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Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                        LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

Part 1: Information Type

      Our collection of information materials is comprised of different types of children’s

dinosaur books. They are all print, physical books as opposed to e-books, websites, or

other print dinosaur resources. They all feature dinosaurs in some capacity. Some are

fictional stories with a dinosaur or dinosaurs as characters. Others are non-fiction works

that give the history of dinosaurs, while other non-fiction works talk about fossils and

paleontology. We set the boundaries of the collection during the creation since there is a

plethora of children’s dinosaur books on the market. We decided to have a narrow age

range and chose pre-school to kindergarten. Originally it was limited specifically to picture

books, as in story books with pictures that an adult might read to a child, and non-fiction

reference works, such as an encyclopedia of dinosaurs which would also be something an

adult might read to a child. Later, once we had decided on our audience and created user

profiles, we expanded our collection to include non-fiction books that have an activity

component, such as crafts, games, or play-acting. Two important characteristics of all the

books in the collection is that they would not be something a child in our age range would

be able to read to him or herself; however, they all include illustrations in some form,

whether drawings or photographs, which children might be interested in looking at on

their own. Along this line, we excluded from the collection easy readers, which are

intended for beginning readers and include large pictures with limited text, and board

books, which are durable books printed on paperboard with little to no text and are

intended for small children, typically toddlers and younger.

       Since we are all interested in working in libraries and two of our members plan on

working as children’s librarians specifically, children’s books seemed like relevant

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                        LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

materials to organize. Working specifically with a print resource collection allows us to

gain firsthand knowledge of creating an organization scheme for the types of materials we

could be working with in the future. Furthermore, working specifically with children’s

books led us to think critically about the types of user groups who might be interested in

accessing children’s books and what they might look for in an organizational system for

them. It also gave us the chance to work with some of the relevant library structures we

have talked about in our coursework, from metadata structures like Dublin Core to

controlled vocabularies such as the Library of Congress Subject Heading and Name

Authority File. Also, dinosaur books are just plain fun. One challenge that we encountered

was in creating a classification scheme. It was relatively easy dividing the books into three

main categories; however, the picture book category was difficult to sub-categorize, since

many of the books had largely the same thematic content. This seemed to us a problem

that would be inherent in this and other collections of similar sizes. Creating a

classification scheme for a library collection might be easier since there would be a larger

variety of items, with more categories, and potentially less overlap. Having such a small

collection with very similar topics forced us to think carefully about the requirements of

hierarchical classifications when placing the books into categories.

Part 2: User Groups

User Group 1: Teachers

       Ms. Frizzle is a new preschool teacher. Though she doesn’t have an academic

background in paleontology or evolutionary biology, she has been passionate about the

study of dinosaurs since age 5. On her fifth birthday, she received a baby Komodo dragon,

Igor, from an eccentric uncle, who convinced her that Igor was a baby Pinacosaurus. After

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                        LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

college, she was lucky enough to get a Peace Corps position in Jurassic Park, where she

worked in a local school. She currently lives in Pittsburgh and teaches preschool. Ms.

Frizzle has decided to start a dinosaur unit with her class and needs a variety of books that

she can use in a group setting. She is concerned with accuracy and would like to be able to

incorporate into her new collection recently published books. She is interested in an

organizational system that will be easy and fast and will help her find picture, information,

and instructional/activity books.

Ellen Frizzle:

   •   New preschool teacher

   •   Wants to teach a dinosaur unit and needs many dinosaur books

   •   Needs picture books for story-times, informational books, and instructional books

       for activities

   •   Needs recently published materials to reflect greater accuracy

   •   Needs materials that must be able to used in a group setting with many kids

   •   Needs an easy time-saving organizational scheme to choose books

User Group 2:

       Mom is a quirky mother of two children. Her passion for the Beatles has pervaded

every aspect of her and her family’s life; for example, she dresses as a yellow submarine

each Halloween in order to embarrass her entire family. Her youngest child, Sally, has

decided that “dinosaurs are way cooler than ponies,” and besides wanting a pet Diplodocus,

she wants more and more dinosaur books. Cooper, Mom’s 7-year-old son has recently

moved past the dinosaur phase and is now fully devoted to his best friend, Ringo, an

adolescent Rottweiler. Mom is looking for new dinosaur books to share with her 4-year-old

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                        LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

daughter that will beef up their already existing collection of books she used to read with

her son. Like Ms. Frizzle, Mom would like to be able to use an organizational scheme that

will help her while searching the CLP shelves.


