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Communication masterplan
for FCBC Youthnet Countdown 2011

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Creating the experience

  Every year, YouthNet countdown parties are
 launch pads into a new year. Our mission is to
give our youths one big lift off into God’s orbit!

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How can this countdown be
     a climatic summation
   and anticipation for 2011?

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Diving into the heart of our youths

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Young. Vibrant. Passionate
Hungry for God
The past:

God has enlarged our vision, our
    territory and our faith.

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The future:

But it is only the seed of what is to come.
      The Year of the Holy Spirit is an
 anticipation of greater things to come

       “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and in all
             Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

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The common thread:

          God is               bigger
                              than life
         His celebrations should be too

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Theme for youthnet countdown:


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 It is a spirit of boldness. A callout to live and serve God
with unprecedented obedience. It is a life lived worthy of
God, giving God our utmost for His highest every time and
 in everything we do. Youths living large recognizes the
 times. They are urgent to reach their generation. They
embrace the call to please God, live by faith. Each enters
 the season with a burning desire to make a difference.
The more they live large, the bigger they see God in their
     lives. The larger God is, the braver one becomes.

          All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
Strategic Pillars for youthnet 2011:
      “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the
       breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many
      wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together
      and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to
     anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple
     courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere
        hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord
        added to their number daily those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:42-47

        LIVE LARGE
on fellowship                              on devotion                                          on giving
  the worship of God                                  the word                                       the works
the welcoming of people

        All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
Communication channels and objectives: delivering
  the right message at the right time and place:

     LIVE LARGE                                                     LIVE LARGE
      Pre-show                                                      Watch night
       publicity                                                      service

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LIVE LARGE Pre-show publicity

  How do we bring “LIVE LARGE” alive?

   All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
Publicity contact strategy
               LIVE LARGE
                                                            LIVE LARGE
           quote floor stickers
                                                         Post card giveaway
        (correlates with bulletin)                                                                                  LIVE LARGE
                                                                                                               “multiplication” video

  LIVE LARGE “look at
   the floor” bulletin                                                                                                   LIVE LARGE
                                                                                                                   Daily facebook update

After 25 Dec (inform & engage)

Before 25 Dec (teaser)

                                                          LIVE LARGE teasers
                                                            stickers @ TCT

All media is unique in form and content but integrated in building a
   unified message of living large as the theme of the countdown
                         All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
LIVE LARGE YouthNet CDP Bulletin insert
objective: direct youths to the stickers to the floor in a tongue and cheek way on that day & link
to the countdown event.

           T ODAYdT F OOR
                    HE L
           T pdat R
             OMOR OW T IR HE T
                        HE  AR S
            Tu L
           LODAY, GE
            bIVE AR
            E N
         To T ST
             HE ONE F OOR
            CR S OUT
            L L GE
             IVE AR

               •   All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
LIVE LARGE Quote stickers
objective: quotes to express the meaning of living large

                                  Facebook call for quotes                                                                                                                Example mock up

 • Quotes from youths for youth collected from a call of entries on facebook

 *White markings are crop marks for cutting. These stickers are clear vinyl stickers which will look like part of the floor and will easily remove.
 *FCBC YouthNet logo is not present on these stickers is because these stickers are meant to tease. Teasers stir curiosity which will create conversations among everyone to clarify, which is our objective in
    creating buzz, even among the adults, more so that many are engaged in youth work out there. Having the logo will defuse that curiosity effect and lessen the buzz. Addressing the concern of confusion of
    whether this is a church wide or youth event, the video, bulletin and post cards provided that day will spot the FCBC YouthNet logo which will sufficiently clarify.

                              •       All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
LIVE LARGE quotes (examples)
  •   “Live large is the new live strong.”
  •   “Life is too short not to live large for God”
  •   “Do big things for God. Live large.”
  •   “One with courage makes a majority. Live large”
  •   “Live large on courage”
  •   “Live large on love”
  •   “Live large on faith”
  •   “Live above your struggles. Live large”
  •   “Praying for breakthroughs. Live large”
  •   “Not being silent about God. Live large”
  •   “Never give up. Never surrender. Live large”
  •   “We are what we believe we are. Live large”
  •   “Praying for family salvation is living large”
  •   “Live larger than your exams”
  •   “Turn on your faith engine. Live large”
LIVE LARGE Quote stickers layout
mock up on selected youth concentrated aisles in EXPO Hall 10.

