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LLP Call 2011
                                                                                                       version 25.01.2011
            NAME                        NAME                               GEOGRAPHICAL     HIERARCHICAL POSITION
            of eligible institution     of eligible institution            SCOPE
            In national language        In EN

Belgium – Gemeentelijke overheden       Municipalities                     Municipality     Municipalities
speaking  Provinciale overheden         Provincial authorities             Province         Province
          Vlaamse                       Commission of the         Flemish Brussels region   Regional authority
          Gemeenschapscommissie         Community (Brussels)

Belgium – Commune                       Municipality                       City             Municipality
          Province                      Province                           District         District
Belgium –   Schulämter der Städte und   Education authority of a      city                  municipality
German      Gemeinden in der            municipality in German
speaking    Deutschsprachigen           speaking Community in Belgium
Community   Gemeinschaft
            Sekretariat für kommunales Local authority for public and local                 municipality
            und freies Unterrichtswesen independent education

Bulgaria    Община - Obshtina           Municipalities

Регионални инспекторати по        Regional Inspectorates for
           образованието - Regionalni        Education
           inspektorati po obrazovanieto

Croatia    općina                            municipality                       municipality       local authority

           grad                              town                               town               local authority

           županija                          county                             county             regional authority

           Grad Zagreb                       City of Zagreb                     city               regional authority

Czech      Miestny/ mestský úrad (obec)      Municipality office                Local competence   Part of self-goverment
           Kraj                              Regional authority                 region             regional government with
                                                                                                   reference to law 129/2000 Sb.
           Obce a svazky obcí                Municipality and organisation of   district           Municipality with reference to law
                                             communities                                           128/2000 Sb. and 131/2000 Sb.
Denmark                                      Local authorities, i.e. the 98              
                                             municipalities                                        vernment_reform_in_brief/kap08.
                                             Regional authorities, i.e. the 5            
                                             regions                                               vernment_reform_in_brief/kap08.
Germany    Alle Behörden der
           Schulverwaltung, die zuständig
           sind für öffentliche Schulen,
           staatlich anerkannte, staatlich
           genehmigte bzw staatlich

geförderte Schulen.
Ireland   Vocational Education   Vocational Education              Nationwide          Irish Vocational Education
          Committees (VEC)       Committees (VEC)                                      Association (IVEA) affiliated to
                                                                                       the Department of Education and
Estonia   Maavalitsus            County government                 Region / district   Government Agencies directed by
                                                                                       the county governor, who is a
                                                                                       representative of the central
                                                                                       government and implements
                                                                                       central government policy on
                                                                                       regional level; county
                                                                                       governments are accountable to
                                                                                       central government.
          Vallavalitsus          Parish government, Rural                              Autonomous local authorities,
                                 municipality government                               which have a right to organise and
                                                                                       manage independently local issues
                                                                                       pursuant to law and based on the
                                                                                       legitimate needs and interests of
                                                                                       the residents of the rural
          Linnavalitsus          Town government                   Town / City         Autonomous local authorities,
                                                                                       which have a right to organise and
                                 City government
                                                                                       manage independently local issues
                                                                                       pursuant to law and based on the
                                                                                       legitimate needs and interests of
                                                                                       the residents of the city.
Greece    ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑΚΕΣ          Regional Education Directorates   Regional level      Attached to the Ministry

∆ΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ                 Directorates of primary and     Prefectural level                Attached to the Ministry
        ΠΡΩΤΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ            secondary education
        ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΠΡΩΤΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ        Primary and secondary           Local level                      Attached to the Ministry
        ΚΑΙ ∆ΕΥΤΕΡΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ          education offices

Spain   Ministerio de Educación,    Ministry of Education, Social                                    Ministry
        Política Social y Deporte   Policy and Sport                      Ceuta and Melilla
        Ministerio de Ciencia e     Ministry of Science and          (for the aim of this action).   Ministry
        Innovación                  Innovation
        Consejería de Educación     Department of Education         Regional Education               Regional Government
        Consejería de Educación,    Department of Education,        Regional Education               Regional Government
        Culture and Sports          Culture and Sports              Administration
        Consejería de Educación y   Department of Education and     Regional Education               Regional Government
        Ciencia                     Science                         Administration
        Consejería de Educación,    Department of Education,        Regional Education               Regional Government
        Ciencia e Investigación     Science and Research            Administration
        Consejería de Educación y   Department of Education and     Regional Education and           Regional Government
        Ordenación Universitaria    University Planning             Higher Education
        Delegaciones Provinciales   Provincial Branches of the      Provincial Administration        Regional Government
                                    Regional Government
        Diputación Provincial       Provincial Council              Provincial Administration        Regional Government
        Ayuntamiento                Town Council                    City/ District Administration    Municipality

