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Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Let’s Talk About Plants!
Learning Team C:
Carmi Green
Gwendolyn Willis
Mary Blackmon
Samill Meriwether
Professor Green
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Unit Mapping Chart
Title: Let’s Talk About Plants
Grade level: First
Time required:
Theme: Plant Life Cycle
Unit overview:
Let’s Talk About Plants! A great thematic unit that integrates content subjects into Visual Arts and
Dance. Within this unit students will about the Life Cycle of Plants. Students will study different
lessons about how plants grow to how plants will change during their life cycle.
Essential questions for the unit
1. How do plants grow?
2. How do plants change during their life cycle?
3. What are the main parts of a plant?
Art disciplines
Visual Arts and Dance
Subject the art discipline is integrated with
Art standards
Provide the elementary visual or performing arts standards that the unit addresses.
1. Explore uses of materials, tools, approaches (such as using elements of modern art,
applying artistic ideas from diverse cultures, etc.) to create works of art or design.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
b. Demonstrate safe and proper procedures for using materials, tools, and equipment while
making art.
DA.CR.1. Kb Explore a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements by experimenting with
changes in body, effort, shape and space.
Integrated content standards
PO 1. Communicate observations with pictographs, pictures, models, and/or words. (See M00-
PO 2. Identify that plants and animals need the following to grow and survive:
• food • water • air• space
PO 1. Describe that most plants and animals will grow to physically resemble their parents.
PO 3. Describe changes observed in a small system (e.g., ant farm, plant terrarium, aquarium).
PO 3. Predict results of an investigation based on life, physical, and Earth and space sciences
(e.g., animal life cycles, physical properties, Earth materials).
Lesson name Activities and skills Assessments Resources
List the contributing
team members.
Include a variety of assessment types.
“What do Plants Need?”
By: Gwendolyn Willis
Students will listen to
teacher read aloud
“The Tiny Seed” by
Eric Carle, followed
by a class discussion.
Students will then
work in groups to
plant their seed in
various conditions
and give a
hypothesis. Students
will complete an
original artwork
depicting a plant’s
needs using multiple
art concepts.
Formative assessment: Observation of group
work, class discussion/participation, and
completion of hypothesis statement.
Summative assessment: Exit slip about plant
needs and original artwork.
“The Tiny Seed”
book by Eric Carle
“How do Plants Change
during their life cycle?”
Sorting game with
how plants change
during their life cycle.
Formative Assessment: Exit ticket
Summative Assessment: Group assessment.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
By: Carmi Green Students will create their own performance of
how plants change during their life cycle.
“The Parts of a plant”
By: Mary Blackmon
Students will identify
the main parts of a
plant (roots, stem,
leaf and flower) by
locating each part on
a live plant and
labeling those parts
on their worksheet.
Formative Assessment: Teacher will observe
students as they identify the parts of a flower
Summative Assessment: As students
complete their worksheet the teacher will
check off the parts of the flower that they
have labeled correctly
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Lesson Plan 1:
Component Details
Lesson title What Do Plants Need?
Grade level First
Time or days for completion 45-60 minutes
State standards and arts
Science Standards
PO 2. Identify that plants and animals need the following to
grow and survive: soil, water, nutrients, light
PO 1. Identify stages of human life (e.g., infancy,
adolescence, adulthood).
PO 2. Identify similarities and differences between
animals/plants and their parents.
PO 1. Identify some plants and animals that exist in the local
PO 3. Predict results of an investigation based on life,
physical, and Earth and space sciences (e.g., animal
life cycles, physical properties, Earth materials).
Art Standards
2. Explore uses of materials, tools, approaches (such as
using elements of modern art, applying artistic ideas
from diverse cultures, etc.) to create works of art or
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
b. Demonstrate safe and proper procedures for using
materials, tools, and equipment while making art.
Objectives Student will be able to identify the essential needs for
seeds/plants to grow (water, air, sunlight, and nutrients).
Student will understand the importance of each need.
Students will identify parts of the plant.
Student will produce an original artwork using the following art
concepts of line, value, color, form, and texture.
