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Literature Analysis of Hamlet Essay
Literature Analysis of Hamlet
Letitia Stevens
Introduction to the Humanities (HUM1000)
Unit 5 Literature Analysis of Hamlet
Capella University
May 2016
During the last years of Queen Elizabeth, "The Tragedy of Hamlet" was written by William Shakespeare. The father ofHamlet appeared outside of the
Elsinore Castle on what seemed to a very cold night for the season that they were in. His appearance was referred to as of a warning that was leading
to the killing in ancient Rome of Caesar. The presence provided Horatio and his company a suggestion that something threatening or evil had
previously taken place and the would have been an offset to nature in Denmark. There was a transfer of power post the more content...
Hamlet was distraught after he found out that is father had been killed by his uncle and then to learn that his uncle shortly thereafter married his
mother was seemingly unbearable. Hamlet had a conversation with himself as to the pros and cons of continuing his life. This is the conversation that
he had himself while he waited for his plan unfold. A suicidal death were his thoughts because of the deep frustration regarding the situation. My
opinion of this Soliloquy is a two–part question that Hamlet was considering. Initially, he was considering taking his life. This was essential because
of the fact that his uncle had taken his father's life and within 30 days of his father's death, his uncle and his mother are married. Secondly, he
contemplated getting revenge against his father's death. This was beginning to be too much for a young prince to handle so he figured some rest
and sleep would shield and him from the life that was less than perfect life that he was living. In his thoughts, he felt as if he would sleep and
dream that is his pain and misery of his reality would end. Every thought of every day was miserable and painful. Each memory brought sorrow and
anger, therefore, he wanted to sleep in hopes of the reality of life taking a pause. Hamlet's reality was too much for him to bear. While his body slept
it seemed that that he would be safe from the oppressive faults of
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Hamlet Conflict
"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.–Confucius" For as long as humans have lived with each other on this earth there has been
conflict and war between us all whether it was because of resources, money, and or power someone has killed someone to get what they wanted even
if they had to kill their only brother to get it.This is what happened in the story of Hamlet, Hamlet's father was killed by his uncle; Claudius
presumably because he wanted to be king himself and to marry his brother's wife. This made Hamlet depressed and miserable because his father died
and his mother married his uncle straight away. Then later on in the story theghost of hamlets father shows up and tells him that his uncle Claudius
killed him. At first Hamlet was very calm and rational about the whole ordeal, he even made a plan to try and see if the ghost was telling the truth.
However once he found out that the ghost was indeed telling the truth hamlet started to obsess more and more over killing Claudius that he didn't care
who he had to kill or who he had to hurt in order to kill him. This was very obvious in the scene where hamlet accidently killed Polonius. "Help, help,
ho! more content...
help, help, help! HAMLET How now! a rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead![Makes a pass through the arras]LORDPOLONIUS[Behind] O, I am slain![Falls
and dies]QUEEN GERTRUDEO me, what hast thou done? HAMLETNay, I know not: Is it the king? QUEEN GERTRUDE O, what a rash and
bloody deed is this!" Because of Hamlets rash decision to pull out his sword and stab through the curtain he killed an innocent man and didn't even
feel any remorse about killing him he just took the body and hid it.This was no longer about avenging his father and saving his mother it was more
like his own personal vendetta to kill Claudius and exact his own style of justice in other words vigilantism.
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Hamlet by Shakespeare is a very wonderfully written book that contains so many literary elements and motifs throughout it that it is still one of the
most debated and talked about pieces of literature ever written. It begins with a very mysterious opening that sets the pace for the rest of the book.
The old king of Denmark has died and he has returned as a ghost to inform his son, who is also named Hamlet, of the terrible misfortune that has
befallen him and left Denmark in a political and emotional turmoil. He has come to inform the young Hamlet that his uncle Claudius murdered the old
king in order to gain access to the throne by remarrying the widowed queen a mere two months after he has passed. The timing is very important
because more content...
Before examining Horatio and Hamlets friendship, it is important to look at Horatio as a character, if only to see why he offers such good
companionship to Hamlet. From the very beginning of the play, Horatio is portrayed as being part of the old regime, meaning he was loyal to the
old King Hamlet and does not necessarily works of the new king and the way he acquired the throne. It is understood that Hamlet and Horatio
were not old friends but they at least have known of each other and were amicable because of their close relationship to the old King. (Evans 7)
Horatio is characterized as being someone that would never break a loyalty no matter what was offered to him and that is why he can never be a
close friend to King Claudius and possibly why he offers Hamlet his friendship regardless of how he is acting throughout the play. (Lucking 4)
Hamlet and Horatio may share similar interests in that they both disapprove of what is going on and feel like it is a disgrace to the dead king
Hamlet and all that he has worked for and stood for. (Doubt 7) Sharing all of these common feelings towards everything is what defines a friendship
in the first place. Another possible reason why Hamlet feels inclined to trust Horatio is that he is the only one that still showed support to Hamlet and
felt for him
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Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay
Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay
Hamlet is a work consisting of many different themes throughout the play. The main theme that occurs is revenge. King Hamlet's brother, Claudius,
marries his widow, Gertrude, shortly after his death. Prince Hamlet becomes aware that his father's death wasn't really an accident and he was murdered
by his brother, Claudius. After he finds this out,Hamlet plans to seek revenge on his uncle. Throughout the book, Hamlet attempts to achieve this
revenge, which is why revenge is one of the main themes in the play.
At the beginning of the play, Horatio and Marcellus tell Hamlet about a ghost that they have seen of King Hamlet after his death. After being told this,
Hamlet decides he won't believe that there is more content...
He realizes "that cannot be, since I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder: my crown, mine own ambition, and my queen
(III.iii.57)." Claudius realizes that he will not be able to have forgiveness until he gives up all the reasons he killed his brother for. He simply isn't
ready to do that, therefore he was not able to successfully pray. During this time, Hamlet walks in on Claudius as he is kneeling and thinks about
killing Claudius right there. Hamlet realizes that doing so will "do this same villain send to heaven (III.iii.82)." Killing Claudius when he is praying
and freeing himself of sin, will allow Claudius's soul to go to heaven. He knows that he needs to kill him before he is able to make a last confession,
which won't allow his soul to go to heaven. This is the first time Hamlet had the opportunity to kill Claudius, but he procrastinates doing it. That
shows that Hamlet wants to try and keep his morals during this process. He wants to make sure Claudius receives the full revenge he deserves, so
Hamlet wouldn't have killed a man for no reason. This part of the play always shows that Hamlet is becoming more enraged in how he wishes to seek
his revenge and he wants Claudius to receive the
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Hamlet Analysis Essay On Hamlet
Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet", is an intriguing and intricate drama about an individual who wants to avenge the death of his father. Prince Hamlet's
father, King Hamlet, was once king and the throne was inherited by his evil brother, King Claudius. In addition to inheriting the throne, Claudius has
married Prince Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, which is perceived as weird and unlawful. Interestingly, Prince Hamlet has cohesive evidence that King
Claudius is responsible for the death of his father. As a result, Prince Hamlet's main goal is to kill Claudius as revenge for killing his father. King
Hamlet's ghost constantly appears in the play, and it encourages Prince Hamlet to commit the murder. While attempting to kill Claudius, Hamlet more content...
Hamlet feels pressured and startled by the ghost because he knows that he needs to get revenge without fumbling. In all, the ghost's presence represents
memory and death, which contributes to his overall perceived mad state.
