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“If	you	want	your	children	to	be	intelligent,	read	them	fairy	tales.		
If	you	want	them	to	be	more	intelligent,	read	them	more	fairy	tales.”	
―	Albert	Einstein
Learning about European Cultures through Folktales
Folktales of different cultures have an important place in the social studies classroom. By quickening curiosity about other
cultures, folktales can help students to appreciate the reality of human diversity. At the same time, the common elements in
folktales may serve to increase children's empathy with people of other cultures.
From time immemorial, storytellers have passed down tales to be shared by the members of a community - some purely for
entertainment and others used to transmit a society's customs, attitudes, values, and even philosophies of life, to the next
generation. Folktales "allow students to experience one of the ways a society develops a sense of moral behavior in its
children". Children today can learn from this rich literary heritage, which provides both a window into other cultures, and a
mirror that allows viewers to reflect more clearly on aspects of their own culture.
Fairy tales hold a unique magic because they are able to grow, to change, and to become important to each new
Our stories
The Magic Glove, Bulgarian story- illustrations from Portuguese students…...............................................5
The Legend of Saint Martin, Portuguese story- illustrations from Italian students….........................................15
How Setanta became known as Cúchulaím, Irish story - illustrations from French students.............................22
Red Round Hat, French story- illustrations from Cypriot students.......................................................................30
Spanos and the Forty Dragons, Cypriot story - illustrations from Bulgarian students...........................................39
The Legend of Nisida and Posillipo, Italian story - illustrations from Irish students...........................................56
The Magic Glove
Дядовата	ръкавичка
An Old Man was walking through the forest one day with his Dog. He walked and he walked and he dropped
his mitten. Just then a mouse came running up and when he saw the mitten he stopped and climbed right in
and said: "This is where I'm going to live."
Тръгнал дядо за Златица, изгубил си ръкавица. Там играла на
поляна Малка мишчица Гризана, ръкавичката видяла и на
топличко се свряла.
After a while a rabbit came scurrying up and when he saw the mitten he stopped and
called out: "Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?"
"I am. Crunch-Munch the Mouse. And who
are you?" "I'm Fleet-Feet the Rabbit. Let me
in too."
"All right. Jump in!"
So the Rabbit jumped in and the Mouse moved over and the two of them made their home in the mitten.
Ей го мокър и подплашен тича Зайо от
горица. Спира го на пътя прашен
дядовата ръкавица.
- Кой на топло там се гуши? - пита Зайо дългоуши...
- Аз съм мъничка Гризана. Кой си ти, та страх ме хвана?
- Aз съм Зайо Средногорски, крия се от думи хорски - каза Зайо боязливо и попита предпазливо:
- В тая топла ръкавица мир дали ще да намери мойта, плахата душица?
- Влез, самичка ми е
скучно! - рече Гризла
After a while a fox came scampering up. "You-hoo! Who is living in this mitten?"
"We are: Crunch-Munch the Mouse and Fleet-Feet the Rabbit. And who
are you?" "I'm Smily-Wily the Fox. Let me in too!"
"All right. Jump in!"
So the Mouse and the Rabbit moved over and the Fox climbed in and the three of them made their home in the
Подир малко иде Лиса. (То без нея що ли
бива?) Насред пътя се курдиса и лукаво
се подсмива.
- Кой е в тая ръкавичка? - пита хитрата кумичка.
- Мишка мъничка гризлива тук на топло си
почива, Зайо-байо Средногорски, скрит от
лоши думи хорски. Ами ваша милост кой еи
защо ни безпокои!
- Аз съм златната лисица и желая да се стопля в вашта чудна ръкавица.
- Влез, макар че сме мнозина, но нали ни си роднина.
After a while, a wolf came stalking up, and when he saw the mitten he stopped and
called out: "Hello, friends! Who is living in this mitten?"
"We are: Crunch-Munch the Mouse, Fleet-Feet the Rabbit and Smily-Wily the Fox. And
who are you?" "I'm Howly-Prowly the Wolf. Let me in too!"
"All right. Jump in!"
So the Wolf climbed in and the Mouse, the Rabbit and the Wolf moved over and the four of them made their home in
the mitten.
Тръгна Вълчо от гората по работа към селата.
Спира той на пътя прашен - гладен, настървен и страшен.
Ръкавичката съглежда, да подуши се навежда, но усеща я, че шава и запитва той тогава:
- Чия уплашена душица крий се в тая ръкавица?
- Тук на топло си почива мишка мъничка гризлива, Зайо-байо
Средногорски, скрит от лоши думи хорски, още нашата кумица, златокожата лисица. А ваша милост кой еи
защо ни безпокои?
- Аз съм Вълчо от Балкана, гост желая да ви стана...
- Влез, макар че сме мнозина, но нали си ни роднина!
By-and-by with a crackling of twigs a bear came stamping up and when he saw the mitten he stopped and
bellowed: "Hello, good people! Who is living in this mitten?"
"We are. Crunch-Munch the Mouse, Fleet-Feet the Rabbit, Smily-Wily the Fox and Howly-Prowly the Wolf . And
who are you?" "Ho-ho-ho! I'm Grumbly-Rumbly the Bear. And though you're quite a crowd I know you'll make
room for me!"
"How can we? We're so cramped!" "Where there's a will there's a way!"
"Oh, all right, edge in, but don't forget that you're not the only one."
So the Bear squeezed in, too, and now there were five of them inside and they were so cramped that the mitten was
fit to burst. It was just about then that the Old Man missed his mitten and decided to go back in search of it. He
walked and he walked and his Dog ran and ran until at last he saw the mitten lying in the snow and moving!
Подир малко всички сещат цяла земя разлюляна - иде рошава Мецана, в ръкавицата надникна и юнашки се
- Чия уплашена душица крий се в тая ръкавица?
- Тук на топло си почива мишка мъничка гризлива, Зайо-байо Средногорски, скрит от лоши думи хорски, още
нашата кумица, златокожата лисица, Кумчо-вълчо от балкана, гост на нашата покана.
Ами ваша милост кой еи за що ни безпокои?
- Аз съм рошава Мецана, гост желая да ви стана.
- Влез, макар че сме мнозина, но нали си ни роднина!
Събрали се те другарски, разположили се царски в ръкавичката на друма и отворили си дума...
"Bow-wow-wow!" went the Dog.
And the five friends inside the mitten were so frightened that out they jumped and ran away as fast as their legs
could carry them.
Then the Old Man came up and he picked up his mitten and that was the end of that.
Скоро дядо от Златица се завърна да потърси свойта топла
ръкавица. Зер, ако я намери, баба с кремък ще го дере...
И вървейки, и кашлейки, насред пътя той се спира и душата му примира, сърце му се разтреперва - гледа, гледа и
не верва: ръкавичката му шава, миша глава се подава и опашка от лисица, и парченце от ушенце, едно късче
кожух мечи, светят остри зъби нечии...
- Какво мислиш бре, човече! -дядо сам на себе рече и ръкави си възпрете, и с тоягата удари, и повтори и
потрети... Вечерта дома го срещна неговата баба стара: дядо лов с колата кара и засмян дори до уши, той
лулата важно пуши…
The Legend of St. Martin
Saint Martin was a Roman soldier in the service of the emperor. On a stormy day, he was riding towards his army
company, when a strong storm began.
Num dia de tempestade, São Martinho cavalgava em direção à sua companhia no exército, quando começou a cair uma forte
- Brr… Que frio! Não gosto nada de estar no exército!
At the edge of a tree, he found a beggar, almost naked, soaked and shivering with cold.
À beira de uma árvore, encontrou um mendigo, quase nu, encharcado e a tremer de frio.
- Aqui! Aqui!
Over here!
Saint Martin felt deeply sad to see a poor beggar in the rain and cold.
São Martinho ficou entristecido por ver um pobre mendigo à chuva e ao frio.
- Quem és tu, homem de Deus?
- Sou um pobre! Não tenho comida e estou cheio de frio.
Who are you,
man of God?
I'm a poor man!
I have no food and I am cold!
Please help me!
Then, Saint Martin had an idea. “I’ll cut my cloak and I’ll give him half of it.”
Então, São Martinho teve uma ideia. “Vou cortar a minha capa e dar-lhe metade.”
He handed half the cloak to the beggar. Then, suddenly, the storm stopped, and in the sky a radiant, warm sun appeared.
People say that it was God thanking the generous and kind gesture of St. Martin. This warm sun, in November, is called
"St. Martin’s Summer".
Ele entregou metade da sua capa ao mendigo. De seguida, a tempestade parou e no céu apareceu um sol radioso e quentinho. Diz o povo
que foi Deus para agradecer o gesto generoso e simpático de S. Martinho. Este sol quentinho em novembro, designa- se por “Verão de S.
- Obrigado. Muito obrigado por seres tão generoso comigo!
- De nada. Mas não é tudo!
