant or ad agency encourages 
the client to run their campaigns many times 
more than is really needed 
• And the last thing the consultant or ad agency 
wants to do is include any method for tracking 
results, because if they did, the client would 
soon see how dismal the results really are and 
fire the consultant or agency
• So the consultant or ad agency is making a lot of 
money regardless of whether or not the 
marketing campaign works 
• And just like with the group coupon services, 
this means that all the risk is on the client’s 
• Because if the campaign doesn’t work, the 
agency still walks away with a fat check, while 
the client stands to lose their entire investment 
• But with a licensing arrangement, the structure 
is completely different – it’s much more fair to 
your clients and more profitable for you
• So again, what you do is “rent” the marketing 
campaign to your client – plus the campaign 
comes with a proven track record of having 
produced excellent results 
• Here’s a critical point to understand about using 
marketing campaigns with a proven track record 
that you can show your clients 
• When you do this, your client is no longer 
deciding whether they should hire you for your 
own personal expertise, experience or creativity
• Their decision is based entirely on the proven 
campaign you possess and their understanding 
that since its worked for dozens of businesses 
just like theirs, it’s almost certain that it will work 
as well for them 
• This means that even if you’re just starting out 
and have never worked with a local business in 
your life, you simply rely on the proven 
campaign and a very effective method of 
removing all their risk so that they have nothing 
to lose
• When you license a proven campaign to a client, 
your fee is based on the actual profits that the 
campaign generates, which means that you only 
get paid if the campaign creates real results 
• So the first thing this does is completely remove 
any risk for your client
• Plus, it eliminates any conflict of interest 
• Since you’re only getting paid for the actual 
results you produce, you can’t overcharge 
• And you’re never tempted to contract for 
services that aren’t needed because wasting 
money would result in you actually getting paid 
• So this licensing model with no risk to your 
clients is what we use rather than the antiquated 
fee plus commission on services model 
• This makes you more of a trusted advisor and 
partner with each client 
• And it’s much more of a win-win for everyone
• Normally, we charge a retainer of $1,500 that’s 
applied against 20% of the profits 
• This makes it very reasonable for your clients to 
get started 
• And because most campaigns run within a week 
or so, your client starts seeing real results 
immediately and you begin collecting your share 
of the profits in a very short time
• Plus, as I mentioned above, with this model you 
stand to make a lot more money than you do 
with a flat fee model 
• Because the more profit a successful campaign 
brings in, the larger your share of those profits 
will be
STEP 7: How to get off to a fast start at 
the local level then quickly ramp up to 
the state and national levels without 
leaving the comfort of your home or 
• Although group coupon programs serve local 
areas, with the Local Marketing Accelerator, it’s 
easy to start locally and then rapidly grow to 
state and national levels 
• The way to do this is to focus on a specific niche 
market – for example, gift shops like I 
mentioned above 
• In that example, I told you that the majority of 
customers for a gift shop come from a 3 mile 
• And in this program, you’ll learn how to use 
simple radius software to target the precise 
marketing area for any business – and most of 
the time, you can get the use of this software for 
• So once you’ve successfully helped a gift shop 
in one radius bring in substantially more 
customers, you simply calculate the next 
closest radius and find the gift shops within that 
radius that are using Groupon and Living Social
• By showing them the results you did for another 
gift shop that’s close by but in a non-competitive 
area, it doesn’t get much easier to land new 
• Then you keep expanding outward, from radius 
to radius until you’ve covered an entire city, 
then an entire state, and so on
• You can repeat this process for as many niche 
markets as you can think of 
• Before you know it, you’ll be hiring people to 
help you service all your new clients!
