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Essay about My Life
My Life
I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved
to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica.
He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says
he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa
Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not
go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the
Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings,
and I to join him in California.
My more content...
I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep
up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the
English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my
school experience challenging, but exciting as well.
Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other
people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps
student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can
be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As
I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along
with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After
participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked
with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and
group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in
English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English
teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English.
Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more
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Essay on A Day in My Life
A Day in My Life
My alarm clock starts beeping at 7:15 exactly and I groan and try to imagine that it isn't there.
When the noise doesn't stop I roll over and hurl the unlucky object across the room. It invariably
hits a precariously balanced pile of books or CD's and they invariably come crashing down, adding
to the scene of devastation that is my bedroom floor. I then slowly drift off to sleep again; until,
twenty minuets later, I am rudely awakened by my mum's voice shouting: "Danny you'll be late for
I turn over looking for my alarm clock and, realising that it's no longer a foot away from my right ear
but at the other side of the room, I slowly climb out of my bed and more content...
After we have walked the length of the school twice we sit down to 15 minutes of tutor time.
While I franticly finish the History homework due in five minutes time everyone else enjoys some
time taunting Michael or Ashley about one thing or another.
As Ben leaves the tutor room I shout after him "Ben! What we got now?"
The reply comes: "Science. Mr Smith."
"OK" I shout as I hurry after him.
First lesson, despite being science, goes past in a dream.
I have decided that however much I may look awake at nine o'clock in the morning I actually do
not wake up until ten. Therefore, during first period (science or not) I am still fast asleep. This
means that, except under special circumstances (i.e. a test), the amount of work completed in this
lesson is fairly small.
Second period, I am usually more awake (unless, of course, it is R.E, in which case I remain a deep
sleep throughout, even if it's last lesson.).
I.T with Mr. Wisson is almost never enjoyable.
Despite my love of computers I cannot ever manage to squeeze even the slightest bit of satisfaction
from an hours typing numbers, letters and mathematical equations into Excel or some such
program. The teacher seems to think that because we are not doing IT long course we are all
computer illiterate fools who find it hard to use Microsoft Word.
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Pro-Life Essay examples
English I
Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People
may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important
that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965–1996 over 515 million
babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions
( This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know where
it came from.
The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of
rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, more content...
One way is called Partial Birth Abortion (D&X); it can kill babies up to thirty–two weeks old.
The abortionist (murderer in this case) removes all of the baby from the mother except for the
head, he then jab a pair of scissors in the back of the babies skull and then he uses a suction hose to
suck out the babies brain. Then he uses forceps to crush the babies' skull and pull the rest of the
babies' body out. Salt poisoning is also used, where salt is injected and the bay dies of convulsions
due to salt poisoning ( If they can say this is not murder, then what is?
Abortion is not painless for the mother either. Over ninety–seven percent of women have reported
feeling pain it is often described as intense, severe, or very severe. Abortion is also not without side
effects. Complications such as bleeding, hemorrhaging, menstrual disturbances or inflammation of
the reproductive organs. Sometimes abortion can cause damage to the uterus and make the woman
infertile for the rest of her life. (Abortion some medical facts pamphlet.) Also if you are a women
and have had an abortion you increase your chances of having breast cancer by fifty percent.
Abortion has no good results in for the mother or the poor murdered baby. In the end it will always
cause physical and emotional pain.
What do religious beliefs have to do with abortion? They have everything to do with
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The Value of A Life Essay
Value of life
The life given by god has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to
thank or either regret. Many students/adults believe that they are going to be popular if they have
money and a good job buy forget that people are influenced by those who have learned something.
Also a lot fail to remember, to earn value you must earn it.In today's economy the government
creates a value on the person by looking at the position they are held for. If you look at it from the
society's point of view they believe people should be given value according to what they do and
what position they are. From an individual's perspective they judge themselves on what they
accomplish and achieve.The value of the individual more content...
Each individual has their own perspective on how they want their life to be. As Steve Jobs
mentioned in his inaugural speech " Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner
voice"(89). The meaning of this quote is just do what you love and do not let anyone else tell you
what to do. In life you just have to be your own self and believe that you can and will achieve.
Your life will only be worth it if you actually accomplish something you wanted to do not what
others want you to do. Several high school students tend to find a job while attending school and
stay with it for the rest of their life. However, what they do not realize is that they are missing out
on what they actually wanted to do in life not make money with the job they hate doing. The value
of life has to be interpreted throughout high school as well as college because if you do not figure it
out then you will end up doing something you will regret in the future.
In many cases the society would make their decision based on what the person did and who the
person was. For example, in the late 18th–19th century when there was slavery the people made their
decision based on who had the most money not the one who worked. If you look at it today it is
kind of similar because say a teacher gets injured and a professional athlete the value would be
based on who
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Changes in Life Essay
In my life, I have been exposed to a challenge called change. Change can occur in many different
ways and is dealt with in many different ways. I have come to the awareness that change can be the
deepest of all things. I always thought that change occurred when you moved to a state or when you
lost someone real close to you. Those are a challenge to change, yes, but change doesn't have to
occur over a climactic incident. It can just appear overnight when your brain winds up when it's
time to do something different. Even with friends that you used to have and know that move on. For
example, most of my friends from elementary school, I don't even talk to them anymore. For obvious
reasons, people will turn down the changes in more content...
It's depressing how this works, but it's probably the most reason why people change. It's much like
peer pressure which usually ends up in the wrong direction. For example, I was almost peer
pressured to consume alcohol and to do smoking. Fortunately, for me, I escaped that change and
didn't experience it. The people we adore love us so much that they want us to remain the way we are
forever. Like how my mother always wanted me to stay the same little child, but I grew up. Not
all people can stay the same for a long time. If the people we love and adore would just accept the
change and go with it, they would understand where the change was coming from. It can be shaky
to try to stop change and fight against it, especially if the person wants to change a lot. When I was
ready for high school, I was expected to change almost everything in my life. The reason that
somebody wants to change is usually not their choice, but a feeling that the person feels inside their
head. Maybe the change isn't the best change, but if you dig deeper, the person that you adore isn't
really changing. They are just trying to find themselves and the one thing they need the most is the
support of the people who they care about the most. When I was attending college, I was expecting
a lot of changing to take place. With the support of my family and friends, it was no big deal for me.
