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a place with
no boundaries
leicestershire a place with big ideas. a place
where businesses thrive. where communities
come together. a place where people want to
live. a place full of creativity. where things
happen. a confident place. a place where it’s
easy to get around. a place that’s vivid and
bustling. that’s serene and relaxing. a place
that’s very well connected. that attracts
investment. a place that’s growing. that’s
worldly-wise. a place for families. a place to
meet new friends. a place without restrictions.
a place that encourages development. that
doesn’t say can’t. or won’t. a place of diversity.
of beauty. a place full of opportunity. a place of
unlimited choice. a place of infinite variety.
a place with no boundaries...
Without exception, every high street in Britain
                                                                 and far beyond has some element designed or
                                                                 manufactured by a Leicestershire business.
                                                                 The incredible influence of our creative firms
                                                                 stems from the huge cluster of design
                                                                 practitioners here and the natural competition
                                                                 amongst them to be the very best.
                                                                 It is this true level of excellence that prompted
                                                                 Levi Strauss, that most all-American of
                                                                 brands, to have their flagship San Francisco
                                                                 store designed and built here before having it

                                                                 delighted to use our best creatives include
DEDICATED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE ARTS – A NEW HUB FROM WHICH OUR     Timberland, Givenchy, Sony Playstation and
                                                                 Pizza Express.
CREATIVE THINKING CAN INFLUENCE THE WORLD.                       It is no idle boast that it is, as often as not,
                                                                 Leicestershire that makes Britain’s high
                                                                 streets better places to be.

in a place with
no boundaries,
creativity flourishes
and new thinking
in a place with
no boundaries,
your visions,
and ideas...
...are encouraged to become reality.
HIGHCROSS                                                                                                         PHOENIX SQUARE                                           DE MONTFORT
Ideas into reality                                        The programme succeeded in providing better             Where creativity resides                                 MAGAzINE GATEWAY
                                                          outcomes for all:                                                                                                Where old and new combine
Highcross is the perfect example of forward-thinking                                                              Leicester’s Phoenix Square is a major creative
Leicester, transforming the old site, The Shires,         • Over 800 clients completed Retail Works or            development, located right in the heart of the           As a city steeped in history, Leicester is proud of its
into a shopping destination that would breathe new          Hospitality Works courses between March 2008 and      city’s Cultural Quarter. The result of a partnership     heritage. In support of the regeneration of the city
life into the city’s retail core.                           March 2009.                                           project between Blueprint, Phoenix and Leicester City    centre, De Montfort University has invested
                                                          • At least 445 registered people achieved employment    Council, in collaboration with De Montfort University,   £170 million to create a first class teaching and
More than just a shopping centre development,
                                                            within the retail sector, or had gained other         Phoenix Square has driven the regeneration of the        research campus.
the project was a unique collaboration between
                                                            employment after completing the Retail Routeway.      vibrant St George’s area of the city.
Hammerson, Hermes and the City Council –                                                                                                                                   Developed in partnership with Leicester City
supported by the company set up to drive                  • At least 600 of the 2000 people who gained            Designed by award-winning architects Marsh               Council, the campus plans include the restoration of
regeneration in Leicester – to acquire additional land,     employment at Highcross were previously               Grochowski, Phoenix Square is an outstanding             historic landmarks including the Magazine Gateway,
relocate occupiers to other suitable sites, and             unemployed or young people Not in Education,          example of 21st century sustainable design and           a medieval gateway that forms part of Leicester
upgrade the local environment through a programme           Employment or Training.                               leading edge architectural quality. Uniquely blending    Castle and dates back to 1410.
of high quality street works.                                                                                     creative spaces, performance facilities, private and
                                                          • Jobcentre Plus confirmed over 250 priority group                                                               The ambitious project now links the city centre to
                                                                                                                  public spaces, Phoenix Square is home to a brand
At the heart of the project was an employment               employment outcomes.                                                                                           its historic quarter and riverside area, replacing a
                                                                                                                  new creative community.
programme that would bring about positive change to                                                                                                                        1960s development and realigning the inner ring
Leicester’s employment landscape.                         • At least 40 previously unemployed lone parents        With award-winning performing arts centre Curve,         road to open up the city centre and university.
                                                            gained jobs at Highcross, 20 of which were disabled   two dedicated 3D cinemas and 22 creative                 It’s the perfect example of how modern day thinking
The Leicester ‘Routeway to Work’ programme                  or claiming Incapacity Benefit.                       workspaces available for start-up creative               can work sympathetically with buildings of regional
For the Highcross development to succeed, a skilled       This was a demonstration of Leicester at its best:      businesses, Phoenix Square is a cultural and             and national significance.
workforce across both construction and retail sectors     new jobs, new skills, new workplaces; a partnership     creative hub in every sense.
needed to be sourced. Routeway to Work was an             of private sector business and public sector agencies   The objective with Phoenix Square was to build a
award-winning city partnership of public and private      working together to bring new hope to those out         new community within the St George’s Cultural
sector organisations, offering services to jobseekers     of work.                                                Quarter – a place where people can live, relax,
and employers, including sector-specific training that                                                            socialise and work in one of the most interesting
would create a bank of locally-qualified candidates.                                                              parts of the city. This stunning development
                                                                                                                  achieves this objective in good measure.
in a place with
no boundaries,
the whole
world feels                                                         Our tremendous richness of culture
                                                                    means that in Leicestershire we’ve