You're	welcome…	
But	that's	not	all!	
Thank	you	
for	being	so	
Finally,SaintMartindecidedtomakeabonfireandroastsomechestnutstofeedthebeggarandtowarmhimaswell.In the
sky, the sun continued to shine brightly.
Por fim, São Martinho decidiu fazer uma fogueira e assar castanhas para matar a fome ao mendigo e para o aquecer.
No céu o sol continuou a brilhar intensamente.
Have	some	chestnuts.	
I	hope	you	like	it!	
St.	Martin,	I	don’t	know	
how	to	thank	you.	
I	really	like	you!
How Setanta became known as Cúchulaím
Setanta left his home in Louth to go visit his uncle Conor in Ulster. He wanted to join the Red Branch Knights.
As he ran along he would hit his sliotar with his hurl and then run to catch the ball before t hit the ground. He
was really fast!
When he arrived in Ulster he saw a group of boys play fighting. They were training to be part of the Macra.
They didn’t know Setanta and wouldn’t let him join in their games.
Setanta went to talk to his uncle. When King Conor saw him he saw how strong and quick Setanta was and said that he could
begin training for the Macra. Setanta was delighted. He had to join the Macra to become a member of the Red Branch
Knights later on.
Culann was the King’s blacksmith. He decided to have a feast at his house.
He owned a big black hound (Cú). Setanta was invited to the feast but he was late because he had to play a
hurling match. When he arrived at the castle the dog was outside.
Setanta was scared and hit the sliotar straight at the hound. The ball went straight into the dog’s mouth and
killed it.
Culann was very sad so Setanta said he would take the dog’s place as his guard until another dog was trained.
This was how he became known as Cúculann (This means the Hound of Culainn).
Cúchulainn went on to become one of Ireland’s greatest warriors!
Red Round Hat
Chapeau Rond Rouge
Once upon a time, there was a little girl nicknamed Red Round Hat because she always wore a round, red hat.
It was a gift from her grandmother. One day, her mother asked her to take two patties and a small jar of butter
to her grandmother. She must go through the fields and not through the forest, because of the wolf. On one side
of the road, she sees a large grey dog sleeping.
Il était une fois, une petite fille surnommée Chapeau Rond Rouge car elle portait toujours un chapeau rond et rouge.
C’était un cadeau de sa grand-mère. Un jour, sa mère lui demande d’apporter à sa grand-mère deux galettes et un petit
pot de beurre. Elle doit passer par les champs et pas par la forêt car il y a le loup. Sur le bord de la route, elle rencontre
un grand chien gris qui dort.
She then pulls out her trumpet to wake him up.
Elle sort alors sa trompette pour le réveiller.
The dog was very afraid of the sound of the trumpet. In order to be forgiven, the little girl offers a cake to the
animal, but the wolf is very angry because the little girl didn’t recognize him and mistook him for a dog. Red
Round Hat leaves the dog and goes to her grandmother's house. To get revenge, the wolf decides to catch the
little girl dressed in red, put her in the cake and eat her!
Le chien a très peur du bruit de la trompette. Pour se faire pardonner la fillette offre une galette à l’animal. Mais le loup
est très en colère que la petite fille ne le reconnaisse pas et qu’elle le confonde avec un chien. Chapeau Rond Rouge
quitte le chien et part chez sa grand-mère. Pour se venger, le loup décide de rattraper la petite fille habillée en rouge
pour la mettre dans la galette et la manger!
The wolf then goes to the grandmother's house, but on the way, a car hits him. Grandma was coming back from
the supermarket and didn't see him cross the road. She takes the poor dog home to lie down. Then, she goes to
get the doctor. Meanwhile, the girl arrives at her grandmother's house. She finds the dog in bed and thinks the
animal ate her poor grandmother.
Le loup va alors chez la grand-mère. En chemin, il se fait renverser par une voiture. C’est grand-mère qui revient du
supermarché et elle ne l’a pas vu traverser la route. Elle emmène le pauvre chien chez elle pour l’allonger. Puis, elle va
chercher le docteur. Pendant ce temps, la fillette arrive chez sa mamie. Elle trouve le chien dans le lit et elle pense que
l’animal a mangé sa pauvre grand-mère.
Red Round Hat knocks the dog out with a candlestick as he wakes up. She opens the beast's mouth to call for
her grandmother, who she thinks is in the dog's belly. Then, she goes to the kitchen to get a knife to save her
Chapeau Rond Rouge assomme le chien avec un chandelier car il se réveille. Elle ouvre la gueule de la bête pour
appeler sa grand-mère qui est dans le ventre du chien. Puis, elle va chercher un couteau dans la cuisine pour délivrer sa
The doctor and the grandmother arrive. They both think the dog is dead, but they're happy to be together again.
Le docteur et la grand-mère arrivent. Elles pensent toutes les deux que le chien est mort, mais elles sont contentes de se
The doctor says it's not a dog. It's a wolf! The doctor treats and saves the wolf. The beast convalesces at
grandmother's house and since then they have gotten along very well and live together.
Le docteur dit que ce n’est pas un chien. C’est un loup ! Le médecin soigne et sauve le loup. La bête passe sa
convalescence chez la grand-mère et depuis, ils s’entendent très bien et vivent tous les deux.
The little girl grew up well and has become an internationally renowned veterinary.
La petite fille a bien grandi et elle est devenue un médecin de renommée internationale pour les animaux.
Spanos and the Forty Dragons
Ο Σπανός τζ΄οι σαράντα Δράτζιοι
Once upon a time there lived a man who talked big about his bravery.
One day, his fellow villagers said to him: “If you manage to defeat the forty dragons who have cut off the water
supply to our village, we’ ll believe that you are as brave as you say.”
“Of course I’ll defeat them” said Spanos.
“I’m not afraid of the dragons.”
He set off for the castle where the dragons lived, taking with him a handful of ash and a soft white cheese.
Μια φορά και ένα καιρό ήταν ένας άντρας που στο πρόσωπό του δεν φύτρωναν ούτε γένια ούτε µουστάκια, για αυτό
τον φωνάζανε Σπανό. Α Σπανός καυχιότανε πως στον κόσµο όλο δεν είναι άλλο παλληκάρι σαν κι αυτόν.
Μια µέρα που καµάρωνε και κόρδωνε για τις παλληκαριές του, του λένε οι χωριανοί του:
- Αν πας να νικήσεις τους σαράντα δράκους που µας έκοψαν το νερό του χωριού τότε κι εµείς θα το πιστέψουµε
πως είσαι γενναίο παλληκάρι.
- Και βέβαια θα πάω! Λέει ο Σπανός. Αυτό έλειπε, να φοβηθώ τους δράκους!
Παίρνει λοιπόν µαζί του λίγη στάχτη κι ένα κοµµάτι φρέσκο τυρί µυζήθρα.
On his way, he met the leader of the dragons who said to him:
-“I’ll eat you, no matter where you go.”
Spanos replied:
-“Let’ s make a deal. We’ ll make two bets. If you win you can eat me, but if you lose you won’t touch me”.
-“I accept,” said the dragon.
-“What’s the first bet?”
-“Can you sit down, and in doing so, hit the ground so hard that smoke rises from it?”
Στον δρόµο συναντά τον αρχηγό των δράκων και τον χαιρετά. Ο δράκος του λέει:
- Όπου και να πας εγώ θα σε φάω.
Και ο Σπανός απαντά:
- Να κάνουµε µια συµφωνία. Θα σου πω δύο στοιχήµατα κι αν πετύχεις µπορείς να µε φας, αν όµως δεν πετύχεις, τότε
ούτε που θα µε αγγίξεις. Δέχεσαι;
- Δέχοµαι, λέει ο δράκος. Για λέγε τα στοιχήµατά σου.
- Μπορείς να καθίσεις χάµω και όπως θα καθίσεις να βγάλεις καπνό;
- Να δοκιµάσω, λέει ο δράκος». Κάθεται ο δράκος µ’ όλη του τη δύναµη µέχρι που σφηνώθηκαν τα πισινιά του στη
γη, αλλά καπνός δεν βγαίνει. Λέει τότε στον Σπανό:
- Για κάτσε τώρα εσύ να δούµε.
“I’ll try,” said the dragon. He sat down, hitting the ground with all his strength but there was no trace of smoke.
So he said to Spanos:
“Let’ s see you try”.
Spanos sat down and was instantly covered in a cloud of smoke. He had secretly put the ash in his baggy pants
and as he sat, he shook his baggy pants scattering the ash.
The dragon believed and said to him:
“You really are a brave young man. Now let’ s hear the second bet.”
“Can you pick up a stone and squeeze it so hard that water runs?”
Κάθεται ο Σπανός και χάνεται µέσα στον καπνό. Είχε βάλει στάχτη στη βράκα του και την ώρα που πήγε να καθίσει τίναξε
λίγο την βράκα του και κάθισε απότοµα, έτσι που γέµισε ο τόπος σκόνη.