                     LIFE IS TOO SHORT
                     NOT TO LIVE LARGE
                     FOR GOD

                     LIVE LARGE
                     ON FAITH

                     LIVE ABOVE
                     YOUR STRUGGLES
                     LIVE LARGE
LIVE LARGE Quote stickers layout
                                         Position at “x” spots (total 104x)
                                         All stickers facing away from stage
                                                                 Eg: LIFE IS TOO SHORT
                         x       x       x               x       NOT TO LIVE LARGE
                                                                 FOR GOD
                         x       x       x   14x         x
                         x       x       x
                 x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x       x   x
                         x       x       x               x
                         x       x           14x         x
                         x       x       x
                         x       x       x               x
         x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x       x   x   x     x
                         x       x       x
                         x       x       x
                         x       x       x
                         x       x       x
         x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x       x       x   x     x
objective: showing different expressions of living large by putting a face
to the theme allowing both teens and young adults to relate

                                              I AM BEN
                                     PLAYING OUT LOUD
                                LIVING LARGE FOR GOD

           Version 1

                  I AM DANIEL
                  PREACHING OUT STRONG
                  LIVING LARGE FOR GOD

     Version 2

                    I AM YOUNG

     Version 3

 Version 4   Version 5   Version 6
objective: remembering 2010
VIDEO objective: express living large through the power of multiplication in God’s equation.

                                            - Stone x God = dead giant
                                            - 5 loaves 2 fishes x God = happy tummies
                                            - Water x God = party!
                                            - Mustard seed x God = sinking mountain
                                            - Crippled man x God = evangelist
                                            - You x God = ?
                                            - Know the answer at YouthNet Countown

                                            •Video line up
                                                 –   15 Dec : Live large announcement video on
                                                     various facebook pages
                                                 –   25 Dec : Live large “multiplication” video at EXPO
                                                     (work in progress)
LIVE LARGE 2 weeks facebook strategy
objective: concurrent effort to engage youths with new content in the digital space to
build anticipation and word of mouth
                                      •   2 weeks before show (drive engagement
                                          & relevance)
                                           –   Set up LIVE Large 2011 event on FCBC youthnet page & campus
                                           –   Set up polls eg. “what does live large means?” or vote for
                                               persons you think live large?
                                           –   Upload assets - publicity video, wallpapers and posters for teens
                                           –   Live large quotes
                                                  • on both FCBC youthnet and teens xcite pages: a call for
                                                      quotes of what living large means, and the most likes
                                                      within 24hrs gets a prize. Call for quotes@ facebook
                                                      during service announcement. Strategic value: refresh
                                                      announcement, going beyond information through
                                                  • Live large quotes on inspiring people’s pages: FCBC
                                                      youthnet post on live large quotes relating to the person’s
                                                      life, achievement or ministry (eg. Ps Eugene, Ps Rol, Daniel
                                                      khong, zhou qi, guan han..etc). Strategic value: Tap on
                                                      their followers and draw relevance and meaning to what
                                                      live large is about.

                                      •   1 week before show (drive reminder)
                                           –   Post up a message: change your msn, twitter and facebook
                                               profile picture to live large logo. Strategic value: Stay in youths’
                                               consciousness and serves as a reminder to others.
                                           –   Countdown with a quote
LIVE LARGE 2 weeks facebook strategy

       eg: Teasers and new profile look   eg: A quote for quotes initiative
LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers
objective: elude to the theme and message

                                            •   Messages that works with the
                                                media eluding to the meaning
                                                of living large for God
                                                Location: TCT toilets, chairs,
                                                doors and stairs
                                            •   Strategic value: An
                                                unconventional idea that
                                                breaks the monotony and
                                                creates interest and “talk”
                                                among youths. Low cost and
                                                low wastage targeting high
                                                youth services
Teaser stickers
LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers
LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers
LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers
Pre-show publicity master timeline
DATE/EVENT                   LOCATION                PUBLICITY                         IC & ACTIONS
8 Dec                        TBA                     -                                 Terry to clear video with Ps Rol
Video approval                                                                         Josiah to have video adapted to TC & TCT screen size
Teaser lines review                                                                    Josh to clear teaser lines with Jason
9 Dec                        -                       -                                 Yanyi to layout teaser lines into stickers
Teaser lines layout                                                                    Josh to review live large quotes
Live large quotes review
10 Dec                       TC Chapel               MC games                          IC: Terry
JC Poly + campus camp                                Announcement poster + MC          Josh to print stickers
Teaser lines layout FA