right at home.
                                                                    got the whole world well covered.
                                                                    This model for cosmopolitan Britain
                                                                    has strong ties with both the Indian
                                                                    subcontinent and China – making
                                                                    us perfectly equipped for trade
                                                                    with these two nations as their
                                                                    own economies continue to show
                                                                    rapid growth.
                                                                    Transport routes and communications
                                                                    between the two areas are, naturally,
                                                                    long-established and with a dedicated
                                                                    team serving the Indian and Chinese
                                                                    markets, there is tremendous scope
                                                                    for great future trade.
                                                                    With local branches of most of the
                                                                    subcontinent’s key banks, individuals
                                                                    and companies find it easy to do
                                                                    good business.
                                                                    similar European destinations –
ONE OF EUROPE’S TRULY COSMOPOLITAN CITIES.                          as well as places in South America.
Leicestershire has the largest economy in the        We are also brilliantly connected at the heart of
                                                East Midlands, thanks to an extraordinary            the county – with London just over an hour away
                                                combination of positive factors.                     by train, Paris just four hours, 16 European
                                                                                                     capitals accessible from our main airport, and
                                                Our young and culturally-diverse population is
                                                                                                     easy access to the UK’s motorway network.
                                                proud to work in Leicester – one of Britain’s most
                                                creative cities, on a par with London – to shop in   Our strong performance in food and drink,
                                                its world-class retail centres, and study at its     innovation, financial services and creativity
                                                three esteemed universities.                         continues to attract new business and investment.
                                                                                                     The fact that we are home to 350 foreign-owned
                                                                                                     businesses – including renowned firms such as
                                                                                                     Caterpillar, Pepsico UK and DHL – is testimony to
                                                                                                     the resilience of our economy.

in a place with
no boundaries, a
thriving population
helps businesses

in a place with                                Leicestershire’s skilled workforce has a tremendous
                                               reputation for industriousness, diversity and
                                               innovation and has forged a global reputation in

no boundaries,
                                               engineering, food and drink and financial services.
                                               It has been a hub for business activity since as far
                                               back as Roman times and remains as energetic now
                                               as it was back then.
                                               More than half a million people work here every day,

a committed
                                               aided by the 1.2 million workers who are available to
                                               commute to Leicestershire.
                                               Boasting an exceptional level of ethnic diversity
                                               means our collective manpower can speak in thirty

workforce always
                                               five languages, meaning we communicate
                                               effortlessly with business partners in every corner of
                                               the planet. This is an enormous advantage since we
                                               have a great deal to provide to the world.
                                               It was here, after all, that DNA Genetic

gets the best
                                               Fingerprinting was discovered, where the first jet
                                               engine was developed to perfection and where the
                                               world’s first hydrogen powered motorcycle first
                                               roared into life.
                                               And it is in such diverse fields that Leicestershire

job done.
                                               continues to innovate. The area boasts a huge range
                                               of private sector research and development
                                               organisations, including the esteemed Motor
                                               Industry Research Association, the automotive
                                               research and development centre used by
                                               manufacturers from across the world.
Image courtesy of Leicester Mercury
Image from Leicestershire Imagebank. Photography by John Higginson.