- Α, είσαι σωστό παλληκάρι! Για λέγε το άλλο στοίχηµα να δούµε, είπε ο δράκος.
- Μπορείς να πάρεις µια πέτρα από ΄κει χάµω, να τη σφίξεις έτσι που να βγάλει νερό;
- Να δοκιµάσω, λέει ο δράκος και εγώ…
“Let me try,” said the dragon. He grabbed a stone and squeezed it until he crushed it but no water ran from it.
“Now you try,” he said to Spanos. Spanos took the piece of soft white cheese and squeezed it until it’ s water
dribbled down his arm.
“See the water?”
“I see it” said the dragon “and I admit that you are very strong. You must come and stay with me and the other
dragons since you are even stronger than their leader”.
Παίρνει µια πέτρα, τη σφίγγει µέχρι που την λιώνει µέσα στη χούφτα του, αλλά νερό δε βγάζει…
- Δοκίµασε τώρα εσύ, λέει ο δράκος στον Σπανό.
Αρπάζει λοιπόν ο Σπανός το κοµµάτι τη µυζήθρα, την σφίγγει και τρέχουν τα νερά από τη χούφτα του και τότε λέει στο
- Βλέπεις το νερό; Δες το καλά!
- Το παραδέχοµαι, του λέει ο δράκος πως είσαι παλληκάρι µεγαλύτερο από µένα. Πρέπει να ΄ρθεις µαζί µου να µείνεις
µε τους άλλους δράκους µια και είσαι δυνατότερος κι από τον ίδιο τον αρχηγό τους.
Έτσι που λέτε ξεκινούν κι οι δύο και πάνε στον πύργο όπου µένουν οι σαράντα δράκοι.
So they set out for the castle where the forty dragons lived. When they reached the castle the leader gathered
the other thirty-nine dragons and told them that Spanos was stronger than all of them at the castle. The dragons
got scared; they began to worry that Spanos might suddenly get angry and kill them. One day, they decided to
send Spanos on a task in order to test how brave he was. The told him to go to the forest and kill a wild boar.
Μόλις µπαίνουν µέσα, φωνάζει ο αρχηγός τους άλλους τριάντα εννιά δράκους και τους λέει ότι ο Σπανός είναι
δυνατότερος κι από αυτόν τον ίδιο, κι απ’ όλους τους άλλους δράκους και πως τον έφερε να µένει µαζί τους. Όταν το
άκουσαν αυτό οι άλλοι δράκοι φοβήθηκαν. Μια µέρα σκέφτηκαν να τον βάλουν να κάµει καµµιά δουλειά για να
δοκιµάσουν την παλληκαριά του. Του λένε λοιπόν να πάει στο δάσος να σκοτώσει κανένα αγριογούρουνο, να το φέρει
να φάνε. Είχαν σκεφτεί πως αν δεν είναι εξαιρετικό παλληκάρι, τότε το αγριογούρουνο θα τον σκοτώσει.
Spanos didn’t like the idea, but he had no choice. He left for the forest. As he was walking he saw a herd of wild
boars running towards him. Spanos began to tremble with fear and climbed up a tree. The wild boars turned
their snouts up towards him. The biggest of the boars jumped to bite Spanos, but speared himself on a tree
branch and remained hanging there. The other wild boars took off. Seeing that Spanos was late, the dragons
went out to look for him.
Ο Σπανόςσαν τ’ άκουσε αυτό τα χρειάστηκε αλλά τι να κάνει; Πήγε. Καθώς περπατούσε µέσα στο δάσος, βλέπει ένα
κοπάδι αγριογούρουνα να έρχονται κατά πάνω του. Άρχισε να τρέµει απ’ τον φόβο του και σκαρφάλωσε σε ένα δέντρο.
Ένα αγριογούρουνο, το µεγαλύτερο απ’ όλα όρµησε προς το κλαδί όπου καθόταν ο Σπανός, για να τον δαγκώσει αλλά δεν
τα κατάφερε. Ένα µυτερό κλαδί σφηνώθηκε στην κοιλιά του, και το αγριογούρουνο απόµεινε κρεµασµένο στο δέντρο. Τα
άλλα αγριογούρουνα φύγανε.
They found him standing under the tree, thinking.
“What are you doing here?” they asked.
“We’ve been looking for you”.
“Well” he said. “I killed the biggest of the boars and that took a long time”.
When the dragons saw the dead wild boar they said to one another in admiration.
“My, how brave this man is! It would have taken three of us to kill a wild boar, yet he managed to kill the
biggest of the boars by himself.”
Spanos said to them:
“What are you standing there for?”
Ο Σπανός δοκίµασε να το ξεκρεµάσει, αλλά δεν τα κατάφερε γιατί ήτανε πολύ βαρύ.
Οι δράκοι περίµεναν τον Σπανό κι όταν είδανε ότι άργησε, πήγαν στο δάσος για να δουν τι έπαθε. Τον βρήκανε να στέκεται
συλλογισµένος κάτω από το δέντρο και του λένε «Τι κάνεις καλέ και µεις σε περιµέναµε;».
- Να, τους λέει, σκότωσα το πιο µεγάλο αγριογούρουνο γι’αυτό άργησα.
Σαν είδανε οι δράκοι το αγριογούρουνο θαυµάσανε και ψιθυρίζανε ο ένας στον άλλο
- Μωρέ, τι παλληκάρι είναι τούτο, µα την αλήθεια.
“I took the trouble of killing the boar, now you carry it to the castle”.
So four of the dragons picked up the boar to take home. Spanos was very proud for his feat.
A few days later the dragons took the hide of an ox, put a round wooden frame on it and made a vessel. They
gave it to Spanos so he would take to spring and fill it with water and bring it back to the castle. Spanos took the
vessel and headed for the spring. On the way he thought:
“Damn this vessel! I can’t lift it when it’s open, how will I carry it back full of water?”
Εµείςσαν είναι να σκοτώσουµε κανένα αγριογουρουνάκι τόσο δα, ερχόµαστε τρεις τρεις, κι αυτός σκότωσε τέτοιο
µεγάλο αγριογούρουνο ολοµόναχος.
Κι ο Σπανός τους λέει:
- Γιατί στεκόσαστε και το κοιτάτε; Έκανα εγώ τον κόπο και το σκότωσα για κάντε τώρα εσείς τον κόπο να το πάτε
Έτσι τέσσερις δράκοι φορτωθήκανε το αγριογούρουνο και νάσου ο Σπανός καµάρωνε πως έκανε κατόρθωµα.
Σε λίγες µέρες, παίρνουν οι δράκοι ένα βοϊδινό τοµάρι, του βάζουν ένα ξύλινο γύρο και φτιάχνουν ένα κόσκινο.
Το δίνουν στο Σπανό, λέγοντας του να πάει στη βρύση να το γεµίσει µε νερό και να το φέρει.
He got to the spring, but instead of filling the vessel with water, he threw it to the side, grabbed a stick and
began to dig a ditch. When the dragons realized that Spanos was late in returning to the castle, they went out to
look for him; they found him near the spring, digging. They asked what he was doing. Spanos said he was
digging a ditch so that he could supply the castle with running water instead of having to carry it from the
“For God’s sake” said the dragons, “stop right now or else the level of the water in the river will fall and the
king will come with his army and kill us all.”
Θέλει δεν θέλει ο Σπανός παίρνει το δερµάτινο κόσκινο και ξεκινά.
Στο δρόµο µουρµουρίζει:
- Ανάθεµα το δερµάτινο κόσκινο. Άδειο που είναι δεν µπορώ να το σηκώσω, πώς θα το σηκώσω γεµάτο;
Πάει λοιπόν στη βρύση και αντί να το γυρίσει, το πετά σε µια µεριά, παίρνει ένα ξύλο και αρχινά ν’ ανοίγει αυλάκι. Οι
δράκοι περίµεναν να δουν τι θα κάνει ο Σπανός. Περίµεναν, περίµεναν, πουθενά αυτός. Ξεκινούν τότε και πάνε να δουν τι
κάνει. Σαν τόνε βλέπουν να σκαλίζει µε το ξύλο, τον ρωτούν τι πάει να κάνει, κι αυτός απαντά πως θα κάνει αυλάκι, να
πάρει το νερό στον πύργο.
“Agreed”, said Spanos. “I’ll stop since you want me to, but I will not carry any water to the castle for you”.
“Alright, we’ ll carry the water,” said the dragons. They took the vessel, filled it with water and carried it to the
When they got there, they thought of killing Spanos in his sleep but Spanos overheard them. He waited until the
dragons had fallen asleep; got out of bed, took a large gourd, filled it with red wine, sealed it and placed it in his bed.
He pulled the covers over the gourd, climbed on the roof of the castle and waited…
Για να µην το κουβαλάνε µε το δερµάτινο κόσκινο.