When the people they care about the most, detach their change as
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Examples Of Milestones In My Life
To talk about milestones of my life, as a twenty–one years old girl in twenty–first century, maybe I
am too naive for somebody else, or maybe someone else will think I am not experienced much.
Indeed, I cannot deny that truly I am not experienced as much as some people, but at least for me,
every milestone in my life is an emblem of my growth. When I am able to complete something
new successfully or learn something from my failure instead of complaining, I think I have grown
up. When I am able to overcome my fears that stop me from doing something, I think I have grown
up. When I am able to find something I am passionate to and able to insist on, I think I have grown
up. Something may be mattered a lot for someone, but it may not make sense to others so I think
milestone of my life is not something people considered that is meaningful to me, but things I
considered significant. The first major milestone in my life is learning one of the Chinese orchestra
instrument – erhu and perform it to other people. I am glad to find something I am passionate to.
Before I start to learn erhu, I like to lie on my bed to read more content...
My home is at Johor but I am studying at Penang. This is not the first time I am away from my
home but it is the first time that my family are not along with me. Everyone always has to leave
their home, soon or later. I know it a long time ago, yet, I still unable to make it initially. Luckily, I
can adapt it now, though I still miss my home sometimes. I am more independent after I am living
alone at hostel compared with I am at home. I cannot depend on my mum to help me to wash my
clothes, cooking delicious food for me, drive me to buy something and other things else. I have to
solve those things by myself. By living at Penang without my family, I become more matured and it
is also an important process from my growing process. So, this is one of the major milestone in my
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Living Life and Being Happy Essay examples
Living Life and Being Happy
People live their lives without the realization of the sacrifices that lie ahead, "I slept and dreamed
that life was beauty. I awoke –– and found that life was duty." –Ellen Stugis Hooper. Throughout
noticeable antiquity of the narrator, although in actuality he is a boy. In reality there are few
memories of his father, his recollections have given him this intimate relationship. He understands
the idealistic dream that his father once had. The narrator displays the strength and sacrifices that
come with the relationship between fathers and sons, which displays the vigorous dedication of life
depicting imagery portrayed through the fathers love and willingness more content...
This quote exhibits the love and support that is involved with having a family. A collision of
emotions is evolved throughout the story, as the narrator includes mixed emotions from diction
such as "tender" and "tense". These mixed emotions resulted from the fathers torn emotions making
the right decisions; as in the "only decision he would make" throughout his life. Reality becomes
clearer in life by realizing that family has a strong focus of being totally devoted and dedicated to
the family and children's needs, in which are not always the best solution to living a content
idealistic life. Reality versus idealistic. What seems to be the right decision was not realistic.
Sacrifice is a part of life. Sometimes we have to substitute other things in our lives to achieve
happiness or security. The devotion to what the father has decided to do in regards to supporting
his family. Through working with the family business, was a different level of happiness and
love but he did it unconditionally for the love of his family. Although the memory of his father is
small his father left a large impact of what he gave up, to be obligated to his family. He gave up the
unrealistic hope of being a baseball player, his dream of being famous to devote his life entirely to
his family. People do not realize that love and
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Essay on What is a good life?
What is a good life?
In today's world, humans are often misled on what really is a good life. We are constantly shown
through the television and magazines that being rich and famous is the way to go when it comes
to a good life, when in truth many of them are miserable by problems that usually wouldn't affect
the common person. In truth there are only a few that are rich and famous and do achieve what
can probably considered one of the greatest achievement's by a man which is having a good life.
In my opinion, the decision if someone has a good life or not is up to them and their will to strive
for something better than average during the high school years of their life. The reason I feel like it
begins at that age in their life more content...
I also believe that to some people religion does play a large part of their lives and how they might
live it according to how their religion tells them to. Subjectively, if someone lives by the book or
the belief of their religion it will make them happier to know that they accomplished what their
"god" has set for them to do with their life, and ultimately letting them into the "afterlife" (or
heaven) of their religion. Besides the factors that a person can control in their life to make it good,
there are also many things in play that one cannot control such as health. Being healthy can be
considered one of the most valuable aspects of a person's life. It can also be one of those aspects
that can control the probability if someone getting a job, earning an adequate income, and a
person's range of active activities. According to an OECD study, people with good health have
always shown to be happier in most aspects but have a huge increase in happiness when it comes to
marriages and relationships. During the duration of my life I have met many people that go
through or have someone close to them that have had some type serious sickness, and what I have
always noticed is that during those times they look like the most miserable people on the planet.
Whenever I try to put myself in their position it's really hard for me to imagine myself being in
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My Life Essay example
Family Experience Born in December of 1977, I was an early Christmas present to a young
couple. My parents chose to adopt because they were told that they could not have children. I was
adopted as an infant and my parents were able to take custody of me almost immediately after
birth. I was actually the second child that my parents adopted. I have an older sister that was
adopted as well. My mother always wanted a large family and she got her wish. My mother went on
to give birth to two more children despite the earlier information from her doctors that stated she
could not have children. Since I can remember, my parents have told me that I was an adopted
child. My baby book has photographs of me in the arms of my mother more content...
Now that I am a husband and a father it is a goal of mine to ensure I keep my work and family life
balanced. I strive to focus on the quality of time I spend with my family when I am not able to get
the quantity that I wish. I have a challenging career that requires a significant amount of my time
and going back to school definitely makes it more challenging. I know that investing my time and
energy in my education will allow me to spend more time with my family in the end and enable me
to become a better provider. Educational Experience I was raised in a private Christian school as a
child. I attended this school until I was in the sixth grade. In the sixth grade, my parents transitioned
me to the public school system. I believe the lessons and faith I learned in the private school system
have helped me become a better person. When I was younger, I took a great interest in school and
did well. After transitioning to the public school system, I lost interest and my grades began to
decline. School was never a priority for me and I put very little effort into studying or getting
good grades. I have always seemed to retain information rather easily and did well enough on tests
to pass classes despite not turning in many assignments. It seemed I always did just enough to
pass. In fact, my GPA was just enough for me to graduate. As I got older, I realized the value of
education and had flashbacks of all the educators of my past that said, "One
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The Story of My Life Essay
This explains the beginning of my life all the way to the end of my life. My life from the
beginning was very fun as I grew up living with my mom's friend and my friend. But there were a
lot of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so back then when I was little; I was
very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the place. I always was annoying back then and
never seemed to get my homework done at school. I was born at Kaiser Hospital during the year
1996. The first place I lived was on the street Via Harriet and was right next to a train. It was
always noisy when the train passed by because it shook the house and scared all the animals. It
wasn't the best place to live, but we eventually moved to the hills, I don't more
Overall I know that I'm going to graduate because I'm pushing hard and all I need to finish is my
Cyber High and keep up my grades and I will graduate. I want to go to Chabot College because it's
the closest place to go to. I am planning to get my associates degree then transfer to Cal State East
Bay University. I don't exactly know the requirements of classes to get into Cal State, but as long
as I get my AA degree I should be fine. I am focused on technology and computers; I like to choose
classes that can be similar to wiring or soldering. I am not that sure if I would be more focused on
computers or wiring, I think an Internship might help me out. My career would be Technician or
Electrician because I'm focused on electricity and wanting to discover what would happen
without getting electrocuted. I'm still unsure if I just want to work on physical components on
the computer. I used to work on computers a lot, but it got boring and I can't do it as great now.
