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E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Lead by Example:
Demonstrate calmness and composure to set the
tone for your team.
Effective Communication:
Maintain clear and open lines of communication.
Keep your team informed about the situation and
any changes.
Prioritize Tasks:
Help your team identify and prioritize tasks based
on their urgency and importance.
Delegate Responsibility:
Assign specific roles and responsibilities to team
members, ensuring everyone knows their part in
managing the pressure.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Set Realistic Goals:
Establish achievable goals and timelines to reduce
stress and maintain motivation.
Provide Resources:
Ensure your team has access to the necessary
tools, training, and support to handle the pressure
Stress Management Workshops:
Offer stress management workshops or resources
to help team members cope with pressure.
Regular Check-Ins:
Schedule regular one-on-one or team check-ins to
assess progress, address concerns, and offer
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Conflict Resolution:
Be prepared to mediate and resolve conflicts
promptly to prevent them from escalating and
adding to the pressure.
Recognize Achievements:
Acknowledge and reward your team's efforts and
accomplishments to boost morale.
Encourage Self-Care:
Emphasize the importance of self-care and work-
life balance among your team members.
Clear Expectations:
Set clear expectations and provide guidelines for
performance under pressure.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Cross-train team members to handle each other's
tasks in case of absences or emergencies.
Emphasize Positivity:
Foster a positive work environment, encourage
optimism, and provide encouragement during
difficult times.
Feedback and Learning:
Promote a culture of continuous improvement by
encouraging feedback and learning from mistakes.
Resource Allocation:
Allocate resources wisely and ensure that your
team has what it needs to succeed.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Celebrate Milestones:
Celebrate small victories and milestones along the
way to maintain team morale and motivation.
Empower Decision-Making:
Encourage team members to make decisions
within their areas of responsibility, reducing the
need for constant approvals.
Cross-Functional Collaboration:
Promote collaboration and knowledge sharing
across different departments or teams to pool
resources and expertise.
Continuous Training:
Invest in ongoing training and skill development to
help your team stay updated and confident in
their abilities.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Contingency Planning:
Develop contingency plans and procedures for
handling unexpected crises or pressure situations.
Adaptive Leadership:
Adjust your leadership style to match the needs of
your team during high-pressure periods, whether
it's providing guidance or giving them space to
work independently.
Positive Feedback:
Offer constructive and positive feedback regularly
to keep team members motivated and engaged.
Task Automation:
Identify repetitive or time-consuming tasks that
can be automated to save time and reduce
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Encourage Breaks:
Remind your team to take short breaks to
recharge and refocus, as overworking can lead to
Conflict Prevention:
Implement conflict prevention measures, such as
setting clear expectations and addressing
potential sources of conflict proactively.
Flexibility in Roles:
Be open to adjusting team members' roles
temporarily to meet the immediate demands of
the situation.
Crisis Communication Plan:
Develop a clear crisis communication plan that
outlines how to communicate with stakeholders,
both internally and externally.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Mental Health Support:
Offer access to mental health resources and
encourage team members to seek help when
Technology Tools:
Provide access to productivity and collaboration
tools that can streamline work processes.
Feedback Loops:
Create mechanisms for team members to provide
feedback on processes and suggest
Diverse Perspectives:
Encourage diverse viewpoints and ideas within
your team to foster innovation and creative
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Time for Reflection:
After a high-pressure period, schedule time for
your team to reflect on what worked well and
what could be improved for future situations.
Resource Allocation Review:
Periodically review resource allocation to ensure
resources are used efficiently and effectively.
Customer Focus:
Remind your team of the ultimate goals and the
impact of their work on customers or end-users.
Promote Resilience:
Offer resources and training on building resilience
to help team members better handle pressure.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Scenario Planning:
Conduct scenario planning exercises to prepare for
various pressure scenarios and identify potential
Feedback Loop:
Establish a feedback loop for continuous
improvement, allowing team members to share
their insights and suggestions for managing
Situational Awareness:
Keep your team informed about the broader
context and industry trends, helping them
understand how their work fits into the bigger
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Task Rotation:
Rotate team members through different roles
periodically to prevent burnout and build
Celebrate Small Wins:
Recognize and celebrate small achievements and
milestones to maintain team morale and
Time Blocking:
Encourage time blocking, where team members
allocate specific blocks of time to focus on critical
tasks without interruptions.