- Θεός φυλάξει, λένε οι δράκοι. Σταµάτα αυτή τη δουλειά γιατί το νερό του ποταµού θα λιγοστέψει ακόµα πιο πολύ
και θα ΄ρθεί ο βασιλιάς µε το στρατό του να µας σφάξει.
- Σύµφωνοι, τους λέει, µια και το θέλετε εγώ σταµατώ, νερό όµως δεν σας φέρνω.
- Άσε, το παίρνουµε εµείς, απάντησαν οι δράκοι, κι αρπάζουν, το δερµάτινο κόσκινο, γεµίζουν και ξεκινούν. Όταν
έφτασαν στο σπίτι σκέφτηκαν να σκοτώσουν τον Σπανό τη νύχτα, την ώρα που κοιµάται, µα ο Σπανός τους άκουσε.
Τους άφησε να τους πάρει ο ύπνος, σηκώθηκε από το κρεβάτι του, πήρε µια µεγάλη νεροκολοκύθα, τη γέµισε κρασί
και την έβαλε στο κρεβάτι του.
In a little while he heard loud bangs. The dragons had woken up and had gone to kill Spanos. They swung their
heavy sticks on the bed. The gourd burst and the red wine spilled on the bed covers. The dragons mistook the wine
for blood and thought they had killed them. Pleased with themselves, the dragons went to sleep.
Spanos climbed quietly down the roof and buried himself under the bed covers. In the morning when the dragons
got up and saw Spanos alive they were surprised. Their leader said to Spanos:
“I’d like to know how you got away last night.”
Την σκέπασε µε το πάπλωµα, κι ανέβηκε στην ταράτσα και κάθισε. Σε λίγη ώρα ακούει δυνατά κτυπήµατα. Οι δράκοι
είχαν ξυπνήσει και πήγανε µε τις µαγκούρες να σκοτώσουν τον Σπανό. Με το πρώτο χτύπηµα σπάει η νεροκολοκύθα και
χύνεται το κρασί. Οι δράκοι νόµισαν πως ο Σπανός τα τίναξε µια και έχασε τόσο αίµα.
Πάνε λοιπόν και πάλι να ξαπλώσουν. Σαν αποκοιµήθηκε νάσου ο Σπανός και κατεβαίνει στις µύτες των ποδιών και
κουκουλώνεται µεσ’ το κρεβάτι του. Σαν ένοιωσε τους δράκους να ξυπνούν, σηκώνεται και εκείνος. Οι δράκοι σαν τον
είδανε κοντέψανε να τρελαθούνε!
“We came to your room and beat you to death. Your blood spilled on the bed. Now you’ are alive. How did you
do it?”
“I’ ll tell you,” said Spanos. I’m under the protection of magic. No one can kill me”.
“We want to be protected by magic too” said the dragons. “We want to be like you”.
“Alright” said Spanos. “I’ll put you under the protection of magic but before I do that, each of you must go to
the forest and bring two okes of resin. You must then go to your rooms, lock your doors, melt the resin and wait
for me there.
Πηγαίνει ο αρχηγός τους και του λέει:
- Θα ‘θελα να µου πεις πώς γλύτωσες χθες βράδυ. Είχαµε µαζευτεί όλοι από πάνω σου µε τις µαγκούρες και σε
βαρούσαµε µέχρι που τρέχαν τα αίµατα!
- Να σου πω, του λέει ο Σπανός. Εγώ είµαι σηµαδεµένος µε µάγια, κι όποιος και να δοκιµάσει να µε σκοτώσει δεν
- Να µας σηµαδέψεις και εµάς, του λέει ο δράκος, να γίνουµε και µεις σαν και σένα!!!
- Εγώ σας σηµαδεύω, τους λέει ο Σπανός, αλλά πρέπει να πάτε στο δάσος να µαζέψει ο καθένας σας από δύο οκάδες
ρετσίνι, να το φέρει, να το λιώσει στο δωµάτιό του, να κλειδωθεί κι εκείνος µέσα, µέχρι που να ΄ρθω εγώ να τον
- When you’re ready I’ll come and perform my magic.
The leader said to the dragons what they had to do in order to become immortal. They went to the forest,
collected the resin, locked themselves in the rooms and waited for Spanos. Spanos went into the first dragon’s
room and asked him to sit down on a chair; he filled a gourd with hot, melted resin and poured it on the dragon.
The resin killed the dragon in an instant.
Spanos managed to kill all forty dragons in the same way.
He then went to the river, destroyed the dam which the dragons had build to divert the water to their orchards
and so now the water ran free to the village.
By the time Spanos reached the village, the water had already returned to the dry river. When the villagers saw
Spanos coming down the path, they called out to him: “Well done! Now we believe that you are a brave man!”
Spanos and the villagers lived happily ever after.
Φωνάζει ο δράκους και του άλλους και του λέει τι πρέπει να κάνουν για να τους σηµαδέψει ο Σπανός για να µην φοβούνται
κανένα. Ξεχύθηκαν λοιπόν οι δράκοι µέσα στο δάσος και µάζεψε ο καθένας το ρετσίνι του. Σαν γύρισαν τους εξήγησε ο
Σπανός τι να κάνουν και κλείστηκαν στα δωµάτιά τους. Αφού τελείωσαν µε το ρετσίνι, άρχισε ο Σπανός να τους σηµαδεύει
ένα ένα. Έµπαινε στο δωµάτιο αµπάρωνε την πόρτα και έβαζε τον δράκο να καθίσει. Γέµιζε την κολοκύθα µε καυτό ρετσίνι
και το ‘χυνε στον δράκο που έµενε στον τόπο… κι ο Σπανός σκότωσε έτσι ένα ένα και τους σαράντα!
Ύστερα πήγε στο ποτάµι και χάλασε το εµπόδιο που είχαν φτιάξει οι δράκοι για να ποτίζουν τα περβόλια τους. Έτσι το
νερό κύλησε προς το χωριό. Το νερό πήγε πριν από αυτόν. Σαν το είδανε οι χωριανοί του, κατάλαβαν πως είχε σκοτώσει
τους δράκους και µόλις τον είδαν φώναζαν όλοι µαζί:
«Μπράβο σου! Τώρα πιστεύουµε πως είσαι παλληκάρι».
Και ο Σπανός έζησε καλά µε τους χωρικούς του … κι εµείς καλύτερα!!!
The Legend of Nisida and Posillipo
						La	Leggenda	di	Nisida	e	Posillipo
Once upon a time, a very handsome boy lived in Naples. He was beloved for his goodness; his name was Posillipo.
Secondo una leggenda, tanto tempo fa a Napoli abitava un giovane molto bello e amato da tutti per la sua bontà, di nome
He was courted by a lot of girls, but he was in love with Nisida.
Posillipo said: "Oh my Nisida! I’m lost on you!"
Nisida said: "Dreamer! You’re wasting your time, go back home!!"
Posillipo era molto corteggiato da tante ragazze, ma lui aveva occhi solo per Nisida...
Posillipo disse: "Oh mia Nisida! Sono perdutamente innamorato di te!"
Nisida disse: " Illuso! Stai perdendo il tuo tempo...Tornatene a casa!"
Nisida was a very cruel girl. She was as beautiful as heartless.
Posillipo said: "My dear I will kill myself if you do not want me!"
Nisida answered:" Silly boy! I don’t care about you at all!"
Nisida era una fanciulla crudele, tanto bella quanto malvagia
Posillipo disse: "Mia cara, porrò fine alla mia vita, se non vorrai stare con me!"
Nisida gli rispose: "Sciocco! Non hai speranze con me...non mi importa nulla di te!"
So Posillipo, desperated, killed himself. But the Destiny decided to turn the young man into a panoramic and
romantic promontory, a place where lovers can meet…
Così Posillipo, disperato, si uccise. Ma il Fato decise di trasformare il giovane in un promontorio panoramico e romantico,
luogo di incontro per gli innamorati...
… and Nisida was turned into a rocky island just opposite Posillipo. Nisida today is home to a junior prison.
... mentre Nisida fu tramutata in un roccioso isolotto, luogo di sofferenza, posto di fronte al promontorio di Posillipo, dove
ancora oggi ha sede un carcere minorile.
The End
Thank you to all the teachers that worked on this common book and to all the students that read
and beautifully illustrated the stories!