Student will communicate ideas and understanding of plant
needs through visual art.
Areas of curriculum
Science, Visual Arts
Previous knowledge required
from students to participate
Experience using materials such as markers, glue, tape,
crayons and etc.
Various parts of a plant.
Know needs vs wants.
Different types of plants in their community.
The five basic needs of a human.
Required materials, including
equipment and technology
Note. Permission must be
obtained for copyrighted
materials; websites must be
cited for any downloaded
• The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
• Smartboard
• Science Journals
• Plastic cup (1 per group)
• Soil
• Water and dropper
• Seeds (lima bean presoaked)
• 12 x 18 white paper
• Tape
• Pencils
• Markers, crayons, coloring pencils, glue
Sequence of lesson, such as
hook, input, modeling, guided
practice, and closure guided
practice, where applicable
Introduction (5 minutes)
• Gather students on the floor in front of the smartboard
and write “What Do You Need to Survive?”. Allow
students to answer. Record student responses on the
board. Ask students “What do you think plants need to
survive?”, allow students to respond and record
answers. “What types of plants have you observed in
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
your neighborhood?”
• Review vocabulary words: earth, seed, sun, soil,
earth, roots, stem, flowers, rain, air, and leaves.
Explicit Instruction/Modeling (10-15 minutes)
• Introduce the book The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle.
During the reading ask students the following
Which season provides the best climate for a seed to
grow? What are the stages does a seed go through to
become a plant? What conditions are needed for a
plant to survive?
Guided Practice (15 minutes)
• Demonstration: Take a cup fill it with soil, and place it
in a place with sunlight. Ask students “What do you
think will happen to the plant under these conditions?”.
Allow students to share responses.
• Explain that students will now plant their own seeds
and see what happens when they don’t receive air,
water, sunlight or nutrients.
• After the group activity students will also create a
visual poster on a plants essential needs.
• Divide class into groups of 4-5 and pass out directions
and materials:
Group 1: Water, soil, sunlight
Group 2: Water, sunlight
Group 3: Soil, sunlight
Group 4: Water and Soil; place in a dark place
• Assign group roles such as facilitator, planter,
harmonizer, and clean up/set up manager.
• Instruct students to follow directions and write out their
team’s hypothesis on a piece of paper and tape next
to their cup.
• Students will be able to observe their plants over the
next couple of days and record findings in their
science journals.
Individual Practice (10-15 minutes)
• Students will gather materials, return to their desk, and
produce an original artwork on their knowledge about
plant needs.
• Advise students to draw first with pencils then with
marker so that they can easily make corrections.
• Students should also use relevant shapes to depict
each need and focus on the subject rather than the
• Students should use a variety of lines, texture,
shapes, and value such as swirls for air, ripples for
water, brown hues for soil and/or bright/warm colors
for sunlight.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Closure (5 minutes)
• Allow one member of each group to talk about their
process and hypothesis.
• Go back over key points:
Plants need water, soil, nutrients, and sunlight and
their importance.
• If time permits allow students to share their artwork
with the class.
Assessments that align to
• Indicate if the
assessment is formative
or summative
• Include all necessary
rubrics, tests, and
checklists, as
Formative Assessment: Teacher observations on each
student’s participation within group and discussion. The
teacher will help when needed and ask questions as students
are working in their groups.
Summative Assessment: Student will be given an exit slip on
plant needs and their importance. Student will be graded on
their original artwork using the following:
3- Student used and understood basic art concepts (shape,
lines, color), used materials correctly, and produced high
quality/creative work. All plant needs were addressed in
2- Student used some art concepts, used materials correctly,
and used creativity. Some plant needs were addressed in
1-Student did not use art concepts or creativity. No plant
needs addressed.
Plan for diverse learners
Include the following:
• Accommodations for
students with learning or
physical disabilities
• Accommodation for
English Language
Learner students
• Accommodation for gifted
• An explanation of how
this lesson will appeal to
different learning styles
-Collaborative group work (mixed ability)
-Jobs picked within group activity will be based on learning
style and interest of student.