   •   Parent with two kids (7-year-old Cooper and 4-year-old Sally)

   •   The family already has an extensive dinosaur book collection, but they would like to

       add some new picture books

   •   Wants to be able to find newer materials

   •   Needs a time-saving device to help choose books

   •   Needs books to use one-on-one with Sally

Part 3: Collection

       Refer to the “Collection Description” worksheet in the Excel workbook for a

description of each item.

Part 4.1: Descriptive Scheme

       Refer to the “Metadata Application Profile” worksheet in the Excel workbook.

Part 4.2: Classification Scheme


       Fossils, Bones, and Skeletons

              Inside-Outside Dinosaurs (Munro, Roxie)

              Jurassic Poop (Berkowitz, Jacob)

       General Information

              Did Dinosaurs Eat Pizza? (Hort, Lenny)

              Dinosaur (Lambert, David)

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                        LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

              Dinosaur Parade (Halls, Kelly Milner)

              Dinosaurs?! (Prap, Lila)

      Nonfictional Story

              Jurassic Shark (Diffily, Deborah)


      DinoMania (Manning, Mick and Brita Granstrom)

      Dinosaurs (Morris, Ting and Neil)

      The Kids’ Natural History Book (Press, Judy)




                       Dinosaur Roar! (Stickland, Paul and Henrietta)


                       How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                       How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                       How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                       How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                       How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)


                       Dinothesaurus (Florian, Douglas)

                       Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast (Prelutsky, Jack)


              Difficult and Stubborn Dinosaurs

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                          LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

                      Dinosaur vs. Bedtime (Shea, Bob)

                      The Dinosaurs’s New Clothes (Goode, Diane)

                      The Super Hungry Dinosaur (Waddell, Martin)

               Pets, Helpers, and Friends

                      Buying, Training & Caring for Your Dinosaur (Rennert, Laura Joy)

                      Danny and the Dinosaur (Hoff, Syd)

                      Dear Tyrannosaurus Rex (McClatchy, Lisa)

                      Detective Dinosaur (Skofield, James)

                      Edwina (Willems, Mo)

                      Harold and the Purple Crayon (Baker, Liza)

                      When Dinosaurs Came With Everything (Broach, Elise)

       While the faceted classification system is a lot more user-friendly when it comes to

browsing, we used the hierarchical classification system because our collection is made up

of books and we’re presenting the collection as if it belongs in a larger library collection.

After all, in physical libraries, such as the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, books can only

have one designated place in the collection; believe it or not, books cannot exist in two

places at once! Also, the main goal of our collection is for users (especially the two user

groups we’ve described) to be able to easily search for the specific kinds of books they need

and/or want.

       We started out with the three main classes (Information, Instruction, and Picture)

because those are the three main types of books we were looking for when we were

building our collection. From there, we looked at the books we had decided to include in

our collection and created the resulting subcategories from there. This strategy is quite a

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                         LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

bit different from creating a classification scheme for a “normal” library collection because

for a library, librarians have to consider the possibility of any book that exists or could exist

as becoming a part of their collection. However, our collection is small and our

classification scheme solely exists for the included books, which means it might be very

difficult to add additional books into our collection’s classification scheme. Furthermore,

when it comes to the most specific subcategories, particularly in the picture book category,

they become much more subjective and open to the interpretation of whomever is

organizing and classifying the books.