This book is the result of cooperative work between our six schools:
3 IC “Don Peppe Diana” Portici (NA) – Italy
St Brigid’s Primary School, Kildare – Ireland
Primary School of Kokkinotrimithia A’, Nicosia - Cyprus
Agrupamento de Escolas de Penafiel Sudeste – Portugal
Ecole Jean Charcot, Ouistreham – France
Vasil Levski Comprehensive School, Troyan – Bulgaria

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Legends and tales

  • 1. 1
  • 3. 3 Learning about European Cultures through Folktales Folktales of different cultures have an important place in the social studies classroom. By quickening curiosity about other cultures, folktales can help students to appreciate the reality of human diversity. At the same time, the common elements in folktales may serve to increase children's empathy with people of other cultures. From time immemorial, storytellers have passed down tales to be shared by the members of a community - some purely for entertainment and others used to transmit a society's customs, attitudes, values, and even philosophies of life, to the next generation. Folktales "allow students to experience one of the ways a society develops a sense of moral behavior in its children". Children today can learn from this rich literary heritage, which provides both a window into other cultures, and a mirror that allows viewers to reflect more clearly on aspects of their own culture. Fairy tales hold a unique magic because they are able to grow, to change, and to become important to each new generation.
  • 4. 4 Our stories The Magic Glove, Bulgarian story- illustrations from Portuguese students…...............................................5 The Legend of Saint Martin, Portuguese story- illustrations from Italian students….........................................15 How Setanta became known as Cúchulaím, Irish story - illustrations from French students.............................22 Red Round Hat, French story- illustrations from Cypriot students.......................................................................30 Spanos and the Forty Dragons, Cypriot story - illustrations from Bulgarian students...........................................39 The Legend of Nisida and Posillipo, Italian story - illustrations from Irish students...........................................56
  • 6. 6 An Old Man was walking through the forest one day with his Dog. He walked and he walked and he dropped his mitten. Just then a mouse came running up and when he saw the mitten he stopped and climbed right in and said: "This is where I'm going to live." Тръгнал дядо за Златица, изгубил си ръкавица. Там играла на поляна Малка мишчица Гризана, ръкавичката видяла и на топличко се свряла.
  • 7. 7 After a while a rabbit came scurrying up and when he saw the mitten he stopped and called out: "Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?" "I am. Crunch-Munch the Mouse. And who are you?" "I'm Fleet-Feet the Rabbit. Let me in too." "All right. Jump in!" So the Rabbit jumped in and the Mouse moved over and the two of them made their home in the mitten. Ей го мокър и подплашен тича Зайо от горица. Спира го на пътя прашен дядовата ръкавица. - Кой на топло там се гуши? - пита Зайо дългоуши... - Аз съм мъничка Гризана. Кой си ти, та страх ме хвана? - Aз съм Зайо Средногорски, крия се от думи хорски - каза Зайо боязливо и попита предпазливо: - В тая топла ръкавица мир дали ще да намери мойта, плахата душица? - Влез, самичка ми е скучно! - рече Гризла благозвучно.
  • 8. 8 After a while a fox came scampering up. "You-hoo! Who is living in this mitten?" "We are: Crunch-Munch the Mouse and Fleet-Feet the Rabbit. And who are you?" "I'm Smily-Wily the Fox. Let me in too!" "All right. Jump in!" So the Mouse and the Rabbit moved over and the Fox climbed in and the three of them made their home in the mitten. Подир малко иде Лиса. (То без нея що ли бива?) Насред пътя се курдиса и лукаво се подсмива. - Кой е в тая ръкавичка? - пита хитрата кумичка. - Мишка мъничка гризлива тук на топло си почива, Зайо-байо Средногорски, скрит от лоши думи хорски. Ами ваша милост кой еи защо ни безпокои! - Аз съм златната лисица и желая да се стопля в вашта чудна ръкавица. - Влез, макар че сме мнозина, но нали ни си роднина.
  • 9. 9
  • 10. 10 After a while, a wolf came stalking up, and when he saw the mitten he stopped and called out: "Hello, friends! Who is living in this mitten?" "We are: Crunch-Munch the Mouse, Fleet-Feet the Rabbit and Smily-Wily the Fox. And who are you?" "I'm Howly-Prowly the Wolf. Let me in too!" "All right. Jump in!" So the Wolf climbed in and the Mouse, the Rabbit and the Wolf moved over and the four of them made their home in the mitten. Тръгна Вълчо от гората по работа към селата. Спира той на пътя прашен - гладен, настървен и страшен. Ръкавичката съглежда, да подуши се навежда, но усеща я, че шава и запитва той тогава: - Чия уплашена душица крий се в тая ръкавица? - Тук на топло си почива мишка мъничка гризлива, Зайо-байо Средногорски, скрит от лоши думи хорски, още нашата кумица, златокожата лисица. А ваша милост кой еи защо ни безпокои? - Аз съм Вълчо от Балкана, гост желая да ви стана... - Влез, макар че сме мнозина, но нали си ни роднина!
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12 By-and-by with a crackling of twigs a bear came stamping up and when he saw the mitten he stopped and bellowed: "Hello, good people! Who is living in this mitten?" "We are. Crunch-Munch the Mouse, Fleet-Feet the Rabbit, Smily-Wily the Fox and Howly-Prowly the Wolf . And who are you?" "Ho-ho-ho! I'm Grumbly-Rumbly the Bear. And though you're quite a crowd I know you'll make room for me!" "How can we? We're so cramped!" "Where there's a will there's a way!" "Oh, all right, edge in, but don't forget that you're not the only one." So the Bear squeezed in, too, and now there were five of them inside and they were so cramped that the mitten was fit to burst. It was just about then that the Old Man missed his mitten and decided to go back in search of it. He walked and he walked and his Dog ran and ran until at last he saw the mitten lying in the snow and moving! Подир малко всички сещат цяла земя разлюляна - иде рошава Мецана, в ръкавицата надникна и юнашки се провикна: - Чия уплашена душица крий се в тая ръкавица? - Тук на топло си почива мишка мъничка гризлива, Зайо-байо Средногорски, скрит от лоши думи хорски, още нашата кумица, златокожата лисица, Кумчо-вълчо от балкана, гост на нашата покана. Ами ваша милост кой еи за що ни безпокои? - Аз съм рошава Мецана, гост желая да ви стана. - Влез, макар че сме мнозина, но нали си ни роднина! Събрали се те другарски, разположили се царски в ръкавичката на друма и отворили си дума...
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14 "Bow-wow-wow!" went the Dog. And the five friends inside the mitten were so frightened that out they jumped and ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. Then the Old Man came up and he picked up his mitten and that was the end of that. Скоро дядо от Златица се завърна да потърси свойта топла ръкавица. Зер, ако я намери, баба с кремък ще го дере... И вървейки, и кашлейки, насред пътя той се спира и душата му примира, сърце му се разтреперва - гледа, гледа и не верва: ръкавичката му шава, миша глава се подава и опашка от лисица, и парченце от ушенце, едно късче кожух мечи, светят остри зъби нечии... - Какво мислиш бре, човече! -дядо сам на себе рече и ръкави си възпрете, и с тоягата удари, и повтори и потрети... Вечерта дома го срещна неговата баба стара: дядо лов с колата кара и засмян дори до уши, той лулата важно пуши…
  • 15. 15 The Legend of St. Martin A LENDA DE SÃO MARTINHO
  • 16. 16 Saint Martin was a Roman soldier in the service of the emperor. On a stormy day, he was riding towards his army company, when a strong storm began. Num dia de tempestade, São Martinho cavalgava em direção à sua companhia no exército, quando começou a cair uma forte tempestade. - Brr… Que frio! Não gosto nada de estar no exército!
  • 17. 17 At the edge of a tree, he found a beggar, almost naked, soaked and shivering with cold. À beira de uma árvore, encontrou um mendigo, quase nu, encharcado e a tremer de frio. - Aqui! Aqui! Over here!
  • 18. 18 Saint Martin felt deeply sad to see a poor beggar in the rain and cold. São Martinho ficou entristecido por ver um pobre mendigo à chuva e ao frio. - Quem és tu, homem de Deus? - Sou um pobre! Não tenho comida e estou cheio de frio. Who are you, man of God? I'm a poor man! I have no food and I am cold! Please help me!
  • 19. 19 Then, Saint Martin had an idea. “I’ll cut my cloak and I’ll give him half of it.” Então, São Martinho teve uma ideia. “Vou cortar a minha capa e dar-lhe metade.”
  • 20. 20 He handed half the cloak to the beggar. Then, suddenly, the storm stopped, and in the sky a radiant, warm sun appeared. People say that it was God thanking the generous and kind gesture of St. Martin. This warm sun, in November, is called "St. Martin’s Summer". Ele entregou metade da sua capa ao mendigo. De seguida, a tempestade parou e no céu apareceu um sol radioso e quentinho. Diz o povo que foi Deus para agradecer o gesto generoso e simpático de S. Martinho. Este sol quentinho em novembro, designa- se por “Verão de S. Martinho”. - Obrigado. Muito obrigado por seres tão generoso comigo! - De nada. Mas não é tudo! You're welcome… But that's not all! Thank you for being so generous!