Concejalía de Educación de   Town Council – Offices of   City/ District Administration   Municipality
         Ayuntamientos                Education
France   Mairie                       Town/city hall              Dépend de la taille de la       Les mairies sont responsables des
                                                                  mairie/ville                    bâtiments, de la maintenance, des
                                                                                                  personnels techniques, de la
                                                                                                  restauration (cantines) des écoles
                                                                                                  maternelles et primaires situées sur
                                                                                                  leur territoire, ainsi que de budgets
                                                                                                  participatifs éventuels à des
                                                                                                  actions extérieures
         Conseil général              General Council             Responsable politiquement       Les Conseils généraux sont
                                                                  des Départements français au    responsables des bâtiments, de la
                                                                  nombre de 101                   maintenance, du transport scolaire,
                                                                                                  des personnels techniques et de la
                                                                                                  restauration (cantines) des
                                                                                                  Ils mettent en place et financent
                                                                                                  des projets éducatifs.
         Conseil régional             Regional authority          Responsable politiquement       Les Conseils régionaux sont
                                                                  des Régions de France au        responsables des bâtiments, de la
                                                                  nombre de 23                    maintenance, du transport scolaire,
                                                                                                  de la restauration et des personnels
                                                                                                  techniques des lycées.
                                                                                                  Ils mettent en place et financent
                                                                                                  des projets éducatifs.
                                                                                                  Ils participent au financement des
                                                                                                  établissements d’enseignement
                                                                                                  supérieur, essentiellement par le
                                                                                                  biais de crédits de recherches.

Rectorat                    District/regional education     Représente le ministère de      Les rectorats sont responsables de
                                    authority                       l’Education nationale dans      la mise en œuvre des décisions
                                                                    30 académies réparties sur le   gouvernementales aux niveaux
                                                                    territoire français             préscolaire,       scolaire      et
                                                                                                    universitaire. Bien que les
                                                                                                    rectorats ne puissent pas percevoir
                                                                                                    directement des fonds européens,
                                                                                                    il convient de les considérer, en
                                                                                                    tant que de besoin, comme des
                                                                                                    partenaires associés de type 1,
                                                                                                    c’est-à-dire                comme
                                                                                                    intrinsèquement liés à l’opérateur
                                                                                                    principal (mairie ; communauté
                                                                                                    urbaine, d’agglomération ou de
                                                                                                    communes ; conseil général ;
                                                                                                    conseil régional).

        Groupements de communes :   Communautés          urbaines, Etablissement public de Les établissements publics de
                                    communautés d’agglomérations coopération intercommunale coopération          intercommunale
                                    et communautés de communes                              exercent les compétences qui leur
                                                                                            ont été transférées par les
                                                                                            communes qui en sont membres ;
                                                                                            en      matière       d’enseignement
                                                                                            scolaire, ces transferts sont gérés
                                                                                            par le code général des
                                                                                            collectivités territoriales et par le
                                                                                            code de l’éducation.
Italy   UFFICI SCOLASTICI                                           Regionale                       Ministero dell’Istruzione,
        REGIONALI                                                                                   Università e Ricerca
        REGIONI                                                     Regionale                       Autonome

CITTA’ CAPOLUOGO DI                                                   Comunale                   Autonome
         In attesa dell’istituzione delle
         aree metropolitane Ente
         amm.vo previsto dall’art.114
         della Costituzione

Cyprus     Eparhiaka Grafeia                District Offices of the Ministry   District                   Attached to the Ministry of
           Ypourgeiou Paideias kai          of Education and Culture-                                     Education and Culture
           Politismou - Diefthynsi          Directorate of Primary
           Dimotikis Ekpaidefsis            Education
           Eparhiaka Grafeia                District Offices of the Ministry   District                   Attached to the Ministry of
           Ypourgeiou Paideias kai          of Education and Culture-                                     Education and Culture
           Politismou - Diefthynsi          Directorate of Secondary
           Mesis Ekpaidefsis                Education
           Eparhiaka Grafeia                District Offices of the Ministry   District                   Attached to the Ministry of
           Ypourgeiou Paideias kai          of Education and Culture-                                     Education and Culture
           Politismou - Diefthynsi          Directorate of Special Education
           Edeikis Ekpaidefsis
           Sxolikes Eforeies                School Committees                  Region                     Attached to Municipalities
Latvia     Pilsetu pasvaldibas – Pilsetu    Municipalities of major cities     Regional and local scale   District and local self-governments
           Novadu pasvaldibas –             Amalgamated town and rural         Local scale                Local self-governments
           Novadu domes                     municipalities

