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Lobbyists Argumentative Essay
Many controversial topics have surfaced recently, but one that tends to fly under the radar is
lobbying. Lobbying is defined as a group of persons who work or conduct a campaign to influence
members of a legislature to vote according to a group's special interests ("Lobby"). Although
average citizens are not fully aware of the issue, it is quite contentious in politics. For those who are
against it, they believe that restrictions should be placed on lobbying because it distorts democracy.
Lobbyists use money and cost–effective strategies to sway the opinions of lawmakers. Others see
lobbyists as effective, political tour guides who help pass legislation. An analysis of the lobbying
process reveals the outcomes are often ... Show more content on ...
Lobbyists must record all expenditures. This practice is typical of people–intensive businesses and
organizations such as politics, public relations, and economics. Lobbyists are trying to persuade
other individuals to spend money, invest time, and be of the same mind in regard to legislation and
finances. There is concern over how they persuade others though, because they use huge sums of
money that pressure groups to contribute to what the lobbyist is advocating for.
Is There Controversy on the Horizon?
Both sides of the topic have gripping reasons why they feel the way they do. The supporters believe
that lobbying is acceptable and contributes to a healthy democracy. In this light, lobbyists are simply
seeking power within governmental and public affairs. In the United States our political system is
based on power, authority, and legitimacy. One of our nation's values is the fact that people can and
should try to influence our political system; individuals have the power to bring attention to
important issues, matters of public concern, and current problems. Supports argue that lobbying
cannot contribute to the demise of American democracy. All these factors contribute to what is our
political system and lobbyists are arguably doing their best to advocate for the people, even if huge
sums of money are involved.
Fair Lobbying
The National Association for the Advancement of
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Special Interest
Define an interest group with examples. Interest group – usually a voluntary organization where
members share a common interest in which they seek to influence public policy, without seeking
political control. They have primary activities such as lobbying the members of the legislative
bodies through contributions to political parties, trying to elect sympathetic or pliable politicians,
and by conducting covert or open propaganda campaigns. (Interest Groups, n.d.) There are a few
different types of interest groups and they are as follows:
Economic Interest Groups This is the largest category that includes organizations that represent big
businesses, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers
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(1) They seek to win elections or electoral positions; (2) they reorganize around those periodic
elections and then may become less active, and (3) they depend on the local mobilization of voters
who support political candidates but not necessarily the party organization. Interest groups are more
issue oriented, are continuously maintained, and are dependent on supporters who identify with their
organization. (Browne, n.d.) One thing that differentiates political parties from interest groups arises
from the nature of the political system in which they operate and from the various electoral rules and
structures that exist in different countries. In corporatist societies, interest groups may be invited to
participate in government decisions to the exclusion of competitor interests. In parliamentary
system, a party may have a narrow base and may try to win only a small number of legislative seats.
(Browne, n.d.)
Explain how interest groups try to influence the president and Congress as these two branches work
together to make policy. Trying to persuade government officials through direct inside contact is
called the inside game. Lobbying is another term for inside game. Lobbyists normally work for a
specific interest group, corporation, or law firm that specializes in professional lobbying. (Interest
Groups, 2012) Lobbying originates from the way interest groups played the inside games in the
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Lobbying and Politics Essay
Dating back many decades, it appears that lobbying and politics have always gone hand and hand on
any political stage. Lobbying has always had a strong presence in the legislation system. Lobbying
is the process of offering campaign contributions, bribes, or information to policymakers for the
purpose of achieving favorable policy outcomes. Conventional wisdom suggests that lobbying is the
preferred mean for exerting political influence in rich countries and corruption in poor countries.
The legislation is meant to benefit society and ensure that citizens are having their voices heard,
instead of hindering them in favour of the multi–national corporations. Lobbying has a negative
influence on legislations in both developed and developing ... Show more content on ...
This is astonishing as it benefited these companies as they saved hundreds of millions from taxes.
This hinders the political process as it then causes an issue for the citizens as tax revenue from the
lobbyers decrease, it leads to taxes being increased on everybody else. Among Fortune 100
companies, the ten that lobbied most in 2010 paid an average effective tax rate of 17%; the 80 that
lobbied least paid an average of 26% (The Economist, 2014). Tax revenue is required by any
government to be able to operate. In addition to tax increases on others, a reduction in overall
spending and services by the government can be used to compensate for tax cuts obtained by the
corporations who lobby. If in this situation of lobbied tax cuts, the government wants to sustain its
spending, while not increasing taxes or the government, it is able to use debt in order to operate.
Although this helps in the short time–period, the long–term affects can negatively affect the country.
Throughout the national and state governments, public institutions like schools have been receiving
decreased funding, particularly if their services are geared towards those who have no lobbying
presence (Sager, 2012). This makes sense, as corporations who use lobbyists wouldn't let their
services be cut when there are ways to offset the costs onto
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IIDAAdvocacy Group Analysis
Monday night was the first meeting of IIDA advocacy group of the year. The group consisted of
eleven people total. We had four students including myself who attended the meeting. The
professional members jobs array from working as a space planner at Open Square to an interior
architect from IA. The meeting started with the president of the group asking each one of us to write
down three goals and ideas for a community outreach project. My ideas consisted of working with a
homeless shelter to provide adequate rooms for the families, working with a local elementary school
to build a maker's space for the children, and creating a large event that mimic's TED X by creating
a large educational form for all design fields to support a cause.
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Pros And Cons Of Dog Parks
The lack of off–leash styled dog parks across the United States of America have brought much
debate and unrest within communities. Cities and neighborhoods that do not provide these types of
dog parks make it difficult for pet owners to provide exercise, social activities, and a place where
dog and dog owners grow and learn together. Park and recreation advocates question the public
advocacy on the assets and location in construction for the dog park. Other locals are against the
idea of off–leash style dog parks due to their concerns about safety and other potentially problematic
issues. Ed Fowley a reporter and dog owner from Los Angeles states, "...They don't know how
strong the pack instincts are in their family pets. These drives can and often do click into high gear
when a dog is taken into a park with strange dogs." (Fowley). Dog parks can vary from different
shapes and sizes however, the certain type of dog parks pertaining to this problem are those in which
dog owners are legally able to allow their dogs to roam unbound by leashes or constrictions
regulated by city and state. The park and recreation advocates of communities who have few or little
to none, off–leash dog parks are struggled to balance the fine line that crosses the accounts and
finances of production all the while, fight fear that it may create more issues. Families that use off–
leash dog parks are able to thoroughly help and develop their dogs for a better life. Off–leash dog
parks allow both pets and owners to learn and grow through exercising and socializing without
constant worry of infringing someone else rights. It benefits dogs as they are given adequate space
to run and use as an outlet meanwhile, recognizing certain behaviors of more respectable and mature
pets through socializing. Properly exercising dogs allow them to relieve tension and unbend; this
potentially changes them from being noisy and irritable into more quite and friendlier animals.
There have been numerous accounts within my neighborhood where the local residents have filed
noise complaints on local dog owners. In the recent study, "On the Fence: Dog Parks in the
(Un)Leashing of Community and Social Capital," authors Taryn Graham and Troy Glover of the
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The Ethics Of The Texas Government
After examining the power one lobbyist can have in the Texas government, it is appropriate to look
at the enormity of what a corporation who specializes in lobbying efforts is capable of. The
company being examined is called Cassidy and Associates. Cassidy came into the forefront of Texas
politics, when in 2006 Carol Strayhorn, the comptroller announced the state of Texas "would be
suspending payments to a Washington lobbying firm hired by Rick Perry, called Cassidy and
Associates" (Zeller 2006). The reason this is a seemingly bold move by the comptroller is because
of how powerful this company is. In 1999, "Cassidy and Associates billed their clients 19.8 million
dollars, making them the biggest–grossing lobbying firm in the nation" ... Show more content on ...
Another example of this is in New York City, where a "hospital for special surgery, paid Cassidy
140,000 dollars and obtained a 1 million dollar grant from HRSA" (Zeller 2006). This is what
lobbyist companies are able to do they receive a sum from their customer and then in return try and
give them a lot of government money. This affected Texas because not every time someone gives a
lobbying group money are they guaranteed to receive anything in return. One of Cassidy 's clients
were the president at the University of Dallas, and what probably took place is that they did not get
the federal funding at one of the universities in the state and now the accountant or comptroller
begins to wonder why public universities are giving a lobbying group in Washington so much
money and getting nothing back, so she pulls the plug on allowing them to receive any more money.
Cassidy certainly has not shied away from looking shady with their business. In the nineties they
hired as CEO a man named Marty Pusso and he was "vice chairman of the house ways and means
health subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over numerous healthcare issues and programs" (Zeller
2006). Being the Vice Chairman as well as CEO of a lobbying company that "in 1999 received 1.3
million dollars from 10 hospitals" (Zeller 2006) seems to create a conflict of interest problem or in
Pusso's case a solution. Furthermore, this questions as to how
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History Of The National Retail Federation
The National Retail Federation is the Nation's largest retail group with over 18,000 member–
companies. The NRF represents 1.6 million companies and over 24 million employees. It makes
sense since retail is one of the largest industries in the world. Retail accounts for 1 in 4 jobs in the
United States and contributes over 2.6 Trillion to the annual GDP. The NRF has several different
things it does, like many other special interest groups. It mainly serves as a voice for the retail
industry. With over 10 different interests residing in fields from Chain Restaurants, Finance and
Global Issues, to Legal, Small Business, and Technology. They are a voice for every type of retail,
and anything that is directly affected by retail. Since their ... Show more content on
Patrick's Day, Super Bowl, Tax Returns, Valentine's Day, and the Holiday Season.). One of the
biggest reasons they do this is to provide a tangible service for their due–paying members. While
members do see value in the NRF's lobbying, it is very hard to measure and really see results from
most of the time. Like many other interest groups, this is the NRF's way of staying afloat and paying
those who lobby. That is why due–paying members are crucial to the NRF, this is their main source
of income. Along with that, the NRF is also funded by large conferences and events. The
conferences they host are some of the largest n retail with over 40,000 attendees. Another reason the
NRF puts out these reports and hosts events is to gain recognition and create a reputable strong
name. In today's world if a business does not have a name for themselves, they can not succeed. The
NRF recognizes how crucial this is. If they want to properly lobby and advocate for retail, they must
have some authority when going to government officials.
This leads us to the lobbying side of the NRF. The group lobbys for retail, and everything that
affects it. The NRF breaks down into different specific areas to lobby for. With over 60 departments/
committees, they cover a broad range of things. Some of the very specific groups lobby for:
protection against patent trolls, consumer credit issues, postal issues, supply chain, and support for
the Americans with Disability Act. The NRF has a
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College Interest Groups
A gathering of individuals that tries to impact open strategy on the premise of a specific regular
intrigue or concern called interest group. When people get disturbance, they are more likely going to
create new form of interest group. We also did the same thing when our college increased our tuition
cost. We have created the group which we call National Organization of Collegiate American
Students Needing Help (NOCASH). Our motive was to persuade the congress, college
administration or board of the college member to reduce our tuition cost, so we can easily afford our
tuition fee. We understand we do have a lot of obstacles to achieve this goal, especially when we are
grass root interest group. We know we cannot hire special lobbyist to lobby ... Show more content
on ...
"NCAN utilizes four strategies to assist states, schools, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and
philanthropists provide better education access to low–income and underrepresented students. Their
strategy of capacity building seeks to ensure that those who help students are well–trained and well–
informed. By utilizing benchmarking, NCAN can standardize data that will help monitor, compare,
and improve progress. Collective impact encourages groups that help support postsecondary
completion rates. Lastly, their policy strategy fights to properly represent low–income and other
disadvantaged students." Another one called The Education Trust. "seeks educational justice for all
students, especially low–income students and students of color. With its promise of being equality–
driven, data–centered, and student–focused, EdTrust works with educators, students, parents,
policymakers, and civic leaders to transform and better the school system. By analyzing local, state,
and national data, EdTrust takes a hard look at opportunity gaps, and works diligently to close
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Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
1. ... Show more content on ...
Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods under abusive
working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in this context.
Influence of CSOs on government
CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment and labor
provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning of genetically modified organisms and
food products and forcing World Bank to excuse the debt of developing countries.
MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where they collaborate
with corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community. They try to influence various
policies without being directly involved in it. Stakeholder–agency theory which can be used to study
this role, assumes that the corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of
stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1]
"INSERT figure 4 HERE": CSOs acting as direct influencers
One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in mediation of
Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October 1992, attended by the
Community of Sant'Egidio. Other example includes CSOs persuading Home
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The Impact of Customer Advocacy on Customer Perceived...
The impact of customer advocacy on customer perceived value; written by Ying–Pin Yeh Published
in The Journal of Business and Retail Management Research Vol. 8 Issue 1 October 2013, set out to
research and analyze the effect of customer perceived value influences customer advocacy. Ying–Pin
Yeh attempted to show the effects of customer trust, satisfaction, and perceived value in the telecom
companies in Taiwan. This article attempts to prove that telecommunication business should be
investing in to increase customer advocacy by building trust and satisfaction. The study utilizes 388
surveys to gather data enabling Yeh to evaluate six hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 Customer trust has a
positive impact on perceived value. Hypothesis 2 Customer satisfaction has a positive impact on
customer perceived value. Hypothesis 3 Customer advocacy has a positive impact on customer trust.
Hypothesis 4 Customer Advocacy has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Hypothesis 5
Customer empowerment has a positive impact on the firm's customer advocacy. Hypothesis 6
Organizational innovation has a positive impact on the firm's customer advocacy. (Yeh, 2013)
Customer advocacy aims to build deeper customer relationships by earning new levels of trust and
commitment and by developing mutual transparency, dialogue, and partnership with customers.
(Yeh, 2013) This study tries to identify how the effects of consumer advocacy directly impacts the
trust, satisfaction and perceived customer value.