Soldering is interesting for me because I get to repair broken wires, being able to strip a wire.
When striping a wire, you get to know how the wire is connected. I think a life event for me is to
grab my master's degree, which is what I'm focused on. That's like the best degree to get, but it's
really difficult to receive. I wouldn't like going to years and years of education, but it's totally worth
it. Getting a higher degree affects the amount
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Personal Narrative My Life Essay
Personal Narrative My Life
I never really thought about where my life was going. I always believed life took me where I
wanted to go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. Once I
entered high school I changed the way I thought. This is why I chose to go to college. I believe that
college will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life. This way I can choose for myself where I
go instead of someone choosing for me.
I have chosen to go to the local community college to get used to the college experience. College
life can be an exciting time but at the same time it can be a challenge. I feel that starting out at the
community college would be a better chose than "jumping" into life at more content...
I know this is what I want to do with my life. I want to be a positive influence in the lives of
children. I want to be able to stand up and show the children that it is okay to be yourself and
stand up for what you believe in. I am a well round student. For nine years I was actively involved
in a girls organization. This experience taught me many things. We were actively involved in
community service activities, for which I received the Silver Award. ( The second highest award
in the organization.) I learned about the value of friendship and patients with others. This
organization first introduced me to my future career. I was also involved for three and a half years
in a student government club on campus. In this club I learned many life lessons. One of which
was the value of hard work. I was one of the few people that organized the Junior/Senior Prom of
2000. My responsibilities included planning corranation, buying and organizing decorations,
planning the busing schedule, booking the photographers, fundraising, ect. This taught me about
hard work. But the best part of it was going to Prom knowing I was one of the only reasons that it
happened. As far as school goes, my schedule is very diverse. I am taking child development lab,
which is a class where students from my high school can go to the local elementary schools and
work one on one with the students. I have work in the elementary school for two and a half years. I
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My Life My Journey Essay
As a very small child I don't remember too much, but the things that I do remember were seen
through a child's eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those
memory's with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my
childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult
development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life
experiences and where I am today as an Adult student.
Its funny how as a child you look at things. As time passes, those same child memories become life
experiences as an adult. It is stated that Environmental assessment is closely related to the impact
environment makes more content...
I lost my little brother in 1982 at age 22 in an accident at my parent's home. Robbie was taking
down a C.B. antenna and it struck a high power line that ran into the local General Motors plant.
Robbie was killed instantly. As Erickson's stated in his psychosocial development theory, "which
refers to the development within the social environment in which a person lives, primarily
focusing on relationships with other people" (Simanowitz & Pearce. 2003). This had brought
back memories of how my relationship was when we were little. I was always kind of upset with
Robbie because he was one of those kids that had that natural athletic ability. Robbie could run
faster and throw better, do everything better when it came to sports, but the real reason I was
mad at Robbie most of my childhood life was because every time something went wrong, I always
got the blame and in trouble. Mom would say "You're older you should have known better" Yes
she was right most of the time I did know better. I was the middle child and I was always the one
that got into trouble even though Robbie might have done it first. I had a good childhood for the
most part, I can't remember not doing without the things that I really needed as a child. Things like
clothes, food, shelter and love from a family. I recall having my favorite things
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Lessons of Life Essay
All through life, we experience various occasions when decision–making become necessary. A
number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict
we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons
of life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to
pay a price to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking.
Period, actions and situation can help us learn a lot about our environment, ourselves and people in
general. They give us an opportunity to face our reliability, integrity, accountability and skills of
dealing with life result. In the beginning, people more content...
However, Life can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual's manner
of living, it is the admiration of one's condition, personality and behaviour. It can be the measured
by the collective value of each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or
the nature of living one indulges in, either at the low–level or high level or the good or evil etiquette
of living. According to Timothy Titcomb in his book "Lessons in life" he noted that there are so
many outrageous things that have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being
given for such action, because, moods are the most indefensible things generally (Titcomb, 6).
Additionally, Titcomb stated that Living creatures can thus in a level become the masters of their
mood (Titcomb, 7).
John Cleese once quoted that "We all work in two contrasting modes, which might be described as
open and closed". In view of this, he expatiated that "the open mode is more relaxed, more receptive,
more democratic, more playful and more humorous. While, the closed mode is tighter, more rigid,
hierarchical, and more tunnel–vision. He further elaborated that most people spend most of their time
in the closed mode"
Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they
actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like
"who am I" or "The importance of their
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A Gift of Life Essay examples
Organ donation is a big decision but Jason Ray decided that when it was his time to join God, he
wanted to help save the lives of others. March 26, 2007 was a day full of sorrow but also a day for a
new beginning. Jason Ray, a beloved son and UNC basketball team mascot, was killed
unexpectedly while walking down the shoulder on Route 4. On his way back to the hotel to join
the rest of the team, Ray was hit from behind by a reckless driver. The result was a cracked skull and
an extreme brain injury. He was in a coma for several days when a doctor finally approached the
Ray family and said, "I'm going to do everything I can to save your son, but I'm not God and this is
going to take His intervention, because I've never seen someone more content...