• So that’s a detailed overview on how the Local 
Marketing Accelerator works 
• As a quick recap, what it allows you to do is: 
1. Identify pre-qualified prospects who are 
already paying for the service that you offer – 
but are unhappy with losing money with the 
group coupon services with only a slim hope 
of making it back in the future
2. Offer these prospects an alternative that 
guarantees they make money right from the 
3. Create multiple winning marketing campaigns 
that turns most clients from one-shot projects 
into eager repeat users of your local 
marketing services
• With this in mind, let’s take a look at the Local 
Marketing Accelerator program itself 
• In order to achieve everything we’ve covered so 
far, here are the components you get with this 
• A detailed, step-by-step blueprint for collecting 
hundreds of pre-qualified leads from Groupon, 
Living Social and Amazon local every week
• A complete list of other accelerator sources you 
can use in addition to the group coupon services 
to quickly identify thousands of additional pre-qualified 
leads you can get delivered directly to 
• The exact prospecting and marketing system my 
team and I use in my business to contact 
prospects who are eager to use your local 
marketing services – and happy to pay 
substantial fees for those services
• In depth training in every aspect of marketing, 
delivering and managing the four variations of 
the proven marketing campaign your clients 
• All four variations of the complete, ready-to-deliver 
marketing campaign with its deep track 
record of success 
• Complete training on exactly how to quickly 
customize each variation of the campaign for 
your clients
• Every marketing document you need to 
effectively sell your services 
• This includes letters, emails, follow-ups and 
presentation scripts along with simple, step-by-step 
instructions for exactly how and when to 
use each document 
• The legal agreement and you need for your 
• Two group coaching calls to answer any 
questions you may have about this innovative 
• Recordings of both group coaching calls that you 
can download or listen to online anytime and 
anywhere you want 
• And much more
• So that’s everything you get in the Local 
Marketing Accelerator program 
• You couldn’t ask for a faster, easier way to 
create a highly profitable, sustainable business 
that you’ll truly enjoy for years to come 
• And the only way to do that is to give this 
unique program a try
• So here’s my offer to you 
• If you’re tired of marketing programs that don’t 
get the results they promise – and if you finally 
want to create a business that’s totally 
enjoyable and rewards you handsomely, then 
the Local Marketing Accelerator is the answer 
• In fact, I believe that if you give it even a decent 
try, you may never buy any other program again
• The enrollment fee for the Local Marketing 
Accelerator is $1,497 spread over three monthly 
payments of $499 each 
• Or you can take $200 right off the top by making 
a single payment of $1,297 
• Just click either of the links below to enroll now
• By the way, this fee is a fraction of what it would 
cost you to start almost any business 
• And don’t forget that with most businesses, 
you’re left on your own to figure out how to 
find the prospects that are the life blood of any 
business – and without those prospects, most 
businesses quickly crash and burn
• But with the Local Marketing Accelerator you 
get hundreds of high quality, pre-qualified leads 
delivered directly to your inbox every week 
• That alone sets this apart from all other 
programs and makes the enrollment fee a drop 
in the bucket compared to what you can 
potentially earn
• Plus I want to make it even easier and let you 
test drive this entire program at no risk 
• While this program does require an investment 
of time and money on your part, I’m as 
committed to your success as you are 
• And I will completely put myself on the line to 
guarantee your results
• Here’s how this works – I want you to take a full 
30 days to prove to yourself how effective and 
how easy to implement the Local Marketing 
Accelerator really is 
• Go through all the materials, use the done-for-you 
marketing pieces to contact some of the pre-qualified 
prospects that Groupon, Living Social 
and Amazon Local deliver directly to you every 
• See for yourself how quickly these prospects pull 
out their credit cards to sign up for your services 
• If at any time during this 30-day test drive, you 
don’t feel that this is the easiest, most 
enjoyable way to create a truly rewarding 
business, just drop me an email and you’ll 
receive a full refund with no questions asked
• I’m happy to offer you this no-risk guarantee 
because I know the power of this program 
• And I’m confident that you’ll fully “get it” the 
first day you dig into the material 
• With this guarantee, all the risk is on me and you 
simply can’t lose
• You’re just a click away from starting to profit 
over and over again as a local marketing 
• So enroll now using either of the links below to 
start enjoying the financial rewards and lifestyle 
available from building your own local 
marketing business 
• Thanks for taking the time to watch this video – 
and I hope to meet you in person in the 

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Local Marketing Accelerator Sales Slides V1.0

  • 2. • If you’re a local marketing consultant – or someone who wants to fast track their way to being a successful local marketing consultant – there is one (and only one) critical factor that separates successful consultants from consultants who struggle to keep their doors open
  • 3. • This one factor is: Being able to attract a steady stream of pre-qualified prospects who are highly likely to do business with you
  • 4. • If you’re a local marketing consultant – or someone who wants to fast track their way to being a successful local marketing consultant – there is one (and only one) critical factor that separates successful consultants from consultants who struggle to keep their doors open • This one factor is: Being able to attract a steady stream of pre-qualified prospects who are highly likely to do business with you
  • 5. • Because bottom line, if you don't have a consistent flow of prospects, you'll never have enough clients to create a sustainable business • Most consultants, even those who are successful, struggle with this prospecting problem continually, causing their businesses to experience drastic peaks and valleys
  • 6. • Fortunately, the solution to this problem is actually quite simple • You see, there are three powerful sources of pre-qualified leads that will send you dozens of prospects every day – for free • These three sources are available to anyone
  • 7. • In fact, you receive emails from most of them every day • But few people ever recognize that these sources can provide you with all the leads you’ll ever need to succeed as a local marketing consultant – and that all of these leads are delivered directly to you for free • So what are these three powerful sources of a never ending stream of pre-qualified prospects?