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Austin Braham
The American Association of Retired Persons is a powerful special interest group that protects the
interests of retirees across the US by lobbying politicians to pass legislation in the organization's
favor. Inside you will find detailed information outlining AARP's mission, purpose, and scope.
Austin Braham
The American Association of Retired Persons is a powerful special interest group that protects the
interests of retirees across the US by lobbying politicians to pass legislation in the organization's
favor. Inside you will find detailed information outlining AARP's mission, purpose, and scope.
Politicians are elected in part on the basis of the issues by which they stand, and these issues are
either held up or ... Show more content on ...
Distribution of articles and journals allow AARP to increase its influence on American voters.
There's a contract with AOL offering members a ten–percent discount which is advertised through
AOL Software and is distributed to millions throughout the United States. This practice allows
AARP to contact more voters and members than in previous years. All practice enable the AARP to
influence decisions of voters, which in turn affect the policy making process in their favor.
Sponsoring political debates is another strategy used which enables the AARP to convey their
message in the form of advertising during commercial breaks in the debate. Most of the AARP's
influence is conveyed through approximately twenty–second advertisement spots, which sum up the
organization's beliefs. In order for the AARP to achieve its political goals, it is vital that they are
able to influence public opinion. The primary way the group goes about this is by producing and
airing major television programs that focus on issues such as federal tax reform and social security.
Without the media, the AARP would have far less impact on political decision–making. Recently,
the AARP has come under scrutiny of the United States Senate, led by Senator Alan K. Simpson, a
republican from Wyoming. The senator questions the AARP's status as a non–profit organization
benefited by a tax exemption and unlimited lobbying privileges. In addition,
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Different Roles of Political Parties
Different Roles of Political Parties – Government Essay
In the United States, there are three major groups and they are: political party, interest group and
lobbyist, and the media. These three main groups are important and each of them plays a different
role. Also they can give a positive or a negative impact on the American Political System and on the
people in the United States.
One of the main groups is political party. A major political party can be defined as a group of people
who seek in control of government through winning the election, and holding a public office but the
minor party is different. Their role is to play "spoiler role" in an election and this party can also be
useful as critic and innovators. This political ... Show more content on ...
In addition to that, they use our money to campaign, to inform, and etc; and they borrow money if
they want to overuse money.
Interest groups are the main group in the United States. Interest groups are the private organizations
whose members share certain views and work to shape the making and the content of public policy.
Also they are known as pressure group or special interest. Interest groups try to influence the
policies of the government and they do strike on the one thing they focus on. This group gives a lot
of positive impacts to America. These groups don't seek for votes; they are only interested in
influencing the policies of government and they help to stimulate the interests in public affairs. Also
they provide useful specialized and detailed information to the government. In addition to that these
groups provide checks and balances on each other and the behavior of officials in the government.
Interest groups are mostly found in economic interest and they use propaganda, which is a technique
of persuasion aimed at influencing individual or group behavior. Sometimes the lobbyist helps the
interest groups by lobbying. Lobbying is usually defined as those activities by which a group
pressures are brought to hear on legislators and the legislative process and this helps the interest
groups to take their interests or the issue that
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The Advocacy Groups That Stand For Pro Choice
Over several centuries and in different cultures, there is a rich history of women helping each other
to abort. Until the late 1800s, women healers in Western Europe and the U.S. provided abortions and
trained other women to do so, without legal prohibitions. There were many different ways they
attempted to do this procedure; such as a pennyroyal tea, which according to Thorpe, is toxic at just
five grams. They believed that jumping and kicking yourself in the buttocks would also make a
women have a miscarriage. Sitting over a pot of hot onions, and using camel saliva, ants, and deer
hair was also a popular way to have an abortion back then. In today's society abortion has become a
major social issue that will never be resolved. It is a topic that some people avoid in our society.
They would rather pretend it does not excite than recognize it as part in our society. The two
advocacy groups that stand firm in their moral beliefs are conservatives who stand for pro–life and
liberals who stand for pro–choice. They do not take this issue lightly, there has been countless
debates about whether it is murder or not. However, it always ends the same way with now solution.
There are four major points to look at when discussing the issue of abortion, legal precedence,
human rights, religion and when life beings. It is important to look at what functions do these point
play in society and what conflicts it has in society. During the past 40 years, federal courts,
specifically the
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Case Study of Boots Plc Essay
Case Study of Boots Plc
Boots Plc have various kinds of stakeholders in their business who do various kinds of jobs suitable
for which group there are in. Like any other Plc their stakeholders at least have a say in the business
depending their role. E.g. shareholders have a bigger say than the employees who have very little
say in the business. Boots Plc have the following external stakeholders in their businesses that play
different roles between them are: –
Ø Pressure Groups
Ø Local Community
Ø Government
Ø Financers (Banks/Creditors)
Ø Suppliers
Ø Customers
Although they have external stakeholders in their business the must have internal stakeholders for
them ... Show more content on ...
This shows that they have power and are important for the business. Usdaw who in the past have
succeeded in other business when their announced that they have reduced they employment, at this
point Usdaw came in and they succeeded in making things right. They have influnced loads of
employees and helped them a lot over the years.
Local Community
Local Community are an important part of society as well to Boots Plc. Local Community depend
on Boots Plc to provide Employment around their society. Local community expects the following
things from Boots Plc are: –
Ø They want Boots Plc to provide employment for people living around Batley and Dewsbury
Ø People living in Batley and Dewsbury wants Boots Plc to prevent environmental pollution, noise
or any other problems that might affect the local community
Large business like Boots Plc needs to operate within the community in Batley. Boots Plc being a
large business will provide employment; minority of the money earned will be spent locally. Boots
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David B. Truman Lobby Groups Essay
Lobby Groups
In this comparison between David B. Truman and V.O. Key, Jr.'s views on lobby groups they have
different interpretations on role and interaction of these groups in government. In a democratic
system there is bound to be resentment and desire for change because it is impossible to satisfy
everybody. Truman and Key describe how those individuals try to be recognized while forming
groups for "strength in numbers". In the comparison of interest and pressure groups it is apparent
that although they created resentment in the inner layers of government, they were necessary to the
development and progress of the political system.
According to David B. Truman in the excerpt from The Governmental Process he demonstrates ...
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Truman states that the National Government and the State Legislatures take notice when the interest
groups consolidate and tend to accept compromises over common goals. When they are verified of
an increasing amount of support for a particular policy or deceit against it, they usually take action.
In this manner, the interest groups are beneficial to the government because their opinions were
created by an individual and therefore they give the government a greater ability to facilitate the
lifestyle of their citizens. The interest groups can be very misleading in their size because of their
pressure to convert and convince impressionable people. Truman believes that the formation of
interest groups and political parties was inevitable because we offered elections as a means of
representation and also in a large, complex, diverse society there will always be people who are
longing for change.
From this section of Truman's work it shows that lobby groups were helpful in modifying the
National Government to perform at a more responsive level. The Government could not have
survived based solely on the impact of interest groups. They survived and thrived for power in a
symbiotic relationship benefiting both groups.
"Even if the political parties are added to the list, the result could properly be designated as "a view
which seems hardly compatible with the relative stability of
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Advocate And Serve
Crutchfield and Grant identify six practices of high impact nonprofits: advocate and serve, make
markets work, inspire evangelists, nurture nonprofit networks, master the art of adaptation, and
share leadership. All of these practices proved to be crucial in the success of the twelve–featured
nonprofits, however, there are two practices that I find to be more intriguing than the rest. "Advocate
and serve" and "inspire evangelists" are the two practices that stand out. The practice of "advocate
and serve" was a new concept to me, which is, in part, why I found it particularly interesting. The
practice of "inspiring evangelists," is a concept I am familiar with, but I have never seen it
articulated this well.
"Advocate and serve" is complex practice. ... Show more content on ...
This could be the answer to the issue addressed by Berger and Neuhaus in their essay entitled, "To
Empower People: From State to Civil Society." They write about the paradox of the public's desire
for public services, coupled with their resistance to government intervention. When nonprofits are
successful in advocating within the government sphere, they expand opportunities through means
such as: increased government funding, tax breaks, changes to tax codes, policy changes, raised
awareness, and, ultimately, changes to public behavior. These results allow nonprofits the
opportunity to maximize their impact, therefore fulfilling the public need while keeping the
government seemingly uninvolved.
Regardless of one's beliefs on integrating advocacy and service, it is difficult to dispute that social
aliments we face today stem from a deeper issue within the infrastructure of our society. Direct
service organizations offer temporary solutions, a Band–Aid, if you will, to buy time for change.
Advocacy groups aim to resolve the root problem that results in the need for the Band–Aid. We need
direct service organizations. We need advocacy groups. Does it make sense for the two to be one in
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Brazil Is A Federal Presidential Republic
Brazil is located on the continent of South America, as seen in Figure 2. It is found in the north east
portion of South America. On the global spectrum South America and Brazil is located in the south
west corner of the world (Figure 1). Brazil positioned between French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana,
Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Boliva, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Figure 3). The capital of Brazil is
Brasília. Brasília is centrally located in Brazil. Brasília is about a fourteen hour drive from Rio de
Janeiro. Political Brazil is a federal presidential republic. A federal presidential republic is a type of
government where the states or providences vote for their political leaders. Power is divided
between branches of government. For example the United States is a federal presidential republic.
The United States has a president, but also has local governments like mayors and governors. Brazil
has a president as well as a legislative and judicial branch. This spreads the power equally.
Brazil is belongs to these organizations AfDB (non– regional member), BIS, BRICS, CAN
(associate), CD, CELAC, CPLP, FAO, FATF, G–15, G–20, G–24, G–5, G–77, IADB, IAEA, IBRD,
ICAO, ICC (national committees), ICCt, ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO,
IMSO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC (NGOs), LAES, LAIA, LAS (observer),
(Enhanced Engagement, OPANAL, OPCW, Paris Club (associate), PCA, SICA (observer),
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My Introduction to the Legal Process Class Essay
On Tuesday the 28th of February our Introduction to the Legal Process class went to the Maine
Legislature and had the chance to meet some Representatives and Senators that we had contacted
previously. We had studied lobbying and how to effectively lobby a bill beforehand, and met with
the officials we had contacted individually. This is some information that could help you lobby a bill
in the Maine legislature. I was assigned four representatives and one senator to contact beforehand,
and it is essential to do this early. With the massive amount of emails and calls an official gets in a
day, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. Many legislators will not contact you back due to their busy
schedule. I only received responses from two of the ... Show more content on ...
That means you need to research on the bill you are presenting, and why this bill was created. You
should also know the legislator you are lobbying to. One of my representatives, Gay Grant, was a
co–sponsor on the Ocean Acidification I was presenting so she was more familiar with the bill than
my other representative. The other, Kim Monaghan–Derrig, was on the Workforce and Job
committee so I had to tailor how I lobbied the bill to talk about how it would affect jobs in Maine.
Doing research on the person you are lobbying to can make your case stronger by making it
personal. It is also good to memorize the face of the official you are meeting so you can find them in
a crowd. I had studied the faces of my representatives before meeting them, but I still didn't
recognize Rep. Derrig until she came up to me and asked if she knew where she could find "Tyler"
amongst our group of students. Being prepared also means bringing the right materials. Wearing
formal clothing is usually required for entering political buildings, and it also sets the tone for how
serious you are about the time this person is setting aside for you and the bill you are trying to
present. In the Maine Legislature it is a little more lax, but you should still dress respectfully when
lobbying. Beyond clothes, bringing hard copies of the bill and an informational page on the bill you
are lobbying that gives the key points of
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Interest Groups
Erin Rocker
AP Gov Per 4
Interest Groups
Litigation– the act or process of bringing or contesting a legal action in court. Litigation is used to
put pressure on officials in order to achieve their goals. Legal strategies are used to affect public
opinion on certain issues that the interest group is advocating. In addition to litigation, interest
groups also use the media to make their stand on certain issues known to the general public.
Campaign Contributions–refers to all funds raised in order to promote candidates, political parties,
or policies in elections, referendums, initiatives, party activities, and party organizations. Interest
groups use campaign contributors because they give faster results than lawsuits or mass ... Show
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An interest group that this group would target would be: Congress, specifically Medicare.
Sierra Club: Would use mass mobilization and try to sway public opinion by garnering media
coverage. It also does campaign contributions to. Environmental Protection Agency, Council on
Environmental Equality, and Bureau of Land Management are three major national level
policymaking institutions that the Sierra Club targets.
National Rifle Association: Would use campaign contributions due its large membership and access
to funds. They are ranked 225 of 20,981 in most money spent for lobbying purposes in the United
States. Two major national level policy making institution that the NRA targets is the US House of
Representatives and the Senate.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: The NAACP is most likely to use
litigation over the other techniques. This can most likely be seen in the Brown v Board of Education.
If they would have used the other forms then they probably would not have had the success that they
did. One major national level policymaking institution that this group targets, Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.
American Association of Retired Persons:AARP is a large organization and spent $9,900,000
lobbying in 2012. The AARP only donates to individuals, not parties. They choose to do this
technique because it is the most effective technique and their large size
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Developing A Specialized Not For Profit Advocacy Group
Our solution is to develop a specialized not–for profit advocacy group, which focuses on policy
change and bridging the gap between local government, non–profits, and the federal government.
Furthermore, we will fill the void within these entities with additional resources. Our group will be
composed of a full–time paid staff, a board of specialized individuals (ex. Lawyers, professors,
government officials), and a network of community volunteers. Our staff will handle the day–to–day
operations necessary for an efficiently run business, while our board of specialized individuals will
donate their time/services for tasks outside the capabilities of staff members (on an as needed basis).
