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Webinar:		Let's	talk	about	IR	&	PR	in	the	investment	community!	
Patricia	Baronowski-Schneider	
Founder	and	President	Advisers	
Patricia	has	over	25	years	in	the	Investor	Rela.ons	and	Public	Rela.ons	field.	
She	improve	external	rela.onships	with	clients,	enhance	marketability,	and	effec.vely	
manages	the	flow	of	financial	and	public	informa.on	among	clients,	shareholders	and	the	
financial	community.		
She	has	a	strong	talent	for	clearly	financial	informa.on	and	business	
strategies	to	a	variety	of	audiences.
Let's	talk	about	IR	&	PR	in	the	
investment	community!	
Are	IR	/	PR	/	the	same?	
I	always	like	to	say	a	big	NO	
Investor	rela.ons	(or	IR)	is	a	specific	sub-discipline	of	public	rela.ons	that	
revolves	around	how	a	company	communicates	with	investors,	shareholders,	
government,	and	the	financial	community.	
The	Primary	Goal	of	Investor	Rela.ons	
•  Ensure	that	financial	markets	accurately	value	the	company’s	
assets,	expecta.ons	and	future	earnings	and	cash	flows	
•  Maintain	favorable	access	to	capital	markets	
•  Maintain	market	liquidity	under	all	condi.ons	
•  Inform	management	and	BOD	about	developments	in	
financial	markets	and	percep.ons	of	investors	
•  Enhance	management’s	understanding	of	peer’s	
performance,	strengths	and	strategies	
•  Maintain	open	communica.ons	and	credibility	with	investors,	
employees,	customers,	suppliers	and	in	which	
the	company	operates	
•  Ensure	consistency	of	communica.ons	with	related	
cons.tuencies	and	the	trade,	financial	and	general	media.	
Key	Elements	of	an	IR	Plan	–	Tac.c-Driven	
1.  Analyst	Contact/Analyst	Mee.ngs	
2.  Budget	
3.  Crisis	Communica.ons	Plan	
4.  Fact	Sheet/Fact	Book	
5.  Investor	Contact	(ongoing)	
6.  Investor	Rela.ons	Kit	
7.  Media	Lists	
8.  Photo	Archives	
9.  Press	Releases	(as	needed)	
10.  Rela.onship	with	Specialty	Firm/Market	Makers	
11.  Rela.onships	with	Outside	Vendors	and	Consultants	
12.  Website	
Key	Elements	of	an	IR	Plan	–	Strategy-Driven	
1.  Analyst	Day	
2.  Benchmarking	
3.  Broker	Contact	
4.	Analysis	
5.  Corporate	Governance	
6.  Disclosure	Policies	
7.  Employee	Communica.ons	
8.  Individua;	Investor	Program	
9.  Industry/Investor	Conferences	
10.  Market	Intelligence	
11.  Sell-side	Outreach	
Investor	Rela.ons	
Are	IR	/	PR	/	the	same?	(cont)	
Public	rela.ons	is	a	strategic	communica.on	
process	that	builds	mutually	beneficial	
rela.onships	between	organiza.ons	and	their	
Are	IR	/	PR	/	the	same?	(cont.)	
• Management	process	through	which	goods	and	services	move	from	
concept	to	the	investor.		
• It	includes	the	coordina.on	of	four	elements	of	
• (1)	iden.fica.on,	selec.on	and	development	of	a	product,	
• (2)	determina.on	of	its	price,	
• (3)	selec.on	of	a	distribu.on	channel	to	reach	the	investor,	and	
• (4)	development	and	implementa.on	of	a	promoEonal	strategy.	
In	a	nutshell	
•  I	like	to	break	it	down	as		
•  “IR”	is	with	the	investment	
community	(current	shareholders,	
shareholders,	analysts,	brokers)	
•  “PR”	is	with	the	public	as	a	whole	
(adver.sing,	media	rela.ons,	events,	webinars,	
•  “”	is	your	plan	on	how	you	execute	the	
above	two	–	your	plan	to	ensure	that	whatever	
you	are	to	your	investors	and	public	
are	done	so	in	a	fashion	that	best	suits	your	goals	
Media	Rela.ons	
5	Advantages	That	Flow	from	
Consistent	Investor	CommunicaEons	
Consistent	and	thorough	investor	communica.ons	have	a	number	of	important	
advantages,	including:	
• Force	accountability:	Investor	rela.ons	and	communica.ons,	such	as	monthly	and	
quarterly	reports,	will	keep	execu.ves	accountable	to	themselves	and	to	investors.	
• Encourage	evalua2on:	The	components	of	investor	communica.ons	ensure	
that	execu.ves	are	consistently	themselves	and	the	company.	