That is 100,000 people who could die without receiving that vital transplantation. Organ donation
can save the lives of those 100,000 people. There are two ways to donate. The first way is to be a
dead donor, which means after a person dies their organs would be donated to others in need. About
ninety percent of organ donations come from people who have been considered "brain dead." A
person who is brain dead needs a machine that will breathe for them otherwise they will have no
heart beat or organ functions (Dubois)
Brain death is said to occur when several tests are fulfilled: there is a known cause compatible with
irreversible loss of brain function, there are no factors confounding the examination of brain
function, there is loss of consciousness, there is loss of brainstem reflexes including spontaneous
breathing, and these are diagnosed as irreversible (Joffe).
People who have died from brain death are the perfect candidates for organ donation. A person's
organs are still perfectly intact but the person is non–responsive or cannot function on their own. If a
person is announced brain dead and is a donor, their organs can be taken immediately and sent to
a hospital where they are needed in order to save someone else's life (Bresnhan). Organ donation
is a kind gesture that everyone should be a part of. People that die have no say when or how it will
happen. People that are brain dead, though, can save
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Life Essay examples
Name: Roechell Persuasive Speaking Assignment – 20 points total Explain wheather each statement
below deals primarily with a question of fact, a question of value, or a question of policy. (10 piont)
Question of fact – addresses a question about the truth or falsity of an assertion –Who will win the
National Championship this year? – Does recycling paper really make a difference? – Did the
suspect in question commit the crime? Question of policy – addresses a question about the worth,
rightness, or morality of idea or action – WNCCis the best college in Nebraska. Question of policy –
addresses a question about wether a specific course of action should or should not be taken – Should
WNCC prohibit smoking within more content...
I don't see any reason to wear a helmet when I ride a bike. Everyone bikes without a helmet.
Bandwagon 2. It's ridiculous to worry about protecting America's national parks against pollution
and overuse when innocent people are being killed by terrorists. Red Herring 3. There can be no
doubt that the Great Depression was caused by Herbert Hoover. He became President in March
1929, and the stock market crashed just seven months later. Hasty generaliztion 4. If we allow the
school board to spend money remodeling the gymnasium, next they will want to build a new
school and give all the teachers a huge raise. Taxes will soar so high that businesses will leave and
then there will be no jobs for anyone in this town. Slippery Slope 5. Raising a child is just like
having a pet – you need to feed it, play with it, and everything will be fine. Hasty generaliztion 6. I
can't srpport Representative Frey's proposal for campaign finance reform. After all he was kicked
out of law school for cheating on an exam. Red Herring 7. One nonsmoker, interviewed at a
restaurant, said, "I can eat dinner just fine even though people around me are smoking." Another,
responding to a Los Angeles Times survey,
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Life Is But A Choice Essay
Life Is But A Choice
Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on
how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can imagine life as a long winding road with millions
of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore
every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that
was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads through life regardless of what other people
might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not
Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference
"(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational
choices, more content...
Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting.
Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is
diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat,
cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of
disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic
beverages can be extremely harmful to our health.
Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty
minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a
great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get
plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can
function properly. Without rest, one is more likely to make mistakes and even have a higher level of
One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we
live in, why are we here on earth, is there life elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have
been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written, many
different schools of thought have been
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Essay about What is life?
"What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the
satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience that nature gives intelligent answers to
intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If
nature has never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question.
The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or
measured life. Life is always linked to material systems; what man sees and measures are living
systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some
physical systems.
A look at the living world reveals more content...
The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from
organs may come an individual organism, such as a human being. Individuals in turn may be
combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of
complexity are new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new
information for the biologist.
The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the
sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided eyesight for his study of the human body.
In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of
structure. Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood
circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm have an intricate internal
structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert
Hooke described the cellular structure of plants.
As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the
nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex organisms are composed of
semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria
were discovered and studied.
In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and
he has learned to observe with x–rays as
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Life Is Hard Life Is Difficult Essay
Life is Hard, Life is Difficult
My message today is titled Life is hard" and it's about how to live a great and meaningful life
despite the fact that life is difficult.
Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want to live a perfect life. We want that great job or a
successful business. We want to be married to Mr. Right or Mrs Perfect. We want to have great
kids. We want to have friends that stick by us come rain or shine. We want to be able to have all
the good that life has to offer and have all our problems just simply disappear.
Everybody wishes for good life. It may be at different levels. One person may define a good life one
way and another may describe their wanted perfect life in another way. For one person a good life
may be just having three meals a day and a roof over their head. For another it may be having a
huge mansion and a couple of more content...
Not only do you have the responsibility to make it better, you have the ability and the power to
make it better.
You can make it better – become a better employee and someone worth giving more responsibilities
at work. The promotions and the better pay are sure to follow one way or another.
You can make it better – learn how to raise better kids and have a happier home. Become the good
husband or wife you would like your spouse to be.
You can make it better – learn how to turn that business around. Gain the extra skills you need to run
a successful business.
You see, the only person you have any control over is yourself. You cannot change other people.
Let's take the example of marriage for moment. Notice that I did not say you should turn your
husband or spouse into an ideal spouse. I said you should become the ideal husband or wife you
want your spouse to be. Then, once you become such a person you may have several choices as to
how to relate to your
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Essay on The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from
which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there
can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned
above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not
to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there
is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define
life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or
great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life
meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or
her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its
catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have
become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in
any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62,
'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident
is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide
range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in
humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be,
laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those
emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in
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Cycle Of Life Essay Examples
Cycle of Life Essay The cycle of life is a series of changes in a living organism that will eventually
be replaced by a new organism. This new organism will then go through the same changes as the
one before it. The cycle of life theme is incorporated into many stories throughout history although
the exact role the theme plays in each story can vary. One of the ways it can be seen is through the
use of concrete examples, meaning someone is born and dies. Abstract examples are another way
the cycle of life can be shown in stories. Abstract examples would include such things as the sun
rising and setting which gives the reader a visual of time lapse. "Lightning Crashes", "The Lion
King", and "Indian Camp" all share the same theme of more content...
Disney also uses examples of concrete life when Simba is presented to all the animals in the pride
land as the newborn prince. This is important to the cycle of life because there always is an end
and beginning to everyone's life. Along with "The Lion King", "Indian Camp" shares all four
elements of the cycle of life. In "Indian Camp" by Ernest Hemingway, the theme of the cycle of
life is evident. Hemingway displays this theme by utilizing both abstract and concrete examples
of life and death. For an example, Hemingway uses light and dark in contrast to life and death.