Shakespeare uses Hamlet's clothing to express his grief and sadness towards the death of his father. Since he is the only one that wears black in the
court, Gertrude and Claudius begin to get angry and believe that his choice of clothing acts as an interruption to their state of happiness. Essentially,
Claudius wants Hamlet to completely forget about his father and move on, which is impossible and Hamlet gets more irritated. The court only sees
Hamlet from an outside perspective, and as a result, it is tough to judge someone on the inside. Finally, Gertrude gets enough of Hamlet's behavior
and asks him why he cannot get past this tragedy: " 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, / Nor customary suits of solemn black, / Together with
all forms, moods, shapes of grief' " (Shakespeare I.ii. 80–82). Here, Hamlet explains that it is not fair to judge him solely by his choice of clothing. He
denies that his behavior or clothing represents his emotions on the inside, since they are far from what is seen on the inside. In reality, Hamlet is in a
strong mourning state and his sorrow cannot be explained. Ultimately, Hamlet's clothing represents the overall sadness towards the death of his father
and signifies
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How Does Hamlet Use Literary Devices
Hamlet Literary Analysis
There are hundreds of literary devices that are constantly used in books, magazines, articles, etc. Now within books, there are endless ways to insert as
many devices as the author pleases. The most common literary devices used in Hamlet are: metaphors, similes, and anaphoras. These literary devices
are used to emphasize emotions, help its' audience interpret, and correlate events that happen in Hamlet. Anaphoras were used to emphasize emotions
and events that a character says. "Doubt thou the stars are fire;Doubt that the sun doth move;Doubt truth to be a liar;But never doubt I love."(Act 2, Sn.
2, ln. 15). This was used to emphasize how deep in love Polonius was. "But you must know your father lost a father, that lost a father, lost his and
the survivor bound in the final obligation for some term to do obsequious sorrow" (Act 1, Sn. 2, lm. 42). This is used to show how the father and his
loss was important to the story based on the repetition. An anaphora is very similar to repetition, but they're used to show importance and make it
obvious. The anaphoras also show certainty and clearance to its' audience, which is also more content...
Now metaphors are used for comparison, but using 'like' or 'as'. "Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread
of something after death, The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns" (Act 3. Sn 1, ln.77). Hamlet is comparing things that
aren't discovered, like a country, and death itself. Homer was telling us how Hamlet references death to the unknown, or things of uncertainty.
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing
end them?" (Act 3, Sn. 1, lm. 58). This was Hamlets way of comparing rough seas to his problems. Oceans are huge, which is basically indirectly
telling us, as his audience, that Hamlet's' problems are of a large quantity and
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To live or not to live
(A Literary Analysis of themes from Hamlet) To be or not to be, that is the question. That line is William Shakespeare's most famous lines, and trust
me there has been a lot of lines to chose from when it comes to a genius like Shakespeare. The play is rather boring until you get up to the ending.
This play is known for its soliloquies with Hamlet and how keeps the audience informed on what exactly he is feeling and about what is going on.
Hamlet is going through an immense amount of confusion, hurt, and anger at the same time, he doesn't know how to channel any of it so he starts to
act out on a word that is, revenge. Hamlet is troubled in more than one way and these themes will help us understand him as more content...
He comes up with a plan to hire some actors to come and reenact his father's death, exactly how he died with the poison being poured into his ear.
He thinks that he will somehow get a rise out of the king so if he does then that means that he actually did murder his dad so he can truly take
action and follow through with killing him. He just needed a little push and a little bit more motivation for this to happen. To be or not to be, that
is the question, this speech is the heart of this play. It literally cannot be translated because of how many hidden meanings there are. Hamlet is
telling us at the beginning of the speech that there is a choice between either or. He claims that the reasoning behind our cowardness of people not
wanting to take their lives is fear of the unknown; we do not know what is on the other side of death. He says that we put up with our lives because
we don't want to die. Do you think we are all born with determination? Or is it a choice. We are all born with somewhat of a taste of what
determination is and then we start to think, and then it starts to become this entire overthinking process that you can't help but doing it. There are
thinkers and there are doers and not all of us are the same when it comes to both. To act or not to act. To think or not to think. To kill or not to kill.
We all have the choice. Clearly Hamlet is going through some sort of emotional break down because of how loyal he is to his
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Hamlet: Literary Essay
In the play of Hamlet, Shakespeare sets up three plots of revenge which involve three characters, each determined to avenge their deceased loved ones.
Revenge is essentially a recurring element in the play and can be noted as an important theme. Revenge is often lead by uncontrolled emotions,
affecting an individual's thoughts and feelings differently and provoking the individual to act without a reason. The play helps us question the
justifiability and benefits of revenge through the story's individual characters. King Hamlet appears as a ghost and informs Hamlet that he was
murdered in his sleep by Claudius. He tells his son that while he was sleeping, Claudius poured poison into his ear. Hamlet is shocked by the ghosts
words. more content...
(IV.5.135) Claudius is able to manipulate Laertes and Hamlet in a duel, claiming that "Revenge should have no bounds" (IV.7.128) and promising
that Hamlet would be poisoned to death. At this point of the play, all three sons are committed to avenging their father's deaths. Laertes is also
notified that Ophelia has drowned, further upsetting him, and worsening the current situation. The three significant characters: Hamlet, Fortinbras,
and Laertes each have their own ways of seeking vengeance, for their father's deaths and obtaining their desires. Fortinbras uses revenge as an
excuse to send in his army to take back the territories his father lost to King Hamlet, which justifies that he wants some sort of control. Hamlet and
Laertes know that their father's have been wronged. Hamlet suffers from depression, and the kingdom does not know the true reason behind his
father's death, so he is determined to reveal truth and overturn his uncle. Laertes is enraged about his father and sister's unnecessary death, blaming
Hamlet for the cause of it. The play can be viewed as a tragic story with multiple deaths mainly provoked by members of their own family and
kingdom. They are forced to duel, and fight to the death to honor their father's soul, rather then to resolve the situation in a civilized way. The motif:
revenge is recurring because the characters of the play feel the need avenge their fathers, they are driven mad by it, as it takes control of their mind.
Their eyes are
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Hamlet Analytical Essay
Commonly regarded as the Bard's most popular work during his lifetime, Hamlet(1603), the "Mona Lisa of literature" in the eyes of T.S. Eliot, has
retained its allure and universal appeal throughout history. The play itself portrays the troubled court of Denmark as an almost allegory for the late
Elizabethan era, reflecting the ubiquitous sense of existential anxiety within English society brought on by political instability and religious conflict.
Moreover, by appropriating revenge tragedy conventions such as the Machiavellian villain, meta–theatre and madness, Shakespeare explores the
political, moral and individual corruption plaguing the tragedy's eponymous hero. In doing so, the play moves beyond the dissection of contemporary more content...
