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Testimony Lintang Kautsar
When I did the exercise of Lintang Kautsar last night, my hands palm and fingers
were felt thickened, much thicker than days beforehand. The effect from this
exercise was the feeling of peacefulness and the nearness with the God Almighty
(Allah). I Hope it would be like this for the next exercises. And When the
initiation of holy hands, vibration on my fingers and hands palm took place for
10-12 minutes (Prianggito Sulistiono Bogor, West Java, Indonesia).
Sensasions that I felt at the time of initiation of Lintang Kautsar was as if flying,
there seems to be energy entering into my body quickly, but it was really
smooth. There had been a kind of visualisation of the particles movement                                              LINTANG KAUTSAR
randomly coming into the body and staying to each part of the body. The
condition went for several seconds, and I felt my body getting increasingly
powerful (Kencana Bayu, Semarang, Indonesia).                                                    Listening to the silence-Power of Huruf Released

I have received all the files that you have sent me, the manuals and the body
movement videos. I will read them in detail and I will come back with any                   Lintang Kautsar is the method of empowering self completely, spirit and body, by
questions that I will have (Although I am a slow reader). The initiation was very           utilizing the potency of spirit to always move according to the 'divine sound
interesting (The cleansing baths and the initiation themselves). I followed all the         vibration'. This potency of spirit, in order to function according to the 'divine sound
instructions to the letter. When I was finishing either a cleansing bath or an              vibration', therefore, it should undergo 'initiation', which is the opening of spirit,
initiation I was feeling my body that was full of energy. Also I was hearing a
                                                                                            accompanied by purification/activation/empowerment of strength/sense points
buzzing sound to my ear, a slight vibration to all my body and a sense of energy
between my eyes. Especially the Listang Kaustar initiation was very powerful.               that have been installed inside of the body by using the 'Verse Key', which all of
However, after the initiation I was feeling very tired and I wanted to go to sleep          them are sourced from Koran. Heart/Qolb as the container of spiritual food
(This made me a lot of impression). More specifically during the initiation I was           receiver should be filled by the food of syariat, thoriqot, essence, makrifat, and
feeling very strong as if I could do anything, but after two hours I was feeling            azimah. This can be achieved if the spiritl is pure (happy are people who have
very sleepy and tired (That is something unusual for me). Thank you Sir that you            purified their spirit). This spirit will command all our bodily organs to run
initiate me to the wonderful art ad I am looking forward for the initiation of the          according to the command of Allah. Therefore, to hasten the process of filling the
rest of the courses. (Athanasios Pavlos, Greek)
                                                                                            food into the 'heart', we should be always aware of the potency of strength points
                     More on:                                    existing in this body.

                                                                                            Ilmu Huruf Lintang kautsar is speaking about secrets of Huruf Hijaiyah (Hijaiyah
                                                                                            Alphabets) in the connection of knowing 'human potentials’ comprehensively
                                    CONTACT ME :
                                                                                            (spirit and Body). It’s discussed/studied here manzil/position of hijaiyah
 Jokotry Abdul Haqq, Jl. Sawi No. 16A RT 04 RW 06, Kedungmundu, Semarang 50273,
                               Central Java, Indonesia                                      leters/alphabets located in body, asrar/secrets of hijaiyah letters, spiritual meaning
     Emai : or HP : +6281127 9108                  of each letter/huruf of hijaiyah, key prayer to receive and close the initiation,
                                                                                            symbol of lintang kautsar 1 or alif breathing technique to cleanse negative energy,
               Account No : 136-00-0555678-9 - Name Joko Triyono,                           symbol of lintang kautsar 2 used for drawing up divine energy and for energy
              Bank Mandiri Capem Kawasan Industri Candi Semarang
              Or By Paypal : or WESTERN UNION                         1

             © Lintang Kautsar, All Right Reserved-Semarang 2007
maintenance, symbol of lintang kautsar 3 and 4 utilized for conducting exercises            There are six levels of Lintang Kautar, ie. Level One (Holy Head), Level Two (Holy
of power of spirit and for doing ‘listening to the silence’ meditation, key prayer          Hands), Level Three (Holy Body), Level Four (Holy Spirit/Power of Spirit), Level
to call on huruf’s energy as a whole and key prayer to sealing energy. All the              Five (Holy Huruf/Power of Huruf) and Level Six (Lintang Pamungkas = The Master
generating prayer baseds on verses of Al Qur’an. The Ending result from                     Level of Lintang Kautsar). At this level, you are given some understandings of the
studying this Lintang Kautsar is extradited to individual respectively, meaning             advanced materials of Lintang Kautsar. All secrets of the bodily verses/ayats that
that after the power of cognizance points are awakened and the power of spirit              become the key strengths of Lintang Kautsar will be explained obviously. If you
is 'opened’ and also having endured development/stabilization process,                      take this course at once, you will not only get all the materials of Lintang Kautsar,
practitioner can choose his spiritual road desirable as according to his 'heart'.           but also receive the initiation of the Lintang Kautsar 1-5, then given the authority to
                                                                                            teach Lintang Kautsar Level 1-3 (Holy Head, Holy Hands and Holy Body).