When Nick and his father see "in the shanty nearest the road there was a light in the window", it
shows there is life in the shanty. However, when "the young indian stopped and blew out his
lantern", the dark represents a death about to occur in the shanty they enter (1).This is important
because if it did not happen in the story, the reader would not be able to foreshadow a life
beginning or ending. He further conveys the theme of cycle of life by using the following as
concrete examples of life and death. In the story, "his father picked up the baby and slapped it to
make it breathe" (2). Afterwards, when they went to tell the father, "his throat had been cut from
ear to ear" (3). Hemingway uses both light and dark and life and death in order to display the theme
of the cycle of life. The theme of cycle of life is
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Life Essay Examples

  • 1. Essay about My Life My Life I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica. He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings, and I to join him in California. My more content... I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my school experience challenging, but exciting as well. Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English. Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on A Day in My Life A Day in My Life My alarm clock starts beeping at 7:15 exactly and I groan and try to imagine that it isn't there. When the noise doesn't stop I roll over and hurl the unlucky object across the room. It invariably hits a precariously balanced pile of books or CD's and they invariably come crashing down, adding to the scene of devastation that is my bedroom floor. I then slowly drift off to sleep again; until, twenty minuets later, I am rudely awakened by my mum's voice shouting: "Danny you'll be late for school!". I turn over looking for my alarm clock and, realising that it's no longer a foot away from my right ear but at the other side of the room, I slowly climb out of my bed and more content... After we have walked the length of the school twice we sit down to 15 minutes of tutor time. While I franticly finish the History homework due in five minutes time everyone else enjoys some time taunting Michael or Ashley about one thing or another. As Ben leaves the tutor room I shout after him "Ben! What we got now?" The reply comes: "Science. Mr Smith." "OK" I shout as I hurry after him. First lesson, despite being science, goes past in a dream. I have decided that however much I may look awake at nine o'clock in the morning I actually do not wake up until ten. Therefore, during first period (science or not) I am still fast asleep. This means that, except under special circumstances (i.e. a test), the amount of work completed in this lesson is fairly small. Second period, I am usually more awake (unless, of course, it is R.E, in which case I remain a deep sleep throughout, even if it's last lesson.). I.T with Mr. Wisson is almost never enjoyable. Despite my love of computers I cannot ever manage to squeeze even the slightest bit of satisfaction from an hours typing numbers, letters and mathematical equations into Excel or some such program. The teacher seems to think that because we are not doing IT long course we are all computer illiterate fools who find it hard to use Microsoft Word.
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  • 4. Pro-Life Essay examples Pro–Life English I 1 Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965–1996 over 515 million babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know where it came from. The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, more content... One way is called Partial Birth Abortion (D&X); it can kill babies up to thirty–two weeks old. The abortionist (murderer in this case) removes all of the baby from the mother except for the head, he then jab a pair of scissors in the back of the babies skull and then he uses a suction hose to suck out the babies brain. Then he uses forceps to crush the babies' skull and pull the rest of the babies' body out. Salt poisoning is also used, where salt is injected and the bay dies of convulsions due to salt poisoning ( If they can say this is not murder, then what is? Abortion is not painless for the mother either. Over ninety–seven percent of women have reported feeling pain it is often described as intense, severe, or very severe. Abortion is also not without side effects. Complications such as bleeding, hemorrhaging, menstrual disturbances or inflammation of the reproductive organs. Sometimes abortion can cause damage to the uterus and make the woman infertile for the rest of her life. (Abortion some medical facts pamphlet.) Also if you are a women and have had an abortion you increase your chances of having breast cancer by fifty percent. Abortion has no good results in for the mother or the poor murdered baby. In the end it will always cause physical and emotional pain. What do religious beliefs have to do with abortion? They have everything to do with Get more content on
  • 5. The Value of A Life Essay Value of life The life given by god has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to thank or either regret. Many students/adults believe that they are going to be popular if they have money and a good job buy forget that people are influenced by those who have learned something. Also a lot fail to remember, to earn value you must earn it.In today's economy the government creates a value on the person by looking at the position they are held for. If you look at it from the society's point of view they believe people should be given value according to what they do and what position they are. From an individual's perspective they judge themselves on what they accomplish and achieve.The value of the individual more content... Each individual has their own perspective on how they want their life to be. As Steve Jobs mentioned in his inaugural speech " Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice"(89). The meaning of this quote is just do what you love and do not let anyone else tell you what to do. In life you just have to be your own self and believe that you can and will achieve. Your life will only be worth it if you actually accomplish something you wanted to do not what others want you to do. Several high school students tend to find a job while attending school and stay with it for the rest of their life. However, what they do not realize is that they are missing out on what they actually wanted to do in life not make money with the job they hate doing. The value of life has to be interpreted throughout high school as well as college because if you do not figure it out then you will end up doing something you will regret in the future. In many cases the society would make their decision based on what the person did and who the person was. For example, in the late 18th–19th century when there was slavery the people made their decision based on who had the most money not the one who worked. If you look at it today it is kind of similar because say a teacher gets injured and a professional athlete the value would be based on who Get more content on
  • 6. Changes in Life Essay In my life, I have been exposed to a challenge called change. Change can occur in many different ways and is dealt with in many different ways. I have come to the awareness that change can be the deepest of all things. I always thought that change occurred when you moved to a state or when you lost someone real close to you. Those are a challenge to change, yes, but change doesn't have to occur over a climactic incident. It can just appear overnight when your brain winds up when it's time to do something different. Even with friends that you used to have and know that move on. For example, most of my friends from elementary school, I don't even talk to them anymore. For obvious reasons, people will turn down the changes in more content... It's depressing how this works, but it's probably the most reason why people change. It's much like peer pressure which usually ends up in the wrong direction. For example, I was almost peer pressured to consume alcohol and to do smoking. Fortunately, for me, I escaped that change and didn't experience it. The people we adore love us so much that they want us to remain the way we are forever. Like how my mother always wanted me to stay the same little child, but I grew up. Not all people can stay the same for a long time. If the people we love and adore would just accept the change and go with it, they would understand where the change was coming from. It can be shaky to try to stop change and fight against it, especially if the person wants to change a lot. When I was ready for high school, I was expected to change almost everything in my life. The reason that somebody wants to change is usually not their choice, but a feeling that the person feels inside their head. Maybe the change isn't the best change, but if you dig deeper, the person that you adore isn't really changing. They are just trying to find themselves and the one thing they need the most is the support of the people who they care about the most. When I was attending college, I was expecting a lot of changing to take place. With the support of my family