-Hand-on activities such as the seed planting
-Mini-Lessons can be given to provide struggling students with
additional support
- Gifted students can utilize more than one media such as
tissue paper, construction paper, chalk, and paint in their
production of original artwork.
-Allotted time for students who need it
Classroom management and
safety plan
Students will be reminded of classroom safety rules such as
not playing around with or eating materials. Teacher will
frequently walk around class and monitor group work and help
when needed.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Opportunities for display or
public performance
Artwork will be displayed in the hallway outside the classroom
for all to see.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Group Roles
Material Manager- in charge of materials; will gather and put back supplies.
Facilitator- will read group instructions and write down group hypothesis.
Planter- in charge of planting seed through careful instruction.
Harmonizer- starts group discussion and ensures each group member has
a voice.
Team 1
1. Read directions. (Facilitator)
2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager)
3. Planter follow instructions below:
- Place soil in cup
- Place seed in cup and cover with the soil.
- Add a couple drops of water to the soil using dropper.
- Place cup in direct sunlight near window.
5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a
hypothesis. Question to ask:
“What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?”
6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape
near your plant.
8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials
Team 2
1. Read directions. (Facilitator)
2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager)
3. Planter follow instructions below:
- Place seed in cup
- Place a few drops of water on the seed using the dropper.
- Place cup in direct sunlight near window.
5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a
hypothesis. Question to ask:
“What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?”
6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape
near your plant.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials
Team 3
1. Read directions. (Facilitator)
2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager)
3. Planter will follow these instructions:
- Place soil in cup
- Place seed in cup and cover with soil.
- Place cup in direct sunlight near window.
5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a
hypothesis. Question to ask:
“What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?”
6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape
near your plant.
8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials
Team 4
1. Read directions. (Facilitator)
2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager)
3. Planter follow instructions below:
- Place soil in cup
- Put seed in the cup and cover with soil.
- Add a few drops of water to soil using the dropper.
- Place cup away from sunlight. (e.g. closet, cabinet)
5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a
hypothesis. Question to ask:
“What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?”
6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape
near your plant.
8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials
****Note: Teams will not be told which need they are missing. Cut directions up into
strips and hand out. Students will observe plants over the next couple of days and
record findings in their science journals.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Exit Slip
Name_________________________________________ Date__________________________
Answer the following questions. Give you honest opinions.
1. How well do you think you worked in your group? Did you enjoy it?
2. Did you fulfill all of your job responsibilities?
3. What was the most important thing you learned today?
4. Write down a question that you have.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Argese, J. (n.d.). Plant life cycle. January 14, 2017. Retrieved from
Arizona Department of Education. (2005). Arizona Science Standards. January 14, 2017.Retrieved from
Arizona Department of Education. (2015). Arizona Art Standards. January 14, 2017. Retrieved from
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Lesson Plan 2
Component Details
Lesson title How do Plants change during their life cycle.
Grade level 1st
Time or days for completion 1 week to complete. Monday through Friday. 60 minute
State standards and arts
Visual Arts
VA.CR.1.1a Engage collaboratively (such as in pairs, small groups, or
whole group) in exploration and imaginative play with materials
(such as puppets, model towns, paper murals, etc.)
DA.CR.1.1b Explore a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor
movements by experimenting with changes in body, effort, shape
and space.
Objectives At the end of the lesson students will be able to identify how
plants change during their life cycle.
Areas of curriculum
PO 2. Identify similarities and differences between animals
and their parents. (See 1CH-F4)
Arizona Department of Education. (2005). Arizona Science
Standards. January 14, 2017.Retrieved from
Arizona Department of Education. (2015). Arizona Art
Standards. January 14, 2017. Retrieved from
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Previous knowledge required
from students to participate
Students and I will discuss how plants grown and what they
need to go with.
Students will have a matching worksheet
Required materials, including
equipment and technology
Note. Permission must be
obtained for copyrighted
materials; websites must be
cited for any downloaded
PowerPoint Video with slides showing how plants change over
time during their life cycle. I will show students from the
beginning how plants begin to how they develop to a full plant.