Resource Forecasting:
Use data and historical patterns to forecast
resource needs, allowing for better planning
during high-pressure periods.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Task Load Balancing:
Continuously monitor task loads to ensure an
equitable distribution of work among team
Clear Documentation:
Emphasize the importance of clear and up-to-date
documentation to streamline processes and
prevent misunderstandings.
Encourage Innovation:
Create a culture that welcomes innovative
solutions and experimentation during high-
pressure situations.
Wellness Programs:
Offer wellness programs or initiatives that
promote physical and mental well-being, such as
yoga or meditation sessions.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
SWOT Analysis:
Conduct regular SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats) analyses to identify areas
for improvement and leverage strengths.
Task Elimination:
In some cases, it may be necessary to eliminate
non-essential tasks temporarily to alleviate
Task Dependencies:
Identify task dependencies and potential
bottlenecks, addressing them proactively to keep
workflows smooth.
Conflict Resolution Training:
Provide training in conflict resolution and
problem-solving skills to help team members
navigate challenging situations.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Remote Work Support:
If your team works remotely, ensure they have the
necessary tools and support for effective remote
Emergency Response Plan:
Develop an emergency response plan for
situations that require immediate action, ensuring
everyone knows their role.
Encourage Empathy:
Foster a culture of empathy, where team
members understand and support each other's
Regular Performance Reviews:
Conduct regular performance reviews to provide
constructive feedback and set goals for growth.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Consider outsourcing certain tasks or bringing in
temporary contractors during peak pressure
Public Recognition:
Publicly recognize your team's accomplishments
within the organization to boost morale and
Stakeholder Communication:
Keep stakeholders, such as clients or upper
management, informed about the status of
projects and any issues that may affect them.
Decision-Making Framework:
Establish a clear decision-making framework to
expedite the process during high-pressure
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Emergency Response Drills:
Conduct emergency response drills to ensure your
team knows how to react quickly and effectively in
crisis situations.
Resource Contingency Planning:
Develop contingency plans for resource shortages
or unexpected disruptions.
Task Queues:
Implement task queues or ticketing systems to
manage incoming requests and ensure they are
addressed systematically.
Data-Driven Decisions:
Use data analytics to inform decisions and identify
areas where improvements can be made.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Feedback Surveys:
Periodically collect feedback from team members
on their experiences and suggestions for
Mentoring and Coaching:
Provide mentoring and coaching for team
members to help them develop their skills and
Cross-Departmental Collaboration:
Foster collaboration between different
departments or teams to share knowledge and
Flexibility in Work Arrangements:
Allow for flexible work arrangements, such as
remote work or adjusted hours, to accommodate
individual needs.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Resource Allocation Forecasting:
Use historical data to forecast resource allocation
needs and plan accordingly.
Psychological Safety:
Create an environment where team members feel
safe sharing their concerns and seeking help when
Feedback Loops for Processes:
Establish feedback loops specifically for evaluating
and improving processes and workflows.
Incentive Programs:
Consider implementing incentive programs or
bonuses tied to performance during high-pressure
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Team Building Activities:
Organize team-building activities to strengthen
relationships and build trust among team
Conflict Mediation Training:
Provide training in conflict mediation and
resolution to equip team members with the skills
to manage disputes effectively.
Project Management Tools:
Utilize project management software and tools to
streamline task tracking and project planning.
Leadership Development:
Invest in leadership development programs to
ensure your team has strong leaders in place.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Diversify Skill Sets:
Encourage team members to diversify their skill
sets to make the team more adaptable to
changing demands.
Resilience Training:
Offer resilience training to help team members
bounce back from setbacks and cope with stress.
Clear Chain of Command:
Ensure a clear chain of command and decision-
making hierarchy so that responsibilities and
authority are well-defined.