Lithuania            Savivaldybės administracijos          Education administration                    city or district                       municipality’s education
                     švietimo padalinys                    department (unit) of the                                                           administration department (unit)
                                                           municipality1                                                                      coordinated by the ministry of
                                                                                                                                              education and science
                     Apskrities viršininko                 Education administration          region                                           county’s education administration
                     administracijos švietimo              department (unit) of the                                                           department (unit) coordinated by
                     padalinys                             administration of the governor of                                                  the ministry of education and
                                                           the county2                                                                        science
Luxembourg           Administration communale              Municipality                                City
Hungary3             Települési önkormányzat               Local Municipalities                        Administrative region of the           local
                     Intézményi társulás                   Associations of Public Education Administrative regions of the Small region
                                                           Institutions                     associated local
                     Többcélú kistérségi társulás          Multifunctional Regional                                                           Regional
                                                           Educational Associations

                     Megyei önkormányzat                   County Municipalities                       Administrative region of the           County
                     Szakképzés-szervezési                 Associations for the                        Administrative regions of              Regional

  The municipality is an administrative unit of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania (constituting a city, town or district), the community of residents whereof has the right
to local (municipal) self-government guaranteed by the State.
 The county is a higher territorial administrative unit of the Republic of Lithuania, the governing of which is organised by the central government through the governor
of the county, the ministries and other government institutions. The government of the county is a constituent part of state administration.

    Please note that the attached list includes only the types of eligible institutions which are individually specified and identified in the database KIR ( Public Education
       Information System) on the webpage

társulás                       Organisation of VET                 municipalities involved in
                                                                                 the association
              Közalapítvány                  Public Foundations                  The region/s defined in the   Regional
                                                                                 document of operation
              Országos Kisebbségi            Minority Municipalities             The region/s defined in the   Regional
              Önkormányzat                                                       document of operation
Malta         Direttorat Generali ghal       Directorate General for             Nationwide                    Attached to the Ministry
              Servizzi Edukattivi            Educational Services

              Direttorat Generali ghal       Directorate General for Quality     Nationwide                    Attached to the Ministry
              Kwalita' u Standards fl-       and Standards in Education.

              Kulleggi                       Colleges                            Regional                      Attached to the Education
Netherlands   De bevoegde gezagen van        The competent authorities of a      The geographical scope of     All competent authorities are
              een school of instelling als   school or institution as meant in   the competent authorities can autonomous.
              bedoeld in de Wet op het       the Primary Education Act or the    differ; some are small and
              primair onderwijs of de Wet    Secundary Education Act.            have schools or institutions
              op het voortgezet onderwijs.                                       only within 1 city, some are
                                                                                 larger and cover several
Austria       Landesschulräte

              Stadtschulrat für Wien







Poland   Jednostki samorządu             Self-governments of:
         terytorialnego na poziomie:

         - gminy                         - local community,     - the lowest level of the         - responsible for primary and
                                                                three-tier administrative         lower secondary schools
                                                                division of the territory of
         - miasta                        - municipality,        - as above                        - as above

         - powiatu                       - district             - the intermediate level of the   - responsible for upper secondary
                                                                three-tier administrative         schools, postsecondary schools,
                                                                division of the territory of      artistic and special schools of all
                                                                Poland                            levels and vocational schools
         - województwa                   - region               - the highest level of the        - responsible for schools and
                                                                three-tier administrative         institutions of particular
                                                                division of the territory of      importance for a given region
         Regional Education Authority:
         - Kuratoria Oświaty             - superintendents      - the education                   - Superintendent is appointed by
                                                                superintendent (Kurator) is       the head of province, the voivode,
                                                                the chief educational body at     so he is a regional administration
                                                                regional level. He is