Students will also watch a short YouTube video watching how
plants change during their life cycle.
Teacher. R. (2012). How Plants Grow and Change.
Retrieved from
Bag with parts of the life cycle in it.
White paper
Anchor chart paper
Exit Slip
Sequence of lesson, such as
hook, input, modeling, guided
practice, and closure guided
practice, where applicable
Introduction: Students and I will discuss some thing that they
know about plants and how plants grow. Students will first turn
and talk to their partner and talk about things that we know
about plants.
Modeling: Today I am going to model to you how plants
change during their life cycle. I will talk with students about
what a life cycle and how humans go through a life cycle just
like plants. Using my anchor chart, I will demonstrate to
students how the life cycle changes and the different stages
that plants go through.
Guided practice: Students will work in groups and act out the
stages of the life cycle. Each student will create their own part
to the life cycle. For example: If some is acting out the seeds
of the plant then the student will draw out their prop needed for
the seed. Each group will then come to front of the classroom
and act out their life cycle.
Independent practice: Students will then go back to their seat
and draw out their full drawing of their plants life cycle labeling
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
each part of the life cycle.
Closure: Students will share their life cycle with their group as I
walk around and observe the groups.
Assessments that align to
• Indicate if the
assessment is formative
or summative
• Include all necessary
rubrics, tests, and
checklists, as
Formative Assessment: Teacher will walk around and observe
and listen to students as they are speaking with their group.
The teacher will take anecdotal notes on each group
observing if they are understanding the life cycle of a plant.
Plan for diverse learners
Include the following:
• Accommodations for
students with learning or
physical disabilities
• Accommodation for
English Language
Learner students
• Accommodation for gifted
• An explanation of how
this lesson will appeal to
different learning styles
Students with learning disabilities will be given a word bank
with the words on index card to assist them with their learning
and filling in the bank. Students will also work in a small group
with the teacher to label the parts of the plants.
ELL Students: Students will also have a word bank to assist
them but will have the words in Spanish/English. Students will
work in small groups as well but will be made to write the
English word instead of the Spanish word.
Gifted learners will write a short essay on the back of their life
cycle paper writing about how plants relate to the same life
cycle of humans.
Because plants are a part of our everyday living, students
need to know about different life cycles other than human life
Classroom management and
safety plan
Students will work in groups, but will also work independently.
During the acting out of the students, students and I will go
over the rules with being out of their seats and respecting
each other’s space in the classroom. While the students are
cutting and coloring their props for the acting out of the plants
life cycle. Students will need to go over the rules of using
scissors and glue in the classroom. For example: While
cutting, we stay in our seats. No running with scissors.
Opportunities for display or
public performance
Students will grow their own plant and display it in our
classroom window and we will watch the plant change over
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Guided Practice:
1. Each group will be given a bag with their different parts in there. Each student in
the group will pick a part out of the bag. Students will work together with putting
the different parts of the Life Cycle together in order. For example, plants start
out as seeds, so seeds will go first.
2. Students will gather their drawing materials and place them on their desk. The
part that the student picks will need to draw out their props for it. So if the student
picks the stem, then the student will need to draw out different stems of the plant
and how it will look when they begin to act out that part.
3. Once students have completed their props drawing, students will then act out
with their groups their different movements to the life cycle of plants. For
example, for the seed the student could ball up in the shape of the seed.
Students will use movements that they have learned from the youtube video
provide as well as what they have rehearsed with their group.
4. Each group will perform their skit and show their different picture that they have
drawn and will act out.
Lesson Plan Format
MTE/534 Version 5
Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants!
Exit Slip:
Directions: Today we have learned about how plants change over the time of the
Life Cycle. We have watched videos, talked about the Life Cycle on anchor
charts, and worked in our groups to act out the Life Cycle. Below you will draw
the complete Life Cycle of a plant. Make sure that you label each part so that I
am aware of what part is which.