Resource Buffer:
Maintain a resource buffer for unexpected
demands or emergencies, allowing for quick
allocation when needed.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Knowledge Sharing Sessions:
Hold regular knowledge-sharing sessions where
team members can share best practices and
lessons learned.
Task Redundancy:
Cross-train team members to handle critical tasks
to minimize the impact of absences or unexpected
Customer Feedback:
Collect and analyze customer feedback to make
informed decisions about priorities and
Continuous Monitoring:
Implement monitoring systems to track progress
and identify potential issues early on.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Use gamification techniques to make work more
engaging and motivate team members to achieve
Resource Pools:
Establish resource pools or shared resource
libraries for teams to access during peak demand.
Peer Support Networks:
Encourage the formation of peer support
networks where team members can seek guidance
and advice from colleagues.
Diversity and Inclusion:
Promote diversity and inclusion to harness a wide
range of perspectives and ideas for problem-
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Regular Feedback Cycles:
Create regular feedback cycles to evaluate the
effectiveness of strategies and make adjustments
as needed.
Leadership Training:
Provide leadership training not only for managers
but also for potential future leaders within the
Change Management:
Implement change management practices to help
the team adapt to new processes or structures
during high-pressure periods.
Quality Control Measures:
Implement quality control measures to ensure
that work remains accurate and consistent under
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Benchmark your team's performance against
industry standards and competitors to identify
areas for improvement.
Incident Response Plan:
Develop an incident response plan with clear roles
and responsibilities for managing crises and
Distributed Decision-Making:
Encourage distributed decision-making by
empowering team members to make decisions
within their areas of expertise.
Lean Principles:
Apply lean principles to streamline processes and
eliminate wasteful activities.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Innovation Forums:
Create innovation forums or idea-sharing
platforms where team members can propose and
develop innovative solutions.
Flexibility in Goals:
Be willing to adjust goals and priorities as
circumstances change to maintain focus on what's
most important.
Resource Efficiency Metrics:
Implement metrics to track resource efficiency
and identify areas where resources can be
Decision Logs:
Maintain decision logs to keep a record of
important decisions made during high-pressure
periods for future reference.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Crisis Simulation Exercises:
Conduct crisis simulation exercises to practice
response strategies and improve team readiness.
Agile Methodology:
Adopt agile project management methodologies
to promote adaptability and responsiveness to
changing circumstances.
Continuous Learning Culture:
Foster a culture of continuous learning and
improvement, encouraging team members to seek
opportunities for growth.
Inclusive Decision-Making:
Involve team members in decision-making
processes, especially when decisions affect their
work directly.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Resource Allocation Software:
Utilize resource allocation software to optimize
resource allocation and allocation forecasting.
Scenario Analysis:
Perform scenario analysis to anticipate potential
pressure points and devise strategies to address
Environmental Sustainability:
Consider environmental sustainability in decision-
making, as it can lead to cost savings and positive
public relations.
Feedback Channels:
Establish multiple feedback channels, including
anonymous ones, to encourage candid input from
team members.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Redundant Systems:
Implement redundant systems or backups to
ensure critical processes can continue in case of
Skills Inventory:
Maintain a skills inventory to quickly identify team
members with specific expertise or qualifications
for particular tasks.
Resource Efficiency Training:
Offer training on resource efficiency and
optimization techniques to improve resource
Strategic Partnerships:
Form strategic partnerships or alliances with other
organizations to share resources and expertise
during pressure situations.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Cross-Functional Teams:
Create cross-functional teams that can tackle
complex challenges by drawing on diverse skills
and perspectives.
Responsible Automation:
When automating tasks, ensure responsible use of
automation by considering its impact on jobs and
Resource Allocation Committees:
Establish resource allocation committees to make
decisions collectively and transparently.
Supplementary Staff:
Maintain a list of supplementary staff or
freelancers who can be called upon during peak
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –
Value Stream Mapping:
Use value stream mapping to identify and
eliminate bottlenecks in processes.