According to feminist critic Linda Bamber, Gertrude is a character going through a "period of political danger" and one of "ambiguous morality" – not
the "disgustingly sensual" and corrupt "creature" Hamlet perceives. Hamlet's ad hominem attacks against his mother and her morality, however, are
reasonable in Shakespeare's society, which, headed by a "Virgin Queen", places an unparalleled emphasis on female chastity. In fact, Hamlet becomes
increasingly disillusioned with his world when his mother's "o'erhasty marriage" betrays the ideal image of womanhood and motherhood. This
corruption of family values inspired Hamlet's detestation of his mother and the inclusion of her foul actions in his direction of "The Murder of
Gonzago". A genre convention of revenge tragedies, this meta–theatrical portrayal of Gertrude reflects Hamlet's disappointment in her actions and
equates her moral corruption with Claudius' political villainy. Also in accordance with the genre, verisimilitude is used to develop dramatic tension
through the audience's confusion about what is real and what is false – echoing the moral ambiguity inherent to Gertrude's character. In a personified
statement about acting and the nature of the theatrum mundi, Hamlet states that "the purpose of playing...was and hold as 'twere the mirror up to
nature", supporting the interpretation that his hatred for his mother was projected onto the negative portrayal of the "Player Queen". Thus, this
disappointment in his mother's betrayal that symbolises the moral corruption of his society further motivates Hamlet's revenge, while simultaneously
adding to his confusion regarding the governing philosophies of his
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Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2
In act 1 scene 2 of "Hamlet" the character Hamlet speaks his first soliloquy which reveals his innermost thoughts and feelings to the audience. In this
soliloquy Hamlet's unstable state of mind is evident as well as his feelings of despair about his father's death and his disgust of his mother's remarriage
to his uncle Claudius. Hamlet's hatred for his uncle is shown through harsh comparisons between Claudius and his late father. This soliloquy takes
place after Claudius has begun his reign as king and has addressed the court for the first time but before Hamlet hears about the apparition that Horatio
and the guards have seen. Hamlet's character and personality are shown in this soliloquy through the use of classical imagery, diction more
In the soliloquy it is shown that while Hamlet does not like his uncle he blames his mother for all that has happened especially her weak
disposition that caused her to marry Claudius as seen in the line "frailty thy name is women". In the line Hamlet generalizes all women showing
his instability as he does not understand the difference between his mother's actions and all women. His anger towards his mother is also shown in
his comparison of her being "like Niobe all tears" because like the mythological figure Niobe she also mourned however Niobe was turned to stone
and kept weaping which suggests that he considers her to be hypocritical because while she cried and mourned she remarried only a month after her
husband died. This idea is also shown in the line "a beast would have mourned longer" showing that because of her betrayal he considers her to be an
unfeeling animal. Hamlet's anger builds throughout the soliloquy until he comes to the realization that he cannot reveal his true thoughts to anyone
"but break my heart for I must hold my tongue." Because of the anger Hamlet feels at his mother's remarriage he compares his uncle to his father the
late king Hamlet. His comparisons are quite harsh such as "Hyperion to a satyr" this classical allusion shows his prejudice against his uncle by
considering his father a god and his uncle to be half goat. The comparison as well as others seen in
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Hamlet Analysis Essay
Jon Andrade
Mr Polseno
Topics In Literature
31 May 2017
Hamlet Analysis Essay
The play Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare's most well–known plays of all time. Written in the early 1600s, Hamlet includes a series of the
protagonist character's soliloquies that to this day have been referenced in many other works. In this play the protagonist, Hamlet goes through a major
change from the beginning of the play to the end. Hamlet's transformation from a helpless man in despair into a determined, confident man is revealed
in the soliloquies which are reflections of his experiences of self–realization. There is a drastic change from the first soliloquy to the sixth soliloquy by
Hamlet's character. His growth is seen best through the soliloquies being that is the only time that Hamlet is able to truly open up and let out his inner
thoughts and more content...
This action of Gertrude's added to the melancholy suffering consuming Hamlet, worsening his depression and sparking his anger further. In this
soliloquy Hamlet states, "O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourn'd longer" (1.2.150–151), Hamlet is claiming that a beast
would mourn a death like this for more time than his mother did; saying that what she did is worse than what even a beast would do. This shows that
Hamlet's depression is not just because of his father's death but also because he feels betrayed by his mother's disloyalty to his father. This affects
Hamlet intensely showing the reader how much Hamlet loves and cares for his father, and how loyal he is to
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Literary Criticism Of Hamlet
Dellan Sutton
Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay
During the early 1600s, a time of unrest and uncertainty spread through most of the world specifically in Europe as it began to see a gradual
insurgency of leadership as new monarchs rose to great power as the existent ones faded. The legitimacy to how some new rulers gained their
prestigious power came into question as tales of treason especially within families spread rapidly. William Shakespeare, having grown up near this time
period was influenced by his surroundings and similar works such as histoires Tragiques, that inspired his work Hamlet. Although there are various
views and opinions surrounding Hamlet as a whole, it is a great tragedy which centers itself on one's own uncertainty and depicts seeking revenge as
a major theme. These main topics are further discussed in the works or Kiernan Ryan and the British Library in "Hamlet and Revenge", as well as
"Hamlet in Purgatory" by Stephen Greenblatt. The main character, Hamlet however is both the protagonist and the tragic hero as the story unfolds.
Hamlet is torn between his own conscience as expresses in his ongoing soliloquies and in doing what he believes is right opposed to seeking revenge,
which leads him to being indecisive on his actions taken due to influence caused by those around him.
Throughout the play, Hamlet's soliloquies entrap his motives and at times leave him stuck without a clear path to take. This is evident even from his
first soliloquy As Hamlet thinks "That this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into dew; or that the everlasting had not fix'd His
canon 'gainst self–slaughter" (Ham. 1.2.). Hamlet doubts the purpose of life as he infers that he wants to committee suicide but is unsure due to it
being a sin against God. Hamlet's indecisiveness can be traced back to his curiosity about after life due to his father's ghost existing and him thinking
that in murdering his uncle, Hamlet's soul would not get an afterlife. However, the time period in which Hamlet is based in, it was a son's duty to
avenge his father if he was a murdered noble. "A villain kills my father; and for that, I, his oldest son, do this same villain send to heaven" (Ham.
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Hamlet: Critical Essay
What have you come to understand about the intense human relationships of Hamlet? How has this understanding been affected by the perspectives of
others? In you response you should focus on 3 scenes in the play and a range of perspectives.
The intense human relationships of Hamlet have been viewed through numerous perspectives yet all have reached the same conclusions. With the
exception of just one, the friendship of Hamlet and Horatio, all the relationships are dishonourable, dysfunctional and destined to fail. Being a revenge
tragedy it is immediately clear this play is filled with lies, deceit and treachery.
The exact time of Hamlet's composition is unknown, however it is assumed to be between 1599 and 1602. This was a dark, more content...
The scene ends with Hamlet possessively demanding her "but go not to my uncle's bed" and uses multiple sexual references when he tells her to not
let Claudius "Pinch wanton on your cheek, call you his mouse". Relating this to the Oedipus complex, Hamlet appears to be more like a jealous lover
than a concerned son. Examining act 3 scene 4 from different perspectives gives varied insights into Gertrude and Hamlet's relationship, yet each
perspective deduces that it is a dishonourable relationship with no mutual trust or respect.
Another dishonourable family relationship in Hamlet is that between Ophelia and her father Polonius. Polonius manipulates Ophelia for his own
benefit, treating her like a tool rather than a person. Their relationships becomes pitiful when she receives orders from her father and responds with "I
shall obey, my lord", implying that she is at the service of her father. Through the analysis of act 4 scene 5 a deeper understanding can be reached about
Ophelia's relationship with her late father. Following the death of Polonius, Ophelia's mind becomes unhinged as she drifts into insanity, speaking in
songs and rhymes. Considering this scene from a feminists perspective it can be thought that Ophelia went mad with guilt having her desire for Hamlet
to kill her father so that they can be together fulfilled. This theory strongly supports the idea that the relationship between Ophelia and Polonius
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Hamlet Critical Analysis
Many literary works bring about a central question for the world for which it offers at least part of an answer. Such works are often regarded as
classics because of the central questions they bring about, for which people reading them can relate to no matter when it's being read. A literary work
that sparks a question is Hamlet by William Shakespeare. This play, about deception and revenge, raises the question of whether spending more time on
thought or action eventually leads to the right goals. The play answers this question to some extent in showing that neither extreme will lead to that
goal, and reveals the theme that one must put thought and action together to achieve the best outcome in a tough decision. Hamlet's indecisiveness and
hesitation in executing his revenge plot shows that spending too much time on thinking only delays the inevitable and increases the suffering of others
around a person. Hamlet displays his hesitation when he finds King Claudius in a church, praying, and while he had the perfect chance to kill him,
decided against it. Hamlet says "Now might I do it pat. Now he is a–praying...A villain kills my father, and, for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain
send to heaven" (3.3. 76–83). Hamlet hesitates to kill Claudius because it may send him to heaven, though this literary device of dramatic irony is
shown as readers know that Claudius is not really praying, but reflecting on the fact that he does not regret what he received by killing
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Analysis of William Shakespeare's Hamlet The entire world, be it in the past, present or future, is entirely made up of a series of events inspired by a
series of actions. The character Hamlet is a very careful man in determining how his actions will follow out throughout the course of the future. He is a
very intelligent man, continuously calculating each of his moves to eventually gain the throne of Denmark that is rightfully his. In Act V scene I of the
play, Hamlet abandons more content...