The group of community volunteers will be a tremendous asset to the advocacy group, by providing
services to those facing hardship from unemployment. Regardless of a person's position, paid or
unpaid, each member of our advocacy group will work as partners of the organization. It will
function as a democratic body, as opposed to the bureaucratic structure mostly seen in government
and nonprofit agencies. Our advocacy group focuses on 3 aspects to aid in reducing unemployment–
1) Implantation of resources for the general unemployment population; 2) Acting as "the
middleman" between government and the private sector services; 3) Policy Reform. Newark has
many nonprofits that assist with career services, job matching, and training, however they are
specialized for particular groups of people. The
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The Collapse of Democratic Choice
With over 1 million businesses operating in Canada, corporate responsibility is a major issue that
should be recognized by citizens within society. In simple terms, corporate responsibility is the
ethics and morals of a business. Many corporations in Canada have a tremendous amount of wealth
and power. Regulation is essential in order for good government. Corporate responsibility occurs
when initiatives taken by these corporations benefit all the stakeholders. These stakeholders vary
from the employees, to the customer, and to the community. Corporate responsibility is necessary in
Canada in order to secure its democracy, protection of consumers, and sustainability of our society.
Therefore, it is important that Canada has a tight leash on ... Show more content on
However, what about the majority and common good of the people, like jobs? Murray Dobbin is one
of Canada's most popular progressive political commentators and analysts who explained that,
They influence politicians and political parties with huge amounts of cash; they threaten government
that dare to consider any laws that lessen their power or privilege; they withdraw capital to punish
governments that don't take them seriously; they spend millions on lobbyist to persuade legislators
Officials are not required to keep formal records of their contracts with lobbyists, and there is some
scope for lobbyists to avoid registration by claiming that they are merely responding to requests for
information from officials. The government has set up regulations relating to lobbying, but these
regulations are not restricting lobbying, it is making it even more legal. Teeple outlined that,
The process of registering lobbyists began under the Mulroney government in 1989. The Lobbyists
Registration Act essentially puts the onus on lobbyists to register, pay a fee, and list their areas of
interest. By its very principles, the Act legitimizes the role of the lobbying industry (Teeple).
It has to be emphasized that "registration" is not "regulation". Allowing lobbyist to enter parliament
legitimately eats away at Canada's democracy even more. It is a form of corruption, because really it
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Power in Congress Essay
Power In and Over Congress
I feel the system is biased because there are inequalities among the representation and participation
of interest groups and constituents in the political system. Unfortunately, poor and uneducated
citizens aren't as organized as interest groups, lobbyists and PACs because they lack the money,
resources and connections necessary to influence congress members on legislative bills. It is evident
that, "businesses, interest groups and labor unions are spending more than $100 million a month to
lobby the federal government"(Associated Press, SFC, 3/7/98). "The actual population of interest
groups in Washington surely reflects that there is a class bias in the membership of interest groups"
"Interest groups ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, I feel that constituents have power over congress members because they have the
power to vote them in or out of office. On the other hand, I feel that voting constituents have the
least amount of influence over congress members, who strive for money contributions in order to,
run their political campaigns, compared to donors and PACs.
Gallegos 2
Wayne, Lasser, Miller and others tend to agree that lobbyists and PACs have a great amount of
influence over congress members because they may have direct connections and give campaign
contributions. Recently, the airlines industry convinced congress to pass a $15 billion aid package it
needs in order to survive. "The airlines had plenty of resources to draw on: 27 in–houses lobbyists,
augmented by lobbyists from 42 Washington firms, including former White House aides and
transportation secretaries, as well as the airlines own chief executives and corporate board members,
whom all are well known in the halls of congress"(Wayne, NYT, 10/01/01. Lasser, American
Politics, 1999. Miller, The American Prospect, 10/23/00. Geiger, Washington Post, 11/4–10/91.)
I feel that money is an important factor to lobbyist whose connection with people at the top is
crucial. Representative Lloyd Doggett agrees that in most cases, "All the lobbying is focused on a
handful of people at the top"(Wayne, NYT, 10/01/01). It seems to me that major corporations have
an easier time
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Cause And Effects Of Prohibition
What would happen if one were to prohibit all alcohol production and consumption? Well, it
happened before, from the Prohibition movement. Prohibition dates back to the early days of
America, when it was still a colony. However, due to it being a mostly orthodox movement, it had
not gained much traction. Until, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, Prohibition's popularity surged;
most notably, in 1873 when a group of nuns and their followers sang and prayed in front of a
drugstore in Hillsboro, Ohio (Hill 10). This influx of support led to the passing of the 18th
Amendment, the only Amendment to ever be repealed. Whether the boost in popularity is due
mostly to the increasing amount of Christians, crime dramas, or immigration may never be known.
Yet, the causes and laws of Prohibition did play a significant role in the 1920s because they showed
the influence of lobby groups socially and federally, taught cautionary lessons about American law
and policy, and it greatly influenced our relations with other countries, specifically Canada.
Firstly, Prohibition prominently displayed the power and influence of a lobby group in social and
government spheres. For example, the Women's War can be attributed to the closing of over 25,000
drinking establishments (Hill 12). This shows the major effects that the ASL, Anti–Saloon League,
had on the social perceptions on drinking; the establishments only closed because they were either
visited by large mobs of people or were suspecting they
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Essay about The Important Role of Lobbyists in Politics...
Public policy is the course of actions taken by the government that includes laws, plans, actions and
the behavior of the government. The most effective way to influence public policy would be to
lobby for the interest group that supports the problem that needs to be addressed by society and the
government. Interest groups are organizations of people with shared goals to influence specific
public policies, such as the National Rifle Association wanting to protect gun rights. The
representatives for these particular interest groups are called lobbyists, whom are registered to
inform the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate of the issue or laws being addressed,
what agencies/branches of the government are being contacted, and ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, lobbyist's information must be legitimate and neutral, for that misrepresentation of
facts and extreme bias may cause them to permanently lose access to politicians and end their
careers. In addition to the lobbyist's individual objective, they are also trusted in other law making
processes. Lobbyists are invited to congressional trials to testify different sides to the issue currently
being discussed. Their information provides opposing or supporting arguments, so being well
prepared and honest is important in aiding vital legislations to be passed or denied with their help. It
is also shown how lobbyists and interest groups are essential through the general law making
process. In fact, their research teams helps congress and are responsible for drafting over half of all
the legislations. The duties and responsibilities of these lobbyists are fulfilled by their devotion to
hard and honest work with people from all levels of government and society. In order to be an
employed lobbyist, they must spend more than 20 percent of their time serving the interest of their
clients. Thus, they are often working forty to eighty hours a week with politicians and the
community to research, illustrate, and persuade their positions. Because lobbyists are usually ex–
politicians, they have friends in congress or within the executive branch that they are able to meet
casually for parties and dinners to
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How does lobbying work in government
1. How does lobbying work in government?
Lobbying is an enormous business. A lobbyist is an advocate who seek outs to influence members of
the government (like members of Congress) to endorse legislation that would advantage their group.
The lobbying occupation is a lawful and essential part of our democratic political procedure that is
not extremely well implicit by the broad population. While the majority people think of lobbyists
only as paid experts, there are as well a lot of volunteer lobbyists. Anyone who appeals the
government or contacts their member of Congress to say an view is functioning as a lobbyist.
Lobbying is a synchronized industry and a guarded activity beneath the First Amendment of the
U.S. Constitution that ... Show more content on ...
This army of people – whose activities, bear in mind, are intended at persuade now 535 members of
Congress and a relation handful of federal officials – cost and expend more than a few billion dollars
every year. in any case one company used up more than $1 billion in lobbying activities preceding
year, at the state and federal levels.
A good quality lobbyist can construct four or five times what a legislator or high–ranking official
receives, and there's a motive for this. Crowds with interests in Washington pay large money for the
lobbyists they hire since if they're triumphant, the payoffs can be enormous: tax breaks for industries
and corporations; subsidies for business; protection from lawsuits or constant from laws their
competitors have got to obey. Lobbyists stand for just in relation to each American interest group
and institution – corporations, labor unions, colleges and universities, charities, churches, senior
citizens organizations, environmental groups, and even local state, or foreign governments.
2. Identify all of the Executive Branch Departments that have a role regarding the nation's nuclear
weapons and what each of their roles is.
When the Constitution was created Since 1789, the Executive Branch of government for the United
States, a President has represented it. The Electoral College selects the president founded on a state's
admired vote, The President is in addition Commander–in–Chief of the armed
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The National Trust For Historic Preservation Essay
Mini Case Study #2
Question 1
"How does the case of the National Trust for Historic Preservation reflect the concept of resource
dependence discussed in this chapter? How does it reflect the interaction between sources of
revenue and priorities?"
In the case of the National Trust for Historical Preservation (this will be referred to in the future as
NTHP in this paper), the concept is reflected in their decision to break away from government
funding. Because Congress had designated them as a trust, they had a large portion of their budget in
their hands, about a fifth. When budgeting constraints began to be too close for comfort, the NTHP
was done dealing with Congress. They were done being "lobbyists on our own behalf" (Adelman,
2005) and wanted to do more with what resources they had from other grants and memberships.
This interaction of revenue stream and priorities came to a confluence and then a compromise. This
compromise helped the NTHP establish what they felt was important, and put their priorities first.
Because they now were leaning away from government support, their true priorities could be
established without the lobbying and bias of the Congress of the United States.
Question 2
"Think back on (or read again) the discussion in Chapter 2 about the functions that nonprofit
organizations perform with regard to government. How does the case of the National Trust for
Historic Preservation reflect those various roles?"'
Upon re–reading Chapter 2, many ideas
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A Report On The International Markets And We Are Aiming...
Emails after the meeting:
To: Nicholas Oritz, David Rodger, Stephanie Gwen, Raymond Toh, Tim Robinson, Fatimah Lee,
Musa Mohammad
Cc: Ali Iskandar, Angela Shim, Emma Kau Shima Amirul, Amanda Lee, Faizal Saiful, Nurul Sima,
Jane Mo, Andy Sun, Mohamed Faizal, Sophy Zheng, Sandra Wills, Slyvia Lee, Leo Teplin
Subject: Skype conference summary
Dear all,
Here is the conference summary:
There is a strong demand for TTNQ to explore the international markets and we are aiming the
marketplace of Malaysia.
The proposed and recommended promotional strategies will be applying Media announcement and
Employee functions. Their total spending budgets will be $2300, wghich is far below the required
budget level.
I have designed each involved staff roles and responsibilities for these promotional strategies and
make sure you have a clear clue of each activity's starting date and ending date, as you will be
accountable for each responsible promotional activity.
Following this meeting I have arranged another two meetings which would be holding on
01/06/2016 and 15/06/2016. Please ensure you are available during those two days.
If you have any inquiries please let me know.
Thanks for your corporation
Yong Suk Chen
As the CEO has also asked you to identify business networks in the identified country. Identify
at least three business networks applicable to the identified country that you could use and what
information and assistance they can provide to you.
Identified business networks
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Interest Groups in Texas Essay
In this essay I will compare and contrast the different legislative agendas of various interest groups
involved with the Texas Government. An interest group (also called an advocacy group, lobbying
group, pressure group, or special interest) is a collection of members that are determined to
encourage or prevent changes in public policy without trying to be elected. The essay will discuss
the four kinds of interest groups, trade, professional, single and public, as well as provide one
detailed example of each type. It includes examples from the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers,
Texas AFT, MADD and TexPIRG interest groups, which are just a few of the many groups in
existence out, but it provides an idea of what different types of ... Show more content on ...
The Texas AFT wants to influence the legislator because the school districts have been left to try to
make up for inadequate state aid by raising local tax rates, even as the state has continued to make it
much harder for them to accomplish this. Basically, all they want to do is handle the budget crisis in
the school districts of Texas. To analyze the successes and failures of Texas AFT in influencing
legislation is short and sweet; school systems are still under budgeted and local taxes are still being
raised to help the schools. The only break educators have received was in 2006 with "surplus"
dollars tax swap for which the bill is now belatedly coming due. The third interest group of topic is a
single interest group called Mothers Against Drunk Driving, also known as MADD. A single interest
group is a group of persons working on behalf of or strongly supporting a particular cause, such as
an item of legislation, an industry, or a special segment of society. ( Mothers against
Drunk Driving (MADD) is a non–profit organization seeking to stop drunk driving, support victims
of drunk driving, prevent underage drinking, and push for stricter alcohol policy overall. MADD
was incorporated on September 5, 1980, the purposes of MADD as stated in its Articles of
Incorporation were "To aid the victims of crimes performed by individuals driving under the
influence of alcohol or drugs, to aid
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The Privileged Position of Business Essay
The Privileged Position of Business
Hudson first states what he believes to be the central assumption of the Pluralist description of
American politics that there is no one dominant group in American Society. He argues that there is a
dominant group, business. I agree that the pluralist ideology is wrong and that business is very
dominant in our political society. He continues by stating that there are two faces of the political
privilege of business. The first involves business actively manipulating the political system to obtain
their political objectives.
Hudson starts by stating that the first aspect, that of the active manipulating of the political system
by business to obtain political objectives, can be divided into ... Show more content on ...
I agree that there are many interest groups but a majority of them are in some way lobbying for
business. I also believe that the majority of the people know that this is going on and don't like it and
would like to see a change. Next Hudson discusses the businesses role in providing finding for
elections. The business that contribute money can expect to be heard by the elected officials they
have helped. He states that business dominates lobby groups as well as dominates the universe of
campaign contributions. I believe that this gives businesses a huge advantage and also I believe that
this is the major reason business predominates over politics in our society. And the more closely you
look at this issue the more clearly you see the money these businesses contribute to candidates who
are in effect already pro–business then they become even more for business when they know this
will in all probability get them re–elected. I definitely agree that this poses a real problem and needs
to be dealt with. In addition, business controls citizen access to information through ownership of
the media. I agree with this completely. I was surprised to read that most of the mass communication
industry is now concentrated in about twenty giant holding companies. The idea that newspapers
and television are businesses themselves and project pro–business views is a given. But also other
businesses pay for them through
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How Do Interest Groups Influence Public Policy
Interest Group Influence in Public Policy
Rebecca Zborowski
Anna Maria College
MPA 603
Dr. Steve Morreale, Professor
November 13, 2016
Interest groups and advocacy groups have an undeniably strong influence in Washington, and while
the results of lobbying efforts are not often touted, they sway policy in areas like energy, housing,
public finance, education, gun control and many more. These interest groups may represent
parochial interests, but there is surely an area of policy that matches most splintered–off factions.