  • 8. • They are: 1. Groupon 2. Living Social 3. Amazon Local
  • 9. • All three of these are commonly referred to as "group coupon" services • And while these three are the big dogs in the industry, there are many other group coupon programs that will feed you highly qualified leads as well • But for today, we’ll focus just on the Big 3
  • 10. • So with this foundational principle in mind, let’s start with the single most important piece of information that you’ll get from this training • What's critical to understand here is that the emails you receive every day with these group coupon offers are… All from businesses that are paying for this service
  • 11. • And decades of scientific studies have proven that the single best predictor of a client who will buy from you is someone who is already buying something similar • Conversely, this is precisely why the vast majority of local marketing consultants fail • You see, they try to market their services to anyone and everyone
  • 12. • But when you do this, it’s both expensive and ineffective, because you never know who is a true prospect and who isn’t • So you waste a lot of time and money trying to convince people who aren’t interested in your services to hire you • Worst of all, this waste is totally unnecessary when you have such rich sources of proven buyers sending you dozens of pre-qualified leads every day for free
  • 13. • Now, there’s also a second point that’s vital to understand • And this second point is actually what makes the Local Marketing Accelerator so successful • So here it is…
  • 14. • You see, these group coupon programs charge massive fees that cause the businesses that use them to lose money now with the hope that they’ll make up for it in future business • So Groupon, Living Social and Amazon Local make their money up front and never have any risk • But the businesses that use them always take on considerable risk
  • 15. • So that you really understand the situation, AND the opportunity here, let’s take a quick look at how a typical local coupon deal works from the vendor’s point of view • Our vendor, Joe’s Restaurant, is trying to get new customers in the door and spending money • So Joe signs up to use Groupon to blast out his discount offer
  • 16. • Joe creates a deal that gives customers $100 of food for just $50 • Now, that’s a great deal for diners • But let’s examine how this deal works – or actually, DOESN’T work – for Joe
  • 17. • Per the terms of Groupon, the most that Joe will make on a customer ordering $100 worth of food is $25 – and sometimes a lot less • That’s rarely enough to cover the cost of food, his kitchen and wait staff, and overhead, so Joe is actually LOSING money • At best, Joe is hoping that customers enjoy his food so much that they will come back again, at which point he hopes to begin to make up for his loss
  • 18. • But unfortunately for Joe, the fact is that group coupon customers are typically the worst type of customers • They’re only seeking deep discounts and their loyalty is to the next coupon deal that comes along, not to Joe • So very few of these coupon chasers will ever return to Joe’s Restaurant
  • 19. • Plus, here’s another fact that many local businesses don’t realize until it’s too late • According to a recent Harvard study published on the Huffington Post, businesses tend to see their Yelp ratings drop dramatically after offering a Groupon deal
  • 20. • That’s because online coupons attract easily dissatisfied bargain hunters who not only fail to return to local businesses after redeeming discounts, but also tend to bad-mouth the business on the web • They are difficult to please, create huge headaches for the vendor and then leave nasty, negative feedback • So given the significant financial loss and negative feedback, why do vendors continue to use these group coupon programs?