Of course his main intention was to have his uncle Claudius release the throne; be it from a public denouncing or through murder. However, this
accomplishment had to be achieved through such means that Hamlet would appear as a hero before the nation. In gaining popularity of the court and
public, Hamlet could finally reveal the truth about the evil involved in his father's death. Hamlet would then finally find peace in his troubled soul.
Scene one begins with Hamlet and Horatio walking through a graveyard. The two eventually come upon a pair of peasants conversing in song
despite the fact that they are in the dismal act of digging a grave. Hamlet and the first peasant exchange greetings and begin to advance more and
more into a sophisticated manner of speaking. Throughout recent events, Hamlet had constantly defeated everyone through his effective use of
language. An example of this took place when he made a mockery of his uncle before the court. However, in this encounter with the gravedigger,
Hamlet is somewhat intimidated by a mere peasant. Hamlet therefore attempts to prove his superiority in nobility and speech by becoming more and
more elaborate in talking about the skulls of the graveyard. Hamlet speaks of the skull as perhaps being "Cain's jaw bone, that did the first murder!
This might be the pate of a politician,
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Analysis of Hamlet Essay
Hamlet is a suspenseful play that introduces the topic of tragedy. Throughout the play, Hamlet displays anger, uncertainty, and obsession with death.
Although Hamlet is unaware of it, these emotions cause the mishaps that occur throughout the play. These emotions combined with his unawareness
are the leading basis for the tragic hero's flaws. These flaws lead Hamlet not to be a bad man, but a regular form of imperfection that comes along with
being human. When Hamlet is first encountered with the ghost that resembles his father, it is revealed that his uncle Claudius might have been the cause
of his father's death. Hamlet is then confused about what he should believe and how more content...
When he does act, he prefers to do it recklessly and violently. This is a flaw that Hamlet cannot deny. He knows that it is unjust, but only cares
about avenging his father's death. Hamlet is not only angered with the fact of his father's death, but also with his mother's decision to marry
Claudius. Devastated by his mother's decision to marry so soon after her husband's death, Hamlet becomes skeptical about women in general. He
shows a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a connection with female sexuality and moral corruption. He almost develops hatred
towards women because of his mother's decision. This hatred occurs and is shown with his relationship with Ophelia. He urges Ophelia to go to a
nunnery rather than experience the dishonesty of sexuality. This hinders Hamlet from experiencing a love that is really needed at this time of his loss.
One can say that this is another flaw, which Hamlet is unaware of. Throughout the course of the play, Hamlet is also obsessed with the mystery of
death. In the beginning of the play, he states that he is unsure where one ends up after they die. Later into the play, he makes a reference to the afterlife
contradicting his first approach. When he attempts to kill
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Literary Analysis Of ' Hamlet '
Kelsey Deven Sect. 4
Professor Roberts
April 21, 2015
Literary Analysis
Psychological State of the Characters in Hamlet
The English Play writer, William Shakespeare had written many well–known pieces of work including Hamlet. Hamlet is known to be one of his most
popular works. Hamlet was written in the late 16th Century about the Prince of Denmark. The original title of the work was The Tragedy of Hamlet,
now it is referred to as just Hamlet. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses the mental state of his characters to prove that not all characters in books have
to be one dimensional. Shakespeare's writing shows that humans are complex, and can have different mental states. Characters throughout the story
such as, Hamlet, Gertrude, and Ophelia show their not so stable mental state. First we will analyze Hamlet and talk about Ernest Jones' Psycho–analytic
study of Hamlet. Then we will talk about Ophelia and how the events that happened leading up to her death or suicide played a role into her mental
state. Finally we will analyze Gertrude, the Queen's role in Hamlet, and how she is a mentally weak woman and relies on the men in her life.
According to Ernest Jones, Hamlet has the "Oedipus–Complex" while others might just call him a momma's boy. The "Oedipus–Complex" from Freud
is expressed through Diderot statement of, "If we were left to ourselves and if our bodily strength only came up to that of our phantasy we would
wring our fathers' neck and sleep with our mothers." In
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Critical Analysis of Shakespeare's Hamlet
What is mans' purpose in life? Is there a purpose? If there isn't, then is it wise to end it, despite the fact that there might be nothing better? In Hamlet,
by William Shakespeare, Hamlet struggles with these and other issues. He states that the question of life is "To be, or not to be...?" Is existence
really worth the troubles of life? In this monologue, Hamlet is wondering what is his purpose. He asserts that the only reason people endure their
horrible lives is the uncertainty of what lies after death. "Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of
something after death..." Is it noble to suffer, and is life worth all its misery? more content...
Hamlet's mother has just lost a husband, his uncle is worried and guilt–stricken over the terrible crime he committed of murdering his brother, and
Ophelia, Hamlet's lover, is miserable because her half–witted father has forbidden her to see Hamlet. This soliloquy pertanes not only to Hamlet, but to
virtually all the characters in the play. All the characters are "bear[ing] the whips and scorns" of their piteous lives.
The monologue is not only relevant to the characters in Hamlet, but to all people. Many people feel at some point that their lives are not worth living
. They may question if life has a purpose, and whether or not they are serving that purpose. It is quite easy to relate to Hamlet's feelings of woe and
uncertainty. This is what makes Hamlet timeless. No matter what century, country, or person, everyone has experienced to some degree what Hamlet
endured. Perhaps someone has just lost a father, or undergone a divorce. They could relate to Hamlet's misery. They may not contemplate suicide, as is
what is sometimes believed about Hamlet, but they do have questions about life, and the afterlife. Shakespeare uses Hamlet's feelings to express his
own, as well as those of all people. Because of this, Hamlet has become a classic.
Hamlet's character represents people in all circumstances. He questions everything, and has experienced love, hate, betrayal, depression, grief, and
anger. He is sometimes
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How Is Ophelia Presented In Hamlet
Candace Powe
Mrs. Romain
July 17, 2015.
Hamlet Literary Essay
The play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, is a very connected play, as every event that happens can be explained by another past event. The lines in
Act 4, Scene Three represent this well:
How does By Gis and by Saint Charity,
Alack, and fie for shame!
Young men will do't if they come to't;
By cock, they are to blame.
Quoth she, before you tumbled me,
You promis'd me to wed.
So would I ha' done, by yonder sun,
An thou hadst not come to my bed. (Ophelia: IV, V, 56– 61) as these lines relate back to the development of Ophelia's character, as well as play an
important role in the plot of the play, and a major conflict that is portrayed.
Throughout the play, Ophelia's more content...
In this scene, Ophelia feels inner conflict because she is no longer sure that sleeping with Hamlet before marriage was the correct thing to do. Ophelia
is having a lot of doubts about the decision that she has made, and this can be connected to her decision of whether to end her life or not. Eventually
Ophelia decides that she can not live through the pain any further and drowns herself in a river. This is not the only instance in which Ophelia felt a
large amount of inner conflict, another example is during Act I, Scene iii, when Laertes confronts Ophelia about her relationship with Hamlet:
"Perhaps he loves you now... but you must fear, his greatness weigh'd, his will is not his own." (I, iii, 25–28). At this point, Ophelia feels that her love
towards Hamlet is reciprocated and she is not sure why Laertes is doubting her relationship so much. However, when Polonius joins the conversation
and tells Ophelia to end the relationship, she responds with: "I do not know my Lord what I should think." (I, III, 103). This shows how Ophelia is
conflicted whether she should go with her own feelings, and keep seeing Hamlet, or to listen to her father as he should know what's best for her.