in a place with
no boundaries,
the thirst for greater
knowledge is never
Leicestershire is a truly remarkable area for higher    To many firms the opportunity to employ a graduate
education, boasting no fewer than three                 from a university in Britain’s top ten percent – as is
distinguished universities, a unique feat for a         the case with University of Leicester graduates –
non-metropolitan area in the British Isles.             is, naturally, irresistible.
It is here that some 50,000 students flock from         And since many of our 15,000 annual graduates
around the world, enticed by the stellar reputations    remain in the area the productive bonds built directly
enjoyed by the Universities of Leicester,               between the universities and enthusiastic local
De Montfort and Loughborough.                           employers continues to go from strength to strength.
Here they will absorb the state-of-the- art learning    Added to the enviably high quality of graduates the
in their fields and often progress to become industry   schools of Leicestershire continue to furnish
leaders in space and bio-medical sciences,              our industry with new staff who boast better pass
engineering and, increasingly, the creative sphere.     rates than any other in the East Midlands.

Leicestershire’s long tradition with innovation and    With three top universities pushing the boundaries
invention truly began back in the 1700s, when canny    in research and development by working in close
local farmer Robert Bakewell’s imaginative approach    conjunction with regional firms, great minds in
to farming transformed livestock breeding and          Leicestershire are determined to keep pushing
irrigation methods around the world.                   industrial technology forward.
Since then Leicestershire’s technology and             Perhaps most fascinating of all the continuing
innovations have gone on to conquer huge               quests for innovation is in the work carried out in
challenges in every industrial sphere, even pushing    and around the National Space Centre – now a
through mankind’s final frontier – into space.         world leader in planetarium software.
The long list of scientific achievements and mind      The centre evolved from a partnership with the
blowing advancements carried out here could both       University of Leicester’s Space Research Centre
impress and bamboozle the sharpest of minds.           which has been at the forefront of designing
                                                       applications, devices and equipment that have been
From developing the jet engine, to discovering
                                                       sent into the furthest reaches of the solar system.
genetic fingerprinting, to hydrogen-powered
motorcycles, mini gamma ray cameras and                Leicestershire is clearly a hotbed of innovative
becoming this nation’s first environment city twenty   activity; a region that is always keen to embrace new
years ago, the list of greatness is almost endless.    ideas and even brave new worlds.

in a place
with no boundaries,
innovation has
no limits.
in a place
with no
near and
                                                           Being at the centre of things is the perfect location
                                                           for any business. In Leicestershire, our close
                                                           proximity to important destinations and easy access
                                                           to the fastest transport facilities places us at the
                                                           geographic bull’s eye.
                                                           London’s St Pancras International station is little

too far.
                                                           over an hour away, Birmingham less, Manchester
                                                           and Leeds just two, Paris or Brussels a little over
                                                           four hours by Eurostar.
                                                           The transportation of goods is fast and efficient
                                                           thanks to our East Midlands Airport – the primary
                                                           pure-freight airport in the UK.
                                                           For commuters and business visitors there are no
                                                           fewer than four motorways, running like major
                                                           arteries through the region. The fastest of these
                                                           boasts one of Britain’s fastest average travel speeds
                                                           and helps guarantee one of the country’s shortest
                                                           average commute times.

OUR CENTRAL POSITION AND UNIQUE ROAD, RAIL AND AIR LINKS   These and the bold pattern of A-roads crisscrossing
                                                           the area mean very easy accessibility to the closest
A blend of rustic splendour, boundless urban energy
                                                                       and gentle suburban bliss is perhaps what best
                                                                       describes living here.
                                                                       That one might enjoy the bustle of shopping in
                                                                       Leicester, Britain’s fourth greenest city, then
                                                                       moments later be sauntering through a pretty
                                                                       market town and shortly thereafter be strolling
                                                                       through quite magnificent countryside is the kind of