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Learning team C Integrated Unit

  • 1. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 1 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Let’s Talk About Plants! Learning Team C: Carmi Green Gwendolyn Willis Mary Blackmon Samill Meriwether MTE/534 Professor Green
  • 2. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 2 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Unit Mapping Chart Title: Let’s Talk About Plants Grade level: First Time required: Theme: Plant Life Cycle Unit overview: Let’s Talk About Plants! A great thematic unit that integrates content subjects into Visual Arts and Dance. Within this unit students will about the Life Cycle of Plants. Students will study different lessons about how plants grow to how plants will change during their life cycle. Essential questions for the unit 1. How do plants grow? 2. How do plants change during their life cycle? 3. What are the main parts of a plant? Art disciplines Visual Arts and Dance Subject the art discipline is integrated with Science Art standards Provide the elementary visual or performing arts standards that the unit addresses. VA.CR.2.1a 1. Explore uses of materials, tools, approaches (such as using elements of modern art, applying artistic ideas from diverse cultures, etc.) to create works of art or design.
  • 3. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 3 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! VA.CR.2.1b b. Demonstrate safe and proper procedures for using materials, tools, and equipment while making art. DA.CR.1. Kb Explore a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements by experimenting with changes in body, effort, shape and space. Integrated content standards PO 1. Communicate observations with pictographs, pictures, models, and/or words. (See M00- S2C1-02) PO 2. Identify that plants and animals need the following to grow and survive: • food • water • air• space PO 1. Describe that most plants and animals will grow to physically resemble their parents. PO 3. Describe changes observed in a small system (e.g., ant farm, plant terrarium, aquarium). PO 3. Predict results of an investigation based on life, physical, and Earth and space sciences (e.g., animal life cycles, physical properties, Earth materials). Lesson name Activities and skills Assessments Resources List the contributing team members. Include a variety of assessment types. “What do Plants Need?” By: Gwendolyn Willis Students will listen to teacher read aloud “The Tiny Seed” by Eric Carle, followed by a class discussion. Students will then work in groups to plant their seed in various conditions and give a hypothesis. Students will complete an original artwork depicting a plant’s needs using multiple art concepts. Formative assessment: Observation of group work, class discussion/participation, and completion of hypothesis statement. Summative assessment: Exit slip about plant needs and original artwork. “The Tiny Seed” book by Eric Carle “How do Plants Change during their life cycle?” Sorting game with how plants change during their life cycle. Formative Assessment: Exit ticket Summative Assessment: Group assessment.
  • 4. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 4 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! By: Carmi Green Students will create their own performance of how plants change during their life cycle. “The Parts of a plant” By: Mary Blackmon Students will identify the main parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaf and flower) by locating each part on a live plant and labeling those parts on their worksheet. Formative Assessment: Teacher will observe students as they identify the parts of a flower Summative Assessment: As students complete their worksheet the teacher will check off the parts of the flower that they have labeled correctly
  • 5. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 5 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Lesson Plan 1: Component Details Lesson title What Do Plants Need? Grade level First Time or days for completion 45-60 minutes State standards and arts components Science Standards PO 2. Identify that plants and animals need the following to grow and survive: soil, water, nutrients, light PO 1. Identify stages of human life (e.g., infancy, adolescence, adulthood). PO 2. Identify similarities and differences between animals/plants and their parents. PO 1. Identify some plants and animals that exist in the local environment. PO 3. Predict results of an investigation based on life, physical, and Earth and space sciences (e.g., animal life cycles, physical properties, Earth materials). Art Standards VA.CR.2.1a 2. Explore uses of materials, tools, approaches (such as using elements of modern art, applying artistic ideas from diverse cultures, etc.) to create works of art or design.