Eventually, Ophelia decides that her feelings towards Hamlet do not matter, because Polonius wants her to end the relationship so she must do what he
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Literature Analysis Of Hamlet Essay

  • 1. Literature Analysis of Hamlet Essay Literature Analysis of Hamlet U5A1 Letitia Stevens Introduction to the Humanities (HUM1000) Unit 5 Literature Analysis of Hamlet Capella University May 2016 Introduction During the last years of Queen Elizabeth, "The Tragedy of Hamlet" was written by William Shakespeare. The father ofHamlet appeared outside of the Elsinore Castle on what seemed to a very cold night for the season that they were in. His appearance was referred to as of a warning that was leading to the killing in ancient Rome of Caesar. The presence provided Horatio and his company a suggestion that something threatening or evil had previously taken place and the would have been an offset to nature in Denmark. There was a transfer of power post the more content... Hamlet was distraught after he found out that is father had been killed by his uncle and then to learn that his uncle shortly thereafter married his mother was seemingly unbearable. Hamlet had a conversation with himself as to the pros and cons of continuing his life. This is the conversation that he had himself while he waited for his plan unfold. A suicidal death were his thoughts because of the deep frustration regarding the situation. My opinion of this Soliloquy is a two–part question that Hamlet was considering. Initially, he was considering taking his life. This was essential because of the fact that his uncle had taken his father's life and within 30 days of his father's death, his uncle and his mother are married. Secondly, he contemplated getting revenge against his father's death. This was beginning to be too much for a young prince to handle so he figured some rest and sleep would shield and him from the life that was less than perfect life that he was living. In his thoughts, he felt as if he would sleep and dream that is his pain and misery of his reality would end. Every thought of every day was miserable and painful. Each memory brought sorrow and anger, therefore, he wanted to sleep in hopes of the reality of life taking a pause. Hamlet's reality was too much for him to bear. While his body slept it seemed that that he would be safe from the oppressive faults of
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  • 3. Hamlet Conflict "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.–Confucius" For as long as humans have lived with each other on this earth there has been conflict and war between us all whether it was because of resources, money, and or power someone has killed someone to get what they wanted even if they had to kill their only brother to get it.This is what happened in the story of Hamlet, Hamlet's father was killed by his uncle; Claudius presumably because he wanted to be king himself and to marry his brother's wife. This made Hamlet depressed and miserable because his father died and his mother married his uncle straight away. Then later on in the story theghost of hamlets father shows up and tells him that his uncle Claudius killed him. At first Hamlet was very calm and rational about the whole ordeal, he even made a plan to try and see if the ghost was telling the truth. However once he found out that the ghost was indeed telling the truth hamlet started to obsess more and more over killing Claudius that he didn't care who he had to kill or who he had to hurt in order to kill him. This was very obvious in the scene where hamlet accidently killed Polonius. "Help, help, ho! more content... help, help, help! HAMLET How now! a rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead![Makes a pass through the arras]LORDPOLONIUS[Behind] O, I am slain![Falls and dies]QUEEN GERTRUDEO me, what hast thou done? HAMLETNay, I know not: Is it the king? QUEEN GERTRUDE O, what a rash and bloody deed is this!" Because of Hamlets rash decision to pull out his sword and stab through the curtain he killed an innocent man and didn't even feel any remorse about killing him he just took the body and hid it.This was no longer about avenging his father and saving his mother it was more like his own personal vendetta to kill Claudius and exact his own style of justice in other words vigilantism. Get more content on
  • 4. Hamlet by Shakespeare is a very wonderfully written book that contains so many literary elements and motifs throughout it that it is still one of the most debated and talked about pieces of literature ever written. It begins with a very mysterious opening that sets the pace for the rest of the book. The old king of Denmark has died and he has returned as a ghost to inform his son, who is also named Hamlet, of the terrible misfortune that has befallen him and left Denmark in a political and emotional turmoil. He has come to inform the young Hamlet that his uncle Claudius murdered the old king in order to gain access to the throne by remarrying the widowed queen a mere two months after he has passed. The timing is very important because more content... Before examining Horatio and Hamlets friendship, it is important to look at Horatio as a character, if only to see why he offers such good companionship to Hamlet. From the very beginning of the play, Horatio is portrayed as being part of the old regime, meaning he was loyal to the old King Hamlet and does not necessarily works of the new king and the way he acquired the throne. It is understood that Hamlet and Horatio were not old friends but they at least have known of each other and were amicable because of their close relationship to the old King. (Evans 7) Horatio is characterized as being someone that would never break a loyalty no matter what was offered to him and that is why he can never be a close friend to King Claudius and possibly why he offers Hamlet his friendship regardless of how he is acting throughout the play. (Lucking 4) Hamlet and Horatio may share similar interests in that they both disapprove of what is going on and feel like it is a disgrace to the dead king Hamlet and all that he has worked for and stood for. (Doubt 7) Sharing all of these common feelings towards everything is what defines a friendship in the first place. Another possible reason why Hamlet feels inclined to trust Horatio is that he is the only one that still showed support to Hamlet and felt for him Get more content on
  • 5. Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay Hamlet is a work consisting of many different themes throughout the play. The main theme that occurs is revenge. King Hamlet's brother, Claudius, marries his widow, Gertrude, shortly after his death. Prince Hamlet becomes aware that his father's death wasn't really an accident and he was murdered by his brother, Claudius. After he finds this out,Hamlet plans to seek revenge on his uncle. Throughout the book, Hamlet attempts to achieve this revenge, which is why revenge is one of the main themes in the play. At the beginning of the play, Horatio and Marcellus tell Hamlet about a ghost that they have seen of King Hamlet after his death. After being told this, Hamlet decides he won't believe that there is more content... He realizes "that cannot be, since I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder: my crown, mine own ambition, and my queen (III.iii.57)." Claudius realizes that he will not be able to have forgiveness until he gives up all the reasons he killed his brother for. He simply isn't ready to do that, therefore he was not able to successfully pray. During this time, Hamlet walks in on Claudius as he is kneeling and thinks about killing Claudius right there. Hamlet realizes that doing so will "do this same villain send to heaven (III.iii.82)." Killing Claudius when he is praying and freeing himself of sin, will allow Claudius's soul to go to heaven. He knows that he needs to kill him before he is able to make a last confession, which won't allow his soul to go to heaven. This is the first time Hamlet had the opportunity to kill Claudius, but he procrastinates doing it. That shows that Hamlet wants to try and keep his morals during this process. He wants to make sure Claudius receives the full revenge he deserves, so Hamlet wouldn't have killed a man for no reason. This part of the play always shows that Hamlet is becoming more enraged in how he wishes to seek his revenge and he wants Claudius to receive the Get more content on
  • 6. Hamlet Analysis Essay On Hamlet Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet", is an intriguing and intricate drama about an individual who wants to avenge the death of his father. Prince Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, was once king and the throne was inherited by his evil brother, King Claudius. In addition to inheriting the throne, Claudius has married Prince Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, which is perceived as weird and unlawful. Interestingly, Prince Hamlet has cohesive evidence that King Claudius is responsible for the death of his father. As a result, Prince Hamlet's main goal is to kill Claudius as revenge for killing his father. King Hamlet's ghost constantly appears in the play, and it encourages Prince Hamlet to commit the murder. While attempting to kill Claudius, Hamlet more content... Hamlet feels pressured and startled by the ghost because he knows that he needs to get revenge without fumbling. In all, the ghost's presence represents memory and death, which contributes to his overall perceived mad state. Shakespeare uses Hamlet's clothing to express his grief and sadness towards the death of his father. Since he is the only one that wears black in the court, Gertrude and Claudius begin to get angry and believe that his choice of clothing acts as an interruption to their state of happiness. Essentially, Claudius wants Hamlet to completely forget about his father and move on, which is impossible and Hamlet gets more irritated. The court only sees Hamlet from an outside perspective, and as a result, it is tough to judge someone on the inside. Finally, Gertrude gets enough of Hamlet's behavior and asks him why he cannot get past this tragedy: " 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, / Nor customary suits of solemn black, / Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief' " (Shakespeare I.ii. 80–82). Here, Hamlet explains that it is not fair to judge him solely by his choice of clothing. He denies that his behavior or clothing represents his emotions on the inside, since they are far from what is seen on the inside. In reality, Hamlet is in a strong mourning state and his sorrow cannot be explained. Ultimately, Hamlet's clothing represents the overall sadness towards the death of his father and signifies Get more content on