OF CITY, SUBURB AND VILLAGE LIVING AND ENDLESS ACRES OF BREATHTAKING   Yet in Leicestershire it’s an everyday occurrence.
                                                                       Few, if any, areas in Britain can compete with
COUNTRYSIDE, LEICESTERSHIRE RANKS AMONG THE BEST PLACES IN BRITAIN     Leicestershire’s quality of life, fewer still with its
TO RAISE A FAMILY.                                                     enviable cost of living.
                                                                       With competitive salaries and affordable housing,
                                                                       effortless commutes, endless forms of

in a place with
                                                                       entertainment and a history that can be traced back
                                                                       to before the Romans, this is a home boasting a
                                                                       wealth of life’s riches.
                                                                       During summer months the more adventurous
                                                                       might enjoy wild weekends at our various music

no boundaries,
                                                                       festivals, while there are laughs galore to be had at
                                                                       Britain’s oldest comedy festival.
                                                                       With the excitement of racing at Donington Park,
                                                                       world class rugby union, cricket and football taking

a better
                                                                       place here, Leicestershire is ideal for the true
                                                                       sports fan.
                                                                       And for those keener to participate, there are thirty
                                                                       one high-quality golf courses.
                                                                       In all, it is entirely fair to say that Leicestershire’s

quality of life
                                                                       growing, glowing population thoroughly enjoys a
                                                                       quality of life of which other regions can only dream.
                                                                       It’s little wonder that the area tied in a vote to define
                                                                       Britain’s best place to bring up a family and that so
                                                                       few people choose to move away.

is for everyone
to enjoy.
Original photographer Peter Packer / Leicestershire Imagebank.

in a place with
no boundaries,
a helping hand
is always on offer
with support
and guidance.
Prospect Leicestershire’s assistance to incoming       Of course, no two firms are the same and Prospect      To discuss how Prospect Leicestershire’s free,
businesses is so thorough, many new firms claim it     Leicestershire therefore provides a bespoke service    confidential and impartial services can help your
feels like they always belonged here.                  to match your firm’s exact requirements.               business, please contact us at:
With property and planning services, funding,          Whether you need advice on staff relocation, site      Prospect Leicestershire Ltd,
development and coordination help it’s fair to say     visits, funding, grants, venture capital or have a     Two Colton Square, Leicester LE1 1QH
Leicestershire has an abundance of ways to             specific property requirement, we urge you
                                                                                                              Tel +44 (0)116 225 4071
smoothly assist firms joining our growing economy.     to consider us a one-stop shop.
                                                                                                              Fax +44 (0)116 248 8129
Our Inward Investment team understands how             All that’s required of you is a level of ambition to
difficult moving can be and make it their personal     match our own, then together we can continue to
mission to furnish you with the very best knowledge,   build towards ever greater things.
understanding and guidance available.
Leicestershire, a place with no boundaries

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Leicestershire, a place with no boundaries