While they've been portrayed as shadowy forces in lawmaking, "Interest Group Influence on US
Policy Change: An Assessment Based on Policy History" by Matt Grossmann attempts to quantify
and ... Show more content on ...
Says Grossmann on page 3, "interest groups often play a central role in setting the government
agenda...[and] are often found to have a substantial impact on policy outcomes." Many political
candidates from both sides of the partisan aisle have run on a platform of neutralizing the force of
special interests in Washington, and this illuminates why that's an important issue. Special interests
lobby because they have something to gain from the result of the policy, or those they represent do.
It's not always a nefarious intention, but the parochial nature of special interests is in conflict with
policy that affects the American public at large, and those interests often win out because they wield
power over lawmakers at the national, state and local
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Interest Groups Essay
An interest group is an organized group of people that come together to attempt to influence
policymakers in any level of government. They influence the different levels of government by
giving money to a political candidate. They write letters, emails, and make phone calls to the
policymakers. They attempt to get the policymakers to make legislation reflecting the objectives of
the group (This Nation, 2008). Americans choose to join these interest groups because they are
motivated by the group's objectives. They believe the group will protect their interest within the
political realm. For an example, a Texas restaurant owner might join the local chamber of commerce
in order to have her business' interest represented within the local ... Show more content on ...
The first one is lobbying. This the practice of talking with policymakers to persuade them to support
a certain legislation. It also includes testifying before congressional committees for or against a
proposed legislation (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.151). The ratings game is where the group identify
the legislation that consider most important to goals & then monitor how policymakers voted on it.
The legislators then receive scores based on their votes, on a range from 0 to 100%. A 100 percent
means that the policymaker voted with the group on every issue (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.151).
Campaign assistance is the form of group members are able to work for the political campaigns,
including precinct workers to get out the vote. volunteers to put up posters, and pass out literature.
staff the phone banks at the campaign headquarters (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.152). They generate
public pressure by producing advertisements in magazines and newspapers, mass mailings, and TV,
and demonstrations. The Internet make communication even more effective. The intent of this
activity is to convince policymakers that the public supports the group's position in a proposed
legislation (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.152). The interest group utilize the constituents of the
policymakers to lobby for
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The Pros And Cons Of Lobbying And Arguments
Through careful analysis of lobbying regulations, the effects will be analyzed on its positive affects
on people, and how it negatively affects. Through the examination of past bills passed in
government that were influenced by lobbying, the pros and cons may be examined. Research from
academic journals has been compiled. It will show that without a proper regulatory entity, lobbying
is dangerous to american citizens. The sum of money a company puts into lobbying, and which
companies use lobbying will also be inspected. If it is just private companies, or rather public
companies also. Therefore in order for lobbying to be successful it must be devoid of all personal
influence, and propose policy that benefits all American citizens. Lobbying is an extremely
controversial topic in American politics. Some citizens believe it is right for a company, and only
helps the economy. On the other hand, citizens say that lobbying opens the door for corruption.
However, in order to fully understand the pros and cons of lobbying first the basic definition of
lobbying must be understood. The word lobby is defined ethical infringements by politicians and
lobbyists. One of the most eminent ethical issues was gift giving. Lobbyists in order to influence a
politician many ... Show more content on ...
The majority of lobbying laws are state laws. The severity of lobbying regulation varies between
states. Some states require written disclosure of meetings with politicians, while others do not even
require the disclosure of gifts. However, although state laws may vary, the majority all came into
being after a lobbying scandal. In midst of a scandal legislators feel pressure to address the issue.
Therefore regulations are usually introduced in the wake of a scandal. Media coverage is a large
component also. If the scandal gains national coverage that raises the pressure on politicians to pass
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Foundations of American Government
Foundations of American Government
I believe the five pathways for change were put here to guide us in becoming a more efficient
government and to give different examples of how to go about change in America. All of the
pathways are important but to me the most important is the lobbying decision makers' pathway.
"Lobbyists are said to be advocates, someone who represents a specific side of an issue. According
to Thomson Gale Legal Encyclopedia, A lobbyist and a lawyer have similar attributes whereas the
lobbyist targets the legislative point of view and the lawyer targets the judicial point of view.
Lawyers provide facts on different perspectives on legal issues dealing with the case; And lobbyist
offer local, state, and federal ... Show more content on ...
Their advertisement proclaimed that all they wanted to do was "protect their Freedom of Choice."
"This is New York City; no one tells us what neighborhood to live in or what team to root for," says
the narrator, as Yankees and Mets fans shout in the background. (Grynbaum, 2012). Since May 30
when Bloomberg wanted to ban the sale of soft drinks over 16 ounces in regulated food
establishments such as movie theaters and sport arenas. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, a New Jersey
Democrat, recommended there be a federal study linking together sugary beverages and obesity.
"The talking points are 'Nanny State,' that it won't work, because people will just buy as much as
they ever would, and that this disproportionately hurts the poor," said Kelly Brownell, director of the
Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. (Grynbaum, 2012). People that are not
middle or low class would buy as much soda as they wanted and the rest of the people would be
stuck with whatever drink is leftover. The lower class minority groups seem to always get the
shorter end of the stick and in most cases unless a big group of them get together their voices will
not be heard. The mayor or the city council should not have the right to tell you what size soda to
drink or what kind of soda to drink; We live in The United States of America and there is no law that
says anything about a specific size or flavor of soda so until that day comes nobody should
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A Reflection At The Center For Inclusion And Campus...
A Reflection at the Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement: Social Justice Pre–Practicum
Unlike my mental health pre–practicum which was an off campus endeavor at Aspire Health
Partners, my social justice, and advocacy prepracticum took place on the campus of Rollins at the
Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement (CICI). Working this semester for CICI was an eye
opening experience. For over four months, I was able to abide by CICI's mission statement which
consists of the following values; inclusion, courageous leadership, authenticity, and social change.
My endeavors were directed towards the LGBTQ community at Rollins, but I was also able to work
with incoming students with Title IX and Buzz to help the new students understand how to be safe
in campus. My professional and personal values remained congruent with the social justice and
social advocacy mission values of CICI, and afforded me the chance to see the ethics of my mental
health counseling program in action. Accordingly, my values stand as self–determination to
encourage social justice and social change on behalf of my clients. It behooves me to highlight how
meaningful this value subsists for me since this was one of the central purposes that inspired me to
pursue a career in mental health counseling. As a gay man, I realized that the LGBTQ community
needs many advocates for their rights and for society's acceptance, especially for the LGBTQ youth
of today. Therefore, I recognized that counseling was
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ALR383 Government Relations and Issue Essays
ALR383 – Government Relations and Issues Management
Essay – Same–sex marriage
Sam Stacker
As society has revolutionized and with democratic ideology denominating has the western world,
liberation and equality campaigns stemming from "third sector" (Keane 1998) lobbying groups,
stand as a key component to the operation a "civil society"(Keane 1998). Carrying an objective to
influence legislators or regulatory agencies, these political advocacy groups play a critical role in the
operation of a healthy liberal democracy. In contemporary society, the notion of Same–sex marriage
has polarized public opinion worldwide and is recognized as one of the most controversial non–
economic issues to ever confront the Australian ... Show more content on ...
A notice comprising of there perspective was disseminated to parliament testifying that the
protection of the unique definition of marriage as stated in the 'Marriage Act 1961' "serves the
common good, particularly the good of children"(The Australian Christian Lobby 2012, p.5). The
document, formalized by over 50 religious leaders from a myriad of churches located around
Australia, illustrated not only to parliament, but all bodies operating within the public sphere of the
strong religious opposition to the matter. In 2012 the ACL further exhibited its supremacy as a
dominant lobbying group as it lobbied against a bill introduced to the South Australian Legislative
Council aimed at legalizing same–sex marriage. The welfare of Children remained at the forefront
of concern for the ACL whom insinuated children "will have to be taught that homosexuality is the
same as heterosexuality" (Dunkin 2012). The bill was subsequently defeated as was a same–sex
marriage bill introduced into the South Australian Lower House in July 2013. The ACL's most
monumental lobbying triumph, however, commenced on the 22nd of October 2013, shortly after the
territory's legislative assembly passed 'ACT Marriage Equality' laws which came into effect in
Canberra on the 7th of December 2013. The ACL actively lobbied against the new controversial
laws again bringing to light the disregard for the welfare of children and broader social and religious
values. The Commonwealth
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Invisible Children
"To be fair, lying is part and parcel of public life. Every politician has lied about something because
they are owned by the special interest groups that finance their elections" (Schuyler). Many, if not
most, citizens view special interest groups and lobbyist as one of the evils in politics. Special
interest groups, and even nonprofits who use lobbying tactics, are often viewed as corrupt and
untrustworthy. However, it is special interest groups that largely hold together the current political
system. Truly, there are many nonprofits, like Invisible Children, that work to provide lobbying
presence in Washington for underrepresented people and causes. Invisible Children (IC) is a
nonprofit that was founded in 2004. It's main purpose and ... Show more content on
This project, Rewards for Justice, sought to "continue to support the efforts of the U.S. advisors in
central Africa" ("Grassroots Advocacy"). Again, they mobilized thousands of young activists. This
time on a much larger scale than previous initiatives. Thousands upon thousands of young adults
called their congressional representatives, sent emails, and hand wrote letters. In November of 2012,
800 young activists traveled to D.C. to lobby senators. This was followed by a large protest, over
10,000, that marched in front of the White House. Clad in red tee–shirts, protesters shut down the
streets, calling for congress to pass the Rewards for Justice legislation. In January, two short month
later, President Obama signed into law the Rewards for Justice Act. Invisible Children effectively
proved outside strategy can be extremely effective, when performed correctly.
Invisible Children, currently employs many forms of advocacy. Politically, they frequently use
outside strategy and mobilize large numbers of young adults and youth. They also use inside
strategy by having staff on capitol hill to lobby and advise members of congress on legislation
concerning the LRA conflict in Central
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Essay On Lobbyist And Advocate
Nurses do more than simply care for the ill, they promote health and wellbeing as well as prevention
of disease. In addition, nurses help mold policies, laws, and educate legislators about society's
needs. In my discussion I will define compare and contrast a lobbyists and advocate. I will also
discuss their importance and two nursing organizations that assist in changing healthcare policies. A
lobbyist is a person that represents a group of individuals or organizations that attempts to influence
legislators to make or oppose laws in favor of these groups (Nies & McEwen, 2015). Legislators
rely heavy upon lobbyists to education them with accurate and current information on the issues that
are important in society today. Consequently, an advocate means to speak on someone else's behalf
or for them. Nurses advocate all the time in the best interest of their patients. If we ... Show more
content on ...
Allowing the nursing body to better make decisions and take the lead in policy making initiatives.
Through these initiatives this organization, is able to assist the nursing body in achieving the core
principles of nursing excellence (National League of Nurses, 2016). They rely on grassroots
advocates to raise the awareness of certain issues. As a grass root advocate, they influence
legislation and the society at large via way of general public, not lobbyists, to contact legislators in
attempt to make a change. In conclusion, both lobbyists and advocates are needed to change policies
that affect every person in regard to healthcare. Although both have the same intentions their
methods to arriving at the needed change are different. Although some nurses never realized their
importance in politics and become frustrated over the lack of progress or change, by realizing that
together we can make those changes for a better tomorrow
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Lobbying: A Place Behind Closed Doors
Lobbying is seen as profession which helps democracy.Tench and Yeomans define lobbying as "The
influencing of public policy making through private means of meeting MPs, ministers, civil
servants, councillors or local government officials" (2009, p.648). Lobbying can be seen as a voice
for those who might not have power and a voice. Simply put, through the electoral system each
Australian citizen of voting age is able to participate in the selection of state,federal and local
government representatives who will govern and make decisions on their behalf.Thus it is fair to say
that to some extent lobbying takes place behind closed doors; away from direct public scrutiny and
knowledge. However even there is scepticism about lobbying,it can argued ... Show more content on ...
Simply put it is an electoral system which each citizen who is of voting age is able to participate in
the election of the federal,state and local government representatives,who will in turn will govern
and will make decisions on the citizens behalf. Even though the skepticism and valid concerns about
lobbying it is not fair or correct to say that the profession is unregulated or entirely unobserved
activity, and inartistically wrong. An idea presented by Grunig and Hunt (1984) cited by Sheehan
(2012) argue that lobbying has a goal which ensures political decision–makers have all the facts
before committing to policy,enacting or changing legislation. Furthermore,the federal
government,for example have codes of conduct for lobbyists and requires which is a publicly
available register if they are acting for third party clients and aims to influence government
... Get more on ...
Essay on Money and Democracy’s Dilemma
Money and Democracy's Dilemma Americans hold sacred their freedom over all else and many have
fought fervently to protect it even to their own death. Yet our freedom and our protected rights are at
odds with the power and influence of money at all levels of government; none more obvious than
those in Washington. It is precisely this freedom that makes the concept of interest groups and
lobbyists a part of our democracy's dilemma. In "The Interest Group Society," Jeffrey M. Berry and
Clyde Wilcox state: The dilemma is this: If government does not allow people to pursue their self–
interest, it takes away their political freedom...although the alternative– permitting people to
advocate whatever they want– is far more preferable, it also ... Show more content on ...