  • 7. How Does Hamlet Use Literary Devices Hamlet Literary Analysis There are hundreds of literary devices that are constantly used in books, magazines, articles, etc. Now within books, there are endless ways to insert as many devices as the author pleases. The most common literary devices used in Hamlet are: metaphors, similes, and anaphoras. These literary devices are used to emphasize emotions, help its' audience interpret, and correlate events that happen in Hamlet. Anaphoras were used to emphasize emotions and events that a character says. "Doubt thou the stars are fire;Doubt that the sun doth move;Doubt truth to be a liar;But never doubt I love."(Act 2, Sn. 2, ln. 15). This was used to emphasize how deep in love Polonius was. "But you must know your father lost a father, that lost a father, lost his and the survivor bound in the final obligation for some term to do obsequious sorrow" (Act 1, Sn. 2, lm. 42). This is used to show how the father and his loss was important to the story based on the repetition. An anaphora is very similar to repetition, but they're used to show importance and make it obvious. The anaphoras also show certainty and clearance to its' audience, which is also more content... Now metaphors are used for comparison, but using 'like' or 'as'. "Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns" (Act 3. Sn 1, ln.77). Hamlet is comparing things that aren't discovered, like a country, and death itself. Homer was telling us how Hamlet references death to the unknown, or things of uncertainty. "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?" (Act 3, Sn. 1, lm. 58). This was Hamlets way of comparing rough seas to his problems. Oceans are huge, which is basically indirectly telling us, as his audience, that Hamlet's' problems are of a large quantity and Get more content on
  • 8. To live or not to live (A Literary Analysis of themes from Hamlet) To be or not to be, that is the question. That line is William Shakespeare's most famous lines, and trust me there has been a lot of lines to chose from when it comes to a genius like Shakespeare. The play is rather boring until you get up to the ending. This play is known for its soliloquies with Hamlet and how keeps the audience informed on what exactly he is feeling and about what is going on. Hamlet is going through an immense amount of confusion, hurt, and anger at the same time, he doesn't know how to channel any of it so he starts to act out on a word that is, revenge. Hamlet is troubled in more than one way and these themes will help us understand him as more content... He comes up with a plan to hire some actors to come and reenact his father's death, exactly how he died with the poison being poured into his ear. He thinks that he will somehow get a rise out of the king so if he does then that means that he actually did murder his dad so he can truly take action and follow through with killing him. He just needed a little push and a little bit more motivation for this to happen. To be or not to be, that is the question, this speech is the heart of this play. It literally cannot be translated because of how many hidden meanings there are. Hamlet is telling us at the beginning of the speech that there is a choice between either or. He claims that the reasoning behind our cowardness of people not wanting to take their lives is fear of the unknown; we do not know what is on the other side of death. He says that we put up with our lives because we don't want to die. Do you think we are all born with determination? Or is it a choice. We are all born with somewhat of a taste of what determination is and then we start to think, and then it starts to become this entire overthinking process that you can't help but doing it. There are thinkers and there are doers and not all of us are the same when it comes to both. To act or not to act. To think or not to think. To kill or not to kill. We all have the choice. Clearly Hamlet is going through some sort of emotional break down because of how loyal he is to his Get more content on
  • 9. Hamlet: Literary Essay In the play of Hamlet, Shakespeare sets up three plots of revenge which involve three characters, each determined to avenge their deceased loved ones. Revenge is essentially a recurring element in the play and can be noted as an important theme. Revenge is often lead by uncontrolled emotions, affecting an individual's thoughts and feelings differently and provoking the individual to act without a reason. The play helps us question the justifiability and benefits of revenge through the story's individual characters. King Hamlet appears as a ghost and informs Hamlet that he was murdered in his sleep by Claudius. He tells his son that while he was sleeping, Claudius poured poison into his ear. Hamlet is shocked by the ghosts words. more content... (IV.5.135) Claudius is able to manipulate Laertes and Hamlet in a duel, claiming that "Revenge should have no bounds" (IV.7.128) and promising that Hamlet would be poisoned to death. At this point of the play, all three sons are committed to avenging their father's deaths. Laertes is also notified that Ophelia has drowned, further upsetting him, and worsening the current situation. The three significant characters: Hamlet, Fortinbras, and Laertes each have their own ways of seeking vengeance, for their father's deaths and obtaining their desires. Fortinbras uses revenge as an excuse to send in his army to take back the territories his father lost to King Hamlet, which justifies that he wants some sort of control. Hamlet and Laertes know that their father's have been wronged. Hamlet suffers from depression, and the kingdom does not know the true reason behind his father's death, so he is determined to reveal truth and overturn his uncle. Laertes is enraged about his father and sister's unnecessary death, blaming Hamlet for the cause of it. The play can be viewed as a tragic story with multiple deaths mainly provoked by members of their own family and kingdom. They are forced to duel, and fight to the death to honor their father's soul, rather then to resolve the situation in a civilized way. The motif: revenge is recurring because the characters of the play feel the need avenge their fathers, they are driven mad by it, as it takes control of their mind. Their eyes are Get more content on
  • 10. Hamlet Analytical Essay Commonly regarded as the Bard's most popular work during his lifetime, Hamlet(1603), the "Mona Lisa of literature" in the eyes of T.S. Eliot, has retained its allure and universal appeal throughout history. The play itself portrays the troubled court of Denmark as an almost allegory for the late Elizabethan era, reflecting the ubiquitous sense of existential anxiety within English society brought on by political instability and religious conflict. Moreover, by appropriating revenge tragedy conventions such as the Machiavellian villain, meta–theatre and madness, Shakespeare explores the political, moral and individual corruption plaguing the tragedy's eponymous hero. In doing so, the play moves beyond the dissection of contemporary more content... According to feminist critic Linda Bamber, Gertrude is a character going through a "period of political danger" and one of "ambiguous morality" – not the "disgustingly sensual" and corrupt "creature" Hamlet perceives. Hamlet's ad hominem attacks against his mother and her morality, however, are reasonable in Shakespeare's society, which, headed by a "Virgin Queen", places an unparalleled emphasis on female chastity. In fact, Hamlet becomes increasingly disillusioned with his world when his mother's "o'erhasty marriage" betrays the ideal image of womanhood and motherhood. This corruption of family values inspired Hamlet's detestation of his mother and the inclusion of her foul actions in his direction of "The Murder of Gonzago". A genre convention of revenge tragedies, this meta–theatrical portrayal of Gertrude reflects Hamlet's disappointment in her actions and equates her moral corruption with Claudius' political villainy. Also in accordance with the genre, verisimilitude is used to develop dramatic tension through the audience's confusion about what is real and what is false – echoing the moral ambiguity inherent to Gertrude's character. In a personified statement about acting and the nature of the theatrum mundi, Hamlet states that "the purpose of playing...was and hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature", supporting the interpretation that his hatred for his mother was projected onto the negative portrayal of the "Player Queen". Thus, this disappointment in his mother's betrayal that symbolises the moral corruption of his society further motivates Hamlet's revenge, while simultaneously adding to his confusion regarding the governing philosophies of his Get more content on