  • 6. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 6 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! VA.CR.2.1b b. Demonstrate safe and proper procedures for using materials, tools, and equipment while making art. Objectives Student will be able to identify the essential needs for seeds/plants to grow (water, air, sunlight, and nutrients). Student will understand the importance of each need. Students will identify parts of the plant. Student will produce an original artwork using the following art concepts of line, value, color, form, and texture. Student will communicate ideas and understanding of plant needs through visual art. Areas of curriculum integration Science, Visual Arts Previous knowledge required from students to participate Experience using materials such as markers, glue, tape, crayons and etc. Various parts of a plant. Know needs vs wants. Different types of plants in their community. The five basic needs of a human. Required materials, including equipment and technology Note. Permission must be obtained for copyrighted materials; websites must be cited for any downloaded materials. • The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle • Smartboard • Science Journals • Plastic cup (1 per group) • Soil • Water and dropper • Seeds (lima bean presoaked) • 12 x 18 white paper • Tape • Pencils • Markers, crayons, coloring pencils, glue Sequence of lesson, such as hook, input, modeling, guided practice, and closure guided practice, where applicable Introduction (5 minutes) • Gather students on the floor in front of the smartboard and write “What Do You Need to Survive?”. Allow students to answer. Record student responses on the board. Ask students “What do you think plants need to survive?”, allow students to respond and record answers. “What types of plants have you observed in
  • 7. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 7 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! your neighborhood?” • Review vocabulary words: earth, seed, sun, soil, earth, roots, stem, flowers, rain, air, and leaves. Explicit Instruction/Modeling (10-15 minutes) • Introduce the book The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. During the reading ask students the following questions: Which season provides the best climate for a seed to grow? What are the stages does a seed go through to become a plant? What conditions are needed for a plant to survive? Guided Practice (15 minutes) • Demonstration: Take a cup fill it with soil, and place it in a place with sunlight. Ask students “What do you think will happen to the plant under these conditions?”. Allow students to share responses. • Explain that students will now plant their own seeds and see what happens when they don’t receive air, water, sunlight or nutrients. • After the group activity students will also create a visual poster on a plants essential needs. • Divide class into groups of 4-5 and pass out directions and materials: Group 1: Water, soil, sunlight Group 2: Water, sunlight Group 3: Soil, sunlight Group 4: Water and Soil; place in a dark place • Assign group roles such as facilitator, planter, harmonizer, and clean up/set up manager. • Instruct students to follow directions and write out their team’s hypothesis on a piece of paper and tape next to their cup. • Students will be able to observe their plants over the next couple of days and record findings in their science journals. Individual Practice (10-15 minutes) • Students will gather materials, return to their desk, and produce an original artwork on their knowledge about plant needs. • Advise students to draw first with pencils then with marker so that they can easily make corrections. • Students should also use relevant shapes to depict each need and focus on the subject rather than the paper. • Students should use a variety of lines, texture, shapes, and value such as swirls for air, ripples for water, brown hues for soil and/or bright/warm colors for sunlight.
  • 8. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 8 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Closure (5 minutes) • Allow one member of each group to talk about their process and hypothesis. • Go back over key points: Plants need water, soil, nutrients, and sunlight and their importance. • If time permits allow students to share their artwork with the class. Assessments that align to objectives • Indicate if the assessment is formative or summative • Include all necessary rubrics, tests, and checklists, as appropriate. Formative Assessment: Teacher observations on each student’s participation within group and discussion. The teacher will help when needed and ask questions as students are working in their groups. Summative Assessment: Student will be given an exit slip on plant needs and their importance. Student will be graded on their original artwork using the following: *RUBRIC 3- Student used and understood basic art concepts (shape, lines, color), used materials correctly, and produced high quality/creative work. All plant needs were addressed in artwork. 2- Student used some art concepts, used materials correctly, and used creativity. Some plant needs were addressed in artwork. 1-Student did not use art concepts or creativity. No plant needs addressed. Plan for diverse learners Include the following: • Accommodations for students with learning or physical disabilities • Accommodation for English Language Learner students • Accommodation for gifted students • An explanation of how this lesson will appeal to different learning styles -Collaborative group work (mixed ability) -Jobs picked within group activity will be based on learning style and interest of student. -Hand-on activities such as the seed planting -Mini-Lessons can be given to provide struggling students with additional support - Gifted students can utilize more than one media such as tissue paper, construction paper, chalk, and paint in their production of original artwork. -Allotted time for students who need it Classroom management and safety plan Students will be reminded of classroom safety rules such as not playing around with or eating materials. Teacher will frequently walk around class and monitor group work and help when needed.