       We did specifically cater this classification scheme to our user groups, thinking

about what types of books they’re looking for and different characteristics of the books that

might make a difference to them (when it comes to picture books, it is important to

differentiate between books of poems and story-centered books). However, I believe our

classification system appeals to a much broader user group that includes all adults. While

our collection is made up of children’s dinosaur books, we determined that because young

children would be much more likely to browse the physical collection in the library and do

not necessarily have the needed vocabulary to search a collection’s database, it would be

much more useful and relevant to target an adult audience rather than an audience of 4-

and 5-year-old children.

Part 5: Surrogate Records & Organizational Scheme

       The organizational scheme for our collection best meets the needs of our users. It is

clear that each book falls into the three main categories in the classification scheme of

picture book, instructional book, or information book. These categories aid both Mom and

Ms. Frizzle in navigating the dinosaur collection as a whole. The scheme only utilizes books

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                         LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

that are appropriate for preschoolers. Using this scheme, Mom will be able to choose books

to fill in the gaps of Sally’s collection with recent picture books. Ms. Frizzle can use the

classification scheme to find the books that will build the collection that she needs for her

dinosaur unit.

         The descriptive scheme that we have identified allows our collection to be easily

searched, while providing a clear and inclusive description of the materials in the

collection. The metadata application profile (MAP) meets the functional requirements of

our user groups. We used basic Dublin Core elements to create our MAP. The Dublin Core

elements included in the metadata application profile were chosen to most accurately

describe the collection and allow the user to search by elements that are most helpful to

them. For example, “Type of book,” “Copyright year,” and “Subjects,” are some of the

elements most helpful to Ms. Frizzle and Mom. Type of book specifies which books are

picture books, informational books, or instructional books; the copyright year shows which

books are newer (therefore have more current information); and subjects further specify

what the books are about.

         The classification and descriptive scheme are designed to ease the search process

for our user groups. They will be able to chose the appropriate books for their audience

and group size. Though the needs of our user groups have been met, other user groups may

not easily be able to search the collection. If other children were trying to search the

collection for books to read to younger children or to enjoy themselves, the categories will

not be applicable. A potential problem in implementing this organizational scheme would

be making applicable to other user groups, or, as previously mentioned, adding additional


Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                        LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

Surrogate records within the classification scheme:


       Fossils, Bones, and Skeletons

              Inside-Outside Dinosaurs (Munro, Roxie)

              Jurassic Poop (Berkowitz, Jacob)

       General Information

              Did Dinosaurs Eat Pizza? (Hort, Lenny)

              Author           Hort, Lenny
              Title            Did dinosaurs eat pizza?: mysteries science hasn’t

              Illustrator      O’Brien, John, 1953-
              Publisher        Henry Holt and Company, LLC
              Copyright Year   2006
              Subjects         Dinosaurs -- Juvenile literature. Dinosaurs --

                               Methodology -- Juvenile literature. Science --

                               Methodology -- Juvenile literature.
              ISBN             9780805067574
              Type of Book     Information
              Height           10.1 in.
              Width            8.1 in.
              Pages            32
              Reading Level
              Summary          Presents some of the mysteries surrounding

                               dinosaurs, including such questions as what sounds

                               they made, how they laid their eggs, how they cared

                               for their young, whether they were cold-blooded or

                               warm-blooded, and why they died out.

              Dinosaur (Lambert, David)

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                               LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

      Dinosaur Parade (Halls, Kelly Milner)

      Dinosaurs?! (Prap, Lila)

      Author           Prap, Lila, 1955-
      Title            Dinosaurs?!
      Publisher        North-South Books
      Copyright Year   2009
      Subjects         Dinosaurs -- Juvenile literature. Dinosaurs --

                       Evolution -- Juvenile literature. Dinosaurs -- Pictorial

                       works -- Juvenile literature. Chickens -- Origin --

                       Juvenile literature.
      ISBN             9780735822849
      Type of Book     Picture
      Height           9.6 in.
      Width            9.8 in.
      Pages            32
      Reading Level
      Summary          Chickens consider the possibility that their ancestors

                       were dinosaurs.