11 Dec                       TCT                     Announcement poster + MC          IC: Terry
Teens xcite service                                  Teaser stickers                   Video clear video by Wednesday
Saturday night service                                                                 Yanyi to adapt live large quotes into layout

15 – 24 Dec                  Facebook                Engagement posts and assets       IC: Miki
Facebook activation
15 Dec                       -                       -                                 Yanyi to pass both FA to terry for printing and distribution
Live large Zo cards layout                                                             Yanyi to layout live large quotes
Live large quotes layout

21 Dec                       TC consolidation room   -                                 Josh to brief daniel and logistic team on pre-publicity and actual pre
Logistic Briefing                                                                      show logistic rundown
Live large quotes FA
22 Dec                       TCT                     Teaser stickers                   Already in place
YouthNet Prayer meeting

25 Dec                       EXPO HALL 10            LIVE LARGE Multiplication video   Terry to ensure repeat instructions on video
Church service               EXPO HALL 9             A5 Bulletin                       Terry to ensure bulletin is ready for distribution
YouthNet gift exchange                               Live large quotes on floor        Josh to ensure live large quotes are on floors before service
28 Dec                       Facebook                -                                 Miki to post 3 Days countdown messages
Facebook countdown
       Watch Night Service
Delivering the “LIVE LARGE” message

 All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
Program Segments:

                                                                                   Part 4:
                                                                   Part 3:
                                                                                 Exchange the natural for the

                                 Part 2:                            Expect God

                                 Experience the greatness of God

Experience the goodness of God
Part 1: Welcome
  Experience the goodness of God
Balloon chandelier with photos

                                                 A ceiling full of fascia pink balloons against the white light gives a reddish celebrative glow

  •   A ceiling layered with balloons with strings just above head level. 10 – 15x A4 Photos of compelling key
      note events of YouthNet will be hung to create a floating photo montage.
  •   Ice-breaker - each balloon will also have an alphabet of “L.I.V.E.L.A.R.G.E” (or others?). Emcees lead game
      to form the word “live large”. (key in the letters later, can play a few words first)
  •   Location: Ceiling
  •   Logistics: Helium, balloons, strings, 30x A4 photos
  •   Manpower: 6x set up, 4hrs
  •   Strategic value: Versatile item with multiple uses – decorative, commemorative and ice-breaking

                                                                                         LI FE IS
                                                                                       TOO        SHO R T
                                                                                        N          O    T
                                                                                        TO         L I VE
                                                                                        LA         R GE
                                                                                        F           O   R
                                                                                        G          O    D

                                                  Visual effect                                       Mock up of message

•   A post it montage saying “life is too short not to live large for God”. Balloons hung with thick marker pens are available,
    motivators encourage people to write their to do's for God in 2011.
•   Location: consolidation room glass wall
•   Logistics: “live large” white post it to form message, yellow post its to cover the glass, pink post its for the “V” of “live”
•   Manpower: 6x set up, 4hrs approx.
•   Strategic value: Both impression and participation. Give youths participation and even without participation, the
    message gives the sense that living large is about taking action.
LIVE LARGE magazine cover
                                       LIVE LARGE                      2011
                                      most on fire
                                                                    Be fruitful
                                                                 The guide to the
                                                                fruits of the spirit
                                          ible   in
                                     The b
                                         365                   Special feature:
                                                               How to trust God?
                                         DAYS                  Interview with the
                                                                   Holy Spirit
                                      TOP 10
                                      on looking                   25 years
                                     good for God                    of God’s
                                       BEAT THE                     The youth
                                          DEVIL                   story of FCBC
                                       in 30 Days

•   Celebrities are not the only people gracing magazine covers. God says you are the star! Youthnet’s very own stylistic youth magazines
•   Location: consolidation room door
•   Logistics: 1x mock up wooden booth
•   Manpower: 2x to position and help people take photos
•   Strategic value: The directives of next year “year of holy spirit” can subtly communicated as cover headlines so that youths can keep
    the photo as a reminder of next year’s perogatives.
•   Application: Emcees speech can encourage youths to keep the photos as a reminder of next year’s directions. The mock magazine
    cover itself can be used as the bulletin cover of 1 wk Jan 2011 service or the cover for youth buzz as a reminder to youths to live
Pre-show floor plan