  • 21. • Because they’re desperate for new business • And that’s where we come in • These negatives work in your favor – especially when you approach businesses after they’ve run a group coupon campaign and are experiencing these headaches for themselves
  • 22. • That’s the reason this program is called the Local Marketing Accelerator • Because it starts by putting an immediate end to the immense risk that your clients get stuck with when they use group coupon services • And it shows you how to help them by replacing the group coupon programs with an alternative that accelerates the number of high-quality customers they bring in and is actually profitable from day one
  • 23. • And because you’re dealing only with businesses that are already paying to advertise locally – and they’re losing money by doing this with the group coupon services – landing new clients for your services couldn’t get much easier • So now that you understanding these important concepts, in the remainder of this training we’re going to cover the following 7 steps…
  • 24. 1. How to get group coupon programs to feed you tens of thousands of pre-qualified leads every year – anywhere from 147 to 491 leads per week – so many that you never need another source of leads again 2. Which types of businesses are ideal to target – and which to avoid at all costs 3. How to approach the ideal businesses quickly, easily and with the highest probability of them welcoming you, without any cold calling or knocking on doors
  • 25. 4. What alternative marketing campaign to offer your prospects that will make them a lot more money than the group coupon programs 5. How to create marketing templates you can customize in minutes for nearly every type of business so it takes as little time as possible to service each client
  • 26. 6. How to license your marketing campaigns to clients rather than selling them, so you get paid each time they use them – year after year 7. How to get off to a fast start at the local level then quickly ramp up to state and national levels without leaving the comfort of your home or office • So let’s dig into the details of each step
  • 27. STEP 1: How to get group coupon programs to feed you tens of thousands of pre-qualified leads every year – anywhere from 147 to 491 leads per week – so many that you never need another source of leads again
  • 28. • At the risk of repeating myself, let me emphasize as strongly as possible… • THE single most important factor in having a thriving, highly-profitable consulting practice is being able to keep a steady stream of qualified prospects coming in at all times
  • 29. • Not just this month… • Not just in your busy season… • But every month like clockwork
  • 30. • Because if you can’t generate a consistent flow of highly qualified prospects, it’s only natural that you’ll experience substantial peaks and valleys • And if you don’t master the prospecting process, you’ll never have enough clients to create a highly profitable, sustainable business • So the first Step in this program focuses on this all important topic
  • 31. • It shows you how to get group coupon programs to feed you tens of thousands of pre-qualified leads every year • Here’s how this is done • First, it’s critical to understand the meaning of pre-qualified leads
  • 32. • As I mentioned earlier, the single best predictor of a prospect who will buy from you is someone who is already buying something similar to what you offer – in this case, a marketing campaign designed to bring in new customers • And when you get an email with group coupon offers from Groupon, Living Social, Amazon Local or any other group coupon service, every offer is from a business that’s paying for this service
  • 33. • So you never have to guess whether or not they buy marketing services • Because they’re paying substantial fees to tell you in no uncertain terms that they are definitely buying marketing services! • So how many leads can you expect to get each week from these three group coupon services?
  • 34. • Here’s a real life example based on my own actual subscriptions • I’m subscribed to Groupon, Living Social, and Amazon Local • On an average day, I receive 7 emails from these services • BUT – each email comes with 3 to 10 offers
  • 35. • So let’s do a little quick math • On the low end of 3 offers times 7 emails, that would be 21 offers per day – all from companies that are paying to have their offer put in front of you • On the high end of 10 offers times 7 emails, that comes to 70 offers per day
  • 36. • On a yearly basis, the low end (21 offers x 365 days) clocks in at 7,665 offers per year • And on the high end of 70 offers X 365 days, you’d receive 25,550 offers delivered right to your inbox • That’s anywhere between 147 to 491 highly qualified leads delivered directly to you every week
  • 37. • So without having to lift a finger, you can get thousands of pre-qualified leads to tell you every year, “Hey, I’m paying for the exact type of marketing that you’re selling” • Pretty sweet if you ask me! • So now that you have all those leads coming in, that brings us to the next step
  • 38. STEP 2: Which types of businesses are ideal to target – and which to avoid at all costs
  • 39. • Now, even though you’re receiving thousands of leads and they’re all spending money to advertise with the group coupon services, not all of these leads are truly qualified to use your services • And it’s critical that you’re able to identify your ideal clients before you ever invest any time or money marketing to them • So here’s exactly how you do this
  • 40. • Primarily, you want to target local businesses • Some national brands advertise regularly on group coupon services and approaching those leads is a waste of your time • Similarly, there are local franchises that are part of national chains that may be restricted by the national chain from advertising on their own – or they’re forced to use the ads provided by the national chain
  • 41. • So you want to avoid those local franchise owners as well • Now, let’s say that eliminating those two categories rules out 20% of your prospects • You still have between 6,132 to 20,440 prospects you could approach every year