and friends, it was no big deal for me. When the people they care about the most, detach their change as Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Milestones In My Life To talk about milestones of my life, as a twenty–one years old girl in twenty–first century, maybe I am too naive for somebody else, or maybe someone else will think I am not experienced much. Indeed, I cannot deny that truly I am not experienced as much as some people, but at least for me, every milestone in my life is an emblem of my growth. When I am able to complete something new successfully or learn something from my failure instead of complaining, I think I have grown up. When I am able to overcome my fears that stop me from doing something, I think I have grown up. When I am able to find something I am passionate to and able to insist on, I think I have grown up. Something may be mattered a lot for someone, but it may not make sense to others so I think milestone of my life is not something people considered that is meaningful to me, but things I considered significant. The first major milestone in my life is learning one of the Chinese orchestra instrument – erhu and perform it to other people. I am glad to find something I am passionate to. Before I start to learn erhu, I like to lie on my bed to read more content... My home is at Johor but I am studying at Penang. This is not the first time I am away from my home but it is the first time that my family are not along with me. Everyone always has to leave their home, soon or later. I know it a long time ago, yet, I still unable to make it initially. Luckily, I can adapt it now, though I still miss my home sometimes. I am more independent after I am living alone at hostel compared with I am at home. I cannot depend on my mum to help me to wash my clothes, cooking delicious food for me, drive me to buy something and other things else. I have to solve those things by myself. By living at Penang without my family, I become more matured and it is also an important process from my growing process. So, this is one of the major milestone in my Get more content on
  • 8. Living Life and Being Happy Essay examples Living Life and Being Happy People live their lives without the realization of the sacrifices that lie ahead, "I slept and dreamed that life was beauty. I awoke –– and found that life was duty." –Ellen Stugis Hooper. Throughout noticeable antiquity of the narrator, although in actuality he is a boy. In reality there are few memories of his father, his recollections have given him this intimate relationship. He understands the idealistic dream that his father once had. The narrator displays the strength and sacrifices that come with the relationship between fathers and sons, which displays the vigorous dedication of life depicting imagery portrayed through the fathers love and willingness more content... This quote exhibits the love and support that is involved with having a family. A collision of emotions is evolved throughout the story, as the narrator includes mixed emotions from diction such as "tender" and "tense". These mixed emotions resulted from the fathers torn emotions making the right decisions; as in the "only decision he would make" throughout his life. Reality becomes clearer in life by realizing that family has a strong focus of being totally devoted and dedicated to the family and children's needs, in which are not always the best solution to living a content idealistic life. Reality versus idealistic. What seems to be the right decision was not realistic. Sacrifice is a part of life. Sometimes we have to substitute other things in our lives to achieve happiness or security. The devotion to what the father has decided to do in regards to supporting his family. Through working with the family business, was a different level of happiness and love but he did it unconditionally for the love of his family. Although the memory of his father is small his father left a large impact of what he gave up, to be obligated to his family. He gave up the unrealistic hope of being a baseball player, his dream of being famous to devote his life entirely to his family. People do not realize that love and Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on What is a good life? What is a good life? In today's world, humans are often misled on what really is a good life. We are constantly shown through the television and magazines that being rich and famous is the way to go when it comes to a good life, when in truth many of them are miserable by problems that usually wouldn't affect the common person. In truth there are only a few that are rich and famous and do achieve what can probably considered one of the greatest achievement's by a man which is having a good life. In my opinion, the decision if someone has a good life or not is up to them and their will to strive for something better than average during the high school years of their life. The reason I feel like it begins at that age in their life more content... I also believe that to some people religion does play a large part of their lives and how they might live it according to how their religion tells them to. Subjectively, if someone lives by the book or the belief of their religion it will make them happier to know that they accomplished what their "god" has set for them to do with their life, and ultimately letting them into the "afterlife" (or heaven) of their religion. Besides the factors that a person can control in their life to make it good, there are also many things in play that one cannot control such as health. Being healthy can be considered one of the most valuable aspects of a person's life. It can also be one of those aspects that can control the probability if someone getting a job, earning an adequate income, and a person's range of active activities. According to an OECD study, people with good health have always shown to be happier in most aspects but have a huge increase in happiness when it comes to marriages and relationships. During the duration of my life I have met many people that go through or have someone close to them that have had some type serious sickness, and what I have always noticed is that during those times they look like the most miserable people on the planet. Whenever I try to put myself in their position it's really hard for me to imagine myself being in Get more content on
  • 10. My Life Essay example Family Experience Born in December of 1977, I was an early Christmas present to a young couple. My parents chose to adopt because they were told that they could not have children. I was adopted as an infant and my parents were able to take custody of me almost immediately after birth. I was actually the second child that my parents adopted. I have an older sister that was adopted as well. My mother always wanted a large family and she got her wish. My mother went on to give birth to two more children despite the earlier information from her doctors that stated she could not have children. Since I can remember, my parents have told me that I was an adopted child. My baby book has photographs of me in the arms of my mother more content... Now that I am a husband and a father it is a goal of mine to ensure I keep my work and family life balanced. I strive to focus on the quality of time I spend with my family when I am not able to get the quantity that I wish. I have a challenging career that requires a significant amount of my time and going back to school definitely makes it more challenging. I know that investing my time and energy in my education will allow me to spend more time with my family in the end and enable me to become a better provider. Educational Experience I was raised in a private Christian school as a child. I attended this school until I was in the sixth grade. In the sixth grade, my parents transitioned me to the public school system. I believe the lessons and faith I learned in the private school system have helped me become a better person. When I was younger, I took a great interest in school and did well. After transitioning to the public school system, I lost interest and my grades began to decline. School was never a priority for me and I put very little effort into studying or getting good grades. I have always seemed to retain information rather easily and did well enough on tests to pass classes despite not turning in many assignments. It seemed I always did just enough to pass. In fact, my GPA was just enough for me to graduate. As I got older, I realized the value of education and had flashbacks of all the educators of my past that said, "One Get more content on