Knowledge Retention:
Develop knowledge retention strategies to
capture and transfer expertise within the team.
E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure
Roberto Lico –

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Leading a Team Under Pressure - Roberto Lico - 2023.pdf

  • 2. 1 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Lead by Example: Demonstrate calmness and composure to set the tone for your team. Effective Communication: Maintain clear and open lines of communication. Keep your team informed about the situation and any changes. Prioritize Tasks: Help your team identify and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Delegate Responsibility: Assign specific roles and responsibilities to team members, ensuring everyone knows their part in managing the pressure.
  • 3. 2 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable goals and timelines to reduce stress and maintain motivation. Provide Resources: Ensure your team has access to the necessary tools, training, and support to handle the pressure effectively. Stress Management Workshops: Offer stress management workshops or resources to help team members cope with pressure. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular one-on-one or team check-ins to assess progress, address concerns, and offer support.
  • 4. 3 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Conflict Resolution: Be prepared to mediate and resolve conflicts promptly to prevent them from escalating and adding to the pressure. Recognize Achievements: Acknowledge and reward your team's efforts and accomplishments to boost morale. Encourage Self-Care: Emphasize the importance of self-care and work- life balance among your team members. Clear Expectations: Set clear expectations and provide guidelines for performance under pressure.
  • 5. 4 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Cross-Training: Cross-train team members to handle each other's tasks in case of absences or emergencies. Emphasize Positivity: Foster a positive work environment, encourage optimism, and provide encouragement during difficult times. Feedback and Learning: Promote a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging feedback and learning from mistakes. Resource Allocation: Allocate resources wisely and ensure that your team has what it needs to succeed.
  • 6. 5 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate small victories and milestones along the way to maintain team morale and motivation. Empower Decision-Making: Encourage team members to make decisions within their areas of responsibility, reducing the need for constant approvals. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Promote collaboration and knowledge sharing across different departments or teams to pool resources and expertise. Continuous Training: Invest in ongoing training and skill development to help your team stay updated and confident in their abilities.
  • 7. 6 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Contingency Planning: Develop contingency plans and procedures for handling unexpected crises or pressure situations. Adaptive Leadership: Adjust your leadership style to match the needs of your team during high-pressure periods, whether it's providing guidance or giving them space to work independently. Positive Feedback: Offer constructive and positive feedback regularly to keep team members motivated and engaged. Task Automation: Identify repetitive or time-consuming tasks that can be automated to save time and reduce pressure.
  • 8. 7 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Encourage Breaks: Remind your team to take short breaks to recharge and refocus, as overworking can lead to burnout. Conflict Prevention: Implement conflict prevention measures, such as setting clear expectations and addressing potential sources of conflict proactively. Flexibility in Roles: Be open to adjusting team members' roles temporarily to meet the immediate demands of the situation. Crisis Communication Plan: Develop a clear crisis communication plan that outlines how to communicate with stakeholders, both internally and externally.
  • 9. 8 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Mental Health Support: Offer access to mental health resources and encourage team members to seek help when needed. Technology Tools: Provide access to productivity and collaboration tools that can streamline work processes. Feedback Loops: Create mechanisms for team members to provide feedback on processes and suggest improvements. Diverse Perspectives: Encourage diverse viewpoints and ideas within your team to foster innovation and creative problem-solving.
  • 10. 9 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Time for Reflection: After a high-pressure period, schedule time for your team to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved for future situations. Resource Allocation Review: Periodically review resource allocation to ensure resources are used efficiently and effectively. Customer Focus: Remind your team of the ultimate goals and the impact of their work on customers or end-users. Promote Resilience: Offer resources and training on building resilience to help team members better handle pressure.
  • 11. 10 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Scenario Planning: Conduct scenario planning exercises to prepare for various pressure scenarios and identify potential solutions. Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop for continuous improvement, allowing team members to share their insights and suggestions for managing pressure. Situational Awareness: Keep your team informed about the broader context and industry trends, helping them understand how their work fits into the bigger picture.