responsible for general       official supervised by the voivode.
                                                                         administration of education
                                                                         in a voivodship
Portugal   Câmaras Municipais           City Halls                       City                          Municipality
           (Conselhos Municipais de     *City Educational Councils       Link:
           Educação; Conselhos Locais
                                        *Local Councils for Social
           de Acção Social                                               p?option=com_content&vie
           Direcções Regionais de       Regional Directorates of         North, Centre, Lisbon,        Ministry of Education
           Educação                     Education                        Alentejo, Algarve
           Governos Regionais das       Regional Government from the  Madeira, Açores                  Regional Government
           Regiões Autónomas –          Autonomous Regions – Regional
           Secretarias Regionais de     Secretariat for Education
           Ministério da Educação       Ministry of Education:           Central structures with       Ministry of Education
           (ME):                                                         STRONG regional impact,
                                        Directorate General for
           Direcção-Geral de Inovação   Innovation and Curricula         Lisbon
           e de Desenvolvimento         Development
Romania    Consiliile judetene          County Authorities               Region                        Regional authorities

           Consiliile locale            Municipality authorities         District/city                 Municipality
           Inspectoratele Scolare       Local School Authorities,        Region                        Attached to ministry and regional
                                        (School Inspectorates)                                         authorities
           Casa Corpului Didactic       Teacher Training Center          Region/District               Attached to School inspectorates
Slovenia   Regionalne enote Zavoda RS   Regional units of the National   9 regional units in:          Regional unit of National institute,
                                                                         Ljubljana, Kranj, Celje,

za šolstvo                       Education Institute                 Slovenj Gradec, Koper,        public organisation
                                                                                Nova Gorica, Novo mesto,
                                                                                Maribor and Murska Sobota
           Občine – oddelki za vzgojo       Local municipalities -              210 official municipalities   Regional government
           in izobraževanje in kulturo      departments for education and

Slovakia   Ocec/mesto                       Local authority                     Local competence              Part of self-government
           samosprávny kraj                 Self-governing region               regional competence           part of self-government

           krajský školský úrad             Regional School Office              regional competence           Part of state administration/
                                                                                                              directly managed by Ministry of
                                                                                                              Education of the Slovak Republic
Finland    Kunta, sivistystoimi             Local authority                     City/municipality             Municipality
                                            Education and cultural services
           Kuntayhtymä                      Joint(municipal) authority          District                      Municipality

           Lääninhallitus, sivistysosasto   State Provincial Office             Region                        State
                                            Education and Cultural services
Sweden     Stadsdelsnämnd                   Municipal district councils         District/Submunicipality      Municipality
           Stadsdelsförvaltning             Municipal district administration
           Barn- och Utbildningsnämnd       Education committee                 City                          Municipality
           Barn- och                        (Local) department of education
           Kommunalförbund/                 Local federations /in Education     Region                        Municipality.        Co-operative
           Utbildningsförbund                                                                                 organisation formally established
                                                                                                              between municipalities being

Note: Kommunförbund is not Note: Local association            of                       operationally    responsible    for
          eligible                   municipalities is not eligible                              certain     municipal      services
                                                                                                 (common       concerning     Upper
                                                                                                 secondary school education)
          Region/Regionförbund          Regions/Regional federations         Region              Regional government
          Landsting                     County Councils                      Region              Regional government
UK        County Councils and Unitary   County Councils and Unitary          England             Regional Government
          Authorities                   Authorities

          Local Authorities             Local Authorities                    Scotland            Regional Government

          Local Education Authorities   Local Education Authorities          Wales               Regional Government

          Education and Library         Education and Library Boards         Northern Ireland    Regional Government

Iceland   Borg. Bær, Kaupstaður         Town                                 local               municipality
          Sveitarfélag                  Municipality                         local               municipality
          Félagsþjónusta                School services, divisions of        local or regional   attached to municipality
          (Felagsthjonusta),            education
          Fræðslusvið (Fraedslusvid),
          Menntasvið (Menntasvid).

                (Skolathjonusta). Skólasvið
Liechtenstein   Schulamt des Fürstentums       Office of Education of the      regional                     attached to the ministry
                Liechtenstein                  Principality of Liechtenstein
Norway          Kommuner og                    Municipalities/ county
                fylkeskommuner                 municipalities
                Fylkesmennenes                 County Governors' Education
                utdanningsavdelinger           Offices
                Opplæringskontor               Regional Training Offices

Switzerland     Schweizerische Konferenz       Swiss Conference of Cantonal    Intercantonal and National   In Switzerland, the main
                der kantonalen                 Ministers of Education (EDK)    Level                        responsibility for education and
                Erziehungdirektoren EDK                                                                     culture lies with the cantons.