• Leverage	rela2onships:	Strong	investor	rela.ons	make	it	more	likely	that	an	investor	
will	be	able	to	iden.fy	areas	of	growth,	partnerships,	or	new	business	
angles.	Companies	benefit	when	investors	are	advocates	for	them	and	can	use	
their	rela.onships	to	help	the	company.	
• Secure	new	investors:	A	record	of	strong	investor	rela.ons	and	a	documented	history	
of	the	company’s	performance,	which	are	outlined	in	investor	communica.ons,	will	
akract	new	investors.	
• Build	infrastructure:	Act	like	a	big	business	and	you	will	become	a	big	business.	
Investor	rela.ons	and	are	important	infrastructure	components	for	larger	
companies	and	you	should	start	developing	this	infrastructure	early.		
So	what	should	you	do?	
Advantages	of	Public	RelaEons	
Public	rela.ons	has	the	power	to	reach	a	large	audience,	
giving	your	business	the	plalorm	it	needs	to	really	shine	and	
allows	you	to	akach	credibility	to	your	product	or	company.	
1. Credibility	--	Having	credibility	is	so	to	a	successful	
business.	Because	PR	and	adver.sing	are	very	different	things,	
consumers	are	likely	to	give	credibility	to	your	business	when	
they	see	it	men.oned	in	the	media	(uncompensated!)	
compared	to	when	they	see	your	ads	or	billboards.	Studies	
show	that	PR	has	7	.mes	more	credibility	among	consumers	
than	adver.sing!	
Advantages	of	Public	RelaEons	(cont)	
2.	Target	Market	--	Media	sources	can	place	the	
informa.on	that	is	right	up	the	consumers	alley	and	
give	them	the	required	informa.on	they	need.	
3.	Cost	--	While	it’s	true	that	PR	can	be	costly	if	you	
hire	the	wrong	firm,	considering	the	cost	of	other	
promo.onal	adver.sing,	it	is	on	the	cheap	end	of	
the	scale.	When	you	step	back	and	look	at	the	cost	
of	PR	considering	the	possible	leads	when	reaching	
the	right	market,	you’ll	find	that	the	cost	is	very	
Advantages	of	Public	RelaEons	(cont)	
4.	Lead	Genera2on	--	The	media	placement	that	
you	receive	from	PR	is	long	You’ll	likely	
have	an	flood	of	leads,	and	then	as	.me	
wheres	on,	you’ll	no.ce	that	there	is	s.ll	the	
possibility	of	lead	genera.on	from	just	one	good	
media	men.on.	As	people	and	businesses	
stumble	on	the	PR,	it	will	s.ll	be	at	leads	(thus	leading	back	to	our	#3	
point:	cost).	
Advantages	of	Public	RelaEons	(cont)	
5.	Image	--	PR	isn’t	just	an	item	or	a	
special.	PR	takes	your	business	and	puts	it	
in	the	lights.	This	helps	create	an	image	of	your	
company	and	creates	the	possibility	of	a	more	
well	rounded	patronage.	PR	leaves	
your	company	with	a	image,	which	is	
always	helpful	in	the	future	
10	Content	MarkeEng	Benefits	
•  Increases	visibility	of	your	brand	
•  Develops	rela.onships	with	your	audience	
•  Improves	brand	awareness	and	recogni.on	
•  Creates	loyalty	and	trust,	with	both	your	current	customers	and	
•  Helps	you	to	build	authority	and	credibility	
•  Posi.ons	your	business	as	an	expert	in	your	industry	
•  Generates	traffic	to	your	site	to	improve	lead	genera.on	
•  Opens	a	channel	of	communica.on	through	social	shares	and	
•  Helps	your	customer	move	through	the	purchase	decision	more	
•  Provides	value	with	no	strings	akached	
Social	Media	–	the	dreaded	word	
“We’ll	be	out	of	compliance”	is	s.ll	the	major	reason	that	financial	services	
firms	block	the	use	of	social	media	for	regulated	users.	However,	that	fear	is	
contrary	to	the	evolving	regulatory	landscape.	Both	the	and	
Exchange	Commission	(SEC)	and	Financial	Industry	Regulatory	Authority	
(FINRA)	state	that	they	see	a	value	in	social	media	as	an	educa.onal	tool	for	
This	apprecia.on	for	social	media	was	reinforced	recently	at	the	LIMRA	/	
LOMA	2014	Social	Media	Conference	for	Financial	Services,	at	the	“Ask	the	
Regulators!”	session.	