  • 9. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 9 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Opportunities for display or public performance Artwork will be displayed in the hallway outside the classroom for all to see.
  • 10. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 10 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Directions Group Roles Material Manager- in charge of materials; will gather and put back supplies. Facilitator- will read group instructions and write down group hypothesis. Planter- in charge of planting seed through careful instruction. Harmonizer- starts group discussion and ensures each group member has a voice. Team 1 1. Read directions. (Facilitator) 2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager) 3. Planter follow instructions below: - Place soil in cup - Place seed in cup and cover with the soil. - Add a couple drops of water to the soil using dropper. - Place cup in direct sunlight near window. 5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a hypothesis. Question to ask: “What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?” 6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape near your plant. 8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials Manager) Team 2 1. Read directions. (Facilitator) 2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager) 3. Planter follow instructions below: - Place seed in cup - Place a few drops of water on the seed using the dropper. - Place cup in direct sunlight near window. 5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a hypothesis. Question to ask: “What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?” 6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape near your plant.
  • 11. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 11 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! 8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials Manager) Team 3 1. Read directions. (Facilitator) 2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager) 3. Planter will follow these instructions: - Place soil in cup - Place seed in cup and cover with soil. - Place cup in direct sunlight near window. 5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a hypothesis. Question to ask: “What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?” 6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape near your plant. 8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials Manager) Team 4 1. Read directions. (Facilitator) 2. Grab supplies needed. (Material Manager) 3. Planter follow instructions below: - Place soil in cup - Put seed in the cup and cover with soil. - Add a few drops of water to soil using the dropper. - Place cup away from sunlight. (e.g. closet, cabinet) 5. Harmonizer: Start group discussion on what you think will happen, creating a hypothesis. Question to ask: “What do think the plant will look like after it goes through all stages?” 6. Have the facilitator write down hypothesis on a piece of paper or index card and tape near your plant. 8. Return all materials to their appropriate place and clean the area. (Materials Manager) ****Note: Teams will not be told which need they are missing. Cut directions up into strips and hand out. Students will observe plants over the next couple of days and record findings in their science journals. -
  • 12. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 12 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Exit Slip Name_________________________________________ Date__________________________ Answer the following questions. Give you honest opinions. 1. How well do you think you worked in your group? Did you enjoy it? 2. Did you fulfill all of your job responsibilities? 3. What was the most important thing you learned today? 4. Write down a question that you have.
  • 13. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 13 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! References Argese, J. (n.d.). Plant life cycle. January 14, 2017. Retrieved from %20Plant%20-%20The%20Life%20Cycle%20Of%20A%20Plant.pdf Arizona Department of Education. (2005). Arizona Science Standards. January 14, 2017.Retrieved from Arizona Department of Education. (2015). Arizona Art Standards. January 14, 2017. Retrieved from
  • 14. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 14 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Lesson Plan 2 Component Details Lesson title How do Plants change during their life cycle. Grade level 1st grade Time or days for completion 1 week to complete. Monday through Friday. 60 minute lessons. State standards and arts components Visual Arts VA.CR.1.1a Engage collaboratively (such as in pairs, small groups, or whole group) in exploration and imaginative play with materials (such as puppets, model towns, paper murals, etc.) DA.CR.1.1b Explore a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements by experimenting with changes in body, effort, shape and space. Objectives At the end of the lesson students will be able to identify how plants change during their life cycle. Areas of curriculum integration Science: PO 2. Identify similarities and differences between animals and their parents. (See 1CH-F4) Arizona Department of Education. (2005). Arizona Science Standards. January 14, 2017.Retrieved from standards/science-standard/ Arizona Department of Education. (2015). Arizona Art Standards. January 14, 2017. Retrieved from standards/art-standards/