                Conférence suisse des
                directeurs cantonaux de
                l’instruction publique CDIP

                Conferenza svizzera dei
                direttori cantonali della
                pubblica educazione CDPE

                Conferenza svizra dals
                directurs chantunals da
                l’educaziun publica CDEP
                EDK Regionalkonferenzen        Regional Conferences            Region (German spoken,       Attached to the Swiss Conference
                                                                               French spoken, Italien       of Cantonal Ministers of
                Conférence intercantonale de                                   spoken)                      Education (EDK)
                l’instrucion publique de la

Suisse romande et du Tessin

         Zentralschweiz (BKZ)

         Konferenz der Ostschweizer
         Kantone und des
         Fürstentums Lichtenstein

         nz (NW EDK)
         Kantonale                     Educational Ministries in the     Canton                          Cantonal government
         Erziehungsdirektionen         Cantons
         Städtische Bildungsbehörden   Municipal Education Authorities   City                            municipality government
         Bildungsbehöreden auf         Communal Education                Community                       Communal government
         Gemeindeebene                 Authorities
Turkey   İL MİLLİ EĞİTİM               Provincial Directorate of         Province (Provincial city and   Ministry
         MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ                     National Education                districts)


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Listregio en

  • 1. LLP Call 2011 version 25.01.2011 INSTITUTIONS ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR COMENIUS REGIO PARTNERSHIPS NAME NAME GEOGRAPHICAL HIERARCHICAL POSITION of eligible institution of eligible institution SCOPE In national language In EN Belgium – Gemeentelijke overheden Municipalities Municipality Municipalities Flemish speaking Provinciale overheden Provincial authorities Province Province Community Vlaamse Commission of the Flemish Brussels region Regional authority Gemeenschapscommissie Community (Brussels) (VGC) Belgium – Commune Municipality City Municipality French Province Province District District speaking Community Belgium – Schulämter der Städte und Education authority of a city municipality German Gemeinden in der municipality in German speaking Deutschsprachigen speaking Community in Belgium Community Gemeinschaft Sekretariat für kommunales Local authority for public and local municipality und freies Unterrichtswesen independent education Bulgaria Община - Obshtina Municipalities 1
  • 2. Регионални инспекторати по Regional Inspectorates for образованието - Regionalni Education inspektorati po obrazovanieto Croatia općina municipality municipality local authority grad town town local authority županija county county regional authority Grad Zagreb City of Zagreb city regional authority Czech Miestny/ mestský úrad (obec) Municipality office Local competence Part of self-goverment Republic Kraj Regional authority region regional government with reference to law 129/2000 Sb. Obce a svazky obcí Municipality and organisation of district Municipality with reference to law communities 128/2000 Sb. and 131/2000 Sb. Denmark Local authorities, i.e. the 98 municipalities vernment_reform_in_brief/kap08. htm Regional authorities, i.e. the 5 regions vernment_reform_in_brief/kap08. htm Germany Alle Behörden der Schulverwaltung, die zuständig sind für öffentliche Schulen, staatlich anerkannte, staatlich genehmigte bzw staatlich 2
  • 3. geförderte Schulen. Ireland Vocational Education Vocational Education Nationwide Irish Vocational Education Committees (VEC) Committees (VEC) Association (IVEA) affiliated to the Department of Education and Science Estonia Maavalitsus County government Region / district Government Agencies directed by the county governor, who is a representative of the central government and implements central government policy on regional level; county governments are accountable to central government. Vallavalitsus Parish government, Rural Autonomous local authorities, municipality government which have a right to organise and manage independently local issues pursuant to law and based on the legitimate needs and interests of the residents of the rural municipality. Linnavalitsus Town government Town / City Autonomous local authorities, which have a right to organise and City government manage independently local issues pursuant to law and based on the legitimate needs and interests of the residents of the city. Greece ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑΚΕΣ Regional Education Directorates Regional level Attached to the Ministry ∆ΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ΕΚΠΑΙ∆ΕΥΣΗΣ 3