  • 21. 21 Finally,SaintMartindecidedtomakeabonfireandroastsomechestnutstofeedthebeggarandtowarmhimaswell.In the sky, the sun continued to shine brightly. Por fim, São Martinho decidiu fazer uma fogueira e assar castanhas para matar a fome ao mendigo e para o aquecer. No céu o sol continuou a brilhar intensamente. Have some chestnuts. I hope you like it! St. Martin, I don’t know how to thank you. I really like you!
  • 22. 22 How Setanta became known as Cúchulaím
  • 23. 23 Setanta left his home in Louth to go visit his uncle Conor in Ulster. He wanted to join the Red Branch Knights. As he ran along he would hit his sliotar with his hurl and then run to catch the ball before t hit the ground. He was really fast!
  • 24. 24 When he arrived in Ulster he saw a group of boys play fighting. They were training to be part of the Macra. They didn’t know Setanta and wouldn’t let him join in their games.
  • 25. 25 Setanta went to talk to his uncle. When King Conor saw him he saw how strong and quick Setanta was and said that he could begin training for the Macra. Setanta was delighted. He had to join the Macra to become a member of the Red Branch Knights later on.
  • 26. 26 Culann was the King’s blacksmith. He decided to have a feast at his house.
  • 27. 27 He owned a big black hound (Cú). Setanta was invited to the feast but he was late because he had to play a hurling match. When he arrived at the castle the dog was outside.
  • 28. 28 Setanta was scared and hit the sliotar straight at the hound. The ball went straight into the dog’s mouth and killed it.
  • 29. 29 Culann was very sad so Setanta said he would take the dog’s place as his guard until another dog was trained. This was how he became known as Cúculann (This means the Hound of Culainn). Cúchulainn went on to become one of Ireland’s greatest warriors!
  • 31. 31 Once upon a time, there was a little girl nicknamed Red Round Hat because she always wore a round, red hat. It was a gift from her grandmother. One day, her mother asked her to take two patties and a small jar of butter to her grandmother. She must go through the fields and not through the forest, because of the wolf. On one side of the road, she sees a large grey dog sleeping. Il était une fois, une petite fille surnommée Chapeau Rond Rouge car elle portait toujours un chapeau rond et rouge. C’était un cadeau de sa grand-mère. Un jour, sa mère lui demande d’apporter à sa grand-mère deux galettes et un petit pot de beurre. Elle doit passer par les champs et pas par la forêt car il y a le loup. Sur le bord de la route, elle rencontre un grand chien gris qui dort.
  • 32. 32 She then pulls out her trumpet to wake him up. Elle sort alors sa trompette pour le réveiller.
  • 33. 33 The dog was very afraid of the sound of the trumpet. In order to be forgiven, the little girl offers a cake to the animal, but the wolf is very angry because the little girl didn’t recognize him and mistook him for a dog. Red Round Hat leaves the dog and goes to her grandmother's house. To get revenge, the wolf decides to catch the little girl dressed in red, put her in the cake and eat her! Le chien a très peur du bruit de la trompette. Pour se faire pardonner la fillette offre une galette à l’animal. Mais le loup est très en colère que la petite fille ne le reconnaisse pas et qu’elle le confonde avec un chien. Chapeau Rond Rouge quitte le chien et part chez sa grand-mère. Pour se venger, le loup décide de rattraper la petite fille habillée en rouge pour la mettre dans la galette et la manger!
  • 34. 34 The wolf then goes to the grandmother's house, but on the way, a car hits him. Grandma was coming back from the supermarket and didn't see him cross the road. She takes the poor dog home to lie down. Then, she goes to get the doctor. Meanwhile, the girl arrives at her grandmother's house. She finds the dog in bed and thinks the animal ate her poor grandmother. Le loup va alors chez la grand-mère. En chemin, il se fait renverser par une voiture. C’est grand-mère qui revient du supermarché et elle ne l’a pas vu traverser la route. Elle emmène le pauvre chien chez elle pour l’allonger. Puis, elle va chercher le docteur. Pendant ce temps, la fillette arrive chez sa mamie. Elle trouve le chien dans le lit et elle pense que l’animal a mangé sa pauvre grand-mère.
  • 35. 35 Red Round Hat knocks the dog out with a candlestick as he wakes up. She opens the beast's mouth to call for her grandmother, who she thinks is in the dog's belly. Then, she goes to the kitchen to get a knife to save her grandmother. Chapeau Rond Rouge assomme le chien avec un chandelier car il se réveille. Elle ouvre la gueule de la bête pour appeler sa grand-mère qui est dans le ventre du chien. Puis, elle va chercher un couteau dans la cuisine pour délivrer sa mamie.
  • 36. 36 The doctor and the grandmother arrive. They both think the dog is dead, but they're happy to be together again. Le docteur et la grand-mère arrivent. Elles pensent toutes les deux que le chien est mort, mais elles sont contentes de se retrouver.
  • 37. 37 The doctor says it's not a dog. It's a wolf! The doctor treats and saves the wolf. The beast convalesces at grandmother's house and since then they have gotten along very well and live together. Le docteur dit que ce n’est pas un chien. C’est un loup ! Le médecin soigne et sauve le loup. La bête passe sa convalescence chez la grand-mère et depuis, ils s’entendent très bien et vivent tous les deux.
  • 38. 38 The little girl grew up well and has become an internationally renowned veterinary. La petite fille a bien grandi et elle est devenue un médecin de renommée internationale pour les animaux.
  • 39. 39 Spanos and the Forty Dragons Ο Σπανός τζ΄οι σαράντα Δράτζιοι
  • 40. 40 Once upon a time there lived a man who talked big about his bravery. One day, his fellow villagers said to him: “If you manage to defeat the forty dragons who have cut off the water supply to our village, we’ ll believe that you are as brave as you say.” “Of course I’ll defeat them” said Spanos. “I’m not afraid of the dragons.” He set off for the castle where the dragons lived, taking with him a handful of ash and a soft white cheese. Μια φορά και ένα καιρό ήταν ένας άντρας που στο πρόσωπό του δεν φύτρωναν ούτε γένια ούτε µουστάκια, για αυτό τον φωνάζανε Σπανό. Α Σπανός καυχιότανε πως στον κόσµο όλο δεν είναι άλλο παλληκάρι σαν κι αυτόν. Μια µέρα που καµάρωνε και κόρδωνε για τις παλληκαριές του, του λένε οι χωριανοί του: - Αν πας να νικήσεις τους σαράντα δράκους που µας έκοψαν το νερό του χωριού τότε κι εµείς θα το πιστέψουµε πως είσαι γενναίο παλληκάρι. - Και βέβαια θα πάω! Λέει ο Σπανός. Αυτό έλειπε, να φοβηθώ τους δράκους! Παίρνει λοιπόν µαζί του λίγη στάχτη κι ένα κοµµάτι φρέσκο τυρί µυζήθρα.
  • 41. 41 On his way, he met the leader of the dragons who said to him: -“I’ll eat you, no matter where you go.” Spanos replied: -“Let’ s make a deal. We’ ll make two bets. If you win you can eat me, but if you lose you won’t touch me”. -“I accept,” said the dragon. -“What’s the first bet?” -“Can you sit down, and in doing so, hit the ground so hard that smoke rises from it?” Στον δρόµο συναντά τον αρχηγό των δράκων και τον χαιρετά. Ο δράκος του λέει: - Όπου και να πας εγώ θα σε φάω. Και ο Σπανός απαντά: - Να κάνουµε µια συµφωνία. Θα σου πω δύο στοιχήµατα κι αν πετύχεις µπορείς να µε φας, αν όµως δεν πετύχεις, τότε ούτε που θα µε αγγίξεις. Δέχεσαι; - Δέχοµαι, λέει ο δράκος. Για λέγε τα στοιχήµατά σου. - Μπορείς να καθίσεις χάµω και όπως θα καθίσεις να βγάλεις καπνό; - Να δοκιµάσω, λέει ο δράκος». Κάθεται ο δράκος µ’ όλη του τη δύναµη µέχρι που σφηνώθηκαν τα πισινιά του στη γη, αλλά καπνός δεν βγαίνει. Λέει τότε στον Σπανό: - Για κάτσε τώρα εσύ να δούµε.