                            Admin booth               stairs

                                                                              Consolidation room

                                                               POST IT WALL
                                    Balloon ceiling

                                                                              LIVE LARGE photo booth   LIVE LARGE quote wall
    LIVE LARGE quote wall
Part 2: Worship
 Experience the greatness of God
A worship experience for a God like no other

 • Worship team will be briefed on the theme and spirit, to deliver an experience that
   will connect worshipers to the greatness of God
Worship stage design

                                             Waist height words interspersed between worship team gives a visual impact
                                                                                       reinforcing the effect of worship

           Live 2011 poster on LED display

 • Led Screen vignette: Live 2011 poster
 • Stage: Giant “GOD IS BIGGER THAN LIFE” words with floor light lit placed around each
   band member to reinforce the worship experience
 - Logistics: 1x LIVE LARGE Styrofoam models, 9x spot lightings 1x large format tiff file
 - Manpower: 4x to set up & test, 1hr
Worship stage floor plan (show
confetti gun)
                                      LED Screen displaying poster


                                              Keyboards & guitars
                      LIGHT           LIGHT                 LIGHT            LIGH

                       I          L           R             E           T         T
                  D           S         A          G                R       H A           L
              O                                                                       N       I     F
     G                                                                                                    E
youths in action in church

                           Part 1: To present 1st year/new leaders on video
                           Part 2: 200x Leaders (In family tree/BB & GB
                           leaders) to collect appreciation gifts from Ps
                           EJRL. (10 mins)

  • Strategic value: the visual presentation
    reaffirms the role of ministry as the starting
    place to be equipped and serve
youths in action in their domains

                           Youths made an impact in their

                           Play photo montage of YN members in
                           their marketplace/domains, use words in
                           montage to describe achievements of

  • Strategic value: the visual presentation will
    empower youths to continue to make a
    difference in their marketplace, beyond the walls
    of church
Part 3: Word
    Expect God
Special message for 2011
                                   A word on the Holy Spirit

 • Application: Pair audience up with someone they don’t know and
   without any personal sharing, write a New Year blessing for the
   other person on the Year of Holy Spirit sticker. This activity will
   require audience to exercise the Holy Spirit in order to think of a
   word of blessing.
Year in review video

                         Photo and video of collective youthnet

 • Application: Video to be 6 minutes long
   including 20 sec countdown at the end.
Part 4: Works
Exchange the natural for the supernatural
5 Loaves and 2 Fishes
– the divine exchange

                                                                                             LIVE LARGE FOR GOD
                                                                                             BY GIVING GOD THE SMALL THINGS

  Strategic value: embed in youths the principle of living a lifestyle of giving of ourselves to God for the things of God
  •To screen FCBC YouthNet Facebook page showing numerous thanksgiving pictures taken during crowd warmers segment.
  •The thanksgivings of 2010 will encourage us to believe that God has a greater plan in store for 2011 as we seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit – If you think that
  2010 was great, expect greater things from God in 2011.
  •Anchoring pastor to invite youths to take out the 2011 aspiration envelope and write their aspirations on the envelope.
  •Drawing parallel to the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins – “The Greatest Exchange”, encourage youths to commit one area of their lives (time, one hour a day/ one day a
  month/ one week a year, money, ministry, talents, abilities etc) to God in 2011.
  •To close, youths to put mock cheque into the envelope and come forward and drop into Xbox (The box of exchange to expect great experiences for God in 2011)
  •Worship band to play in the background throughout this segment and during altar invitation, worship leader to sing a suitable song.
  •Anchoring pastor to close with a rededication prayer and one praise song at the end. Worship leader to dismiss crowd.


         - To play YouthNet overseas members
         well-wishing videos as crowd disperse. (5
         mins max)
         - Emcees to officially announce end of
         event and combined service on Sunday
Actual-show production master timeline
DATE/EVENT                        LOCATION                 IC & ACTIONS
17 Dec                            -                        Josh to approve
Confirmation of props suppliers
•3D words (on stage, on panels)
•Magazine cover photo booth
•Post it pads
•Floor stickers
•Balloons + strings + helium
17– 22 Dec                        -                        Daniel to ensure props are ordered and produced.
Ordering & Production of props                             Delivery: 22 Dec, TCT joy hall
21 Dec                            TCT consolidation room   Josh to brief daniel and logistic team on pre-publicity and actual pre show
Logistic Briefing for IC & team                            logistic rundown
28 Dec                            TCT                      Daniel and josh to do final logistic items and manpower check.
Delivery of all props                                      Brief worship team on words placement
Logistic final check
31 Dec (AM)                       TCT                      Daniel and josh to produce props
Logistic prep
-Waiting area
-Worship stage
Cue time table