  • 4. ∆ΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Directorates of primary and Prefectural level Attached to the Ministry ΠΡΩΤΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ secondary education ∆ΕΥΤΕΡΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ ΕΚΠΑΙ∆ΕΥΣΗΣ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΠΡΩΤΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ Primary and secondary Local level Attached to the Ministry ΚΑΙ ∆ΕΥΤΕΡΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ education offices ΕΚΠΑΙ∆ΕΥΣΗΣ Spain Ministerio de Educación, Ministry of Education, Social Ministry Política Social y Deporte Policy and Sport Ceuta and Melilla Ministerio de Ciencia e Ministry of Science and (for the aim of this action). Ministry Innovación Innovation Consejería de Educación Department of Education Regional Education Regional Government Administration Consejería de Educación, Department of Education, Regional Education Regional Government Culture and Sports Culture and Sports Administration Consejería de Educación y Department of Education and Regional Education Regional Government Ciencia Science Administration Consejería de Educación, Department of Education, Regional Education Regional Government Ciencia e Investigación Science and Research Administration Consejería de Educación y Department of Education and Regional Education and Regional Government Ordenación Universitaria University Planning Higher Education Administration Delegaciones Provinciales Provincial Branches of the Provincial Administration Regional Government Regional Government Diputación Provincial Provincial Council Provincial Administration Regional Government Ayuntamiento Town Council City/ District Administration Municipality 4
  • 5. Concejalía de Educación de Town Council – Offices of City/ District Administration Municipality Ayuntamientos Education France Mairie Town/city hall Dépend de la taille de la Les mairies sont responsables des mairie/ville bâtiments, de la maintenance, des personnels techniques, de la restauration (cantines) des écoles maternelles et primaires situées sur leur territoire, ainsi que de budgets participatifs éventuels à des actions extérieures Conseil général General Council Responsable politiquement Les Conseils généraux sont des Départements français au responsables des bâtiments, de la nombre de 101 maintenance, du transport scolaire, des personnels techniques et de la restauration (cantines) des collèges. Ils mettent en place et financent des projets éducatifs. Conseil régional Regional authority Responsable politiquement Les Conseils régionaux sont des Régions de France au responsables des bâtiments, de la nombre de 23 maintenance, du transport scolaire, de la restauration et des personnels techniques des lycées. Ils mettent en place et financent des projets éducatifs. Ils participent au financement des établissements d’enseignement supérieur, essentiellement par le biais de crédits de recherches. 5
  • 6. Rectorat District/regional education Représente le ministère de Les rectorats sont responsables de authority l’Education nationale dans la mise en œuvre des décisions 30 académies réparties sur le gouvernementales aux niveaux territoire français préscolaire, scolaire et universitaire. Bien que les rectorats ne puissent pas percevoir directement des fonds européens, il convient de les considérer, en tant que de besoin, comme des partenaires associés de type 1, c’est-à-dire comme intrinsèquement liés à l’opérateur principal (mairie ; communauté urbaine, d’agglomération ou de communes ; conseil général ; conseil régional). Groupements de communes : Communautés urbaines, Etablissement public de Les établissements publics de communautés d’agglomérations coopération intercommunale coopération intercommunale et communautés de communes exercent les compétences qui leur ont été transférées par les communes qui en sont membres ; en matière d’enseignement scolaire, ces transferts sont gérés par le code général des collectivités territoriales et par le code de l’éducation. Italy UFFICI SCOLASTICI Regionale Ministero dell’Istruzione, REGIONALI Università e Ricerca REGIONI Regionale Autonome 6
  • 7. CITTA’ CAPOLUOGO DI Comunale Autonome REGIONE In attesa dell’istituzione delle aree metropolitane Ente amm.vo previsto dall’art.114 della Costituzione GOVERNI DELLE PROVINCE Cyprus Eparhiaka Grafeia District Offices of the Ministry District Attached to the Ministry of Ypourgeiou Paideias kai of Education and Culture- Education and Culture Politismou - Diefthynsi Directorate of Primary Dimotikis Ekpaidefsis Education Eparhiaka Grafeia District Offices of the Ministry District Attached to the Ministry of Ypourgeiou Paideias kai of Education and Culture- Education and Culture Politismou - Diefthynsi Directorate of Secondary Mesis Ekpaidefsis Education Eparhiaka Grafeia District Offices of the Ministry District Attached to the Ministry of Ypourgeiou Paideias kai of Education and Culture- Education and Culture Politismou - Diefthynsi Directorate of Special Education Edeikis Ekpaidefsis Sxolikes Eforeies School Committees Region Attached to Municipalities Latvia Pilsetu pasvaldibas – Pilsetu Municipalities of major cities Regional and local scale District and local self-governments domes Novadu pasvaldibas – Amalgamated town and rural Local scale Local self-governments Novadu domes municipalities 7