Nonfictional Story

      Jurassic Shark (Diffily, Deborah)

      Author           Diffily, Deborah
      Title            Jurassic shark
      Illustrator      Carr, Karen, 1960-
      Publisher        HarperCollins
      Copyright Year   2004
      Subjects         Hybodus -- Juvenile literature.
      ISBN             9780060082499
      Type of Book     Information
      Height           11.3 in.
      Width            9.3 in.
      Pages            32
      Reading Level

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                      LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

              Summary         Profiles Hybodus, a fearless and deadly prehistoric

                              shark, looking at her feeding habits, preparations for

                              giving birth, and dangers to herself and her baby.


      DinoMania (Manning, Mick and Brita Granstrom)

      Dinosaurs (Morris, Ting and Neil)

      Author            Morris, Ting and Morris, Neil
      Title             Dinosaurs
      Illustrator       Levy, Ruth and Crowne, Joanne
      Publisher         Franklin Watts
      Copyright Year    1993
      Subjects          Handicraft. Dinosaurs.
      ISBN              9780531142585
      Type of Book      Instruction
      Height            10.8 in.
      Width             8.5 in.
      Pages             32
      Reading Level
      Summary           Provides step-by-step instructions for such dinosaur crafts

                        as a tyrannosaurus hobby horse, plaster casts of dinosaur

                        feet, and a flying pterodactyl.

      The Kids’ Natural History Book (Press, Judy)

      Author            Press, Judy, 1944-
      Title             The kids’ natural history book: making dinos, fossils,

                        mammoths & more
      Illustrator       Kline, Michael
      Publisher         Williamson Publishing
      Copyright Year    2000
      Subjects          Handicraft -- Juvenile literature. Natural History -- Juvenile


Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                                        LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

      ISBN                9781885593245
      Type of Book        Instruction
      Height              8.5 in.
      Width               11 in.
      Pages               132
      Reading Level
      Summary             Arts, crafts, and nature activities explore various elements

                          of the natural world, including ocean life, insects, dinosaurs,

                          amphibians and reptiles, birds, mammals, and early man.




                      Dinosaur Roar! (Stickland, Paul and Henrietta)


                      How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                      How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                      How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                      How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)

                      How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague)


                      Dinothesaurus (Florian, Douglas)

                      Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast (Prelutsky, Jack)


            Difficult and Stubborn Dinosaurs

                      Dinosaur vs. Bedtime (Shea, Bob)

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                           LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

       The Dinosaurs’s New Clothes (Goode, Diane)

       The Super Hungry Dinosaur (Waddell, Martin)

      Author            Waddell, Martin
      Title             The super hungry dinosaur
      Illustrator       Lord, Leonie
      Publisher         Dial Books for Young Readers
      Copyright Year    2009
      Subjects          Dinosaurs – Fiction. Dogs -- Juvenile fiction.

                        Temper tantrums -- Juvenile fiction.
      ISBN              9780803734463
      Type of Book      Picture
      Height            10.1 in.
      Width             11.3 in.
      Pages             32
      Reading Level     0-8
      Summary           Hal and his little dog Billy calmly deal with a

                        dinosaur's monstrous temper tantrum.

Pets, Helpers, and Friends

       Buying, Training & Caring for Your Dinosaur (Rennert, Laura Joy)

      Author             Rennert, Laura Joy
      Title              Buying, training & caring for your dinosaur
      Illustrator        Brown, Marc
      Publisher          Alfred A. Knopf
      Copyright Year     2009
      Subjects           Dinosaurs -- Juvenile literature. Pets --

                         Juvenile literature.
      ISBN               9780375936791
      Type of Book       Picture
      Height             8.6 in.
      Width              11.1 in.
      Pages              40
      Reading Level      0-8
      Summary            Includes instructions for choosing and caring

Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp
                                 LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project

                  for a pet dinosaur.