• To be updated

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Live large 2011 Communication strategy

  • 1. Communication masterplan for FCBC Youthnet Countdown 2011 All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent.
  • 2. Creating the experience Every year, YouthNet countdown parties are launch pads into a new year. Our mission is to give our youths one big lift off into God’s orbit! All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent.
  • 3. How can this countdown be a climatic summation and anticipation for 2011? All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent.
  • 4. Diving into the heart of our youths All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent.
  • 7. The past: God has enlarged our vision, our territory and our faith. All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 8. The future: But it is only the seed of what is to come. The Year of the Holy Spirit is an anticipation of greater things to come “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8 All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 9. The common thread: God is bigger than life His celebrations should be too All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 10. Theme for youthnet countdown: LIVE LARGE All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 11. LIVE LARGE It is a spirit of boldness. A callout to live and serve God with unprecedented obedience. It is a life lived worthy of God, giving God our utmost for His highest every time and in everything we do. Youths living large recognizes the times. They are urgent to reach their generation. They embrace the call to please God, live by faith. Each enters the season with a burning desire to make a difference. The more they live large, the bigger they see God in their lives. The larger God is, the braver one becomes. All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 12. Strategic Pillars for youthnet 2011: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:42-47 LIVE LARGE on fellowship on devotion on giving the worship of God the word the works the welcoming of people All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 13. Communication channels and objectives: delivering the right message at the right time and place: LIVE LARGE LIVE LARGE Pre-show Watch night publicity service All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 14. LIVE LARGE Pre-show publicity How do we bring “LIVE LARGE” alive? All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 15. Publicity contact strategy LIVE LARGE LIVE LARGE quote floor stickers Post card giveaway (correlates with bulletin) LIVE LARGE “multiplication” video LIVE LARGE “look at the floor” bulletin LIVE LARGE Daily facebook update After 25 Dec (inform & engage) Before 25 Dec (teaser) LIVE LARGE teasers stickers @ TCT All media is unique in form and content but integrated in building a unified message of living large as the theme of the countdown All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 16. LIVE LARGE YouthNet CDP Bulletin insert objective: direct youths to the stickers to the floor in a tongue and cheek way on that day & link to the countdown event. T ODAYdT F OOR e HE L T pdat R OMOR OW T IR HE T HE AR S Tu L LODAY, GE bIVE AR e E N VE To T ST HE ONE F OOR L CR S OUT IE L L GE IVE AR • All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 17. LIVE LARGE Quote stickers objective: quotes to express the meaning of living large Facebook call for quotes Example mock up • Quotes from youths for youth collected from a call of entries on facebook *White markings are crop marks for cutting. These stickers are clear vinyl stickers which will look like part of the floor and will easily remove. *FCBC YouthNet logo is not present on these stickers is because these stickers are meant to tease. Teasers stir curiosity which will create conversations among everyone to clarify, which is our objective in creating buzz, even among the adults, more so that many are engaged in youth work out there. Having the logo will defuse that curiosity effect and lessen the buzz. Addressing the concern of confusion of whether this is a church wide or youth event, the video, bulletin and post cards provided that day will spot the FCBC YouthNet logo which will sufficiently clarify. • All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 18. LIVE LARGE quotes (examples) • “Live large is the new live strong.” • “Life is too short not to live large for God” • “Do big things for God. Live large.” • “One with courage makes a majority. Live large” • “Live large on courage” • “Live large on love” • “Live large on faith” • “Live above your struggles. Live large” • “Praying for breakthroughs. Live large” • “Not being silent about God. Live large” • “Never give up. Never surrender. Live large” • “We are what we believe we are. Live large” • “Praying for family salvation is living large” • “Live larger than your exams” • “Turn on your faith engine. Live large”
  • 19. LIVE LARGE Quote stickers layout mock up on selected youth concentrated aisles in EXPO Hall 10. LIFE IS TOO SHORT CHAIR NOT TO LIVE LARGE FOR GOD LIVE LARGE ON FAITH LIVE ABOVE YOUR STRUGGLES LIVE LARGE
  • 20. LIVE LARGE Quote stickers layout Position at “x” spots (total 104x) All stickers facing away from stage Eg: LIFE IS TOO SHORT x x x x NOT TO LIVE LARGE FOR GOD x x x 14x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 14x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x G A T E
  • 21. LIVE LARGE POST CARD objective: showing different expressions of living large by putting a face to the theme allowing both teens and young adults to relate I AM BEN PLAYING OUT LOUD LIVING LARGE FOR GOD Version 1
  • 24. LIVE LARGE POST CARD Version 4 Version 5 Version 6
  • 25. POST CARD : BACK objective: remembering 2010