  • 11. Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2 In act 1 scene 2 of "Hamlet" the character Hamlet speaks his first soliloquy which reveals his innermost thoughts and feelings to the audience. In this soliloquy Hamlet's unstable state of mind is evident as well as his feelings of despair about his father's death and his disgust of his mother's remarriage to his uncle Claudius. Hamlet's hatred for his uncle is shown through harsh comparisons between Claudius and his late father. This soliloquy takes place after Claudius has begun his reign as king and has addressed the court for the first time but before Hamlet hears about the apparition that Horatio and the guards have seen. Hamlet's character and personality are shown in this soliloquy through the use of classical imagery, diction more content... In the soliloquy it is shown that while Hamlet does not like his uncle he blames his mother for all that has happened especially her weak disposition that caused her to marry Claudius as seen in the line "frailty thy name is women". In the line Hamlet generalizes all women showing his instability as he does not understand the difference between his mother's actions and all women. His anger towards his mother is also shown in his comparison of her being "like Niobe all tears" because like the mythological figure Niobe she also mourned however Niobe was turned to stone and kept weaping which suggests that he considers her to be hypocritical because while she cried and mourned she remarried only a month after her husband died. This idea is also shown in the line "a beast would have mourned longer" showing that because of her betrayal he considers her to be an unfeeling animal. Hamlet's anger builds throughout the soliloquy until he comes to the realization that he cannot reveal his true thoughts to anyone "but break my heart for I must hold my tongue." Because of the anger Hamlet feels at his mother's remarriage he compares his uncle to his father the late king Hamlet. His comparisons are quite harsh such as "Hyperion to a satyr" this classical allusion shows his prejudice against his uncle by considering his father a god and his uncle to be half goat. The comparison as well as others seen in Get more content on
  • 12. Hamlet Analysis Essay Jon Andrade Mr Polseno Topics In Literature 31 May 2017 Hamlet Analysis Essay The play Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare's most well–known plays of all time. Written in the early 1600s, Hamlet includes a series of the protagonist character's soliloquies that to this day have been referenced in many other works. In this play the protagonist, Hamlet goes through a major change from the beginning of the play to the end. Hamlet's transformation from a helpless man in despair into a determined, confident man is revealed in the soliloquies which are reflections of his experiences of self–realization. There is a drastic change from the first soliloquy to the sixth soliloquy by Hamlet's character. His growth is seen best through the soliloquies being that is the only time that Hamlet is able to truly open up and let out his inner thoughts and more content... This action of Gertrude's added to the melancholy suffering consuming Hamlet, worsening his depression and sparking his anger further. In this soliloquy Hamlet states, "O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourn'd longer" (1.2.150–151), Hamlet is claiming that a beast would mourn a death like this for more time than his mother did; saying that what she did is worse than what even a beast would do. This shows that Hamlet's depression is not just because of his father's death but also because he feels betrayed by his mother's disloyalty to his father. This affects Hamlet intensely showing the reader how much Hamlet loves and cares for his father, and how loyal he is to Get more content on
  • 13. Literary Criticism Of Hamlet Dellan Sutton Mr.Coates EnglishIVA 11/6/17 Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay During the early 1600s, a time of unrest and uncertainty spread through most of the world specifically in Europe as it began to see a gradual insurgency of leadership as new monarchs rose to great power as the existent ones faded. The legitimacy to how some new rulers gained their prestigious power came into question as tales of treason especially within families spread rapidly. William Shakespeare, having grown up near this time period was influenced by his surroundings and similar works such as histoires Tragiques, that inspired his work Hamlet. Although there are various views and opinions surrounding Hamlet as a whole, it is a great tragedy which centers itself on one's own uncertainty and depicts seeking revenge as a major theme. These main topics are further discussed in the works or Kiernan Ryan and the British Library in "Hamlet and Revenge", as well as "Hamlet in Purgatory" by Stephen Greenblatt. The main character, Hamlet however is both the protagonist and the tragic hero as the story unfolds. Hamlet is torn between his own conscience as expresses in his ongoing soliloquies and in doing what he believes is right opposed to seeking revenge, which leads him to being indecisive on his actions taken due to influence caused by those around him. Throughout the play, Hamlet's soliloquies entrap his motives and at times leave him stuck without a clear path to take. This is evident even from his first soliloquy As Hamlet thinks "That this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into dew; or that the everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self–slaughter" (Ham. 1.2.). Hamlet doubts the purpose of life as he infers that he wants to committee suicide but is unsure due to it being a sin against God. Hamlet's indecisiveness can be traced back to his curiosity about after life due to his father's ghost existing and him thinking that in murdering his uncle, Hamlet's soul would not get an afterlife. However, the time period in which Hamlet is based in, it was a son's duty to avenge his father if he was a murdered noble. "A villain kills my father; and for that, I, his oldest son, do this same villain send to heaven" (Ham. Get more content on
  • 14. Hamlet: Critical Essay What have you come to understand about the intense human relationships of Hamlet? How has this understanding been affected by the perspectives of others? In you response you should focus on 3 scenes in the play and a range of perspectives. The intense human relationships of Hamlet have been viewed through numerous perspectives yet all have reached the same conclusions. With the exception of just one, the friendship of Hamlet and Horatio, all the relationships are dishonourable, dysfunctional and destined to fail. Being a revenge tragedy it is immediately clear this play is filled with lies, deceit and treachery. The exact time of Hamlet's composition is unknown, however it is assumed to be between 1599 and 1602. This was a dark, more content... The scene ends with Hamlet possessively demanding her "but go not to my uncle's bed" and uses multiple sexual references when he tells her to not let Claudius "Pinch wanton on your cheek, call you his mouse". Relating this to the Oedipus complex, Hamlet appears to be more like a jealous lover than a concerned son. Examining act 3 scene 4 from different perspectives gives varied insights into Gertrude and Hamlet's relationship, yet each perspective deduces that it is a dishonourable relationship with no mutual trust or respect. Another dishonourable family relationship in Hamlet is that between Ophelia and her father Polonius. Polonius manipulates Ophelia for his own benefit, treating her like a tool rather than a person. Their relationships becomes pitiful when she receives orders from her father and responds with "I shall obey, my lord", implying that she is at the service of her father. Through the analysis of act 4 scene 5 a deeper understanding can be reached about Ophelia's relationship with her late father. Following the death of Polonius, Ophelia's mind becomes unhinged as she drifts into insanity, speaking in songs and rhymes. Considering this scene from a feminists perspective it can be thought that Ophelia went mad with guilt having her desire for Hamlet to kill her father so that they can be together fulfilled. This theory strongly supports the idea that the relationship between Ophelia and Polonius Get more content on
  • 15. Hamlet Critical Analysis Many literary works bring about a central question for the world for which it offers at least part of an answer. Such works are often regarded as classics because of the central questions they bring about, for which people reading them can relate to no matter when it's being read. A literary work that sparks a question is Hamlet by William Shakespeare. This play, about deception and revenge, raises the question of whether spending more time on thought or action eventually leads to the right goals. The play answers this question to some extent in showing that neither extreme will lead to that goal, and reveals the theme that one must put thought and action together to achieve the best outcome in a tough decision. Hamlet's indecisiveness and hesitation in executing his revenge plot shows that spending too much time on thinking only delays the inevitable and increases the suffering of others around a person. Hamlet displays his hesitation when he finds King Claudius in a church, praying, and while he had the perfect chance to kill him, decided against it. Hamlet says "Now might I do it pat. Now he is a–praying...A villain kills my father, and, for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven" (3.3. 76–83). Hamlet hesitates to kill Claudius because it may send him to heaven, though this literary device of dramatic irony is shown as readers know that Claudius is not really praying, but reflecting on the fact that he does not regret what he received by killing Get more content on