In "The Sound of Money, How Political Interests Get What They Want," Darrell M. West and
Burdett A. Loomis state "Strong organization and control of financial resources have allowed many
interest groups to exercise substantial –even disproportionate– influence in American politics"
(205). Those with the most money and deepest pockets have the greatest resources in order to
provide favors to legislators. It is with this money and its power that bonds and relationships are
created allowing a lobbyist to ask for favors. In turn, these favors result in legislation that benefits
the interest group. "This creates serious problems in terms of representation. To the extent that
elected officials listen more to or are influenced by those who are skews out
representational system in favor of the haves over the have–nots" (West and Loomis 229). This
means the sector that primarily benefits from interest groups are big businesses. The wealthy
corporations attain the most benefits and their self–interests become the forefront in Washington.
West and Loomis expand on their point in saying: The dilemma for democracy is that not everyone
has equal access to financial resources necessary for often elaborate efforts. If there were rough
equity among various interests, money would not be so problematic. However, when a few interests
have large amounts of money and many have little, democracy
... Get more on ...

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Lobbyists Argumentative Essay

  • 1. Lobbyists Argumentative Essay Background Many controversial topics have surfaced recently, but one that tends to fly under the radar is lobbying. Lobbying is defined as a group of persons who work or conduct a campaign to influence members of a legislature to vote according to a group's special interests ("Lobby"). Although average citizens are not fully aware of the issue, it is quite contentious in politics. For those who are against it, they believe that restrictions should be placed on lobbying because it distorts democracy. Lobbyists use money and cost–effective strategies to sway the opinions of lawmakers. Others see lobbyists as effective, political tour guides who help pass legislation. An analysis of the lobbying process reveals the outcomes are often ... Show more content on ... Lobbyists must record all expenditures. This practice is typical of people–intensive businesses and organizations such as politics, public relations, and economics. Lobbyists are trying to persuade other individuals to spend money, invest time, and be of the same mind in regard to legislation and finances. There is concern over how they persuade others though, because they use huge sums of money that pressure groups to contribute to what the lobbyist is advocating for. Is There Controversy on the Horizon? Both sides of the topic have gripping reasons why they feel the way they do. The supporters believe that lobbying is acceptable and contributes to a healthy democracy. In this light, lobbyists are simply seeking power within governmental and public affairs. In the United States our political system is based on power, authority, and legitimacy. One of our nation's values is the fact that people can and should try to influence our political system; individuals have the power to bring attention to important issues, matters of public concern, and current problems. Supports argue that lobbying cannot contribute to the demise of American democracy. All these factors contribute to what is our political system and lobbyists are arguably doing their best to advocate for the people, even if huge sums of money are involved. Fair Lobbying The National Association for the Advancement of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Special Interest Define an interest group with examples. Interest group – usually a voluntary organization where members share a common interest in which they seek to influence public policy, without seeking political control. They have primary activities such as lobbying the members of the legislative bodies through contributions to political parties, trying to elect sympathetic or pliable politicians, and by conducting covert or open propaganda campaigns. (Interest Groups, n.d.) There are a few different types of interest groups and they are as follows: Economic Interest Groups This is the largest category that includes organizations that represent big businesses, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers ... Show more content on ... (1) They seek to win elections or electoral positions; (2) they reorganize around those periodic elections and then may become less active, and (3) they depend on the local mobilization of voters who support political candidates but not necessarily the party organization. Interest groups are more issue oriented, are continuously maintained, and are dependent on supporters who identify with their organization. (Browne, n.d.) One thing that differentiates political parties from interest groups arises from the nature of the political system in which they operate and from the various electoral rules and structures that exist in different countries. In corporatist societies, interest groups may be invited to participate in government decisions to the exclusion of competitor interests. In parliamentary system, a party may have a narrow base and may try to win only a small number of legislative seats. (Browne, n.d.) Explain how interest groups try to influence the president and Congress as these two branches work together to make policy. Trying to persuade government officials through direct inside contact is called the inside game. Lobbying is another term for inside game. Lobbyists normally work for a specific interest group, corporation, or law firm that specializes in professional lobbying. (Interest Groups, 2012) Lobbying originates from the way interest groups played the inside games in the nineteenth ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Lobbying and Politics Essay Dating back many decades, it appears that lobbying and politics have always gone hand and hand on any political stage. Lobbying has always had a strong presence in the legislation system. Lobbying is the process of offering campaign contributions, bribes, or information to policymakers for the purpose of achieving favorable policy outcomes. Conventional wisdom suggests that lobbying is the preferred mean for exerting political influence in rich countries and corruption in poor countries. The legislation is meant to benefit society and ensure that citizens are having their voices heard, instead of hindering them in favour of the multi–national corporations. Lobbying has a negative influence on legislations in both developed and developing ... Show more content on ... This is astonishing as it benefited these companies as they saved hundreds of millions from taxes. This hinders the political process as it then causes an issue for the citizens as tax revenue from the lobbyers decrease, it leads to taxes being increased on everybody else. Among Fortune 100 companies, the ten that lobbied most in 2010 paid an average effective tax rate of 17%; the 80 that lobbied least paid an average of 26% (The Economist, 2014). Tax revenue is required by any government to be able to operate. In addition to tax increases on others, a reduction in overall spending and services by the government can be used to compensate for tax cuts obtained by the corporations who lobby. If in this situation of lobbied tax cuts, the government wants to sustain its spending, while not increasing taxes or the government, it is able to use debt in order to operate. Although this helps in the short time–period, the long–term affects can negatively affect the country. Throughout the national and state governments, public institutions like schools have been receiving decreased funding, particularly if their services are geared towards those who have no lobbying presence (Sager, 2012). This makes sense, as corporations who use lobbyists wouldn't let their services be cut when there are ways to offset the costs onto ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. IIDAAdvocacy Group Analysis Monday night was the first meeting of IIDA advocacy group of the year. The group consisted of eleven people total. We had four students including myself who attended the meeting. The professional members jobs array from working as a space planner at Open Square to an interior architect from IA. The meeting started with the president of the group asking each one of us to write down three goals and ideas for a community outreach project. My ideas consisted of working with a homeless shelter to provide adequate rooms for the families, working with a local elementary school to build a maker's space for the children, and creating a large event that mimic's TED X by creating a large educational form for all design fields to support a cause. ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Pros And Cons Of Dog Parks The lack of off–leash styled dog parks across the United States of America have brought much debate and unrest within communities. Cities and neighborhoods that do not provide these types of dog parks make it difficult for pet owners to provide exercise, social activities, and a place where dog and dog owners grow and learn together. Park and recreation advocates question the public advocacy on the assets and location in construction for the dog park. Other locals are against the idea of off–leash style dog parks due to their concerns about safety and other potentially problematic issues. Ed Fowley a reporter and dog owner from Los Angeles states, "...They don't know how strong the pack instincts are in their family pets. These drives can and often do click into high gear when a dog is taken into a park with strange dogs." (Fowley). Dog parks can vary from different shapes and sizes however, the certain type of dog parks pertaining to this problem are those in which dog owners are legally able to allow their dogs to roam unbound by leashes or constrictions regulated by city and state. The park and recreation advocates of communities who have few or little to none, off–leash dog parks are struggled to balance the fine line that crosses the accounts and finances of production all the while, fight fear that it may create more issues. Families that use off– leash dog parks are able to thoroughly help and develop their dogs for a better life. Off–leash dog parks allow both pets and owners to learn and grow through exercising and socializing without constant worry of infringing someone else rights. It benefits dogs as they are given adequate space to run and use as an outlet meanwhile, recognizing certain behaviors of more respectable and mature pets through socializing. Properly exercising dogs allow them to relieve tension and unbend; this potentially changes them from being noisy and irritable into more quite and friendlier animals. There have been numerous accounts within my neighborhood where the local residents have filed noise complaints on local dog owners. In the recent study, "On the Fence: Dog Parks in the (Un)Leashing of Community and Social Capital," authors Taryn Graham and Troy Glover of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Ethics Of The Texas Government After examining the power one lobbyist can have in the Texas government, it is appropriate to look at the enormity of what a corporation who specializes in lobbying efforts is capable of. The company being examined is called Cassidy and Associates. Cassidy came into the forefront of Texas politics, when in 2006 Carol Strayhorn, the comptroller announced the state of Texas "would be suspending payments to a Washington lobbying firm hired by Rick Perry, called Cassidy and Associates" (Zeller 2006). The reason this is a seemingly bold move by the comptroller is because of how powerful this company is. In 1999, "Cassidy and Associates billed their clients 19.8 million dollars, making them the biggest–grossing lobbying firm in the nation" ... Show more content on ... Another example of this is in New York City, where a "hospital for special surgery, paid Cassidy 140,000 dollars and obtained a 1 million dollar grant from HRSA" (Zeller 2006). This is what lobbyist companies are able to do they receive a sum from their customer and then in return try and give them a lot of government money. This affected Texas because not every time someone gives a lobbying group money are they guaranteed to receive anything in return. One of Cassidy 's clients were the president at the University of Dallas, and what probably took place is that they did not get the federal funding at one of the universities in the state and now the accountant or comptroller begins to wonder why public universities are giving a lobbying group in Washington so much money and getting nothing back, so she pulls the plug on allowing them to receive any more money. Cassidy certainly has not shied away from looking shady with their business. In the nineties they hired as CEO a man named Marty Pusso and he was "vice chairman of the house ways and means health subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over numerous healthcare issues and programs" (Zeller 2006). Being the Vice Chairman as well as CEO of a lobbying company that "in 1999 received 1.3 million dollars from 10 hospitals" (Zeller 2006) seems to create a conflict of interest problem or in Pusso's case a solution. Furthermore, this questions as to how ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. History Of The National Retail Federation The National Retail Federation is the Nation's largest retail group with over 18,000 member– companies. The NRF represents 1.6 million companies and over 24 million employees. It makes sense since retail is one of the largest industries in the world. Retail accounts for 1 in 4 jobs in the United States and contributes over 2.6 Trillion to the annual GDP. The NRF has several different things it does, like many other special interest groups. It mainly serves as a voice for the retail industry. With over 10 different interests residing in fields from Chain Restaurants, Finance and Global Issues, to Legal, Small Business, and Technology. They are a voice for every type of retail, and anything that is directly affected by retail. Since their ... Show more content on ... Patrick's Day, Super Bowl, Tax Returns, Valentine's Day, and the Holiday Season.). One of the biggest reasons they do this is to provide a tangible service for their due–paying members. While members do see value in the NRF's lobbying, it is very hard to measure and really see results from most of the time. Like many other interest groups, this is the NRF's way of staying afloat and paying those who lobby. That is why due–paying members are crucial to the NRF, this is their main source of income. Along with that, the NRF is also funded by large conferences and events. The conferences they host are some of the largest n retail with over 40,000 attendees. Another reason the NRF puts out these reports and hosts events is to gain recognition and create a reputable strong name. In today's world if a business does not have a name for themselves, they can not succeed. The NRF recognizes how crucial this is. If they want to properly lobby and advocate for retail, they must have some authority when going to government officials. This leads us to the lobbying side of the NRF. The group lobbys for retail, and everything that affects it. The NRF breaks down into different specific areas to lobby for. With over 60 departments/ committees, they cover a broad range of things. Some of the very specific groups lobby for: protection against patent trolls, consumer credit issues, postal issues, supply chain, and support for the Americans with Disability Act. The NRF has a ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. College Interest Groups A gathering of individuals that tries to impact open strategy on the premise of a specific regular intrigue or concern called interest group. When people get disturbance, they are more likely going to create new form of interest group. We also did the same thing when our college increased our tuition cost. We have created the group which we call National Organization of Collegiate American Students Needing Help (NOCASH). Our motive was to persuade the congress, college administration or board of the college member to reduce our tuition cost, so we can easily afford our tuition fee. We understand we do have a lot of obstacles to achieve this goal, especially when we are grass root interest group. We know we cannot hire special lobbyist to lobby ... Show more content on ... "NCAN utilizes four strategies to assist states, schools, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and philanthropists provide better education access to low–income and underrepresented students. Their strategy of capacity building seeks to ensure that those who help students are well–trained and well– informed. By utilizing benchmarking, NCAN can standardize data that will help monitor, compare, and improve progress. Collective impact encourages groups that help support postsecondary completion rates. Lastly, their policy strategy fights to properly represent low–income and other disadvantaged students." Another one called The Education Trust. "seeks educational justice for all students, especially low–income students and students of color. With its promise of being equality– driven, data–centered, and student–focused, EdTrust works with educators, students, parents, policymakers, and civic leaders to transform and better the school system. By analyzing local, state, and national data, EdTrust takes a hard look at opportunity gaps, and works diligently to close ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Xczc Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Govt., Business, NGOs – Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ROLE OF CSOS IN BUSINESS GOVERNMENT INTERFACE 3. LOBBYING – INTRODUCTION 4. ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF LOBBYING 5. EXAMPLES OF LOBBYING 6. ACTIONS BEING TAKEN TO CURB THE UNETHICAL ASPECT OF LOBBYING 7. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ... Show more content on ... Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods under abusive working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in this context. Influence of CSOs on government CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment and labor provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • 34. negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning of genetically modified organisms and food products and forcing World Bank to excuse the debt of developing countries. MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where they collaborate with corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community. They try to influence various policies without being directly involved in it. Stakeholder–agency theory which can be used to study this role, assumes that the corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1] "INSERT figure 4 HERE": CSOs acting as direct influencers One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in mediation of Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October 1992, attended by the Community of Sant'Egidio. Other example includes CSOs persuading Home ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. The Impact of Customer Advocacy on Customer Perceived... The impact of customer advocacy on customer perceived value; written by Ying–Pin Yeh Published in The Journal of Business and Retail Management Research Vol. 8 Issue 1 October 2013, set out to research and analyze the effect of customer perceived value influences customer advocacy. Ying–Pin Yeh attempted to show the effects of customer trust, satisfaction, and perceived value in the telecom companies in Taiwan. This article attempts to prove that telecommunication business should be investing in to increase customer advocacy by building trust and satisfaction. The study utilizes 388 surveys to gather data enabling Yeh to evaluate six hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 Customer trust has a positive impact on perceived value. Hypothesis 2 Customer satisfaction has a positive impact on customer perceived value. Hypothesis 3 Customer advocacy has a positive impact on customer trust. Hypothesis 4 Customer Advocacy has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Hypothesis 5 Customer empowerment has a positive impact on the firm's customer advocacy. Hypothesis 6 Organizational innovation has a positive impact on the firm's customer advocacy. (Yeh, 2013) Customer advocacy aims to build deeper customer relationships by earning new levels of trust and commitment and by developing mutual transparency, dialogue, and partnership with customers. (Yeh, 2013) This study tries to identify how the effects of consumer advocacy directly impacts the trust, satisfaction and perceived customer value. ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Aarp Austin Braham The American Association of Retired Persons is a powerful special interest group that protects the interests of retirees across the US by lobbying politicians to pass legislation in the organization's favor. Inside you will find detailed information outlining AARP's mission, purpose, and scope. Austin Braham The American Association of Retired Persons is a powerful special interest group that protects the interests of retirees across the US by lobbying politicians to pass legislation in the organization's favor. Inside you will find detailed information outlining AARP's mission, purpose, and scope. Politicians are elected in part on the basis of the issues by which they stand, and these issues are either held up or ... Show more content on ... Distribution of articles and journals allow AARP to increase its influence on American voters. There's a contract with AOL offering members a ten–percent discount which is advertised through AOL Software and is distributed to millions throughout the United States. This practice allows AARP to contact more voters and members than in previous years. All practice enable the AARP to influence decisions of voters, which in turn affect the policy making process in their favor. Sponsoring political debates is another strategy used which enables the AARP to convey their message in the form of advertising during commercial breaks in the debate. Most of the AARP's influence is conveyed through approximately twenty–second advertisement spots, which sum up the organization's beliefs. In order for the AARP to achieve its political goals, it is vital that they are able to influence public opinion. The primary way the group goes about this is by producing and airing major television programs that focus on issues such as federal tax reform and social security. Without the media, the AARP would have far less impact on political decision–making. Recently, the AARP has come under scrutiny of the United States Senate, led by Senator Alan K. Simpson, a republican from Wyoming. The senator questions the AARP's status as a non–profit organization benefited by a tax exemption and unlimited lobbying privileges. In addition, ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Different Roles of Political Parties Different Roles of Political Parties – Government Essay In the United States, there are three major groups and they are: political party, interest group and lobbyist, and the media. These three main groups are important and each of them plays a different role. Also they can give a positive or a negative impact on the American Political System and on the people in the United States. One of the main groups is political party. A major political party can be defined as a group of people who seek in control of government through winning the election, and holding a public office but the minor party is different. Their role is to play "spoiler role" in an election and this party can also be useful as critic and innovators. This political ... Show more content on ... In addition to that, they use our money to campaign, to inform, and etc; and they borrow money if they want to overuse money. Interest groups are the main group in the United States. Interest groups are the private organizations whose members share certain views and work to shape the making and the content of public policy. Also they are known as pressure group or special interest. Interest groups try to influence the policies of the government and they do strike on the one thing they focus on. This group gives a lot of positive impacts to America. These groups don't seek for votes; they are only interested in influencing the policies of government and they help to stimulate the interests in public affairs. Also they provide useful specialized and detailed information to the government. In addition to that these groups provide checks and balances on each other and the behavior of officials in the government. Interest groups are mostly found in economic interest and they use propaganda, which is a technique of persuasion aimed at influencing individual or group behavior. Sometimes the lobbyist helps the interest groups by lobbying. Lobbying is usually defined as those activities by which a group pressures are brought to hear on legislators and the legislative process and this helps the interest groups to take their interests or the issue that ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Advocacy Groups That Stand For Pro Choice Over several centuries and in different cultures, there is a rich history of women helping each other to abort. Until the late 1800s, women healers in Western Europe and the U.S. provided abortions and trained other women to do so, without legal prohibitions. There were many different ways they attempted to do this procedure; such as a pennyroyal tea, which according to Thorpe, is toxic at just five grams. They believed that jumping and kicking yourself in the buttocks would also make a women have a miscarriage. Sitting over a pot of hot onions, and using camel saliva, ants, and deer hair was also a popular way to have an abortion back then. In today's society abortion has become a major social issue that will never be resolved. It is a topic that some people avoid in our society. They would rather pretend it does not excite than recognize it as part in our society. The two advocacy groups that stand firm in their moral beliefs are conservatives who stand for pro–life and liberals who stand for pro–choice. They do not take this issue lightly, there has been countless debates about whether it is murder or not. However, it always ends the same way with now solution. There are four major points to look at when discussing the issue of abortion, legal precedence, human rights, religion and when life beings. It is important to look at what functions do these point play in society and what conflicts it has in society. During the past 40 years, federal courts, specifically the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Case Study of Boots Plc Essay Case Study of Boots Plc Boots Plc have various kinds of stakeholders in their business who do various kinds of jobs suitable for which group there are in. Like any other Plc their stakeholders at least have a say in the business depending their role. E.g. shareholders have a bigger say than the employees who have very little say in the business. Boots Plc have the following external stakeholders in their businesses that play different roles between them are: – Ø Pressure Groups Ø Local Community Ø Government Ø Financers (Banks/Creditors) Ø Suppliers Ø Customers Although they have external stakeholders in their business the must have internal stakeholders for them ... Show more content on ... This shows that they have power and are important for the business. Usdaw who in the past have succeeded in other business when their announced that they have reduced they employment, at this point Usdaw came in and they succeeded in making things right. They have influnced loads of employees and helped them a lot over the years. Local Community Local Community are an important part of society as well to Boots Plc. Local Community depend on Boots Plc to provide Employment around their society. Local community expects the following things from Boots Plc are: – Ø They want Boots Plc to provide employment for people living around Batley and Dewsbury
  • 55. Ø People living in Batley and Dewsbury wants Boots Plc to prevent environmental pollution, noise or any other problems that might affect the local community Large business like Boots Plc needs to operate within the community in Batley. Boots Plc being a large business will provide employment; minority of the money earned will be spent locally. Boots Plc ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. David B. Truman Lobby Groups Essay Lobby Groups In this comparison between David B. Truman and V.O. Key, Jr.'s views on lobby groups they have different interpretations on role and interaction of these groups in government. In a democratic system there is bound to be resentment and desire for change because it is impossible to satisfy everybody. Truman and Key describe how those individuals try to be recognized while forming groups for "strength in numbers". In the comparison of interest and pressure groups it is apparent that although they created resentment in the inner layers of government, they were necessary to the development and progress of the political system. According to David B. Truman in the excerpt from The Governmental Process he demonstrates ... Show more content on ... Truman states that the National Government and the State Legislatures take notice when the interest groups consolidate and tend to accept compromises over common goals. When they are verified of an increasing amount of support for a particular policy or deceit against it, they usually take action. In this manner, the interest groups are beneficial to the government because their opinions were created by an individual and therefore they give the government a greater ability to facilitate the lifestyle of their citizens. The interest groups can be very misleading in their size because of their pressure to convert and convince impressionable people. Truman believes that the formation of interest groups and political parties was inevitable because we offered elections as a means of representation and also in a large, complex, diverse society there will always be people who are longing for change. From this section of Truman's work it shows that lobby groups were helpful in modifying the National Government to perform at a more responsive level. The Government could not have survived based solely on the impact of interest groups. They survived and thrived for power in a symbiotic relationship benefiting both groups. "Even if the political parties are added to the list, the result could properly be designated as "a view which seems hardly compatible with the relative stability of ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Advocate And Serve Crutchfield and Grant identify six practices of high impact nonprofits: advocate and serve, make markets work, inspire evangelists, nurture nonprofit networks, master the art of adaptation, and share leadership. All of these practices proved to be crucial in the success of the twelve–featured nonprofits, however, there are two practices that I find to be more intriguing than the rest. "Advocate and serve" and "inspire evangelists" are the two practices that stand out. The practice of "advocate and serve" was a new concept to me, which is, in part, why I found it particularly interesting. The practice of "inspiring evangelists," is a concept I am familiar with, but I have never seen it articulated this well. "Advocate and serve" is complex practice. ... Show more content on ... This could be the answer to the issue addressed by Berger and Neuhaus in their essay entitled, "To Empower People: From State to Civil Society." They write about the paradox of the public's desire for public services, coupled with their resistance to government intervention. When nonprofits are successful in advocating within the government sphere, they expand opportunities through means such as: increased government funding, tax breaks, changes to tax codes, policy changes, raised awareness, and, ultimately, changes to public behavior. These results allow nonprofits the opportunity to maximize their impact, therefore fulfilling the public need while keeping the government seemingly uninvolved. Regardless of one's beliefs on integrating advocacy and service, it is difficult to dispute that social aliments we face today stem from a deeper issue within the infrastructure of our society. Direct service organizations offer temporary solutions, a Band–Aid, if you will, to buy time for change. Advocacy groups aim to resolve the root problem that results in the need for the Band–Aid. We need direct service organizations. We need advocacy groups. Does it make sense for the two to be one in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Brazil Is A Federal Presidential Republic Brazil is located on the continent of South America, as seen in Figure 2. It is found in the north east portion of South America. On the global spectrum South America and Brazil is located in the south west corner of the world (Figure 1). Brazil positioned between French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Boliva, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Figure 3). The capital of Brazil is Brasília. Brasília is centrally located in Brazil. Brasília is about a fourteen hour drive from Rio de Janeiro. Political Brazil is a federal presidential republic. A federal presidential republic is a type of government where the states or providences vote for their political leaders. Power is divided between branches of government. For example the United States is a federal presidential republic. The United States has a president, but also has local governments like mayors and governors. Brazil has a president as well as a legislative and judicial branch. This spreads the power equally. Brazil is belongs to these organizations AfDB (non– regional member), BIS, BRICS, CAN (associate), CD, CELAC, CPLP, FAO, FATF, G–15, G–20, G–24, G–5, G–77, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC (national committees), ICCt, ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC (NGOs), LAES, LAIA, LAS (observer), Mercosur, MIGA, MINURSO, MINUSTAH, MONUSCO, NAM (observer), NSG, OAS, OECD (Enhanced Engagement, OPANAL, OPCW, Paris Club (associate), PCA, SICA (observer), ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. My Introduction to the Legal Process Class Essay On Tuesday the 28th of February our Introduction to the Legal Process class went to the Maine Legislature and had the chance to meet some Representatives and Senators that we had contacted previously. We had studied lobbying and how to effectively lobby a bill beforehand, and met with the officials we had contacted individually. This is some information that could help you lobby a bill in the Maine legislature. I was assigned four representatives and one senator to contact beforehand, and it is essential to do this early. With the massive amount of emails and calls an official gets in a day, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. Many legislators will not contact you back due to their busy schedule. I only received responses from two of the ... Show more content on ... That means you need to research on the bill you are presenting, and why this bill was created. You should also know the legislator you are lobbying to. One of my representatives, Gay Grant, was a co–sponsor on the Ocean Acidification I was presenting so she was more familiar with the bill than my other representative. The other, Kim Monaghan–Derrig, was on the Workforce and Job committee so I had to tailor how I lobbied the bill to talk about how it would affect jobs in Maine. Doing research on the person you are lobbying to can make your case stronger by making it personal. It is also good to memorize the face of the official you are meeting so you can find them in a crowd. I had studied the faces of my representatives before meeting them, but I still didn't recognize Rep. Derrig until she came up to me and asked if she knew where she could find "Tyler" amongst our group of students. Being prepared also means bringing the right materials. Wearing formal clothing is usually required for entering political buildings, and it also sets the tone for how serious you are about the time this person is setting aside for you and the bill you are trying to present. In the Maine Legislature it is a little more lax, but you should still dress respectfully when lobbying. Beyond clothes, bringing hard copies of the bill and an informational page on the bill you are lobbying that gives the key points of ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Interest Groups Erin Rocker AP Gov Per 4 10/30/13 Interest Groups Litigation– the act or process of bringing or contesting a legal action in court. Litigation is used to put pressure on officials in order to achieve their goals. Legal strategies are used to affect public opinion on certain issues that the interest group is advocating. In addition to litigation, interest groups also use the media to make their stand on certain issues known to the general public. Campaign Contributions–refers to all funds raised in order to promote candidates, political parties, or policies in elections, referendums, initiatives, party activities, and party organizations. Interest groups use campaign contributors because they give faster results than lawsuits or mass ... Show more content on ... An interest group that this group would target would be: Congress, specifically Medicare. Sierra Club: Would use mass mobilization and try to sway public opinion by garnering media coverage. It also does campaign contributions to. Environmental Protection Agency, Council on Environmental Equality, and Bureau of Land Management are three major national level policymaking institutions that the Sierra Club targets. National Rifle Association: Would use campaign contributions due its large membership and access to funds. They are ranked 225 of 20,981 in most money spent for lobbying purposes in the United States. Two major national level policy making institution that the NRA targets is the US House of Representatives and the Senate. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: The NAACP is most likely to use litigation over the other techniques. This can most likely be seen in the Brown v Board of Education. If they would have used the other forms then they probably would not have had the success that they did. One major national level policymaking institution that this group targets, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Federal Communications Commission. American Association of Retired Persons:AARP is a large organization and spent $9,900,000 lobbying in 2012. The AARP only donates to individuals, not parties. They choose to do this technique because it is the most effective technique and their large size ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Developing A Specialized Not For Profit Advocacy Group Our solution is to develop a specialized not–for profit advocacy group, which focuses on policy change and bridging the gap between local government, non–profits, and the federal government. Furthermore, we will fill the void within these entities with additional resources. Our group will be composed of a full–time paid staff, a board of specialized individuals (ex. Lawyers, professors, government officials), and a network of community volunteers. Our staff will handle the day–to–day operations necessary for an efficiently run business, while our board of specialized individuals will donate their time/services for tasks outside the capabilities of staff members (on an as needed basis). The group of community volunteers will be a tremendous asset to the advocacy group, by providing services to those facing hardship from unemployment. Regardless of a person's position, paid or unpaid, each member of our advocacy group will work as partners of the organization. It will function as a democratic body, as opposed to the bureaucratic structure mostly seen in government and nonprofit agencies. Our advocacy group focuses on 3 aspects to aid in reducing unemployment– 1) Implantation of resources for the general unemployment population; 2) Acting as "the middleman" between government and the private sector services; 3) Policy Reform. Newark has many nonprofits that assist with career services, job matching, and training, however they are specialized for particular groups of people. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. The Collapse of Democratic Choice With over 1 million businesses operating in Canada, corporate responsibility is a major issue that should be recognized by citizens within society. In simple terms, corporate responsibility is the ethics and morals of a business. Many corporations in Canada have a tremendous amount of wealth and power. Regulation is essential in order for good government. Corporate responsibility occurs when initiatives taken by these corporations benefit all the stakeholders. These stakeholders vary from the employees, to the customer, and to the community. Corporate responsibility is necessary in Canada in order to secure its democracy, protection of consumers, and sustainability of our society. Therefore, it is important that Canada has a tight leash on ... Show more content on ... However, what about the majority and common good of the people, like jobs? Murray Dobbin is one of Canada's most popular progressive political commentators and analysts who explained that, They influence politicians and political parties with huge amounts of cash; they threaten government that dare to consider any laws that lessen their power or privilege; they withdraw capital to punish governments that don't take them seriously; they spend millions on lobbyist to persuade legislators (Dobbin). Officials are not required to keep formal records of their contracts with lobbyists, and there is some scope for lobbyists to avoid registration by claiming that they are merely responding to requests for information from officials. The government has set up regulations relating to lobbying, but these regulations are not restricting lobbying, it is making it even more legal. Teeple outlined that, The process of registering lobbyists began under the Mulroney government in 1989. The Lobbyists Registration Act essentially puts the onus on lobbyists to register, pay a fee, and list their areas of interest. By its very principles, the Act legitimizes the role of the lobbying industry (Teeple). It has to be emphasized that "registration" is not "regulation". Allowing lobbyist to enter parliament legitimately eats away at Canada's democracy even more. It is a form of corruption, because really it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. Power in Congress Essay Power In and Over Congress I feel the system is biased because there are inequalities among the representation and participation of interest groups and constituents in the political system. Unfortunately, poor and uneducated citizens aren't as organized as interest groups, lobbyists and PACs because they lack the money, resources and connections necessary to influence congress members on legislative bills. It is evident that, "businesses, interest groups and labor unions are spending more than $100 million a month to lobby the federal government"(Associated Press, SFC, 3/7/98). "The actual population of interest groups in Washington surely reflects that there is a class bias in the membership of interest groups" (JBG). "Interest groups ... Show more content on ... In my opinion, I feel that constituents have power over congress members because they have the power to vote them in or out of office. On the other hand, I feel that voting constituents have the least amount of influence over congress members, who strive for money contributions in order to, run their political campaigns, compared to donors and PACs. Gallegos 2 Wayne, Lasser, Miller and others tend to agree that lobbyists and PACs have a great amount of influence over congress members because they may have direct connections and give campaign contributions. Recently, the airlines industry convinced congress to pass a $15 billion aid package it needs in order to survive. "The airlines had plenty of resources to draw on: 27 in–houses lobbyists, augmented by lobbyists from 42 Washington firms, including former White House aides and transportation secretaries, as well as the airlines own chief executives and corporate board members, whom all are well known in the halls of congress"(Wayne, NYT, 10/01/01. Lasser, American Politics, 1999. Miller, The American Prospect, 10/23/00. Geiger, Washington Post, 11/4–10/91.) I feel that money is an important factor to lobbyist whose connection with people at the top is crucial. Representative Lloyd Doggett agrees that in most cases, "All the lobbying is focused on a handful of people at the top"(Wayne, NYT, 10/01/01). It seems to me that major corporations have an easier time ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. Cause And Effects Of Prohibition What would happen if one were to prohibit all alcohol production and consumption? Well, it happened before, from the Prohibition movement. Prohibition dates back to the early days of America, when it was still a colony. However, due to it being a mostly orthodox movement, it had not gained much traction. Until, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, Prohibition's popularity surged; most notably, in 1873 when a group of nuns and their followers sang and prayed in front of a drugstore in Hillsboro, Ohio (Hill 10). This influx of support led to the passing of the 18th Amendment, the only Amendment to ever be repealed. Whether the boost in popularity is due mostly to the increasing amount of Christians, crime dramas, or immigration may never be known. Yet, the causes and laws of Prohibition did play a significant role in the 1920s because they showed the influence of lobby groups socially and federally, taught cautionary lessons about American law and policy, and it greatly influenced our relations with other countries, specifically Canada. Firstly, Prohibition prominently displayed the power and influence of a lobby group in social and government spheres. For example, the Women's War can be attributed to the closing of over 25,000 drinking establishments (Hill 12). This shows the major effects that the ASL, Anti–Saloon League, had on the social perceptions on drinking; the establishments only closed because they were either visited by large mobs of people or were suspecting they ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Essay about The Important Role of Lobbyists in Politics... Public policy is the course of actions taken by the government that includes laws, plans, actions and the behavior of the government. The most effective way to influence public policy would be to lobby for the interest group that supports the problem that needs to be addressed by society and the government. Interest groups are organizations of people with shared goals to influence specific public policies, such as the National Rifle Association wanting to protect gun rights. The representatives for these particular interest groups are called lobbyists, whom are registered to inform the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate of the issue or laws being addressed, what agencies/branches of the government are being contacted, and ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, lobbyist's information must be legitimate and neutral, for that misrepresentation of facts and extreme bias may cause them to permanently lose access to politicians and end their careers. In addition to the lobbyist's individual objective, they are also trusted in other law making processes. Lobbyists are invited to congressional trials to testify different sides to the issue currently being discussed. Their information provides opposing or supporting arguments, so being well prepared and honest is important in aiding vital legislations to be passed or denied with their help. It is also shown how lobbyists and interest groups are essential through the general law making process. In fact, their research teams helps congress and are responsible for drafting over half of all the legislations. The duties and responsibilities of these lobbyists are fulfilled by their devotion to hard and honest work with people from all levels of government and society. In order to be an employed lobbyist, they must spend more than 20 percent of their time serving the interest of their clients. Thus, they are often working forty to eighty hours a week with politicians and the community to research, illustrate, and persuade their positions. Because lobbyists are usually ex– politicians, they have friends in congress or within the executive branch that they are able to meet casually for parties and dinners to ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. How does lobbying work in government 1. How does lobbying work in government? Lobbying is an enormous business. A lobbyist is an advocate who seek outs to influence members of the government (like members of Congress) to endorse legislation that would advantage their group. The lobbying occupation is a lawful and essential part of our democratic political procedure that is not extremely well implicit by the broad population. While the majority people think of lobbyists only as paid experts, there are as well a lot of volunteer lobbyists. Anyone who appeals the government or contacts their member of Congress to say an view is functioning as a lobbyist. Lobbying is a synchronized industry and a guarded activity beneath the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that ... Show more content on ... This army of people – whose activities, bear in mind, are intended at persuade now 535 members of Congress and a relation handful of federal officials – cost and expend more than a few billion dollars every year. in any case one company used up more than $1 billion in lobbying activities preceding year, at the state and federal levels. A good quality lobbyist can construct four or five times what a legislator or high–ranking official receives, and there's a motive for this. Crowds with interests in Washington pay large money for the lobbyists they hire since if they're triumphant, the payoffs can be enormous: tax breaks for industries and corporations; subsidies for business; protection from lawsuits or constant from laws their competitors have got to obey. Lobbyists stand for just in relation to each American interest group and institution – corporations, labor unions, colleges and universities, charities, churches, senior citizens organizations, environmental groups, and even local state, or foreign governments. 2. Identify all of the Executive Branch Departments that have a role regarding the nation's nuclear weapons and what each of their roles is. When the Constitution was created Since 1789, the Executive Branch of government for the United States, a President has represented it. The Electoral College selects the president founded on a state's admired vote, The President is in addition Commander–in–Chief of the armed ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. The National Trust For Historic Preservation Essay Mini Case Study #2 Question 1 "How does the case of the National Trust for Historic Preservation reflect the concept of resource dependence discussed in this chapter? How does it reflect the interaction between sources of revenue and priorities?" In the case of the National Trust for Historical Preservation (this will be referred to in the future as NTHP in this paper), the concept is reflected in their decision to break away from government funding. Because Congress had designated them as a trust, they had a large portion of their budget in their hands, about a fifth. When budgeting constraints began to be too close for comfort, the NTHP was done dealing with Congress. They were done being "lobbyists on our own behalf" (Adelman, 2005) and wanted to do more with what resources they had from other grants and memberships. This interaction of revenue stream and priorities came to a confluence and then a compromise. This compromise helped the NTHP establish what they felt was important, and put their priorities first. Because they now were leaning away from government support, their true priorities could be established without the lobbying and bias of the Congress of the United States. Question 2 "Think back on (or read again) the discussion in Chapter 2 about the functions that nonprofit organizations perform with regard to government. How does the case of the National Trust for Historic Preservation reflect those various roles?"' Upon re–reading Chapter 2, many ideas ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. A Report On The International Markets And We Are Aiming... Emails after the meeting: To: Nicholas Oritz, David Rodger, Stephanie Gwen, Raymond Toh, Tim Robinson, Fatimah Lee, Musa Mohammad Cc: Ali Iskandar, Angela Shim, Emma Kau Shima Amirul, Amanda Lee, Faizal Saiful, Nurul Sima, Jane Mo, Andy Sun, Mohamed Faizal, Sophy Zheng, Sandra Wills, Slyvia Lee, Leo Teplin Subject: Skype conference summary Dear all, Here is the conference summary: There is a strong demand for TTNQ to explore the international markets and we are aiming the marketplace of Malaysia. The proposed and recommended promotional strategies will be applying Media announcement and Employee functions. Their total spending budgets will be $2300, wghich is far below the required budget level. I have designed each involved staff roles and responsibilities for these promotional strategies and make sure you have a clear clue of each activity's starting date and ending date, as you will be accountable for each responsible promotional activity. Following this meeting I have arranged another two meetings which would be holding on 01/06/2016 and 15/06/2016. Please ensure you are available during those two days. If you have any inquiries please let me know. Thanks for your corporation Yong Suk Chen As the CEO has also asked you to identify business networks in the identified country. Identify at least three business networks applicable to the identified country that you could use and what information and assistance they can provide to you. Identified business networks ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. Interest Groups in Texas Essay In this essay I will compare and contrast the different legislative agendas of various interest groups involved with the Texas Government. An interest group (also called an advocacy group, lobbying group, pressure group, or special interest) is a collection of members that are determined to encourage or prevent changes in public policy without trying to be elected. The essay will discuss the four kinds of interest groups, trade, professional, single and public, as well as provide one detailed example of each type. It includes examples from the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, Texas AFT, MADD and TexPIRG interest groups, which are just a few of the many groups in existence out, but it provides an idea of what different types of ... Show more content on ... The Texas AFT wants to influence the legislator because the school districts have been left to try to make up for inadequate state aid by raising local tax rates, even as the state has continued to make it much harder for them to accomplish this. Basically, all they want to do is handle the budget crisis in the school districts of Texas. To analyze the successes and failures of Texas AFT in influencing legislation is short and sweet; school systems are still under budgeted and local taxes are still being raised to help the schools. The only break educators have received was in 2006 with "surplus" dollars tax swap for which the bill is now belatedly coming due. The third interest group of topic is a single interest group called Mothers Against Drunk Driving, also known as MADD. A single interest group is a group of persons working on behalf of or strongly supporting a particular cause, such as an item of legislation, an industry, or a special segment of society. ( Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a non–profit organization seeking to stop drunk driving, support victims of drunk driving, prevent underage drinking, and push for stricter alcohol policy overall. MADD was incorporated on September 5, 1980, the purposes of MADD as stated in its Articles of Incorporation were "To aid the victims of crimes performed by individuals driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, to aid ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. The Privileged Position of Business Essay The Privileged Position of Business Hudson first states what he believes to be the central assumption of the Pluralist description of American politics that there is no one dominant group in American Society. He argues that there is a dominant group, business. I agree that the pluralist ideology is wrong and that business is very dominant in our political society. He continues by stating that there are two faces of the political privilege of business. The first involves business actively manipulating the political system to obtain their political objectives. Hudson starts by stating that the first aspect, that of the active manipulating of the political system by business to obtain political objectives, can be divided into ... Show more content on ... I agree that there are many interest groups but a majority of them are in some way lobbying for business. I also believe that the majority of the people know that this is going on and don't like it and would like to see a change. Next Hudson discusses the businesses role in providing finding for elections. The business that contribute money can expect to be heard by the elected officials they have helped. He states that business dominates lobby groups as well as dominates the universe of campaign contributions. I believe that this gives businesses a huge advantage and also I believe that this is the major reason business predominates over politics in our society. And the more closely you look at this issue the more clearly you see the money these businesses contribute to candidates who are in effect already pro–business then they become even more for business when they know this will in all probability get them re–elected. I definitely agree that this poses a real problem and needs to be dealt with. In addition, business controls citizen access to information through ownership of the media. I agree with this completely. I was surprised to read that most of the mass communication industry is now concentrated in about twenty giant holding companies. The idea that newspapers and television are businesses themselves and project pro–business views is a given. But also other businesses pay for them through ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. How Do Interest Groups Influence Public Policy Interest Group Influence in Public Policy Rebecca Zborowski Anna Maria College MPA 603 Dr. Steve Morreale, Professor November 13, 2016 Interest groups and advocacy groups have an undeniably strong influence in Washington, and while the results of lobbying efforts are not often touted, they sway policy in areas like energy, housing, public finance, education, gun control and many more. These interest groups may represent parochial interests, but there is surely an area of policy that matches most splintered–off factions. While they've been portrayed as shadowy forces in lawmaking, "Interest Group Influence on US Policy Change: An Assessment Based on Policy History" by Matt Grossmann attempts to quantify and ... Show more content on ... Says Grossmann on page 3, "interest groups often play a central role in setting the government agenda...