  • 2. leicestershire a place with big ideas. a place where businesses thrive. where communities come together. a place where people want to live. a place full of creativity. where things happen. a confident place. a place where it’s easy to get around. a place that’s vivid and bustling. that’s serene and relaxing. a place that’s very well connected. that attracts investment. a place that’s growing. that’s worldly-wise. a place for families. a place to meet new friends. a place without restrictions. a place that encourages development. that doesn’t say can’t. or won’t. a place of diversity. of beauty. a place full of opportunity. a place of unlimited choice. a place of infinite variety. a place with no boundaries...
  • 3. Without exception, every high street in Britain and far beyond has some element designed or manufactured by a Leicestershire business. The incredible influence of our creative firms stems from the huge cluster of design practitioners here and the natural competition amongst them to be the very best. It is this true level of excellence that prompted Levi Strauss, that most all-American of brands, to have their flagship San Francisco store designed and built here before having it LEICESTERSHIRE’S DISTINCTION AS BRITAIN’S SECOND MOST CREATIVE shipped stateside. REGIONAL CITY HAS INSPIRED LEICESTER’S NEW CULTURAL QUARTER, Other design-oriented multinationals delighted to use our best creatives include DEDICATED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE ARTS – A NEW HUB FROM WHICH OUR Timberland, Givenchy, Sony Playstation and Pizza Express. CREATIVE THINKING CAN INFLUENCE THE WORLD. It is no idle boast that it is, as often as not, Leicestershire that makes Britain’s high streets better places to be. in a place with no boundaries, creativity flourishes and new thinking inspires.
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  • 5. in a place with no boundaries, your visions, ambitions and ideas...
  • 6. ...are encouraged to become reality.
  • 7. HIGHCROSS PHOENIX SQUARE DE MONTFORT Ideas into reality The programme succeeded in providing better Where creativity resides MAGAzINE GATEWAY outcomes for all: Where old and new combine Highcross is the perfect example of forward-thinking Leicester’s Phoenix Square is a major creative Leicester, transforming the old site, The Shires, • Over 800 clients completed Retail Works or development, located right in the heart of the As a city steeped in history, Leicester is proud of its into a shopping destination that would breathe new Hospitality Works courses between March 2008 and city’s Cultural Quarter. The result of a partnership heritage. In support of the regeneration of the city life into the city’s retail core. March 2009. project between Blueprint, Phoenix and Leicester City centre, De Montfort University has invested • At least 445 registered people achieved employment Council, in collaboration with De Montfort University, £170 million to create a first class teaching and More than just a shopping centre development, within the retail sector, or had gained other Phoenix Square has driven the regeneration of the research campus. the project was a unique collaboration between employment after completing the Retail Routeway. vibrant St George’s area of the city. Hammerson, Hermes and the City Council – Developed in partnership with Leicester City supported by the company set up to drive • At least 600 of the 2000 people who gained Designed by award-winning architects Marsh Council, the campus plans include the restoration of regeneration in Leicester – to acquire additional land, employment at Highcross were previously Grochowski, Phoenix Square is an outstanding historic landmarks including the Magazine Gateway, relocate occupiers to other suitable sites, and unemployed or young people Not in Education, example of 21st century sustainable design and a medieval gateway that forms part of Leicester upgrade the local environment through a programme Employment or Training. leading edge architectural quality. Uniquely blending Castle and dates back to 1410. of high quality street works. creative spaces, performance facilities, private and • Jobcentre Plus confirmed over 250 priority group The ambitious project now links the city centre to public spaces, Phoenix Square is home to a brand At the heart of the project was an employment employment outcomes. its historic quarter and riverside area, replacing a new creative community. programme that would bring about positive change to 1960s development and realigning the inner ring Leicester’s employment landscape. • At least 40 previously unemployed lone parents With award-winning performing arts centre Curve, road to open up the city centre and university. gained jobs at Highcross, 20 of which were disabled two dedicated 3D cinemas and 22 creative It’s the perfect example of how modern day thinking The Leicester ‘Routeway to Work’ programme or claiming Incapacity Benefit. workspaces available for start-up creative can work sympathetically with buildings of regional For the Highcross development to succeed, a skilled This was a demonstration of Leicester at its best: businesses, Phoenix Square is a cultural and and national significance. workforce across both construction and retail sectors new jobs, new skills, new workplaces; a partnership creative hub in every sense. needed to be sourced. Routeway to Work was an of private sector business and public sector agencies The objective with Phoenix Square was to build a award-winning city partnership of public and private working together to bring new hope to those out new community within the St George’s Cultural sector organisations, offering services to jobseekers of work. Quarter – a place where people can live, relax, and employers, including sector-specific training that socialise and work in one of the most interesting would create a bank of locally-qualified candidates. parts of the city. This stunning development achieves this objective in good measure.