  • 42. 42
  • 43. 43 “I’ll try,” said the dragon. He sat down, hitting the ground with all his strength but there was no trace of smoke. So he said to Spanos: “Let’ s see you try”. Spanos sat down and was instantly covered in a cloud of smoke. He had secretly put the ash in his baggy pants and as he sat, he shook his baggy pants scattering the ash. The dragon believed and said to him: “You really are a brave young man. Now let’ s hear the second bet.” “Can you pick up a stone and squeeze it so hard that water runs?” Κάθεται ο Σπανός και χάνεται µέσα στον καπνό. Είχε βάλει στάχτη στη βράκα του και την ώρα που πήγε να καθίσει τίναξε λίγο την βράκα του και κάθισε απότοµα, έτσι που γέµισε ο τόπος σκόνη. - Α, είσαι σωστό παλληκάρι! Για λέγε το άλλο στοίχηµα να δούµε, είπε ο δράκος. - Μπορείς να πάρεις µια πέτρα από ΄κει χάµω, να τη σφίξεις έτσι που να βγάλει νερό; - Να δοκιµάσω, λέει ο δράκος και εγώ…
  • 44. 44 “Let me try,” said the dragon. He grabbed a stone and squeezed it until he crushed it but no water ran from it. “Now you try,” he said to Spanos. Spanos took the piece of soft white cheese and squeezed it until it’ s water dribbled down his arm. “See the water?” “I see it” said the dragon “and I admit that you are very strong. You must come and stay with me and the other dragons since you are even stronger than their leader”. Παίρνει µια πέτρα, τη σφίγγει µέχρι που την λιώνει µέσα στη χούφτα του, αλλά νερό δε βγάζει… - Δοκίµασε τώρα εσύ, λέει ο δράκος στον Σπανό. Αρπάζει λοιπόν ο Σπανός το κοµµάτι τη µυζήθρα, την σφίγγει και τρέχουν τα νερά από τη χούφτα του και τότε λέει στο δράκο: - Βλέπεις το νερό; Δες το καλά! - Το παραδέχοµαι, του λέει ο δράκος πως είσαι παλληκάρι µεγαλύτερο από µένα. Πρέπει να ΄ρθεις µαζί µου να µείνεις µε τους άλλους δράκους µια και είσαι δυνατότερος κι από τον ίδιο τον αρχηγό τους. Έτσι που λέτε ξεκινούν κι οι δύο και πάνε στον πύργο όπου µένουν οι σαράντα δράκοι.
  • 45. 45 So they set out for the castle where the forty dragons lived. When they reached the castle the leader gathered the other thirty-nine dragons and told them that Spanos was stronger than all of them at the castle. The dragons got scared; they began to worry that Spanos might suddenly get angry and kill them. One day, they decided to send Spanos on a task in order to test how brave he was. The told him to go to the forest and kill a wild boar. Μόλις µπαίνουν µέσα, φωνάζει ο αρχηγός τους άλλους τριάντα εννιά δράκους και τους λέει ότι ο Σπανός είναι δυνατότερος κι από αυτόν τον ίδιο, κι απ’ όλους τους άλλους δράκους και πως τον έφερε να µένει µαζί τους. Όταν το άκουσαν αυτό οι άλλοι δράκοι φοβήθηκαν. Μια µέρα σκέφτηκαν να τον βάλουν να κάµει καµµιά δουλειά για να δοκιµάσουν την παλληκαριά του. Του λένε λοιπόν να πάει στο δάσος να σκοτώσει κανένα αγριογούρουνο, να το φέρει να φάνε. Είχαν σκεφτεί πως αν δεν είναι εξαιρετικό παλληκάρι, τότε το αγριογούρουνο θα τον σκοτώσει.
  • 46. 46 Spanos didn’t like the idea, but he had no choice. He left for the forest. As he was walking he saw a herd of wild boars running towards him. Spanos began to tremble with fear and climbed up a tree. The wild boars turned their snouts up towards him. The biggest of the boars jumped to bite Spanos, but speared himself on a tree branch and remained hanging there. The other wild boars took off. Seeing that Spanos was late, the dragons went out to look for him. Ο Σπανόςσαν τ’ άκουσε αυτό τα χρειάστηκε αλλά τι να κάνει; Πήγε. Καθώς περπατούσε µέσα στο δάσος, βλέπει ένα κοπάδι αγριογούρουνα να έρχονται κατά πάνω του. Άρχισε να τρέµει απ’ τον φόβο του και σκαρφάλωσε σε ένα δέντρο. Ένα αγριογούρουνο, το µεγαλύτερο απ’ όλα όρµησε προς το κλαδί όπου καθόταν ο Σπανός, για να τον δαγκώσει αλλά δεν τα κατάφερε. Ένα µυτερό κλαδί σφηνώθηκε στην κοιλιά του, και το αγριογούρουνο απόµεινε κρεµασµένο στο δέντρο. Τα άλλα αγριογούρουνα φύγανε.
  • 47. 47 They found him standing under the tree, thinking. “What are you doing here?” they asked. “We’ve been looking for you”. “Well” he said. “I killed the biggest of the boars and that took a long time”. When the dragons saw the dead wild boar they said to one another in admiration. “My, how brave this man is! It would have taken three of us to kill a wild boar, yet he managed to kill the biggest of the boars by himself.” Spanos said to them: “What are you standing there for?” Ο Σπανός δοκίµασε να το ξεκρεµάσει, αλλά δεν τα κατάφερε γιατί ήτανε πολύ βαρύ. Οι δράκοι περίµεναν τον Σπανό κι όταν είδανε ότι άργησε, πήγαν στο δάσος για να δουν τι έπαθε. Τον βρήκανε να στέκεται συλλογισµένος κάτω από το δέντρο και του λένε «Τι κάνεις καλέ και µεις σε περιµέναµε;». - Να, τους λέει, σκότωσα το πιο µεγάλο αγριογούρουνο γι’αυτό άργησα. Σαν είδανε οι δράκοι το αγριογούρουνο θαυµάσανε και ψιθυρίζανε ο ένας στον άλλο - Μωρέ, τι παλληκάρι είναι τούτο, µα την αλήθεια.
  • 48. 48
  • 49. 49 “I took the trouble of killing the boar, now you carry it to the castle”. So four of the dragons picked up the boar to take home. Spanos was very proud for his feat. A few days later the dragons took the hide of an ox, put a round wooden frame on it and made a vessel. They gave it to Spanos so he would take to spring and fill it with water and bring it back to the castle. Spanos took the vessel and headed for the spring. On the way he thought: “Damn this vessel! I can’t lift it when it’s open, how will I carry it back full of water?” Εµείςσαν είναι να σκοτώσουµε κανένα αγριογουρουνάκι τόσο δα, ερχόµαστε τρεις τρεις, κι αυτός σκότωσε τέτοιο µεγάλο αγριογούρουνο ολοµόναχος. Κι ο Σπανός τους λέει: - Γιατί στεκόσαστε και το κοιτάτε; Έκανα εγώ τον κόπο και το σκότωσα για κάντε τώρα εσείς τον κόπο να το πάτε σπίτι. Έτσι τέσσερις δράκοι φορτωθήκανε το αγριογούρουνο και νάσου ο Σπανός καµάρωνε πως έκανε κατόρθωµα. Σε λίγες µέρες, παίρνουν οι δράκοι ένα βοϊδινό τοµάρι, του βάζουν ένα ξύλινο γύρο και φτιάχνουν ένα κόσκινο. Το δίνουν στο Σπανό, λέγοντας του να πάει στη βρύση να το γεµίσει µε νερό και να το φέρει.
  • 50. 50 He got to the spring, but instead of filling the vessel with water, he threw it to the side, grabbed a stick and began to dig a ditch. When the dragons realized that Spanos was late in returning to the castle, they went out to look for him; they found him near the spring, digging. They asked what he was doing. Spanos said he was digging a ditch so that he could supply the castle with running water instead of having to carry it from the spring. “For God’s sake” said the dragons, “stop right now or else the level of the water in the river will fall and the king will come with his army and kill us all.” Θέλει δεν θέλει ο Σπανός παίρνει το δερµάτινο κόσκινο και ξεκινά. Στο δρόµο µουρµουρίζει: - Ανάθεµα το δερµάτινο κόσκινο. Άδειο που είναι δεν µπορώ να το σηκώσω, πώς θα το σηκώσω γεµάτο; Πάει λοιπόν στη βρύση και αντί να το γυρίσει, το πετά σε µια µεριά, παίρνει ένα ξύλο και αρχινά ν’ ανοίγει αυλάκι. Οι δράκοι περίµεναν να δουν τι θα κάνει ο Σπανός. Περίµεναν, περίµεναν, πουθενά αυτός. Ξεκινούν τότε και πάνε να δουν τι κάνει. Σαν τόνε βλέπουν να σκαλίζει µε το ξύλο, τον ρωτούν τι πάει να κάνει, κι αυτός απαντά πως θα κάνει αυλάκι, να πάρει το νερό στον πύργο.