  • 11. The Story of My Life Essay This explains the beginning of my life all the way to the end of my life. My life from the beginning was very fun as I grew up living with my mom's friend and my friend. But there were a lot of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so back then when I was little; I was very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the place. I always was annoying back then and never seemed to get my homework done at school. I was born at Kaiser Hospital during the year 1996. The first place I lived was on the street Via Harriet and was right next to a train. It was always noisy when the train passed by because it shook the house and scared all the animals. It wasn't the best place to live, but we eventually moved to the hills, I don't more content... Overall I know that I'm going to graduate because I'm pushing hard and all I need to finish is my Cyber High and keep up my grades and I will graduate. I want to go to Chabot College because it's the closest place to go to. I am planning to get my associates degree then transfer to Cal State East Bay University. I don't exactly know the requirements of classes to get into Cal State, but as long as I get my AA degree I should be fine. I am focused on technology and computers; I like to choose classes that can be similar to wiring or soldering. I am not that sure if I would be more focused on computers or wiring, I think an Internship might help me out. My career would be Technician or Electrician because I'm focused on electricity and wanting to discover what would happen without getting electrocuted. I'm still unsure if I just want to work on physical components on the computer. I used to work on computers a lot, but it got boring and I can't do it as great now. Soldering is interesting for me because I get to repair broken wires, being able to strip a wire. When striping a wire, you get to know how the wire is connected. I think a life event for me is to grab my master's degree, which is what I'm focused on. That's like the best degree to get, but it's really difficult to receive. I wouldn't like going to years and years of education, but it's totally worth it. Getting a higher degree affects the amount Get more content on
  • 12. Personal Narrative My Life Essay Personal Narrative My Life I never really thought about where my life was going. I always believed life took me where I wanted to go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. Once I entered high school I changed the way I thought. This is why I chose to go to college. I believe that college will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life. This way I can choose for myself where I go instead of someone choosing for me. I have chosen to go to the local community college to get used to the college experience. College life can be an exciting time but at the same time it can be a challenge. I feel that starting out at the community college would be a better chose than "jumping" into life at more content... I know this is what I want to do with my life. I want to be a positive influence in the lives of children. I want to be able to stand up and show the children that it is okay to be yourself and stand up for what you believe in. I am a well round student. For nine years I was actively involved in a girls organization. This experience taught me many things. We were actively involved in community service activities, for which I received the Silver Award. ( The second highest award in the organization.) I learned about the value of friendship and patients with others. This organization first introduced me to my future career. I was also involved for three and a half years in a student government club on campus. In this club I learned many life lessons. One of which was the value of hard work. I was one of the few people that organized the Junior/Senior Prom of 2000. My responsibilities included planning corranation, buying and organizing decorations, planning the busing schedule, booking the photographers, fundraising, ect. This taught me about hard work. But the best part of it was going to Prom knowing I was one of the only reasons that it happened. As far as school goes, my schedule is very diverse. I am taking child development lab, which is a class where students from my high school can go to the local elementary schools and work one on one with the students. I have work in the elementary school for two and a half years. I Get more content on
  • 13. My Life My Journey Essay As a very small child I don't remember too much, but the things that I do remember were seen through a child's eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those memory's with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student. Its funny how as a child you look at things. As time passes, those same child memories become life experiences as an adult. It is stated that Environmental assessment is closely related to the impact environment makes more content... I lost my little brother in 1982 at age 22 in an accident at my parent's home. Robbie was taking down a C.B. antenna and it struck a high power line that ran into the local General Motors plant. Robbie was killed instantly. As Erickson's stated in his psychosocial development theory, "which refers to the development within the social environment in which a person lives, primarily focusing on relationships with other people" (Simanowitz & Pearce. 2003). This had brought back memories of how my relationship was when we were little. I was always kind of upset with Robbie because he was one of those kids that had that natural athletic ability. Robbie could run faster and throw better, do everything better when it came to sports, but the real reason I was mad at Robbie most of my childhood life was because every time something went wrong, I always got the blame and in trouble. Mom would say "You're older you should have known better" Yes she was right most of the time I did know better. I was the middle child and I was always the one that got into trouble even though Robbie might have done it first. I had a good childhood for the most part, I can't remember not doing without the things that I really needed as a child. Things like clothes, food, shelter and love from a family. I recall having my favorite things Get more content on
  • 14. Lessons of Life Essay All through life, we experience various occasions when decision–making become necessary. A number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons of life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to pay a price to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking. Period, actions and situation can help us learn a lot about our environment, ourselves and people in general. They give us an opportunity to face our reliability, integrity, accountability and skills of dealing with life result. In the beginning, people more content... However, Life can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual's manner of living, it is the admiration of one's condition, personality and behaviour. It can be the measured by the collective value of each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or the nature of living one indulges in, either at the low–level or high level or the good or evil etiquette of living. According to Timothy Titcomb in his book "Lessons in life" he noted that there are so many outrageous things that have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being given for such action, because, moods are the most indefensible things generally (Titcomb, 6). Additionally, Titcomb stated that Living creatures can thus in a level become the masters of their mood (Titcomb, 7). John Cleese once quoted that "We all work in two contrasting modes, which might be described as open and closed". In view of this, he expatiated that "the open mode is more relaxed, more receptive, more democratic, more playful and more humorous. While, the closed mode is tighter, more rigid, hierarchical, and more tunnel–vision. He further elaborated that most people spend most of their time in the closed mode" Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like "who am I" or "The importance of their Get more content on
  • 15. A Gift of Life Essay examples Organ donation is a big decision but Jason Ray decided that when it was his time to join God, he wanted to help save the lives of others. March 26, 2007 was a day full of sorrow but also a day for a new beginning. Jason Ray, a beloved son and UNC basketball team mascot, was killed unexpectedly while walking down the shoulder on Route 4. On his way back to the hotel to join the rest of the team, Ray was hit from behind by a reckless driver. The result was a cracked skull and an extreme brain injury. He was in a coma for several days when a doctor finally approached the Ray family and said, "I'm going to do everything I can to save your son, but I'm not God and this is going to take His intervention, because I've never seen someone more content... That is 100,000 people who could die without receiving that vital transplantation. Organ donation can save the lives of those 100,000 people. There are two ways to donate. The first way is to be a dead donor, which means after a person dies their organs would be donated to others in need. About ninety percent of organ donations come from people who have been considered "brain dead." A person who is brain dead needs a machine that will breathe for them otherwise they will have no heart beat or organ functions (Dubois) Brain death is said to occur when several tests are fulfilled: there is a known cause compatible with irreversible loss of brain function, there are no factors confounding the examination of brain function, there is loss of consciousness, there is loss of brainstem reflexes including spontaneous breathing, and these are diagnosed as irreversible (Joffe). People who have died from brain death are the perfect candidates for organ donation. A person's organs are still perfectly intact but the person is non–responsive or cannot function on their own. If a person is announced brain dead and is a donor, their organs can be taken immediately and sent to a hospital where they are needed in order to save someone else's life (Bresnhan). Organ donation is a kind gesture that everyone should be a part of. People that die have no say when or how it will happen. People that are brain dead, though, can save Get more content on