Benefits of Learning Lintang Kautsar
At spiritual/religious level, the benefits of the Science of Letter of Lintang
                                                                                            Grades of Lintang Kautsar
Kautsar study is bringing a person to spiritual knowing, and in turn, knowing of            At this level, the alignment of strength points/senses of awareness existing in the
God, like what the Prophet said, "Whoever knows himself (his spirit); therefore,            head is conducted. Initiation at this level will purify the energy line at 2 ear points,
he will know his God." Self/spiritual knowing is predicted that it is able to                                     2 eye points, 2 nose points, and one mouth point. If the line at
improve behavior/morals and sharpen minds. Also, the objective of studying the                                    these senses of awareness is open, clean, and active, therefore,
Science of Letter of Lintang Kautsar is enjoying the studying process, which                                      it generates useful sensitivity to filter energy, thus, the
focuses on 'feeling' of enjoyment with Rosulullah Muhammad, with Allah. This                                      absorbed energy and allowed to enter the spiritual container,
enjoyment is named as Lintang Kautsar (A'lan Niami).                                                              which is 'Spiritual Heart', is actually the energy blessed by
                                                                                                                  Allah. Initiation at this level is meant to empower the senses of
On physical side, the benefits of learning the Science of Letter of Lintang Kautsar                               awareness existing in the head and, at once, make them in
will clean the energy channel located at the five senses and the energy channel             function according to the divine control through the power of huruf (letters) and
located at latifah points, thus, the energy that will come into the 'spiritual energy       verses of Koran, which are vibrated by the initiator to the God Spot existing at the
container mentioned as spiritual heart' is the positive energy, which is, divine            baitul makmur of the receiver of initiation. The initiation of Holy Head will also
energy. Besides that, it will also activate strengths existing in the above-                activate Bio-magnetic Energy. This Bio-Magnetist energy is activated by the bodily
mentioned senses of awareness. If it is made into an analogy of a robot,                    verses of the Holy Head, and combined with a certain breathing techniques. After 7
therefore: The strength points are the sensors, operating system and electricity is         days continuously practicing the exercise of locking the holy head level, therefore,
spirit, application program is soul, body of the robot is the spiritual container           you can continue to the next level, which is holy hands level.
(heart), and the contains of information received by the robot is the spiritual
energy. The robot is able to live because of the existence of electricity and
operating system (spirit), its activities can be good due to the influences of
electronic sensors and sort of (strength points/senses of awareness), and the
                                                                                            Grade/Level Two: HOLY HANDS
thing running the robot is the application program (soul). Thus, a heart can be              At this level, it will open and activate two points of strength at the palms, thus, it
good and right if it is supported by the essence of clean physical senses and calm          will be able to transfer the active bio-molecular energy that has been absorbed by
spiritual state oriented to the way of devotion.                                            the strength points existing in the holy head. The initiation of Holy Hands will open
                                                                                            and activate the palm chakras, awaken / activate the energy of the divine bodily

verses situated on the holy hands (the hands and palms of the hands / as a                the spirit orientates its view to its place of origin, therefore, it is called as Soul.