  • 42. • Now, in addition to franchises, I also tend to stay away from highly regulated industries • Two that come to mind are real estate and moving services • In the U.S. both of these industries are prohibited from discounting their rates or sharing fees in most states
  • 43. • And because there are so many industries that don’t have these restrictions, I avoid regulated industries and focus on the low-hanging fruit instead • But because they are regulated, you rarely see these types of businesses using group coupon services, so they don’t really reduce your prospect count to any significant degree
  • 44. • Other than these couple of exceptions, just about any industry is a good fit for this approach • Otherwise, they wouldn’t be buying group coupon services in the first place • So now that we’ve targeted our ideal prospects, let’s move on to the next step
  • 45. STEP 3: How to approach the ideal businesses quickly, easily and with the highest probability of them welcoming you, without any cold calling or knocking on doors
  • 46. • This step is very simple, but if it isn’t done properly, it will either fail or your results will be just a fraction of what they could be • The initial contact can be made either by email or by letter • The advantage to using a letter is that people receive a lot less postal mail than they do emails, so you can often get their attention more easily with a letter
  • 47. • On the other hand, it’s much easier to cut and paste your template email, then take a couple minutes to customize it for each prospect • I still use both methods and they both work well
  • 48. • The key to any successful approach piece is to either… • Identify the pain your prospect is feeling and offer them the solution • Or use proof of the results you’ve produced for other similar companies to demonstrate how you can help them get much better results in their business
  • 49. • Here again, I use both methods • However, I’ve found that if you can say something like: “I provide a service to get significantly more customers into your gift shop. My team just did this for the Evergreen Gift Shop about 10 miles away from you and they report that their sales are up by 27%. I’d love to show you how we could do the same for you.”
  • 50. • You can practically guarantee that you’ll get a response • Why? There are two reasons • First – the person you’re contacting most likely knows the owner of the Evergreen Gift Shop and can easily verify what you’ve said
  • 51. • Second – by doing your homework using the tools you get in this program, you know that the customer area for gift shops is a radius of 3 miles • And by referencing another gift shop that’s 10 miles away, there’s no danger of having either of these gift shops step on each other’s toes • Next, let’s take a look at…
  • 52. STEP 4: What alternative marketing campaign to offer your prospects that will make them a lot more money than the group coupon programs
  • 53. • So what do you offer a prospect to save them from “group coupon hell”? • In the Local Marketing Accelerator program, what we offer prospects is something with three important qualities: 1. It costs less to use than the group coupon services
  • 54. 2. It produces far greater results – anywhere from 40% to 200% greater response than group coupon programs – and with a higher quality of customers that produces much more repeat business 3. It’s profitable immediately as opposed to group coupons which always create an immediate loss with only a slight chance of recapturing that loss later
  • 55. • What we use to achieve all three of these points is a proven marketing campaign that is much more tightly targeted than group coupons which are just blasted to a broad area • In fact, the marketing areas that group coupon services use is so broad, that the majority of and advertiser’s dollars are completely wasted
  • 56. • To verify this, just check the group coupon offers you receive to see how many of them are too far from where you live to be of interest to you • For example, as with gift shops, most restaurants pull the majority of their customers from a 3- mile radius
  • 57. • Yet I constantly receive restaurant offers from 10, 20 and even 40 miles away • Since most people aren’t going to drive that far to dine out, that’s just wasted money • So the first thing we do is target the exact radius for each type of business, which is easy to do with the tools you get in this program
  • 58. • Another critical difference that you won’t find anywhere else is that in the marketing campaign you get with the Local Marketing Accelerator, we use a double-engagement device that gets prospects to respond on two levels • Some will respond on one level • Some will respond on the other level
  • 59. • And many will respond on both levels • But the bottom line is that over 20 years of testing, nothing has produced nearly as strong a response as this double-engagement device • And as I mentioned above, it nearly always improves results by 40% to 200% • The campaign we use has a few variations, so let’s move on and take a more detailed look at this component
  • 60. STEP 5: How to create marketing templates you can customize in minutes for nearly every type of business so it takes as little time as possible to service each client
  • 61. • While there’s one basic format for the proven marketing campaign we use with clients, there are four variations of it • This gives you two important advantages • First – you can use the same campaign with each client, simply by customizing a few points
  • 62. • Second – this same campaign can be used every month by each of your clients simply by rotating through the four campaigns • So you can keep helping your clients – and collecting your fee – every month rather than this being a one-shot project • Now, it’s essential to be able to quickly modify each variation of the campaign and rotate it in as needed
  • 63. • And you want the modifications to give each client’s campaigns a truly personal feel • So it’s important to have templates for each variation and clear instructions on how to modify each template with just 10 to 15 minutes of effort • That way, it takes as little time as possible to service each client, freeing up more time for you to work with even more clients