  • 12. 11 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Task Rotation: Rotate team members through different roles periodically to prevent burnout and build versatility. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate small achievements and milestones to maintain team morale and motivation. Time Blocking: Encourage time blocking, where team members allocate specific blocks of time to focus on critical tasks without interruptions. Resource Forecasting: Use data and historical patterns to forecast resource needs, allowing for better planning during high-pressure periods.
  • 13. 12 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Task Load Balancing: Continuously monitor task loads to ensure an equitable distribution of work among team members. Clear Documentation: Emphasize the importance of clear and up-to-date documentation to streamline processes and prevent misunderstandings. Encourage Innovation: Create a culture that welcomes innovative solutions and experimentation during high- pressure situations. Wellness Programs: Offer wellness programs or initiatives that promote physical and mental well-being, such as yoga or meditation sessions.
  • 14. 13 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – SWOT Analysis: Conduct regular SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analyses to identify areas for improvement and leverage strengths. Task Elimination: In some cases, it may be necessary to eliminate non-essential tasks temporarily to alleviate pressure. Task Dependencies: Identify task dependencies and potential bottlenecks, addressing them proactively to keep workflows smooth. Conflict Resolution Training: Provide training in conflict resolution and problem-solving skills to help team members navigate challenging situations.
  • 15. 14 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Remote Work Support: If your team works remotely, ensure they have the necessary tools and support for effective remote collaboration. Emergency Response Plan: Develop an emergency response plan for situations that require immediate action, ensuring everyone knows their role. Encourage Empathy: Foster a culture of empathy, where team members understand and support each other's challenges. Regular Performance Reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews to provide constructive feedback and set goals for growth.
  • 16. 15 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Outsourcing/Contractors: Consider outsourcing certain tasks or bringing in temporary contractors during peak pressure periods. Public Recognition: Publicly recognize your team's accomplishments within the organization to boost morale and motivation. Stakeholder Communication: Keep stakeholders, such as clients or upper management, informed about the status of projects and any issues that may affect them. Decision-Making Framework: Establish a clear decision-making framework to expedite the process during high-pressure situations.
  • 17. 16 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Emergency Response Drills: Conduct emergency response drills to ensure your team knows how to react quickly and effectively in crisis situations. Resource Contingency Planning: Develop contingency plans for resource shortages or unexpected disruptions. Task Queues: Implement task queues or ticketing systems to manage incoming requests and ensure they are addressed systematically. Data-Driven Decisions: Use data analytics to inform decisions and identify areas where improvements can be made.
  • 18. 17 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Feedback Surveys: Periodically collect feedback from team members on their experiences and suggestions for improvement. Mentoring and Coaching: Provide mentoring and coaching for team members to help them develop their skills and confidence. Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Foster collaboration between different departments or teams to share knowledge and resources. Flexibility in Work Arrangements: Allow for flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or adjusted hours, to accommodate individual needs.
  • 19. 18 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Resource Allocation Forecasting: Use historical data to forecast resource allocation needs and plan accordingly. Psychological Safety: Create an environment where team members feel safe sharing their concerns and seeking help when needed. Feedback Loops for Processes: Establish feedback loops specifically for evaluating and improving processes and workflows. Incentive Programs: Consider implementing incentive programs or bonuses tied to performance during high-pressure periods.
  • 20. 19 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Team Building Activities: Organize team-building activities to strengthen relationships and build trust among team members. Conflict Mediation Training: Provide training in conflict mediation and resolution to equip team members with the skills to manage disputes effectively. Project Management Tools: Utilize project management software and tools to streamline task tracking and project planning. Leadership Development: Invest in leadership development programs to ensure your team has strong leaders in place.
  • 21. 20 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Diversify Skill Sets: Encourage team members to diversify their skill sets to make the team more adaptable to changing demands. Resilience Training: Offer resilience training to help team members bounce back from setbacks and cope with stress. Clear Chain of Command: Ensure a clear chain of command and decision- making hierarchy so that responsibilities and authority are well-defined. Resource Buffer: Maintain a resource buffer for unexpected demands or emergencies, allowing for quick allocation when needed.