  • 26. LIVE LARGE video VIDEO objective: express living large through the power of multiplication in God’s equation. Storyline: - Stone x God = dead giant - 5 loaves 2 fishes x God = happy tummies - Water x God = party! - Mustard seed x God = sinking mountain - Crippled man x God = evangelist - You x God = ? - Know the answer at YouthNet Countown •Video line up – 15 Dec : Live large announcement video on various facebook pages – 25 Dec : Live large “multiplication” video at EXPO (work in progress)
  • 27. LIVE LARGE 2 weeks facebook strategy objective: concurrent effort to engage youths with new content in the digital space to build anticipation and word of mouth • 2 weeks before show (drive engagement & relevance) – Set up LIVE Large 2011 event on FCBC youthnet page & campus rev – Set up polls eg. “what does live large means?” or vote for persons you think live large? – Upload assets - publicity video, wallpapers and posters for teens – Live large quotes • on both FCBC youthnet and teens xcite pages: a call for quotes of what living large means, and the most likes within 24hrs gets a prize. Call for quotes@ facebook during service announcement. Strategic value: refresh announcement, going beyond information through engagement • Live large quotes on inspiring people’s pages: FCBC youthnet post on live large quotes relating to the person’s life, achievement or ministry (eg. Ps Eugene, Ps Rol, Daniel khong, zhou qi, guan han..etc). Strategic value: Tap on their followers and draw relevance and meaning to what live large is about. • 1 week before show (drive reminder) – Post up a message: change your msn, twitter and facebook profile picture to live large logo. Strategic value: Stay in youths’ consciousness and serves as a reminder to others. – Countdown with a quote
  • 28. LIVE LARGE 2 weeks facebook strategy examples eg: Teasers and new profile look eg: A quote for quotes initiative
  • 29. LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers objective: elude to the theme and message • Messages that works with the media eluding to the meaning of living large for God Location: TCT toilets, chairs, doors and stairs • Strategic value: An unconventional idea that breaks the monotony and creates interest and “talk” among youths. Low cost and low wastage targeting high youth services
  • 31. LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers
  • 32. LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers
  • 33. LIVE LARGE Teaser stickers
  • 34. Pre-show publicity master timeline DATE/EVENT LOCATION PUBLICITY IC & ACTIONS 8 Dec TBA - Terry to clear video with Ps Rol Video approval Josiah to have video adapted to TC & TCT screen size Teaser lines review Josh to clear teaser lines with Jason 9 Dec - - Yanyi to layout teaser lines into stickers Teaser lines layout Josh to review live large quotes Live large quotes review 10 Dec TC Chapel MC games IC: Terry JC Poly + campus camp Announcement poster + MC Josh to print stickers Teaser lines layout FA 11 Dec TCT Announcement poster + MC IC: Terry Teens xcite service Teaser stickers Video clear video by Wednesday Saturday night service Yanyi to adapt live large quotes into layout 15 – 24 Dec Facebook Engagement posts and assets IC: Miki Facebook activation 15 Dec - - Yanyi to pass both FA to terry for printing and distribution Live large Zo cards layout Yanyi to layout live large quotes Live large quotes layout 21 Dec TC consolidation room - Josh to brief daniel and logistic team on pre-publicity and actual pre Logistic Briefing show logistic rundown Live large quotes FA 22 Dec TCT Teaser stickers Already in place YouthNet Prayer meeting 25 Dec EXPO HALL 10 LIVE LARGE Multiplication video Terry to ensure repeat instructions on video Church service EXPO HALL 9 A5 Bulletin Terry to ensure bulletin is ready for distribution YouthNet gift exchange Live large quotes on floor Josh to ensure live large quotes are on floors before service 28 Dec Facebook - Miki to post 3 Days countdown messages Facebook countdown
  • 35. LIVE LARGE Watch Night Service Delivering the “LIVE LARGE” message All information are proprietary to owner and not to be amended or used in any manner without prior consent
  • 36. Program Segments: Part 4: Works Part 3: Exchange the natural for the supernatural Word Part 2: Expect God Worship Experience the greatness of God Part1: Welcome Experience the goodness of God
  • 37. Part 1: Welcome Experience the goodness of God
  • 38. Balloon chandelier with photos A ceiling full of fascia pink balloons against the white light gives a reddish celebrative glow • A ceiling layered with balloons with strings just above head level. 10 – 15x A4 Photos of compelling key note events of YouthNet will be hung to create a floating photo montage. • Ice-breaker - each balloon will also have an alphabet of “L.I.V.E.L.A.R.G.E” (or others?). Emcees lead game to form the word “live large”. (key in the letters later, can play a few words first) • Location: Ceiling • Logistics: Helium, balloons, strings, 30x A4 photos • Manpower: 6x set up, 4hrs • Strategic value: Versatile item with multiple uses – decorative, commemorative and ice-breaking
  • 39. LIVE LARGE POST IT WALL LI FE IS TOO SHO R T N O T TO L I VE LA R GE F O R G O D Visual effect Mock up of message • A post it montage saying “life is too short not to live large for God”. Balloons hung with thick marker pens are available, motivators encourage people to write their to do's for God in 2011. • Location: consolidation room glass wall • Logistics: “live large” white post it to form message, yellow post its to cover the glass, pink post its for the “V” of “live” • Manpower: 6x set up, 4hrs approx. • Strategic value: Both impression and participation. Give youths participation and even without participation, the message gives the sense that living large is about taking action.