whole), so that will give effect to the arms and smoothen the power of divine             When the spirit performs the rational thinking activities or comprehension, it is
energy that comes out via the palm of the hand. In addition, you will also receive        called as Logic. When it receives enlightenment from Allah, when musyahadah
the initiation of venomous punch, so that your hands will have a                          (revealing the veil) takes place, it is called as Heart. When the spirit is connected to
venomous/poisonous punch strength (please be careful to use it). After                    body/physical form/senses, therefore it is called as Spirit. At this level, initiation of
receiving the initiation of this Holy Hands, you should do the locking of this Holy       Spirit will be conducted, thus, the spirit that so far is rarely touched and
Hands for eight days continuously by reading the bodily verses of Holy Hands              empowered, begins to be realized in its existence and utilized for material and
above. Each of them is read out once only, the blow the air inside your mouth             spiritual importance. Happy is the person who always keeps his spirit from sins.
into a glass of water you have prepared and drink it up at once. This procedure is        Spirit is the tool of mercy, having the ability to choose, thus, this spirit will be asked
conducted after every prayer of Maghrib (afternoon) or Shubuh (at dawn) or                for its responsibility. After initiation, hopefully, we will know our spiritl more. After
both. After 8 days continuously practicing the exercise of locking the level 2,           3 days of locking power of spirit exercise, we can continue to the next level, power
therefore, we can continue to holy body level.                                            of letter.

Grade/Level Three: HOLY BODY
This level consists of 3 main steps, which are: Step I (Preparation), is the step         Grade/Level Five: POWER OF HURUF
                     of preparing yourself outer and inner before starting this           At level 5: Power of Letter, some secrets and magic power of the science of letter
                     activation process. It would be better if you fast one day           will be taught. After 3/12/twelve days, therefore, we can continue to the master
                     before it. Step II, which is Activation Process and Step III         level. You will receive : Initiation The Power of Huruf, Procedures of Receiving The
                     (Development of the Ilmu), are the efforts that can be done          Power of Huruf, Khodams/Spirit Servans/Guardian of Huruf, Huruf and Its Numeric
                     to maximum utilization according to the each objective and           Value, Thirty Keys of Character (Huruf) in the Body, Asrar/The Secret of Huruf, The
                     need that will not be precisely similar to one another for           Spiritual Meaning of Huruf, Meaning of Numbers, and Bodily Astrology. Before
                     each individual. This Step III is divided into 2, which are:         utilizing the Power of Huruf, therefore, first, an initiation is conducted in order to
                     respiration exercise, covering several methods/techniques            empower, awake, activate, and harmonize the potency of letters installed in human
of respiration/breathing and style/physical movement exercises, and prayer                body that so long is sleeping and never touched, let alone be utilized by us as the
exercise. It will activate or trigger out the gross power of your breath (inner           form of our grateful to Allah. The potency of this divine letters/kalam is so far
power) and increase your physical strength. The initiation of Holy Body will              sleeping because it has never been called/awoken with the power of Koran verses.
activate or trigger out the three microcosmic generating powers inside your               Such as a human, if a 'human' has a name, for example 'KUN', therefore, when we
body. They are blood generator, physical generator (the legs, hands and body)             call him "KUN", the person named 'KUN' will therefore answer and response to it. If
and human form generator as the most perfect creature. fter 6 days of locking             we know 'that name' well, therefore, we will be able to use it easily. To
exercise, we can continue to the next level (power of spirit).                            awake/activate here is meant to absorb the power of every character, which its
                                                                                          destiny indeed has the DIVINE POWER/power of heaven, such Allah's Words in the
                                                                                          Letter of At Takwir (81) verse 19-20, saying that:: Innahu laqoulu rosuulin
Grade/Level Four: POWER OF SPIRIT                                                         kariim. Dzii quwwatil ‘inda dzil ‘arsyil makiin (Means: Actually the Koran is
Spirit is a non-physical being that functions and stays in a human body. It               truly the words (of Allah brought by) the noble messenger (Jibril). That has power,
responsible for all humanly deeds. The existence of spirit is formed when it joins        has the High position beside Allah who has the 'Arsy)
the physical body, and then, it does not function when it is separated from its
body. This spirit causing a person is able to function as a complete human. When
Grade/Level Six: Master of Lintang Kautsar (Lintang Pamungkas)                              Course Fee of Lintang Kautsar
Lintang Pamungkas is a master level of Lintang Kautsar. At this level, you are
given some understandings of the advanced materials of Lintang Kautsar. All                 Level 1-Holy Head         = USD. 50,-
secrets of the bodily verses/ayats that become the key strengths of Lintang                 Level 2-Holy Hands        = USD. 50,-
Kautsar will be explained obviously. If you take this course at once, you will not          Level 3-Holy Body         = USD. 75,-
only get all the materials of Lintang Kautsar, but also receive the initiation of the       Level 4-Holy Spirit       = USD. 75,-
Lintang Kautsar 1-5, then given the authority to teach Lintang Kautsar Level 1-3            Level 5-Holy Huruf        = USD. 75,-
(Holy Head, Holy Hands and Holy Body).