Danny and the Dinosaur (Hoff, Syd)

Dear Tyrannosaurus Rex (McClatchy, Lisa)

Detective Dinosaur (Skofield, James)

Edwina (Willems, Mo)

Author           Willems, Mo, 1968-
Title            Edwina, the dinosaur who didn’t know she

                 was extinct
Illustrator      Willems, Mo, 1968-
Publisher        Hyperion
Copyright Year   2006
Subjects         Dinosaurs -- Juvenile fiction. Identity

                 (Pyschology) -- Juvenile fiction.
ISBN             9780786837489
Type of Book     Picture
Height           9.3 in.
Width            12.1 in.
Pages            40
Reading Level    0-8
Summary          Everyone in town loves Edwina the dinosaur

                 except one little boy who is determined to

                 prove to everyone, including Edwina, that

                 dinosaurs are extinct.

Harold and the Purple Crayon (Baker, Liza)

When Dinosaurs Came With Everything (Broach, Elise)


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LIS2005 Final Project Report

  • 1. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project Part 1: Information Type Our collection of information materials is comprised of different types of children’s dinosaur books. They are all print, physical books as opposed to e-books, websites, or other print dinosaur resources. They all feature dinosaurs in some capacity. Some are fictional stories with a dinosaur or dinosaurs as characters. Others are non-fiction works that give the history of dinosaurs, while other non-fiction works talk about fossils and paleontology. We set the boundaries of the collection during the creation since there is a plethora of children’s dinosaur books on the market. We decided to have a narrow age range and chose pre-school to kindergarten. Originally it was limited specifically to picture books, as in story books with pictures that an adult might read to a child, and non-fiction reference works, such as an encyclopedia of dinosaurs which would also be something an adult might read to a child. Later, once we had decided on our audience and created user profiles, we expanded our collection to include non-fiction books that have an activity component, such as crafts, games, or play-acting. Two important characteristics of all the books in the collection is that they would not be something a child in our age range would be able to read to him or herself; however, they all include illustrations in some form, whether drawings or photographs, which children might be interested in looking at on their own. Along this line, we excluded from the collection easy readers, which are intended for beginning readers and include large pictures with limited text, and board books, which are durable books printed on paperboard with little to no text and are intended for small children, typically toddlers and younger. Since we are all interested in working in libraries and two of our members plan on working as children’s librarians specifically, children’s books seemed like relevant 1
  • 2. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project materials to organize. Working specifically with a print resource collection allows us to gain firsthand knowledge of creating an organization scheme for the types of materials we could be working with in the future. Furthermore, working specifically with children’s books led us to think critically about the types of user groups who might be interested in accessing children’s books and what they might look for in an organizational system for them. It also gave us the chance to work with some of the relevant library structures we have talked about in our coursework, from metadata structures like Dublin Core to controlled vocabularies such as the Library of Congress Subject Heading and Name Authority File. Also, dinosaur books are just plain fun. One challenge that we encountered was in creating a classification scheme. It was relatively easy dividing the books into three main categories; however, the picture book category was difficult to sub-categorize, since many of the books had largely the same thematic content. This seemed to us a problem that would be inherent in this and other collections of similar sizes. Creating a classification scheme for a library collection might be easier since there would be a larger variety of items, with more categories, and potentially less overlap. Having such a small collection with very similar topics forced us to think carefully about the requirements of hierarchical classifications when placing the books into categories. Part 2: User Groups User Group 1: Teachers Ms. Frizzle is a new preschool teacher. Though she doesn’t have an academic background in paleontology or evolutionary biology, she has been passionate about the study of dinosaurs since age 5. On her fifth birthday, she received a baby Komodo dragon, Igor, from an eccentric uncle, who convinced her that Igor was a baby Pinacosaurus. After 2