  • 40. LIVE LARGE magazine cover LIVE LARGE 2011 SINGAPORE most on fire Be fruitful Christian The guide to the fruits of the spirit ible in The b 365 Special feature: How to trust God? DAYS Interview with the Holy Spirit TOP 10 Tips on looking 25 years good for God of God’s faithfulness BEAT THE The youth DEVIL story of FCBC in 30 Days • Celebrities are not the only people gracing magazine covers. God says you are the star! Youthnet’s very own stylistic youth magazines • Location: consolidation room door • Logistics: 1x mock up wooden booth • Manpower: 2x to position and help people take photos • Strategic value: The directives of next year “year of holy spirit” can subtly communicated as cover headlines so that youths can keep the photo as a reminder of next year’s perogatives. • Application: Emcees speech can encourage youths to keep the photos as a reminder of next year’s directions. The mock magazine cover itself can be used as the bulletin cover of 1 wk Jan 2011 service or the cover for youth buzz as a reminder to youths to live large.
  • 41. Pre-show floor plan Admin booth stairs Consolidation room stairs POST IT WALL Balloon ceiling LIVE LARGE photo booth LIVE LARGE quote wall LIVE LARGE quote wall
  • 42. Part 2: Worship Experience the greatness of God
  • 43. A worship experience for a God like no other • Worship team will be briefed on the theme and spirit, to deliver an experience that will connect worshipers to the greatness of God
  • 44. Worship stage design Waist height words interspersed between worship team gives a visual impact reinforcing the effect of worship Live 2011 poster on LED display • Led Screen vignette: Live 2011 poster • Stage: Giant “GOD IS BIGGER THAN LIFE” words with floor light lit placed around each band member to reinforce the worship experience - Logistics: 1x LIVE LARGE Styrofoam models, 9x spot lightings 1x large format tiff file - Manpower: 4x to set up & test, 1hr
  • 45. Worship stage floor plan (show confetti gun) LED Screen displaying poster drums Keyboards & guitars LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT LIGH I L R E T T LIGHT LIG HT D S A G R H A L O N I F G E
  • 46. “YOUTHS LIVING LARGE video 1” youths in action in church Part 1: To present 1st year/new leaders on video Part 2: 200x Leaders (In family tree/BB & GB leaders) to collect appreciation gifts from Ps EJRL. (10 mins) • Strategic value: the visual presentation reaffirms the role of ministry as the starting place to be equipped and serve
  • 47. “YOUTHS LIVING LARGE video 2” youths in action in their domains Youths made an impact in their marketplace/domains. Play photo montage of YN members in their marketplace/domains, use words in montage to describe achievements of individuals. • Strategic value: the visual presentation will empower youths to continue to make a difference in their marketplace, beyond the walls of church
  • 48. Part 3: Word Expect God
  • 49. Special message for 2011 A word on the Holy Spirit • Application: Pair audience up with someone they don’t know and without any personal sharing, write a New Year blessing for the other person on the Year of Holy Spirit sticker. This activity will require audience to exercise the Holy Spirit in order to think of a word of blessing.
  • 50. Year in review video Photo and video of collective youthnet experience • Application: Video to be 6 minutes long including 20 sec countdown at the end.
  • 51. Part 4: Works Exchange the natural for the supernatural
  • 52. 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes – the divine exchange LIVE LARGE FOR GOD BY GIVING GOD THE SMALL THINGS Strategic value: embed in youths the principle of living a lifestyle of giving of ourselves to God for the things of God Application: •To screen FCBC YouthNet Facebook page showing numerous thanksgiving pictures taken during crowd warmers segment. •The thanksgivings of 2010 will encourage us to believe that God has a greater plan in store for 2011 as we seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit – If you think that 2010 was great, expect greater things from God in 2011. •Anchoring pastor to invite youths to take out the 2011 aspiration envelope and write their aspirations on the envelope. •Drawing parallel to the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins – “The Greatest Exchange”, encourage youths to commit one area of their lives (time, one hour a day/ one day a month/ one week a year, money, ministry, talents, abilities etc) to God in 2011. •To close, youths to put mock cheque into the envelope and come forward and drop into Xbox (The box of exchange to expect great experiences for God in 2011) •Worship band to play in the background throughout this segment and during altar invitation, worship leader to sing a suitable song. •Anchoring pastor to close with a rededication prayer and one praise song at the end. Worship leader to dismiss crowd.
  • 53. Encore LIVE LARGE FOR GOD BY GIVING GOD THE SMALL THINGS - To play YouthNet overseas members well-wishing videos as crowd disperse. (5 mins max) - Emcees to officially announce end of event and combined service on Sunday morning.
  • 54. Actual-show production master timeline DATE/EVENT LOCATION IC & ACTIONS 17 Dec - Josh to approve Confirmation of props suppliers •3D words (on stage, on panels) •Magazine cover photo booth •Post it pads •Floor stickers •Balloons + strings + helium 17– 22 Dec - Daniel to ensure props are ordered and produced. Ordering & Production of props Delivery: 22 Dec, TCT joy hall 21 Dec TCT consolidation room Josh to brief daniel and logistic team on pre-publicity and actual pre show Logistic Briefing for IC & team logistic rundown 28 Dec TCT Daniel and josh to do final logistic items and manpower check. Delivery of all props Brief worship team on words placement Logistic final check 31 Dec (AM) TCT Daniel and josh to produce props Logistic prep -Waiting area -Worship stage -toilets
  • 55. Cue time table • To be updated