  • 51. 51
  • 52. 52 “Agreed”, said Spanos. “I’ll stop since you want me to, but I will not carry any water to the castle for you”. “Alright, we’ ll carry the water,” said the dragons. They took the vessel, filled it with water and carried it to the castle. When they got there, they thought of killing Spanos in his sleep but Spanos overheard them. He waited until the dragons had fallen asleep; got out of bed, took a large gourd, filled it with red wine, sealed it and placed it in his bed. He pulled the covers over the gourd, climbed on the roof of the castle and waited… Για να µην το κουβαλάνε µε το δερµάτινο κόσκινο. - Θεός φυλάξει, λένε οι δράκοι. Σταµάτα αυτή τη δουλειά γιατί το νερό του ποταµού θα λιγοστέψει ακόµα πιο πολύ και θα ΄ρθεί ο βασιλιάς µε το στρατό του να µας σφάξει. - Σύµφωνοι, τους λέει, µια και το θέλετε εγώ σταµατώ, νερό όµως δεν σας φέρνω. - Άσε, το παίρνουµε εµείς, απάντησαν οι δράκοι, κι αρπάζουν, το δερµάτινο κόσκινο, γεµίζουν και ξεκινούν. Όταν έφτασαν στο σπίτι σκέφτηκαν να σκοτώσουν τον Σπανό τη νύχτα, την ώρα που κοιµάται, µα ο Σπανός τους άκουσε. Τους άφησε να τους πάρει ο ύπνος, σηκώθηκε από το κρεβάτι του, πήρε µια µεγάλη νεροκολοκύθα, τη γέµισε κρασί και την έβαλε στο κρεβάτι του.
  • 53. 53 In a little while he heard loud bangs. The dragons had woken up and had gone to kill Spanos. They swung their heavy sticks on the bed. The gourd burst and the red wine spilled on the bed covers. The dragons mistook the wine for blood and thought they had killed them. Pleased with themselves, the dragons went to sleep. Spanos climbed quietly down the roof and buried himself under the bed covers. In the morning when the dragons got up and saw Spanos alive they were surprised. Their leader said to Spanos: “I’d like to know how you got away last night.” Την σκέπασε µε το πάπλωµα, κι ανέβηκε στην ταράτσα και κάθισε. Σε λίγη ώρα ακούει δυνατά κτυπήµατα. Οι δράκοι είχαν ξυπνήσει και πήγανε µε τις µαγκούρες να σκοτώσουν τον Σπανό. Με το πρώτο χτύπηµα σπάει η νεροκολοκύθα και χύνεται το κρασί. Οι δράκοι νόµισαν πως ο Σπανός τα τίναξε µια και έχασε τόσο αίµα. Πάνε λοιπόν και πάλι να ξαπλώσουν. Σαν αποκοιµήθηκε νάσου ο Σπανός και κατεβαίνει στις µύτες των ποδιών και κουκουλώνεται µεσ’ το κρεβάτι του. Σαν ένοιωσε τους δράκους να ξυπνούν, σηκώνεται και εκείνος. Οι δράκοι σαν τον είδανε κοντέψανε να τρελαθούνε!
  • 54. 54 “We came to your room and beat you to death. Your blood spilled on the bed. Now you’ are alive. How did you do it?” “I’ ll tell you,” said Spanos. I’m under the protection of magic. No one can kill me”. “We want to be protected by magic too” said the dragons. “We want to be like you”. “Alright” said Spanos. “I’ll put you under the protection of magic but before I do that, each of you must go to the forest and bring two okes of resin. You must then go to your rooms, lock your doors, melt the resin and wait for me there. Πηγαίνει ο αρχηγός τους και του λέει: - Θα ‘θελα να µου πεις πώς γλύτωσες χθες βράδυ. Είχαµε µαζευτεί όλοι από πάνω σου µε τις µαγκούρες και σε βαρούσαµε µέχρι που τρέχαν τα αίµατα! - Να σου πω, του λέει ο Σπανός. Εγώ είµαι σηµαδεµένος µε µάγια, κι όποιος και να δοκιµάσει να µε σκοτώσει δεν πεθαίνω!!! - Να µας σηµαδέψεις και εµάς, του λέει ο δράκος, να γίνουµε και µεις σαν και σένα!!! - Εγώ σας σηµαδεύω, τους λέει ο Σπανός, αλλά πρέπει να πάτε στο δάσος να µαζέψει ο καθένας σας από δύο οκάδες ρετσίνι, να το φέρει, να το λιώσει στο δωµάτιό του, να κλειδωθεί κι εκείνος µέσα, µέχρι που να ΄ρθω εγώ να τον σηµαδέψω.
  • 55. 55 - When you’re ready I’ll come and perform my magic. The leader said to the dragons what they had to do in order to become immortal. They went to the forest, collected the resin, locked themselves in the rooms and waited for Spanos. Spanos went into the first dragon’s room and asked him to sit down on a chair; he filled a gourd with hot, melted resin and poured it on the dragon. The resin killed the dragon in an instant. Spanos managed to kill all forty dragons in the same way. He then went to the river, destroyed the dam which the dragons had build to divert the water to their orchards and so now the water ran free to the village. By the time Spanos reached the village, the water had already returned to the dry river. When the villagers saw Spanos coming down the path, they called out to him: “Well done! Now we believe that you are a brave man!” Spanos and the villagers lived happily ever after. Φωνάζει ο δράκους και του άλλους και του λέει τι πρέπει να κάνουν για να τους σηµαδέψει ο Σπανός για να µην φοβούνται κανένα. Ξεχύθηκαν λοιπόν οι δράκοι µέσα στο δάσος και µάζεψε ο καθένας το ρετσίνι του. Σαν γύρισαν τους εξήγησε ο Σπανός τι να κάνουν και κλείστηκαν στα δωµάτιά τους. Αφού τελείωσαν µε το ρετσίνι, άρχισε ο Σπανός να τους σηµαδεύει ένα ένα. Έµπαινε στο δωµάτιο αµπάρωνε την πόρτα και έβαζε τον δράκο να καθίσει. Γέµιζε την κολοκύθα µε καυτό ρετσίνι και το ‘χυνε στον δράκο που έµενε στον τόπο… κι ο Σπανός σκότωσε έτσι ένα ένα και τους σαράντα! Ύστερα πήγε στο ποτάµι και χάλασε το εµπόδιο που είχαν φτιάξει οι δράκοι για να ποτίζουν τα περβόλια τους. Έτσι το νερό κύλησε προς το χωριό. Το νερό πήγε πριν από αυτόν. Σαν το είδανε οι χωριανοί του, κατάλαβαν πως είχε σκοτώσει τους δράκους και µόλις τον είδαν φώναζαν όλοι µαζί: «Μπράβο σου! Τώρα πιστεύουµε πως είσαι παλληκάρι». Και ο Σπανός έζησε καλά µε τους χωρικούς του … κι εµείς καλύτερα!!!
  • 56. 56 The Legend of Nisida and Posillipo La Leggenda di Nisida e Posillipo
  • 57. 57 Once upon a time, a very handsome boy lived in Naples. He was beloved for his goodness; his name was Posillipo. Secondo una leggenda, tanto tempo fa a Napoli abitava un giovane molto bello e amato da tutti per la sua bontà, di nome Posillipo.
  • 58. 58 He was courted by a lot of girls, but he was in love with Nisida. Posillipo said: "Oh my Nisida! I’m lost on you!" Nisida said: "Dreamer! You’re wasting your time, go back home!!" Posillipo era molto corteggiato da tante ragazze, ma lui aveva occhi solo per Nisida... Posillipo disse: "Oh mia Nisida! Sono perdutamente innamorato di te!" Nisida disse: " Illuso! Stai perdendo il tuo tempo...Tornatene a casa!"
  • 59. 59 Nisida was a very cruel girl. She was as beautiful as heartless. Posillipo said: "My dear I will kill myself if you do not want me!" Nisida answered:" Silly boy! I don’t care about you at all!" Nisida era una fanciulla crudele, tanto bella quanto malvagia Posillipo disse: "Mia cara, porrò fine alla mia vita, se non vorrai stare con me!" Nisida gli rispose: "Sciocco! Non hai speranze con me...non mi importa nulla di te!"
  • 60. 60 So Posillipo, desperated, killed himself. But the Destiny decided to turn the young man into a panoramic and romantic promontory, a place where lovers can meet… Così Posillipo, disperato, si uccise. Ma il Fato decise di trasformare il giovane in un promontorio panoramico e romantico, luogo di incontro per gli innamorati...
  • 61. 61 … and Nisida was turned into a rocky island just opposite Posillipo. Nisida today is home to a junior prison. ... mentre Nisida fu tramutata in un roccioso isolotto, luogo di sofferenza, posto di fronte al promontorio di Posillipo, dove ancora oggi ha sede un carcere minorile.
  • 62. 62 The End Thank you to all the teachers that worked on this common book and to all the students that read and beautifully illustrated the stories! This book is the result of cooperative work between our six schools: 3 IC “Don Peppe Diana” Portici (NA) – Italy St Brigid’s Primary School, Kildare – Ireland Primary School of Kokkinotrimithia A’, Nicosia - Cyprus Agrupamento de Escolas de Penafiel Sudeste – Portugal Ecole Jean Charcot, Ouistreham – France Vasil Levski Comprehensive School, Troyan – Bulgaria