  • 3. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project college, she was lucky enough to get a Peace Corps position in Jurassic Park, where she worked in a local school. She currently lives in Pittsburgh and teaches preschool. Ms. Frizzle has decided to start a dinosaur unit with her class and needs a variety of books that she can use in a group setting. She is concerned with accuracy and would like to be able to incorporate into her new collection recently published books. She is interested in an organizational system that will be easy and fast and will help her find picture, information, and instructional/activity books. Ellen Frizzle: • New preschool teacher • Wants to teach a dinosaur unit and needs many dinosaur books • Needs picture books for story-times, informational books, and instructional books for activities • Needs recently published materials to reflect greater accuracy • Needs materials that must be able to used in a group setting with many kids • Needs an easy time-saving organizational scheme to choose books User Group 2: Mom is a quirky mother of two children. Her passion for the Beatles has pervaded every aspect of her and her family’s life; for example, she dresses as a yellow submarine each Halloween in order to embarrass her entire family. Her youngest child, Sally, has decided that “dinosaurs are way cooler than ponies,” and besides wanting a pet Diplodocus, she wants more and more dinosaur books. Cooper, Mom’s 7-year-old son has recently moved past the dinosaur phase and is now fully devoted to his best friend, Ringo, an adolescent Rottweiler. Mom is looking for new dinosaur books to share with her 4-year-old 3
  • 4. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project daughter that will beef up their already existing collection of books she used to read with her son. Like Ms. Frizzle, Mom would like to be able to use an organizational scheme that will help her while searching the CLP shelves. Mom: • Parent with two kids (7-year-old Cooper and 4-year-old Sally) • The family already has an extensive dinosaur book collection, but they would like to add some new picture books • Wants to be able to find newer materials • Needs a time-saving device to help choose books • Needs books to use one-on-one with Sally Part 3: Collection Refer to the “Collection Description” worksheet in the Excel workbook for a description of each item. Part 4.1: Descriptive Scheme Refer to the “Metadata Application Profile” worksheet in the Excel workbook. Part 4.2: Classification Scheme Information Fossils, Bones, and Skeletons Inside-Outside Dinosaurs (Munro, Roxie) Jurassic Poop (Berkowitz, Jacob) General Information Did Dinosaurs Eat Pizza? (Hort, Lenny) Dinosaur (Lambert, David) 4
  • 5. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project Dinosaur Parade (Halls, Kelly Milner) Dinosaurs?! (Prap, Lila) Nonfictional Story Jurassic Shark (Diffily, Deborah) Instruction DinoMania (Manning, Mick and Brita Granstrom) Dinosaurs (Morris, Ting and Neil) The Kids’ Natural History Book (Press, Judy) Picture Rhyming Concept Dinosaur Roar! (Stickland, Paul and Henrietta) Manners How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) Poetry Dinothesaurus (Florian, Douglas) Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast (Prelutsky, Jack) Non-rhyming Difficult and Stubborn Dinosaurs 5
  • 6. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project Dinosaur vs. Bedtime (Shea, Bob) The Dinosaurs’s New Clothes (Goode, Diane) The Super Hungry Dinosaur (Waddell, Martin) Pets, Helpers, and Friends Buying, Training & Caring for Your Dinosaur (Rennert, Laura Joy) Danny and the Dinosaur (Hoff, Syd) Dear Tyrannosaurus Rex (McClatchy, Lisa) Detective Dinosaur (Skofield, James) Edwina (Willems, Mo) Harold and the Purple Crayon (Baker, Liza) When Dinosaurs Came With Everything (Broach, Elise) While the faceted classification system is a lot more user-friendly when it comes to browsing, we used the hierarchical classification system because our collection is made up of books and we’re presenting the collection as if it belongs in a larger library collection. After all, in physical libraries, such as the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, books can only have one designated place in the collection; believe it or not, books cannot exist in two places at once! Also, the main goal of our collection is for users (especially the two user groups we’ve described) to be able to easily search for the specific kinds of books they need and/or want. We started out with the three main classes (Information, Instruction, and Picture) because those are the three main types of books we were looking for when we were building our collection. From there, we looked at the books we had decided to include in our collection and created the resulting subcategories from there. This strategy is quite a 6