  • 16. Analysis of William Shakespeare's Hamlet The entire world, be it in the past, present or future, is entirely made up of a series of events inspired by a series of actions. The character Hamlet is a very careful man in determining how his actions will follow out throughout the course of the future. He is a very intelligent man, continuously calculating each of his moves to eventually gain the throne of Denmark that is rightfully his. In Act V scene I of the play, Hamlet abandons more content... Of course his main intention was to have his uncle Claudius release the throne; be it from a public denouncing or through murder. However, this accomplishment had to be achieved through such means that Hamlet would appear as a hero before the nation. In gaining popularity of the court and public, Hamlet could finally reveal the truth about the evil involved in his father's death. Hamlet would then finally find peace in his troubled soul. Scene one begins with Hamlet and Horatio walking through a graveyard. The two eventually come upon a pair of peasants conversing in song despite the fact that they are in the dismal act of digging a grave. Hamlet and the first peasant exchange greetings and begin to advance more and more into a sophisticated manner of speaking. Throughout recent events, Hamlet had constantly defeated everyone through his effective use of language. An example of this took place when he made a mockery of his uncle before the court. However, in this encounter with the gravedigger, Hamlet is somewhat intimidated by a mere peasant. Hamlet therefore attempts to prove his superiority in nobility and speech by becoming more and more elaborate in talking about the skulls of the graveyard. Hamlet speaks of the skull as perhaps being "Cain's jaw bone, that did the first murder! This might be the pate of a politician, Get more content on
  • 17. Analysis of Hamlet Essay Hamlet is a suspenseful play that introduces the topic of tragedy. Throughout the play, Hamlet displays anger, uncertainty, and obsession with death. Although Hamlet is unaware of it, these emotions cause the mishaps that occur throughout the play. These emotions combined with his unawareness are the leading basis for the tragic hero's flaws. These flaws lead Hamlet not to be a bad man, but a regular form of imperfection that comes along with being human. When Hamlet is first encountered with the ghost that resembles his father, it is revealed that his uncle Claudius might have been the cause of his father's death. Hamlet is then confused about what he should believe and how more content... When he does act, he prefers to do it recklessly and violently. This is a flaw that Hamlet cannot deny. He knows that it is unjust, but only cares about avenging his father's death. Hamlet is not only angered with the fact of his father's death, but also with his mother's decision to marry Claudius. Devastated by his mother's decision to marry so soon after her husband's death, Hamlet becomes skeptical about women in general. He shows a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a connection with female sexuality and moral corruption. He almost develops hatred towards women because of his mother's decision. This hatred occurs and is shown with his relationship with Ophelia. He urges Ophelia to go to a nunnery rather than experience the dishonesty of sexuality. This hinders Hamlet from experiencing a love that is really needed at this time of his loss. One can say that this is another flaw, which Hamlet is unaware of. Throughout the course of the play, Hamlet is also obsessed with the mystery of death. In the beginning of the play, he states that he is unsure where one ends up after they die. Later into the play, he makes a reference to the afterlife contradicting his first approach. When he attempts to kill Get more content on
  • 18. Literary Analysis Of ' Hamlet ' Kelsey Deven Sect. 4 Professor Roberts April 21, 2015 Literary Analysis Psychological State of the Characters in Hamlet The English Play writer, William Shakespeare had written many well–known pieces of work including Hamlet. Hamlet is known to be one of his most popular works. Hamlet was written in the late 16th Century about the Prince of Denmark. The original title of the work was The Tragedy of Hamlet, now it is referred to as just Hamlet. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses the mental state of his characters to prove that not all characters in books have to be one dimensional. Shakespeare's writing shows that humans are complex, and can have different mental states. Characters throughout the story such as, Hamlet, Gertrude, and Ophelia show their not so stable mental state. First we will analyze Hamlet and talk about Ernest Jones' Psycho–analytic study of Hamlet. Then we will talk about Ophelia and how the events that happened leading up to her death or suicide played a role into her mental state. Finally we will analyze Gertrude, the Queen's role in Hamlet, and how she is a mentally weak woman and relies on the men in her life. According to Ernest Jones, Hamlet has the "Oedipus–Complex" while others might just call him a momma's boy. The "Oedipus–Complex" from Freud is expressed through Diderot statement of, "If we were left to ourselves and if our bodily strength only came up to that of our phantasy we would wring our fathers' neck and sleep with our mothers." In Get more content on
  • 19. Critical Analysis of Shakespeare's Hamlet What is mans' purpose in life? Is there a purpose? If there isn't, then is it wise to end it, despite the fact that there might be nothing better? In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet struggles with these and other issues. He states that the question of life is "To be, or not to be...?" Is existence really worth the troubles of life? In this monologue, Hamlet is wondering what is his purpose. He asserts that the only reason people endure their horrible lives is the uncertainty of what lies after death. "Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death..." Is it noble to suffer, and is life worth all its misery? more content... Hamlet's mother has just lost a husband, his uncle is worried and guilt–stricken over the terrible crime he committed of murdering his brother, and Ophelia, Hamlet's lover, is miserable because her half–witted father has forbidden her to see Hamlet. This soliloquy pertanes not only to Hamlet, but to virtually all the characters in the play. All the characters are "bear[ing] the whips and scorns" of their piteous lives. The monologue is not only relevant to the characters in Hamlet, but to all people. Many people feel at some point that their lives are not worth living . They may question if life has a purpose, and whether or not they are serving that purpose. It is quite easy to relate to Hamlet's feelings of woe and uncertainty. This is what makes Hamlet timeless. No matter what century, country, or person, everyone has experienced to some degree what Hamlet endured. Perhaps someone has just lost a father, or undergone a divorce. They could relate to Hamlet's misery. They may not contemplate suicide, as is what is sometimes believed about Hamlet, but they do have questions about life, and the afterlife. Shakespeare uses Hamlet's feelings to express his own, as well as those of all people. Because of this, Hamlet has become a classic. Hamlet's character represents people in all circumstances. He questions everything, and has experienced love, hate, betrayal, depression, grief, and anger. He is sometimes Get more content on
  • 20. How Is Ophelia Presented In Hamlet Candace Powe ENG4U Mrs. Romain July 17, 2015. Hamlet Literary Essay The play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, is a very connected play, as every event that happens can be explained by another past event. The lines in Act 4, Scene Three represent this well: How does By Gis and by Saint Charity, Alack, and fie for shame! Young men will do't if they come to't; By cock, they are to blame. Quoth she, before you tumbled me, You promis'd me to wed. So would I ha' done, by yonder sun, An thou hadst not come to my bed. (Ophelia: IV, V, 56– 61) as these lines relate back to the development of Ophelia's character, as well as play an important role in the plot of the play, and a major conflict that is portrayed. Throughout the play, Ophelia's more content... In this scene, Ophelia feels inner conflict because she is no longer sure that sleeping with Hamlet before marriage was the correct thing to do. Ophelia is having a lot of doubts about the decision that she has made, and this can be connected to her decision of whether to end her life or not. Eventually Ophelia decides that she can not live through the pain any further and drowns herself in a river. This is not the only instance in which Ophelia felt a large amount of inner conflict, another example is during Act I, Scene iii, when Laertes confronts Ophelia about her relationship with Hamlet: "Perhaps he loves you now... but you must fear, his greatness weigh'd, his will is not his own." (I, iii, 25–28). At this point, Ophelia feels that her love towards Hamlet is reciprocated and she is not sure why Laertes is doubting her relationship so much. However, when Polonius joins the conversation and tells Ophelia to end the relationship, she responds with: "I do not know my Lord what I should think." (I, III, 103). This shows how Ophelia is
  • 21. conflicted whether she should go with her own feelings, and keep seeing Hamlet, or to listen to her father as he should know what's best for her. Eventually, Ophelia decides that her feelings towards Hamlet do not matter, because Polonius wants her to end the relationship so she must do what he Get more content on