                                                                                            Level 1 – 5 (at once) = USD. 250,-
                                                                                            Level Master Lintang Kautsar (Lintang Pamungkas)
                                                                                            --Have taken LK 1 -5               = USD. 300,-
Master Founder of Lintang Kautsar                                                           --Not yet taken LK 1-5 (at once) = USD. 550,-
Jokotry Abdul Haqq is a graduate of Semarang School of Tourism, English                      (Taking Lintang Pamungkas at once)
Literature in Semarang Diponegoro University and a Magister of Management
(Master) specialized in Human Resource Management from STIKUBANK
Semarang. For the last 20 years (since 1990), I’ve developed a keen interest in
metaphysics. While initially I felt very skeptical and doubtful on anything said to         Payment Methods
be metaphysical, my curiosity got stronger and it led me to further exploration
and studies in the metaphysical realm. I also felt the urgency to get the ability to        PAYPAL :
protect my self and family members, which led me to learn several metaphysical              (Please add 3.5% of the course fee for Paypal’s transfer fee )
powers, such as inner power, spiritual power, vibrotic power, Ilmu Hikmah- the
terms for occult science in Islam-, which is a very high powered defensive form             WESTERN UNION :
of Innerpower based martial art, gtumo, dtumo, kalachakra, pranic energy,                   JOKO TRIYONO
divine energy (pure energy), sufistic healing and many others.                              Jl. SAWI NO. 16A RT 04 RW 06
                                                                                            SENDANGGUWO, SEMARANG 50273, INDONESIA

Energy Source of Lintang Kautsar                                                            Bank Transfer :
                                                                                            BANK MANDIRI
                                                                                            KAWASAN INDUSTRI CANDI SEMARANG-INDONESIA
The concept of thought of Lintang Kautsar is that, 'The source of all energy
                                                                                            JOKO TRIYONO
sources is Allah. The gate to the divine energy is Muhammad, thus, in order to
                                                                                            Account No. 136.00.0555678-9
obtain that 'haqq energy', it should go through satellite of Muhammad. The
source energy of Lintang Kautsar is the Haqq Energy, which is called the power
of Huw. By utilizing a special ayat of the Koran, Insha Allah, the pure energy can
be channelled perfectly.
                                                                                            Joko Try Abdul Haqq


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Lintangleaflet english

  • 1. Testimony Lintang Kautsar When I did the exercise of Lintang Kautsar last night, my hands palm and fingers were felt thickened, much thicker than days beforehand. The effect from this exercise was the feeling of peacefulness and the nearness with the God Almighty (Allah). I Hope it would be like this for the next exercises. And When the initiation of holy hands, vibration on my fingers and hands palm took place for 10-12 minutes (Prianggito Sulistiono Bogor, West Java, Indonesia). ® Sensasions that I felt at the time of initiation of Lintang Kautsar was as if flying, there seems to be energy entering into my body quickly, but it was really smooth. There had been a kind of visualisation of the particles movement LINTANG KAUTSAR randomly coming into the body and staying to each part of the body. The condition went for several seconds, and I felt my body getting increasingly powerful (Kencana Bayu, Semarang, Indonesia). Listening to the silence-Power of Huruf Released I have received all the files that you have sent me, the manuals and the body movement videos. I will read them in detail and I will come back with any Lintang Kautsar is the method of empowering self completely, spirit and body, by questions that I will have (Although I am a slow reader). The initiation was very utilizing the potency of spirit to always move according to the 'divine sound interesting (The cleansing baths and the initiation themselves). I followed all the vibration'. This potency of spirit, in order to function according to the 'divine sound instructions to the letter. When I was finishing either a cleansing bath or an vibration', therefore, it should undergo 'initiation', which is the opening of spirit, initiation I was feeling my body that was full of energy. Also I was hearing