  • 22. 21 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Knowledge Sharing Sessions: Hold regular knowledge-sharing sessions where team members can share best practices and lessons learned. Task Redundancy: Cross-train team members to handle critical tasks to minimize the impact of absences or unexpected events. Customer Feedback: Collect and analyze customer feedback to make informed decisions about priorities and improvements. Continuous Monitoring: Implement monitoring systems to track progress and identify potential issues early on.
  • 23. 22 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Gamification: Use gamification techniques to make work more engaging and motivate team members to achieve targets. Resource Pools: Establish resource pools or shared resource libraries for teams to access during peak demand. Peer Support Networks: Encourage the formation of peer support networks where team members can seek guidance and advice from colleagues. Diversity and Inclusion: Promote diversity and inclusion to harness a wide range of perspectives and ideas for problem- solving.
  • 24. 23 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Regular Feedback Cycles: Create regular feedback cycles to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and make adjustments as needed. Leadership Training: Provide leadership training not only for managers but also for potential future leaders within the team. Change Management: Implement change management practices to help the team adapt to new processes or structures during high-pressure periods. Quality Control Measures: Implement quality control measures to ensure that work remains accurate and consistent under pressure.
  • 25. 24 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Benchmarking: Benchmark your team's performance against industry standards and competitors to identify areas for improvement. Incident Response Plan: Develop an incident response plan with clear roles and responsibilities for managing crises and emergencies. Distributed Decision-Making: Encourage distributed decision-making by empowering team members to make decisions within their areas of expertise. Lean Principles: Apply lean principles to streamline processes and eliminate wasteful activities.
  • 26. 25 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Innovation Forums: Create innovation forums or idea-sharing platforms where team members can propose and develop innovative solutions. Flexibility in Goals: Be willing to adjust goals and priorities as circumstances change to maintain focus on what's most important. Resource Efficiency Metrics: Implement metrics to track resource efficiency and identify areas where resources can be optimized. Decision Logs: Maintain decision logs to keep a record of important decisions made during high-pressure periods for future reference.
  • 27. 26 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Crisis Simulation Exercises: Conduct crisis simulation exercises to practice response strategies and improve team readiness. Agile Methodology: Adopt agile project management methodologies to promote adaptability and responsiveness to changing circumstances. Continuous Learning Culture: Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, encouraging team members to seek opportunities for growth. Inclusive Decision-Making: Involve team members in decision-making processes, especially when decisions affect their work directly.
  • 28. 27 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Resource Allocation Software: Utilize resource allocation software to optimize resource allocation and allocation forecasting. Scenario Analysis: Perform scenario analysis to anticipate potential pressure points and devise strategies to address them. Environmental Sustainability: Consider environmental sustainability in decision- making, as it can lead to cost savings and positive public relations. Feedback Channels: Establish multiple feedback channels, including anonymous ones, to encourage candid input from team members.
  • 29. 28 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Redundant Systems: Implement redundant systems or backups to ensure critical processes can continue in case of failures. Skills Inventory: Maintain a skills inventory to quickly identify team members with specific expertise or qualifications for particular tasks. Resource Efficiency Training: Offer training on resource efficiency and optimization techniques to improve resource management. Strategic Partnerships: Form strategic partnerships or alliances with other organizations to share resources and expertise during pressure situations.
  • 30. 29 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Cross-Functional Teams: Create cross-functional teams that can tackle complex challenges by drawing on diverse skills and perspectives. Responsible Automation: When automating tasks, ensure responsible use of automation by considering its impact on jobs and processes. Resource Allocation Committees: Establish resource allocation committees to make decisions collectively and transparently. Supplementary Staff: Maintain a list of supplementary staff or freelancers who can be called upon during peak workloads.
  • 31. 30 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico – Value Stream Mapping: Use value stream mapping to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in processes. Knowledge Retention: Develop knowledge retention strategies to capture and transfer expertise within the team.
  • 32. 31 E-book – Leading a Team Under Pressure Roberto Lico –