  • 8. in a place with no boundaries, the whole world feels Our tremendous richness of culture means that in Leicestershire we’ve right at home. got the whole world well covered. This model for cosmopolitan Britain has strong ties with both the Indian subcontinent and China – making us perfectly equipped for trade with these two nations as their own economies continue to show rapid growth. Transport routes and communications between the two areas are, naturally, long-established and with a dedicated team serving the Indian and Chinese markets, there is tremendous scope for great future trade. With local branches of most of the subcontinent’s key banks, individuals and companies find it easy to do good business. WITH OUR ETHNICALLY DIVERSE POPULATION AND WORLDWIDE REPUTATION Closer to home, Leicestershire has FOR INTEGRATION AND UNDERSTANDING, LEICESTER IS NOW RECOGNISED AS long benefitted from twinning with similar European destinations – ONE OF EUROPE’S TRULY COSMOPOLITAN CITIES. as well as places in South America.
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  • 11. Leicestershire has the largest economy in the We are also brilliantly connected at the heart of East Midlands, thanks to an extraordinary the county – with London just over an hour away combination of positive factors. by train, Paris just four hours, 16 European capitals accessible from our main airport, and Our young and culturally-diverse population is easy access to the UK’s motorway network. proud to work in Leicester – one of Britain’s most creative cities, on a par with London – to shop in Our strong performance in food and drink, its world-class retail centres, and study at its innovation, financial services and creativity three esteemed universities. continues to attract new business and investment. The fact that we are home to 350 foreign-owned businesses – including renowned firms such as Caterpillar, Pepsico UK and DHL – is testimony to the resilience of our economy. in a place with no boundaries, a thriving population helps businesses prosper. LEICESTERSHIRE’S ECONOMY GIVES EVERY BUSINESS HERE A CONFIDENCE OF FUTURE EXCELLENCE.
  • 12. THE COLLECTIVE MIGHT OF OUR WORKFORCE HAS ENSURED THAT LEICESTERSHIRE’S REPUTATION FOR INDUSTRIOUSNESS HAS SPANNED CENTURIES. in a place with Leicestershire’s skilled workforce has a tremendous reputation for industriousness, diversity and innovation and has forged a global reputation in no boundaries, engineering, food and drink and financial services. It has been a hub for business activity since as far back as Roman times and remains as energetic now as it was back then. More than half a million people work here every day, a committed aided by the 1.2 million workers who are available to commute to Leicestershire. Boasting an exceptional level of ethnic diversity means our collective manpower can speak in thirty workforce always five languages, meaning we communicate effortlessly with business partners in every corner of the planet. This is an enormous advantage since we have a great deal to provide to the world. It was here, after all, that DNA Genetic gets the best Fingerprinting was discovered, where the first jet engine was developed to perfection and where the world’s first hydrogen powered motorcycle first roared into life. And it is in such diverse fields that Leicestershire job done. continues to innovate. The area boasts a huge range of private sector research and development organisations, including the esteemed Motor Industry Research Association, the automotive research and development centre used by manufacturers from across the world.
  • 13. Image courtesy of Leicester Mercury
  • 14. Image from Leicestershire Imagebank. Photography by John Higginson.
  • 15. THE COMING TOGETHER OF SO MANY BRILLIANT MINDS MEANS LEICESTERSHIRE IS RARELY SHORT OF ANSWERS. in a place with no boundaries, the thirst for greater knowledge is never quenched. Leicestershire is a truly remarkable area for higher To many firms the opportunity to employ a graduate education, boasting no fewer than three from a university in Britain’s top ten percent – as is distinguished universities, a unique feat for a the case with University of Leicester graduates – non-metropolitan area in the British Isles. is, naturally, irresistible. It is here that some 50,000 students flock from And since many of our 15,000 annual graduates around the world, enticed by the stellar reputations remain in the area the productive bonds built directly enjoyed by the Universities of Leicester, between the universities and enthusiastic local De Montfort and Loughborough. employers continues to go from strength to strength. Here they will absorb the state-of-the- art learning Added to the enviably high quality of graduates the in their fields and often progress to become industry schools of Leicestershire continue to furnish leaders in space and bio-medical sciences, our industry with new staff who boast better pass engineering and, increasingly, the creative sphere. rates than any other in the East Midlands.