  • 64. • And that’s all provided in this program • While our marketing campaign is highly differentiated from the ineffective, run-of-the mill offers you see in the group coupon programs, so is our fee structure • It has distinct advantages for both you and your clients • So let’s take a deeper look at this
  • 65. STEP 6: How to license your marketing campaigns to clients rather than selling them, so you get paid each time they use them – year after year
  • 66. • Now we come to a very important and exciting part of this program • This concept alone of licensing marketing campaigns to your clients rather than selling them will set you apart from every other consultant • And it will give you a powerful advantage they can’t hope to match
  • 67. • So let me start by clarifying how using a licensing model with your clients differs from the standard consulting or ad agency model • Licensing means that a client pays you to use a marketing campaign but they don’t own that campaign • You can think of it as your clients “renting” your services
  • 68. • Now, typically with a standard consulting or ad agency arrangement, the client pays a substantial upfront fee for a marketing campaign and they then own it • In addition to the fee, the consultant or ad agency places contracts with outside services to run the campaign for their clients, both online and offline • And the consultant gets paid a commission on every service they contract, with the standard commission being 20%
  • 69. • This creates an immediate conflict of interest because the consultant or ad agency encourages the client to run their campaigns many times more than is really needed • And the last thing the consultant or ad agency wants to do is include any method for tracking results, because if they did, the client would soon see how dismal the results really are and fire the consultant or agency
  • 70. • So the consultant or ad agency is making a lot of money regardless of whether or not the marketing campaign works • And just like with the group coupon services, this means that all the risk is on the client’s shoulders
  • 71. • Because if the campaign doesn’t work, the agency still walks away with a fat check, while the client stands to lose their entire investment • But with a licensing arrangement, the structure is completely different – it’s much more fair to your clients and more profitable for you
  • 72. • So again, what you do is “rent” the marketing campaign to your client – plus the campaign comes with a proven track record of having produced excellent results • Here’s a critical point to understand about using marketing campaigns with a proven track record that you can show your clients • When you do this, your client is no longer deciding whether they should hire you for your own personal expertise, experience or creativity
  • 73. • Their decision is based entirely on the proven campaign you possess and their understanding that since its worked for dozens of businesses just like theirs, it’s almost certain that it will work as well for them • This means that even if you’re just starting out and have never worked with a local business in your life, you simply rely on the proven campaign and a very effective method of removing all their risk so that they have nothing to lose
  • 74. • When you license a proven campaign to a client, your fee is based on the actual profits that the campaign generates, which means that you only get paid if the campaign creates real results • So the first thing this does is completely remove any risk for your client
  • 75. • Plus, it eliminates any conflict of interest • Since you’re only getting paid for the actual results you produce, you can’t overcharge • And you’re never tempted to contract for services that aren’t needed because wasting money would result in you actually getting paid less
  • 76. • So this licensing model with no risk to your clients is what we use rather than the antiquated fee plus commission on services model • This makes you more of a trusted advisor and partner with each client • And it’s much more of a win-win for everyone
  • 77. • Normally, we charge a retainer of $1,500 that’s applied against 20% of the profits • This makes it very reasonable for your clients to get started • And because most campaigns run within a week or so, your client starts seeing real results immediately and you begin collecting your share of the profits in a very short time
  • 78. • Plus, as I mentioned above, with this model you stand to make a lot more money than you do with a flat fee model • Because the more profit a successful campaign brings in, the larger your share of those profits will be
  • 79. STEP 7: How to get off to a fast start at the local level then quickly ramp up to the state and national levels without leaving the comfort of your home or office
  • 80. • Although group coupon programs serve local areas, with the Local Marketing Accelerator, it’s easy to start locally and then rapidly grow to state and national levels • The way to do this is to focus on a specific niche market – for example, gift shops like I mentioned above • In that example, I told you that the majority of customers for a gift shop come from a 3 mile radius
  • 81. • And in this program, you’ll learn how to use simple radius software to target the precise marketing area for any business – and most of the time, you can get the use of this software for free • So once you’ve successfully helped a gift shop in one radius bring in substantially more customers, you simply calculate the next closest radius and find the gift shops within that radius that are using Groupon and Living Social
  • 82. • By showing them the results you did for another gift shop that’s close by but in a non-competitive area, it doesn’t get much easier to land new clients • Then you keep expanding outward, from radius to radius until you’ve covered an entire city, then an entire state, and so on
  • 83. • You can repeat this process for as many niche markets as you can think of • Before you know it, you’ll be hiring people to help you service all your new clients!