a accompanied by purification/activation/empowerment of strength/sense points buzzing sound to my ear, a slight vibration to all my body and a sense of energy between my eyes. Especially the Listang Kaustar initiation was very powerful. that have been installed inside of the body by using the 'Verse Key', which all of However, after the initiation I was feeling very tired and I wanted to go to sleep them are sourced from Koran. Heart/Qolb as the container of spiritual food (This made me a lot of impression). More specifically during the initiation I was receiver should be filled by the food of syariat, thoriqot, essence, makrifat, and feeling very strong as if I could do anything, but after two hours I was feeling azimah. This can be achieved if the spiritl is pure (happy are people who have very sleepy and tired (That is something unusual for me). Thank you Sir that you purified their spirit). This spirit will command all our bodily organs to run initiate me to the wonderful art ad I am looking forward for the initiation of the according to the command of Allah. Therefore, to hasten the process of filling the rest of the courses. (Athanasios Pavlos, Greek) food into the 'heart', we should be always aware of the potency of strength points More on: existing in this body. Ilmu Huruf Lintang kautsar is speaking about secrets of Huruf Hijaiyah (Hijaiyah Alphabets) in the connection of knowing 'human potentials’ comprehensively CONTACT ME : (spirit and Body). It’s discussed/studied here manzil/position of hijaiyah Jokotry Abdul Haqq, Jl. Sawi No. 16A RT 04 RW 06, Kedungmundu, Semarang 50273, Central Java, Indonesia leters/alphabets located in body, asrar/secrets of hijaiyah letters, spiritual meaning Emai : or HP : +6281127 9108 of each letter/huruf of hijaiyah, key prayer to receive and close the initiation, symbol of lintang kautsar 1 or alif breathing technique to cleanse negative energy, Account No : 136-00-0555678-9 - Name Joko Triyono, symbol of lintang kautsar 2 used for drawing up divine energy and for energy Bank Mandiri Capem Kawasan Industri Candi Semarang Or By Paypal : or WESTERN UNION 1 © Lintang Kautsar, All Right Reserved-Semarang 2007
  • 2. maintenance, symbol of lintang kautsar 3 and 4 utilized for conducting exercises There are six levels of Lintang Kautar, ie. Level One (Holy Head), Level Two (Holy of power of spirit and for doing ‘listening to the silence’ meditation, key prayer Hands), Level Three (Holy Body), Level Four (Holy Spirit/Power of Spirit), Level to call on huruf’s energy as a whole and key prayer to sealing energy. All the Five (Holy Huruf/Power of Huruf) and Level Six (Lintang Pamungkas = The Master generating prayer baseds on verses of Al Qur’an. The Ending result from Level of Lintang Kautsar). At this level, you are given some understandings of the studying this Lintang Kautsar is extradited to individual respectively, meaning advanced materials of Lintang Kautsar. All secrets of the bodily verses/ayats that that after the power of cognizance points are awakened and the power of spirit become the key strengths of Lintang Kautsar will be explained obviously. If you is 'opened’ and also having endured development/stabilization process, take this course at once, you will not only get all the materials of Lintang Kautsar, practitioner can choose his spiritual road desirable as according to his 'heart'. but also receive the initiation of the Lintang Kautsar 1-5, then given the authority to teach Lintang Kautsar Level 1-3 (Holy Head, Holy Hands and Holy Body). Benefits of Learning Lintang Kautsar At spiritual/religious level, the benefits of the Science of Letter of Lintang Grades of Lintang Kautsar Kautsar study is bringing a person to spiritual knowing, and in turn, knowing of At this level, the alignment of strength points/senses of awareness existing in the God, like what the Prophet said, "Whoever knows himself (his spirit); therefore, head is conducted. Initiation at this level will purify the energy line at 2 ear points, he will know his God." Self/spiritual knowing is predicted that it is able to 2 eye points, 2 nose points, and one mouth point. If the line at improve behavior/morals and sharpen minds. Also, the objective of studying the these senses of awareness is open, clean, and active, therefore, Science of Letter of Lintang Kautsar is enjoying the studying process, which it generates useful sensitivity to filter energy, thus, the focuses on 'feeling' of enjoyment with Rosulullah Muhammad, with Allah. This absorbed energy and allowed to enter the spiritual container, enjoyment is named as Lintang Kautsar (A'lan Niami). which is 'Spiritual Heart', is actually the energy blessed by Allah. Initiation at this level is meant to empower the senses of On physical side, the benefits of learning the Science of Letter of Lintang Kautsar