  • 8. Lithuania Savivaldybės administracijos Education administration city or district municipality’s education švietimo padalinys department (unit) of the administration department (unit) municipality1 coordinated by the ministry of education and science Apskrities viršininko Education administration region county’s education administration administracijos švietimo department (unit) of the department (unit) coordinated by padalinys administration of the governor of the ministry of education and the county2 science Luxembourg Administration communale Municipality City Hungary3 Települési önkormányzat Local Municipalities Administrative region of the local settlement Intézményi társulás Associations of Public Education Administrative regions of the Small region Institutions associated local municipalities Többcélú kistérségi társulás Multifunctional Regional Regional Educational Associations Megyei önkormányzat County Municipalities Administrative region of the County county Szakképzés-szervezési Associations for the Administrative regions of Regional 1 The municipality is an administrative unit of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania (constituting a city, town or district), the community of residents whereof has the right to local (municipal) self-government guaranteed by the State. 2 The county is a higher territorial administrative unit of the Republic of Lithuania, the governing of which is organised by the central government through the governor of the county, the ministries and other government institutions. The government of the county is a constituent part of state administration. 3 Please note that the attached list includes only the types of eligible institutions which are individually specified and identified in the database KIR ( Public Education Information System) on the webpage 8
  • 9. társulás Organisation of VET municipalities involved in the association Közalapítvány Public Foundations The region/s defined in the Regional document of operation Országos Kisebbségi Minority Municipalities The region/s defined in the Regional Önkormányzat document of operation Malta Direttorat Generali ghal Directorate General for Nationwide Attached to the Ministry Servizzi Edukattivi Educational Services Direttorat Generali ghal Directorate General for Quality Nationwide Attached to the Ministry Kwalita' u Standards fl- and Standards in Education. Edukazzjoni Kulleggi Colleges Regional Attached to the Education Division Netherlands De bevoegde gezagen van The competent authorities of a The geographical scope of All competent authorities are een school of instelling als school or institution as meant in the competent authorities can autonomous. bedoeld in de Wet op het the Primary Education Act or the differ; some are small and primair onderwijs of de Wet Secundary Education Act. have schools or institutions op het voortgezet onderwijs. only within 1 city, some are larger and cover several regions. Austria Landesschulräte Stadtschulrat für Wien Bezirksschulräte Schulreferate 9
  • 10. Landesregierungen Bezirkshauptmannschaften Magistrate Gemeinden Poland Jednostki samorządu Self-governments of: terytorialnego na poziomie: - gminy - local community, - the lowest level of the - responsible for primary and three-tier administrative lower secondary schools division of the territory of Poland - miasta - municipality, - as above - as above - powiatu - district - the intermediate level of the - responsible for upper secondary three-tier administrative schools, postsecondary schools, division of the territory of artistic and special schools of all Poland levels and vocational schools - województwa - region - the highest level of the - responsible for schools and three-tier administrative institutions of particular division of the territory of importance for a given region Poland Regional Education Authority: - Kuratoria Oświaty - superintendents - the education - Superintendent is appointed by superintendent (Kurator) is the head of province, the voivode, the chief educational body at so he is a regional administration regional level. He is 10