  • 16. Life Essay examples Name: Roechell Persuasive Speaking Assignment – 20 points total Explain wheather each statement below deals primarily with a question of fact, a question of value, or a question of policy. (10 piont) Question of fact – addresses a question about the truth or falsity of an assertion –Who will win the National Championship this year? – Does recycling paper really make a difference? – Did the suspect in question commit the crime? Question of policy – addresses a question about the worth, rightness, or morality of idea or action – WNCCis the best college in Nebraska. Question of policy – addresses a question about wether a specific course of action should or should not be taken – Should WNCC prohibit smoking within more content... I don't see any reason to wear a helmet when I ride a bike. Everyone bikes without a helmet. Bandwagon 2. It's ridiculous to worry about protecting America's national parks against pollution and overuse when innocent people are being killed by terrorists. Red Herring 3. There can be no doubt that the Great Depression was caused by Herbert Hoover. He became President in March 1929, and the stock market crashed just seven months later. Hasty generaliztion 4. If we allow the school board to spend money remodeling the gymnasium, next they will want to build a new school and give all the teachers a huge raise. Taxes will soar so high that businesses will leave and then there will be no jobs for anyone in this town. Slippery Slope 5. Raising a child is just like having a pet – you need to feed it, play with it, and everything will be fine. Hasty generaliztion 6. I can't srpport Representative Frey's proposal for campaign finance reform. After all he was kicked out of law school for cheating on an exam. Red Herring 7. One nonsmoker, interviewed at a restaurant, said, "I can eat dinner just fine even though people around me are smoking." Another, responding to a Los Angeles Times survey, Get more content on
  • 17. Life Is But A Choice Essay Life Is But A Choice Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can imagine life as a long winding road with millions of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads through life regardless of what other people might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference "(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational choices, more content... Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting. Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat, cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be extremely harmful to our health. Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can function properly. Without rest, one is more likely to make mistakes and even have a higher level of stress. One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we live in, why are we here on earth, is there life elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written, many different schools of thought have been Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about What is life? "What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience that nature gives intelligent answers to intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If nature has never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question. The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or measured life. Life is always linked to material systems; what man sees and measures are living systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some physical systems. A look at the living world reveals more content... The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from organs may come an individual organism, such as a human being. Individuals in turn may be combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of complexity are new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new information for the biologist. The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided eyesight for his study of the human body. In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of structure. Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm have an intricate internal structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert Hooke described the cellular structure of plants. As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex organisms are composed of semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria were discovered and studied. In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and he has learned to observe with x–rays as Get more content on
  • 19. Life Is Hard Life Is Difficult Essay Life is Hard, Life is Difficult My message today is titled Life is hard" and it's about how to live a great and meaningful life despite the fact that life is difficult. Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want to live a perfect life. We want that great job or a successful business. We want to be married to Mr. Right or Mrs Perfect. We want to have great kids. We want to have friends that stick by us come rain or shine. We want to be able to have all the good that life has to offer and have all our problems just simply disappear. Everybody wishes for good life. It may be at different levels. One person may define a good life one way and another may describe their wanted perfect life in another way. For one person a good life may be just having three meals a day and a roof over their head. For another it may be having a huge mansion and a couple of more content... Not only do you have the responsibility to make it better, you have the ability and the power to make it better. You can make it better – become a better employee and someone worth giving more responsibilities at work. The promotions and the better pay are sure to follow one way or another. You can make it better – learn how to raise better kids and have a happier home. Become the good husband or wife you would like your spouse to be. You can make it better – learn how to turn that business around. Gain the extra skills you need to run a successful business. You see, the only person you have any control over is yourself. You cannot change other people. Let's take the example of marriage for moment. Notice that I did not say you should turn your husband or spouse into an ideal spouse. I said you should become the ideal husband or wife you want your spouse to be. Then, once you become such a person you may have several choices as to how to relate to your Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content... Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role." At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in Get more content on
  • 21. Cycle Of Life Essay Examples Cycle of Life Essay The cycle of life is a series of changes in a living organism that will eventually be replaced by a new organism. This new organism will then go through the same changes as the one before it. The cycle of life theme is incorporated into many stories throughout history although the exact role the theme plays in each story can vary. One of the ways it can be seen is through the use of concrete examples, meaning someone is born and dies. Abstract examples are another way the cycle of life can be shown in stories. Abstract examples would include such things as the sun rising and setting which gives the reader a visual of time lapse. "Lightning Crashes", "The Lion King", and "Indian Camp" all share the same theme of more content... Disney also uses examples of concrete life when Simba is presented to all the animals in the pride land as the newborn prince. This is important to the cycle of life because there always is an end and beginning to everyone's life. Along with "The Lion King", "Indian Camp" shares all four elements of the cycle of life. In "Indian Camp" by Ernest Hemingway, the theme of the cycle of life is evident. Hemingway displays this theme by utilizing both abstract and concrete examples of life and death. For an example, Hemingway uses light and dark in contrast to life and death. When Nick and his father see "in the shanty nearest the road there was a light in the window", it shows there is life in the shanty. However, when "the young indian stopped and blew out his lantern", the dark represents a death about to occur in the shanty they enter (1).This is important because if it did not happen in the story, the reader would not be able to foreshadow a life beginning or ending. He further conveys the theme of cycle of life by using the following as concrete examples of life and death. In the story, "his father picked up the baby and slapped it to make it breathe" (2). Afterwards, when they went to tell the father, "his throat had been cut from ear to ear" (3). Hemingway uses both light and dark and life and death in order to display the theme of the cycle of life. The theme of cycle of life is Get more content on