awareness existing in the head and, at once, make them in will clean the energy channel located at the five senses and the energy channel function according to the divine control through the power of huruf (letters) and located at latifah points, thus, the energy that will come into the 'spiritual energy verses of Koran, which are vibrated by the initiator to the God Spot existing at the container mentioned as spiritual heart' is the positive energy, which is, divine baitul makmur of the receiver of initiation. The initiation of Holy Head will also energy. Besides that, it will also activate strengths existing in the above- activate Bio-magnetic Energy. This Bio-Magnetist energy is activated by the bodily mentioned senses of awareness. If it is made into an analogy of a robot, verses of the Holy Head, and combined with a certain breathing techniques. After 7 therefore: The strength points are the sensors, operating system and electricity is days continuously practicing the exercise of locking the holy head level, therefore, spirit, application program is soul, body of the robot is the spiritual container you can continue to the next level, which is holy hands level. (heart), and the contains of information received by the robot is the spiritual energy. The robot is able to live because of the existence of electricity and operating system (spirit), its activities can be good due to the influences of electronic sensors and sort of (strength points/senses of awareness), and the Grade/Level Two: HOLY HANDS thing running the robot is the application program (soul). Thus, a heart can be At this level, it will open and activate two points of strength at the palms, thus, it good and right if it is supported by the essence of clean physical senses and calm will be able to transfer the active bio-molecular energy that has been absorbed by spiritual state oriented to the way of devotion. the strength points existing in the holy head. The initiation of Holy Hands will open and activate the palm chakras, awaken / activate the energy of the divine bodily 2
  • 3. verses situated on the holy hands (the hands and palms of the hands / as a the spirit orientates its view to its place of origin, therefore, it is called as Soul. whole), so that will give effect to the arms and smoothen the power of divine When the spirit performs the rational thinking activities or comprehension, it is energy that comes out via the palm of the hand. In addition, you will also receive called as Logic. When it receives enlightenment from Allah, when musyahadah the initiation of venomous punch, so that your hands will have a (revealing the veil) takes place, it is called as Heart. When the spirit is connected to venomous/poisonous punch strength (please be careful to use it). After body/physical form/senses, therefore it is called as Spirit. At this level, initiation of receiving the initiation of this Holy Hands, you should do the locking of this Holy Spirit will be conducted, thus, the spirit that so far is rarely touched and Hands for eight days continuously by reading the bodily verses of Holy Hands empowered, begins to be realized in its existence and utilized for material and above. Each of them is read out once only, the blow the air inside your mouth spiritual importance. Happy is the person who always keeps his spirit from sins. into a glass of water you have prepared and drink it up at once. This procedure is Spirit is the tool of mercy, having the ability to choose, thus, this spirit will be asked conducted after every prayer of Maghrib (afternoon) or Shubuh (at dawn) or for its responsibility. After initiation, hopefully, we will know our spiritl more. After both. After 8 days continuously practicing the exercise of locking the level 2, 3 days of locking power of spirit exercise, we can continue to the next level, power therefore, we can continue to holy body level. of letter. Grade/Level Three: HOLY BODY This level consists of 3 main steps, which are: Step I (Preparation), is the step Grade/Level Five: POWER OF HURUF of preparing yourself outer and inner before starting this At level 5: Power of Letter, some secrets and magic power of the science of letter activation process. It would be better if you fast one day will be taught. After 3/12/twelve days, therefore, we can continue to the master before it. Step II, which is Activation Process and Step III level. You will receive : Initiation The Power of Huruf, Procedures of Receiving The (Development of the Ilmu), are the efforts that can be done Power of Huruf, Khodams/Spirit Servans/Guardian of Huruf, Huruf and Its Numeric to maximum utilization according to the each objective and Value, Thirty Keys of Character (Huruf) in the Body, Asrar/The Secret of Huruf, The need that will not be precisely similar to one another for Spiritual Meaning of