  • 11. responsible for general official supervised by the voivode. administration of education in a voivodship Portugal Câmaras Municipais City Halls City Municipality (Conselhos Municipais de *City Educational Councils Link: Educação; Conselhos Locais *Local Councils for Social de Acção Social p?option=com_content&vie Support w=article&id=67&Itemid=5 8 Direcções Regionais de Regional Directorates of North, Centre, Lisbon, Ministry of Education Educação Education Alentejo, Algarve Governos Regionais das Regional Government from the Madeira, Açores Regional Government Regiões Autónomas – Autonomous Regions – Regional Secretarias Regionais de Secretariat for Education Educação Ministério da Educação Ministry of Education: Central structures with Ministry of Education (ME): STRONG regional impact, Directorate General for Direcção-Geral de Inovação Innovation and Curricula Lisbon e de Desenvolvimento Development Curricular Romania Consiliile judetene County Authorities Region Regional authorities Consiliile locale Municipality authorities District/city Municipality Inspectoratele Scolare Local School Authorities, Region Attached to ministry and regional (School Inspectorates) authorities Casa Corpului Didactic Teacher Training Center Region/District Attached to School inspectorates Slovenia Regionalne enote Zavoda RS Regional units of the National 9 regional units in: Regional unit of National institute, Ljubljana, Kranj, Celje, 11
  • 12. za šolstvo Education Institute Slovenj Gradec, Koper, public organisation Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Maribor and Murska Sobota Občine – oddelki za vzgojo Local municipalities - 210 official municipalities Regional government in izobraževanje in kulturo departments for education and culture Slovakia Ocec/mesto Local authority Local competence Part of self-government samosprávny kraj Self-governing region regional competence part of self-government krajský školský úrad Regional School Office regional competence Part of state administration/ directly managed by Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic Finland Kunta, sivistystoimi Local authority City/municipality Municipality Education and cultural services Kuntayhtymä Joint(municipal) authority District Municipality Lääninhallitus, sivistysosasto State Provincial Office Region State Education and Cultural services Sweden Stadsdelsnämnd Municipal district councils District/Submunicipality Municipality Stadsdelsförvaltning Municipal district administration Barn- och Utbildningsnämnd Education committee City Municipality Barn- och (Local) department of education Utbildningsförvaltning Kommunalförbund/ Local federations /in Education Region Municipality. Co-operative Utbildningsförbund organisation formally established between municipalities being 12
  • 13. Note: Kommunförbund is not Note: Local association of operationally responsible for eligible municipalities is not eligible certain municipal services (common concerning Upper secondary school education) Region/Regionförbund Regions/Regional federations Region Regional government Landsting County Councils Region Regional government UK County Councils and Unitary County Councils and Unitary England Regional Government Authorities Authorities Local Authorities Local Authorities Scotland Regional Government Local Education Authorities Local Education Authorities Wales Regional Government Education and Library Education and Library Boards Northern Ireland Regional Government Boards Iceland Borg. Bær, Kaupstaður Town local municipality Sveitarfélag Municipality local municipality Félagsþjónusta School services, divisions of local or regional attached to municipality (Felagsthjonusta), education Fræðsluþjónusta (Fraedsluthjonusta). Fræðslumiðstöð (Fraedslumidstod). Fræðslusvið (Fraedslusvid), Fjölskyldudeild (Fjolskyldudeild). Menntasvið (Menntasvid). Skólaskrifstofa (Skolaskrifstofa). 13
  • 14. Skólaþjónusta (Skolathjonusta). Skólasvið (Skolasvid). Liechtenstein Schulamt des Fürstentums Office of Education of the regional attached to the ministry Liechtenstein Principality of Liechtenstein Norway Kommuner og Municipalities/ county fylkeskommuner municipalities Fylkesmennenes County Governors' Education utdanningsavdelinger Offices Opplæringskontor Regional Training Offices Switzerland Schweizerische Konferenz Swiss Conference of Cantonal Intercantonal and National In Switzerland, the main der kantonalen Ministers of Education (EDK) Level responsibility for education and Erziehungdirektoren EDK culture lies with the cantons. Conférence suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l’instruction publique CDIP Conferenza svizzera dei direttori cantonali della pubblica educazione CDPE Conferenza svizra dals directurs chantunals da l’educaziun publica CDEP EDK Regionalkonferenzen Regional Conferences Region (German spoken, Attached to the Swiss Conference French spoken, Italien of Cantonal Ministers of Conférence intercantonale de spoken) Education (EDK) l’instrucion publique de la 14
  • 15. Suisse romande et du Tessin (CIIP) Bildungsdirektoren- Konferenz Zentralschweiz (BKZ) Erziehungsdirektoren- Konferenz der Ostschweizer Kantone und des Fürstentums Lichtenstein (EDK-Ost) Nordwestschweizerische Erziehungsdirektorenkonfere nz (NW EDK) Kantonale Educational Ministries in the Canton Cantonal government Erziehungsdirektionen Cantons Städtische Bildungsbehörden Municipal Education Authorities City municipality government Bildungsbehöreden auf Communal Education Community Communal government Gemeindeebene Authorities Turkey İL MİLLİ EĞİTİM Provincial Directorate of Province (Provincial city and Ministry MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ National Education districts) 15