  • 15. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 15 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Previous knowledge required from students to participate Students and I will discuss how plants grown and what they need to go with. Students will have a matching worksheet Required materials, including equipment and technology Note. Permission must be obtained for copyrighted materials; websites must be cited for any downloaded materials. PowerPoint Video with slides showing how plants change over time during their life cycle. I will show students from the beginning how plants begin to how they develop to a full plant. Students will also watch a short YouTube video watching how plants change during their life cycle. Resource: Teacher. R. (2012). How Plants Grow and Change. Retrieved from v=TkpBxLsX430 Bag with parts of the life cycle in it. Scissors Crayons Glue White paper Anchor chart paper Exit Slip Sequence of lesson, such as hook, input, modeling, guided practice, and closure guided practice, where applicable Introduction: Students and I will discuss some thing that they know about plants and how plants grow. Students will first turn and talk to their partner and talk about things that we know about plants. Modeling: Today I am going to model to you how plants change during their life cycle. I will talk with students about what a life cycle and how humans go through a life cycle just like plants. Using my anchor chart, I will demonstrate to students how the life cycle changes and the different stages that plants go through. Guided practice: Students will work in groups and act out the stages of the life cycle. Each student will create their own part to the life cycle. For example: If some is acting out the seeds of the plant then the student will draw out their prop needed for the seed. Each group will then come to front of the classroom and act out their life cycle. Independent practice: Students will then go back to their seat and draw out their full drawing of their plants life cycle labeling
  • 16. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 16 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! each part of the life cycle. Closure: Students will share their life cycle with their group as I walk around and observe the groups. Assessments that align to objectives • Indicate if the assessment is formative or summative • Include all necessary rubrics, tests, and checklists, as appropriate. Formative Assessment: Teacher will walk around and observe and listen to students as they are speaking with their group. The teacher will take anecdotal notes on each group observing if they are understanding the life cycle of a plant. Plan for diverse learners Include the following: • Accommodations for students with learning or physical disabilities • Accommodation for English Language Learner students • Accommodation for gifted students • An explanation of how this lesson will appeal to different learning styles Students with learning disabilities will be given a word bank with the words on index card to assist them with their learning and filling in the bank. Students will also work in a small group with the teacher to label the parts of the plants. ELL Students: Students will also have a word bank to assist them but will have the words in Spanish/English. Students will work in small groups as well but will be made to write the English word instead of the Spanish word. Gifted learners will write a short essay on the back of their life cycle paper writing about how plants relate to the same life cycle of humans. Because plants are a part of our everyday living, students need to know about different life cycles other than human life cycles. Classroom management and safety plan Students will work in groups, but will also work independently. During the acting out of the students, students and I will go over the rules with being out of their seats and respecting each other’s space in the classroom. While the students are cutting and coloring their props for the acting out of the plants life cycle. Students will need to go over the rules of using scissors and glue in the classroom. For example: While cutting, we stay in our seats. No running with scissors. Opportunities for display or public performance Students will grow their own plant and display it in our classroom window and we will watch the plant change over time.
  • 17. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 17 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Guided Practice: Directions: 1. Each group will be given a bag with their different parts in there. Each student in the group will pick a part out of the bag. Students will work together with putting the different parts of the Life Cycle together in order. For example, plants start out as seeds, so seeds will go first. 2. Students will gather their drawing materials and place them on their desk. The part that the student picks will need to draw out their props for it. So if the student picks the stem, then the student will need to draw out different stems of the plant and how it will look when they begin to act out that part. 3. Once students have completed their props drawing, students will then act out with their groups their different movements to the life cycle of plants. For example, for the seed the student could ball up in the shape of the seed. Students will use movements that they have learned from the youtube video provide as well as what they have rehearsed with their group. 4. Each group will perform their skit and show their different picture that they have drawn and will act out.
  • 18. Lesson Plan Format MTE/534 Version 5 18 Learning Team C: Let’s Talk About Plants! Exit Slip: Name:__________________________ Directions: Today we have learned about how plants change over the time of the Life Cycle. We have watched videos, talked about the Life Cycle on anchor charts, and worked in our groups to act out the Life Cycle. Below you will draw the complete Life Cycle of a plant. Make sure that you label each part so that I am aware of what part is which.