  • 16. CHAMPIONS OF BRITISH INNOVATION ON LAND, AIR AND SPACE. Leicestershire’s long tradition with innovation and With three top universities pushing the boundaries invention truly began back in the 1700s, when canny in research and development by working in close local farmer Robert Bakewell’s imaginative approach conjunction with regional firms, great minds in to farming transformed livestock breeding and Leicestershire are determined to keep pushing irrigation methods around the world. industrial technology forward. Since then Leicestershire’s technology and Perhaps most fascinating of all the continuing innovations have gone on to conquer huge quests for innovation is in the work carried out in challenges in every industrial sphere, even pushing and around the National Space Centre – now a through mankind’s final frontier – into space. world leader in planetarium software. The long list of scientific achievements and mind The centre evolved from a partnership with the blowing advancements carried out here could both University of Leicester’s Space Research Centre impress and bamboozle the sharpest of minds. which has been at the forefront of designing applications, devices and equipment that have been From developing the jet engine, to discovering sent into the furthest reaches of the solar system. genetic fingerprinting, to hydrogen-powered motorcycles, mini gamma ray cameras and Leicestershire is clearly a hotbed of innovative becoming this nation’s first environment city twenty activity; a region that is always keen to embrace new years ago, the list of greatness is almost endless. ideas and even brave new worlds. in a place with no boundaries, innovation has no limits.
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  • 19. in a place with no boundaries, everywhere’s near and nowhere’s Being at the centre of things is the perfect location for any business. In Leicestershire, our close proximity to important destinations and easy access to the fastest transport facilities places us at the geographic bull’s eye. London’s St Pancras International station is little too far. over an hour away, Birmingham less, Manchester and Leeds just two, Paris or Brussels a little over four hours by Eurostar. The transportation of goods is fast and efficient thanks to our East Midlands Airport – the primary pure-freight airport in the UK. For commuters and business visitors there are no fewer than four motorways, running like major arteries through the region. The fastest of these boasts one of Britain’s fastest average travel speeds and helps guarantee one of the country’s shortest average commute times. OUR CENTRAL POSITION AND UNIQUE ROAD, RAIL AND AIR LINKS These and the bold pattern of A-roads crisscrossing the area mean very easy accessibility to the closest MAKE LEICESTERSHIRE AN IDEAL LOCATION FOR BUSINESS. ports of Harwich and Felixstowe.
  • 20. A blend of rustic splendour, boundless urban energy and gentle suburban bliss is perhaps what best describes living here. That one might enjoy the bustle of shopping in Leicester, Britain’s fourth greenest city, then moments later be sauntering through a pretty market town and shortly thereafter be strolling through quite magnificent countryside is the kind of WITH ITS VIBRANT, FRESHLY-DEVELOPED URBAN CENTRE, ATTRACTIVE BLEND variety we all aspire to. OF CITY, SUBURB AND VILLAGE LIVING AND ENDLESS ACRES OF BREATHTAKING Yet in Leicestershire it’s an everyday occurrence. Few, if any, areas in Britain can compete with COUNTRYSIDE, LEICESTERSHIRE RANKS AMONG THE BEST PLACES IN BRITAIN Leicestershire’s quality of life, fewer still with its TO RAISE A FAMILY. enviable cost of living. With competitive salaries and affordable housing, effortless commutes, endless forms of in a place with entertainment and a history that can be traced back to before the Romans, this is a home boasting a wealth of life’s riches. During summer months the more adventurous might enjoy wild weekends at our various music no boundaries, festivals, while there are laughs galore to be had at Britain’s oldest comedy festival. With the excitement of racing at Donington Park, world class rugby union, cricket and football taking a better place here, Leicestershire is ideal for the true sports fan. And for those keener to participate, there are thirty one high-quality golf courses. In all, it is entirely fair to say that Leicestershire’s quality of life growing, glowing population thoroughly enjoys a quality of life of which other regions can only dream. It’s little wonder that the area tied in a vote to define Britain’s best place to bring up a family and that so few people choose to move away. is for everyone to enjoy.
  • 21. Original photographer Peter Packer / Leicestershire Imagebank.
  • 22. THE AREA’S UNIQUE ECONOMIC ALLIANCE MEANS THAT IT IS EASIER THAN EVER TO DO BUSINESS in a place with no boundaries, a helping hand is always on offer with support and guidance. Prospect Leicestershire’s assistance to incoming Of course, no two firms are the same and Prospect To discuss how Prospect Leicestershire’s free, businesses is so thorough, many new firms claim it Leicestershire therefore provides a bespoke service confidential and impartial services can help your feels like they always belonged here. to match your firm’s exact requirements. business, please contact us at: With property and planning services, funding, Whether you need advice on staff relocation, site Prospect Leicestershire Ltd, development and coordination help it’s fair to say visits, funding, grants, venture capital or have a Two Colton Square, Leicester LE1 1QH Leicestershire has an abundance of ways to specific property requirement, we urge you Tel +44 (0)116 225 4071 smoothly assist firms joining our growing economy. to consider us a one-stop shop. Fax +44 (0)116 248 8129 Our Inward Investment team understands how All that’s required of you is a level of ambition to difficult moving can be and make it their personal match our own, then together we can continue to mission to furnish you with the very best knowledge, build towards ever greater things. understanding and guidance available.