Editor's Notes

  1. Looking back at 2010 and forward into 2011, the common thread that points to God is – He is bigger. Bigger than life in 2010. Therefore as a people of faith, our celebration must be fitting of him. – BIG.
  2. The theme we have chosen this year is LIVE LARGE. A callout to youths to live large. Both intrinsically and externally. It a youth voice saying “Go broke for God!” “All out or nothing” . It ’s to tell our youths that because of our faith in action last year, we saw God moving in power and acting on our behalf. And it will be that same living out loud and living out large – extending our resources, expanding our faith that we will see God’s heart for us and people. It is all out for God or nothing at all.
  3. The inspiration came from Acts 2. From the passage about the fellowship of the believers we caught some key principles of the way the believers behaved after the empowering of the holy spirit. There was a new found unity, new found devotion. We believe that the believers in acts were living it out big for God! Big on fellowship, which is the worship of God and welcoming people. Big on devotion – a new hunger and discipline on reading of scripture, teaching, service and giving. They were so on fire that they met every day! It is base on this word, that we believe, acting on our own faith, “live large” is not only a theme for the countdown but a possible theme for youthnet for the year. Other reasons if the theme or pillars are subject of discussions : Unifying -  Last year was a stretching as I've documented within the slide. 2011 is the year of the holy spirit which corresponds to the book of acts where the church expanded in resources, people are challenged, the church grew. LIVE LARGE has more unifying tread across both years. Youth message – there is a need to interpret the year of the Holy spirit in the language of youths. LIVE LARGE “all out or nothing” is a youth voice and it represents the outflow of the book of Acts. Extendibility - This theme is more than a countdown event but a theme that symbolize the call of youth. It has the potential to have longevity and can stretch on for the year into many many creative ideas. Thus, I ’m came up with this thinking frame work to protect the creative work. Powerful - LIVE LARGE is an actionable word short enough to stay in the minds of youth and strong enough to provoke a conscious reminder and action to live as so. (Just like live strong) Sermonable – very youth message and clear direction for pastor to preach off.