Huruf, Meaning of Numbers, and Bodily Astrology. Before each individual. This Step III is divided into 2, which are: utilizing the Power of Huruf, therefore, first, an initiation is conducted in order to respiration exercise, covering several methods/techniques empower, awake, activate, and harmonize the potency of letters installed in human of respiration/breathing and style/physical movement exercises, and prayer body that so long is sleeping and never touched, let alone be utilized by us as the exercise. It will activate or trigger out the gross power of your breath (inner form of our grateful to Allah. The potency of this divine letters/kalam is so far power) and increase your physical strength. The initiation of Holy Body will sleeping because it has never been called/awoken with the power of Koran verses. activate or trigger out the three microcosmic generating powers inside your Such as a human, if a 'human' has a name, for example 'KUN', therefore, when we body. They are blood generator, physical generator (the legs, hands and body) call him "KUN", the person named 'KUN' will therefore answer and response to it. If and human form generator as the most perfect creature. fter 6 days of locking we know 'that name' well, therefore, we will be able to use it easily. To exercise, we can continue to the next level (power of spirit). awake/activate here is meant to absorb the power of every character, which its destiny indeed has the DIVINE POWER/power of heaven, such Allah's Words in the Letter of At Takwir (81) verse 19-20, saying that:: Innahu laqoulu rosuulin Grade/Level Four: POWER OF SPIRIT kariim. Dzii quwwatil ‘inda dzil ‘arsyil makiin (Means: Actually the Koran is Spirit is a non-physical being that functions and stays in a human body. It truly the words (of Allah brought by) the noble messenger (Jibril). That has power, responsible for all humanly deeds. The existence of spirit is formed when it joins has the High position beside Allah who has the 'Arsy) the physical body, and then, it does not function when it is separated from its body. This spirit causing a person is able to function as a complete human. When 3
  • 4. Grade/Level Six: Master of Lintang Kautsar (Lintang Pamungkas) Course Fee of Lintang Kautsar Lintang Pamungkas is a master level of Lintang Kautsar. At this level, you are given some understandings of the advanced materials of Lintang Kautsar. All Level 1-Holy Head = USD. 50,- secrets of the bodily verses/ayats that become the key strengths of Lintang Level 2-Holy Hands = USD. 50,- Kautsar will be explained obviously. If you take this course at once, you will not Level 3-Holy Body = USD. 75,- only get all the materials of Lintang Kautsar, but also receive the initiation of the Level 4-Holy Spirit = USD. 75,- Lintang Kautsar 1-5, then given the authority to teach Lintang Kautsar Level 1-3 Level 5-Holy Huruf = USD. 75,- (Holy Head, Holy Hands and Holy Body). Level 1 – 5 (at once) = USD. 250,- Level Master Lintang Kautsar (Lintang Pamungkas) --Have taken LK 1 -5 = USD. 300,- Master Founder of Lintang Kautsar --Not yet taken LK 1-5 (at once) = USD. 550,- Jokotry Abdul Haqq is a graduate of Semarang School of Tourism, English (Taking Lintang Pamungkas at once) Literature in Semarang Diponegoro University and a Magister of Management (Master) specialized in Human Resource Management from STIKUBANK Semarang. For the last 20 years (since 1990), I’ve developed a keen interest in metaphysics. While initially I felt very skeptical and doubtful on anything said to Payment Methods be metaphysical, my curiosity got stronger and it led me to further exploration and studies in the metaphysical realm. I also felt the urgency to get the ability to PAYPAL : protect my self and family members, which led me to learn several metaphysical (Please add 3.5% of the course fee for Paypal’s transfer fee ) powers, such as inner power, spiritual power, vibrotic power, Ilmu Hikmah- the terms for occult science in Islam-, which is a very high powered defensive form WESTERN UNION : of Innerpower based martial art, gtumo, dtumo, kalachakra, pranic energy, JOKO TRIYONO divine energy (pure energy), sufistic healing and many others. Jl. SAWI NO. 16A RT 04 RW 06 SENDANGGUWO, SEMARANG 50273, INDONESIA Energy Source of Lintang Kautsar Bank Transfer : BANK MANDIRI KAWASAN INDUSTRI CANDI SEMARANG-INDONESIA The concept of thought of Lintang Kautsar is that, 'The source of all energy JOKO TRIYONO sources is Allah. The gate to the divine energy is Muhammad, thus, in order to Account No. 136.00.0555678-9 obtain that 'haqq energy', it should go through satellite of Muhammad. The source energy of Lintang Kautsar is the Haqq Energy, which is called the power of Huw. By utilizing a special ayat of the Koran, Insha Allah, the pure energy can Peace&Love, be channelled perfectly. Joko Try Abdul Haqq 4