  • 84. • So that’s a detailed overview on how the Local Marketing Accelerator works • As a quick recap, what it allows you to do is: 1. Identify pre-qualified prospects who are already paying for the service that you offer – but are unhappy with losing money with the group coupon services with only a slim hope of making it back in the future
  • 85. 2. Offer these prospects an alternative that guarantees they make money right from the start 3. Create multiple winning marketing campaigns that turns most clients from one-shot projects into eager repeat users of your local marketing services
  • 86. • With this in mind, let’s take a look at the Local Marketing Accelerator program itself • In order to achieve everything we’ve covered so far, here are the components you get with this program… • A detailed, step-by-step blueprint for collecting hundreds of pre-qualified leads from Groupon, Living Social and Amazon local every week
  • 87. • A complete list of other accelerator sources you can use in addition to the group coupon services to quickly identify thousands of additional pre-qualified leads you can get delivered directly to you • The exact prospecting and marketing system my team and I use in my business to contact prospects who are eager to use your local marketing services – and happy to pay substantial fees for those services
  • 88. • In depth training in every aspect of marketing, delivering and managing the four variations of the proven marketing campaign your clients • All four variations of the complete, ready-to-deliver marketing campaign with its deep track record of success • Complete training on exactly how to quickly customize each variation of the campaign for your clients
  • 89. • Every marketing document you need to effectively sell your services • This includes letters, emails, follow-ups and presentation scripts along with simple, step-by-step instructions for exactly how and when to use each document • The legal agreement and you need for your contracts
  • 90. • Two group coaching calls to answer any questions you may have about this innovative system • Recordings of both group coaching calls that you can download or listen to online anytime and anywhere you want • And much more
  • 91. • So that’s everything you get in the Local Marketing Accelerator program • You couldn’t ask for a faster, easier way to create a highly profitable, sustainable business that you’ll truly enjoy for years to come • And the only way to do that is to give this unique program a try
  • 92. • So here’s my offer to you • If you’re tired of marketing programs that don’t get the results they promise – and if you finally want to create a business that’s totally enjoyable and rewards you handsomely, then the Local Marketing Accelerator is the answer • In fact, I believe that if you give it even a decent try, you may never buy any other program again
  • 93. • The enrollment fee for the Local Marketing Accelerator is $1,497 spread over three monthly payments of $499 each • Or you can take $200 right off the top by making a single payment of $1,297 • Just click either of the links below to enroll now
  • 94. • By the way, this fee is a fraction of what it would cost you to start almost any business • And don’t forget that with most businesses, you’re left on your own to figure out how to find the prospects that are the life blood of any business – and without those prospects, most businesses quickly crash and burn
  • 95. • But with the Local Marketing Accelerator you get hundreds of high quality, pre-qualified leads delivered directly to your inbox every week • That alone sets this apart from all other programs and makes the enrollment fee a drop in the bucket compared to what you can potentially earn
  • 96. • Plus I want to make it even easier and let you test drive this entire program at no risk whatsoever • While this program does require an investment of time and money on your part, I’m as committed to your success as you are • And I will completely put myself on the line to guarantee your results
  • 97. • Here’s how this works – I want you to take a full 30 days to prove to yourself how effective and how easy to implement the Local Marketing Accelerator really is • Go through all the materials, use the done-for-you marketing pieces to contact some of the pre-qualified prospects that Groupon, Living Social and Amazon Local deliver directly to you every day
  • 98. • See for yourself how quickly these prospects pull out their credit cards to sign up for your services • If at any time during this 30-day test drive, you don’t feel that this is the easiest, most enjoyable way to create a truly rewarding business, just drop me an email and you’ll receive a full refund with no questions asked
  • 99. • I’m happy to offer you this no-risk guarantee because I know the power of this program • And I’m confident that you’ll fully “get it” the first day you dig into the material • With this guarantee, all the risk is on me and you simply can’t lose
  • 100. • You’re just a click away from starting to profit over and over again as a local marketing consultant • So enroll now using either of the links below to start enjoying the financial rewards and lifestyle available from building your own local marketing business • Thanks for taking the time to watch this video – and I hope to meet you in person in the program