[and] are often found to have a substantial impact on policy outcomes." Many political candidates from both sides of the partisan aisle have run on a platform of neutralizing the force of special interests in Washington, and this illuminates why that's an important issue. Special interests lobby because they have something to gain from the result of the policy, or those they represent do. It's not always a nefarious intention, but the parochial nature of special interests is in conflict with policy that affects the American public at large, and those interests often win out because they wield power over lawmakers at the national, state and local ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Interest Groups Essay An interest group is an organized group of people that come together to attempt to influence policymakers in any level of government. They influence the different levels of government by giving money to a political candidate. They write letters, emails, and make phone calls to the policymakers. They attempt to get the policymakers to make legislation reflecting the objectives of the group (This Nation, 2008). Americans choose to join these interest groups because they are motivated by the group's objectives. They believe the group will protect their interest within the political realm. For an example, a Texas restaurant owner might join the local chamber of commerce in order to have her business' interest represented within the local ... Show more content on ... The first one is lobbying. This the practice of talking with policymakers to persuade them to support a certain legislation. It also includes testifying before congressional committees for or against a proposed legislation (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.151). The ratings game is where the group identify the legislation that consider most important to goals & then monitor how policymakers voted on it. The legislators then receive scores based on their votes, on a range from 0 to 100%. A 100 percent means that the policymaker voted with the group on every issue (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.151). Campaign assistance is the form of group members are able to work for the political campaigns, including precinct workers to get out the vote. volunteers to put up posters, and pass out literature. staff the phone banks at the campaign headquarters (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.152). They generate public pressure by producing advertisements in magazines and newspapers, mass mailings, and TV, and demonstrations. The Internet make communication even more effective. The intent of this activity is to convince policymakers that the public supports the group's position in a proposed legislation (Schmidt, S., et al., 2011, p.152). The interest group utilize the constituents of the policymakers to lobby for ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. The Pros And Cons Of Lobbying And Arguments Through careful analysis of lobbying regulations, the effects will be analyzed on its positive affects on people, and how it negatively affects. Through the examination of past bills passed in government that were influenced by lobbying, the pros and cons may be examined. Research from academic journals has been compiled. It will show that without a proper regulatory entity, lobbying is dangerous to american citizens. The sum of money a company puts into lobbying, and which companies use lobbying will also be inspected. If it is just private companies, or rather public companies also. Therefore in order for lobbying to be successful it must be devoid of all personal influence, and propose policy that benefits all American citizens. Lobbying is an extremely controversial topic in American politics. Some citizens believe it is right for a company, and only helps the economy. On the other hand, citizens say that lobbying opens the door for corruption. However, in order to fully understand the pros and cons of lobbying first the basic definition of lobbying must be understood. The word lobby is defined ethical infringements by politicians and lobbyists. One of the most eminent ethical issues was gift giving. Lobbyists in order to influence a politician many ... Show more content on ... The majority of lobbying laws are state laws. The severity of lobbying regulation varies between states. Some states require written disclosure of meetings with politicians, while others do not even require the disclosure of gifts. However, although state laws may vary, the majority all came into being after a lobbying scandal. In midst of a scandal legislators feel pressure to address the issue. Therefore regulations are usually introduced in the wake of a scandal. Media coverage is a large component also. If the scandal gains national coverage that raises the pressure on politicians to pass ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Foundations of American Government Foundations of American Government I believe the five pathways for change were put here to guide us in becoming a more efficient government and to give different examples of how to go about change in America. All of the pathways are important but to me the most important is the lobbying decision makers' pathway. "Lobbyists are said to be advocates, someone who represents a specific side of an issue. According to Thomson Gale Legal Encyclopedia, A lobbyist and a lawyer have similar attributes whereas the lobbyist targets the legislative point of view and the lawyer targets the judicial point of view. Lawyers provide facts on different perspectives on legal issues dealing with the case; And lobbyist offer local, state, and federal ... Show more content on ... Their advertisement proclaimed that all they wanted to do was "protect their Freedom of Choice." "This is New York City; no one tells us what neighborhood to live in or what team to root for," says the narrator, as Yankees and Mets fans shout in the background. (Grynbaum, 2012). Since May 30 when Bloomberg wanted to ban the sale of soft drinks over 16 ounces in regulated food establishments such as movie theaters and sport arenas. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, a New Jersey Democrat, recommended there be a federal study linking together sugary beverages and obesity. "The talking points are 'Nanny State,' that it won't work, because people will just buy as much as they ever would, and that this disproportionately hurts the poor," said Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. (Grynbaum, 2012). People that are not middle or low class would buy as much soda as they wanted and the rest of the people would be stuck with whatever drink is leftover. The lower class minority groups seem to always get the shorter end of the stick and in most cases unless a big group of them get together their voices will not be heard. The mayor or the city council should not have the right to tell you what size soda to drink or what kind of soda to drink; We live in The United States of America and there is no law that says anything about a specific size or flavor of soda so until that day comes nobody should ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. A Reflection At The Center For Inclusion And Campus... A Reflection at the Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement: Social Justice Pre–Practicum Unlike my mental health pre–practicum which was an off campus endeavor at Aspire Health Partners, my social justice, and advocacy prepracticum took place on the campus of Rollins at the Center for Inclusion and Campus Involvement (CICI). Working this semester for CICI was an eye opening experience. For over four months, I was able to abide by CICI's mission statement which consists of the following values; inclusion, courageous leadership, authenticity, and social change. My endeavors were directed towards the LGBTQ community at Rollins, but I was also able to work with incoming students with Title IX and Buzz to help the new students understand how to be safe in campus. My professional and personal values remained congruent with the social justice and social advocacy mission values of CICI, and afforded me the chance to see the ethics of my mental health counseling program in action. Accordingly, my values stand as self–determination to encourage social justice and social change on behalf of my clients. It behooves me to highlight how meaningful this value subsists for me since this was one of the central purposes that inspired me to pursue a career in mental health counseling. As a gay man, I realized that the LGBTQ community needs many advocates for their rights and for society's acceptance, especially for the LGBTQ youth of today. Therefore, I recognized that counseling was ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. ALR383 Government Relations and Issue Essays ALR383 – Government Relations and Issues Management Essay – Same–sex marriage Sam Stacker 211307837 As society has revolutionized and with democratic ideology denominating has the western world, liberation and equality campaigns stemming from "third sector" (Keane 1998) lobbying groups, stand as a key component to the operation a "civil society"(Keane 1998). Carrying an objective to influence legislators or regulatory agencies, these political advocacy groups play a critical role in the operation of a healthy liberal democracy. In contemporary society, the notion of Same–sex marriage has polarized public opinion worldwide and is recognized as one of the most controversial non– economic issues to ever confront the Australian ... Show more content on ... A notice comprising of there perspective was disseminated to parliament testifying that the protection of the unique definition of marriage as stated in the 'Marriage Act 1961' "serves the common good, particularly the good of children"(The Australian Christian Lobby 2012, p.5). The document, formalized by over 50 religious leaders from a myriad of churches located around Australia, illustrated not only to parliament, but all bodies operating within the public sphere of the strong religious opposition to the matter. In 2012 the ACL further exhibited its supremacy as a dominant lobbying group as it lobbied against a bill introduced to the South Australian Legislative Council aimed at legalizing same–sex marriage. The welfare of Children remained at the forefront of concern for the ACL whom insinuated children "will have to be taught that homosexuality is the same as heterosexuality" (Dunkin 2012). The bill was subsequently defeated as was a same–sex marriage bill introduced into the South Australian Lower House in July 2013. The ACL's most monumental lobbying triumph, however, commenced on the 22nd of October 2013, shortly after the territory's legislative assembly passed 'ACT Marriage Equality' laws which came into effect in Canberra on the 7th of December 2013. The ACL actively lobbied against the new controversial laws again bringing to light the disregard for the welfare of children and broader social and religious values. The Commonwealth ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Invisible Children "To be fair, lying is part and parcel of public life. Every politician has lied about something because they are owned by the special interest groups that finance their elections" (Schuyler). Many, if not most, citizens view special interest groups and lobbyist as one of the evils in politics. Special interest groups, and even nonprofits who use lobbying tactics, are often viewed as corrupt and untrustworthy. However, it is special interest groups that largely hold together the current political system. Truly, there are many nonprofits, like Invisible Children, that work to provide lobbying presence in Washington for underrepresented people and causes. Invisible Children (IC) is a nonprofit that was founded in 2004. It's main purpose and ... Show more content on ... This project, Rewards for Justice, sought to "continue to support the efforts of the U.S. advisors in central Africa" ("Grassroots Advocacy"). Again, they mobilized thousands of young activists. This time on a much larger scale than previous initiatives. Thousands upon thousands of young adults called their congressional representatives, sent emails, and hand wrote letters. In November of 2012, 800 young activists traveled to D.C. to lobby senators. This was followed by a large protest, over 10,000, that marched in front of the White House. Clad in red tee–shirts, protesters shut down the streets, calling for congress to pass the Rewards for Justice legislation. In January, two short month later, President Obama signed into law the Rewards for Justice Act. Invisible Children effectively proved outside strategy can be extremely effective, when performed correctly. Invisible Children, currently employs many forms of advocacy. Politically, they frequently use outside strategy and mobilize large numbers of young adults and youth. They also use inside strategy by having staff on capitol hill to lobby and advise members of congress on legislation concerning the LRA conflict in Central ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Essay On Lobbyist And Advocate Nurses do more than simply care for the ill, they promote health and wellbeing as well as prevention of disease. In addition, nurses help mold policies, laws, and educate legislators about society's needs. In my discussion I will define compare and contrast a lobbyists and advocate. I will also discuss their importance and two nursing organizations that assist in changing healthcare policies. A lobbyist is a person that represents a group of individuals or organizations that attempts to influence legislators to make or oppose laws in favor of these groups (Nies & McEwen, 2015). Legislators rely heavy upon lobbyists to education them with accurate and current information on the issues that are important in society today. Consequently, an advocate means to speak on someone else's behalf or for them. Nurses advocate all the time in the best interest of their patients. If we ... Show more content on ... Allowing the nursing body to better make decisions and take the lead in policy making initiatives. Through these initiatives this organization, is able to assist the nursing body in achieving the core principles of nursing excellence (National League of Nurses, 2016). They rely on grassroots advocates to raise the awareness of certain issues. As a grass root advocate, they influence legislation and the society at large via way of general public, not lobbyists, to contact legislators in attempt to make a change. In conclusion, both lobbyists and advocates are needed to change policies that affect every person in regard to healthcare. Although both have the same intentions their methods to arriving at the needed change are different. Although some nurses never realized their importance in politics and become frustrated over the lack of progress or change, by realizing that together we can make those changes for a better tomorrow ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Lobbying: A Place Behind Closed Doors Lobbying is seen as profession which helps democracy.Tench and Yeomans define lobbying as "The influencing of public policy making through private means of meeting MPs, ministers, civil servants, councillors or local government officials" (2009, p.648). Lobbying can be seen as a voice for those who might not have power and a voice. Simply put, through the electoral system each Australian citizen of voting age is able to participate in the selection of state,federal and local government representatives who will govern and make decisions on their behalf.Thus it is fair to say that to some extent lobbying takes place behind closed doors; away from direct public scrutiny and knowledge. However even there is scepticism about lobbying,it can argued ... Show more content on ... Simply put it is an electoral system which each citizen who is of voting age is able to participate in the election of the federal,state and local government representatives,who will in turn will govern and will make decisions on the citizens behalf. Even though the skepticism and valid concerns about lobbying it is not fair or correct to say that the profession is unregulated or entirely unobserved activity, and inartistically wrong. An idea presented by Grunig and Hunt (1984) cited by Sheehan (2012) argue that lobbying has a goal which ensures political decision–makers have all the facts before committing to policy,enacting or changing legislation. Furthermore,the federal government,for example have codes of conduct for lobbyists and requires which is a publicly available register if they are acting for third party clients and aims to influence government ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. Essay on Money and Democracy’s Dilemma Money and Democracy's Dilemma Americans hold sacred their freedom over all else and many have fought fervently to protect it even to their own death. Yet our freedom and our protected rights are at odds with the power and influence of money at all levels of government; none more obvious than those in Washington. It is precisely this freedom that makes the concept of interest groups and lobbyists a part of our democracy's dilemma. In "The Interest Group Society," Jeffrey M. Berry and Clyde Wilcox state: The dilemma is this: If government does not allow people to pursue their self– interest, it takes away their political freedom...although the alternative– permitting people to advocate whatever they want– is far more preferable, it also ... Show more content on ... In "The Sound of Money, How Political Interests Get What They Want," Darrell M. West and Burdett A. Loomis state "Strong organization and control of financial resources have allowed many interest groups to exercise substantial –even disproportionate– influence in American politics" (205). Those with the most money and deepest pockets have the greatest resources in order to provide favors to legislators. It is with this money and its power that bonds and relationships are created allowing a lobbyist to ask for favors. In turn, these favors result in legislation that benefits the interest group. "This creates serious problems in terms of representation. To the extent that elected officials listen more to or are influenced by those who are skews out representational system in favor of the haves over the have–nots" (West and Loomis 229). This means the sector that primarily benefits from interest groups are big businesses. The wealthy corporations attain the most benefits and their self–interests become the forefront in Washington. West and Loomis expand on their point in saying: The dilemma for democracy is that not everyone has equal access to financial resources necessary for often elaborate efforts. If there were rough equity among various interests, money would not be so problematic. However, when a few interests have large amounts of money and many have little, democracy ... Get more on ...