Owen	Donley,	Chief	Counsel,	Office	of	Investor			Educa.on	and	Advocacy,	SEC	
and	Thomas	Selman,	Senior	Vice	President,	FINRA	discussed	how	their	organiza.ons	seek	to	protect	investors	and	generally	view	social	
media	in	a	light.	
Social	Media	–	the	dreaded	word	
The	use	of	social	media	by	the	financial	services	industry		
is	rapidly		In	growing	numbers,	registered		
investment	advisers	(“RIAs”	or	“firms”)	are	using	social	
media	to	communicate	with	and	
clients,	promote	services,	educate	investors	and	recruit	
new	employees.	Pursuant	to	Advisers	Act	Rule	206(4)-7,3	
firms	using	social	media	should	adopt,	and	periodically	
review	the	effec.veness	of,	policies	and	procedures	
regarding	social	media	in	the	face	of	rapidly	changing	
Social	Media	–	the	dreaded	word	
•  Social	Media	and	InvesEng	
Social	media	and	the	Internet	in	general	have	become	
important	tools	for	investors.	Investors	may	use	social	media	
to	research	par.cular	stocks,	look	up	background	
informa.on	on	a	broker-dealer	or	investment	adviser,	find	
guidance	on	strategies,	receive	up-to-date	news,	
and	discuss	the	markets	with	others.	
Social	Media		
Social	Media	Benefits		
Social	Media	Benefits		
What	should	the	rela.onship	be	between	
PR	or	IR	and	an	investment	fund?		
Either	is	integral	to	giving	a	fund	a	voice	or	an	iden.ty	-	a	
presence	in	the	marketplace	that	goes	beyond	the	
opening	and	closing	bell	-	so	current	and	
investors	can	dis.nguish	this	or	that	fund	from	the	
compe..on.	Put	a	different	way,	silence	is	not	an	op.on;	
which	is	to	say,	without	PR	or	IR	-	without	a	means	of	an	idea	or	laying	claim	to	a	novel	approach	to	-	your	target	audience	has	no	reason	to	know	
you	exist;	they	have	no	cause	to	know	anything	about	the	
individual	strengths	a	fund	or	company	possesses,	nor	
will	they	want	to	invest	in	something	that	seems	too	
foreign,	abstract	or	remote.	
How	do	you	quan.fy	the	value	or	ROI	
of	PR	or	IR?	
By	way	of	example,	a	cover	story	in	a	major	magazine	-	or	
a	segment	on	a	top	financial	TV	show	-	is,	for	all	intents	
and	purposes,	free.	Compare	that	with	adver.sing	for	
similar	space	or	commensurate	.me	with	the	same	
venue	-	the	adver.sing	costs	are	tens,	if	not	hundreds	of	
thousands	of,	dollars	-	where	your	message	has	none	of	
the	same	credibility.	You	can	calculate	that	expense	
down	to	the	last	cent;	but	there	is	an	incalculable	value,	
too,	which	accrues	to	businesses	that	transform	
themselves	into	brands.	A	brand	resonates	with	the	
public	in	a	powerful	way,	making	a	company's	perceived	
value	-	indeed,	its	actual	value	-	all	the	more	worthwhile.	
Why	is	PR	or	IR	a	necessity?	
Without	it,	to	reiterate	an	earlier	point,	you	
cede	ground	to	the	compe..on;	you	forfeit	investors	to	the	compe..on,	thus	
enabling	the	most	vocal	fund	or	Company	-	
which	may	not	necessarily	be	the	best	fund	or	
Company		-	to	increase	the	amount	of	money	it	
has	under	management.	That	scenario	is	
What	are	the	risks	of	not	having	a	PR	or	IR	
Should	a	crisis	happen,	be	it	a	temporary	
setback	with	your	fund	or	Company	—	or	
damage	due	to	specula.on,	rumor	and	
innuendo,	you	have	no	program	in	place	-	you	
have	no	professionals	at	the	ready	-	to	reverse	
this	possible	exit,	by	investors,	or	correct	this	
misinforma.on,	by	the	press.	
And	finally,	how	should	PR	or	IR	help	
It	should	clarify	informa.on,	crystallize	
intelligence	into	intelligible	content	and	convert	
otherwise	abstract	data	into	accessible	material.	
In	so	many	words:	Give	investors	something	
they	can	use,	something	that	helps	beker	
understand	the	advantages	-	and	reasons	to	
invest,	or	to	con.nue	to	invest	-	in	your	fund	or	
Proven	Results	
These	are	just	some	results	from	our	
client	IR/PR/MarkeEng	Programs	
PrisEne	Advisers:	Call	Today	
Or	visit	us	online

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Let's talk about IR PR in the investment community!