  • 7. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project bit different from creating a classification scheme for a “normal” library collection because for a library, librarians have to consider the possibility of any book that exists or could exist as becoming a part of their collection. However, our collection is small and our classification scheme solely exists for the included books, which means it might be very difficult to add additional books into our collection’s classification scheme. Furthermore, when it comes to the most specific subcategories, particularly in the picture book category, they become much more subjective and open to the interpretation of whomever is organizing and classifying the books. We did specifically cater this classification scheme to our user groups, thinking about what types of books they’re looking for and different characteristics of the books that might make a difference to them (when it comes to picture books, it is important to differentiate between books of poems and story-centered books). However, I believe our classification system appeals to a much broader user group that includes all adults. While our collection is made up of children’s dinosaur books, we determined that because young children would be much more likely to browse the physical collection in the library and do not necessarily have the needed vocabulary to search a collection’s database, it would be much more useful and relevant to target an adult audience rather than an audience of 4- and 5-year-old children. Part 5: Surrogate Records & Organizational Scheme The organizational scheme for our collection best meets the needs of our users. It is clear that each book falls into the three main categories in the classification scheme of picture book, instructional book, or information book. These categories aid both Mom and Ms. Frizzle in navigating the dinosaur collection as a whole. The scheme only utilizes books 7
  • 8. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project that are appropriate for preschoolers. Using this scheme, Mom will be able to choose books to fill in the gaps of Sally’s collection with recent picture books. Ms. Frizzle can use the classification scheme to find the books that will build the collection that she needs for her dinosaur unit. The descriptive scheme that we have identified allows our collection to be easily searched, while providing a clear and inclusive description of the materials in the collection. The metadata application profile (MAP) meets the functional requirements of our user groups. We used basic Dublin Core elements to create our MAP. The Dublin Core elements included in the metadata application profile were chosen to most accurately describe the collection and allow the user to search by elements that are most helpful to them. For example, “Type of book,” “Copyright year,” and “Subjects,” are some of the elements most helpful to Ms. Frizzle and Mom. Type of book specifies which books are picture books, informational books, or instructional books; the copyright year shows which books are newer (therefore have more current information); and subjects further specify what the books are about. The classification and descriptive scheme are designed to ease the search process for our user groups. They will be able to chose the appropriate books for their audience and group size. Though the needs of our user groups have been met, other user groups may not easily be able to search the collection. If other children were trying to search the collection for books to read to younger children or to enjoy themselves, the categories will not be applicable. A potential problem in implementing this organizational scheme would be making applicable to other user groups, or, as previously mentioned, adding additional books. 8
  • 9. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project Surrogate records within the classification scheme: Information Fossils, Bones, and Skeletons Inside-Outside Dinosaurs (Munro, Roxie) Jurassic Poop (Berkowitz, Jacob) General Information Did Dinosaurs Eat Pizza? (Hort, Lenny) Author Hort, Lenny Title Did dinosaurs eat pizza?: mysteries science hasn’t solved Illustrator O’Brien, John, 1953- Publisher Henry Holt and Company, LLC Copyright Year 2006 Subjects Dinosaurs -- Juvenile literature. Dinosaurs -- Methodology -- Juvenile literature. Science -- Methodology -- Juvenile literature. ISBN 9780805067574 Type of Book Information Height 10.1 in. Width 8.1 in. Pages 32 Reading Level Summary Presents some of the mysteries surrounding dinosaurs, including such questions as what sounds they made, how they laid their eggs, how they cared for their young, whether they were cold-blooded or warm-blooded, and why they died out. Dinosaur (Lambert, David) 9
  • 10. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project Dinosaur Parade (Halls, Kelly Milner) Dinosaurs?! (Prap, Lila) Author Prap, Lila, 1955- Title Dinosaurs?! Illustrator Publisher North-South Books Copyright Year 2009 Subjects Dinosaurs -- Juvenile literature. Dinosaurs -- Evolution -- Juvenile literature. Dinosaurs -- Pictorial works -- Juvenile literature. Chickens -- Origin -- Juvenile literature. ISBN 9780735822849 Type of Book Picture Height 9.6 in. Width 9.8 in. Pages 32 Reading Level Summary Chickens consider the possibility that their ancestors were dinosaurs. Nonfictional Story Jurassic Shark (Diffily, Deborah) Author Diffily, Deborah Title Jurassic shark Illustrator Carr, Karen, 1960- Publisher HarperCollins Copyright Year 2004 Subjects Hybodus -- Juvenile literature. ISBN 9780060082499 Type of Book Information Height 11.3 in. Width 9.3 in. Pages 32 Reading Level 10
  • 11. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project Summary Profiles Hybodus, a fearless and deadly prehistoric shark, looking at her feeding habits, preparations for giving birth, and dangers to herself and her baby. Instruction DinoMania (Manning, Mick and Brita Granstrom) Dinosaurs (Morris, Ting and Neil) Author Morris, Ting and Morris, Neil Title Dinosaurs Illustrator Levy, Ruth and Crowne, Joanne Publisher Franklin Watts Copyright Year 1993 Subjects Handicraft. Dinosaurs. ISBN 9780531142585 Type of Book Instruction Height 10.8 in. Width 8.5 in. Pages 32 Reading Level Summary Provides step-by-step instructions for such dinosaur crafts as a tyrannosaurus hobby horse, plaster casts of dinosaur feet, and a flying pterodactyl. The Kids’ Natural History Book (Press, Judy) Author Press, Judy, 1944- Title The kids’ natural history book: making dinos, fossils, mammoths & more Illustrator Kline, Michael Publisher Williamson Publishing Copyright Year 2000 Subjects Handicraft -- Juvenile literature. Natural History -- Juvenile literature. 11
  • 12. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project ISBN 9781885593245 Type of Book Instruction Height 8.5 in. Width 11 in. Pages 132 Reading Level Summary Arts, crafts, and nature activities explore various elements of the natural world, including ocean life, insects, dinosaurs, amphibians and reptiles, birds, mammals, and early man. Picture Rhyming Concept Dinosaur Roar! (Stickland, Paul and Henrietta) Manners How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? (Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague) Poetry Dinothesaurus (Florian, Douglas) Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast (Prelutsky, Jack) Non-rhyming Difficult and Stubborn Dinosaurs Dinosaur vs. Bedtime (Shea, Bob) 12
  • 13. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project The Dinosaurs’s New Clothes (Goode, Diane) The Super Hungry Dinosaur (Waddell, Martin) Author Waddell, Martin Title The super hungry dinosaur Illustrator Lord, Leonie Publisher Dial Books for Young Readers Copyright Year 2009 Subjects Dinosaurs – Fiction. Dogs -- Juvenile fiction. Temper tantrums -- Juvenile fiction. ISBN 9780803734463 Type of Book Picture Height 10.1 in. Width 11.3 in. Pages 32 Reading Level 0-8 Summary Hal and his little dog Billy calmly deal with a dinosaur's monstrous temper tantrum. Pets, Helpers, and Friends Buying, Training & Caring for Your Dinosaur (Rennert, Laura Joy) Author Rennert, Laura Joy Title Buying, training & caring for your dinosaur Illustrator Brown, Marc Publisher Alfred A. Knopf Copyright Year 2009 Subjects Dinosaurs -- Juvenile literature. Pets -- Juvenile literature. ISBN 9780375936791 Type of Book Picture Height 8.6 in. Width 11.1 in. Pages 40 Reading Level 0-8 Summary Includes instructions for choosing and caring 13
  • 14. Group 1: E. Gehman, C. Morphew, M. Ross, A. Stapp LIS 2005, Jung Sun Oh, Group Project for a pet dinosaur. Danny and the Dinosaur (Hoff, Syd) Dear Tyrannosaurus Rex (McClatchy, Lisa) Detective Dinosaur (Skofield, James) Edwina (Willems, Mo) Author Willems, Mo, 1968- Title Edwina, the dinosaur who didn’t know she was extinct Illustrator Willems, Mo, 1968- Publisher Hyperion Copyright Year 2006 Subjects Dinosaurs -- Juvenile fiction. Identity (Pyschology) -- Juvenile fiction. ISBN 9780786837489 Type of Book Picture Height 9.3 in. Width 12.1 in. Pages 40 Reading Level 0-8 Summary Everyone in town loves Edwina the dinosaur except one little boy who is determined to prove to everyone, including Edwina, that dinosaurs are extinct. Harold and the Purple Crayon (Baker, Liza) When Dinosaurs Came With Everything (Broach, Elise) 14